THE OMAHA DAILY SPECIAL NOTICE ! \iUrrflncini-iit * for tln-xn column Mill IIP tiilcrli until 1iiH : ) p. in. , f" tlic oti ; iln mill imlll H | i. ! " for < nornlnir anil .Snnilny rilllloii * . Ailv prHncm , ! > rc' | UcMliitr n mini lirri'il clicclti cnn IIIIAC i u v pr nil clronHi-il In a iininliprcil Irllrr In cnri df TinIlce. . Aiimvcm mi nililrrntct nlll lie ilclltctril on prcncniuUon ( lie < * lu < eU only. Hull' * , I 1-Sc n rrnrtl flr-Nt Inncrllon lo n Miml tliiTouner. ISollilnn for IPI- ( linn arm for Ilir f1r Inner lion. Tin-it ? nil * crtlaomciUB mint I' run eni'M SITt'VIIONSV.Vri3l ) . ciir.r WANTS VOSITION i-ltber In or out of clip : cnn give good refer tncc AiMrc-m B M , ISec. A-M TO Jl * _ _ WANTBtlTTO DO LA1JNnnV WOIlK : I HIST olntH work Kimrnnttwl ; | > rliAto fmnlltc" . tn 811 N. tltl street. A-MWl IT iMJ MALK . AN lOr.A , V1IO CAN THINK O Borne tlmplo thing to j-ntonl ? Protect you Idem , tliey may bring > ou wnllh : write Joh We.Mprlmrn & Co , Dept V. . 1'atitit Allot IIF > R Wnfhlnqtwi , 1J. C. , for their JI.SW prize offe anil a list of 200 Inventions winled. II CIS TAII.OHS WANTED. CONTlNUNTAb C1OTH Ing Company. II M176 _ 30 < x > WIIKLY : BALAIIY AND IXI > INSIS : pnld rnlefinon for clRnra ; cxpeilencc unncccs ar > j perrmncnt position. The W L Kiln CO. . St. Lt > ul , Mo. 1J-MVS2 nt FOIl 11001) CAM , AT SCANniNAVLU Y. W. C. AssoLlntlon Home , 2018 nnvonpor st. C M2571JV _ WANT7U.-AN INTKLLltlKNT WOMAN A. traveling BnleiHilv for vvlioleaile drug hous no cimvnsslnir. Address u 20 , Hep.C C M3C3 30 _ WANTKD aiUL ATTKNDIXH IIIO11 OK CRN trsl tcliool to woik morning nml evening Co board. L > . lllslcy , 2217 Capitol Av C-5S2-29 * KOU HC.-ST HOUSUS. HOUSIIN AM * i'AUT3 or TJIC CITY. THE O. I' . Davl Company , 1503 I'nrnnm D C3U HOUSES ; UINEWA : & co , ios N. ISTII ST. D37 HOUSES ! C. A. bTAllll H25 N Y Lire D-C33 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL Ov7R the city , $5 to JW. ridelltj , 1702 Furmim st. U-C33 HOUSED WALLACn , HHOWN 11I/3CIC. 1CTI' nnd DoiiRlns D CIO HOUSED niOM J3 UP : LAItOU LIST. Mo Caetie Jmcstiiicnt Co. , I50G Dodge street. D-6U _ _ HOUSES FLATS , QAItVIX UHOS , 1613 U-C42 KOIl HENT , SJ2 N. WTH ST. . 7-ItOOM MODERN house ; JJ0 per month. Inquire on premised. D-C1I nousus roit IICNT. ncMis , I-AXTON BLK D-M3C4 ELEGANT 10 KOOM DrtlCK ItOUSH , C03 S 28TH 1' DVcail , real estate , 16th nnil UoiiRlaa. n _ _ HOIJEIIN TLAT , LANOE JlLOClv , COO S 13TIL U M2JJ I'lS HOU&Eti , CO1TAQES AND STORES IN ALL parts of the city , tjrennan , Lo\e Co. 430 i 'listen blocl : . D M131 roil KOO.MS. s ruiiNisnu itooiis roil IIOUSCKUEPINO for man mid wife. Itcnt taken In board. 319 N 17th 13104 FUHNISIIED ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING 2623 St. Map's. U JI35S 31 FURNISHED I1OO.MS AT C14 SOUTII 17TI nc. . E-3G2 FUHNISIIED AND UNPLRNISHED IIOOM.S cheap 2313 California bt. E 3SO 30 Ktm.M.snnn IIOOMS AMI JIOAIUJ. THE MEltniAJI. 21TII AND DODGE 1' 233 P21 LARGE PARLOR , AI SO SMALLER ROOMS board ; ratu-B reaKOimblu. The Howe , 202 ( Ilmni'y. ' " I' 374-1" ! ) LARGE , MODERN I'RONT IIOOMS GOOD board , Jl CO week. 514 N. 19th Bt r 11320 30 * VERY DESIRA11LE I'RONT ROOM. WITI hot \Mitcr licit. 212 h. 3th bt T M3C9 UTOPIA STI'AM Hi : AT 1721 DAVENPOR'l St. r 37J i'4 ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS , \\KLl hcited , first cl IRJ board , reasonable intc J303 DoiiKlaH Eticct. I" 3S4 1'4 * I-OIl IIK.NT STOHKS VM ) FOR RENT , THE 1-STORY 11RICIC nUlLDINCJ nt 91G 1 amain bt Tils bulldlni ; has n llrepioof cement Inscment , complete ttenm heating lit ttires , vater on all floora ; gns , etc. Apply a the omce of The Iloe. 1 910 FOR RENT , DIUCIC bTOREHOOOM 22xSO , IN line locallou ; uoml bu lnefHllligo ; German Bettlement , business most suitable for Kenera ! mereinmllfcu Address IJox 41 , A\oci Neb 1 M3W P5 AGKNTS WAM'IJIJ. llKLIAnLi : MAN TO IIANDLH AGENTS TO1 tolcplionc tnblot nnd specliltlcH , pijs } 5 OCK a > rnr , timp. VlcUry Mfc. Co Clcvolnml O J 11392 JO * \VAvri3iiTo un.T. WANTED , TO LEASE POR IHltEiHJA : or lonRpr. modirn R-roum bmiie \\tto ulll build one for mn ? North of C'umlns street prefcucd J. W. Nicholson , CIO S loth ttreet K M3r.l 50 OM VAN iSTOUAGF : HIS PAUNAM TI3L 1M3 rAcirir8TOUAOi5 AND WAniHousiT coT 903910 Jones. General xtornso and fornnrJInj ? 11-CIO AVAM'KII TO 1IUV. roil CASH , OMAHA SAVINGS LIAN1C Ac counts , M\c omounl nnd discount , Addrfss , U 4. lice. N-Kt WANTED , TO PURCHASE , A SMALU SlOClv of ( 'iocerlen or Imrdnarc , fur clear real estate or c.inh. Address E 2S , llee olllce. N M383 _ WANTED TO ItUY A NICE 4 TO C-ROOM bnimo In north lull of clt > . must bo cheoi prefer to dial lth o ner. E 23 , lice N M335 TS io iii5iiLA.