Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    o TT113 OMAHA DAILTV UMlfi : , JAXUAHV 20 , 1807.
ittltutlon ntiil nlao HIP city of Iientrlee , Neb.
for HIP purpose of ilpiormlnlnz Hie mot
advantageous lorntlon of unit ! Sinle Normn
pnhool ni thin lime niul mnke full nporl li
ttio iiremlncH In lid * honornblc body
Senator Murphy offered the rniolutlon a
n Hiitatllute tor a resolution Introduced yen
trrdny by Senator Ornlmm. Objection bclni
made by Mr Mutz of Keya Pnha. the lieu
tenant Rovcnior licld that the substitute , bo
Ins In the form of a rmolutlon , should II
over tuuler the rules. An attempt was the :
made to bring up for consideration the orlg
Inal resolution offered yesterday Mr. Me
( lann of Iloone made the point of older tha
when the substitute proponed by the acnoto
from ( IttRo bad been Inld over one day utitle
the rulon , the original reaolutlon nccc 9arll :
went with It. The lieutenant governor BUS
Ulncd the point of order. Many of the sen
* lors bolide that the ruling of the llcutonan
governor will result In much confusion litho
the future , for any senator may Indefinite ) :
postpone a resolution by nlmpl ;
offcrlnB substitute anil having i
fellow senator request that the sub
ntltuto llo over under the rulta It I ;
contended that the proper ruling would havi
been against the objection to the prcsen
consideration of the sub.slltuto * Tlio lieu
tenant governor admitted privately after nil
Joutnincnt that ho erred In entertaining thi
objection offered by Senator Mut7.
A larpo number of bills wuro Introduce
and read the first time. Among them was i
Joint resolution Introduced by Mr Hanson
of Douglas of a purely political character
U was something of an elaborate document
and quotes extensively from speeches inadi
by John M. Thurstnu several yeats ago 01
the silver fiucotlon. The Joint iiooHitlon In
structs Senator Thurntoii tooto for any am
all mcaaiirra which may como up In thi
Unlti-d States senate favoring free colnagi
of silver.
When the bills Introduced yesterday wen
reached for a second reading , Mr Hanson
led ort In a contest which hen been brewlnf
for several da > a. When Senate flic No. SO
by Mr , Orothan of Howard , icgulatlng stock
yards , was read the second time Mr Hanson
moved that It bo referred to the commlttct
on miscellaneous corporation.1 ? . The motlor
was seconded by Mr. 1'iltz of Thurston.
The motion provoked the most anlmatct
debate soj far Ihla session Mr. Mutpopu
Hit of Kcja 1'aha , opposed It. IIo quotct
from parliamentary law to the effect tha
the author of nny bill had a right to have
It referred to n friendly tommlttce.
Mr. llcal , populUt of Cuator. called the at
tcntlon of the senate to the fact that marl ]
100 bills had been refcricd to committees bj
the lieutenant governor and that no one lint
rained an objection.
.Mr. Hansom defended bh motion In ar
elaborate argument. He contended that al
bills , according to the constitution of Nc
brasUn , should be referred lo an approprlati
committee Hte Insisted that a Mil to rrgu
late stockyards should appropriately be re
fcrred only to the committee on mlacellane
ous corporation , and that to refer U to anj
other committee xvca a icllcctlon upon tin
Mr. Grothan , populist of Howard , did not
ngreo with the senator from Douglas. He
said that It had been the custom for the
lieutenant governor , as the presiding otllcer
of the senate , to refer all hills to standing
committees Two stock jarils bills bad al
ready betn Introduced and refcired lo tbn
committee on agriculture , and no protest
had been entered.
Mr. Gondrlng of Platte moved to table
Hansom's resolution. Mr. Graham was willIng -
Ing , ho said , to rely upon the Judgment of
the presiding officer. Mr. Gonway agreed.
Jlr. Murphy argued that there was not nec
essarily a clOEe relationship between a Uock
jard.s bill and the committee on miscella
neous coiporallons lie contended that the
agrlcultmat Interests of the state wcro as
much Interested In the bill to regulate the
stock jards as were the trcmbcrs of the com
mittee on miscellaneous corporation" .
Mr Fcltr of ICelth tried to stem thu tide
of opposition to Kinsom'a motion by arguing
that the majority In the senate was only
following the precedents long since es
tablished by the republicans , llo thought
the republican opposition to the Hansom
motion , came v. 1th very poor grnca ,
The > qas and najs'wrro called on Mr.
Gondrlng's mutton to table the motion offered
by Mr. Hansoui. Thermotlon wca agreed
to , the senators voting s follows : %
Ytaa :
licit ) , CJiothnn. Itltchlo ,
UiW well , Ifaller , Mmnl.
Cuniul ly , llo-ifey. Upi-rnr ,
Ccmunny , Medium , .Stoek- .
Uumlus , Mlllil , h > lip .
1'nrrcll. Miilllj , IVntkon ,
noixlrlnjr , MurphyVellcrC3. .
Qralmin , Mutz ,
Na > s
Kvand , Hem ell , ,
I'lltz , Johnson. Itqnscm 7.
DcniliiK , Ostorn. Talhot S.
Tha republicans , with Hit exception of Mr
Talbot of Lancaster , whose absence was
noted , \oted for the motion to table.
The senate then took a recess until 2
o'clock. After the recess the special order
for the day , the consideration of the gov
ernor's message , was deferred for one week ,
owing to tha fact that printed coplea of the
document had not jet b.on received
The bcnato then adjourned until tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock.
The new bills Introduced during the day
Included the following :
Senate lllo No. UJ , by Mr. McGann of
Hoonu , provides : "Tho recording of an as-
fflgnmcnt of u mortgage shall not In I'.jclf
bu doomed notice of such alignment to the
mortgagor , his heirs or pcmonal representa
tives , so as to Invalidate any pajment mode
by them or either of them to ths mortga
ged ; provided this section shall not mean
negotiable as well as ncu-ncgotlable In-
atruintnts : piovldud further , that nothing
herein contained shall h ; construed to ex
empt the assignee of negotiable paper from
recording said assignment. " Section 39 of
chapter Kxlll of the complUU statutes of 1SS3
Is repealed.
Senate III ? No. 01 , by Mr. Deal of Ouotpr ,
proposes to authorlza county treasurers to
Invrat nn amount , not to exceed 75 psr cent
of the blukliiK fund , In their lespectlvo coun
ties In registered warra'nts ' at their face
xaluo. All warrants so purchased shall bs
kept In tha trcasurcr'H office until paid by
thn respective funds on which they wcro
drawn In th Ir regular order of "
, rcj-tra- !
tlou , and no Interest shall ba added to the
warrant from the tlmo of purchase to the
tlmo of cancellation.
Sciuto fllo No 0" ) , by Sir Dsarlng of Cass ,
Is a bill for an uct ui regulate the manufacture -
facturo and sale of cldir. to prevent
ailulleriitlon , deception and fraud. Senate
fllo No. DO , also Introducsd by Mr. Hearing ,
proposes a Hlmllar law relative to the manu
facture and Bale of vinegar.
Scnato Ille No. 07 , by Mr. Ujai-Ing , U n
bill for' an act to prohibit the corrupt use
of money and corrupt practices at elections
U Is nn olahornto document , carrying every
phase of election reform.
Senate ( lift No. OS , by Jlr. Watson of Sa-
llno , provides for the assessment of the nv-
crgo amount of deposits during the period
from April 1 In the > car thu property Is as
sessed to the fist day of April In tha pre
ceding year taken and received by each state
bank or private or corporate Institution ac
cepting funds on deposit , except national
Senate fllo No. 99. by Jlr. Wataon. pro-
vldta for the commissioning of graduate of-
olllcers of thu DOHIIO college cadets.
