THE OMAHA DAILY U1313 : TltrlisljAY , MARCH 25 , 1S 7. II COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT. Ip B I MINTIO > . optlclin , Wollraan , 409 n'way. Hev. Joe Jonml lhold \ \ services tnnlRht at 7:4ri : nt Trinity Mclhodlflt Episcopal cluncfi , Mr and Mrs Tranklln Armstrong arc re joicing over the nihcnt of a daughter , their first born. J.i. on rates rut to 1 50 and $2 00 rates rut to $100 per day , la why the New Ogden la doing the business. John Llmlcr was thrown from n horse yrstcrdny morning and sustained a number of fictcro brulscR \V sell Hoffnnyr's patent fancy Hour at $1 01 per sack. IIUAUMY'S HMJK TUONT onocniiY. The Ladles' Aid Boclcty of St. John's HIIR- llsh Lutheran church meets this afternoon nt the residence of Mrs. J Llcb , 127 South Drat street , All Ihe services nf a high priced hotel ran be hal at the N'ow Osden for the same money jou pay at a hoarding house- . Kncampmcnt No 8 , Union Veteran LcRlon , nnd Ladles' Auxiliary , No 17 , will meet In regular session tonlRht. A full attend ance Is desired. The Ladles' Aid society ot Broadway Meth odist Kplscopal church will KNO ! a social In the church parlors this evening A good musical program has been arranged Queen City Castle , No 3 , Imperial Mjfitlc legion , will meet this evening In Iloyal Ar canum hall Candidates for Initiation , and every member Is requested to bp present. The Cook Twin Sisters Illg "Unrlo Tom's Cabin" company at the Dohany theater to night Is a $20,000 production of thh grand old historical play a magnificent scenic pro duction. \Vantcil-A man with general acquaintance In Council muffs , to cnn\ass for n well known Omaha ostabllrilimcnt. Statn exportsi tncn and references Address , F Cl. Omaha Hoc , Omaha. Wo offer clean , crisp , nnow-vvhltp laundry work prompt porvlce and talte Racial core In handling all One fabrics Wo plcauo hun- * drcds of others , and can pleoso jou. Hagle haundry 721 Hronilvvny. Hrailloy soils Horfmajr's patent fancy flour at $ 1 0"i per sack The Council HltllTs Savings bulk yesterday begun an action In the district court ag.ilnst N W Williams to recover $ GCOO loaned llllama last fall The allegation Is made .that Williams IH about to dispose of a. part of bis property with Intent to defraud his creditors Judgment Is asked for $ CG35. Some stores advertise patent fancy flour at low prices , but wo sell the genuine HolT- majr's patent fancy nt $103 per sack. Ml s IlTtha Patterson Is confined to her home by a severe attack of pleurisy. Her condition lias been such for the last two days ns to excite grave apprehension on the , part of her friends Yesterday she was re ported to bo very weak. Miss Patterson has been employed In the telephone odlco for many years , and for a jcar or moro has had charge of tbc field board. Ticnch cliefn , experienced waitresses , obliging clerks and n genial landlord makes the Hervlco at the Now Ogden unexcelled Harold Dent , a 10-j car-old boy , sustained severe Injuries jesterday morning by being tbro\Mi from a horse which ho was riding on South Main street The lad struck the granite pavement with fearful force , and when ho was picked up was found to bo un conscious. A deep gash Jiad been cut in the side of his face He was taken to his homo nt 823 Seventh avenue and medical attendance seemed He Is the son of 13 \V Dent , Union Pacific ticket agent In C. D. Vlavl company , female remedy. Med ical consultation free Wednesday. Health book furnished. 32G-327-32S Merrlara block. N. Y. Plumbing companjTel. . 250. ON Till AI < KOIl PI3NSIO.V I'llAUDS. IVunipii Arc rjNpeeliillj IiiU > r < > N < tMl In tin- Fate * iif IOIIIIK n < lKl"K"ii. The trial ot the Hdglngton case continues to draw a court room full of people each day at the federal building. A large number of them are women , who appear to have taken n deep Interest In the fate of the pale--faccd medical student who la being tried upon the serious charge of defrauding the pension department partment of the federal government. Pros ecuting Attorney Fullen put some strong teatlmony before the Jury yesterday. Kian- cls M. Udglngton , whose name was used to represent the dead man and supposed father of young Cdglnglon , told all ha knew about tjio ndgingtons In the Thirty-fifth Iowa reg iment. A number of men who lived In the MIstxMirl town whi-ro young Edgington claimed to have gone to nnd the body of his dead father and rxlmmcd It for the purpose of Identification , wtro also put on the stand , lion A. 13 Cummins subjected each of them to a vigorous cross-examination. It Is evident to every person about the court room that It will he one of the most stub bornly contested criminal cases that has been recently tried In the court No suggestion ID intimated as to the probable length of the trial. In the case of J. L Fuller against Sue A. Hoyt the appearance of Wright & Ilalduln for thi < ief"mlaiit was withdrawn , and the de murrer to defendant's answer was sustained Jndgo Woohon , while the attorneys and the Jury were resting , called up a couple of bootleggers who had entered the plea of guilty and sentenced them. Carl Mcngc was lined $150 and ordered to be confined In the county Jail for ninety dajs Frank Vettlck was fined $200 and given 100 ilnj In Jail , but no mittimus was ordered ussued. Iti-llitTM1 I'll 11111 > - AfTnlrft. Mrs. Hattlo Uuth-m and Harrison Oilman were nirested jesterday upon a warrant mvorn oift of Justice Cook's court charging them with adultery The complainant was Zed Mothers , who has Just returned from Tort Madison after nerving a term In the jKjnltentlary for burglary When llcthcrs re turned homo he found Oilman was occupj'- Ing his place as the hend of the Bothers house Dethers , however , was willing to for get and forgive provided the relationship ended at ones Tlilo wa ngrced to , but on Tueeday night Hethers found the agreement was not being observed by the woman ami ho cnmu up town to have her ai rested When ho returned with an olllcer ho found Oilman nnd the woman had not been idle. All of the household goodt had been loaded Into a wagon , tmludlng the two Dethers children , ngcd 1 nnd G , nnd were being driven from the city The runaways vvero overhauled , and Zed. whn had been deputized by the con- mnhlo to assist , drew a revolver to prevent Oilman executing a threat to kill him Wlillo the parley was going on the woman had dis appeared , leaving her household goods and Qicr liililcs In the wagon , A fuw minutes later Ollnnn also disappeared In tha dark ness They wcro located jesterday after noon In the country , flftecn miles from town. Don't let that cough hang on any longer ; it may make you serious trouble and he- come constitutional , and pos- sihly lead to pneumonia. You will find that ordinary cough specifics will not reach the seat of trouble ; you must take something to build up and reinforce the body. