Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1897, Image 1

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United States Senate Swept bj a Stern
PaBsionato Discussion ,
Eesolution for Sanguilly's ' Release 0
Forth Heated Debate.
Senators'.A lion , Fryo and Teller Want \
Bblps Despatched at Once ,
u ( Kvtruorilliinry
Scnnlciniro -
lu tluUlttiilHi'il
prliitlou ItlllM
for Cuhuii Ileliiito.
WASHINGTON , Tcb. 25. The senate
etorm-swopt today by such passionate
LUKalono , such extraordinary demonstratl
in the crowded galleries and such dram
personal exchanges between the consplcu
flguroi of the senate , as to make today
of the most memorable- the annals of
upper branch of congress. Cuba was
theme and seemed to stir all the pent
emotions of months. H brought about
complete displacement of appropriation b
threatening their failure , and Iho advat
mcnt of the Cuban question to tbo v
front of scnnlo but > lnc6S. It disclosed , a
tliat the resolution demanding of Spain
Immediate and unconditional release of Ji
Sangullly , having on a test \oto seen
the right of way , would be icslstcd by I
traded debate. The Allen resolution
sending battle-ships to Cuba , came soon a
the bonate opened at 11 o'clock and
Allen bovcrely arraigned Spain for cruel
against women and chlhhcn.
Mr. Morgan , democrat of Alabama , i
reported the resolution for the Immcd
release of Sangullly , followed In a c.
speech , reciting the breach of treaty rl
lu Sangullly's case.
Mr. Daniels , democrat , of Virginia , h
fervid plea for Sangullly , stirred up all
latent passion of thu senate. He spoke
Spanish outrages to American citizens ,
Intuits to American ofllclals.Vhcn
Halo of Maine sought to Interject quest !
Mr. Danle's suggesthely stated that ho we
jlcld In duo time , whether It be to the or
of the captain general of Cuba , or the qu
of Spain , or of anyone else. In view of
Halo's attitude on the Cuban question ,
meaning was unmistakable. Personal f
Ing was quieted , however , by explanatlc
This was followed by a series ot cxplos
Incidents , culminating with a ringing dccU
tlon by Mr. Krye that If ho had his wa
forthwith for Ilavn
w-ar ship would start
This aont a thilll through the crowded i
Icrlcs , which broke Into long- continued i
vociferous applause which the vice prcsld
ti-ied vainly to restialn. Mr. Mills oxultat
dcclarinl that the galleries were filled v
American citizens who bud a right to expt
their feeling.
Speeches followed In quick succession ft
I Mr. Lodge , Mr. Teller , Mr .White and
Sherman. The lattci earnestly supper
the resolution. With the Cuban resolut
placed directly before the senate on n v <
Mr Whlto of California toolt the floor
oppcall'lon , fjpe'aklng thiougbout tbo afl
110cm. At C o'clock the senate took a rcc
until S p. m. for a continuation of the
The first u'Holutlon , coming over fr
jcbterdny , was that ot Mi. Allen , a
Ing tlio president to iibe cftectlve msaburei
protect Ameikan citizens in Cuba , and
that end to tend United Slatea war gblpt
Cuban ports. Mr. Allen tuld American e
Kens were dally being nricst"d In Cuba ,
tlu own Into pri&on without any trial.
Deemed to bo the disposition of Spain to p
lah u\cry American citizen In Cuba. U v
liu said , n story full of barbarity and ati
1 Ity. Recently a woman had been taken
Spanish olllclals and her p rs > on swarcr
l.ltlle glrU had been gathered up In Ci
and mid Into the worut conceivable flavi
Spanish soldlera had taken Infants by
heels , hacked them to pieces and killed
part'iita. Such action wnt a blot on
civilization of the age. Why ohould c
grcru remain supine ? The time would cc
when this Inaction would make our pec
hang their lieadu for being American cltlzi
Mr , Morgan said thu committee ; on I
sign relatlops had piessed forwaid this qi
tlon of piotcctlon to American citizens
fast us the well authenticated fnctu wu
permit. The reports of atrocitlu ; agnl
w onion nnd little girls were vague , and
I not lia\u that verification warrnntlng
lion by the commltte-e. It had , lion si
brought forward the resolution ( or tbo
media re release uf Sangulll ) , as the facta
the case were well established be yond qi
linn.Mr. . Hoar Inquired whether some tl
should not ho given for senators to c'\am
Into the Sangullly repot t , aa action on
hiibji'ct Imohcd grave International cone
viatlons ,
Mr. Morgan felt that speedy action v
cnsentlal He rcvlowenl thu clrcumstan
cit SaiiRiillly's arrest and lung confinc-nic
the proof of lib American cltzenshlp ,
IriHlom from compllelt ) In the lovalutl
bis BUVoral lilal.i and other well known i
uuniHtances In tlm case.
Mr. Morgan read fiom the ticatles i
pMntcd out the essential offenses agal
Sangullly to be : "Solltaiy conllnum
wllhout opjioitnnlty to prepare a de-fen
no ball except bond to pa ) thu toe in of
own prosecution , mo trial within a llml
ttiuei us provided by treaty , piling up ot
charges of kidnaping , 'Irregularities of
Efveial l-lals and iccctvllig hearsay and i
bwnrn testimony , Ono of Sangulilv'H cl
wltni'SBOs' , Caloma , ho &ald , had been a
in the prison yard beforu ho could be > bra
The trials had ehuwn tlie extreino hatred
luting ngultmt tlio United States , the Span
onVlaltJ Indulging In diatribes against t
c'lnintry. The resolution doir.nndlng Imi
citato release. wao Justified , Mr. Morgan s.
on tbu tx > l < ) ground of lircgularliy In
trial , for inner In the hlftory of jurUp
cU < nee was * th ° rB a cane wlicro there \
loa show' of n conviction , The resolut
vrps urged an Mill hluliur groundn , nami
the government of Spain utter ! ) Ignor
tlie light ! ) of American citizens under i
treaties ,
At llio rcquett of Mr Morgan Hi' ; Al
rosoltitleti wti3 referred to the coiumlttro
foreign relallons , assurance he'lni ; glvni t
U would rovi-he spendy consideration 1
EatiKUllly rewlutlon was then brought
rectly before the uenule.
