Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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tor plan than for the legislature to Incorporate -
corporate ) In the appropriation bill authority
, tor rarh county to appropriate nn nmount
V , for the same Rood end ? A reduction from
' the appropriations to county fairs for that
ncaiion could well ho made and transferred
to the cxponltlon appropriation.
. Jtinlata Herald : The subject of greatest
general Interest for the coming year te > Nebraskans -
braskans will bo the miccem ot the proposed
/ Transmlfilfrtlppl Exposition to bo held at
- * - Omaha In ISD8. Liberal subscriptions should
bo given to this great enterprise by our
moneyed men and all business men gen
erally. It will bo n grand thing for our
ntato and thn western country generally , the
ncopo of the exposition taking In not only
our country , but practically the whole world
nnd bringing to our very doors the men and
means needed In the development ot our
great ctnprle.
Nebraska City Prras : The Press , does not
dcslro to harp nn the question , yet It cannot
refrain from calling the attention of the
> legislature to that portion of Governor Hol-
comb's message relating to the Transmlssls-
nlppl Imposition. All Nebraska Is Inter
ested In the success of this mammoth under
taking and as this state will receive the
greatest benefits It Is ncccraary for Ne-
brankans to assume the leadership. Un
fortunately the governor failed to mention
nny sum which In his estimation would bo
proper , but the legislature should not bo
ntingy. Ily judicious management $100,000
can be saved to the state In the manage
ment of state Institutions which can surely
bo run for two years on an economic baala
Avhcn the reward In the end will be so great.
Add tn this $200,000 aiuPyou have a pretty
fair start. Other states are appropriating
$75,000 to $100,000 toward the enterprise and
certainly Nebraska can Judiciously afford to
expend thrlco the amount of any other com
Randolph Tiroes : The portion of the
United States commonly called the "corn
bolt" Is undoubtedly the richest In product
iveness ot any land or ell mo. Corn Is
synonymous with beef and pork , of the best
quality on earth. This fact alone , however ,
only expresses In part the wonderful re
sources of thu transmlsslsslppl country. The
exposition at Omaha will reveal to the world
the products of twenty-four of the greatest
agricultural states tn the union. Ily no
other means could there bo created such a
world-wldo Interest In the middle west and
particularly to Omaha as the exposition
would. The star of empire Is moving west
ward and the fact will bo moro fully recog
nized by the many thousands who will visit
Omaha from far and near and witness for
themselves what wonders western pluck and
push can accomplish and has accomplished.
Alliance Guldo : Our legislature will be
asked to make a liberal appropriation for
the Transmlsslsslppl Kxposltlon to bo hole
In Omaha next year. The government has
appropriated $ 00,000 for a national building
nnd exhibit , nnd the citizens of our state
metropolis are bestirring themselves most
liberally and putting forth all the energy
at their ctimmand to makt * : lic exposition a
brilliant success. It goes without sayiiiR
that every enterprising citizen In the state
feels a deep Interest In the Transmlsis.ilppl
Kxposltlon , nnd the consensus of opinion
throughout Nebraska Is that the legislature
should not bo niggardly In this matter , slnct
the state In general will bo benefited accordIng -
Ing to the success of the enterprise. Hon.
R , Iloscwntcr of Omaha has been placed at
the head of the Bureau of Publicity , which
means that If the exposition Is not the suc
cess It should be , no blame can attach to
the advertising department.
Itccord : "Dc pusson dat nm
got do blggeMt library am not ulwuz tie
smartest , " H\ya : llrother Wntklns. "Do bog
turns ober u good many leaves , but be
can't read a book. "
Cleveland Leader : "You say you expect
poincthliiK good , eh ? What nro your quali
fications for holding public olllco ? "
"Qualifications ? why , my dear sir. It
wns generally admitted that there wasn't
nnother man In our marching club who
could loot a tin horn na loudly SIH I could. "
Chicago Tribune : "Hello , Cllpplngcr ! I
Imvun't seen you for n long time. How "
"I am not < iulto sure I know you. "
'You're not ? Why , I'm Ciuppln ? . that
lent you 75 ccntH about tt > u years ago. "
"Then I nm quite sure I don't know you.
Good morning.
Detroit Free. Press : "I'm tired of the
men of todav , " declared 'Miss Elderly. "It
was very different In the good old days of
chivalry. "
"Do tell mo nbout l , dear. " answered
Ulan Deeply " ; "It was before my time , you
Yonkers Statesman , nacon My partner
nnd myself want u wooden partition across
the Btoro.
IlullrterVoll , I guess If you nut your
lieads together you can accomplish It.
Now York Journal : "My wife Is cold to
mo. " said the young man. "What shall 1
do ? What shall I do ? "
"You might buy her a sealskin sack , "
raid the older man ,
Washington Star : "Dear mol" remarked
ono girl , "her parents nuiHt bo very much
displeased with her engagement to Mint
iniiHlclnn. It Is even worse than I thought. "
"On what do you base your opinion ? "
"They used to refer to him an a violinist.
Now they say that ho plays the llddlo. "
Cleveland Plain Dealer : "Whore did you
learn that style of Intense concentration In
your drawing ? " asked the would-be critic
of a rising artlstr
"From a mustard plaster , " replied the
flippant genius.
Detroit Journal : They threw the broad
niantlo of charity over her.
"This la too much , " she faltered.
There huvo been great changes In the
modes ulnco the niantlo of charity was
mndo , nnd there was Indeed more of It
than was absolutely necessary.
Now York World : "Kind lady , will you
let mo have somotWng ter drink ? "
"Thorn's n well rlfrfit down yonder ; you
can get all the water you want. "
"No , kind lady ; I have an Iron constitu
tion , nnd water will rust It. "
New York Press.
The grave phlloroolior scratched his head
With n rather preoccupied air.
As hi * nut hts imntnlonntt tn hml
Anil hunp himself over the chair.
"It's giowlng colder , " at length ho said ,
With thoughtful acumen ;
So hn put a foot-warmer In the bed ,
And hung himself up again.
Washington Star.
When the weather Is not to hla liking *
And bo's taken a terrible told
Through Imprudencu audacious and strik
ing ,
Ho feels that bo's Hemmed to scold.
In manners as fierce us u viking
Ho forgot ? bow thu mischief was done ,
And his rngu will resound
In remarks most profound
On thu way that the government's run.
If too freely the sun sheda caloric.
