1:1 : TILE OMAHA DAILY BIDE : SAjrjJKDAY , JANUAttV .10 , 1897. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Makes a Further Big Break , bntlHo covers Most of It. CORN AND OATS SHOW ADVANCES ' DoinornllriHlon InVlicnt IMic to n Ifetir of Hcnvy UnlunillnK 1 > r ii nil Cnnh CHICAGO , Jan. 20. Wheat sold for a tlmo today nt 73c , marking nn So decline for the week. It recovered , however , nnd closed Blcndy nt nbout 3-1 fla decline from yesterday. Disappointment nt the poor cash business was the principal reason for the decline , the recovery being on the Rood export business late In the se.-slon. Corn and oats wcro Independently strons , advancing He nnd ? ic , respectively. Provisions advanced 2&074c. ! Wheat opened weak In continuation ot the approach to demoralization , which characterized Its closing feature the day before. It was rumored that n big line of long wheat was hanging over the market , nnd fears that It would be thrown ovcr- bbard caused u very wobbly beginning to the day's business , und May , which said nt 74c nt yesterday's close , opened today at from 71c down to 7IKc. The first Ltver- > eel cables which came In before the opcn- } ng had shown declines of from Id to IHd. Tills , however , was lookcit upon us merely rencctlng yesterday's decline on this side , and any weakening effect which the. do- cllno mny have caused was ncutrnl'zed ' when second cables cntno In showing a " substantial recovery. This , coupled with hto Hmallncss of the local and northwest receipts , caused n better feeling , nnd under liberal buying by shorts May advanced to 7o'ic. Flour commission men reported the biggest demand from the United Kingdom they have had In a long time , and this was no small factor In strengthening prices. , Chicago got 20 carloads , as compared with H3 a year n go , nnd Minneapolis and Dn- luth together received 1U1 cars , against 27rf n week < tgo and GH on the corresponding day of the year before. After "j'/Jc ' had been reached , the market took a sudden turn. On account of tno heavy drop In price. , a good cash business was expected , and as the session 'wore ' on and this failed to materialize , liquidation on a largo scale act In. once more. For n time the market was rnther demoralized under the heavy offering , and It was not until 73c had been recorded for iMny tluw n reaction took place. Then the savior of yesterday's mar ket , big export engagements , made Itself felt , and the price went U' > almost as sud denly ns It went down. It finally recovered to 74ijj749Sc , which was the prlco as the closing bell sounded. Corn opened steady and ruled firm with a very good business. It did not participate In the- weakness of wheat , but a good de mand from shorts existed , and as offerings wcro light , thi ! market scored a substan tial advance. May opened a shade lower at 2.Tlc. advanced to 2IV4c , and closed firm at h 2i4xc. Outs ruled higher , helped a great deal by the strength of corn. People who sold short yesterday covered their lines today , 4ind had some dllllculty In doing so , there being quite n scarcity of offerings. The market was decidedly strong during the closing hours. May'opened a tthndc lower at 17 % ® I7VjC. and advanced to 18@c , closing firm nt 18'/c. Provisions ruled strong during the first half of the session , owing to light receipts of hogs , small offerings and some covering by shorts. Realizing late In the session caused tiomo reaction , but most of the ad vance was retained , May porlc closing 7'/.c higher at S7.S5 ; May lard about 2&c higher fit $1 , and May ribs about 2'Ac higher nt Ksttmated receipts : Saturday Wheat , HO corn : corn , 2SO cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 18,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ; Articles. | Open. | High , j Low. | Close. | Yest'y. " Whoat- Jnn. . . . 72K ' ' 711 74 July. . ! 70 7194 Corn Jan. . . . 70i" 22 May. . , . " JJJH i" July. . . . L'5 Sept. . . jew Ottn ; Jnn . . . . 15. in 15 i ; I.1 > Mny. . . . 17M M 1HM sal. ' 17H July. . . . 18W 10W IHhi 10' Jnn. . . . 7 70 7 7r 7 70 7 75 May. . . . 7 77W 7 87H 7 77M 7 80 7 77M Lard Jan. . . . 3 87 ! 1 87 ! 3 87M 3 85 May. . . . : i 07.4 , 4 OH It U7h 4 00 3 07 ! * Sh'tKlbH Jan. . . , 3 07M .1 07 H 3 0714 3 07'ii Mny. . . . 4 DO 1 1)5 ) i 00 1 Oan ! 4 01) No' . 2. / Cnsh quotations were ns follows : KI.OUH KnBy ; wlntor patents , Ji.2.'if4.CO : winter slrnlslits , JI.OOfiJ.DO ; bilkers. I3.10iii3.50 ; iiprlni ; patents , JI.03Jf4.10 ; pprbiff straights , W.DOlif 3.kO ; eprliiK fpochils. JI.DO. WHKAT No. 2 Bprlni ; . 73073 > ic ; No. 3 spring. 71c ; No. 2 red , 3SSiyc. COUN No. 2 , 22o ; No. 2 yellow , 22T22c. OATS No. 2. 16Mc : ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 20 ® 20Vio ; Nn. 3 white. ( , o. b. , 17 ! lS',4c. ' HYK-No. 2. 34V4031c. 1IA1M.HY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . 2 Hff35c ; No. 4. f. o. ! > . , 21i2C'/.ic. ' Kl.AX'HUKD-No. 1. 74IB7CC. TIMOTHY SKKP-l'llme , J2.73. I'llOVISIONS Mess pork , per bid. , J7.8037.S5 ; Inril , per 100 Ibs. . J3.87',4T3.90 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , .S7'iST4.1S4 ! : ilry suited slionlilers ( bnxeil ) , J.2H4.50 | sliort clear sides ( boxed ) . JI.12HfT4.23. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per E.I ! . , 'fitia.\ns Cut loaf , JS.14 ; Ernnulatcd , J4.C1. The following were Die hccclpta and shipments today : On thoProdtico nxchauca today the bntlor mar ket was firm : creamery , IdMVOe ; dairy. Oa 17c. ESTEH. steady ; frosh. 17c. CICOHI | > . Htuadv ; OfflilHc , IlruHHiHl poultry , chlukcns , Bteady ; old and uprliiK , HHM7c ; turki'yn. Hlroni- . ducktt. bishor , Kc ; KUCHO , utondy , 4Kc. XKW YUIIIC < ; ia.\I.iAL ( liiotutloiiH of tin * Iny on Cuiierul CoiiuiKMlK Ion NKW YORK , Jan. 29. KLOUH-llccclpts , 12- 333 bbls. ; exporls , 80,783 bbls. ; weak and lower on lower cables ; Minnesota patenls , Jl.40jf4.CO ; Minnesota bakers , $3.COf3.fO. Ilye Hour , dull. Duckwheal Hour , quiet ut Jl.IOIil.13. HUCKAVHKAT Uull at 34n35c , COHN MKALr-Qulet ; Ilrundywlnc , J1.93. HYK Kaiiy ; No , 2 ucMcrn , Si\ftWM' \ car lots , 4Zi745c , . DAItLKY-Diill ; 2SiO2S4c 1IAHLKY MALT Dull ; western , COC5Sc. WI1I3AT Hecelpts , 1.S50 bu. ; exporm , 10,000 bu. fipot market active and Irregular ; No , 2 hard , HlHo , Options opened steady und advanced on foiflKii buying and covering by local shorts , broke badly under liquidation of tevcrul big long lines , but finally partially recovered on active export demand ; closing % Hic net lower ; No. 2 red , January , closed at Kie ! ; May , 73-iw Siy.c , clom-d lit Sic. rOHN Hrcelpts , 3S.1CO bu. ; exports , 99,527 bu. Spot llrm ; No. 2 , 29c , Options ilrm all day cm general covt'rlnc and bull sentiment ; cludng Ua not higher ; January closed ut iilo ; May , SilliiP SO'ic ' , closed at 30lc- ! OATS Hecelpts , 66.400 , bu. ; exports , 64,233 bu , Spot Hrm : No. 2 , 2l4e. Options quiet , but liimer , vvlth corn ; closing "ifJWo net higher ; Junuiiry closed ut 21itc ; May , 22 K5ie , closed nt 2i.c. HAY Steady ; Bhlpplnir , MHf55o ; eooil to rholce. HOPS-Sit-udy ; 1S95 crop. 40J'io ; 1SSO crop , SO 13V > o ; Paclllo coast , 1S93 crop , Cifj7(4c ! ( ; 1S90 crop , f'tfl ' f'tflHlUKSFIrm HlUKS-FIrm : aalvoton. 1201Jc ; lluenos Ayren , nominal ; Texas , dry , Me ; California , lityc. LKATHKH UnclmnKed ; hemlock sola , Iluenos Ayre . 19(4 ( 20Vic. I1UTTKH HecclpU. S.