Mr. Daniel , demnciat of Vtiglnla , a me
IHT nf the comiulltee ou foreign rclatlo
followed III support of the rutolutlon. l < '
\\c > ie auaii1 , he mid of tha I'lioimity of t
cnio. Suigullly bad been held fur I
M'urs > uiteiilay. Twice ho bud been c <
tie mil ed to Eolllnrj tinprlsonmcnt In dial
on military , uiibvvoin testimony. He 1
been treated rigorously , buiishly , cnd b
tally The ii.auucr ot his Ireatmunt wai
dligraco lo clvlllzatiou , < ' 'Our rcprescu
tlvo In Cuba ban been arrogantly Insulted
the Spanl h authorities , " exclaimed
UaoM , "and this country has been Insu
l > y the Spanl h authorities. 1 have t
told by a high Spanlnh authority that
presentation of the Sangullly case wa
dlegrar-o to the United States and to
American flag. If a fleet of the Un
States bad been Kent to redress that In
It would ha\c been sustained by every i
zen of the United States. "
There wan Intense Interest through
sennto and In the galleries as Mr Dan !
wordi rang through the chamber. U'
hut the prell'dc , however , to a most dram
Incident. Mr. Daniel cald enough dl
matlc red tnpe had been spun on this i
to build a cable from the United State ;
Spain , and enough Ink for an ocean In wl
to lay the ctble.
Mr. Hale , republican of Maine , arose
this point nnd began n scries of Inqul
which brought the proceedings to fever h
"Since reference had been made to
tape , " said Mr. llal ° , "had nqt this w
subject been the mibject ot direct dlplom
negotiations between the- State departn
and Spain , and weie thcic not assurance :
peeled of th releabc of Sangullly In ft
day1 * ? "
"Wo have no tuch Information. " anawi
Mr. Daniel.
"Is there not n communication from
secretary of state Raj Ing lie expects i
guilty will bo icleacid In a few days ? '
elot ° d Mr. Hale.
"There Is not , " salil Mr. Daniel , declslv
"I ask the senator from Ohio ( Shern
If ho has not a letter " Mr. Daniel bi
In with a protest nnd declined to j
Mr. Hale Insisted that Mr. Daniel wi
mombcr of the committee on foreign r
tlona , and that committee was the orgai
the Ernnte.
"But I am the organ of my state , "
clareil the Virginia senator. Then he ad
with erorn. "When I get through , I
yield to tome other orgin the organ of
captain gcncial of Cuba , of thc > queen
Spain. "
Mr. Daniel was looking dlreclly at
Hulo nnd the icmark xent a buz ? of surp
through the chamber.
Mr. Hulo said the allUKlon carried no
bonal offense to him. If offensive till
weio to be said , he could say somothliu
that line He In turn , was addressing
Daulel acioss the aisle
The Virginia senator was quick to
ho hoped that any badinage would not
taken as personal ! } offensive.
"Tim benator has not offended me In
least , " icplled Mr. Hale.
This wus followedImmcdlalcb bv anol
explosion. Mr Daniel proceeded to
that the Stole department has dealt \
this case for two > ears , and that was eno
to get an American citizen out of Jail ,
Here Mr. Gray aroi-p and eald "I li
Just seen an Associated press dispatch f ;
Havana stated that the counsel for S
guilty withdrawn the appeal In 01
lo facilitate his releiibe. "
Mr Daniel wes quick to answer. " 1
cllno to iccognlre the Justice of impo ;
any conditions on the release of an Araorl
citizen from unjupt Imprisonment. I
repiesented Sangullly I would telegraph , !
not to withdraw bis appeal. Tn ro
enough people in this countr ) to demand
unconditional release. "
Mr Halo again interposed , reading ; the
soclatcd press dispatch that Sangullly'ri co
eel had wlthdiawn the appeal.
Mr. fcYje , the colleague ot Ml. Hale , step
Into the middle of tbo aisle and said :
the counsel for Sangullly hab done that
has done an inexcusable , unjust act "
Mr. Halo sought to interpose "How
the senator say that. " be usked.
"Uecause , " answered Mr. Prje , "if
counsel has withdrawn that appeal , t
that man is a. convicted criminal , liable
punishment , to Imprisonment for life ,
can only escape by pardon , and If he csca
by panlon , then bo loses for himself i
family all claims for damages That
what Spain has been contending for all
time. Now we contend , on the other ha
that the man has been unjustly convli
and that Spain must deliver him up to
and If I had my way a ship of war we
start forthwith to Havana to deliver him
Mr Kiye't , words carrion an electric ofl
to the enthusiasts and there was MIL !
tumultuous and long-continued dcnionstnil
as neither branch of congrebs has heard
iccent > ears. Tlio vice picMdont btr
vainly to check It Ho rose to his f' '
pounded the gavel und amid the din gav
menacing warning to the galleries that t :
would be cleared If the demonstiatlon w
"ThU Is the ncnate of the United State
said the vice president , bternly.
Mr. Mill * , , democrat of Texas , was , qulc
on hli feet. "The pallerlcs arcIllled w
Amcilcan citizens , " hu exclaimed , "and tl
ha\o a right to expiesa their feelings
this question. "
Slowl ) order was , restored. Mr. Hale !
again risen and with a tinge of bittern
fald of the btatemcnt which had aiou
such an outbreak
"Tho hfcnator has told the whole stc
H is not the release of Sangullly that
wanted. Wai Is what U > wanted. An
say that this country will not be- driven
wat In the next eight days "
Mi. Hoar Intciriiptcd wltn MJIIIC quci > tl
tending to bhow the dlspirlty In iscorJa
lo exactly when Sangullly was natural/ !
but Air Daniel anaac-rcd by the assail
tint Spain rccognUed him as an Amerl
cltl/en nnd that was Milllclent
At 1 o clock a conllict arose as to prf
denco of business , the bankruptcy
being In ord = r. There wan a bhnrp par
mentary uklrmlsh , which ic"ullc > d in
appiopilatlon bills being made the pond
qucfltlo-i , but Mr. Daniel was allowed to c
tlnuo his : remarks Ho declared Hie rec
In Iho Sangullly CURB phowcd that the Sp
Ish authorities had made llumsclvi" ! as i
agreeable and offensive ay possible iiml t
the exactions made wcie of , i most estr i
dlnary clntiacter.
"Tho smallest tilbf In .larkist Afrlc
bo enld , "could never have be""ii t re veil
contPinptiiciualy h ) n neighbor as vv re
Unlted States authorities h ) tne Span
olllclals In Cuba In tliU mattoi. "
Referring to Consul General Wlllhv
account of one of his Interviews with
goveinor general , Mr. Daniel cxclalmc-d :
wish thai an Ameilcan admiral In cha
who would have turned his gura upon t
city and taug'it tills arrogant. Indolent nut
tlio Turk of the west , the unapc-
able Spaniard who Is doing
work of hell In this nclnhti
Ing Island , that the demands of
United States government are to bo
spcctcil. "
Such a course would , ho continued lu
produced SangulHy's release , bcaldes slic
Ing the Spaniards thai In building th
liopcs ot success upon n course of c <
liimely toward the United States they w
bulldlni ; upon a foundation of saml.
teemed , ( .aid Mr Daniel , that ooniethl
was going on between this country a
Spain , and poor Sansullly had vvlthdra
his appeal , doubtless on the assurance tl
If IIB would plead guilt ) and brand blms
for life hecojld steal out of pilson. T
tenator earnestly hoped this re-port was i
true. "The humiliation of a citizen of tl
countrj Is the humiliation of every cltU
In It , " exclaimed Mr. Daniel.
