Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Develops Strength at the Etart , but
Quickly Loses It ,
A.I Ori-nlM CloHt" a ( n I-'rnclloniil I > o-
cllnr , liul I'rnvlxliiiiK , wllli mi
Active I ) I-in n nil , Show u
MiiliMliinlliil ( lain.
CHICAGO , Jnn. 19. Wheat started strong
( odny , but turned weak nnd closed nt n
ilecllno of He from Saturday's closing price.
The foreign demand nnd weakness of cables
were features , the decline In corn also hav
ing srmc effect. Corn nnd oats were both
very weak , closing ' ,45c lower. Pro
visions started the wuno way , but turned
strong nnd closed nt slight advances.
Whatever strength wnunt had was dis
played nt the opening and was only it mo
mentary fractional rally , May opening nt
from fOTtc to &l4c ! , compared with Satur
day's cloning prlco of SOTic , most ot the
trading being done nt the lower of the two
quotations. The strength of the market
nt the start was In jinrt due to the midden
change of the weather from spring mild-
IICKS to winter severity , with much wheat
exposed to the full effect of tiio severe
frost. It was partly caused nlo by the
Indication of a small nggrcgntc for the
world's shipments of wheat nnd flour for
the weuk. Hocruohm'M report made the
total : < 120,000 lin. , but n private cablegram
from Liverpool suggested Hie lolal asI , -
OGO.OOO 1m. , or about 2r > OOCOO bu. less than
the weekly requirements of Europe. Cables
worn ii disappointment. Liverpool showing
only a ' 41 ! advance ut Ihc opening nnd clos
ing nt fell decline from those figures. There
wcro practically no responses to cable of
fers from this .side nnd iraders who bought
Saturday anticipating a demand unload d
quickly. The late cables from Liverpool
Increased t. io dissatisfaction nnd were In-
lllii'iitlal In pressing prices down to'SO'dc
before 11:30 : o'clock. The visible tuippty
statement showed a decrease of 1,4I3,0. > 0 bu. ,
lieliif ; heavier Ihan generally looker for. A
year ago the week's decrease was D , > 7COO bu.
Chicago receipts * were twenty-live car
loads ; on HIP similar day n year ago they
were nlncty-clRht cars. Minneapolis nnd
Duliitli received ,113 rars , against 3G1 on thu
week before nnd 7 > 2 lasl year. Allanllc
1'orl shlpmcnls wcro small nl 182,000 bu. In
wheat and flour The market recovered
from SO'Jc to fW-Jc , nnd the Hitter price was
current about 1 o'clock , but a sudden drive
of the boars was made In the last ten mlu-
ulcB , which reduced tiio llgurcs to SOV c
nt the close.
Corn had a decidedly active session. The
markel showed some slro-nglh , but soon
turned weak on heavy selling by the ele
vator people. Country offerings were much
Increased by the cold -wnilher. Thorn was
ft slight rally before the session ended , but
the closing was weak and the final figures
were almost the lowest for the dnv. May
opened n simile higher at 24 Ji(2l' { ( < ic , de
clined to ZlVic and clofod at 2l'l'fi24' ' ' > ic.
Oats opened steady , but n weak fooling
soon developed owing to the cold weather ,
which caused a fear of a heavy movement.
The weakness of wheat and corn was also
felt. At the decline very good business
was transacted. May opened n shade
hlgliT at 18c , declined to ISUc and closed
nt lS < 4ifilfic.
Provisions fared well , notwithstanding the
wraknesr of the grain markets , which made
ItH Influence fell near Iho close of the ces-
nlon. The run of Ciogs was large , but an
nctlvo demand existed. Armour belli ?
credited with heavy purchases , and a sllghl
mlvnnco resulted. At the close May nor' :
was about 2'.4e higher at JS.07 % . Mav lard
nliout 2 > , c higher at $4.10IM.12',4 and May
ribs fie higher at $ I.1T',4. '
ISstlmnted receipts for Tuesday are.not
obtainable In grains ; hogs , 30.000 bond.
The leading fulurcs ranged as follows :
AUlcif H , i . J'JJil ' I k0"I I Clone. Tsatu'y.
Jan. . . . 7fl5 < 78 ? | 78K
Mav. . . WITS IK F0
July. . . 71 ! TOM
Jan. . . . --4 " 2'J.lli 22H
May. . . . JWHS 2IU
July. . . .
Sept. . . JMJK
Jan . . . HIM 13)4
Mav. , . .
July. . , ,
Po k-
Jau. . . . 7 U7 tX 7 80
May. . . . 8 PJ 8 UL' 8 07i ! ( 8 U3
Jan. . . . n o. "
May. . . . 4j 4 K ) 4 lit * 4 10
Sh'tltlb *
Jan. . . . I < > " !
May..j 4 19 4 'JO 4 Ifi 4 17it t 12M
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
F1XJUU Steady ; winter patents , ;
winter clralBht * . tl.OOR4.50 ; bakers , JJ.OOSJ3.33 ;
nprlng patents , J4.05JJ4.10 ; spring straight ! ! . J3.50SI
S.fO ; fiirlng ipccluls , J4.50.
WHEAT-No. 2 spring , 77yc ; No. 3 spring ,
74fi7fc ; No. 2 re < l , k7 ! sSc.
IXJHN No. 2 , 22'JH22-Hc ; No. 2 yellow , 2Uy
* "
"lATS-No , 2. 10 c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b.
0 21Hc : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , lC ! < . 20c.
HYE No. 2. 37ff37'te.
HAIILEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 230
S3c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 23 2Cc.
FLAXSEED-No , 1 , 74'fg77Uc.
PUOVISIONS Me.s pork , per bbl. . J7.9CM7.9x
l ird , per 100 Ibs. , J3.97HM4.10. Short ribs clilen
( lee c ) , JI.02VSC4.27'.js Dry united shoulders
( boxed ) , J4.23i/4.W. Short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY nistlllem' llnlshed coeds , per enl. ,
BUOAHS-Cut loaf , J3.2C ; granulated ,
The following wcro the receipts and shipments
today ;
finotndiiiiH of the l ay on ( Ji-ncral
Coin in oil lilt's ,
NIJW YORK , Jnn. IS.-rLOUR-Saleu. llc
bbla.i dull nnd barely etcndy on nil pprhiR
wheat IirnndH , but fltm on winters , which urc
fccnrce. Ryu Hour , dull , lluckwhent llour II 5
CORN MlAIUiij ) | yellow western , S o.
, 113-
general liquidation und nbtcnce of Importnnt bull
IU.WB , ruling weak und heavy nil day , Inlluenced
by im Increase In the ICiiBliih vlnlble and llshi
export trade ; cloning U8 io net lower : No. 2 red.
January , closed ut ? .c ; May , SC'.ieS7'Se. closc'd
Ut bG'tc.
CORN-Rccrlpts , fC.700 bu. ; exports , 2 < ! ,700 bu.
Hpot dull nnd easier ; No. ! , Sifte. Options opened
nlfiuly , but tunied weak and declined nil day
under cold weiithcr IICWH and prospective Innivr
receipts ; clottil 150 net lower ; January closed
ut SNHc ; May. SO > 4B3uic. ( cloted at 3l'tu. (
OATS-Recelpts. I't.Sui ) bu. ; i-xporlu , D.IOO bu.
t-pot caay ; No. t , : suc. Options dull nnd easier
' " CO"J. ; closlns Ho net lower ; January
U v sieui'y ! "hlPPliiK , MflCOc ; Rood to choice '
IIOPH-rirm : IMS crop. 3fiijc ; state , common
to choice. UM crop. fui3H ! Paclllc coast , 1693
crop , SHWVJic ; 1SU6 crop , I ) i3c.
inil- : -Htead'i TCXIIB. dry , S'.fcc ; California ,
LUATHint-rirni ; hemlock sole , Ilucnos
Ayn-g , IlKht to heavy welicnt. 1OH20V4C.
PROVISIONS-llecf , steady. Cut meats , aulet ;
TALLOW Steady.
OH J Cottonveetl , nuleU Petroleum , dull-
United cluM- t at tf * bid : remuylvanlu , ciudv'
Avcak ; I-Vbruury , 8So bid. Rosin , steady. Turnciil
tlni' . steady ; 27H8J8C.
teadyfalr to extra , 3T4C6'io ; Japan.
