Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAlfA DAILY B1 < 3E : SATtTKIAY. FEBIU'AltY 27 , 1897.
Scientific optician , Wollman. 405 D'way
Cereal coffee , the great health drink , <
be bail at tiartcl and Miller's.
F. 11. Ollchrlst ot Kearney was a caller
Deere , Wella & Co.'s ycatcrday.
The Industrial school meet * at the El
man btilMlnR from 2:30 : to 4 o'clock t
afternoon. Visitors always welcome.
Dcteher & Kronqiicst of Holdrege , Kc
wcro In the city yesterday doing burin
on tlio agricultural Implement districts.
C. A. Mavis of Sioux City waa In the c
on business connected with agricultural 1
plomentfl and the Transmlsolralppl Expo
tlon. i
The regular meeting of the Knights a
Laillea of Security will bo held at t
1'atrlotlc Order Sons of America hall
Saturday evening.
The many friends of Mr. dcorgo W. Prl
formerly atnlstant principal of llvs HI
school , will be glad to learn that ho Is al
to bo up again. He ! now at Silver Cl
N. M.
Tie ! Kat'hua Trtnt company began a fo ;
closure suit In tlic dl trlct court ycstcrd
to extinguish the clalma held upon BOVCI
tracl of land held by J. W. Moreo a
Last night a certain young lady , rcsldl
In the Fifth ward , was observed through t
window resting her head upon the on
bosom of - 1'shawl "Another Eagle law
dry ad. "
C. V. Nlcman & Co. , C,23 Broadway , dealt
In stocks , RMln find provisions. Con
fpo.idcnts of James 13. Hoyd & Co. , Omal
They will furnish market quotations by te
phone at any time. 'I'hone 129.
Judgments were obtained In Justice Cool
court yesturday by Ura Thomas for $ D9.I
and Ocorgc S. Davis for $4fi , ngalnst t
Manhattan Ileach Improvoinent compar
Thcro was jio defense. Special cxccutlo
wnro Issued with orders to levy at once up
property of the company to satisfy the Juil
men in.
After successful engagementR , the Moo
& Livingston company returns to the Doha
Monday night , March 1 , opening In the se
national drama , "Michael Strogoff. " A nui
ber of new plays will be given during t
engagement , with attractive specialty
Monday will bo frto ladles' night and
Fowler wheel will be given away Saturd. .
\V. I. Wilson , perhaps cue of the greatc
evangelistic singers of the west , arrlv
yesterday to take charge of the singing
the Christian Tabernacle during the me <
Ings beginning Sunday. Wherever he h
boon ho has drawn very largo houses , mai
belli ) ; unable to gain entrance. He will le ,
a large chorus , as well as the singing
many solos.
Some time ago Constable Washburn , ser
Ing a writ fiom Justice Vlcn's court , lev !
upon a lot of cordwood upon which Joe Sa
dal had a claim. Yesterday the date arrlv
for the wood to bo sold. When the olflcc
went to the place where It had been li
nothing was visible but a few pieces of bar
Inquiries disclosed the fact that Sandal h
hauled It away and sold It. He was arrest
on the charge of larceny.
L , Mulllntx , a man who has been befo
the police in r.i ; 1st. rate on other occaslo ;
to answer to a charge of Intoxication ai
disturbing the peace , was locked In the cl
jail last evening upon charges of the sai
nature preferred by some of his nelghbo
living on Third street and Eleventh avomi
They charge that he was chasing one
them around the premises with a big k'.ill
Ills case will bo Inquired Into today.
Important papern came into the hands
C. M. Harl of liirl & McCabe yestcrd
In connection with the complaints filed
the Grain Shippers' association of nort
western Iowa before the Interstate Coi
merca commission as to grain ratca frc
northwestern Iowa" to Chicago and poln
east. Harl & McCabe are. the attorneys f
the association. Mr. McCabe Is now
Washington on this and other business. He
Spencer Smith has taken a deep interest
the cases and lias been ably assisting t
association In Its efforts to secure the roll
Qcorgo Smith was arrested yesterday up <
a warrant sworn out of Justice Cook's cou
charging him with the larceny of n. lioui
on Thirty-ninth street. The charge wi
perhap.'i somewhat exaggerated , but the te
tlmony fihowed that ho had taken posbse
slon of the house and was occupying It wll
his family without the knowledge or consei
of the owner. The house belonged
George Lewis , and when ho found th
Smith had taken possession of It while
was temporarily vacant he sought to con
to aii understanding with him by uhli
ho was either to pay rent or move. Kmli
declined to do either , beiiso hl.s orrcs
He gave bonds for his appeav.iuno in cou
on March C.
Notices have been given that all of tl
judgments secured during the last fo
months against the McLaughlln Ma mi fa
turlng company In a number of local cour
will be paid. A number of executions ha' '
been Issued and about nil of the proper
of the company In sight In the vicinity
Manawa has been levied upon and sol
leaving the other creditors with nothing1 b :
their judgments. An attorney was aroui
yesterday getting the amounts of all of the
judgments with the expressed purpose
paying them. It is said the money Is cor
Ing from J. G. McLaughlln himself , who
now located In Kansas City , and Is roputi
to have been making money rapidly with
the last few months ,
C. 11. Vlavl Company , female rcmed
Medical consultation free Wednesday. Hcall
book furnished. 303 Merrlam block.
N. Y. numbing company. Tel , ' 250.
For lowest rates on gooil farm loans en
at the ofllco of D. W. Otis , No. 133 Pea
street , Council Hindu. Money ready at
loans closed without delay.
lU-uI I 'Indite TrniiMfrrK.
The following transfers were filed yeste
day In the title and loan olllce of J. \
Squire , 101 Tcarl street :
I.uclmlu Jones to David CJ. PtiRli , 2
ncroH In set sw > , i 2-77-11 , w il..J to
IFB Nelson to John Clay , jr. , H ' / ( . of
otH 1 mid L' , block 15 , Potter &
obb'H addv d . ISO
A. 1) . Itncktm und wife to II. ! ' .
VollHtedt , lot 2 and n in feet of lot
3. block 1. Whitney , Crawford &
Murrlnmn'H "da , w d . . . 1,400
Huth 15. lirlghtmaii to Mary A.
Thompson , lot W and part of lot
2t ! , Auditor's Hiibdlv of soli HWi \
JMD-41) , q c d
Carrie Al. I.yniun and husband to
llutli ! : , ItrlKhfimin. loin 9 ami SO ,
Auilttor'ti BUbilly of ac > ' ,4 awi \ 12-
75-W , ( i c il i
Mary O. Thomson to Huth K.