&SS pkgs. ; market bteady ; western creamery , I'JffSOc ; Klsliw , 20o ; factory , 70Hc. CHKKS13 Hecclpla , 5SO pkgs. : slate , large and small , SUHHc ; part eklnis , l > 69Hc ; full bklms , 3 < f3',4o. ' iaUS : Hecelpts , 3,4C3 pkg . ; market unsettled ; stat and Penniylvanla , llHl9c ; western , 130 p'HOyiSIpNS Ilfef. steady. Cut meats , firm ; pleklfd bellies , 414 < f4Ko : plckleil nhoulders , 4 4 < f 4Kc. Lard , steadier ; western steam , JI.20 nom. > Olll'elrolcum. . quiet ; Unlttil closed nt S5c. ltot.n , quid ; strained , common to good J1.70f * 1.7ZV4. ' Turpentine , quiet ; 37 > .i 2Sc. ' ' " MliTAUJ Pis Iron , quiet : nouthein. Ill D0 18.00 : northern. Jtt.OOff 13.00 , Copper , quiet : brok. em. JIS ; exchange , 112. Tin , dull ; Btraltn. J1J.WW 13.C5 : plates , dull , tipelter , quiet ; domestic S3 03 O4.00. I < eHd. sliong , lth domeutlc J2.VO ; ex change , 3.0IUf3.10. ' ' I.lvfrpuul ( ii-iilu nml ProvlMloiiH. WVIUtPOOU Jon , . WHEAT-Spot. dull ; drnmnd jioor ; No , 3 red , fprlnn , C 6dj No. 1 Cal ifornia , ( a ( kl. Kulurea opened pteady , with near I < o ltlon.i lower and dUtant poittloni Hid lower , later utreiiKlhrncd and closed llrm , with May Ud lower and other month * Id lower ; biulm * * liravleit on middle poallloni : January , 6 44d ! ; Kulirunry , ta 4 J ; March , u 5)4d ) ; May , C * 6 d. COIIN Quiet. Spot , American mixed , new , Is Hid. 1'uturea opened iteady , with near and dlitont poeltloni Ud lower ; cloved itcady , wltji January Ud lower ; May , U < 1 higher aim other months unchinttd ; builnm about cuuallj dl - Irlbuted ; January , March nml April , 2s 8d ; rcbnmry , 2s 8Hd ; May , 2s S > d. KIXUH Dull ; demand , poor , fancy winter , Os. I'llOVIHlONR Ilacon , easy ) demand , poor ; Cumberland cut , 23 to 30 Ibs. , 27s ; short rlb- > , to to 21 Ibs. , 25s 9d ; long clear , light , 35 to SS Ibs. , 2Cs ; long , clear , heavy. 2Ss ; short clear backs , light , 15 llti. , 2Ss ; short clenr middles , ht-nvy , 45 to 61 Ibs. , 23s ; clear bellies , 14 to 1 Ibs. , SSs. Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 2Cs. Hams , f.hort. It to 10 Ibs. , 41s Cd. Pork , prime mem. finest wcslern , 4Ca 3d ; medium western , 40s. Lard , quiet ; prime western , 21s ; refined , In palls , 924. CIIKUSK I'lrm ; demand , fa'.r ; finest American , white nr.d colored ( September ) , 578. HUTTnil-nnod , Ms. OILS Ltnsfed , ICti 3d. HOPS-At Lomlon ( Pnclno const ) , S U.S. The receipts of wheat durlrg the past three days were 427.0CO centals. Including 180,000 Amer ican. ican.The receipts of American corn during the past three days were f.D.700 centals. WKATHKH-Flnc. OMAHA ( ! KM < : itAI < .MAUKF/r. Cnnilllloti of Trail P nnil Itiintntlniin on Stnulc ami Kunoy 1'roilnee. KGOS 1'resh gathered , ISc. lIUTTKH-Common to fair. E09c ; choice to fancy roll , ISI/llo ; separator crcamcrj' , 20c ; gnth- ered crcnmeo' , ISOlCc , OAMC Illue winged teal ducks , 11.73 ; green wing , Jl.CO ; redheads and mallards. { 3.75 ; email rabbits , 40 COo ; Jacks , J1.OOU1.2T > ; squirrels , CO a 70o ; Canadn geese , large , JC.WSJ7.00 ; imalt , J4.00W D.OO. D.OO.CIIKKSE CIIKKSE Domestlo bricks , lOlic ; Edam , per doz. , | 9 ; club house. Mb. Jars , per doz. , J3.15 ; Llmberger , fancy , per lb. , 9JJo ; Hoqucfort , ' ,4-lb. Jars , per doz. , J3.CO ; Young Americas , 10ic ; twins , fancy , 101/40. VKAICholcc fat. SO to 120 Ibs. , nro quoted nt 7C7Hc ; largo und coarse , 4I(5c. , DltUSSno POUI.THY Chickens. CJJCo ; tur- kcj's , lOfUlc : geete , 78c ; ducks , 8c. I.1VK POULTHY-kfot wanted. PIonONS Live , 7090fl ; dead pigeons , not wanted. HAY Upland , J4.W ) ; midland , < ! lowland , J3.W ; rye straw , J3.KO ; color makes the price on hay ; light bales sell the btut ; only top grades bring top prices. IlllOOM COHN Kxtrcmely slow sale ; new crop , delivered on Irnek In couniry ; choice green self-working carpet , per lb. , 22V4c ; choice green , running lo hurl , Sit2V.c ; common , l'/4c. VKaiTTAHLKS. SWEET POTATOKS-On orders , per bul. , J2.00. ONIONS Good stock , per bu. , SScHJl.W ) . LIMA llKANH-Per lb. , 4c. UKANS Haiul picked navy , per bu. , Jl.8riIJl.35. CAIHlAaK Good stock , per 100 , U.2501.CO ; Cal ifornia , J1.75. CKLtniY Per doz. , 23c ; fancy , large , 45c. POTATOES Good native stock , per bu. , 23w 3Cc. FHUITS. MALAGA GHAPKS-Por keg , J7. CIlANllKnilIKS-Cape Cod , per bbl. , J0.000 C.50. C.50.APPL13S APPL13S Cooking , per bbl. , Jl.C5Jfl.73 ; fancy New York. J1.C0321.C3 ; cxlra fancy , J1.73. CALIFOHNIA PKAHS Per box. J2.0002.23. THOP1CAL FltUlTS. OHANCIKS Mexican , J2.75 : California navels , 150i lo 200s , SJ.73 ; large sizes , 1 .1.50 ; seedlings , J2.7fifr3.(0. ( I.KMONS Mepslnas. J3.00iJ350 ( ; choice Califor nia , J2.7" . fancy , J2.7fM3.00. IIANA -Choice , large slock , per bunch , J2.CO.g2.2mediumsized ; bunches. Jl.5002.00. MISCKLLANEOUS. ItONEV Cholce,13gi4c. CIDKll-Clarlncd Juice , per halt bbl. , J2.50 ; per bbl. , J4.00O4.25. MAPI.U SYHUP Klve gal. cans , each , $2.50 2.75 ; gal. cans , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , JG.25 ; quart cans , J3.50 , NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , large size , 13c ; Brazils , per lb. , lOo ; English wal nuts. per lb. , aney , soft fhell , iifl2'iic ' ; stand ards , lUTlHic ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , pol ished , large , 9J10c ; Jumbo , ll J12o ; large hick ory nuls , 31.25 per bu. ; small , J1.50 ; cocoanuts , 5a each. FIGS Imported fancy. G crown , 30-lb. boxes , 15o ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown , lie. HIDES , TALLOW , KTC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , CVjc ; No. 2 green hides , 44c ; No. 1 green salted bides , 7c ; No. 2 green salted hides , Cc ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , S tl 15 Ibs. 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides. 010c ; No. 2 dry flint hides. 8j9c : No. 1 dry ml ted hides , S@3e ; part cured hides. Vic per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green r.alted. each , 23ifM"- ( green tatted , elicail. BS ( short w o'el early tic ns ) , each , 15c ; ury * ghenrlngs ( short wooled early eklns ) , No. 1. each , Sc ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4ff5c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska Murrain wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 3Nc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , ppr lb. , actual weight , 45T5c ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual Height , 3ft4c ; feet cut oft. as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GHEASK Tallow , No. 1 , So ; tallow , No. 2 , 21ic ; grease , white A , So ; grease , while U , 2e ; grease , yellow , 2c ; grease , dark , licj old bulter. IfflSiiuj beeswax , prime , 15 { 22c ; rough tallow. 1C. WOOI Unwashed , fine heavy C07c ; fine light , EJ9c ; quarterblood , 10S12c ; seedy , biury and chaffy , SIi9o ; celled nnd broken. Coarse , 7ii9c ; cot ted and broken , fine. UJiSc. Fleece washed Medium. 15iT18e ; line , HWlOo ; tub washed. ! C lSo black ( c ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , :83c ; dead pulhd , 5CTCO. HONKS In car lols , weighed and delivered In Chicago : Drv buffalo , per ton. 12.00JJ14.CO ; dry country , bleached , per ton , JlO.COJf 12.00 ; dry coun try , damp nnd mealy , per Ion , JO.U03S.OO. FHESII MEATS. DEEP Good nalive steers. 400 to COO 11)3. , CJ 7c ; western steers , 5JCc ! ; good cows and heif ers , C',4S6c ; medium cows and heifers , 514c ; good forequorlers cows and heifers. 4'/jc ; good forequarters - quarters steers , 5c ; good hlndquaitcrs cows and heifers , 7',1'C ; good hindquarters native steers , 8V c ; tenderloins , 20c ; boneless strips , DC ; strip loins , 7c ; rolls , 8Vic ; sirloin butts , MJc ; thoulder clods , 5V4o ; lump bulls , Cc ; steer chucks , -Hie ; cow chucks , 3Vc ! : ; boneless chucks , 4c : plates , S'.Ac ; Hank steak , Cc ; loins. No. 1 , 12&C ; loins. No. 2 , 10',4c ; loins , No. 3 , 8l4c ; ribs , No. 1 , 10 ! < c ; ribs , No. 2 , 8i c ; ribs , No. 3 , CVic ; steer rounds , Cite ; cow rounds , 5lc ; rounds , shank or rump off , CVfce ; rounds , shank and rump off , 7c ; trimmings , 4c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweclhreails , per lb. , 30o ; kidneys , each oc ; ox lalls , each , 3o ; livers. per lb. , 3c ; hearls , 2c , longues , per lb. , 12c. /POHK Dressed hogs , 4 ie ; tenderloins. 13c ; ioina , eci spare ribs. 4c ; ham sausage bulls , 5c ; shoulders , rough , 4c ! : shoulders , tklnned , Be ; Irlinmlngs , Cc ; leaf lard , not tendered , 5V4c ; heads , cleaned , 3V4c ; snouts nnd cars , 3Jic : back bones , 24c ! ; ncckbones , 2140 ; pigs' tails. So ; plucks , each , Cc ; chitterlings , Sc ; hocks , 4e ; hcnrtr , per doz. , 23c ; slomaclis , each , 3c ; longues , each , So ; kidneys , per doz , , lOc ; bruins , per doz. . ICc. ICc.MUTTON MUTTON Dressed lambs , 7c ; dressed sheep , 6c ; racks. 