MOLASSES Steady : New Orleans , open ket
tle , good to oholee , KGUe ,
MKTAI < H Pie Iron , dull ; southern , Jll.OOJf
12.M ; northern , JII.00JT13.00. Copper , steady ;
broker * , I8 ; exchunce , Ill.t5yi2.00. Tin , stroiix
klridts. I13.IW1J.M ; plates , easier. BpcUer. dun
domektlc. | 3.W ] ) .00. Du'lded HtrenKlh for lead
remains a feature of the metal market , with n
leadliiK brokcraKe house iiuotlnK donuutlo ut
K'.t' ' ) for roumt hits ; nldle t'.ie cxcli'intjo Riven a
rnnee of t3.07Htj3.10. Private advices from
ubroad are fuvuruble ,
NKW YORK , Jnn. IS.-COTTON-Hpot cloeea
quiet ; inlddlliiB , 7 3-lCc ; mlddlhiK. uplands ,
7 3-lCc ; mUUIllnif. Kulf , 7 7-16o ; tales , l.MS balen.
Futures eloped uleady ; sales , 129.000 bales ; Jan.
uury , J0.90 ; Kvliruary , J0.18 ; March , JC.9S ; April ,
S7.04 ; May , il.ll ; June. I7.1C ; July , 17.10 ; Auktist.
J7.JO ; Krpleml > er , 10.90 ; October , J6.U ; NoVfintier ,
IC.iS. Tlie cotton market opened active , \ lth
the local bear contingent particularly In evi
dence. Liquidation of liinu cotton wa thu chlei
feature of the early tradingOn the c ll the
mnrki't wnn r y , with prlen J to 8 point * lowfr.
Thi Irniifactlons were chiefly In March , Maj-
nnd August rontracls. Llvrrpnol roblei wtre
dlsflppntntlnK nn-l rrporln from Mnnehenter wild
that bu lneM there wn * likely to l nffected by
the famine In India. At 11 o'clock the market
wnn bnrety Mmdy nt n net decline of 6 to l
per cent , with mien of 67,000 balm.
ST. IXJtIIH , Jnn , ! . CXTTON-Quiet nnd un-
rhnnKed ; middling , r 7-lCc ; salrx , 1,000 bales ; re-
rclptt , ! , I41 balm ; stock , K , 09 baled.
NKW Oltt.KANH. Jan. II.-COTTON Slmilyi
middling , C 7-lCcj low tnldJIIniT , C 0-lCo ; good
ordinary , 7 1 ICc.
CoiiilKInn of Trinli- mill ( Jinitntlonn on
Hlnpli ! "ml I'niii'Pruilnce. .
KOOS-Presh Rathcred , ISc.
lIUTTKR-C'ommon to fair , 589c ! choice to
fancy roll , nolle ; separator creamery , "Oc ; gath
ered creamery , UQICc.
OAMK Illue wlnReil ten ! duckn , > 1.3 ; crccn
wins , 11. W ; redheads nnd mallards , 13,75 ; small
rabbit * , 40fl0o ; Jacks , I.OPffl,23 ; wiulrrels , COB
TOe ; Canada Btete , large , JC.WCT.lW ; tnnll , | 4.00 < p
CHKKSli-Domiiitlc brick * . lOUf Kilain , per
doz. , 19 ; club liiniK1lb. . Jar * , per iloz. . J3.I5 ;
Llnibvrncr , fancy , per lb. , f',4c ' ; lUwiuefort , Hrlb.
Jars , IHT doz. , Ja.00 ; Young Americas , ltf-5ic ;
twin * , fancy , lo'sc.
VKAlf-Chutco fat , 80 to 120 Ibs. , urc quoted nt
7r"Uc ; inrRii and coarse , ( Jilc.
DRUSSHI ) POULTRY Chickens , Cc ; turkey * ,
lOffllc ; Reerc , 7i8c ; ducks , StiSc.
LIVH POULTRY Not wanted.
PIGEONS Live , 'SfltiOc ; dead plgcoim , not
HAY-Uplaml , J4.CO ; midland. 4 ; lowlana.
J3.W ; rye straw , $3.10 ; color maken the price 0:1 :
hay ; llRht bales sell the bmt ; only top grndea
brliiR top prices.
IIROOM CORN Extremely slow sale ; new
crop , delivered on track In countiy ; choice Kicen
self-worklnR carpet , per lb. , 'Jiilijo ; choice green ,
runnlm ; to hurl , 2f2V4c ? ; common , Hie.
S\VfET POTATOKS-On onlers , per bbl. , J1.T3.
ONIONS Good stock , per bu. , C5fl7Cc.
LIMA IIKAN8-Per lb. , 4c.
lll.'ANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , )1.22gi.35.
CAltllAOI Good stock , per UK ) , $1.26.
X 1'cr doz. , 25M3UC ; fancy , larjje , 450
1'OTATOliS Good native stock , per bu. , 23cr
QRAPKS Crates , 15 pony baskets , Concorda
nnd Cattuvbas , per crates , J2.SO.
.MALAGA GRAPHS Per keif , 17.
CRANIlHRIUKS-Cnpe Cod , per bbl , , SO.OOIf
APPLHS-Cooklng , per bbl. , I1.C3S1.75 ; fancy
New York , H.73.
CALIFORNIA 1'UARS Per box , J2.OOSJ2.23.
PlNKAPl'LKS Per ciatc , of two to three doz. ,
ORANGKS Mexican , J3.HOfl3.73 ; California
n.-iM'ls , 3. < M)3. ) n seedlliiRs , J2.7JS/3.00. /
LKMONS Mebslnas , } 3.iOH4.00 ; choice Cali
fornia. W.CdfiJ.JO ; fancy. J3.50S3.73.
I1ANANAS Choice. lnric stock , per bunch ,
J2.00'ii2.'J3 ; inedtuni-i'lzed bunches , Jl.Dvy2.00.
HONUY Fancy white , per lb. , I'.o ; choice , lie ;
Cnllfurnla , amber color , loc.
Clliit-Clnrllled Juice , per half bbl. , J2.CO ; per
bbl. , I4.COJJ4.Z5.
MAPLli aVRUP Five Ral. can * , each , J2.50
2.73 ; Ral. cans , per doz. , J12 ; half-Ral. cans , 1C.K > ;
iliiart can * , J3.M ) .
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , large
size , 13c ; llrazlls , per lb. , lOc ; HnRllsh wal
nuts. per lb. , ancy. soft shell , 12ffI2'ic ' ; stand-
nrdf , IKfllVic ; lltberts. per lb. , lOc ; pecans , pol
ished , larRC , ItjflOc ; Jumbo , Il.ll2o ; InfKC hick
ory nuts , J1.23 per bu. ; small , Jl.DO ; cocoanuts ,
uj ciirh.
SAl'Ult KRAUT I'er half bbl. , J1.73 ; bbls. ,
FIGS Importol fancy , 5 crown , 30-lb. boxes ,
15c ; ' choice , 10-11) . boxes , 3 crown , lie.
HIUKS No. 1 Rrecn hldt-s , DHc ; No. 2 Rreen
hlde , 44c ! ; No. 1 ureen salted hides , 7c ; No. 2
Ricen called hides , Cc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to K
Iba. , 7c ; No. 2 \ < - nculf \ , tl 15 HIM. < c ; No. 1
dry Hint hides , BjJlOc ; No. 2 dry ( lint hides ,
klSo' No. 1 dry railed hides , MIIC ; part cured
hides. ' .4C per lb. lcs than Hilly cured.
KHKU1' I'KLTS-Oreen failed , each. 23 COc ;
Rrein ia.t.d , tlieail gs shcrt woe. cany ( k ni ) ,
each , ISc. dry shuailmB ; ( short wooled early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint , Knnjns and
Nebraska , butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
welKht , 4Sc ; dry flint , Kant-ns nnd Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per lb. . nctunl weight , 3if4c ;
dry Hint Coloiado butcher wool pelts , ner lb. ,
actual welRht , 4@Sc ; dry Hint Oolorado"Murraln
wool pelt , per lb. , actual weight , 3j4e ; feet
cut off. as It Is uselees to pay ficlRht on them.
TALLOW AND ORUASU Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ;
lallow , No. 2 , 2',4c ; Rrense. while A , 3c ; Rrcnte ,
whiteIt , 2c ; Rrenye , jellow , 2o ; Rrcase , dark ,
IKc ; old butter. 2Q2ic ! : beeswax , prime , 15f22c ;
lOUKh tallo\v. Ic.
