Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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qualified teachers within the meaning of th
school Ian 5 of this state ; and all such grad
nates sliill have equal privileges , upo
equal conditions , with graduates from an
and all other educational Institutions ulthl
the state
Senate file No , 1B7 , requiring school dli
trlcl boinlt to provide on every sehoolhous
Rite and Veep In good repair and In clcai
and li iHlirnt condition at leant two scpirat
water closets.
Senate fllo No , 179 , providing that al
legal advertisements shall be set In soil
nonpareil tjpe.
Joint resolution No. 7 , Introduced by Mr
Ilowrll , and relating to the Tranamlsslsslpr
Exposition nan pased , It Is as folhvs
Whereas , The congress of the t'nltei
Bt/ites did , by nn net approved by the presIdent
Ident June ID , 1KW , pledge the govurnmen
to partlclpito In n Tr.insmlsslsilppl am
International Exposition , to lie m-'d I
Omnliu , Neb , between June I nnd Ts'ovc.n
bcr 1 , 183S. nnel did by tutid net grnnt t
nnld exposition nil the right" ? and privilege
heretofore granted to Inicnmtlomtl expo
Billons : therefore , be II
Resolved by the senate and house o
representative1 of the Biato of Nehraskii
That his excellency , the governor of th
Btnle of Nebraska , be initl he Is hertb ;
mithorlml nnd reeiueitod to nnnouneo b ;
proclamation that snld exposition Is to b
held nt the lima nnd place aforesaid , run
to oxtrml to the people UC tne state
nnd territories of the Unlteil State"
through the respective i.'ovctnor.s of ancl
ntatf and territories , n cordial Invltatloi
on the part of the rtnto of Nebr.i k.i ti
t > artlclpato In said exposition ; and be I
Jlesolved , That his exrellency , the pov
crnor of the state of Nebraska , bo nnd hi
Is hereby requested to Issue and dcllvo
1o the necrctary of state of the Unltei
Blairs Invitations to the foreign nation
< tnd governments having representative
accredited to them In Washington Invltlni
ind renucstlng such foreign nations am
novcrnmonts to participate In said Trans
irUssIsslppI Exposition , with a request ti
the secretary of state that he dc Ivcr nicl
Invitations to such ropresontnllveH of for
clgn nations .and governments represents
ot Washington.
The resolution was agree to by a vote ol
2G to C , the vote In detail being as follows -
lows :
Yeas :
Heal , Ornlmtn , Jlnnsom ,
Calitwell , flrothnn , Schanl ,
Onnmlny , II lifer , bi'oncer ,
Connwny , llowell Slcclc ,
Dfnrlng- , Jnlmron , .
Kvarm. I * > c. Inlliot ,
rnrrell. McOann , \\ntion ,
rcllz , Miller , Woller-M.
Trlti , Mutz ,
Nays :
liuinlnn. Itenfty , Osborn ,
Gonrtrtnr. MufTly. llllclne t.
Absqnt :
The senate then icsolvcd Itself Into com
mittee of the vvliolo to coatlnuo considera
tion of the public printer bill After fiorno
discussion the bill was recommitted and the
committee rose
Mr Dumlis ot Ncmaha offered the follow
Whereas , It Is currently reported tlini
Illoro are on the pay rolls at the Stat (
house and In many of our st.itc Institution-
employes whoso service1- * could be dls.
pensedltli without violence to good goV'
ornmont , or to the mmi-igement of the
ntato Instltutlono. which Mid icport hv
been ineaanreab'.y conllrmed by leeent ic-
ports of snle audltois ; tnereforo , bo It
Ilt-'olvert , That the rommltteu on finance
ways ) and means be Instructed by the sen-
nte > to ascertain and icport as to the fact'
In thn matter , .it pome time before the
enate shall be called on to vote on me is-
ures appropriating money for sal irlcs am
employes' wogcs.
Mr. Hansom objected to the present con
sideration and the resolution went over until
Mr. Hansom offered the following resolu
tion , which was agreed to-
Hesolved , by the senate , the house con-
cinrlnp. That the Stnte I'rlntlng Ponr.l be
nnd Is hereby Instructed not to contincl
for or i ay for printing in the ) journals ol
the senate and house skotche *
of members , or the constitution of the
state ; and also that said boird be further
Instructed not to contract for 01 pay rot
printing the constitution in connection
with the publication of the session laws.
The senate then took a recess until 7.30
tlila evening.
lIcnilici-H of HIP House Listen Attrn-
tl > cl > to tin * MOSMUKC ,
LINCOLN. Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The papei
that has attracted the. closest attention oi
the hotis9 since the session opened nw
Qovernor Holcomb's special message road this
morning , announcing a shortage by ex-Treas
urer Dartley of $537,000. For the first time
absolute silence reigned In the hall of rep
resentatives. At Its conclusion long breitha
wore drawn , as If the members were think
ing to themselves , the worst Is known. The
motion to make the consideration of the
message a special order for tomorrow after
noon , bj * Wooster , mot with no opposition.
Previous to this the house had devoted the
forenoon to cutting do'\n the Galarlcs of
county commissioners , county attorneys an.l
the superintendent ot the Hoys' Industrial
school at Kearney from $2.000 to $1,000.
In the atsenco of Speaker Gaflln , Mr.
Rich ot Douglas , chairman of the committee
on Judicial y , called the house to order this
morning. A number ot petitions from Rich
ardson , Wayne , Pollc nnd Hamilton coun
ties vvcre > lead , all favoring a liberal appro
priation to the Transnilsslsslppl Exposition ,
ranging from $200.000 to $350,000 * A peti
tion from Aurora In favor of house roll No
214 , amending the act relating to decedents ,
was prosentvd and read
On rcpoits of standing committees , the
following bills were ordered to the general
House roll No. 1SG , by Welch , providing for
correct weighing of grain , stock , coal and
other heavy merchandise.
House roll No 161 , by Welch , to prevent
desecration ot the American flag
HOMED roll No. 12J by Llddoll , to pro-
scrlho the nullifications of a Iiorseshocr , and
to legulate the practice of horseshoeing.
The substitute ! for IIOUHO roll No. 162 , pro
viding for a direct tax on dogs , was ordered
to the gencial fllo
House roll No. 212 , by Zimmerman , pro
viding for a general dog tax , was recom
mended for Indefinite * postponement.
A number of bills on second reading were
referred to appropilatc committee : ! ,
House roll No. 206 was first considered
under the call for bills on third reading.