8V5c ; legs and saddles , 7 c ; breasls and slews , 2',4c ; longues , each , 5c ; plucks , each , 3c. St. LoiilM C ciir nil MnrlcctN. ST. LOUIP. Jan. 29. FLOUH-Unchanged , WHEAT Future * opened dull end slow , but firmer , and the fluctuations were within the range of 1 cent. Them was but lltlle oupport and the market closed \a tp ? Jo lower than yesterday. Spot lower ; No. 2 red , cai.li , elevator , S3o asked ; truck. S3ijc ; No. 2 hard , cash , 75c nbked ; January , S2c ; May. Sli < .e ; July , 70Vjiff70SC. ! COHN Trading In the rpcculntlvp market wiis slow , but Ihe tone was better at the opening. Lalcr hn advance was made nnd fulures closed fractionally blrher than yesterday. Spot nrmer ; No. 2 caah , 19ie ; May. 21T c. OATH Dull , but higher ; No , 2 cash , IGUc bid' May , 18o bid. KYK-Dull at 34c. 11AHLKY Dull ; 30 40c. COHN MKAIJ1.35. . 1IHAN Quiet and steady ; sacked , east track , worlh nominally. 40Q41C. FLAXSKED Dull nt 73c. TIMOTHY HEED Prime. J2.40. HAY Quiet and steady ; timothy , J3.Mfflll.00 ; prairie. Jl.oTi7.W > . I1UTTEH Steady and unchanged ; creamery , 15W021cj dairy , 9 15c , EGGS Steady at 13c. WIHRICY-tl.il. MKTALS-Lcad , nrm ; JlSOjri.SO , Spelter , dull ; J3.65. PHOVISIONS-Pork , steady ; btandard mess , Jobbing. J7.50tJ8.10. Ijird , steady ; prime steam. 53.77V4 ; choice , $3.85. llacon , boxed shouldeni. J4.CO ; extra short clear , J4.SO ; ribs , J4.90 ; shorts , J5.05. Dry Halt meats , boxed shoulders , JI.90 ; rxtrn shriit cvar $ lfO : ribs , J4.55 , HECEIPTS-Flour , 2,000 bhls. : wheat , 15.000 bu. : corn. 91,000 bu , ; oals , 20.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-FIour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 23,000 bu. ; corn , C3.0CO bu , ; oats , S.QOft bu. OnfTco NEW YOHK , Jnn , 29-COl'FEE-Optlons opened steady , unchanged lo G points higher ; ad vanced 5 points rn local liuylntr , and later eaeed off G points under local reallilng , the result of dlsappolnthiK Into Huvro cables ; closed steady , wllh prices unchanged to 3 points net advance ; sales. 8.750 bags , Including ; March , 19.35 , Spot couYe , Itlo , quiet ; No. 7 , J9.75 , Invoice. Mild. dull ; Cordova , tl5,50U17.00 ; Jobbing , J10.K. Total vvarc.ioufe deliveries from Ihe United States , S.Clt bags , Includlne 6,313 bags from New York ; New York slock to-lay. 32S.473 bags ; United States utiM-k. 3SI.555 bags ; afloat for the United States , 300.000 bags ; tolal visible for the United States , CS7.555 baga. KANTOS. Jan. 2D. COFFICE-Steady ; good average Santos , 10,700 rel ; rerelpls , 12,000 bat-nj rock. 571.iO ( bag * . HAMIIUUO , Jan. 29. COFFEK-Qlllet. Upfc. lower ; xulrs , 1,000 bags. HIO. Jan. 29.OOFFKK-Stcndy : No. 7. Hlo , JD.OOii9.50 : exchange , 8332d > ; receipts. 6,000 bags ; rlearrd for the United Stairs , 8,000 bags ; for Kuropo , 7,000 bags ; ulnck , 31.KK ) bags. HAV11E. Jan. 20. COFFKE-CIoned easy at Uf net decline ; Bales , 14,000 bags. KiuiNtiH CM } ' . InrUftM. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 19. WHEAT Steady ; closing dull ; No , i bard , 75ST"Cc ; No. 3 , nom inally 70 74o : No. 4 , fdOCcSf No. 2 red nominally SClfSSc : No. 3. nnmlntilly SOfiMe ; No. 4 nominally 701f78r ; No. 3 Fprlng. 75o ; Nn. 3 , 72o. COHN Active and rtendyj No. 3 mixed , . OATS Finn i No. 1 white , ! lo. ItYE-Nomliml at ! 0aic. HAY- Steady : choice timothy , IS.OOff8.50 ; choice prnlrle. J3.OW5.tO. 1IIITTEH Firm ; tetter gra < lc active ; cream ery. 17HC19C. EOGS Weak on heavy upply at l c. incOlilA , III. , Jan , M.-COHN-Flrm ; new , No. o " ' "o'ATS Klriu but Inactive ; No. S white. SOi HYE Dull nd nominal. \VJIISKy ilurkel Bteady ; Hnlihed gooda on the ba U of J1.17 for liliiti wines. HECEHTS-Corn , 91.650 bu.i oat . Jl.tSO bu. ; ryo. none : nhbiky , T5 bbli. wheat , 1.8(0 bu. aiHPUENTH-Corn. 14.310 bu. , oati. :4.S50 Lu. ; rye , none ; whtiky , 1UO bbli. ; wheat , l.tOO bu. PROGRESS SLOW BUT SURE January a Month of Disappointment , but Eeal Gain. LARGE VENTURES MADE IN ADVANCE ItlHc In Prices l < : \ | > ortctl ion Soon liy .11 any In the llnslnc'snVorlil Outlook . \cviTtliclfM.i In I'roiul.HlniA. NEW YOHIC , Jan. 29. II , G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly lleview of Trade tomorrow will say ; January 1ms been a month of disappointment , but of real Bain. Nearly everybody nail prom ised himself n lanil uf milk and honey utter New Year's , anil ihe slow ft-ogre" looks like standing still to men In mien a Male ot mind. Moreover , there ale multitudes ttuaugliout.tlie couniry who have been taking lnrno ventures In advance or apart I nun their riKulnr busi ness , because they expected n rise In prices. Hut prices fall ns yet to brlns them lu-oilt. Wheat has declined severely ; cotlon has scarcely rlf-un eiioitRli to pay brokerage ; wool holds steady In spite uf enormous buying , woolen goods hardly changing * jitk-c ; iron anil Its products decline ; leather is elugglsn , hides arc lower , for eoniti shoe inamifnctiirers accept a simile lower price ; the merage of railroad stocks Is slightly lower than It was December 31 , and the advance In trust slocks has been small. To trailers In such properties the month has been dlsappolnllng. Vet during the past neck the record shows that ten Iron works liavo Marled and only two have slopped , Ihlrttcn woolen works have starlcd and nlno mure are uboul reudy lo Blurt , while Ihree have slopped , Similar things me teen In other Industries , and the additional establishments are not starling without some Increase of or ders received. The decline In wheat was over 0 cents , In splto ot an olllclal report of yield far below es timates generally accepted , which reflects per ception of the error of the report and also the Influence of enormous exports of corn Instead of wheat , S,0,000X)0 ( ) bu. In seven months. When two bushels of corn can be had for less than one bushel ot wheat It Is largely preferred In Kuropean markets , and In January T.SM.IST bu. of corn have gone abroad from Atlantic ports , against 5.300,349 bu , last year , while At- Inntlo exporls of wheat nnd Hour have been TV Mi ; , 1TM bu. , against 8,403,7C3 bu. last year. As the great crop of ourn prevents much advance In Its price. Its outgo affects the demand for wheat , and a heavy liquidation of speculation has oc curred , with the price of corn scaicely chang ing. The largest nrtlrle of export nt this season goes out freely , but cotlon looks Itus attractive lo traders , becuueo American millers ore laboring over plans to reduce u grout surplus of goods and prices of many have declined. Tnl < lng * of northern spinners have been In five months 41,000 bales IOFS Him last year and 423,000 bales less than In 1S94-0.1) . Sales of wool In January have never been sur passed In that month nor In nny other month except last November and July of mj nnd 1S92. In the earlier years suddeli demand for consumption was the cause , but the tnci'caso In orders for woolen goods was small In No vember and had been small In January , com pared with the purchases on anticipated pop.tlble duties. The price has remained about steady. Iron and steel show little KOln , production Imv- Ing Increased so heavily before and the gradual enlargement of demand for finished products ha1 * not overtaken That Increase. Lower prices result for llessemer pig. grey forge and for south ern H on at Chicago , for angles and cut nails , and the average of all quotations Is the low- eft since eaily last year. For sheets there Is nil active demand anil heller nlso for bars , on ac count of much car building. Tin and copper ar a shade stronger , but competition causes pales of tin plates ICc to 13c below Ihe agreed price. Failures for Ihe week have been S31 In Ihe United States , against 410 lapt year , and C7 In Canada , against 70 last year. AVKI3ICIACM3A11I.VG IIOI .SIC TOTALS. of ItiiHliu-NM TrniiN.