Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1897, Part I, Image 1

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    fflflZOftfifosS PART 1. HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 1 TO 8.
, Henry Labouchcro Hits Rich American !
Hard Rap.
Calls it "a Parody on the Worst Features
European Capitals , "
His Royal Highncsi and Other Quests Wi
Decorations ,
with luvltiidftiiM ,
Love I.eUern , lloiiuiiulN , I.ockM
of Hair it nil it 1'ronnitnl
of MnrrlitKc.
I t
( Copyright , H97 , by tlie Assoclutpd Tress. )
LONDON , Feb. C. 'Hie newspapers hi
continue to comment upon the approach !
Hradley-Mnrtln fancy dress ball , and
BO doing generally discuss American socle
Ono newspaper says that Mr. Martin Is i
known hero ( Miss Cornelia Martin Is I
Countess of Craven ) , and explains that
Is a "Chicago millionaire. "
Henry Labouchcrc , editor of the Tru
remarks : "No ono Is a heartier admirer
Americans than I , hut If they arc judged
Now York society , a more- corrupt and c <
tcmptlhlo crew never played their prar
heforc heaven. They arc a parody on t
worst features of European capitals. 1
man who can spend the most Is deemed I
leader , whllo tlio Jeuncsso Doreo Is l
imtlsfled with aping the most vulgar i
poets of European society , but Is nnxk
to return to the orgies which dlsgrae
Home. "
The dinner w.hlch United States Ambas ,
dor Bayard gave on Wednesday last
the Prlnco of Wales and which was
tended by a number of the most promlni
persons of England , Including the mi
quls of Salisbury , was a great success
all respects. The prince of Wales cnjoj
himself greatly and was very apprcclatl
of the American dishes , especially the br ;
died peaches , which arc unknown In Ei
land. The assumption that the prince
Wales' acceptance of Mr. Bayard's Invl
tlon was a personal tribute to the prcst
American ambassador Is erroneous. 1
prince of Wales has often dlucd With p
views American ministers and also w
former secretaries of the American legatli
The fact that the prince and nil the otl
Englishmen present wore their orders ale
shows that he considered It an olllclal i
caslon .and desired to pay a compllmi
to the American nation. This Is llkew
nliown by his toast at the dinner of I
"White Prlnrn' club , which Includes 1
best known , authors and newspaper write
a few evenings ago. Consul General C
Una was the guest of honor , and over :
persons were present. Including Mesa
M , Hontl , Forjeon , Chrlstl-Murray , Poultr
Blgclow and Lowe , editor of the St. Jan
Ileplylng to a toast , the consul gene
made a speech of refreshing candor ,
vhlcli he good naturedly criticised the Et
llah and praised America. He said : "Y
have so much time at your disposal as
bo able to devote much of It to the rcgu
tlon of the affairs ot othav countries. Y
hold your meetings , appoint your co
mlttccs , and denounce negro lyncblngs
America ; yet you kill more negroes montl
In Africa than we have done In our hlstor :
Mr. Collins also spoke strongly In favor
the arbitration treaty.
the members of 1
The squabbles among
Irish parliamentary party continue. 1
name of Vezy Knox , a Parnelllto tneml
was removed from I
for Londonderry city ,
list of members of that party at a meetl
Thursday , after I
of the Dlllonltos on
receipt of u letter from Mr. Knox refusl
to Join the party under the new coustltutli
The thefts on Italian roids have bccoi
eo notorious that the officials have been
vcstlgatlng the matter and have Just Issuec
icport declaring themselves unable to d
with the ovll and suggesting that travoli
cord tholr baggage and seal each knot w
n leaden seal.
In thanksgiving for the long life of th
rarcnls , the children1'of ' Mr. and Mrs. W
are about to erect
llam E. Gladstone
memorial window In Hawardon church , a
Jiavii accepted the design of Burno Jones.
Continuous rains forecast renewed floe
In the Thames valley , especially at Klni
ton , Oxford , Marlow and Cavershun , whl
ire already suffering and which Herlou
threaten Kton. If the water rises the
iilno Inches , moro inont of tlm hoys must
Kent home. From all parts of the con
' of Hoods a
unit como the same
rains. The weather along the Rlverrl h
been the worst In years. There have be
dully rains and the roads arc sous ot mi
The continuance of the rains 1ms had
bad effect upon the liwallds who are the
on account ot the climate and the dock "
uui kept very busy attending to their"
From the moment of his arrival In Ki
land Colonel Cecil Rhodes has been delup
with Invitations , telegrams , love Icttc
bouquets and requests for his phntograi
loclis oC bis Imlr and autographs , In ad
tlon to a suggestion of a proposal oC m
There ! la WldeMirrad Interest In the com !
election in the Brldgcton division of Gl
BOW for a fwccchsor In Parliament to
George Otto Trevelyan , whoso reslsnat
liiis just bun announced , The radicals IIF
elected Sir Charles Cameron , whoso pi
form Is homo rule , disestablishment , to :
tlsn of lupd values an/1 the ram-tiling of I
prohibition of the Importation of rattle fn
Canadai and the 1'nlled States , which ,
declares , U espectitlly Injurious to DluBgc
The coniervatlve candidate , Charles 13 , Sec
U the solicitor general for Scotland.
Washington Hall , In the county of Ji )
ham , has Just been mild for 400 ( J2.0C
Ihlo In the estate which belli Wathlngl
Irving and Robert Sturgeaii , the local li
lorlau. claim AS belonging to the nncesti
of Geonje Washington , The historic nii
clou , now let In tenements , and the land
tached to It , were bought liy the local i
thorltleij who desired to make a ccmetc
Pait ot the land was not required for t
inn-pose and , together with the hall , It v
brought under the hammer.