The bill was Introduced by Hull , and pro
vides that county commissioners shall be il-
lo\\o.l $ .1 per day for time actually employed
In official hualncss , and In counties having
A population of over 70,0yd the salaiy shall
1m fixed nt $1,200 per annum. The bill ro-
iliicoi the fulailes of the county commis
sioners In Douglas and i/mcaetir counties
from $ l.SOO to $1,200 per annum. Whllo the
roll call was proceeding Hull , fearing that
the * moaiiiio would fall to rany , demanded
ft rail of the house ) . The doors were closed
and the scigeant-at-aims began to rustle for
nbsvnte'os. Then Hull moved that fmtlior
proceedings under the call bo dispensed with
and it picvallctl. Absentees voting raised
the number to a hiifllclcnt strength , mill the
1)111 was declared pissed by a vote of 55
to 20.
Sodci man's bill , house toll No , 145 , to re
duce the salaries of comity attorneys was
next on the list. As amended In committee
> f the whole It i educes the snlatloa of the
county attorneys In Douglas and Lancistor
counties to $2,300 pur annum , It i educes
the alailrs of all other county attorneys
about 20 per cent. The hill passed by a
nan-partisan vote of 78 to I )
1 hero was re debate ovur Soderman's bill.
liouno i oil Ne > . 19 , which reduces the salary
of the supiNlntoiident ot the Industtlal
School for Uo > s at Kearney to $1,500 per
annum. It passt-d by a vote ot S5 to 1.
Rouse's bill , house roll No , m , provides
for transportation ot Inmates ot soldiers' and
Bailors' homes to and from the humes , and
vas passe 1 by a vote of SI to 0.
Speaker Gaflln then presented the gov-
Pousse Patd.
And why not a pie-pusher
as well as a coffee-pusher ? It's
far more necessary. Do you
suffer with dyspepsia ? Ayer's
Cathartic Pills will cure you.
Take a
crnor's message In relation to the flnancw t
the state , which was read by the chief elcrV
Wexwter moVoil that consideration of th
Kovernor'n mewaRo be made a jpccUl ordc
for 3 o'clock tomorrow. The motion pr
valleel and the house took n rece unt
2 p m.
In the afternoon a larpo nunber of petl
tlons were revl by the clerk lavorlnR llberj
appropriations for the TranutnlssMslppI Cx
position. A rccoHitlon passed by the Perm
srs" Alliance of Nesblt was read , endorsln
the action of the present nculon In cult In
down nnlsrles nnd strongly cpposlng any ar
prcprlatlon for payment of suiar bounties.
On motion of Hull , the house went Int
committee of the whole to consider bllH o
the general fil , with \Voosler of Mcrrlck I
the chair.
Lemir's tilll , house roll No 74 , for an ac
to establish a.Btato board of embalming , vva
flrst confllelcrcel. It provided a njntoni o
examloatlon , registration and licensing o
cinbalmeri for the belter protection ot llf
and health by prevention of the sprrad o
Infcc-tlrns and contagious diseases. It name
as the board the attorney general , secretar
of rtate and commissioner of public land
and buildings It la provided that the score
tary of the board shall receive such snlar ;
as the board may determine , and the othc
members | 3 per day for the tlm ? actual ) ;
I.cmars , the Introducer ot the bill , vva
absent , and fouko of dago championed th
measure for him. He sain that It would InVolve
Volvo the state In no expense , ns the pal
arles would all bo paid from few recclvei
from licenses. The bill was recommendei
to pant ,
House roll No. 114 , by Ilurkett , la an ac
relating to dUintorrlng. mutilating , tllase > ct
Ing or otherwise Interfering with dead hu
man bodlea , ditlnlng the crime and provld
Ing for punishment thereof. The bill wa
recommended to pass as mnendcd.
The committee's substitute for house rol
No. 117 provides for the temporary Issue o
non-Interest bearing vvarnents upon the stnti
treasury nnd to provide for the relcmptloi
and reissue of the same The measure ) , I
what Is known as the "scrip bill , " Intro
duccd by Soderman. It provides that tlv
treasurer shall cash all warrants presentee
If he has the money. If not the audlto
shall Issue special warrants In denomination
of not less thin $1 nor more than $10 , and in
other denominations shall be Usucd. Thesi
special warrants are made receivable for nl
taxes duo within the state , and for all claim
and dues of the state against the citizens , am
when In the hands of a binklng compan :
they shall constitute a pirt of Its legal casl
reserve. The sum of $3,000 Is appropriatee
to carry out the piovisloi.s of the act.
After a number of amendments had bcci
adopted , Clark of Lancaster moved that tin
measure be Indefinitely postponed. Ho sail
that the passage of such a measure mean
ruin to the Interests of the state
Snydcr of Sheinmn replied to Clark and the
bill was rotnminemled to pass.
On motion of Hull the committee of the
whole roic and reported. The report was
adopted , and following a concurrence In the
senate'o Joint resolution to meet with tin
bouso this evening to listen to Hon. W. J
IJrjan , the house adjourned to meet In Jolul
session this evening at 7:45 : o'clock.
< - < - of norrmuriit mill Home
Ii > Klslitl < m Ilrlfil > Illsi-iisscd.
LINCOLN , Kcb. 17. ( Special Telegram )
Hon. AV. J Bryan addressed a Joint session
of the senate and house this evening In the
hall ot representatives. Every available
Inch of room wan occupied anil hundreds
vvero turned away , unable to gain even
standing room. Ono hundred and Uility-
three scats were reserved for members ot
the legislature In front , but these were
tilled at an early hour and many of the
legislators were obliged to stand.
The senate llrst met In Its chamber and
took a reccf. ) to listen to the address of Mr.
Hrjan in the house. Speaker Gaflln rapped
the house together and the roll was called
by Chief Clerk Kager. In all respects these
were regular evening sessions of the senate
and house.
The appearance ofJMr. Bryan was greeted
with great applause and ho was intro
duced by Lieutenant Governor Harris. Mr.
Dryan at the outset disclaimed any Inten
tion ot discussing- national Issues this even
ing. Ho said ho would confinehimself prln-
elpjily to the general topic of the science
of government as applied to homo legislation.
The flrst principle , he said , ot good govern
ment was equality before the 1avv , and if
this vsas disputed by any man , that man was
a dangerous person In any community. This
principle the speaker applied to corporations
and said that the object of law was not only
to protect Individuals from each other , butte
to also protect Individuals from corporate
greed and aggrandizement. Ho vigorously
denounced tlm Influence of railroads In poli
tics. After paying a high compliment to
the state of Nebraska Mr. Dryan closed his
address , and on motion the Joint session ad
IIuiiKlniv Ilunrilllll In < | tilr < > Into tliu
( ii-riiinii Sn\liiKi AITiiirx.