Or , If frontward the climate should stray ;
If thu jests Bcem too flatly historic.
When he's seokliitr for mirth at the play ;
If hu's purchased n book Hophomorlu
Or enuounteri'tl a harrowing pun ,
His wrath hu'll display
In thu things that hu'll say
On thu way thu government n run.
One reason why Scott's
Emulsion cures weak throats ,
weak lungs , makes rich
blood , and strengthens puny
and delicate children is be
cause all its parts are mixed
in so scientific a manner that
the feeblest digestion can
deal with it. This experi
ence has only come by doing
one f/jingfor nearly 25 years.
This means , purest in-
grcdents , most evenly and
delicately mixed , best adapted
for those whose strength has
failed or whose digestion
would repel an uneven pro
duct. ror ttle $ ; 2"d'r"ssUu at
Government Still Owes the Makers Ono
Million Dollars.
llnlncr \rlmixl.ii unit Ciiiiiinii of
Illliioln Arc I'uxliliiK tli < * A in ( Mill-
incut ) lull Kucli .Suvkn u
ninVri-nt Hill.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The aundry civil bill of 1S96 appro
priated | u,000,000 to pay sugar producers a
bounty at eight-tenths of a cent per pound.
In the dlspodltloj of that appropriation It
was found that 11,000.000 was lacking to pay
the entire amount which the government had
obligated Itself to pay. Efforts arc now beIng -
Ing made to eccure an amendment to the
sundry civil or general deficiency bill cover
ing the amount necessary to liquidate the In
debtedness which the government has as
sumed toward thu sugar producers , Repre
sentative Halncr of Nebraska , who Is In fa
vor of the project , but differing ES to the
bill to which the amendment should be at
tached , Is endeavoring to secure from the
commissioner of Internal revenue a state
ment of the Inability of the government to
pay out , and having done this , it la thought
that congress will pass the necessary amount
to reimburse sugar producers. Mr. Halner
Is anxious to have the amendment attached
to the general deficiency bill , while. Mr. Can
non , chairman of the committed on appro
priations , Is anxious to have the amendment
go In the sundry civil bill , as that bill car
ried the amount appropriated last year.
Judge J. M. Woolworth , who has been In
til * } city In the. Interest of prospective candi
dates fop the late Judge buddy's place , In
the event the president should withdraw the
nnmo of Mr , McIJugh , will call on the pres
ident tomorrow and urge , so It Is rumored ,
another name for the place. While there was
a meeting of the senate judiciary committee
this morning , nothing was done as far as
Mr. McIIugh's nomination Is concerned.
Nothing will bo dcno until the meeting next
.Monday. After his Interview with the pres
ident , Judge Woolworth will go to New York
and return , he thinks. In tlmoto meet At
torney General Smyth of Nebraska at the
supreme court , when the motion to advance
the maximum rate case * will be made , which
will probably be next Monday.
Representative Melklejolm succeeded In
passing today his bill to prohibit the sale
nf IntnYlnfitlnrr ilrliilrs tn Tn,1lnna _ Thn tilll
received a very favorabfo report from the
committee on Indian affairs , nnd Is much
inoro comprehensive In Its character than
any previous measure Introduced for the roi-
ulntion of the sale of liquor and Its com
pounds to the Indians. Senator Pcttlgrew
will push the bill In the senate , nnd there
Is reason to bsllirvc thn It will reach the
president before the close of the present
Jonas Cleland , mayor of Sioux City , Is In
Washington for -.ho purpose of getting nn
extension of four years for the Eastern Ne
braska & Gulf railway , which Is surveyed
to run through the Omaha and Wlnnebago
reservation In Thurston county. The bill
will bo Introduced. In all probability , by
Representative Melklejolm.
Comptroller Eckels today gave out an ab
stract of reports from twcnty-nlno national
banks In South Dakota , of their condition on
December 17 last. It shows total resources
of $7,208,200 , the principal Items of which
are : Loans and discounts , $2S93.S.)5 ) ; duo
from banks , $31fiG63 ; reserve , $1,882.290 ; lia
bilities. capital stock. $1.835,000 , surplus and
undivided profits , $174,504 ; deposits , $1,008-
5G8. Average reserve held was 47. CO per
cent , as against 40.02 per cent In October.
Comptroller Eckels hai been notified of
changes of officials In the following national
banks : Nebraska The First National bank
of Dluo Hill , C. F. Gund , assistant cashier.
South Dakota Tho. First National bank of
Mitchell , O. li. Branson , cashier , In place
of 11. R. Klbbce , H. P. Ueckwlth , assistant
cashier. In place of 0. II. Ucckwlth.
The comptroller has approved the First
National bank of Omaha as reserve agent
for the Picrro National bank of Pierre ,
S. D.
l > lltVII < I2ti2S TO KO1113IC.V I3.YIIIIHTS.
iH of ( Trt'iimiry Ilriinrt-
ini'iit Tor tin * KvpoMltlui ) .
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Fol
lowing ore the regulations promulgated by
the Treasury department , covering the ad
mission of foreign exhibits free of duty to
the Transmlsalsslppl nnd International Expo
sition. Thcso have been sent to United
States collectors of customs :
1. In order to secure. the privileges of
frco entry above arctmled , every package
destined for the exposition should have
alllxcd to It by the torelgn shlppor one or
moro labels representing the tlni ? of the
country to which It belongs. This label
should be nbout eight by twelve Inches
In size , and should bear across the face
In plain , black lottcra , the Inscription ,
"Exposition nt Omaha. "
All packages should bo plainly marked as
follows :
(1) ( ) "tlurvoyor of Customs. Omaha. "
(2) ( ) "Exhibits for Omaha TransmlsslsslppI
nnd International Exposition. "
(3 ( ( Namcj of consignee or agent at the
port of llrst arrival In the United States.
( I ) The shipping marks nnd numbers.
( fi ) Name and address of the exhibitor.
2. Every exhibit shall be accompanied by
an Invoice In duplicate , which shall show
the immo of the exhibitor , the murks nnd
numbers of tro packages , with a descrip
tion of their contents , and a declaration
of the quantity and market value of cnch
sepurato kind thereof In the country of
production. This Invoice- must bo signed
by the exhibitor , but will require no fur
ther verification. One of the invoices will
be transmitted by mall to the surveyor of
customs nt Omaha , and the other to tlio
consignee of tlit.- goods at the port of flrct
2. As n matter of convenience It Is rec-
otmncnilcu tnai an pacKus s imemieu iur
the exposition s'mll bo consigned to an
agent , or forwarder , or commissioner , ut
the port of llrst arrival , who will attend
to customs business incident to the trans
fer of packages from the Importing vessel
to n bonded route for transportation to
4. The names of duly bonded companies
will furnished by collectors of customs
ut the ports 01 arrival. Tlio goods maybe -
bo transported to Omaha by companies
duly bonded for the carriage of either
appraised or unnpprnlsed merchandise.