\ ! CHEAPEHT HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN CR1D- being mad > . C , II , Lee , 901 Douglas Q-C4S BLEIOHH , HINQLE AND DOUI1LET DELOW coat. Drummond Carrlnuo Co , Q-SOJ-P4 I'OR SALE. FINE NEW cle ; } 39 , Onuhu lllcjclo Co , 323 N. Kill si. Q-314 1-OR HALE-VERY CHEAP. A ClOOI ) IERSEY and llolntiln tow and calf nt 1817 N. ISlli lUJILDlNO , 1322 DOPGI.A8 to be K'lnoveJ at once. A. Hnundeix , 211 iiout i ISlli Htnet ( J-M3S5 31 IIVTIIb , I3TO. WME.HMI1H , 1121 DOUQLAS , ROOM B. MAS- tai-e and eluani baths.T M314 10 MISS AMiS , VArOU IIATHS , MASSAOn SOI a. IStli t. , room S. T 11S13 IV iius. i > ii LUON. iLifrnic : MASSAOI : Imth rnilor * , restful and dilative 417 H 11th tnlrs. T-M30S SO * Bt. . Ui 5 00-RU1TURU CURP.D-TILL MARCH 15 for JJJ.iW , no pain ; no detention from buslneH , wo refer to hundreds of pullenu the O 13 , Miller Co. , 71T New YorU Life lll.lB , Onmlia , U-ClJ VIAVI FOR UlERlNi : TROUULE3 , 3458 UEP. bldtf. Physician , consuimlon nr health l ol < frcel U-72G WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN TO ADVICR- tl o our fooOa In cv ry county In Nubrafte ; od pu > , rciul stump for particulars. U , P. Co. , 1019 llaimy st. . Omaha , Nib.U U fll jif IIATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POhT , S18W S IJTH U CM _ _ CARll & PEOAU. SUCCESSORS TO WM. Lj'lo Dickey Co. , ha\e removed lo 120 N. IMIi , i _ u M 9 ru _ _ WARRY. WRITK ' 10 ilANUiOME LADIES OR honorable men ; many rich ; senj lOc and join club. Uon 1513. Dtiner , Colo. U-WOO-30' MOM3Y TO I.OAV-HR1I. KSTATH. AM IO\Y LO\N .t TRt ST CO , SIS N Y Ij < ] ii "k money nt low rates fnrcholco farm lonns In Iowa , northern MUncurl , eastern Nebraska. W-M3 CITY IX1ANS C. A. STARR , S 2J T. L1PH. i > OW MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA i * l ctlate. llrcnnnn. Love Co. , Pnxton block. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVBD CH Y W. Fatnum Smith ft Co ,1320 Fnrnam. W8 MONRY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THF. Or DaIs Co . 1KB rarrmmJSt. M7 c pFiT tFNr" MONn"roToAN ON qii Ai r A prcptrtj , Nib. fnrros. W. D. Melkla l t Null. Ilk \ \ 061 .MONKY fd I O.\N ON IMPROV > EO OMAHA prortrty U , S. MmtKnite & Trust Coinpsny , New York. Posty & Ihomas , Acent . No. 107 I'lrst National Dank nidR. W Co9 _ _ ON OMAItA PROrERTY. LOWEST RATES ; building lonnsanttd , Fidelity Trust Co. 1IOMJV TO LOA.V CU MONEY ' 1O I/JAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , hones , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; na removal of Roods ; strictly confidential , jou cnn pny the lonn 'iff nt my limp or In any amount. OMAILV MORTGAUU LOAN CO , SCO 60. ICtll St. X-C01 MONEY TO LOAN. .10 CO , 90 DAYS. FURNI- turc. pianos , etc. Duff Green room S Hnrker blk. X-GGJ RESULTS , j UATKS- , ri 1'4 cents rtonl llrst Insertion , 1 cent a word each subsequent insertion No add for * lobs than 2T > cents llrst Insertion. : ' : ? ; ! -:3WiWWi3PKP $ BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET IN OR OUT OP BUSINESS GO TO J. J. OlbKon , 511 let Nat'l Bk. lijlldlng. Y 3C6 TOR SALE , ABOUT 2,000 LIIS. MINION TYPE. 700 ! ba acate. 150 pair two-third cases. 40 doubio Iron stands for two-third cases. This matcrlil was used on The Omaha liee , nnd U In fairly good condition. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to Ulio Heo 1Mb- llshltig Company , Omaha , Neb Y 713 iNiEREST IN 40-I3ARREL Hourlnjj mill ; ivater power and n 73-barrel Eteam roller mill on railroad , for sale 01 will c\change for good clear land Address t > Cl. lice. V 11210 PIS MEAT MARKET TOR RENT AND riXTURES for tale Address E 21 , IJec Y MJ7S ! ' WANTED. TO LEASE , WITH A VIE\V OP pureh.islng , a wteUj new-paper nnd Job ofilce. dolns a ( rood buslneifi , In a good town Ad- ditss E 27 llee Y M5 7 1 1 1"OR SALE. NEWSPAPER AND .TOD PLANT. Including St" 0 FUb-scriptlon account * . 7" per eent perfectly good , cash lecelpts from i m Inei of plant from June 1. ISifl to Jamnrj 1 IVI7. $72" will be sold re-T-onablp - - , with i mall cnfh POinent , correspondence solicited Addi > 3 Thu World , Leigh. Neb. Y MStfl 31 rOU A C-ROOM COTTAGE , NEAR 2iTH AND Chailcs Btreet1. , with cnth , for an S-room houfe In good location nemls. Pnxton block Z M330 CLEMl OMAHA 1 ROPERTY TOR CERTIPI- catts of de-pom on Nebrr.LK.t German or Omaha bavlnga banks J II Parrotte. Doug las block. X M333 .11 7-llOOM HOn.SE NPAR PARNAM AND 37TII to exchange for boots nnd shoes J H. Parrotte. S5-M-,32 Jt KOFI SALn UUVL ESTATE. AP.S1RACTS THEimjON REED COMPANY. RE-CC3 uouans. LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANb- Oeo P. IJcnila Heal Eatato Co. . Paxton blk. OMAHA SAVINGS IIANIC ACCOUNTS TAKEN at pnr In cxchnnse for hnuFeq and lots ( All 01 put ) The Iljron Reed Cp RE SIC ACCOUNTS IN THE OMAITA SAVINGS RANK taken at pil for real estate nt pictent low value" Georgfl G Wallace , Ilronn blew n , Kth nnd Douglas. RE 918 tioo nu\.s olI1 IN S-IIOOM MODERN IIOUFB on houlli Oinnna nu tor Mnl.e me an offei foi lots 13 nnd 14 , block 2 Catalpi Place. No rpnconablo offer irfipcil for lot 7 block 41 , Hotith Omaha. J. It Paiiotte. Douglas block RE MSS'j ' LINNWOOD RANCH HEAUTIPUL 811 lurban jiome , one houi's drl\c fiom P. O , , 2S4 acres , commodious house nnd birgo .bain , ( .Hunted nt nn elevation ilcwliff HU-li fchool , 0 must bo sold Immediately , a great bargain P. D. Wcad , ICth and Douglas | RE M3-M 30 t \VE WILT. TAE AT PAR OMAH V SAVINOS t bank accounts In full or part jusir.ent foi either on of several beautiful cottage homei that can bo had nt great bargnlni i rooms nt 31th and Ttickson 51 JOO. wortb 11 SCO " > loomj nt 27th and Grant , Jli'OO , worth $1,700 5 rooms and Inrsn lot 17tb near Vlnton , cos , ! owner , $3000 Jl.i.00. 