LINCOLN , Feb. 17. ( Special ) Tomorrow
State Auditor Cornell , chairman , State Trea
surer Mosul ve and Attorney General Smyth ,
members of the State"Hanking board , will
go to Omaha , The object ot their visit Is
to Inquire Into tbo condition ot the German
Savings bank. Some time since the officials
inadu application to the banking board for
permission to avail themselves of section
35 of the barking law , which provides that
the stockholders may give a bond to secure
eleposita and cover liabilities , and settle up
the bank's affairs without the Intervention
at a receiver appointed by the court. There
Is some question regarding the amount of
the bond which should be required The
stoeikholdeis want to give a bond for ? IOD-
000. State Auditor Cornell said today that
such an nmoimt would aot cover tlio llablll-
tlec , which are about $300,000. Hut bands are
on flic , executed under section 35 of the
banking luw , for much Icm than the total
amount ot liabilities. Auditor Cornell la
not clear in Ms mind that the board has a
light to take a bond for a less amount
Lhan the entire liabilities of tbo suspended
George Helmrod , treasuier of Douglas
county , today made his monthly statement
Tor January with State Treasurer Mesorve.
Mr. Helnirod tuincd over $19,44233
Into the following funds State general -
oral fund , $12,727 4 ; sinking. $ l,8iG29 ! ;
tchool , $5,107.80 ; university , $ Ui4 ! SS ; pcnl-
tentlaiy , .29 ; bond , .2 ; relief , $316.88 ; capl-
tel building , $1,72 ; refonn school sinking ,
$1 35 ; Iiiitltuto for I'ccblei Minded , $ JI8.10 ,
llvo block Indemnity , 4S , Interest , $ li > 8.88.
The sce-rctailiMi of the Stnto Hoard of-Tjans-
liortallon have received lettoi from the of-
llclals of various railroads stating that there
will bo a meeting In Chicago Match 1 of the
trnllle agents of tlio roads tn consider the
question of cnitbounel com rates. This Is
an aiMwcr to the coinmunle. atlun addressed
the different toads and urging them to 10-
duce the rate's on corn at the earliest date
possible. Thes letters givestimu hope of an
adjustment of the matter on a , more ojuable
basis of tialllc rates ,
li ) ' Cniiitus < if Mitjorlt } ii > > -
niuut of UKJloiiHO. .
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special Telu-
; ram ) Tlio majority clement of ( ho house
lield a cfucus today and appointed the
following alftliii ; committee : ( .Mark of Rich
ardson , Wooster of Mcrrlck , Vclser of Poug-
las , Hull of Harlan und Welch of I'oik
Whllo It is expected time this committee
will advance all tha most Important legis
lation , It 13 expected that a special effort
will be made to get the exposition bill be
fore the IIOIIBU at as cully n day as possi
ble. Tlio Hoaid nf IMue'utloiial Lauds and
[ 'unJs hold a meeting today In the gov
ernor's ofllce. The principal question dls-
cussed was the rase ot Mrs. Ljvlna N Snpvv
of Hamilton county. It appears that she
bus been paying on a 32-100 assessment
on her land Instead of a 23-100 , and asks
a rcbato for the amount overpaid. Tim
matter will bo constdcicd at another meet
ing of the board ,
W. U , Dhvls , ex-clnrk of thfl Institute tor
tbo Ile'at and Dumb , was before the cotn-
mltteo on Insane hospitals nnd deaf nnd
dumb asjlums at noon today aneS made < a
number of verbal charges against Superin
tendent Qllleaplo ol the Omaha Institute
There la an evident disposition on the ri'rt
at the committee to stand by Superintend
: nt fllllesplo In ( his matter. Each inemter
Is Inclined to be reticent about tbo matter
snd Chairman Ucrllug says that no morr
meetings of the committee will bo heli
and no more testimony taken.
Vorillct nl AVntioo Km-niirnu-c * TIii-n
to I'nrHtir On * KlKlit.
.LINCOLN , Feb. 17. ( Special ) The sanl
tary trustees nnd the city officials arp muc
gratified over the cutting lu two ot the ver
diet previously rendered tn favor of Kendal
& Smith asalnst the .sanitary district , whlc
Is praetlcilly the city Itself. The a.iioun
allowed the mlll-owners by the commissioner
who condemned tea property wan $4,600 , atn
although it Is not hoped to got the feum dowi
thnt low , the flght will be kept upi Tiio rca
parties In Interest ore not Kendall ft Smltli
but the Klret National bank of this city am
i Jcc.eph Clundry of Mineral Point , Wls. , wh
hold mottgagcfl nnd Hens agalnat the prop
Tlio llnnl arrangements for the charity bal
to bo given by the police and flre department
tomorrow night have been perfected nni
everything Is now ready for the affair , vvhlcl
promicics to outshine anything ot Ihe klm
ever held In the city. The entrance at th
east end of the capltol building will be opci
and all nre required to como td that door fo
lulmlpilon. The grand march will commcnci
at 8.30 promptly.
Qeorgo Wang sues tha Fremont , Elkhori
ft Mlosourl Valley railway In Justice Spen
cer'a court for $110 damages. He sajfl tha
on January 9 , last , two of his horses wen
run Into and killed by n passenger train o defendant company and a third horse ivfli
badly Injured. Ho elates that the noryj' '
wore killed through no negligence of Ms own
but on account of the carelessness ot thi
railway In allowing the cattle guard alor.j
the right cf way to become out of repair am
of no account.
Albert Kltto , assignee of the firm ot Kltte
& Hornlck , who have a claim against tin
John Fitzgerald estate , enters vigorous pro
test to the allowing of Mrs. Mary Fltrger
aid's report aa administratrix. Ho soys lha
Blie gives herself credit for $40,000 advanci-i
to the entato to pave It from loss , and sayc
that this Is not a cliargo because it la not i
liability Incurred during Fitzgerald's life
time , llo says that the pajmcnt of this utm
together with allowances to others , was with
out authority of the court'and therefore un
lawful.Ho objects to an allowance of ? 5H (
a month to Mrs. Fitzgerald aa being e\ccs
olvo , and wonts the court to order her te
pay a dividend out ot the money she haa ot :
hand , to the creditors.
Jesse Clark , a man from Iowa who ha1
been shipping In potatoes nnd selling then
In this city , was before Judge Waters thl ;
afternoon and fined $10 nnd costs for pcd.
dllng without a license. The complaint vvae
made by local commission men aud whole'
The phjslcians attending Mrs. L. C. Lawson -
son , whoso unfoitunato accident at the uni
versity was mentioned last evening , de
rided after un examination last night that
an operation would bo necessary. Her right
ojo was removed today.
H.v. . CAIHT.P.I.I , ox MMI , cui/runr. .
Iee iir > IlliiHd-nOd l > y Clinr.t.H Riven
( o I'ltriiici-H of AiliniiH Count } .
HASTINGS , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special Tele
gram ) II. W. Campbell of Sioux City ad
dressed a fair sized audience In the court
house this aftcinoon upon the subject of
"Soil Culture. " He gave some valuable In
formation to the farmers.
