Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMATTA DAtLV H13E ; JTHJlJKt'AHY 2t ! , 1807. 3
Scientific optician. Wollmon , 409 D'way
Cereal coffee , the great he ltb drink , c
tie had at Uartcl and Miller's.
In ye olden tymo concerto tyn sra v
tnuet for ye big rehearsal Wednesday evet
at 7:30 : at 1" Pearl street.
In opposing the sultan the Greeks In Cr
are putting up a "good front , " but no nv
KO than the young man who wears Ka
laundry work. 721 Ilroadway. Telephone 1
The Uerthlck club met nt the home
WISH Pearl Chamberlain on Park avenue. '
- Attendance was large. Ilcethoven and
works furnished the subject for the cvrni
Hcv. C. W. llrcwcr yesterday unlt'd
marriage Paul Graff and Mrp. Anna Ury
both ot Omaha. The ceremony was pcrforr
nt Hie r.araonoge of the Trinity Mcthoi 62fi Third street.
C. V. Nleman & Co. , f,23 Itroidway , deal
In stacks , grain and provisions. Coi
ppondonts of James K. lloyd & Co. , Own
They will fiimUli market < | ilntntlons by ti
phone nt any lime. 'Phono 129.
Street Supervisor Morris scoured an or
yesterday morning for permission to hi
Borne of the prisoners In the city Jail fiin
snow from the sidewalks. A gnu ; of tli
did good service for a portion of the day.
new assignment was made by Judge Thort
Judge McGec yesterday held lo the gn
Jury Smith and Kelly , the two mn char
with stealing two overcoats from a danc
academy. The men were sent down to
county Jail , being unnhlo to glvo HID re < ml
bond. They nro said lo be well km
toughs and an ° ak lliletc * from Lincoln.
The district Methodist Missionary conv
tlon will convene th'ls evening In the F
Methodist church nnd will continue Wedi
day morning , with two actions , one In
forenoon. b < ginning nt 11:31) : ) , and the ot
from 2 to 5. Thirty-thrco pastoral char
will be represented. Hev. I ) . C. Frank
prcHldltiR elder , will prcnldo.
The funeral of Joe Williams , drowned
Manawa last Friday , will occur today. 1
body will be burled here. The dead n
had a few dollars In his pockets when tal
from the water nnd enough more was ral
yesterday by subscription to pay the funi
expensw. Taylor Is F.ild to have n mot
and sister living somewhere In Nebrnsk :
OuUsldc of the fact that the po tolllce
parttnent wan operated ns It Is on Suud
and that flags wcic Hying from the staffs
( he public school buildings there was nc
Ing to Indicate that jeslerday was a h
day. The pupils of the public schools w
obliged lo celebrate the day sumwhat
advance on account ot It coming on Mend
The exercises were held in the school
A ijuarrcl of sufllclcnl dimensions to
called Into police court W.IH adjudicated
Jiulg ? McGco yesterday. It. WHH betw
Janus Ulllngwond and IIH ! mother-in-law , J
Lawrence. Klllngwood was lined $10
c' ts for Intoxication. Ot-orgc Lawrenci
eli ot the woman , > vho had been called
as a witnrps agalnat his brother-in-law ,
found to bo mixed up In it und was ordc
under arrest.
Charles Reynolds , the tramp- who
sentenced to ten days In the city Jail , a
n pnucy colloquy with Judge McGec , Is 1
OIICP more. After upending one day In
c ° ll In the city Jail ho complained of be
111. The city physician examined him
found him to be suffering with the grip
symptoms of pneumonia. Ho was ordcrci
ono of the hospitals for treatment ,
clnnge was made Saturday evening. Yes
day afternoon Reynolds got hold of
clutht's and took his departure from a i
door , when the attendant ot the ward
not looking. An hour later Olllcer Slur
met him on Lower llroadway beaded
C. n. Vlavla Company , female reme
Medic il consultation free Wednenrtay. lit !
book furnlEhed. 30'J Mcrrlam. block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
I'll nn I.OIIIIM.
For lowest rales on good farm loana
at the onlcc of D. W. Otis , No. 133 P (
street , Council H luffs. Money ready
loans closed without delay.
Kolcllor IK Sentenced.
C. A. Holly , the young soldier from r
Crook , arrested on the charge ot ralalnj
check from $8 to ? 18 at Walnut seve
weeks ago , waa to have had his trial In
district court at Avoca yesterday bef
Judge Macy. Witnesses was summoned :
the case waa ready , so far as the state i
concerned , for the trial to proceed. lit
had all along stoutly maintained his
noccnco and claimed that he would be ate
to prove It. Hut nt the last moment
fore the Jury was called he withdrew
plea of not guilty and EiilvstHnU-il the i
ot guilty. He still contended that he \
not the man who raised the check , but s
be was unable to get bis witnesses and 1
come to the conclusion that the shortest v
out of the difficulty was to plead guilty !
take his sentence. Judge Macy accepted
plea and sentenced him to ono year In
penitentiary at Fort Madison.
Genuine Centcrvlllo Block Coal , $3 ,
other grades of coal from 12.75 to $ :
per ton delivered. William Welch , No
Main street , telephone 128 ; yard , C15 Soi
Main street , telephone nn.
Haby carriages the finest line In the c
Durfco Furniture Co.
Temiieniiiee Iliilly.
The disciplinary committees on tempera
of the quarterly conference of the four Mo
odliit churches of thla city some time i
organized themselves Into a Joint commit
to work In conjunction with their past
and other Christian workers In the city
the promotion of the temperance cause. ;
committee arranged for a meeting to be h
on the last Monday evening of each moi
Last night being the last Monday night
February , a meeting was accordingly
ranged for , to bo hold In the Elscman bu
Ing. An address waa made by Hev. M.
Waddoli of Shenandoah , la. He exlior
tompcranco advocates not to promise ) i
resolves to do moro than waa possible
thorn to perform , but to keep but one obj
In view , und work steadily until the obj
was gained. The place of the next meet
was not annonncsd ,
Itnlilirlii Uetiirnn.
Hon. John N. Baldwin returned yesteri
after an absence of three weeks In the ci
The greater part of the time was spent
Hlchmond , Vn. , where Mr. Baldwin was
gaged In looking after the Interests ol
wealthy client. Ho went to Hlchmoid
the purpose of arguing a , ctuio before
court of appeals , Involving over $130,000 ,
was the Milt of S. F. Chupinaji against
Yellow Pine Lumber company of Coal Gro
O , , growing out of a largo lumber de
Chapman had secured a Judgment against I
lumber company and It had been carried
to the higher court , The result of Mr. Ha
win's efforts before the Hlehmond trlbui
was a reversal of the il islo.'i of the lov
Hoffnmyr's fancy patent Hour makes i
best and most bread , Ask your grocer for
Of Inerent ( tit KiltientorH ,
Prof. Hlaey returned yesterday from
dlanapolts , where he haa been attending i
annual meeting of the Department of Si
erlntsndcnta of the National Educational
Boclatlon , Ho reports the meeting ono of i
modi Interesting In its history , and the
tendance beyond all previous records. Pi
Htaey spent two full day In Chicago vli
ing the city ( schools In company with n do :
other Khciol superintendents from aim
aa many states , They were shown evi
possible courtrey and were given cxcelli
opportunities to compare the Chicago pi
He cchool sy tem with their own. T
full half days were aluo spent in visiting I
city schools at Indianapolis.