Examination and appraisal of exhibits nt
the port ot original entry nro hereby
waived ,
G. The cons'gnoo of the merchandise nt
the llrst port of arrival must present at
tlio custom house the Invoice above described
scribed , with n bill of lading nnd nn entry
In duplicate made out upon the special
form to be prescribed for this purpose by
the Treasury department , which will show
the name of the foreign shipper or owner ,
tlio name of the Importing vessel , the
marks and numbers of the packages , with
a statement of the nature of their con
tents and of their foreign value , as de
clared In the Invoice. The entry must nlso
Indicate the bonded route by which the
goods nro to bu transported to Omnliii ,
nnd must bo signed' by the consignee. No
other declaration will bo required. The
consolidation of different shipments on
one entry will not bo allowed : such prau-
tlvo having obtained lit regard to pre
vails expositions has proved to bo n fruit
ful Hourcu of confusion. Each entry will
comprise , therefore , the consignment of n
single exhibit only. The goods will bo con
signed , on the customs entry , to "Sur
veyor of Customs. Oninhii , " nnd there ? need
bo no computation of duties upon this
entry , but thu amount charged against
the bond of the transportation company
ahull be double the Invoice value.
ti. The collector will thereupon Issue n
special permit bearing this words "Omaha
Exposition , " authorizing the transfer of the
ioods from the flhlp to thu bonded rail
road for triinuportatlon to Omaha , and
will record and Hie ono of the entries
In his odlce , and send the other , by mall
with the Invoice , to the surveyor nt
Omaha. '
7. The permit will bo taken by the agent
or consignee to thu Inspector on board
the Importing vessel , who will thereupon
Hund the goods , by a cnrtmnu duly li
censed , to bo delivered under the- super
vision of a customs olllcor to tho. trans
portation company ,
8. The conplKiioo will also prepare a mnnU
fest nf the goods , which , nftrr being duly
certllled , will bo handed to the conductor
of the car containing the sumo , and a
duplicate copy rnunt ha sent by mall to the
surveyor of customs ut Ornnha. ' Upon the
arrival ut Omaha of any car containing
such articles , the conductor or agent of
the railroad company will report such ur-
rival by the presentation of the manifest
to the customs oincrr deKlgnnted to ro-
celvc It , who shall compare thn sumo with
the copy received by ntalt , and superintend
tha oH < nln of the car , taking euro to
Identify tbo packages by tnnrltn nnd num
bers , as described In thu manifest ,
9. These- regulations will nlso apply to
goods nrnt to the exposition from foreign
contiguous territory. All articles dnstlned
for the exposition arriving from Catinda
or Mexico , on through cars , under con
sular seal , must be consigned by the for
eign shlppor to the "Surveyor of Customs
at Omulm , "
10. The buildings and spaces set apart
for the purposn of tbo exposition are con
stituted "constructive bonded warehouses
nnd yard ? , " nnd nil foreign articles placed
therein under the supervision of the cus
toms odlcer ? , nnd which have been pr-
e.lally Imported for exhibition therein , will
bo treated tbo same as merchandise In
bond. No warehouse entry will bo required
at Omaha In order to obtain entrance
for such goods , but the latter will bo kept
under cu-Hums supervision , In accordance
with tlu < general regulations governing
merchandise In bonded warehouses.
11. Under the special net of congress es
tablishing the Trnnsmlsslsslppl nnd Inter
national ExpoHltloiit sales are permitted
during Its continuance , but delivery of
goods sold Is to bo withheld until the close
of the fair. The enforcement of this latter
restriction devolves properly UIKMI the i-x-
posltlon authorities , who , being In control
of the local police , nro responsible * for the
protection of the exhibits. When the duties
liuvo been recelvtU by the surveyor upon
the merchandise contained In any exhibit
ho will regard such exhibit ns released
from customs control , except so far as
concerns the supervision necessary to se
cure export with refund of duty.
12. At the close ot the exposition nil
goods Intended for exportation will be
traiis | > orted In bond to the seaboard or
exterior port , nnd exported therefrom un
der the general regulations for Immediate
export tn bond , as modified by special reg
ulations to be In duo time provided.
1,1. Any merchandise' Imported by nn ex
hibitor In excess of the articles duly In
stalled as exhibits will bo placed and re
tained In a storage warehouse nt the cx-
penso of the Importer until duly entered
for payment of duty or exportation.
Withdrawals of merchandise stored under
these conditions. If made for the purpose
of placing the same within the exposition ,
will be trented under the provisions for
entry on arrival at llrst port of entry ,
nnd no duty will be required to be paid.
Such merchandise mu.n be delivered at
the exposition In charge of n customs
Goods which have becii Imported by ex
hibitors In excess of those used ns exhibits
and stored on their account , may be with
drawn at any time for consumption on
payment of duty and charges. Whenever
duty-paid goods of this class shall be ex
ported without having left the custody
of the' surveyor , the duty paid thereon ,
lesa 1 per cent , will bo rofundcd , provided
the duty paid on nny such exported package -
ago shall Iiuvo amounted to t. > 0. Exhibits
entered for exportation without payment
of duty are not subject to appraisement.
II. Articles brought by proprietors or
milnngers of theatrical exhibitions for
temporary use may be entered free of
duty upon the nilnrr of satisfactory bonds
for their export within six months after
such Importation , us provided for In para
graph SM of the tariff act.
15. It Is to be distinctly understood that
Iho United States Is not liable for nny
loss , casualty , or Injury to merchandise
Imported us exhibits nt the exposition ,
nor for nny debt , contract or expense
incident to the transportation , care or
treatment of such merrhnndlsi1.
HI. All entries. Invoices , permits , ab
stracts nnd reports relating to merebnnd'so '
Imported under the act of June 10 , 1S80 ,
must bo separately made , nnd must be
stamped with J.ho wools , "Omaha Trnns-
mlsslHslppI and International Kxposltlon. "
17. Additional special regulation will. be
provided In duo time covering the with
drawal of exhibits for consumption , trans
portation or exportation nt the close of
the exposition.
