/Jh / THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MABOJI 2 , 1897. ing In other states or foreign nations ma ; receive a certificate without an examination "All that will bo necessary will bo the vorl ficatlon and approval of such diplomas b the State Hoard of Health and the paymen of a fee of $5. $ The amendment was agree to. Another radical amendment was offered b ; Mr. Orolhan to section 8. Tbls section litho the original 1)111 provided that every appll cant for a certificate to practice mcdlcln In Nebraska should pay a fee of $23 , of whlcl sum (15 was to bo divided equally betwcci the three members of the examining bean end the balance to lie used for the expense of the pxamlncrs , The amendment provide tliat the fco shall be but $15 and that th < examiners shall pay their own expenses. After all amendments had been Incorpor ntcd In the bill Mr. Mildly renewed his mo tlon that when the committee rose It roper the bill back to the senate with the rccom mcndatlon that It bo Indefinitely postponed Mr. Heal moved as a substitute that th committee recommend that futthcr consider ntlon of the bill bo postponed until ncx week , and that It bo made a special orde for Wednesday afternoon , March 3 , at ! o'clock. Messrs. Howcll nnd Conaway boll favored a continuance. Mr. Dttndas created something of a stli by announcing that an attempt had beci made to Intimidate lita vole In regard ti the medical bill. Ho said with nome cm phasls that ho proposed tu vote his con vlrtlons If every other senator on the flooi voted against and every lobbyist worltei ngalnst every bill which he himself wai Interested In. Ho oppcncd any further do lay. Ills remarks were Vigorously secomlec by Mr. Hallcr. Mr , Mtlflloy spoke strongly against the till under consideration , and Insisted that UK bill had been discussed long enough. Hi therefore opposed nny effort to put off tin final vote on the bill. He wanted Immediate -nttlon. Mr. McOann favored an Immediate vote He raid the senate hod given enough time tc the bill already. Mr. Or.itlmn made a length ] argument In favor of the bill under dis cussion. Mr. Hansom opposed the bill. .At the conclusion of Hansom's remarks the committed rose , the bill was rocom- rrilttcd and the senate adjourned. LAST HIM. , DAV l.V TIII2 IIOIJ.SI3 Ileenril fur .Viinilicr iif MoiiMiircN III- Iroiltii'ril IM llrokoil. LINCOLN , March 1. ( Special. ) Todaj closed the fortieth journal day In the house and was the last one for the InLrnducllou ol bills. The entire number of bills rrocheil CSO today , against 641 for the correapondlnj ! day of the Kcsslon two years ago. The house met at 2 p. in. today. Mr , Clark of Richardson. In n few well-chosen uofdfl presented to Speaker Gaflln , In the name of the members nnd employes of the house , two life-i-lzo pictures of Governor Hoi. comb and the speaker. The pictures were hanging , one on each Bide of the Mie-ikor't chair. Speaker Gaflln thanked the members and employes for the gifts , and said that nothing could have pleased him more. The house. Journal of Friday and Saturday , the two days merged Into one by the recess taken Friday night. Instead of adjournment , wac then read by Aralstant Clerk Foster. A petition from Mission Illdgc post. Grand Army of the Republic , Greenwood , Caw county , was read , asking for the retention ol the Mllford Soldlars' nnd Sailors' Home. A similar petition was read from the Grand Army of the Republic post of North I'latte , Quito a number of petitions were read oak- Ing for a law against the manufacture and Bale of cigarettes. On the case for reports from standing com mittees , house roll No. 357 , by Qrandstad , tc provide for extending the time of payment ( or educational land ? of the state of Nebraska , under existing contracts for the sule or lease of same , waa recommended to pass. Wooster of Merrlck sent up to the clerk's dcnk and had read the following resolution1 Whercns. The constitutionality of house roll No. OT , providing for iin appropria tion for n btilld'nK ' and stain exhibition i In the TrnnsmlsHlsalppl nnd International Exposition to be held In Omnlia In the year 1KI8. Is seriously questioned ; therefore - . fore , bo It _ , Hesolved , That the wild house roll No. 03. n nmended , be submitted to our honorable - orablo supreme court for an opinion n.s to the constitutionality or said bill , \vlth reference to the following questions : "Would or would not an appropriation fern n building nnd state exhibit In s.ild Trnns- inlsslsslppl and International exposition , as provided In section 4 or said bouse roll No. S3 , ns nmended , be unconstitu tional ? " Resolved , That the chief clerk of thr > house be nnd Is hereby directed to furnish the honorable supreme court with n. certi fied copy'1 these resolution ! ! , together with u copy of s.ild house roll No. 03 , IIH amended. Speaking to his resolution , Wrester 8.ild that In vlow of tlio faot that the constitu tionality of the law was urged , he thought It would bo well to take this step , and te l the law. Clark of Lancaster directed atten tion to the fact 'that ' the supreme court had inado a rule that It would nU glvo opinions on the constitutionality f any law until a case w s brought ofnclally before It. On motion of Smith of Douglas the icsolutloii of Woooter was tabled. A number of bills were road for the first tlmo and others , on second reading , were referred to appropriate committee. On mo- .tlon of Jenkins , house rolls Nos. til4 and " < UG , the general appropriation bills , and No. 030 , the claims bill , ware advanced to the head of the general file. ENDORSES AIUHTRATION. In the order of bills on third reading the following measure was passed : Whereas , The settlement of national or International differenced by force of urmi 1s Inimical to the spirit of progress and modem civilization ; and Whereas , The United States of America -nnd Gloat Hrltaln nro the best types of the rnoit advanced civilization of the age , and rrprpsi-ntliiK as they do ono common inn- Kinitfu and a commonality of commercial Interests and relationship peculiar to thuse two nations ; and _ , WhrrenH , Wu believe that advanced and ppsltlvo ground taken by therio two nations' , .looking to n Kotllemciit of International jgrjovancos by u board of aibltr.itlou would .bo thii Initiative wlile ! ) would result In tli < > , early adoption of a treaty of International < umiration among all the gicnt clvl'licd ' nations ; and Whereas , An Anglo-American treaty of arbitration , covering a period of live yearn , lias been negotiated hot u eon ( I lent Urlulii wul the United States by the nccret'iry of Htnto nnd the Hiltlsh ambassador , ( hiving for Its object the establishment of the doe- /Ulno of International arbitration as a means of adjusting International