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil will usually do that when every other thing fails , at least that is the verdict of the people as well as the medi cal profession. It is particu \ larly true of children and all weak delicate , persons. GRAIN DEALERS IN SESSION Southwestern Iowa Association Holds n Brief Business Meeting , NEW STAFF OF OFFICERS IS ELECTED I ) , Hunter of lliiiiilmru : Choxcii to He I * run I ili > nt f < ir tininanliiK Term Olhor .Niuue-.i In the I.Ut. The Southwestern lovva Grain Deal- ere' association held a meeting at tlio Grand hotel Tuesday evenlnR The matters discussed wcro not ot much public Interest. Among tlio gentle men In attendance were a number of grain dealers of Omaha. The cblcf object of the meeting wa < < the election of officers ot the association for the ensuing year. I ) . Hunter of Hamburg was chosen president , and U , II , Van Schlock of Ulllott vlco president ; secretary , G. A Stlbbcna , Coburg , la ; treasurer , J. H Slinoiifl , lllvcrton , la. ; executive committee , D. Hunter , Cl. A. Stlbbens , J. L. Gwynn of Imogcnc , J. I ) . McKown , of Hastings , la. ; R II. Campbell of Randolph , la. ; Ed P. Hose of Coin , la , and J. A. I'unk of lllanchard. PresUent Hunter is ono of the best known gialn dealers In the western part of the state. Ho has "Derated elevators In the Bdiithucstern pirt of Iowa for the last fif teen years. He is thoroughly familiar with all the details of the grain business , and vvim elevated to the position of president of the association with the approval of all of the members , IU'SI.MV S MIJVS AhSOCITIOV stintilliiK ; ( 'iiiiinillleeN XpiiolnliMl mill lllllllirllllll MlltUTN IHlLMINHl'll. The Council Illuffs Dus'ncss Men's asso ciation held Its annual meeting last evening In the city building. The efforts of Secie- tary Judson to secure a largo attendance re sulted favorably and the loom was com fortably filled. The first matter ( hit came up for consideration was the arpolntmont of the standing committees for the > eir. President J. R Hell announced them to he composed of the following named gentle men : i\ocutlvc-M : Wollmnn , clnlrmnn ; C. S Dyers , D W. Keller , J 13 Hollenbctk , C. Swalni' , O. G. Morgan , J. n , Dr. r S Thomas T N Peterson Transportation S. S Keller , chairman , H A. CoCh.irlis Heno , S T , McAtco. George II. Hex. C Hafcr , I C. Uoiilinm , P. Gunnoude , J II. I'nce. Tr.iclo Interests W. IT. Bradley , chair man , C. H Hiibor , C. Jolinson , A. J. IJur- ftc , C. I > Nounati , M. Dourldus J. Neu- mnjti' , W. C. istep , T. B Hughis. 13ntcrljnment | J C. Dellaveii , chair man , Thomas MUcilf , W. 1' . Olllcer , W. lj . Douglas , r P. Wright , Samuel Haas , P 13. Sellers , 13 G. Uartlett , W. S. Still- man Manufactures J. C. Iloffmajr , rhalr- inun , S V Henry , II. A Cole , O Younker- miin , 13 P. Stephen , H. Gllllii'-Uy , George S Davis , 1 * Jcimen , James WIckliain Dec-orations L G Hart , clnlimnn : M Jensen , K W. Wesner , M Marcus , 13 H. Kniitptt , Harrv Pierce , George Ilnnoen. G M Jarvls , proprietor and manager of the Council Illuffs vinegar factorj- , submitted a lengthy communication dated Tebruaiy 14 , in which ho sought to Interest the merchants in the sale of tha products ot his factorj' . Ho detailed In a very Interesting manner the new and approved processes by which ho was enabled to produce the highest grade of goods. Ho also called their atten tion to the manufacture of fruit v Incgars , and discussed at some length the project of making w.lno In Council Dluffs from the product of local vineyards whenever the mod ification of the prohibitory law would per mit the enterprise to be started. The bills for the recent banquet at the Grand ihotel vvero presented and audited. To prevent the Impression that the associa tion was setting a bad example In debt- paying the secretary took good care to nn- nounco that he had paid the bills a long time ago upon his own responsibility. Ills action was approved , and the necessary entry was ordered to be made in the rec ords. ords.A A large part of the time of the mecii g was consumed In listening to men who had Important . schemes or plans to submit to the association. Ono of these was a pleas antly-spoken gentleman , who had a $1.000 : road grader to sell , which he was willing to guarantee would make a road anywhere Another gentleman eloquently advocated the advisability of organizing the business men of the cltj Into a mutual benefit associa tion , which combines the privileges of an insurance company and a trade protective organization. Doth wcro listened to cour teously. P P Collins , representing the Mississippi Valley Telephone company , was present and explained some of the advantages the rival hello people proposed to give the subscribers who believed themselves to be weary of holdIng - Ing up the Dell monopojy. Ho announced that no effort would ho made to establish an exchange in Council Dluffs until his company had first succeeded In getting a foothold In Omaha. When this was accom plished they would come Info Council muffs and glvo t.'io people * a superior service at reduced rates. The rates were to be not moro than ? 