THE OMAHA l-ATAr ) BEE : JANtTAllY 20 , 1S)7. ! ) COMMERCIAL AND PINANCIAI Wheat , Cora , Oatr and Provisions All Olos at a Decline. CEREALS ONLY DROP A SMALL FRACTION 4 Chlrf CIIIIHC I * tln-i llrcilk on tin- Chi CIIKM Htook iflinnmlint l.lviT- liool Ciilih-H U'liN Another Hear Iiilliii'iiei- . CHICAGO , Jnn. 19. Wheat ruled wcnk tc day nnil closed nt a Ho decline , being nf fiett'd principally by the brenk on the locn Kteck exchange. Corn , onts nnd provision were weak In wympnthy , corn losing Ue ciitu tto nnd urovlslons 7'/4c ' to 15c. In wheat the drift of ppcculatlvo ccntl mcnl wns pronouncedly bearish nt tin opening , nnd the session naturally stnrtc with n decline. The Liverpool market open Ing was nt n W decline , but ns the locn umrkct had dropped equally ns much ycster U.iy this In ItHcIf WHS not sulllclcnt for th decline which followed the opening , bu when Inter cables showed n still furtbc drop It wns considered n sulllclcnt lucent Ive. May opened lit from 70 } c to 7ST4c , com pared with ycsterdny'a cloning price o tO' ' c ; dropped In n few tnlnutcH to 7fl5 c recovered to 70"jc and then fell oft to from 7a'-iC ' to 704c ! by 10M : o'clock. The otbo routine news nt the opening wns of n slml Inr character to what IIHH been usual ro fiomu tlmo buck. C.ilcngo shipped n Kpo < ilrnl ninr < > than who received , netting llfty two carloads nnd shipping by rail 10.1,000 bu. Tlio out-Inspect Ion wart 144tOO bu. Minne apolis and iJiiliitli received 2G.S cars , against XW a wei-k ago and .112 on thu corresponding day of the year before. Some further ben r- Ith features developed , but tlio market ap peared to have already sotmsvhat oversold , ns Instead of u further break the price be- gj < n to inc'itil after their receipt , llnally climbing up to kOVjc , which was the hlgn mark ot the session. The Atlantic port ex ports wcro again light , the wheat and Hour amounting to only 165 , MO bu. The local slock market wns so weak as to attract considerable attention. Weak stock mar kets , no matter where , always have more or less effect on the local grain markets , nnd the wonder today wu the compara tively small effect It did have. It was suf- Ilclent , however , to break the market to 7r"HC ! ) U stood between 7Sc nnd 7'JTj > c fern n long lime , but near the end the price dropped to 79c ! , and closed at , that. Corn was very heavy nnd depressed all day , losing more than ' 4c per bushel of Its previous value. The weakness was caused by the decline In wheat , which holders were less Inclined to sell , and the decline re sulted. Hradstreet's reported n vhlble In crease of 1.S.1LCOO bu. May opened a shade lower at 2lc" sold between 2 ( c and ZlV&e , closing at zi'.fte to 2l'ic. Oajs weakened under the Influence of lib eral offerings and through sympathy with wheat. At the opening buying was heavy , shorts being active buyers , but these siimo people unloaded Inter as wheat declined , creating a decidedly weak feeling toward the end of the session. 'May opened.a shade lower at 18'4c. sold at ISc and declined to ISc , closing at ISc to IS'.fcc. I'rovMons were aflllctcd with the con tagious weakness of the grain rnar'.cets. Sr 'dilative business wns not enlarged and tlio consequence was as before , that u mod erate quantity offered could not be ab sorbed , and a sharp decline followed. At the close May pork wns about liie lower at from $7.10 to J7.f2'i ; .May lard about T'.io lower at { l.u. > , and May ribs lOc lower at kstl'mated receipts Wednesday : Wheat , 17 cars ; corn , 223 carp ; oats , 113 cars , hogs , I50CO head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : AriTclcB. lOpeu. _ " fli'lr ' lZTll'9 L-l"closeT I Yost'yT Wheat- ,1'Ul. . . . 77 ? 77H 77M May. . . -'i ' HOJfi July. . . - 70 Coru- .l.-in. . . . 22M 22M May. . . . 24 W July. . . . 20 ! < JOK Sept. . . MH JllWOH O.-ilH J.-iu . . . HIM 1DK May. . 1HM IH July. . . . IMii Po k Jan. . . . 7 70 7HC May. . . . f 03 8 or 7 DO 7 OW Ml Lar.I- J.-in . . . 3 03 3 no 3 00 Mnv. . . . 1 10 4 HI 4 05 4 03 4 r.'ii . 911 t JVIU- Jan 4 ( I'JS 4 i-ji May. . . 4 17ij 4 17 -I l)7 ) > -I 07H 4 17 } No. 2. r.ikh quotntlons wcro r.n follows : Fl.Ot'lt Steady ; winter patents , tl.23f4fO ; winter ctr.ilghts. J4.COfr4.CO ; bakers , J3.00ff3.3ii : spring patents , II.OG04.10 ; fprlng Btmlghln , 3.fO ; spring specials , II.CO. \VHEAT-No. 2 fprlng. 77Kc ; No. 3 73S7fc ; No , 2 red , Sf.4 ! I87Uc. fOHN-\o. 2. 22-X&22'.4c. ' OATS No. 2 , ICUc ; No. 2 white , 19'.4fi2Ic ; No , 3 while , f. o. b. , 17819'ic. HYE--NO. 2. souc. IIAHLUY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. to. , 24fT35c ; No. 4 , t. o. b. . 2lff20c. l'LAXSEEINo , 1 , 74U77C. TIMOTHY SKED-I'rlme. J2.C3. I'HOVISIONS Mum pork , per bbl. , 7.724ft ! > 7.77V4. liird , per 100 U.S. . I3.WB3.92 > ; . Short rll.s Fides ( looFc ) , J3.92ij 4.17'.4. Ury Failed Fhoulders ( boxed ) , I4.23tj4.59. Short clear tides ( boxed ) . 11.121,01.23. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd goods , per gal. , Hl'OAHS-Cul loaf , J5.2C ; granulnti-d , J4.CI. The following were tbo receipts and fhlpmcnts today : MJW VOUK ( ; I.MUAL : MAUICKT. ( liiotntloiiN of ( lie Day on Cent- nil CoilllllOllltlOH. NEW YORK. Jnn. 19.-I-'LOUR-Recelpts , 27.- 207 bbls. . exports , 9,204 bbls. ; dull , with holders illBCouragcd and preBslng tales In consequence of the drop In wheat. Rye Hour , dull. Duck- wheat Hour , dull. HUCICWHEAT-Dull nt 35ff35'ic. HYPNrMiBVI' : < Jl"etl " " " "Ivwlnc. 12.05. O2''c. ' C < lr ' 0lBl Cff"el boilt loaja. : s } ! \ ! ' ' ! x9ll ' ! < l4.i ? m"r- ! ! ? J e- M Km J'ALT-Dull ; western , C0ff35c. , , , "J- T111'1 , ' " " . ' , r-- " - ! xport . S9.C13 Inw. ? ; i'i"iril ' < V1 ; 9'10"8 ' openeil weaker . 2v . except for H nn'1 ' " , " 1 u.Iienvy . tendency nil occnhlonal vnurti. helped by tlio MK ' In the world's stocks aid small world's i fhlpments last week ; sold off finally undi-r liquidation and closed y-8Ko lower' No , in.1 ' ' l' l'orts. 109.517 bu. ; spot dull ; No. 2 , 2SS.C. Options opened ste.idy and ndvaneed on llRlit receipts nnd big clear- niicc-Bi finally cnm-d off with wheat and closed Uo lower : May. SOHSO 3-lCc , cloted nt 30e. f'ATS-Recelpts ' , SI.4CO bu. ; exports , 59.791 Int. ; fiwt dull ; No. 2. 22lc. ! Options dull and easier. cl' .K I'artlnll > ' 1" "ft lower ; January closed at 22iie ; May. 22'ifl22Hc. clorcil nt 22(4e. ( , UA 8lrnilyi l'll'I'lnif ' | CvOCOo ; good to choice. 70H7&C. HOPS-Stendy ; Uf5 crop. 3ff7 3 ! stale , common to choice. 1S50 crop , ffl3'tc ; Paclllc coast. U95 crop. 3T7 \ ( o ; 1190 crop , I'iilSc. Cnllfornln , i JATIIER-Steady ; hemlock sole , Duenos Ayres. light to heavy wclglit , 19H 20 c. PROVIHIONS-Hoff. steady. Cut meats. ptendy ; plckle.1 bellies. 404 , p. Lard , quiet ( HEEHK-Hect-lpts , 1,4W pkgs. ; ( julet , state , . . . rklms full rklmii , 2i.i T3c. EOOlS-RecelptB. 