Senate tile No. 100 , by Mr Watson , provides *
for n tax on state banks In order to create
a fund from tbo rovcnuo thus derived for
Will realize the greatest amount of good In thb
iborteatttmoandat the least expense by talcing
Tha One True lllood 1'urlflor. All druggists. II.
Hood's Plllaurocasy to take ,
Most Complexion Powdoro
bare a vulgar glare , but I'ozzoxi'a la a true
boautlDor , xtboievliecU are 1 ailing.
the purpose of paying deno ltors of Insolvcn
atato hnnki and other banking Institutions.
Scnato nio No. 101 , by Mr. I.eo of lloyd
riroprrtcs an amendment t ) the law governlni
Senate nio No. 102 by Mr. Watson
amends the law denning a legal newspaper
The present law prnvliha that a legal news
paper shall bn one that > ias n circulation o
not less than 100 , and baa been publlshoi
ntty-ttvo consecutive weeks. Senator Ora
ham's bill striken out tli ntly-two weskn
limit , thus mal'lng any newspaper legal tha
can swear to n circulation of lUO ! coplen. rou ( jmvrv MMvi > ri'Mis
Cii > * tcr CoiiniilNNloiifrM Sluice n I'roiio
Klllon < the lloii-ie.
LINCOLN. Jan. 19. ( Special Telegram.- )
Oroaxenor of Hamilton county sent tip U
the clerk's drak a petition from the citizen !
of that county prating that the approprla
tlon for the pajincut of sugar bounties bt
made by the present legislature. The pC'
tltlon was referred to the committee on mis.
ccllaneous subjects , ns xvaa a similar pctl
tlon from thr citizens of Custcr county.
The following resolution was Introduce !
by Webb of Cuater
Whereas , There Is n largo sinking fund 01
hanil In our treasury ; nnd
Whin en M. There nro duly nnd lognl j
IsHUetl wniranlH unpaid for want of funds
nrd.Whercn" , T'icse ' vxnrrants nro bought bj
the banks and pcalpcr.s , ami often paid foi
by the very money that represents the. sink.
Ing fund , which Is deposited In the banks
w'heiens , Hanks nro llablo to fall niu :
money bo lost , but money Invested li
county warrants that must bo ptld by the
county cannot ho lost , therefore , bo It
Itenolveil , by the Hoard of Supervisors ol
CiiHter county. In tesslon assembled , Thai
wo are In favor of nnd earnestly advocate
the passage of u law nuthoilzlng the countj
treasurer to piy the face value of warrant :
of the county out of any money belonglnp
to the slnklni ? fund not already Invested in
the discretion of the treasurer not to ex
ceed "J per cent of such fund.
The mailer was referred lo Ihe committee
on wayn and means.
The following bills wcro Introduced anil
read for the nrst time :
Uy Mcfiee house roll No 191 , to repeu'
ecllons 21 , 21 , 28 and 27 of chapter Iv of the
compiled .statutes of Nebraska for 1W.
Hy Hlch , house roll No. lr j , to amend rcc
tlon 3 of chauter x\vl , entitled , "Klectlon1
to enable persons owning taxable rral t-s-
tate lo vote on bonds or a bonded Indebted
ness , " and to repeal said original nectlou.
Hy Illch , house roll No 1 ! 3 to provide for
Iho. forcclosuro of real estate mortKHJV's
nnd other llona upon mortgaged real prop
erly by ncllon lu Hie dlstrlcl court , and tc
icpeal sections ST. , SIO , M7. SIS f > 4 ! > . S'M , Ml ,
SoJ S33 , SSI , Sn. J3 i. Si7. S3S , ST.9. SCO , SGI of UK
cede of civl , ) procedure and lo repeal nec
tlou 2 of an act approved fubnmiy 23 , 1&75 ,
entitled "An act to provide for stay of ex-
ecullon ami oitlers of sale , " being section
No GOSS of Iho compiled stntutcs of Ni-
braskn of IPO'i , and to amend section 1 ol
an act entitled "An act providing for the
redemption of real estate" from decrees nml
Judgment Hens approved February 23 , 1S7.1
and belli , ? bcctlon No fO S of the coir , llfd
"tatutc of Nebrnoka of lf'i" > , and to niieal
Bald section ao now existing , nnd to amend
Hectlon 1 of an act entitled "An net to
amend secllon ! of clinptei Ivll of the code
of civil procedure , " being section No
< WV1 of the compiled ntntule of Nebraska of
IS' ) . " , and lo repeal said section as now ex
Uy Welch , house roll No 191 , to amend
sections 10 and 19. chapter vll. of the com
piled ntntutrs of 1M)5 ) , and to repeat enld
orlplnal Hectlon.
Hy Webb , house roll No. nuthorlzlnc ;
county treasurers to an amount not
to exceed "i per cent of the slnklncr fund
lu tin Ir respeetlvo counties In registered
warrants of the countv at their full \altie
Hy Shull , house roll No. ] DO lo appro
priate money to rebuild the dormitory of the
State Normal , loe-Ued at Peru , Neb
Hy Stebblns , hou e roll No 197 to pro
mote agriculture on land under Irrigation
In the stile of Nebraska and to confer in
original jurisdiction on boards of county
commissioners to fix rates to bo otnr cd
for the use of nnninl nnd perpetual xvator
lent to occunants on IniidH niider Irrigation
by means of canals 01 ditches , rcserx'olrs ,
laterals In Irrigated dUtrlets In the state
of Nebrnskn , and to repulitp the furnishing
ami distribution of water for Irrigating ,
milling nnd domestic purposen , and to rettn-
lali > and contiol persons , a soclTtlons , stock
romp inles orginl cd untlor the
laws of the state of Nebraska for the pur
pose of maintaining and opcratlnR canalp
dltfhes. and laterals thereto In the state
of Nebraska and proscribe life tlmo when
prior vested rights may lapse ns to subse
quent ownera , constructors and bulller-i of
ennnls ditches and laterals ) In the atnto of
The hou3othen _ adjourned until 10 a. m
The hot'so was In session but a short tlmo
this forenoon and adjourned until tomorrow
The mjorlty element had a protracted cau
cus Immediately after adjournment and de
cided , by a practically unanimous vote , to
pats thi bill providing for recount of the
ballots cast for the constitutional amend
ments , and for senators and representatives
Will 11 car Affimm-nlx.
LINCOLN , Jan. 19. ( Special Telegram. )
The senate committee on constitutional
amendments met late this afternoon to con
sider the bill providing for a recount of
the xotes on the constitutional amendments.
It was nnally decided that a hearing would
bo granted to Mc&jrs. Neville and Klrk-
palrlck and their attornej , Judge Heeso ,
next Tuesday afternoon.
uvii * unstu.Tit OK n.viii > WIATIIIU.
Children Suffer from Tin-out llnlnillcn
mill Corn S | illn.
NORTH LOUP , Neb , Jan. 10. ( Special )
An oxceptlcinally largo amount of Illness Is
prevalent hero this winter , especially among
children , but recently many adiills and aged
poiQOiis have been similarly affected. The
malady U usually some form of throat or
bronchial dlfllcully , and Is generally attrib
uted to the changeability of the weather and
the abnormal moisture of the atmosphere ,
v.hlch has , during the entire-winter , been In
a condition utterly different from that of
the normal season.
NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 19. ( Special )
A sever ei'idemlc of ths grip has o.-crtakon
the people of this city. Very fe.v have been
able to ward off atlncka of the disease In
some form. Some berlous cases are re-
QRAFTON. Neb. , Jan. 19. ( Sneclal. )
Farmeru are loud In complnlnt tlict con
piled on the gnund Is spoiling with wet , as
three-fcui .l.s of all ralssd Is thus riled , cribs
having Kcna to tUcay with disuse or beou
destioyod by high winds. The matter Is se-
DUNCAN , Nob. , Jan. 19. ( Special. ) Last
neck's snow has mostly melted Into the
ground , which Is now thoroughly soaked ,
[ "all sown grain ts looking well.
cirr xiAiiiiir.n wiiii.n OUT ON HAIL.
Itoulrlee Couple I'lenil Ctillty nml Are
lloiinil Over lo lllHtrlet Conn.
HEATIUCB. Neb. , Jan 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Wallace Townsend and Mrs. Delle
Davis were arrested > etcrday upon a charge
of maintaining a house of prostitution. Their
trial was set for tomorrow. Being unable
to secure bond , Townscnd spent the night
In Jail. Today they withdrew their plea of
not guilty and entered one of guilty \v here
upon they were placed under J200 bonds to
appear In district court. In tbo meantime
tbo couple secured a hccmo and ware mar
ried just before noon. Townsend has fur
several years had charge of a house cf pros
titution located Just north of the city llmlU.
Ho haa been undisturbed until a short time
ago when he had a couple of
girls who bad been In his cm-
ploy arrested for theft and they
have taken thla method of getting even with
him. It Is believed that Townseud and hta
wife will now take steps to get away from
KIIIIMIV : COAVKM : A/T coianuuis.
Kour Hundred DelrKaten from All
I'nrlN or ( lie Stale Are Prexi-nt.
COLUMBUS. Neb , , Jan. 19. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Delegates to the clnvonth annual
convention of the Nebrcnka State Volunteer
Firemen's association have nrilvcd on uvorj
train today , and representatives ol nearly
every department of the state arc on the
grounds tonight to the number of over -100 ,
The city la lu holiday clothcn and the dis
play of flags and bunting reminds one
forcibly of Hag day In the lain campaign.
Rood cheer and music abound on every baud ,
Dclegatis and friends am evidently bent on
having a good time. The convention was
called to order tonight at & o'clock In the
opera bouse , After listening to a ipcech of
nolcomo by Colonel WhUmoycr , president of
thu city council , and a rcaponse on behalf ol
the association by President SpauliVing ol
N'orfolk , the convention appointed a commit
tee on credentials Mid adjourned until 9
o'clock tomorrow morning.
Itetilien lllnl < er In . .lullMiilfliuv Kt
tniilltlnn I 'up IT * from KIIIIHH * .
IIOLDltlXU : , Neb , , Jan. 19 ( special Teh
gram. ) On December 22 , 1S98 , 0. W. Oil
moro of Blakcman , Knn. , was nhot throng
the wlndo\r of hU house about 7:30 : In th
evening. The ohot took effect In the fac
and the doctor took out twenty-eight she
and sonic wcro burled so diep that Ihcy coul
not bo extracted. In spite of his sever
wounds he wilt probably get well.
Saturday Reuben Illnkcr of Ilcrtrand , Neb
was arrested by Sheriff Knudseti , charge
with the crime , Ho wus placed In Jail , peivJ
Ing the- arrival of the sheriff of Kawlln
county , Kansas , with requisition pa pen * . 11
demanded A hearing under the Htatuto bcfor
some court In this state nnd wa.s taken be
fore W. A. Oarrctt county judge , lodiy fo
his preliminary hearing The evidence dc
velopcd the fact that ( tinker was seen on th
morning of December 21 going on horselmc
from Ilcrtrand to Oxford nnd the llveryma
In Oxford Identified him as having come t
hla barn the night of December 21 and leav
In ; ; a horse. Ho had a guncase In his ham :
Ho was also Identified by Iho cmplojes o
the U. fi M. who run from Orleans , Neb
to Blakeman , Knn . as being a passenger o
their train December 22 , 1S96 The man wh
did the shooting was tracked from Illakomar
Kan. , to the residence of 0. W Glllmorc
three miles from town , by hla tracks In th
mud , but the tracks were lost shortly aftc
the nhoatlng and while the man was mak
Ing hla way front the residence of Glllmore
The liveryman at Oxford further tcsllfle
that Illnker came after and got hi
horse the 23d of December and oilier xvlt
ncoses testified to having ecn Illnkcr on thread
road from Oxford to Dortrand. The stal
mode a strong case on circumstantial ovl
The defense was In the nature of an nllbl
the state using seven witnesses nnd the tie
fecse three After hearing the testimony th
court remanded Illnkcr to Jail , to await th
requisition papers from Governor Holcomi
Illnkcr and Glllmore nro slightly relatci
by marriage and ate not gcol friends am
have not been for some tlmo. Illnkcr ha
been a resident of this county for scvora
years , la a joung man and has n wife wh
Is now In a xery delicate condition.
KAUI.TS OKrun simTson , runv
Vnllej County riirinerM lletlete In ( In
Ciiniil | > ell Mclliml.
NORTH LOUP , Nob. , Jan 19 ( Speclal.- )
The experience of many farmora In this xl
clnlly tallies almost exactly with the state
mcnts presented In the Interoillng nrllcl
on Ihe "Campbell Method " appcirlng In Tin
Sunday Bee. Our best farmers , probabl ;
without a single exception , plico a high cstl
mate on the value of the mellow surface o
dust mulching nnd some of tho-so who Irlci
subsoil plows for one or more seasons gixi
testimony cither negative In character o
cl a cntlrcl > averse to the adoption of tha
method , mid state that the miLsoll plow li
our soil simply bursts open the subsurfact
earth nnd leave.1 the soil In coarao chunk
with large Intervening cavities little bcltc :
adapted to conserve moisture thin a pile o
stcnes burled lo a similar deplh On Ihi
other hand , while a marked difference o
opinion confessedly prevails among cur farm
era of apparently equal experience and nu
thorlly , extraordinarily deep plowing alonj
with shallow suifucc cultivation has manj
jealous advocates and their experience Is al
most Inxarlahly backed uo by more tbar
Iho axerago crop rclurns Iho only rcliabU
tcjt of success. That ndtllliotial good icsult :
would follow from a moderate compactinf
of the lower stratum of the soil after decj
plowing had given the earth a uniform pul
vcrl/atlon would seem lo be In complete
harmony with advanrcd Ideas relative to Hit
conservallon of moisture , ra well as with the
obieivatlons of piactlcal farmers based or
long experience , and the adoption of sucl
methods means competency. If not ever
wealth , to the farmers of upland Nebrnaka
TO nvnisTAi. % unirr suo\u M\\
HiiNtliifT * Cltl/eiiN Appoint
to Miilce All ArrniuvoMUMilM.
