THE OlM IIA DAILY BEEt FiTJTDAT , 180 . SPECIALJOTO AilrrrllnciiirntH ( or IliCNC colninnn trill lie InUon until 12i.ftO 11. in. for the crenliiK nnil until H p. in. for llio imiriiliiK nnil Snnilnr cilUlim * . AilvurllnerH , by rciticMliiK | mini- l orcil check , cnn 'linvc im Trer ntl- IrcHMcil to n nninlicrcil letter In care of The llee. Animorn e mlilrrjidcil will lip ilollvcreil on iircxcntntloii of the check only. llutrr. , I 1-Uc n ivoril flr t InnerMoni la 11 iroril tlierrnflcr. NotliliiK tnlccn for lent tlinii il.'c for the Itritt liiMcr- tlrtn. Themnilvortlncnieiit Hindi he rnti coiiir < ; iitl vel } ' . SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED , TOSITIOM A3 STENOGRAPHER ; Mary no object. Address X , Bee odlcc. Coun- ell HluT ( . A-M14J McliS PHYSICIAN or UNDOUHTED REKERKNCE m to chnrncter nnd ability , 20 year experience desires a good location. Address K 1C , care Omfttm Hee. A-m 213 C * WANTEO-RY MARRIED MAN , 1OH1TION AS Iwokkceper or axslstant ; first-clam references ! would not object to goltiK out of city. Ad- drew I * CO. llee. A 300 8 WANTEIK MALE HELP. WANTED-AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK OF some simple thlnn to patent ? Protect your Idea * ; they may bring you vrcnlth. AVrlto John Weddcrlmrn & Co. . Dept. V. Pntent Attorneys. Wnshlnitton. D. C. . for tlielr 1.H prize offer nnd a list of 100 Inventions wanted. 1J HI TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR CIGARS ; OLD reliable IIOUBO ; experience unnecessary : extra Inducements to customers : 173 tn JIM | > cr month nnd cxpcnFes. C. C. Ulshop & Co. , St. Louis. It * Mi50 M13 * A Fi\V ENERGETIC , HO8TMNO MEN CAN nnd Hteaily , profitable work with C. 1' . Adams Co. , Pit Bo. If.lli St. 11 tM 420 PUlt "WEEK , ADVERTISING ! POSITION Iicrmanent ; experience unnecessary : either sex. Jones , Kepler & Co. , Chicago , 111. Mchli * 11-MHS WANTED , YOUR ADDRESS : WILL SEND particulars of bow one man mnile 22UOO In nve jearn ! you can do th same by trying. Address 1' . O. box KJ08. llO'ton , Muss.It It M2DO 130 WEEKLY SALARY AND EXPENSES PAIP salesmen for clears ; experience unnecessary ; permanent position. The W. L. Kline Co. , St. I.OUK Mo. H-M3I4 A2 WANTED. MEN TO LEARN RARItER TRADE ; situation guaranteed ; high nmdo tools Klven students ; only 8 weeks required. Write for Ills , catalogue. Molcr'a Harber college , lull nnd Franklin atenuo. Ht. Louis. 11 M333 8 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. \VANTII ) . A KIUST-CI.ASS aim. rou OKN- cral housework. U22 Kurnuni. Mm. J H J3vnnn. C-M310 6 1r WANTED , I.ADV TUAVKWm FOU r rnle house ; must to over 23.dUrci > H 1M , Itcc. C M30S 5 WANTKD riHST-CI > ASS MILUNHKY TllIM- mer. AdJrcns I' Co , Dec olllce. C 321 3 \VANTIU ami. , FOU QKNIIIIAL. HOUSEwork - work ; references required. 1130 8. 9th Ht. C-318 G \V'ANTin-nnNTI > EMAN TIlAVCUNa TIIAD- 'IriB horses ilcclres all around Inily cook. Atl- ilruss Q t , IJcc. C J -4 FOR iii\Tiiousns. IIOUSKS IN AM , I'AItTS OF THK C1TV. Tilt : O. Ilnvln Company. l0."i Karnani. U 114 s-uuNnwA & co. , ios N. ISTII ST. U-143 iN iiousns. a A. STAUU 923 N. Y. LIFE u-no cnoicn itousns AND COTTAOIS AM. oven the city , ? 3 to $ M. Fidelity. 1T02 Furnam St. D 117 IIOUSHS. BIIOWX UI.OCK , 16TH nml HoiiKlws. H 148 uou.sns , COTTAGES & fcToms. AM. PA UTS of city llrcnnnn , Love Co. , 4W 1'nxton block. B-149 HOUSES , FLATS. QARVIN BIIO3 , IMS rAIVNAM D-150 HOUSES FOR UKNT. UH&I1S. 1'AXTON IIL.K. D 151 LAKQC LIST. M'CAdUtJ , 15TII & IXJDaK. U-152 TU11K1NGTON. CM I1UILDINO. I1UILDINO.I I > 103 HOUSE. io s. ITTII ; FUUNISII- Ings new and complete , for talc. tl M31C AS' _ Tim jrjWKTT roTTAans-miEEN wou.v- t n 111 lralln , Cnloindo ; n summer hem In the moimtulna ; tuelve bountiful cottagea fully fur- nUlted. for rent by the season , at reasonable ratcx. Descriptive circulars eent to any nd- dresK. J. II. Jcwctt , Green. Colorado. D 321 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOIl IlKNT MODEIIN KldHT-UOOM HOUSED near Hani-coin park. Hicks. 103 N. Y. Life. D 341-0 1'tHl ' lUCXT FUUXlSIIKIJ DOOMS. FUUNISIIUD UOOH3. C14 SOUTH 17T1I AYR. E 3(3 ( _ ONR FLOOR (5 ( UNFUIINISIIRI ) ROOMS ) WITH nntcr and water clocet. Iil4 So. 17th Ht. K M120 FIJUNISIIID : noons. 014 SOUTH ITTH AVK. U 3C2 S NK'ii.Y KUUNIRIICU ROOMS ; IIOUSH- keepln ? . 1112 South llth. i : M219 MC. c : FiniNisnnn IIOOM WITH HAY WINdow - dow ; ono sninll ono (3. 1709 California tt. FOU UKNT NICRIA FintNIRlIRO FRONT room ; also two unfiirnlslieil. iscr rurnnm. _ i : M3ID 7 IIOOJIS AM ) HO A III ) . HOARD : KTRAM HUATRD ROOMS , 11.00 A day. CO ] So. 13th at. l.ange Hold , F 718 1111 t FRONT ROOMS WITH HOARD ; MODERN ; reiliicfd latcs , CIS So. 19th. F S70 MIS * FURNISHED ROOMS. HOARD. IS10 HARNKY. K-MDJ3 MSO AI.HANY , 2101 DOUOI.AS : ROOMS , WITH hoard ; transient accommodilcil. T M1SC Mch7 t.AROH FRONT ROOMS : OOOD HOARD : VHRY roattonnhle. C14 N. 19th. T-M29CS * NlCtUY : KtJIlNISHED ROOM. WITH HOARD ; EDS , steam heat and lutlh. Ull ClilruK" street. F-MJI7 T NICKIVY FIIRNIHHIID ROOMS AND F1R8T- Class lifHiril : nrroimiioitntluns frr four If apply at once ; terniM reasonable. 021 California. F M33t 5 KOH HUNT vroiiiis AMI OKFICKS. FOR HR.NT. TIIR 4-STORY I1RICIC at 91 < Kiirnnm tl. Thin Imllrtlnt- has a fireproof rpment Imremrnt , complete strain licallnu flx- turc , unti'r mi nil floors ; gas , etc. Apply at the olllrc of The lire , 1 919 ARKVl'S WAXTHI ) . HlfiYf l.r. INSURANfEj MANAOKIt WANTED , tv n will peiioimlly ami actively ranvais every bio clc rider for the oldest association In tha world. I.llirrul rcmpenralloii n 00 as- nurei new lilcycle 1C a member's Is stolen , Ad'Jrcjsltl ' > references American Wheel- mill's rrotfctlru atioclntlon , ChlcuKO. Ill , J MJJ1 C \VA.