10 a jear for business 'phones and $20 for private residences , and no charges should bo made for connections be tween Omaha and South Omaha exchanges. An Informal discussion of cheap telephone lates followed , In which many of the mem bers took part Mr Collins was very anx ious for the association to get a special com mercial rating from Dun's and Dradstreefs of J C Ilublnger of Keokuk , tlio head of the new telephone company , as the best answer to the Insinuation he had heard that the new company was without financial hacking M Wollman presented. n icsolutlon ex pressing the sympathy and appiivM of the association of the effort that Is being made In Chicago to eaubo the downfall of the big department stores The resolution was inaclo us strong as the English language would permit , and the secretary was In structed to smooth It up In his usual grace ful manner and send It to Chicago at once. Piesldent Dell discovered , on looking over the catalogue , that the gentleman who had a load giadcr to sell was also the repre sentative of a firm that made a street sweeper , and every member of the associa tion Instantly took a nuvv Interest In the discussion Ho was not prepared , however , to say anj thing In favor of hla machine or uuoto pi Ices A number of unimportant changes were made In the constitution and by-laws rcla- tlvo to the protective branch of the organi zation. nnd after other unimportant discus sions the meeting adjourned Lost , a pug dog. Plnder will receive re ward by returning to 17 Pearl street. A couch this week $4 BO nt Durfee I'urnl- turo Co , 205 and 207 Droadway , Itrul Knlllle The following transfers were flled yester day In the tltlu and loan olllco of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street Henry JncoliM mid wife to Knud Jcnsn , lot JS , bloik W. Howard's add. vv it . J ? 25 M V II Huber to Lllllnu i : Tanner , lot 4 lilcu'K 14 , Uverett's add w il . 1Z > Ql Huber and wlfo to Philip P Wnrulmm. w 25ft of o Wft. lot C , milxl of Original Plat lot 22. vv d 400 I' J King to Kllen Waldron Crowe , lot C , Daj's snbd , vv < 1 . . . l.KK ) b'anuifl T Pottir and wlfo to Clarke Chambers , uml 1-GO of certain lands III htCtlonH 21 and 2S-75-44. tl w d 5,1'J C H Huber and wife toMlnnlo Hun- neil , e 25ft lot C , s u I ill of Original Plat lot 2. . vv il . 400 Frederick l > iekmaiin and wife to L'lmrlcH Hiirtmnn , i'4 ! nr'i scU. 1C-74- 44. vv d . 2TS T I' Drown nnd wlfo to H K Komjth. uml 1-7 nV4 ! > 21 ; c' > b nvv'i , t > } 4 BW < ; and mneVi 27 , and uw > 4 sw'i 22- 74-38. w il , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , COO Ilzzlo M Kuhle ot at to C H Huber , p GOft lot C , utibd of lot 22 , OrlKlmil 1'Iut , vv U . , . , . 700 Nine transfers , total . , 9,99S NOIII.n 1,0111) IN A COMMON JAIL. \i't C < > nr < - Sn liiille-r Hnxll ) Cniittiroil nml I < ncl < oi1 I | i. "Captain George Fraser , n. A , London , I'ng , , " was the way It was transferred to ( ho register of the Grand hotel on Sunday evening. Ho was a dapper little fellow , with rather seedy looking cloth's , of loud tweed pattern and Imitation English cat. Ho Is In jail now but he had a varied and Inter esting experience In Council Illuffv during his forty-eight hours sojourn. Ho repre sented himself among other things as IHiig a newspaper man , connected with a New York paper , and endeavored to eollclt a lit tle buslnem for the paper here , accepting only such contracts as could be collected upon In advance In this way he managed to get hold of a few dollars from several business men , but he worked a moro profita ble graft among the sports He was getting along admlrablv , and was filling his room In the Grand hotel with sample cigars and liquors ordered from local dealers , when ho encountered a serious obstacle In the shape of II , U Carbce , a man who Is quite well known In Council llluffs as the "fly drum major" Mr. Carbeo got Into trouble with the state over a small financial transaction and was obliged to spend a short tlmo In Port Madison penitentiary. Ho recognized tlio Hngllsh military gentleman as a joiing man who was an Inmate ot the prison and known as "Tom" Mcl'herson The Hngllsh captain begged Carbec not to give him away , but was told to change his mole of getting a living or leave town. He acted promptly upon the latter advice Yesterday afternoon he was arrested In Ncola upon a w arrant sworn to by Landlord Clark of tlio Grand charging him with beating a board bill. Sheriff Morgan wont after the fellow lat night and will bring him In this morning. The ofllcers recognize the fellow ns Wain- right McPherEon. who was sent to the pen itentiary two jcars ago for forging the name ot J. H. Mcl'herson to n cluck for a small amount and perpetrating another forgery by using the signature of a farmer named IJrk Walnrlght worked for McPherson a few dajs and was paid his salary In cash and In creased-his wages by the skillful use of his pen. He was liberated from the penitentlarj last Octobet. Ills prison friends say bo served a term In the Nebraska penltcnllarj on the charge ot embezzlement prewired by the proprietors of the lloston store In Omaha. Wanted choice farm loans In Iowa and I3astern ( well ca t ) Nebraska. L W. Tul- leys , Council Dluffs , la. South Omaha News. There seems to be a feeling that the gar bage lawa of this city are sadly In need of re modeling. Complaints are frequently made In reference to the seemingly exborbltant charges made by Garbage Master Lenagb At present Lenagb charges 13 cents per square foot for removing night soil. This , it Is claimed , Is too much. An effort Is to be made as soon as the new council Is organized to repeal the present garbage ordinance and substitute ono which Is not so much In favor of the garbage contractor. Tor Instance , at the meeting of the council Monday night a property owner protested against a charge of $30 for cleaning avault Lenagh v as called for and asserted that It took two men eight hours to clean the vault In question and that six loads of soil were removed Some of the councllmen seem to think that ? 