questions .nnd differences between the two nations ; tend -.Whereas. . Said treaty has been submitted < to'lhu senate of Hie United States for con- 'llrmatlon , niodillc.illon , or rejection , mid Is now bi'lnn considered by thnt body : there fore , bo It , Hesolved , Uy the state of Nebraska , llio JiouHrt of representatives concurring therein , thnt wo heartily favor the "ettlement and udjustment of International dlfre.jvne-s by nibltratlon and we n.irniMtly request our Hcnntors , lion. John M. Thuroton nnd lion , > Wllllum V. Allen , to use their tlToi'ls to prociiro the conllrnintlon of the treaty now Jjcforn the United Btutes t-enato. eltlier In its prrspnt form , or with such amendments as shall belter protect the rlurhts and con- rifrve the IntrroitH of the United States along tin ) lines of justlcu and equity , Orosvnnor of Hamilton explained hlc nega. tlvo vote by Haying that ( Ircat Urltaln , being a monarchy , was not & type of tlm "most Advanced civilization of the age. " , ' The hotiEo then went Into committee of xtho whole , on motion of I'ollard , to consider bills on general ( lie. Mr. I'ollurd declining 'td ' take the chulr. Speaker Oanin Invited air. Sheldon to preside over the committee , House roll No. 2.19 , by Welch , relating to Insurance combines , was referred back to tbo committee for specific amendment. The Brnor.il appropriation bills , which had been advanced to the head of the lite , worn reached , hut as they ucro nut printed , action /waa deferred on thorn with the understand- ling that they should not lose thvlr plavu 'on ' the general file. roll No. 78. by House , provides for If you want to. If you want ni to cure that cough get Aycr'a u * * * Cherry Pectoral. Jl cures coughs and colds. the payment of coots Incurred by witness and court officers by the county whethe said costs arc collected from defendants o not. Route explained the provisions of hi measure by stating that the only chang In the old law was that witnesses and court could rccelvo their fees oven If both plain tiffs and defendants were Insolvent. 7lm merman of York opposed the mezmiro. H said It would Impose extra taxes on counUr- Clark of Lancaster favored the measure fo the reason that It would shut off a lot o small , unimportant cases. Knpp favore the hill on the same grounds. Woostc believed the bill to bo a dangerous measure DS It might result In summoning a gre.i many unnecessary witnesses In small cases House moved that when the committee arls It report the bill with a recommenditloi that It pasu , Robertson moved an amend mcnt , thnt the hill be Indefinitely post poncd , and It prevailed by .10 to 30. Hnuso roll No. SO , by ROLW , Is for ai act governing habitual criminals. The bll H tor a graduated scale of punishments , In eluding first , second and third offenses. Yelse had an amendment striking out all nfte the enacting clause , and Inserting a stroni prohibition of the publication of the new ; In any newspaper published In the ntati of any offense committed by any person. I'ollard thought that Yolacr's amcndtnen should be entitled "An aot to oncouragi criminals In the commission of crimp. " Noth Ing. 1'ollard said , was such n doter rlont to crime as the fear of publicity In the pross. To compel a newspaper to suprcs ! court reports of trials would , from his poln of view , be the height of folly. Folkcr took nn entirely opposite view. Hi did not believe the ncwspipers had anj right to destroy a criminal's chances In lift by publishing his disgrace to the \\orld Ho also bclloved the bill was unconstltu tlonal , os It was provides ! In that document that no one should ho punished twlco foi the same crime. Cumulative sonti-nces foi crlmeii committed In the past wore double punishments , and , ns ho believed , unocinstl t tutorial. Rouse , author of the hill , said ho had ln > trodncod the bill as a prelection from the criminals of other states , and 'to ' proven ! Nebraska from becoming an asylum for the bad men. the habitual criminals of states that enjoyed habitual criminal nets. Kami pointed out that the bill did nol contemplate punishing a man twice for the aamo crime , but only gave him the maximum punishment for the crime committed. Yelaer'a amendment wca voted down vo ciferously and the bill waa recommended foi passage. The committee then rose and reported , House moved that the report of the commit tee bo not concurred In , but that his bill uoueo roll No. 78. be engrossed for a third reading. On the call of the roll the bill was recommended for Indefinite postpone ment. Yclsor tried to have the report on house roll No. SO nonconcurrcd In , but he failed and the bill stands recommended fo : passage. Jenkins moved a resolution that the appro priation and claim bill ? bo ordered to be printed and to take precedence over all other bills In Die printer's hands. The resolution prevailed. The house- then adjourned till 10 a. m. tomorrow. IAST II.VTCif OK TilllIOUSi : IIII.LS , Tit low of ( lie MriiHlirrH llcnd ( lie Kirn I Time Sutiiriliiy inul Monday. LINCOLN , March 1. ( Special. ) The fol lowing now bills were read the /Irst time Saturday last ; Uy Vnn Horn , house roll No. ! i91 , to pro- Vldu for the payment of a bounty for the manufacture of chicory from chicory beets grown In this state and to appropriate money therefor. Hy Ciisebeer , honse roll No. CD2 , for the relief of Cyrus F. linker , and appropriat ing the sum of f'flo therefor. Ity Mann , house roll No. 593 , to provide for the payment of Interest and principal on real estate mortgages. IJy George A. Jones , bouse roll No. S9I , providing tor11 Hen by persons who shell corn or thresh grain or separate the grain from the fiber on uny such grain lor the value of their services tnerefor. Uy I'ollard , bouse roll No. 505 , to define and reRiilnte tlm qualifications of members of the council of cll.es of the second class , etc. etc.Uy Hurkett , house roll No. MG ) , to amend section ISSj , subdivision IS , Complied Stat utes of ISM. Uy Ft'llter , house roll No. 5)7 ! ) , to provide for the appointment of a tax commis sioner and deputies In cities of the metro politan class and defining their duties , powers and compensation , and providing for the valuation and taxation of all real and pcraonul property within the corporate limits of such cities for municipal pur- pasej , and to repeal sectionsSO > , 81 , S5 , WJ , Si and 84 of ail act entitled "An act Incorporating metropolitan cities nnd de- Jlnlng ; regulating and prescribing their du ties , powers and government , " approved March SO , 1SS7 , as amended or heretofore existing. I3y Rich , Ii6use roll No 59S , to amend sections C , SO , 40 , tilr 61 , Go , CG , CO , 7' ' , S2 , 101 ! . 10 ! , . 1U3. 112 , 118. ' JIG , 117 , J1S. 123. 