18. The privileges granted by virtue of
these regulations arc Intended solely for
the benefit of exhibitors at the Omaha
Transmlss'sslppl and International Exposi
tion , and with the view of relieving
them , so far ns practicable , of delays and
vexations In connection with the customs
business pertaining to their Importations.
Any attempt to take adavantnge of these
regulations In order to evade the tariff
laws of the United States will subje-ct the
offender to all the penalties prescribed by
those laws. Including confiscation ot goods
and Una nnd Imprisonment.
S. WIICE , Acting Secretary.
I'rpNlilont Clcvclmiil SiMids to Uic Sen
nit * u 3liiN * nf Information.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. The president to
day furnished the senate , In response to n
resolution adopted In executive session , with
the correspondence betweea our government
and Great Britain resulting In the general
arbitration treaty now awaiting the approval
of the senate. Nearly all of this correspond
ence has been prevlouoly published In the
newspapers , having been officially given out
cither In acrwer to congressional resolutions
or In the llrltlsb blue book. It appears , how-
aver , that the ultimate coming together of
the twd governments was brought about by
personal Interviews between Secretary Olney
and Sir Julian Pauncefote. No record exists
at the State department of this phase of
the negotiations , but It may bo that some of
the future British blue books will Indicate
Its character by making public Sir Julian's
telegrams to Lord Salisbury.
Sotno of the facts that appear in. the cor
respondence that wcs submitted today are
that the late Secretary Gresham In the
spring of 1895 Initiated the correspondence
with Great Britain looking to a general ar
bitration treaty , but for some reason Its dis
cussion was dropped for a time. It was re
vived rather unexpectedly a year later , anfl
this time by Lord Salisbury , who , having
been approached by Mr. Dayard with a re
quest for a settlement of the Venezuelan
boundary dispute , accepted ItU suggestion ,
but accompanied his acceptance with an in
struction to Sir Julian Pauncefote to reopen
negotiations In Washington for a general
arbitration treaty.
Indeed , the Urltlsh premier went so far
In his first note on this subject on March
lj last as to submit a rough draft on the
heads of thu treaty which formed the basla
for the treaty now before the senate. On
April IS on behalf of the United States the
president welcomed these proposals of her
majesty's prime minister with the keenest
appreciation of their value , and from that
point on the negotiations thus started pro
ceeded with an evident disposition on both
slues to come together.
JiVwH tor HIP Army.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. Brigadier Gen
eral Michael R. Morgan , commissary general
of subsistence , was placed on the retired list
of the army today by operation of law on ac
count of age.
Oenenil Morgan was born In Nova
Scotia , but became a resident of Now York
at an early ago. Graduated from West
Point Military academy In July. 1854 , ho
served a short tlmo In the artillery and
Infantry branches. At tbo outbreak of the
civil war bo was transferred to the sub
sistence department and served there In
the volunteers with credit throughout the
war , receiving successively brevets of ma
jor , lieutenant colonel , colonel nnd briga
dier general for gallant and meritorious
services In the campaign before lUchmnnd
and other c.'imiulBiiH. Ho was with Gen
eral Sherman's expeditionary corps tn
South Carolina In 1501 , after which i > o was
with the Department of the South until
HGI , Since the war ho has served In the
ccmmlf-sury department In various parts of
the country , Including Fort Leavenworth.
Chicago , St. Paul , San Franclsco\ and
Washington city.
The reslgnatlou of Major R. L- . Wagner ,
assistant adjutant general , of hla commission
aa captain of the Sixth Infantry only , has
been accepted by the president , to take effect
January 12.
Major Clarence B. Duttoti , Ordnance de
partment , has been granted thrco months'
leave with permission to go beyond the sea.
During his abscnco Major Valentine McNally
will command San Antonio arsenal , Tex.
Captain Frank C. Gurgan , Second artillery ,
haa becn grantcd three months' leave with
permission to go beyond ooa.
ScniiliContlriiiH Fi'iinolx.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. Secretary Fran-
cla' nomination was confirmed by the senate
In executive session today. No opposition to
the confirmation was made and no vote was
taken. Senator Vest stated that ho could
add nothing to what ho had already said
and that ho had no object In further delaying
action upon the nomination. Ho added that
ho had not made objection to the confirmation
In the beginning on any personal ground , or ha entertained any but tbo klmleet
feeling toward Mr. Francis , but Dial he hail
taken bis position In opposition tn the con
tinuation tlmply 09 a matter of duty to t.V
democratic partv.
The senate today confirmed Frederic Treon
of Crow Creek , S. 0. . to bo agent far the
Indiana at Crow Creek Agency , S. D. ; also
a largo number of promotions In the navy.
HI '
Report of the Commlsalon/Appointccl Under
the Vilaa RoJdlrUlon ,
tTT / ,
MUNI iilKllil : ( . lliiiiUvI.N | Tliriumli thu
tJruiit IiiiUoN nn if . ( lie Propend !
ira Slilji. , ij'nnul to
thu Hrulioaril.
' '
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. The president today -
day sent to the house the report of the deep
waterways commission , consisting of Presi
dent Angell of the University of Michigan.
John F. Russell and Lyman E. Coolcy , which
was appointed In 1SU5 , under a resolution
Introduced by Senator Vllas of Wisconsin
for a preliminary Inquiry as to the prac
ticability of waterways between the ocean
and the great lakes. The report slates that
the plan Is entirely feasible.
Starting from the heads of Lakes Michi
gan and Superior , the moso eligible route , the
commission believes , Is through the several
great lakes and their intermediate chan
nels , nnd the proposed Niagara ship canal
( Tonawamla to Olcutt ) , to Lake Ontario ,
and that the Canadian seaboard may be
reached from Lake Ontario by way of the
St. Lawrence river and the American sea
board may be reached from Lake Ontario
by way of the St. Lawrence and Like Champlain -
plain and the Hudson river , or by way of
the Oswego-Oncld-Mohawk valley and the
Hudson river.
The commission finds that It Is practicable
to develop the work In pcparato sections ,
and the several sections In part by degrees ,
cash step having Its economic justification ;
that the benefits rhould follow closely on the
expenditures , without awaiting the comple
tion of the system as a whole.
