Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY inSE : TTJESDAT , .FAXtrATCY 10 , 1807. 3
Clark & Wclzcl , I. 0. 0. F. blk. , nrt par
Mr. nnd Mm. J. n. Wlnshlp have Rene to
visit relatives In Cincinnati. They expect to
locate there.
JiKlfjo Tliorncll IB expected hack from Sid
ney tills mornlnR , when ho will convene
district court.
B B. Hnrt has sued Isidore F. Cameron
and others to foreclose a rtnnll mortgage
Riven March 18 , 189C. The null Is brought In
the superior court.
The telephone girl was tired. Calls hai
been coming In all day for 157 , requesting
the EoRlo I.numlry to send Its wagon around
Verily , It's ix good laundry.
Justlcn Cook Is still confined to his fctil
by an attack of the grip that has kept him
away from lib office for a week. Ho was
reported n little better yesterday.
Suit was commenced yesterday In the
district court by Mlnnlo iM. Hollenbcck
against Andrew Lorensen to foreclose a
mortgage amounting to JG7G , given In De
cember , 18&4.
The friends of J. Kdgar Owens , the Fairy
carnival man who spent one summer nm
part of a winter In Council Bluffs , will feel
an Interest In knowing that ho has joined the
Alabama company.
The Monday Musical club met ycstcrdaj
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. B. C
Hurt , on Kevcnth street. The attendance
was unusually large and a delightful pro
gram was rendered.
Council liluffs Tent No. 32 K. 0. T. M
will meet In regular review Wednesday
evening at 7:30. : All members requested
to bo present , as there will bo work for the
degree team and business of Importance.
County Attorney Sounders returned yester
day from the cast. He accompanied Sheriff
Morgan to Pennsylvania to awlst In smooth *
Ing out any legal klnka that might appear
In the extradition of Ulley , Nick O'Drlen'a
The regular meeting of Illuffs City lodge
No. 71 , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons ,
will bo held thlo evening at 7:30 : o'clock.
There will be work In the fcllowcraft degree.
VI Itlng brethren cordially Ijivlted. IJy order
of the \V. M.
Hev. Henry DeLong returned from Wcston
yesterday , after completing his long circuit
ride on .Sunday. Ho left Council Blurts at 8
o'clock In the morning , and drove to Hazel
Dell chapel , where he preached nt 40:30. :
From there ho drove to Pleasant Hill chapel
and preached to a large congregation at
4 o'clock. At 7:30 : ho reached Wcston , where
ho Illlcd his third appointment. The entire
trip Involved a drlvo of thirty-five miles.
Ho was not late at any of his appointments.
0. U. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation free Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
AVIlt Work tinUalrd. .
_ Amons the politicians who left for DCS
MolncH yesterday to bo present nt the opcn-
IiiK of the special session of the legislature ,
were Secretary J. M. Troynor of the repub
lican state committee , and Chairman T. C.
Diwson of the county central committee.
They will do their best to assist Senator
1'iisey and the other western Iowa delegates
to secure the endorsement of Hon. W. I.
Halrd of Olcnwood for the vacant senate
secretaryship. Mr. Halrd has the solid dele-
Katlons from the Twelfth district pledged to
him In the caucus , and when the crowd left
' ' S yesterday they wcro all very sanguine of a
't tuicccsetnl contest In the caucus for their
man. Representatives Potter and I'utnam
also went yesterday. U U understood that
Secretary Dullard will make a tight lu the
caucus to retain his position.
1'lno livery for parties and dances. Ogden
Livery , 158 Broadway. "Telephono S3.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
( 'iilttnlii llrmvii Ix Married.
Captain O. M. Brown , ticket agent of the
Burlington , surprised his friends by quietly
atcallng away to Kansas City on Saturday
and uniting himself In marriage to Miss El
len Gattrcll. The marriage occurred at 0
o'clock yesterday morning. Captain Browi
and his brldo reached home on the 5 o'clock
train last evening. The homo of the bride
was In Zancsvlllc , 0. , but slio has made nu
merous visits here as the gucat of Mrs. II. I
Korsythe , at 724 First avenue. There were
a number of friends ut the depot to meet the
bridal party when they arrived last evening
They wcro dilvcu at once to the home of Mr.
and Mia. Forsytho. whcro a wedding dinner
wa spread for them. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
will bo at home to their friends after Feb
ruary 1 at Captain Brown's line home on
Flret avenue.