-ictioiiN of Hie AiNiiclnt < Ml IliuikH. NEW YORK Jan. 2D. The following tublo , compiled by nradstrcet's , shows the total clearances nt the principal cities nnd the percentage of Increase or decrease , us compared with the corresponding week last year : CITins. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York 502.5S8.00JI 14.4 Chicago Gs.cso.gcsj io.r Iloston 3.112,371)1 12.1 Philadelphia K,473,21S | 0.7 St. Louis 24.0T/,2ir- ( / 5.0 San Francisco 10.722.7D2 U.3 Haltlmore 13.WJ.507 4.3 1'lttsburg 11,918.011 0.7 Cincinnati 11077,150 11.1 Kansas Clly 9.SC4.114 5.8 New Orleans ii.CCO.410 13.1 Iliiffalo .431.011 1.0 Milwaukee 3,043,613 10.1 Detroit , . . . . 4,473.123 Ifi.G Louisville C.70I.4CO 1..1 Minneapolis S,11SG32 SO,2 OMAHA 4.403.000 2.0 Providence 4.723.MO ' ' Cleveland 'o'.o ' Houston fi8I9'l)7 ! ! ) St. Paul 2.931,411 27.9 Denver 1.1 Indianapolis 3.C11,075 9.3 Columbus O 3,220 CM 1.2 " ' Hartford 1 811,1 "is'.f Richmond 2 JS2 S39 10.3 Washington 1 CCG.345 Dallas 2.201,470 Ht. Joseph 1.003.229 su Peorla 1 2S2.19J 8.5 Memphis 31.4 Portland , Ore S20.7GO 34.9 llochester 1.320.COI 4.9 New Haven 1.272.4SI 7.0 Savannah 3 231 , CM 10.9 Springfield , Mass 1,335,351i 17.7 Worcester 1.178.ROH. " Portland , Me 1 121.54 2 ! Atlanla ' .4C1.71S 4 4 Kort Worth - ' 21.3 Waco l i ; ! ? ' ) -22'.7 Hyincuro 793,704 Des Molnes 725,970 14.1 Oranil Ilaplds CCS. GO I 21.9 Sealtle 3SS.034 22. B ICalamazoo 413,117 5.0 Lowell 039,720 32.S . " Wilmington , Del CG1.713 "r.6 ! Norfolk 930.S28 ! 24.0 Sioux City 350.1131 29.0 Ijs Angeles EM.107J 8.8 Tacoma 370S07 | , 41.0 Spokane . , 421,4011 17.0 ' Jacksonville 21I,579 | 'ii.8 Lincoln SVJ.53 ( ! . 13. ! ) New Uedford 355,219 , U.O Wichita 397,041 . 0.8 lllrinlngham 401,1411 , 9.1 Topeka 3S3 BC9 ] Lexington , Ky 280MI | lllnghampton 203OiU ) | . 21.0 Hay City , Mich if.7.r,97 | . 20.1 Fall Hlver 7SS.423 18.1 Akron. O 2ID.CCO f.O Springfield , O 131.COO 10.3 Canton , O 123,100 21.D Hmux Falls 30,571 CI.7 Fremont , Nub 69,331 Hastings , Neb 71 321 | 1S.3 c'liattnnno a 239,5'di 10.0 Fargo , . . . , , 101'OS ) 23.7 Nashville 870,47 ; ) 7.9 Clalveston 11..S Kcrunlon Toledo 1. ,5001 Knnxvllle 253,414 Hoc It ford , , , , , 17I.03S 4.4 Pavenport 411,430 ' Salt l.OIU'iG 'iiii Totals United Slates. . . . $ MI 213,2281 7.51 . . Rxcluslve of New Yoik. . 39S.G37.22CI I O.S DOMINION OV CANADA. Montreal S.9S2.7C2 SI. Johns , N. II. 4CO.OS5 Toronto 6,799,133 7.0 Halifax 1.012.102 4.0 Hamilton 55S.183 ! Winnipeg 811,705 8.0 Totals | J 18.033,203 0.5 Hay City , Mlcli. ; Kail Hlver. Akron. O , ; Springfield , O , ; Canton , O , ; Sioux Falla , Fremont , Neb. ; Hastings , Neb. ; Cluittu- nooBu , Knrgo , Nashville , ualvcaton , not In cluded In total. IIUAUSritlJIiT'H WlSUKl.Y 1U3VII7\V. Fallliipc Off In IliiNlni-HH Kall- uri-N IN Not I'll. NKW YOHK , Jan , 29.-Urad treef.s tomorrow - morrow will say : There has been a falling off In generul trade , owing to Iho heavy fall of mow and cold weather. There Is a moderate Increase In dlitil. but Ion of heavy winter goods , but coinmeri'lal travelers veiy generally rvi ft buyers uu even more conservative thun earlier In the month and Unit wholesala trading In January , except In lines specified , Is smaller than for yearn. Mercantile collections ara Interrupted and the Improvement looked for In Iron and steel U not In night. The most favorable feature of Ihe business week ls the tuddeu and shurp fulling off In the tola ! number of buslnewt failures , ihe aggregate being 320. ns compared with 42a last week , a decrease of 102. When compared wllh thu corresponding week of ISM this week's falling off U < T7 , but there Is un lucieum of 14 us compared with Ihe like wecU In HM. Con- trastPd with Iho like period In lbH ! there have been 14 fewer failures lids wfek thun llirre years KO. The total number of business failures throughout the Canadian Dominion this week Is M. I..IBI week the total wan 37 , and lnt year It was 63. while In Ihe wefk tvvu yearn ugo It wan 50. und In tht > corrrepundlng period of 1694 It vvai 44. There Imve been Incrraied sal < * > of hides and leather In some Instant-en , of Mines , of caul , fertil izer * and southern pig Iron for export. Tim down ward movement c > f prices fnr some of the mair linpurlant tluplea continues con plcuou ly nollcf. able for flour , wheat , oats , lard , roITee , petro leum , turpentine and tin plate. Quotations for Indian corn , pork , sugar , cotton und print cloth * are practically unchanged. Concession * have l < rcn made In prlren fur Iron and rteel , ytl quo- tatlon * are nominally unchanged , llsporls of wheat ( flour Included as whrat ) from both coatu of ihe United Stain ihls week amount to 2 515 403 bu. . as compared with 2,916.000 bu. last week , 2.U9.000 bu. In the week a yrar ago. 2 1S3.000 bu. In the week two yearn ago. 2,081.000 bu. three yenrs ago , nnd as ceHtrffJted with S.1Z3.000 bu. In the corresponding [ wnfk of 1S9J. Kxports ot Indian corn amount in ' 1011,602 bu. this week. compared with 3,5M.Ofi9LU. last week , 3,197,000 bu. In the week a year nao , 912,000 bu. In the week two years ngo , y7.W | bu. three yents ago , end as cnnlrasleil wtni'UMO.OOO bu. In the like week of 1S93. riXA\ciAi uuvinw. p fnnellvltjrllPrpvnllii In AViill Slroel Si > * riilnfIon , NKW YOUK , Jnn ? ? , nrtidstreet's Hnan- clal review tomorrow will say : Httremo Inactivity-prevails In speculation. Tlie market from day to il.iy has been n mere affair of trades and thip iprlnclpal Intcresl was afforded by Iho slock brokers lo depress cerlnln stocks , especially som 5bf iie : nnlhraclle coil road ? . Thil resulted In Infgularlty In the quotations , but In spite of such Inlluences the undertone of the market has been strong. Hie general Impression In Hie street was that very lltlle would be required to proiluce another up- word movement In prices , Llnul latlon of Ihe wenk speculative holdliv started a fortnight ago , has been completed and stocks have pasied Into strong hands , while a considerable fhott interest hns been made , The bond market U very strong , but Its activity Ims decreased , while the supply of good bonds , or of the heller class of upeciilatlvc Issues Is greatly reduced , Thq new government 4s this week touched 113 > i. the htg.iest figures lhal ihey have yet reached. London Is nol n factor on the Amer ican market , and prices simply fidlow the New York market. The street has paid lltlle nlleu- tlon to Ihc foreign exchange slluatlon , or lo Ihc break In rales early In the week. This seemed due to the sclllm ; of some of the long exchange held here on loans , which course was natural In view of the decline In mor.ey nl London , The break , however , was chocked nnd rales re- slorcd , Ihc exchange market prcsenllng Indi cations ot manipulation , I.lttlu nltentlon has been given , lo Ihc proceedings or expiring1 changes. An attempt to revive Iho Cuban dis cussion was without effect. STOCKS AM ) 1IOMS. Mnrkrt IN Mori- Active a nil Are V.V11 UlHtrllMitoil. NEW YOHK , Jan. 29. The utock market today was more active nnd the dealings , aside from Northern Pacific and Sugar , which ranked first nnd second In. extent of trading1 , wcro fairly well distributed. The course of prices was Ir regular , with some rpeclal movements In n few Btooltu due lo developments. The Northern Pa- clfkK were decidedly strong features on n dc- iiMiid for foreign account , based upon rumors of Imprmllr.K alliances likely to strengthen the syttciii Mid ixpectatlond of Improved earnings , nhe lomuion stock rose fractionally , w.ille the prefcr.td Rained l i per cent , touching 35 % . A favor.inle SMnpathetlc Influence on the general list rr-culted , which served to offset a demon- ilrdll"ii iigamsl llurllnglon by Ihc bears , which was attended by predictions of a disappointing Unti'iiierl for Ueccmber. The coal stocks on moderate transactions wtro again prominent. The l.ackawauna annual repott , shotting a deficit of J509.2W after charges nnd dividends mil coinings of only a lltlle over 5 per cent un Ihe utoclc , as against the 7 per cent paid , stemmed nn advancing movement that hud been In progicss In the group. On llquldullnn and b < > nr pressure Ihc