The lecture was Illustrated by charts Il
lustrating the difference In the growth of
roots under the various mechanical condi
tions of the soil. He dwelt at some length
upon the Importance of thorough tilling of
the soil to encourage root growth , showing
very clearly the best results were found only
In finely pulverized and linn soil. Ho also
made clear his prlnclp'e ' of storing the rain
fall In the soil and how under certain phjs-
ical conditions water was readily and quickly
taken Into the eoil , while under other con
ditions It would not go Into the soil. The
storage of molsturo In the giound Is simple
and only requires knowledge of these points
and n little effort on tbo pait of the tiller
of the soil. He also urged very strongly the
use of barnyard manures , not because Nebraska -
braska soil was not already very fertile , but
because the more .manure was allowed to decompose -
compose In the soil the more water was held
subject to the plant by th& Increase of
South Slonx Clly People Will fe.-iiel n
Dolt'ivniloii to Lincoln.
SOUTH SIOUX CITY , Neb. , Fob , 17. ( Spe
cial Telegram. ) Some jears ago a normal
school building was built by South Sioux City
people and by a vote of the school district
bonds vvero IfBueel to buy the same for public
use. A contest was made and the bonds were
declared illegal. A delegation of people from
South Sioux City will go to Lincoln In a few
daya to urge tlio legislature to establish a
state normal school there. They will give the
buildings to the state and only ask that the
state provide for Ito maintenance. There Is
no normal school In this part of Nebraska.
FnrmITS' IiiNtltuti- Arlington.
ARLINGTON , Neb , Feb. 17 ( Special. )
The fifth annual session ot the farmers' Insti
tute met In Unland'o hall and was called to
order by the president , C. A. Whitford. The
addrejsa of welcome , was delivered by J. C
Cook ot Arlington.
O. A. Wolcott of Elk City read a ery In
teresting paper on "Somo Things I Have
Learned In Thirty Ycara Farming In Ne-
jraska. " 11. D. Kelly of Fiemout delivered
an address on the "Management of Insti
tutes , " which was Instructive.
The evening exercises opened with a piano
solo by Miss Hlnnclie Roberty , followed by
an oration delivered by Olllc. Unthank of
Arlington. An address on "Labor In Ito
Relation to Society" by J. W. Karr of Ar-
Ington was very Intel eating. A brief ad-
iress was given by Mr 0. Colby of Arlington
and this was followed by a violin fcolo b )
B. II. Qucsner of Arllntrton. The address of
the evening way by I'rof W. la Clominoin ,
resident of the Fremont Normal , hla subject
jclng "Education against Farming. " Mr. J
! I Iladklnson of Lincoln gave a lecture on
'Cultivation and Care of Young and Old
Drcjiards , " which was very Interesting and
M > riu-HHr I.iu-nl ,11 n ( torn.
SYRACUSE , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
> . Haggard of Unadllla , assisted by Dr.
jittleflehl of this place , removed a cataract
rom the cyo of Mr. Heck at the mill west
3t town.
There Is a good deal of sickness In this
village and surrounding country , the grip
joiiig the prevailing ailment. The ID-yeai-
3ld daughter of Ed Murray , living south of
onn , Is down with pneumonia.
Henij Hiieltc has purchased the old Hayes
[ noporty south of the railroad track and
vlll start a saloon there In the spring It lie
can get a license.
William Wuits ot Unadllla has had the
principal of the Unadllla school arrested for
v hipping his 14-year-old daughter. Wurts
says that the teacher tried to Instill fieo
silver Ideas into the mind of his daughter ,
nnd she , not being In a receptive mood , was
'erruled. ' The trial tomes oft In this vll-
age > next Saturday before Justice M , C.
Henry Arcnds bought the Gllcs-Noyca
property at mortgage sale > last week.
HOKM ICIIIcil It ) ii Il n.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
Some time last night some wild animal
attacked some hogs belonging to A. W.
woomls , just outside the cciporatlon , and
; llled twei flue shoats weighing about 100
munds each , and tore them to pieces with
iharp ( lawb. To these who have seen the
logs It seems like ) the work of a tata-
nount or mountain lion. Where the claws
struck the hogs at the head the hide Is
torn for the full length of the body.
\ \ III Ilnve- SI. n nk Kill-in.
YORK , Neb , . Fcb. 17 ( Special. ) An enter.
pricing York county farmer , living cabt of
.liU city , named Henry N'abur , haa started
a skunk farm , Ho will go Into the raiding
of tilt ) little ) pests extensively and there Is a
; ooil prorp ct of hU ] coming out of the ven
ture flimnelajly successful. The sklno bring
i fair average price and the fat la sold for
fl a pint. It Is uupposed to be a valuable
external icmcdy for many allmentv.
t Trial l'riifci-il
NKHUASKA CITY. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Spe-
: lal Telegram j Little progress was made ID
the impeachment trial of Major Stahlhut
tonight. Attorneys for the mayor objcrctcrt
to further proceedings on the ground that
the clerk ot the district court had ncceptci
[ n supersciU-aii bond In the matter ot th
| appeal f rom "auiln Ramsey's dissolution o
the Injunction against the council , Mor
than an hour ys consumed In argumcti
on this point , after which the objectioi
was overruled , and the taking of testl
mony rosumccl. At a late hour adjourn
mcnt was taken uutll tomorrow evening.
Mie-rlfT ( VrtWfo lllltinlx for nn Allcitc <
I'orffrr , lint Cannot Contlct.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Spoclal.-
About clgfiVccii months ago John Schclls
lode , n firms ? , living near Wlsncr , prc
sentod to 'basnlcr ' Deily of the First Na
tlonal banli lat > thst place a promissory not
purporting to bo endorsed by ono Angus
Nabcr , another fanner living near Schclls
lede. The cashier discounted the note , whlcl
was for SSEOi but at maturity the name ol
Naber wns alleged to bo a forgery. Schclls
ledo was arrested and bound over to tin
district cotirt. In the meantime securing the
bauk against poqjlblo loss. His ball wet
fixed at $ COO and furnished by John Sehvvar
ling , a neighboring fanner. Schcllslcdc
then made himself scarce and his bond was
forfeited , causing great trouble to Mr
Schwarllng , who Is unable to bear silch
loss. Strenuous efforts were made to locate
the fugitive , but without avail until abou
thrco weeks ago , when Sheriff Phillips 10
celvod Information which led him to a small
town In Illinois opposite St. Louis , Mo. ,
where he found the prisoner. He consented
to return without n requisition and was pul
upon trial on Saturday. A great mini'
her of witnesses were examined and the ver
dict of the Jury was "not guilty. " The
prisoner was discharged.
of MiinnlitiiKlid-r AKiihiMt flu
AVoninn KnllH < o Itolel.
NHHRASKA CITY , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Spccla
Telegram. ) The trial of'Mra. Anna Sopher
charged with manslaughter on account o !
the killing ot John Hlcker laot November Ir
a house of Ill-fame kept by her , was con
cluded this afternoon In the district court- -
It took the Jury thirty minutes to bring li ;
a verdict of acquittal.
