Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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0 THE OMAHA DAILY 3JE13twllTDAT , MARCH 12. 1897.
Wheat Drops Nearly Two Oonts on a Disap
pointing Drop Report.
C lilVnvc Cniificil n Sllulit Ilnlly fern
n I-'CTV .Ml ti n ( CM , tint llcnrn I'ounilcil
I'crfilwlontlCorn mill
' Out * Arc Stron ir.
CHICAGO. March 11. Wheat closed very
wcnk today nt a decline of lo. Disappoint
ment over the reception given to the govern
ment flputcs on crop reserve mmle a weak
opening nnd the market was pounded hard
and persistently nil day. Corn nnd oats
were surprisingly strong. Corn closed un
changed nnd oats showed only a trifling de
cline. 1'tovlnlons closed 2',4S3e ' "higher. "
Wheat opened wcnk , although at substan
tially yesterday's closing price. The gov
ernment report of the quantity of wheat In
farmers' hands 'March ' 1 was treated by the
trade at homo and abroad with thclr"ustial
contempt for governmental agricultural
statistic * Although the quantity on farms
was estimated nt only SS.OOO.OOd bu. , the
speculators were free Hollers of Mny at the
opening at from 74 < 4c down to 74Mc , and be
fore buyers enough could be found to absorb
serb thn quantity for sale It ' .iad declined
to 73i&73'iu. The mnrkct then took on a
better tone on a reported decline In consols
nnd prcdlctloni * of a cold wave In the southwest -
west , where such n thing following the
wins would do considerable damage. The
buying was sutllulcnt lo cause n reaction to
n shade above 74'iie. or the point the mar
ket closed at yesterday. Then It turned
weak again. There wns no ui'piirent reason
for It , but liquidation on u laige scale com
menced and continued for the rest of the
session. The market yielded slowly for n
while , but iwheii It once again got below
74c for May It < wcnt bumping ; down one-
sixteenth stupa with a good deal moru ra-
jildlty and landed nt 7t'.tW73'/lo : ' about 12:15 :
ji. in. Some of the lines held by the thick
nnd thin bulls went Into the ravenous paws
of the bears , when the pi Ice turned under
"He. AH far as domestic nuws wan con
cerned It WHS bearish , but not enough so to
CIIUHO Htieh n break. Chicago receipts ) wcro
11 cars , ngulnst fifi on the . . . corresponding . . . . . day
- - - -
of last year. Allnnc-apolla and puiuth re-
ported 323 cars , against 317 n week ace nnd
fco n yuiir ago. New York icporlcd Ifi
tends'of"w'iH'iit sold for export , principally
May-June tMlnment. About DD.COu bu. wore
kohl here to domestic millers. The market
was under bear control to the end , thn
brokcn-beiirlc'd bulls having abandoned
liopc. Afler u long struggle around 73c thn
iirlce broke In thu last ten minutes of the
m-salon tn 72' ' , < i > 72c , and It closed without
rallying from that.
Corn held up remarkably well In great con
trast to Its action yesterday. Prices held
stubbornly even when wheat was In nn al
most panicky condition. Trading 'Was only
modeiately active and traders were encour
aged by the pmall receipts and largo clcar-
IUICUH to accept all offerings. Clearances
were S < C > ,000 Int. May opened a shade higher
at HH'iC. sold between 2lfJT24l c , closing
steady at 24V f21'/c.
Oats was fairly active nnd easy at the
opening , although prices were higher. There
\utn considerable pressure to sell during the
morning , but later a better demand sprang
up and prices recovered part of the small
decline. The action of corn was a Hteady-
IIIK Influence. May opened a shade higher
nt from 17Kc to 17'lc sold down to 17c and
closed at from 17c to 18c.
Provisions wcro Ilrm on a comparatively
small tiadc. An opening advance due to the
small hog receipts was lost during the early
weakness of wheat , but bolt.i foreign nnd
domestic houses were good buyers and the
dccllno was more than iccovered , . prices
closing elosc to the opening. At the close
May uork wns 5c higher at $ S.3 , May lard
nbout 2Uc higher at $ l,12"4if [ 1.15 , and Mny
ribs 5e higher nt $1.13.
Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 18
cars ; cmn , 147 cars ; oats , 228 cars ; hogs ,
21,000 bead.
rim leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Open. | High. | Low. | Clone. | Yeal'y.
March. 3U9M 71H 7.1
Mw. ; . .
JUIf. . . 7i > J'8 71 COM
Sept. . . IIU4 ! 07 C7H
March. 2.1MSM
May. . . . 24W
July. . . . -'OH 2BM
Sept. . . 20HUH
March. IfiM
May. . . . ITMtt 17W
July. . . . 18 18)6 )
May. . . . 8 25 8 35 8 30
July. . . 8 40 8 10)4 ) 8 47H 8 4i !
May , . . . 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 10
July. . . 4 'JO 4 20 4 i6 4'It
May. . . . 4 37H 4 17 W 4 45 4 4(1 (
_ July.r 4 47M 4 47H 4 B2 4 05
Cash quotatlong were as follows :
FLOUll Stendy ; winter patents , J3.4601.SO ;
( IrnlRhln , * 4.0030 ; Fiirilitspecials. . 51.40 ; spring
patcntH. tt.00m.20 ; etralchls , I3.40Q3.70 ; bakers ,
W1H3AT No. 2 spring.71rJc ; No. 3 spring ,
72V4 Tle : No. 2 reel , SlVaJTWic.
COUN No. 2. 23mjSJ4c } ; No. 2 sellow , 23UG >
OATS No. 2 , IC'iOlCiJc : No. 2 while , f. o. b. ,
Wi 21e : No. 3 while , lCH 17'4c.
UYi : No. 2. SS'.to. '
UAHLHY No. 2. nonilnnl ; No. 3 , f. o. b. .
240131c ; No. 4. f. o. b. . 22'i ' 2c.
1-'LAXSKI3D No. 1. 77ii4l 0o.
T1MOTIIV SICIIU 1'rlnie , 12.73.
I'llOVISlONH Men * pnrk , per bbl. , J8.25S8.30.
Liinl , per 100 Ibs. , J4 fl.r.fH.07J. ! Short ribs rides
( loose ) . M.Mffil.Ml. Ury alteil ehoulJcrs ( boxeil ) ,
Hr.04H.7r . Shoi I clear uliles ( boxcil ) , J4.noO4.C2Vi
WIllSIvV Ulsilllera' llnl hed KOO.IS , per gal. ,
Hl/ClAnS / Cut loaf , J5.14 ; Brnniilated , J4.51.
Tim ( nllgHliif wcio the receipts ami shipments
today :
CluotiitloiiN of the Day on Conurul
NEW YOfllC. March 11 , KlXlUn-Ilecclpts ,
77 , 33 bills. ; export ! ) , 11 , : M bbln. ; dull and heavy ,
with bu > ers lOe to 15c iipntt ; Minneroln patents ,
$4.2504.45 ; Minnesota bakers , $3.7W3.M > : winter
imtenls , H.Wisl.'jO. Ilye Hour , heavy , Uuchwhcal
Hour. dull.
IIUCUWHEAT Steady ; 354c. !
COUN MIJAlQulel ; yellow western. 37iflSSc.
HVE-EUHlcr ; No. S \ esteri > , 37UW374C.
IIAHMCV-qulet at 2Ct4flCHc.
1IA1U.EY MA1.T Dull ; western , 45fl'G2c.
WHEAT Exports. C3.3CI hu. Spot , weak ; No.