\TiiTH : llliNT. TOUR KI'RNISHRD ROOMS , WITH MODERN cnmrnlenn * . In private family , ( or IlKht house keeping. Address a 2 , llee. K-M3IO T WANTID-ROOM AND HOARD TOR U\DY urn ! baby In prhnto family , ami to take full en 10 ot baby. AdJre s , statins terms , to O S , Uce K S1J-B STOUAOB. DM. VAN , & 8TORAQB. 1415 FARNAM , TEI. 1KJ M-U4 I'ACIFIO 8TORAOR AND WAREHOUSE CO. . POS-110 Jones. General storage ana ( orwardlnr. M-155 w.vvruii TO HUY. tm.VU. IIOUHU AND SMAIJj LOT. WITHIN half , to cmo mile of uostoltlce ; will pay cash If a bmnln. JteniU , i'axton block. N-MiH ( I OR 7-R. HOUSE AND I'AY UM CASH AND somt clear Halt Co. meadow land.V. . U Uelby. 334 Hoard of Trade. N-104 OMAHA SAVINGS HANK CERTIl'JCATKa iKiuiht for casb. H. U. Uvrdtr , 1702 Furnam St. n I > s i ron SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHRAt'KST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN CRIH- blng made. C. H. Lee , Wl Douglas. Q-1M roil HALE , FINE NEW I11OH GRADE RICY- clc , | 39. Omaha lllcyclo Co. , 123 N. 16th St. Q-1S7 IJKRT SEKD SWEF.T POTATOES , II.K PKR bbl. ; all sorts. Address Tlico Williams Omaha. Q-M1SS NEW I1ICYCLE. GUARANTEED , FOIl ONLY | i5. Nebraska Cycle Co. . lith and Ilnrney. Q-MS35 MIS SALE , COLUMRIA THCYCLE. FIIIST class repair , only | l .00. IJyron 11. Itastlncs , 212 8. Hth street. Q-II2I5 MS FOU 8ALE-A FINE PAIIT DURHAM COW AT ! C21 Hurdctte fit. Q-323 t , ' AIIOUT I2.WK ) DOUC1LA8 CO. WAIIRANTB. 7 per cent Interest. A. M. Cowlc. 211 Sn. lth t. ( J-M337 G PUHB I'LYMOITH KOCIC EQ03 PEll SETTING tOo. : i N. Kth St. Q-3 < 7 A-3 CHICKEN. 1IOO AND LAWN FENCE ; AMj wire ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works. 401 S. 14th. Q-2l-M-2 OLAIHVOVAVrS. M 9. MA11Y FIIITZ , CLAinVOYANT. H7 N. 16lh. S-M672 MIS * SIASSAOi : . II ATI 18. RTC. MMi : . SMITH. 1121 DOUQLAS , IIOOM B ; MAS- n c nnd steam baths. T M23J MC MH8. DH. LKON , ELECTniC MASSAGE HATII parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th it. upstairs. T M2C1 M8 PKHSONAL. * 23.00-IIUPTUHE CUIIED-T1LL MAUClt 15 for J2. > .00 ; no pain : no detention from business ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. Tlio O. E. Miller Co. , 717 New York Life Hide. , Omaha. U 159 KOH SAI.nllI3AI < nSTATIJ. HOfflBfl. I/JTS , FAIIM3 , LAND3. LOANS Ota. P. llemlc Ittal Estate Co. , Paxlon blk. nE-173 OMAHA SAVINGS HANII ACCOUNTS tlOt'CHtT for cash , taken nt pnr for rtinter 1st mortRnites or taken at par In exchange for real estate at prerent low \alues. O. U. Wallace. Itrown block. Uth nnd Douglas. TlE-fM AI1STUACTS. THE BYIION UEED COMPANY. HE lil THIIEE ACIIBS ON MIL't.EIl PAHK 11OULE- vard , ll.SOO. 150x270 feet , cast of old Fort Omaha , ll.COO. 126x2 feet on Mth street , paved. Bout.i of Miller park. W . 50x123 feet near 27th nnd Spauldlng , MOO. John N. Fren- zer , opp. P. O. HE 177 KOIINTZK PLACE HOMES AT MC ON THE dollar ; J2.2M. JJ.600 to JC.BOO ; FCC photos nt irth nnd Fnrnam. Morse bide. J. J. Olb on. CI4 First National bank bids. HE 175 OMAHA SAVINGS HANK ACCOUNTS TAKEN nt par In exchange for houses and lots ( All or part. ) The IJyron Heed Co. Hi : 174 ELEGANT DOUI1LE HOUSE WITH LAHGU grounds near Hanscom park , only tl4GCO. Cholca aero lot near fair urounds. JV > 0. Itcsldence lot near 32nd & Dodge. J1.250. Two cottages , larec crounds , Hanscom park , $3.750. Modern 8-room house , Hanscom Place , J4.SOO. Choice garden land , 10 ncres , I2.SM. Good ICO-acre farm , central Nebrn kn , (1,200. 5 acres near Elmuood park , only tl.SJO. Nice lot , 24th St. , South Omaha. Oco. N. Hicks , 203 N. Y. Life. CAIIPET CI.IAM\O. CHAMPION CAni'ET CLEANING CO . CAllPET beaten , scoured nnd renovated ; rcllttlng and re * laying carpets a specialty ; new management. 713-720 South 14th street , Omaha , Neb. . Tel. GoS. 8C8-M.17 SI2\VI.\G MACIIINHH AM ) SUPI'LIHS. NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine olllce , 1514 Cap. Ave. 'Tel 1574. 181 The ninn In Hie nionn IN looUItifr , love , The -tlioiiKlii iloth iiiukc me For don't yon ( tec , hc'n renilliinr TUB HEE , And he'll Hud iuy little irtint nil. CR. B. rtATIIS , MASSAQK. SIME. POST. S194 } S. 15TII. U 1CO- OMAHA DKNTAL , COM-EGR. 12 & PACIFIC STS Teeth filled with Bold , amalgam , tin , gutta- Iicrch , cement , nnd plates made for cost of material only. Teeth extracted and cleaned free U 1C2 I CURI3 WRINKLES , IIALDNRSS AND SU- pertluous hair. 326 Chamber of Commerce. True Co. U M75S M 15 VIAVI FOR UTKRINE TROUBLES , 340-8 REE IlldK. Physician , consultation or health book free. U-1C1 MARRY WRITE TO HANDSOME LADIES and honorable men ; many rich ; send ino and Join corresponding club ; box 1COO , Denver. Colo. U M120 29 ED. LEONARD LOTTIE , KEARNEY. WOULD like to see you toon. U 320 & $23.00 REWARD WILL. RE PAID AND NO questions asked for the return of pocketbook. containing rlnRs , etc. . lost at 2Cth and llarney or between that and 2Cth and Howard. Ad dress F 68. Hee. U MJ39 MONISY TO LOAN IlEAh ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , Love Co. , Paxton block. W 103 MONEY TO LOAN AT.LOW RATES. THU O. 1\ Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. W 164 0 PER CUNT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA I > ropcrtyNeb. farms. W. U. Jlelkle , 1st Nafl IJk W-163 ON OMAHA PROPERTY. LOWEST RATES ; building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co.W1C3 W-1C3 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. I * ; quick money at low rates for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 167 WE WILL HAVE J200.000 TO JJOO.OOO TO LOAN In 'April , May , June and July on first-class Improved Omaha property In sums of H.OCO to J10.0CO ; want applications at oncn ; lowest lutes on best loans. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam St. W M877 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 825 N. Y. LIKE. W-160 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY Iiro ; > crty. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. 1'usey & Thomas , 297 First Nutl. Hank Hide. W 163 MONI3V TO I,0.\NCIIATTHLS. 4IONEY TO LOAN OK FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at loucst rates In city ; no removal of Koods ; strictly confidential ; you can nay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTQAQK LOAN CO. . SOfl So. 16th Bt. X 170 MONEY TO LOAN. SO. 60. 00 DAYS : FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker blk IUTSIMSS CHANCES. FOR SALE , AIIOUT Z.OOO L11S. MINION TYPE. 700 Ib3. ngutc , 150 pair two-third cases , 40 double lion stands for two-third cases. This material was used on The Omaha llee , and Is In fairly eood condition. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities tn suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The lice Pub lishing Company , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 FOR SALE OR TRADE. GOOD GROCERY stork with llxturcs. 1701 8t. Mary' avenue. FOR SALE. OLD ESTAIILISHEO DRESS- muMng buvlneis at a bargain If taKen at once. Flnett and largest patronage In city. Address Mrs. A. C. Letts , Deadwood , 8. D. Y-M232-7' FOR SALE. ELEVATOR , I.AHOK TRADE ; eooil Inducements. Addrets box 113 , tiprlng- Held , Neb. Y-MM5 8 MEAT MARKET , DOING GOOD RUSlNESa ; proprietor dead , hence buelnets for rale. J , J. Glbton , Oil Flirt National bank building. Y MSOU 11 FOR BALE OR TRADE-DRUG STOCK AND flxlures in Fairmont. Flllmore Co. , Neb. ; In voice S.M3.00. Address A. U. Klnnamon. Pair- bury. Neb. Y-MS33 C TOR HALE-CLF.AN STOCK OF DRUGS OP about ll.COO tn an eastern Nebraska town ; line country. Address Chapman Drug Co. . Chap- mon. N b. Y-M330 11 * VOH 15XCHAXOI5. A VERY FINK X2Q-ACRH IMPROVED KAHM In S. W , loua to trade for Omaha residence property. Will give good bargain. Fidelity Tru t Co. , sole agents. Z Mil ] t WANTKD TO HXCHANGK-COLUMRUD. NEB. , real estate for Omaha proptrty. A'ljicn C , H. W , D. , Columbus , N l > - Z-M551 A ) WATCHMAKERS. HARD TIMR PRICES : WATCHES CLEANED , 75c ; eenulne.main "print , ' , Zc ; watch crystals , 15c ; clocks cleaned and repaired cheap ; specta cles and eyeglasccs half price ; eyes tested free ; work warranted. Aehbel Patterson , 1011 Farn'm S02 M6 SIIOHTIIAM ) AND TYPEWKITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 613 N. Y. LIFE. 179 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 10TH & DUGLAS. ISO PHYSICAL CULTUHE. ELOCUTION , MRS. W. N. DORWARD. C23 N. 19 M8S1 Mch22 * I1UILII.\G AMJ LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL. L , & IJ. ASS'N PAYS 0 , 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; always re deemable. 1704 Farnam street. Nattlnger , Sec. 162 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n. 1704 Farnam. G. M. Nattlnger. Sec. 163 FARMS TO UI3NT. 0 ACRES 3 MILES S. W. OP BENSON AND one nlle N. of Dodge St. , now occupied by Claus Kuhr. Bemls , IMxton Block. M 063 FINANCIAL. LIFE 'NS. POLICIES BOUGHT. W. F. HOLDEN 2SS ASTROLOGY. PROFESSOR A. MASERY OF EGYPT. Istry and astrology , the wonder of the age , past present and future told or no charge , at MM Harney St. , Omaha , Neb. 991 20' LOST. LOST. WEDNESDAY. NEAR 26TH & HARNEY streets , ladles' leather pocket book , contain ing 5 rings , keys and money ; Under will re turn to lieu ofltco and receive liberal reward. Lost 108. LOST , SMALL HLACIC DOG. WHITE STREAK fiont , short hair , "Jerry : " was In South Omaha ; tlo and telephone 120. O'jmha. or send postal. Reward. C. 8. Stebblns. 1230 S. 7th avenue , Omaha , Lost M262 7 LOST YELLOW IRISH BETTER , 11 MONTHS old ; black leather strap around r.cck ; tele phone 918 or notify Slemssen , rare of Schlltz Brewing Co.'s olllce. Dth and Le.-ucmvorth sts. , and receive reward. Lost MS48 6 * FURNITURE PACKED. GET M. 8. WALKLIN'S PRICES ON FURNIture - ture packing , repairing , upholstering ; mat tresses made and renovated ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1U1. 178 TYPEWRITERS. GET THE BEST TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES ; repairs. United Tjpewriter & Supplies Co. , 1612 Farnam tt. < 3GJune30 MUSIC , ART AMI LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GECL.ENBECK. BANJO , MANDO. lln and guitar teacher. Room 412 Bee Illdg , Tel. 23S. 100 PAWNHROKEKS. II , MAROWITZ I > OAN3 MONEY , 418 N. 10 ST. 184 PHYSIGIA.tS. DR. W. R. HOURS , 1810 SHERMAN AVENUE. Resumed practice. Telephone Office , 1476 ; residence. 