Council camp No. U , Woodman of the
World , will glvo a mantiucrado ball Friday
ovculng , January 22. I'rlzio given.
Tax Sale Completed ,
The postponed tn * aalo was held yesterday
nt the county treacurer'a otllcc and proved
highly satisfactory to the county olllclnls.
All the property left over from the first ses
sion of the aalo wan disposed of and the
books well cleaned up. Aside from the lots
on Lower Broadway , that have resold a num
ber of times for the special assessments
against them for the wooden block paving ,
everything was bid In. Some tlmo ago City
Attorney Hazleton announced that he would
bring special proceedings against the delln-
iiucnt property owners and have the lots on
Lower Broadway brought under the npcclal
lien of the city for the unpaid paving asscea-
mcnts. The petitions In the suits aro. about
ready to bo filed.
J5.000.00 to loan on real estate security.
C. II. Shcato & Co. , Baldwin block.
The Durfco Furnlturo company has re
moved to 203 and 205 Broadway.
Tale a Drive
With Us ,
" " We are the drivers hold
ing the reins over the live
liest cigar trade in the city ,
speeding along the road of
enterprise with a full determination -
termination to win the
r * human race.
Under the Whip
Of grand success the "Sul
tana" cigar is in the lead-
and the horse of trade has
been set in motion , and now
he is off for another heat
to continue the race for
Here We Go !
L ,
Board of Education Hal a Peculiar Propo
sition to Face.
Theftn from the Clonk HOOIIIH of
School Itiilldlnux llrlnur I'p u
loii of the l.lahlllty
of ( In.Hoard. .
The Uoard of Education held a long meet
ing last night. There was little beyond thu
regular routine business to prolong the ses
sion , but the board took occasion to discuss
In an Informal way the recent thefts In the
'High ' school. The matter was brought up by
a motion from Mr. Fonda , authorizing the
expenditure of $6.50 for the purchase of anew
now overcoat for Willie Duggan , a pupil
whoso coat was stolen from the coat room
several weeks ago. He explained that the
father of the child had asked to be reim
bursed for the loss. The father , he said , Is
a poor man , working on a railroad section ,
and was unable to buy a now coat for the
boy. .Mr. Fonda flald ho did not know what
the legal statu.'i of the proposition was , but
ho felt that the board was under moral ob
ligation to buy the boy a new coat.
Mr , 1 ho ma a said ho was willing to help
the boy , but ho did not believe It was set
ting a good precedent to appropriate the tax
payers' money net apart for school purposcn
to such uses. Ho suggested that at ) therj
were just alx members of the hoard present
that each should chip In $1 and buy the
coat and quit talking about It.
The suggestion did not seem to meat the
approval of the other members , although
some of them generously otfcrcd to contrib
ute all their B.ilartrs aa members , and
Thomas moved to amend the motion and re
fer it to the secretary and attorney for an
opinion as to Its legality.
Snydcr thought that If the board Intended
to buy the boy a now coat It should not wait
until next summer to do It.
Fonda again declared that the beard wan
morally , and he believed , legally responsible
for the coat for the reason that It was
against the rule ? , which the board has ap
proved , for the child to take his coat to hli
seat. Ho was obliged to hang It In the
closet , where It Was out of ha ! possession
and beyond his protection. This made the
board responsible for Its safety.
. Thomas called attention to the theft of the
deposit check for J500 , and other sums of
money that had been stolen from the cloak
rooms , and asked If the board would like
to be held responsible for these losaea.
The matter was finally referred to the
secretary for legal advice , with Instructions
that If he found , the sum could bo legally
appropriated to draw an order on the chair
man of the finance committee for the
City Welghmastor Hlggcson complained
that the contractor who was supplying the
coal to the schools was not following the
provisions of his contract , which required
him to weigh on the city scales at the cen
tral market , all of the coal used In tlici
Washington avenue , the High achool and
the Harrison street bulldlnga. Ho com
plained that no coal had so far been weighed
by him. The matter was referred to the
fuel committee.
A memorandum report of the custodian of
the school books was submitted. It showed
that Custodian Uushncll had received 'n '
cash and boota a total of ? 2,020.27. and had
a credit of S2,90S.3. ! The board had on
hand $1,400 worth of books , and had pur
chased , so far during the year , about $2,090
worth. This would about cover all of the ex
penditures for bool:3 : until the close of tha
present school year.