50 Is pretty good pay for eight hours work. In fact considerably more than it Is worth Quito a number of property owners have re- lubed point blank to pay the charges of the garbage master and will take the matter to the courts unless a reduction In the bills Is made. Possibly the mew ordinance provid ing for a garbage Inspector will In a measure do away with the present trouble. blieclnl Council A special meeting of the city council will bo held this evening to take some- action on the mayor's veto ot the McDonald viaduct contract. Since the city attorney has given an opinion to the eff ° ct that the council can not legally award the contiact to a bidder whoso llgurca are higher than the engineer's estimate , the Imprecision prevails ; that the veto will by sustained. In that ca&e bids will have to be advertised for again and the farce repeated. The piers are in a danger ous condition and according to the city engi neer repairs should be mad ? without any further delay If po&slble. I3ven should the council decldo to overrule the maj'or's veto and stick to the resolution awarding the con tract to McDonald , an Injunction will be the result and the matter will be taken to the courts for oettlcmcnt. I'imlilc to After unwinding Immense quantifies of red tape last night , the Municipal league at itfi meeting at the Geary building at Twenty- fourth and L streets , found that It was una ble to endorse a candidate for councilman In the l"lrst ward , and adjourned to Friday evening , when It Is anticipated there will be moro candidates by petition from which to choose. A resolution to endorse John Piu Roberts was declared out of ordsr till after action had been taken upon candidates al ready nominated , and then the supporters of thin resolution favored adjournment with the apparent purpose of securing Mr. Roberta' candidacy by p titlon. AV'lll Iiiv rNtlKiiti' McCain * . In connection with the Investigation of charges against Fireman John Dilggs for electioneering , it was reported yesterday that Matt McCuno , ono ot the men at No. , 1 fire ) hall , was also guilty of the bamo of fense. 'Iho council eommlttco will , It is understood , Investigate McCuno at the same tlmo It docs the Ilrlggs matter. Just why such a fuss should be made about the mat ter aC the present tlmo Is a mystery , for It Is a well known fact that members of the. police and lire departments me appointed In payment for political services rendered. Hl-CllllOH l'olllllHt | KlIllorNI'IIIIMlf , List evening Councilman r. J. Tranck of the Second ward filed a letter with the city clerk declining to accept the populist nom ination for member of the city council from that ward. In his letter Mr I'ranek stated that ho had been a e'emocrat for tvventj'-flve years and bo did not desire to Identify him self with the populhls at thla late date In speaking about the nntter last night Mr Franek raid that he hud 300 names on his petition now and would file It with the city clerk as soon as ho had obtained COO signa tures. Qllli'l CII ) ClIiniuilKii. The spring campaign Is moving fjulctly along ; to all appearances very little Interest Is manifested. Candidates are moving about among the voters , but no meetings of Importance are being held. It Is generally conceded by all that the republicans put up a strong ticket for members ot tlio Ilpard of IMucatlon , and one that will most IIKoly bo circled Nothing Is heard of the bond proposition , and the chances are that It is as good ns dead now If the bonds are not voted a high levy will be the result Vnollirr 1'olllluii < 'llllillillli ( > . N ° ! s NcUon , who was a candidate for member of the Hoard of Education from the Second ward and who was turned down at the primaries , Is circulating a petition and asi < 2riti that he will file It with the clerk a BOOH OH hu has obtained the number of signatures n ° cewary ll\on lli-NlH nriic. Nn\V VOUK. March 21 Six thousand pcoplo were packed Into the Droadway Ath letic club tonight to witness the twjcnty-nve- round bout between George Ilixon , thn w01 Id's champion featherweight , and Krank Erne of IlufTalo These two wcro matched to meet at 122 pounds , but although Dlxon was at the weight Krne was casllj twelve pounds heavier than his dusky advomary. After the twe'nty-flve rounds wore completed Plxon was declared the winner Ho received an ovation Rrno led very seldom and Dlxon forced the fighting all through When some of the featherweight fighters offered to take Plxmi's place on account of Erne being no much overweight the little llotton boxer eald ; "No , not on jour life. " iiifninpfn I\T p/\\fitp\iTinv llACCABtES IN COiuENTlON Hccond Biennial Session pf , the Nebraska Grand Lodg6. - n i THEY ' PITCH THEIR TENT IN THIS CITY HNlon Will He Hnriiuiitioiii , the Onlj OoliU-Mt HcliiK Utt-r flit * l'o l- tluit of Iti'iirt'NiMiiuUye to tinSiiprviuc 'IViill The regular biennial cession of the Ne braska state grand ledge of the Knights ot the Maccabees will bo held In thla city to day The meeting will appear on the records of the body as the second In Its history , but It Is really the first Important rcsslou that the state ledge has held since Us Inception The session was preceded by a grand reception and ball , tendered the delegates and visiting members In Metropoli tan hall at Twenty-third and Hartley streets last night. The business meeting does not promise to bo a very lively one. There la not a great deal to be transacted and none ot It Is of any great Importance. Consequently It Is con fidently expected that an adjournment can bo taKeli this afternoon. The principal fight seems probable over the selection of a representative to the suprcqio tent. The contest here seems , to bo between Or. A. A. Lenhart of Lincoln , who Is the author of the new ritual , and \V. AV Hubbard of thla city , who has been Instrumental In Increas ing the membership of Hate City tent of Omaha from lvvcnt-nlne to 100 In a com paratively short time. The session will bo hrgely attended. It