374. M2SG 31 * SUES & CO. , PATENT SOL1CI10KS , llco Dulldlnu , Umalm Neb Advice nnd Pnicnt Hook ! EE SALE Of Carriages and Bugglci at less than manu > raclurern' coit price at Ci3 N. 18th street. This work Is of the best kind and workmanship. Must be closed out at once. Call on 8 , D , Caead , Harness Dealer , at f > 2 > N , 16th street. II will ao pleased to show this work. PROPER OOD. Anil Xnt DriiKH. The Common Spnue The failure of nlnWy-nlne men ( and women ) to do what Ibfr Want , make money earn a homo or fortuticinake n. name fo themselves or attain whatever goal they aim at ti duo to Improper HMlnpV Unnatural food and drink gradually under mlno the stomach nmV-tJie nervous system and aonu-whtfo In the body the trouble shows which drugs wlll'lim ' Heal. It may be dyspepila. copstlpatlotf , < 1hBrt trouble , kidney noy complaint or limS' trouble , or U may show In bad blood , tumors , plica , weak cyta losa of hearing and head troubles , all these and many more arc caused by stomach am nervous disorder , and they cannot exls when stomach and nerves 7o k properly. Let us seek by natural living to bo nel and happy. Abuses of the body cann l be helped by medicines unlcrs the abuses stop and If that Is done the pewon will get wcl quicker without drugs , In nine cases out o ten. ten.Ono of the greatest causes ot dlaeasc of the present day la found lu some things llttlo suspected. Coffee Is ono of thceo "polished vll lalns. " People nondor day after day "what in the world makes me feel so , " knowing that the 111 feelings slowly add up , until a sura day of reckoning comes In the shape ot a spcl of dlckness , expensive to pocket and always a. considerable push down the hill In tnoro ways than ono. Yet they don't seem to dm where the trouble lies until they quit coffee and ten and go on a plain diet. , Thousands nro learning those facts , and It wan to help such as find It about Impossible ) to get on without coffee that careful experi menters worked nearly a twelvemonth to produce I'ostum Cereal , a beverage with the color , pungency and piquant flavor of coffee hut composed of the pure grains of the field ( wheat , etc ) . It can bo used freely by adults and children , as It Is simply the juices ot tlif cereals and Is a pcrfuct food- drink , whlto lu taste and appearance It la coffee. . . It Is scientifically prepared by the Postum Cereal Co. , Llm. of Hattle Creek , Mich , and Is not as strong and acrid as very strong and low grade coffee , but rankn In flavor and color with the flne mellow grades of the high priced Mocha and Java creams to the clear golden broun so greatly liked by con noisseurs. A few days use makes ono very fond of the delicious nourishing cup or Postum , and the old 111 feelings ot body Your chemist will tell you that It Is now clearly shown by analysts thta the same poisonous alkaloids exist In coffca as lu mor phine , whiskey , tobacco and strychnine , and the dally doses directly attack stomach , heartt liver and nerves. These facts maka plain the reason for so many serious at tacks on the body from a hitherto unsus pected quarter. It's the knife In the dark that kills , but science has thrown light on this subject , and one can now have the sat isfaction at least of knowing what It Is that hurts. Thcro Is but ono genuine original Pcotum Cereal coffee , with a multitude ot Imitations ottered as "Just as good. " l/\ C sXO s > C * v * / Question \ If you will observe - , servo the old style saddle you will note that U fits llko a glove , presses the sensi tive parts , onuses soreness , stiffness and chafing , and has made cycling to a certain ex tent Injurious. \A/l'rri rlir ijclvls i as It rests on ordinary saddle. Christy Anatomical Saddle the pelvis rests onjthe cushion. It Is the only saddle that Is built right. Mrulo of melal , of light Weight , cannot Avarp or change Us shape , hasi cushions that rest the entire body , does not press the sensitive parts and makes cycling a pleasure. Pelvis as It rests on the ChrUty. , . . . . Adopted and furnished as a regular equipment without addi tional charge , by all the leading manufacturers of hiqh grade bicy cles. Agents and riders will servo their best interests by Insisting that their wheels arc equipped with Christy Saddles. Booklet , "Dlcycle Saddles : From a Physician's standpoint , " sent free. Examine It at the Cycle Show. A. G. Spalding & Bros , , NliW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA , WASHINGTON. Also all reliable Bicycle Dealers. OFFICE CHIEF QUAnTCnMASTEIt Omaha , Neb. . March 2 , Ik'JT. Sealed pro posals , In triplicate , will bo received here until 12 o'clock m. , central standard tlmo , April 3 , 1S97 , and then opened , for con structing a hay storehouse at Fort Nlo- brara , Neb. U. S. reserves right to rejecter or accept any or all proposals , or any part thereof. Plans and specifications can bo seen , and all Information had here. En velopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for Hay Storehouse , " nnd ad dressed to D. D. WHBBLEU. MaJ. , Q. M. OFFICE CHIEF QUAnTERMASTEH- Ornaha , Neb. , March 2. 1S07. Sealed pro posals , In triplicate , will bo received here until 12 o'clock m. , central standard time , April 3 , 1S37 , and then opened , for con structing a hay storehouse nt Fort Mcade , S. D. U. S. reserves ngnt to reject or accept any or all proposals , or any part thereof. Plans and specifications cnn be seen , nnd all Information had here. En velopes containing proposals to bo marked "Proposals for Hay Storenouse , " and ud- to D. D. WHEEL.EU. Maj. , Q. M. AMUSEMENTS. THE CREIGHTOtlMgr Mgr . Three Nights , Commencing TONIGHT AT Hilff , Morrison Matlncep Saturday and Sunday. Seats on sale S3c , G0o.-75c. $1.00. Matlnecs-25o and COc. March i > Cjtsy Fitzgerald. NBW IREGOLAII TRATE | | , } ' ] J10UHR L. M. Crawford , Mar. I , PUtOKS TONIGHT AT 8:15 : , CoHirrovo it Griliit'M Co in i-il la UN la THE DAS2LER. Given away Satunlny matinee , Diamond Ring ; night , J100 Uloyvlo ; Match 7 20th Century Jllnstrols , TRANSMISSISSII'PI CYCLE SHOW 1BTH ANlJ HOWARD. ICvcry Uvenlr/irlltJlilH / | Week. Over 500 wheels all the novelties of tha eastern shows. Bargain Day Wednesday and Saturday Admission , :5u ; children , 'lOc. IIOTUL5. WHEN YOU COME TO OMAHA STOP AT THU MERGER HOTEL TUB UliST P.OO a day house in the west. 100 rooms IZ.OO per day. BO rooms with bath , 12.10 per day. Special rates by the month. \VI.