1 hard , > C4c. ! Optlonb opened weak In the fare
of Ihi ! Kovcimnenl leporl on fiirni reservra , which
wan Bi'iieiully dltcri'dlted bclnt ; too low ; sold
off on dull caliles and hlKher consols , and except
for a brief noon lulls' , wan lu'iny all day under
liquidation ; cluslni ; % % net lower ; No. 2 red ,
March , closed ill du'.ic ' ; May. 'SUOSOUc. clotcU at
COUN llecelpls. 84f5 bu. ; cxporlr , ICO.fSO bu.
Bpot. fctrndy ; No. 2 , SiVic ; bleamer mixed , 27c.
Optlonu opened steady and advanced on cover-
JiiK liul. MI wkened . .alcrlth wluat , nnd closed
'ic loner ; March closed at SO'tc ' ; May. ' "J\'J
, fj 13-lCo , clored ut 2'JHc ,
OAT.4llecelpls , 1SM09 bu. ; exports , 151,885 bu.
Hpot , ili.ll ; No , 2 , r.'e. Options Inuctho nnd
Inreij neadyj clo lnff HO net lo r ; May closed
ut : iG21'sc. '
HAY ntcady ; uhlpplnir. Wti55c ; good to choice ,
IIOI'.S Quiet ; stale. common to choice.
W5 crop , SSfS'iiU30 ; crop. 701 Hie ; I'aclllo coast ,
1895 cinp , 3H5ic ! ; U9C crop. SfilSc.
H1DEH Klim ; ( lahcMon. 23c ; lluenos Ayrca.
HHo ; Texan. luwiOic ! , ; California , I6c.
IEATHiil-Klrin ; 20JtJe ,
HinTEH-llecelpls. 2 177 pkuB. ; market steady ;
western creanu-ry , 13 l o ; ElKlns , lilc ; factory ,
CHEESE Herelpts , 7C5 pkRS. ; market steady ;
ilate , larKe , l'jl2V ' c ; itate. mmll. SOliHc ; part
klm . ( diio ; full > klms , 3ffl < e.
iOClS-lttCflpts : , 17 , 6W pkKS. ; market quiet ;
( tate and I't'iinsylvanla , liHcutlmi ( ; , 10VO
Jlc ; toulhern. HUll c.
PllOVIBlONH Heef. vttudy ; family , $9.COfrn.CK ) ;
citra nuB , S7.MMS.W ; ber ( liums , JISWdlUGO ;
packet , $7.WKlU.W ; city , extra India mess. J13.HW
15.W. Cut nifiiti ) . ilrm ; pickled bellies , 4 , lf
pickled shoulders , t'ic ; pickled hums , M4 f
CUe. l inl. uleady ; weilern steamed , $ l.25i74SO ;
mined , ( teady , 1'urk , uti-ady ; mesi. I8.60JCJ.UO ;
thort clear. $ ! > . 75610.85 ; family , $ l.50 ) ( ( 10.25. Tallow -
low , city , S4c ; country , JV4c.
OllJd I'ctrtdvuin , numlmil ; refined , $ C.SO ; Pcnn.
> lvanla crude , hlKher ; April , K\ic \ bid ; alei
none. lln ln. ijulet ; ( trained , rominon to good
$1.C501.70. TuriM-ntlne. quiet ; Htl30c. C'ol
toiiM'fd , prime crude , 20fl2UHc ; prime
crude , f , o. u. , mlllt , ICOU'.ic ' ; prime turn-
mer > ellow , S3'io ; butter gradeii , UVtii2 < c ; prtin
while. ZCHc.
HlCE-HUady ; 3KO o ; Japan. 4tt4Uc.
MOI < ABSEK-Qulcli New Ork-tttis , cpcn kettle ,
good to rholte. 22tf3Cc.
MirrAl'S-riir Iron , eavy ; southern , $10.2501,00 ;
northern. $10.1081250. Copper , quiet ; -brokers , '
$11. bO ; eiclmnKu , J11.WW1.W. Tin. raiy ; tralt .
$13.40jlS.45 ; platen , ueak. Bpelter , ntl-udy ;
domestic , $1 104J4.IS. The mrlal excharxe prlc
for lead wai a shade lower ul $3.37Hti4i ( , but
leading broken called the market ( Ironc and un
changed at I3.C6.
Cotton MnrUclH ,
March lt-COTTON-Spot , qultt ;
mlddllnic , "He ; mMdllnff gulf , 7c ; cn h mtt ] ,
700 bale * . Kulurn , quiet ; unltd , t'.fOO bftlM.
Juntiary , $5.81 , March , $ M ( April , $ . ; M y.
$7 , June , $704. July , $7. OS ; Atmuit. $7.0 } ; Sep
tember , $ . ; October , $6.70 ; November. > 6.72i
I ec mWr , $6.75. The market opened quiet nd
firm nt nn ndvnnce of from 2 to 6 points , prin
cipally on near months. Trading early In the
reunion wo moderately netlve , but later became
light under lack of outside support. Oood for-
elRn biiylnR caused n further ndvnnce of 4 points.
loiter Liverpool cfllilm showed n decline nd
New Orleans and local operators turned tellcro ,
forcing prices back to the opening , At li
o'clock the market nan quiet Imt ttcndy ana
unchanged , with dales of 30,000 bnlex.
NEW OIH.r.ANS. March ll.-COTTON-Qulet
nnd ea y ; middling , 7c , low middling , 1 9-16c ;
good ordinary , 6 6 > lc.
Cfiiulltlon of Trnilc mill Q.noinilnnn on
Slnplc nnd Fmic } ' 1'roUucc.
EGOS- Fresh gathered , flc.
HUTTEU Common to fair , 74CSc ! ; choice to
fancy roll , 10812c ; separator creamery , 18o ; goth-
crcd creamery , He.
GAME lllue wlngrd teal ducks , $1,75 ; green
wing , | UO ; fedheads nnd mallards , J3.75 ; em/ill
rabbin , 40S50e ; Jacks , $1.0001.23 ; taulrreH. C0 { ?
.Oo ; Canada geese , large , $6.oo87.0g ; small , $4.000
5 OOi
VKAICholee fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , are quoted at
a large nnd coarse. 405c.
ESSEU 1'OUiyniY-Chlckens. CGCHc ; tut-
kcyB , hem , lOffllc ; geese , 7 Sc ; ducks , SO9c.
V,1SU/l'5'JILlTUY-Icnl1' ' | W-- cock" . c.
PIOEONS Live , 7tJ Oe ! dead pigeons not
IIAY-Upland , $4.tO ; midland. $ J.EOJ lowland.
? 3 ! ry.e J'.riwt ' ! $3-M ! color makes the price tn
hay ; llghl bales sell the best ! only top grades
bring lop priced.
I1IIOOM CORN Extremely slow rale ; new
crop . , delivered on track In country ; choice green
relf.worklncr carpet , per Ib. , 25j2We ; choice green ,
running to hurl , 202140 ; common , IHo.
PIE n.ANT-Per doz. . COc.
SJVKET POTATOES-Fancy Illinois , per bbl. .
Ht > ( jHfl , (5.
ONIONS-Qood stock , per bbl. , $3.00.
LIMA UEANS-1'er Ib. , 4c.
IlEANS-Hnnd picked navy , per bil. , $1.1001.20.
CAHHAOi : Fancy stock , per 100 Ibs. , $2.00.
CKLnnY-lVp doz. . 25e ! fancy , large. 45e.
POTATOES-Oood native stock , per bu. , 30C.
MALAOA OHAPES Per keg , $7.
cnANIlEIllllES-licst Jersey , per bbl. , $5.00 ;
boxer , fl.4D01.CO.
Al'PMiS-Exlra fancy , largf. $2.25W2.CO.