The salary of Miss Anna DeGroat , ono
of the teachers , \\aa tatacd from $35 to $10
per month , she having taught a year as a
Thomas , Fonda nnd Spruit were appointee
a committee to destroy a lot of old vouchers
The superintendent submitted a compara
tlvo report , showing the attendance thla year
and for the same periods lost year.
Total enrollment for four months this
year 4,12
Total enrollment for four months last
year 4,09
Gain 2
Total enrollment for fourth month
this year 3,799
Total enrollment for fourtli month
last year , 3,73' '
Gain C9
Avorajru number belonging1 fourtli
month , thin year 3,659
Average number belonging fourth
month last year 3r > 2.
Gain ' . 13
Average dally attendance fourth
month this year 3,4C2
Average da'ly ' attendance fourth
month last year 3,350
Gain 112
Number of teachers' meetings held
during the month S
The secretary's report showed that the
teachers were paid last month $6,341.05 , am
the janitors $797.50 , making a total of $7-
The remainder of the seslbon was consumed
In the reading and allowance of the regular
monthly bills.
lloxton Store Illpr January Clearliie
Every dollar's worth of surplus stock and
all winter merchandise have been marked
at a prlco that will close them out quick.
We must turn tbo surplus stock Into cash
before our annual stocktaking. Tremendous
reductions in winter drees goojs. SOc and 69c
S9c and 95c drees goods at 59c. $1.00 drcea
goods , SOc. $1.50 dress goods , O..c , $1.75 to
$2.75 dress goods at OSc.
Cloaks In many Instances less than half
price. $5.00 jackets at $2.95 each. $7,50
Jackets at $4.69 each. $10.00 jackets at $5.75.
$15.00 , $19.00 and $22.00 Jackets to clone at
$9.98 each.
Heavy unbleached muslin , 3l c. 7c
bleached muslin , 5c a yard. 8c bleached
muslin , 6c a yard. 2U yards wide sheet
ing , 12 ! c a yard. Heavy white shaker flan
nel , 3c. 25o whlto wool flannel , 17c a yard.
Good cotton crash , 3c a yard , AH linen
crash , 5c a yard. 50c table linen at 37V&C
a yard. C2'/jC whlto blankcto , 15c pair. $1.00
fancy colored blankcttf , 69c pair. Underwear
and hosiery on sale at manufaturcrs * prices.
Council Uluffs.
Heal Kxlate Traiixferx.
The following real estate transfers were
reported yesterday at the office of J. W.
Squlro :
William K. Anderson nnd wlfo to
David Whitney , jr. , Samuel T. Pot
ter and John R. Webster , undlv
4-31 of lot 3 In section 20 : lot 1 In
section 29 nnd nw ' .4 nw ' ,1 2S-73-44 ,
u w d $ 100
County treasurer to Isaac Lovl , un
dlv Vi of lot 5 , block 7 , Hecr' add ,
t d 355
Same to J. C. Medlar , lot 21 , block
29. Central HUbdlv. t d > . 653
J. ti. Moore and wlfo to J , D. Kd-
immdflon. no ' 4 no ' ,1 2-74-3X q c d. , CO 50
M. W. Drlghtmnn nnd wife to S. S.
Hunt , lot 12. block 9 , Oakland , w d. . 625 00
Jay liurnu nnd wlfo to Caroline .M.
Royer. no Vi no U 4-74-43. w d 4.0CO 00
W. K. Foster to Fnnnlo Turner , lot
C , block 3 , HngB'B iMt mid. w d. . . . 1,50000
r. II , Henry nnd wife to Pottawat-
tninlo'county. ' ,4 aero In nw U nw
> 4 10-77-38 , w d 2300
Charles Konlgmauhpr nnd wlfo to
1'omona Land anil Trust company ,
lot 11 , Hcldcn's Hiibdlv , w d , 1,00000
Sheriff to Thomas Olllcer , trustee ,
o 77 feet of lots 1 , 2 nnd 3 , block
10. Jefferls' subdlv , s il 1,097 10
County trenmirer to Imino Lovl , lot
C , block 7 , llrer'u add. t U 4064
JCHHO W , Powell to Thomas Dlllnrd.