HASTINGS , Jon. 19. ( Special ) At !
meeting yesterday of the local committee or
arrangements for the entertainment of tin
state beet sugar convention the following
commlttccn wore appolnled : Committee or
finance , William Brach , Jacob Fisher , W. II ,
Dillon. James Ilooney and George Klrby
committee on opera house , W. H. Landing
and J. N Lyman , committee on transporta
tion and rates , Hon. F P. Olnwtcad ami
Charles Dietrich ; committee- music and
arrangements , J. B. Cessna , Adam Breed ,
B. M. Parmenter and Mark Levy ; committee
on reception , G. J nvor.i , Mark Levy , W II
Ferguson , Hal Main C J. Pecae. George
Miller. J. R. Sims. n. Button and J. II
Splcer. Charles II. Dietrich was made chair
man and F. P. Olmstead secretary. It was
the sense of the meeting to advertise the
convention extensively and thereby secure n
arge attendance. Kvery citizen U Interested
and no pains will bo spared by the IlEsllnpa
iicoplo to make the meeting the best Ibat
ho. * ever been bold In the Hlale.
llepiililloiiiis .
HASTINGS , Jan. 19 ( Special ) In the
court house last night the republicans of
listings met to organize a republican
eague. Charles Dietrich presided and
lurry Haverley was sccictary. A commlt-
xe consisting of Judge Fleming , Will Mc-
3rciry , Cd Francis. C. J. Button and C. C.
iVIllIims was chosen to select a perma
nent president nnd secretary for the league
snd announce them at the next regular
ucotlng , which will bo held at the court
louse next Tuesday night. Judge Cessna ,
Rd Wilson and Adam Bleed wcie appointed
i committee to ptcpaio a program foi the
lext meeting.
This action Is taken In view of the ac-
Ivlty of the sllxerlles.
tlio ItiieK Island for D
WAIIOO , Neb. , Jan. 19 ( Special. ) The
: aso of CO ward R. Slzer , administrator of
he cstalo of Peters , lo secure damages
igalnst the Rock Island Railroad company
or causing the death of Pelers , came up
cforo Judge Bales loday. The 'petition
: alls for $5,000 damages and was brought
icro on a change of venue from Lancaster
: ounty The case grows out of the case
if the State against G. W. Davis , who Is
low nerving a llfo sentence In the pcnltcn-
lary for wrecking n train In Lancaster
Dimly. Iho railroad i cites on Iho defense
hat the xv reck xvas caused by a third party.
ISeet MIKIIP KiU'lorj for I
NULIQH , Neb. , Jau. 19. ( Special. )
jClchell's opera bouse was completely flllel
ast evening with an enthusiastic body of
iltlztus , the occasion being a beet sugar
actory meeting. A deteimlnatlon xvas
iiaulfLst to obtain Iho factory and the com-
ulltco which has been working on the pioj-
cct reported the outlook most Nattering It
s proposed to have everything completed
n season to vvotk the 1897 crop of beets.
Seiiteneed for Slenllntr Cliidiliiir.
NEBRASKA C1TV , Jan. 19. ( Special. )
Thomas Cavanaugh and Thomas Leland , who
vcro arrested on the charge of stealing some
clotMng from the store of H. II. Faas , were
rled In police court , found guilty and were
icntonccd lo thirty ciajH In the county jail
ind to pay a flno of $6,35 each ,
Wedding lit .Vi-lirjiHl.n Oil ; .
NEBRASKA CITY. Jan. 19. ( fpectal. )
"rank Schclllnner , chief machine-fit at the
1. & M. lound hoiwo , was married thlsovcn-
n g lo MUa Annlo RoJdy , ono of the cit > 'K
neat popular young women.
I < 'niiill > I.enteN fur Callfiiriilii.
GRAFTON , Nob. . Jan. 19. ( Special. ) Mr.
mil Mm Mcrrlhcw , BO.I Fred end daughter
.ydla , leave tomorrow for their now homo In
.ire Angolcu , Cal. Besides thssa are Philip
loal and aoveral others ,
KIIIINIIN Inipleiiielil llenlerN Mee ( ,
KANSAS C1TV. Jan. 19. Five hundred
nombara and nearly SOO xUltors were prcs-
nt at the opening nc&Blou of the annual
onvcntlon of the Western Implement Deal-
> rs' auoolatlon. which wax called to ordei
icro this mcmlng by President C. C. Cur
io of Wellington , Organization took up tin
orenoon nnd In the afternoon President
; urtlu delivered his annual addicts and
'crretary J , Hedge of Atchleon , Kan. , madi
la report. The real work of thu convention
vtll bo taken up tomorrow , There are tov
nil subjects of Importance to bo discussed
nd the couvontlon will wit adjourn till
burn day.
mi. i.s > SlMvo | > ii\i i
ji\ \ | l. .
'Unctiiiicn I'rii ) for IteKiiliitlon of III
I xe of Iliinitf CoiniiillleeH Nniueil.
ClinYHNNK , jo. Jan. 19. ( Special ) -
In the hnu | < o In petition was presented b
Representative Bcrsman , slqncd by a nun :
btr of ntockmen praylnf } for legislation reg
tilatlnn the use of the open range by slice
rifeers nijif fOcknien. The cltUerM of th
town of Ilanna sent In a petition asking tin
sheep bo prevented from graying near tha
place | .
Representative Warner Introduced a Join
resolution citlffng upon Iho federal govern
inent to rclo/trllro / the Independence- Cub ;
and requestlniit the WyomliiR delegation li
coagro s to support the Cameron resolutions
A rooolutlon was adopted for the appointment
mont of a joint committee lo examine th
revision of Wjomlng laws , which has bee ;
made by a revision committee of attorney
dining the past two jears
House bill No 1 , providing for the com
plctlou of the dtate penitentiary nt Rawllna
was Introduced
A bill was Introduced lei Increase the pa ;
of members $1 a day and decreasing tin
mileage trim 20 cents to 10 cents per mile.
House bill No.1 was Introduced , provldlni
for the icmoval of the prisoners from tin
penitentiary at Laramlo to the pcnltonliar ;
at Rawllns.
A bill was Introduced to provide for tin
taxation of live' stock brought Into the stati
for grazing purposes.
Repitocntallvo Scott Introduced n bount ;
act fixing the bounty on cojotcs at ? 1 amen
on wolves $ .1 , the county commissioners o
each county having the right to levy a llki
bounty In addition to the state bounty.
Representative Nlcholls Introduced a bll
permitting husband and wife to testify li
criminal cases where cither Is a party to thi
Representative Fniley Introduced a bount ]
act nxlng the bounty on coyotes at ? t.GO amen
on wolves ? 5 The act appropriates $23,001
to pay the bounty , and provides that tin
skli.a shall become the propcrt ) of the state
In the house the speaker announced thi
following memberships of the several com
mlUccs :
| 1IcrlzoKl Scott (
Ways anil'MeansGrant , MIddnugh
Wni.ier , Hall , BrumHge
Thatcher118" D'LVH Gra"ser , Smith
Asrlculture-D-xvldson. Phillips , Brown.
iiUvi ° Stock-Scott , Brewer , Davidson
Urock , Thatohcr.
Corporallotis-BcrKinnn , Wllllts , Hurrllt
Klectlon- * Warner Jllddaugh. rorshoy.
Mines and Mining Tldlnll , Grant , Hn'l
LindM and Irrliratlon-Tliomai , Jennings
Grant. Ixjwe , Smith
. Athorly , McFarlalic.
Libor-Graiifer. Cottle. Donrtt
I odt-ial Hel.itlons Uutler , Jennings. Ncs-
" ' ? aV' ' "iRhxvays-IIcrtzogr , Finch
, , .
Fenley , II ill , Itrock.
Piliitlii ! , Mldrtaunh , Howe , Forsbey.
,1Al,1lltratlon S nlth Wnrncr Swnn on ,
Phllll.'s , I.owe.