WOOI t.'nwoshcd , Hn * heavy , 607c ; fine llfiht ,
Sii9c ; quarterblood , 108 12c ; seedy , hurry nnd
chaffy , $ $ } 9c ; cotted nnd broken , coarse , 7fi9c ;
celled nnd broken , tine , CijSc. Fleeeo wnslied
Medium , ir { ? lSc ; line , HOIGc ; tub washed , IGiMSc
black. So ; bucks , Cc ; tni ; locks , 203c ; dead imlliil ,
HONKS In car lots , wclRhed nnd delivered In
ChlcnKo ; Irv buffalo , per ton. 12.iOfJ14.CO ; dry
country , blenched , per ten , J10.005T12.00 ; dry coun
try , damp and meaty , per ton , 6. 008 8. 00.
IlEHF Gooil native steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , CfJ
7c ; western steers , 5HiCc ; BOOI ! cows nnd helf-
cr , BViSCc ; medium cows nnd heifers , 5'Jc ; Rood
fcrequarters cows nnd heifers. 4 ! c ; Rood fore-
quailcrs cleers , EC ; Rood hlmlqttaitcra COWH and
heifers , 7c ! ; Rood hindquarters native steers ,
81-ic ; lenderlolns. 20s ; bonelers slrlps , 9c ; strip
loins , 7c ; rolls , S c ; sirloin butts , Htc ; shoulder
clods , K',4c ; rump butts , 5c ; steer chucks , 4'io ;
cow chucks , ' 34c ! ; boneless chucks , 4c ; plates ,
3'ic ; Hank steak. Cc ; loins , No. 1. 12(4c ( ; loins , No.
- , lO'.Jc ; loins. No. 3 , S'.ic ; ribs , No. 1 , IO'.AC ; ribs
No. 2. fc : ribs , No. 3 , C AC ; rounds , Gic ; rounds ,
shank or rump off. Cite ; rounds , shank nnd
rump off , 7c ; trlmmlnKs. 4c ; brains , per doz. ,
33c ; sweetbreads , per IK. 15c ; kidneys , each , 3e ;
ox tails , each. 3c ; liver * . 3c ; henrls , 2c ; lonRues ,
per Hi. . 12c.
PORIC OresFcd holts , 4 0 : tenderloins. 13c ;
loins , Cc ; ( .pare ribs , 4c ; ham sauraRc butts , Cc ;
( .boulders , rough , 4Hc ; shoulders , fklnned , 5c ;
trlmmlnKs , tc ; leaf Inrd. not rendered , SHc ;
heads , cleaned , 3'lc ; rnouts nnd ears. 3V.e ; back
bones. 3c ; neckbones , 3c ; plKs' mils , 3140 ; plucks.
each , 5e : chlllerllnKS. Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per
doz. . 2Sc ; Etcmachs. each , 3c ; toiiRues , each , Sc ;
kidney * , per doz , , lOc ; brnlns. per doz. . I3o.
Ml'TTON Dressed lambs. 7c ; dreppeil sheep ,
Co ; racks. SV&c ; leRs and saddles , 7l o ; brensts
and stews , 3c ; tongues , each , Cc ; plucks , each ,
St , LonlH ( iftii-rnl .Mnrlii-ls.
ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 18. FI.Ot'R-Dnll nnd weak ;
patents. J4.00O4.C5 ; extra fancy , Jl.10jJ4.20 : fancy
J3.fOfl3.70 : choice , J3.10fi3.25.
WHEAT The speculative market opened ac
tive and hlRher , but tradlns soon slacked up ,
Ihe fcellnu became weak nnd prices declined.
Thert" were several rallies during the dnv. but
the close was lower than Saturday ; spol hlxher ;
No. 2 red. cash , In elevator , S7',4c asked : on
track , ffCjDCc ; No. 2 hard , cash , nominal ; May ,
f Uc : July. S4'tc asked : AiiRurt , 74',4c asked.
CORN Futun i dull , weak and lower because
of heavy receipts : Fpot lower ; .No. 2 cnth. 20 ®
SOVic : January , 13-ic nrkcd : May , 22'4o bid.
OATH Futures dull and lower because of
heavy receipts ; Fpot lower ; No. 2 cash , ICUc ;
May. I9c bid.
IIYB Steady nt 32540p.
IIARLEY Hull at 30S40C.
IIRAN Dull nnd steady ; east track , sacked ,
3W3 ! > c.
FI.AXSF.nn Slendint 74 c.
TIMOTHY HEED Prime. 12.41.
HAY Hull nnd steady ; timothy. J3.COfflO.GO ;
prairie .7C r.f > 0.
Ill'TTKR Firm nnd unchanfieil.
F.nfiS Firm at 10Jfl2c.
LKAD-J2.S3. :
HAOOINO Rvtnsc ,
PROVIH'ONS Pork , lower : standard mefs Job-
blnc. J7.70 IP.10. Lard steady : prime steam ,
J3 P2I4choice. . Jl.fO , Uncnn. boxed shoulders ,
M.S5 : . 'xtni short clcnr. JI.75 : rlb . J4.S-W sh-rts ,
IS Irv palt meats , boxed shoul IT * . > 4.0i : extra
fbnrt plenr , J4.23 : ribs. J4 CO : shorts. J4.C2V4.
REfEII'TP Flour. C.ttO bblr. : wheat , 18.COO
bu. : roni. 22.0 ( * ) Im , ; oats , SB (00 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 5000 liW . : wheat , 28MO
bu. ; corn , Dl.OCfl bu. : oats , 14,000 bu.
LIV < TIMII > I Grain mill I'rovlHliiiiH.
demand poor ; No. 2 red. sprlne , CM lOd ; No. 2
red , winter , nothlni ; quote. ! : No. 1 hard ,
toba , nothlni ; quoted ; No. 2 California. Cs 7V4d.
Futures opened quiet , with near and distant posi
tion * Vid IdK ier , but later weakened , nnd closer
quiet , with March nnd May Vid lower , and
other month * unchaniceil from Saturday's clo -
Ini ? prices ; biisliiess honvlest on middle post-
nor * : .Innuary. C OUil ; February. CB aid ; May ,
Cs 10'i'l ' ,
CORN Steady ; American mixed , new. : 95id.
Futures opened steady , with near nnd distant
poMtlon * uncliantred ; cloi"eil steady , with April
lid lower and other months ivehaiiR d from
Palunlay ; liiulnpM heaviest on middle pokltlors ,
Janunrj' and Kvhrunry , ! < OUd ; March , 2& 9',4 < I ;
April , : > i fld ; May , In 10-1.
FLOUR Steady ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy ,
winter , 5s 3d.
PROVISIONS Ilacon , steady ; demand poor ,
Cumberland cut , IS to 30 Ibs. , 2s ; chart libs ,
24 to 20 Ibs. , 20s 3d ; InnK rlenr , heavy , 40 to 49
It * . . 2Cs C.I ; short clear bacln , lluht , 18 Iba. ,
% > C < 1 ; K'.iort clear middles , heavy , 15 In tf > IbH , ,
21s ; clfur bellies , II to 1C Ibs. , 27s Cd. Shoulderb ,
fqui-.ri' . 12 to 18 Ibs. , 26s Cd. Hams , ihort cut ,
II to 1C Ibs. . 40. Pork , prime mes * . line western.
4 ? I'll ; medium wentern , 41s M. I-Crd. steady ;
prime western , 21n ; refined , In palls , 22n 9.1 , Reef ,
extra India , mess , C2s 6d ; prlmo mevs. COs.
TALf/W-Fno | North American , Ifu ,
CHEESE Firm ; demand fair ; finest Amer
ican. whllH and colored ( Beplcmber ) . 63 ,
RPTTER-Flnest I'nlted Stales. 90s ; Rood. Kt.
REFRIGERATOR REEF-Forcquartmi. 3 id ;
hindquarters , Cd ,
HOl'H-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 3 98 ,
Toledo MnrkftN ,
TOLEDO , O , , Jan. 18. WHEAT Jwcr and
weak ; No. 2 cash , 92'io ' ; May , 93Hc.
C\RN-ia : y , but dull ; No , 2 mixed , 22c.
OATS Active and weak ; No , 2 mixed , 17Uc.
RYE-Dull ; No. 2 cash. 37Hc. .
CJjOVER SEED-DulI , but bteudy ; prime cann ,
OILS North Uma , tfc ; South Lima nnd In.
dluna , Kc.
' | | | | > Siipiily of fJraln ,
NHW YORK , Jan. 18. The visible supply of
Kraln Salurday , January 16 , us compiled by the
New York Produce exchange , Is as follows ;
Wheat. E2.4:9,000 bu.i decrvaie. 1,431,000 bu.