127 , 141 ! , 1G7 and ItiS as heretofore existing or niuenddd , of an .act. entitled "An act In corporating metropolitan cities , and defin ing , resrulnting and prescribing their du ties. powers and government , " approved Marcli SO , 1SS7. and to repeal sa'd sec- lion.4 as heretofore amended or existing. liy Wheeler , joint resolution No. 599. proposing to amend sections " , 4 nnd 5 of article vl of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , relating to the number of judge * of the supreme court , the length of their term of odlce and tlio manner of their election. Hy J. H. Taylor , house roll No. GOO , to compel the extension and operation of stieet railway lines within cities of the metropolitan class of this state ; to pro- vldo proceedings lelatlng thereto , to pio- vlde pennltlea for thu violation thereof , anil to repeal all acts or parts of acts In conflict or Inconsistent with the provi sion * of tlil.H act. ! ! > ' clalm-i committee , house roll No. 001 , to pay Patilc ) : O. Hawes for collecting the claim ut thu state of Nebraska from the I'nlted States government. By Soderman , house roll No. C02 , to re peal seons 21 i , 2G and 27 of article I of cliiv/cr Iv of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for ISC. Hy Sodeiman. 'bouse roll No. 603 , to pro hibit the einnloynienl or maintenance of near relatives lit state expense by the offi cers or managers of the state Institu tions. lly Soderman , bouse roll No. GOI , to re peal chapter Ixxvlll of the session la\\H of the state of Nebraska for the year Islij , and to amend chapter Ixxlx of said sess'on laws of ISK , and to repeal said original chapter. lly Vclsi-r , house roll No. Cu5 , to com pel the extension and opcrutlon of street nllUvay lines within cities of the metro politan chics where an Incorporated vil lage or city of the second class adjoins a metropolitan city ; to provldu proceedings relative thereto ; to provide penalties fur [ he violation thereof , and to repeal all nets or parts of acts that are in conlllct ur Inconsistent with thu provisions of this : ut. : ut.Jty Yclser , bouse roll No. GOC , to nmcn-1 lection 117 of chapter xxvl of the Complied Statutes of Nebraska of 1&35 , and to repeal raid original section , Uy Dudley Smith , house ioll No , 607 , lo amend HcctloiiH ' ! and 2.1 of chapter xvlll , article I , Compiled Statutes of the utatoof Nebraska , ISM. lly Wooster , house roll No. 60S , to tax : xprphs companies , telupitono companies mil telegraph companies. Uy Kelkor , IIOIIHO ioll No. COU , making in appropriation to cover the oxpeiiHc.H of i company of the Nebiaska National HmirdH to go on duty nt the Centennial ixpoHltlon to be held nt Nashville , Tenn. , rrom May 1 to October 1 , 1S97. Hy Wlebo , house redl No. 610 , to define nero bpeclllcnlly the rights of cltlzcins of .bis state residing In Soldiers' Homes , Hy the railroad committee , n concurrent resolution , No , tut , Hy 1'anl R Clark , house roll No. C12. miking appropriation to pay the bounty nHuirnr \ manufactured In the state of Ne- irnska , In accordance with u liuv enacted March 29 , 1W3. Uy special committee , IIOIIHO roll No. 613. 'or the organization and government of > cut BURar dlHtrlcts. and for the promotion > t the beet HUgar Industry and the build- ng of factoilcH in the stnto of Nebraska ; fur a pyt.tc.in of rnvcnue to bo alaed by taxation upon the piopcrty In mid beet sugar dish lets , to pay Interest mil principal of said bonds , and the man- ler In which thu mime nlmll bo done , .ho holding of elections In said districts 'or the purpose of electing officers and irovldlng for the manugvinent of ualil ills- rlcts. Uy the. finance , ways nnd menus commit- co , hoiinu roll No. 611 , making an nppro- irlntlon for current expense * of Htato gov ernment for the years ending March III , S98. and March 31 , WJ9. anil to pay the nils- elliineous Items of Indebtedness owing by ho stale of Nebraska. Hy the finance , ways nnd means com- ulttee , housu roll No. G15 , to pi o vide for ho payment pf the salaries of the olllccr.s if the Htate government , Homo for the "rlendlrs nt Lincoln , Normal school at 'eru , Hospital for the Insane at Lincoln , Asylum fpr llio incurable Insane at HntU- ngD , Hospital for the Insane nt Norfolk , tjto university. State Industrial school ut reuniey. Girls' Industrial school at Ge- evu , institute for the Deaf and Dumb t Omaha , Institute for tlm Kecble-Mlmled 'outh nt Heutrlco , Institute for tbo IlllnU it Nebruaka City , tluli commtsslon , lnau - tr'al Homo nt Mllford , Soldiers' ami Sal ors' Homo nt Grand Island , and the So dlfrs1 nnd Sailor1 Home at Mllford. lly AVIebe , house roll No. 618 , for tli Insurance of the buildings , books nnd rei ords of counties nnd school districts I tbo state of Nebraska against loss b fire , flood or xvlml , nnd to provide fe the necessary olllce nnd fund for the cm rjlng- out of the provisions of this act. Hy Cole , house roll No. G17 , to amen section * 12 , in , 2S , nt nnd RD of chnpte xvlll , article Iv , of the'omplled Statute of Nebraska of 1SS5 , nnd to repeal sal original sections as now existing , Hy Illcli , house roll No. GH , lo amen section Cfl of chapter xlla of the Compile O'ntutcn ' of Nebraska of IS ? . " ) , nnd to repei said original section , Hy Hle-n , house roll No. Gin , to amend see tlon 141h , of article I , chapter xvlll , of th Compiled Sl/mites / of Nebraska of ISO : . , nn to repeal said original rei tlon. Hy illch , house roll No. 620 , to amend see tlon l"v ! ) of article 1 Of chapter xlv , of th Complied StntutcM of Nebiaska of ISO , ante to amend said original section. Hy Yetser , house roll No. 621 , providing fo tliu redemption of real property sola o execution or sold as upon execution. Hy Yrl nr , 'bouse ' roll No. 622 , lo nmen section 40S of the Code of Civil Proevdurt liplna1 soctlon 60S ! ) of the Compiled Statute of Nebraska of ISM , by striking out th word "deed" nnd Inserting In lieu therco the phrao "certificate of sale. " Hy Yelspr , house roll No. 623. to nppe.i sections 4P3 and 500 of the Code of Civ ! Procedure , being ucctlons C090 and C09I , re spectlvely , of the Compiled Statutes e.f Nc braska of 1(9.1 , Hy Sheldon , house roll No. ffil , provldln for Ihe drawing and Impaneling qf Jurle In the trial of original action In the mi premo court and to provide for the fees o s.ild jurors. Hy Paul P. Clark house roll No. 625. sub stltutci for a bill for nn net to prjvon s.ircnd of bog cholera and other klndrci dlrenses and to prevent tr.illic In inimnl dying from Infectious and other disease ? and to prohibit the moval or rcrmv.il o swine and other animals dying of photon nnd other Infectious diseases over nnd noni public highways of said state and lo pro hlblt the giving nwny without consldora tlon or iccelvlng