For Infants nnd Children ,
Short Session of the Municipal Legislate
is Hold ,
Iti-Mrlt-llntin IttMiint cil from ( InStr <
Cominl-oloiif r , AVIiu MnyIMV
< i > .Mil-nil ii nil Cli'iin I'll
( In : 'riio
The city council held a brief session 1
evening , occupying less than thirty mlnti
of time , U was supposed that Mr. Pai
proposition to have the time for beglnlil
the work of railroad building along Ind
creek extended until October would come '
but UIB aldermen either forgot It or Inl
tlonally overlooked It. Ths only matt
that were taken tip was the proposition
the major to remove the restrictions plai
upon th street commlcsloncr by rcsolut
of tha council last fall limiting the cxpeni
of his department to the employment of i
man In the sidewalk gang during the w
ler. The mayor's proposal to glvo him i
thority lo go ahe.iil and clean up the strc
wnc agreed to and he was given th * nci :
nary authority to employ men and tea
when lite weather became suitable and
move the mud and accumulations of fl
fioni the paved streets. No especial 111
was fixed to the expenditures of his dopa
Thn pay roll of the eowcr gang , cnga ;
for the last week In removing th ? mud fr
( he Fourth street and a portion of
Hroadway sewers , was allowed. It amoun
to $52S.CO. The council adjourned Mibjrot
the call of the mayor. It Is probable tl
no mure meetings will be held until
regular meeting in March.
THAXS.urrioxs ix rTiH corn1
\V. S , Mnym1 St-curcN lujiini-tli
AmilliNl NIIIIKTOIIH SiiiiiMrr. .
In the district court yesterday W.
Majno procured an Injunction restrain
a number of squatters from Interfering w
his possession of a large tract ot land
Crescent township. The land In quest
UPS In the Missouri river valley and co
prises about 3,000 acres. The title has 1 <
been held by Mayne and the Crescent L :
company. For the hint two or Hires ye
squatters have been going upon this !
other lands similarly located and claim
the right of pre-emption , under the hoi
stead laws upon the theory that the la :
have been produced not by accretion , but
sudden changed In tha bed of ths rl\
The river being regarded by the gove
mcnt as a navigable stream. Its bed
always the property ot the government an
sudden change In the channel Is claimed
the squatters to bestow the right upon
llrst miin who enters upon It to hold It
a part of the public domain. Owners
the lands havt' bad no end of trouble fr
this t-ource , and notwithstanding that In
litigation they have been successful
ousting the interlopers a new crop Is alw
springing up. Several ot them have taken
tracts of land belonging to Mayne and
land company. Two writs were sued
yesterday , one by Mayno and the other
the Crescent Land company. Temporary
junctions wcr0 granted and n deputy sli
itf left yesterday afternoon to hunt for
pquatters and btrvo them with notices t
if they did not get out they would be c
sldered to bo in contempt ot the dlbti
court and punished accordingly.
The Hammer Lumber company sued J.
Casady in the district court yesterday
$181.33 balance on a. bill of lumber. Inl
1 eats and ccsts are claimed.
City Attorney Hazelton yesterday brou
tbo second suit In the serlco that are to
instituted by orders ot the council agal
property owners whoso special assernm
taxes have not been paid. Mary D. Wlllla
C. S. Lelferts and W. P. Webster are m
County Clerk Reed yesterday approvec
bond for $25,000 Hied by Ira F. Hendricks
receiver of the 1'lrst National bank at G
weld , Mr. HiMldrlcks left for Orlsnold 1
Trial notice was flled In the office of
clerk of the federal court ycoterd.nv in
case of the Citizens' State bank against
Union Pacific Hallway company.
In the district court yesterday Judgm
was rendered against John W. Paul
$5,1-16.50 and costs with Interest at 'i per c
from July 1 , isgn , In the case of Flnliy tin
against Paul and the Union Land and 1
provcnicnt company. In another case of
same character , Ilurkc against the Impro
ment company , Judgment was rendered In
favor for $3,250 , together with th ? costs t
Interest from the ame date. Specie ! exi
tlons were issued in both cases. Mr. P
made no defense In eltter
City HnKliH'cr C < impliN < nil I
liiii-tniil niul DlNiiKroiMiliIi * Juli.
City Engineer Tostevln yesterday cc
pletcd the work of cleaning the mud out
1,500 feet of the three foot sewer on Dro
way and Fourth atrett. The work has glv
employment for a week to over eighty nn
entailing a coat on the city ot betwi
$300 and $ COO. These sewers have not be
thoroughly cleaned since 1SS8. For a grca
part of the distance the Fourth street sov
was found to be completely plugged up w
mud. For n dlstanca of several hundi
feel the sewer was .filled to the top and I
man holc were filled level with the stri
surface , rendering the sewer worthlc
Men were put Into them and provided w
Fhort handled uhovcls , and 'worked all d
long nn their knees In a stooping posti
digging out the mud , while others carrl
It back to the nearest manholes In buukc
where It was drawn to the surface a
hauled away. Much of the heavy mud h
to li ) carried a distance of half a bloi
the men carrying it moving along on th
hands and knees. The work waa very labo
ous and unpleasant , and the city engliu
allowed $2 a day. Some of the aldermen (
Jccted to the price , claiming that It wan I
much , but the engineer wag 11 nn , and i
fused to the men to endanger th
lives and health aO such work without n
soimble compensation. Some of the m
after working In Iho sewers for ten lioi
were unable to stand erect when they eai
out at night.
The work has put the sewers In exc
lent condition for the spring rains , a
the city engineer believes that 'With ' proi
precautions and the free use of the IHishl
tanka they can bo kept so at little expeni
Tho-eoiidltlon they have been In for soi
time has rendered them wholly worthier
Their neglect has been the mcaim of cat
Ing flooded streets and damage to basemen
A number of piopsrty owners on lower Ma
street served notice on the city that th
would ask for heavy damages hercafl
when their biiBlurea was Interfered with
Hooded streets ,
Iniliiirliiiil Snl ( .