\IC TAYLOR , BARKER HOTEL. THIRTEENTH ANI > JONES STrtECTS , 140 rooms , baths , steam heat and all modern onvenUnces. Rates , LK > and .00 per Uay. Table unexcelled. Special ) ow rates to regular DICK SMITH. Manager. STATE HOTEL. 308.10.1J Douglas.V. . U. BARR. Munagvr , 00 well furnished rooms European or Amejl- can plan RATES tl.OO AND SI W PER DAY. SPECIAL HATES 1JY THE WEKK OR MONTH. Btrevt oar line * oinnect to all parts of tha city ROLL IS ABOOF COMPLETE Board of Latly Managers for the Exposition Nearly Ecady to Organizs. SECOND DISTRICT MEMBERS CHOSEN Meeting : tif .Women Select * Mm. Atiirclltic Whitney nnil MIxM Helen Chant * OH the Ilulliit. Mrs. Angeling Whitney of Elk City , Doug las county , nnd Miss Helen Chase of Pa pllllon , Sarpy county , wore elected as mem bers ot the Hoard of Lady Managers of the exposition at the meeting ot women of the Second congressional district held at the Crclghton theater yesterday. There were twenty-atx women present , ten of them being ( rom Papllllon , two from Benson , two from South Omaha , and the balance from Omaha. The meeting1 was called to order by Secre tary Wakcflcld , who explained the object of the moating , and Mrs. S. H. Towno was elected chairman , after Mrs. Whitney , Mrs , Wakcflcld and Mrs. Towno had been nom inated nnd each had declined , Mrs. Townc was prevailed on to servo and she withdrew her declination and was unanimously chosen. Mrs. Saulsbury ot Papllllon was chosen secretary. Tha chairman asked that names of candi dates bo sent to the platform , and the fol lowing names wcro placed In nomination tn that manner : Mrs. A. W. Clark of Papll llon , Miss Helen Chase of Papllllon , Mrs. Omar Whitney of Elk City. Chairman Towno ruled that but ono ballot would bo necessary. In view of the small number ( ireseut , and Dr. Eleanor .Dally , Mrs. Anglln , both of Omaha , and Mrs. Mead ot South Omaha were appointed tellers. When the ballots were counted the vote stood as follows : Mrs. Clark , 12 ; Miss Chase , 1-1 , and Mrs. Whitney , 20. Mrs. Whitney and Miss Chase were thereupon declared elected and the meeting at once adjourned. Mrs. Whitney has boon Identified with state and county fairs for a number ot yc.irs and has had more or less experience In work of that nature. She Is the wlfo of Omar Whitney , a well known farmer In the north western part ot Douglas county. Miss Chase Is a dressmaker In Papllllon and Informed a Bee representative that sne had never had any experience In exposition or fair work. PAPILLION , Neb. . March 4. ( Special. ) l A meeting -was held by the women of this ! precinct at the reading room In this place 1 yesterday aftctnoon to elect a delegate to the mass meeting at the Crelghton theater In Omaha. Thcro was a largo attendance. Miss Nellie Chase was elected delegate. PATH OP THE EXPOSITION HILL. MeiiMiro- Come lip llefore. Hie Xext The news that President Cleveland had failed to sign the sundry civil bill and that the exposition appropriation had shared the fate of all other appropriations for the gov ernmental departments was received In Omaha with expressions of disappointment , but this feeling was short-lived In view of the fact that an extra session of congress Is assured and that the necessity for mak ing appropriations for the several depart ments named In the defunct bill will un questionably result In a new bill being In troduced Immediately after the next con gress convenes. The failure of the bill to become a law will , consequently , delay the appropriation but a short tlmo and there Is a general sentiment that an Inct eased appropriation may ho secured , Instead of the $200.000 carried by the bill thus al lowed to expire without receiving the sanc tion of the executive. The friends of the exposition heaved a sigh of relief at the news that the lower house of the Nebraska legislature , hod at last passed the bill appropriating $100,000 for the exposition. " It Is anticipated that the aenato may Increase the amount of the appropriation to $150,000 , and It ts fondly hoped that tbo house may bo. Induced to concur In this change , but the failure to Incorporate the emergency clause In the bill before It passed the house Is regarded as an unfortunate feature. Unless the emer gency clause Is attached the bill will not take effect until ninety days after the legis lature adjourns , which would delay all ac tion under the provisions of the bill until about the flrst of July , or later. This would leave less than a year In which to make all preparations for a state exhibit and build ing. By those posted In such matters the time Is regarded as being too short. SOUTH DAKOTA IS COMINO IN. 1'roniotern IiilcrcNt Iloth I > coilc uiul LeKlHluturc. PIERRE , S. D. , March 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) The northern committee of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition , after a delay at Salem , were able to proceed on the way to Plerro , S. D. Huge snowdrifts were en countered on the way , but Pierre was finally reached , thirty-two hours later than the rceu. lar time. 