fiee such carcases ntd : t prohibit rendering establishments and sea ; factories from purchasing 'or receiving frei of charge such carcases nnd to provide i penalty for the same and to amend sectloi 61 , of articles I nnd II , of chapter Iv , of th Complied Statutes of Nebraska for ISM. Hy Webb , house roll No. KG , to amem sections 'J , 3 , 4 nnd . " , iirtlcle xll , chnpte Ixxxlll , of the Cbtnplled Statutes of No brasku of 1895 , and to repeal .laid orlglna section. Hv Webb , house roll No. 6 T , lo repcn sections 4 , B and 6 , article vll , cli.ipter Ivxxll of the Complied Statutes of Nebraska o ISM. ISM.Uy Webb , house toll No. 628. to amend sec tlon 3. article vll , chapter Ixxxlll. of tin Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of 1893 , nm to repeal s.ild section as now existing. HyWbb , house roll No. fiai , to nmcni section 1. article vll , chapter Ixxxlll. of tin Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of 1S95 , nm te > repeal said original section. nv Claims Committee , house roll No. 630 making an appropriation for the paymen of miscellaneous Hems of Inuebtuiluus ; owing by the state oC Nebraska. The following bills were read today foi the first time : Uy claims committee , house roll No 631 , making an appropriation for the pay mcnt of miscellaneous items of Indebted ness owing by the state of Nebraska. Hy Lomar , house roll No. C32 , concurrent resolution recommending that our senator : and representatives In congress bo re quested to demand the Immediate cs tabllshment and maintenance of posta savlnpi banks throughout the Unltei b'tatcs. Uy Lemar , concurrent resolution No 63'J , that our senators and representative : In congress be requested to demand the Immediate establishment and maintenance of a postal telegraph system throughoul the entire United States. Hy Sheldon , house roll No. 631 , to pro vide for the organization and government of water Irrigation ditches upon streams not exceeding ten feet In width , and te provide for the distribution of the water Ir the same. Uy Hull nnd Casebeer , house roll No 635 , to anienel section 1747 of the Consoli dated Statutes of Nebraska for thu yeai ISM. ISM.Hy Casebeer , bouse roll No. G3G , to nmenc section 12 of chapter II , entitled "Countj Agricultural Societies , " of the Compllec Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1S95 , and to repeal said section as heretofore existing. Hy Hewer , house roll No. 637 , to declare unlawful and void all arrangements , con- tiacts , agreements , trusts or combinations made with a view { o lessen orvblch teiif ] to lessen free competition Jn the Importa tion or sale of articles Imported Into tblf state , or In the manufacture or sale ot articles of domestic growth or of domestic raw material ; to declare unlawful rand void all arrangements , contracts , agreements , trusts or combinations between persons or corporations designed or which tend to ad vance , reduce or control the price of such pioduct or article ; to provide for forfeit ure of the charter and franchise of any corporation organized under the laws ol this state violating1 nny of the provisions of thl.s act ; to prohibit every foreign cor poration violating1 nny of the provisions oC tills net from doing business in this state ; to require the attorney general ol thl.s state to Institute legal proceedings ag.ilnst any such corporation violating the provisions of this act nnd to enforce tlio penalty prescribed tor any violations of this act ; to authorize nny person or corporation damaged by any such trust , agreement or corporation to sue for the recovery of such damage" and for othefr purposes. Hy Smith of Richardson , hou.se roll No. 6.1S , to repeal an act entitled "An act to provide for the depositing of state and county funds In banks nnd to restore said funds so deposited to their proper public treasuries. " Hy Stcbblns , house roll No. 6-19 , to pro vide for a sta e Inspector of beer , wine and alcoholic liquors , and deputies , nnd to define their duties and to provide fees for the same and prescribe penalties for violation thereof. Hy IIllllnt-H , houaie roll No. 6)0 ) , to amend section 4 of .subdivision v of chapter Ixxlx ot the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1895 , and to repeal said original section as it now exists. Hy Hlch , house roll No. Cli. to apportion thu state into judicial districts and for the appointment and election of ofilcern there of , and to repeal sections S , 8 and 10 of chapter v of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska , the sanin being un net lo ap portion the state into judicial -districts , and for the appointment election of olllccrs thereof , Approved Marcli 30 , 1S91. Hy Sheldon , house Jell No. GJ2 , to amend Keetlon 3ow : of chapter' xxxlx of the Con solidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1S93 , pn'd chapter being ( MUtled "Olllccrs" and Hald section entitled "Halllff , " and to repeal said section so amended. lly Hoberts , house roll No. 013 , to amend section ISC of the Code of Civil Procedure , pomplled Statutes of 1835. und lo repeal rtald section .as now cxlsilritf. Hy Hoberta. house roll rfo. ijH to amend section 1015 of the Code-of Civil Procedure. Compiled Statutes of IK ) . " , nnd to repeal * ald section IIH no\v existing. Hy Hull , house roll No. CIS , to amend fectlon 677 of chapter Ixxvll of the Com piled Htatutus of the. ye.ir 1S95 , and to re- [ ieal said original suction. Hy Hull , house roll No. 6IG. to amend sections 22 and 20 of chapter xvlll of the Jeimpllcd Statutes of thu state of Ne braska for the year 1S33 , und to repeal < ald original sections. Hy Hill , house roll No. C4T , to amend iectionu 3 , ( i nnd 7 of an act entitled "An ict providing for the establishment and rovernmc-nt , of thp Nebraska Industrial Home , and making appropriation therefor , ipptovcd Mare'li SI , 1SS7 , " nnd repealing mid original sections ns heretofore ex- stlng' . Hy J. M. Snyder , house roll No. OIS , to iiithorlzo all state printing and all book- iilndlng necessary for the use of the state mil counties of this Htate111111 school jooks needed In this state , and to furnish lualthful and useful employment to tlio 'onvlctn of this state. Hy Sheldon , house roll No , 619. to pro- I'ldo for free attendance ut public lilch < CllOOlb. Hy Soderman , house roll No. 650 , to re- ical arilcln II of chanter Iv of the Com- illcd Statutes of the state of Nebraska for , hu year 1SU.1. Hi-viTp Wfiitlirr ill WliiNlilf. WINS1D0 , Nob. , March I. ( Special. ) I'lils section has had a great deal of cold voather and some snow In the past few days. The mercury went to twenty degrees below iart of the time and the strong south wind unbilled with snow In the air to make the vcather very unpleasant , The land