MUi Terry U to be completely mtored
health by her etay In the south ot France ,
Arthur Chudlctgh will reopen the Cot
theater tonight with a revival of Ilobi
Buchanan's "Sweet Nancy , " with almost t
same ast as when produced at the Crlterl
theater four weeks ago.
The Bchcmo for the establishment of t
Sidelong house , private hospital for actc
and actresses , has been abandoned and t
Income from the amount collected will
transferred to the actors' benevolent fund
II. J , Leslie has , since the coltapso ot "T
Pilgrim's Progress , " resigned the managl
directorship ot the "American Anglo The ;
Heal syndicate , " and thereby severed
connection with the Olympla theater.
"Bast Lyuno" was revived on Monday
the Elephant and the Castle theater , w
Maud ntmore as Lady Isabel ! . The pi
1ms drawn well and retains Its lead upon I
loyal Surrey audiences. -
Arthur Sturgcss has decided to call I
Engllth Version of "La Poupce , " which \ \
shortly be presented at. the Prince of Wa
theater , "Tho Automatic Bride. "
Madge Ellis , the American music h
singer , -who has achieved much success
London , Is being congratulated on 1m v I
won her suit against * Mr. and Mrs. Heed
the Social Purity league. When the qu
tlon ot granting a license to the Oxfc
Mimic ball was last brought before I
county council , the Heeds stated that M
Ellis had appeared upon Its stage In bi
legs. They now publish a most humble
traction and Miss Ellis Is paid all her co
and receives a substantial sum In addltli
Miss Ellis became , a short time ago , I
mother ot a little daughter. Charlie Mitch
stood sponsor for the child.
Wilson Barrett produced his long pro
Ised play , "The Daughters of Babylon , " li
Thursday evening. The cast la of espec
Interest because It contains four Amcrlc
players , Mr. McLeay , Miss Jeffries , M
O'Brien and Miss Collier.
It IN Hotly IlLMiotinoeil liy the
( Coprrlnlit , 1S07 , by the Associated Press. )
LONDON , Fob. C. The government et
cation bill Is hotly denounced by the Ilbcr ,
as being a sop to the sectarian and dUtlnc
unjust to the board schools. The defeat
the conservative candidate , Mr. Dewar ,
Mr. Woods , liberal. In the election In t
Walthamstow division of Essex , was Iarg <
duo to the education proposals. During t
debate on this measure In the House
Commons a significant fact that' the govei
ment , whose supporters number _ 4S9 , or
received votes of 236 , 325 and 283 on I
principal divisions.
Joseph Chamberlain , the secretary of st :
for the colonies , still further enhanced 1
reputation In a splendid fighting speech
reply to Sir William Vernou Harcourt , t
liberal Ictuler In the House of Commo ;
who fared very badly at Mr. Chamberlali
hands. The newspapers generally were co
pllmcntary upon his speech , which undoul
cdly greatly strengthened hit ) position amo
the conservatives.
The second reading ot the woman's frs
chlso bill In nowise means Its adoptl
( his session. The vote only places It In
favorable position , and after Whltsuntldo
will be strenuously opposed and has
chance of being law. During the deb :
the ladles' gallery was packed and the i
marks ot the supporters of the measure we
punctuated by the waving of white hat
kerchiefs , while the speeches , of the opponei
of the bill were greeted with loud expresalc
of feminine disgust. The lobhlca were I
vaded by strong-minded females and the
were some amusing scenes of buttonholl
members until the latter were actually air :
to POPS through.
The government's proposal to Increase t
number of battalions of the guards and Hi
tlon n part of this force at Gibraltar h
caused a great outcry. It Is declared th
the step virtually meana the ruin of t !
guards , whose present strength Is only mat
tallied by decreasing their standard
physique. The officers predict the guar
will cease to be n crack corps and that th
will bn reduced to the level of n line ref
mcnt. It Is also asserted that there Is
space at Gibraltar for training the guare
and moreover It is hinted that the smartc
olllccrs will resign If they are compelled
go abroad , as many of them are now at
to supervise their property and estates
England without Interfering with their ml
tary duties ; but they would bo unable
continue so doing If tent to the Medlte
ranean , Society is also opposed to the trail
fcr , as the absence of the young guardsnn
would deprive tha season of much ot I
eclat. The proposal to add another ba
tallon to the Cameron Highlanders Is al
received with llttlo favor among tl
Camoronlans , who prldo themselves up <
being recruited from the heather , and tl
proposed addition would , they claim , simp
Inean the enlistment of a host of East Ei
cockneys who have already made oth
Highland regiments the butt of conslde
able chaff. It Is stated that on the occasli
of the celebration of the queen's Jubllco tl
murquls of Salisbury will bo raised to
dukedom , which honor has several tlm
been offered him and declined.
The United States ambassador , Thomas ,
Bayard , has arranged to go to Italy for
short visit early In Marcji. Ho deliver *
a speech at the dinner of the Skinners cor
pany on Thursday and dwelt upon the fa
that ( hero was no Just difference botwei
Great Britain and thu United States.