2.0f9 pkg . ; steady ; Hate nnd Pennfylvanlt. , IfniSljc : wmtern. 121715P , OUiyirokiim. . dull : united closed nt SS < , l''l-I'4'ln. ' " ' 'lulet : Mrnlned. common tn irood , I.70 1.72'J. Turpentine. Hcndy nt J7 i Si'ic rotionfee < l neglected nnd rather easy ; butter rniln. 2C020'.So : prlmo while , 26'A ' S7itc , 'Ur- ' ' ' : Qulet : falr to exlrn' STiOCUc ; Japan , MOLASSES-null ; New Orleans , open Iict- tie , good to choice. 32 33o. METAI.S-PJg Iron , dull ; southern , fll.OOfti 12.00 ; northern , til 0047 II. M. Copper , steady brokers , 112 ; exchange. | ll.S5fi.W. Tin. utroiig ; rtrnlli. ia4onn.M ; platen , dull. Hpeltor. jtcn'ly doineMlc. l3.Kfi3.40. Lend continues very strong , with doini-stlo quoted at 12.80 , but Inrs.- handlers nnd tli exi-hnngo llgurea nro l3.05Q3.07vi. No was done on 'change , Liverpool ( irnlii nnd I'mvlxloiiH. I.1VKIIPOOL , Jan. W.-W1II-JAT Spot steady ; demand moderale ; No. Z led. rprlnif , Co itxtt No. 1 Cnllfonila. 7s l'4d. ' Futures onrmst ilrndy , with near nnd dlnlnnt posltloni Vtd luiihi-r , wlfi business heavier ! on middle positions : January , f sud ; February. Cs 9,1 ; March , 6 9M | May , Cu Md. COIlN-Ppot steady ; American mUed. new. In Oil. Fmuri'B rpfne.1 firmly , with ni-ar and distant poslllona Ud lower ; bu lnp heaviest ot. middle pntlllons ; Jnnunry. 2n 9'.Jd ! Fi-bruiiry , : i Mi March , 2 9Ud ; April. 2 i d ; May rLOOIt Htcady ; demand peers SI. Louis fancy , winter , 9s S.I. I'HOVIHIONB-Ilncon , quiet ! demand morn moderate ; Cumberland rut 28 to 30 Ibs , , 2S i rhort ribs , K to ! l I In , , 2C8 ( Ul ; lout ; clear. Unlit , 55 to 55 lb * . , I7s ; long ; clear , heavy , 40 to 4i lb > . V * M ; rliort clc-flr bAcVn , light , 18 It * . , tf l sbiirt rlenr middles , hi-nvy , to BO lb , , tt i clmr bellies , 11 In 18 Ibn. . > 7ii M. Hanii , rhort rut , II to 1 Ibs. , 40 . Hhoulderii , pqunre , 12 to Ihs. , Mi M. llttt , extra Indln mess , tl CJ { prime me i , KM. Pork , prime mi-M , line western , 4M < l ; tnMllum westrrn , 41s 3-1. I/ird , ttcndy ; prlmn n-rstern , its ; reflneil , In pnlls , 22 M. TALIjOW-Flne NoMh American , ID * . trilHESM-Flnnil American , while nnd colore-i ( Keptember ) , 6 bl. llIJTTP.R-Flneiit fnllfil Slnlwi , 90s ; Rood , Kt , OII.H-I.lruee.1 , K 3d. Petroleum , rcnnqd , G'.td. ' HEFRIOlintATOR I1EEF Poreiiunrtcrs , 3 , UJ hlndqiinrtcm , Gd , HOPS-At l ondou ( Pncino con 0 , 4. Receipts , pntt three days : Whcnt , 300,000 centals , Including 145.0CO American. American corn , 121,000 cental * . \VEATIIER-Flni- . OMAHA"TiTvKllAI , JIAHKHT. Conilltlon or Trnilc unit llnotntloiiH on Stutilo mul l-'nnc-y Pi-iMliu-r. EaOS-Kresh Kntbered , 12c. lIUTTER-Cnmmon to fair , Sfl9c ; choice to fancy roll , 13ffHc ; separator creamery , 20o ; gnth- ered creamery , lutflfio , OAME-Hlue winged teal ducks. Jt.75 ; grecti wing , II.W ; redheads and mallard ? , J3.75 ; smalt rabbits , 40fl50ej Jacks , $1.0001.23 ; squlliels , WTT 70o ; Canada ge e , large , tfi.C007.00 ; small , JI.VOO C.OO. C.OO.CHEESE CHEESE Domestic bricks , lOUc ; Ediim , per do : . , f'J ; club hoiiFf , l-lli. jars , per ilo ? . , (3.15 ; LlrnlNTKcr. fancy , per lb. , 9ie ! ; Roquefort , ! i-ll Jars , per doz. , J4.60 ; Young Americas , lo ic twlno , fancy , 10'4c. ' VEAICholce fat , fO to 120 Ibs. , nro uucted n 7B7',4c ' ; largo nnd coarse , 1H5C. DRESSED POUI.TUV Chlckcr.f , Co ; turki-ys lOMlIc ; geese , 7 ifc ; ducK > . Se. LIVE POULTRY Not wanted. PIGEONS Live , 75itiflo ; dead pigeons , no wanted , HAY Upland , | t.f.O ; nilillniitl , tl ! lowland J3.M ; rju Ktruw , } 3.CO ; color makes the price 01 hay ; light ImleH tell the butt ; only toil urade bring lo | > prices. IIROO.M CORN Extremely slow wile ; new crop , dcllvcied on track III country ; choice gteen fclf-worklmr cnniet. Her lb. , L"2 ! e : ebolcc nieen rumilni ; to hurl , 232 > , ic ; common , lic. ! VEaETAHLIOS. SWEKT POTATOES-On orders , per bbl. , J1.7S ONIONS Good stock , per bu. , C5if75c. LIMA HEANS-Per lb , , 4c. HlIANS-llnnd picked nuvy , per bu. , l.2ai.33 CAmiAUi : ( loud stock , pir H-0 - , J1.25. " CELERY Per doz. , 23i/Sl'c ' ; fancy , large , 45 { fiOc. fiOc.POTATOESQood POTATOES-Qood unlive stock , i > er bu. , 25 ? FRUITS. GRAPES Crates , 15 pony barkcta. Concordn and Cntawbas , per crates , J2.50. MALAOA ORAPES-Per keg , J7. CRANllI RRlES-Cape Cod , per bbl. , tG.OOO C.50. AI'PLES-Cooklng , per bbl. , tl.C55Jl.75 ; fancy New Yoik , > 1 75. ( JALIKORN1A PEARS-Per box , t2.00fl2.23. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINBAl'I'LKS-l'cr crate , of two to three -doz. ORANaES Mexican , t3.50ff3.75 ; California imv > lH. V3.00fi3.50 : seedlings , U'.iiilS.OO. LEMONS MeFflnas , tXoOtfl.OO ; choice Call Cumin , ji.t'05f3.CO : ' ; fancy , t3.0j3.73. IlANANAS-Cholce. large Block , per bunch t2.00f'2.25 ; meillum-tlzcd bunches , tl.504J2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. IIONKY Fancy white , per lb. , He ; rholcc , 13c California , umber color , lOc. iS'mi" CI"r"lca Juice , per half bbl. . t2.50 ; pe , MAPLE SYRUP-Flvc gal. cans , each , t-.r.0 2. . 6 ; gal. cans , per doz. , t2 ! ; half-gal , cans , IG.iS quart cans , t3.W. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , larg size , 13c ; Hrnzlls , per lb. , lOc ; English wal nuts , per lb. , nncy , soft shell , 12JjI2'tc ' ; stand Urdu. HWlHio ; Illberts , per lb. , lOe ; pecans , pol Ishcd , huge , ujjlOc ; Jumbo , ! Hfl2c ; large hick ory nuts , tl.23 per bu. ; small , tl.GO ; cocoanuts 5a each. SAUER KItAOT Per half bbl. , tl.73 ; bbls. t3.t'0fl3.25. FKiS Imported fancy , C crown , 30-lb. boxes 15c ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown , lie. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 54c ! ; No. 2 green hldcf , 414c ; No. 1 Krcen salted bides. 7c ; No. green salted hides , Cc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to I \l \ > s. . , cj No. 2 xenl t-nlf , S tl 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. ilry Hint hides , di/lOc / ; No. 2 dry Hint hides Hi9c : No. 1 dry wilted hides. Sfi9c ; part cuiei hides , isc per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS-llreen called , each. 25 COc Murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3i(4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , pur lb. , actual weight , 4 3c ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. actual weight , 34c ( ; feet cut off , as It In useless to pay frclghl on them. TALLOW AND ( IHKA.SH Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , S'.ic ; grenii > . white A , 3c ; KI-BOFC. white II , 2c ; greiire , yellow. 2c ; grease , dark , Hie ; old butter. 2S2'/4c ; beeswax , prime , 15ff22c ; rcugh tallow , Ic. WOOI. Unwashed , fine heavy , C07c ; fine light , Sfi9c ; iiuarterblood , 10012c ; seedy , burry nnd chaffy. 