Mr Daniel's peroration was a fervid pi
Tor a dmiiuiid for an unconditional Kurrem
jf our compatriot back to UH from t tyrnnii ) which Is the curse of Sps
ind the disgrace of civilization.
Mr , Hoar again biought forward the cla
is to Suugulll ) ' * citizenship , asserting tl
Ills natuiallzatlon papers were fraudulent
Dbtalncd , and he wag no moro an Amerlc
ililzcn than was Senator Daniel a cIlU
uf Turkey.
ThouBh this htatemeut wag dirci-tcd
Mr. D.inlil , the rvpl > came fium Senai
Ixidge , vvho stated thai SatiRiillly l.v-M n ;
uallzatiou papars fiom a court ct tecord
N'ew Voik , "and U wac , not foi us to hagi
aver tlico papers and tu en ) to Anerlc ;
cltUetis'Wo will trj you on joui m
aralUatlon pa | > e-rb. '
"He'cjUif this rekoluilon wai > brought ' *
ward , " rulJed Mr Lodge , "eenator * rni
iiero and say wo Intend to precipitate vvi
( Coultnuea "oa 1'iftU l'ati )
Queen of Spain Attaches Her Signatnn
tlio Act of Amnesty.
I'n r ilon Will X l ProtiMit ilic Itcc
lent from ItrliiKliiK Action foi
Indemnity AmiliiHt the
SltinilMlt Gneminent. .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 13. Scnor de Lethe
the Spanish minister , tonight receive
cablegram from the duke of Tctuan , stal
that the tiuecn has signed tlio pardon
Julio Sntigullly.
It la stated at the legation that this nc
was agreed upon some dajs ago , at a cnb
meeting , but the announcement , acci
Ing to diplomatic usage , withheld until
queen had formally signed It.
HAVANA. Feb. 25. Consul General
dined at the Inglaterrn tonight and spent
evening In the company of his family
Consul General Lee today handed to
Associated press correspondent the foil
Ing general statement , with the icqucst I
It bo circulated :
"Neither our flag nor young Amerl
women ha\e ever been Insulted here.
the contrary , 1 have nlwajs found the St
Ish courteous and polite to all Aracilci
as well ns to c\e\y one else. "
( li-iini'll.t from Mmlii.
WASHINGTON , Fcb 25 H Is undcrel
hero , and the fact may have an Imporl
bearing on tUc treatment of the Sangn
case , If well established , that the wlthdra
of his appeal today was without prcjud
In other words , that It does not estop
from talcing action In the fululo , It ho f
that he has reason , to secure )
his imprisonment.
H appeals that the only legal method
teeming the prisoners discharge kpee
was that adopted , namely , withdrawing
appeal that had been taken from the t
tiuco of the lower court In Cuba. I'eih
the bamo result could 1m e been obtai
by allow ing the appeal to be heard by
court .it Madrid , but this involved a 1 '
wait , and so long as the appeal was pent'
the Spanish law did not admit ot a pan
So , for the benellt of the prisoner , bis com
was made aware of the state of the law. T
readily agreed to withdraw their appeal
this state of the case and nuw they
awaiting with an\letj ( ho posslb'e In
rupllon of their plan by the action of
senate. This Is Indicated bj the follow
letter which Senator Shannon has irreli
and which appears to ha.\a been regaidei
the senate debate today as a lettci li
Secretary Olney.
Hon. John Shcinian , rii.iiiman of
Son.itc Committee of roiolgn llelutlc
Sir Shall I be , In my c.ipauitj
counsel mid ii-inc'icntatlvc- Mr. >
S.uiKullly , Imprisoned In lla\.inu , to
quc-st ion in nil iMrnestnoss. In then.i
of my client , und for bin benollt , to prc-vi
If possible , the pats.ige of the rcsolut
directing a demand to be m.ide upon
Spanish government for the ic'cnso ' of
cl ent ? Said release having been alrci
UUinKHl iiy the Spanish government ii ]
no other condition than the fulllllmcnt c
ccitnlu roqulreniunt of the Sp
Ish law , a condition to whleh 1 here , i
Sanuiilliy's lawyer In Huvnnn , do ie.ii
nss-ent , would It not ho injurious to
prisoner to afford the Spanish gownim
a plausible opening to withdraw Jrom
abutment in this romped1' Of < oms1 c
not but IIP palttul to the general --p
shown by the ir solution to which 1 iti
as I am with all my heat t , and my client
guileful to the honoiuble sccretaiy of st
for \ik \ m. inly , until Inn and benovol
efforts in f.woi of Mr Svisuilly.
I c.mnot but nee anil recognize that
movement In the senate ! In
.sumo gcneious feeling wlilih Mom the
( flnnliiB has Inspltul the honomble .soi
tnry of state , lint I am aMahl the i'f (
which tlie lesolution m.i > h.ue , If pn
will neeessnilly produce In the governm
cli ties of Spain , nnil perhaps among
masses , such icHiiilinont as will result
the difeat of the cllorts belli of the Si
department and the senate. I innke to j
therefore' , an earnest appeal In the nt
of Mr. S.inguilly , to submit this It-ttei
propel , to HIP conMclciiitlon uf tin- sent
which In Us wl.idom will no doubt jiav
tentlon to the statements therein contain
I am , sir , with the greatest it sped , > <
obeUIenl servant , .1. I IlODItlGrKX ,
Counsel for Julio SaiiBUlll :
i'oiicv or 'run AIMUMVI-H <
( Joi rruini'iil 1'i'm-orils < 'nrfiill > In
< IINI-N I nilor 1 \ I'HtlKiillon.
WASHINGTON , Fcb 25. Inquliy dlsclo
the fact that nothing that has occurred
Cuba recently and no clamor that hab hi
raised o\cr the reported Intention of C
sul General Leo to resign has affected
any degree the policy the administration 1
laid down for 'Its guidance. The olllclals
the State department Insist that their i
oi-d l a clear upon the point at piesent
> oh tillz.tho elTorts made to extend le
protection to American citizens In Cuba. 1
tieatnient of cateb arising from the an
of ouch cltl/ens In the course of hostli'.t !