stock declined 24 per cent , Mini Delaware & Hudson mid New Jersey Central 5t per cent each. Substantial , but complvtu rallies subsequently cccuned In the two llrtt mentioned properties. The low-priced storks at tracted considerable mt rcut. Long IU.ml Jumped 41-4 per ci'nt to ' 'JVi on a belief lliat Mr. L.lttIe'H report would cnnllrm the llsures BUbmltled by Pieeldcnt Ilaldwln to the syndleute and encourage the execution of ( Is pl.ins for the development and exUnMon of Ihe pioprrty. The bears again Eelectcd Manhattan for a npe- clal target and foieed Ihe price down t i.cr cent to SS'4. The railway shares generally moved within narrow llmlls with an upward lendsuuy. Hnllway bonds wen > unusually ncllve and In the cases of some of the depressed teaurn ma terial advances were scored , und notably In Hocking Valley to , which rose nn extreme 10 per cent to 73 on the bemment of the coal war announced yesterday. ' Su.snir lacked support late In the day nnd dropped1 & point. This decline and the weakness In , } the anthracite coal stocks caused recessions In the general list , but a rally occurred toward ' the close , which was partly attributed to'lieuahnouneemcnt ! of a ie- Unction In sterling cxclinngo figures. They left oft steady nt slight net changes. The bond market wis active on an Investment demand for local mid foreign account. The dealings covered n wide variety ot I'suos nnd some striking gains were made. The sales were 2,249,000 shares. Tlie'iniotb Important advances were In Utah Southern .geneinl 5s trusts. ! Hi per cent : .Utah Southern extension 5s. trust receipts , S per cent ; PIUMmrg , Fort Wayne ft Chicago Ists , 2'i pel' twit ; Colorado Midland 1st ! ' , trust receiptsi 2 per cent : Chicago & Northern Pacific trust receipts , Hi per cent ; Union Pacific sinking fund , trust receipts. 1T < , per cent ; Northern Paclilc terminal Ists. IVi per cent ; Oregon Short Line , 5s , trust receipts. Hfc per cent , and ll.iltlmire'Kr'Ohlo 6s of 1923. 1 per cent. The demand ffr | fiovernmenls for Investment - , ment account by Corporations and Individual capitalists -Continues brMIc ? 'The liew coupon 4i rose to 124 , the hlghc.it- price attained in the present movements. The Kvenlnr ; Post's London financial cable gram says : "The settlement has been satisfactor ily concluded. The tone of the stock maikets today was generally good , consols leading. Eng lish railways were the best market , Americans wore' good. A further rlib In Atchlson's was the main feature. The buying was of the In fluential character. Northern Pacific preferred wai bought extensively by .Germany. All Ihe best clasa of American bonds are In good de mand here. Urazlllans were flat. A large state loan was offered In I'arl * today. Mines were lower. The Paris nnd IJerltn markets were The following were the closing1 quotations on the leading blocks of the New York exchange toilny : Atchlsun 14J6IO. S. L. .t U. N 15 Adams Hx Ifill Pacific Mall 25 Alton. Til. . . . . . . . fid 'Peorla. ' Dec. A E . Am. Express KHl'/iiilMltHliiirz lialilmon ; k Ohio. 1 I'll Pullman Palace. . . 1.17U Canada Pucltlc. . . . B4 , Headlinr 20H Canada Southern. . 45 K. G. W 32 Central Pacific.- . . lay I do pfd 40 PhPH. &Ohlo ITUlllock Island 08 Chlcaffo ft Alton. . ino 1st. Paul 7ll C.U. AQ 71 dopfrt 1S2 Chicago ( J.'iH 78 St. Paul .t Omaha. f.0 Consolidated fias. 148 St. P. A O. nfd 1:13 : C. . C. , O. A St. L. . . U7l $ ( Southern Pacific. . 14 W Colo. Coal A Iron. . Suuar Hennery. . . . Cotton OHCm't. . . . . Tonn. Coal i Iron. 2 ! ) y Delawnrn & Ilud. . 107 Texas Pacific h Del. . Lick. t. W. . . Tol. , t O. Con. pfd. 10 I ) , kll. n. pfd Union Pacific 7 I3iint Tenn U.S. KxproAs 38 Krlo W. St. Li. &Puc. . . . 38O'l Krlopfd 10V. . SI. I , . & P. pfd. . 3fiW ToriVayne liici WrllsFanro Ex. . . OH ( i. Northern pfd. . . l'l Wosli'rn Union. . . . SUM C. &K. I. pfd Ill ) Whuollnsr&I. . K. . JKi Hoeltluir Valley. . . ! > ( ) ) ! ilopfd . . . . JKiW 'Illinois Cc-iitral. . . 1)1 Minn. & St. Louis. 10)1 ) K.&T.pfd Den. All. d LiUo Krlo & Wost. ( it'll. Kloctrlc iloufd " Nnt'l Llnsopil 13 f.ako Shore 15L Col. FuoUVI un Load Trust J.'iH dopfd. 81 LoulHVlllot N. . . . OH ( Tol. St. L. & K. C. . 81n Maiihntlan Con. . . . t-'HIll do pfd 10 McinphlH.t C. IBId Sontliaru Michigan Central. Southern pfd Mo. Paiilflo Tolucco 73I > Moullo.tOhlo do pfd 102 NnHb"lllu Chat. . . . ( Id Am. T.it O. Co. . . . Hr > N. J. Central 1IOM C. C. Co 1UO N.A W. pfd Am. Sugar pfd. . . . 103 Nurth Am. Co IjoMiur pfd , , . oni NorlliLM-ii Paclllc. . Hubbijr N. Pnelllc pfd Hubber pfd 70 U. P. . I ) . &U Cut ton Oil pfd. . . , . 51 Northwestern 104U P. C. C. A St. I , pfd do pfd Am , SplrltH N. V. Central Am. SplrltB pfd. . . N. V.A N.K O.H&N. 4H 42 Ontario &W 1474 St. i , . 6.K. JHIH. . . , 42as Oregon N.iv Ki ex-dlv. Tiie tola ! tales of slocks today were 119,490 shares , Including : American Sugar , 15,700 ; JJur- llnglon , D.UOO ; Chicago Gas , 3,300 ; Columbus , Hocking Valley & Toli-do , 4. 100 ; Delaware & Hudson , 7,600 ; Manhattan , C.300 ; Northern Pa cific. 7.100 ; Northern Pacific pieferrcd , 20,000 ; B1 , Paul , 8.SOO. Neiv Y < irk loiii-y JInrkct. NKW YOUK. Jan. 29. MONUY ON CALIr- Hasy nt IHSJiyi per cent , ' last loan , lj ( per cent , flosed. offered at IKCilK percent. I'ltlMIJ .MISHCANTILHil'APIJIt 3 4 per cent , HTUHLINn KXCHANIJK-Staady , with nct.ial bunlneuii In banker * ' Jiljlu at S,87il.si' fur dp. miind and J4.87Q4.S7'4 for sixty days < posted rules , Jl.6.r,0i. , . S5',5 iiniU'tl.STlitf f.tS',5 ; commercial bills. 14.84. ' HILVKH CKHTI HAH 8ILVHH-C4 1W ' ' Closing quotatlona on bonds , were BU follows ; U. 8. new 4n. rez. . 12UI4 88 U.S. now coup. . . . ' ' ' ' " II. H. ns. rec lifl'f.&s' . A.Os , . . . 107' U.S. fincoup IMli "do 7s. on U. 8.4sr. > r.- . . . . lUFi , 0. 0 U , -lacoup HiM ! i.ilo ( In 101 II. H.'J , ri s nlr M. . KT iHt 4 . rilli Pacific On of'03. . . ' 'ila'ji14H U'J4 ! Ala. , clu 3 A 1041 Muluiil Union 08 , . Ill' Ala.cnaa ! I ! 104 , N.J. o. non. 5 , . . . No. Pacific lul.s. , . 114U Ala. Curnsncy ! ) ' N.Y. . Coiibols. . . . 14lJ I.U. Now Con , ! . . 95- doS.K Dob. n.i. , 111W MiusoiiriUs 1(10 lljiVPSt. . lBt N. C. tin ISil Jit. P. Con olH78. . liot ; NC.4s , . . . ID ? doc. &P. W.Bs. 11'-Mi H. C. iionfiind St , L.iI.M.nau.3 Trim , nuw Het lia. . 771 , Tonn. now HetSu , , I0.1fi . iK ! , IsH. . . Tonn. oldIH. ! . . . . . . lit ) Texaa Pao.'dB. . . . V.i. Cctitiirloa U7P iHtsof 1)J. . . ilo duffrrinl , . . . . nuii Atchlson 4 . BIH L. .V N. unlllrd 4a. AtehlBon ya A . 48H Koiilboni OB. till Canada Ho. M. . , . , 107 O , H. A : N. lain. . . . Ill a ] ' . lutHOf 'II .1. . . o. H. jtN. 4s sa ; , t ) . Alt.a.7B . 11 1W N. P. Uila 81 Hun PriiiirUro MJnliiK1 QiiutiilliiiiN. SAN FHANCISCO. Jan1.'O.-Tho oMclal cloaln ? iiuotutlons for inliilm , " stocks to Jay \VJTJ : u fat- lUWUj Alia . , 7 Julia ; i Alpha Con , , , . 10 ICoiiliicky Cou , . , , , : t AlldcH . , , . , 1G Mexican 41) Hclchcr . . . : I3 OculdrntalCon , . . , -jti Onhlr. , . . , lit ) llulllo . . . . . n Overman , 14 Culiidonla . ,7. 11 Puloal C5 Chiilli'iivu Con . 04 Savatrii , . . , . . 61 Cbollar . 1)5 ) Cunlldcncu . . . . . I'-'U Slorro Nevadu 4U Con , Cal. i Va. , , , . . ' . ' ( ) Sllvi-rlltll 1 Con. Imperial. . , , , 1 Union Cou 43 Crown Polnl . HU Illali Con | ( JoulilA Currtu. . . , f > 0 Yullow Jacket. , . . : i3 I''U Sllvur bum. ( ISKa ; MuxU-au ilolUirj , Sltfht drafts , 17 > c ; lolczraphlc. SUs. PARIS. Jan.TUrea p r cent rentes , 103t for the nccount ; exchange on London , Mf l"c ! for checks. IIEHL1N , Jan. . Exehnngc on London , eUht days' sight , JO mark 3J'4 pfx. IX3NDON , Jan , M. Oobl I * quoted nt UucncMi Ayrra todny nt 118.30 ; Lisbon , 41.80 : Home , 104.M. The amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of England on balance today Is JU4S.OOO. \rw York .Mining NEW YOHK. Jan. an.-Tho followlnj ara tha llulwcr fit ) Ontario I'tio ' Chollar Jit ) Ophlr. Hill Crown Point ill ) Plymouth lit ) Con. Cal. A Va 21)11 ) Oulcksllvor lo : ) Ucadwood 100 uulcksllvor pfd..101)0 ) ( loukl A Curry 15 sierra Nevada 15 HaleSt Norcross. . Ill ) Standard Hit ) Homo.itHku anne Union Con -15 Iron Silver. ! ) ' . ! Yullow Jacket 35 Mexican 44 Financial Nutr * . 