0 rooms , modern , 30th nnd Davenport , $2100 , new nnd wrrtll $3.000 ' moms , ull modern , 34th nnd Jackson , J3.JCO , cost nw ner It 00 IleHUtlful lot In north part of town , $200 ; worth $500 Meo elegant building lot rn Geoigla uvt > , 12,000 Is Or will till any of above H cas'i balance -icasonublo terms Pldellly Trust icmpiinj RE-364-3) - - _ _ _ WE ARE SOLE AGENTS POR J14 ACREfJ IN Ilarker'g iillotment , 5th mid Hineroft , > with email house It can be Bold for II350 One-fourth of what It cost tlic owner \VI1I take Omalia Ka\ln > j I Sunk ifrtlilcntrs for all [ or part payment. This Is u fieat ; tnap Pldelllj Truct Ca . 17 ! Parnim .St RE-372 30 i.Mi'itovin nijAi/rv AND PAHH rou OMAHA - Having ! bunlv iiccounts Aildresa n'I Ileo Citl HAVE A 1IUYER POR 3 TO 5-ROO.M HOPSE tl : fouth of IT P IrurliH , miut bn u birguln 31 Il > ion R Hastlliga. 211 U 11th ntrcot. 31tl : RE-MJOI P3 tlol tla if olft IMIMIOVKI ) r.MlMS KOIl KENT. ft ' ftS S > ( \N IMPROVED PARM OP 400 ACRES POR ' rent near Oirahn , situated 5V > mllt > s west fiom the couit houbc. on the D nlgc et macadjni road , lurKi'tt barn In DoiiKlnB county nnd line dnelllni ; linimts , poercEilon nl\rn b > Miiirh 1 , : ' apply b > ktli-r or In person lo room ) | C Hoard of Trade , Omal.a. Joteph H. Connor : _ -M371 ! 0 ; GOOD PARM POR RENT , NEAR OMAHA. U Call 21S7 Grand luenuc M393 31 * diSt St UIILIHM : AM > I.OAV ASSOCIATION. . II 7. 8 per cent when 1 2 , 3 sears old ; alwa > a rt- decmable. 1701 I'aniain bt. Nattlnger. Sec CM " _ _ IOW TO OKT A 1IOMIJ OR SECURE GOOD f Interest oil euvlngs. Apply to Omaha L. & 11. { An' n , KOI Parnam. U , M. Nuttiiifcer. Sic. 1 a CO ' MUSIC , AIM' AM LAMJUAfSE. ' n KO1U5E P , aELLKNllECIC. 11ANJO , MAN DO. lln and guitar teacher. Room 41 * Dee Dl.U , 1 IW K ni/rUTION. MRS. W. N. DORWARD. K3 N. I9l'i -M7CS Fl rt OET M. S. WALKIN'S PRICES ON PURNt- ture packing , rtpnlrlnB. iphol tcrlng : mnl- trcca made and renovated , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 874 SEWIIUJ Mtrnixns AMI SUITMES. NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD AND WHITIS tcwlne machine odlcc , 1514 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1174. C57 PAtV.MIUUICEIlS. II. MAROWI1Z LOANS MONEY , tii N. 16 ST. 671 SCHOOL. MOllAND'S , 1110 1IARNEY , POR PRIVATD and class lemons dally ; alwnjs cpcn.S03n S03-n SAKES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES ; flAPE HE- pairing. J. J. Dcrluht , 1110 TatnimM710 M710 P3 Tvi'i2\viiiTins. GET THE REST TYPEWRITERS : SUPPLIED r pnlr > United Tiyewrltcr & Supplies Co. . .CIS Parnam St. CTO June-30 aiASQUEH.VDE COSTUMES. TIIEO L1EUEN. AK-SAR-REN COSTUMER , CJi ) ? . 13th ; largest stock masquerade and theit- i-al goods In the west. MS53 PS SHOHTHAMJ AMI TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , CL1 N Y. LIPE C72 AT OMA'IIA DUS COLLEGE , icfii s. DOUGLAS 073 I'MNANCIAI. . CASH PUD POR OMAHA SAVINGS RANK accounts. W P. Holden , McCague Illock IllockM374 -M374 LIPE INS. POLICIES BOUGHT W P. HOLDER WAVrEllTQ IIORllOW. TO IlORROVv' $15000. SIX MOV1HS GOOD f-ecurit ) , good inte of li.terest. Addrc's c 03. Eec Ci3 30 POll IlE TACIIES. 'l ACRES NEAR SO. OMAHA. J. H. PAR- rotto ] MEDICAL. SUCCiSS AND HAJM'INKSS nri'KND ON lio.illh , cver > linn "houlil icml "Huvv to Stop Lo3 < > , " CO cents , "Hrw to Unlirire S-tiall Or Rant , " 50 cents , no mollclnei Ufuil , treatment sekntilic1 , and costs i othlnr , emloi cd 1 th" lilKht't nuthoilt } , inculi-st larr-unKi , liclontlllc knovvlci'gc , a boon to nny buffurr , Immedljto efcctt AiWie's Publisher , I ock Mlnno.iiollP | , Minn MS'-J SO * LOST. LOST ULACK MARTI ? , ' 1OAVITH HEAD and feet , cither Papule Ftieet car or between park nnd Gtctpla avenue fiom car , kit ic- w.ud W. E Hamilton , 1040 Geoirl.i nviniio Lost MUG 30 SUES & CO. , , - T SOLICITOUS , [ Her liulldlns. Oinali i. Nub Advld and I'uoit ll.i t I'KKR iimitoits or AIII. AVIml II IN ( lint CiuiMcs HitUrnvein of lip -tllriiKt * . The cause of the milage Is now well under stood so well understood that there ate ways of making small mirages for cxperl- j tl The simplest explanation that I can Rive Is i to say that the ia > s of light coming from the thing that Is seen are bent In going through layeis of air differently heated When these rays are so bent as to bo al most level with a layer of air they do not enter U , U all , but ( so to apeak ) glance off , and are reflected as If from a mirror. Then Iho air icflccts just as a glass minor or a body of water would , If It lay between the ujo and the trees or .ship This explanation will give you a general Idea of the cause of the mirage. In the rmo of the desert the reflecting alr-mlrror believed by the observer to be water , and the Imago cluingcs Its place as you go for- ivard , Just as a reflection would move as you advanced on a gl.iss mirror. In the IM.O of the ship , thu ah-minor to u above > ou , and reflecta the ship which Is really out of sight over the horizon. Hut do not intend to explain all about the dif ferent Images that may possibly bo formed jndor different conditions of the atmosphere --that is a school room task , and a hard ono The "fata morgana" Is a foim or modifi bo cation of mirage often seen In the otralln hat separate the too of the "hoot" of Italy ind the Island of Sicily , Just opposite When " ho sun Is just at the right position and sea i uid air are also ready to help , strange views objectu upon the opposite coast are seen 'lorn Calabria sometimes magnified , and ct against a background of colored mists 'Fata morgana" means the "fairy of the sea , " It Is said that sometimes , during n hot 'ml still summer day , by placing the ojo Ioo to the surface of a diy road , a mirage an bo ecen ; but I have never triad It. Uefoio these and other strange sights were a indcrstood ! and explained vvu need not won- aIn Icr that aallorj and travelers held many Oil itrango beliefs In regard to them , 1.1 1.1n n nicclrln HIItfi-N. far nictrlo nittcrs 1s a medicine suited for iVl my wason , but perhaps more generally iVlGl icuilod ' when the languid , exhausted feellna ar irevallu , when the liver U torpid and slug- the Ish and the need of a topic and a Hera thn Lie ! felt. A tnompt ute of this medicine haa it iften a\crted long and perhaps fatal bllous I'l ' 'overs. No medicine I'lrn will act more surely rn counteracting and freeing the system rnn 'roin the malarial poelon. Headache , In- nAi llgastion , Constipation , Dlzzlno.