8 OMATTA PATTjY BEE ; TTTOSSDAY , .TANCJAItY 19 , 1807. VIEW THE EXPOSITION SITES Pirat Stops in the Important Matter Taken Yesterday , CHICAGO EXPERTS LOOK OVER THE LAND M nmiiliiycil to AiUlxo llic Ijiiotil Commit ( < ! ArriiiiHt- for an IllNIH-Mll.il Of lilt ! I'fOll- nlite I.ocalloiiN. IT. C. Alexander and A. C. Schradcr , the Chicago cnglnccre employed by tlio special committee of tlio Hoard of Directors of the TtancmlaalEslppI Exposition association to Inspect the five alte < ) proponed as locations for the exposition , arrived In Omaha > OT- terday. After engaging rooms at the Tax- ton the experts went at once to the office of C. i : . Yost , chairman of the special commit tee. Hero they met Messrs. Yost anil Wll- cox , the third member of the committee , J. II. Mlllard , being out of the city. After a short conference It was decided that the most expeditious plan of examining the fllttfl would bo for each alto to be shown to the experts by Its friends without the Intervention of any niembep of the special committee or of any advcfse Interest , after which the engineers mtqht make such In vestigations as they wished. In accordance with this arrangement , Mr. Yost telephoned the advocates of each of the sites and asked them to come at once to his office. In a short time Ue Kstcllo , representing the Ulvorvlew park site ; I ) . II. Christie , representing Miller park ; City Attorney Council , representing the Hanscom park site , and \ \ . II Dennett and Ocorgo W. Kelley , repre senting Dlmwood park site , were on htind. After consultation It was decided that Miller park should bo visited jtfiterday morning , Haniscom park In the afternoon , Interview park this morning and Hlmwood park thin afternoon. The representatives of Kast Omaha were not present , but It was In formally decided that the site lying between Cut-Off and Florence lakes should bo visited Wednesday morning. Councilman Chrlatlo quickly secured a carriage , and , accompanied by II. W. Hlch- urdHon , another ardent advocate of the ad vantages offered by Miller park , the start was made for the north side park. The parly returned to the 1'axton In time for the engineers to take the edge off an ap petite whetted by the short outing , after which they were taken In band by Ulty Attorney Connelt and drl\en out to Ilanscom park. In rosporso to questions the experts said that In inaUIng their reports to the com- mltlco and Hoard of Directors they would Include all matters which , In their Judg ment , had nny bearing upon the desirability of the several sltca for exposition purposes To do this they said they should consult with the city engineer regarding the grades , sewer and water facilities and other en gineering data necessary to bu taken Into consideration and should also make such examination of all the surrounding condi tions as would enable them to make an In telligent and comprehensive report. KAItl.V ACTION Ts MU'OHTANT. Itrnl HNlutc Mrll Drue tinXei - -HHl ( } of IXiiiMlltlon. The exposition was Ilia principal subject , of discussion at the meeting of the Heal n.state exchange jostcrday. As a result the following icsolutlon , offered byV. . 13. Tay lor , was unanimously adopted : "Resolved , That It Is ths bense of the ex- changa that It is of the greatest Impoitanco that the Nebrauka legislature now 'In ses sion shouid Immediately proceed with the consideration of the bill'ifoupending making an appropriation for tlio Transmlsslwilppl Ex position , and that the said bill should bo favorably considered without unnecessary de lay. In view of the fact that the legisla tures of other states aru now In session and that they will bo largely governed by the action of the Nebraska legislature on this very Important measure , It should receive Immediate consideration and prompt , final and favorable action on the part of our legislature. " In support of the resolution Mr. Taylor called attention to the fact that unless the Nelnifik.i bill was passed before Februaty 1 then ? vould bo only two or three weeks left In which to secure appropriations from the ItglMatuics of tlio other western states. Naturally other states could not be expected t uct until Nebraska had done Us part. A committee expected to go to Springfield next week to urgi > the patsage of the bill now befoio the Illinois legislature , and the first question asked would be how much the Nebraska. leclslntuiu had appioprlated. The k'Klslirurcs of nearly all the western states were limited In time and It was Imperative that action should be taken n.s early ns pos- 6lble. The Nebraska bill , Mr. Taylor said , bhnuld bo paraed nt the earliest possible date In order that the committees might go before the legislatures of other states and tt.turo adequate appropriations. The resolu tion was dlscus-ced along this line and passed. There will bo another meeting of the exchange today to make arrangements for following up the resolution. A memorial on the death of J. Q. Gaston wan Adopted AVOMAV.S WOltIC lTHU i\POSlTIO.Y W IIII'N Club AlMiolntH a Committee of Mni > tit l'r > | iurc I'liuix. The Woman's club took action jesterday afternoon upon the request of the executive committee of the exposition , asking the club to appoint a committee to formulate a plan for a woman's department of the ex position. A committee of nine members of the club was elected to formulate such a plan , and submit It to the exposition exec utive committee for its approval. The meeting of the club was held In the Crclghtou theater , and was attended by about 250 women. After the preliminary business of the meeting had been disposed of , the special older of the session was taken up. and Mrs. F , R Ford moved the ap pointment of a committee to name a com mittee or five to prepare such a plan as had been requested. Mrs. Sutlborough moved to amend by making the coitmltteo consist of nlno mem bers , In order to give It a wider scope. The amendment was discussed by several of the members , and was then adopted. President Harford suggested that the nom inating committed should report eighteen names to bo ballotled for. Instead of select ing nlno names , thus limiting the cholco of the club. This suggestion was Incotporatcd Into tlio motion , which wna then carried unanimously. The chair appointed the following nom inating committee : Mra. W. W. Koisor Mrs. W. II. Wyinnn and Mrs. n , 13. Toll of South Omaha. While the committee was preparing Its re port , the club took up the proposed amend ments to the constitution , which had been laid over under the rules. The amendment changing the meeting dajs fiom Monday to Saturday was defeated by an overwhelming majority. The amendment providing for a library committee of live members , to ha\o Awarded Highest Honors \Vorld's Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fieo ( rom Ammonia , Alum or any other aclultetant. 