Trial notice was Hied In the federal coi
yesterday In the caea of Deere , \Yclls
Co , against the Chicago , Milwaukee &
Paul Hallway company. The railway co
pany la ono of the defendanta In a dama
suit brought by UeereVella & Co. fur t
destruction of their warehouses by fire t
years ago. The Implement company alle *
that the flra was Blurted through the carclei
ness of omo of the employed of the rallw
company , while burning a lot of waste pai
on their premiss on the opposite fIJo
the street. It wao a very windy cvenli
and It In contended that the railway eniploj
permitted the wind to carry blazing pai
across the space beneath the platform of t
plalntlfl'B building and start u fire tbat i !
strayed nearly J150,000 worth of proper
The suit against the company Includes neat
all of the iorscti luild by the insurance co ;
pantos. The euro will be tried ot the Mar
term of the court , which convenes March
The genuine Domestic toup wrappers a
red. Heware of the cheap grade of Douical
put up In yellow wrappers.
CniitnifMiilN lli - Men > r Tliolr Wm
liiutint Illrlliilny Cclrttrntlnn.
ITHACA , Feb. 22. Washington's blr
day was celebrated under the auspices
Cornell university today , the exercises I ,
Ing plnce In the armory hall. The follow
letter from President-elect McKlnlcy to
Schurmin , president of Cornell unlversl
was read :
"Next to the Declaration of Independe ;
Itself , WoaLlcgton's farewell address U
richest heritage that has come down to
from the fathers of the republic. H Is
only a perfect analysis ot the spirit ot
constitution , but It Is a lofty appeal to ti
American patriotism , aecompinled by wo
of solemn turning and advice , the wlsd
ot which has been Increasingly dcmonstra
by the added experience of each huccess
generation. I most strongly commend yi
proposal to celebrate the centennial of t
great docunrrnt by Issuing a spccloi edit
for presentation to the students of Corr
university. Hellevo me to bo with gr
"Yours very truly ,
Hon. Henry D. Ill-own , a i3clato Justice
the supreme court of the united States , I
subject of his address being "Chief Just
Marshall. "
Th following portraits' were then p
sented by Hon. Andrew LMckfion White , '
prosldent of Cornell nnd ex-mlnlstcr to II
ela , to bo hung In the library of the C
lego of Law : "Orotlus , " after the orlgl
portrait at Amsterdam ; "Thomaslus , " nt
the original portrait at Halle : "Lord Ch
Justice Mansfield , " after the original p
trait In the Hoyal Portliilt gallery of Li
don ; "Lord Chancellor Camden , " otter I
original portrait In the Uoyal Portrait R
lery of London ; "Chancellor Kent , " nf
the portrait In the state capltol at Atbai
"Chief Justice Marshall , " after the portr
at the Academy of Fine Arts at Phlladolpl :
Hon. Francis M. Finch , dean of the facu
of the College of Law , made the speech
acceptance on behalf of that college.
President Schurman presided over the <
erelscs , which were held In the armory on I
campus , and were attended by over 2 , '
undergraduates , alumni nnd members of '
faculty. The reading of the McKlnlcy let
and the presentation of the portraits by <
President Whlto drew forth the greatest <
DciiUiN of ii liny.
ST. PAUL , Feb. 22. Moat Hev. Thomas
draco , formerly bishop of St. Paul and 1
tcrly titular archbishop of Sluna , died a
o'clock this morning at the age ot S3.
fell a victim to bronchitis about six wci
ago and sank gradually and painlessly
ho passed away. The funeral will tf
place Thursday at 1 p. m. from the cathedi
St. Paul.
Thomns Grace wns born In Chariest
S. C. , In December , 1SU. He entered
Dominican order und \\cnt to Home , wli
he embraced the theological course. Shot
utter ordlnntion he WUH placed In charge
a parish In Memphis , from whore liu v
called to the diocese of St. Paul. When
\\an consecrated bishop he succeei
Joseph Cretin , the first blsh
In July. 1SS4 , ( hiding the bun
too heavy for his llaggliiK energies , he
Hlgneil the bishopric nf St. 1'juil Into
huiulM of John Ireland , present arcliblsh
A prominent Catholic clergyman said
day : "Archblnhop Grace was a remn
able llRiire In the American episcopate- ,
has left tins Impress of his great but re
Ing soul upon the church. While he 1
not taken much part In unurch affairs
late years , he has always lupt In toi
with the progress of events and has so
the Heeds of worlc that will appear dur
many years to come. Ho waa certal
remarkable for piety , scholarship , genl
ness and ireneroslty of heart and mind.
LONDON , Feb. 22. Blanche , marchlon
of Wnterford , daughter of the eighth duke
Heaufort , and wife ot the fifth marquis
Wtiterford. Is dead.
NK\V YORK. Feb. 22. Captain Wllll
Howard Merrill , U. S. A. , retired. Is di
of clrrhosU ) of the liver nftcr nn < illncss
n month at his homo In this city. Cap !
Merrill was a friend o'i President Line
and for several months was attached to
stuff in the capacity of aide-de-camp.
CHICAGO , Feb. 22. Peter Wallace , D.
died nt his home In this city last-night
scnilo gangrene , aged Si. For over fo
years Dr. Wallace was ono of the forem
preachers In the Methodist church and v
known throughout Illinois. He was a \
veteran of the fighting class. Ho ralsct
company In 1SG1 in Snngamon county
the Seventy-third regiment , known aa
"Preacher regiment , " all of the officers fr
colonel down being preachers.
CHICAGO , Feb. 22. Albert Langdon , s
rotary of the Illinois Humane society r
fcr twenty-four years editor of the Hum :
Journal , died at hla reoldenco In this c
last evening , aged 57. His death Is pr
cipally attributed to overwork. Mr. Lai
don achieved fame by breaking up the
humane system practiced for years at i
stock yards by cattle shippers of allow !
the animals to stand In the pens from S
urday to Monday without water. By t
process it was believed that an nbnon ;
thirst was creatcul and in giving the anlm
unlimited quantities of water Monday mo
ing their weight was Increased.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 22. Word bos been
cclved here that John H. Hoyden , prcsldi
of the Hoyden Lumber company of St. Lei
which has large mills nt Neelysvllle. Ar
died at that place this morning. Ycst
day Mr. Hoyden was caught In the mill n
cbluery and horribly crushed. Mr. Hoyd
was reputed a millionaire. Ills life v
Insured for $ COO,000.
SCHUYLKU , Neb. , Feb. 22. ( SpecHl.
S. W. Miller , principal of the city III
school , wco called to Hastings Saturd
evening by telegram , announcing the serir
Illness of his father. Word wus rcceli
today that be died Sunday afternoon nl
o'clock. Mr. Miller's mother died last su
Joseph Otradouslcy died Saturday and v
burled yesterday. Ho was 70 years of tIlls \ \
Ills death was caused by asthma.