It Is explained , Is a mo3i dllllcult tank :
onu requiring a. delicate touch to ensi
that any claim made by the State clop :
mcnt shall bo based upon Midi a statem
of facts as will not he subject to 1m pea
mcnt. The olllclals feel that limy have di
this without Iculng &lgl.t of the rights
any American cllUcn A ho has been I
plUoned and they nay that when the adm
Intuition of the affaire of state passes I ,
other hands , If the law Is to bo obsorv
thcie will be no opportunity to do more tl
has already been done to safeguard our c
zens. Wlmo a person claiming to bo
American citizen has i raided for years
Cuba and made that his place of bus'inc
whem ho baa failed to register at the ci
tulato and where tboro Is a radl
doubt as to the very fact of his lulur :
/atlon to begin with , It Is plain , no I
olliciaU eay , that llio depaittneiit would in.
a grievous mistake ami ono that might hi
evil f i alt for olhor pilsoncrs by InilatI
out of hand and without allotting an opp
tunlty to auceitaln thu iticts. upon the i
mediate and unconditional release of i
In the other cases , where the Amerlc
citizenship of the aggrieved peuon lb bcjc
iiucstlon and whern there v as no reasonul
doubt , either of hU complicity in the
aurrcctlon or of his having been captui
with arms In his uands , the department o
cers claim that the reca'J will chow tl
It has acted with every degree of oner
mid bpecd , consistent with sound pract !
imd diplomatic usage.
Touching the stati-menl that comes fr <
Havana over the de'tentlcin Inconimunlca
3f the American Scott , It is tald that t
man has been placed In communication wl
tin ) outhldo world , Including the Unit
States coiunl general , and that compla
lias been removed. In the ta o of Hu
, \lio wa3 either killed or \lctlm of sulcl
In bla cell a thorough tmcstlgatlon li
been Instituted by the Madrid authorltl
upon the rcpritientatlons of United Stal
Minister Taj lor , and It Is not doubted 0
If thu facts as disclosed establish thu rig
if Hulz to American citizenship and of 1
killing , the Spanish authorities will ma
inch amende as International practice i
V1 I'llDItVS SAMilll.l 'S APP13A
I'niirrM Flli-il In < lu > UIIMIIIII Court I
Illn Atlitrnc ) .
HAVANA , Fob 25 Senir Mtta Dom !
; uez , couniel for Julio Sangu'lly ' , hag 111
n the Havana court papers wlthjrawlng I
iiipeal to the supreme court ot justice
Madrid , made against the sentence of t
Havana criminal court , rnnflemnhig
to Imprisonment for llff1. .
WASHINGTON. Feb.25.ilti Is bell <
that the withdrawal of ths , appeal will
followed promptly by the pardon ot Snngu
It Is said that arrangement ; to 'this end t
been going forward to- some time and
a withdrawal of the appeal was an In
poncablo prerequisite * to the granting
pardon ,
The determination of Sangullly to wthd
his appeal Is duo to his Intention to ask
pardon , i\
The correspondent or the Associated p
Is Informed thnt Secretary Olncy cablci
Sangullly cdvlslng him to withdraw his
peal and accept a pardon conditional M
his leaving the Island of Cuba and eh |
InR to ha\c nothing tu Oo horonttcr \
the re\ohitlon. The correspondent Is
thcr Informed that Secretary Olney has
prrofpd the hope that Sangullly will aci
his advice and keep hl.s word ,
MO.MTOKS AUK sr..vr o icnv AVI :
TMO of Ailinlrnl HIIIIOI-'K S
Art' OriU-ri'il Soiilli ,
WASHINQTON , Feb. 25. ( Special T
gram. ) rrom sources ulthln the Navy
partment counted as thoroughly reliable
Is learned orders have gone forward to
mlral Iiunce at Chnrlcstqn to send the Tci
and Amphltrltc to Key West. What
moans Is purely problematical.
iiuiiinn TO A'OTi : IpKoit uniTPn
IOc ] > Him ( ron ) tliu
I101SK , Idaho. Fqh. 25. ( Spechl T
gram. ) H Is learned that a fight has b
InauguratuJ to resist the seating of He
Ilcltfcld , United States senator-elect fi
Idaho to succeed Fred T. Utlbola. AITIda
ha\e been prepared aiiil more. It h s
will bo secured to show Hint the elecl
of Senator Heltfeld - as brought about
cos nipt methods. The most sensational
these affidavits Is made by lleprcsentai
Jolnes of IClmore county , who swears t
he was bilbed to vote , for Holtfeld. 1
affidavit was made last night , and w
knowledge of It became known It crea
a piofound sensation , . \
Mr. Jollies docs notiallego that Sent
Heltfeld paid him any jooney , but the c
slderatlon of the transaction was n vote
Heltfeld. as stated 'In the aflldavlt. '
name of Representative ) Fuller , who
been selected as Senator Heltfold's pih
secretary , appears In the afflda\lt and
BtJlemcnt places hlnj In an unfavors
It Is said tint the matter will be i
sented to the United 'slates senate sin
tanoously w 1th the appparanco of Hell !
In that body and a bitter fight Is expec
It seeiiis the affidavit w s' secured as
icsult of an agitation ran led on by sev <
popallsts who were sorely disappointed
Ifeltfeld's election. Some of the leading
ver repuhllcins of this , city and of the lei
laturo arc Interested in prosecuting the n
ter The friends of Het/eld ! / among the po
lists hero are wild over the afildavlt i
make bweeplng denials , coupled with sc
RI.UO countercharges against Jolnes , wh
It Is said , will be reduced to the form
aindavlts f
Jolnes , when seen ndultteil ha'ving m
the affidavit , but refused to dlscubb the rr detail.
It Is understood that nther allldavits o
similar natuio have been made and will
proUucoJ with Jolnes' statement. The B
alleged to have been paid Jolnes is $ ;
with the understanding * ? 100 in addlt
was to be paid. "
iss TIII : i : < uAi ! ; ' SI'FKIC.\OC 1111
t. . intli , Dnl.otn Sonntv
Amriiilineitt tn tli ' 'oi ,
I'inrinn , S. . . Feb. 25. ( Special Tt
cram. ) senate thU afternoon adop
the equal suffrage amendment to tha const
tlon bj a vote of15 , thrsefmore than w
required to carry It. Thin result wca o
reached after a fight ; Indeed the aftcrm
waslo'i was a lively oncofrom the btart. '
cnpltol iemo\al bill came up early In
effort to secure n suspension of the n
and go to the second railing of house bi
This motion fulled for Lick of a tvo-thl
\ote The suffrage bill was then rcaci
and atlcr a hot dfscusabn was carried.
the illfTeiont discussions today legUlat
comtesy was thron to the wlndo and
lie was , pzsssd direct In ono case , while
others the language use'l was not so dlr
but Just plainly indicated the meaning of
The senate put In tlie ; morning In h
woik on routine. No blite were psuae-d ,
a large number were put In siiapo for fl
action Senators arc hoping to reach an
Journment by next week.
