Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    TF1K OMAHA T > A1LV 11121' * WESDAY , JANUAIIY 10 , 1807.
u. no8t\v.\Tr.n ,
ne ( Without Sunday ) , One Yrnt..K CX
Dnllr Ilcc ami Smutny. Una Year , . 8 C
Blx Monthii . . . 400
Thre-o Months . SI
HuniUy Ilco , Ono Ycnr . J ]
Hntunlny UPC , One Your . > '
W kly lice , One Tear. . . . . <
Oinnlift ! The llco lltilMlnR. . . . . . , .
Bnuih Omnhnt Hlrmer lllk. . Cor. J ? nnil Jllh 8t *
Council 1 1 hi ft * . 10 I'cnrl strict.
Chli-ngn Oillre ! 317 Chamber or Commerce.
New York ; Hooms 13 , II nnJ 13 , Tribune
\Va > , ! ilnioii : Wl Mill Mrcc-t.
AH coniinunlrnllufi * rolnlliiR to new * nna cil
torinl matter flhouM be mliltemnl : To the Kdlto
All litiMiio Irttem nncl rcinlttnncfs should b
to The Ufa I'ublUliltif ? Company
Omnh.i , Drnftn , cliccki" , expresn nnu | > olollc )
money onlcru to bo inndo p.iynblo to the orUc
of the 0'impnny.
_ THK nr.i ! runusinxo COMPANY.
Klftto of NVI.rnrtn , I
Douglas County. |
Oeorgi II , Tscclmek , srcrctnry of The Hoc rub-
lldilnit company , liflns duly sworn , nys that th
actual number of full nnd comnlcto copies of Th
"Bully Morning , UvonltiK nnd Sunday lire prtnto ,
diirliiK the month of December , ISM , was ns fol
Iowa !
Deductions for unxold nnd returned
copies . 9.61
Totnl net stilea . CI2.W
Net daily nverngc . 19.71o
onoitm ; it. TZRCIUJCK.
Rtibrcrlhril In my prerenc" nnd sworn to be
fore mo tills 2't day of January. 1S97.
/ N. P. FKII , .
Beal. Notary Public.
! s"o\v for some Iiiforinnllon : is to the
probtihlo dlini'iisloiis of nuxt year's cltj
ins rate.
Scnntnr Unwell lins Ills eye on the
mayor's ollloe nnd the people have thol
eye on Senator Unwell ,
The Xobrasl.a legislature lins no 1110
nopoly of iiHinlsItlvenoss , Unt It Is cor
talnly supplied with Its full share.
A full anil free niihllc lKetissloii o
the advantages of the various exjiosllloi
Bites should bo hail before final actloi
Is taken. '
Keelproelty with Canada would bo Jus
.a iolnter ) to what the erasure of bound
nry lines between the two countries
would mean.
If ex-Governor St. John Is eleetod to
the semite from Kansas he will furnisl
a uot'.iblo ' Instance of the triumph of the
adjustable In politics.
Time wasted at the lelsuioly beginning
of. a legislative session can never IK
made up by a spectacular rush of ac
tivity nt Its crowded close.
Copies of the Transnilsslsslppl Kxposl
tlon number of The IH-o may still be hat
nt the business olllce of The Hoc. .Sum
one to each of your out-of-town friends
Mark Ilauna in the senate would be !
great Improvement upon many of the
statesmen who now ornament that body
lie never talks unless he has something
to .
say. _ _ _ _
An Inside tip Is that it will take the
whole lire department to prevent the cltj
engineer's forthcoming annual roper
from Igniting by spontaneous com
The taxpayers and voters of Omaha
nro hoping that they may be pormlUei
to see the text of the proposed chartei
revision bofoto it la passed upon by tin
The transfer switch law is like n eit
with nine lives. It was killed once bj
the supreme court , but it bobs up se
renely ( n the legislature once more as
if nothing had happened to it.
The New York silver organ is so eagoi
to sec the country again under a re
publican provident that it Informs Its
readers daily by a line at the head of
its editorial page that they have only
so ninny days more of Cleveland. .
As the new city jail , with all the mod
ern conveniences , will not be ready to
accommodate visitors for some months
to come , crooks and ragnints will be
consulting their own comfort if they
five Omaha the go-by for the present.
rho various and numerous state
boards which moot in the shite house
seem to have relinquished all the powers
conferred upon them by the statutes
and to have converted themselves into
boards for the conllrnmtitm of caucus
While the breath of two hemispheres
Is suspended until the Corbott-Klf/.slni-
sions light shall bo located , the disastrous
oncoimtera between Flt.slmmons and
the ( lowing bowl become more nnd
mort ) numerous and are located with
out controversy.
The bill for an appropriation of $7:1,000 :
for the erection of nuw buildings tit the
Hastings Asylum for the Incurable In
sane has duly made Its appearance. If
the other Insane asylums cannot keep
up with this pace they can not hope to
maintain their standing in thu slate.
Some of the legislators who are Intro-
cluolug bills for the Incorporation of spe
cially named societies , or companies
ought to ftinilllurlW tljemselves with
the constitution -.Nebraska. . The con.
stitutlon framei-rt Intended to put an
cud to the enactment ; of special Incor
poration laws.
The senate seems to have become the
regular resting place for republican na
tional campaign managers. ( Juay was
senator when he engineered President
Harrison's political fortunes , and Is still
senator. Carter secured tin entrance
into the senate shortly after ho had
completed his work as head of the re
publican campaign committee of 18' ) : ! .