40 Years the Standard * chargeof a reference library to be estab lished by the gradual purchase of desirable books , wan carried without opposition , The nomlnilltiK committee presented lt re port , recommending the following eighteen women to bo voted for In the election of a committee of nlno. MefldnmcB B. T , llnd- pcy , A. 8 , Stlger , T. K SudboroiiRh , Frank Heller , I. II. Andrews , W. S. Strawn , A. N. Tcrguson , J. II. Dumont , S. It. Tow no , C. C. Yost , C. W. Damon , John A. MacMurphy , Henry Jnmcs , II. M. Webster , John Gordon , F. Droadwell , C. E. Squires and Miss S. J , narrows , Mrs , Uroathvcll declined to stand for elec tion , and Mrs. K. r. Ford nominated the president , Mrs. Harford , to nil the vacancy thus occasioned. This motion carried unani mously and the balloting commenced. The home committee was appointed to act an tellers , and the ballots were collected by the member * of the committee , who then re tired to the waiting room to count the vote. The meeting was thin turned over to Mrs. T. K. Sudborough , chairman of the educa tional department , who Introduced Superin tendent C. O. Pcnr e of the public schools , who talked for about twenty minutes upon the general condition of the public schools from a financial standpoint. The counting of the ballots occupied some time , and the exercises of the meeting were prolonged In order to fill In the time. When the report was finally made It showed that the following women hcd been elected as the committee to formulate a plan for a woman's department : Mesdaniea Z. T. Llnilsey , A. S. Stlgcr , T K. Sudborough , F. Heller , I. It. Andrew1 , A. N , Ferguson , S. It. Tow no and C. E. Squires. PI.A.NS or Tim TIIUHSTOX IIIIMS. . \VouliI AUrml ( lit * IiiiiiiKiirnlloti of .Major M.'Klnlo. There Is a possibility that Nebraska ma > bo represented at the inauguration of Major McKlnley by the Thurston rifles. A plan Is being discussed by which It Is proposed that the Rides shall go to Washington and participate In the Inauguration ccrcnnonles and at the same time do pome effectual mis sionary work In the cast for the Tr.uismls- slsslppt exposition. The plan Is to send the nifles to Washing ton In n special car , which will be decorate J and supplied with a quantity of advertising matter. The Iliflcs arc willing to stop at all the principal cities and give exhibition drills and at the same time afford an opportunity for the dissemination of Information relative to the exposition. At the same time they will endeavor to secure the attendance of the crack militia companies at the exposition and will make their club looms at Seven teenth and Douglas streets a headquarters for the ooldlcr bojs when they come to the city. The Idea has been submitted to mem bers of the executive committee of the ex position association and la regarded with a good deal of favor. The IVhi)11 > Story Of the great sales attained and great cures accomplished by Houii's Sarsaparllla Is quickly told. It purifies and enriches the blood , tones the stomach and gives strength and vigor. Disease cannot enter the system fortified by the rich , red blood which comes by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. Hood's Pills cure nausea , sick headache , 'ndlgcstlon ' , biliousness. All druggists. 25c. icn MU.V OATiiiu Tiinut HAHVHST. Not Wiiltlnpr for tiltComliifV of Collier The Ice men are not losing nny time waitIng - Ing for the weather to get colder , but are cutting all the Ice they can find. The Ice on the water works reservoirs Is from'alx to eight Inches In thickness , and that on Cut-Off lake Is about the same. Nearly all of the Ice dealers have been cutting Ice for a week , notwithstanding none of it was over nine Inchea In tlileKnees. They have had small gangs of men at work , but will Increase the number whenever the weather makes ice fast enough to warrant so doing. The Seymour Lake Ice compiny has about 100 men employed lr | cutting from the lake nt Seymour park , and has made one cutting. As soon as another crop Is ready It will be housed at once. The Klmball Ice corapan > had omall gangs at work on the Florence reservoirs all of last week and Is still at work. The Arctic Ice company started cutting on the Walnut Hill reservoir yes terday with fifty men. Tne Swift and the Hammond companies have been cutting from Cut-Off lake for the past week , and are stor ing the Ice In jhelr houses at the lako. No household Is complete without a case of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne It's the best sparkling wine made. HurlliiKtou It im < i California ljCIIIN lo UN. Leave Omaha , via the Durllngton route , any Thursday afternoon at 1.35 , in a com fortable tourist rleeper , and you reach San Francisco , Sunday evening , Los Angeles Monday noon. No transfers , car goes right through. Uniformed Pullman porter and ex perienced excursion conductor relieve jou of all bother. Evarj thing ptovlded. Tickets $40. Derlhs ( big enough for two ) $ G. Call at ticket office , 1502 Faruani street and get full Information. "The Otci-Iiiiul I.liultcil. " To Utah in 291J hours. California In CO'S ' , hours \la the UNION PACIFIC. This Is the fastest anil finest tialu In the west. Tickets can bo obtained it city ticket office , 1302 Farnam street. SIx.TliIrt ) ! . 