Dr. Nansen , the- Arctic explorer , Is ulroae
launched In the vortex of social cngag
monts. He Is over his ears In Invitations
receptions , dinners , etc. , and promise *
bo the lion of the Reason , much OB Horn
M. Stanley was on his return from Afrlc
The prince of Walea met Dr. Nansen at
Mrs. Nunscn at a small lunch party give
yesterday at the house of General Stanl (
Out mi Tlielr Own
NEW YOHK , Feb. 6 , When the cases i
Holoff , Luis and Trujlllo , charged with v !
latlng , tbc neutrality laws , were called fi
hearing before United States rommlsslom
Slilela ] , United States Mur&hal McCari
ask i'd that the action , bused upon the d
fundants' allenM participation In tt
\Voodale expedition bo dlsmlbccil. Th
cdurse was taken In view of the fact tin
IndlctmuntB have been found against tl
men by Iha United States grand Jury i
Baltimore , from which port the Wooda
sailed on her to-called filibustering exp
dltlon. The commissioner compiled with tl
request , whereupon bench warrants fro
the Baltimore court were served upon tl
accused Cubans. Counsel for lloloff. Lu
and Trujlllo waived examination upon 11
charges relative to the expedition mid I )
men were re-leaned upon their own reco ,
nliance- .
( 'liiillenue lo Kraneo anil UUMNII. |
PA1U8 , Feb. 6 , The Libre Parole and tl
Journal describe the remarks of Sir Mlcha
tllcks-Hcath In the HOUKC of Common * yc
U'rday on the future policy cf Great Brlla
toward Egypt as being "an lucolcut challen
to Franco and Russia , "
Amount to Little So Long as Suffrage
Senor Oanovas Asa onus All RosponsSbilii
for His Policy ,
New Man Must Bo Provided in Place
General Weyler.
Senator Hafael I.abra , Leader ot We
In ill ii u AiltonoiiilNtn , Ventilates
IIU VliMVM on the Subject
of ItufomiH.
( CoprrlRht , IS37 , by Press Publishing Compan ;
MADRID ( by way of Bayonnc , Franc
Fob. C. ( Now York World Cablegram Si
clal Telegram. ) "Tho reforms are uttei
meaningless , " said Senator Rafael Labi
the leader of the West Indian autonomls
to the World correspondent today , "as Ic
as the limited suffrage places them at t
mercy ot the reactionary parly In Cuba a
Porto IHco. "
Before communicating the preamble a
text ot the reforms to his own collcagui
only two of whom the foreign minister a
the colonial minister knew their real p\
port , Premier Canovas had Invited to cc
sultatlon Senator Labra , the marquis
Apeztegula , Senor Romero , Uobledo and f (
mcr Colonial Ministers Maura and Abarzu ;
who drew up the reform bills of 1894 a
1S95. Senor Maura politely declined
have anything to do with the new reforn
but all the others responded to the call.
"Senor Canovas assured me , " Scnal
Labra continued , "that he wished to he
my opinion , though ho was determined
assume all possible responsibility for 1
policy. Ho spoke with great warmth a
gave me the Impression that ho intended
go far In his home rule policy , oven If
met resistance In hla own party. He re
to me the preamble to the decree. That
a Etatesmanlyllkc , bold statement of the r
cesslty of acting In consonance with the
plrations of the colonies and the scntimcr
of foreign countries. "
"Indeed , Senor Canovas' scheme Is broadi
moro courageous , more sweeplngly radlc ;
more akin to the 'Ideas ot the autonomls
than the plans of cither Maura or Abarzu ;
For Instance , he Invests the Insular asseml
with far greater powers In the case of a
ministration , foreign tariffs and prcparl
budgets , and he gives the colonies at Ics
a. voice in the appointment of officials , w
are to be selected chiefly In the Islands.
s "I consider this plan a long step forwai
but It has defects , like all human feforn
Its greatest defect Is the failure to extc :
the electoral suffrage , which will prevent . '
being satisfactory to the autonomists 01
to all those In the colonies whtj are sure
understand that , as I have already Indicate
the carrying out of the reforms depen
wholly upon the reactionary party.
"The ! next defect Is the fact that the go
cruor-generul , his deputies and the chl
officials of the Islands are not under t :
contiol ot the local assembly and councl
but can even checkmate their action.
"Another defect Is allowing the govern
and other authorities to appeal , not to t ]
Imperial parliament , but to the minister
the colonies , when they disagree with tl
Insular assembly.
"Again , the budget , tributary and tar
powers granted to the Insular assctnbl
with all the conservative checks and clev
drawbacks Included in the reforms , may y
lead to conflicts not easy to settle.
"The attitude of the autonomist par
never has been fairly described. I am
a position , to assert that all Its leading mi
In1 the towns arc heartily loyal , and th
thi ; autonomist masses will be as soon
convinced of Spanish sincerity ot purpo
to satisfy colonial ambitions.
"I don't believe the mere publication
reforms can bring paoldcatloii rapidly. :
my opinion the success of these reforn
entirely depends on adopting a policy
Immediately rcsjorlng confidence and get
will and calming passions before the rotor
Is put In force , because It would bo Imposlb
to win the sympathies , of even waverers at
autonomists under the present repressl' '
policy ot General Weyler.1 * * The greate
difficulty for Senor Canovas will bo tl
selection ot the proper men to carry out tl
new policy promptly and to pave the wt
of the yet distant execution of the reform
When suitable preparations for Instltutlr
reforms has bocn made by a conciliator
wise leader , the-Ir success and efficiency wl
still depend on the way In which the sptr
of tint new scheme Is carried out.
"I bellevo Senor Canovas Is sincere. ;
the tlmo ho proposed the changes In tl
reform laws my Information leads mo to BUI
poec that the Insurrection was losing grour
through thn lack of supplies and sympatl
from abroad and In tlie Island. I have r
reason to suppose that our autonomists ai
parleying with the rebel chiefs to Indm
them to submit.