Iiiuulgiatlon Swnnson , Hullrr , Nepblt
l.nnrossmtiit Wlllox , Granger , DoR.'olt
Kiiiolliiieiit Ponley , McFuihuie , W. II
Kelley ,
Uc'vciHie-fAtheiloy , Thomn ? , Brewer , Bur-
rill. Hell
Hides-Davis , Ilcrtzos. Fiiich , Hrovvii , W
II. Keilpy. '
In the stcato Trc-sldent Abbott announcetl
the follow tttft cpiiimlttcefl-
Judlclarv Appelgnle , Hanson , Wllllim .
Uelony , Cross
Ways nid ; Means-GobJc , Corson , Fo\ .
rducitlon Vcrbrycic , Fox , Goble , Cadv . ,
Cnlloway '
Public Hulldlnp-s Fox , Delony , Corson
Taylor , Fo61p
Public Lindsnnd Irrlffatlnn-Hniisou , Wil
liams. JIcG.111. Ai/peloto Ciyler.
Stoclt Itnl'lrir and Stock Livvs JIcGIll ,
Taylor , Williams. Cross , Picket !
Count v Affairs M > er , Goblc , Coison , A'er-
brx'ck , Tavjor ,
Corporal Ion Cor = ou Cro-sson Foote
Publlc Pr-Jntlni-MeGIll , Di-lotiv , Crosson.
Railroads Goble , VorbrycSc Foote
Elections Tnx-lnr , Delony , Apno'cito.
Coal Mliies-WIIIInms MrGIII. Too'c.
Intenial Ihipr x'emenls Coi = on , Hajison ,
Immlgrnllmi PlckPlt. Cioss. Mvers
Gnmo and Fish l > elony , JIcGIll , Appel-
Sanitary Affairs Verbryck , Cross , Calli-
redcral Relations Delony , Fox , Calla-
Labor Cad y , Jlyer , Crosson.
Minerals Cross. Cresson , Verbryck.
Public Accounls Corson. Williams , Calla-
xv ay.
ingro sment Hanson Appclgnto Cady.
Joint Printing-Appellate. McGIII.
Joint Revision Hanson , Williams.
ScllH ( o nil lla.Mtern Coinpiiny.
C. S. Raymond , who has been In the
jewelry business In this city for twenty
jeara. has rold out his stock In the Karbach
block , on Fifteenth and Douglas streets , to
he Gorham Manufacturing company , it *
Providence , R. I. The pui chasers are one
of the largest Jewelry bouses In the country.
A representative of the company Is now In
charge of the business. It Is probable that
the business xvlll bo contlifued , and possible
that a wholesale branch will he added.
HOHN Oels Tno VenrM.
KANSAS CITY. Jan 19 George n. llosp.
xvho embezzled Jl SIX ) while acting as money
clerk for the Pacific l > company and
xvho was arrested at hatou Hougo. Li.
pleaded guilty today and nns sentenced to
the penitentiary for two years
Mellni's CiinilKIoii Improx eil.
NEW YORK , Jan. 19 The condition of
Mine. Melba was repoitcd todiy to bo much
mproved The singer jefii'-cd to siy
.vhetlier or not her Illness would necessitate
icr retirement from the operatic stage for
Hie lomalndcr of Iho season.
Dull * for Atloiney
PIEIlItn. S. D. , Jan. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The supreme court has set Febru
ary 24 os the date of examination of appli
cants for admission lo practice In the courts
] f the state.
Pull * Inel > riih.iit SIlKlitlj Colder In
niuitrru I'nrllon.
WASHINGTON , Jan. -Forecast for
Wednesday :
For Nebrabka Generally fair ; north to
west -Kinds ; ellt'.itly colder In eastern per
For Missouri Partly cloudy weather and
ocnl Hhoweis ; south wind : ) ; wanner In
southwestern portion ,
For lov.'ii Generally fair , but xvPh In
creasing cloudiness , bouth to xvest winds.
For Kansas Local nhowcts follow oil by
clear xveather ; vxurmor In western portion ;
south vvlmla , shifting to went
For Siuth Unkota Generally fair ; west
wlndH ; warmer in eastern tiorllon.
I''or Colornilo-Mtltr ; noitli to vve'.st winds.
For WyomlHfiO-Gcncrnlly fair ; slightly
wnrmei ; south 'Winds.
l.oeitl Heeoril.
OMAHA. ! record of rainfall
ind temperature compared with cor-
espondlnu A.\y of the punt three years :
r 1 97. 1SW ! U95 JS3J
Maximum temparnturo . . 43 3.1 co 31
Minimum tomveralure. . .19 12 31 23
Aveiiago lcinrniratuiu. > . . . S2 22 4G so
Rainfall . . . /J. . ! . , .00 T .00 .13
Recoiil of ( uiniStrnturo nnd prcclpiuiton
at Onmlm for the day and slnco Match 1 ,
SStJ : ' , ' [
formal tenuK'rnt.uro for the day . 13
i\cena for tJig diy | . 17
Aecumuhitedi'\'ii''s wince March 1 . 173
s'ormnl pret limitation for the day. . .02 Inch
Deficiency fnrj hp day . ( T- Inch
Total precipitation Hlnco Mch. 1..MU1 IncheH
jXce.tH Blnco JJiirLh 1 . 523 Inches
Jellelency reP cpr. peilod , 1SOG..11 ii inches
Deficiency for oor. period 1 93. . . 13 31 Inches
lU-porlH Trdin bdilloiiN lit 8 p. in ,
_ Bevcnly-llflh ineilJIan time. _
? s
43) ) .00
S'tTlh riuttc , tleur
Laliu City , part cloudy.
Iir > cnne. clear
Clly , clear
luron , clear
t. LoiilH. cloudy. , ; , , , ,
t. I'aul , clisir , .
lavinport , cloudy .
lolcna , clear .
CanniH Clly , clear .
f , cloudy
llinmrik , clear . .
VIIIUlou , clear
Jalv utoii , cloudy
T Imllcutts truce of | > recli > ltatlon.
I. A. WPJ.81I
Korecait O.Tolal.
Enstorn Roods May Bo Forced to
Marked Reduction in Unto : .
llnllrnml Mm llrllfxr dm ! ( In * Coin
lilcllon of I'ltlihiti-K A. ( Jiilf U 111
ItcMilt In tirciil llenellt to ( lit *
foil n ( r > <
A prominent railway olUclal was recent !
asked by a lice tcpoitor the probable cftet
on cialu tales of the opening of a new nort
and south line from this tcriltory and th
paitlal diversion of grain from the Atlaull
seaboard lo the Gulf of Mexico. In reply h
said :
"Hero Is the pointer In regard to the futur
of the rate matter. You know the Mloslt
slppl ilvor lo a basing point , and the tovvi ,
wwt of thu Mlasouil river have pronortlor
attly a much higher rate from New Yor
than the Mississippi river towns have. .
great many railroad men bellovo that th
completion of the 1'lttsburg & Gulf rot
and the extension of the gulf railway Inllti
once Into the north \vlll bring about a re
ductlon In rates from Jllsslsslppl river t
MUsourl river towns to the great bcncfl
of the latter.
"When the now southern linn nets t
shipping grain and lumber to Liverpool th
mturnl problem for Its xnsauu v.111 bo t
get a return haul ; that will , of COUISL , brlu
tariffs to the attention of English cxportcit
uho will bo urged , as the Hrltlsh vice conau
In Kansas City Is urging , to sell direct t
consumets In this country In place of rcl > ln
on the jobbing houses lu New York. Th
results will bo that a large part of the 1m
porting business In New Yoik , for this traiw
mlssotirl section , will be destroyed It wll
not take very long for the New Yorkers t
catch on , nnd the eastern railroads will nebo
bo a bit slower to catch on , cither ; when the ;
do they will simply have to make rates to th
west to suit the clicumstanccs.