Corn , n.lU.OOO bu. ; Incrc&ie , W ,000 bu , Oati ,
13CiWX ) lu. ( decren e. ! , bu , Ryr , 3,413.000
Im , i Inctrnre , 3.000 bu. llarley , J.87.,000 bu. |
decreafc , 119.000 bu.
.Hroutes AMI noisns.
.llnrltof IN Anltnntril iiinl the Volume
or lliiNlni'NH Lnrwri- ,
NBW YORK , Jan , ! . Tno stock market today
was quite animated nnd tha volume of Imi-lness
considerably larger than for B couple of weckn
past. The movement of price * wmi Irregular ,
owiiiR to heavy realization of profits , widen
VHS nRaln partly offset by fresh buylnic for
long account. The Initial and t-nrly Irndliur we *
characterlted by n resumption of the activity
nnd buoyancy Hint had marked the close of the
plcvlous week. This condition was awl teil
by purchnslnR ordem for foreign account. The
dealltiR * were well distributed , nnd nn Improve
ment was Kcncrnlly noticed , with Fpecinllles , in
ecpeclal favor , Manhattan rlslns 14 per cent ,
lu tiie regular railway lift Important trnctlonnl
Rnlna wele scored , the RroiiRcr * and Routhwetl-
ern * leadlnR. Fon-lun purcluncs wcro cxlemdve
and Included larpc blocks ot rpccitlnttve boni'.j.
The upward movement was soon stopiied by pales
for both accounts. Effective support w.ts evi
dent , however. In some Instance * , nnd buylliK
of the higher priced Inviiitment stock * on u
fairly Inrce scale Renerally ut substantial mi-
vnnces was n feature of dealliiK * . Uenlere
In miscellaneous securities also reported Ihc In
quiries , for hlRli-prlced malerlal largely III ex.
cess of supply. Following Ui the BelllnR
to take profits , the larRer priifefslonal bean ,
utilized the- new * of several banks falllnR In l-
soulh to emphasize trte rencllon , and with
"Uccess ; panlcularly Manhattan .was offercil
freely and fell 31 ! to ( ) > ; . Sugar wn * depiefsed
2 per cent , DurllnRton 1 % per Cent and other
Bliwks 1 to la ! per rent from the top flKurer. lu
the laler trmllng the eelllnc pressure Increased
and the trader * teemed to meet little or no
opposition In their raiding tactics. T.ic clflaliiR
was weak at shaip fiactlonal net loiues In mokt
of the active stocks.
The bond market maintained decided strenfith
thiouRhout nnd wns not Inlluenced by the wenk-
ncta of the stock matket. The denlliiRS were
unusually law , iiKRroRallnR J2.H9.COO , and In-
cludlns : a Rrealer variety of Issues than has been
dealt In for a lout ; time. Some of the active
bonds were conspicuous for wide changes , partic
ularly Spokane & Paloiixc Ists , tiuet receipts ,
\\hlch sold nt 31 , npalnst 75 the last prccedlm ;
sale , on September 2S , ISM. The principal Miles
Included : Missouri PaclHc Ints , collateral Cs
and Union Pacific 4J4 * , trust receipts , 5 per
cent ; Wabash debentures Bs , 2'.4 ' per cent ; Knu-
sas Pacific consols nnd Houston & Texas Cen
tral Cs , 2 per cent ; Missouri , Kansas > 1 Easlern
luts , I'.i per cent ; OreRdi Improvement Ists ,
Hi per cent ; Tcxn * & Paclllc IMs , Fort Worth
& Denver City Ista and Edison Elcclrlc consol 5s.
1 per cenl. Governments were quiet but rather
firm on purchaseu of (20,000.
The Evening Pott's Ixmilon financial cnblc-
Rram says ! The stock markets were quiet but
Kood today , the favorable factor beltiR cheap
money. Consols were up ' , i. Ameilcans were
Rood , nllhouRh the buying ot shares seems
principally from New York. The nltunllon here
Is peculiar. Money Is cheap , yet Ihe causes
which make II cheap arc Ihe very points help-
Ins to check market activity. The discount
Is easy because bills are scarce , which nun In
are scarce because New York holds back nn
unknown quantity , which In Itself Is n dlsturb-
Inn factor rather than otherwise. The Rank of
England has yet to be repaid 2,000,000 before
the position of the money market can be prop
erly KatiRcd. It Is rumored freely today that
the bank rate will RO down on Thursday. I do
not think It likely , but uncertainty as to the
monetary outlook Is unmistakably evident. Japan
bought 300,000 of Rold today. Thu I'arls bourse
wns dull on reports of the czar's Illness. The
llerlln market wns steady.
The followlnc were the closlns quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
The total sales of stocks today were 301,775
shares , Including : Tobacco , 7,100 ; Atchlvon ,
7,700 ; American Sugar , 41,9)0 : Ilurllngton , 42 (00 ( ;
Chicago Oas , 12.600 ; Chesapeake & Ohio , 4.000 ;
General Electric , 5.8(0 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
11.400 ; Manhattan Consolidated , 3,700 ; Missouri
Pacific. 4.500 ; Reading , 20.100 ; Rock Island , ll.COO ;
St. Paul , 29.400 ; Southern Railroad preferred ,
10,100 ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , 7,100 ; Wheeling
& Lake irlf , 7.5CO.
XIMV York Money .llnrkct.
n.isy at I'.ifWi per cent ; last loan , \Vt per cent ,
closed , offeied nl I',4fl2 per cent.
STKRLINO EXCHANOU Stonily , with actual
litMlncsH In bnnkerh' bills at S4.S7UCf4.E7U tor-
ilemnnd , nnd at JI.85Q4.85U for Mlxty days ,
! ioste < l rattx , J4.S5Q4.S5H and Jl.SSOl.Sb'.i ' ; com-
nerclnl bills. J4.S4 ,
1IAR SILVKR-64 > ie.
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Steady ; new 4s , ree- ,
I20'.i ; coupon , 121'i ; 5s , reg. , 112T i coupon , 114U ;
Is , reg. . Ill ; coupon , 111(4 ( ; 2s , res. , 954 ; I'aclno
! s of ! * , 102 % .
Week Opens witli a Light Run of Oattlo and
T HP ,
Dfiuiiiiil II.VfccdH I he Supply nnd tin *
Vrntie IN I'VlrljAe 'll l o llutoh- I
OI-N Sti'inl'yj unit Peril
Very StrniiK.
SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn IS.-Itecclpls for
the days Indicated were :
Rattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
January IS . ] , < i27 1.7S 1,125 . . . .
January IB . i 75 4 , MS 1,148
January 15 . i.sta 3,770 S.offiS
January 14 . 2,207 4,650 2,071
January 13 . 3,219 G.MUi C02 144
January IS . 2,309 r.,3SU 1.20D
January 11 . 2,130 3,3ifi 1,761
January 9 . 1,128 4C35 fi7l
Jnnunry S . 2,383 4 , SCO CIS
January 7 . 1,976 C.100
The ofllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wns.
Cuttle. Hogs. Shcc\
.Missouri PacYlic'lYyl. ! ! ! ! . . ' 2 * 3
Union Pacific system. . . . 27 2 2
R. 15. & .M. V. It. It , . . . . 12 r.
C. , St. P. , M. & o. Hy. . 0 3
H. & M. 11. U. U. . . . . . . . 18 11
C. , H. & Q. Hv 3
C. , a. 1. & P. liy. , cast. . 2
C. , It. 1. & p. ay. , west. . 1 1
Total receipts CS 27 5
The disposition of the dny's receipts wns
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated ;
Buyers. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 2 410 . . . . .
O. H. Hammond Co 143 M'8 '
Swift and Company ] 4'J UIS
Cudahy Packing Co 2S7
VaiiHaut & Co 3
Lpbrrmn IlotlischlldS. . BH
' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Hl'll & . li\vlBnco"l ! ! ! 78 . . ! ! ! ' . . . . .
Itciiton , fe Underwood. . . . 171
Huston & Co 45
Swift , country nus
Cudahy. Kansas City 727
Other -buyers ,179
Left over joe 150
Totals l.jiSTi 201G 1.123
CATTLK So far as numbers wore con
cerned the- receipts of cattle today were
about the mime us a week wso. The market
" 8 , a whole was In fairly satisfactory con
dition and without material change In the
matter ot values.
The beef steers on sale were not r. very
good kind and them were no full loads In
the yards that could be called really good.
Uho demand , however , was of liberal
proportions and the buyers did not hesitate
about paying steady prices , so that nn early
clearance wns effected.