Now Ilanna is to have as his reward for
his achievement as MuKlnloy's guide the
seat in the senate to bu made vae.uit by
the promotion of Senator Sherman.
UVK ANtt U'.T I.n'K.
An order has been made by the .loin
Tratllt ; association , which controls thu
transportation on the ncahosird Hues , re
( luclng the freight rate on com on roads
subject to Its Jurisdiction by " > cents pel
hundredweight , to beconio effective
.fanuary SO. This new order will make
the rate on corn from Chicago 1" cents
Instead < ff ! ! 0 cents as now and from all
the Mississippi river points IT'Xs ' cents
Instead of l t cents as now.
The action of the Joint Trallle associa
tion , however , does not affect the r.itt
on corn from Nebraska and Iowa points
to Chicago , where Nebraska and Iowa
shippers sell their product. Unless the
Western Trallle association , which con
trols the tariff on the railroads operat
ing In Nebraska , follows the lend of the
cMsti'rn roads by making similar reduc
tions , the Nebraska , corn rates must re
main prohibitive and Nebraska farmers
continue to burn corn rather than sell
It at the ruinous prims offered , if there
was any excuse for raising the rates , as
was done two months ago , that excuse
can no longer serve , In view of llie'r.itu
cutting on the eastern roads.
. Let the Nebraska and Iowa roads meet
the farmer with an Immediate reduction
of 4 or 5 cents on the corn rate to
Chicago and the yellow ears now piled
up in cribs and on the Held will move
quickly eastward. As far as the mil-
roads are concerned they must cany the
corn at reduced rates or not at all. Lot
them live and let live.
it A XK ni s TI t in irnox.
In his speech oil' ' the bill which passed
the house of repiesentatlves , providing
for the organization of national banks
with a capital of ? UK)0 ( ) ( ) In towns of not
more than -1.000 Inhabitants , Hepresenta-
tlve llrosius of 1'enns.vlvanla presented
a table showing the distribution of na
tional bank.s and of bank circulation.
From this It appears that the states
which declared at the presidential elec
tion for the maintenance of the existing
monetiiiy standard have 1 ! . " ; > 5 banks ,
with a note circulation of i18l,5,7 ? ( ; ( ) < > 7 ,
whllo the states which declared for the
free coinage of silver have only ! )0'J )
banks , with a n < Ho circulation of but
ill.tniMHiS. It Is true that some of Hie
latter states have more bank. ) than .some
of the former. Nebraska has Hit na
tional banks and Kansas 11U , which is
a greater number than- there are in New
Kngland , except Ma. .sachusetts , or In
Michigan , Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Hut still there Is a mnrked Inequality
between the banking facilities of the
states asn whole which respeclivelj * sup.
ported the gold standard anil free silver
and It Is manifestly desirable that an op-
portunlty bo given to correct.
This Is provided for In the bill that
passed the house. It It become law it
will Increase the number of banks in
those suctions whore hotter banking ac
commodations nro needed and of course
will also Increase the circulation.
AVherever there is a community of not
more than -1,000 which needs better
banking facilities a national bank can
bo established. Ono result of this , as
pointed out by the comptroller of the
currency , would be to put these com
munities In touch with those poitions of
the country where there is a surplus of
Investablo capital. This capital would
be attracted to such communities nnd
would materially coniribute to their
giowth and development. There Is no
doubt as to the wisdom and expediency
of tills measure. It would have benell-
clal results in a material way and would
have a wholesome effect upon public
Much Interest Is felt regarding the
probable position of the next adminis
tration on tile question of territorial ac
quisition. It Is well understood that a
determined effort will bo made to bring
ibout the annexation of the Hawaiian
islands and it is also probable that the
[ iroposillon to acquire by purchase one
> r more of the West India islands , be-
onging to Denmark and which that
country Is understood to be willing to
sell to the United State.s , will be urged
upon the new administration.
It is therefore Interesting to know
low the man who Is to bi > the next arc-
etary of state stands in reference to the
iroposed acquisition of foreign territory
> y the United Slates. This is shown
n the following extract 1'ioin Senator
Sherman's book , which may fairly be
egarded as a conclusive statement of
ils views on this subject. This Is the
losing paragraph of that work : " 1 hope
lint our people will be content with
nternal growth and avoid the complica-
Ions of foreign acquisitions. A republic
should not hold dependent provinces 01
> ossesslon.s. ICvorj * new acquisition will
-roate new embarrassments. The union
tlready embraces enough discordant ole-
neiits without adding others. If my life
s prolonged I will do all 1 can to add to
ho strength and prosperity of the United
States , but nothing to extend Its limits
r to add new dangers by the acquisition
> f foreign territory. " It would be im-
osslble to state more terseljor cogently
lie arguments against the schemes of
orelgn territorial acquisition.
Senator Sherman put these views In
lonnuiu'iit form only about a year ago.
'hey are umloubtedlj1 familiar to I'rosl-
lent-elect McKlnley and it Is safe to say
hat ho approves them. At any rnt In
electing Senator Sherman to ho ecro-
11 rj * of state Major MeKinkvv expects to
efer to , his judgment as to the policy of
ho nation in respect to the acquisition
f foreign terrltoiy and It must bo pro-
timed that this subject has beencon -
itlered by them. Wo think It may be
egarded us certain , therefoie , that
lawulhm annexation will receive no
ountonanco from the next admlnlstra-
Ion and that no other sdieino for ac-
ulrlng foreign territoiy will Had favor
Ith President McKlnley.