IlrlKhtmaii , lot 21 ami part ut lots
20 itiul Ti , block 1 , tint CM' aihl ,
I ] C (1 1
NlulB ChrUtoITcTKCu to Lara NIolHcn ,
a ! 4 of lota 1 MIH ! 2 , block 15 , 1'ot-
tiT & Cobb'a mill , w d , 100
Johanna M. HaiiKcn , ut al , to A. D ,
HacktiM , nw M HW ' ,4 no U 0-77-3S ,
w il , i SOO
W. II , IMereu nml wife to U. A.
Iliirvkhnltcr. o % no U 2S-TG-3 * . w il. 2.MX )
K.V. . hilstiT to Kiln C * . AtkliiH lot
3. block a , Halibut riacc , w d. . . . . . i
Coiintv ireuauror to Ohio Knox , lot
20 , block 10 , KlPinliiK & Pa via1 add ,
t il , , . . , , , ' *
Bainu to wanif , lot ID , block j'KloiVt-
Inn & Davis' add. t d. . . i
Saint ) lo bainc , lot 8 , block 19 , Mul-
lln'H Hiilullv. I d 4
Sheriff to F. J. Day , triiatiu * , lot 7 ,
blork 31 , ICvorott'a add , H il j' >
Sheriff to JIIIIIPH ( J. .Mcm'atli und
JainoH L. Drulun , 23 lota In Central
tuibdlv , mid lot 3 , block 2C , Hver-
ftt'a add , u d 720
Fifteen transfers , totnl.
Co I ii IKI I lliiKt'laiiil mill Curfew ,
Colonel A. Hogcland , president of tl
Boys' nnd Girls' National Homo and En
ployment Boclety , will bo In the city toda ;
Ho haa the names of many star members i
the ganga of stieot arabs who formerly spot
halt of the night on the streets , and pn
pasea to learn how well they have obeyv
the curfeW law and what the effect has bee
upon them. On Sunday evening ho will di
liver an address In the Uroadway Mcthodb
church on the suggestive aubjiHrt. "Curfe
Shall lllug Tonight. "
Did you know that Bradley was Benin
fine potato * * at 25 ceuu yar b unbelt "II
Weather Too Oold to Get Up Much Politi
-lli-Kln to Think t
Apathy . > niiN IniticnilliiK Victor ;
nt tlic Polln for tinIlcnio -
oratf , AVho AlmiN Vole ,
The fact sccma to bo generally overlook
that there Is to bo a city election on Me
day , and that the result of the ballots
determine whether or not the leglslat !
branch of the city government shall contln
to bo republican or bo turned over to t
democrats. 1'coplo have a fixed Idea tl
the election always occurs on the first Me
day In March , but the Impression seems
provall that that period Is some distance
the future. There has not been an electl
In the city In recent years where less i
parent Interest Is being taken than has be
disclosed so far. Occasional allusions to t
election are heard on the streets and
cigar stores , but no general Interest 1 :
been awakened. All of this argues that t
less a llttlo more Interest Is taken a. go
many men will forget to vote. Hepubllca
feel that there Is a good deal of danger
this apathy. Voting Is a sort of Instlt
with democrats , and a democrat ran
misses his chance at the polls , and the list
democratic vote may bo safely counted up <
The margins between the two parties
very narrow , and a llttlo Indolence on t
part of the republicans may result dlsi
About the only place where there has be
anything to show that an election Is t
proachlng Is the office of the city clerk , w
has been busy for a week or more gettl
ready the ponderous machinery of the Ai
trallan ballot. H Is ready and has abc
all been distributed. The work ot puttl
up the booths will bo finished today.
There will bo four aldermen to elect
Monday , and at the school election , whl
comes a week later , two members of t
Hoard of Education are to bo elected. T
republicans have nominated an exceptlona
strong ticket and the democrats , who ha
fiiEcd with the populists , have put up
ticket that fully satisfies them. The ch
feature to bo commended In the contest
Its frcencsa from personality. The repi
I leans have no mod as their candidates : f
aldermin-at-large , E. E. Sayles ; for aldi
man Third ward , Thomas D. Metcalf ; i
alderman Fourth ward , W. H. KImball ; I
alderman Sixth ward , L > . M. Shubert ; I
members of the school board. Dr. M.
Snyder , Jacob Sims. The democrats hn
selected for alderman-at-large , L. A. Devli
alde.-nmn Third ward , John Evers ; aldcrm
Fourth ward , J. D. Atkins ; alderman Sis
ward , \V. C. Uoyer ; members Board of EC
cation , A. Whltelnw and N. E. Tyrrell.
One Important thing for voters to recolli
today Is to see that they are properly r <
istered. The boards of registration will
today for additions nnd corrections of t
poll books at the following places :
First Ward First precinct , Wheeler
Here-Id's office , 124 East Itroadway ; reg
trars , Ralph Williams , Charles Banther ; S <
end precinct , 207 East Broadway ; reglstra
Henry Stevenson , F. C. Bante.
Second Ward First precinct , office of X
tcrback's livery on Bryant street ; reglstra
C. A. Tlbbetts and N. Schurz. Second pi
clnct , 720 Broadway , Schlcketanz's bart
shop ; rcglbtrars , J. E , Hollcnbcck and T.
Third Ward First precinct , Chlca
house , 135 South Main street ; registrars , '
R. Hue and J. M. Shea. Second prccln
Atlantic house , D01 South Main street ; re
Istrars , Hairy Brown and 1 * . O'Donnell.
Fourth Ward First precinct , olllce Gra
livery , 224 South Main street ; registrars ,
H. Gllmore and M. B. Brown. Second pi
clnct , residence of L. Hotchklss , C17 Twelf
avenue ; registrars , T , C. Jackson and Arth
Fifth Ward First precinct , county bull
Ing , corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth strei
Second'precinct , 1511 South Thirteen
street ; registrars , George H. Harzard and
J. Gallagher.
Sixth Ward First precinct. Bland RIs
ton's store , 2100 West Broadway ; reglstrai
Wilson James and P. G. Mlkcsell. Seco
precinct , Nlelson's place , corner Fifth ai
Locust streets ; registrars , II , Wclman ai
William Whiting.
Forty Domestic soap wrappcra are gofer
for six silver spoons.
Hoffmayr'n fancy patent flour makes t
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for
Utiitv Scrrrtnry IliirlU-lt Will Ii
iiiiurnrnti * Loral .MlHHloiiary.
State Secretary Bartlctt ot the Amcrlci
Sunday School union will be In the city t
morrow and will hold a scries of meetln
In the Interest of the work he represent
The first meeting will bo held at 10:30
'tho Second Presbyterian church. The ma
mealing of the day will be held in the 1
dustrlal school headquarters , In the Els
man building , at 3 o'clock. This will be
the nature of a children's meeting , to whli
everybody Is Invited. The last meeting w
bo held in the Fifth Avenue Methodl
church at 7:30 : o'clock. Those will all 1
union meetings , and one feature that
sought to bo strongly Impressed upon t !
public Is the fact that no collections w
bo taken at any of the meetings. Mr. Bat
lett Is a strong speaker. Ills work he
will bo the inauguration of the Sundi
school campaign for the year. Ho will I
duct Hcv. Henry DcLong Into olllco at
Btart him In his work as city and conn
missionary under the auspices of the unlo
Mr. DeLonn has been the local represent
live of the union for the past three month
as a sort of probationary trial , but ycstc
day ho received his commission appolntli
him as the agent of the association for
year ut n salary of $000 , provided th :
amount can bo realized from bis work , M
UeLong Is the first man < to receive a con
mission with so wide a latitude. It is I
tended that bo shall reach the neglectt
classes In the city. Ho will have charge i
the Sunday school missionary work In tl
cntlro county. Ho will also take up tl
duties and assume- the place formerly he !
by Mr. Barrett.