Cows nnd heifers sold In nbout the same
notch as on Saturday , the mancct being
fairly active , nnd everything v.-ns sold out
Fully one-half , or more , of the cattle here
were feeders , and they sold like hot cakes ,
" ' "I at way up prices , though perhaps no
higher than at the close of last week. The
demand continues very active and In excess
° r "i" . receipts , a condition tnut Is re-
SDonsiblo for the high prices at which that
kmd of cattle are selling. Ileprcsentntlve
sales :
No. Av. IT. Xi ) . Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
13. . 19.10 | 3 r.O . . vo 3 so so. . .1264 J3 03
20. . low C. . . .i : < ,0 3 0 40. . .1293 4 00
1I. . loco 8. . . .lfl:3 3 SO IS. . .1203 4 03
: % . 23' . . . . 1072 .190 29. . .13CO 4 13
ST. . 1075 13. . . .110.- 3S5 8. . .1330 4 43
3. . 12. . . .lltO 2. , .UOO 4 20
21. .
2 , . . 555 2 60 3 00
L , , .10fO 2 (3 3 OU
1. , . . SCO 2 G5 3 00
1 , . . WO 2 70 3 00
3. iHi 3 00
L , .1140 S 75 3 CO
L , .1230 2 75 3 ( X )
" .1052 2 73 3 CO
l" , .1150 2 75 3 10
1. , .1040 2 &U 3 20
4. , . 947 2 S5 3 20
' ' 2 S5 1 * * " ,
i.J2io : 2 M 3 25
2..M1EO 2 M 3 25
G.,1002 2 90 3 35
13..1010 2 ' . ) . ' > 43
9.1223 2 95 3 45
2 85
2 I'O
3 00
3 00
Z..WK 3 10
3 10
. 710 3 15
1G. . . C91 3 15
1..10IO 1 SO 1..H50 3 10
1. . . .13.10. 2 DO 1..2000 3 10
4..HS2 2&5 1..11M 3 10
1..1MO 2 C5 1..1530 3 10
1..13C11 1..1110 3 23
1..1370 2 fO 1..1730 3 25
1..HCO 2S5
10..1201 2 CO
1. . , 350 280 1. . 3CO 3 S5 , 130 4 r,0
1. . . 320 3 00 9. . 337 3 90 , 250 4 CO
4. . , 3S'J 3 00 & . . 390 3 93 , 220 4 CO
1. . . 370 3 10 r. . . 330 4 00 , 1 ! 0 5 00
S. . , 302 3 25 i. . 1GO 4 00 , 150 S 00
2. . , 290 3 t,0 > " 245 4 25 , ISO 5 00
1. . , 260 3 75 I" ICO 4 . ' .0 , 230 COO
1. . , 230 3 75 i. . . 120 4 CO
1. . COO 3 00 1. . . . MO 3 75 3. . 840 3 90
1. . . 850 3 25 33. , . . MS 3 75 1. . 740 3 ! ' 0
3. . C23 3 to < i 1. , . . 810 3 75 27. . 3 ! .0
1. . , 790 3 25 . . 757 3 75 6. . C58 3 90
1. . 900 325 . . MO 3 70 15. . S07 390
1. . C40 325 17. . . .1017 3 (0 7. . 471 3 ! > 5
4. . CC5 335 21. , . . CCO 3 (0 1. . 800 3 95
G. . 725 3 M 1. , . . 910 3 85 15. . CSS 4 00
1. . MO 3 10 4. . . . 455 3 85 1. . 070 4 CO
1. . 4W 3 r,0 8. . . . tO 3 85 69. . 4 05
3. . 773 3 70 C. . . . S12 3 E5
1 cow and cnlf (25 00
1 springer 27 CO
1 cow and en If 30 00
1 KprltiK-or 30 00
1 cow nnd calf 37 00
1 cow and calf 40 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5 bulls 1090 II 75 JO heifers 810 (3 10
3 sirs. Us..1223 240 9 feeilors. . . . ! &S 325
1 calf ItO 300 140 feeders. . . . 711 380
11 feeders. . . . 417 3(0 24 fecderti. . . . BIO 395
GcalveH 3CO SCO 12 cnlvcs 257 400
6 calves 231 3 00
HOGS The liog market did not show any very
material change OH compared with Saturday.
At the opcnlni ; values were Just about eteudy ,
but Inter on the pltuatlnn Improved nnd the
market closed stronger , making the average
of nil tiie suits u elmUc higher than on Satur
Heavy loads , welRlilnp 00 pouncii nnd over ,
gold nt S3.154T3.20 , nnd light nnd medium weights
nt 3.253.35. the rnnKc being the nnine n on
Saturday with the exception tlmt a few extreme
heavy 6o'd ' down to 13.10 nt the close of last
The week opens with values fully 15o higher
tlmn they were at the opening of Inut week , unit
only Co lower than the high point of the month.
Iletirecentntlvc eaten :
SHEEP Thete yrerf live cars of sheep re
ported In , but they were oil co.ielgned direct to
packeru and wiTO"jn t offered for sale. The
demand for aheep'II Very good nt this point , so
much fo thai prices hlive been uttong as com
pared with the prices paid at other points.
( iouil lleiiiiiiul fiir lleHt OrnileN of C'nl-
tle HIIUM l''lriu or Iletter.
CHICAGO , Jan , 17. In cattle there was a gooa
demand for the best grades , others were neg
lected and barely eleudy ; sales were on u banla
of from J3.50 to J3.71 for the poorest dresses
beef steers , up to from J5 to J3.20 for ttrtctly
choice cattle , with fancy cattle no scarce as to
be little moro than nominal at from J5.20 to
15.30. Export Ijcvvca uro In demand nt from
Jt.40 to IS. There weru no Indications of any
fulllni ; off In tie ; etocker and feeder trade , nnd
IIH the iiupply was not excessive , prices remained
steady , lluteller * ' and cannern' cnttlii were In
good demand nnd prlcen unchanged. Texan cattle
tle- were In demand at from J3.33 to J3.CO for fed
utter * .
Hogs were firm at last Saturday's figures , and
In mme eaten better , Eastern Mhlpper * look hold
freely , und It wan n lively market ; salca
at from J3.1S tn J3.DO for the poorest to > the bett
lots , with tnulinir largo at from J3.SO to J3.43 ,
Ulnk-clng' Unlit IIOK void ot the top , and bin
IIOKH , aveniRlnir 400-Ibs , und upward , weru the
worn ! sellen.
In eheep there was an active demand once
more and price * wtre stronger. Sheep were
wanted at from J2.CO to J4 for Inferior to prime
native * , with wentem fed Blocks celling nt
from J.i , 4(1 ( tn J.1. M , YrnrllnKf f In demand nt
from J.I , M to Jl.fiO , Mexlrnnit RoltiK the highest ,
nnd Intnlii rolil nt from J3.M to JJ.S5. ncconllnw
to quality.
llecellitsi Cflttle , 115,000 head ; ling' , U.OC4 hcnJl
sheep , 11V.OOO head ,
K n n MM M City l.lviSlock. .
KANIUH CITY , .Inn. IS.-CATTLK-llecelpls.
11 , on ) brad ; shipment * , ! nx > head ; best urndtii
steady , oilier * weik to lOo lower ; Ttxa * fteeiv ,
JJ.MlM.r.O ; Tcxn * cows , J2,10t2.M ; native * teen > ,
J3.0004.95 ; native cow * nnd heifer * , fl,00T3.Wi
* tncker * nnd feeder * , J2.5004.15j bulls , JI.W
3.M ,
HOGS Ilecelpt * . 9.000 head ; shipments , none ,
market fairly steady ; bulk of sale * . J3.0T3.o ( ;
heavies , J3.oofT3.30i packer * , J3.10fl3.23 ; mixed ,
J3.:0r3.33 ; Unlit , J3.lSfj3.32K ; Yorker * , J3.30O
3.3JI4 ; plKs. J3.00W3.20.
.SlIEKP-llecelpts , 3,000 head ; Bhlpm-nt * . l.JM
head ; market steady ; liimbs , J3.r.OtflW ; bulls ,
J2.0003.CO ,
X MV Ynrk 1,1 vi Stoclt.
NEW YOItlC , Jan. 15 , HEEVES Ili-celuls ,
2,250 bend ; slow nnd Renerally Mcady ; bulls
easier ; native steers. Jl.105f3.iO ; stnir * and oxen ,
J2.105f4.50 ; bull * . Jl.735r3.40. dry cow * , Jl.ejf ?