To b content with Internal growth Is
the admonition of the veteran statesman ,
to the American people ami It Is emi
nently wise and sournl. There Is enough
to be done In developing our vast re
sources , In Increasing our wealth and
power at home , in oxtendlutr our com-
morco with the world , nnd In fostering
UIP oirtorprlso ami promoting the pros
perity of our own people , to engage all
of our attention and give full play to
the statesmanship. There are
great problems of domestic concern ,
political , social and economic , demand
ing solution anil at least until these are
solved wo could make no graver mistake
than to Involve ourselves In complica
tions possible to HI-LSI' from the acquisi
tion of foreign territory. Can theie bu
a reasonable doubt that such a policy
would produce embarrassments , would
add to our dllllciiltles and perhaps also
to our dangers'Is It not true , ns
Senator Sherman wrote , that there are
aheady enough discordant elements In
the union- - without adding others ?
The next admlnl.stratlon , there Is every
reason to believe , will not burden itself
with any question of territorial acquisi
tion. It will countenance no disturbing
issue of that kind , it will have nothing
to do with schemes for obtaining remote
provinces or | M.ssesslons. It will con
cern Itself with Internal growth and It
will find In this ample scope for the ex
ercise of Its highest wisdom and abund
ant opportunity for making n glorious
TIIK A'.umoir < iMinnn nun' .
The Omnhn 'Commercial club Is de
nounced by a Lincoln paper its a band
of pvates ! wlu have despoiled a num
ber of Colorado , Iowa anil Nebraska
towns of manufacturing concerns dur
ing the past year , by Inducing them to
locate In Omaha. If this Is to be con
sidered a high crime every town In the
west will be open to the same Indict
ment. The main object for which
Hoards of Trade ami Commercial clubs
are created and organized is to promote
the industrial and commercial interests
of their respective cities. The more
elllcienl these bodies are In Increasing
the trade of a city the greater their
credit in the community which they rep
resent. Why the Omaha Commercial
club or the city of Omaha should be
decried for doing what every other town
In the country is doing passes compre
The manifest object of this onslaught
is to antagonl/.e the Traiismlsslssippl
Exposition and create adverse sentiment
in the legislature to a liberal state
appropriation. The point sought to be
raised is that Omaha is building itself
up at the expense of the state and that
anything that helps to build up Omaha
Is detrimental to the state. No broadminded -
minded legislator will take such a
narrow-gauged view of the greatest
enterprise ever devised for advertising
Nebraska and attracting capital and
population or be influenced by any such
appeal to local prejudice. Omaha has
never been a dead-head In the state's
enterprises. Within the past ten yenra
It has contributed more than $1.500,000
toward the maintenance of the state in
stitutions , including the construction of
new buildings. Kvery dollar appropri
ated out of the state treasury for the
exposition will come back many fold In
enhanced property values and increased
tax valuations and in Investments all
over the state.
In transmitting to congress the report
of the commission regarding the ship
canal project from the great lakes to the
ocean , the president expresses the 1111-
qttalllled opinion that the enterprise Is
feasible and suggests that provision be
made for obtaining further information.
Mr. Cleveland says : "The advantages of
direct and unbroken water transporta
tion of the products of our wcatoiu
lates and territories from convenient
points of shipment to our seaboard ports
ire plainly palpable. " This recognition
by the president of the great importance
to the west of the ship canal project can-
lot fall to have much influence favorable
to it. It is evident that Mr. Cleveland
nis been well Impressed by the report of
the commission , from which it may be
inferred that when the report is pub-
Ished It will carry conviction to other ?
who have not beenfavorablo _ to the pro
\ \ estern representatives in congress
should at once urge the carrying Into
effect of the president's recommendation
egardlng additional Information. Per-
nips II is hardly to be expected that the
resent congress will inakcnn approprla
ion fora survey , since that will Involve
i sum which in the present condition of
he treasury cannot well bu afforded , but
lie subject should not ln allowed to drop
> ut of consideration and it is the duty of
lu > western representatives to see that
t does not. The west lias n very great
nteiest in tills matter and all the rep
resentatives of this section ought to ap-
piecinti ! the fact.
The Illinois legislature lias raised a
controveisy over the question whether
It Is iegnllj" empowered to provide for
legislative re-districting under the pecu
liar provisions of the Illinois constitu
tion. That document says merely that
the legislature shall reapportlon the
state every ten years and the conten
tion la that It shall not act either more
or less often. Here there may possibly
be room for different opinions. Did the
Illinois constitution contain the limita
tion of the Nebraska constitution , "and
at no other time , " there would bo no
room for divergent views.
When It come.s to thu morality of the
county commissioners taking advantage
for the taxpayers of the statute of limi
tations upon some of tlm poor farm
claims , does it not come"vlth queer
grace for this point to bo raised by
men who are now trying to crawl out of
a bargain which they freely and volun
tarily entered , and which they would
never have repudiated had their expecta
tions boon fully met ?
Everybody admits that there is gross
Inequality of taxation In thu cltj' of
Omaha. Thu tax commissioner plan Is
offered as thu most promising remedy.
Those who oppose a tax commissioner
liavo nothing to offer In Its place. Does
this not look us If thcsu men preferred
to have things remain as they are ?
The various trusts operating in Geor
gia are making a preteiiHO of rendering
obedience to the now anti-trust law
enacted by the legislature of that state.