Is estimated that there will he somewhere be tween 200 and 250 delegates and visitors In the city. Their headquarters will be prin cipal ! } at the I'axton. hotel , THESU TENTS AUR PITCHED. There are about clghtj tints In the state , located In almost as many towns. Of this number the following places will send fiom ono to three delegates North IMatte Urad > Island , Ord , Abhlaml , Lexington , Dodge , Kearney , Osceola , South Sioux Clt > Cairo , Shclton , McConk , Oikdale , Crete , West I'olnt St Michael , 1'lercc , Eustls , CnlbcrtEon , Ilcrwjn , llroken Dow , Trenton , Sidney , Seward , ArborvlllcVahoo , Suther land j Dorchester David Milford Phillips , , City , , lips , Holdrcge , York , Il"atrlcc , Mlndcn , Cctcsco , Auburn , Wjmore , Orleans , Pleasant Dale : , Kremont , Orafton , Stromsbtirg , Indlan- ola , Madison , Columbus , rullertonVnkc - lleld , Central City , Albion , ralrbtiry , Hub bell , Ncligh , Waco , South Omaha , Tecmiinoh Crab Orchard , Tlldcn , Steimuc.1 , Pllley , lllalr , Glltnsr , Dakota City , Ponca , I.liulfcaj , Tekamab , Pawnee City In pddltlon , the following will send larger delegations , includ'nt ' ; representatives and visitors- Norfolk , tblrtj , Orand Island , seventeen ; Aurora " , seventeen , Hooper , four , Scribner , four ; "Hcrehey , four ; Hastings , four , Lincoln , ten It had been expected that Supreme Com mander 1) . P. Markey would 'be ' present to address the gathering , hut he Was unable to attend rn account of death In his family Ills place will be taken by another of the supreme olllcers , Congressman D D AltKIn of Port Huron , Mich. Th6 distinguished visitor arrived In the city at 1 ' 5 o'clock jet > - tcidij afternoon over the ROCK Island The bublness session will bd opened carlj this morning In the Maccabees' hall In Labor temple The adjournment will b < > taken this afternoon. This evening a contest will occur In the same ) hall between the Initiation teams of the state. A suitable pri/o has been offered the winner. This affair will bs open to members of the order. RECEPTION OF DELEGATES. The regular meeting of the convention this morning was precede d list night with a rcccptloil and ball In honor of the delegates and visitors In Metropolitan hall at Twenty- third and Harney streets. This affair was as huge a success as the most.ardcnt sir knight or lady In the city or among the visitors could have desired. It called forth an at tendance that almost deflc'd ' the strenuous effotts made to take cae of the guests prop erly. erly.Ono Ono thousand Invitations had been sent out for the reception. It seemed as if every one had been excepted. The hill In the club building was so .filled that It was Im possible to place another chair. Yet n mass of listeners Mas clustered about the lear of the hall. A conservative estimate fixed the attendance at 1,000 Of this number over 200 came over In special motor trains from Council IJlufts. SomT ! 150 more wcro from South Omaha. The remainder were Omaha people , delegates , and out of town visitors of the order. It was quite a task for the- many ushers to seat the big audience and consequent ! ) the hour was somewhat advanced when the program was begun. During the delay the Seventh Ward Regimental band rendered a number of selections. It was. just 9 o'clock when W. H. Smith of Gate City tent. No CO , of thla city , who was the- master of cer emonies , advanced to the front of the stage and announced the first number. The program was opened with a selection from . the Knights of the Maccabees , No. 32 , band of Council muffs. This was at once followed ; by the addreis of welcome , which was delivered by T L Combs In the place of Mayor Broatch , who was unable to be pres ent The speaker briefly , but heartily , wel comed the vlbltors to the city. Mrs. A. E. Hopkins appeared next on the program and sang a coupleot pretty bolos The first speech of the evening was de livered by W. W. Hubbard of this city , the Nebraska state organl/ . HU topic was "What Are Wo Here For ? " His remarks vvero devoted to the Maceabce'sm ' of thin state , of which ho spoke In the highest terms. He alho most cordially welcomed the visiting delegates and their filends to the city In behalf of the members of the order in Omaha WHAT THE WOMEN ARE T10ING. Mrs. V. II. Ayer whistled a pleasing solo nnd was compelled to icspond to an encore. She was followed b > Jits Davis of Cedai Rapids , the Iowa state organizer of the Ladles of the Maccabees. She spoke of the order which she represented and which Is auxiliary to the Knights of the Maccabees Slu began by recommending secret organisa tions , for the financial relief they offer widows and orphans and for the spirit of fratcrnallum and the brotherhood of man that they are spreading As a particular example bho referred to tlio order of the knlghu She then turned td her own order and briefly sketched Its history and great growth , She spokeof Its success as proof that women ate able to manage without the assistance ot men She eald that beildes offering endowment to wotaon the order was training them In a parliamentary and buat- ncs * way and broadening them. Mlfa A. Grace Crawford was called upon for a very pretty solo and -was encored , She was followed by Mr. and Mrs , Drelfuss , who rendered < i duet upon flute and zither. The harmony was very pleasing and the musi cians wcro compelled to play again The following number was another speech on the Ladles of the Maccabees by T. T. Snow of Council Uluffs Mr. Snow outlined the plans and objccta of the auxlllarj order and said that It had outstripped In Us growth any other society , Its membership being at present placed at 70,000. After such proof of the business eense of women he warned the young men of today that the time would como when they would awake to the Idea that they would have to do a tall amount ot hustling to keep up with the ) oting woman State Commander llrown ot Lincoln was al o called upon for a speech He dwelt upon the Maccabeclsm of the state and In terspersed