In the liojpa there wjia but little e\c
lighting o\er minor affairs and the only w
accomplished was the reading of the gm
rc\enuc bill and placlus It In shape
linal passage.
Mricuni.i , iTTvns UP TIII : nni
UlH SiiuiMirlcrN Ho Home , Ioi I
li-urlNlatiirc AVKhont n Quorum.
SAL.UM. Ore. , Feb. S3. Senator Mitel
has abandoned the fight for re-election
the UnltBd Slates sonalc , ' as the joint ci
\entlon has adjourned , His supportera hi
gone home , asserting the legislature ,
journcd fine die. Doth the Ronato and
temporary house are left > Uthout a quor
and mcasuics to pel feet organization ,
nov under way. Attempts at reorganl
tlon will ho confined to tlio house. Wl
It In icady for business It , B anticipated t
there will bocry llttlo trouble in gctt
back enough senators to njaUo up a quor
of twentj. There liavd been many oxpr
alons from members of _ the late Hem
house that they arc now ready to go In
any organization on 'any , icasonablo bai
pud Iho project to mt < Ko up a quorum
likely to succeed. 'The Renato will m
fiom da > to day until the house * succeeds
PIciiNiint AVrnlliiT HUN n ( ionil iiT <
on PrcHlili-ut-niiTt. .
CANTON , Feb. 25. day of in ,
pleasant weather hars ben beneficial
I'resldent-elczt McKlnley and ho Is gain !
Ho dro\u about the city .for a shoit ti
IhU mornliiB , nctompanlcd by Mrs , McK
ley and Mrs. ( Jeorgo i : Moioo of San " -'n
: lEi-o , Mra Morse oelns n. leco of the I
David McKlnley Dr. I'WIllps continues
Insist that his patient shall see no m <
visitors. There were se\eral tellers at I
liousa tlibj niornins. Th ] phytklan's
'trurtlons , howe\er , were in no ease \
U'oinnn SnirrauiIn AV
OI.YMl'IAVash. . , Fth. iu. The sen ;
latseil Hill's bill for an amoiidmcnt tq t
constitution conferrinK elective franchise
sumen , the question to * ) e GubmlUed In t
ie.\t general tlcctlan In November. 1S98.
i bill of Hlmllar purport has already pass
: lie hoiibc , theio Is everyr reason to belle
hat this bill wl | | be agreed to by t
lutibo without eerlousopposition. Thu hot
oday Indcllnlte'Iy pobtponwl Turner's lu
oad conimlsilon bill , by a vote of 3G to ;
llaiiiiii Iliix Callrrx ,
CLEVELAND , O. ? Feb. 25-ChaIrm
lamia had a large number of callers todt
.rnong them being -Senator D. M. Salj
if .Mlnnt'sota and Qencral A. J. Simpson
Arizona. Mr. Ilunim ami family will sti
or Washington tomorrow afternoon It
nnouncpd that the committee quarters w
10 transferred to the capital. ' *
llOV l-llll'lllN ( if Ol' ll"CNHVH , Ft-ll. 1
At UliicjjowSnIM ClrciiBsIa , for lf <
i"orlc Jff
At IlrenHn-Airjvvil Hnvel , from N
t'ork. v u Koutlmiimum '
At London ArrivJRlvMnnltobn. from N <
fork S.illeil MuBjffi husoU. | for Now Voi
At Geiioi SailedJ-1'ulila , for Ni w York
At fJucenstovMiSilUd -Mujiatle , frc
. Iverpoal to New York
At Ntw York Arri\tU- oorilluml frc
Viitwe-rp , Mohuwk , from uondon , ballet
> outlniurk , for Aulutrp.
1 T > P OTItt IIIVPP /
Consul General nt Havana Has Not 1
Eesigncd ,
I/CP Cnntltiut'N tn Aol > \ltli < Jr <
lit StiinillHic I'll for tlio
nf Aniurlenu
( Cop > rlchl , 1S97 , by l're - ! rublliOilnR Compni
HAVANA , Cuba , Teh. 26. ( New Yi
World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
repeat that General Kltzhugh Lee lias
jet resigned , cable dlspntches from Havi
to the contrary , and that the reports t
General Leo has demanded war ships i
that he has resigned because the govc
ment nt Washington refused such requi
arc absolutely false. General Lee cab
to tlm State department on Sunday thai :
Itlcardo Hulz , an American citizen , had dl
apparently from violence , In a Cuban . '
within forty-eight hours and that anotl
American citizen , Charles Pranklln Sec
had been kept In solitary confinement
nearly 300 hours In plain violation of Amc
can treaty rights.
General Leo's demands that Mr. Scott
placed In on ordinary celt , where ho coi
bo visited , were not complied with 1
consul general had reason to apprehend tl
Scott's llfo was In Imminent peril ,
cabled the facts to the State department
Saturday and asked If he might count on I
support of the government of the Unll
States If ho should need It. No reply v
received from Secretary Olney.
General Leo then cabled to Secretary (
ney Ihal be should resign If he was i
backed up promptly. Secretary Olney mo
a long response , the tenor of which I s
unable to state , but as a icsult of Gene
Leo's vigorous protest , the Spanish g <
efnmcnt ordered an Immediate Invcstli
lion of the death of Dr. Uulnnd Char
Kranklln Scott , tbo other American prison
was placed on Monday night In a slate
communlcado , thai Is , his friends were i
lowed lo visit him.
Ills confinement prior to Monday eve
Ing for twelve dajs In a dungeon , be > o
the reach ot protection of his govcrnmc
and ignorant o\en of the charges agali
him , was a flagrant violation by Spain of t
rights guaranteed to all American cltlrc
arrcsled without arms in their hands.
The relnllons helicon General Lee a
the State department are still straliu
General Lee continues to act with t
grcalest vigor In the line of duty , assuml
that tlio government at Washington w
now support him. The emphatic prot (
has had this effect at least. There Is
longer any reason to apprehend Immedls
danger to any American now nllvo and cc
fined In any Cuban jail.
But If a new crisis should arise nnd
Secretary Gluey should fall , as be did le
v.eck , to glvo General Lee prompt nnd ae
quato aulhorlly to act , General Lee w
Immediately resign.