will be ilentlfully suppried with moisture for the rropa of the rapidly approaching season. Court ConvciirN at ( JoliiiuliiiM , COUmiUS , Neb , , March 1. ( Special. ) ludgo Sullivan opened a term of the district : ourt hero this morning , It will probably ast two weeks. There Is a large douket , al- hough not HO heavy as at the last term In S'ovcmbcr. The case ot the State against 'rank Koch was called today. Koch U iharged with on attempted criminal assault ipon a 15-year-old girl last May , Kill-union tit nn AMUIII | , LINCOLN , March 1. ( Special Telegram. ) -Tho house committee on finance , ways nd means have recommended an appro- rlatlon of $30,000 for the Asylum for In- uraliles. at Hastings. The money lo to bo xpended for a new wing to the Institution nil a etaud ptpo. WILL tffilNT BALLOTS TODA State Commission Holds an Informi Mooting , but Dolayu Actnal Work. ! > ! RETURNSnlFROM FIVE COUNTIES MISSIN hlN Will \ol He I'criulltril , HiMVi'VPi o liUi > irorc ; ivllli llic 1'rowrcnn of ijip. ' ( Invi-HtlKiilloii , Hi Leant . , 'for tbe LINCOLN , March 1. ( Special Telefrram.- ) The > commission appointed to recount th ballots cast for the constitutional aincml montn , held an Informal meeting this morn Ing. The 'ccfnmlttco did not com tncnco work on the ballots an poll books and will not do s Until tomorrow. There were present , of th republicans , P. 0. Hedlund , nnd Frank M Hews ; of the populists , George M. Illakc of the democrats , C. J. Bailey , Joseph Ober fclder and ex-Senator J , N. Campbell o Fullerton were absent , but citne on thl evening. Flvo counties are still out , no having forwarded their ballots and pol books. The count will proceed , howevei without them. The counties still out and which have no sent In their ballots are Nuckolls , Kcyi 1'aha , Sherman , Douglas and Lancaster. Th county clerks of the two latter counties hav boon enjoined from doing so , A tclcgran was today received from the county clcrl of Nuckolla saying that ho had not receive * a notice to forward the ballots. Articles of Incorporation wcro filed toda1 with the secretary of state of the Choc Mining company. The amount of capita stock Is ? 1000.000. ' The principal place o bujlncsy la In the Republic ot Colombia , will another office In Omaha. The original cop ; cf these articles has been filed with th county clerk of Douglas county. The In corporators arc : Marcus Stlne , Samuel H Guggcnhalmer and Joseph Van Dofen. Th object ot the corporation Is to acquire till to lands , principally mining properties , In th state of Cauca , department of Atrato , Hcpub Ho of Colombia. The annual contest of the State Uni versity Oratorical association Is to bo hell ! In the chapel Friday evening. Those whc have thus" far signified tholr Intention tc take part are : G. E. Hagcr , Esther V , Smoycr , J. D. Denlson , R. C. Roper , A. L Deal and C. 0. Brown. Chancellor Mac- Lean will deliver the commencement ser mon to the graduating class of the Harvard High school. ARRANGING FOR THE PRIMARIES. The republican city central committee held a meeting this morning for the purpose of talking over and fixing the amount to be assessed against each candidate/ defray the expenses of the primaries. The follow ing was the Hat of assessments finally de cided upon , the amounts to Include both primaries : Mayor , $30 ; clerk , $25 ; treasurer , 430 ; excise board , $10 ; cauncllmen , $10 ; school board , $3 : ce.metory trustees , $5. If all otntlrr candidates pay up and nol wriggle.OuUctf the assessments , as some ol them dldlaaUycar. ( , tbe total amount will ap proximate $455.If any money Is left over , as there . .waajlast year. It will be returned to the candidates pro rata. The Wflstern Union Telegraph company Is moving Jnto llt , now quarters at 1134 0 street. A forcoKPt a , dozen men were at work last night BfjUnc the furniture and apparatus In placaoiTjjo company will have elegant quarters' the now location. GencraljjAdiutant Barry went to Grand Is land today' to , Inspect the new militia com pany recently. , organized at that place. VOLUIVTEEUS. iltvut- V- - IMiiU.sninuUi People Take Much Iii- -i/s' it < ) r > i it In file Kevlval. ' PL.VKraMQUTHi Neb. , March 1. ( Special. ] A squad , ' of 'American Volunteers captured this town fa > coupe ! ol weeks ago , and baa since carried on a persistent crusade agalnsl sin. The barracks are located In the Pal mer building , and every night the commodious store room' Is crowded to Its utmost capacity , with several hundred people ot all classes , age and sex. The little band is under the command of Captain Davis. ' , and an astonish ing number of converts have been gathered " in. The work "of reformation appears tc have been directed where It will do the most good , nnd boys and young men consti tute the majority of therae who have re nounced sin. The fact must bo admitted that the Volunteers are attracting more at tention , and gaining more converts than nny other revival meeting ever held In this city , and If the results are only lasting , great good will bflvc been accomplished. The "noisy squad" ot boy converts marched up to the Christian church this morning , Where services were held , and an Immense crowd of worshippers was pressnt. Thursday evenIng - Ing a social will be held In the barracks , and everyone who desires to help the cause along Is Invited to attend. siri'itKMK cbiruT SIKKTS TODAY. Several Important ( Ini-NlluiiM Ilpforc I ( for Iiniuoilliite Aclloii. . LINCOLN ; March I. ( Special Telegram. ) The bu.irome court will tomorrow hold Its first sitting for the month of March. Sev eral Important cases will be argued , among them the Qeorgo Morgan murder case from Omaha and that of George Washington Davis , the colored man convicted of wreckIng - Ing the Rock Island express In August , 1834. It Is expected that an opinion will he lianded down In the case submitted by At torney General Smyth and ex-Treasurer Hartley , Involving a number of questions relating to state treasury funds. Ono of the Itiestlona is to what extent certificates of deposit can bo treated as cash In a settle ment between an Incoming and outgoing troisurer. The ex-treasurer's entorpretation ] f depository law Is , that money placed In Jtato depositories can only bo drawn out .o ' pay warrants. If this vlow Is sustained jy the court it would bo Impossible for a re- . ' \ilun \ treasurer to turn over anything but nertlftcates for such moneys. Another ques- : lon Is can a depository bond given for twlco the amount of state funds deposited war any sum over the EO per cent of Jond. I'olk Count'H Coiitrlliutloii ( it Iinlln. OSCKOLA , Neb. , March 1. ( Special. ) Dsceola and Polk county are getting In ear- irst 1n instil to sending rolTef to India , and i very largo''and enthusiastic meeting was