Uicker with two companions attempted tc
enter the house forcibly after being denied
admittance , when several shots were fired
ou them from an upper window , one of whlcli
struck Richer , killing blin Instantly. The
Sopher woman and a piano player named
Spencer were Immediately arrested and nar
rowly escaped lynching at the hands ol
Ricker's friends the following night. Spen
cer was tried for murder at the December
term of court and convicted of manslaughter
Ho Is now serving a ten- > car term In the
penitentiary ,
KAVOK A I.liTiUA l7A"p'p7nPHIATIO\ ,
Pinpli Aii-vloim for the Suc-
OI-MM ol ( i\ONlUoii. | .
STROMSHURG , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special -
Everybody here , Irrespective of politics , Is In
favor of a liberal appropriation from the
state to the Traus-mlsslsslppl Exposition. All
understand that It will help the state won
It HUH from nn Oltlicianil IH Shot.
NORTH PLATTE Neb . Feb. 17. ( Spe
clal ) Lastj1 night Bert Gould and two com
panions started out to have a time with
the boys and In , a short tlmo became very
Hilarious. About 2 o'clock in the morning
Night Policeman McNamara ordered them
to stop , but thet bojs started to run. After
commanding them again and shooting In the
air , ho took ai shot at them , and joung
Gould fell ivlth a bullet lodged In his shoul
der. The other fellows escaped. Gould
wag arrested and taken to jail. The doctor
has probed fort the bullet , but has been
jnablc to find it. It Is lodged somewhere
In the neck and will probably have to slay
there. The doctor does not consider the
wound dangerous. Gould Is epnflned to his
bed and will probably remain there for
some time. ! Opinion Is divided on the ques
tion as to- whether the olliccr was Jutllied
In shooting.
biicx ( lie Hunk for HIM 'jjloncy.
CLARKS , Tob. 17. ( Special , ) A case
that is apt to reach a point of unusual Inter-
eat was begun here In Justlco Sweet's court
jesterday and continued until March 2. It
Is acase wherein Henry Slitt of Silver
Creek sues the Silver Creek State bank for
$200. It seems that some time in 1891 Slitt
left Silver Creek very suddenly , leaving
considerable money on deposit In the Silver
Creek State bank. During his absence the
bank. It is claimed by Slitt , applied a good
portion of his deposit to settling claims
against him. Ho claims that the > bank had
no right tolo this without his consent , and
ho now sues for rccov cry of the money. The
bank intends to flght th's ' claim stubbornly
and the case will probably land In the supreme
premo court for final settlement.
oH nt Alum.
ALMA. Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) M. E.
Moore has purchased the hardware and fur
niture stock of Moore & Mudgctt and has
commenced business at the old stand of
Moore & Mudgett.
Mr. F. W. Hoycctt of this city will shortly
re-enter the mercantile circles of Alma by
opening up a stock of elry goods. Mr. Iloy-
sctt Is an old and experienced merchant and
will make a stiong bid for the patronage
3f the public.
District court Is In session hero this week
ind a number of Important cises are set for
trial. Judge Thompson of the Grand Island
illstrlct Is presiding at the request of Judge
Bcall. No Important action has yet been
taken in any case ,
lli < - N < - Comiiiniulcr.
STANTON , Neb. , Fob 17. ( Special. ) Johl
A. Dhrhardt , the newly elected departmeiu
commander of the Nebrtska Grand Army of
the Republic , was visited at his lumo ' .n this
city last evening by a largo number of the
principal men of the city , who wore headed
by tlio Stanton Cornet band , which woke
the ochoc.of ! night with Gland Army music ,
when Dr. W. L Bowman , as representative
at the gathering , made a short address , con
gratulating the new commander upon his
selection Mr. Khrhardt renpomled , speaking
briefly and feelingly of the present and fu
ture of the Grand Army of the. Republic and
ifterwards regaling the company with fruit
ind cigars.
of Milloh Slnle Mi'i-t.
STROM UURG , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
The J. A. Meyvver Post No. Gfl of this place IB
naking arrangements to entertain the Vot-
> ians of Shiloh April 7 , that being the time
.he state association meets hero. Several
iromlnent members of the association will
jo here , among whom are Mr. Thomas
Majors , ex-Governor Thayer , II C Russell ,
) anlel Nedilleftein'and J II. Kyner. The presl-
lent of the association , John Lett ef liene-
llct , vvaa hereyyestcrday and la looking foi
L large assbmbly hero nt that tlmo. They
xpect to get /jne-and-one-thlrd faro on the
KlllKTIll < ] f .I.T. ItolllllNOII ,
FRHMONT , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The
luueral of tile late J. T. Robinson was held
' Twelfth street thlb
'rom his rV-aldonco on
iftcrnoon.The services vvero conducted b >
ilov. F M. Slsbon of the Methodist Kplo
: opal church , of' which the deceased vvsa a
nember. Thd ' Ancient Order of United
' nnd"ddd attended
tV'orkmen , Fellows lodges
n a body. ' 1'ni ) remains were interred In
S J iliili ( 'Inn-ell for Ori-fli'j.
nELKy. * ' ( Nejb. , Feb. 17. ( Special )
rho stone lias' bp en purchased and the found-
itlon of the new Sweetish Lutheran church
, vlll bo laid aa Eoon as the weather will
lermlt. The building will be located Jim
lortli of the public school building In one
it tha most sightly places In the village
The foundation will bo constructed from
jreclej county stone.
Itlvi-i- ! m ox I Cli'iuof ! < < .
NEBRASKA CITY , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
The river at this point Is almost entire ! )
dear of Ice , thp first tlmo such has been the
aso In recent rears at this season of the
, car. The last heavy gorge moved down
oil ay.
I'lirfiWoi > ii-ii foi- Hit * hcliool Iloiinl.
HKATRICE , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special Tele
; ram. ) In response to a public call fort > -
hrco women met at the Paddock hotel parlor *
hli afternoon and nominated three can Of
iates for members of the school IxmrJ , a *
Allows : Mn. A. W. Nickell , Mrs. E. 0
Drake. Mrs J S. McCleery They will asl
the several parties to endorse their nomlna
iiTociciintiiinits ntni'i : sun
lle-e-clv < T Mnit I' I'xlunnl ( lit De-
film't lliinK'n Ani < 't .
LINCOLN , Feb. 17. ( Special TcleRram.- )
The supreme court today decided the ncthi
brought by the stockholders of the Germai
Sivlngs bank of Omaha to net aside thi
order of the district court Instructing thi
receiver to sue the stockholders for tbel
unpaid subscriptions. On November 2. > , 1SJG
the recover of the German Savings banl
was directed to commence Mil. against thi
stockholders , On January 0 the .stockholder !
nskeel the district court to vacate the ordef
Toe cotl't elerllneel. The case1 vvaa brough
to the supreme court -and dec 1,1 oil today
The court ravorses the decision ot tha dls
trl t tfiurt and discharges the order. Tin
opliilon was prepared by Commissioner Ir
vine and Is ! > a cl upon the ground that th'
assets of the bank had not lon cxhaustc 1
The case of Richards against Omaha wet
not decided.