"I am convinced that the government
hands would be much strengthened If tl
liberal opposition made up Its mind to su |
port the reform policy resolutely , or advi
cate even more extensive homo rule , Eve
republicans like myself are disposed to ci
operate In the national work of paclflcatla
at a date , which like the date of puttln
the reforms Into effect , none can yet fix. "
l < > f Itfforiiiw D
In Ail vu in1 1 ill Culiii'N Cniiltnl.
iCorrrlght , 1697 , by Prcs I'ublUhlne Rumpanx ,
HAVANA ( Via Key West , Fla , ) , Fib. C.-
( New Ycrk Wlrld Cablegram Special Tcli
gram. ) Word has Just come from MaJrl
that the reforms published there today ai
more cweeptpg tliai had been supposed. Tl
rcprt'Fentattvo of tli'e crown , It U aald , U I
oo railed viceroy , luitead of governor gc-
: ral , All the members of the council are I
13 elected , wu are told , and not appoints
3uba IK to have us ccmpleto autonomy , It
aid , rt > Spain can concede , and If It Is m
atlnfac-tory it will bo amended. Spain
< ald to b : willing to 40 anything , em
; ranl Independence , to end the war ,
General ( 'ampoK may come to Initiate tl
atomic , Tht ! guarantee U to be In tl
inapt * ot an agreement of Spain lu a commoi
clal treaty wth ) the United States , the n
' *
port says , to put anil kMP Wit rcformn 1
effect. THOMAS d.VfoVonD. JR.
Sc-tifintloniil S < ninen < li
In tli if llotinp ot'.CUrumwnM.
LONDON , Fob. 6. 'Some Important utat
mcnts were made In the ttoi ie of Commoi
on the vote of 788,802 for ihe expenses <
the recent Anglo-Egyptlanlek'pedlllon up tl
Nile to Dontola. Sir MlcB | l Hlcks-Bcacl
the chancellor of the excluder1 , referred I
the decision of the Egyptian } mixed court i
appeals In refusing to allow ( he funds of tl
calsso ot the Egyptian debt to be used I
defray the expenses of the' expedition , tin
compelling Great Britain' to advance tt
money required. The chnntellor of tl
exchequer declared that the court ot nppea
had thus created an almost ab&urd posltloi
adding , "and next year .a grave qucstlc
will arise regarding the court's powers ar
authority and whether It should beallowc
lo thus Interfere In such affairs.
"The main cause ot the prolonged Brltli
occupation Is that Franco x'UpeclalIy nevi
allowed Great Britain a free hand In Egyp
In voluntarily retiring from there Fram
has now thrown upon Great Britain tt
responsibility for the safety of Egypt , an
Great Britain may fairly demand a fn
hand In the performance' of. Us responslbl
Itlcs. The government' ' believes that 1
part In Egypt In right and will not bo ru
out ot It by difficulties such as the refuse
of money.
"The next advance will bo to Abu Haml
and probably the advance , later will i
further , but bow far It Is , Impossible i
say. "
John Morlcy , who was chief' secretary f <
Ireland In .Lord Rosebcry's administrate
commented upon the graVlty of the slat
ments made by the chaiic'cllor of the e :
chequer , especially ns to ' tie ! case of tl
action of Franco and RusMiJn tha inattt
of the calsse , "which , " Mr. Morlcy declare
" [ 3 a direct and most Imprudent challent
to those powers who questioned the since
Ity of British policy.
"Tho government has now avowed , " coi
tlnued Mr. Morley. "that 'the expedition wi
the first step In a prolonged , costly ai
dangerous operation , Into Which -It Is notl
lug short of madness for the govcrumei
to gratuitously plunge. "
Mr. Morley concluded , by dwelling upon tl
locking up of great bodies' of troops at a tin
"when wo are within measurable dlstani
of new conditions of sea 'ppwcr and tl
banlanco of power lu the LcyanL"
Sir William Harcourt , the' liberal leade
described the references of | Blr Mlcha
Hicks-Beach to France and Russia as ml.
chlcvous and dangerous. He. added that tt
questions raised might Involve nearly 5,000
000 'If ' the government embarked In thei
In the spirit of defiance arid hostility to tl
great military powers of EuWpe.
Sir Michael H'lcks-Beach ' and George :
Curzon , parliamentary , secretary , proteste
against the "unwarranted Jnterpretatlc
which Sir Willam Harcourt , had placed upo
the former's language. "
After further discussion Mr. Vezey-Kno
member for Londonderry City , moved I
reduce the vote by the amount "of Ireland
share. Th'e motion < was rDJqclod by a vo !
of 139 to 129. - ' - ' ' 'SC" - - * '
John Dillon , antl-ParnelHWiOf East May
opposed the vote. J e.saJ Tjie reJtl " pTUl
cult'les begin wtien Vef c'omB'lface * to Itai
with the Abysslnlans led * b ' tusslan officei
and armed with French anrs ( , "
The vote was adopted by 109 to 57.
lU'liort of n AVIioU'Knlo 'MiiMNaiTe r
ChrlHttiniN III Crete.
VIENNA , Feb. C. An unconfirmed repo :
has been received hero 'of the massacre i
1,500 Christians In the villages of the Islas
of Crete.