31. li-niu. of the CHICAGO. MILWAUKRH & ST. PAUL RY. nest service. ELECTUIC L1OHT3. Dining car. City oflce : 1501 Farnam. II > Ucr Than Cripple Cri-i-U Ragged Top , the newest and richest gold camp In the Dlack Hills. On the Spearllsli branch of the 13. & M. n. n. Quickest way to get there Is to take the Burlington's 4:35 p. m. train for Deailvvood. Tickets at 1502 Farnam street. i nn&o\Ai < I'AitAGHArns. II , J. Davis returned last evening to Chi cago. P. C , Erlckson , a banker at Brevvatcr , Is In the city. "Dad" Dlodgett , the York hotel man , la In the city. George Dee , Dubuque , la. , Is stopping at the IlarKcr. I } . L. Hordvvcll of Chicago Is stopping at the Mercer. Peny Wtotphlllng , St. Joseph , Is stopping at the Darker. J. L. White left for an extended western trip last night. A. E. Cady. St. Paul , was an Omaha vis itor last night. Warren Swltlcr left last night for Lin coln ou business. J , N. Phclan , a I3urllngton ofllclal at Alli ance , In In Omaha , M. C. Callahan , Longmont , Colo. , Is a guest at the .Mercer. Charles A. Kennedy , advance agent for the Dacroft company , Is a Darker guest. C. D. Hlbbard has gone to Denver on a business trip , which will consume a week. Samuel Gamble has gone to Now York City on business , to bo aUscnt three weeks. C , H. Webster. Ed Perry and A. S. Allen are Chicago arrivals registered at the Darker. John Sullivan , J , II. Poage , J. J. Pike and II. J. Jennings are registered at the Darker from St. Louis. Arthur 13. Smith , assistant general passon- gcr agent for the Ilurllngton , left for the east last night. L. J. Drake , general western manager for the Standard Oil company , who recently moved his headquarters from Omaha to Chicago , la In the city , Ncbraekana at the hotels : A. II. Teat York ; John W. Markony. Ogalalla ; n. F. Kloko , West Point ; W. II Humphrey , Lin- coin ; II. S. ManvlIIo , Fremont. Ilobert Ilenncrt , the famous hotel man of Baltimore , accompanied by E. D. Crook , UHO ! of the n mo city , wcro the guests of Colonel llanlon vcatcrday , while cnrouto from Den ver to their home , E. n. Spencer , a banker nt Firth , and one of thu eight republican members of tlio state senate , was In the city yesterday. Ho was not picpared to make any predictions on to the possible work of the present legisla ture. > WORRIES THE OFFICEHOLDERS Wonderful Unity Among the Occupants o the Oity Hall on Oao Point. SPRING ELECTIONS VIEWED WITH ALARN City ( Hill-lain llntc Their Oun Plan In ( lie Hit-lit Ilia ! ( lie IVKN- ) latut-e .MnUi-N Some Char- tvr The prospect of a spring election Is hang Ing with awful menace over the ofilcla heads of the present Incumbents of the clt offices , find , although some of them lm\ but recently taken their scale , they are al ready beginning to build fences for re election. The municipal family has burled lot of personal differences during the pita week or two In an effort to got together am defeat the clause of Iho new charter tba proposes to legislate them out of the of flees with which they have scarcely had chance to become acquainted. Hut It I apparent that they have but little hope o making any Impulsion on the holy of law makers that nt present occupies the otat house. A committee went to Lincoln lav week on a aoit of scouting expedition am returned with no evidence of satisfaction , The majority of the city officials take I for granted that there will be an election next April and are now making their plan accordingly. No one Is more tully allvo t the exigencies of the situation than Mayo lircatch and for some time past he has been Industriously at woik building up a com blnatlon on which ho expects to secure a re nomination. The most wondciful fcatuic o the ma > or's candidacy Is the fact that Scwc Commissioner Wlnspcar Is his conlldcntla adviser and campaign manager. To thos who are familiar with certain deals tha wcro patched up In the major's ofllco las summer thla la not eurpi-lslni ; , but a vas number of others remember that only a > ea aga the mayor wna rampaging up and ilovvi the city asking for votes on the ground tha the first tnsk of his prospective ndmlnlstra tlon would be to annihilate Wlnepear The > have noticed that Droatch did not annlhltat worth a cent , but they are somewhat sui prised to see two such rancorous opponent peacefully slumbering In the same polltica oed. oed.All All this was accomplished during th weeks In which John T. Clarke's appoint ment as chairman of the Board of Publl Works was held up by the Influences com manded by Wlnspear and Munro. Th combination which was hinted nt at th tlmo has only recently blossomed Into at admitted fact. Mayor Hroatch refused to name a successor to Mr. Wlnspcar wl-on Mr. Clarke had been disposed of ; Chalrmai Munro retains his position at the head o the board , while Mr. Wlnspear retains hi title as sewer commissioner. In return for this the board discharged Its secrotarj to make room for a man chosen by Hit. mayor , and Winspcar Is now the head of the combination that Is engineering the candl dacy of Major Uroatch for re-olcctlon. Tlio plan of moblll/lng the city hall forces now being worked out is said to have em anated from Wlnspear. All the elective officers. Including the councllmen , have beet Invited to Join In an effort to beat the spring election provision In the new char ler. At least , that is what most of then are given to understand. A few of thu major's confidential advisers undcrstam that the real purpose Is to Join all theae officials In an alliance , offensive and de fensive , for the purpose of securing the ic- nomlnatlon of all of them In general am that of Maj'or Droatch in particular. It Is urged that Comptroller Wcstberg and Treas urer Edwards have no ncrlous opposition li sight. Therefore If all