- * yield to : ho Uectrlc Hitters. COo and $1.00 per bottle at las tubu Si Co. , Drug Store , Si BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. jdl rSlffTralrPjlrMilSll Ono of the developments In bicycling Is the Increasing popularity of tandems , U Is said thnt there will be several times ns many tandonwc sold In 1897 as was the case In 1896. Women demand tandems , nnd , of course , men have' ' to use them , too. A woman docs not care lo ride a tandem with another woman. She wants a man , to do his share of the 'work and protect her In case of danger. So the spectacle of a big woman and a little man , or \ lcocrea , glid ing through Central park will bo much more common than It has been. The manu facturers nro studying the problem of making tandem bicycles stronger. It has been found that any bicycle made for vvomcn'a use Is likely to be weaker than that made for a man , It Is feaicd that there will never bo a thoroughly sallsfartory tandem until It Is niBde on the principle of wheels for mascu line use. Aside from this there Is not likely lo bo any material change In the fltylo of tandems , lllcjclcs of all kinds will not change much. There Is talk about the chain less wheel as something soon to bo used , but It Is not evident that much progress has been made , for every design suggeslcd so far has some fundamental weakness. The number of people who can and do write Interesting letters Is growing smaller and smaller every year. If the art Is not a lost ono now , It will probably bo so In n few > cars' time. The cheaper rates nnd In creased speed of traveling have as much to do with the change as the system of postage. H \s \ far easier now than In the mall-coach daja for friends even 1C living far apart to see each other often , and that being so , the necessity for long , chatty epistles' ' Is not so great. Letter writing between friends Is , after nil , nothing more thin a substitute for conversation , though It mu.H bo owned that "the fashionable noto" Is an exceed ingly poor substitute. Why have not the schools a special "correspondence depart ment" In their exhaustive curriculum ? The general practice of Trance and Ger many Is for o woman to go Into journalism very much as "a lady In reduced clicum- fitonccs" goes Into millinery. They hire a printer , or , what Is more common , make n contract with a printing olllce , engage a clerk , a piofcsslonal newspiper man , Issue tnstinotions , wilte whatever they please , and then pose upon an editorial throne of largo , or , generally , small dimensions. Of news they know llttlo and care for less Facts ten or fifteen jears old , known to every school girl In our country , are quoted by them as If of yesterday' * ? occurrence Of the mysteries of printing and the othci technical parts of the ptofcaslon they know nothing. In nearly every case , In order to make both ends meet , their llttlo publication becomes the oigau of a political patty , of n movement , a church , a school of thoiignt , a hoclei'J' , or a fad All the women of Kranee and Germany together do not do so much \vok as the women emplojed upon a single g.-eat dally paper In the United States. A recent smart function In London vvaa the concert glvenj at the duchess of Alan- cheater' , ! house , vvhcie the musical attrac tions were Ttostl and Ilyard , who sang Faure's songs m\d XI. Delafosse , who plajed . Faurc's piano pieces. The duchess wan lookIng - Ing very handsome nnd drew about hei rmny of the American sqt namely , Lady Randolph Churchill , wljo wfns there with her sister , Mrs Jack Lpsllc. , while the .itater of the duchess , Lady Lister Kajc , formerly Mies Natica Yznaga , wns a'so there looking very bright and handsome The countess of Essex , formerly SIlss Adele Grant , was another guest whose , high bred air and delicate " piquant beauty of feature always attract much notice. . ' HcUingfors unljiersltj. In Sweden , has this year 2lpl oludeuts , of whom 2G1 are women ; sevoitj'-nluo ) nf these aio undei the mathematical ! .117. under the philosophical ' and flftj-soven under the medical facultj- . "Without question the French people are the best dressmakers In the world , " writes Mary ; Katharine Howard in the Jnnuarj Womans' Home Companion. "Not because they are by nature any more capable or smarter than American women , but bocau.