Baby carriages the finest line In the clt
Durfeo Furniture Co.
Potatoes 25 crnta a bushel at Bradloy'd.
1'IM ) .MOHU IUr.\fTl3S OK WIIll
.Inuk Denier IN Kliu-il T v 'nty Dollni
for HIM Tart In tinAirnlr. .
The olllcers yesterday rcesvercil sever ,
more good sized bundles of the heavy oo ]
per trolley wire stolen from tha motor eon
pany's driving park lino. No now arre *
were made , but sufficient evide-sco wiu ; ol
tallied to connect other men with the crlr.i
At the morning poss'on ' ot the police cou
Jacob' Stein , tbo junk .loiler arrested li
buying and roiiu l'.ng smiio of the stole
wire , was sentenced to pay a fine of ? 2ui
as a punishment for the pnrt he K&d tnkc
In tbo affair. Ho tesilil'M that he had pu
chased the wlro of youn ? SUnuiy and lla'i
believing their utiiflos thit they foui-1
lying around the 8ta'.i'e < j In the dilvlng pet
to bo true , and hud given : lu < m SI.CO f <
all they had brought t ? hU bhop. Ho In
came very much cxcltod wlien he reai.zc
what thu deal was costing bun uirl th'ui
ened to make scrlo-.u irou'ilo for the rolu
Judge and the oillsera who had prosecuu
him. ,
The cases agalnat Leslie H.ttos und Jit
Stamey were a aln con.lnui | until toc't ,
Final developments nra oxpe'.tud IniJty.
The genuine Domestics toap wrappers ai
red , Beware of the cheap grade of Domcst
put up In yellow wrapper * . "
You can buy fine potatoes at Bradley
for 25 cents per bushel. "
lleeolvcrx Aliont Hemljto Turn
AfTnlrit Over to tlic Slnolcliolileri
The business of the Keystone Manufact
Ing company will soon pass out of the hat
of the receivers , who have had charge
U for the > last thirty days. Tbo Informal
was received at the offices of the compi
In this city yesterday afternoon. The co
p.iny has 'been ' reorganized and all nogot
tlons with the creditors have been cc
pletcd. The propositions for gettlemi
made by the company have been accepi
and all that remains to bo done Is the tl
transfers al a meeting which will bo h
next Tuesday , called for the purpose at I
homo offices of the company In Sterling , :
Immediately after that meeting the cou
will bo asked by all the parties Interesi
to discharge the receivers , and the buslin
will be taken up where It was when tctni
racily Interrupted a month ago.
The 'basis of the settlement with the en
Horn has not been madepublic. . It Is 01
known that the propositions made the re
ganlzcd company was to pay every del
of the Indebtedness at full par value. It
tni | > i > ooeil the creditors gave the company r
Bonoblo extensions. The official statcmci
ot the liabilities and assets of the coin pa
at the tlmo the applications were made
receivers showed that the assets greatly i
ccedcd the liabilities , and after the manai
mcnt came Into the hacds of the recclvi
the situation grew brighter with each d :
Bad collections , which were the eole cat
ot the embarrassment , began to Improve
once and the Improvement haa cnnttnt
until the present. Tlic llttlo emharrassmc
Instead of weakening the company , has
ally been the means of strengthening It
hastening tardy debtors all over the we
Many of these debtors 'jail been custonv
of the company for nearly a generation n
the remembrance of past favors quicker
their coneclertcca , and when they heard
the company's trouble they hustled up
mlttanccs that no amount ot previous urgl
could hasten.
Receiver Patterson of the Council Blu
branch expects to be relieved of his tl
within a few days , and the business v
thereafter bo conducted as It has been
many years. The personnel of the rcorgt
Ized company will not be made public ur
after the meeting on Tuesday. It Is Unov
however , that many of the old olllcers v
bo continued In the company.
Court AiljoiiriiN Over Sunday.
Judge Thornell adjourned the dlstr
court yesterday until Monday , and will lea
today for his homo In Sidney. But lit
was done In the court during the day a
Judge Thornell and Reporter Gaston cc
fined themselves to completing the we
that required finishingtouches. .
Motion for a new trial In the case of PC
Ehlcrs against Jacob Wleland was submltt
Ehlers sued for nearly $2,500 , which
claimed was duo him on an open accot
that had been running between them :
several years. Neither party kept any hoc
to speak of and the court and jury wi
called upon to untangle a badly snarled nn
of accounts.
A motior to dismiss the case of W.
Jameson against the United States Masoi
Benevolent association without prejudice v
entered. Judgment was rendered aiiiii
Jameson for costs and he was given nin <
days In which to settle and file bill of i
City Attorney Hazelton yesterday began
new batch of suits against property own <
who. o pavement taxes were drllnquc ;
Thirty-six defendants were named In t
petition and the amount of special taxes
volved Is about $1.400. The suit Is agali
E. A. Benson of Omaha nnd owners of li
In Benson's addition lying on Broadway.
W. T. Edwards began foreclosure proeet
Ings yesterday against Estelle Graves a
heirs of Robert Perclval for $375 balance
note , and against Ed Mott et al for $ li
balance duo on note.
DoilKTiMU'Iit CnnrilH < Sct n Ilnll.
The Dodge Light Guards yesterday coi
pleted their negotiations with the Maser
Temple association by which they se u
porsefslon of the big hall for a year at tl
nominal rental of $000. They will rcmo
the partitions from three of the rooms fo
merly used as offices tiy the United Stat
Masonic Benevolent association. This w
give them splendid drill hall and armory
COx7G with numerous ante rooms. Ti
young men will put the hall Into flrst-cla
condition and will have the finest and tl
largest armory in the state. The leases w
be signed this morning. The guards a
highly elated over the success of their n
gotlatlons. There were'other applicants f
the hall , and for a time It appeared to 1
doubtful If the leases could be made. Thi
feel under deep and personal obligations
Hon. George F. Wright for the Interest ai
assistance he gave them In their efforts
gel the hall.