WKHSTEU CITY , la , . Fob , 22. ( Spec
Telegram. ) Peter I.yon , a resident of Han :
ton county since May , 1S52 , died at the re
denco of his son , Jotham Lyon , Saturd
night. He waa one of the oldest plonci
in this section of the state.
COLOHADO SI'HINGS , Colo. . Feb. 22
Very Hev. Charlea Harnard , D.D. , D.D
aged 40 years , formerly president ot
Charles college , Klllcott City , Md. , and <
T rlor of the St. Sulplce order In Amcrl
died hero thlo morning from consumption.
LONDON. Feb. 22. Blondln , the ror
walker , ls dead.
Inliili ( Grimil Jury InillctH Sever
l.lll'lll IIHIcllllN.
DULUTH , Feb. 22. The grand Jury Ii
completed Its labors and turned into coi
Its report , accompanied by twenty-five i
dlctments. The report Is a sensational dot
mcnt. The names of th ? persons indict
will not bo known before Thursday , it
expected , The Jury has been In sessl
about llvo weeks and has returned thirl
eight lndlctmcnt . About 300 wltnctaes we
examined. The Jury finds , In Its report , Hi
the register of dccdt ) , though paid a rain
of $3.000 per year , has been In the habit
appropriating to Ma own lira largo nmout
of fees , which should have been turned Ii
the county treasury ; that ho has rccelv
money for ofllclal services which he mis i
taineil to his own use while It should ha
been turned over to tha county trcaaun
The grand Jury lately returned an Indlctme
agalnet Hcglster of Deeds Uergstrom for t
misappropriation ot funds , and the repc
says that the county auditor has rccelv
fees for making certificates of taxes amotii
Ing ouch year to several hundred dollars ,
prat of which lies Jieen turned Into t
county treasury. There ore two indlctmer
agalrat Auditor Halden , charging mlsappi
priatlon ot funds.
\VIHI : siFKor.\Tun ! ur THIS SMOIC
I'll I her l' < * , rl > > li tN In A t
Ilt-kiMii' III" Ttvii Son * .
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 22.A special from Ha
nlbal , Mo. , to the Post-Dispatch says t
residence of Noah Marks on North Ma
street took fire early this morning and L
'ore the Ilames were controlled four perso
were smothered to death and $5,000 wor
ot property destroyed. Two boys of A
Marks' , aged 13 and 11 years , slept on t
third floor , where the tire started , and we
suffocated before tbey could be rescue
William Held , who occupied a room on tli
tloor. also died of suffocation. Mr. Marl
hearing hla boys crying for help , rushed u
stairs , but was overeomu by smoke a
dropped dead In the hallway , Mra. Mar
and her mother and Edward Pierce a
Thomas McCarty , who were also Inmates
the building , barely escaped with their livi
Iowa Legislative Conference' ' Discus
Oompromiso Proposals.-
Ve.veil ( lurnHim Will rrol.ul , ) } Hi-
tleil hy llinlttliiK li'H
nu-iit tn 1,11 Item * niul
Cilvc XmilOH.
DBS MOINES , Feb. 22. ( Special Tc
grnm. ) Tli9 ways and means conference tl
evening resulted In no decision of tbo ve >
question ot taxing moneys and credits , 1
evidences were developed Indicating Hint
agreemant may be reached eoon on a compi
mlso proposal. The house bill provides tl
the oss'CPJor shall recjiilro each owner
moneys and credit * , In listing hU propei
for assessment , to list first all credits , i
scribing the different notes , bonds , mo
gagre and other evidences of debt , which
holds , by dates and atnountu , but not glvl
the names of the person owing them to hi
I 3 may also file a list of liabilities and a
sot It ngalngt the credits ; In this list
must give the names ot the people to whc
ho Is owing as well aa the descriptions
the obligations. Hook account ! ) held nu
bo classified as good , bad and uncerta
The entire statement must be sworn to.
The senate committee objects to the d
Ecrlptlon of the different Instruments re
resenting debts and credits so speclflca ! ' ,
claiming It Is a drastic provision applied
no corporations , banks or other bu&lncss c
ganlzatlons , except private Individuals ; th
It would lead to embarrassment of debtors
many cases , and that It Is especially unf ;
lo glvo a man no credit for any debt , as i
offset , unless ho will tell tbo name of t
person to whom ho owes It. It Is held th
this would prevent many from getting t
full benefit of their offsets. The probablll
li : a compromise that will do away with t
requirement to list the Items of debit ai
credit and tell the names of creditors.
Is believed the bouse bill as It now ctati
would faU to pass , while the proposed coi
promise would probably get through.
lotva I.fjilslndii's I'ropdsc < o llt-Nti-l
Their Own 1'rlvlli-KON.
DES MOINBS , Feb. 22. ( Special Tel
gram. ) It developed today that there Is
movement on foot In the legislature to ado
the New York law which makes It a crlr
for any state olllccr , legislator or attacho
the legislature , or of any state olllce to a
cept from a railroad or telegraph compai
any pass , frank or other favor of any kin
for his own use or that of any member
his family , or other person. The acceptan
of these things , especially of railroad mil
ago and passes , has grown Into a grc
abuse. One Des Molncs ticket broker r
cently statad that he had bought 140,0
miles of mileage from meipbers of the n
cembly since the session opened , and the
arc a number ot other brokers In town. Ti
move has the backing of leading membe
of both houses and the announcement th
an amendment to this effect was to be pr
scntcd and a fight made for It , created a se
satlon. ,
Both houses today passed a joint resolntli
asking the railroad commissioners to Intc
cede with the railroads for lower rates i
corn for the next ninety days , to allow ma
ketlng the surplus corn , which1 at prose
low prices cannot be sold. ' '
The Carney resolution to Investigate sta
institutions having been killed in the hovn
Carney tnJay introduced another in the se
ate providing for a oenate committee Inste
of a joint one to look Intp the Ijistitutk
It went over without debate.
In. the house Speaker nyftrs .flled a IP
explanation of his vote of last Saturday
kill the Carney resolution. Ho explain
that It Is the function ot the governor to I
vestlgato state institutions , and quoted t
law which gives the executive power to o
point commissions for such worlc with t
thority to issue subpoenas , administer oat !
etc.A resolution passed for a committee to pi
pare plans for printing and annotating t
new cede.
CoiniiilNslnii (11 Si'i'iire Uralii for It
lief of Kuiiilnc Siifl'urvrN.
DES MOINES. Feb. 22. ( Special To !
gram. ) Governor Drake today appointed
commission to take chargeof the work
t'ccurlng ' grain and provisions for the rell
of the famine sufferers In India. It Is coi
posed of B. II. Conger , G. L. Godfrey , Ho
Sherman , Rev. Leon A. Harvey and J.