CAI.IFOHNIA PEAIlS-Pcr box. $1.75.
OnANOKS-Callfornla tmvals. 150s to 200s , $3.73 ;
large sizes , M.25J73.60 ; Beedllngc , $2.25fl2.CO.
LLMON8 Mecdnits , $3.25ffi3.60 ; choice Califor
nia , $2.75 ; fancy , fj.
nANANAS-Cholce. large slock , per bunch , 100
02.2 ; medium-sired bunches. $1,50S2.00.
NUTS-Almonds. California , cer 'lb. . large
size. 13c ; llrazils , per lb. . IDs : ICngllsh wal-
nuti , per lb. . fancy , soft shell. 12O12Uc ; sland-
nrds. lOffllo ; Hlberis. per lb. , luc ; pecans , pol
ished. large , OgiOc ; Jumbo. 118H2o ; large hick
ory nuts. $1.25 ner bu. ; cocoanuts , 4V4o each.
FIOS Imporled fancy 4 crown. 20-lb. boxes ,
12c ; 6 crown , 60-lb. boxes , 14J13c ,
HON'EY-Cholce , 13 14c.
CIDEIl-Clnrincd Juice , per half bbl. , $2.CO ; per
bbl. . $ I.OOST4.2l
MAPLE SYUUP Five gal. cans , each , $2.CO , '
gal. cans , pure , per iloz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans ,
$0.25 ; quart cans , $3.60.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green
hides. 5c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7'tc ; No. Z
green salted hides. CV&e & ; No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 to IS
Ibs , 7c ; No. 2cal calf. S to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. I
dry Hint hides. SiflOe ; No. 2 dry flint hides ,
8ffc ! ) ; No. 1 dry salted hides , ifjtic ; part cured
hides , He per lb. le.-s than fully cured.
SIIEE1' PELTS-Orccn salted , each. 25COc ;
green failed , shearings ( short woojed early
skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short \\ooled
early eklns ) . No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry flint , Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per lb. . nc-
lual ttClKht , 4 ( 5c ; dry Hint , KUIISOB and Ne
braska Murrain wool pells , per lb. , nclual
weight. 3fl4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual wclchl , 4U5c ; dry Hint
Colorado Murrain wool pells , per lb. , actual
weight. 3(74c ; feet cut off , as It la useless to
pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND ClHEASE-Tnllow , No. 1 , 2Jc :
tallow. No. 2 , 2c ; grease , white A , 3c ; grease ,
while H. 'ic ; greaFe , yellow , 2e ; grease , darlc ,
lie ; old butter. aiJ2V4e ; beeswax , prime , 15022c ;
rough tallow. Ic.
WOOIUnwushed , Hue heavy , Cfp7c ; flne light ,
SftOc ; quartcrblbod , 10012C' seedy , hurry anil
cliaffy , SR9c ; celled nnd broken coarse. 709c ;
celled nnd broken , fine. CffSc. Fleece washed
medium. 15fflSc ; flue , 14OlCc ; lub washed. IGifUc ;
black , fc- bucks , Cc ; lag locks , 2Q3c ; dead
pulled. 5jCc.
HONES In car iota , weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry llulTn.o , per Ion , $12.00i14.00 ; dry
counlry. blenched , uer Ion , $10.00irl2.00 ; dry coun-
Iry. damp and mealy , per Ion , ja.OOH8.00.
St. I.oiilN fieiivriil
ST. LOUIS , March 11. FLOUU Quiet ; patents.
$ I.COff4.75 ; extra fancy , $4.2034.30 , fancy , $3.50
4.75 ; iholcp , $3.15fl3.:5.
WHEAT Futures opened quiet , but became
wcnk and declined rapidly In spite of Ihe bull
ishness of the governmenl reporl. There was
very little cueculallvc demand , the. . market clos
ing with prices steady for May nnd I'.fcc lower
for July , compared wllh ycslerday ; spot lower-
No. 2 red , cash In elcvnlor , S2c bid ; on Irack ,
02V4S8IO ; May , 68c bid ; July , 70c.
COUN Dull nnd slendy early , Ihc speculative
offerings being light. The close was slendy to
Ilrm , with no quolablc change ; spot -lower ; No.
2 cash , 20Xc bid ; May , 21T e bid ; July , 23'tO
OATS Dull and quiet ; fpot demand fair and
receipts moderate ; No. 2 cash. 17'ic ' bid ; May ,
18Hc. ,
UYE Firm nt 33c bid. i
HAHLEY Dull- malting , 2SJ35c.
COriNMEAL fl.40in.45.
I1HAN Continues Ilrm , with little to ( be had ;
sacked , cast track , ECOCOc.
KLAXSKKD Steady nt 75c.
HAY Quiet and steady ; prairie , J1.00S7.50- ,
timothy , $ G.OOfl0.75.
HUTTEU-FIrm ; crcamer > - . 14@19J5c ; dairy , 8
EfiGS Lower nt 8c.
METALS Lead , easier at $3.12'iffl3.17V5. { Spel
ter. firm at $3.CO bid.
PHOVISIONS I'ork. higher ; standard mefs ,
Jobbing , $8.15n8.f 5. Lard , higher ; prime sleam ,
$4 ; choice , 14 OTA Haccn ( boxel ) . shsuld rs. $4 7i ;
cxlra short clear , $5 ; ribs , $5,25. then Is , JJ.3J. ; !
Dry sail meals ( boxed ) , shoulders and extra
short clear , $4.C2',4 ; rhorts , $4.87 > A
II ECE1PTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 40,000
bu. ; corn , 110,000 bu. ; oats , 20 , WO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 3,100 bbls. ; wheat , 52,000
bu. ; com , 120,000 bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu.
Liverpool nrntii ninl I'l-ovlNlonx.
L1VEHPOOL. March 11. WHEAT Spnl , qulel ;
demand , poor ; No. 2 red , fprlng. Cs 3' d ; No. 1
Cnllfoinla , Cs CVd. FuturtH opened steady and
unchanged ; cloned dull and unchanged ; business
heaviest on middle positions ; March. Ca I'M ' :
May. Cs 3d ; July. Cs 3',4d. '
COHN Spot , quill ; Ameilcan mixed , new , 2s
C'id. ' Fulures opened quiet , wllh near and ills-
lanl poslllons unchanged ; eloicd qulel , wllh near
and dlslanl positions 'id lower ; business heaviest
on early positions ; Match. 2 * Cd ; Apill , 2a C id ;
May , 2s 7d ; June , 1'a 8'iil ; July , 2s iid.
FLOUH .Steady ; demand poor ; St. Louta fancy
winter , Ss Cd ,
PHOVIHION8 llaeon. firm ; demand firm ; Cum
berland cut , 28 to 20 Urn. , 2t > s ; short rlba , 20 lo
24 I ! > * . , 2Ca Cd ; long clear , Unlit , 35 to 35 DM , .
: n ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs. , 25s ; bhoit
clear batk'i , light , 18 Ibn , , 25s ; fl.iort clear mid
dles , heavy , 45 to f,0 Ibs , , 21s Cd ; clear bellies ,
14 lo IS Ibn. , 2SK , Shoulders , i-quarc , 12 lo IS Ibs. ,
24 . Hams , blunt cut , 14 lo Id Ibs. , 40n Oil. Tul-
low , Ilrm ; North American , ISs. Ilief , extra
India meL'J , 57s Cd ; pi I me mets , 47s Cd , Pork ,
prime mebs , line western , 45s ; medium westcin ,
40s. U-irrl. quiet ; prime westein , 21a 3d ; rellntd ,
In pulls. 23 .