1JOSTON. Jan. 23. Clearing , tl2,54 , Cl7 ; bal ances , Jl,2flE37. I1AI.TIMOHE. Jnn. 29. Clearings. J2.255,333 ; balances , J397.IS9. NEW YOHK , Jan. 29. Clearings , JSI.8S9.7CJ ; balances , | ! > ,70,352 ! ) , PHILADELPHIA. Jan.Clearings , J8.CCO- 75l ! ; balances , J1.573.034. ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 29. Clearings , J3,763S11 ; bal ances , J74U72. ! Money , 5R7 per cent ; New York exchange , too discount bid ; lie discount itskcd. CH1CAOO. Jan , 29. Clearings. J11.5S5.072. Money , steady and unchanged ; New York ex change. 40c discount ; forelsn cvchnnge , easier ; demand , J4.SC74 ; for sixty days. Jt.SITs. AW. K1XUS OIC WOOL IX IM'JMAXIJ. SnIcH for Hit * \\Vik Attain . Ov , . , . 'i' , . , , Million ( 'omuls. I1OSTON. Jnn. 29. The Itoston Commercial Dullctln will say tomorrow of the wool mar ket : Nothing but the storm prevented this week's sales from r'ulnp even nbovu last week's , the larKORt total for EX ! days ever reported In lloslon marUcts. All varieties of wools were In the boom. The tmallcr mills have supple mented Ihe onlfrs of tlie larger. I'reneli , KIIR- ll.ih nnd South American markets arc being Invaded by American orders. There has ueen no ndvnnco. whatever , on lapt week's prices , the world's supply still open to us IK-IHB too larpo to permit It. The demand lias started. Upht weight cloths nro closely sold out and free offers for orders , to bo delivered by April 1 , hns been tendered. New heavy weUhts , especially In the cheaper crudes , are lieRlnnlns to move more readily. The sales of the week are 8581- CO'J ' pounds domestic nil.l 2.23S.OOO pounds Inrelcn , nRalnst 7.M7.COO pounds donieptlc nnd : ! ,70fl.Ofl forelcn last week , nnd 1,026,000 pounds domestic und 1,131,000 pounds foreign for the tame week lasl year. CoHen MnrUi'lH. NKW YOniC , Jan. 29. COTTON Ppot , steady ; mlildllng. 7 B-1Bo. Kutures c1o cd nulet' sales. 7GOOi ) bales ; Kcbruary , Ji.97 ( ; March. J7.02 ; April , S7.D8 ; May , $7.11 ; June , J7.19 ; July. J7.23 ; August , J7.23 ; Septemlier. JC.S7 ; October , J0.75 ; November , 16.75 ; December , fG. O. The market opened quiet , but Mendy. with prices unchanged to 3 polnr higher , after which a further advance of from 2 to 3 points followed on light Llvcipool buying. Liter the market sold off under unfavorable later cables , and at 11 o'clock was steady nt about Inrt night's prices. Sales during the first hour , 23,000 bales. Nn\V OHM3ANS , Jan. 21-COTTON Steady ; middling , G 15-lGc ; low middling , G 7-lCc ; good ordinary , G S-lGc. X w Yoi'Iv Ury Gnoil-4 Miirl p < . NEW YOHK , Jan. 29. It has been n quiet day for staple cottons particularly , and yet Indication ! ; of more business In view were well pronounced through the greater number of In quiries made. There was considerable business 'lone. In nil classes ot .seasonable goods nnd many new eiders were at hand. Printing cloths dull and market steady at 2jc. ! LONDON. Jan. 29. SUC.AR Cane , weak and Inactive ; centrifugal. Java , Its ; Muscovado , fair refining , 9s GJ. lieet , dull hut firmly held ; January , ! 2ld ! ; February. Os 1'id. NKW YOHK. Jan. 29. RITA All Haw. qu6t ! ; centrifugal , 96 test , 2 3-lCc. Heflncd. quiet. MlmioiimllN AVlient < tm > < " < ! "iix. MINNllAPOLIri. Jan. 29. WHKAT Weak ; January and May , 72 * ; July , 7 c ; No. 1 linrd. 74/ic ; No. 1 northern , 72i/c ( ; iccclpts , 1S2 cars. Truili * . MANCHESTER. Jan. 29. The maikets for cloths and yarns are quiet , with very little business done . 4)11 City OIL CITY , Jan. 29. Credit balances. 85c ; cer tificates. no bids ; shipments , 73.5C9 bbls. ; runs , ( , $ ,335 bbls. Sail Krniii'lKfo Wlit'fit Oii < < l' > ' < ' SAN FHANCISCO , Jan. 29. WHEAT Decem ber , Jl.22i.-i ; May , J1.3TO. _ AVIiloiv AViuiln the lioliloMfi-nil. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 29. Mrs. Nellie C. O'Kane of Auburn , N. Y. , widow of the late Captain James O'Kane , who died three weeks ago , Is In the city fnr the purpose , II Is said , of beginning proceedings to set aside the will of her late husband. The will In question was made In 1S94 , and bequeathed to Lela C. and Hattlc O'Kane , the two unrmr- rled sisters of the deceased , the O'Kanc homestead nt Ferguson. The remainder of the estate , which lb said to consist of bonds nnd personal property amounting to $10,000 , was devised to the widow and her thrco daughters. _ _ > i _ _ _ To lt % ir tii la < ' ! ! .Slui-1 I'liol. PITTSDUHG. Jan. 29. The steel billet pool will not bo dissolved , hut will bo reor ganized upon a firmer and belter basis. This action was decided upon today at the meet- Ins of the American Bessemer association In this city. The executive committee was empowered to prepare a r.cw plan cf orgrnlza- tlon and report at a meeting to ho called at a later date. The question of dissolution was discussed , 'hut the general U2iitlinent favorerl a continuance of the pool , Ojii'iict ! I'Mro 1:11 1'olli'c CHATTANOOGA , Tonn. , Jan. 23. A posse of police ofllecrs this morning went to the homo of Hilly Carter , a 'noted ' desperado , who shot Police Captain I. C. Htissel several months ago. They found Carter , who re- ulstod arrest. He opened flro on the ofll- cers with a 44-callber pistol , the first shot breaking Officer I'arUcr's arm. All the officers opened fire , and Carter fell , pierced by twelve bullets. VIIK HISAI.TY MAHKHT. mSTRTJMRNTS placed on fllo Friday , Jan- miry 20 , 1S97 ; \VAIinANTY DJ3EDS. Packers Havings bank to J A McMil lan , lot 1C , block Kd , South Omnliii. . . . Jl COO Dora. NclHOii and husband to C A Uupep , trustee , lots 1 to 7 nnd IS to 22 , bloclc2. Howling ( Ireen 1,000 J P Flnk-y nnd wlfo to Jennie Leonard , w % lot 3 , block 3 , Improvement as sociation . , CCO H K Mwlsen and -wifo to I'ab t lirow- Ing comyuny , H 4. > V4 feet of lot 5 , block 245. Omnha StOO Ad.-illna Ituth nnd hUHbuml to O 1C Iluth , lot 7. block 23 ; lot 10 , block 29 ; lot 7 , block 20 ; lot 2 , block S3 , Kountzo Plnco : lot 2 , block 4 , Forest Hill add ; lot 3 , block 17 , and undi vided ' < [ lot 18 , block 1G , Kountzo 3d add 100 J M Patrick und huxbaml to M K Kd- wnril ? , lot S , block 2 , AlclntOHh'M KUbdlv 1,865 J A ailhiflppy to Henry Glllnsiwy , no nu 17-13-10 1 Muxwoll & I-1 (1o to H M Wclli. lot 5 , block 1 , Aluxwnll'a & F'H ' udd 1,100 I. , H Kendall and wlfo to G K Turk- Ington , lot 3 , JooHton'H xulidlv 300 Glebe & T Co to Llinvood Park Land company. lotH 11 nnd 12 , block 8. Walnut Hill 200 J J MiMinlck and wlfo to P \Valnh et nl. H SO feet of lot 11 , block 91 , .South Omalm t 1.5CO QUIT CLAIM DKKDS , H C Shallfr to J J Hunter , lotH b , c und d , Lldell'H nubdlv 1 D It Green and wife to xumo ; name. , . . 1 ICllcu Schallcr to .satno ; sninc 1 Mutual Investment company to W * A Dunning , ni lot U , Hu cil : | ft It's Hitbdlv , . . . , 1 Cl Hurrlfon , receiver , name ; same. . . . 1 William KihTxon and wifeto W U \YllBon , lot 0 , Van Camp's add. . . . . . 1 3 K Vundercook und husband to 10 J Konjythc. out lotH 1S1 , 152. 153 , 211. 11 nnd 219. Florence ; C03 Same to S F Hartlctt , various lots ami blocks In Florcncu. . , . , 200 DKI3DS. Special master to Mutual Investment c'omjiaay. n 14 lot 14 , Hascall & U'a Hiibdlv , , . . 33 Sheriff to 12 U Dickinson , lot I. block 1 , Lake Vaiv ! udd , . . . . , 731 Total amount of transfer * , . J1S,3H OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bun for the Day Palls Below the Dealers' Expectations. BUSINESS GENERALLY ON A STEADY BASIS Cnlltr SlumNo CliniiKo for the Day anil mi Attempt to Force llovtii Provi' * , I . it 1'n I lu re. SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 29.-lteecpts ! for the days Indicated were : Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Horses. January IS i.osa1,204 2MU January 2S i.wu r > , u2D am . . . . January 2 ? 2,0 < 3 fi.S'll 2.0S9 . . . . January 2 < , 2OiS 3,431 1,413 January 25 473 1CC ! 