McRarraugh , all of Des Molccs , The coi
mission elected Mr. Conger chairman a
Mr. Harvey secretary. The members a
already in correspondence with the agents
the Indian Relict association In this count
and are Informed that the situation Is gro
Ing worse , and that there are now 300 deal
dally from famine In one district. The coi
mU'jIon has begun correspondence with t
railroads to secure free transportation
grain. A scheme Is also arranged to c
change , at the seaboard , the corn donat
by psople for Its equivalent In what , It
the corn spoil on the long voyage. Po
of the plan Is to Induce the people in t
seaboard states to rales a fund to pay t
ocean transportation if the steamship coi
panics will not carry It free.
Wutitcil for a TlirCt 111 IIIIuolN.
ATLANTIC , la. , Feb. 22. ( Special Tel
gram. ) A smooth looking fellow giving h
name as Eugene Casnei- was arrested
Lewis thUi morning by the local authorltl
In pursuance of a telegram received fro
Hockford , III , It Is claimed ho stole $1
at that city. When he first arrived at Lew
ho asked if the town was Louise , UIackha\\
county , and when told ( hat It was not 1
was anxious to leave , but was arrested beta
ho could get away. When arrested ho hi
about $20 on his clothing.
School Children Collcel I'rimli-N.
DES MOINR3 , Feb. 22. ( Special Tel
gram. ) The school children of Des Molnc
as part of their Washlngton'u birthday eel
bratton , today took a penny collection for tl
Io\va Home for the Aged which netted nbo
$300. Almost every child in the schco
contributed , the average being a fraction
a little over a cent each.
I''nrnuT ' HUH IIlN Ityof pniHliiMli
ATLANTIC , la. , Feb. 22 , ( Special Tel
gram. ) I'rcston Ulglow , a , iprpperous your
farmer , living a few mfip ! $ .south of th
city , had the 111 luck -to < have his fo <
crushed and leg broken near the knee. I !
was driving some cattle mud his lion
Etumblcd and fell , rolling onto him.
Itiui In Fronl of 1111 A | > | > nuiuIiliiK I'm
MMiKrr Train ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 22. AVJio | ) , .making a de
pcra'.o effort to avoid arrest. Nicholas Men
gen lost bis life under the > * heels ot a Nortl
wettcrn passenger train. Followed by P :
cited crowds and by a 'patrol ' wagon coi
tainlng officers , Mentgen ran" to the trad
and did not sec the train 'approaching. Tl
locomotive knocked him forward thirty fci
and the train passed over him. A fo
moments previous Mentgen , while playful !
Bcuflllng with a companion , accidental
broke- pane of plate glass. Mentgen , wl
was an Industrious and peaceable cltlzci
fearing arrest , started to run , followed by
big crowd , who thought a crime had bee
committed. A passing patrol wagon joint
In the cliato , and Mentgen redoubled his c
forts to get away. After bo reached tl
tracks ho kept turning to watch his pumuci
until struck. _ _ _
I'oiiullxtH Try loKrei .
PIUnilB , S. . , Feb. ' 22 , ( Special TeU
gram. ) An attempt is being made tonlgl ;
to got all the different populUu factions tc
Kether again , They ar& holding a mcetln
diseasing the measures on which they ca
all agree. If they get along without a ro <
tonight they may succeed In eonio of tliel
pet measures yet.
IIOIM : KOH TIM : orricisr.uuri
MrKliilt-y Mny SUMUMII ! tin * Siverpl
Civil Sort Irp Order.
CHICAGO , Feb. 22. The News' Wash ! :
ton special says : "It wilt be good m
to the office seekers that President McK
ley Is likely to suspend or revoke the swc >
Ing civil service order of President C'le
land , whereby nearly all the offices In I
executive department of the governnu
are taken under the civil service list , fli
cral Orosvenor , who Is one of McKlnlc
closest friends and who has been one of
stanchest ami most capable political si
porters , said : ' 1 believe that President A
Klnloy will revoke or suspend the swecpl
order which took all ot the offices Into I
civil service classification , t have b
thinking the matter over thoroughly none
ono of the ablest lawyers In this count
has given me an opinion covering the ca
Ho says that an executive can revoke i
deeds just as a legislative body can
consider an act.
" 'It Is not probably that Cleveland v
change his mind on the civil service ord
but It Is within his power to revoke '
own act. Ills successor will not be bait
by Cleveland's action. McKlnlcy will
president and will administer the exccul
branch of the government In his own w :
He can revoke that odious order and I 1
llevo he will do so. ' "
AVI1I Kltlior Hi ; Senator Illiiiiclf
Dletnte HN | SneeeHsor.
SALBM , Ore. , Feb. 22. Yesterday was
very quiet ono around the capital. Nea
all the members left the city Saturday , 1
most ot them will return today. Sena
Mitchell , In conversation with an Aspoclal
press reporter last night , said EO far as
was personally concerned he did not n
whether ho was returned to the Unl
States senate or not. Ho had served tin
terms already , and was content to retire
his record If It should be decided that I
Interests of the state could bo better pen
by some one else. It was very csMiitl
though , that n republican senator should
elected at this time , and ho was psrfec
willing that any one of n dozen republlcr
who might bo named should be- chosen ,
has characterized the present situation
revolutionary and deserving of condcmnat
by all having tha Interests of good gove
mcnt at heart. He was not In the least 0
couraged over the outlook. H was the
tcntlon of the minority , who were holdl
up legislature , to name a senator. The
ho did not propose to let them do. He v
master of the situation , and If another pen
than hlmselt was to be chosen , hd should
named by the majority , and not by the i
\iittonal Demon-ills In Con fi-renei
MILWAUKEE , Feb. 22. Hcprcscntatl
national democrats of Wisconsin are havl
a conference In Milwaukee , and the me
bers ot the state central committee , with
number of other gold democrats who tooV
prominent part In the campaign against fi
silver last fall , met here at 2 o'clock. T
object of the meeting is to discuss plans I
the future of the party.