icld at Uw jtnqrt house , Saturday night , and lommlttccs , ' appointed to after the natter , 'The following are members of the i contnfHUeJ appointed to look after the kValrathJT. Ueald , H. H. Campbell and i , G. 1'hcasent. The committee expects to lave a tcup.carlondH of corn and supplies as ioon as fTiQanpcuicnts can bo made to ship. lUInt'N Hilltor AnililtloiiH. . ( rXeb- ' March L ( Special , ) To- norrovv thd Dlalr Pilot , a weekly paper , will : omo oiQf/i'fjj / il-weokly , to be Issued Tucs- lays and. * Fridays , The subscription will emaln ( ho. tvune. . The present editor , L. A , , Vllllamf1 ' [ Ja rustler and Is making ono if the bebUgountry papers In the state out if the Pilot. AURORA , ' Neb. , March 1. ( Special Tele- ; ram. ) An attempt was made last night to rack the safe In Farley's bank at Marquetto. The vault -was blown open and tliv safe oor blown off , but the steel chest , containing omo $2,000 , stood the attack and nothing i'as loot , ' iiriiii-r'H Te'niii CoIllili'M with Train. ASHLAN/J / , 'Neb , , March L ( Special. ) Vhlle Albert Bryan was driving his team cro6 the I ) . & M , track at Cater crossing , input ono mllp west of Ashland , a passen- : er train ran Into thorn , killing both horses. lrIryun sat In the wagon , but was not In- tired. Clillilrpit Play nltii HASTINGS , March L ( Special Telegram. ) -At 10 o'clock ' this morning the 2-year-old laughter of Will Adams was seriously lurned. Airs. Adama tiad gene out to bring n some coal and left her three small children 'laying ' In the house. The children got some Hatches and let flro to the Infant's gar ments. Tlio loud cries of the child hrough the mother Into the rocm and after bar work cho succeeded In extinguishing th flames , but not until the child was quit badly burned. It may recover. VOTUS IIO.NOS TO VAXICTOX MM- : Norfolk I'ret'liiet Alitn I lip Ciiinpnn : Material- ! . NORFOLK , Neb. , March 1. ( Special. ) f * proposition to vote $25,000 In bonds to air In the building of the Yankton , Norfolk K Southwestern railroad , was submitted to th ! volers of Norfolk precinct today. Tills proposition Is conditioned on the com pletion of the road by January 1 , 1898. This precinct has twice before voted to give thai road 130.000 , but owing first to the rascallt ) of J. T. M. Pierce of Yankton , and after ward to the depressing times , the road wai not built. The bonds carried by a decisive majority. Norfolk Is still very much Ir. . favor of the Yankton road. Laet fall A. T. Nation of Kngland re pro scntlng the English creditors of Mr. Pierce came hero and stated that the English crcd llors had concluded to build this road am by that means save some ot the money thcj had Invested , provided the pcopb along tin right of way would extend the same aid whlcl had formerly been extcndc-d. Nearly all ol the precincts have again vol d this aid. Tin building of this road menus much to the people ot Norfolk , a rich country will be opened which will bo tributary to It and II will furthermore give Norfolk a direct Dil- luth connection. Right of way men am ! surveyors have been buay along the line foi some tlmo and there Is now every prospecl of the building of the road this year. crrr/.KNs AUI : IXIHOXAXT , AVnru a Ciiri'lfNH lluxlianil tu Ccnnv XcKlci'tlnu Illw Family. WINSIDB , Neb. , March 1. ( Speclal.- ) Thls village has just had to witness a victim ot neglect In the person of the wlfo of Ed Bockomuehl. This man , although able to glvo hla wlfo the necessaries of life , haa spent ME tlmo In Idleness Instead of caring for her wants during her Illness. She has several young children , ono of them a baby , and has been III for about two weeks. A week ago a mass meeting of prominent citi zens was called In her Interest and a com- mlttco appointed to ascertain facts In the case. This committee , of three men , brought the husband before the meeting and after severe reprimands administered to him by several of those present , ho was conducted tea a doctor , who was then employed to look after the condition of his wife's health ; she had needed care for days and was In a plt- lablo condition. Neighbor women have as sisted her and this , with the services of a hired nurse , has been of benefit , but In spite of the efforts made In behalf of the woman she has just become limne. The authorities have been notified and It Is presumed that the patient will be removed to an asylum , where her wants can he looked after with more Intelligence than now. SfOCIJSS OK A IlllAMATIG COMPANY. Sprllllilli'lll YOUIIHT People 3Ivct with Miii-li HiifotiraKoiiiLMil on All Mil PH. SPRINGFIELD. Neb. March 1. ( Special. ) The Springfield' ' Homo Talent Dramatic company closed Saturday night at the Spear man opera house ono ot the most successful week's engagements In Us history of flvo ycara' work , having presented their four-act western drama , entitled "Sunlight , or the Diamond King , " to no less than five largo and enthusiastic audiences , hero , at Papil- lion and at Gretna. Returning here for the closing night , the company played to the third well filled bouse. The campauy con tained the following members : G. W. Fox , A. G. Uurbank , Frank Clement , Emmet Qululey , E. Jl. Swain , C. F. Calhoun , Charles Thompson , Miss Metta Swain , Miss Idell Keyes and' Miss Mary Hoberts. Prof. W. D. Harlan of Macedonia . , furnished the music , assisted by Frank Comte , J. A. Peters , Mrs. Dr. Wallner and Miss Etta Peters of this place ) . at I.jp < > . LYONS , Neb. , March 1. ( Special. ) One of the most Important social events that lias taken place here for several years was the wedding of Valentino Redig of this place and Miss Maude Kent of Lincoln , 111. The wedding took place at the resldenco of L. L. Darling , Mrs. Darling being an aunt of Miss Kcmt. Misses Gertrude McMonlcs , Kate Hall , Gertrude Durrlo and CUra Miller acted as maids of honor. Miss Aggie Smith was hrldcsma'ld ' and Mr. Emory Clements acted as best man. Llttlo Itcsslc Durrio was ring bearer. Rev. Mr. Watson , an Episcopalian minister of Omaha , pertormed the cere mony. Over eighty Invitations wcro Issued. A sumptuous repast was served. Many beau tiful presents were given to the happy couple. Itc'Jpct tin * Craivforil Sy.stpin. BEATRICE , March 1 , ( Special Telegram. ) The republican city committee met this afternoon and fixed March 13 as the time for holding the primaries and March 15 as the date of the nominating convention. The Crawford system of nominating a city tlckfit was defeated. M. T. Cummlngs , who was a member of the committee from the First ward , was summarily ejected , on account of having voted for W. J. Bryan last fall. Mr. Cummlngs declared himself as still a repub lican , but the committee "decided " that a man's preference In national elections should