CHEESE Steady ; demand moderate ; finest
Ameilcan. white uncl colored , 57s ,
Hl'TTEH-FlneBl ' United States , Ms ; good , K .
OILS Linseed , 15s Cd , Petroleum , refined ,
6s lid.
Itf-l'-IHOEUATOn HEEF-Forcquurters , 4d ;
hindquarters , C id.
HOl'ri At London ( Pacific coast ) , 3 15s.
NEW YOIIK , March 11 , COPKI3R- Options
opened Heady to 5 points Iciwer under disappoint.
Ing cables from Europe , bul lalcr advanced lo
lasl nlghl's figures on mure favorable foreign
cables nnd good European buying , ni.d cloicd
sleaily and unchanged lo 5 points decline ; sales
23.500 bags , Including ; March , JS COfr8.CS ; May ,
$ S.55J8.CO. Spot coffee , lllo , weak ; No , 7 , Illo ,
$9.2o ; Invoice ; $9.75 , Jobbing. Mild , weak ; Cor
dova , JIS.Mft 1C.23 ; gales , 400 bagn Mararalbo.
p. t. \\arehousedell\erleu from the Unlteil
Stales. 10.427 bags , Including 7,417 IMBH frimi
New York ; New York Mock loday , 335 , 078 bags ;
t'nlted States Flock , 409.1W bags ; nllont for tbo
United States , 2JO.COO bags ; total vl lble for the
United Stales , 741,141 ! bags against 475,499 bags
l.i t jcur.
HAVUE. March H.-COFFEE-Stendy ; Uf to
Vjf net advance ; sales , 3S.OOO bags.
SANTOS , March H.-COFFEE-Qulet ; good
averagn H.mtos , 10.SOO rels ; receipt * . 15,100 bngs ;
Block. 44J.HOO bugs.
11AMIIUHO , March 11. COFFEE-14 pfg lo
f nfir derllntmil's ; , 11. (00 bug * .
HID IE ) JAXEIHO , March 11. COFFEE-Qulct-
No. " , Hlii. IU.SW ) relHj rrcelptn. 7 , ( < w lugs ;
cleared for the United Slates , 4,000 bafj ; stock.
2 9,000 bags.
lliitIlN. : March 11. Kxchanfie on London ,
eight du > ' light , 20 marks 39 pfe.
IXNDON. ) March 11. Gold U quoted at Ituenoa
Ayrm al tOS.W ; I.Ubon , 41 ; Home , 115.93.
1'AUIB. March , 11. Tlirta per cent rtntti , lOJf
Ko for the dccountj exchange on London , Kt ISo
for chtcks.
Tone of Ihc Market l Firm , with
VorjI.llllc lln liiCK .
NEW YORK , March ll.-Todny's stock market
wns remnrkablo for Us firmness of tone. In fnco
of the tpccinc dullness of the proceedings. With
the exception of a slight awakening to animation
about tha'delivery hour , the trading was almost
dormant. The volume of the dealings was not
only email , but w g distributed very meagerly.
a few leading chares absorbing all but n small
portion of the trading. There nre about 2JO
shares whose prices nre quoted nnd transac
tions In which nre recorded on the Block ex
change. Of this number there were only ilfty-
four In which there was dealings In full share
lots today. The totnl number of shares sold
nmounled to less than DO.OCO , nnd over tO.OOO of
these were shares of nfleen leading slocks. In
view of the very favorable condlilon on the
foreign exchanges today and the subsidence of
uneasiness lest the Crelnn quesllon should em
broil the powers , It Is necessary to look for some
other explanation of today's slngnallon than a
European war scare. There nro doubtless sev.
cral causes still operating to restrain specula
tion , the most potent being the cautious con-
servnllsm born of n long period of reverse nnd
depression. There ts nlso a disposition to wait
for the assembling ot Ihc new congress In extra
session nnd for U to manifest Us chnrncler and
Inlenllons. There Is n feeling In Wall street that
the extra tension m y pro\e lo be long drawn
out nnd Ihe senators' attitude toward n tariff
bill Is felt to be an uncertain quantity. Man.
hnttan wns the leader of Ihe market today nnd
showed decided strength , which was probably
duo to coverings. Quite n large short Interest
has recently been formed In tills slock , probnbly
on the theory that the reduction of the dlvl.
dcnd of 4 per cent was bound to result In the
fall of prices. The fnll proved Inconsiderable
nnd the shorts have been seeking coxcr today.
The price rose 2',4 per cent to 851 , which wns
nbout the level before the announcement of the
reduction of Ihe dividend. The Vnndcrbllts were
Bomcwhnt In good demnnd , Omaha advancing
1V4 per cent nnd Lake Shore 74 per cent. Sugar
gained n point In Ihc face ot Washlnglon nd-
vices Indlcnllng n probable reduction ot the
amount of protection on refined sugar under the
new tariff. The rise In Ihe price of the stnplc
nnd rumors ot large , slocks ot ravr sugar In the
hands of the company , which will bo Increased
In value by contemplated tariff changes , were
contributing causes. Consolidated Ons slioncd an
Improvement of ! ' / per cent on the prospccls
Hint regulative legislation nt Albany will not
conflict with the company's Interests. The hlgli
price attained by Tobacco brought some rcnllz-
ilng sales , with n reaction In the price of 1 %
per cent , bul Ihe Block subsequcnlly recovered
% per cent. Missouri racltlc gained "n per cent
on the Increase of coinings Elioun In the llrst
week In March. A buying mo\emcnt wns de.
velopcd In the anthracite coalers also nbout ilc.
lively hour , due to rumors of further consolIJa ,
tlon of coal Intelcstp. The announcement ot
the St. 1'uul dividend nt nbout the same lime
awakened activity In the grangers nnd Bomb
semblance of animation wns Imparted to the
whole market. New Jersey Cent nil nnd IJeln-
wnro & Hudson each rose HI per cenl. Heading
V > per cent and Ihc grangers nnd soulhweslcrns
a fraction. The International shares fluctuated
nanowly In sympathy with the London maiket ,
ulilcli Ilrst bought and Ihen sold. The undertone ,
of firmness , which wns n fenlure of the mar
ket all day , was manifest at the close , which
wns stiong.
The bond mnrkcl wns more ncltve , with more
of the UBiinlly Inactive bonds rising sharply ,
notably Houston & Texas Central debenture Os ,
which gained 2 per cent. The general market
ruled Ilrm , wllh Ihe speculative Issues n shade
higher. Qovcrnmcnls were quiet , but decidedly
Ilrm , The sales were ? 3COOtf.
The livening l'o t's London financial cable
gram says : "Slocks opened slendy on bear
covering. Consols touched 11214. No public buy
ing took place , honexer , and n break In prices
followed , the closing being nt the worsl. nnd
consols dropping Hi- Americans were steady ,
but the close was under the best. llrazils wire
heller on Ihc rise In exchange. Knlllrs relaxed
sharply , as picvlously cabled. Financiers here
llilnto seriously of Ihc pollllcal sllunllon In Soulh
America. Details of the gold movement for the
week showed Ihe Imporl of JC < 21.000 from Aus-
Iralla , 19,000 from China , 10,000 from Soulh
Africa nnd 5.000 from lloumanln. and Ihe send.
Ing of 100,000 lo Soulh America. The Paris
bourse wns dull nfter a ilrm opening , nnd lha
Uerllu market wns steady. "
The following were the closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
The total sales of stocks today were 100,529
shares. Including : American Tobacco , 9.COO ;
American Sugar , 13,200 ; lliirllngton , 8.8CO ; Chi
cage Gas trust receipts , 2.3CO ; Missouri Pacific.
3,400 ; New York Central. 3,400 ; Omaha. 4 200-
Heading , 4,000 ; St. Paul , 9.400.