13 acres In noi \ HO U nnd HO ! i
" 0 Vi 17-74-39 , q o d 5500
Twelve transfer ! * , total J8.40I 32
Wo have bad placed In our hands for sale
some great bargains In cottagcu , farms and
acre property ; nlao some choice buulntKa
iroperty : flrat mortgages bought will sold.
Day &
wu.i. nr.Dtcr TIM : HO.MIKD DIMT.
City Conned Deeldex to Take I'p
ifUIMHH ) of the City lloinlx.
It was decided last night by the city
council to make a good sized cut Into the
general funded Indebtedness of the city by
taking up $20,000 of the outstanding 7 per
cent bonds. There Is at pretcnt about $21,000
In the sinking fund , and this will be tiBCd.
The treasurer was Instructed to give thirty
days' notice to the holders of the bonds
that they would refunded on presenta
tion. Eight thousand dollars' worth will be
used In taking up the IMUC of July 1 , 1SS1 ,
due July 1 , 1901 , and $12,000 In taking up
that amount of the Issue of August 1 , 1SS3 ,
due August 1 , 1903. In thlo way a saving of
about $3COO annually will be made , and the
general funded Indebtedness of the city re
duced to JS1.400.
Alderman Casper Introduced an ordinance
providing for the furnishing of the printing
and stationery supplies needed by the city
by contract , the work to be let to the lowest
bidder ? . In substance the new measure In
tends that the committee on claims and
printing shall prepare a list of all the printIng -
Ing and stationery which rhall bo needed by
the various officers during any current year.
This list shall bo presented to the city clerk ,
who shall advertise for bldr. The contract
Is to be let at the first meeting In April.
A $200 bond Is to be required of the success
ful bidder. No officer shall get any supplies
except on an order from the committee.
After the first reading the ordinance was re
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Welghmatter Hlggcson suggested a num
ber of changes In the manner of testing
scales for public weighing. Theeo were re
ferred to the proper committee.
A communication was received from T. T.
Duffy , mayor of Dubuquc , asking Council
Uluffs to co-opernto In the contemplated
change In the mulct law. He states In his
letter that an effort Is to bo made by all
the cities of over 2,000 Inhabitants to make
the mulct lAw provide that the city shall
receive the entire amount paid In by the
liquor men , Instead of dividing It between
the city nnd the county. The council de
cided that Major Carson and a special com
mittee should take charge of the matter
and present some proper resolution ! favoring
the measure.
The councllmen wcro Invited to attend
the performance of Thomas Kcenc at the
opera house February 4 , ns the guests of
Manager llowcn , The Invitation was ac
Mayor Carson called attention to the need
of an ordinance governing the use of the
streets for coasting. The council Instructed
the city attorney to prepare the necessary
ordinance to keep the youngsters In check.
John Nelson was awarded the contract
for carting away the dead animals for the
next year.
Petition for refunding taxes were rccclvd
from Mrs. W. M. Gardner and Mrs. M. E.
Normon. They were both referred to the
Judiciary committee.
fietM Another Terrlhle Kail 111 Heal
I.Iff at the llohaiiy.
R. F. Collier of Omaha paid out $28 yester
day for the privilege of managing for ono
day Nlblo's Gigantic Humpty Dumpty ag
gregation that scattered to the north , south ,
cast anil west after a sorry attempt to stave
off a lot of unpaid bills and play to an 1m-
[ patient house at the Dohany theater last
I night. The trouble had been brewing for
! some time , and even after gathering up the
[ scattered remnants of a once great show ,
from Marysvlllc. Mo. , and Scranton , la. ,
Mr. Nlblo met with a serious defeat last
night at the hands of Constable Albert ) , who
represented the combined claims of thu col
ored hand that had paraded the streets dur
ing the day. This action precipitated a
general strike , from the piano player down
to the new manager , Mr. Collor ) of Omaha.
I The first act was pulled off with moro or
1 less Interruption and explanations. Ono
I long wait 'was explained by the leading man
J by stating that "the great transformation
' Econo had become entangled.1' Hut the
finale came during the second act. The
overture failed to materialize , while the
piano player was presenting on order at the
box office for his wages. Finally Llttlo
Norma , the child wonder , came on with a
song. There was no orchestra or piano
player , and she struggled bravely. After
getting through "Tell Them That You Saw
Me , " and several kindred melodies , the au-
dlcnco refused to listen any longer. M.