be. the test of his party fealty. Xcliraxka XCMVM XiitoH. Lltchfield people are talking of starting a creamery. A Reel Cloud man Is the possessor of an orange tree which Is bearing fruit. Albion home talent presented the opera "Pinafore" In a most creditable manner. Peter Marr of Hlvcrslda lest a horse , sad dle and brldlo through the Ice In the Mis souri river. A small boy named Stanley Thomas of Auburn was badly burned by his clothing catching from a bon-fire. The Holdrcgo Citizen and thn Forum of that place have been consolidated , tbe Citi zen absorbing the other plant. The Cozad Star will Rhino no more. In Its last Iraue the editor says ho Is compelled to seek more lucrative employment. The Rattlesnake and Logan near Tender liavo been so high that people on the low lands have been compelled to move. The family of Bert Peyton of Geneva were iiolsoned by drinking buttermilk , and their lives only saved by prompt medical aid. The city council of Tccamah has passed in ordinance prohibiting the use of "nigger ihootcrs" and air guns within tbo city. Papers from nil parts of the state are nentlonlng the arrival of families from the itatcs farther east , who have coma to ecttlo HI Nebraska lands. The Farmers' Co-operative company of 3ellwood started In the merchandise busl- icss with $3,000 paid-up capital. This has 11 been sunk and the stockholders are willing o turn the stock over to private Individuals f they will pay Its debts. A contract has entered Into between the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway com- iany and the proprietors of the steamer Jaalalla at Nlobrara , by which the packet learner Is to run between Niobrara ind up river points ns far as Vheeler during the navigation sea- on. The railroad company furnishes ill the coal and gives the steamboat pro- irletors n percentage on the business brought o the company , allowing the steamer people o make what marglne they can on wheat uirchases. What the Milwaukee Is after Is ho business , and the Indications are not 'cry flattering for Milwaukee railway ox- enslons during the coming season. tulilivr AViirkM HPHIIIIIC Ojici-ntliiiiN , NEW HAVEN , March 1. The L. Caudes ompany , manufacturers of rubber footwear , oday resumed operations in Ha plant after n Idleness of about two months. By Vedncsday the full complement of 1,200 ands will probably ho At work. MRS , DEAN'S ' TERRIBLE DliATI Her Olothes Ignilo After Being Saturate with Eoiling Oil , BRAVE STRUGGLE OF THE SUFFERE Ilnlf n Mile ( o .Secure Aid , Iin Hxplrcn After KniliirliiK Sev er ill Ititiirn nf Croat HASTINGS , March 1. ( Special Telegram , News has Just reached this city of th death of Mrs. William H. Dean , wlfo ot farmer living near Pauline , on the Llttl Blue. She was covered with 'boiling ' oil am her garments becoming Ignited she btiNici to death. The accident occurred Saturda ; afternoon at her home. Mrs. Dean had Intended to oil the floors o the house , so nlie placed a can of llnscct oil on the atuvo to boll. During the after noon she went about attending to her house bold duties and forgot about the oil unit It began to boll and run all over the stov and floor. She Immediately rushed to tin steve and attempted to remove the can , bu In so doing her clothing became saturate ! with oil and bcforo she could escape fron the steve she was completely enveloped It flames. In terrible agony she. made a dcspcrali effort to rid herself ot the burning garments but all In vain. Hunnlng out doors she madi her way to a barrel ot rain water , hut ll waa too firmly frozen to be of any service to her. Hy this time the Humes had cater most of her clothing and wcro penetrating the flesh. As a last hope to frco herscll from the deadly llames she started on o run for a neighbor's house about a half mile away. As she ran pieces ot burning clothing dropped from her body and burned by the wayside. Thus It was that she left a trail of flro behind. When Mrs. Dean arrived at her neighbor's homo shu presented a ghastly sight. Only a few pieces of clothing clung tei : icr charred form and her flesh was baked 'rom head to foot. Her sufferings were ter- rlblo and lasted for six houra , when chc died. The house and Its contents wcro com pletely destroyed. AMUSEMENTS. Holand Heed will begin his annual en gagement in this city at the Crclghton to- ilght , opening a two-night engagement , pre- enttng for the first tlmo here his latest iud most successful play , "Tho Wrong Mr. Vrlght , " which has made a most emphatic hit wherever It has been presented. The story Is Intensely Interesting nnd highly amusing. The cast is as follows : Seymour Sites of San Francisco , who assumes the name of Mr. Wright. . Roland Heed Wayland Clingstone , \vho was one of the boys long ago..Sheridan Tupper Frederick Uonds , Sites' nephew i Charles S. Abbe Captain Crosby , in the Second United States artillery Holbrook Hllnn Lord Urazenface , an Englishman Charles Cootc David Clews , a detective..John II. Hunny Front , who runs the "Seashore" hotel. . Julian Reed Henrietta Oliver , a "fln no slccle" de tective Isadoro Rush Julia Bonds , Sites' niece Monte Donlco Tllllo Bird , her maid Alethea Luce Arabella Clingstone , nn unappropriated angel Mary Myers The Elks' , boneflt tomorrow night will be largely attended. The only matinee perfor mance will bo given tomorrow. Cosgrovo & Grant's comedians In "The Gantlt"A ill this week , are pleasing the patrons of that popular play house. There will be matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. At the Crolghton next Tuesday , what promises to be an exceedingly popular and pleasing attraction , will bo the first produc tion here , and under the direction ot Charles Prohman , of the farce-comedy , "The Found ling. " One of the authors of this comic play Is William Leslocq , who wrote "Jano , " and this , no dcubt , accounts for the super abundance oC amusing situations , which are promised to be a special feature of the piece Another feature will bo the appearance of 3Issy Fitzgerald , who will bo seen here for the first time In an Important acting part , ind will also give her danceo , which are bald : o be Inimitable In agile * grace and arch joquetry. The company to present "The Foundling" Is the sa.mo organization seen luring the 'great run of this comedy In New fork at Hoyl's theater. It Includes Thomas lurns , Adolph Jackson. Jacques Martin , ? ranlc Ration , K. Soldcno Powell , Walter Smith , J. W. Ferguson , Stella Zanonl. Mela UaynarJi. Clara Baker Rust. Klla Mayer , Nellie Martlneau and Cissy Fitzgerald. Mlw Fitzgerald was the fashionable rag n New York Inat winter , where her dancing > roved a revelation , and ins will doubtless lellght crowded audiences. "Tho Foundling" vlll bo preceded by "Chums , " a one-ac ) lay. Lewis Morrison , In an elaborate produc Ion of "Faust , " will be the Crelghton at ractlon for three nights , commencing Frl lay. March C , This will bo Mr. Morrison's Irst appearance. In Omaha for a number of casons , and a cordial reception will be given ilm by his many local admlrero. Matinee icrformances will bo given Saturday and Sunday. Seats for the Camilla Uiiso concert were daced on sale yesterday , and judging from ho nalo , the Crelghton should be comfortably IlleU on Thursday night. Mino. Urso will o supported by Mlffl Minnie. Mcthot , soprano , nd W. H. Douglass , tenor , as well as the full Iiorus of the society , numbering over 100 icraons. ( neil IliikiiioNM for a Hail Year. At thp annual meeting of the Mutual venn and Uulldlng nssoctitlon , In IIH office n The Heo building1 last ovpiilnir. Jimes II. ilcConncll , Julius Kcsslor , A. 13. Hutchln- on nnd W. N. Nnson were elected directors , hu annual report of thu assouln'lon HhowH .ssots amounting to $107,471.08. The receipts or the past year have been $43,21961. The realization has since Its Incorporation is- ucd 8,131 shares , nnd now has 2.ZHU. shares utstandliifr. Its business for the past year as shown an Increase , and In view nf the ( pressed conditions affec/tlng financial In- tllntlona , the memberships look with sntls- actlon upon the year's business which has ust been concluded , I'romluu In MuUp Kxlillillii , Representatives of the Walthnm Watch ompany , the Ingrahnm Clock company end lie Mcrldcn-Hrltannla company have \vrlt- an to their audits In this city , Indicating nit they will exhibit at the Trnnsmtsslii- Ippl Kxposlilon. They say they have eit yet determined Just how largo their nx- IbltH will bo , but add that undoubtedly ley will bo much upon the same plan as lioso that were displayed at the world's ilr. Unity Club , The regular meeting of the Unity club i the library building last night was * at- tndcd by morn than 4ha usual number and icy all felt well repaid for being there , udgo W. D. 'MoHuglv ' made ) iin address pen "Tho Judicial J'owor of Annulling tatutcs , " Guy H. C. Read read n paper on lolin Marshall and His Contributions to ederallsm" and Mr a. Hello Urlon n paper i "Tho Extension of the Klectoral Fran- ilse. " Under eminent scientific control. ENTA The Best Nahtral Laxative Pf/ater. "SAeedv. Sure , and Gantlt" A GURSE female wMknem In n cuw to humanity nnd n menace that effect * tli > henltli of nil tnanHrJ. even the unborn child 1m * liren afflicted 1 f | ft rif > It hnii i < r n the llfiht of liny. for tne mot her ftuffcrlnic * must effect her child nn < l rot ) It * men tal nnd phyMcal forces of their vitality. Female Weakness Cnn now ! > < permanently cured by n remedy. Hint ( led Mrmclf immt Imvc devised In answer to woman' * prn > er. FRUITCURA. I * ( lie nnme of this wonderful remedy , which U owned by I > iiic. VALE . The hlKtory of Knilteura will no doubt "fcfr banded down In medical forniulnc unto l > ustcrlty , for no greater tett of ] Vfcdica1 Scle-pce IIIM ever been given the world nnd no srenter i > en Ice linn ever been rendered mankind Ihnn Mine. Ynle'n Donation , Krultcurn , wlilrli I' n 1'cmnlfl Ton In that absolutely cures nil nllments peculiar to the BOX , nnd restores women to per fect health , the name 09 In early girlhood , ( hinr anteed and endorsed by Mme. Yale to do all thnt In claimed and more. Sold everywhere. Tend- monlaU sent by request. Mme , Vale's Onldc to Hcauty mailed free. Mme. Yule's Complexion Hortp , the purest nnd best. Address Mme , Yale , Chicago DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. Vommmm Abdut Saddles THIS IS THE CHRISTY ANATOMICAL Sco how tlio cushloiiH receive tlio pelvis boucH nnd rest tlio body. Prevents pressing on the sensitive. parts Injury Impossible ; and after a' ' long ride you don't feel stiff nnd sore. ( Examine the Chrliity Saddle , then' examine all other saddles , nnd It will , not surprise you to know that the medi cal profession of the country has en dorsed the Christy Saddle. . . . . Adopted ant ) furnished ns a regular cquipmrnt without addi tional charge , by all the leading manufacturers of high grade bicy cles. Agents will servo their best interests by insisting that their wheels are equipped with Christy Saddles. Examine It at the Cycle Show. A. G. Spalding & Bros NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. Also all reliable bicycle dealers. \ Searles Searlea SPECIALISTS IM ilcrvous , CliroDio and Piivate Disease ! BEXDALLt. AU Private Ulie iM nclDliorder * of 21 a Treatment tjr mall SYPHILIS Cund ( or llfo and the poleo * . thoroughll imnied from th ny t m. PILES , FISTULA ut RECTAt , ULCERS. IIYDIIOCEUCB AND TAniCOCELB permanently nnd uoctnfullj [ ur a. Method naw and unfailing. STRICTURE AND GLEET By new method without polo or cutting Call on or addreii with lUmp , . DL Seailas & Searles , AMUSI2MIJNTJS. Telephone H3I. FHE BREIGTO I'AXIOV a BUROESS , TONIGHT AT 8)15 ) Fucnilay amiVciliicHiluv , MnruU 2-3. Matinee Wednesday. 11 O I , A K D U 12 13 D - IN - THIS WIIOXG Mil. WIUGIIT. Ellc IJeneflt Wednesday Nleht Seats on gale , ! 5o , Me , 7Se , Jl.OO. Matinee. 23c. COc , 73o. March S-7 , I.HWIB MOHKISON IN "FAUST. " CREIGHTON THEATER. Thursday evening , March 4. OMAHA * MUSICAI , * SOCIUTV Humor Moore , Ciiiiiliii-tor. L THU t'HSO ' CI ) > CI'3HT COMI'A.VV. Mine. Camilla Urso , violinist ; Ml a Mlnnla .Ictlior. fcopinno : Mr , Kiln In H , Doutslai" , tenor ; Ir. ncorae H. Wesley. | ilanl t ; also , Miss WIN > lmlna J.owe. liarpUt. A popular nroKmm Btull ueutH and JHvuns , Jl.CO ; the othera , 11.00 mil 7tc ; KUlU'ry , Mo. Heats now on sale , ' ROYIV NHW ( IlKdUIjAIt ° J * * * "TIIHATBIIS I1OUHR L. M. Crawford , Mar. I 1'HICF.S TONIGHT AT 8:15 : , CoNKrovc & ( iriuil'v CoiacillaiiH In the iiluaya up-to-daio furco comedy , THE DA1SSLER. Given nwny Saturday matinee , Diamond Ung ; nlfflit. J100 Jllcyrle. Good reserved HCUH ; , f.0o and 3Jc. Mniuli 7-2Utli Century MlimtrelH. CYCLE SHOW ir/ni AND nowAiin. Uvery Uvriilnur TJiln Wcrlt. Over WO wheels all the novelties of the rnstf rn hows. IJarBuIn Day Wednesday anil .Saturday , AdmUsliin. jiSuj children , ICir. _ IIOTI5I.8 , VIIEN YOU COMI3 TO OMAHA HTOI' AT THU VEBRCER HOTEL Till ; ItKST 12,00 a day house in the west , 100 roornn JJ.OT per day. to rooms with Uatn , ( .W per day. Special MI ten by the month. U'lXIC TAYI.OH , Maunder , " " " "BARKER HOTEL ? 'IIIUTISK.vril AND JO.VICS HT/IKHTS , HO rooms , Lathe , tteam heat and all modertM iiiveiilenccs. Kutes , 11,00 and JZ.OO per day. * " able unexcelled. Kpcclal low rates tu teguUr lardcrt. DICK BM1TH , Manager. DR. II Till ON IT SPECIALIST WHO TUBATI AU , PRIVATE DISEASES Wcakncti & Ditordcrot MEN ONLY . 0 Ycari Experience , V * ri In Omabt. fiooV r . Con uli ilo inu t.iimlanloa ftca , I4lh ind Firntm St <