\ ' v York .lluiu-y Market.
Easy at ! { ? ! per cenl ; last loan , 1J4 per cent' ;
cloned at lfll'4 per eenl.
PltlME MEnt'ANTII.K PAPEH-304 per cent.
8TEHMNO EXCHANQE-Htavy. with actual
Ineilnera In bankers * bills nt $4.S7C4.S714 for de
mand and $4.S5H4.Mi for Hlxty days ; posted
rales , $4 S6S4.SCi,4 and $ I.SSe4.SS'/4 ; commercial
hills. J4.S4X.
SHA'Ell CI-UTH''lCATiS : C3 4HC4c.
HAH .SlEVEIl-G3 , c.
closing quolatlons on bonds were as follows :
l'Vliruar > '
WASHINGTON. March -The monthly state
ment of the principal article * of domestic ex
ports for tli month of Ftbruary and for the
eight months ended February 28 last , Uiucd by
tlit bureau of itatlitlcs , suows that during 1'tb-
nmry the exports were ns follows : Drendstuff * .
115,008,657 , A decrease AS lompnred with January
of About * , " 00.0rx > , cottorl I1TIM3S , n. decrease
of nbout fll.KO.OOfl ; mlnlrs.1 clU. HS 1.1 , Increase -
crease 1500,000 , provl * m , Including entile and
hogs , ! 12IO.S11 , a decrease of nbout ( $00.000.
For the eight monUi * the exports of breadituffs
Are given as ll36.fcF.B3. ns compared wllh J3I-
224,249 for Ihc snms''fVi > l < Hl lust year ; cotton.
JlS'i.GM.TOl ' , ns compdfrd 3vlth $1(1.324. 3 for the
corresponding period ln t iyenrj mineral oils , 141-
784,3G3 , a cnmpnrntlva.KOln of nbout 1500.000 ; pro
visions. Including cfcTlTe and hogs , JIS.778,161 ,
n , comparative loss < a tumut 1500,000. The totnl
exports of these foi ri 'irtlcle ' * durlm ; February
nmounled to ! 49,167,354r'fi nt loss ns compnred
wllh Jnntmry of nbouttU.000.000. Tor the eight
months the gains w\rV8.ibout 85J20,000 ,
1C nn HUM C'ltV Mnrkptn.
KANSAS CITY , Mnnfh ll.-WllBAT-Stendy
nnd active early ; cloWng dull , lower ; No. 2
hard , 76c , No. 3 , C9JJ76C ; yo. t. 00670 ; No. 2 red.
2c ; No. 3 , M09C ; No. 4 , J5eS5c : No. 2 spring ,
7S07Bc ; No. 3 , 6S | 70c.
COHN-Flrm nnd fnlrly oclhe ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS-Stendy ; No. 2 while. 18020C ,
HYR Steady ; No. 2 , S9c.
HAY Firm nnd unchanged ; timothy , J8.M ®
9.00 ; prnlrle , l5.OOGfj.50.
llttTTKli-aencrnlly strndy ; receipts , llghlt
creamer } ' , ! C017c ; dairy , WM3c ,
EOa.S-Stcndy. receipts , liberal ! 8c.
I'corlo ? .Mnrkctx.
1'noniA , March 11. COhN Slendy ; new No.
2 , 21Uc.
OATS Firm. Inactive ; No. 2 while , ISUe.
WHISKY Market slcady ; nnlshcd goods on the
bards of 11.17 for high wines.
niciil TS Corn. 42.0.V ) bus , ; oats , 25.430 bus. ;
rye , none ; whisky. 159 bbls. ; whent , 3,000 bus ,
SHH'MHNTS- . 23,000 bus. ; oats , 62,400
bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 900 bbls.j wheat , 2,400
"Xoiv York Dry OIMHIM Mnrkrt.
NHW YOniC , March "II. The renectlon of the
market shows considerable business doing , but
It Is very largely confined to worsted dress
goods , printed dress fabrics nnd fancy worsted
dress goods , ribbons , fancy silks , .woolen goods
nnd fancy cotlons for cullers' uses. Staple cot
tons nre In moderate demnnd nnd colored col-
lens nre Irregular. 1'rlntlng clotis quiet but
steady nt 2 9-lGe.
LONDON. March 11. SUOAll-Cane. quiet but
steady ; centrlfugnl Javn , Us ; Muscovado , fair
reHnlng , 9s , Heel , firm ; March , 8s lOlid ; April ,
Ni\V 'YoniC , March H.-SUaAll-ltaw. firm ;
fair rcnnlng , 2 13-lC02 4c ; centrifugal. 3 11-lCtp
3 > ic. lleflned , nrm nnd ncllve ; crushed , Co ; pow
dered , 4940 ; grnnulatcd , 454o. .
Toledo MnrkctN.
TOLEDO , March \\lIEAT-Lower ; No. 2
.cash tSc ; May. 8Sc.
UYK-Dull ; No. 2 cnsh , 37c.
CLOVliU SHED Easy ; ! prime cash , 5.15.
OIL Unchanged. ,
3IliuieiiiollW Wlu-iit Mnrkrt.
MINNEAI'OLIS. March 11. WH RAT Weak ;
May closed nt 70J4 T71c ; July , 71Tc Scplcmber ,
CC'.Sc. On track : No. t hard. 73 o ; No. 1 north
ern , < lc ; receipts , 233 car ? .
Oil Clty.Marki-lN.
OIL CITY , Pa. . March ll.-Credlt balances ,
91c ; ccrlincnlcs. 97o ; shlpmenls , 07,633 bbls. ' ;
runs , 101,000 bbls.
Sun Kriuii'lNco Wlipnt < liintnliiii.H.
December , 11.1094 ; May. J1.34TJ.
Wool Market * .
NEW YOUK , March , 11. WOOL Firm ; ICjJSOc.
FlnniiclnlotcH. .
BOSTON. March 11. Clearings , 13E07,1CT. ; bal
ances. 11,982,310.
llALTlMOIin. March 11. Clearings , J2,2C3C70 ;
balances. J197r.S4.
N13W .YOniv. March Jl. Clearings , J87E35,32C ;
balances , } 3,011.051.jt } '
PHILADELPHIA Marph ll.-Clenrlngs. JS.633.-
9S2 ; balances , Jl,13l223.
ST. LOUIS. March i ? ! . Clearings. H,274,4S3 ;
balances , J403.218. , Money , C4T7 .par cent. New
Yoik exchange , I5c tjlsjpunt bid ; par nsked.
ClflCAfiO , March 11 , Clcn rings , $13,073,169.
New York exchangf , 'Wo discount , Forelqn ex
change , ilrm ; demand ? $1.Si % ; sixty days. J4.83H.
DEATH HOI.L , Un"ntCii ! ) TO FOUH.
Iiiillmia Wrviik Not So Serlo'iiH nn nt
Flrit Ilciiortvil.
EVANSVILLE.rlnuY. March : 11. If cor
roborative testimony ts worth anything , only
four lives wcro lost-In the Evansvllle &
Terre Haute wrerjk 'nca'r HaieHon. The dead
are : ,
QEORGB A. Sl-lAKS'of Terre Haute , con
ductor , " i- c
JOSEPH BOLEMAN of EvarifeVllle , flre-
raan.tJiipii j , pl * . , .1 jjjiri t „ . >
HERDEIIT ALLEN- Evansvllle , late
doorkeeper "of tho.Indiana legislature.
PNE "PASSENGER , name- unknown ; sup
posed to be a drummer.v ,
The fact that edmo business cards were
found floating about after the wreck gave
rise to a report that two passcngors wcro
missing. Ono of the cards bore the name of
J. T. Phillips. Fort , Wayne , and the other
the name of a book firm at Chicago. Neither
had the line "presented by" filled out.