his remarks with a number of anecdotes. Ho responded to the welcoming address and stated that ho hoped tint ths delegates would so properly behave themselves - selves that Omaha would extend to the grand tent another Invitation to hold the annual meeting In the city. Another selection from the Knights of the Maccabees band of Council Illuffa preceded the speech of the evening , which was de livered by 1) I ) Altkjn of Port Huron , Mich. , supreme councillor of the order and a mem ber of congress TRUST TO rORCO DOWN HATES. Thespeakcr commenced by referring to the anti-Insurance compact bill of Nebraska , by which Insurance companies are to be prevented from combining In keeping up rates. Ho stated that a secret society was a trust and a combination Its object , how ever , was contradictory to that of the trust , because the comblnntlon was formed for the purpose of pulling the Insurance rate at the lowest figure compatible with protection The speaker Invited the audience to com pare the Knights of the Maccabees with other orders He pointed out that Its predomi nant feature was fraternity no Insurance word or clause appearing In the constitution or ritual As a side Issue It offered Insur ance , with the high purpose , however , of protecting the homes of the Amerlcin p-o- ple The speaker was liberal In that ho atl- vlpcd his hearers not to Join his order If the features of some other society appealed to them , but he did Insist that it wan the duty of every man to enter sotno society In order to protect his wlfo and family. The program wan concluded with a prom enade concert by the Knights of the Macca bees band While this was being plajcd the hall was cleared ot the audience , who were Invited to the rooms below where an elabor ate lunch was served y the time the vianda had been dlspo ° 3d of the floor of the big hall had been cleared of the chairs and dancing was taken up The Seventh Waul Regimental band furnished the music. The ball lasted until n late hour as the dancing program contained twentj-ono numbers. The central committee , which had charge of the affair , was composed of the following W. II Smith T. L ComLs. H. A Haj JP W. W Hubbard , J W Dodd , Gate City tent No CO ; J J ritzgerald , Washington tunt No 07 ; J W Corey , I C Wooley , J. D llrough. Council Illuffs tent No 3. ! . C E DatcMiian. Bluff City tent No. C'l , Mrs Gu > Palmer , Mrs Belle Cronln Emma Rex , Edna Benson L M. Honk MIES A. Grace Craw ford. Gate Citj hive No 9 , Mrs C. Domholt C T Reed , Miss Tannle GoMicy , South Omaha hlv No ir , , Mrs N E Church Clara Albro , Mattle Uouchcr , L A Luchow The reception committee was composed of W. W Hubbird T W Spaford , Gatu Cltv tent No CO , C Bomholt , Washington tent No C7 , J W Corey , 1. C Woolej , Council Blllfts tent No 32 ; T. T Snow , Bluff C1U tent No C3. Mrs Guy Palmer , Mis > A E Hopklno Gate City hl\e No 0 , Mrs C Bom holt , Miss rannle Gosncy. Sout'i Omaha hive No 15 , Mrs. Clira Albro , Mrs N. E Church , Conrad hlv" No 3. The flooi committee was- Guy Palmer , Wil Ham Benson , Bert Combo. J J Pltzserald Mr. O'Rourke , J. J. Oheren , D. Snow , A Grace Crawford , Mrs V B. Aycr , MI'S Cora Gosney , Mrs. C. Bomholt , R. E. Dodge , G W Roberts. The Invitation commlttc" consisted of W W. Hubbard , Gate City No. CO , P. Shcahci Washington No. C7 ; I. W. Corey and V. L Haves , Council Bluffs No 32 ; C. C. Clifton and A. L Dickey , Bluff City tent No. C3 ; Mrs. V. B. Aycr , Gate City hive No. 9 ; Mra R E. Dodge , Conrad hive No. 3 ; Mrs. C. T. Reed , South Omaha hive No. 15. AMUSEMENTS. Omaha theater goers have had more trag edy than usual during the present season , and for this reason James O'N'eill'B coining in the role of "Virginlus ' was looked upon as a rather doubtful experiment. In times past ho has never failed to attract good houses , honcvci , and last night at the Dojd demonstrated he has a hold unnn the people ple of Omaha , for in spite of the untoward circumstances the house was faiily well filled. Mr O'Neill had no cause to com plain of the vvnimth of his greeting His conscientious efforts wcro appreciated b > the audience , which gave Cilrn hearty cur tain calls at the close of each act His interpretation of the charactei was good throughout , but bj far the most perfect was the scene In his own home , where , reason dethroned by tioubles whioV bid overtaken him , ho Impatleutly awaited the coming of his beloved daughter In answer to his calls , and defied Claudius by turns The scene In the forum when ho pleads the cause of his child , vvitli Its strong situa tions and thrilling climax , was well sub- talncd. Mr. O'Neill's portrajlng In .1 vivid and artistic manner the varying moods from simple confidence In the Justice of his cause , rage at seeing one hi > loved subjected to indignity at the hands of a loathsome wretch , affection as tender as a woman's and deep as his own great fcoul , to a despera tion which preferred to bee her dead lather than dishonored The biippoitlng company Is good , taken as a whole HalliH Thomp son as Applus Claudius can led the part well , though his enunciation might be a FOR The Pao-simile Signature of In Appears on Every Wrapper. . . THE CCHTAUn COMPANV. TT MUHMAY fTHCCT. NKWVOHK CITY little moro distinct at times. William H. Pascoo ns Scllltii won fAvor with the audi ence by bin thorough reading ot his lines and the warmth and fervor of his noting , particularly In the first and fourth acts. Ml s Margaret Anglln was a very accept able Virginia and well deserved the applause she received. Mr O'Neill this evening pre sents his old favorite , "Tho Count of Monte Crlsto. " William Gillette's comedy success , "Too Much Johnson , " will be given at the Crelghton tonight , being pre nled by a company which Includes a number of those prominent In the east when last Been here. Itv "Too Much Johnson" the author at the last ninkfs no attempt to undo the Gordlan knot of perplexities that the whole play Is busy In trying to tie ho simply cuts It , leaving the audience