-c they maKe a study of their profession , ma terial's and sljle , jnd , above all , they ! itud > i > caca Individual customer , at the same time liking as much palm with the fitting dc if Signing and mr-klng of inexpensive matcrlil as with fabm-i of greater value Pienclr d cssmakers cannot teach the dtcusmakeis | of our own countiy anything about neat nnd ( gcoJ isewlrg , for no better seamstresses can be be found than riiht ; here in Amcilct Hut bePC > PC the French woman studies each Individual pa , customer her face , her figure , complexion , th ; ciniago and general air then dresses her of with co'-slstencj while the ofhe , American dress he maker too often LuIIc'a a gown to look stylish : and prottj when on the dummy , but which et ' loses its effect ; entirely when put o - the woman vvhoao style may bo Juat the re ver.'e of that demanded by the gown A mi dressmaker to be successful must study th an 'atva of beauty and stjle In dices , the adap : ( tatlon of certain Ideas to cot tain figure , ? then she baa the ser.ct of artistic dress of n a'fing * iCarn to adapt the prevailing bl hi vailing atylco , with nccc.waiy alterations , to hiat jour customer and do not try to bilnj ; jour at subject to the iitjles In vogue Do not copy strictly the dc-tnlH shown In the fashion lie plDte. but take that for join guide aa to the hi lending ' thought In style , then modify 01 I'll ' elaborate os the btyle of jour customer may ho lemaml. 1 " vvt sw The nation owes a deep debt of gratitude lo the three daughters of thrt late Richard foi Lane , an Academician well known /or hla lot engravings , for tlulr most munificent gift to the National gallery. TlicMlp.'eu Lane aie ve three elderly upliiBtcr women , living on a sh modest Income In a tiny house in Konslnt- tin Un , and among their most prl/ed trcaauus tinwl ITO eight Gainsborough wl pleturtvs which had eomo to them as heirlooms fiom their mother's family Having no Immediate rela tives to HUccoad to theli possessions , they de tin termined the nation should benefit by the Itml t fact , and tint they themselves should enjoy 0111 the pleasure of the gift , presented the pie- tures now , Instead of bequeathing them . Only those who Know the donors can appio- clato the genercolty of the gift , foi so gnat wcs tholr veneration and love for these bo mnnterplcccn that , though tholr Income Is lie 3iiiull , no money would tempt thorn in tirll cul them , 00 for tl e smallest of them being by refused only a flhoit lime ago The gift IB .va niiilo In memory of their fither , and the n ei picture's are already In the pcissefslon of Sir vvo Cdanrd I'oynior , to bo hung In the National bn gallciy. Illr me "Gentlemen , " ejaculated Mm Hetty pin Ciiecn , in a Now York street car the other prc day , "aio jail iiuaio that the election Is am over ? There la time for all things , politics the Included I vvUh.jou would top talking his politics until ou get home I am not deaf , vvo and you jiiakji me , neivous. " pol mi Mis Cleveland lias decreed that her lajt till winter as inhtreu * of the white house shall " \ \ made a gay one In every respect. When Hi the first woman of the land left the white am house , right years a o It waa with genuine bn "CKi-ct , for her lu-shand'a defeat by Sir. liar- mil lion was a . lea blUurj. disappointment. At that tlnm MM Clevclpnd wua only 22 JIM re old nnd did not carp 1)0 much about soclctj UK jhe does now. With a view , therefore , to making her faatoipclttl season a memorable pw i Ge t > oae , bicaKfa ti { luncheons , dinners , supper , ) wit and receptions Innumerable are to be ' cnwdcd Into the few weeks that Intervene between now and the 1th of .March. prc eec her er Trio HrltUh Women's Chess club will hold res tournament In London In March , and has Ice Invited entries from the leading wouun Cn chess plajora of this countrj. The flr t prke thn a me.Inl or It.i cash value of 60 ( JliOO ) , I'ho leading entry from the new world then la Mrs. Harriett Worrall , who Is the coli ivoman champion of IlrooKljn , If not of the BUl 3rcnter New York She Is In dally practice , ma ind hopes to nuke a record for hoiaelf on lie ( other side of the eea , U will be agrtea- am to layers of the game If some of the In i ' itrong women players from Doeton , Philadel pal phia , Cincinnati and Chicago should also to nitei ] the * list , cs well as the college women vvh from Wellesley , Vassar and Ann Arbor , ha I \merlcatM nce > d not bo too sanguine about uuccowa of their countrywomen Chcas / long been a favorite amusement of in- : asi lUh\vomcu , and several hundred of them cat displayed ability And oven originality I the treatment of the problem. If Mrs. A\or rail wins , It will bo by high skill and no without a gooil , hard struggle. Mrs. Maria II , Nell , a queer character , die at Minneapolis a few dajs ngo at the rip old ago of 90. Hrr first husbind , L > mn Dayton , tiled In ISfil and left her a larg fortune. A few years later uho married lit coachman , who died several years ago , Mrs Nell had a penchant ( or litigation nnd qtiai rols , and thus lost all her property. fru has been a familiar figure In ihr > Mlnncapoll courts for the past twenty years , H Is thought that London will entice Mr * Trances Hodgson Duiuett back to 113 fog ago. Mr . Hurnctt's health Is not In rullsfnctory condition , aud It may bo thn Bho may bo compelled to stay away froi the delightful literary atmosphere whlr-h Is s alluring to thr > author. The "lady author' ' Is almost Intoxlcat-d , It Is claimed , by th Incense * which Is burned before her In Lon don. Mrs Hurnrtt saw literal y London n Its best whllo she was writing "Tho