8090 ; coiled nnd broken , coarse , 7j'Jc ; celled and broken , fine , C | 8 . Fleece washed Medium , ICWlSc ; fine , HfflGc : tub washed , ICMISc black. c ; bucks , Cc ; tag leeks , 2 J3c ; pulUd , 5HCC. HONES In car lots , weighed nnd delivered In Chlcngo : IrbulTalo , per ton. 12.OOffI4.CO ; dry country , blenched , per ten , J10.CCiTI-.CO ; dry coun try , damp and meaty , per ton , < C.CO8.00. FIHCHH MKAT.H. IIKKK Good native steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , Off 7c ; western Etcers , t'.ifiGc ; good cows nnd heif ers. B'ifiSc ; medium cows nnd heifers , Mic ; gooO foic-nunrlern cows and heifers. 4',4o ; gnod fore- iiiurlers | rteers , Cc ; good hlndquaitcry COWK and heifers , \ic ; good hindquarters native steers , S'-ic ; tenderloins , 20 : ; lioncless strips , 9c ; strip loins. 7c ; rolls , S'ic ; slrlnln butts , S'/j ? : rhoulder clods , C'iC ; rump bulls , 5c ; steer chucks , 4Hc : cow chucks , S'.ic ; boneless chucks , 4c : plates , 3'jc ; Hank ttenk , Co ; loins , No. 1. 12&e : loins , No. 2. 10V4C ! Iclns. No. 3 , SHc ; ribs , No. 1 , 1014c ; ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; ribs. No. 3 , Cic ! ; rounds , Zlic ; rounds , shiink or runiii rff , CVic ; rounds , shank and mini ) off. 7c ; trimmings. 4c ; brains , per doz. . 33C ; Kweelbrendi. per lb. . 15c ; , each , 3c ; ox tails , , ! c ; livers , 3c ; hearts , 2c ; tongues , per lb. , 12c. POIUC Uresced bogs , 4Jc ; tenderloins , 13c : li.lns. Cc : ninic rib : 4c : bnni 'satiFacu butts. &c : shoiildrr.i , rough , 4' e : shoulders , skinned , Cc rlminlngs , Ce ; leaf lard , not lendi'red , CVic , irndi' , clrnned , 3'c ; nicnts nnd ears , S'.ic ' ; back- > ones , 3c ; neckbones , 3r- : pigs' tails , 3',4c ' ; plucks , ach , Ce ; chitterlings. 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per loz. . 25c ; Homnchs , each , 3c ; tongues , each , Sc ; cldntys. per dcz. . lOc ; brains , per doz. , 13c. MUTTON DrcFfed lambs , 7c ; dressed sheep , Cc : racks , S'ic ; legs and saddles , 7'jc ; breasts and stews , 3c ; tongues , c-nch , 5c ; plucks , each , 3c , .St. LoiilH ( iiMiornl .Mnrki'fN. ST. 1/PIS. Jan. 19. FLOUIt Dull and weak nt yesterday's decline ; patents , tl. 00(74. C3 ; extra nncy. t4.1G84.20 ; fancy. t3.OOH3.70 ; choice , tS.lOiJP .2. , . WHEAT Opened dull , weak nnd lower , there icing but llttlu cneournglrg1 news. There wns Ittlo support even nt the lower Hgures , nnd the bo market dropped , but rallied ; closing with a lei loss of ? io from yesterday. Spot lower ; No. " rod. cash , elevator , fC'jc : trackSSViWPOc : No. ' banl , cilih. nominal ; January , SCc ; May , W ltr S5ftc : July , 75o nski-1 , CORN Futures dull from the elart , with no llrpoclllon to buy or sell. All the trndlnff wan n May , willed wan lower. Spot dull ami un- clmiiBVd ; No. 2 cash , 20S20lc ; May. 22',4S22Uc. OATS Iluyers were scarce , though more dlspo- lllr.n to sell was manifest than ycuterday ; May ruled strady , but cIoM-d lie off. Spot lower ; No. cnsh. ICUc bid ; May. lSJc. . RYE Nomlnnl : 32T40c. HARLEY Dull : innlllnt35jJlOc. . CORN MEAI.-tl.35. IIRAN Dull , but nrm ; tacked , easl track , vortb nominally. 3940c. FLAXHEED-Ix.wer nt 73p. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. f2.40. HAY Dull nnd steady ; timothy , t3.COgiO.CO ; milrle , I3.75 7.00. RUTTEIt Higher ; creamery , 15B21CJ dairy. 9lr So. So.EOOS EOOS Steady at lOVe. WHISKY tl. 18. METALS-Ioad , nrm nt/t2.SOg2.S5. Epeltcr , ull lit t3.SO T3.S5. CO'nXN TIKS-COe. 1IA03OINO HftRClio. PROVISIONS Pork , easy ; standard mess. Job- Inir. t7.701T8.20. I.nnl , easy ; prime hlcain , 3.77 ! ' . , holce , t3.S5. llacoi , boxed shoulders , J4.C5xlra ; hart clear , tl.75 ; ribs. tl.S7'.5 ' : sborlH , t5. Dry all meats , boxed shoulders , tl.-5 : cxlra shorl tear , tl.25 ; ribs. t4.CO ; shorts , tt.02',4. HKCKII'TS Flour. 4OfO bbN , ; wheat , 10,000 bu.i orn , 102.COO bu , ; out * , 35,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. S.OOO bbls. : wheat. ISt.Cw u. ; corn , 102,000 bu. ; oats , 15.000 bu , t'H lii AvnllnliliSiiiuily. . NEW YORK , Jan. 19.-ppeclal telegraphic nnd able ndvlrt-s to Ilrndslrect's , co\erlng the prln- Ipal polntH of accumulation , Indlratn the follow- ill , " changes In available supplies luvt Kiitur- ay , us comparetl with the preceding- Saturday : Vhtxit , United States nnd Canada , east of Ihe locky mounlnlr.s , decieme , 1.2CI.OO1 bu , ; utloat or nnd In Europe , decrease , 2.F08.000 bu. ; total ' fcrcnii' . world's available , 4.0C9.000 bu. Corn , 'nltrd SlntcH and Canada , cart of the Rocky nnuntiiliiH. Increape- , 1,3.11,000 bu. Oats. Unlteil itnten nnd Cnnada , vntt of the Rocky moun. alnn. Increase , 4RS.OOO bu. The most Important ccreatdi In nvnll.ible stocks or wheat last veek. not lepnrteil In theotllclal supply ttntc- lent , Incliidlng 193f < > bu. In Chicago prlvnte levnlors ; 32.CU ) l.u. nt Cleveland ; 28.000 bu. nt tochentcr , nnd 23,000 bu. nt Louisville. Corre- pending IncrenrcH Inrlmlo 150,000 bu. at nortli- cttern Interior elevators ; CO.OOO ut .Mnnltobn lorase pnlnts ; HS.Ort ) bu , nt Fort William , Out. . nd 20,000 bu. nt MlnreapolU private elm-Morn. KIIIIHIIH City KANSAS CITY. Jnn , m.-WHEAT-Mnrket till , about steady ; No. 2 hard. 78lr70c ; No. 2 'SnilJvIllJinllf' ! > .Mc. ! N" ' ' " I"7 ' ' W79c. mlxel TlUOWc ' rullle' ' ' " " " ! - - OATS Murkel ralber slow , nboul steady ; No. white , nomlnnlly llj ! 21c , RYE No. 2 , 32c. HAY-Marki-l . ( cadyj timothy. t8.OOflS.60 : truirie. I.J.CO. RUTTl-IH-Market steodyj creamery , 17CWo ; ECinS-MttVk'i-t steady , lie. Sutvnr LONDON , Jan. ID.-Kl'nAIi-rnne. dull ; cen- rlfuval Java , lls M : Atuscovado , fair rdmlng. 9d. Hrvt Hat and lowrrj Jniiuary , 2s 9Hd , NEW YORK. Jan. 19.SU(1 A It-Dull ; fair ermine , 1 U-l(0) ) ccnlrlfucal , J teit , t J-lCc. RrHned , qultti nil lonf , 4'4c ; crushed , powdered , 4Hc ; Rrnnulnlrd , luc. .STOCKS AM ) IHI.VMH. Vciliiiup of llitMliM-HH I-'nlln OIT nnil I'rlccN Arc IrrcKiilur NEW YORK , Jnn , 19. The volume of In Flocks today wan nlxiut one-third lighter than yesterday's aggregate and the usually Inactive shnri-s were di-cldedly less prominent. The movement of prices wns Irregular , but an under tone nt strength wmi discernible , and , ns n re- null of ihc day's operations , nlmon general net Kiilmi were scored. In romp of the high-priced Indurlrlnls the advances wcic material , There was but little news calculated to bear upon thb general list , An undecided tone In the Ixmilon mnrket for American securities was offset rcnli- mentally by the cabled announcement nf n reduc tion In the discount rnto of Me Imperial Hank of ( lermauy and the Initial quotations were gen erally above yesterday's llnnt prices , The exe cution of