It Is fitatcd , however , that the completion
of the entire eystem as quickly as , proper
projects can bo matured and economically
executed la fully justified. The report
recommends that the Niagara Ship canal
should be first undertaken , and Incidentally
the broadening nnd further deepening of
the Intermediate channel of the lakes , the
same being tn the logical order of develop
ment , nnd also requiring the least tlmo for
The commission adds : "In view of the
International character and relation of a part
at least of the works that will be required
ninl nf rlnnrlnn Intercuts Involved. It sccma
expedient to make the examinations and
projects and carry on the works through a
commission that may bo possessed with lim
ited International functions. "
It Is urged that early action be token to
the end that complete surveys and examina
tions bo made and all needful data to mature
the projects be provided.
The complete surveys and Investigations ,
with measurements of the outflow of the sev
eral streams and the full Investigation of
collateral questions wl\l \ 'b&t not leas than
$000,000 and require some years of time.
The report gives many statistics relating
to the tralllc on the grdat lakes. It iiays the
agricultural competition * this country has re
cently had to meet with India and which
la likely to be Intensified , Impels the gov
ernment to take- steps 'to cheapen freight
rates ; that the limit of reduction In railroad
rates hns been reached 'and attention must
bo directed to waterways. In referring to
wheat , the commission .expresses fear of the
consequencca of the lucrea'slng competition
from the Argentine Republic and Uruguay.
.Mr. MnrKiiii Sical > M In llclmlf of the
VlcitrttKtiiiii MfUNiirc.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. The senate to
day voted to take up the Nicaragua , canal
bill. This gives the blll tlie parliamentary
advantage of being the unfinished' buslnc-ss
of the sencto , so It will bo considered day
by day until final action Is secured. Thn
prospect hi that a final vote will be reached
at an early day and a teat vote today on
taking up thla bill yeas 36 , nays H fore-
almdows Its passage. Senator Morgan of
Alabama opened the debate with a lengthy
speech In favor of the measure.
The canal bill provides for an Issue of
$100,000,000 of maritime canal company
stock , of which the secretary ot the treas
ury. In bclnlf : of the United States , Is to
subscribe for $70.000.000 worth of shares.
The company Is to Issue bonds up to $100-
000,000 , these to bo guaranteed by the United
States. The building and control of the
canal nro given to American engineers and a
board of eleven directors , of whom five are
to bo appointed by the president. It Is sub
stantially the measure passed by the senate
In the last congrosa.
During the day Mr. Chandler of Now
Hampshire Introduced the republican caucus
resolution for an International monetary
conference and stated that It would bo called
up tomorrow.
The army appropriation bill was passed
with minor amendments. It carries $23,12 , -
S44 , which Is J3.COO moro than the bill as
It passed the house.
When the oleomargarine bill came over
from the house , Mr. Gear , republican of
Iowa , deslreJ to have It sent to the Interstate
commerce committee , and Mr. Hill , demo
crat of Now York , to the committed on ag
riculture. The difference sent the matter
over until tomorrow :
Mr. Pettlgrow offered the following reso
lution :
Ilesolvcd , That the secretary of state bo
and Is hereby directed to send to the senate
a statement of the proceedings of the com
mission appointed to investigate and report
upon the true divisional line between the
republic of Venezuela and British Guiana ,
together with , n copy of the treaty or agree
ment between the United States nnd Great
Britain on the subject of the boundary ,
which agreement has been submitted to the
government of Venezuela for consideration ,
The resolution wji nlinnt . , . .
? * ni rn wl tn < l.n *
Mr. Gray , democrat of Delaware , interposed
and suggested that It should go to tlio com
mittee on foreign affairs. Mr. Pettlgrow
preferred to have It He on the table until
tomorrow , and It was so arranged.
_ Mr. Cullom , republican of Illinois , reported
b'ack the legislative , executive and judicial
appropriation iblll and gave notice that ho
would call It up tomorrow. The military
academy appropriation bill was reported by
Mr. Pottlgrew and placed on the calendar.
At 2 o'clock , when the morning hour ex
pired , Mr. Morgan moved to takeup the
Nicaragua canal bill , the purpose being to
make this measure the unfinished business
of the senate. On an aye and nay vote the
motion prevailed 30 to 14 as follows :
Yeas : t . j
Aldrlcli , Fnulkncr.i' ' . ' ' ' McMillan.
Allison , 1'rye , * - , i Morgan ,
Hacon , OallliiRcr , ' . , , 1'eft'er ,
Itrown , OIHmn , " , Perkins ,
IlurroWB , Gordon , " I'latt.
Cull , Oornun , u ' " 1'roctor ,
Cameron , Gray , [ ih . mull.
Chandler , JlnU' . , ( r Quay ,
C'.mnon , Hawley , , . , Hliennnn ,
Clnrk , Hoar , , Ktuwart ,
Cullom , Loilup , 1J Wetmorc.
Davla , McJlrldd , r. Will to 30.
Nays : U
Hate. Coclcrcll'J ' ) " Turpte ,
Ilcrry. Hill , ti ti Vest ,
llluckburn , Mills. y , ! ' . Vilaa ,
Cnffery , Nelxon , lfi , Wnltliall-14.
Clillton , I'ettlirrew
* ( (
Uoforo proceeding wltpi tljo canal bill sev
eral pending matters werpdlsposed of ,
A message from the. urpaldent was read
submitting a report of'Uiarboard appointed
to Investigate and rcn6rt7pn the feasibility
of a deep water route from the Great Lakes
to the Atlantic.
The senate bill was passed for an examina
tion and survey of a water route from the
mouth of the jetties of the city of Galveatali ,
Tex , , through the ship channel and up Iluf-
faln bayou to the city of Houston , Tex ,
Mr. Gordon , democrat of Georgia , gave no
tice that the resolution 'of respect to the late
ex-Speaker Crisp would bo called up at 3 p.
m. next Thursday ,
Mr. Morgan then addressed tlio senate In
favor nf the Nlcaragtmn bill. Ho npoko of
thu supreme Importance of Urn propceeil
waterway to thu United States. In estimat
ing the coat of the work , the oU-Uaclcw to bo
overcome and the advantages to ho secured ,
Mr , Morgan compared the project with thu
Suez canal , the Sault Ste. Marie canal and
thu Chicago drainage canal , blnco the build
ing of thu Suez the coat of canal construc
tion haa ln.'civ reduced one-half through
American Invention ,
The senator reviewed tlio course of Eng
land In securing control of the Sun * canal
after French nnd Egyptian money had built
It. It the commerce of the proposed Nlcnr-
agnail canal was but half ot the SUM canal ,
on tliei Imals ot $1.CO a ton agalnnt the Suez
canal rate of $1.87 per ton , there would bo
a largo financial profit to the United Statra.