They tell this story on Lord Roseber
who is a very bad shot ; Not long ago 1
was on the Scotch moors , and , having u
successfully fired at a covey ot birds th. .
rose not more than twenty yards ahead 1
exclaimed : "It Is strange that none of the
fell ! I'm positive that some of them mu
have been struck ! " "I dlnna doot , " r
turned the keeper , with the usual freedo
of his class , "that they were struck w
astonishment at gettln' off sa easy ! "
"Dictionary Snyder , " long known as tl
genius of the Latin Quarter In Paris , Is sa
to have lived through the slcgo of the cli
on 15 francs. Olive oil and bread mlxc
with water to form a soup were his main a
tides of diet. Snyder Is credited with ha'
Ing sustained life for a protracted pcrlc
on 4 cents a day , and withal malntalnc
an outward semblance of cheerfulness ai
content that was edifying to his compai
A Philadelphia colored barber tells th
Dtory of President Frank Thomson of tl
Pennsylvania railroad : "Ho Is one of the mo :
genial and natural men that ever sat In u
chair , and I've shaved the faces of a goi
many big men , 1 can tell you. ll < a is affab
to the point of talking with us In the pu
negro dialect , and , 'pon honor , ho can i
our tongue to a t. Good-hearted" 'We ' !
you'd better bellevo It ! Why , when one
our craft who used to shave him got In
money trouble and wax about to low h
shop , ho went out to Mr. Thomson's count !
place to PCO If ho couldn't get a temporal
lift over the affair. Mr. Thomson'c scrvai
a colored man turned him away , but h
master chance < l to overhear the talk at tl
door and called the man in , Sure na yon' :
sitting there , Mr , Thomson , after llatenlr
to that man's ntory , handed him a $50 bll
merely saying as he did so , 'I want you
return the money when you are In a posltlt
to do PO. ' That money was all paid bac :
No worthy man ever called upon Frar
Thomson In vain. No place la too good fi
him. nnd you can just bet ho will fill ar
place ho IB In , too. "
Captain Charles Bendiro of the Unite
States army , who died In Jacksonville , Fla
the other day. was said to be the most note
collector of birds' eggs In the United State
He was commissioned In the army from tli
ranks In 1S54 , Ho rendered good servlc
during the war and since , and was brovete
first lieutenant for gallantry at Trevallo
Station , Va , , In 1S < H , and major for braver
In action against the Indians at Canyo
creek. Montana , In 1S77. Ho was retire
In 1SSO , while serving In the cavalry , o
account of tbo disabilities Incurred In tli
line of duty , and since that tlmo he he
risen to prominence in the scientific worl
for his superior ornithological work for tli
Smithsonian Institution.
Prof. Blake of the University of ICanso
has fallen Into disrepute In certain portlor
of that state by reason of some advance
electrical ideas ho has been teaching. I
i lecture recently ho Mated that llghtnln
Is Just as likely to come up from the cart
as It Is to descend from the clouds and till
especially aroused disgust. "No such dur
rubbish goes down with me , " said a niembi
of the legislature from western Kansai
In speaking of the lecture , "I have ston
out an * seed the llghtnln' come down an
rip things up too often to have eny ki
Klove perfesser stall' roun' an' tell fno ths
It comes up outen the groun , . Fust thin
you know , he'll be ti-Illn' us that a ma
can't eheer off the llghtuln' by scttln * 1
ix feather bed , but I know a duru slgl
better. "
Liquor Mnnnfao'.nrin Bill Fasaoa
House with Ono Eparo Vota.
Move Previous Quoa'tlim on One Si
' "
( tun nml Siirnu'cr"- IliilpN It AI
pile ) , ( o AVIiolc llfll StroiiKtli
in Senate Doubtful.
DES MOINES , Fcb , 20. ( Special T (
gram. ) The liquor manufacturing bill pae
the house today after an exciting B SE
forenoon and afternoon. It was late In
afternoon when the long bill was ready
Its passage , and under"tho previous quest
went to n vote. H received fifty-two vol
fifty-one being necessary to pass It ; for
four were cast In the negative. The pasa
of the bill was the result of one of the b
places of management ever Been In the lej
laturc. The plan was made In all dcti
with the greatest care before It waa c <
known that the committee was about
bring out a bill. The opponents of the me
uro were conflJcnt they would def
It , and when the first test v
mustered only fifty votes for the bill
looked as If H would fall. Hut the p
was carefully laid nnd al the right tlmo i
votes came. The bill was reported from i
committee on suppression of Intempcrai
early In the forenoon session. Motions
Indefinitely postpone wore defeated and ci
sldoratlon was forced. The committee 1
simply consolidated the old mulct law n
the new manufacturing provisions , makl
the latter amendments to the former. 1
bill's consideration being forced , It v
taken up section by section , and each s
tlon In turn adopted under the prevli
question , the speaker ruling that when I
previous question was moved as to n p
tlcular section It would not carry the wh
hill with It. Section by section the nmei
monts were adopted under this rule , till I
last section was reached at C o'clock. Wl :
the motion for the previous question v
made this time It was not limited ; tin
waa no provision that It should ap ]
only to the section iindur consUcrutli
It was moved by Punk o ? Hardln , ono
the strongest .ippoiunts of iho bill , a
when It carried the speaker proceeded
put the bill on Its pa sjgc , declaring tl
the previous qiunt'on sot hnvlns I pun II
Itcd , the whole bill must go to Its pass-
without debate. The opnoivjius of ths me
uro had hoped lo talk It .o iloath and wi
furious that an error should have defcal
them. As It was the chair's ruling hi
and the bill was passed. The roll call gs
fifty affirmative votus , and H looked 1 !
defeat , but La.ld and Lowry changcl to I
nmrmatlvo and pissed the bill a'mM gn
applause. A ago the house de.'oa !
the bill , fifty-two votes being oabt agali
The measure will come up In the sem
In the course of two weeks , and the rest
there In uncertain. Last year It rccelv
twenty-two votes , twenty-six being necessc
to pass U. It will probably do better tl
year. Its passage In the house w
strengthen it much , and the fact that t
republican politicians 'are demanding It
necessary to place the party In good coni
tlon for the gubernatorial campaign , w
also add strength. Its success , however ,
problematic. '
The house also parsed the Carney reso !
tlon , from the senate , for a joint Investlf
tlon of state In&titutiona. It had been t
feated once , reconsidered , tabled , taken fr <
the table and at last passpd this morning 1
fore manufacture was , lal n up. The sens
had first passed this , thn when the hoi :
rejected it proceeded with an Independe
Investigation. The tscnhte committee in
acting will probably , bo discharged and t
committee bo made Joint to work under t
new resolution. The ee'nate spent two sc
slons on routine codif work.
\Vllllaiii Ortliitiim'n Cruel Trent me
of Illx Mttlc Alvliia.
PRIMGHAH , la. , Fcb. 20. ( Special. )
Last week application was made to t
County Insane commission at Prlmghar , i
questing that Mrs. Alvlna Orthman be i
moved to the Hcspltal for the Insane
: ndependerce. H was Henry Horstman
: his county , stepfather to the girl , for s
s yet In her teens , who made the appllc
The woman , so the story goes , was on
engaged to marry Henry Orthman , a we
o-do young farmer. Henry's brother , W
lam , appeared on the scene and taking a
antage of a light misunderstanding I
tween the girl and his brother , told her
nany wrongdoings that he claimed her I
trothed was guilty of , and succeeded ii
lohoning her mind against him that s
eft , going to Grundy Center , where she w
narried on December 31 to William Ort
nan. Some days after the marriage , tlrli
of his young wife , William returned
J'Drlen county. He Informed his wife th
ho things he had told her concerning li
brother were not true , and that he , Wllllai
cared nothing for her. The poor , forsaken gl
Jccamo sick and grew rapidly worse. SI
laased through a sickness something ak
to typhoid fever , from which she recoven
only to become insane. She Is subject
Ito of hysteria , which last from nix
hlrty hours. The "rake" who Is rcsponslb
or her Imlsery has loft the country and r
'uses to support her or have anything to i
with her. The commission has not as y
acted In the case , but will probably send tl
unfortunate girl to the asylum , as the deters
tors are nimble to render other than ter
porary relief. Much plly Is manifested fi
the woman , awl If Orthman should retui
to his old haunts ho would probably 1
treated to a coat of tar and feathers ,
Seirdou of lowii anil XeliriiNkn I.nn
AYJiONf Tide IN Miifli In DlNfiiite.