3.00. Cable * quote American steers at lO'iWH'ic
per lb. , dressed welnht ; sheep. 8'ic ; rcfrlRernlor
beef , steady at S > ifflOc ,
HI1EEP AND LAMHS Itecelpts , 4,112 head ;
quiet ; lamb * closed n' trltlc weak ; sheep. J2.73CT
4.20 ; iMinhi , J4.COfl.1.CO.
HOOH-Ilecelpt * . S.9I2Miead ; easier at J3.COW
SI. LoulH Live MOCK' .
ST. LOUIS. Jan. IS.-CATTLE-Hocclpts , rl , 0
head ; market stiiiiiR ; native beeves , J3..WRS.W ) ;
stockcrs nnd feeders , J2.2Hf3.73 ; cows nnd tn-lf-
tr * , J1.7.ft3.7B : Texas and Indian uleers , J2.7KW
4.00 ; cow * . Jl,7nI2,7r. .
lIOGa-Uecelpts , fi.OOO head ; market opened
steady ; clntrd stronR ; llRht , J3.20f)3.S3 ) ; mixed ,
J3.10 .1.SO ; heavy , J3.00fl3.IO.
SHEEP Itecelpts , 1000 head : mailcet slioni ; ;
muttons , J2.735f4.00 ; common , Jl.CJt/2.50 ; lambs ,
Sliii-k In
Kccord of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for Monday. January 18 , 1W7 :
Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha . 1,927 1.S7S 1.12S
ChlcaRO . IC.OOil K2.000 13,00) )
Kansas City . ll.M" f.00 3-no °
St. Ixitlls . . . B,000 5.000 1,000
Totals . 33,927 'C7S7S 20,123
NEW YOUK , Jnn. 18. COKTRC-Optlons
opened IrrcRUlnr with prlcea R points hlKher
to 5 points lower ; ruled featureless , with n
weak undertone under larRt- receipts and vis
ible supply ami llRht warehouse deliveries ;
closed quiet at 5 points lower to 'B points hlRhrr ;
fales , 10.000 IKIRD , Including : Match , J9.50 ; spot
colfce , Hlo. easy ; No. 7 , jobblnc , J1050 ; Invoice.
JIO ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , J15.30ifl7.00. Total
warehouse deliveries from the Untied States ,
Sri73 brtRS , InrludlliR 7,578 baR from New
York ; New York stock today , 342.177 baps ;
United State * stock. 410,002 baps ; nlloat for Ihe
United Slates , SSti.OOO bags ; total visible for the
United States , 785,002 IIMK.H. iiRalnst 587,823 bags
last year.
HIO , Jan. ' ' ' 18. COKPEE-Flrm ; No. 7 Illo.
10,700 rels ; exchniiRC. O id ; recelpls , 3.400 bnRs ;
cleared for the United State * . 5,000 b.iRs ; for
Europe , 3.000 bap * ; stock , 321 , COO b.iRS. Weekly
report : Coffee , llrm ; cxchnnRe standard , 10.CCO
rels ; receipts during the week. Cl.OOO IURS ; ship
ments lo Ihe United States , 77,000 bags ; stock ,
321,000 lings.
SANTOS. Jan. IS. COWEE-Qulet : Rood nv-
eruRC Santos , ll.COO reli ; receipts , 9.000 bnRs ;
slock , 67C.OOO IIHRS. Weekly report : Coffee ,
quiet ; peed average , per 10 kilos , ll.COO rels ;
iccrlpts during the week. 57,000 bags : shipments
to tin" United States. 25.000 bogs : block. 53C.COO
lIAVnR. Jan. 18. COKFEE Closed at U
net ndvance ; sales , C.OOO bag * .
HAMI1UUO. Jan. 18. COKKEI3 Quiet and un
chanced ; sales , 3,400 baps.
I.nndoii Slock ( liiohitlnnN.
LONDON. Jan. 18 t p. in. closinsr :
HAU ( JOLT ) Quoted nt 7"R 10'4d. '
AMEItlCAN EAOLES-Quoteil at 76s Slid.
HAH SILVEH 29 ll-16d per ounce.
MONEY 114 "per cent.
The rate of dlscoulil In the open market for
short and three months' blln , . 2 13-1C02T4 per
H Oily MurUclN.
KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 18. WHEAT Dull nnd
wcnki No. 2 hard. 79c : No. 2 red , nominally
92093c ; No. 2 spring , 7Cf7Sc.
CORN 'Jo lower : very weak : No. 2 mixed ,
OATS About steady ; No. 2 white , nominally
17'.4 2te.
HYK No. 2. nominally 32c.
HAY Stcndy ; choice timothy , 18.000S.CO ;
choice prnlrle. 15.CO.
HUTTE11 Slow ; crenmpr } ' . 17flc ! ) ; dairy.
KGGS Llttlo Blow receipts llglit ; quotable nt
\ < MV York Dry ( iiinilM Alarkct.
NEW YORK , Jnn. IS. An Improved demand
for staple colored cotton goods , nlso undeiwenr
nnd hosier } ' , wns the feature of the market , nnd
n considerable volumeof new business Is ex
pected by spot purclmcrs. to which mall nnd
telegraph orders ndded n much larger nmount.
A much Improved tone wits n feature of gicnt
Importance nnd though engagements were for
moro moderate quantities tlmn usual lit the
corresponding period In pnst years , In the aggre
gate the takings were Important. 1'rlnt
cloths In quiet demand nnd quiet nt 24c. !
PEORIA , III. , Jan. IS. CO11N Market firm
nnd higher ; new No. 2. 20c.
OAT.S Firm ; No. 2 white. 20 Jfl21c.
UYE Market quiet ; No. 2. 37c.
WHISKY Market steady ; finished goods on the
basis of J1.18 for high Winer.
KECEll'TS Corn. 13.750 bu. ; outn. C4.200 bu. ,
rye. COO bu. ; whisky , none ; wheat , 4fOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Corn. fi.r.OO bu. ; oits. C0.1CO bu. ;
rye , none ; whisky. " 10 bbls. ; wheat , 1,200 bu.
LONDON. Jnn. 1 ? . St'ClAR Cane , quiet : lit
tle doing ; centrlfusal .Invn , UH 3d ; Muscovado ,
fair rellnlmr. 9s 9.1. lift , dull nnd tending downward -
ward ; Jntiuury , 9s 3d ; February. 9s 3d.
NEW YORK , Jan. IS. SUGAR Quiet ; fair re-
tlnlng , 2 3-NIc ; centrlfiignl. t'C ' tctt , 3 3-lCc ; re
fined , quiet ; mold "A , " 4Mc ; confectioner ! ) ' "A. "
4'.io ; cut loaf , Cc ; crushed , Co ; powdered , 4Hc ;
granulated , 4ic ; cubes , 4c.
-\Vonl . Mni'Ic.-lH.
NEW YORK , Jnn. 18. WOOL Quiet ; domestic
fleece. 15 20e ; pulled. ISfflFc.
ST. LOt'IS , Jan. 18. WOOtj Quiet ; medium ,
HJTHl < .c : light lino. ilifillUc ; heavy line , CQ9c ;
tub washed , ISjj'OVtc. _
MliiiipaiiiiliH 'XVIioiit ( InointloiiM.
MlNNEAl'OLlfi. Jnn. IS. WHEAT Weaker ;
January. 77c ; Mtiy. 77i 7Sc ; July , 73 c. On
track : No. 1 hard , 7Sc ; No. 1 northern , 7CTic ;
receipts , 250 cars.
Oil City MnrliH.
OIL CITY , Jan. 18. Credit balances , SSe : ccr-
tmcntes , no bids ; shlumentB , K.9,752 bbls. ; runs ,
115,552 bbli.
KnrolKii Kliiiinolnl.
HERLIN , Jan. 18. Exchonce on London , right
days' sight , 20 innrks 37i ! pfg.
IXiNDON. Jnn. 18. Oold Is quoted nt Ituenos
AyriH today at 1S7.25 ; Mi-bon , 25 ; Rome , lOt.92',4.
PARIS , Jan. IS. Three per cent rentes. 103f
42VSC for the nccount ; exchange on London , 25f
23c for checks.
I'liiiinclalotiH ,
IjOSTON. Jnn. 18. Clearing" , J13.915.971 ; bal
ances , J1C3 ,40S.
nALTIMOHE. Jan. 18. Clearings , J2,50I,810 ;
balances , (348,275 ,
NKW YORK. Jnn. 18. Clearings , JS1 , 209,990 ;
balances , J5.434.C52 ,
PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. IB , Clearings , t9 , 10-
281 ; balances , H , CSC , 070.