The chances are , however , that it is
only n pretense , and nothlug more. The
trusts will ( Utilities * Kol/.o the first op
portunity ofM'jfdng the validity of the
law In the eotiuts mill then by hanging
up the case proceed to have things
their own wnyalMIellnltoly. These are the
usua4 tactle.Sjpf,9such | corporations , nnd
there Is no reason to believe they will
id differently TTT ( Jcorgla than In other
states. TH3
Thu onglncor aiid landscape architect
engaged by'Miff special committee on
exposition slt'es i/re / now In Omaha. The
prevailing liuiir sloil Is that they are
expected to V.iv'or a particular location
and view other ? with disfavor. It Is to
be hoped that their report will dispel
this Impression. What the citizens of
Omaha and the friends of the exposition
desire. Is an unbiased professional state
ment , as to the relative merits and de
merits of the competing sites.
Those fiee silver republican's knew
what they were after. Their success
In capturing more otllces In proportion
to the votes contributed than any other
clement in the fusion combination Is
evidence of the experience they had
gained In that direction before they
bolted the republican party.
There would seem to be no valid ob
jection to the proposed city ordinance
lirovldlng that all riders of bicycles shall
carry lighted lamps at night. The bicy
cle riders , having received many conces
sions , and doubtless deserving many
more , should not show n disposition to
take everything in sight.
The location of the exposition will be
a most important factor in its success
and a still more important factor In de
termining the permanent bi-ncllts that
Omaha shall derive from It. Kvery busi
ness man and property owner In the
city should manifest his Interest In this
India Is a Hritlsh province and has a
right to expect Hrltisli succor for its
famine-stricken districts. Knglnnd , too ,
ought to pay as much and more atten
tion to suffering In India than to suffer
ing In Armenia.
Cltll SrrliI'liiltr
I'hlcnKo Post.
Somehow the people who know McKlnley
do not scorn to take n'ny ' stock In the talk
that he will suspunil civil service rules In
order to make it posrlble to get a Rood
; rlp on thu spoils , and the people who don't
know him are not to b > trusted In matters
of that description.
Slii-rimm , in tilt * CnbliK-l.
SpriUKneltl ( Mass. ) neimhllnin.
However illflicult It may be > to understand
why Senator plicnnan should lie chosen for
, ho Department ejf State rather than the
Treasury.o , now have It from his own
mouth that ho has accepted the portfolio ot
State. Looking at the bright side , of It. wo
should say that perhaps he can protect busl-
ncs3 and tho' ' iiatfonal finances as well In
the State department as anywhere else. In
oltlco Mr. Shcrmart will probably prove con
servative , and business can rest easy over
night. The next administration docs not
want B war record.
The I'cilKlciil .Shor I Horsu.
I.oulsIlle Courier-Journal.
A short horse IB scon curried , and thta , go-as-you-plase , stick-in-the-mud
'rco sliver short horse Is very short. Indeed
jphiK , as a matter of fact , very little shor
of a Jackass. Lot 'tho boya who are In It for
what they can get go along' and sec how
much -they will maHe by attempting to pu
a blind-bridle upati the masses of the people
They cannot do It. They are doomed to dc
feat Irretrievable defeat until , learning
wisdom by disaster , they atop following a
not' of bankrupt leaders In a wild-goose
chaao and come hack to the principles o
democracy , unterriflcd and undcflled.
In Advance of
P.ill.iilclplihi l.wlgcr.
"Tho United States party , " of which Gcu
oral Coxey U the head and front , lies
Ucst ono plank In Us platform which mlgh
well bo adopted by all the otheu. It do
in a mis good roads. In tha ! respect the ne\\
party may be In advance of its older com
potttors , hut It la not In advance of public
opinion. Little by little popular Interest Ii
the subject of road-making Is being aroused
and whether political parties Incorporate i
demand for good roads In thel platfo/ms or
not. public sentiment la beginning to express
Itself so unmistakably on the subject that
a general movement In that direction ma >
bo expected In a very few years.
IIAISK oru owx SUC.AU.
MlllllrHolli Considering ( Qlii'Hlfoii of
SIIKIIV Ili'i-t Culture.
Minneapolis Times.
Commenting noon the governor's
the Times took occasion to refer approvlnglj
to that ncrtlon of the document , relating to
the encouragement of the sugar beet culture
In Minnesota , and expressed the opinion thai
with proper legislation this country should
within the next five years produce ovcry
pound of siipar necessary for Its own ton-
sumption. Hull thta ( statement i entirely
rc23onable Is proved by the success of the
'oret sugar industry In several states. The
i-onaumptlon of sugar In this country | j In
round numbers D.000,000,000 pounds annually.
At the low price of1 cents a pound thin
quantity of sugar would be worth $200,000-
The American Agriculturist recen'ly pub-
I'fihed reports from various sources showing
that great progress lies been made In the
manufacture- beet sugar In the United
States. Ono of the Sprecklca factories at
Wataonvllle , Cal. , paid out for bc-eta rnd
labor Uat year not lew than $750,000. Duc-
Ing the peat oUht years It has disbursed
over $3,000,000 on the same- account , or an
average of $1,000 a day since It hoa ntartcd
work , and 4ias protected the whole ieotlon
from dtotrcrrt during the hard times. Last
year the mill handled IL'0,000 tons of boots
and the crop was not nil harvested until
nearly Chrlatmaa. Over 900 cattle are being
fed nt the creamery , moatly with beet pulp ,
and 7,126 tons ot sugar were turned out as
the produce of-nbout four months' work.