CRESCENT CITY. la. , Fob. 20. ( Spec !
Telegram. ) There Is a section of lar
near here , the title to which
just now In a peculiar legal coi
dltlon. The land has never been a
Bcssed , surveyed or numbered , Squatlci
now hold possession , but their rights ai
being called Into question , They are all di
termlned to try title to their holdings c
the ground that the land is governmei
land. The present claimants liavo take
officers and In some Instances have give
notices to leave Insldo of three days an
In other instances have served Injunctloi
forbidding thu occupiers of the land froi
chopping wood or la- any way 'interfcrln
with the claimant's possession.
The trouble will ntf doubt end In a lav
suit , which Is likely fo Up keenly contestei
rho question turns ujioni whether the Ian
la accretion land of atulslon land , Tl :
squatters are nil determined men and cai
not see the rights of 'any ono to hold i
Much land with no tlMf'Mut that of suppost
iccrction. Holding tli/s / tlow and dlsrcgan
Ing the protests of the Claimants , they ai
tioldlng on to the land they occupy , and i
: ho meantime more , * eqliatters have lice
locking In until there , tj now no land Ic ;
for them to settle onr "
Some of this land'if , said to bo a part (
: ho state of Nebraska , although It Is all o
: hls sldo of the Missouri river. The cluln
nils have , therefore , b'ceii able to secure tli
alllcers from both stales to assist them I
valuing what they consider their rights.
In DIMi'li-l Ciut'rl al Avoen.
AVOOA. la. , Feb. 2C. ( Special. ) Zclme
Hughes , convicted yesterday In the dlstric
: ourt on a charge of seduction , has furnUhe
$1,500 $ bonds and will appeal to the nuprem
jourt. William Llppold has filed an answc
to the suit of Christian Hoeck to rccove
Lvagcs. The trial of a tmlt brought by Fran
Hustls for damages from J , Q. Mcl'henln I
In progress. A motion has been tiled In th
mil brought by Sarah Doncll , to prevent co !
lection of a judgment by William Leary , t
strike parts of the answer and crofa pet
tlon. In the case of the State agalmit S. .V
Suppy the defendant fllcd a motion to rcta
: osts , the plaintiff tiled resistance and th
motion < wa submitted. George N. Wllco
Is suing John Huntlngton and others fo
: ollectlon of notes- and In the suit A. I
lohns appears for John Huntlligton and wlf
md W. J , Huntloston and wife , ID the sul
ot Joseph Mlehencr against J. S. nilllnf
judgment was frlven on two promissory noli
and attorney fees ,
1.0x0 LOST nTnATTvTjs"Aun FOUM
loirn Man' * Trnulo Dentil ilic .Mean
of Itemilllnc 11 Fnntlt- .
WEnSTEIl CITY , la. . Fcb , 26. ( Spccli
Telegram , ) llelalives that were lost f <
forty years have Junt been found by tt
family of the late J. H. Warburton ot Jcv
ell. Two months ago Mr. Warburton wt
riding across the Northwestern tracks sout
of hero In n closed carriage when his vehlc !
was struck by a passing train and ho wt
Instantly killed. News of his tragic deal
was cent broadcast and n letter was short !
afterward received from parties In Indian
claiming relationship. They have now c
tabllshod their claim by sending a lettc
written In ISIS by Mr. Warburton's fath (
that Is In a remarkable state of prcscrvatloi
the Ink being as plain as It was the day
was written. A family reunion will bo hoi
the latter part of next week.
AinoMi > MN Ilnve Once -More Ileconi
I'oiinlitr In Ii'iiNlilntinlili * Society ,
Ono of the newest ot fashionable caprice
doorecs. that the amethyst shall bo restore
to the favor from which It has fallen dui
Ing the past tbrco decades.
Good taste rejoices that the wearing (
the otone Is sanctioned by fashion , says tli
St. Louis Republic , for few more bcautlfi
jewels oxlot.
From the most ancient times , eave for th
period of neglect above mentioned , the ami
thyet haa been n favorite ornament , Nc
Imo Ito value been based upon Its ornament !
properties alone. Pliny Is authority fc
the statement that the name ot the ston
Is derived from the Greek "amcsthclstos"-
powcr to prevent drunkcnncie. In this coi
ncctlon It may bo staled that the dlvlnlt
ot the amethyst Is Neptune. The qucstlo
whether the clectlon Is merely colncldenc
or based on the god's association with , th
waters and kindred affairs Is ono of th
enigmas whose answer Is lost In the gloat
of antiquity. The mere coincidence , If BUC
It be , certainly Is felicitous ,
Sincerity Is the attribute which scntlmcr
attaches to the amethyst , the thought doiibi
leus being Inspired by the stone's pure an
delicate hue.
The month to which the stone Is dedicate
Is February.
"The bishop stone" Is one of the terms b
which the amethyst Io fancifully known : 1
Is said that the olllclal ring of ccclculastl
authorities has an amethyst setting.
So much for superstition and scntlmcn
llegardlces of questions ps to whs .her th
gift ot an amethyst will hive the desire
effect upon your Inebriate friend , certai
It Is that the recent winm of fashion ha
revived the popularity of an article of tru
beauty. The deep , liquid purple , tile mystt
rloua , velvety appearance of a gocd spec !
men , and the stone's effectiveness In com
blnatlon with other jewels commend It t
all jewelry lovers. Indications are that th
rolntroductlon of the atone Is not a ceni
pllance with a mere fad , but a demand fo
a genuine revival of the gem's use. A
amethyst Is not an expensive luxury a
jewels go ; It la one of the small class c
things of beauty found In quantities sum
clpiuly plentiful to hold their price dow
to moderation. Siberia supplies the spucl
muiis whose clearness nnd richness am
color glvo them the position as the beat o
their Kind , vast quantities of an Infcrlo
grade of the crystal are found In the Lak
Superior region. Ceylon , India , Brazil , th
mines In the Rocky mountains and a scor
of other localities have been found to b
storehouses from which the stone has bcei
taken In varyHg quantity and quality. A
great many of the finds are useless for or
namcntal purposes , on account of opaque
ness or deficiency or unevenness In color
Brazilian amethysts arc not Infrcquentl'
white. In composition the stone Is almos
Identical .with the topaz ; the similarity
therefore , existing between the latter am
the white amethyst Is said oftentimes to bi
turned to good account.