1,1(19 ( January 2.1 1,041 5,932 4.C7S January 22 2S4 ? G,1X ) 1 13 . . . . January 21 2D21 S.47J January 20 S.fiGS G.IDl 1,0V > 23 January in 3.815 4,643 2,4 < i'j January IS 1,027 1.S73 1,123 The olllclal number of cars of slock brought In today by each road was : Catllo. Hogs. Sheep. Mo. Pac. lly 2 O. , M. & S. P. Uy 3 o. & St. u Uy 3 Union Pacific oystorn r. 9 12 C. ft N. W. Hy 1 r. , 13. & M. V. U. II 2 13 s. c. & P. Ky : . . . , i C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ky. . . . 11 3 11. R. M. h. 11. U 22 20 C. , H. , V : Q. Uy 2 ( ! K. C. ft S. J 1 1 C. , U. 1. & r. Uy. , east. . . . 1 Total receipts 4r ( II II The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Ituyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 11 O. H. Hammond Co 115 1,101 Swift and Company rr.7 . 1,419 171 Cuduhy Parking Co : ; Svi 1,511 l,91f J. Li. Cany 9 W. r. Stephens 10 Henton Underwood 4 Hamilton C9 Swift , country } 04 Ch. P. & P. Co. , Neb.C Sl Other buyers Ill . . . . Left over 100 . . . . Totals 1,052 4,110 2 8)2 CATTI.H The iccelpts of unttlf were Kmull today even for a Friday , Iho offering ! } being less than half what tney were a week ago , and the smallest of nny ilay since Monday. As to the market , there was no very great change , either ! r. tile mutt-r of demand or values. The fat cattle hen ? worn nbout on a par with those that have been coming of late , ranging all the way from common and half- fat stuff up to pretty fair beeves. There was nothing prime In the yards , anil the quality of the offerings , as a whole , was not such as to stimu late freu buying. The market In con sequence was not very active , and the feelIng - Ing seemed to be a little easier , at the s.une time values did not t > now any material variation from yesterday. A clearar.ee was effected In reasonably good season. The market on butchers' stock was fully steady and the six or scvon loads of cow ? nnd heifers here all sold In good season. The market on feeders , especially on the heavy cattle , was a little slow at no more than steady prices. It looks as If buyers had come to thu conclusion that feeders are too high as compared with fat cuttle and that there ought to be a still further reduction In value ? . At the same time there Is a very urgent demand for feeders in the country , and It remains to bcl seen wbether buyers will allow their judgment or their necessities to control the market and fix prices. Representative sales : NATIVE. ' . HKEK No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 700 S3 CO 21..1072 $3 G3 16..1210 $3 83 2. . . . F20 3 ? 5 40..1S1I 370 4..1142 390 13. . . . 902 3 TO 4. . . . 987 370 21..1163 3 TO 4. . . . SOO 313 10..10:9 373 1C..1431 400 3. . . . 97G 3 50 22..1125 3 73 17..1191 4 00 1. . . . Mil 3 SO 11..1117 375 22..1288 405 7. . . . 931 SCO 79..1309 373 23..1213 415 3..1173 3 f0 11..1101 3 tO 20..1234 423 2).1013 3 05 I3..104i 3 W COWS. 1. . . . S50 175 1. . . . 920 2 CO 1..12JO SCO 1. . . . 920 20' ' ) 4..1073 2 SO 1..1100 300 1..10DO 200 5. . . . 9K6 253 2..1103 300 I. . . . 930 215 4..1127 2 C5 1..1000 310 18..1124 225 1..IHO 275 4. . . . S12 310 1..1030 225 1..1210 273 1..12IO 310 9. . . . Oil 225 24. . . . M12 285 1..1270 310 1..1020 225 2..1810 2 S3 2..1070 210 I..1070 230 I. . . . 910 285 I. . . . 900 310 . . . .030 235 ] . . . . 9:0 285 1..1330 313 t. . . . 8.10 2 S3 1..1020 2 ! iO D . 1072 3 13 2. . . . S85 235 1..1310 2 M ) 4..1027 320 1. . . . S10 240 1..I100 290 1..1250 S 25 1. . . . 910 245 1..11CO 3M J..1350 3 i G..113G 250 2..1105 300 7. . . 1010 325 1. . . . 9.0 250 1..I020 300 2..K93 325 1..11IO 2 0 1..1230 3(0 ( 44..1101 330 1. . . . 970 250 1..1330 SCO 13..1035 333 1. . . . COO 2 00 1. . . . 450 275 23. . 735 320 1. . . . 730 223 1..10HO 2 S3 13. . . . SOI 320 1. . . . G10 235 1. . . . ffiO 310 1. . . . C 0 321 1. . . . 5CO 250 1. . . . 9JO 3 J5 3. . . . 77C 330 1. . . . 570 2 C5 1. . . . 900 315 7. . . . 5C7 3 33 , 1. . . . 140 275 ) . . . . ( -30 315 1. . . . 550 333 1. . . . 50 275 1. . . . P30 313 HULLS. 1..1010 210 2..1301 2 HO 1..1C30 290 2..1270 210 I..1530 250 1..1COO 300 1..1110 210 1..1070 2 CO 2..1030 SCO 1..I470 2 M 1..1720 2 Ki 1..1500 310 1..1600 250 2..1375 275 1..1000 310 1. . . . 050 250 1..1720 2 SO 1..1WO 310 1..13CO 250 1..1300 290 1..1G10 310 1. . . . ICO 250 1. . . . 300 373 1. . . , 130 500 1. . . . 2CO 335 1. . . . 210 400 3. . . .220 500 1. . . . 330 360 3. . . . 2(6 ( 460 1. . . . 130 6m ( i. . . . 14 $ 350 1. . . . ISO 6 CO 1. . . . 130 615 1 1 1 * tovO 3 75 STOCKKIIS AND FKEDKUO. 1. . . . 700 300 1. . . . 690 350 4. . . .700 3 C3 1. . . . MiO SCO 2. . . . B70 350 2. . . . fCO 375 3. . . . 6C3 320 7. . . . 610 350 3. . . .720 375 . . . . 413 335 8 _ 071 3 CO 1. . . . 400 373 S. . . . C30 350 C. . . . 170 305 1..1010 3 M 1. . . . 4CO 3 60 M'ESTBIINS . COI.OllADO. 3 feeders. . . . SS3 325 CO feeders. . . . 841 375 HOGS The recelulB of IIORB were fnlr ( mil f.io market In lenFonabl- good tilinpe , tlicuRh llui traile was rendered Romewliat Blow avtlng to tlio Inclination of liuyprH to bear price * , Tim buyers wanted tlia lioM , hut tliey wnntt'il tlicm n Illtlc lower , but In Iho enil Ilicy bought the most of them tit about yesterday'H prices. In Bonie CHBOS heavy IIOKS fold a little lower. Heavy hogs. nverfiKlntr 3CO pounds anil over. Fold very larsely nt IS.SOfi3.23 , nnd the Hah ! unU medium weights nt f3.30fl3.40. In pplte of the fact that the market was n Ilttlo Blow , cvciythlns was hold and up sometime before midday. llepiobcntatlvc No. Av , Sh. Pr. No. Av , fill. Pr. 13 . 307 . . .1315 57 . 2fi7 . . . 323 1(1 ( . 428 0 315 60 . 210 . . . 325 38 . 41G SO 315 CO . 320 Ml 3 25 S3 . 312 ICO 31714 M . 287 SO 323 60 . 3C9 . . . 320 79 . 2 l 40 323 Vi . 520 kO 320 49 . 271 40 3 25 ' ' ' S33 40 320 53 . 240 3 27'A ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t.2. . . . . . . .Xi3 tO 320 iii'.m . . . : t 27'.i 14 291 4 3 20 Cl SOS 40 3271 * 51 321 40 320 19 271 . . . 3 SO" fir 313 120 320 C'J 2S ( . . . 330 S > 313 . , , 320 S3 301 . . . X 30 ' 2J SSI ! . . . 320 ( I ) 247 . . . 330 29 331 . . . 320 US 231 SO 3 SO 13 352 . . . 320 fi < 241 80 S SO 47 333 . . . 320 73 231 . . . 3 32Vi C 332 40 320 90 207 . . . 333 45 3V ) . . . 320 59 802 . . . 333 SS 373 . . . 320 * 7 231 . . . 333 j\ { 375 fO 3 in f.7 230 . . . 3 S3 r,3 322 ICO 3 23V4 . SO 200 . . . 33. " , 50. . . ZU1 . . . 3 22(4 ( 70 222 M 333 i ; 310 40 32314 II 220 t.0 355 57 J'J" , 120 3 2J C9 251 40 3 3i 5S 293 tO 3 25 - f.5 252 120 3 3" M 298 M 3 25 92 220 fO 3 3i H7 , 3D . . . 323 70..207 . . . 333 57 ! 313 .kO 323 73 233. , . . 335 f,7 311 . . . 323 45 KI . . . 333 03 270 fO 3 2 > 7fl 211 . . . 333 CS 273 )20 ) 325 7 21S . . . 33715 07 2S3 fO 32" 67 222 . . . 3 3JV5 r,5 301 to 32' 71 227 . . . 240 K 2911 2CO 321 78 191SO 340 ( A SO' 120 325 Jit 1C7 40 340 K8 SOS . . . 325 G7 1HJ , , . 340 C4 320 40 325 97 1Si ( . . . 340 61 290 . . . 323 Ki 275 40 345 n 2S2 . . . 325 57 203 . . . 343 , puss-anna AND INDS , 1 2W . . . 123 B 3U , .110 4W . . . 2 W 7 3C. ! . . . 315 3 < 98 10 300 C 810 . , , J 20 5 3M | . . . 310 2 25 . . . 320 7 417 80 310 2 323 , . , 320 & 301 . . . 310 U 257 . . . 325 BHUKI'-Tlie ifnelnU of rlirep.vrro liberal , but none too large In fill the demand an wns evi denced by the fuel that everytlilns nold In good KC.-IBOM. Thu miiikct wan unuiit ; and native. IlFiru8entallvi | > rulem No. Av. 1'r. " native \YCthera , . . , 70 tl MI DiS western nilxi l . . . . . 91 SCO 148 weatera w llier . , . , . 100 3 V3 171 wentein } 'fnrllnbp . S7 393 ( 241 waitdn Iambi . CO 4 K 3i7 wcnteii lamb * . . , . . , , . , , . , , . . , . . . 71 4 60 Ht. I.oiiTw 1,1 v7 ' .Stock. ST. 1.QUIP , Jail. 39.