'Two of Salem's pteminent citizens , Mr. Patton , sdltor of the Republican , and Mr , Todd , banker , accompanied the comfnlt- tee to Pierre and have been of much assist ance In bringing the Omaha men Into friendly relations with the senators and reprceenta- . tlvcs and citizens of Pierre. Last night a lolnt special session of both houses was' ' neld In the capltol building. Governor Lee | Drcsldlng , assisted by Lluutenant Governor Sllnd'mann and Speaker ot the House Colvln. The attendance was very largo , not only legislators but citizens apparently taking great Interest in the subject of the oxnoal- .Ion. .Ion.An hour was accorded Messrs. Lindsay , Scott and Clarkton for the purpose of ux- tlalnlng and advocating the exposition , and urging an appropriation for an exhibit and representation for South Dakota. The re marks made were very favorably received and were followed by short addresses by Governor Leo and Lieutenant Hlndmaim , both favorable to an appropriation. Action was taken afterward In both houses which ndlcatcs an early parsago of a bill for an appropriation in the sum of $15,000 or up ward. The committee expected to start for homo at 3 o'clock this morning , but a blizzard cast ot Plctre Indefinitely postponed the caving of trains. OI'l'O.HIS T1IU IlUKOOATJOtV SCIII3MK. Vurth Improvement Club I'JINNI-M HeNolntloiiH oil the .Subject. The Northsldo Improvement club last night held a mass meeting In Erfllng hall 'or ' the purpose of considering a report to the effect that an effort is to bo made to re- ocato the exposition site , The meeting was attended by about fifty. It resulted In the passage of a resolution , Introduced by Coun cilman Christie , protesting against a rc- noval from Miller park to any other nlle n the northern or any other portion of the city Exposition Directors Trice and Payne were present and reported that no proposition liftd been presented to the directory looking to the removal. The passage of the resolu tlon wni by no meana unanimous , as the vote to table It until some future meeting was lost by the close vote ot 14 to 16. The motion to table WBS made bcrauso someo the members thought that the pasjitgo of the resolution was p'omature , in view of the fact that the directory was not oltlclalb considering a removal of the site. TWO AVOMKN CHOSIift AT CU13T13 Hit nil ml nclennte * Shmv Tlielr In- terent In the ( Srent KxtMitltloti. For Hoard of Lady Mniingcrs . . . . . MUS. J. n. M'DOWKblj of Fftlrbitr ) MllS. F. JOHNSON of Crete , CRETE. Neb. . March 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) The mass convention of women was attended by about 100 delegates. Mayor Wells called the meeting to order and made- a short address ot welcome. Mrs. F. I. Foss was elected president and Mrs. A. A. Iteci secretary. Mts. F. Johnson ot Crete am Sirs. J. U. McDowell of Falrbury wcrp chosei member * of the Board of Lady Managers u the TransmUslslppl Exposition from the Fourth congressional district. WIMj MAICH A PIIIUUI STAUT NOW KrlciiilH of the K\ionltlon nt Wimh- liiutnii Ant UlHcounmvil. WASHINGTON , March 4 , ( Special Tele gram. ) The failure of the sundry civil appropriation bill to receive the president's signature , thereby temporarily losing to the TrnnsrnlsslFalppI Exposition $200,000 , has caused widespread regret among the legis lators who nave helped the measure In season and out. President Cleveland re ceived the bill In good season , but pigeon holed It , The extra cession will have to look after the measure , and much of the same old fight will have to bo gone over. Thcro Is no fear but that the exposition will proflt by the delay. 31 OK 10 THOUHIiI' : WITH Til 1C HACKllS. llecoriln Mnile nt the Illeyele Shotv IiiiHt N I ulit ThrotMi Out. Thcro was a good big crowd out to the bicycle show again last night , the ladles especially being lu evidence. Every booth was surrounded by numerous Inquirers after information concerning the latest Improve ments tn the different wheels , and the nlslcci on the first two floors wcro thronged with Interested spectators. The largest crowd was undoubtedly on the third floor , where the racing was going on , and It eagerly watched the efforts of the wheelmen to make a record. The audience seemed to have no special favorite among the racers , the novelty of the exhibition apparently being the most attractive fea ture. ture.At At the close ot the race the management of the show throw out all the records made for the evening , as It was found that all of the riders had violated the rules governing the race. The rules made a 100-gcar the limit and an investigation last evening re vealed the fact that the four machines wcro geared from 150 to 250. For this reason the records wcro thrown out and the total stands where It did at the end of the race Wednes day evening. . The records made last night were : Proulx , C2.S ; Hall , 44 ; Holton , 43.1 , and" Helnzinan , 42.1. This would have given Proulx the special prlzo for the evening had It not been for the decision ot the management throwing out the records and ho declares he Is going to have It or know why. Tonight will bo set apart for the Union Pacific Wheel club and It Is expected that the club will appear In uniform. AHI3XA POIt 11IG Fir.HT AIIOUT UP. Dan Stuart Given Out Itx Plan nnil the Prlcen for SentH. CARSON , March 4. The flrst G/llclat / s.tate- ment of seating -iraiigaments was given to th9 Associated press this morning. The arena has twenty largo sections and Is octag onal , subdivided Into smaller ones. There are 2,800 box seat ? , grouped from three to twclvo In a box , $40 a seat ; 5,346 reserved seats at $20 ; 5,423 at $10 , and 1,088 at $5 each , making a total seating capacity of 15,252. Should all these scats be occupied at the Corbett-Fltzslmmons fight , the receipts would amount to $284,000. Space has bcsn set aside for operating the klnctcscope , also about 240 scats for members of the press , divided .Into two rows against and entirely surrounding the