Nlblo , In the meantime , was having a
stormy Interview with Manager Bowen In
the rear of the house. Ho had on his full
Humpty Dumpty outfit , but his bluff didn't
go , though he announced that none of his
people would work unless they got $10 on
back salary. There were no ten dollar bills
scattered around that Constable Albcrtl
wasn't carefully watching , and Nlblo went
back behind the scenes again to try what
eloquence would do. It didn't have any ef
fect on the players , except.Gcorgo Urooks ,
ono of the knockabout comedians. He tried
to sing but the audience refused to listen.
Finally ho ended the agony by calling the
audience fools , and going off the stage mad ,
Manager Howen Interfered at this Juncture ,
and called the fun off. Few complaints
wcro heard from the audience , as they all
seemed well satisfied at the substitution of
a bit of genuine llfo for the old original
time-tried "Humpty Dumpty. "
"Manager" Collier stated after the agony
was all over that he had resigned from the
show business for all time. Ho had met
Nlblo In Omaha and decided to back him for
a time. It had cost him Just $28 , and he felt
glad It wasn't more. All the company who
had the change rode back to Omaha. The
others walked. Constable Albcrtl spent the
night In guarding the attached properties.
Unxt 13ml Jiirorx llrnwii.
The first drawing of grand and petit Jurors
for the Avoca court under tha new Jury law
was made yesterday by County Clerk Reed.
Only fifteen names were taken for the petit
Jury In place of twenty-four , as under the
old law. The new law provides that la coun
ties having two places of holding court they
Bhall bo considered as two counties. The
coat end falls to come up to the requirement
for the regular panel and the number waa
cut down. The grand Jurors selected ara as
follows : J. C. Boruff , Macedonia ; J. N.
Frum , Pleasant ; John Grllils , Carson ; J. E.
Lorlmore , Knox ; George Dermycr , Lincoln ;
R. 1) ) . Wilson , Center ; J. L. Caldwell , Ilel-
knap ; Manor Barton , Valley ; Christ Nlcolal ,
James ; T. J. Clark , Layton : L. A. Hatswell ,
Grove ; S. Cordcman , Wavcland.
The petit Jurors selected are : F. M. Hab-
blcht , Valley ; A. F. Stone , Carson ; Phillip
Hctrlck , Oakland ; Herman Hotze , Carson ;
George McLcnnon , Griswold ; Moll McCray ,
Hancock ; R. C. Hatswcll , Wheeler ; George
Nugent , Avoca ; William Powell , Elliott ; IJ.
R. Purdy , Oakland ; S. P. Myers. Walnut ; J.
F. Plcrco. Avoca ; J. E. O'Neill , Hancock ; R.
II. Woodmanscc , Macedonia.
"Tho Hells" and "Nance Oldfield , " by
Frank Lea Short , and "Tho Players , " at
Dohany's Thursday night , January 21 , under
the auspices of Unity guild of Grace church.
Tickets 25 , 35 and 50 cents. Reserved scats
at Opera House drug store.
Not Certain About Hellley.
The Identity of Rclllcy , the supposed Grls-
weld bank robber who was brought back
from Pennsylvania to answer to the charge
of shooting Nick O'Brien , Is causing consid
erable discussion. Hellley Is putting up a
ctrong case of Innocence , and ho has about
succeeded In peisuadlng some of , tbo police
to believe that ho Is not the man. Nick
O'Brien has seen him and maintains that
there to no mistake. While bringing him
iiero Sheriff Morgan stopped at Chicago and
took his prisoner around to the Plnkerton
olllces and the detective headquarters of the
city for Identification. There all the officers
disclaimed that the prisoner was Rellley. In
appearance the man Is uomewhat changed
after serving eighteen months In the Allentown -
town jail. He lies grown fatter and his com
plexion Is bleached. Ho has the red , stubby
jeard ho were when ho waa supposed to
mvo shot O'Urlen and In fllzo answers the
description ,
' The prisoner stated to a reporter for The
! eo yesterday that an evident mistake bad
jeen made. Ho has employed Colonel Dally
o defend him. This Is the amo attorney
hat defended the other men. Several days
before Rellley arrived hero with SberllT Mor
gan a tetter addressed to him by that name
was received at the Sherrff'a office. It pur
ported to bo from a Chicago lawyer named
rhllllrw , giving an address on Schiller street.