The meeting will be continued tMs even !
at a dinner to bo given at the riankint
under the auspices of the state central co
mlltcc. At the dinner an address will
made by Judge Henry S. Uobblns ot Chteai
who was one of the most active workers
get up the Indianapolis national convention
Htoc-U Will' '
Tailor Ac-oi-iiis MlnliiK
IletMiiuuN Very Viilnnliliv
PORTLAND , Ore. , Feb. 22. A well kno
business man just back from a trip to Ida
vouches for the truth of this story of pi
nomcnally good luck. About two weeks t
a miner offered Morris Ycnzel , a Mcecc
Idaho , tailor , a handful of mining stoi
for a suit of clothes. Mr. Yenzel retus
that sort of currency In payment for goc
and labor on the ground that he had
luck in slocks. Ho remarked that f
years ago a miner gave him 5,000 shares
stock , then supposed to be worth 1 cent
share , for a suit ot clothes. He never re
Ized anything on the stock. The mil
jocosely said that It It had been Lo 1
stock It would have made him rich. 1
tailor was startled and replied that ho v
qulto certain that was the name of I
stock. Ho could not remember what ho i
with It , as he never expected it wo\ \
amount to anything. A few days la
Yenzel went to the suspended Moscow t
tlcnal bank tor an Insurance policy a
some other papers deposited there , amo
which he found the missing 5,000 shares
Lo Hot Block , now quoted at $8 per sha
with accrued dividends. The Lo Hoi ml
owners have been negotiating with an Et
llsh syndicate for the sale of tbo proper
but the lattei declined to accept the nil
without th transfer of every share of stc
so far Issued. This lot of E.OOO shares w
long advertised for , but now there will
no further obstacle to the sale of the pr <
erty If the owners come to Ycuzel's ten
Ho demands ? 20 a share , cr $100,000 for t
whole , and will probably get It.
I'"rlenilM of ( he Colorailo College Cel
liruti * ( lie Kvfiit.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Feb. 22. The tin
days' celebration of the completion of I
Pearsons endowment fund of the Colors
college began with appropriate religious so :
Ices. Rev. John L. McCulsh , Ph.D. ,
Denver , delivered the sermon at a vcsj
service in the college chapel. A mass me
Ing for praise end thanksgiving was
tended by nearly 2,000 people. Chancel
McDowell of the Denver university deliver
the address , his subject being "Tho Sons n
Daughters of Colorado. " This afternoon
conference upon higher education was hi
at the college chapel , many prominent c < :
caters taking part.
Tonight there will boa citizens' mass me. .
Ing , at which President George A. Gates
Iowa college will deliver an address , T
endowment fund amounts to $200.000 ,
which $50.000 was given by Dr. D. K. Pci
eons of Chicago , on condition that $ IIJO , (
bo given , by other friends of the college ,
Fire Keconl for u Day.
BUFFALO. Feb. 22. A special dlapat
from Bradford , Pa. , says that two buildln
were burned there yesterday. Several occ
pans were hemmed In by flames and coi
polled to leap for their lives. Mrs. Domini
struck upon a barbed wire fence and was
seriously injured that she may die. T'
others were badly hurt.
MADISON , WIs. , Feb. 22. Flro this mor
Ing almost destroyed Ilia wholesale dri
louse of Wells , Irlggs > & Co. Loss J50.00
HASTINGS , Feb. 22. ( Special. ) The 11
department was called fo the home of I1
Porter on South Minnesota avenue last nlgl
The flro waa not controlled until the cntl
roof of the house had been destroyed ,
OAKLAND. Neb. . Feb. 22. ( Special. ) ,
1:15 this morning flro was discovered In t
Oakland Independent ofllco. A foot ot sue
was on the ground , which delayed the fit
men In getting to work , and beta
a stream of water was t.irneJ on the whc
building was In flames mid wan burn
to the ground , together with
OustafEon's harness shop and Jud
Arthur's law ofllco , over the printing oflh
The loss to the printing office will bo $ lf > C
no Insurance ; building , $ UOO ; no Insurant
Judge Arthur , $1SOO ; partly Insured ;
Qustafeon , $1,500 ; Insurance , $1,000. It
supposed to bu the work of nn Incendiary.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. I ) . , Feb. 22. ( Spec !
rclegram , ) Complete details of a dlsastro
ftro at Piikwana have been received hoi
rho bulldlnga destroyed were : A. C. Con
way's store ; residence of Frank Weiss , rei
ienco of John Moodle , Nelson house , olll
) f James Lawless , Freeland'H restaurai
jfllco of Piikwana Press and quo other bull
Ing. Conaway was the only one who h
my limirnrcc , his policy being In the Mutu
Insurance company of Itcdfleld , ihls stal
Flm othuis sustained a total loss. The II
started In Frcnland'g restaurant by a Ian
being accidentally knocked aver. The fa ml
mrrowly escaped alive. Mr. Frecland w
ladly ecorched before getting them cut
lancer. John Moodle , who waa badly burnc
ind his wife , who had her leg broken , a
lulto aged and for a time their condltii
ivas Bcrloua. _
KIlTH SllllllfK ,
NICE. Feb. 22. The United States crulsi
: an Francisco , flagship of the America
squadron in European waters , fired salut
> f twenty-one guns this morning , at not
tnd at Euntet , In honor of Washington
drtbday. The cruiser tonight Is 'brilliant !
Nature of the Malady Now Prevalent In Many Cases Superin
ducocl by Catarrhal Infection Necessity of
Prompt Attention.
Half the people ot Omaha nre just now
sneezing and running at the nose , or
hawking , coughing nnd spitting with more
or less fury. Some are drooping In the first
languid linlf-slcknesi ot a bad cold. Others
are seriously 111 from neglected cold , h.ilf
Ucml with headache , earache , lungachc ,
boiicftclip , duo to latent cfltarrhal poison
suddenly awakened from cold and snake-
llku sleep to vicious and destructive activ
ity. These are catarrhs ! sufferers.
The other half ot the community are
complaining of chills , followed by pain and
misery In the head and by pain nnd sore
ness in the muscles. They show a quick ,
feverish pulse and a high feverish tem
perature. They have a cough that Is In
cessant and distressing , with nervous sick
ness and cold dejection like the taste ot
death. Tlicy have the grip.
That Is to s\y , about hnlf the population
Is affected with catarrh , and tbo other half
by the grip. Thul Isn't nil. Hnlf ot these
who are sick with the grip have catarrh ,
are down with the grip or quivering In Its
first premonitory miseries.
The fact Is. catarrh and the grip are sis-
teicd disease * . Tiny ruv Intensely nywpii-
thctlc. Each Involves or Invites the other.
Catarrh Induces a half poisoned condition
that makes the lungs , kidneys , etc. , a quick
prey to grip. An attack of grip lets down
the tone of the system to the minimum of
vitality and enables some dormant catarrh
to subject the entire anatomy to sudden
and deadly Invasion.
To those who dread the grip , not for the
miseries of Influenza proper , but for the
calamitous after-claps of llrlght's disease ,
consumption or hopeless physical debility ,
good and timely advice would seem to be ,
Itlirenil of Vritiiiollon Proposed I
llalNf 1'rlvate SoliserlplloiiN.
HELENA , Mont. , Feb. 22. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Although It was Washington
birthday and a legal holiday , the Omal
delegation that Is now visiting the went I
the interests of the big exposition in IS !
the state H'gl
was accorded a reception by
laturo hero today , the meeting having bet
arranged by telegram when It was four ,
that the party could not reach Helena 1
time to attend the meeting last Saturda
H was n Joint Informal session , at whlc
all the members were present. There wei
addresses by Gilbert M. Hitchcock , Preside !