The Injured were ;
John McCutcheon of Evansvllle , engineer ,
cut , bruised and scalded , but not seriously.
Baldwin Haucscn of Evansvllle , brakcman ,
foot horribly mashed and otherwise Injured.
W F. Henderson of the Henderson Comedy
company , leg broken.
Hauesen and Henderson arc In the hospital
In this city , receiving every attention. Delayed -
layed passengers came Infrom Evansvllle
over the Evansvlllo & Indianapolis at 2
o'clock. The Evansvllle & Terre Haute be
gan this morning conducting local business
as far north at Hazclton on its main lino.
Chicago and eastern business will be sent by
the Evansvllle & Indianapolis and Baltimore
& Ohio Southern to Vlncenncs and thence
on the Evansvllle & Terre Ilauto main line.
It Is not necessary to call a doctor for a cuter
or bruise ; get Salvation Oil. Only 25 cents.
Two ScIioonorM AloiiKNlile Iluriieil ninl
a. Mult HIIIINC DimiiiKtMl.
BUFFALO , March 11. The Hyan elevator ,
at the foot of Ferry street , was burned early
today. It was an old structure with a ca
pacity of about 140,000 bushels , and con
tained last night about C,000 bushels each
of wheat and oats. The loss on elevator Is
probably $50,000 , and on contents $10,000.
Hyan & Clark were the owners. Alongside
the stationary elevator was a floating ele
vator , nlso owned by Ryan & Clark , and
valued at $40,000. This , too , was destroyed.
The flro reached the Manning malthouoe ,
where It caught In the cupola , It burned
that part of the building nnd scorched thereof
roof , hut was extinguished before much of
the grain In the building was wet by the
water turned on the blaze. Two schooners ,
the Thomas Roblc and the A. J. Rogers , lying
at the end of the elevator , were also burned.
This makes the total loss from the entire
fire probably $125,000.
WIIH Xol ( lie Mini Whom I'lillee Were
HhootliiK At.
CHICAGO , March 11. Al Selraer , the
Cleveland sporting man who was accidentally
shot In front of , tbe > Great Northern hotel
last night by policemen in pursuit of two
burglars , Is rcsflrffe'comfortably ' today and
his ultimate recovery is assured. The bullet
has been extracted'-rrom ' his hip , whern It
lodged after paablhg. through his left wrist.
Mr. Seimer , In coilipany with Robert C ,
Carron and Rob'e'rt Olayton , were on their
way to Cal'jon ami 'had ' stopped off for a day
In Chicago. Thd roan who was found dead ,
propped up agalustia' building at the corner
of Madison and Market streets , a short time
after the shooting , land whom the police
thought was ono ofirtho robbers they were
pursuing , has been Identified as Louis Lcm-
nor , who tried "fii'Dreak into a paloon on
Madison street shortly after midnight. Ho
wan fired upon by Gcorgo Strack , the watch
man in the ealooiij but made his escape.
For morbid conditions take Ilcecham's pills
NEW YORK , March 11. The St. Paul di
rectors have ( declared the regular eeml-annual
dividends on the common and preferred
stock of 2 ajid 3V&t respectively.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thursday.
Match 11. Iblii :
Marshall Udvvardu to 12. A. c ) ovens , lot
9 In Biib. of nw no 2-15-13 $3.000
Luclna LnwBon el ul to American
Water Works company , lot 2 , block
19 , Florence , & 0
Iouln Hutli to Clura Forster ut ul , lot
71 , Hurtman's add. ; lot S , block 3 ,
Deer park 1
lame Trice nnd wife to F. (3 ( , Ilyles ,
lot 1 , block U , Isaac's & B's add. . , . , . 100
C. C. Van Numee to Norwegian &
Danish M. 10. cliurchi lot , block 12 ,
Purker'u add 1KOO
Sheriff to J. F. Hood et al , executors
wMi lot i block 19a , Omaha 7.MO
Total amount of transfers $12 , < E1
. .
Scarcity of Beef OiUtlo Continues to Affect
Inclined to He llenrlnli , lint
Take Uenlrnblc orferttmn nt
Stonily 1'rlcen llom Five
Cciitn I , oner.
SOUTH OMAHA , March ll.-Uocclpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horsea.
March 11. % 1,679 4,810 2.343
March 10 2.765 8,745 2,975
March S 2.034 B.OS1 3.0S5
March 8. . . . 831 1.351 8,821
March 0. . . . 770 2.S93
March 6r. 1.81S 3.4D2 S.705
March 4 2.432 B.75S 2,770
March 3 1,510 6.199 2,273
March 2 3,339 6,914 2,144
March 1 1,727 2,001 5,307
February 27 853 5,441 1.2S5
February 26 1.504 6.25J 1.576
February 25 2,810 6,146 3,053
February 24 2.59J 5.C51 3,810
The ofllclnl number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road waa :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , H'r'a
c. . M. & St. P. ny. . . . 4
Mo. Pacific lly 1 2
Union Pacific System. 15 18
F. , 13. & Mi V. U U. . U 19
s. c. K. P. ny
C. , St. P. . M. & O. lly. 12 2
n. & M. n. n. n is 21
c. , . & Q. ny 2
c. n. i. & P. liy. , B. i 2
c. ! n. : . & P. ny. , w. j ! _
Total receipts Cl 71 13
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 4 1..S27
The G. H. Hammond Co. 62 M2 538
Swift nnd Company 127 1,091 999
The Cudahy Packing Co. 401 l.liS 401
P. D. Armour , Chicago. 2.11 . . . .
11. Becker and Dcgan. . 153 . . . .
Vnnsant & Co 113
J. li. Carey CO . . . .
Lobman & Hothschllds. . 12J
\V. I. Stephens 141 . . . .
11111 & Lewis Co 28
Huston & Co 4 . . . .
Krcbbs & Co 68
Swift , country 40i . . . .
Nelson Morris , Chicago. . 2 . . . .
Chi. P. & P. do. , Neb. C. . . . . 332
Other buyers 227 . . . .
Left over 100
Totals 1,831 5,090 2,316
CATTLE Itecelpts were again light ,
below the expectations 01 the trade , ana
but Httlo more than half tbo size of the
liberal supply last Thursday , when 2,45
head were marketed. Neither cow stuff
nor feeding stock was very large y rcprc
scnted , and common to Just fair cattle
made up the big end of the beef supply , al
though a few very good cattle wcro in
Other markets were quoted as steady this
morning. Chicago and Kansas City both
tcportcd a ir > ® 20c break from Monday for
yesterday , while nt tills jiolnt the general
market has shown but Httlo weakness In
the same time , lluycrs were n little bearish
on ordinary grades , but bought anything
at all desirable freely nnd at about steady
prices , the trade ruling fairly active , with
tbo pens being emptied in good season.
Quito a string of cattle sold above $4.00 ,
with $ t.SO for a top for some very well bred
and finished 1,612-pound beeves.
The market for butchers' stock was
monotonously like yesterday's. There were
rot more than six or elgnt loads of cows
nnd heifers in sight , nnd these were largely
on the medium order. It only took a short
time to exhaust the supply nt full steady
prices all around , nnd what few bulls nnd
venl calves were here also sold readily lit
unchanged prices. ,
Trade wns active ngaln In tbo feeder
division , nnd the moderate supply In Ilrst
bands wns soon disposed of at fully late
quotations or a Httlo higher than last
week's close. The shipment of thirty-four
cars to the country yesterday left small
stocks In speculators' hands , which made
them good buyers , nnd there was also a
good demand from outsiders. Representa
tive sales :
Ora Haley.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av , IT.