"It has been on this lopothcsls that tin
railroad men hereabouts , when not talUni
for publication , express the belief that i
loner rate to the Jllssourl river from Nov
York will result from this gulf port competl
lion. It seems to mo that this ! u very plausi
hie. "
INMI < > ISi-xx ItiiiiilH mill Stn < > U ti >
ri'iirlO llnliliTH.
NHW YOHK , Jan 10 The terms of the
propcs'tlon that has been made by the
Atchl on railroad to the holders of the S
per cent ginrantced gold bonds of the At
lantic & I'aclflc railroad to purchase the
Slfi 009,000 first moitgatjo western division
bonds of the last mentioned company arc
olllclilly announced as follows- The Atchl on
will give B2 > A per cent of the par value of
the bonds In Atchlson genei l mortgancIs
carrjlng the April , ISO" , coupon , nnd fi7'6
per cciifc In Atchlson preferred stick , In nil
$3,400.000 AtchUonIs , nnd $0.200,000 pro
fcrred ilock The purchasers al-"o assume the
net floating debt of the receivership , amountIng -
Ing to about S' . OO.OOO , v 111 pay the ev
penses of foreclosure and reorganization , and
w ill assist the reorganization committee In
obtaining control of the central division , In
case thej decide not to foreclose that mort
In return the Atchlson receives tl.o west
ern division bonds and Is to bo rcloi"ed from
all liability upon the guaranteed trust bonds ,
the pending bults being discontinued or as
signed. The Atlantic & I'aclfic committee ?
will retain possession and control of the
? 2,740,000 first mortgage 6 per cent bonds
of the central division nnd i eta In one-sixth
of the equipment of the western division
for useon the central division.
MAY in : iinuLCTim \ cu \ u.vTn.s.
Cut oil KiiMli-rii I.lni-H tlio Slnal fur r
The sentiment among the few ofllclals now
In Omaha Is that there may bo a reduction
In freight totes on corn from Nebraska
points to Mississippi river points of abou
3 cents per 100 pounds , but that such re
ductlon will not bo seen for a few montlu
> ct. If such a reduction wcro secured by the
roads In the Western Traffic association
fi eight ofllclals say , theio would then hi
In force rates on an average 7 cents less
than those of a year ago During the sum
mcr corn rates vveio cut 7 cents. In No
vember they v ere put half way back. It U
said that no i eduction In Nebraska and Ion : .
rates nt this tlms would benefit the farmer
as the corn 13 said to be unmeichantable on
account of the excessive moisture of the pas *
month The cut by the lines east of CMIcagc
la believed to bo the i > linal for a bitter
rate war on grain ratt-s from the intorlor of
the country to gulf and seaboard polnta.
iiS > TI.MMJ ruiiicM > suun SUITS.
Move ( o Ilritil < > ir tlic Dill for n I'm-lflc
HllllllH rillllllllMNlllll.
CHICAGO , Jan. 10 The Post's Washlng-
on special sa > sThe government Is making
> xtraordlnary hesto In preparing the papers
n the Union Pacific foreclosure piocecdliigs
Secretary Carlisle , Attorney General Har-
noc and ex-Governor HmO'"y ' on behalf o ;
ho government , a'lii Chalimaii Fitzgerald
if the Union Paclllc reoiganlzatlon com-
nlttec. and \VInslow S. Pleico. Its attorney ,
in the other hand are In continuous SPSOT |
rho papeia will probably bo completed to-
nonovv mid the formal older asked to flic
ross-bllls In pending forcclosmo suits to
uako the govcinment a party theicto This
novo Is a slab nt the Hnntlngton sclu'ine
or a commission tosettle the I'aclflc roads'
nde-hlcdiicAs. A commission bill will bo le-
lorted tomcnow by the house commlttc-o on
'acinc roads , but Its diancca of passing con
fess nro remote. Foreclosure and the sur-
Ival of the fittest Is the program
IVIcphonc l.lin'H May lie Aildcd to iliu
Coiii | > iui > 'H I Iijii'l' ' " " ' " ! .
NDW YOHK , Jan. 10. fiver slnco the
: ontract between the Western Union Tolo-
; raph company and the American Hell Telu-
) hsn companj c.\r/lrcd last fall reports bavo
icon current that the telegraph company
\as preparing to enter the telephone field.
Missel 1 Snge , n director of the Wcatctn
Jnlon , said "The Western Union will con-
Inuo to Improve Its equipment and make
ts business as profitable for Its stockholders
is possible. No plans ha.'o been decided
ipon , hut vvhoro the company sees It would
10 profitable to put In telephone ) lines It lo
lulto likely It may do HO. Thcro ts no mo-
mpoly In the telephone business and the
iVcstcrn Union can take It up as well as
in ) body without starting a war. The Wost-
> rn Union owns a largo but not controlling
nterest In the Hell company. "
liilli' < > ttil 'i N unit Ciinl .11 1 n iI'M Confer.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Heprceentatlvcs of the
'cnnsylvanla , Dig Four and other roada In
orested In the eoft coal trafllc from I'cnn-
ylvanla mines arc In confarcnco hero today
tlth repre eiitatlvea of the soft coal shippers
ml dealers. The object Is to arrange a
ettlement of the a . coal war and da away
kith the discrimination which now cxlats
gainst Certain consuming centero.
IlulcH AKiiliiHl Hie hiindi To.
TOPHKA , Kan. , Jan. 10. In the 'case of
Iranian , a bondholder In the 'KrUco and
anta Ko roads , against the Santa To , the
Fnlted States circuit couH overrules the
lunta Fo'a motion to dlmnlsa.
.Volrn mill 1'iTHiiiinln.
General Agent Kuhn of the Northwestern
i taking a brief trip through the otate.
General and Mrs. JIundcraon started last
veiling for a wcck'fl trip In tha cast.
General Traveling Passenger Agent Hutch-
ion of the Union Pacific has returned from
u eastern trip ,
J. N , II. Patrick and a party of six loft
Jr Now York City yesterday In a private
ir of the Union Pacific.
Western roada have agreed to make a rate
f one nnd onp-thlrl larra for the rounl trip
> r the annual western exhibition of the Na-
onal Cycto Hoard of Trade , to bo hold In
hlcago January 23 to 30 , Tickets will bo
aid at this ratj t points within 100 miles of
Chicago tnmiary 3.1 to .10 , nnd from points
outnldo this rndlus January 20 to 20.
Trank Stllwell , for the pint four > t nm
Rup rlnt ndent of the Knnmi City union
depot , died on Sunday on a tinln In Knns.-.s.
TravclliitT I'AsseiiRer Agcnla Mnrlcy of the
JtlchlRan Central , t'undcy of the Denver &
lllo Grande nnd McNutt of the "Katy" roads
nro In the city ,
11. A. McAllister , land commissioner of
the Union Pacific , has return ml from Wash
ington , x\hero he went to malto secure the
tltleo of purchasers of Union Paclllc lands
Ills mission wan a r > ucct8&ful oie.
Yesterday the western railroads made
chrop rates for bnaiwieckcrs' cxcuislv-ns of the roads report fairly good busi
ness on thK account , nome of the travel
going to western Nebraska an 1 some golnj'
ojthuinl to Ailtans.13 nnd Tcxus.