Hut the beet sugar Industry Is not con
fined to California , ThereIs a factory In
the little town of Lovl , Utah , which paid
$37.000 for beets In a single- month In 1893 ,
and up to October 14 , last the factory had
received 12,000 tons of beets , had worked
up 11,000 tone , and had made 17,000 sacks of
refined sugar. The local paper tays that
3,200 acres were planted In beets last year ;
that to raise , harvest and deliver them
costs $30 and acre ; that the average crop
last year was fifteen tons per acre , which
at $4 a ton brought $ GO an acre , and , there
fore , $30 clear profit per aero to the'
farmer. On the whole acreage planted that
would mean that $00,000 clear profit wao
distributed nnjon the farmers In the vi
cinity of Lev ! last year. "There Is no
place In the 'wbrld , " aays the local paper ,
"where the farhiera are doing better. "
Nebraska' piroJuces sugar beets of fine
quality , and' lhpBUErar factories In that
state are doing well. A new factory was
completed a fo\v \ months ago In the I'ecoa
valley , Now Mexjco. It Is 'believed ' by these
who have made a practical Investigation
of the mibject that the sugar beet can bo
cultivated as successfully In Minnesota aa
In Nebraska. Some experiments that Imvo
boon made show that the climate and soil
of the state will produce prolific crops of
this article , and there Is no reason why It
should not bo cultivated on a. largo scale ,
The portion of the governor's meesago recom
mending tliU undertaking is one of the most
valuable. In a document which la one ot un-
uimal practical merit.
U may bo accepted as a settled fact that
with a llttlo encouragement by the k'gls-
laturo Minnesota may bo made ono of the
great beet producing states of the Union.
All sugar producing countries became such
by government encouragement , and the beet
root Industry of Europe would never have
been established without the system of
bounties inaugurated by Napoleon.
A uuiirrnnr * nr.vr.iKs.u , .
Toknninh Ilurtonlnn : .ttidgo Scott nnil n few
more of our nhlo (7) ( ) Jmlr.cs mny soon lenrn
thnl they cannot ynnk n newspaper up foi
libel without flrnt having good cause for It ,
I This Is supposed to bo n free country , where
despotism hag no say.
Grand Island Independent : Newspaper men
will rejoice with Kdltor linker of the Orctna
Heporter that the supreme court has re
versed the dcclolon of Judge Seott , who gave
llaker ono year In the penitentiary because
ho called thu jtldgo down on some ot the
Infamous work of his court.
I Hurt County Herald : The RUprcmc court
has reversed' the decision ot Judge Scott 111
i the famous linker case. The case grow out
of a publication In linker's paper , the Orctnn
Reporter. It was whllo grand Jury wns
In session In Douglas county. At that time
linker published nil article In which he
stnted that ono of the Jurors had been out
seeing the shady side of the city. Scott or
dered linker arrested , nnd , upon conviction ,
the nouspapcr man wns sentenced to n term
of ono year In the penitentiary.
Kearney Hub ; The press ot Nebraska
Is In n congratulatory mood over the
action of the supreme court In reversing
the sentence ot Judge Cunningham U. Scott
In th > llaker case. The public doubtless re
members this case , wherein Mr. Hakcr , pub
lisher of the Qi'etnn ' Heporter , was railroaded
within an Inch ot the penitentiary upon n
fnlso charge ot criminal libel. In n manner
to high handed and notorious that It nroused
the Indignation of the press nnd the people of
the entire state. Unfortunately Judge Scott
continues to disgrace the bench In the Omaha
district , but fortunately linker has had his
\lncllcatlon from the highest court of the
fctato nnd n Irsson has been taught to would-
be Judicial tyrants that ought not to bo
soon forgotten.
Wohoo Wasp : The supreme court has
granted W. S. linker ot the Grctnn Heporter
n new trial. Hakcr wns convicted In Judge
Scott's court at Omaha ot criminally libeling
the foreman of the grand Jury , who had vis
ited n number ot houses of Ill-fame on the
alleged excuse that ho was after evidence
ngntnst thorn. Judge Scott's treatment of
linker was scandalous yunfalr _ and lurch , and
a conviction was forec'd by the court , who
practically ordered the jury to return a ver
dict of guilty. Ho wns refused permission
to prove the truth ot the nrttJle , and after
his conviction the court refused to sentence
him until the supreme court forced him to
do so. W. S. Summers represented Mr. linker
and his contention was , nsldc from manifest
errors of the trial court , that the defend
ant's conviction wns unlawful , because the
article was not llbelous.
Ashland Gnzetto : The supreme court re
versed the decision of Judge Scott In the
case of W. S. Hakcr of the Gretna Heporter ,
convicted of criminal libel nnd sentenced to
servo ono year In the penitentiary. This re
sult Is no surprise to any ono , hut rather It
was generally anticipated. 'It ' would have
been n disgrace to the civilization of Ne
braska If such Infamous decisions had been
allowed to stand. Mr. Hakcr has suffered
terribly from this heinous Injustice. He
stands honorably acquitted before his coun
trymen nnd no stigma attaches to him , but
the decision of no earthly court will call
his poor > wlfo back to llfo again. In all
the annals of American jurisprudence there
Is probably no parallel for cruelty and In
justice. The proceedings would have been a
disgrace to Russian despotism. Thu account
of the trial read exactly llko the proceed
ings of the Infamous Jeffries , whoso name
will endure for all time ns n syiionymn
for judicial oppression.
Lincoln News : The supreme court lins very
righteously reversed the conviction In the
court of Judge Scott of IMItor linker of the
Gretna Reporter. It there ever wns a Judi
cial outrage perpetrated In this state , the
convlc'lon of llaker was one. There was
Lhu editor of n small country newspaper who
had dared at some tlmu to criticise the er
ratic Scott- ' dragged from the county In
which his paper was published Into another ,
hnulcd before Scott and there refused a
fair nnd Impartial trial. It Is to be re
gretted that the supreme court did not pass
as fully as It might upon all the points In
volved nnd did not rebuke the judicial ty
rant of the Omaha bench as he deserves.