The senator did not disparage thla prospect
of enormous earnings on a comparatively
Hiuall Investment , yet ho felt that without
money returns the canal would be Justified
for the great bcneflta It would bring tn the
commercial and agricultural Interests , as
well as for the strategic nd naval advan
tages It would afford the- United States.
Mr. Morgan said the treaty rights of Great
Hrltnln were precisely the same as the
United States with Nicaragua , so wo enjoy
nn exclusive privilege. It was only through
the concession secured by enterprising citi
zens that the United States could hope to
make the canal an American Institution. If
cnngrasa failed to avail itself of this private
concession It would sacrifice Its only hope
to carry out the great doctrine that the
canal should bo an American concern.
Mr. Morgat < here referred Incidentally to
the new Anglo-American peace treaty. It
related , ho said , to differences which might
artac between the United States and Great
Urltaln. "Uut what nre these dlffcroncca ? "
Mked Mr , Morgan. "Iwant to know what
these differences are before wo sign , our
names to the agreement. I want to know
whether It Interferes with our right to build
an American canal In Nicaragua. If there-
Is n dlffe'rcnco which Involves the great doc
trine that the canal Is to he an American
concern It should bo known. Is the Monroe
doctrine a difference , which 1s tu be settled
by the Judgment of King Oscar or by the
strong right arm of the United States ? "
Thcjo questions , Mr. Morgan said , Indi
cated a need ot acting ; upon this Nicaragua
ranal bill at once. Ho wanted to sec what
Great Urltaln would do after congress passed
this bill , and then ho would know what dif
ferences existed. The senator declared there
was "not ono speck of dust" on this propo
sition ; It was clean and free from every
semblance ot a job. He closed with a glow
ing picture of the great results to flow from
the construction of the canal.
At 4MB p. m. the senate wont Into execu
tive at&slon and soon after adjourned.
Vnliialilc StnllMtlcM ( ilcnncil from n
I'ullrtlii < if tlio Kli'vi'iitli CVnsiiM.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Much Interesting
data about the occupations of the American
pcoplo Is given In a bulletin of the eleventh
census , just furnished the press. It shows
that the total number engaged in occupa
tions of all kinds In 1S90 was 22,735,661.
This Is an Increase of over 5,000,000 working
people In n decade. This whole number
of working people conalsts of those 10 yearn
old or over , and makes up over 36 per cent
of the entire population and almost -17 per
cent ot all persons 10 yeais old or over.
Of the whole number of working people , the
fcmalca form 17.22 per cent. Divided by
classes , the working people of the country
are as follows : Agriculture , fisheries and
mining , 0.031.330 ; professional , 914,333 ; do
mestic and personal service , 4,300,577 ; trade
and transportation , 326,122 ; manufacturing
and mechanical Industries , 5.001,293. The
domestic and personal service Includes hotel-
keepers , soldiers , sailors and marines , la
borers , barberu , detectives , etc. The flrut
named class In ten years gained over 1,000,000 ,
or almost 3,000,000 for a score of years.
Considerably more th."ii four-fifths of the
Illiterate male population of the country , and
over onn-fnurtli of the Illiterate female nonu-
latlon. are working. Over 53 per cent of the
workingmen nre married , over 37 per cent
single , over 3 per cent widowed , and one-
quarter of 1 per cent divorced. Of all for
eign whltca at work here , 14 per cent of the
males and 13 per cent of the females cannot
speak English. There Is an clement of SVA
per cent of the men employed In domestic
and personal eervlcu who cannot speak Rng-
llsli , and almcst 5 per cent in the manu
facturing and mechanical Industries. Manu
facturing and mechanics embrace the largest
number of females who cannot speak Eng
lish over 4 per cent with domestic service
a close second. In Massachusetts , Rhode Is
land and Connecticut the males engaged In
manufacturing and mechanical Industries In
1SOO constituted very nearly one-halt of all
men In gainful occupations. . In twenty-four
states and territories , Including all In the
couth , central , and in cot of In the
north central and south Atlantic divisions ,
the males engaged In agriculture , fisheries
and mining constituted more than half of all
the working males. Of the females at work
by far the greater proportion were found In
domestic and personal service In a large ma
jority of the states and territories.
In manufactuies and mechanics , the car
penters and Joiners , numbering 611,482 , make
up the greatest clement , with dressmakers
and milliners following with 490.6'JO. There
are a little over 1.000,000 bookkeepers , clerks
and salesmen ; (130,858 ( merchants and dealers ;
5.281,557 farmers , planters and ovorseeia , and
3.001,001 agricultural laborers ; 349 592 miners ,
and only a little over 60.000 fishermen and
oystermen. Professors and teachers , aggre
gating 347,344 , form the most numerous of the
professional classes. Physicians and sur.
geons , 104,80j. come'next ; then lawyers , 89.-
C30 ; clergy. 85,203 ; government officials , 70-
COI ; musicians , etc. , 62.155 ; engineers and
surveyors , 43.239 ; artists nml art teachers ,
22,496 ; journalists 21,849 , and actors , 9,278.
ItonillH > ? ! . - , " > per A TI- from tliu I'rlee
( if IlllllllII I.llllllN.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. Representative
Melklejolm , from the committee on public
lands , haa submitted a favorable report on a
bill , the object of which Is to relieve aettlcrs
on Sioux lands opened to settlement In
North and South Dakota and Xobros/ka.
Under the law many settlers , after fourteen
mc-ntlia' residence , secured lands by paying
the Indians' price for the land. The eeore-
tary of the Interior afterward ruled that
such settlers must pay an additional price
of $1.25 per acre. It will bo Impossible for
them to pay this amount , nays the report ,
and the lands will become vacant , and If
this takes place It U doubtful II they will
again bo occupied , ao they are arid'lands
and only nt for grazing.
.Iniluc McIIiiKTli'N I'ntt * l < > HiDcclilcil
Next WeeK- .