LONDON , Feb. C. A dispatch to the Dall
News from Athens says : ' .The situation i
Canea has reached a crisis of blood end fir
The Turkish troops have Joined hands wit
the native Mussulman cutthroats. The const
has sent telegrams to the , effect that 111
situation Is hopeless. ' 'At Retlmo 3.0C
Mussulmans assembled 111 fbnt of the KO\ \
eminent house and threatened to slaughte
the entire Christian population unless a
ot the armed Christians outside of the tow
would consent to disperse. _ , The attempt
to exclude , the Mussulmans from the Etront
cst portions of town was abandoned and tli
Christians finally conscnte'd'to'retlrc. Thl
concession 01 the part of the Christian :
however , do3s net prevent the Mussulman
from continuing to besiege Christian village
A dispatch to the Times } from Athens ai
nounces that the king of Greece Is respor
Bible for the sudden change of policy regari
Ing Crete. President of the Council D <
Ann Is yesterday announcsd lhat Inasmuch r
the powera had undertakon'to care for th
reforms In the Turkllh empire , Greece woul
maintain a policy of "watchful non-lntei
ventlon , " To this declaration of policy th
Icing offered decided objections , taking
stand in opposition to i'rinio Minister D <
Annls , with the result Jhat It was EDO
announced that gunboats would bo sent t
Crete. The king also 'Insisted ' that torped
boats should be put iii readiness for th
purpose of accompanying another cruise !
which will be dlipatchefl Immediately to th
port of Canea. It has been ascertalne
that a number of Christian counsellors , a
well ns the most promlnqnt natives an
residents at Crete , presented a signed me
morlal to the foreign consulates , dedal
Ing that unless the powers took steps a
ance looking to enforcement of reform
they would endeavor to b'rlng about a unlo
if Crete with Giccce.
LIITKC Part ot the Cl.tyt f Onnrii ! )
Nlruyvil liy JJJrp.
CANBA , Island , ot Qrelp , Feb. C. ( Delayed
layed In Transit. ) Th'e flrei jro still raglni
and the Christians are still ! embarking. Al
together thirty persona , uae been killed , .
quarter ot the town burned and great dam
iga generally baa bean dpi'jo.
Order has been restored here. Tin
Italian cruiser Etna' landix ) a dctachmchl
if marines and took , on bofrd 70Q refugees
> vho will be conveyed to the Uland , of Syra
ATHENS , Feb. 6. U la stated that 4,001
efugees from the Uland of Crete- have ar
Ived at the island of Mljo.
I'ojuIK Konnil Iylnir .
LONDON , Feb. . The ' pMy News ha
ccolvcd the following 'from Rome : Dcbplti
ho statement of DrJLiponnis to the con
rary , it U tiue that tbq pope , was yettenlu ;
'ouiid ' lIng on tlie barlrulVa chair. He wni
inconsclous when discovered end wag enl ;
cstored to contoioucuciqs by Inhaling ether
Hie attack U the ura est which he 1m
iuffered during the rtt tjvo .years.
HOME , Feb. 6. DriTflpponi , ' the persona
physician ot the pope , agalii potltlvoly dc
lloa that the pope baf befn Indisposed
[ 'rlnce Henry , after U audience with hj ;
lollneaa yesterday pwjvlous to Ma drparlun
for Abysilnla , aUoJqcclfred that the nopi
vlll attend on Mouday a requiem mats fo :
ho repose of the sou ) of thelate , Pope Plu. .
( X. In the SUUnq chipel , which Is a Ion
md fatiguing ceremony , >
Prussia Takes Off Iti Hat to the Amorlci
Porfcor ,
Sovcrnmonb Kop3it on Infected Pork Pave
United States ,
All Packages of Infected Meat to Bo Du
Numbered Hereafter ,
VnrlniiH I-'nutlniiH uf tlie MhurnlM Mill
an Effort to Oft TnKrtlter Out-
Ano of tlie I'ropoMtMl
t Combination , ,
( Copyright , 1807 , by the Associated
DEHL1N , Feb. C. The forthcoming gc
ornment report on the cases of trlchln
Infee-trd pork , offered lor sale In Prussia di
Ing the period from July 1 , 1SOG , to Janua
14 , 1S97 , and seized by the authorities , w
be a sore disappointment to the Prussl
government and still moro to the agrarl
party , both of which have all along co
tended that the United States sends trlcl
nous pork , despite the American ofllc' '
certificates to the contrary accompany ! '
? ach package of meat.
In the Prussian Diet , as well as In t
Reichstag and In the German press , a
likewise In the official coiTospondcnco I
tween the governments , It has for years be
emphatically stated that these Amerlci
meat certificates testifying to the healt
condition ot the exported pork , both cann
and smoked or salted , are not truslwortli
ind that In many Instances trichinae ha
been discovered by the German meat inspc
tor after delivery here. This claim h
not been admitted by the American gover
ment , but to all demands to substantiate
with more than mere allegation , the Prr
slan government has turned a deaf er
though restricting the claim Itself from tit
to time.
A few cases ot alleged American trie
[ nous pork , which were cited by the Pru
slan government In support of its claiir
turned out , on Investigation Instituted 1
the American embassy here , as fictitious ,
it least unproven. In one single case
was last spring established beyond dou
that a lot 01 pork sold in American pac
iges did contain trichinae , but these pac
igcs had been sent by the American c
sorters over a year prior , and the fact th
the marks on the packages had been tai
; > Qrcd with was evident , so that the co
jluslon- that the German packer had simp
used the American packages a second tir
.o.clo . up his , German'pork in was Incvltab. .
[ 3 other' cases , those former. Prussian r
' ' as.'U
itorts containedjsucb gioa'ger'notlce ! '
ihree eases' * "of American trlchlno'us po
In Cologne ; " "two cases ditto In Sale
ivedell , " etc. , etc. , but when the attempt w
nade to Identify these cases by demandii
: he number of the American packages , su
is accompany eaeh 'American ' certlflcal
mch numbers could not be produced.