A Cincinnati story Is to the effect that
thcio Is to bo a fourth line between Cincin
nati and Chicago , to start near North Hciul
nnd run direct to Hlchmond and Munclc , and
thence northwest to n point on some of the
trunk lines entering Chicago U Is claimed
by the projectors thai the mltcagolll bo
205. which would make It the short line
from Cincinnati to Chicago. The entrance
Into Cincinnati will bj over tha Daltlmoie
& Ohio Southwestcin
Iini'jvc Tnl n I Alromly ltvpl\ for tin-
IlruoKt > n Snl > i\cntn.
N13W YOHK , Jan. 10 Secretary Mclntjro
of the Hro3kl > n Jockey club jcstcrday re
ceived thlrly-nlno entries to the various
stake events for the coming season. One
of thcco was a Brooklyn Handicap , the
5-josr-old horse Krro Advice , belonging lo
Whltten brothers of San Tranclsco. The
thlrtj-nlno entries bring the total up to "CO
as comparfd with 520 for last year , Whltten
brothers cntnrcd thlrty-ono of the thlrtj-
nlno now horses , the otners bclns from xa-
rlous western owners. H Is oxpactol todaj's
mail will wind up the western entries.
The llrookljn Jockey club has arra.tuod n
special swcerstokcs , In which four of tbi
greatest American thoroughbreds will ttiri
The starters will bo the Itrookdale stablo's
Hciiuital , August llclmont's Hastings. Phil
Dwjcr's Hamlsprlng and Mlko Dwjcr's Hen
IJrusli H Is probable tlut other horses will
bo named to start. The conditions arc $2,500
added , two to start or no race. The distance
will bo a ml'e nnd a half , the hoiscs will
inset weight for ago and the race will be
decided In the week following the running
of the llrooklyn Handicap.
OIT for Ilif THM Sliiuil.
Quito a delegation of Omaha sportsmen
will attend the second gland midwinter trap
shooting tournament to be held at San An
tonio , Tex. , January 15. 2fi , 27 , 28 and 20.
under the auspices of that triumvirate ol
southern get llcnien. J JI Geoige , Albert
Steves and O. C. Gucssaz , known as the big
three This shoot Is one of the blggrat ami
best held In the country during thejoai
the attoi'danco ' winter being rcmnrkablj
largo The pirty going from hero will Include
cludo G. AV Loomls Goodlcy Hrucker , Fiank
S. Pai melee. Will Krug , Lee Spratlln and
ono or two others1. Thoj will leave via
Kansas City this morning. In addi
tion to the tegular puises the management
adds $2.000 In cash , and there will be
numerous Kcclal prizes. The midwinter
trophv Is fiiild to be the most magnificent
prl/o over shot for In America. There U
Httlo doubt but what the Omaha contingent
will sustain the enviable reputation they enJoy -
Joy among the southern shots , as Messrs
Parniilco and LoomLi make a team hard to
WOIIKMI SmitNh Mori' Ui'i'ord.s.
INDIANAl'OLIS , Jan 10 The fomiilc bl-
cjclu litters smashed nnotbcr icconl to
night. Dotty rainsvxorth cro-ised the tape
three lengtlis In front of Amlf-son , lower-
In ? : the distance made in St. Paul In April ,
I'M by Hevfii miles. The total UNtnnre for
the four bouis wnu clRhty-threo miles The
distance coven d tonight was forty-one
mlle tight l.ins The llnlsli tonlKbt was
Kainswortb. SJ nillos , AnderMoit , M miles ,
Haldwln , 1J miles 17 Inpi ; ChrNto'iber , K
miles 17 laps , Allen , S2 niPf-s 17 lap's.
lloilNllIol Olrn .
POHTAGn , WIs. , Jan 19. Tno bonnplel
opened today \ilth nn International mutch.
The Camullans won by u Bcoro of 31 to 26 ,
McUilrmld of Wlnnlpepr beatlntr Ch miller
or W.uipacn , Ifi to 13 , and Cameron of Hit
Port.iRo boating Yv'elN of Portage , 15 to IS
McUnlrinld nmi Carm-ron , the only Cana-
illin rinks pn scut , will play on for the Iii-
ternatlonil trophy. Klfty rinks nio entered
from St. Paul Uiiluth , Chicago , Milwaukee ,
\VlnnIpeg and other cltle0
Sports Ilin-rvil ti-niii Clilliiiiiliiin.
CHIHUAHUA , Jlev , Jan. 10. No more
hull fights , pilze fights or cock fights will
bo allowed to take place In this state , the
legislature haxlng Issued an order prohibit
ing the sport , nnd has provided a eovere
penalty for the violation of the law.
llfHUIIU'H ( In-
nOSTON , Jan. 10. John L. Sullivan If
going Into stage llfo again. A prominent
manager will take him In hand and put hia
or. the eastern circuit this teason , and If
successful , will stud him the water lu
tL)9 ) summer.
Spurring .Mnleli In l > 'orlilililfil.
MONTItn\L , Jan 19 JIajor Smith , at the
Instance of the Citizens' league , has Issued
on order forbidding the ten-round sparring
match between Slav In and Hall , which Is
eclieJnlcd for Wednesday evening at the
Somer park.
I'lres lit a Slay.
nEATHIcn , Neb , Jan. 10 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Haptlst parsonage. Righth and
Grant streets , at present unoccupied , taught
flro at 7 o'clock this evening. Ii vias not
burnoJ to the ground , but It la a total
vvieclc Loss , $1,200 ; fully coveted by In
surance A delegation of tvventj-seven fire
men , lepudcntlng the four hcso coupanlos
and the hook end ladder compan ) , compr.j-
Ing the Heatrlco Flro department , went lo
Columbus toJay to attend the annual me t-
lug. The absence of the chief , several lire-
men and many of the best men of the de
partment was notlceablo tonight In the way
the lire was handled , although Hie bojs did
good work , considering thcie was no one
to take the matter In charge.
Fifty Years Ago.
This ts the cradle In xvhlch there grew
That thought of n philanthropic brain ;
A remedy that would make life new
I'or the multitudes that were racked
with pain.
Twas cargapurllla , ns madeyou know
Uy Ayer , some 50 years ago.
Ayer's SarsaparilSa
was in its infancy half a cen
tury ago. To-day it doth "bo-
etrido the narrow world like a
colossus. " What is the eocrot
of its power ? Its euros ! The
number of them I The wonder
of thorn ! Imitators have fol
lowed it from the beginning of
its success. They are still behind -
hind it. "Wearing the only
modal granted to sarsaparilla
in the World's Pair of 1893 ,
it points proudly to its record.
Others imitate the remedy ;
they can't imitate the record :
5.0 Cures.
XtiNlrnlliiti Mllllomilrp' * Xlonrj l.ook-
IIIM : fur II llpliplli < lnr > .
CUICAaO. Jan. 19. Alfred Ashbrook , a
mllllonnlro nheop owner of Melbourne , Am-
tralla , died In 1800 and left hl.s estratiKiJ
daughter , IMIth , one-third of hl xast rs-
inte. The heiress Is atippprfrd to bo In Chl-
C.IRO or Its vicinity and detectives nio trying
to nnd her. .The estate of the "sheep king. "
.1.1 Ashhrook was known. Is rstlmaltd to bo
x\orth at least J2 MO.OOO. Two ihughtcrs be.
sides the n < l slng IMIth are the bcuoflclarlcs.