TlioiiNiiiulH oT ItiiHliolH Storril III Crlli *
TlirotiKliont Ni'tiriiNUa ,
GHArrON , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) II
Is rat I mated that Grafton grain men have
over 250,000 bushels of corn cribbed up aw nit-
Ing higher prices.
DUNCAN. l'cb. 17. ( Special. ) T. II. Horel
has built two cribs twelve by 160 feet here
In the last week. Both are full and another
will bo started tomorrow. Yesterday 103
loads , nlmcat 4.000 bushels , were brought In
and fifty-seven loads arrived this forenoon
STRO.MSBl'RG. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
Corn Is still rolling In here by the thou-
sanela of bushels at S to 10 cents , according
to quality.
AVIll Try to Coii\i > r ( Lincoln.
TCCUMSI2H , Neb. , Fcb. 17. ( Speclal.- )
The union evangelical meetings , which have
been In progrces here for some time , will
clcae Sunday. Mr. Sunday will go from here
to Lincoln , where ho will conduct a aeries ol
meetings In the Second Presbyterian church
A vast amount of good ban boon accomplished
by Mr. Sunday In this city. He has a. pe
culiar way of stirring up religious enthu
siasm. Ilia peculiarities are somewhat of the
Sam Jones typo.
Keiter Applicants for ClinrHj.
FREMONT. Fob 17. ( Special ) County
Supervisor Mead , who has charge ot giving
supplies to the county poor , says that there
are fewer calls for relief this month than
lant. This is , ho thinks ) , In part due to the
warmer weather and In part to the fact that
unwoithy and undeserving applicants luve
not fared as well as they expected. There
have been fowcr applicants for help this win
ter than last.
runners Ili-nr C'niiipliclI'M Lecture.
HARVARD , Neb. , Fob 17 ( Special ) -II
W. Campbell of Sioux City delivered an In
teresting nnd instructive lecture on "Soil
Culture" this afteinoon at Rice's hall in
this city. There was a good attendance of
farmers and much Intcicst was manifested
In the principles nnd ld ° as aeK-aiced by Mr
Campbell The lecture was i'd for by
some of the business men ot Harvard.
Travel ) > > Ficlurlit anil Spciiel Pcniilcx.
CLARKS , Neb , Fcb. 17 ( Special ) This
town entertained a couple of suspicious
characters last night. They came In on the
evening freight train nnd visited a number
of stores , bujlng several small articles
and in each case paying in pennies Their
apparanco and actions would warrant the
supposition that some postofllce had been
made to pay them tilbuto.
Cntcli < lu-Tlili'l 11 ml Ilcooer tin * Cnsli.
HARVARD , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Spccial.-
Last night John Powley , the man who was
robbed by confidence men in Denver a shcit
tlmo ago , received word from the Denver
police that they had arusted the men who
robbed him. Powley , an-ompanled by J , R.
Shrach , went to Denver , Identified the men
and had the money , about $ JGOO , returned to
Ite-lKal.M 111 Mcrrlclc County.
CUARKS , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special ) Ono
jf the most successful revival meetings
jver held In this county is being conducted J
! ) y Rev. Mr. McReynolds , pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church of this town ,
it a country chapel about eight miles fiom
icie. The converts are numerous and a
tery wide Interest Is being displayed.
Tlilef ItliiKH Alarm anil IN CmiKlit.
HARVARD , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special )
Last night Mr. Crlssinan , living one-half
mile south of town , was awakened by an
electric bell connected by wire from his
shlcken house and caught the thief with n
sack partly filled with the choicest fowls of
lijs flock. The thief was marched to town
xiid turned over to a constable.
Conn-act Aiviuilcil.
YORK , Neb. , Feb 17 ( Special. ) The
bounty Beard of Supervisors yesterday
iwarded the contiact for building the county
bridges to II T. Ward & Co. ot Tccumseh ,
S'cb. There were thirteen bidders , the lowest
! > Id being $3 75 per lineal foot. The highest
old vvaa $1 Cl.
GRAFTON , Neb. . Feb. 17. ( Special ) At
the Roman Catholic church here. Father
Corcoran ofllclatlng , Mr. John Merlon and
Miss Mary Wclsenborn were mairlod The
j-oung people aie well and favorably known
liore nnd their wedding was largely attended.
TliroHii from HlH Her c.
FREMONT , Feb 17 ( Special. ) C. Hlntz ,
i farm hand employed near Fontanelle
, vaa thrown from a horse yesterday iitter-
loon , dislocating his hip. lie was taken
.o the Fremont hospital , and It Is feared
10 will bo seriously crippled for life.
Corn Ii'lmlH a Mai-Kef.
ROGERS , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) Sev-
jral thousand bushels of ear corn ore being
jought hero dally. It Is a groit thing for
.ho farmers , as much of the corn Is In very
leer condition nnd would not keep. Most of
t will bo fed hero this year.
Will Kite the Slum lit .lolniNOii.
TECUMSnil. Neb. , Fcb. 17. ( Special )
The Tecumsch "Ticklers" will give their
how In Johnson tomorrow night. The boys
ccently gave a very creditable exhibition
icro and anticipate a similar performance
n Johnson tomorrow ultht.
Kit . ill of INIIIIU
STROMSIIURG , Nob. , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
; iio funeral of Isaac Bridget occurred today
rom the home of his brother , John. Mr ,
iridgct was an old pioneer in the county and
iicd from an attack of the grip.
Exposition Committee- Honored by n Join
Cession of the tats Legislature ,
riiinne'r Committee' from llotli HOIINC
DlNi'iiHN ( lie Sulijtoi nnd
. \nxiii-uiicfN of support for
I lieI'lilcrprlNO. .
CHKYHNNn , Wjo , l'cb. 17. ( Spec-la
Telegram. ) The Wjomlng state legUUtun
met In Joint session at 11 o'clock this morn'
Ing to receive the committee leprcsontlnj
the Tr.insmlsstaslppl and International 15x'
position. Governor Richards , nearly all ol
the state ofllccrs and a large number ots \ <
Itoro were present. The Joint session was
addressed by Me rs. Hitchcock , Wattles
Palmer. Webster and Popplcton , and th :
advantages which would accrue' to Wyoming
fioin liberal and hearty participation In the
exposition fully set forth by the speakers
Mr. Wchater In his speech assured the leg
islature that the exposition was not to be
merely an Omaha or Nebraska enterprise
but ono In which the entire transmltislsslpp !
region was Interested , and In which the en
tire region should enter Into partnership
Ho predicted that Its result would be tc
lift the entire region out of the depression
which at the present time overshadows It.