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. The senate
Judiciary committee today briefly considered
the nominations before It
, among which are
Judge Howry to bo Judge of the court of
claims ana Judge McIIugh for the district
of Nebraska , but they all went over for ono
I'rONllI I'll ( III 1 \ < > III IIIII 11(1 MM.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. The president
today sent the following nominations to the
Postmasters Alpha R. Young at Cald-
wcll , Kan. ; John R. Lucas at Rockwell City.
War Colonel Thomas C. Sullivan , assist
ant commissary general of subsistence , to b < _ >
brigadier general nnd commissary gun.'r.i ! of
nuuiiii > i < = uit7 , wui > tum II , J mull IT , iMIHH C.1V-
alry , to bo major ; Captain 1C 11 L. Hugglns ,
second cavalry , to ho major ; First Lieuten
ant L. M. Powell , Ninth cavalry , to be cap
tain ; First Lieutenant James < D. Jackson ,
Seventh Infantry , to bo captain. Also sev
eral promotions of second lieutenants to bo
first lieutenants.
'I'hrciIllllH ,
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. The house
passed thrco bills of public Importance , and
devoted the remainder ot the day to Dis
trict of Columbia business , One prohibited
the 8a ! ; > of Intoxicating liquors to Indians ,
ono amended the existing patent laws to
conformity with the recommendations nf the
American liar association , and another pro
vided for use by thu government of patents
secured by naval olllcers at a compensation
to bo fixed by a board of three naval of
Women Ailnillli'il to 1'riuttlor.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. In the supreme
court today two women , MUa Caroline Parr
of Wisconsin and MUs Allco A. Mlnlck of
Nebraska , were admitted to practice , Increas.
Ing the number of women , who poshes * thin
prlvllego to fifteen.
Hall } ' TrciiNiiry Htiitcini'iit.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. The statement of
the condition of the treasury stows : Avallii ,
hie cash balance , $229,763,817 ; fold reserve ,
Bottled nt the UJ HUNYADI Springs , Budu Pest , Hungry , '
Under tht absolute control of the Koyal Hungarian CJttmitiil Jnstituti
( Ministry of Agriculture ) , liuda Pest.
"We know of no tronjcr ; or more favourably-
constituted Natural Aperient Watct than that L Rival GtwiYAw , M.D. , Frtyitter ft
, , , , , , , , , I Oiimiilrranti DirHttr ef thi Ktrttl
T 11 p ii
yielded by the Uj Hunyadl Sprmcs. 1 1 //.v'a statt Oitmi/ai IHHMI
' - i ) . tuitfHt.
Prices : 15 cents and 25 cents per bottlo.
Full Analysis and additional Testimony nnd Information supplied
by CHS. GRAEF & CO. , 32 , Beaver Street , Now York , Solo Agents
SEE that the Label bears the well-known RED DIAMOND Mark of
Employed nt the loading HOSPITALS in NEW YORK. BOSTON ,
PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , CHICAGO , etc. , and at the principal
Financial Institutions in tlio Blue Grass
State Shut Up Shop.
Failure nt tlio Former I'lnce Partly
Hue to Hours' I'OaiiN to the Cnsli-
ler Iloth CollnpsiHVre
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Jan. IS. National
Itank Examiner Scott this morning closnl the
doors of the Gorman National ban ! : , J. M.
McKnlfrht , president. The capital stock of
the Institution Is $261,500 , with a surplus of
$31,000. This hank Is an old one , hut for
some time past has been regarded aa unsafe.
The last statement Issued by the bank ,
December 17 , 1SDC , niado a very bad show-
Ing. The figures showed that the 25 per
cent rule- had been violated by about S per
cent. Under the head of resources It was
given out that the bank held $113,025 In
securities , stocks , etc. This was very un '
satisfactory , as the ct cetera was not con
sidered definite enough , and since the state
ment was Issued the withdrawals have been
In a signed statement President
eays that dcpcsltors will be paid In full
and that It Is probable the stockholders
will reorganize the institution.
NEWPORT , Ky. , Jan. IS. The First Na
tional bank of this city closed Its doors
thlo morning. Heavy Investments In real
estate In this city Is ald to be the cause.
The failure of the First National Hank of
Kentucky to open Its doors this morning was
a great surprise to the business men of the
city. Whllo a statement was given out by
the olllcers that no ono would lose anything
there were all sorts of rumors flying about.
Fortunately the Integrity of the olllcers Is
such that no suggestion of wrongdoing has
found credence. The first evidence of weak
ness was the refusal of the olllcero to pay
on Saturday afternoon $5,000 to the treasurer
of the Ilellcvue school board , which he hud
jjut recently deposited and which lie had
been advised he ought to get out. This was
not made public till today. Cashier T. n.
Youtzcy luifi been with the bank since Its
organization In 1S75. The capital stock fjf
the bank is $200,000. Its president Is John
Trapp , vice president. Joseph Wright. Presi
dent Trapp , who was elected last week in
place of Dr. Henry Gunkel , who retired on
account of advanced years , is a resident ot
Lexington , Ky. , and Is outof the wealthiest
men In tlio county.
It Is learned now that the directors were
In session all day last Saturday , on which day
the bank opened with only ? 7,500 In Its
vaults. At that time It was known the bank
could not open Its doors today. At that meet
ing Cashier Youtzey resigned , and his
resignation was promptly accepted. The
bank In Covlngton agreed on Saturday after
noon to loan the bank $00,000. but later the
proposition wao declared off. Congressman
Ilcrry , who holds $75,000 of the stock , made
special appeals , but all rails for help were In
vain. The dlrcctow , H. O. Gunkel , John
Grlese , J. B. McCrackcn , George Youtzoy ,
Charles Splniis. J. A. Winter , John Trapp.
Charles "Wcrdman and Joseph Wright , all
ofterc.1 to gUe their Individual endorsement
for the 1250,000 of liabilities , but tlio clish
could not bo secured with which to continue
Later In the day George Youtzey ,
a brother of the caehlcr of the First National
bank , assigned Individually to the Covlngton
bank. ThH was followed by the Standard
Carriage Supply eo.npany , of which George
Youtzcy was president , also assigning to the
Covlngton Trust company. The capital Block
of the Standard company Is $50.000. The
assets nnd liabilities of uio stamiarci com-
jiany and of George Youtzey Individually are
not given. The assignment of both Is due to
the First National bank clojlng Its doors
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. The comptroller
of the currency has received a telegram
atatlng that the First National bank ot New
port has suspended. The bank had a capital
of $200,000 and In December , the date ot lln
last report , it had surplus and undivided
profits amounting to $79-153 , owed depositors
; 111),805 ) and owed other banks about $2G,000.