The American embassy In Dcrlln thcr
jpon Insisted that each case of packages
illcgcd American trlchlnous pork be a
: ompanled In tha official Prussian repo
vlth the number of the American certificate
: tc. , so that the shipper and the neglige :
Isrorlcan Inspector could be proceeded agiln
it home. Against this demand , which t )
Vmerlcan government hoped would show tl
liter groundlessness of the Prussian claim
he Prussian government made resistance
'arlous forms for some length of time , bi
ast spring , at last , they were Induced
iromlse to comply with it , Instruction
vere Issued by the Prussian minister ot tl
nterlor to all the presidents of the goven
ncnt districts of Prussia to odd , In evei
nstancc , where trichinae had been found
Vmerlcan pork , such details , Humbert ; of ce
Iflcates and facts , which might enable tl
\morlcan government to trace the offendlr
hlppcrs and officials at home. And tl
orthcoming report Is the result ot th
The reports from the president of tl
hlrty-threo government districts , con
irlslng the Prussian monarchy , hai
low reached the Prussian mfnlsti
or the interior. In only II \
if these districts Is there any reports of a
eged American trlchlnous pork , but the :
eports , In disregard to the Instructions i
tied by the Prussian minister of the Ii
erlor , are unaccompanied by the necessar
iroof which would establish the fact tin
he pork In question was really of America
rlgln and had been seized In the orlglni
imerlcan packages before others had had
banco to lumper with It. Hcnco oven the !
ases , of which there are thirteen all toll
ro worthless and do not prove the trlchli
us character of American pork , even In
Ingle instance. These thirteen cases ai
oported from Muenster , West Thalia , Coo :
In , Pomeranla , Linden , Hanover , Haden
Qbcn , Schleswlg and Altoua , near Ilambun
'ho regulations provide that each package <
American pork shall be accompanied by
eglstcred number and that there bo a cei
Ideate from the American meat Inspectc
t the place of shipment bearing the sair
umber. In none of the above cases ai
hcae numbers given. The American , en
assy will , therefore , dispute that these case
f trlchlnoua pork are of American orlgli
o far , therefore , as this government Is cor
crned , It amounts to a vindication of Auier
an pork ,
This report , If the American embassy ol
tin It , will bo ready for publication abet
larch 1 , or sooner , Mejijwhlle , It will e
lirough the hands of the chiefs of the dll
arent departments , both In the ministry c
lie Interior and the ministry ot house
usbandry. It tha American embassy I
bio to obtain this report It will ba sent I
I'a&'lngton. U Is likely , however , that th
cport , since It Is so much more favorab !
j American meats In this case thin wa
uspected , will not bn forwarded to th
merlcan cmbasty at all , us It Is surmise
n the Prussian side that It would only fui
Isli the American government material t
Isprova the allegations made so persUI
ntly to the discredit of American pork. .
umber of statements have been made In tb
russlan Diet lo the effect that America
ork In Prussia was a detriment to publl
ealth and should bo excluded. H U prol
ble , now that the ofilclal report uttetly dUi
roves these allegations , that thu raJIca
nd liberal faction * lu the Diet and Itelchs
ig , vho favor the unrtMtrlctud Importatlo
T American pork , as a wholesome and chea
jed for the mutes Id Oenuauy will , a
Wcnlher Torocnft for Nebrnskn
Cloudy ; ColJorj Ix
1 , I.nbciurhrrp I.nnOon : | the Stri
IlnrormnVortlili" n
( Irrinnny Vindicate * Ainerlr ,
Itrpnrt of Ktiglnoera on the
2. 1'ollco KlmlliR ut Work ,
Women mill the t'.xiiiMltt
n. Work ot the IrilAlnturi < . j
MoHhrr'H ll.'inilsmra M : U
4. Li't Week In Oniilii Soclfl
5 , Hitch lu Counting r.lcctj |
Corliott' * Money All Up.
0 , Council lllufTn I.ornl Mia
Lincoln Attorney AttcmptM Htflrldc.
7 > .W clcly Urlftlor Hptirl Notri anil C'otnincnU
With I/ocut I.ovor.l of Music.
H , HclioiM front the Antc-ltocnn.
D. Silk Fabric from Wonil Fibre.
About the HrmllrJ'-.Murtln Hull.
10. Wonnint Her \Vnyn unit Her World.
It. "ThoMutnlilo Muny. "
IV. Killtorlnl anil
Kl. NotiM on thn Orltlcil Htuily of lllntorj
Hlff Irrlif'Uhin Hitch About Complete.
Huniniury ofu Week's llvcntx.
14 , Cominvrcliit unit I'lnnnrliil Noivs.
HiiRiir Trust Invi' < tltntloii 1'roccciU.
in , Wheclincn In the Wlntrt Tlmo.
10. "Auron In tlio Wllil Woods. "
soon as the facts contained In the repo :
arc accessible to them , Interpellate the go'
eminent to the reasons for restricting tt
Importation of American pork by .vexatloi
tariff regulations.