Lady o Quality. " Manners sometimes count for moio tlnn morals , sojs Harper's llarar. Most of UP would .Pthcr pass an evening with a 'vvpl' ' bred highwayman than an hour with n clown Ish saint. The man for whom axoman Is most cagei to sacrifice herself Is likely io 'bo a mai who would be unwilling , If he knew It , to accept the sacrifice LOVO contains no clement of the comic In nil Its forms , whether apparent or latent It la always scrlous so serious , Indeed , ante to Include any number ot tragic posslblll- tlc.s. tlc.s.Long Long engagements , postponed again nix again , are apt to Btaivo the love that orlgl nally Induced them , One- lotion that seme women like to ap l'e"ir unnatural mav be that they dlsap' piovc of nature because her fashion never n.nrlngB are slowly but study malclne , their way back Into fashion , and will , no doubt , oie long become one cif the mos populir feminine ornaments , for , however e\aggpiated , however ugly or however un becoming ccrlaln articles of die's or jew elrv maj be , however they mav have fallet Into disuse , the evolution of fashion Is sure sooner or later , to bring them to the fion again Oldfashloned can ings of all kind are being hunted for , hecnus.t > , vvo suppose they aie the most uncommon and elaboiate Ihnn thos" of latei je-ars. so , therefore , the jewel cases of our giandmothers will be rinsacked and forgotten treasures brough tc light Seme vet > now and handsome de- Flgns me now on view at some of thu Jewel CMS , a trifle fdiowy , ppihaps , but stilklng and effective. 1'truscan jovvelry holds Its own , and has a verj marked place amen ; , the newer creations , the pale jollow gel ppndant ' of winged Victory , and the cupldt : Mispendod by long Hue chains , are very often seer. The latest shape In lashlonablc note ant letter paper measures fully one-fourth of i inch more in width than In length. Tor In stance , the size used foi notes Is live and one- fourth Indus across and only five inches up .mil down That uied for letters Is a tilflo longer , but of the hame shape The cxtia width gives tlu- paper lather a "land of the wooden shoe" look , which , however , dlsap pean when It Is folded and placed In the long , narrow envelope , with Its square-cut flap , then when join note flnallj- makes Its appeirancc > In public It has quite a slender well-bred air As for color delicate tlnti o Jlulsh tone aio the favoiltes. There arc "azure , " a now pale gray blue ; "sapphire , ' which somewhat resembles the robin's egg In color ; "hllvet gray , " 01 , If j-our tatte IH 'or something anoio ileclded , ask for "bleu ilu rol " The monogram , fashion dcciees , shall be enclosed In tome- small device , circle , ob- 'ong , or what you fane } , so long as It I Quite small This Is placed in the center ol the sheet , about one-half inch from the upper edge. It jou wish jour residence also un the paper the monojriam Is moved to the left and the address stamped nt the tight , but rather loner down on the sheet. These little monogrims are veritable woiks of irt , so fine nnd dainty aio thej1. All an mndo from dies , vvhlrh gives the raised ap- paraii Those which are Illuminated are first stimped on the paper without color The ground color H then laid on by hand , tor which It Is again stamped with the icqulrcd bronze or eolor. In the days of Queen niirabeth , and , In- leed , long before , 18 was a custom at court jotb for the -sovereigns to receive and dls- onso NowYear's gifts The greatest iart , if not all , the peers and peeiesses of ho realm , all the bishops , the chief officers state , and several of the queen's house- iod ! servants , even down to her apothe- arlcs , marj'.cr cooks , sergeant of the paatry , tc , gave NewYear's , giftto her niajestj , -on lsting In general cither of a sum of noney or jewels , trinkets , wearing apparel ind such like In the "Hanquct of Jests , " published In i'4 ! theie Is a story of Archie , the Jester t King James I , who , by the wav , was as Ig. ; if not a bigger , fool than the Jester ilm'elf , which runs as follows" Archie had In his day fooled many to bo length fcolcsi himself Coming to a icblcman's upon New Yeir's day , to bid ilm : good morrow , Aichle received twenty ileccj of gold , but covetously desiring mora , bhook them in his hand , and said they verc too light The donor then made an- ivvor. "I prithee Aichlo , let mo see them again , or thcio Is one amongst them I would bo oth to pirt with. " Aichle , expecting the- sum to be Increased , cry readily rotuincd the pieces to his lord- hip , who put them Into his poekot , with lie remark * "I I once gave money Into a fool's hands vho lud not the wit to Keep It. " The scene lemlndod ono of that old plc- ure , "When shall vvo three meet agiln' " was nt a busy corner on Ilroadway and a ilddlo-aged woman , who had evidently been ut chopping , t'aunterod along , IcoKIng from no cilile to the other , wnndeilng If there .13 r.ny thing oho had foi gotten. When vmjthlng was In a heltcr and skelter , evcry- oily was It haste , either to catch a ti.iln or oat ; , thlri wnmun made n bold effort to eiaia atrcot , but before getting far she was oil lij a car and .1 piano wagon drawn two mules Kma moment everything aa In confusion. Woman on the sidewalk hi eiul > dropped for fear that the woman 'ould ho cierahrd to death before their o > ( d , hi the men laughed when they saw tills Im.iy woman start to rctuin to the pavefo lent ; but alfis , the was overtaken by the , lane wagon The woman , seeing what a gi ; rollcamcnt oho wca In , gave i llttlo leai , qi [ landed on the polo chains of the wagon , d liver meanwhile endcMvorlng In ntny lenm. Ilc'foro ho had hiieeeeded the [ 'ornaii was gracefully sitting on the wagon oie , with tin arm over the neck of pacli lulc. The mulcr showed no surprise , but Implv Mtered at each other an If to bay Well , Dick , du jou want this new uoinin' " ho othei mule pe.