ring. The ropes- , posts nd padding for the ring , the same as used for the Corbett-Sharkey light , will be here to day. The platform for the ring Is now up. The boxes will bo completed today. In fact UID arena will present an almost finished appearance at the close of today's work. ToiirUt Wheelmen Kiect OlllcerN. The Tourist wheelmen held their annual election of ofllccra last evening In their club rooms In the Sheely block. John D. Howe was elected president ; W. A. Mcsslck , vlco president ; II. Jones , secretary , and W. C. Bouk , treasurer ; H. K. Smith was se lected as captain ; the entertaining commit tee was composed of Frank Nowcomb , H. C. Hartry and Thomas Spencer ; the racing com mittee , W. C. Bouk. M. 0. Daxon and L. A. Marsh. A resolution was Introduced and passed approving the late action of the city council toward constructing a blcyclo path to Florence , and also to Blair. The club pledged Its support toward raising funds for the purpose and the subject will also bo brought up before the directors of the Associated Cycling Clubs of the city. nt the JIuiie.ii Show. ST. LOUIS , March 4. At the bench show the flrst day's Judging gave prizes to some notable dogs. George J. Gould's Furlough Furlough Blossom. Rldgevlow Comet , Lady Gay Spanker , Furlough Maud and Furlough Bloom captured almost all of the first prizes In the pointer class. In the collie class , J. Plorpont Morgan's Hornpipe and Ornament were flrst prizewinners. . Maurice Barry- moro's Davy Garrlck won 'the first prize for Challenge greyhounds. Charles A. Robinson , a local owner of greyhounds , captured moat of the other first prizes In this class. Bcecham's Pills will dispel thablues. . " Criullo ninl the ( irnve. Tlio following births and deaths were re ported at the health olllco during the twenty- four hours ending at noon today : Births liana Chrlstenscn , 340 North Twenty-sixth street , girl ; F. M. KJger , 422 Williams , boy. Deaths Mary A. Wheeler , 02 , 1833 Ontario , heart disease ; Christina Schalble , 77 , 2815 Docitur , paralysis , Prospect Hillj Mack Marshal , 2 months , 1811 Williams. Inanition. Trleil to .Sell uu Overcoat. George Peterson nnd Hnrry Nlghtlng.-ile were nrrestcd luat nlgtrt near the comer of Sixteenth and Chicago BtreetH , with a largo ulster overcoat in their possession , They hud been trying to dispose of It to mimcroiiH people when accosted liy an ofllcer. Nightingale nrHt-rteil that I'ulcruon had obtained the garment from a stranger. to whom ho paid (2. The overcoat IH sup posed to have been stolen , GOLD DUST. The after-dinner task of dish washing loses its terrors , and nil household cleaning is accou'.jlishcd ) quickly nnd easily by the use of WASHING largest package greatest ccouomy , THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY , Chicago , 6t. Loula , New York , Bojton , AMUSEMENTS. The concert of the Omaha Musical society at the Crclghton last night was not favored with that patronage which the excellence- the performance warranted. What the audi ence lacked lu numbers , however , was moro than offtct by enthusiasm , The Mualcan society appeared tn three numbers and sustained the reputation enrne-1 at Us former concerts fqr doing careful and conscientious work. Its first number was .1 part song by tJoetz and die execution ot this tuneful number was all that could have been drslrcJ. The delicacy of shading was very effective and there was a smoothnesR about the cntliv rendition which was very pleasing. The second appearance of the so ciety was In a chorus by < rio female voices , and thl ; was pleasing , although lacking some what In volume. The old familiar "Tho Heavens Are Telling , " from Haydn's Creation , formi-d the last number on the program , and with Mtss Mcthot and Movers. Uougl.ics and Conrad In the trio , the number \\.io rendered very satisfactorily. The main featuiv of the concert was tlio appearance o ( tlio Camilla Uro Concert com pany. Mine. Urso has been before the public for many years and has acquired a worldwide reputation as a vlollnlsle. Her performance last night tunned conclusive ) evidence that she. has lost none nf the vigor and power which give her complete control ever the only perfect Instrument. The atull- once went Into raptures over her marvelous playing , and she was recalled again and agitn. She responded most graciously nnj gave added evidence of her versatility. Miss Minnie Mcthot , the soprano ot Mine. Urso'fl company , made n most favorable Im pression. She has a volco ot great volume and sings with llttlo effort. Her tones ara clear and full , and her Intonation and phras ing nro executed In a most artistic manner. She received a number of onfinrre and was lu great favor with the audience. Kdwln Douglass , the tenor , was head to good advantage In several numbers. lie has a very sweet tenor volco of great power which Is under perfect control. Ho sung with llttlq apparent effort and was encored at every appearance. George II. Wesley , the ntnnlst of the com pany , appeared In ono solo number , playing one of Liszt's rhapsodies In A manner whlrli showed finished technique and great expres sion. Ills touch was delicate , yet flnn , and Ills tone shading was a beautiful bit of ar tistic work. In the accompaniments Mr , Wesley showed his artistic ability to great advantage. The harp solo by Mice Wllhelmlna Lowi > was ono of the pleasing features of the evening. Although sadly hampered by break ing strings. Miss Lowe rendered her solce- tlon In a most satisfactory manner and \\as Iberally applauded. A pleasing dlvcrttsoment was a recitation ay