The predicted consolidation of the liber ,
political partlca in Germany has now bee
seriously undertaken by the leaders nnd tl
executive committees of the various faction
The two radical wings , headed by Horn
Ulchtcr and nickcrt , have arrived at c
understanding for united action In the Held
stag electoral districts not represented I
conservatives , but which are bi
lloved to bo ready for a cliang
The South German radical partli
arc expected to enter Into the unloi
the liberal press and part of the nation :
liberal press , such as the National Zeltuu
and the Cologne Gazette , arc advocatln
union , whllo the Vosslacher Zcltung , tl
Tageblatt and the Frankfurter Zultung , ci
thuslastlcally support the scheme. Sine
1SDO the liberals have lost much groum
but the leaders believe that the reactlonat
agararlan policy of the government hi
since estranged many thousands of clcctoi
and that the liberals , It they unite , can no
gain a majority In the Reichstag at tl
elections of 1S97. The Reichstag , for man
years past , has adopted a resolution provli
Ing for the payments of members , but tli
Dundcsrath has always annulled it. Tl :
government has -now Intimated that it !
prepared to support the payment of membci
if the Reichstag passes an amendment rei
tricting the ciectorlal franchise. The Relcl
stag , however , Is not likely to accept th :
The first court ball took place on Wcc
ncsday , and was a great success. Aboi
2,000 people attended and the coslupos wei
brilliant. United States Ambassador Ul
and Mrs. . Uhl were among those , presen
The'-emperor. Intends to give a costume ba
on February 14 , In hohor of the Centcnriar
of William I , and It Is said it will surpaf
any previous similar ball.
. The Cologne Volks Zeltung claims tht
It has proof that Emperor William , after tli
recent revelations , wrote a personal lette
to Prlnco Dlsmarck , appealing to him , o
the ground of patriotism , to cease his d
vulglng of German state politics. Speakln
of the revelation of Polish agitation In Gci
many , Prince Bismarck Is reported as i
have said In an Interview this week :
"That gang against which I had to flgli
hard at the foundation and the bulldln
up of the empire has now made Itself muc
at home with the United States , "
Prince Bismarck warmly approved of th
appointment of Count Muravleff as Russia :
minister for foreign affairs , saying : "Ho I
just the man I always hoped to see Russia :
foreign mlnlstei. If he turns out as I ex
pect ho will do well , "
The wholesale retirement from actlv
iluty of army officers In the prime of lit
Is continued and has aroused even the op
position of the , natJc 7 'jl ' liberals , There 1
much Indignation 'jL 'Wurtcmberg at th
fact that several > Jjelleiit south Germai
generals , the oldesVlDcIng 52 years of age
Including GrneraU von Grl''lf , Paott an
Detlen , although' In perfect health , hav
been retired and replaced by Prussian generals
orals of the same age.
The emperor and empress , accompanloi
by the hereditary prince ot Saxc-Melnlngeii
are going to Hlrschburg , Silesia , on Febru
liy 19 , where they will enjoy tobogganlni
an the numerous strep slpigh tracks fron
the mountains. The snow there Is tci
feet deep ,
Robert F. Kneebes , Hie American horse
man who was sentenced to nlno months
Imprisonment and to pay a fine of 1,00
marks , In addition to being deprived of al
: lvll rights for two years , after having bcci
: onvlctcd of racing the trotting mure Heine
in German tracks under the name of Nelll
Kneebes , may have lo stand trial again
this tlmo on the charge of conspiracy ti
tornmlt perjury.
The hearing of the charges against th
: dltors of the Dlsmarcklan Dcutse'hctag <
Zoltung , who are alleged to have Intrlguei
igalnst the foreign office , has been flxei
for February 19 and promlsi'H to be son pa
tlonal ,
I'rlnri' lloni-l Vlxllx ( lie I'oiic.
ROME , Feb. C , Prince Henri d'Orlcan
, vas yesterday given an audience by Ih
; > opo. Prlnco Henri Is supposed to havi
issumeil the Inadrnmlp of the monarchist
vho rallied to the support of the French re
> ubllc In obedience to the request of tin
lope , who I tald lo have received him li
i representative capacity , Just before meet
ng the pope Prince Henri d'Orleans wai
nformcd thai the alarming rumors rcgarJlni
.ho pope's health were pure inventions.
Jiini'M Hc'lil AmiUitT Week.
LONDON , Feb , C. Latlmer R. Jones , tin
Vmerlcan horse dealer and ipcculator , whi
vaa arrested at Scarboro on January 23 , wa
emanded for week , A dispatch was re
: elve < l from New York saying that the paper
lecestmry for the extradition of the prlione
votlld leave New York on February 10.
; -luilleiiKL' for Huron von lllt'lierNleln
BERLIN , Feb. C. Count Llmburgt
Iteerum lias sent a challenge to JJuror
ilarschal von nleborsteln. the minister foi
brdlgn affairs , owing lo the lattcr's utrlc
lire s of the count's criticising of th'c gov
irnment' * latitude on the Von Luetzowit
air. In li or or * ' NtrlUo
HAMnilRG , Feb. rf. At'a meeting of tin
itrlklng dock laborers today It wan votet
o resume work on Monday aftur the
ra bad declared that the battle- was
ind that tt > e funds v ; re
Report by the Speoinl Engineers on'
Exposition Sites Opened.
Every Point Except Distnnco Said to Be
to the Advnntago of This Sito.
East Omaha Too Flat , While Hansoom nnd
Rivorviow Parks Are Too Rough ,
Spirited Debate FollinvH ( lie
of ( ho Heimrt anil Ailjonrnment
WIIN Tliea Taken Till .Next
Tueoilay Afteriiuiiii ,
At a meeting ot the Hoard ot Director !
} f tlio Transmisslsslppl and International
Exposition yesterday afternoon the report
3f the special engineers on the availability
jf the different sites was opened nnd read.
It was found to contain a recommendation
In favor of the Miller park location , The
report was discussed by the directors , but
further action was postponed till next Tiles-
lay afternoon.