In 1SSO IMIth Ashbrook , ihon IS > ears old ,
met and loved IMword Tounsoiul a civil en
gineer. at Melbourne. After a few weeks'
courtship Townsend propend nnd WR.I ac
cepted by thn rjlrl Her father would not
sanction the union , The Rlrl , however , mnrJ
rled Townsend. The following > i > ar Townsend - '
send left .Melbourne , going to San Kranclsco ,
where , for a while , ho was cmplojcd on ono
of the morning papers. In issii the couple
went to Port Townsend. Wash , and later
they drifted to Victoria. II. C. , Tow no-
end Is said to have died of pneumonia Mrs.
Townsend has moved from one plice to un-
othcr , supporting herself nnd child IM best
she could. Advices from Melbourne state
that for two > ears she was cmplo > cd In ono
of the big department stores In Chicago.
That was the last heard of her.
Proiiiliipiit Xlen from All I'nrlH of tlio
Cull n ( rj In At IciiilaniM1 ,
LOUISVILliU , Jan. 19. The Nonscctarlau
Internntloinl Field Workers , composed of
Sundn ) school workers , begin their annual
session this evening at the Mcmoilal Prea-
bjlcrlan church. Many delegates are In , at-
t.ndanco nt the mcotlrt ; , xvhlch will con
tinue through Thursday afternoon. Tonight's
meeting Includes a song service , dlncusslon
of the general topic , "Tho Inllvldual School , "
and an addrtss , "Front Une Sunday Schools , "
by C. I ) Melgs , superintendent of Indiana
Sunday School union.
Tomorrov. ' Alfred Day , president of ths In
ternational Pleld Workt'is , will address the
mcotlnc Other distinguished xlsltora will
bo Marlon I.iwrcncc. general secretary Ohio
Sunday School association ; Hugh Coik , In-
tprnal'ioml rield Workers of the Northwest ;
C M. Wallico , Iowa ; I. P. Illack , secretary
Intornatlmal Primary mil on , 11. r Jacobs ,
W. J Ilemllrolh of Missouri. S 1) ) AVeaxor
of Missouri and C. J. Kephart of Pcnnsjlva-
_ _
Vlpltin IN St > rliiiitl > III.
NnW YOHK , Jan 19 The Press says that
Mine. Mclbi , who disappointed a largo
audience last night by falling to appear In
"I.a Traxlata. " Is seriously III Yesterday ,
sajs the Press , n surgical operation was per
formed on Mine Mclln's throat and she may
ba unable to ping again this season She
caught n cold In llrooklyn last Thursday.
On Sunday she was well enough to sing , but
after the performance was uirnblo to speak
above a whisper.
roini-M Tlirntiuh I IIP Sliirtn.
MlkLim , S. 1) . Jan. 19 ( Special Telegram - " * *
v *
gram ) Mall Cariler Spain , Just In fiom "
the south , sa > s that a farmer named Pass
nilninn lost 150 sheep In the recent storm.
Spiln K.IJH ho was out In the otoim two
nights and narrowly escaped perishing
NASHVIIjlii ? , Jnn. It A special from
ParK Tcv. , s.tys : Mr.s Harris vvlfcofStn-
xtor G Iturrls , Is not cxpteted to
llvt > tliroiiKh the iilsht , nnd thn senitor Is
till eonlliu'il to his loom from futiuo !
-nusod l > > hl.s rnpld Journey from Washing-
A Ilcnllim TfH < for ( hi ? Mlllil.
There arc a number of commcndiblo tlilnga
taught by so-called mind healers For In
stance , "Mind Is the real being the real
man , which moves the arms , leys , eyes , etc ,
as machines which do Hi will "
Ucdy U made up entirely of what comqs.
from the ground nnd air. A peculiar com
pound of earth nnl water , dcllcatel > and
moit deftly arranged , lo bo sure , but slmpltt
earth and water nevertheless , without any
force , Intelligence or motion In It , except CH
It Is acted upon by the living mind
Thcro seems to bo two minds lo each body ,
or two selves , ono which runs the so-called
automatic momheio stomach heart , bowels ,
etc. , etc , and the other which conducts the
movements of the outer members arms , etc
It Is a curious ps > cholcglcal fact that when
ann 11 slightly ailing a now linu of thought
will quickly affect the body favorabl ) and
particularly If that mental trcnil run some
what as follows "I am not body"
"My real self Is unseen and la Mind or
Spirit which Is tin1 same as Life. Ilody
being dead matcilal cannot complain to mo
except as I scnsltl/o It ami permit the com
plaints " If a poison can bring himself to
thoroughly bcllevo thta without a a'aadow of
doubt a most cuilous and healing effect In
quickly felt In the body.
JIany people have not a well enough train
ed mind to command Just whit It Bhull or
filial ! not do. but where thn mind [ 3 well In
hand , so to speak the result of such mental
oxciclsc Is marked and cannot bo forgotten
Wo write the above knowing that It will
i each the oyr of some honest searthcr after
some of the now laws which are lately com
ing to be known of man , and to aay that
vvhlle on the subject of healthful living i
"hould not be forgotten that good nourishing
fond and drink arc necesj.nj nnl the un
natural hublia are better loft , off than clung
to If the reader hai trouble with coffee and
has never ustd the food-dilnk , Poitum
Cereal , It will well repay the trial
Thcro la but ono genuine original P stum
Cereal coffee , with n multitude of Imitations
offered ct > ' Jint as good "
M./r / * .
i oni . iit : ! ON KjjiT , si jr ; .
T\M > ami one-half hum's iniugiunt liuKiicr
Matinee xvtdnc-iinj ftnu now nn tnle ,
lie , CCc 7't f 1 en M.itlniD : c niul Vic
- Mqrs
'I'lirciMVIH ! ( , ( iiiiinifiielnpr
ROSAU L monni oH m
r * A "CT.'R/r'P'Kf i " ° 'i ' " ' * * " 'o ' b.ii
l/JM. JtliAVl el\i ,
/ | nt | | ) y tllo emu o .jij
KfntB now on cilu 2'ic < k 7 c IIO Jljit un
imitlmoSatnulnj i * niul oik'
Jun 2IS7 , Ilupl.lns' I r.n
CIlKiail'ION UAI.U ' ) rs ,
lONIOUT , k,15 I'UOl' JOHN ItCV.NUl.DH ,
prcMiitiMK IMS \ ts.Miiuctinuii..s : : : : i..m n.
tcr iiiul xckncu nunlilnoil StMU IM ( inJ y ; .
bcliool children lOc nt niallncc
THEATEI I fmi.mnct.-i .
M Cruwfunl , Muiumcr
n MA'IIMI : 'IODAV ar.
u All SfiilH Xr a
IP ujiii n < - iSi > p n.'t' " . " SJ.'P iinp.IP ii. u
BOYD'S MKvrnn j " ' ' "
I..AI Crawford , Mur. I
I MlgliU OjitnliiB Tliuinlas Jnti 21 - matliieia.
Now , Ooriiotis ; Ope rut lu Kxtriivuemuu ,
"Homlrlolc Huditoii , Jr. "
" 0 People , .MiiKiilllct-nt Heencry , Hi-lect
Chorus of 30 16 Huropfim UaiiLirti ,
January 25 Jl.mciolt , lira "
Commercial Men' * llvadquartcm.
. _ 100 Jtoums JZOO per day.
CO noom Wlih Until , li M I'or Day.
Table UnoxccllcU Ly Any Ileum of Hamo Unit.
TimiTii.vni A.M ) JOMJH
1(0 rooniK , butliit , iteani hcut and all modern
convenient * ! , Ituten , II (0 unj n ( K ) per day.
Table uncxcullcil. Hpeclal low rate * to regular
boarder * . FUANIC UlbUlTCll , tier.