The cruelty shown In this case , to Haler is
almost beyond belief and If It had not been
for thu generosity ot his follow members of i
the country press ho would not have lieen
able to obtain the justice the supreme court
has just .given him. Scott's few defend
ers will bo much less In numbers when
the history of the Hakcr case Is given In
I'apllliou Times : The decision of the supreme
premo court of the commonwealth In this
Important case will be received with satis
faction by all fclr-mlndcd men. The high
court declares that the constitution of the
state means just what It says , namely , that
In n libel suit the defendant may plc.yl and
provo the truth of the charge upon which
libel b based. The Times U partlculaily
pleased with the decision of the court , be-
caute It sustains our position In the prem
ises at every step. At no tlmo did we defend
Hakcr as ngainst the man whom he was al
leged to have libeled , for Indeed wo had
no opportunity to know the facts. Hut
when the editor was denied a free and fair
trial In the district court , we. In common
with many newspaper men In the state , pro
tested against the outrage- , and our protest
has been answered. Perhaps llaker llboled
Mr. linoDltt. we uo not Know , iiui we
do know he wai > outrageously treated and
shorn of his rights under tlio law by Judge
Scott nnd wo offer sincere congratulations
upon the overthrow of that court's unfair
IMI : is MVP niviunn TO SUIT.
Randolph Reporter : The person who can
tell the difference between a democrat and
a populist In Nebraska Is worth a valuable
prize. But ho who can tell which party
swallowed the other deserves a bigger prize.
Loup City Independent : Sherman county
hct > been Ignored by the state legislature In
making ita appointments. This county has
for ( ho past six years been giving a majority
for the people's party , both na to county ,
dlstilct nnd state officers , yet she has never
received any of the honors. This year she
has the Ecnntor , ns well as the representa
tive , at the legislature , yet not an appoint
ment , even to a clerkship , has como to thfd
David City Trcas : Wo are sorry to observe -
servo that our delegate came back from
the fillver convention sick and disgusted. It
woe a great experience for some of the
young men , who have learned a valuable
lesson. The snmo fellows who have housed
all the good positions under the new state
officers have hogged all the positions In the
now Htato Digitization. Wo want to advlso
the boys to keep cool. That is the fate or
'ill parties. The organization of rings Is co-
exUtent with succras. Home Ilifit , and the
world afterward. Hutlor county has never
lcen benefited by nny state organization.
3he has always been nblo to take care of
liewelf to help those she trusted , and let
the common enemy polllsh oft these whom
Hho had no uao for. Let the atato bimetallic
Icngtio take care of Itself.
r.ovnii.vou IKH.CO.MIP.S I-OM. TAX.
Kansas City Journal : Governor Holcomb
wants Nebraska to adopt n law levying n
ioll tax , not to bo collected from citizens
who vote at the regular state and county
elections. Ileforo acting on the governor's
advice , Nebraska should carefully examine
icr organic law. IliEsourl enacted a meas
ure of that sort several years ago. and the
supreme court has Just declared It uncon
stitutional ,
Durllngton Hawkcyo : Governor Holcomb
of Nebraska has Just mailo the novel recom-
ncndatlon that the legislature Impose a
toll tax of a reasonable amount , to bo re-
nlttcd as to citizens who vote. This paying
citizens to vote , ho thinks , would "stlmtilato
ho frco and honest exercise of the elective
ranchlso , " It must bo a strange sensation
n the bosom of the "patriot" who votes because -
cause ho la paid for U ,
I'flwnco Republican : The mnmtgcra of tht
TrnnflinlMlcralppI Imposition will apply to th <
legislature this wlntrr for an npproprlntlor
In Al.l of the expoHltlon , Wo hrllevo tin
mombcrn ot thn legislature will have * ull ! <
clent.etnto prldo in tlto Inunoimo benefll
tlmt will nccrtio to the Rtntr AS an ad-
vorttfllnK medium to vote an appropriation
that will reflect the sentiment of thu pro-
RTesslvo element of our population. Wi
should not ho niggardly In furthering nr
enterprise that will fetch us In icturn
wealth nnd Imtnlgrntlan Immeasurable.
Illalr Courier1 The Tr.insmlfslfislppl Kx-
position mniingcrs nro nctlve , nnd If they
don't turn out n good exposition It won't bt
tholr fault. Hut the entire west has stunt
work to do If It ho n complete success. Let
thn Nebraska leglslnture thnt Is now con
vened do Its duty to thn exposition stnU
nnd then In 1S98 each member cnu feel' his
bosom swell with pride as ho beholdrt thu
eighth wonder of the world.
Ulnlr 1'llot : These who have followed moro
closely the results of fairs and expositions arc
beat prepared to realize the vast amount of
good that will nccruo to Nebraska first and the
entire wrat second na a result nt the Trans-
mlr.llrolppl Kxpoaltlon. A conservative rail-
male places the number nt people who will
visit this exposition nt from 2,000.000 to
3.000,000. Thrso must lie fed nnd sheltered.