Mrs. H. U. Sumlorland uf this city. Mrs , Sundcrland has been delighting her friends jy her artistic renditions for some time , but : lie general public has been kept In Ig- loranco of the histrionic ability In her power. She was vigorously applauded and was com pelled to respond to an encore. Patrons of Uoyil'a are being entertained .his week by Cosyrovo & Grant's comedians n the lovely force comedy , "Tlio Uazzler. " Grotty girls , catchy mualc and ludicrous fun ara the plc&slng features ot the show. "Chlmmlo Faddcn , " n dramalliallou ot Ed ward W. Townsend's famous book , in which Charles Hopper Is starring tlilo season , was irescnted In Now England , for the flrst tlmo on any stage , a year ago last Christmas lay. It achieved arT'lnstantaneous success , and was almrst Immediately transferred to New York City , where It crowded the Garden and afterwards the Standard theater for 140 consjcutlvo performances , only closing ts phenomenally prosperous run late In tlio spring. "Chlmmlo Fadden" Is announced for : hr o performances at Iloyd's , commencing Thursday evening , March 11 , and closing with a matinee Saturday. The " 20th Century Minstrels" comes to Qoyd's for four nights , commencing with a Sunday matinee , March 7. There will bo novelties In music and dancing and alto gether an elaborate and entertaining pro duction of this favorite kind Is promised. A now farce-comedy , "Tho Foundling , " presented under the auspices of Charles Frohman , wilt bo scon hero for the flrst : lmo at the Crclghton Tuesday night. It Is brimful of fun and was a rattling success at Hoyt's theater. New York , where It ran for 200 nights. "The Foundling" Is the worlc of William Lestocq and B. M. Kobson. Tbo . which will be seen .hero Includes : ho original players seen during the New York run , Thomas Burns , Adolph Jackson , Jacques Martin , Frank Uatton , E. Soldeno Powell , Walter Smith , J. W. Ferguson , Stella ZanonI , Meta Maynard , Clara Dakar Rust , Ella Mayer and Nellie Martlncau. Cissy Fitzgerald , the English dancer , will appear as a music-hall artist In the comedy. A one-act play. "Chums , " will preccdo The Foundling. " Seats will bo placed on sale Monday. , Lewis Morrison and his supporting com- > any will open a three-nights' engagement at the .Crelghtcn tonight , presenting In a elaborate manner the dramatic version ot joetho's well known story of "Faust , " Mr. Morrison appearing as Mcphlsto. Faust aa > resented by this well known player ID gald o leave nothing to bo desired from a scenic standpoint , the entire production being staged n a Hpectacular manner with new scenery , elaborate electrical cITcpto and beautiful cos- iimcs. The company Is promised to bo a horoughly competent one. Including a num- ) er ot players who are well and favorably cnown here. Matinee performances will bo ; lven tomorrow and Sunday , at which per- ormaiicea pcnular prices will prevail , WKKCKI.VK TIIA1.V JUMPS Til A 1C. 1'h ! Men , All IliillromlerM , Killed mid Three Injured , ZANHSVILLE , 0. , March ! . The naltl- nero & Ohio wrecking train left the track about ten miles cast of this city this after- loon as It was on Its way to clear a freight wreck , Three railroad men , all of Newark , O. , were killed and several injured. Tha dead are : ENGINEER AUGUSTUS DUTTON , FIREMAN JOHNS. HHAKEMAN JOHN TOOME. The Injured , none fatally , are'- : Louis D. Smart , A. Ilhlnehart and I ) . Dubols. DrillIIH of H Diiy. COLUMHUS , Neb. , March ) , ( Special. ) Mrs. Fugard , wife of F. E , Fugard , died la this city yesterday after a lingering Illnosa of several months. She had long been a sufferer from a painful disease. Mr , and Mrs. Fugard have lived hero for nearly twenty years. WAHOO , Neb.March - 4. ( Special. ) At the homo of her son , Henry Mohlcr , three ) nlkfl from this city , on March Z , occurred he death of Mrs , Mary Mohlcr. The cauas of her death was cancer of the face , from which she had suffered for sixteen yearn. She was 05 years of ago. The funeral BCTV- ces took place today from the residence , conducted by Hov , Mr. Lewis , pastor of the MethodUt Episcopal church at Ithaca , Neb. WEST POINT , Neb , . March ) . ( Special. ) Francis Swedhelm died this morning at il.s residence , cast of this city , The de ceased , was ono of the first settlers of the ounty , and a vlco president of the Old Settlor's society , whoso annual meetings ho enlivened by graphic accounts of the hard- hips and trials borne and suffered by tha early Bottlers of Cumlng county. Ho waa 4 yearn old , and leaves numerous descent- IjtB. IjtB.UNWOOD UNWOOD , Neb , , March 4. ( SpcclaJ. ) .ast night at 11:15 : fire was discovered In ho building occupied as a butcher shop by \ntort Pral , The lire had already made ucb rapid progress that the firemen tinned heir attention toward saving the adjacent > roperty. Through the effort * of the IIro cpartment , assisted by the citizens , the estructlon of property was confined to the julldlng In which the flro was first located , lad there been a moderate wind blowing com the southeast Inatcad nf a gcntlo breczo a largo portion of the business part of tha Illago must have been destroyed , The nlldlng consisted of a ono-Btory frame hop and a two-story frame dwelling , which was owned by John Vauous of Howclli. The bulldlnga and contents were n complete osa , Loss , Jl.tJOO ; no Insurance. CANTON , S. ! > . , March 4 , ( Special Tele- gram. ) Mrs. Miller , wlfo of Major W. II. illller , died suddenly today. She was mother , n-law of Judge F , It. Alkena of Sioux Fallw. Slio waa ono of the ploneora of South Dakota ,