Again , I repeat he has not yet reslgnc
and has not naked for war ships. If ho
constrained to do either within the nc
five clays , my own absolute knowledge
the slluatlon hero leads mo lo prcdlcl th
he will have the unanimous support of t :
people of the United States , and the go
eminent at Washington has been apprls
of General Lee's Intentions.
There does not seem 'o ho the sllfihtc
aouot that Or. RIcardo Ruiz , who came
such a frightful death lu his cell at Guan
bacoa on February 18 , was un Amerlc ;
citizen. He spent len joais in Iho Unit
States before his gradu uion from Jeffois
Medical college cf rhil.vdi-lplili.
On the wall of his llttlo house at Guan
bacoa , which he occupied with his wife a
five children , all under 14 years of age , hu :
his medical diploma nnd his passport as ,
Amcrlean clti7en , signed by William :
Evarts , secretary of state He wet ariest
on Kebruary 1C , kept In solitary confinome
fi/r thirteen dajs 'In a dungeon so small th
It was Impossible even for him > o lie dev
In It al full length and to filthy thai I
floor was not fit oven to walk upon. "V
ho was kept iheio without so much as
mattress and I hero he died of neglect
violence. There appeals to bo good icac
lo believe that heva.s tortured and eve
tually bcalcn io death.
In his last dayj hli wlfo succoeOcc
smuggling In to him through a ) tiler MI
ceptlble lo a brlbo a l-luln camp chair. Tl
was llio only furniture tn tlio cell. Wh <
Iho chair was rcuunuci to Havana jeatc
day , his jioor wife found upon It a me
Eiigo from the dead In the dirk cell , v > l
Ills thumb nail , the despairing American hi
Bcrati'hcd these pathetic words'
"Mercedes , Evangelic , Rleanllto , Rci
ind Gloria : Goodby , children ot my llf
Ho obedient to your mother. I bless jo
f am to bo killed If I am taken lo Havai
toll all. Karowell Rita , wlfo of my soul
And they said that this man was era ,
lud that he killed himself.
General Leo now has the chair at tl
consulate. I visited the hoi caved wlfo ai
tier llttlo ones at their desolate homo t
' is filled wl
Joy. The doctor's llbiary
: \merlcan hooka , Including the lives of LI
: oln , Patrick Henry , Washington and
argo number of Ameilcan biographies.
Dr. Ruiz beems to have been exlieme
intelligent , as ho was a superb man plij
cally. Ho took absolutely no part In tl
, var. Ills brothers-in-law are actually o
losed to the iiibingents. They aio Joy
Spanlaiils , and they buy that Dr. Ruiz w ,
it their house on the night the train w ;
, v recked by InMti gents near Ouanabaco
t was on suspicion of complicity In th
: rlmo that Dl. HuU was arrested. Sui
in act would bo contrary to the man's c
ecr and character ,
On his return from Investlgallng the doai
if Dr. Rul/t , General Leo was go outragi
ind Indignant that ha could hardly wil
ils dUpatch to the .Stato department. The
ilrfl. George F. Scott came to the consula
vlth tears streaming from her ojes , to si
hat her husband , who was an Ameilcc
ilectilclan , had been taken from her t > l <
n bed nt homo on the night of February
ind that he was btlll locked up She wi
Icnled oven the privilege of sending a no
a or getting n word from him.
General Lee Imm < > Jlately cabled to Wasl
ngton particulars of tbo now case Ki
hlrty-slx hours he received no rcepons
ml then came an ovaslvo mcusagc Gei
ral Leo had good reason to fear that M
'colt ' would meet tbo same fate as Dr. Ilul
Icnco hli peremptory mestage of Sundu
hrcatcnlng to resign unless ho was bockc
ip. The result was that at midnight Sin
uy Scott was taken out of solitary coufln
iient by the Spanish authorities on rcceli
t a suggestion from Washington , probabl
rom the Spanish minister , apprising them i
hu dangerous state of feeling In the Unite
I saw Mr. Scott today. He la 33 yeara ol
on of Abraham Lincoln Scott , a mechanic ,
nglneer of Nuw York City Ho Is a co
actor for the regular electric light work
o far as I could find out bit' only offense- .
hat a collodion of postage stamps of tl
'uban republic were found In his posscitilo
lump collecting was his weakness.
HU dark cell was 11 fwt long by 6 fa
wide , full of bugs and rnln. He was gl
neither a chair nor a bed ami elept on
stone ? , often In nn Inch of water. The
was cleaned once In four dne. He was gl
bread nnd a few drops of water once c\
twelve hours and suffered ngoflteljoin Mil
The Spanish authorities do KVdcny I
Scott Is nn American cltlz
has lived nearly all hla
States nnd they do not nllcgcj |
guilty of any more rcrlona
Ing Cuban republic stami-VM
Spnln'M Mliilntcr of HH-lKii AfTn
Ilnin-rlj Sot-Un I'riv Hl Solution
( ( Vij ] rich ! , ! $ ! > ? , by l'rc j JfhlnK Ooinpni
MADRID , I'cb. b York Wi
Cablegram Special Tcl ? ! fi ) The stall
the relations between the United States
Spain Is occupying moro attention here I
than the war In Cuba , Numerous dUpatc
have been pissing elnco Sunday between
Madrid foreign oMlcc , the Spanish legal
al Washington and the mitliorltlcs at
\nirn , and nlto between the State de-partn :
at Washington , and the American legal
here.The strictest secrecy Is maintained ,
It- has leaked out thai the duke of Tell
Spain's mlnlslcr of foreign affairs , had
oral conferences wltliln the lasl Iwcnly-t
liotiro with the prcsldcnl of Ihe council ,
mlnlslcr of war nnd of Iho colonies In or
to Impress upon Ihcm thu ueccralty of c
: tllatlng foreign governments by
gctlc notion. He hae also visited llio qu
at the palace lo convey to her information
the I'Ubjccl ' , and there Is snld to bo n pi
poet ot a satisfactory solution of the prcs
The Madrid press advises the govcrnm
lo net quickly nnd sternly In Invcstlgat
mil punishing those persons v , ho are rep.i
stblo for the acts that have led not only
American government , but nlno the Fre
ind English governments to demand redi
Tor unwarranted arrest , detention nnd trt
ment of their citizens and subjects by
authorities In Cuba.
The government Is very hopeful of dccls
military operations In that Island bcf
i change of administration In the Unl
States. WoIer reports that he has bep
i campaign tn the southern part of Sai
Dlara piovlnco , with a view to surroundl
jcncral Gomez and the bulk of thu Ins
? cnt forces , or dilvlng thorn b end i
lucaro-Moron trocha before March 1.