Forty-two of the fifty directors were pres
ent and the spectators outnumbered the di
rectors by far. Th ? advocates of the several
sites were out In force , every site being
eprcsnted , but the supporters of Miller park
constituted the largo majority of the nu-
liencc. These latter secured seats among
.ho directors and from these points ot vnn-
: ego they did some very industrious log-
olllng during the debate which followed the
eadlng of the report of the engineers. Dur-
ng the reading of the report of the en
gineers , especially that part of It rccom-
ncndlng Miller park as the best site , the
promoters of that slto manifested their Joy
n audible smiles , and the conclusion of the
calling was followed by such an outbreak of
r'clls that President Wattles was obliged to
: autlon the leather-lunged delegation against
llsturblng the meeting. Some of the dl-
ectors , also , were so overjoyed at the rec-
mimcndatlon of the engineers that they
: ould not resist "twitting" other directors
ind Interrupting them whllo they were ad-
Ircsslng the board.
As coon as the meeting settled down to
juslness President Wattles called for the
eport of the special committee appointed
0 employ a non-resident KAglnccr and
1 non-resident landscape architect
.o examine the several sites offered nnd ro-
lort in writing their findings and conclu
sions as to the several sltLS. Chairman
fost of the special .committee- handed the
eporl of tho' engineers and 'the report ol
.ho special committee to the president who
jpened tfiom and passed them to * Secretary
iVakefleld to be read.
The report of the special commlUco nar-
ated the work ot the committee in going
0 Chicago , where , after making a thorough
icareh they reported that they had engaged
I. C , Alexander and A. C. Schradcr , the
ormer superintendent of Lincoln park , and
he latter an engineer under the West Side
7ark board.
The report of the engineers was sealed In
L separate envelope and was signed by
Messrs. Alexander and Schroder. The docu-
ncnt bore date January 23 , 1807. The fol.
owing Is the report of the engineers In
nil :
In this rcrommenilatlon for the selection
) f exposition groundH the following points
voro considered , HO far ua Itaa posnlblo
vltliln the limited time allowed : Flrxt , the
opocniphy nnd general nvnllnlilllty of the
rrouml for building purposes ; second , trans-
> ortiitlon facilities by street cars , Htenin
allways and other vehicles ; third , ncwt-rago
ind wutcr supply ; fourth , distance from
lostofllcc. In the e.x.iinlnatlon of the
[ rounds for topography , dependence WAS
> laccd simply upon Inspection , as no topo-
rraphlenl ulmrt.s wcro submitted which
vould cover the groutul.
In our opinion the Miller park nlto IH the
nest nvallublo location , ooiiHlderlng all
mlntH. It Is unilci'Htood that the Fort
Jnialia grouiulH arc Included In this Kite ,
n regard to the topogr.iphy of the Miller
: aik site it can be prepared for exposition
; roumls at less expense and will allow of
1 better grouping of buildings than any
itbcr Kite. There Is a sufllclnnt variation
n elevation of the ground to avoid monot-
iny , and the Fort Oniuhii Rrounds have
nuny grown trees that miiy bo prcscrvtil
ind inudo to conform'to a plan.
It would be desirable to have Thirtieth
itrcct closed IIH u public hlnliv.'uy within
he exposition ground limits If the KrounilD
ylnj ; both east nnd of this highway
ire lined. Should Thlrtlulh Blrcet be ro-
allied IIH a publli ; highway It would ncceH-
iltntu u double- line of fencliiK , each oiui-
mlf nillo long , nnd a Hepariillon of grades
if rouilwiiyu ut one crosHlni ; at lonst. It
vould also fomplulcly primrato tha
; roundH , uhlch would bn uniUxIrahlo ,
In ri'Biird to the development of water
irons , we may say It l poHhllilo to a
linltc-d c-xte-nt , Are-iiH varying from seven-
y.flve feet to 200 feet In wlillli may ba
on ml along the creek bottoms by coiiHtnic-
lon of proper dnnm nnd overflow utilized
or Irrigation jmrpones.
It Is Intended that the natural flow ot
bo creeks Hliall be utilized UH far aa pus-
Iblo an a feeder to iimliittiln water levelu ,
ml during the drv , inonthK of the year thin
upply should bo Hiipplementeil from the
vatir Hervleo nyHlcm It It IH found necca-
ury. Alllioueh the water areas will ncceu-
nrlly bo coinparutlvi'ly nmall In extent , they
hould bo Introduced nn far ay praetlcublo
o vary the lamlBcupot" . Ii ! lilies of arllH-
lo design can bo thrown ncropy the nnr-
nu-er portions nnd anltalilo uliriililiery ,
tc. , line the edccu of thu wnter areas.
The site muy bo rcnchrd by nt Itnst
hreo separate street car linen , the Blx-
eenth Btrcot. Twenty-fourth fltreet nnd
'blrtleth Btrcet , provided the proper ox-
cnHlons are tnado to thn grounds. Thu
teuni rullwayH avallablo for trunuportatlon
ro the Klkliorn , tlm Hell railway and the
Imahn , all of them putmlng c'louo or can be
xtendrd to the KroiuidH , nnd oultable nr-
( ingementB can lie made for the handling
f both freight or paHPonwro. Trackage
icllltlen for other rallwnyj can probably
o arranged via ( he Licit railway or other
Although the distance to this slto ex
ec-da that to HaiiKcom park nnd Is also
router tlinii that to Itlvervleu- park from
lie city hall , wo coimlder II UH cany of
CCOBH bccaiiBc of the greater number of
raiiHportutlon lines and the comparatively
svi'l roads over which the tic-et cnra , bl-
yclcs and other velileleH can puna ut a
Igher upccd and Kivuter vnso ,
The carrying capiivliy of the uoverul llne
hould be carefully txtlmaUd and effort !