122 feeders. . . 1MO $4 05
HOGS The market wan fairly well supplied
this mornlnfc- , there Ijelntc nevtiity-one loads on
ale , but rrcelpU fell uliort of n week auo , and
n 6 MO clecrense U quotable for the four days
OB compared ultli lust week. The hogs trB
KOCMl , with Iho usual nmull uprlnldlnK of light
weights , while heavy and medium weights made
un the bulk of the supply.
There wn > little change In the market and the
trade opened active , tut otdy part or the buyer *
dltl anything early , and lha otheiH were all
( jearl'h. Oood Unlit and medium u eights , hi/an
deflniMe for the freuli meat trade , Holil tteady
all through the nemlon , but heavy puckers urro
weak , with nome tales perhaps Cq lower , the
average cott of nil the lions showingup a shade
under yesterday. There WHS no particular snap
In the trade , but practically everything sold
out of first hanili In good Demon.
The range , like yesterday , was JJ.COC3.75 , but
the bulk sold at I3.C063.CO. against 13 55 yuitrr-
day. On last Thunuluy thu bulk of the calea
were at (3,4503.60 ( , Representative sales :
Can you define what is a Newspaper ?
A Newspaper is a publication issued at stated intervals.
What are the duties of a Newspaper ?
To publish all the news both local and foreign ,
Can you tell me what paper does this ?
The Omaha Bee.
Are there any others ?
There are some that make a pretense of publishing all
the news , but there is only one that docs , , that is The
Omaha Bee.
You are right if you want to read it all , you must
23 SS7 40 SCO 78 2C5 . . . 3 C3
55 328 ICO SCO Cl 277 . . . 3 C3
11 304 . . . 300 --74 237 . . . 3 C5
10 200 . . . 3 CO 70 215 120 3 C5
Cl 262 80 3 CO 63 273 . . . 3 65
64 210 iO 3 CO 67v 270 SO 3 65
27 3J3 ICO 3 CO 83 240 . . . 3 63
54 S3S 40 3 CO C7 238 . . . 3 f > 5
CS 314 ICO SCO C4 255 . . . 3 C5
35 223 SO 3 CO C7 242 bO 3 C5
35 274 . . . SCO 67 275 . . . 363
77 21G . . . SCO 71 231 . . . S 5
74 SSO 40 3 ( H14 6J 249 . . . 365
Gfi 253 40 3 C214 W 239 . . . 3 C5
10 277 . . . 3 C2"i " 69 210 40 3 C5
47 298 160 3621,4 62 263 . . . 3 C3
63 29S 40 3 > > 70 241 ICO 3 C7'/4
63 323 SO 362V4 M 263 . . . 3 67V4
01 203 120 3 624 64 254 . . . 3 ( ! 74 !
61 252 EO 3621,6 70 252 . . . 36714
CO 235 40 3 C21A 71 213 . . . 3 C7V4
CO 290 . . . 362 < 4 75 215 40 370
46 314 SO 3 C2'4 SO 220 40 3 70
73 279 SO 36214 50 S07 . . . 370
67 269 SO 3 6216 62 271 . . . 3 70
C4 203 80 3 63 40 237 . . . 370
5S 220 40 3 63 CC 247 40 3 70
67 227 SO 3 C3 77 231 . . . 370
71 217 SO 365 72 256 . . . 370
07 238 . . . 3 C3 89 197 . . . 373
1. , , 660 , . . . 225 9 376 . . . 355
1 270 . . . 260 3 330 . . . 365'
1 1.340 . . . 2 75 5 298 SO 3 65
1 270 . . . SCO 7 1SS 80 3 CO
6 SCO . . . 350 2 1C3 . . . SCO
1 300 40 350 5 350 . . . 3 CO
5 313 . . . SCO 2 VlJIS . . . 360
3 233 . . . 350 . 4 P T . . . 3 C3
SHEEP The market opened eanyl ns active
from start to finish nt full Mcndy prices and the
liberal supply was nil weighed up at an early
hour. Representative sales :
No Avpr. .
60 bucks , shorn 115 J2 50
104 bucks , shorn . . .122 2 75
1 yearling JO 3 CO
152 western ewes , shorn 97 3 2i',4 '
9S western ewes , hhorn 99 3 271
190 western wethers 93 3 6214
330western wethers 124 3 fcO
! 17 western wethers 110 3 90
220 western wethers 10S 3 90
223 Mexican lambs t. C4 4 60
270 Mexican lambs 04 4 W
Cattle IlpcpIiitN Arc Small , lint Tlu-rc
IN Imil : Dcnmitil HIIKN UiicIlllliKfd.
CHICAGO , March 11. The demand for entile
was only fnlrly good nnd there was no particu
lar change In ruling prices. Sales wcic largely
nt from J4.SO to J4.CO , with a good many cattle
nelllng nt from J3.70 to $4.25. Choice 7C3 to 830.
Ib. feeding steers Hold close to 14 nnd choice
1 000 to 1,020-lh. feeders were tnkun nt from J4.15
tn J4.25. llutchers' and cannero' stuff sold more
nctlvcly than choicer cattle nnd at ilrm prices ,
COHB nnd heifers golni : at from J2.CO to $3.74.
while most of the bulls found ) iurchnFvru nl
from 2.35 to J3.33. Choice calves sold nrounj JO.
In hogs prices were In a number of Instances
2VSc or mure higher early In the day , Later ,
however , the Improvement wns lost and thtr
offerings were largely taken nt > C8tcrday'B
range of prices' . Hales were largely nl J3.SO and
J3.S5 common heavy packing1 to prime llshl
ulngeliig lots selling at an extreme range of
from $3.45 to J3.90. llutcher welghls of 210 Ibn.
eold up lo (3.90 ,
1'rlccs for sheep ruled Blrongcr under Ihc In-
lluencc of a fuhly nctlve denmnil , Kales were
at n range of from 12.75 to $1.60 for Infeiior lo
fair flocks , up to from $3.S5 lo $4.3U for west-
cms. not much being done below J.150. Hlioru
westerners brought from $3.CO to $3.75 and shorn
lambs sold for from $3.90 to $1.60. Woolcd
lambs were In good demand at from $3,25 to } 3. < 0
for good , prime Hocks , choice Colorados eelllni ;
around $5.10. Home shorn yearlings brought
llecelpls : Cattle , 9.000 head ; hogs , I3.COO head ;
theep , 10,000 head.
KIIIINIIH City I.lvc .Stock.
KANSAS CITY. March lI.-CATTUJ-Ilccclpta.
C 000 head ; shipments , 2.9CO head ; market slrang ;
Texas steers , $2.7004.40 ; Texas cown , I2.15ff3.23 ;
native BlccrB , J3.00iS.CO ( ; native cows nnd heifers ,
Jl.bO ? 3.70 ; stockera and feeders , $3.COQ4.10 ; LulU ,
HOOH HecclplH. C.600 head ; Bhlpmenls , 1000
SHEEP Ilccclptu , 4,000 head ; fOilprncnlx , 1,200
head : marUot ttcady ; lambs , J3.C504.63 ; muttoiiu ,
HI. LoulH Live Mloc-Ic.
ST. LOUIS , March 11 , CATTLE IlecclptB ,
l.COO head ; marlid Blronir ; Texan * , uteuily for
nallvev ; fancy cxporl slicrs , t5COiJ5.25 ; nallve
shlpplns elcerii , $4.1005,09 ; ttfcrn , unilcr 1,000
tounil3 ) , 13.2004.10 ; ctochrn ami fevilcni , JZ.COiji
J.OO ; cow nnd heifers , I2,30 1.00 ; Tcxus elet-rs ,
12.15(74,10 ; cows anil hulfciH , J2.0Ui < ' 3 00.