Wattles , John L. Webster. Captain H. 1
Palmer and W. S. Poppleton , and after ! tin
Governor Smith , who was in the audlcnc
was called upon for an address. He n
sponded briefly.
"I am sure of these propositions , ' * he sat
"that If Montana has the natural resourc
wo claim the world will only llnd It out 1
our advertising It , and that the proper tin
to advertise Is during periods of depres.ilo
I am sure that the exposition at Omaha
going to be of more Importance to the ptop
of the west than any of the expositions : li
have- been held In the history of this cou
try. At the World's fair our oxhlbltioi
were overshadowed by these of elder ai
richer states. I do not believe there Is
state In the union of more varied natur
resources than Montana , and as I view It i
time could bo more favorable fnr tbo n
vjnccMient of the Interests of our state th :
isys. Montana could not afford not to 1
represented then ,
"Tills assembly should at least provide f
an organization to advance the Interests
Montana. If It docs I am sure ihat the pu
Ho spirit of our people will not fall and
this assembly sees fit to miike a small a
proprlation It would meet with the approvi
I believe , of the people of the state. "
After the session of the joint assemb
thcro was a meeting ot the senate comm
tee on finance and claims , and the comm
tees on appropriations and ways and mea
of the house , at which the members of f
visiting party went more fully into deta
as to what they thought the state might i
They said , after the condition ot the llnanc
of the state bad been discussed pretty go
orally , that they thought an appropriation
$25,000 would bring many times that amou
In results In the future.
The committees adjourned without takli
definite action , but It is generally undc
stocd that hey will recommend a small a
proprlation , perhaps of $2,000 , to assist
the organization , of a state bureau of pram
tlon. The commissioner , or whoever Is a
polntej , will bo charged with tl
duty of Interesting others In tl
exooq'tlon ' , as It Is believed
creditable amount could bo raised by pc
sonal subscriptions if the expenses of ral
Ing It were paid and a man selected to n
tend to It. The appropriation would be e ;
pected to cover only the expenses ot tl
preliminary work. There is no prospect tin
an appropriation of any conslderab
amount would find favor with the legl
lain re.
The members of the party left the ell
this afternoon at 3 o'clock on the Montar
Central for Ilutte. They expect to visit tl
Hoiso legislature tomorrow and will f
from there to Olympla , Wash.
Owing to the pled condition of polltli
in Oregon tbey do not expect 'to ' nccon
pllsh much In that state , except In Intc
estlng the people of Portland as Individual
They will visit Sacramento the latter pai
of this week or early next.
VelirtlNUmiN .Should Help TheniMelye
OMAHA , Feb. 22. To the Editor of Tl
Ilco : I recently wrote n state senator I
Illinois , one of the most prominent In tl
state , soliciting his earnest support of 01
exposition appropriation In Illinois. Rofe
ring to this ho says : "I think your peep
out In Nebraska nro very stingy with the
appropriations. How can they expect ou
side states to help them If they don't hoi
themselves ? " H may bo a good thing i
have our Nebraska legislature know tl
sentiment among members outside the stui
from whom wo expect support for 01
measure. Yours very truly ,
CoiildnM Iteiu-h I'lerre for SIIIMV.
KASOTA , Minn. , Feb. 22. ( Special Tel
gram. ) The exposition delegation has bee
compelled to forego Its trip to Pierre on ai
count of the continued blockading of tl
railroads. The delegation left Mlnncapol
this morning and proceeded west of th
junction a few miles when the train wt
compelled to return. The delegates wl
arrive at Omaha on Tuesday morning. Tl
party was Joined hero by .ludgo Scott th
morning , who will urrlvo homo with tl
car and open court at the usual hour.
Order of Five * HOIIH of Im-nel.
NEW YORK , Feb. 22. The annual mcoi
ing of the executive committee of the Unite
States grand lodge of the Independent Ordc
Free Sons of Israel was held yesterday aftei
noon In this city. Former h'xelso Commit
sloner Julius Harburgor of this city , f
Hoffliclmcr , M. S. Meyerhoff of Phlladelphl ;
Adolph Pike of Chicago , I. H. Goldsmltl
Louis Franlicnthaler , William A. GBIIH , an
Judge Philip Stein of Chicago ; Malr llcrllnei
Homnn Stelfal , Jacob Cane , Jacob A. Her ) :
Ferdinand Abrahams of lloaton ; Isaac Hun ;
burger and Hen Illumenthul of New Yor
were among those present. Grand Mask
Hamburger read his annual message an
MiieBu of the convention was then tram
acted ,
How Are Your Kidneys\ \
Ever Have Your Back Ache ?
Dr. Hobbs
Sparagus Kidney
make Healthy Kidneys
undtueUaclt BtronB
HeyltliT Kldneji purlfr Hi
blooil by Illlrrlnii from llttrf
urlil ami nil oilier | Uoni o
1'nro blooil inrnnn rrrfftc
tieullti. Jljr iiurlftlnglli * li'ooi '
Jl'lJi'i IKIBIU. j. p. Dr , Jlobba Upamuui Hluue ]
Film euro Hliouranllim , Neuralgia , ( lout , llrfvbt'iDIi
c iu. IllalielMi lrop r , Kcz ma. Anu'iiilt. I'd Inn In Ab
donion , IJackiichti , Kltluereikne ( * , AIIU ull Jntlum
roation of Ilia Kldnoji. I'lijilcluni anil < lruuul t" re
commend them. Kto. u hoi. Tefellrocnlnlii from lima
HO IP J. rorJJ.jrj ; yr > . nouns UTTLI
" LIYKR 1'lLLfl act promptly , but don't gril * .
IIOUIIS KEMr.DY CO. , PnorniETOns , Cuiciao
Dr. Hobbs Pills , For Sale By
Cor , istli and Itougln StJ. , Onuho , Ntb
look to your catarrh trouble. Act precise !
as you would If you had swallowed an
( ' . AV. I'-iiKli-r , Cinnu-ll lllitlTN , . .ex-
toil KiilrtliMV Oini'lorj , IMIITI ! of
vnlarrlinl lironi-hlllH , Nitlil li > iloo-
torn to lie liu-lilriit < Min tinuitloii.
ounce of poison by mistake. See the
clallsl at once.
W. II. COIT.I.AM ) , M. I ) . , Consulting
C. s. SiiiiPAitl ) . M. U. . Physicians.
Cilice I lours-0 to 11 n in. : 2 to r. p. m . Kvc-
iiingsVedtHsdnys nnd Sulimlay * only
0 lo s. Sunday. 10 to 12 .