The food will como first from Nebraska
farms nnd the help to build the exposition
buildings will be furnlHicd by Nebraska to a
largo extent. Millions of dollars will bo
spent nnd thousands of men given prolltnblo
employment. The World's fair Increased the
population of Chicago over 600,000 nnd In
creased the property value by nearly $200-
000.000. A like result was felt In Phila
delphia as n result of the Centennial exposi
tion In 1S76. New Orleans experienced a
similar result 'ln ' > lSS4. Kvery city that has
been fnvored by the location of sonio exposi
tion within Its boundary testifies to thu
grent good derived from that source. Not
only should Omaha put forth her bent efforts
In behalf of the exposition so soon to lie
opened In her midst , but every patriotic
Ncbraakan should put forth united effort In
promoting the enterprise. There nro none
to poor as to be nblo to rscapo some good
In the wny of nn Increase In property values ,
oven though your property bo a muscular
Columbus Journal : The Transmlsslsslppl
Kxpwltlon nt Omaha In 1S9S must not be
lost sight of by Ncbrnskans.
! From Juno to November , next year , we
I mo to bo less than 100 miles ( a three hours'
j rldo on the cars ) from one of the greatest
1 gatherings of modern civilization an cx-
I hthlt of the world's progress up to date ; a
i llttlo World's fair In Nebraska ; n season of
reunion for old friends ; n rendezvous for
I people widely separated both by time nnd
r space "meet mo In Omaha In June , 1SDS ; "
i an object school for the young folks who
I wish to get In n glimpse n view of the
picscnt ago of wonderful achievement and
i moro wonderful Invention ; nn object school
[ for the aged who wish to have some him
1 of an answer tn the uver-recurrlug question ,
! What next ?
I The general government's pledge of not less
than $200,000 and the subscription ot $ (0 ( . -
000 bcsldoa is enough to indicate what the
, exhibit may mean for Nebraska If the
, proper steps are taken. The rccommcnda-
| tlon of Go\ernor Holcomb la timely , when
he saya to the legislature : J'l trust thnt the
flnmu-lal acelstancc given by you will be
liberal and sufficient , so that our sister
htatcs nnd territories west of thu Mlssla
slppl may be thereby encouraged to lend
their substantial aid. " Of courscl a meager ,
' lean nnd cndnverous "recognition" by the
legislature would bo an ugly thing for
them to do ami la not to bo thought of.
Iowa has already made a considerable ap
propriation nnd promises more , whllo other
states and territories will doubtless gnugu
their appropriations by what Nebraska does.
Omaha Is not halt wny across thu conti
nent , and this , the first great exhibit for
the western portion of our country , ought
to receive ample appreciation every way
from NebrasUans. It will tend to educate
United States people to the facts of the
abounding natural resources of these plains
ami mountains ; the unexampled pace of set
tlement and the progress made along in
dustrial , commercial and aesthetic lines.
Tills education will result In benefit to thin
country moro than ample to repay ten llmru
the expenditure.
Wayne Herald : The great Transmlssb-
BlppI Imposition to he held In Omaha In 1S9S
is attracting widespread attention through
out not only thu United States but foreign
countries. The government will appropriate
? 'JOO,090 for a government exhibit and every
tUate of the .Mississippi valley will make an
exhibit which will no doubt equal , it not
excel , the exhibits at the World's fair. It b -
beeves every Ncbrnskan to take an Interest
In the exposition , for It means everything
to Xihraska. The great reuources of the
ftnlp will bo made known to the world and It
"III bring capital to the state , resulting In
the building of such Industries as will bring
prosperity to the state. Wayne county should
begin to prepare for It. Procrastination never
brings good results.
Aurora. Republican : Let us all put a
shoulder to the wheel and push the coming
expedition so ao to make It second only to
the grcjt World's fair of 1893. We hope that
the legislature will make a liberal annrom-ia-
tion to the enterprise , ns It will bo a grand
thing for our state , and as fnr ns this
paper la concerned , the Department ol
Publicity will find us over ready and willing
to help anako It a grand affair.
Polk County Democrat : The governor
leaves no uncertain tone In his message with
regard to what lie thinks of the Transmls-
slppl CxpoHtlon , to be held at Omaha next
year. Wo hellevo the governor Is right and
that Nebraska cannot afford to refm-c a good
appropriation for the great undertaking.
Already other states are appropriating large
bums with which to make n display of their
resources. Certainly It would bo n very
poor policy to hold a great national gathering
of the kind contemplated on Nebraska soil
i and have the state government refuse an
I appropriation. The exposition will bo held ,
that part Is a settled fact. Will the state
derive all the benefit possible ? This Is an
Important question for the present legislature
to decide.
niooniflcld Monitor : The officers of the
Transmlsslsslppl Exposition nt Omaha are
actively engaged in their work. This ex
position will be a great thing for the state
In general nnd Omaha In particular. Kvery
Ncbraskan , no matter who he may foe , should
do something to encourage the officers nnd
help make this exposition ono of the grand
est the world has over seen. The state
legislature should not forget that they have
nlso a duty to perform. Other elates ex
pect Nebraska to come to the front with a
very liberal appropriation , and If It Is not
done they will put no confidence In It. Ne
braska must do her part and do Itwell. .