arc tied up to gether the bulk of the effort can bo con- conlrated on the opposition to Maj-oi Droatch. If the councllmen from each vvari can be held In the movement Its promoters expect , with the assistance of the appointive officials , present and prospective , to con struct a machine thafwlll be powerfu enough to control the prlniailcs In nearly every ward In the city. During the last few dajs , however , some at the other officials have been displaying some reluctance to becoming members ol the combination. Some of them calculate that as tlfo case ntands they have everj icaeon to believe they will be renomlnated They have gauged the opposition to Mr. Hroatch that Is already breaking out In various quarters and fear that In assisting him to realise his ambition they will ef fectually quash their own. Nevertheless there is every Indication that a powerful city hall combination Is In procecs of In cubation , headed by the major and the Doard of Public Works. It Is stated on reliable authority that Clerk HIgby Is prac tically p. part of it and that only the comp- tioiler , treasurer and a few councllmen re main to bo won over. The earth moves Evidence , jou can buy a first-class liniment. Salvation Oil , for 25c. CIIAIUIS AGAi.vvr JAMIS WAi.icnn. MIHS AVInaiiot featlHlleil with Her | ] liil > lo > mi-ill. James J. Walker was arraigned In police court jcsteiday ou the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Ida Wlnan alleges that when he emplojed her as agent for the International Publishing companj of Chicago , whnso lepresentatlvo he claimed to be In this cltj' , and accepted from her a $3 guaranty fee , he committed a fraudulent transaction , as she says that he Is not the representative of the company. Walker stated this morning that at his trial ho would bo In a position to show that ho was the coinpany'ti agent and was authorized by It to employ sub-agents. He alleges that he made a contract to employ the woman and did accept $3 from her as a guaranty under Instructions from his coin- pan j' . Tills contract Is now on Its way to Chicago. The cane has been set for hearing on next Monday. Death of .1. Q. J. Q. Gaston , a real estate dealer and mort gage loin broker , died at 9 o'clock jesterday morning at St. Joseph's hospital. Ho had suffered fiom an Internal complaint for sev eral months. It became so serious that ho was confined to his bed several weeks ago. A few dajs ago ho was removed to the hospital , The deceased was about 49 jcars of ago and had be In business In thla city some ten years. Ho leaves a niece , Miss Anna Crow dor. Funeral serv ice. } will bo held at H. K. Durket'o un dertaking establishment , 1511 Capitol avc nue , this afternoon at 2 o'clock , The body will bo sent tomorrow morning ; to Clarlnda la. , the former homo of the deceased ' foi burial. _ A Valuable freHerlptlon. Editor Morrison of Worthlngton , Ind. , Sun , writes : "You have a valuable prescrip tion In Electric Itlttcra and I can cheerfully recommend It for Constipation and Sick Headache , and as a general sj-stcm tonic It has no equal. " Mrs. Annlo Stchle , 2023 Cottage Grove avenue , Chicago , was all run down , could not eat nor digest food , had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary , hut six bottli-a of Electric Illttcis restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices COc and $1.00. Get a bottle at Kuhn & Co , 'a drug store. The ChlviIKO Ct-l- .Show . Opens Saturday , January 23. Biggest event In the 1S97 wheeling world , Faro and n third via the BURLINGTON. Leave Omaha on the "Vcstlbuled Flyor" and you are In Chicago at 8:20 : the next morning. Sleepers , chair cars , a la carlo dinners Tickets at 1502 Farnam street. J. I ) . UEYNOLDS , City Passenger Agent. mnnsiiKiit.y : I\HIHSIO.NS soi-i'ii Via the WaliiiNh II. It. The next date Is Tuesday , the nineteenth. For tickets and further Information call at Wabaih office , 1I1K Faniam street ( Paxton Hotel building ) , or urltu 0. N CLAYTON , Agent. KKNDAU- Daniel , nt r.:30 : n. in. , iigpil K2 ycnra nnd 4 montlm. Kiimual at IHH Into residence. No , Kl North 17th Htrcot , nt 10 o'clock u. in. . Wednesday , the 20th Inut. Interment , Forest Lawn ccinotcry. , , Nlltl * CANALS AMlttOTIIKU CANALS OMAHA , Jan. 18-tTo the Editor of The Bee ; I have read with pleasure The Bee editorial of this ( morning on nhlp canal projects which are taking practical form under the auspices iofi the federal governi- mcnt to conrect the .harbors and entrance.1) of New York with thb chain of lakes and Dtiluth. The partlcUlnrischcmo Is a step In the right direction , but It deco not cover what Is needed for tlio people In the middle vvrat , I have been 'having some discussion of the matter with Mr. Dana of the New- York Sun during the p st fovv months , and In a lesser way with iSocrctary Morton , Don M. Dickinson , Governor Flower and Bourke Cochran , but I am not , on account of my obscurity In life , In a position to secure at tention from thtao who have earned the power to command Not to Intrude upon jour valuable space to. > much I w.'l ' condense my Idea of the na tional needs b > quoting the following from the memorandum not Intended for publica tion , which I submitted lo Mr. Dana , as fol lows : "National prcsperlty and peace for the next fifty jcars can bo secured by a bold and biond policy for national defence anil advancement through the direct action of the government Itself , i > s follows : " 1. Five huudied mllllona expenditure for Rcacoast defenses on lines laid down by Mr. Tllden In the Carlisle letter which you have so long advocated. " 2. A gieat sjstcm of Internal Improve ments In the way of ship canals , of which the Hcnncpln canal to connect Lake Michi gan with thu MIsslEslppl broadwatcr to the gulf Is an existing Initiative. The system should also Include a canal via the St. Law rence and Lake Chnmplaln to the harbor and estuaries of New York. " 3. These broader canals to extend to the great