; hal dale General Wojlcr wnnu lo icti
.0 Havana and declare that the cnmpal
n the central provinces has been succe
'ully ended , and thai pacification Is s
Iclently advanced to Justify his dlscussl
, vlth llio government the date nnd mole
mttlng Into execution the reforms
The result of this campaign will a
leclde whether or not ho will hive the in
ilou of carrying out the reforms.
Iliiiuor ( lint CJi-iuTiil Ice Ucmnnil
HIM I'UNIIhliriH DlMllvil.
WAHINGTON , Feb. 25 A rumor appe
o hive gained wide currency that Con
Jenoral Lee had been given his pasipo
ind thai a serious rupture had occurred
ween the United States and Spain. The
> ort Is absolutely disci edited hero ns wl
nit foundation.
Senator Hale has Just received at I
: apltol a telegram from Secretary Olney ,
Uilch MiOlney sajs In effect that Con
Sencral Lee never ban asked for pa spot
lever has ahked for war Fblps and that l
.hole story of his tendorinu his icslgnat !
s a fake
Tills afternoon Mr. Thurber , secretaiy
ho president , said that President Cleveln
lad not received thb resignation of Gene
. .ee. nor had he been advised of any sn
catenation. Mr 'Ihurbor likewise made
niquallfiod denial of reports that Gene
, eo had asked that war ships boeent to Cu
/ KiM.r.n nv TIII : < : ovnii-\o
Iloc.iiisiIlic I'rlHun
llt-Mi-iiti-il an Insult.
KEY WEST , Fob 23. The Assoclat
iress coi respondent hero ascertained fn
he pasengcrt , on board the steamer Olivet
ihich ai lived last night , that It li > report
hat Dr Hub , the American cltlztn nllcp
o have been killed while I-i Jail , was visit
iy tbo gov error of Guanahacoa , Senor Foi
l > \-ia. who cntci il his cell and Insolcin
lUOolloned him This wan resented by I
tulz. Fonmllevala enraged by flip Inclde
t Is apserted. EC-bed a club ari : sti'ick I
tulz on the brad , causing hl.i dcalh
KSTiiATi\o nit. iu iDIAT
IIIIIINI > llnlHtr > Hold n I , out ; Co
rori'iiiM- ) i-r ( lie Allnlr.
MADRID , Keb 25. The premier , Sen
lanovas del Castillo , the minister for forol ,
ITalrs , the elulceof Ictuan , and this inlnlst
or war , Lieutenant General Arcarraga , lia
md a long conference on the case of I
llcardo Ruiz , a cltl/en of the United Stat
Iio died recently In tlio prison near Havar
'ho seml-olllclal Epoclu , rpfcirlng lo tl
onfeience , sa ) Ihe government Is prepare
o make an Inquiry Into the matter , aclilli
hat If Dr. Hul/s wan Ill-tieated the gull
larllcs will be punished.
Oiiliiins Ui'ft-nf ii SIIIIINI | | | ] ' 'tirc < ' .
HAVANA , Fob. -Particulars have Ji
een received here of n Hplilted rngageme
ictween a Spanish and n Cuban force
lie outskirts of Sanklkra City. The fig
nok place on Februarj 18 , and was ono
lie mobt Intcrcsllng ic-corded blnco the cai
algn opened Sixty local guerrillas a
Ixty moblll/od Havana llremcn , under Cn
iln Blanco , left the I'ulldo planlatlon , nc
an Antonio , to reconnoltcr the Hiirroun
is country. Shortly after leaving tin
eadqiiartciB. the Spanish forces c.xchaiiK
hots with the Insurgent outposts. T
panlards thereupon advanced , and I
Itibans apparently rotreated. In realll
icy led the government force Into a cluvei
repared ambush near the Goyo RuU ranc
n pursuing the Insurgents the Spanl
ucrlllas and firemen entered n narri
atb , bordered on each sldo by thick buxhi
uddenly about 200 Insurgent cavalry a ;
BO of Iho enemy's Infanlry , under the lea
rshlp of Gaicia and Meiidctlc , attack
lie Spaniards with loud cries of "
lacheto , Al machete , " etcA si eno of tc
Iblo cainage fnlluvvcd , nnd some stubbo
ghtlr.K was witnessed. The Spanish va
iianl eventually broke and fled throw li
lie main body Into confusion , In tbo mid
f which the Spanlaiils II rod wildly at ca
thcr , ns well as at the Insurgents , wh !
thcrs thiovv away their arms and lie
nnlly being overtaken by the Insurgen
ml put to the machete The Spanish for
ift forty-six men killed and two woundi
n the field.
Turn Alionl IN l-'nlr I1 lily.
HAVANA , Feb. 25 La Lucha today co
nucs treating of thu recent trip of Sen
[ oroto , correspondent of El Llbc-rol of Ma
d , to the camp of Gome/ , and sas that tl
mirgents have facilities to receive Madr
nd Havana advices. They know long ai
' the c-xlslcnco of thu plans for reforms
uba and that , therefore. Its publication hi
a political c-ffect of impoitanco.
La Lucha adds that the trip of Sen
ocoto will bring on new International cm
llcatlons between the United State's ai
; > aln , on account of the urrest of Sylvc-st
: ovel of the New York .World , who Is no
.v alt Ing trial at Santa Clara on thu chart
entering the Insurgent cam us without pv
Uslon exactly what Honor Morale did , y
10 lattc-r Is allowed bin liberty lu this el
id there Is no Intimation that he will I
Tested. * ,
Il-l III
HAVANA , Fob 25. Thy e-dltor of I
uclia , Senor San Miguel , and Senor Morot
> rrespondcnt of Kl Llbi-ral , of Madrid , wl
Is announced , fight a duel , tbo result
10 recunt attack of La Luclu upon Bum
orolc , growing out of .ho inteivli-w wl
10 Cuban insurgents ct/talced by Moro
id cabled to bis paper ,
Thoy'ro ' True to the Memory of Tholr Sires
of Old Thermopylae.
King George Semis an Open WtfrJcd Tele
gram to Prince of Wnlo3.
Entire Greek Nation Backs Him Up in Hia
Radical Decision ,
Calls I , pen Cn-cci- toVltlut run ! (
TrooiiN nnil ricot Within Tlircu
1)11 } H 'I'urUi-y I'ri'
for Wnr.
ATIinNS , Teh. 25. King Cloorgo ami his
go\crnmcnt reiterate It Is Impossible
for them to iccedo from their decision In
regard to Crete , which Is supported by the
whole nation.
It Is stated that King ( leorgo has sent
the 1'rlnco of Wales nil open worded tele
gram a > tng that the recall of the Greek
forces from Crete by an ultimatum of the
powers Is Impossible.