H is difflcult to account for the decree o
social banishment from which the amethys
is just now emerging. Wore the stone les ;
beautiful or extravagantly costly the ex
[ ilanatlon would bo less hidden. However
: t appears to have returned to the boudoir o
lcauty for a long stay.
Con * of ArniN for IIic IllHliop.
According to the correspondent of the Chi-
cagoi Record , Bishop Sattcrlee ( Episcopal ) ol
Washington has devised a coat of arms foi
: bo bishop of Washington. It Is a comblna
tion of the arms of George Washington and
of the Protestant Episcopal church. Above
the shield Is a bishop's miter and crown
while below Is a scroll bearing the Inscrlp-
Ion. "Scriptura. Symbolum. Mystcrlum ,
3rdo , " which , being translated , means ,
'Scripture , Creed , Orders and Sacrament. "
Phese words wore formulated by the Lam-
) eth quadrilateral as the basis of Christian
unity. Bishop Satterleo now uses this crcsl
ipon his stationery and upon his carriage ,
and has had It carved upon the bishop's
chair ho will occupy at St. Mark's church ,
which has been chosen as a pro-cathedral.
Two IllilIniiH .Vru Ari'eHleil.
BISMARCK , N. D. , Feb. 2C. Two Indians ,
. .ouls Agaan' and Black Hawk , have been
arrested near the Standing Rock reservation
on suspicion of being Implicated In the
Splcer tragedy of Wednesday last. One ol
hem was scratched up , as It was said the
nurderer would be , from a struggle with
mo of the women who was killed. The
ndlans are clcbely confined and further
lavelopmcnta may bring out something defl-
ilto as to the sextuple murder.
\fsrro HiuiKcil for n Donlile Crime ,
CHATTANOOGA , Feb. 2C. Yesterday
afternoon at Goddl , Charlie Brown , a young
negro , attempted to criminally assault Miss
.lly Walker , the 18-year-old daughter of a
espcctable farmer. Falling In his purpose
10 hid In a barn. AVhen a posse attempted to
arrest him ho fatally shot Deputy Sadler.
A mob formed and Brown was strung up on
a tree and his body riddled with bullets.
tiillrouil Ilcllef Department Iteiiurt.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 20. The eleventh
annual report of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Voluntary Relief department has been 'Issued
ly Chairman S. M. Provost. The number of
leneflt payments during 1S9C were : Deatho
roni accident , 92 ; deaths from natural
Buses , 321 ; disablement from accident , 8,774 ;
Isabliiinent from sickness. 23,117 , The total
f benefits paid was $ ( ! 10,119 ,
Snj-n Iteport IN I'reiiiiilnre ,
NEW YORK , Fcb. 26. E , C. Benedict Bald
oday that the report that President Clevo-
and was to go with him on his yacht
Onelila on a short vltdt to Havana was , to
ay tlio lest , premature. He ( Mr. Dencdlct )
light go on a cruise towards the t > outh this
prlng and Mr , Cleveland might accompany
1m , That was all the basis for the report ,
N1 StriUe n Failure.
PITTSnURG. Feb , 2C , The river miners1
trlko la a failure No. more than 1,000
icn are out. With but few exceptions all
tilners were idle yesterday , but when It was
een that the demand for an advance would
ot bo general , nearly all the dlggeru ro-
urncd to work.
TIUJ nnnoMx or TIU : nusr.iiT.
An ArtlxtS IMrnxIni ; IMrfnre of The
On reaching cntnp my reception was mi
KrAtl'ylnR a perfect blending ot ropectl
solicitude and hospitable welcome , cayn
writer In the Century. After kissing i
hand , the fhclk assisted me to dl.imou <
bidding mo welcome , and saying that i
visit brought a blcfslng on bis house. Cc
ducting mo to my tent , ho added : "Tl
house Is yours , and all it contains ; do wl
you will with It and with us your servant
a truly biblical greeting , and ono will
Immediately suggested the days of Abraha ;
an Illusion heightened when water w
brought and hands , face and feet we
washed bcforo 1 was left to rest on t
cushions In the tent , and the sheik retlr
to prepare the evening meal.
Under the Mohammedan code three daj
hospitality Is a right wayfarers may d
mntul , though In the case of accepted frlcn
the royal bounty of the host heaps fav
after favor upon the guest , without Btlnt
Probably the first distinct Impression
received from the lledouln was the close r
semblance of their life to that of Old Tc
lament times. Their loose , ( lowing rob
added to their naturally tall nnd Impost !
appearance , and their strong , majestic faci
slightly Jewish In type , together with tlu
gracious old-world courtesies , Irreslstlb
suggested the patriarchs ot old. The
lives , thoughts , sayings and occupations t
main unchanged through all these ccnturli
nnci the Incidents and conversations of 11
dally Intercourse with them were alwa
Abrahamlc In character.
Though nomads , the Arabs are rovers fra
necessity rather than from choice , ai
where fodder and water are found In sul
clent abundance they form pcrmanc
camps , surrounding their tents wltn a cot
pound ot durra stalks , and frequently bull
Ing stone or mud lodges for their guests.
When on the march they arc content wl
very small tents , easily packed and carrl
but In their permanent camps their horn
are of regal proportions. The ono 1 occ
pled covered some 2,000 square feet , at
was about eleven feet high In the cente
sloping to five feet or so at the sides , Tl
tent cloth was , as usual , made of goat hal
and parti-colored In broad stripes of bloc
green maroon , blue and white , while fro
the seams depended tassels from whli
other cloths are hung to divide the tc :
Into separate apartments when occupied 1
a family.
The furniture Is simple. Rugs are sprci
over the sand , and reclining cushions sea
tercd about them. In the corner Is a zee
or largo water pot , and by It a cubl yen , i
drinking cup , of brass or copper. Rom
the Bldo of the tent Is a row of palnti
boxea , In which are packed the houscho
Roods and chattels when moving , while
few quaintly wrought lamps and , half burh
In the sand , a largo earthen bowl , used i
a fireplace , complete the list.
Very domestic In their habits , cvcrytblr
about them has personal associations. Tl
tent cloths are spun , dyed and woven I
their women and children , as also are the
aaddlo cloths and trappings ; and these ai
BO highly prized by them that money cai
not buy the simplest product of their wive
Industry , though they may glvo them freel
In token of friendship. Generally marrlc
to ono wife , the Bedouin regards her an
her children with n devotion not genen
imong orientals , and I bellevo that the Ara
word watan Is the only real equivalent I
ny language for the English word "home.