almost weary from laughter The story of the plccei Is well re membered from Its presentation here last vear. llut one performance will bo given. Next week Hojd's will feature a big "peo ple's week , " having ccurwl the Graham Earle compiny. which Is announced as one of the oldest and best repertory companies on the road , and In order lo secure ft packed house every night It has put the price at n figure within reach of all The engage ment opens with ono of the companj's strongest bills and also a list of bright new specialties at the matinee Sunday , March 2S. "Tho Juckllns , " a new comedy-drama which Stuart Robson has added to his al ready largo repertory , Is a dramatization from a late popular novel on provincial life In the "Sunny South " There are said to be many square Inches of fun , a nnturil spring of laughter and ft streak of reality's "pay dirt" at the bottom. "Tho Juckllns" will have Itn first Omaha production tomor row night at the Crelghton , opening a two nights' engagement , with n cast that com prises well known names. In Lcm Jucklln It Is said ftint Mr. Reid hns created a clnr- acter even moro quaint and Interesting than any of the many others that have added to his fame The character Is quaint and unique and far different from anj thing which Mr. Robson has ever plajod before. A bar gain matinee will bo given Saturday. "Uncl Tom's Cabin" retains n preallgo Is probably not equaled by anj other stage work of the age , nnd the demand for sells for the engagement of the Cook Sisters Uii'Me Tom's Cabin company nt Dojd's on Prlday and Saturday evenings and Saturdaj matinee warrants the anticipation of a large attendance The management believes In the maxim , "What's worth doing Is worth doing well " H Is said that there have been brought together In this piodiictlon all the requisites that go to make up a flrt < t-clasa entertainment. People's popular prices will prevail. James O'Neill nnd company will present the old favorite , "Monte Chrlsto , " at. Doyd's tonight. The sale of seats Is large , assuring a big audience. The program offered at Crelghton Musle hill continues to please the many patrons of that rceort The bill for the present week Includes Adgle and her trained lion1 ? , Sptr- row the clo n Juggler , Pauline Mayhew Beach and Vincent , Pljmoiulon and Maud Daj ton. The new woman com mands love and admi ration because she has the beauty and attrac-j tiveness of health and high spirits. She is truly a woman. She is not necessarily an athletic wo man. She is metely strong and healthy in every way. She knows something of her own physical make-up. She knows the importance of the organs that make her a woman. She knows that if bhe keeps them healthy she need never be very sick. " How can she keep them healthy ? " By propsr care in the first place by proper medicine in the second. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is for the cure of all the ills distinctly feminine. It makes a new woman out of n fagged , nervous , thin , useless , worn , discouraged wreck of femininity. It is for one purpose only to make women strong and well in a womanly way to make life worth living to drive awa the dragging , aching , insanity-pro ducing pains from which diseased woman kind suffers , . It is the invention of a regularly graduated skilled , expert spe cialist in the treatment of the diseases of women. It has had a larger sale than any other like medicine. Get it at your druggist's , and do not be persuaded to take ; a substitute. Constinitioii is the fitherofnll manner of mal adies If it did not exist , or was in cises prompt ly relieved the nnjonty of medical hooks could be iifUy de'.trojed It Is the fatst | sickness to neglect and the simplest lo cure Dr Tierce's Pleasant 1'cllets will cure conttipiitloii eve-ry time Thev cure it promptly completely aud permanently Tliv n vrmr G.W.PangIeM.D. Till' ( JOOU 6AMAKIPAV. 25 YEHR'S EXPERIENCE. xsciiclcr of UlHeniiCH of men ainJ \\01I1OII. rKOPIUUHJK 01' Till ? M'urld'H lluibul DUpLimury eif Alidlclivr. . . . -"alarili of Head , Throiit nnd IHfi > iibc ( il I'jo inn ) 15ar , I'ltR and Aiiopli'Aj , Iliiirt , Ihi i anil Kldnoy lii-rnnn. ) Diabetes , llilclit'H DlbCiiH , ht Vims Dalit c , lllionnmtlHin.bciolulUt Ompgj ciuid without Inpplw. TIIiii Norm * lomoveel , ull chronic Nervous and 1'iiviito Dl'-eatee. In 3 on UK nnd "iiilddluiiKCdnic-n , _ _ ( ) nly I'lijelchin vtlio cnn vTlfliimVdi'stiojImrteetli and boncii. No mer- cuiv or pulton mineral ut-ed 'j hu only J'lijklcl.ui v.lio can tell vtlint alia jou without asking uqiiegt ion 'Jhiibo nt it ( llslniuo send for qilCBtlon blank No 1 for men ; No > lor women. All cririCHiionilenco Btrlctlj coiilidentlul Mcdlclno tent by c-xprcBS. Addrem nil letters lo G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , 5GO Hinailwiiy , < 'OINCir. ) IllHITS , IA ti/"Seiil S rent Htuinii for reply. A CURE FOR MEN Dr IC \\cntii Nerve and Drain Treatment u KUarunti-cil euro for I/ ) t Muniond , I'rcmu- tun Old Age Involuntury J0inlfnlc.nn and t-'i > ir- matorrhota caused l.y Over Jlncrllcm of the Ilruln , Helf Abuses or Oier Indulgence. 1'rlco 1101 per to * . tl < for K CO. 11) mall , In plain vtrajipcr , on rcc < lpt of price T GOOIH ! l.V.S 1'IIAUMACV , 20S 8. Uth Btrcft Omaha. W1LCOX COMPOUND Tlio only reliable riuniilo reguliunr N r r Kiilln , SoldbydruggltU H'4.00 H'll'l 4 for \Vieriun' Hufcicimrit , WL C9.228 S. 6th tit , f DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL Tnlton after oxposnro to Cold , it will qijdokou circu lation mill tlms prevent CONSUMPTION mid GRIP Demand it of your Drug gist or Grocer- Send fox * pamphlet * DUFGY MALT WHISKEY GO Rochester , NY. . & \Vrl cn Onnrnntco to CTJHE RVEIITT CAHC or MOJSEK IlUFUItllED. Our cnro l permanent and not a patching up C * cf tiratod tcnyfarsuffo have never ena vinpton lnc * . By dracrltilnir your case full ) wo ran treat yuu by mall. and wo Rl e tlio trent Ruivrantro In cure or refund all inouer Tlioso who prufer to como licit * ( or trrat * nif nt can do no an