IIOOB IlccelptB , C.Otio liciiil ; tnnrkcl Co lilulicr ;
light , J3.7003.83 ; mixed , M CGff3.l ; heavy , .4)W
SHEEP Recelpti , 700 head ; mnrkcl nlc-ndy ;
nuthe mutloiiB , t3.COI74.25 ; lillnlis , I4.23f3 } 50 ; I
Texas sheep , | 2,90S3.t'Oj ' sprhiK lunihs , J8.00S ) i
10.00. j
iiv ViirKLlvo Ntork.
NEW YOniC , Merch 11. IIEKVKH Rtceli IB , 63 } 1
licnd ; no tradlnn ; cahlui iuotc | Amerlran rtrera ;
at 10i ! ll'Jc ! Bheep nt 10jllH ? : refrlgrrntor liet-f
ut 8Kij9c : exportH C43 lietvi > n : C43 thcep ,
CALVES llfcelpU , W head ; utenily ; all Bold ;
veals , il.00fl4.75.
H1IEEP AND LAMllS-TtrceliitB , 1,467 head ;
Httk-H , 1,100 ; linn ; tlictp , 14 0004,75 ; lainbR , JS.OOic
C.&O ,
CiiHlilor ninl Money Ilolli Ciono.
' March 11. John c
rlerc ? , chief accountant and cashier or the
Heading Railroad company'u biiHlncas at the *
Port Illchmond coal wharves , IB mleulne ; and
J5,000 entrusted to him to pay the employe * '
Is not In tbo company's safe. Pltrcc wag t
looked upon KB an upright man and has been c
In the company's employ for twenty-eight c
yearn. Ho remained at the office until Saturday - 1
urday morning and then disappeared with
tbo money , kl .i
& "Written Guarantee to CURB
Our cnro Is permanent and not a patching ; up. Corel
treated ten years ago have never wen a t ) mpton tlnco.
UT describing your case lully no can treat 3ou by mall ,
ana wo give tne same strong guarantee to cure or refund
all money. Tboso who prefer to como hero for treat
ment can do so and wo will pay railroad rare bolb wayj
and hotel bills vrbllo here if we fall to cure. We chat *
lengo the world foraca&o that our fffnalc Ilcmeily
nlll not cure. Write for full particulars ana Ret lha
evidence. We know that you nro skept leal , justly to too ,
as tbo most eminent physicians bare never been ntlo
to ( rive more than temporary relief. In our ten years
pracllco vrllb this Rlnglc Btcmetly It has been most
dimcult toorcrcomo tbu prejudices against all so-called
rpcrltlcs. Out under our strung guarantee you should
not hesitate to try tills remedy. You take no chance ot
losing your money. V/o guaranlco to cure or refund
every dollar and as wo have n reputation to protect ,
also financial backing of S3OO.OOO , It Is perfect/ !
tafetoall who will try tbn treatment. Heretofore } oil
have been putting up and pay Inn ; out your money for
different treatments and although you arc not jet cured
no one has paid back your money. Uo not waste any
rnore money until you try us. Old. chronic , deep-seated
cases curca In thirty to ninety days , investigate our
flnancle.1 standing , our reputation as business men.
Write us tor names and adilrcscos of tbo we bara
cured , who bare given permission to refer to thorn.
It costs jou only postage to do this t It will save you a
world or suffering from mental strain t and If you are
married what may your offspring EUfTer tbrough your
own negligence. ! If your symptoms are pimples on face ,
sore throat , mucous patches Jn mouth , rheumatism la
bones and joints , balr falling out , eruptions on any
Esrt of tbo body , feeling o : general depression , pains la
cad or bones , you bave no tlmo to waste. Those wbo
are constantly taking mercury and potash should dis
continue it. Constant use ot tin so dings will surely
bring eorcn end eating ulcers In tbo end. Don't fall to
write. All correspondence rent sealed In plain envel
opes , wo Invite the most rigid Investigation and will
do all In our power toaldyouialt. Address ,
GOOK RiESEOY G0flg Chicago. III.
Telephone 1039. Omahn , Njb.
Board of Trade.
Dlicct wlrcH lo Chicago nnd New York.
CorroFpondcntu : Jolin A. Warrtn & Co.
Lurjyc Attfiiilniif ) . nt llic AniilverHiiry
CAHLISL13 , Pa. , March 11. The miniver *
Eury exercises of the Indian school In this
town are attended by Iho largest number
of people that have como hero since the
school was Instituted. The chcf | Interest la
centered upon the educational department ,
where the younger girls and boys are
taught. Resides Governor Hastings and'
party the visitors Include Colnncl John
Katon , President II. F. Uced of DIcklnBon
collcgo ; Governor John II. Brady of Alaska ;
Captain Beck , United States array , acting
Indian agent at Omaha agency ; Governor
Ilurko of North Dakota ; Mrs. Marian Jen
nings , Lafayette , Ind , ; Mrs. N. M. Allen ,
St. Louis ; Mrs. Guy Lelloy Stcvlck , Den
ver ; Mr. Moshcr and party of Ouago Indians
from Oklahoma ; Mr. Field nnd party ot
Klckapoo Indians from Oklahoma ; Mrs.
Newton , Marietta , O. , and representative !
of the various divisions of the Indian olHca
at Washington ,
The report of Captain Pratt , the mtperln-
tcmlent of the school , ways the children at
the fichr/ol come from sixty-one different
tribes. The number of pupils under care for
some portion of last year was. 8)8 ! ) , and tli
average attendance 722. One hundred nml
fifty-llvo of the students attended puhlio
schools during the winter and had the con
tinuous bdi fltH of family life. Thu total
earnings from the scholars during the vaca
tion months of July and August , who were
hired to farmers and others , amounted to
Kx-Governor I3tirlo of North Dakota In an
addrens directed his remaiks to the Indians ,
telling them of his. . life as a waif on Ihn
streets of New York , as a farm laborer and
finally to his position as a governor. Ho
was followed by John G. Brady , governor of
Alaska , whose story wan similar ,
General Eaton conducted the Inspection of
the school thl.s morning. Ho examined nil
the grades , from the graduates down to the
primary department , and highly commcndeil
the work that ban been ilono In thn past
year. At noon tile band , composed of thu
Indian lx > ) H , gave an open air concert on the
pavilion that has been erected near the
school building. The commencement exer
cises were held In the armory nt 2 p. in ,
The orators were ; Frank O. Jones , Mary
Miller , Edward Hogcrs , Itobrrt Depoo , Julian
Wllllims , Brlgham Cornelius and Clorencu
Wlilto Tlmifder , The diplomas wcro pre-
tcnted by General Katon to tlio clrsu of
twenty-six graduates , fourteen boys and
twelve girls. This was ono of the largest
classes over graduated hero. The commence
ment exercises clcteil with a reception ten
dered by Captain Pratt to tbo graduate * .
Slerl IliiIlM mill LoiMiiiiollvvM Hciit from
IMilliiilflpliIti ,
PHILADELPHIA , March 11. Tlio first
sargo of eteel rails from tlila country for
Japan la now being loaded on the British
steamer Fortuna at tlio Philadelphia & Head
ing railway coal wharveo , together with a
largo consignment of locomotives built In
this city and Intended for Japan. Threa
jtlier steamers have been chartered to carry
engines and ralln from thla port to Japan.
Hie tonnage consigned to the Fortuna con. , r
sluU of 2,000 tons of ralli and 2.000 toua oik
locomotives and equipment ! , (