-slstod In strolling along licking the woman n face She did not nigh , nor did she acre-am , and after u h.ilf g ilnute of amusement the dilvoi brought his am to a standstill and the woman won iftl ) landed on the other side of the street. I'rlnccKj Henry of I'loss has Bent nn ap- l to every KnglUih woman married to a man In th' Cerman empire The i rln eai fe Uhua to colleet from her follow countr- 'omen a sum of money to buy a handsome resent to give to Queen Vlctoili on the caslon of the clean cf the slxtl'th > ear uf Pi reign IIundrcdBcf IJiigllsh women have ispondi-d to the apjial , and the sum col- icteil Is likely to bo a largo one Mora IICBI | | ! vvotnon are matrled to Gerniana mil to members of any other foreign nation r Stephen A. Douglas , the opponent of Lln- In the presidential campaign that rc- anmi Jlted In the latter'ti election , ujii tvvlca mi laiilcxl , and hla uecond v.'lfe burvlvcs him lei Is married to General Robert Williams , | la il for the last thiee jc rs they have live ] Washington. A lot trait of Mrs U'llllnma. pc minted by Healy at thn time at her nuirUe dr Senator J)3iita ! , shnw.s her In a thin br hlto gown made with [ ull plain sMrt and op [ iby vvelst. cp : ro At Anderson , Ind. , the Ladles' Industrial BiuQlation , a nharlty organUnlan. ( hm TV aujcd a decided ec'tuutlon anj bitter feeling LESSONS IN NEWSPAPER MAKING. . _ ' * * " * * fr ' * " " " " " ' * * - " * - * & 4 d How many pounds make a ton ? 2,000 pounds. You would not take J 800 , or 1700 , or J 600 pounds for a ton if you knew it , would you ? Of course not well , then object lesson taking eight pages ( the average daily is sue ) of four newspapers , as a basis : The Omaha Bee Columns are 21 7-S in. long ; . World Herald Columns are 21 3-8 in. long1. Lincoln Journal Columns are 21 1-8 in. long * . Sioux City Journal Columns are 19 5-8 in. long1. Each line of The Bee is 13-V ems wide. Each line of the others only 13 ems wide. This short weight doesn't seem much , but in each 8-page paper we have this result f The Omaha Bee prints 292,010 ems or 697 inches. World Herald prints 272,016 ems or 622 inches. Lincoln Journal prints 269,624 ems or 616 inches. Sioux City Journal prints 250,572 ems or 572 inches. Don't you see THE BEE gives you 75 inches more space , or 82 colums , nearly one-half a page more than the JC World Herald ; 8J inches , nearly 4 columns , more than the Lincoln Journal ; 125 inches , or about 6 columns , more than the Sioux City Journal ? In one week this amounts to more than four pages of the World Herald , and with The Bee's Saturday supplement , eight pages or a whole paper. That's equivalent to eight Bees to seven World Heralds each week , or nine pages more than the Lincoln Journal , or eleven and one-half more than the Sioux City Journal each week. This is only the quantity of the news we'll have lessons on quality later. DO YOU READ THE OMAHA BEE ? by declining to accept the proceeds of. a mlnsucl performance Riven by homo talent or chailty. It declines on the giounds that ts members are Christian uomen who do not believe In theatrical performances anil especially in an opera house. The proceeda mounted to $300. People who starve In cottages can scarcely undeistand the impetuulosltj of dwellois u gieat houses , and seldom fail to besiege he latter with applications for aid. The cncigctlc wife of a certain suburb minister has been % ery unsuccessful with icr collections for the poor in her husband s iirlsli , writes a Now Voile woman In the olumns of the Commercial Advertiser. She ecently font out circulars on behalf of sonic vvo htindied Infants that had been born to vant and misery extreme , yet scarcely a do ! nr came toiler In roplj Ami , vvhllo begging , lie political ecnomlst has sometimes to be ncountered Instead of the philanthropist iich a letter did ono woman write as nswer It began , if I lemomber correctly flothcr the poor ! It's all through their eldBlmcsg that they aie such a lot. Here. I ad to wait ten years , and sa.\o money , till could afford to marry and ha\o a homo , ml they n.arry on next to nothing a week , nil th'ii spend half they earn In drink ml going about. Of course , they 7mo to uffcr. And what else can they expect ? " Italians and Spaniards uro distinguished bovo ull other women In Ruiopo by reason f their profound ignorance , due In the maine o tholr Incurable Indolence. They do not veil possess the art of elegance of dicvs nil whllo the fair Spaniard may bo said to xcel In the management of the fan nnd In in wearing of the mantilla , her Italian slfl- tr Is without a single redeeming point , eave icr beauty I'trli.ii the most accomplished voinan In I uiope , at any into the meat irllllant , Is the Husslan , who tinlUa to her Ivaclty of temperament a marvelous facllltj or the acquisition of foreign