orders Cor I < ondon contract nnd contra dictory export reports as to the probability or pmctlrnblllty oC shipments of qohl in Europe , regardless of International credit conditions , to gether with the Hbsenci ! oC commission. mlMncui later encouraged bear activity. In the rencllbu , Tobacco end Sugar were conspicuous. The fct > back wns short lived , however , nnil inc market n Eli In Klarled upward under the leadership of Consolidated ( ins , which on cotnparallvcly ac tive training , rose 3 per cent to 14S. T.ic gen eral tnaikcl dlrplnyeil a Hllgbtly InorcasInK lrpnith na the day progressed , with Sugar , Manlmllnn and the grangers In good demand for both Jiecnunts. Manipulation was apparent In Mme of Ihc low-priced Flock ) > , which accelerated Ihc advance. The Atchlsons , In marked contrast l the general trend of prlc.n , developed heaviness nnd lost sharp fractions on the announcement tu ; ! the United Stnteit circuit court had rcfurcd to dismiss the suit Instituted by n bondholder ngnlnst the former directors of the company for an nllegcd Illegal lsuc of St. I.oiili . < i Pan Fnm- clson 4 per cent boiun. In Industrials , Lcatliir pieferred rose 1 per cent nnd Sugar 2 per cent. St. Paul & Omaha common wns more active and gained n point on expectation of an early call for the meeting , nt which It Is expected ru dIM- dend on the stock will be declared. Prollt taking enured u. general reaction In the llnnl hair hour of business , but the losses , ns n rule , were not Important. The close was steady. Railway nnd miscellaneous bonds continue to trend upward on Investment puichascs of foreign and domestic nccount , The speculative Issues figured largely In the dealings , but the gnlm were mainly fractional , The usually Inactive bonds fluctuated widely nnd material gains \vci- notcd In some of the gilt-edged securities. The KnlcH wcro t2,21S.CCO. The advances Included : Spokane & 1'alovre lists , trust receipts , St. Paul I. and I ) , division ! , Cs , and Southern Pacific o ; Arizona Ists , 1 per cent. Pome few declines oc curred. Including : Ileec'.i Creek 4s , 2 per cent ; Fort Worth & Rio Orandp lets , m per cent. Oov. ermncntR stiffened slightly on ] > urciinpca of $1,000. Sliver certificates were active , but stead } ' , on dealings aggregating K. OCO. The Evening IVm's London financial cablegram says : The fall 111 the German bank rate nnd the low ralo of allotment of the India treasury bllla disorganized the money nmrkut today , forced discount down to n weak 2 = S , nnd rnln-d the price of consols and other Investment stocks. The Issue of Indian treasury bills wen 51,000 , all In twelve months' bills , nnd It was sold ut an average rate of discount of 2 Cs 9d per cent. The Issue wns applied for twelve times over. The stock markets wecc Irregular today , ipecutatlvo shares being rather dull , but Investments goo. ? . American bonds were bought here largely nnd nt New York , but rhnrc fluctuated feebly without significance. A fall In the Hank of England mfn Is freely predicted for Thursday , but the best Informed look for n deferment , the more so na the Hank of Germany rate Is believed to bo largely due to a ibtilrc to further a convention of Prufslnn consols nnd does not properly rellect market conditions In Germany. At the Fame time the monetary position there Is peculiarly dllllcult to follow became the operation of thu new bourn- laws prevents public speculation for the monthly account. In Paris the market waa quiet nnd In Ilerlln steady. The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York exchange today : Tbo total pales of Mocks today wcro 222,700 iihaies. Including : American Tobacco , 3,100 ; AtchUon , 10.0U ) ; American Kugnr , M.300 ; llnrllng. ton , 15.700 ; Chicago Oas , 9.900 ; Coii.olldatcd Oar. 4,4(0 ; Oeneml Electric , 3. 00 : Louluvlllu & Nasb- vllle , 9iOO ; Manhattan ConFOlldated , 4,700 ; HeadIng - Ing , 4.KO : Hock Island , 4,710 ; St. Paul , 21CCO ; Coal nnd Iron , 3,200 ; Southern railway preferred , 5,100. .Vi-iv Vurk .Honey 'Mni-Ui-t. NEW YOHK , Jon. 19. MONEY ON Easy nt H < .fj2 per cent ; lart loan , 14 ! per cent , closed offered nt U402 per cent. PUIMU MERCANTILE PAPER 3'TI per cent. 8TEHLINO EXCHANOK Steady , with actual liUEliicK.i In ImnkerK * bills ut J.b7'i//I.S7Vj ( ( / for demand and )4.84iI.S5 fur elxty days ; posted London Hliick limitation * . LONDON , Jan. HI. I p. m , cloaluiri l1 , , .1' ' 1-20"-10'1 > > er oz- AlONLi 1V4 per cent. The rote of discount In the open inarkrt for thort bills Is 2 > 4 per cent. The rulu of discount In the open market for three months' bills Is 2 % ptr cent. Hunk of ( ii-riiiiiii'H .Sliitoincnt. IIICHUN. Jan , 19. Tlio wi-ckly statement of til. Im trlttl llunk. of Germany Uow th following chiingr , a * conipnrtii w tli the previous account i CflMi In hand , Incnnx5lt > ion > o ninrks , treii- tiO' notes , Incrrare , tlMVOO tnarksj oilier tccn. rltlf * . drcrrnfc , 72,2C.tWnnrkii ( } ( notes in circu lation , dcvmire , > 3isi ! > . ( A < > marks. The bank linn reduced Itn rate of discount from 5 to 4 per ' ccnm. Cotton' NIJW YOIIK , Jnn. ' 11I.U-COTTON Ppot close.1 steady ; middling. 7'io [ middling , uplands , 7Uci mlildllnR , RUlf. THoj m.\tf \ , 2WO bales , ruluren clore < I steady ; sales , 114,700 bales ; January , JOS ; I-'ebruary. IC.95 ; March. J7.CHJ ; April , 7 12 ; May , J7.19 ; June , P.24 ; Jlllrl H7.JS ; Heptcmlxr , I7.H | October , Jfi.M : Novcihlwr , Ji W : December , Jfi.M. Net receipts , H43 bnlcii rorit , 10.014 bales ; export * , Great llrltaln , CU3 bajrai continent , 1.M1 bales ; forwarded , 2.037 bales : Milis , 2,054 bales ; fplnncis , 101 bales ; Mock , 2S8.7P ) b-ilen. Total today : Nit receipts. 121,339 bales ; exports , llrcat llrltiilll. 10.MS bales ; France , 9,171 balcu ; continent , lMt bales ; sleek , IfiSC03 bales , Consolldateil net re. celpts , 21,339 bales ; exports , Oreat Hrlntaln , C1.427 bales ; France , 115.W1 bales ; continent. 27,004 bile. . . Totnl since September 1 , net receipts , f,3IOW3 bales ; export ? , Great llrltaln , 2.170.430 bales ; France , 479,043 bales ; continent , 1,231,473 bnlcst channel , 5,401 bnlcs. The market today opvncil easy nt a decline of from 3 lo 5 points. KiiRlIni nilvlcca not being up to the mark and receipt * , early pointing to a larser total for the week than could be conveniently handled. The flr ? call prices , however , were tiie laivot of the I session. The mnrl.a Itiinn to Improve on bet ter cables that folln.vcd , ami continued to Im. prove on HnRllsh nnd southern Intylni ; mul local covering. Tills wag stimulated by reports of belter conditions ut Fall Hlver , wheresnlo. . or print cloths already exceed the probable iirnduc. tlon of the week. At tire same time account. * from Roulhern spot markets Indicate th./ presence of New KnKland splnnc-ra and KnKll'h exporters with n resultant demand that wan beyond I.IP offerings of ddlrnblc Brades. Without belns active the market took on n better form than had been apparent here for sumo time past. Liverpool nnd New Orleans were conspicuous buyers during the forenoon. The close waa sternly nt n net advance of from 4 to 10 nolnt . NEW OULIANS : , Jan. m.