Searles &
Ktivous , ilironio
Private Disease
All Vi-ltulo ll o I
nnrtDUoi'ilcr * u ( Alen
Trcntmcnt t > y mall
occzuliiitlun free
Cured for life lld tha } > olsn.t thoroughly ,
elttnitd from lti lyitcm. I'll.US. FISTULA
VAniCOCrn.B permanently niul ucctisfull *
mr < 1. MMhod now nnd unfalllne.
STRICTURE m GLEET at Citrod homo
By new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or ndSrcss with mump ,
111) ) U. 14til SI ,
DC , Scailas
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
wis SOLICIT voim nusi.VKsn.
OA.L.IJ . AND uiiE us on '
All Druggists.
( > - ' ' yw/N/iwv/y/N
O - v/ > - -rvy\/Nxvrx N xrNy\yvrvrk NV v O
InmlH for Bulo or luit. Day & llcfs , 39 1'eutl
j. i > . 'KRwi- : . IUAI , HSTATI : AND
nncc. lloveil to room C. Kvrirtl block
Good openliiB for ilicFrinakcr ami inllllnrr ;
town forty nillou fioni Council HlurfK. Ad
dress t)0t ) Honth MnIn Bt.
residence , 023 Ctli live. , on motor line , near
Rlsttrb' bcliool ; nlfo otlu'r buiualns. J. It.
rcHlilemu faclni ; on jiuMlP pall : ; lei t cull bo
Iialil In lioiinl. Apply ut r.3U Willow r.venuu , In
the moinlngH.
L-avps IIJUnLlNCJTON & MO. HIVnu.tArnvea
J ajinjUnion Depot , l tli & Mnnon tjia.l Onmlia.
6:3fmm : T..Denver Kxiirof.n. . . . . . .T.7S5nm )
4:33pin.Illk : Hills Mont ft I'liRtt s.-.l Kx. 4:0jpni :
4:33pm : Denver Uxpuis 4urimi :
7Wpin.I.lnr'oln : Local ( i-x Huticla } ' ) . . . . T.Kiim
2opm. . . . Lincoln I .weal ( ex , Sunduyj..Il3Mm ; (
Leaven ICIIlCArjO , UUHLINGTON & Q.-.rnvP3 |
OinnliaUiiloii | Depot , 10th & Majcn Su.j Oin.lhi
p:0.1pm : Chlcnuo V tllmle. . . . . . . . 8-20iiin
9Mnm Clilcnuo Eipicau l.ljiiin
7SOpm..Clilcnno : & St. Louis express. . . S:20am :
HMOntn I'acilU : Junction Lwui 6:10pm :
, .Knsi Mail 2Mjm :
Leaven ( CHICAGO , MIL. & HT. I'AUI.jArrlvos.
_ pinaliaUnlon { Depol , J0lhie Miitim Ht. < j Dnmlia
6-3lpm Chicduo Llniiicu blormm
IlCOam..Chicago : lixpicss ( c-x. riundny ) . . sgjpm
r * .ive ( CHICAGO & f\OivnUYKKT'N.Arrl | :7' "
OniahaiUnlon Depot , 101 Ii & Mi.u'i Sl . | Onaha
lOHSam * KaMiiTii HxprcfB . . . .7. . . . 3:40pni :
. Cl0piu :
i :
n Ht. I'uul Llinllei ]
7-Oain Sioux City Local U.IUmii
C:30pm : Omaha Chicago Hpcciaj 8:00im
Mlmourl Vuliey Uicni 5:30ara :
Kxcopt Sunilay. Uxcipt Monday.
i.enves IClTlCAGO , It. L & IMCII-'lu.iArrlvm1
OiiialialUnlon Depot , lOlli & M.niun aiti.j Uica.'n '
lOMOam..Atlantic Kxpiess ( ex. HunJavi . GMlpin
7:00pm : Kluhl Kxprcua tiam ;
( iSOpm..Chicago Vecllbuied i.iinlir. ; . . . , l:3Snin
; ! .Opni..HI. Paul VMtlbuicil Limllej , . , , i3pm ;
' ' "
7 . . \viijT. r "
l : < i'iin. ' | . . CoUiriido l.llnllt.i . ' , . ' 4 ; 00piu
" " "
U. . BT. P. . U , & ( J. [ Arrives
Onialia _ ) Veb ter Street Klation.
12:30pin. : . .Hloux City ICxprcen lex. 8un f.7.5am | '
Slam : ! ) . . , .BIoux CUV Acroiiiinoilatian , , . . ll00pm ;
C:16pni. : . . . . . . . _ Liinliei : . . . „ a.lOam
LenveV l l\ , ! : . " & " JIoT VAU.BVr | Arrlvc
Omalia Depot , Utli an , ! WvUiir Hit , |
SiOOpin . Taut Mull nnd ifxprcss .
3COiiin : . . ( ex. aul.jV > o. jix. ( ex. Moil. ) . .
. . . . .
7Wam..Norrollt : Kxpr Suiu. . .
C.lSpiil.J ; . 81. Piiui
K.L'.T"OTrj. & C."a | Arrlevt > "
Omalia Unlon Dtpot , IQIIi & la 'jn Stii. Or. UI.A
"s05aiii ; . . . "lCuii aii Clly Day IJxpu-ni."ciOjini :
lOiOOpm K. C. 'lKllt Kx. vlu tJ. I1. Trans. 630ani ;
Lea\ei. | MIKSOUlil "i'AcTKIC. fArrlytT"
Depot , IStli unJ Wcbiitc-i-SI _ .JOinulia
3X/pui. : ( . .Nebra lta ft KUIIKUI Limited. . li ! pnT
:3Upin : . . .Kun aa City Ilxprctc . CiOOani
.Nfbrukk.i Lccnl ( ex. Hun. ) . . . 9 , Mam
LfaVVB I alOUX Cl'l X 1 I'AUIi'lU , | AIIIVca
Oma.ial Depot , ICtli and Wtrlivter Kit. I Oinuh.i
S.Upni . Ht. 1'uul Limited . 'jtv n
" " "
Leave * ( BIOUX CITY & I'ACIKIC. "lArrtvcj"
Omahaynlon IJ-iiot , lOlli & JUion Bt . | Omaha
1IOamrr.777T.7Bt' i-aul I'a t-nKer
7i30am . Sioux Clly I'aemiic
lMptn . . .Bt. 1'aul LlmlteJ
I ivT " | UNION
OliiuhaUnlon | Depot , lOlli A Ma on SU.f Onuha
CtCam . .Overland Limited . 7"l7l5pii
SWpm.lcat'ce : ) & Utroiiub'e ix. in Sun.3:00i.rn ) :
EUpmlrand Inland Kxpreci ( ex , Bun ) . I'Mvin
JiSCpin . rait Mnll .
ljnntmUnlon ( Depot. lOtli tt Mmon Sti.f Onialia