ST. IXDUIS. Jnn. 18. Clearlnss. t5CSS,9IC ; bal
ances , $ SC4,11J. ( Money , 7CS per cent ; New York
exchange , par bid ; 25c premium n ked.
CHICAGO , Jan. IS. Clearing * , II3C6iC25. (
Money , steady and unchanged ; New York ex
change , Me discount ; foreign exchange , demand ,
J .S7',4 ; Hlxty doya , 4 , fK.
CJoliI SeelcerN KloekhiK < o
TACOMA , Wash. , Jan ! IS. Alaska nnd
Puget Sound merchants and the steamship
companion are preparing for an Influx of
10,000 to 15,000 miners Into Alaska this
Bprlng. Last year about 5,000 men went
north In search of wealth. The eucccsa of
many of these , coupled with strikes made on
Cloudyko creek , a tributary of the Yukon ,
last season , and systematic advertising now
being done , la having the effect of attracting
thither golil scekera from every part of the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
INSTnUMBNTB placed on record Monday.
January 18 , 97 :
John Vavrn to Anna Vavra and hus
band , lot ! > , block 110 , Soul/I Omaha ;
lot 18 , block 11 , Brown nark $ 1,200
P. J. Llpsa nntl wife to L , Folda , lot
9 , block 7 , South Omaha 900
IKolilu to Antonle Llpsa , same ICO
W. IJ. Waddfll and wife to B , C. Hoil-
sal , n 45 feet of lotu 10 and 11 , block
19. Wllcox'B 2d ndd 100
O. l'\ Davis company to M. O. ileckcr ,
n Vi of lot 20 , block 12 , Shilll'H 2d add , 100
J , P. Davis to M. S , Lawrence , lot 0 ,
block IM. South Omnha 1,400
Wllhelmlna Haumiinn to O. J. Ban-
mann ct nl , part of tax lolH 22 23
nnd 21. In 10-15-13 ; n 70.81 feet of block
1 , K , V , Smith's ml/1 , . 15,000
Sheriff to Packers' Savings bank , lot
G , block 7 , 1st add to South Omaha. , 2SSO
Same to I. H , Nott , lot 8 , . block 12 , Or
chard Hill 1C7
Same to H. I' . Davis , lot 1 , block 13 ,
Hiiino 225
Same to Watson Loud. 128xGI ! ! feet In
nw so 31-15-13 35
Total amount of transfers , . .122,907
Law to Prevent Homestcndors from Taking
Possession of Railroad Improvements ,
Solicitor S < < > r1hiK of ( lie Opinion ( lint
( lii > Wnlor < liirtl < > u In ( tit * \ordi-
\\rnt UIIN llri-ii Solvcil lli'ltc-
IllN ( o Stockmen ,
William U. Sterling , general solicitor of
tlio Klldiorn rnllroiul , has returned from
\Yn8lilugton , well plcnsctl with tlio passage
of the bill providing for tlio USD of the public
latuls of the United States for the building
of water reservoirs by railroads and other
companies. Mr. Sterling has been at work
on tlio iiipamiro for a long tlmo and now
that II has safely passed through both
houses of congress , been approved by the
Interior department and signed by tlio prost-
ilcut ; he thinks tlio Elkhorn and such other
rallio.ids as may ilealre can now build reser
voirs on public lands without fear that
Komo settler will tnko advantage of the
homestead law and nsauino possession of the
reservoir and the surrounding laud. The
bill was drawn by ' .Mr , Sterling , who says
tlio credit of securing HH enactment be
longs largely to Senator 1'cttlgrew of South
Dakota , who Introduced It Into the senate
and secured the favorable consideration of
Secretary Francis , \vlthuut whoso rccom-
mcmlatlon the bill would not have received
the approval of the president. In the house
the bill was pushed by Congressmen Dave
Mercer of this city and Gamble of Squill
The provisions of this net , which goes
Into effect Immediately , gives railroad com-
panlea and other corporations the use of
public lands upon which may be built reser
voirs 1GO acres for each reservoir. The
Klkhorn has during the past year con
structed eighteen or twenty of these roser-
voliu In South Dakota , Wyoming and
Montana , In order that cattle , when driven
through that country , may not die of thirst.
Until the passage of this law the railroads
could not be sure In the posserslon of these
reservoirs when constructed on public lands ;
Ihcro was nothing to prevent a settler from
obtaining a claim to such public land under
tlio provisions of the homcsteaJ law. Should
the railroad company attempt to use or re
move Its reservoir the homesteader would
defend with a Winchester what he legally
claimed as lite property.
In the cattle ranges of South Dakota ,
Wyoming and Montana there uro
vast stretches of land without
water. Stockmen have been com
pelled to drive their cattle 300 and 400
miles without water. Horace Q. Uurt , form
erly general manager of the Klkhorn nnd
now third vice president of the Northwestern
system , conceived the Idea of damming up the
draws nnd catching the surface waters of
I'prlng nnd summer , holding It In the
reservoirs until fall , when It could be of
greatest utility to cattlemen. Accordingly
the engineering department of the Klkhorn
road set to work to build a score of such
reservoirs. Then came the trouble of retain
ing possession ot the roscrvalrs after they
had been constructed and the subsequent
origin of the bill , which has Just become u
In commenting on the passage of the
bill and It" Importance to the northwest
territory. Mr. Sterling vpstnnlnv * nit ) .
"While In Washington 1 talked with a num
ber of officials of the Interior department and
with many senators. They regarded the
measure as a valuable one , not only because
of Its Importance to cattlemen , but for other
reasons. They argued that If the surface-
water ot these cattle ranges could be ttored
up In the spring for use In the fall , If excess
moisture could beef such utility for this
purpose , It could be of use for general Irriga
tion. Stockmen generally , I think , arc well
pleased with the new law. Its provisions
give them access to the reservoirs at all
times. The law requires that the rcscrvoira
shall remain unfenced nnd bo accessible to
stockmen and their cattle , "
'iiN Prppnri" for a Ci'li-Iirntlou ii <
CEDAR UAPID3 , la. , Jan. 18. ( Special. )
The clugant new union depot , erected by the
Chicago & Northwestern and the Uurllngton ,
Cedar Ilaplds & Northern Hallway companies ,
will bo formally opened In thi > course of n
couple of weeks , the exact date not having
been selected. The opening will. bo under
the auspices of the Associated Charities ,
committees from which are now actively at
work arianging the program. It Is probable
that both railway companies will run excur
sion trains Into the city on the day of the
opening , and that many out-of-town people
will join the citizens of the I'nrlor City In
the celebration. The depot Is one of the
finest In the elate of Iowa nnd has been
erected at n cost of $1EO,000. It Is of modern
architecture , presenting an Imposing exterior
appearance. The Hnishlngx and appolntmento
ate nil of the very flnrat. The building Is
the jusl pride of Ihn whole city.
Ttro HallrniiilN CoiiNOllilnlo ,
HAHUISmmo , Pa. , Jan. 18. A Joint
agreement for consolidation between the Ilut-
ler & I'lttsburg Railroad company and the
I'ltlsburg , Shcnango & L-aUo Erie company.
forming a now concern under the name of
the 1'lttnburg , Hessemer & Lake Erie Rail
road company , was today filed in the state
department. The new company is capitalized
at $10,000.000 , nnd will bo controlled by An
drew Carnegie for the purpose of hauling ore
from the lakes to the manufacturing interests
with which he Is connected.
Tlrki't Siilu ( o lie niNCUiitliiucil.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 18. The St. Louis-Omaha.
Council Bluffs road today promulgated a no
tice to terminal companion In llostoa that
the sale of tickets at short line rates from
Boston to Omaha and Council IllulTa must bo
discontinued. It further declares that the
St. Louis-Omaha roads will require the full
sum of Their local ratca to St. Louis , Omaha
and Council Bluffs. The reason given for
the notice Is that the tickets of the Fltch-
hurg are being extensively scalped between
St. Louis and Omaha.
Hlli'lil ot Way for a Hallronil ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Representative
Fischer today presented n favorable report
on a bill granting right of way to the Gal-
vcston & Great Northern Railway company
to construct and operate a railroad through
Oklahoma and the Indian Territory.
Hallway \ott-N anil I'c
Cashier Darlow of the Union Pacific's pas
senger department went to Chicago last
Superintendent Nichols of the Union Pacific
and his first assistant , R. R. Sutherland , went
west with the company's pay car yesterday.
Chief Engineer Pegram of the Union Pacific
has gone out to Payette , Idaho , to Inspect the
new ttccl bridge of the railroad company ,
which was completed on Saturday last.