Desert life Induces habits of abstemlout
ness. Rising with the sun , a dish of kuml :
or mare's milk , and a small cup of bloc
coffee are the only refreshments general !
partaken of. The day Is spent followln
one's pursuits , and with the exception t
nn occasional cup of coffee and some ver
light "snack , " one has no meal of any kin
till after sundown. One quickly become
accustomed to long fasting and abstlnenc
trom any form of drink , and the slmpl
ainncr at night is more keenly enjoyed 1
consequence. Though plain , the food Is cs
cellcntly cooked , and usually consists of
huge tray of rice , over which Is poured
llsh of semna , or liquid butter ; round th
tray are pigeons stuffed with nuts an
spices ; and the pyramid of rice Is sut
mounted by a Iamb or kid , frequently cooke
whole. Boiled beans , and perhaps a foi
Fresh herbs , app3ar occasional whlcl
with the usual flat loaves arid a large ills
D ! rlz-bll-laban , or boiled rice pudding , com
: > lete the meal. Salt Is seldom seen a dis
' .Inct privation except on the first day c
four visit , and drinking water Is oftei
icarce. After dinner a huge flro of corn
: obs , or sticks and camel dung , Is llghtc
n the tent , about which we gather an <
mjoy the after-dinner cup of coffee and ,
mioke , and , should we be In the mood , talk
The Arabs have ono excellent point o
! tlquet : Talk for talk's sake Is not ex
> ected. Ever ready for a yarn , they cagerl ;
espond should you wish to converse , bu
he luxury of silence is not denied If one'
need be thoughtful.
The Idea of a fire In one's tent may strlki
ionic of the readers as a superfluity ; bu
he nights are often Intensely cold , am
ifter bathing in the sun all day , with 'tin
hermometer at 95 to 100 degrees In tin
ihade , the sudden fall of temperature ti
Ittlo above freezing point is very trying
ind In spite of fire , blankets and a. thlcl
ilfiter , I have frequently been obliged to gi
lutsldo and run about In order to reston
ilrculatlon of my half-frozen extremities.
I'oinHealth llnrx Itelil.
CANTON , O. , Feb. 2C . In the talk abou
Jew York appointments that has appearc *
n the newspapers from day to day slnci
ho election It seems to have escaped gen
ral notice that Whltelaw Held has alwayi
een a great favorl'e of the prcsldcnt-clcc
: > r some suitable and conspicuous recog
Itlon. Mr. Reid's selection for a place Ir
ho cabinet or a foreign embassy , at hi.
holce , has been recently under Major Me-
rinley's careful and most cordial consldera-
Ion. The relations between the two gentle.
ion have Ions been kind and Intimate ami
o ono regrets Mr. Reid's ill-health more
lian the president-elect , or Is so anxlom
ir his complete recovery. But both Mr. .
: eld and his friends think it would be 1m.
riulont for him to risk the confinement ol
Illclal work until his health Is absolute ! )
stored , and hence ho will bo advised agalnsl
ml course. Major McKlnley , within the
ist fortnight , finally and reluctantly gave
p the idea of appointing Mr. Reid , anil
icrcupon wrote him a letter expressing
oth his regard and appreciation and of the
cep regret that for the present , at least ,
o could not have the advantage of his as-
relation and co-operation In the affairs ol
10 administration.
INDIANAPOLIS , Fcb , 2C. The house , 1m-
icdlately after ro'.l rail toilay , suspended the
.ilex and passed the bill authorizing the at-
irne > y general to bring suit against the
anailalla Railroad company for the stale's
lalm for $1,000,000 under a former charter ,
his afternoon the bill was sent to the
mate , where II was promised that that
ody would promptly pass It.
.MeC.inU DeellneH nllh TliiinUH.
NEW YORK , Feb. 20. The Commercial
dvertlser tUs afternoon says : Colonel
jhn J. McCook will not bo Now York's
ipresciitatlvo In the next president's cub-
el. Colone : McCook , It Is announced to-
ly , has bucn conalderlng an offer to enter
\r nillou indNorvoiu disorders such us Wind and I'aln la the Stomach , Kck | hcadacho
riiUMiicsa , Fullness and Kwolllug after munis , DlizlauJS and DrowslnobS , Culd Chills , Flushing !
f llfc\it , I-osiof Appotlto , Hhartiioij of llreath , Coitlvoiinii , Illotuhc * on thu Slcln , Disturbed
Icop , Frightful Dreams , nI ( all Nervous nnd Trombllau Sons-itlonn , ftc. , whun thuja symn-
otuu ave ciiu4Ud by constipation , us most of thuai aro. Hit flllSI UDSt WILL GIVC HtLltf h
WtNlV MIMJIIS. Tills U no llutlon , Every bUlfuror Is earnestly luvltoJ to try 0119 box uf tlio o
' 11U > autllivy \ \ will lie ititkauwlttilgml to lie
BEECHA.M'J PILLS , ttikau as dlror.tod , will quickly roatorj fomiUrs to complete
onltli. T.hey promptly remove obstructions or Irrojuliirltloj of the system. For u
licy actlU.oniuitlu-a . fuwdoiot will work wonder * upon the Vlt-U organs , atreii tbanUu the
, brlaxliu IMO'X the keen ailgu of apuutllo ,
nUbuuinr tiytoin , rustorliie Iho loriK-luit complexion
nil arimsluiK with the Umulmil of Hmltii the whole physical energy of the human
. Tliesu uro facts uclmlttoa by housimJa , In all cliisos of noulety , uad eau of the bust
ruinu. . ' 1'ilU l"tv tlio Lai-fust bitlo
; unruiiti-rfl to the Nervous mid Dubllltuted la tlmt' "
if uuy I'l/.tent / Aleillfliiu In thu Woilil ,
WITHOU F A RIVAL , Annual Suloa ever 0,000,000 rfnxoa.
Uo at drui ; utorcu. or will te tuu by U. Bcents , U. F. AI/T.EN & CO. , ICi Canal
York , cotyald , upon receipt ol price. Dock lite uj > n application. , , . . . .L.- . .
I the cabinet as secretary of the Interior ami
has declined the honor. SenMor-clpct putt
was Informed by Colonel MeCook of his In
tention , The Department of Justice alone
had attractions for Colonel McCook and when
Mr. McKlnley decided to miiko Judge Me *
Kenna hi * attorney general Colonel McCook
thankfully declined preferment In any other
capacity In the cabinet.
.Minority Wlnn llx Point. '
AUSTIN. Feb. 26. The house of tha Texaa
legislature , which has been under continual
call Hnce Tuesday afternoon on an assign
ment bill abolishing preferred creditors , was
unlocked at 1:30 : a. in. toJny. The minority
won their fight by making the majority slvn
In to them and set the bill for discussion
next Tuesday , and from day to day there
after until everybody was satisfied to vote.
As the minority will never agrc to the tak
ing of a vote , and they hold the balance-
power , the assignment hill Is practically dead
and the effort to abolish preferred creditor *
has been practically defeated.
Hli-ll Sll-llic In Alt III' .
MOADVIL1.K , Colo. , Feb. Jil.-In the Nil
DepporutHlnm mine , on Hock Hill , nt n
depth of Co" feet nnd In n drift 140 foot lonff ,
has been made the richest utrlkc In I.oml-
vlllo slnpp 1SSO nnd HIP most Important one ,
us the Rock Hill section has hail no de
velopment. The nilno Is bolng worked by
striking union miners. A IIUKO body of ere
urns $100 per ton. Ten years ng-o D. 11.