Missouri basin , and perhaps to the base of the Ilocky mountains ; all to be rc- cnforced by lateral canals In the varloni states , the latter to bo supplied by state credit upheld by the federal credit , and subJect - Ject to fedeial supervision ; the peopleto pay low tolls on all canals to provide for low In terest on money for a period , nnd no tolls In the not far future. " Mr. Dana printed and crltlcUed this propo sition In , great personal kindness to the writer , but with some sevorltjHo dc- nouned It ns "a gigantic ocheme of social istic paternalism , federal and state , " be cause , and , 1 think only because , It suggests ultimate Iieo tolio on thesj canals Thla van tlono In the Sun of January 11 under the heading * , "Tho Canalization of the United States. " In an answer , whose publication I wan glad to leave to the friendly judgment of Mr. Dana , and which he evidently de clined , I was not willing to admit his con clusion , and suggested an amendment to my plan by striking out the lame p-jrt of It I cited to him , as I now cite to the editor of Tha Bee. the Erie canal as the whole argu ment for this great sjstem of Internal water- wiijs. What Now York has done with the Erin canal I would have the whole country do with the great productive areas of the west. If this country could defend Itself In war at the cost of $3.000,000.000 and millions of lives ; If it could tax the people to support a pension list of more than $100,000000 = year for moie than thirty jears ; If It can waste countless mllllona In building a navy whlcn will have to be rebuilt within twentj- llvo jcars ; If It can throw away hundreds of thousands and millions on postolllco struc tures In the towra and villages of the Unltcrt States which the people do not need ; If It cm shouldet $80,090.000 a jcar to carry on sjstcmatlc river and harbor piracies , Is It either wild or unvvlso to say that It can af ford nn expenditure during a series of jcais of 51,000,000.000 , or so much of that mnn aa may ho neccosarj , In building broadwater- wajs for the development of the wealth of the country ? Just as New York was en- ilchcd by the Erie canal by the upbuilding of the chain of manufacturing towns ana * cities from Harlem river along the Hudson , and from Albany along the Mohawk and Gen- cssce vallcjs to Buffalo , so would railroad and watcrwajs build up the states of the central west. I will not argue the case. It argues Itnolf And i am utterly oinabli to see any social ism , either state or federal , In the propo sition , any moro than itlicre has been In New York from the building and operation of thu Lrlo canalisince the daja of Clinton. GEORGE L. MILLEH. IM > ICTEI > IIV ST. I.OUIS ( JItA.M ) JURY. Ilaten AlU-Kcil to Hae IJHt-iI the Malls ( o Defraud. J. E. Bates , who la employed In a com mission house on Harncy street , between Twelfth and Thirteenth , was arrested yes terday afternoon by Pcstofflce Inspector Thomas of St. Louis and Deputy Marshal Uochmo of this city on an Indictment fourd by the federal grand jury at St. LouLj. charging Bates with having used the malls with intent to defraud. The ground for the ndlctment seems to have been that Bates was engaged In the commlfjlon business at St. Lonls for a few months last summer , and Is alleged to have sent out circulars soliciting consignments It Is further al- cged that after receiving these consign ncnts he failed to return the proceeds lo the shipper These are the facts as set out lr ho Indictment upon which ho vvcs arrested He had a preliminary hearing before Com- nlasloner Anderson yesterday afternoon and vas bound over to appear In the United Hates court nt St. Louis the thiu Monday n March He gave bonds In $1,000 for hla appearance. IliielcIlii'N Ariilen Suite. The best salvo In the world for cuts. bruises , sores , ulcers , ealt ihcum , fever sores otter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptlonf , and positively cures plies or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give icrfcct satisfaction or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. AthertiHi Clinri nlth I.areeiiy. Yesterday Sam Atherton was arrested on the charge of petty larceny , committed on September 3 last. The complainant Is 'om Folfcv , /saloon keeper. Foley alleged hat on tlib date mentioned ho sent Athi-i ton out with a $10 bill lo get It changed. Ather- on inever returned and was not seen In the Ity after that. During the early part of ) ecemher the police were given a tip that 10 was In the city and the complaint against ilm was sworn out , but ho again succeeded n evading the officers , and was not located ntll yesterday. The king ot pills u Berrnam's Dcoebam's I'nxtoa t VlerlliiK Iron Worltx. The twelfth annual meeting of the Htock- oldcrs of the Paxton & Vleillng lion orks was held nt the ofllco of W. A. Pax- . on j-esterday afternoon. Vhe old bonnt of Irectors was elected , ns follows : w. A ii\ton Robot Vferllnsr , Loul Vleillng , A. . Vlerllng ana -A.'IMxton , Jr. At n wub- oqueiit mootingthe. . directors elected the allowing olllccrs : I President. Wllliim ! A. Paxton ; vlro picxldent , Ilobert Vleilliifr- bccrctnry nml trcnmiror. Louis VlerllnS muimget , Adolph J.I 'Vlcrllng. IK XQV Ann ( ioliiK to ( he IimuKiiratluii at lnrvon Send for the beautifully Illustrated leaflet descriptive of the trip over the Pcniiejl- vanla Short Lines. Turnlshed free upon ap plication to H. It. Dcrlog , A. Q. , P. Agt. , 213 South Clark street , Chicago. i. OCA i , Philip Smith has reported that two coats were stolen from him during tha progress of a dance at Washington hall last Saturday night. The next meeting of the Omaha League wheelmen will bo held at the Commercial club , Thursday evening. The ' 97 Meet club will meet at the same tlmo and place. A number of chickens were stolen from the chicken coop of James Burt at 821 South Thlrtj'-fourth sttect several nights ago. The thief killed ono chicken and left It behind. John I. Hcdlck has commenced