Assistant General Freight and Passenger
Agent Phllllppl nnd Traveling Krnlght Agent
Doddrldgo of the Missouri Pacific went to
St. Paul last evening to look after business
President Clark and party of receivers and
officials of the Union Pacific are northward
bound from their sojourn In Texas. It Is
expected that they would bo In St. Louis yca-
turday , nnd proceed from there to Chicago ,
A meeting of the Western Passenger
association linn been called In Chicago
cage on Wednesday. At that time will bo
finally settled the much-mooted qucatlou
whether or not the Council Bluffs ticket
olllces shall bo abolished ,
I'riKTiimUcr KIllH n ( 'oinliilliiiit.
PARKRRSBURO , W. Vn. , Jan. 18. Frank
Cornwall , 18 , son of the superintendent of
the public flchoolH of Taylor county , shot Tom
Hasllpp , a Baltimore & Ohio railroad brakeman -
man , on the main street of Oration about
midnight. Young Cornwall , who was re
turning from a sick call , found Haallpp beatIng -
Ing another railroader. Interfering , ibo boy
was knocked down , Ihcn , drawing a revolver ,
ho placed U at Hasllpp'a right oldo and fired
two iiliotH. Inflicting fatal woundu. Cornwall
was arrested ,
Hti'n r ItuiiM Axliorc ,
BEACH HAVEN , N. J. , Jan. 18 , The
steamer HaJawortli , from Liverpool , with a
cnTRo of BiiRar , Ii nnhoro nrnr hero. A.
wrecking itcamcr tins Htartcd to render as
uicii coi.n Kini.ns iAVYOMINO. .
Omit Im mill Other Cnpltnl IIHnir Put
Into Mlnlnw I'rniierly.
11AWL1N9 , Wyo. , Jnn. IS. ( Special. ) The
Grand Kiicampmcnt mining district IB com-
monrlnR ( o attract outside capital nnd within
the past few weeks n number of well known
men In business circles liavo become owncra
of claims. Kd Dickinson , general manager
of the Union Paclllc system , Thomas Sun ,
ono of the best known atockmcn In Wyoming ;
M , W. Dlllon anil others have located 4,000
acres of placer land In the district nnd linvo
secured nil of the unappropriated wntor In
the north nnd south forks of the Grnnd ICn-
caiupmont creek. Tliese pincers nro rich
with coarse , heavy gold nnd the owners will
work them during the coming spring and
summer for all that Is In them ,
During the pest week the Molllc Hill Mln-
Ing and Smelting company hns been Incor
porated. The Incorporntors nro : Kd Dick-
limon , Max Idclnmn of Cheyenne , John liny
of Orccn Hlvcr and scvcrnl bualnrM men ol
tills plnce. The company 'has purchased
seven claims , ono of them adjoining tha
Golden Kngle , wliero tlio first discovery ot
gold wns made In the district. Assays from
these clnhns run from $1.25 to $151 n ton In
Notwithstanding the hcnvy onow which
covcra the Grnnd Kncampment district , a
largo number of the proportion nro being ; '
worked with full complements of men ntul
there will bo hcnvy shipments of ore from
the region during the present year. A num
ber of the business men of this city nra
agitating the question of putting up a smelter
for the rcdurtlon of these ores.
Jiifl < NOii 1I U > ( inn CMiili MnUcN StiR.
Ki-NlliniN tor l.cKlNliitnrc.
JACKSON , Wyo. , Jan. IS. The Jackson
Hole Gun club of this place has made a
careful study of the fish nnd game situation
In Wyoming and adopted resolutions requestIng -
Ing the Fourth legislature of the state to
make n number of changes In the game law-3
calculated to aid In the preservation of the
wild game and fish. Tlio club recommends
a system of rewards to 'Informers against
violators ot the game laws , the Informer to
receive one-half of the fines and the school
fund the remainder. The penalty for tnkiiiR
or killing game or fish In excess of the
number allowed by law Is recommended to
bo a flue or not less than $10 nor moro than
$50 , to which may bo added a sentence of
not moro than thirty days' Imprisonment.
It Is recommended that the open season ba
from August 15 to December 1 of each year.
It Is recommended that gun licenses bo re
quired , residents of th state to pay $1 for
such license and nonresidents $25. Gii'ldoa '
ara to bo charged a license fee of $5 If they
are residents of the state and $50 If they
are nonresidents. Game wardens are to bo
appointed by the county commissioners anil
paid $3 a day for their services , the com
pensation to bo paid out of the receipts for
gun nnd guide licenses. If the laws recom
mended are enacted It Is the belief of sports
men that the wild geese of this state can bo , * .
protected effectively and the state can bo if
made the greatest field for the hunter ot "
largo game In the world.
For ( lie Kiil < > of Nelmol I.anilN.
RAWLINS , Wyo. ; Jan. 18. ( Special. )
The Caibon county delegation In the state
legislature will make an effort to have
itiltablc legislation .enacted providing for the
spivOy sale of school lands Included within ,
the city limits of Hawllns. At the present
time there are upward of 100 houses erected
upon school I a mta within the city. Whllo
the Improvements are taxable the land can
not be assp.'cd for either city or county tax
ation purposes. A number of the residents
of these lands arc anxious to secure tltlo
to the lots upon which their homes are
built , and it Is believed the desired legisla
tion will be secured without difficulty.
Trnl n H Ii-ln.\ < > il by a CoIllMlon.
WAUPU.V , WIs. . Jan. IS. A headend col
lision between , passenger trains on the Chicago
cage & Northwestern railway occurred at
Chester station. R It. Moulton , assistant
superintendent of the- road , who was on ono
of the trains , was seriously Injured. Trains
on the line wore delayed two hours.
I'on-lK" lldliilliiililriH Ao < ' < -i ( .
NKW YORK , Jan. 18. The Amsterdam
and Frankfort holders of bonds of the At
lantic & Pacific railroad have approved pf
the terms offered by the Atchlson for the
purchase of the bonds of the western di
vision of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad.
Ci-iiiTiilly l iili * \i-liriiHkn , lull tvllli
llUTCIIMllli ; ( 'lOIIllllK-.MS.
WASHINGTON. Jan. IS. Forecast for
Tuesday :
Vor Nebraska and Kansas Generally
fair , but with increasing cloudiness ; light ,
variable winds.
Kor .Missouri Warm , Increasing cloudi
ness ; east to Houth winds.
Kor Iowa Increasing cloudiness , proba
bly local snows In custom portion ; warmer
In northern portion ; variable winds.
For South Dakota Fair and warmer ;
winds shifting to south.
For Wyoming Fair and warmer In west
ern portion ; souUi winds.
I.CKMII llccoril.
OMAHA , Jan. IS. Omaha record of ralnfaL/-4 ! _ _ >
and temperature compared with corresponding - * * >
responding day of the past three years :
1J37. 1S3G. U9S. 1S34.
Maximum temperature. . . 4 : ! 19 53 3
Minimum temperature. . . S 2 : \ : > 22
Avrr.igo tumpcruturu 23 10 41 0
Rainfall T T T .01
Ileuonl of temperature and precipitation
at Oinuha for tha day and slnco March ] .
16W :
Normal temperature for the day 15
Excess for the day 10
Accumulated excess since March 1 158
Normal precipitation for the day. . ,02 Inch
Deficiency for the duy 02 Inch
Total precipitation since Men. 1..3G.01 Incheu
Excess Elnco March n.37 Inchon
Deficiency corresp'g period 189G..11.IO Inchea
Deficiency corrcsy'K period ISM. .15.31 Inchcu
Ki-iiurfN from .SlutloiiN in H i > . in.
Sevcnty-llfth meridian time.
T Indicates trace of precipitation , /.era.
llclow zero. L. A. WELSH ,
Local Forccait Otllclal.
; Strong
New life , new strength , new vigor.
will brine back your lost powers and stop
forever yoursysltm. t i
rhey net quickly , creolu a healthy digestion , i |
ruru rich bliioJ , jinn muicles , ruek'eJ
slrengtli , steady nerves and a clear train.
$1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxes $ s.oo.
A lecal ( jiiarnnteo tn euro or refund tha
money wtlh every3no.irjf ; IXidtwii
Bncrman & McConncll Druj ; Co. ,
1G13 IJodKO Kt , , Omaha , Neb.
Telephone 1031) ) . Oniiiha , Neb.
. Honrd of Trade.
l < lrcct wlrei to Chicaia and Nt-w York.
OcrrciipoDdeaUi Joha A. Wirrtn * Oe ,