Norfolk News : The directors of the
TransmlsKlssIppI Exposition at Omaha seem
to bo on the verge of making a very scrloim
mistake. At a meeting of the commlttoo
hold on Saturday n resolution was Intro
duced providing that in the awarding of
contracts for labor It shall bo stipulated
that In all cases residents of Douglas county
shall bo given the preference. It wns sup
posed the Trnnsmlsslsslppi Imposition waste
to bo a wesitc-ni nffalr , not a county or even
a state show. Hut If this resolution passes
western people generally will treat It na It
will draervo to be treated , by ulmply con
sidering It aa an Omaha rather than a west
ern exposition. That resolution should ho
dropped llko a plcco of hot lead. In the
selection of a site another error may bu
made. If the exposition Is located out In
thu country In the neighborhood of thu State
Fair grounds , for Instance , where the trans
portation fccllltles exhaust a person's good
nuturo and many hours of valuable time ,
the managers cannot liojio to secure the
attendance that they would If the ttxpcol-
tlon Is moro centrally located , If Omaha
expects the uupport of the great west In her
Highest of nil In Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
timlrrtnhltiK U mint bo put tip vfllh thn Idea
ot nccnmmodntlnq nome other people bcaldo
those living In Douglnii county.
llayanl Trnnscrlpt , Tlu Nebraska Irglula- *
turn will Imvo nn opportunity to do n good
tiling for the ntnto when It tnnkrn n miltnblo
appropriation for the Tranmnlsslsslppl Kx-
position for 1S9S. Private subscriptions for
the enterprise to the amount of J100,000 have
boon already secured , nnd the general ROV- ,
i-rnmcnt has promised $200.000 for the oxJL. . '
, hlhlt. The legislature should make nn ap
propriation liberal in Its magnitude. If wo
hope to ccuro the co-opcrntlon of the trans ,
mlflslsilppi states Nebrnskn should sot nn
example worthy of her people. Stand up
for Nebraska.
Lincoln New Republic : Kdltor Hoaow.iter ' ,
of The Omnhn lice la In charge of the do- '
pnrtmcnt of publicity of the TrnnsmlRsIs- *
slppl ICxpoaltlon to be hold nt Omnhn , Juno \
to Novembrr , ISfiS. Hila the right man In
thu right place. The achievement of n quar
ter of a century. In which he has bulldrd
A lasting monument to his fame n.s nn edi
tor , n mnnngor nnd a gcnernlly 8ticcr. siil ( lui.s.
lnc. < ui man , by bringing The HOP to thu fore
front nn n newspaper nnd the housing of It
In DUO of the beat equipped buildings in
the country , Is n Btiro sign thnt be will nprrnd
ncnr and fnr the grand purpose of thlti Im
mense undertaking , wherein twenty-two
ntntea nnd territories will mass the wealth
gathered nnd gnrncrcd from 2,687 G03 scjunro
miles of territory , nnd In which there will
bo n contemplated expenditure by the gov
ernment nnd by the stntt.s ot $2,000.000.
The New Republic will lend n helping hand
nnd will do nil It cnn to shut out from thnt
Brand western aggregation of thrift , pluck
and enterprise nil salc-t of alioholic beverages.
Liquor has never added 1 cent to the wealth
of the country , then why recognize thla
gloat waste ?
Woman's Weekly : The Transmleilsslppl
Kxpraltlon is bound to receive favorable
treatment at the hands nt our IpgUlntuni
this winter. No man who pretends to have
any Interest In his fellow man or In the
state can nfford to oppose a thing so helpful
nnd so far-reaching as this. It Is Retting
into shape nt the Omaha end of the line
nnd all me glnd thnt things nro sn peaceful
on the surface , however much they may bo
vocthlng tin the Inside. Winter Is n good
season for the seething nnd we know that as
soon ns the snow Is gone and spring plowing
begins thu boiling will all bo over and for
gotten In the rush and bustle bound to como
with the long days ; everything wilt bo laid
aside but the Idea thnt wu must have the
biggest show on earth nnd In order to do that
every man , woman nnd child must bo for It
nil the time nnd get everybody else to bo
for It.
Superior Journal : Long strldru nre belnR
made by thu olllcers In chnrgo toward the-
ultimate success of the 1SDS Trnnsmlsslsslppl
Imposition , which Is to bo held In Omaha.
This entcrpr'EO will not nlnno provo of great
benefit to Nehrnska's metropolis , but to the
state and district at large. It will attract
national attention to our resources and every
indication la that It will ho the Introducing
of a reign ot genuine prosperity , which will
be duly appreciated.
Pawnee Republican : The TransmlsslFsIppl
and International Kxpoaltlon to be hold at
Omaha In 1898 will be the greatest event In
the history of the state. As the World'ii
fair was to Chicago so will the International
exhibition bp to Nebraska and no patriotic
citizen should fail to give his best efforts to
ward the success ot an enterprise whoso
ramifications will extend to every nook and
corner of the state.
Goring Courier : Nebraska is Interested ns
a state In the success of the proposed Trans-
mlsslsslppl Kxpositlon. We believe nothing
can be done which will moro tend to offset
the unfavorable Influence which resulted
from the repented drouth years than. . .
the holding of a monster ohow j
lit the elate. Unless our own legIslature - * i
Islature con.cs > to the front with a liberal
appropriation for the exposition we cannot
with justice ask other western states to par
ticipate , and Inasmuch ns the great pre
ponderance of benefit will accrue to Ne
braska thu Courier Is most heartly in favor
of nn. appropriation .of not less than $200,000 ,
This is a minimum , and wo believe still
moro would be warranted by the Increase
In the taxnblu property which will follow
hero as In every other state where ouch
exhibitions have been carried on.
Nlobrara Pioneer : The legislature should
ho very liberal In Its aid of the Transmlii-
sljslppl Kxpcsltlon. A good sized appropria
tion will bo n cheaper advertisement for Ne
braska lands and Nebraska people than , the
naino anmi.nt expended otherwise. A re
turn of pi asperity for Nebraska means nn
Increase In her population , and what bet-
$10.00 , $12.00 AND $15.00 THAT WERE
$12.00 , $15.00. $20.00 AND $22.50.
S. W. Cor. 15th ami
Douglas Sta ,