the con struction of a two-glory building , to take Iho place of the one-story structure on tha south sideof Fnrnam , between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Directs. Omaha joungotcrB are taking advantage of the skating ponds that have been left along thu streets and In the low places , all ot which pond are covered with line Ice , caueed by Sunday night's freeze , The Furguton company , limited , has ilccted the following officers ; President , Thomas Furguson ; vlco president. Thomas Ircnnan ; secretary , Frank Chlttendcn ; treasurer , Morris Palmer of Schuykr ; directors , Thomas F , Furguson , Thomas Jrennan , Frank ClilttouJen , Morris Palmer , 3 , L. Loinax. WINDIIKI1I GOES UP IIIGIIEII Has Now Sorvotl in Every Position Except that of Ohiof , PROMOTION IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT After Many IIOIIK Yearn of Active Scrvlee a 'Member IH .Made Sevonil Chief. Ocorgo P. Wlndhclm now bears the title of second assistant chief of the Omaha fire department. The appointment was made bj the Board of Flro and 1'ollco Commissioner ! and went Into effect yesterday. Socoml Assistant Flro Chief Wlndhelm's bend' quarters will be In No. C engine house , Twentjfourth and Cumlng streets. The ap > polntment was of a civil service character. as Wlndhelm was the oldest member In the department , not excepting First Assistant Chief Sailer. Up lo llic dale of his appoint ment he was the engineer ot Engine company No. I , located at Sixteenth and Izard strccls. George Wlndhelm entered the fire service of the city In 1S75. The next oldest member \a \ First Assistant Chief Sailer , vvhcsc service dales from 1S7C. In those days the depart- tmcnt was partly volunteer and remained of Ihat characlor unlll 1SS4. The company was known as Pioneer Hook and Ladder company No. 1 , and was Ineorporalcd under the laws of the stale. Wlndhelm was frequently a member of leama from Omaha which com peted with other fire companies In tourna ments In this vicinity. After the depirlment was put on a paid footing Wlndhelm was appointed as one of the members. Since thai lime ho has scivcd In all poslllons on Iho force , wllh Ihe exception ot chief. Ho waj for a short time acting assistant chief. He also served as pipcman , driver , captain , assistant engineer , and finally engineer. On January 29 , 1SSS , the body that Is known cs the Benevolent Association of Paid Fire men was organised and duly Incorporated. The charter Hat of thld association contains the mme of the second assistant chief. The poslllon lo which Mr. Wlndhelm Ins been promoted has been vacant since De cember , 1804. AMUSEMENTS. Lnst evening at the First Congregational church Mr. W T. Tabcr gave the farewell ccmcoil preparatory lo his dcpaiturc for New York. A laigc and cnlhuslasllc audience asssmbled lo do honor to one whose efforts have ever been to forward the upbuilding of muUcal art In this city , and 11 is as much a credit lo the multitude of people who have listened to Mr. Tabsr's free recitals as to Iho organist himself Ihat the church wns well filled No ono moro dcsetvlng than Mr. Taber can bo found upon whom the cltl- /ens of Omaha mav bojtow marks of es teem. He has labored long and earnestly foi thslr entertainment and Instruction , am1 often In the fnco of most discouraging otlils Mi Taber'o playing characterized bj 01 Immsnsa amount of feeling. Ho plajs rv cno who loves his Instrument and asks li to proclaim thai facl to cvcrjono who lis tens. How he keeps hla technique with such limited practice no ono can tell , bul his rendering of Ihe "Torchlight Match. " bj Gullmant , would have been creditable to cither Mr. Eddy or Mr. Archer , so accurate was -R and so full of fire. In his raglstra lion Mr. Taber always shows greal oklll Ills place bids fair to remain vacant anc" Omaha will appreciate him even belter when ho Is cone than while he was here. Mr. Hans AJbprt played Iwo violin roles wllh good musicianship and plenty of en thusiasm. Ho was at a disadvantage In Ihat b's own violin broke Us neck a few dajs ago and ho was obliged to use an Inferloi Instrument. His rcnilc'lag of Schubert's "Serenads" his encore was a wonderful bit of playing. The great aria , "Jerusalem , " from "Gal- Ha , " by Gounod , sung by Mr. Homer Moore , with violin obllgato by Mr. Albert and organ accompaniment by Mr. Taber , received such a cordial reception thai llic second half was repeated. Mr. W. S. McCuilo sang "Zellna , " bv Eu gene Ouf''n ' , with a full , rich voice and In telligent Interpretation. Ho was recalled McFsrc Gahm and Butler plajcd the piano accompaniments upn cti instrument that anj djalor should have been ashamed to plato before an audience. It was out of tune and utterly lacking In tone color. The piano used for Sunday school work In the church li far superior to It and would have given hotttr service. Mr. Taber has reason to fo = l much pleased with his audience. Omaha has not forgot ten 1/ls good w ark In ma past. Its best wishes will accompany him to hU new home. Two performances will be given by Emily Bancker and her company at the Crelghton tomorrow , a bargain matinee being an nounced for 2 30 Miss Bancker appearing In "A Divorce Caso" will be the strong at traction. Hopkins Transoceanic Vaudeville company will be the attiaction at the Crelghtou for four nights , commencing with a matinee Sunday , January 21 "Carmen , " as presented by Hosabcl Morrl- non and a competent supporting company , will be the attraction al llic Cielghton for three nights , commencing Thursday , Jan uary 21 , when Prosper Merlmeo's Interest ing story will lecelvc an elaborate selling , being prcsonled with new and attractive scenery and Interpreted by „ . well-known company of players. A special feature of the play as presented will be the bull fight , produced by the aid of the cldoloscope. A matinee will bo given Saturday. The Corlnno Extravaganza company , num bering sixty people , headed by the winsome Corlnne , will presenl the up-to-date and second end edition of Frazer & GUI's big operatic extravaganza , "Hendrlck Hudson , Jr. , " at Boyd's for four nights , commencing Thurs day next. It IB said Iho costumes have been most lavishly supplied , the materials being of the finest and richest qualities , and the colors such as blend harmoniously and pictur esquely. The scenery Is described as ren dered striking by a series of Ingenuous transformation ! ] , a scenic effect being fol lowed by sonio artistic vpccialty , then a song by a character ballet. Corlnno Is rccognlrcd In musical circles as ono of the clever mandolin soloists of America. She has been a pupil of Slguor Plctraporlora during several sojourns In Pai Is. One of the largest houses of the season should greet the Magician Bancroft and his remarkable production of magical feats , al lied with spectacular scenic grandeur , next Monday , January 25 , at Boyd's , Bancroft has Just returned from India , vvhcra ho has studied the magic of the Hindoo conjurers and sumo of these feats ho will present here. They will ho produced under the name of "Tho Midnight Mysteries of the Yogi. " Ban croft carries tvvo carloads of scenery for hla magical entertainment , which Is said to bo crowded full of mystical novelties. Hal Hold's beautiful play , "Human Hearts , " continues to please patrons of Boyd'B. Only three moro performances re main to bo given , tonight and tomorrow matlneo and night , Do not let your dealer palm oft on you any now remedy for colds. Insist on hav ing Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. An Operation Ueeiueil .Neeexxary. Hnirj' Fumy , eon of Major John H. Fumy , living with hla parents nt Twenty- fourth nnd HevvnrU utreclH , was yeiUcidiij' removed from liln horne to 81. Joxcph'fl hospital. Ho JIIIH bc-c-n mifforlni ; from nn nttiick of iippcndlcltU for uomo tlmo piiHt. YcHtonlay the uttcnillllK phj'HlcliiiiH ilo- cldul that an operation VVUH necciunry to ward an effort In Having ) IH | life. The } lteration 1 will bo performed lit the lion- [ iltiil. For Coughi and Throat Troubles 1110 Jrown'n Dro'Hhlal Troches. They relieve ill Throat Irritations cawed by Cold or UBO > f the voice. Bees 118-07 CAN'T HELP IT TMie Nebraska can no more help selling things cheap than some people can hclp snoring through their sleep. It's a way we have. When we started in two years ago to sell styl ish , wc'l made and perfect filting shoes of solid leather for $1.25 , folks said 'twas just for an advertisement and that we possibly couldn't keep it up , Not only did we keep it up but we bettered the shoes and last week sold ten times as many asye did The same week last year. When we commenced selling a fine laundered shirt for ,500 , some years ago , people who always got a dollar for their white shirts , thought we struck a job lot somewheres and wondered how long 'twas going to last. Our contract with the factory this year calls for more 500 white shirts , by several thousand , than all of the dollar shirts combined sold in Omaha , outside of here. \ \ hen we introduced our Nebraska Special , four years ago , people who couldn't get a decent derby hat less than $3.00 bought them by twos , because they were afraid that the snap was too good to hold out. We have just received 112 cases of this remarkable fine fur derby , being the first invoice for the Spring trade and we will continue to sell the self same quality for $1.50 that people from far and near have come to know and appreciate as the equal in shape , finish and wear ing quality of aiiy other $2.50 hat in the world. Yes. The Nebraska sells things cheap too cheap maybe , but our busi ness was built up that way , and we've been at it so long now we couldn't stop it if we'd try. Folks would find it out too. . soon. 100 Couclice In the special sale at JS , $10. 70 different styles of dining tnblea In $12 , $15 , $18 , $20. $25. ? 30 , $10 and $50 all at tlio sale nt ? 5 , $ G , $ S. $12 , $14. $13. $20 , ? 25 , $30 and $10 all at greatly reduced prices. about half price. CHAS. SHIVERICK 61 CO. , Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. 12th and Douglas. U'AITIMJ ox TIII : CITV oomcn , . Ciuil Dealer * ' IileeiiNe Cases May Ou ( o Supreme Court. Thlrly-flvo Omaha coal dealers have paid the license Imposed by the new coal ordi nance. Whether their money will bo re turned to them or not will depend on whether the suit that was decided adveiscly to the cltj Saturday will be carried to the supreme court. Clly Altorncy Connull Is ot the opinion thai the license of $20 lo not excessive and that the supreme court will uphold the legillly of Ihe ordinance But as he has beo'i absent from the city , the recom mendation of Assistant City Attorney Estellc will probably be followed The mailer will be brought before tlio city council tonight for some soit of action License Inspector Hursl sajs lhal In his opinion Iho cvldercc upon which Iho de cision agilnct Iho oidlnance was obtained will not hold. This evidence was lo the effect that there vvcio about 120 coal dcalcis In the city who would be compelled to pay n. license It the oidlnance was sustained. On that nuppcsltlon the court figured that the revenue would considerably c\ceed Iho cost of regulating the dealers. Inspector Hurst calls attention to the fact thai fully hnlf of these 120 dealers are not bona fide dealers In the scuio that they would pay a liter-He. One big coal concern has sent iu on ml a lot of cauls announcing that the establl.ihmci Is where thej are prated are agen'a for a ccitaln brand of coal These have bean posted In Iho windows of gioccrlcs and other business establishments and each of these has been icckoned as a coal con cern by those who are opposing the ordi nance. The Inopeclor contends that If a license were levied not ono of the con cerns would pay , but would simply take .down the card Consequently the Inspcclor figures lhal only aboul sl\ly firms are really In a position to pay n