- < ! A1TM-ltvo lilr | , S.WW lu'.iil ; innrket Klvdily la gtroni ; ; nallvn becvfu. S3.sotis.oa ; kinrkem uiul freilerx , | 2.2Sf3.fj ) : llxht Hlccrx , D.C004.40 ; co\v dnd mlicil. Jl. " 103,71 ; TUJUU Ktri-m. JJ.85 4.3i : cowv. > l.7.'it(3.iO. ( ] iOQS llerrlpln. .r/J heuJ : inaihet HenJy : IlKllt. (3.40Q3.U ( | mI/J , J3.200-J.43 ; hvuv ) ' , 13.19 HIIiii'Hrrrlptii : : , 1,200 bea.l ; market Btrcng ; muttonii , ri.16Q4. i Limbii , n.KQi 40. KIIIIIIUM C'lt > - l.ivu .Stuck , KANSAS CITY1 , Jan. M.CATTMIlfcclptl , CWO head ; ihlpmenti. I.MX ) liraaj market tcady tovnk ; Texna fletm , J1.M8,70 ; Tfxns cows. It.mfii.tt ; nntlve strom , J.1. ff4.W , ; nnttvc cows * ml hclffru , tl.NXM.7t ; lo licni nml } 2.S tH.M ; Lull. . , J2.1MJJ.IS. ' HOGS Hccolit | , 7.COO hrml ) . ninrhct stenily , fnlrly nctlvcj tmlk of . , inlxcil , J.1. * W.40 ; Ilithln , JJ.Km3.Mi , . . , . . . SHHKI' Hccrli'ts. 2.COO hwiil ; dhlpmpnlii , 706 lifml ; m.irkct sternly ; Inmlis , fS.2Mfl.CO ; muttons , ti.7S0i.ro. CII1CACO 1,1 V15 STOCIC MA11KP.T. ( ionil Dciiinnil for Onlllr , lull 1'rlofit An * Uiicliiiiim-il , ntlCAGO , Jan. 29. In rnttlp the ilrmnnil wns nti Rood nn usual ilurlnR the In tier lurt of t'te w k niul prices were tinrlmiiRril. Snlcs worn nmile nt from M.50 to 13.75 for the pooreot 1111 to from J6.10 to J3.15 for extra nice beef. The bulk of the cuttle roM nt from K to II. M ; cxportera buylPR finely , Tlicrpvno n very KOOI ! utoclscr jml feeder trade nt fiom $115 to 11.15 ; prlrrv Oo- rllnlHK towrtnl the clofo. llutclirn' HiitT solil vi-ry well. Town RolnR Inrerly nt from J2.10 to J3.2S , nnd heifers nt from > 3 to J.1.75. I'nhes aver- ntred 15o higher. Texnn foil entile iihowed very little chniiRc. Trlecs for IIORJI ruleil firm nnd unrlinntrril uiulrr the Inthifiiep of n Rixnl demand. 1'Ackem boiifiht freely , nnd the Kiipply wns well taken nt nn extreme i-nnne of ftntn J3.M to 1.1 65 for t.io pnorrft to Ihc beft droics ; pnles bcliiB larKCly lit from J3.33 to (3.45 , Sheep \\crn steady , ltli n Rood demand. Com mon to choice ( sheep told nt from 52.60 to t&X ( > S wcjteriiii brlnRlnir fi-om J3.30 til I3.CO , nml prime Mexlcntii $3.f . YenrlliiRa were active t from } 4 to J4.23 , nml lambs folil freely Ht frvin J3.7B to K > .OT for common to prime lots. Keeclpts : Tattle , " , COO henil ; IIORS , 22,000 lieml ! Bhetp , 9COO head. \ < MV Vorlt l.lvo Stuck. NKW YOH1C , Jnn. 29. IlKKVt : ! * UccrlptR , 812 lirnd ; milet and steady : nntlve steers , tl.OOfM.7S ; Fines nnd oxen. S2.40t3.f3 ; built , t2.40tf3.30 ; dry cows , tl.f " { 12.)0. ! ) Cnbles iiuote American slctm p.t loi.iWil e. ilrrstcd welRlit ; refrlier- nlor beef. tiJ'IOdi exports , 400 beeves ; tomor row , 757 beeves nnd 4. HI ? quarters of beef. EU112iP : AND l.A.MIIS Keeclpts , li.f.2S licnd ; rlieep , Blow nml steady ; lambs , ilull. hheep , t3.00 4.50 ; lambs. tl.75ftr..45. HOGS Itecclpts , 4,935 head ; steady nt f3.C3j > 4.00. Slock I llceoiM of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for Krldny. .lanunry sj , 1S97 : Cattle. ItfiRK. Sheep. Oinnlm . 1,050 4.201 2.K93 Chleacn . 3000 2J.COO 0 0)0 ! ) Knnsaa City . C.COO 7,00i3 2 fM St. Louis . 3,000 C.OOO 1,200 Totnl . 13,050 39,201 13,093 DcnlliN of n liny. CH13YRNNB , Wyo. , Jan. 29. ( Srcolnl Tolc. gram. ) Mrs. Ainalla n. Post , wife of cx- CotiKrc'ssnian M. R. Post of Wyoming , dlcil hero tonlBht. Mrp. Post Ims boon n leader In the \voninn mffr.iRo inovcincnt for twcnty-flvo years nnd was Inrgcly Instru mental In liavInK the franchlso granted to women In Wyoming territory by the first territorial legislature In 1S 9. HU150N , S. D. . Jan. ! ! . ( Special ) Theodore O. Jrssop , for the past twelve years a real eetate dealer , died here last week. Ho was a bachelor , about CO yearn of ngc , an KnnMshmun of hlRh family nnd one ot the most exclusive and eccentric men In the state. Ho was once very wealthy , but hia fortune vanished a few- years since , and he died n poor man. The MiiHonl" fraternity took charse of the remains. Hf- forta to learn the whereabouts of his relatives - tivos have not yet been successful. ST. JOSRP11 , Mo. , Jan. 29. Juilgo Lafay ette Dawson. one ot the most prominent at torneys In Missouri , li dead at liU homo In Maryvllle. He was horn in Illinois In 1S.W. Ho v.'aa nn elector on the Tlldcn and Ilen- dricUs ticket In 1S78. President Cleveland appointed him judge of Alaska In 1SS3 , but he rcHlgncd In 18SS. Hla death was caused by rancor. CHICAGO , Jan. 20. Dr. William H. Hurt , one of the foremost authorities of the homeopathic school ot medicine In this coun try , Jit'd todiy ns the re-suit of an apoplec tic stroke , aped (15. ( Brevet Major General John E. Smith , re tired , died at his home In this city today , aged SO years. Ho was born In Berne , Switzerland , in 1SIG. During the civil war he was colonel of the "Lead Mine Regiment" the Forty-firth Illinois. General Smith's father served under Napoleon all through the UiisBlan campaign. NORTH PLATTE. Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Spe cial. ) Dr. A. D. Duckworth died at his homo In this city all o'clock this morning of heart disease. The doctor has been slcl ; Blnco Saturday , but he was feeling much better yesterday. Dr. Duckworth waa one of North Platto's pioneer settlers , nml his effort ? and resources have added materially to the prosperity of the city and county. Ho was president of the North Platte Na tional hank at the tlmo of Its failure and the most of his property went In the crash. The tlmo of the funeral has not been an nounced. Mrs. Meyer , wife of L. K. Mycr , druggist , died sal tnlght. The causes leading to the death are traced back to an attack of thn grip two years ago. Mr. Meyer was form- prly a resident of Oman , moving hero from there a couple of year's ago. Dnlrj mrii'nnllminl Convention. CHICAGO. Jan. 29. A meeting of the National Dairy association will bo held here irpbrnary 15. A president and other officers are to bo elected and .Important business will come up. The call rays : "We have accomplished a great deal of good In the past year , but there Is moro work for us to do. " nml OiiiTiitorn Ooiifri' . PITTSnUHG , Pa. , Jan. 29. A conference of coal minors and operators ol the Pitts- burg district to devise means to improve the situation and to arrange If possible a uni form scale , Is In session hers this after noon. Doth sides arc well represented. KOUHOAST OK TOJJ.YY'S WI3ATIII311. ( < 'itlr During til' * ! ) > 'Vllb Ii Cloinlliii-si. WASHINGTON , Jun. 29. Forccn t for Saturday. Nebraska : Fair , followed by IncrcaflnR cloudiness anil threatening weather at ulpht ; warmer In eastern portion ; southeast winds. Missouri : Fair , followed by cloudy In western portion ; warmer , houtheasl winds , Jown ; Fair dnrlntf the day , with warmer , southeast wlntlH. Kansas : Fair In cnHtcrn , local showers In western portloiiB ; wanner , southeast winds. South Dakota : Fair , followed by luer 'aa- IIIK cloudiness ; east lo Houth winds ; warmi'r , Wyoming : Local HIIOWB ; north to cant winds. l/oi'iil Itei'oril , OFFICE OF THE WEATHEII mmiSAU , OMAHA. Jan. 29. Oinnlin record of rainfall nnd temperature compared with eor- resiiondlnjj day of the imnt tlirco years : isn ; . isna. K-JS. 1594 , Maximum temperature. . . 22 52 10 ? : i 'Minimum tomperaturo. . . . 2 35 i n Avcrasu temperature 30 41 4 12 Hulnfall W .00 . ( X ) T llcuord of tiuiiieratiirn | nud precipitation nt Omalm for the day nnd Hlnco March 1 , HM : Normal temperature for thn clny IS Donclciicy for the day > > Accumulated excess Hlnco March 1 10.1 Normal precipitation fur the duy. . .02 Incti Deficiency for the duy ,02 Inch Total precipitation slnco Mch 1 , 31.01 Irie' Kxcers Hlnco March 1 6.20' Deficiency for cor. period 1SW,11.5.1. ! Deficiency for cor , period 1833 , . 15.21 I from b'latliinn nt H | i. in , 'ill meridian time. BTATION8 AND STATU Or pi \VIJ > TUKIl. Omaha , part cloudy to ,00 Ninth I'lutlu , clear. , . . , , . . , Halt Lake Clly , lulnbiB fJiieyumc , purl cloudy Iliipld Clly , clear Huron , duiir Chtcaiio , clr.'ir ,00 Kt. Jxjiila , clear , ( x > x.CO Ht. I'iiul , clear .CO Davenport , clear , , . . 0M Helena , cloudy M Kun au City , i.-k-ar. . , , , . 20 22 . .00.W Havre , clear .W IllmuarcU , rlcnr , , , . . WllllBtcn , clear Hi .CO lalvoton. cloudy 40) ) .00 llelow z ro. U A , WKUSII , Local rort'cant Oiclsl. : : JAMES E , BOYD (5c ( CO TulupIionulOSn. Omaha , N b. COMMISSION GRAIN ; PilOYISIONS : AM : Sro-tti - , Hoard ot Trad * . Direct wlrei to C"o iiiJ Nrw York. Ci/rrcMX > ndtDt l Jclin A. Wu a * C4.