At the clcso of the session a Joint reso
lution was adopted thanking the committee
for the courtesy of Its \lalt and for the able
manner in which the alms and objects ol
the exposition had been explained.
The delegation met the wajs and means
committee ot both li011003 In Joint session
at 9 o'clock tonight. Governor Richards at
tended the session and strongly recom
mended a liberal appropriation. All at the
members of the committee spoke favorably
of the exposition and the committee form
ally assured the delegation that an appro
priation would bo Included in the general
appropriation bill. It Is believed the
amount will bo from $15000 to $20,000
The entire delegation left at 10 20 tonight
for Salt Lake * City , exceedingly well pleased
with their reception and success In Chey
PAKTV ivn.i , i > \ vnn oi.u MI\ICO.
Third i\iiiMlllliin stnrfs Out to AVorK
for ( In- i\xislon. !
The third party of Omaha business men ,
who will visit the various capitals ot the
southern states to advance tlm Interests of
the Transmlsstsaippl exposition , left ths clt >
at 0-30 last night. Special tai Xe > 15 , fui-
nlshed by the llurlin > Uiiii ber eel as a con-
vojanco for the party avd , vlth Its sides em
blazoned by enormous jeliv and black ban
ners will carry the na'sis of the great ex
position for .mny thorn . 'nda of mile" before
Its TO turn. Tho'e e-ompjilng the party are
C. S Montgomery , Postmaster I'uclid Mar
tin. E. J. Cornish , Rov. S. Wright IJutler ,
Judge Cornish of Lincoln and Major Crow-
dct.Tho delegates will \islt tha legislature. ! or
nearly all the states formu g the boulhcru
section of the transmisslsjlppl region , and
will speak for appropriatliu for itato ex
hibits The first atop will hi ! at Kansas
City , which will be ruaLiiud this morning
A period of about twentj fuur hours will
bo allotted to each capital , with the excep
tion of the City of Mexico , whejrc three daji
will bo pss'ed in an ' - ' - " / - to Interest
President Diaz in the exposition .and gain
; iis Rood will toward a liberal approprla-
: ion for a Mexican exhibit Two dajs will
jo spent at Little Hock. Ark.
The louto ao thus far laid out will com
prise viylts In the order uamcd to Jefferson
City , St. Louis , Little Rock , Texarkana , Fort
Worth , HI Paso , Austin and the City of Mex
ico. Upon the rcluin trip Waco , Tex. , anl
Quthrie , Old. , will bo visited
The tilp will consume * a period of about
twenty-one dajs , which may possibly he
rnolonged according to the number of prom
inent people at the various stops who will
liavo to bo interviewed.
The car Is slocked with a large quantity of
idvertlsing matter , conspicuous among which
ire several thousand copies of the special
> position number ot The Dec Thcso willie
\io \ distributed along the loute , together with
folders , plats of the location of the gieat
show , and other 'Interesting el ita. Special
te'egramsvill be sent from time to time
by members of the party to The Bee that
its readers may be kept Informed on the
mccess of the southern delegates
" i."VMSOTv iMtfnnsns wniii. .
Delegation Appi-nrs llofnrc ( lie .Slntt
ScnnU * nt SI. I'niil ,
ST. PAUL , Minn , Kob. 17 ( Special Tcle-
; ram. ) The exposition party arrived this
norning from Duluth , and through the kind
> fllccs ot F. II. Peavey , vice piosldent for
Minnesota , and L. R Crocker , president of
ho Minneapolis Uoaid of Trade , and others ,
, vero. nccorJed a heat Ins before the Mlnne
> ota 8nate. Chairman Llndsey introduced
ho subject in bilof remarks and was fol-
owed by Mr. Hart of Council Til lifts In a
nero extended address , which was cordially
ipplauded. Many senators dcclaied them-
iclves convinced of the merits ot the cxpcsl-
lon and the delegation Iscry vvoll satisfied
vlth the results accomplished On account
> f prcKsuro of other business In the house
t was not considered wise to broach the
iiibjcct there today , but triangements have
icesn made for a hearing at 10 o'cle > ck to-
uoilow morning. The sentiments expressed
iru vciy favorable The delegation will also
ncet tomorrow the representatives of the
( dltorlal fiaternlty at the ivlnter meeting of
ho state ) association. This Is evidently aced
; cod opportunity to sow need that will grow
i good crop of Interest In the exposition.
The trip to nismarck vvlll bo delayed onn
lay , but the delegates fo l thnt the work to
10 done hero Is certainly wmth llie > while
ind they are very hopeful of results. Onl )
hose out Jn the field can understand the
icccsslty for piompt action by the Nebraska
cglslatuie , and much oependH upon the
eady settlement of the iiuctUlon eo often
skodliat : Is jour own ntato going to
! o ? " The tup so far has boon productive
f much good , and the Indications are that
llnneseita's resources win have a splendid
how Ing at the exposition.
IniiiliniiH Corillnlly Itreclt iil \\'ln-r-
MrrTliry limeCour. .
The reception being accoidiM the de'leBa-
lens uont out from Omuha to exploit the
xpcsltlon among the Ifglrlatures of thei
western and i.orthern tranamlirirslppl states
for Bnfants and Children.
The Pac-simile Signature of
Appears on Every Wrapper.
THC rrnrtun COUFINV TT nuii * y STMCCT. f cu/voHK CITY
Is very encouraging to the directors nnd mem
bora of the executive committee ictnalnlng
In the city. The reports coming from along
the routes of these excursions are most
encouraging In their nature and Indicate
an awakening and An interest among the
people of the cntiro twnsmlsslsMppl reglon
which augurs exceedingly welt for the on *
t'auslastle ' support of the exposition from all
over the great went ,
The one thing remaining to bo done to
make the tour of the e > delegations n mewt
pronounced success Is prompt action on ( no
pirt of the Nebraska legislature , and th t
this fart Is appreciated bj- all the business
Inteiwts In the state ) Is shown by
the multitude ot petitions that are
bjlng recelvod nt Lincoln In every
mall. Voluminous petitions from
the central and southeastern counties In
this state were present oil to the
turo by Clark of Richardson , chairman of
the house committee of wn s and means ,
ocarlng the signatures of almost every rcsl-
< counties and asking the legis
lature to take prompt action nnd pass the
oxpoflltlon bill. The nmouiUs recommended
ranged from $200,000 to $350,000.
The Department of Ways nnd Means Is re
ceiving letters every day from prominent
business men In all parts of the state w y
Ing thnt the writers are busy circulating
petitions to the legislature asking for nn
early and substantial appropriation.