license , and on this uaais tlie tax imposed would not bo ex cess Iv e. sncics nivoitci ; rutm THIS IJOCTOH , III'M. Clni-lc CoeN ( o ( lie ConrH for Itellrf from Mntrlnioii } . Mrs. Jennie Bedford Gluck hasa applied to the cot.rto for a divorce from her hua- band , Dr. Isador Gluck. Tlio grounds on which the application la ba'jcd could nol bo learned , as llic allorncya for lira. Gluck abstracted the Hies from the olllco of the clerk of Iho district court , and tlio records In the olllco do not show the contents of the petition. The attorney in Iho taso first applied to llio clerk of Iho court and tried to have the case "auppressed" by not entering It on Iho dockel , but Deputy Clerk Harris refused to consent to any vlolition of Iho stnttitcH and Informed the attorney that the case must take Us regular course Ilia eamo aa all oilier cases , and must bo cnlcrcd on the court docket In its proper place and the papers then filed In regular older. Finding that this method of suppicBsIon would not work , the atlorncy started out on a still hunt for ono of the judges of the district court. Ho succeeded In finding Judge Uaker , and secured from him an order allowing the flics to bo re moved from the ofllco of the clerk for twenty days. This left nothing except the record showing Ihat a petition bad been filed and that an affidavit for publication had also been filed , the latlcr indicating thai the prcflt'iit whereabouts of Dr. Gluck aio unknown. Dr. Cluck Is well known In Qmaha , having been a prominent ploslclan and eye spe cialist hero for several years. Ho Is re ported to bo In Mexico , where It la alleged ho haa been for some tlmo engaged In busi ness. During his residence In Omaha Dr. Gluck figured quite prominently In society nnd was married to Mlro Jciinlo Uedford , a daughter of Jcffcison W. llcdford. IIoiiieNeekern' On Tuesday , Jan 10 , the Missouri Pacific railway will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In the south , southwest and southeast. Stopovers allowed on the going Journey. For Information , landfolderv , pamphlets , etc. , call or address company's olllco , 13th and Farnam. or depot , 15th and Webslcr sts. , Omaha , Neb , T. F GODFHEY. P. and T. A. J. 0. PHILLIPPI , A , Q. F. and P. A. Illaek IHIlH * ( . 'olil. Wo are forming a local company to take advantugo of the wonderful discoveries now being made at the Black Hills. The amount required of each one will bo small. If In terested call at room 308 , N , Y. Life , bids. , this afternoon or evening. HeiniiliiH .Sent Hunt tinIliirlnl. . In obedience to liiKtnictlon received from hlH furnlly the reiiinlim of ChurlcH H. Kirk , who illed nuddtnly nt the Paxton hotel Hiindny uliclit , were him evening sent to bin homo for Interment. The body WHS accompanied to the depot by nix of ruinulna were accompanied ciml by ( iconic Hudlo , ment ; of tlio company and un old friend , mid also by Dr. Ij. W. Leo. Tliu remulna of ilra. Curpcnter , dcccaaed ) Y purchasing uonds nitido at tin : following Nebras ka f ictork-H. If you cannot - not litul what you want ) communicate with thu manufacturers as to \v li a t dealers handle , their goods. _ = = r BAGS. BUB.LAP AND TWINE. llCHIb OMAHA 1IA CO. Manufacture. } < if all klnli of col ton nnd burlap - , lap bugs , col ton fl jr Barks and tnlna u spec ial : y. 4 MC CIS H. llth St. DRCWCRlUEf. OMAHA imUU'JM ; AbbOCIATIO.V Car loail ililpmcnts made In our own refn. . . orator cars , lime Illljbon. l.llte Uxoort. VUnn * . Export nnd Tamlly export delivered to all pa-iu of tiic Hty. IRON WORKS. DAMS .t CUU'Ull.L , JUU.SVOUU . Iron ami lliMNk l-'uiinilern. Mnnufnctureia f.ml Jolibera ot Machinery. < ) n- ral rep Urine a nrccrnuv. iMl. 1503 and 1COK Jickeon elree : . Gmal.a , Iieo IMJUVTUIAL IllO.V AVOUICb. Manufucturlne ar.3 rcpxirlnc of .ill Mn < ls ot machinery , englnca , pumps , dtivutiirtf. pr ntlnu presjes. Imnscra , elmrune ana ujuplmi-j. Hi'J and. HO ? Honnrd St. , Omaha. PAV10N .t VIUULI.VO IllO.V WOUKS. Manufacturers 01 Architectural /ran World General Foundry. Macnlnt an IHar'xtmltr work. I.'liKlnecni nnj Contractors for Vila Proof Hulld- lues. onicc and work ; , : U. I * . Ity. ind So. 17th Btreet. Omatm. NIGHT"WATCH. FIRD SERVICE A.MIIltlUA.V UlhTIlICT TlLUiHAl'll. The only perfect prctictlcn to rroptrty. Kxnrn- Ine 't. Ileit tiling on cnrtli. ItcUucoa Insurunc * rates. ir04 Douglas Btreet. SI1IRT FACTOUI12S. J. II. UVA.tb M3II1IAHICA SIIIU'P COMPA.NV. custom Bhlrt tullori15H Farnam. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. S Beautiful Teeth , What docs Us menu , but Ihat tlio possessor keppa them beautiful by conHUltlni ; hla or her dentist ? Ciolil OIMTIIM. . . .tfn.OO ( o rorei-lalu Croviiix ( jri.OO /T : BAILEY , Dentist , In Paxton Bile , 10th nnd Fnrnam. vvlfo of C. It , Carpenter of thlH city , \ver& vent cam , to Maiem.'o , 111 , last ovcnlnij for Interment In tlio family burin ! plot. The remalim were accompanied by Mr IHUHO W , Carpenter , William Carpenter , , the htiHband and Itov. Thoman Andciuoiu HUH Abandoned Politic * for Mining. JoMi-pli DurriH , the well known Lincoln politician , VVUH In tlio city ycHtcrday KiiniH H.'iyji ho IIIIH abandoned all liln liiml- iie-Mi vcnturcH at the Capital City and la now t'liKngcd In mlnltiK In Wyoming. Tlio company of which hu IH a immther IUIH u mlno HouthcaHt of Hurralo , from which It IH tailing copper , and the mi-tnhcrH ftcl that they luivo the mi mo kind of ere which ha.s inadu the Amitonda mlno fammin. At any rate , tlu-y nny tboy are very much cn- cuuruKeu vvlt.i their oxpcrli-iieo HO far and are oxpuotlnK muth bettor retunm In the future , IluniH Is on liln way lo the liluclt IIIIlH , where ho also IUIH Intel cuts. .Vi-vv Council UoiiiiulUri-N Mi-i-l. TJio nuvv city council < onunlttooH met for the flr t tlmo yentorday afternoon. Notlilnir except a fuw unimportant matttTH wan contridorcd , The ronuldcrutlon of the blda. reuilvtd lu t wotk for the renewal WUB postponed , until this afternoou.