ST. PAUL. .Minn. , Jan. 18. The Minnesota
Savings bank closed Its doors th'n
morning and filed a deed of assignment , nam
ing William nickel as assignee. An aflldavlt
was filed stating that the assets would
amount to about $250.000 , while tha liabilities
are In the neighborhood of $2,10,000. The
olllcers of the bank deemed thlx step the
1)cat under the circumstances to protect thu
depositors , The recvnt flurry In banking
Rffalis caused the withdrawal of deposits to
such an extent that , although the bank re
quired the sixty day * ' notice. It was unable
Wo'ro not rmiliiK ti HavliiKH hunk but
wo do Inko dcjioHlts In tliu Onmlm at
thulr fac'e valuu its part payment on
ono Hi' our elegant now Klnilmllx a
Kreat many puoplo liavo taken advan
tage of our liberal offer and It" you
want a Klmball that way butter K t It
now we can't ithvayti do It.
A. HOSPB , JR. .
to raise enough ready money to meet de
The Minnesota Savings bnnk was Incor
porated In 1SG8 as the Union Savings banlc
of Hbchcstcr , Minn. , by Senator Daniels of
Hochrster and his friends and was operated
In connection with the Union National banlc
of that placo. In 1SS9 the legislature
passed a law by which such charters could
bo transferred to other places than where
organized , and ( ruder Its provisions the
Union bank was purchased by VS.
R Ulckel and his associates nnd lln
name changed to the Minnesota Savings bank
and located hero. The assignee , William
Dlckcl. was the first president of the bank
after Its removal to St. Paul. Though ho
has had no connection with th'i actlvo man
agement of the Institution , ho 'Is familiar
with Its business nnd has the confidence ot
the depositors. The deed of assignment
was executed by the president of the bank ,
William F. Ulcltcl , and the eaehler. Ed
ward F. llelnlln. The allldavlt for the
bond of the assignee states that the assets
will figure about $250,000 , and Mr. Ulckel
states the liabilities are about $230,000. The
bank haiT on deposit $10,000 of the money of
the city of St. Paul and $2COO of the funds
ot Hamscy county. It has never had any
state deposits , so there are no preferred
CINCINNATI , Jan. IS. No excitement is
created In Cincinnati by the Newport. Ky. ,
bank failure. Most of the banks hero claim
to have known that the bank has been In
straitened condition for some tlmo. It Is
.said that rresiucnt jonn Trapp. wno was
elected president last week , Is sick at homo
In consequence of the failure and cannot bo
seen. Cashier Youtzey Is alao Indisposed ,
and , in fact , none of the olllcern can bo
seen. Mr. Trapp Is said to have a deposit
of $15.001) In the hank to hold $11,000 of
stock , nnd to bo endorsed for Cashier Yout
zey to the amount of $60.000. Congrivaman
Ilerry aUo lies a largo Interest In the
bank , being Interested with the cashier In
a land company. It Is charged that heavy
loans to Youtzcy arc among the causes of
the failure.
NEW YORK. Jan. 18. The failure of
LouU Ncllson has been announced on the
Consolidated Stock exchange. The suspen
sion Is considered unimportant and la nt-
trlbu'ed to being short of Sugar and St.
1O3TON ! , Jan. IS. The Iloston Stock &
Grain Exchang ? . with offices In nearly all
the principal Now England ctlcs. closed up
business today. Thu creditors will not tufter.
It Is said.
I'ri'imro to Inori-nno Capacity.
PEOUIA , III. , Jan. IS. Tlio Pcorla Grape
Sugar company will at once proceed with the
v.-ork of Increasing the capacity of Its plant
from 13,000 to 25,000 bushels of corn per day.
Glucose , commercial starch , grape sugar and
kindred products will be manufactured. The
Increased capacity will ncccssltato the em
ployment of an additional force of 300 men.
I'niicr Cinniiiuij ( "nils.
CHICAGO , Jan. IS. The Illinois Paper
company wont Into Iho hands of a receiver
today. The assets are about $05,000 ; liabili
ties , $ GO,000. _
Sou III Carolina Statute Illxcrlmliiatcn
AKiiiiixt Cltl/.t-liH of Other -SillIf * .
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. The supreme
court today decided the portion ot the South
Carolina dispensary law which provides for
the Inspection of the liquors Imported Into
the state to bo In contravention of the consti
tution of the United States. The opinion ,
which had been prepared by Justice Shlras ,
was stated very briefly by Chief Justice Ful
ler. The dcc'slon wns founded upon the cases
of J. M. Scott and It. M. Gardner
James Donald , in error , to the circuit court
of the United States for the district of South
Carolina. The opinion deals wllh two phases
ef the case as presented. The lliist of thcso
xvra concerning the Jurisdiction of the cir
cuit court and the second the constitution
ality of the act Itsolf. It waa held that tliero
wr..s no doubt an the- question of jurisdiction ,
while the lav/ Itself won overturned on the
Ilirnri. Hint U ,1lsnHmInnpil nrr.llMHt thn nlt _
Izeus of other states In favor of those of
South Carolina and in in contravention of
the right of citizens of tha various states to
free Intercourse and oomraerco with the o
of other states. The court taaed U.T opinion
upon the fact that the traffic In Intoxicating
liquors Is not absolutely prohibited , but la
monopollz3d by the state itself through the
agency of a ntato commlsslSncr. The chief
justice declared that the law did not conform
to the requirements of the Wilson bill for
tjiu regulation of Interstate commerce In the
intcrcoutoe between states.
Justice Drown delivered a dissenting
opinion , saying that ho was unable to eeo
wherein the law conflicts with the constitu
loira anil MlNMoiirl ItmiMilnry Kljri'd.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. A decree wr.a
entered by the supreme court fixing the
boundary line between the states of Iowa
and Missouri In accordance with thu find
ings of thu commlttco appointed by the
court to fix the line.
Drcx L. Khooman stop * to call atten
tion to our mlsHi.'H' and clilldren'H .fl.riO
Blious tlio kind we liavo alwayH Hold
and tin1 kind you will buy upiln wo
liuvo tlio lai'KU'Ht ( iiul numt coinplctu
Hun of mlsKiK1 and eldldrun'H Hlioun on
earth and the price for tlio value wo
Klvu cannot be duplicated you are
sure to be tmtlHllcdi wben your feet are
In our