languages nd a power of adaptability that la alto- other American. Shu picks up knowledge ulckly , and makes the most of It. I'oaplo who 1ld not bellovo in IDIIR rn- agemonla will approve cf this JOUIIK man hlcli the Wtlllngton Journal tells of : Last evening a woll-ilri-'ised ' jniinic man milled Into Maglstialo PrllchntfH ofilro "Can J get a manlan-o license hero ? " ho "No ; I have nenn , but > ou may he able t at ono down at Sijulre KulIeyV slid Ihn J mglstrato. t "And bo jou are going to get niairleil , ' i mnarJa-d the joung lawjf-r who wan In the X Mice. , ? "Yea ; I am about to po away tor thrco ? art > , and my ivlrl thought wo had bettor at married before I went , " said tb ; nmn "Where are jou going ? " lie was asked. n "To the University of Michigan , " ' > i lied. "What roursp are j'ou nnlng to "I avv course. " n - With that ho left , pursuing his qunat for ' lie. license as though H wnro a valentine something of that I'lnu , : Mrs J. naphaol de la Mar , the wife of " American millionaire. Is said to bo the lost beai'tlful woman In Perls. She Is thn adcr of the gay world In the French capl- Her husbaii'l h ° 8 net up for her a an- crh CHtablUhmcnt , and the most brilliant st poplo In Kjance are nightly vUltois In her rawing room Mrs dp la Mar U of the ; runutto type She has regular features , nn ion t-xprcstlon of countenance , brilliant | or nnd great brown c' > cs. Her story Is imaiitL- . Six jears ago she li\od with lar miller In a third-story back room of a ttuntj'Slxth street boarding house. The ictlicr ts almost an beautiful as the daugh- ter , and It was Mrs. Sands and not her daughter Nelllo that was the first object of Captain do la Mar's affections. As soon as ho saw the daughter ho lost his heart to her , and Mrs. Sands readily consented to the marriage. Captain do la Mar Iscry rich. Ho found lila millions In the gold mines of the west. He Is looked upon In Paris as a kind of Monte Cristo. Ho is a natlvo of Holland , 48 years old and earned his title on the deck of a Pacific coast steamer. At that time ho was Joseph Dclamar. AVlu'ii ho got rich ho used his title of captain and took on the style of spelling his iiiinio that Is used by the nobles of France. Ho was eager to find his way Into society at Now York and Washington , but did not succeed. Ho- poit buys thu ciiptuin is tiry jealous pf his wife. SIio is not allowed to speak with iiny- ono except her husband and mother. Cap tain do la Mar settled $500,000 on her before the marriage. Dr. Ida C. Bender , assistant Miporvisor of the public schools In Hurfnlo , and president of the Women's Teachers' association of that city , U a woman remarkable for the early accomplishment of a vvcll-deflned and unusual pmpobc Her father was Philip Ileniy Ilendor , member of the legislature when the bill was passed to establish a normal school In Huffalo. Ills daughter Ida ontorud It as a student , becoming later ishlstunt teacher of Latin and Gemini ) , and afternord principal of the School of Piactlco , When , with what she had considered n Know ledge of physiology , she failed to neet her own standard of excellence , she decided to puisun a thorough course In medicine , to bo able to Imy.irt kmnvledga on broader lines. She IB now entitled , hav ing taken a full course at the Medical col lege connected with the Unlveislty of Iluf- falo , to tank as a regular physician Her heart , however , Is entirely In educatloual vvotk. Miss Render hai ( supervision of all the children in the linflnlo public schools dur ing tholr llrst four yeara of otudy. The prl- nury dcpirtmrnt teachers number C09 , Home of her best work , uhu cnjs , l.'i In the Chnpler House , wlii'ro the teachers meet for what It called their "Hound Table lx- ! crrlsca " Hero lire reception , nuscmlily and gjannnslum rooms. The drawing room U re- ucrvnl for .special hours .when whist h taught and plajed , or practical lensons are a'rfo ' on the program for thoho who ijcalio them Tim oflleora of the association of which ) r Homier U president , are chosen from the twelve public tichoolH. 'Iho organisation hsi : life Insuianvo and total disability uystcm Membership fees are | 2 , and annual duel $1 Upon death of a member , or when total disability claims are presented , thorn Is an IndtviJiial erai-wmont of $1 The pi evident Qf auch an ajwaciulon has to 1m o business capacity. Dr. llcndcr Li connected ivllh many prominent social and phllanthroplo societies. Miss Anna HOM ! a well Ic.mvn aclrus , rcc ntly appealed on I1e nlr ut3 of Ft , UiuU on a ulny day clad In tli9 moat be- Doming ralnday contume ! ihc did not ovc'i piiy an umbit'lla , for tlio v/ns waterproof from head to foot. Her jaunty-looking iklrt ' came a little below her knees , mnl ' landiomo hoots of patent IcaUior camu well ip the calves of her lega. She \voro a gray lox coat , fitting unugly In the back ami lanKlni- perfectly Btralnht In front Illi ; isatl buttona adorned It , and U was u > lhi ! and becoming garment. Her hat , I was of th3 eamo waterproof mUcrlal as the , rnd had a nugar-loaf rrovvn , thrco or rour InehcE hlgli. A gray , stiff quill wan nn 3ne bl'le ' . SMrt , coat and hat were all of the name cloth. Her boots wore enameled leather , which thud water , and the tolcs ncro waterproof. She Etupnod In pools of ivater with lirpunlty , knowing thu v luo of tier stylUh , thoroughly tcualblu footwear.