-coTTON-sie.iiir , mlddllnB , 7 15-lCc ; low middling. 0 9-ICc : ROOI ! ordlnarj- C-lCc ; net receipts , 9.C02 bnlcs ; grots , . 9,979 balm ; grots exports , Km lire. 2,300 bales ; coastwise. C.S77 bales ; sales , 0,100 bales ; stock , 400,191 bales. AVool . BOSTON , Jan. 19.-Thcre Is a better feeling In the wool market this week nnd holders who ! > " any dlpporltlon to meet the bids tlnd no illlllculty In effecting n pule. The demand nt lircttnt Is for medium lleeced and conibliiBS , while nil good elaple wools meet nn easy cale price. The stock of wool on hand nnd available Is liberal. There Is no surplus of staple goods and this dans of wool will command the fu market. Trade In Australian wools has show more activity this wetk and several henvy sale are recorded , with prices tlrm. Quotations Missouri ipmrter-blood combing , UWlUc ; Texn wool ? , spring medium Unclvp months ) . 11512o scoured price , 27j2Jo ; tprlng line ( twelve months lOlillc ; scoured price , 3lij.12c ; tenltory wools Montana flno medium nnd line , 9'4WHc ; scourei price , SOJI32C ; staple , 3t33c ; ITtnh and Wyamln line medium nnd line , SHllc : Bcoured price 30irr2o ; staple. 3ti3.'c : Callfoinl.-i wools , noilh crn spring , Iini3c ; Kcoured price , 3.1J3lc : nib die ccunly spring. lffT19c ; scouted price , 3iir32c ) Australian , fcourcd basis , supcrllne , 47ii4Sc combing , good , 42c ; eomblng , nverage , 4Hfl-c Queensland , combing. 42 < 74lc , NEW YOHK. Jnn. 19. WOOI. Steady ; do mi-flic lleece , ir-iiSOc ; pulled. ISRISc. ST. LOI'IS. Jnn. I ! " . WOOIQulet : medlun 14Kli ! < c ; light line , 7'iiiH4c ; henvy line , Cif9c tub washed , lSi20',4c. ? ColIVc .A NEW YOIIIC. Jan. 19. COFFEE Option opened barely steady at S points decline ; rulei Inactive and featureless , with n weak under tone , following unsatisfactory cables , slack spo demand nnd big visible supply : cloted unchangei to 10 polnti net decline ; sales , 8.000 bags , In eluding March , J9.43fi9.50. Hpot coffee , Hlo , dull No. 7 , Invoice. $10 ; jobbing. J10.50. Mild , quiet Cordova , S15.SOiJ17.C-0 ; pale. " , 0.500 bags Mara calbo , p. t. ; l.COO bugs Savanllla. p. t. Tola warchoiire dellverlrs from the United States 17.210 bags , Including 15.008 bags from Ne\ York : New York stock today. SSI.flSI baf % United Stales stock4JD.101 bags ; afloat for th United Slates. 331.000 bags ; total visible for th United States , 7SC.OU bags , against C.10,133 bag last year. SANTOS. Jan. 19. COFFEE Quiet ; good nver age Santos , 11.400 rels : receipts , two days , 11,00 bags : Mock. C14.CCO bngs.1 HAMIiUHO , Jnn , 19. COFFEK-Qulct at ' . pfc. decline ; fnles. l.OCO b.ips. IHO. Jnn. 19. COFFKtt llarcly steady : No. Illo. 10.o.0 rels : cxchanse , S 13-lCd ; receipts , tw days , 10,000 bags' cleale'd for the United States 10,000 biixs ; for Europe , 1.000 bags ; stock , 320.000 HAVnn. Jan. 19. COFFEE Clored nt W de cllne ; fnles , 1C.OOO hnKi1. Sail KrnticlNCo .1lliIiiK Qnn ( < itlon < i. SAN FUANCIRCO. ' Jan.10. . The odlolal clo ln ? aiiolatloiiHforiiilnlusr BtoUks toJiy were : n fol- IOWH : Alia 7 Halo Se Nortfross. . 120 Alpha Con 13 Jinlle.3 0 Amli-K.-- . .1 ,10. Ki'jitncky ppij t llelchcr : . . . . -in ? ' . . . . ; . 40 lloHt.t Helcher. . . . Oil Otvlilcnt l Con , . . . 14 Ilulllon r. Opblr 103 Caledonia 11 Ovor.ll.'l'.l. . . . , 14 Chiillent'o Con CO Potosl RK . . . H Savage 20 Conlldenco 120 Scorpion : l Con.Cnl. &Va 1UO Sierra Niwada 4(1 ( Con. Imps-rial ' 1 Silver Hill 1 Crown I'olut ) > Union Con -ii : Kxchitiucr 0 Utah Con 4 Gould .V Currlo. . . . 411 Yellow Jacket M Silver bin. lll c : M--tle-iti dollar. ) , 323.r 2Me. SlffhtdraflH , 13c ; tclegr.iUlu. | 17 > j-- . I'corla I'KOItIA , Jan. 19. CORN 1-Mi-m ; new No. 2 , 20c. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , 1DS20C. KYK Dull , nominal. WHISKY Market steady : flnlfhcd uoods on the baxla of II. 18 for Mull wines. RKCEII'TS Corn , 31,150 bug. ; oats , 25,200 bun. ; rye. none ; whisky , none ; wheat , 4,200 but. SHIPMENTS Com , 10.300 bus. ; oatn , 4 ! > , KO bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 750 bbls. ; wheat , MO"J butt. X MV York Ury OoiiilM .Market. NI2W YOHK , Jan. 19. Considerable business was done today by snot buyers. Still the mar ket wan not as netlve ns yesterday. The en- Kauementii coveted nil Ftjlen of cotton Koodn. and brown Mieetlncs particularly , \\oolen ROOUS were flow , but for dress Roods there wns inon- dolni ; . I'rlntlni ; cloths are In demand , No sales arc reported of reRiilnrs nt 2'.4c , but u moderate business was done In odde. I.omlnlt Collinllll AVool SnloH. LONDON , Jan. 19 The first rcrles of the colonial wool sales of tills week opened nt th Wool exchange today , with prices Irresular nm : weak. A fair catalogue was offered nnd included an avornijc pelcctlon of nbout 9.500 bales. The attendance wns RCO < ! and the demand active , wltn prices US ' .id lower. Toledo Miirki'lH. TOLEDO , Jnn. 19. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 , May. MHe. . , COUN-Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 2o OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 17V4c. HYU Dull : cnfb , 37V4c. CLOVER SEED Dull , stcndy and unchanged. OIL UnchanRed. _ Oil .MnrUetN. OIL CITY , Jnn. 19. Credit bnlnnees. FSc ; cer tificates , K'tc bid ; Bhlpments , 12.843 bbls. ; runs , 10NK\VblY6RK. .Tan. 19.-I'KTnOLiUM-I'cnn- eylvanla crude , Etendy ; I-'ebnmry , SSp bid. LONDON. Jnn. 19.-LINSEKD OIL-Dull nt Its M015S Cd. Wlu-m li MINNEAPOLIS , Jnn. 19. WHKAT-Lower : Jnminry. "OUc : May. 77140 ! July , ,8 5 ; en track. tfo. 1 hard , 77VSc ; No. 1 northern , , Cc ; receipts , C ) cam. Miim-lii-MltT 'IV.vlllc MnrkflN. MANCHESTEH , Jan. 19. The markets for cloths ami yarns nro steady , with little business loliiK. _ Sun KrniiclBC-o AVIu-at ( luotiitloiiN. SVN KHANCISCO. Jan. 19. WHEAT Steady ; December , tl.26 % ; May. 1.M ? . KII II Hlvi I'rliU CIolliM Mnrkfl. TALI. niVEIt , Mnm , , Jan. 19-1'rlnt cloths teady nt 2Kc. 1'ort-ltin I'lniiiu'lnl. IinilLIN , Jan. 1 ? . UvclmnBe on London , eight days' elKht , 20 mark * 37'j pftf. IONDON , Jan. 19. > - ( ! < ild la nuotcil nt Ilucnos Ayre today nt 1S7.0 ; Lisbon , 23 ; Home , 104.S7' . PAH1S. Jnn. 19. Three per cent rentes. 102f too for the account , , Exchange on London , 25f 23c for cheeks. ' , \ KlimillHitoten. . IIO.STON. Jnn. l5.