Moffatt spent MTi.OOO on nils mine , Undine
nothing , and abandoned It.
Mnnler mill Siilrlilr.
SALT LAK1t'tnli. . Feb. 1V.-A special to.
the Tribune from Plain City , Utnli , pays :
John Nichols shot ami fatally wounded
Joseph lx > wl toilay and then turned thu
gun on himself with fatal results. lowla
bail Kwnru out a warrant chill glng NIcholM
with Hteallng n watch and tne sheriff was on
his way to muko tin arrest.
Useful Roth as n Fond nml ns a Medicine. 1U
Sovereign Medicinal Virtues.
tlmt ther nro renllr Uklni
1'rcncli i > c' ntlflB n
lmtnioromtllculnrl | > th
root nml uerrlrr , rnntftlnnl
a wlillo crjslnlllnn ulv
Rtnnro knoxMi ns ArpBta *
Bin. "
Kiporlmontii on both hit-
ninn boliiRn nml nnltunU
ptovoil ronclUKlvclj tlmttho
nfllon of AM > nrii ln wn
illroctly on tlir klilin' ) , ni.u
thntltpoffwwod innrirloiM
Iionera of lirnUnK niul
nml In iit-flMlnitthem Indo-
tun tiinlr im t liiiportniil
rrork of Illlprlrmthoi'oUoiu
nnd Imi'iirltlrK out of tlio
bltwl nml cnMlnR them out
with tlio iirlno.
Yon , journelf , m l linvo notice. ! the liicrtniPil flow
ulurliioandtlia pocullnr odor It lius , nflor } ou liuvo
nnten Af > pnntKUs. . . . . , , .
Hut , of rour , tliore In vorr llttlo of tin renl rnedl.
ciiMlvlrtimot ABparnEUBin the row nliootn. or tor * .
H l found principally Inllio roots , tbo drlodtor nnd
tlieberrtoH. . . . , , . .r , . ,
. IIJbl
It U from thmo that the now celobrntod Dr.
Sinrmi Ktdnoy 1'IIU nro mndo , nnd In them will b
foundlhamoiHcliialirliiclioof | | | | ABpiinitiioln " " .I" " ;
nnil nil It it nr * romlilneil
< ! < tniid moat nctlrn form , .
flT of thoino < t nctlvo rnBPtnblo hldnpT inoiIlrltiM.
lluchu , rnrolro rnTn , U\o Uren , Corn Silk , nnd Juui-
Dr. ] loblwSpBrnKnrKldnorrM ntri ( > owltIili ] mort
dellcnto tomnch. nnd ranks stronu , linnllhr kldner" .
elf nn imd i.iiro lilood.und bright , duur. uctlvu mind
kn ab olut rcrtatnlr
Dr. Hobbs Pills , For Sale By
Cor. isth and Donzlas Sts. , Omahs. Net.
Searles &
Nervous , Chronic
Private Diseases.
All i'rlvulo Ulsemtl
anciUUurilera uf il n
Trcatiucut by m U
eocnulcatlun frav
anaIR55CT/r uVtcERS , ilYDr.6ciil.E3 AND
VATHCOCRLB pormtttiently nnd ucctifull
cur * 1. Ithotl new and unfailing.
By n w methoi without p tn or cultlnj.
Cnll on or address with stump.
Dt Seailes &Scarl2i
A I.It AYrruitar * * - FiiiliiiK Memory -
ory , ImpotencyKlteple * > Hnenfletc > 't-HUk-oJ
l y Ahuwe ttinl oihar rif h s nn l lu < 11 *
cnilioiit * . Y'/ir/ { i/iflr/// | * iiuAtirrj /
lestoio IxiKt Vlialitr in oM ur joun , anil
lit n man forptudy , bu tnoK8 r murrlnne ,
. ' 1'rfvonl Insiinity unil ( ! otit > uiuiition if
taken In titni * . Their iim bhows iiuno < ) litto Imnrovo-
maitt anil effects u CU11R wliore cill othrra Jail. In
Ti t iixm | linvititf tlio t nulnu AJax TnbletB. Th y
huve cuiftcl thouMnnds nml will euro joii.'v M'TQ ' n
pnaltive written Kunranton lo ffecL u euro In nurh CAHO
or refund the money , 1'rlc'u OO COIIIM nur 1'iickaun , or
eii IiacUu m ( full tiouttnent ] for $2.u ) . ly ) inul. in
plain wriipppr. mtnti r c ljil of i-rlcw , Cfrcnlar free.
AJAX REMEDY co. , wffiirnf : ; ! ; : >
For inla In Onmtm by James Foraytn , 201 N.
Itlh Strrct.
Kulin t.Co. . , 15th and iJouclna Rire ° t .
All Druggists.
U\llULN/\ \ / \
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . 5100,000
DAtfc AHD 8KB l8 ! OK W1HTK.
Dr. 13. C. WcBt'H NITVI > nnd llraln Trenlincnt
n u iruiiimitc'iMl euro for Incl manhood , prcinutiiru
1 < I iiKi'.liivuluntiiry I'lnlFPlo'tt nml upcnnntorrhoc-M
uiiFi-il by iivr-i'xi-itloii f lli liniln , n'lf-
liuti'H ur over-lnilulKfiK' " . l'ilc ' , Jl.W per liun ;
U for jr.W. lly mull , In jiluln wrapper * , on
I'Ci'lpt uf prli11
CiOOim.V.VH I'll A It MAC V ,
05 H. ) Sti ) Mr t'cl. Omulm.
" ' "
New I'lnyn.
o.vrVII : < : K , < ( .MMI\'I\ : ( ;
Olli'liliiMT ivllll " .Mli'hlli'l SlriiKHlV. "
U'idleB frii' opcnlnir nlKlit. llk'yclo Klv < * n uwu/
h lu t nlglit Hiiiunlay ufliTiiKon miitliico
I'rlcrH. lOu uml i0c. ! Kcutu now mi Hutu ut h'el-
; r'H 'Iruhsiort - .
* * - w w v > * w " > iww rf vv * > * - r
IIINOH ; ! , rnurr. PAIIII AND ( ! AHDIN
landii for ealu or rent. Day & Iletu , 3'j 1'tarl
ancc. Moved lo room C , Kvcrt'tt
an HAi.i'2so HTOCIC 01
Good opviilng for Ureetmukrr unil milliner ;
town furty nillen from Council Illuffi. AJ-
dress M)4 ) Houlli Main nl. _
roldcnce , C25 til ) live. , un motor line , near
BlBtent' iscliool ; ulto other Uaiuulr : * , J , II.
Havlilson. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
renlilenCD fuclciir on | iulillc purk ; rei.l cut ) Lu
palil In buunl. Apply ut t.3'J Willow uvenue. In
the moniliiK' .
M ; IAL BALI AT OIIVIH' iiAiiKirr. w
liiouilwuy ; fiu lulne , la per 1U 1 plcnl : li m ,
SVio per lu , ,