1 he Reform Pmss np clatlon , In n meet
ing held int Grand Island Tuesday prepara
tory to n trip to Kansas City to attend a
convention of the main body , passing
stirring resolutions urging the legislature teat
at once pass the exposition appropriation
bill for $350,000
Speaker Gainn jcsterday Introduced n bill
In the house nt Lincoln fur an act to permit
county agricultural societies to participate
In the TransmUntsslppl Imposition and pro
viding for the expense of eoitnty exhibits.
The measure ) authorises counties to forego
their annual exhibits and Apply the money to
an exhibit In the exposition It Is In Una
with the bill ot Senator Schaal Introduced
a few dnjs ago In the senate * . Van Horn of
Dodge also Introduced a bill this morning , ap.
proprlatlug $10,000 to enable the Nebraska
State Hoard ot Agriculture to make an ex
hibit at the Traiismlc l slppl and Interna
tional Exposition. Yelscr of Douglas Intro
duced a measure to compel all railroad com
panies to erect and maintain union passen
ger depots whe'ro four > r more ! roads enter
the same city and to provide that the act
may bo enfoiccd b > mandamus
In the senate the Joint resolution pre
sented by Senator IIowi'U some weeks slnco
was passed. It authorises the governor tei
announce by proclamation the holding of the
exposition at Omaha and ( o Invite all statc3
and foreign countries to take part.
\ veniiTO in ; cvi.i.nn 'roeuri'iiiu.
MllXI Ml'l'tlllKN ClllllMl III Oll < NlU > Coll-
urcNHlouul Dln < rli'lN.
Secretary Wakefleld has receive ! n letter
froii Congressman Met car , fixing Omaha as
the place and March 1 as the date upon
which the women ot the Second congr-'s-
alonal district shall ns&emblo to elect two
members ot tlm Ucard of Lady Managers
of the nducatloual department of the expo
sition The i-ecretary will Issue the IICCOB-
sary call for this meeting In a few days.
The plan under the women's board
will be organized piovldes , in effe t , that
the two members from this district shall bo
elected from "ontaldo of Omaha nnd
South Omaha " There are three counties
in this congressional district , viz Washing
ton , Sarpy and Douglas , so that a considera
ble extent or leirltoiy will enter Into the
Secretary Wakellcld had not hcaid from
Repicsontativcs Andrews and Halncr nt noon
jesteiday regarding the places of holdim
mass meetings ot women In their ellstrlctu ,
and hei telegraphed to those con
gressmen In the afternoon for In
structions In the matter No re
plies have yet baen received to the lotion
sent to the majors of riemont , Hrokcn llow
ind Lincoln asking them to engage halls
for meetings In those towns , but arrange
ments have been made to hold these meet
ings on Wednesday of next week unless
something should Intcivcnc to prevent.
Under the plan of oipanizatlon of the
women's board , a woman will bo ocnt from
Omaha to each of the > se mass meetings to
explain the plan of woman's woik In the
is riici : A DKIJI * ivrnnnsT.
I r u ( lie lions.o Prniiilr Mbi-mlly
ftii * tlit * ! J\IDHOII.
LINCOLN , Keb. 17. ( Special Telegram. )
Representative Clark of Rlchaidson county ,
ihalrman ot the committee on finance , ways
ind means this morning sent to the clerk
) f the house a number of petitions favorable
, o a liberal appropriation for the TiansmlsMs-
ilppl exposition. Two of them are ? from
ils own county. Fioin one pieclnct alone
10 has received n petition containing lr 0
: iairos , and from another precinct one of
ilghtv names , both favoring an appropriation
it $ .150.000. The petitions stuto emphat
ically that the appropriation askel for Is a
icaltlvo necessity to the welfare of the itato
V\"iil-riliilN Onl for CIilfiiKO'Aldfi-nipii.
CHICAGO. Fcb 17. Warrants were this
iftcinoon swoin out for the arrest ot llvo
ildermen on a cliarpo of violating the inu-
ilclp il law regarding the observance ot
Siimlav ami the closliiK of HHIOOIIH upon that
lay. The ildcimcn for whom tlio warrants
, vero Issued are John Povverw , John .1 ,
JJoughlln Jolm A Itogers , John J. Uronnan
ind l\ Ward Haas.
How Are Your Kidneys ?
Ever Have Your Back Ache ?
Dr. Hobbs
Sparagus Kidney
make Healthy Kldneyn
and tne Back strong.
Ilenltliy KlJnejn purlfr tlia
( Jliy/If/fi-lii/from ( IturCo
nn > I nil other I clsons or
J'ure blnou irifann prtrfoct
linnlth , llj itirlfJ > iH tlin Itlood
JCLiua unaas * i p Dr , ] Iobt ) 6tiuriiffUB Klemoy
PiliB rtno Jtlionmnlliin , NAurnlKlHintit , Jlrfuht'B J > i *
finbtt , Dinhituj , Oror < * ) , J't/Hnm , Anivniln. ] 'Alnn In All-
domeu , llHrkiictift. Kltlner VVPHHIIOTO , nnd nil Jntlnra.
inalloriof ih KMneju. I'lorliloni nml ilnitulftn ru.
cniniuen'l lliHni f ia a noi 'Joiitlmonliilii frnni thou.
lurnll , IIOIIIIS IF ! ) IH > r I II . I III ) II O AMI ( UN HUMIM O.
Htnr JH VHint'j.n"UB. . ironns I.ITTLB
* * hivrn I'lLi/t net promptl j , but don't Btipo.
IIOIIIIS RKJ1 13DY CO. , PnorniETons , Ciuciaa
Dr. Hobbs Pills , l-or Sale By
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sti. , Omaha , Neb.
iitnnliix Mntlnre , iiillO , Teli , 0 , liy ( do
Mi\mi.ssnii.v : : , .souinrr.
IPo and Kc.
L JI Crawford , Al in mur
In repeiteilro. Xow motion plenum *
Two blcjcln will bo-Klvpn away Hilu uielc ana
, 'rilnuxlay , e > n Hdlunlay Numl > n Joo. | Ijolli
--IB If prevent llrutiveil nealu , 10c , 20c , 30e ! .
II Mooic..liliKCton / Co
o ; roMB TO OMAHA si 01AT
Till ! IlP.Sr
2.00 a day house in the west.
100 room J200 p r day. to looms wllli bath ,
' . 10 per day Spcciul mtm liy the month.
WI.MC TAVI.DIt , Miinnurr.
HO roDinn , lutln , tileaiii titat and all modern
Jiitviikiutii liana , 1150 nnd tZ M per djy.
iikla unciiitlltj. bpiLlal low lam in ri'KUlar
° arUcr . _ nit'K faMITII , Munast-r. "
. M. HA Hit , Manoaer.
> 0 will ftirnU ltd room huicjirui ) wr Ani9il *
* tun pl.-jii
titriel tar llnci poitncct to all parts of the city.