-Clenrlrigs , j:0,484,047 ; bal- nnees , M.C42.475.I I. HALTIMOHi : . Jiin. 19. ClenrlngH , J2MIfrWi balidiccH , $273 , ( ! < 9. i , . , ' ' NEW YOUIC. Jan19. Clearings , 1115,101,078 ; ' balances , J5ti07r.02 , , PHII DELI'IIIA , Jan. 19. Clearings , J12.-S3 , . 3UI ; balances , l.CS9to. ' NEW OHLEANH ; 'fan. ' i9.-cierings. u.u : , . 020 ; New York cxcfcliliRe ; * 1 premium. KT. IXJl'IS. Jan'llK-'ClcarlnK , 4.f0.1,133 ; bal- nncen , J19S.595. Money , 7 8 per cent : Now York exchange , 23o ducount UM ! pur asked. ClilCAOO , Jnn. 19. Clearlmts , J12.IS27SS. Money , etendy and unchanged ; Now York i- . change , 40o discount ; foreltm vxclmnKe. barely utf.'uly ; demand , 11.87 ; ; ; * Uty days , AKl.H rroteetloii friini Lj-iirlierx. TOPBKA , Kan. , Jan. 19. Governor Lccily today sent a tclcsram to Governor Stephotm of Missouri Haying that ho bad a message from KansaH City that Frederick Clilam , beliifr returned from Kansas to Ilcnton county , Mo. , was In- dancer oC lynching anil calling on Governor Stephens to protect the prisoner. Chlsrn Is a negro and la charged with the abduction of 15-ycnr-olil Ilosa Thouvcnal , ( Uughter of rmpcctablo Mlssourlaiw. Chlam took the girl to Lawrence , Kan , , laat Hum mer and married her. Ho was arrested nt the time , hut was not turned over to the Missouri authorities until last week. Clilsm was taken to Warsaw from Sedalla yesterday for prosecution. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fairly Liberal Run Finds Business in Good Condition , BEEF STEERS EASY AND SOME LOWER Under Craden Strong nnil Active , -ivltb ( looil Heioaiiil for I'eederN HORN Aetlve anil K SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. 19.-Uccelpta for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. January 19 . 3,315 4,049 2,4M . . . . January IS . 1,027 1.S7S 1.125 January 10 . 1075 4.S.13 1.14S January 15 . 1,502 3,770 2.08S January II. i . 2,207 4,050 2,074 January 13 . 3,219 C.SK1 GU2 114 January 12 . 2,300 5.3S9 1,209 , . . . . January 11 . 2,130 3,3.Ml 1.7C1 January 9 . 1.12S 4.G53 fi'l January S . 2.3S5 I.SCfl CIS The oillelnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns : C. . M. & St. P. . O. & St. I , . Ity. . . . 2 i .Missouri Pacific . .1 2 Union Pacific . 20 20 F. . H. & ' .M. V.U. It. 41 19 S. C. & V. Hy . 1 i C. , St. P. , M. & O. . IK fi H. M. U. 11. It. . . 2 ! ) 20 C. . U. & Q. Hy. . . . 2 t K. C. & St. J . 10 a.U. I. & P. Uy. , R. 1 C. U. I. & 1 . Ily.W. 1 1 Total receipts . .127 7C in "T The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of bend Indicated : Iluycrs. Cnttln. Hoes. Sheep. Oma.ia Packing Co . " 0 1,224 . . . . O. H. Hammond Co . 35" 1,315 20ii Swift and Company . .lilt 1-lvc jni Oudahy Packing Co . 7GT C14 I.40S 1 . Hecker and Uegan. . . . (52S ( . . . . , . . Vnnsant .t Co . 101 . l.obnmn , t Hoihschllds. . . 415 . W. I Stephens . 7 . Hill & Lewis company. . . 0.1 . Itenton & Underwood . Ml . Huston & Co . 17 . Hamilton . 39 . Other buyers . 431 13 . . . Total 3.2S5 4.CS2 2,109 CATTL1S There was a good , liberal run of cattle , the largest In some days , but the condition of the market wns not ns satis factory as the receipts. The offerings of cornfed steers were larger than on most days , nnd there were all kinds hero except right choice , with common kinds predominating. Advices from other markctu were such ns to make Olivers btfirtah nnil tlmv utti to.l r .f l.lii. dlng lowor. with tno result that the trade was slow from start to finish. In the end the yards were cleared , but at prices that were easier and In extreme cases GJilOo lower. i T.hfro , w"s 'be ' usual active demand for butchers stock and the weakness In the market for steers did not have- any appar ent effect upon the sale of cows and heifers , , which brought about the same prices ns yesterday. The market on that kind of cattle was reasonably active and ll early clearance was effected. The stocker nnd feeder market was il "Pt-ve , the demand being in of tllc , rct | I' < s1" a good ninny i . 'y.C1'S ' c'"lmi ' > l1 Hint they paid even A1"'nyi tcrtln > > for the most es rablo 1"1'31 ' " Fcp < u'rs are. to say the STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. r . . . . MO 3 c 2 , . . . 715 3 00 1. . . . C40 3 (0 1. . . . 4M 3 00 C. . . . 973 3 00 3. . . . 413 3 10 1. . . . W ) 3 20 L. . . 7CO 3 SO 1. . . . 7M 3 20 3. . . . CCI ) 3 23 3 , . , . 4V1 3 30 1. . . . COO 3 33 1. . . . 040 3 CO 1. . . . f.70 3M 2. . . . 075 3 00 2. . . . EIO 3 CO 3..1K.O .1 00 4. . , . K 3 03 K , . . . ( -30 3 03 L. . . 033 3 70 9..1W-2 3 70 1. . . . MO 3 70 4..10M 3 75 S..1075 .1 7K 0 , . . . 073 3 75 WESTERNS. WYOMING. lleckwlth , Qulnn A Co , No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 8 feeders..I1M (3 ( 25 MS feeders. . . . ! $3 93 HOGS The bog market today was nil that oulil be asked , speaking from the hide of the ellc-r. The trndc opened with values n had ilghc-r , und continued that way until the cluni. , which was rtrone. The movement wns active nnd the offering * ere snapped up In a very nhnrt time , the rupply , hough fairly liberal , being Inadequate to the emand. The umrkct , on , nn average , wan Jint about ; o higher than on Saturday and u ttroni ; jo ilghcr than on Tuesday of lust week , Ilavy boai sold at 13,1393.18 , I ho same range yesterday , but them wcro more loads today t the nigh price. Light and medium wclithi Ofs brought I3.23413.40 , as nKulnht | 3.203.33 | e-tcrOay. Representative ruk-s : No. Av. Hh. Pr. No , Av. Hli. Pr. 2 450 . . .1)13 49 307 . . .MM 0 1211 . . . 315 74 2C3 40 323 1 374 40 313 OS. , , 778 2bO tK 0 43 * . . , 313 67 338 . . . 323 7 m . . . 315 co :70 . . . : : TU tfic pnmc n on Mnnilay , the only Mteitmlit \ \ - jilnycd bclns In choice cut Ho. Kales wno larRoly tit from J2.90 to 11.70 , with n Inrjie export ile- mnnil at { 1.20 mul upwaiil. lookers mul Ircilcin were fU-nily umler moilernle oftorliiRB. with Inlr rnlca ut from 13.25 to ? l. llutcUcrn' nivl cnn- ncrs' entile wii > Incry KOI > > ! ilciiuuiil. with cc\v calcH laiKtly nt from ? : . ' - ' > to I3.'i , \\lille hclfi-rs nil l ficcly nt from } .l to J3.SO. Hulls rvlil mostly nt from ) : . : . * > to ! 3.E > 0 , mul cahra wcrt > active nt fiom 13.00 to $ > ! . To\n fi'il cattle liroiiKht from J3."iO to H.S.'i. In IIOKS thrrovn the ii anl llsht Tucsilny hlpiilnB ilcmnnd. but Chicago pnclfers bouijht actively nt Mnnday' * price : " . Conunoii to jirlme lots fold nt fiiun M.13 to J3.M. InrKvly nt fiom K.SO to J3.T. . blK OIII..R of iiunllty bolliK the worst tellers mul cholco llRlit and nipilltim SM'lKhts the beet tellers. 1'lga sold nt from J3.S5 to J3.rn. In theep there was n strong demand and prices remained firm. Common to c-.iolce sheep tro wanted at from J2.30 to J3.S3. fed westerns and Mexicans Felling freelv nt from 13.50 to J3.S3. YearlltiRB brought from J2.SO to 53.13 , nnd com mon In choice lambs were In demand nt from HccelplB : Cattle , 3.500 head ; hogs , 2C.OOO head ; sheep , 15,000 bead. KIIIIMIIM Cly Live Slock. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 19-CATTLi : Hecelpts , 9.CC-0 head : fhlpments , 2.400 head : best grades Mcnily , others slnw ; Texas steers , S2.73fT4.Oo ; cows , Jl.r,0)3.20 ) ; native ulcers , :3.40 < f4.90j native cown and heifers , ll.COW3.CO ; stockcrs nn feeileri" . J2.MIC4.00 ; bulls , J2.23ff3.3J. 1IOOS Hccelpts. 17.000 bead ; shipments , none ; niniket stiong : bulk of fates , 3.25i.CO ! ; hen\les. I3.M3.30 ! } ; packers , J3.10if3.17li ; mixed. Jl.ljfc 3.3714 : llslila. J3.1303.33 ; Yorkers , J3.30S73.35 ; pig * . SHEin1 llpcelntp , 3.000 bend : shipments , nuin > ; market steady ; lambs , J2.7504.SO : muttons , J2.Cflff 3.C3. X MV Yt rl { I.lviSloi'k. . NHW YOUIC. Jan. 19 IIKKVHS It-celptn , Is- head ; no trading : cables nuote American i-trers nt lOHJill'-e. dressed wnlRlit ; sheep at Mi4l9'ic : refrlgeinlor beef at SJ9",4c : exports. CX ) bct-ves , 11,200 pliecp. and 2.390 nuartcrn of beef. Cnlvcs. receipts. 140 head : Meady ; vrnli . J..tKH6.f.O ) ; iHirnyatil cnl\pp. f.1.00fi3.37'4 ' : wmtcins. J3. Slinr.I' AND LAMIlS-Hccelpts. S3J bend ; quiet : Inmbs , weak ; sheep. J2.73QI.25 ; lambs. J4.7D ! 3.r,0. linos' HecelptD , 4,742 head ; market btcady nt J3.C064.00. SI. I.OIllM LIVC SIlM-U. ST I/DUIR , Jnn. 19. CATTLK Hrcelpts. 4.COO head : market netlve nnd steady ; native beeves J3.fOfl3.CO : light fleers , J2.7384.40 : Mockers nnd fepdcrx. l ! . Sf3.7.1 | ; cows and heifers. Jl.73T3.7ii Texas nnd Indian btecrii , J2.75fft.CO ; cows , ? 1.73tr 2 75 IIOOS Hecelpls , lO.COO head ; market Ftearty : light , J3.2l'f3.40 ' ; mixed , J3.10Q3.S3 ; ben\y , J3.005J 3.10. 3.10.SIinKI' necelpls , 1,5CO lisad : mnrket strong ; muttons J2.7304.CO ; common , $ l.C3i2.CO ; lambs , J3.DOg5.25. SlooU 111 SlKh ( . Record of receipts of live Flock nt the four principal mniketa for January 19. 1M > 7 : Cnttle. HOBS. fJbeep. Omnha . 3.SI5 4.C43 2.41D Kanraa City . 0.MO 17.000 3.0C > St. IJJUls . t. CCO 10.000 l.CCO Totnla . C0.3I3 C7.CW 21,003 AXSWUIt THH AIIIIIICICI , ! ' ' . 1'KTITIO.V. Denlnl ( lint theSiilo - roniiuiiiy IH I.OM- ItiK loney. TOLEDO. O. . Jan. 10. Today tlio Wool- ron Spice company flled Its answer to the Arbuckles' petition for n receiver. It Is n lengthy document , the main points of which are "that the Arbuckles did not purchase any stock In good faith or as an Investment , but for the iuio purpose of maintaining n law suit nnd putting the concern Into the hands of n receiver , or otherwise embarrassing Its business nnd thus crippling thur only formidable rival In the United States ; that they purchased the stock with the full knowl edge that the majority of the shares had been obtained by the defendants , bought by men of means and skill to advance the bus I nose and Increase the sales nnd thus be In better competition with the Arbuckles. The Instrument further avers that the present board of directors are still the owners of part of the original stock and still continue to act ns director ? . It io expressly dented that the mills are being run at n loss , the claim being made that between $500 and $700 profit Is made every day. It speci fics that the present owners will give n bond to guarantee that the profits for 1S97 will grcntly exceed the aggregate profits of last > enr ; that the stock will bo much more valuable n year hence ; that they are willing to buy the stock he-Id by the plaintiffs at any tlmo they may dcslro to sell. cni.Mtis < : : : T TIIKISU MIM.IO.V. \IMV York Court HeHili-H I lie I-'alr- vtrtitlier Will CIIHO. ALUAXY N. Y. , Jan. ID. The court of appeals has decided the Falrwealhcr will case by affirming the Judgment of the lower court , with coils to all paitlru , payable out of the catatc. Judge Andrews dlfflcnts. The action was based on the will of the late Dan- Itl Kalrweathcr , n leather merchant of New York. The will provided that after payment of specific I > c < ; iiffit3 , other colleges named ID the will should be given stipulated cums , and that tlio nsldue of the estate should be di vided share and , 'laro : alike among other ed ucational Institution * . The effect of the de cision U to distribute the $3,000,000 among the following collcgco equally : Amhcat , Ilowdoln , Djitmoulh , Williams , Yale Colum bia , Hamilton , L-.fayettc. Lincoln , Mnryvllle , Marietta , Adclfcert , Wabasli , Park , the \Vcslcyan university of Rochester , Cornell , Virginia and Hampton and the Union The ological seminary. Several hospitals and charitable Institutions arc cut out of benefit by thLi decision. Verdict Annliixt KiieNtrmv .Htiiiulx. JKKKBUSOX CITY. Mo. , Jnn. 19. Ths supreme premo court handed down this morning a decision alllrmlng the decrco of the lower court In the cace of Arthur Duestrow , known us ( ho St. Lou It ) mllllpnnlro murderer , who killed his wlfa and children. Judga Hlrzol of the Franklin county court , In which Duestrow was convicted , will resimtenco the prisoner. The court also afllrmed the HCII- tonco of I'Bter Siniilt and Samuel Foster , who killed Ilcrtram Atwatcr , n Chicago ar tist , atVebator droves , a suburb of St. IxiulB , a year OKO. The decision etn the date of execution for February 11 next. lomi Miner * Slrllce. DBS MOINK8 , la. , Jan. ! . Miners in the Oak I'nrk in I no have struck , refusing a re duction of 30 cents per ton. An effort will bo maclo to huvn the mlneru In this district take up the matter and precipitate a general strike. The business hau been unsatisfac tory for both operators aud mlni-ru , duo to warm weather , , STEAMER'S ' BOILER EXPLODES Deadly Accident Occurs on Board tlio Pronob Steamship Saglmlien. RESULTS FATALLY TO TWELVE MEN \iival AtfnulivN WIioVi < ri > I'l TV in | i ii rnr I IjIti'imtr ( lie lliiiu- anil llrhiK flic Shi * . * Into Port. SAN KUANUISCO , Jnn. 13. Ono of the boilers of tlio Krcncli steamer Saghallcn ox- plndod while the vessel waa off tlio Chinese coast 011 December 2 , bound from Singapore ! for HOUR Kong. 131 even of the stokers In the ( Ire room anil one of the niKlneersvoro killed Instantly by the o.xploslon or by the scalilliiR steam. Tlio chief stoker was so badly Injured that he died a few hours after ward and four other nrcnicn died thfl next day an ft result of ttieir burns. The vessel was crowded with passengers nntl for ft time there was the wildest confusion on board. A letter , brought by the Klo do Janeiro from the Orient , gives the details of the disaster. The passengers had just assembled In the jralocin for dinner when there was a loud report like that of ft cannon. The deck beams were torn up. cratlngs were sent flying In the air and the steamer trembled from stum to stern. As soon as the steam had cleared away men were