i wo will inj railroad faro both * ara and Motel llll wlillo hero If o fall to cure. Wo chal. iHiiro IhexntlJ foraciuo that our .tingle Ilcmcilr will not curtVV rlto for full partlcultm and wl tlm ulilonco VVoknow that jou art nUpptlcal , Justly totoo. ai the most cmlnrnt physicians liavu ncrcr Inen rma to irtre more than tomiwrary itliff. In uur tin je r pi with thli Itluulc Itcmcily It lia * Iwen nip ; IHIciilt to overcome Iho prejudice * aR lml all no-called r'cYlic"iC"iiiit u'iiier our ntfong irinTahteo you jliouM notlieiltateto try tills nmcJjVoutikoiu losing jour _ . Wo Kimrantco to cute or nfunil . > TCTJ ullai and as wo IIHTO n refutation to protect. alw llpancial backlnw of bdOO.UUO , It l perfccllr rare to nil who will try tlio treatment , llorctcifoic jmJ hare been putting nj > ai\d PA > IIIK out your money lot illtlcrcnt trvatnientiand although you arc not } ct cured no nno has paid bock yuur money LM not waste any more money until > ou fry tn Olif.chionlc deep fcated cates curoJ In thlity to ninety day * . ImentlRato our financial etandlnff , our reputation as business men. Wflto us for names and midressos of Ihoso we hat cured , i ho liavo Klicn pcnnluilon to refer to them. It cost ! you only postage to do Mill . It will nave you a worKl of sulterlnB from mental strain i ami If you are married what m\j jour olUpilnn miller through your O\YH noitlltrcmcl If yuur symptoms ar pimple * on face , eoro throat , mucous pctclif * In moutb. rheumatism in bones and JUntu , hair falling out , eruptions on anj part of the boiljr , feellnx o : Kcneral ilepiroolon pains In head or Iwne * , you have no time to wante. Those who are < nn 1antly taking mcixuryand polosh should dls- contlnuelU Constant utra of Huso drug will surely brlnit tares and eotlns ulcers In the end Don t fall to wilto All corrifpondrnco Kent scaled In plum envel ope ! ! Wolnvlto the mutt riirld InvcstigatlouattamU aoalllnouri > oncrtoald joulnlU Addrcu , REMEDY so , , Chicago , HI. DR. McCREW 15 TIIK ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TRKATs AM * PRIVATE DISEASES VNcaknem U DiwrJcrol MEN ONLY CO Years Kxpenence. 9 Yean In Omaha Hook Iree. Lonsullitloa and Lxatmnition rice. I4lh and Farnam Sls _ UMA1IA Mill. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , 5100,000 WE SOLICIT YOUIl WJS D13SIRE YOUR COLLECTIONS. _ OF THIS OLDEST IIANIC9 IN J PI2II CENT PAID ON TI3II3 DEPOSITfl. CALL AND 8KB US OU WHITE. " VXX X V X X X \ VXXVXxyXNXNX f \ SP.ECIALNOTICES ] \ COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTSi UVNULUNCIS , rituir , I'AICM AND OAIIUKN lands for sale or rent. Day & Uses , 39 1'iuil street. roil SAI/C 1IAHQAIN , MY MODCIIN UUICK rebhkiice , C25 Dili ui c , on motor line , mar Sisters. ' Retool , albo ollur Lark.i Inn J. 11. Davidson roil sAi.13 CULM * rou CASH. MY insr- iHnce iiroperty. 723 Mmllson live O c Taylor. HOOM J Oil HP.NT 729 1ST AVJ1 RAILWAY TIME CARD Ij-ives IlltllMNOlON & . 1IO IlIVIJU.iArrlvca OaialmlUnloa Input , lOtli & .Mason bu [ Omaha C Sjain . Denver I3xrri s fl ; 4 SSinn HU Hills , Mont u J-utel bud Ux 4 3 pm Duucr lIxjucM. . . . 4Mpm 1 0 mil Lincoln Local ( ex. bnmlu } ) 7.Ill1" ' t Ki > m Lintuln Local ( ex. Hund.iy ) 11 SOani Leaven ICIIICAOO. llintLIN'r.TON & Q I Arrives" OmalmlUnloii Depot , Join ( t Mneon tita | Oinulia U 03pm Clilciiuo Vestibule . . . . fi.OOim 8 ttHin . Chicago Lxiirehs . . 4.1Sntri 7 50pm . Chlcn ( , ' > & HI Luuls Hxpicsu 8.20am II . 1'iiclllL Junction Ixicnl . C I0ini | I'.it-t Mill . . . , I.MJiu is ( CHICAGO , Mil * A. f > T PAUL | Arrlv fl OinuhiilU'ilun Depot , 10th & Mason Bt | Onmlit 3.30pm . . Chicago Limited . , , 8 lU'im 1 Mum Chicago ixprcts ( ex hunilav > S.Jipm I urs ( CIUC-ACIO & NOIITUWKSTN | Arives | OmnlmlUnlcm Pcpot , IQlli & Jlnson Hu | Omaha 10 i am * Hantein KxpriBit . . . . 2.43pni 4 4'pni . . VeMtbulul I limieil" . . . . n.iojim 0 SCnm . St 1'iiul Kxpies : U JO nil C lO.ini . . St I'aul Llmltcil . . . ! l GDpm 7 30UII1 KliUxClt ) Leal . . . . IlilOfim C 30pm OmnlM-ClilcuKO Hi'tclnl . . E 00am Mlesourl Vulley Local S COmn Kxcept Bun Jay Except Motiiliy IrllCAOO , It I & PAflTlC ( Arrive-1 OmaliallJnlon Depot , lOlli & Manor , riu Oniiilm iAHr. 10 40am Atlantic Dxpicga i-x yuiidiiy ) . ( : ; pin 7 oopin Kit-Ill I-'iprita S.lijni 4 SOplu Chicago Vefetlliulril Limited 1 Ijpm 4 Wpm fit I'anl Veulluulcl Limited . . l:35im : | TVI.ST : 1 40pm Colorado Limited 4 00pm jTcaveii I C ET. I1 M .1 O lArrlvm ' Ormilinl P < i > ut , 15th & Webucr Btn | Omaha j sopin hloux City Express nx hun ) j | Mum fc 15am . hloux City yueommoOallon . , f 00pm G.lDpm . . . St 1'aul l.lmlieu . U.lOjiu lW\ea I K. i : & MO VAU.KV. I Ai riven ' Oninliiil Depot , 15th # WiDntr m | Omnha orm I'-iH Jlull ui-'l I'M fens . . S.OOpm 3 ( Cpm < < H t ) Wyo Kx ( ex Man ) c 00pm 7 Wum I'ltMiont Local ( S imlayg unl . . Troim . Nuifolk ixirrH : * ' ( tx bun ) 10 Z nm C 1 pi . HI 1'aul Ki rtes . O.lOuiu r rncs I 1C C , fiT J A P II lArrlvcu Oinulmlrnlon Depot. 10th A Ma ton HU [ Omaha t ) Warn KniiFiaB city Day Kxpnia C.lOpni 10 OOjitn 1C C NlKit ix : via I ) 'Iranu r Mam Leaves I MIFSOI'III I'Ai'inC | ArrUt Omiihn I Depot. Uth & Wclitlcr Hm I Omuli4 3 OC'inn ' Nelirutkn tt Kantas Llmll-'d 1. 9 3upm Km Eau city CxirctH , c 00/im l lCpm Nihiatku Ixiral ( ex sun/ ; _ li ooarn I.ea ? 8 | RIOUX flTV & I'Af IKI3 lArrlveo * Omnlin l Depot , 15th & Wcli lcr : ils I Omaha C 15pm Bt 1'aul Llmllcd 910dtn ; " IHIOUX CITY & . I'ACinC. | Arrlvt OmaliulUnlon Depot , lOlh & Muron His | Onulm 6 10am . . Ht I'll u I 1'ABkUMU . . 11.1 * 30um hloux City 1'aricnte-r . . . . ii.Vijnn 5 ISlinj. HI. I'aul LlinlleJ . . . . . P 20am avcB I UNJON PAf"ir7r JArihin Onu'hallJnlon Dipot , lOlh St MPIOII Ht | Omulia S 20am Otcrluml Limited . , . 4:4Si : > m I 30r.m Ilcat'co & Hlreinuli'B Kx ( ex Sun ) 1,50pm t. 36pm.arun < l Itlund ijcprcc ( ex , .Sun ) J50in t.30pm l-'a t Mall . . . . .10 20am Ixavi'B I WAIIAHH HAILWAY lArrlvea OmohalUnlon Depot , lOlh & Maiion Ht | Onmhtt 4 80pm . . . . ,11.20am I.COpm .Canon nail. . . USO w