ST. i'nTiiisiiima , i-vb. 25. iiumia ,
through the Russian minister nt Athene ) , M.
K. Onou , has called upon tlreece \\ithdia\i
all her troopo and the licet from Crete vllhln
three days.
The foregoing soml-ofllclil annouicoment
was accompanied by a long and linolved
statement of the motlvri actuating llussla ,
namely : That , to prevent tlia extension of tha
ruxolutlon to oilier i oriltma of the Turkish
empire , Imperiling tinpiaco ot Hurope , u
atop niun be put to tlio action of Greece ,
which Is In opposition to luw ,
lleforo negotiations for a future Cretan con.
atltutlon can bo entered upon It in a wrte > l
IliiEshi lias rcsohcd to restoio order In Crete.
Then , after the Greek evarmitlon , undoi the
lirotectlon of the powers , an autonomous gov.
Brnnicnt would be Inatltuird , muljr tha
buzeralnty of the sultan.
In this policy. It Is claimed , Russia I ? hup.
ported bj Franco , Gorman/ and Austria ,
rinoughout tlie cntiie stitcnieiit neither Hng.
land nor Italy is mcnttoiiol , hut Qrcero li
named that should tiho , In blind misconcep
tion o ( her own Interests , allow herself to bo
melted by lf-3ee > klng f. leads to pe'rslat lu
lier present attitude , under the false idea
that the powers ore not united , because . t
ilia outside one or annihci has not concurred
In HubtU'a proposals , Hu Ia Is resolved to
lake repilsnls , thu flrst htcp bolng the hlock-
ide ot the Piraeus. The piwers coiisldcretl
the Greek annexation of Crete o it of the
incetlon , and , It Is asserted , in the conscious.
: icss of their abtolulo support , Russia will bo
In a position to prevent the CrctAii question
trOni Imperiling the iieaca "of lliirop ? , c\cn
should any Individual pover lofti o to ucccdo
to the projiossd measures.
CO.NSTANTINOl'I.n. Kcb. "i Wnr prep ,
iratlons are actUely proceeding in Tut hoy.
Quantities of rides and riunl'loi-j of war
ia\e been dispatched from hurt ! to Pnlonlca
mil Adrlnnoplc , the conalgnmcnlo to thu
alter place being foi tlie Mu&sulmai.H on tha
Bulgarian frontier. Slmllai inpnsuicg nru
jcing taven on the Ser\lin fionller.
CANHA , Keb. 25 Italian and Ittissjan war
lilps ha\e gone to Scllnos to take off the
leleagusied Mtissulmani ? , the Christians hav.
ng agreed thereto
1'AUIS , Keb. M A special dispatch i >
icheil lieie from L.ulsaa , Greece , sjh tlu'
! 0,000 Gieek lioops aio concentiatcd then
mil that the gieatest aciivltj pic\allN llu
llspatch further states that it Is bellmed ai
Larista tint general hoKUlllles will liu <
n dlattly begin on the froiuler In the exenl
) f Greece mt being ullonetl to annex tut
slard of Cietv\
LONDON , Pel ) . 25 lion. George J.
losclien , first lord of tlio admiralty , speak-
ng.last night , aniiouiieed that the poweis
lave arrived at an agicement concernliiK
3rete whleh , he said , I.oid Hallshury and
Mi. Ualfour will explain In Paillament to-
A dispatch to the Times from Vienna
jays : "Tho powers lia\e agieod lo gl\o
3rcto cxtcnsUe autiinomy. They will Inslbt
lint TuiklHh Hoops and admlnlitiatlon be
withdrawn as quickly as possible , while
jrccco will b lequlre'd to evacuate the
sland and wlthdiaw Its ship. < . If It iu-
iibes , the I'lruoiu will bo blockaded. The
rimes editorially announces that It baa nn
ndcpeiidcnt leaion tor stating that the forc-
; olng Is correct and that thu acute stage of
.ho crisis Is over.
A dispatch to the Times from Athens
.ays . Two of the incut Influential papers
.onnsel inolcratlon and deference to the
European powcifi Otlici pupem urge nil
mmcillalo dcclaiatlnn of war und an advance
nto Macedonia , "llio coiisuqiicnces of
\hlch , " they way , "would Injuie Huropo
nero than Oieece " A bl'ter fccllnu
ircvallu against nngtanil , bncauso it wan
iupposcM she tccrptly supported tlio Oroelt *
lollcy , but Die fr ; ntc. t animosity linn been
llsila ] > cl ( against Hinpernr NVIIII.un
'opular fpc'lng ' Is fco strong that only the
oinjilotn abolition of the EUltun'N jurlbdlc-
Ion In Crrto will calm the excitement. It la
itnted that Colonel Vaceon eomiu.inder of
ho Gieek foiccs on the- Island of Crete , la
narchlng to the Interior King George * has
icnt tlio following message to tlio Greek
inny. "Tho king In the pretent critical
IrcnmslanceE relics fm aid nn the nation ,
lie odlccrs ami aimy. and upon no foreign
lower. "
A dispatch to the Dally News from
Henna ta > a It l leportcd that Queen Olga ,
vho won an honorary adnilul of tha
tiuslan fleet , has neil thu Insignia baela to
It. Petersburg , declaring BI& cannot hold
anlc In u fleet that find nn the Grcc'kH. "
A dispatch to tbs Standard from ( 'on-
tantlnoplo says H Is reported thu cabinet
las decided { o piepare for an eventual maitli
n Athena uhotild Greece dot line to comply
irilh the Porte'c deinand and evacuate Croto.
i note to this cffct will bo aent to Grceco
n the near future , The military prepara-
lena have been completed. It ls also
tatud that the minister of marine Jus
lodged himself to bave thirteen ships ready
week from now.
The Athens correspondent of the Standard
that he has ascertained ft out a reliably
ourco that Gieeco will i eject the "ropoMlu
f the powers
The Chronicle In big bpe prints a display
rtlclo this morning , calling un thu nation
3 take active ttcpa In th'e Cretan situation ,
ays the Chronicle :
"OrKanlro , agitate and denotinco the dlu-
onor to niiKland'H Hag by asEorlatlon with
lie sultan and the coercion of Grceco.JI
Thu ( Jhronlclo announces that Iho foreign
dmlrals have already required Colonrl
'anaoa tn quit the Isl&nd of Crete and
lircatcn to bombard him If he attacks any
oiltlon occuploJ by the Turks Colonel
'asiOB replied that ho must execute hlu
rdrri ,
The Chronicle aUo publUhci a two-column
Ispatch from Minister of Foreign Affair *
kouscs of Grcccu , dated February 16 , and
ddrcmd to the courts of Kuronc , explain