sent below In the stoke hold. Seven of the Lascar fireman lay about the floor before the ruined boiler , dead or writh ing at the last g.isp with their llcsh jmr- bollcd by the terrific bath of superheated steam In which the explosion had plunged them. The chief stoker , a Frenchman , was among them. He died In the most frightful ngony a few moments after he had been carried to Ihe deck. Ten other firemen who were In the stoke hold worn badly burned. Four of them died during the night follow ing the explosion. Among the passengers wcro three engineers and twenty stokers of the French navy , and they volunteered their services to remedy the damage. Within a day they had the engine so far repaired that the vessel was nblo to run about six miles an hour , and a few days later the vessel dropped anchor at Salgow. The ilentl fire men and engineers were given watery graves. Uev. Father II. Itlvct of I'cnang , who was a pasengcr , read the funeral services. T\VO AMKIMCAX.S tJXDKll AltllHST. Thrown Into n Colonililim I'rlNim Without CanMI- . SAN FHANCISCO. Jan. 19. Private ad vices have been received In this city from Call , United States of Colombia , telling of the arrest , on November 25 lest , of two younar Americans' , II. 1C. Spring and C. AV. Nelson , while enrouto to their home In southern California , on a charge of murdering J. 0. Ilubbard , also an American. From all accounts thus for received there was little If any ground for suspicion against cither of the accused. Spring and Nelson were In carcerated In a dungeon for twenty-five days and were then rulcapcd through the Interces sion of J. C. Hall , an American , who heard of the unfortunate plight of his countrymen and bt-camo convinced , not only of their entire Innocence of the crime alleged against them , but also that they were the victims of a conspiracy. During his Imprisonment young Spring was taken 111 with fever , and had he not been released would probably have died In prison. According to a letter written by Nelson to the father of Spring , who resides at Colon , In this state , the United States consul took little If any In terest In the nrrei-.t of his countrymen. Hall , who was a stranger to the accused , worked without ceasing to tccuro their release and was miccesEful Just before the adjournment of n court for u month's vacation , which In all probability would have been fatal to Spring. I2SCA1M3S I'U.VAI.TV I-'OU MlJIMlKll. Sailor oil nil RitKllHli VC.NHC ! ficla AHhoi'i * nuil UlNiiiiiitMirN. SAN FUANCIRCO. Gal. , Jan. 10. Thcra Is a sailor at large In this city who es- capcd from an English vessel and perhaps the hangmen's rope only because the master of his vessel , the Forfarshlre , could not wait for the convening of the court at Cape town. 1) . I'owlcsIs the man's name and ho Is charged by Captain Kvaiib with having bitten the boatswain , Joseph March , eo badly < n a rough and tumble fight aboard ship ( hat the latter died of lib Injuries. The fight occurred several months ago , whllo the vessel wac lying off Capetown. March's thumb was liltton nearly off and his bach bore the mark of I'owlcs' teeth In several places. Ulood poisoning act In , resulting in March's death. Us was burled ashoro. Powlrs was arrested and charged with man slaughter , but released again when the au thorities learned that Captain Kvaus did not Intend to remain In part , for the witnessed wera all on board the vcs3l. The British , consul advised that 1'owhs be taken to Ens- land for trial. The sailor remained aboard the Forfaishlro until It arrived In this port a fehort ( line ago. Ho came ashore In the first boat , leaped out at the landing and disappeared. Ho 1ms not been heard ot since. K11VOI.T IX IMIIl.IIMMMJS SI'KISAIIS. SiiniilHh I'ri'pnrc to AtlnuU tin * Ki'hvl StroiiKhoIil. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 19. Regarding the fighting In the Philippine Islands , the oriental papers add little to the reports already re ceived by telegraph. The China Mall's Ma nilla correspondent says the rebellion la spreading In the provinces of Hainan. Uatan- gas and Pampanga and in a less degrco In the province of Morons , embracing the Island of Luz on the smith , and in the province of Unlaran in the north In fact all the Tagalog provinces. The chief Interest continues to center In the province of Cavltc , where the rebel stronghold will shortly be attacked by the Spanish forcca. It Is expected that Gen eral Polavleji will direct this operation In pcr.-on. Oncral La Chambro has assumed command of the Spanish forces In the prov inces of llatangas and Lituga , and lien started northward In order to clear the robola from that legion. I "I PC Itcccircl for n liny. WASHINGTON. Jan. ID. The Farnham block WAH entirely destroyed last night. It was occupied by the store of Campbell & Keller , and the upstairs \vaa used iw ledge rov.r.a. The building and contents wcro all Insured. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1030. Oinaln , N.-b. COMMISSION GRAIN : PiloyiSIJlS : ANJ : SPOJ.CJ , Uuaril of Trade , l'/rtt wires to Oii'icaKO and New York. John A. Warrfn A O > \olli-c of 'iiili ; liy Itt-oi-lvfi' nf Anu-rl- ciiii LIIIIII mul TriiNl ( Niiiiiniii- . Kotlfu In hart-liy Klvcn that I , tlio umlrr- MlKiicil , us rc't-t-lvt-r of tlio liualnesa , propurty and KHHPlH of the American l.oin ; and Trimt Company , purxunut to an ( inlor of the circuit court of tlio ITnllrd Hlati-H. within nml for the District of NiuiniHkn. innilo on llio Ifith ilay of Janitnry , ! Mi7 , in tint suit thurcln pending wlii-rc-ln John A. Ortlwuy nnd otiicm are cnniplalnnnlH nnd lh Ameri can Inin ; and Tnmt Coinprttiy Is defendant , will , nt 10 o'clock In tint forenoon on tlio flrrit dny of ! ' < liruary , U'.i7 , III tny olllco at No. 1GI7 Kurnuin Htrcut , In tlio City ot Omuliu , In tlio County of DoitKliiH ntul Htuto of Nobraukn , Hell ut milillc aiiutlon nil the property , iiHiietH nnil Inti-rctitH of tlm American Loan and Trust Company rrinulnlnK- rny liandH or In iho 'hnniis o any other pgrxonti necountniilo to mo tliorc- for. to Iho hlKliuHt lildder or lildd < r for cuHli. Tlio nald property , na oti : nnd In- Hr t uro inoro particularly duHrrlliud In my Hpc-clitl rcporlu lltcd In tiuld ault In Hald court on the 3rd day of Uctoljor , 1WH , and the Kith dity of January , 1SI7. ! upon wlilcli. In connection with thu record In Hald unit the Bald order of the court IH baned. In addition to my rc-ortn on Illo and the record In Hald HUH 1 will iitTHonally K'VO ' Information from my lionlm or oliit-r- WH ! I IIH may Uo rciiiiBHlcd by any InlercHtcil ncrnon touchlni ; thu property herein nilvcr * llwil for Hale. Dated this ICtli day of January. 1697. , . ' ' ' ' I'lllUl' I'OTTKIl. . „ „ „ „ s MontKomcry & Hall , Hecolver. Attonieys. ' jlOdlOtal