In a regular patent raeijraiiti } manner , the
lawyer asks that $75 bo forwarded to him
and he wilt come on and defend him , at thu
same tlmo guaranteeing n , , acquittal , The
letter Is written In such .a peculiar manner
that It has aroused suspicion and may bo of
more than ordinary significance. Some of the
officera arc Inclined to beHbvcHlmt It Is writ
ten by some of Rellley'fl confederates and
conveys certain Information to him In a way
that cannot be understood by others.
l.onkhiK After the Had lloyx.
Various members of the Board of Educa
tion have been holding secret conferences
with the police authorities for the purpose
of getting assistance In the effort to dis
cover the leaders In the vandalism done at
the high school a number of weeks ago.
Prof. Spruit , ono of the members of the
teachers' committee , held a conference with
Chief of Police Canning yesterday , and the
matter was discussed nt some length. What
action was taken of course Is not known ,
but It Is known , that the members of the
board have never relinquished their deter
mination to prosecute the boys If they could
succeed In finding the right ones. Ono of the
obstacles In their way was the great num
ber Involved In the job. So far ns can bo
ascertained the board has learned that there
were about seventy- five young men , more or
less , Implicated In the work. The disposi
tion Ins been not to prosecute any unless
the leaders and a majority of the others
could bo punished , and the largo number Im
plicated created the fear that their punish
ment would have a bad effect upon the
school ,
Voted til Two .SI at ox.
Thomas Parrlsh was lodged In the county
Jail last night In compliance with a request
from the sheriff at Blair , Neb. Parrlsh Is
a squatter who lives on the accreted lands
northwest of Crescent City. The charge
against him Is Illegal voting. During the
election last fall he voted In Blair and also
In Iowa. The long delay In arresting him
was duo to the fact that he could not be
located. Parrlsh admitted to Deputy Sher
iff Joe Welghtman , who arrested him , that
the charge of Illegal voting was true.
Spirit In the Territory I
Firmly 1'nt Down.
PORT TOWNSEND , Wash. , Jan. IS. From
the latest Alaskan advices It Is apparent that
the former lawless spirit prevalent in the
territory is being supplanted by a whole
some respect for law and order by the dis
trict court , which has just finished the win
ter session In Juneau. Concerning the In
dictment of Joseph Murray by the grand
jury for libel , the Mining Record says : "Mr.
Jcseph Murray , late fish commissioner for
Alaska and special treasury agent , saw fit , In
his last annual report , to impugn the mo
tives and Integrity of our court and court
officials nnd this action cf the grand jury
will afford him an opportunity to substantiate
his words or to crawfish his way out of the
predicament Into which he has permitted his
prejudices to lead him. All Alaska Is In
debted to United Statca Attorney Bennett ,
Clerk Rogers and Marshal Williams for the
able support which they have rendered Judge
Delaney In his efforts to kill the germs
of crime with which Alaska seems of late
to have become Inoculated. Each and every
one seems to have been actuated by no pur
pose other than a conscientious performance
of the duties Imposed upon them , and that
they have succeeded Is not to be gainsaid.
Th manifest determination of the court to
" maintain and enforce the lawa as they stand
has won the applause of the Judge's friends
nnd the respect of his enemies , and It Is to
bo hoped that the good work"so well begun
may not bo suffered to lapse , but may be
prosecuted to a finality. No better method
could be adopted for bringing about the
enactment of wholesome , legislation than
lies In the rigid enforcement of existing
misfit statutes. If these laws bo disre
garded and bo permitted to become a ueail
letter upon the statute books , they will
remain forever. It will require hard work
and plenty of It to secure substitution of
better , but Judge Delaney has pointed out a
way and opened the gates , and it remains
only for the people of Alaska to act In concert
anil In unity of purpose to secure the reme
dial legislation which has so long been
unavalllngly sought. "
Touching on politics , the following would
Indicate that residents of Alaska arc going
to take the republican administration at Its
word on the subject of home rule : The name
of Edward Degroff Is prominently mentioned
for the clerkship. It Is rumored that J. G.
Brady of Sltka Is also a candidate , though
his mind has been leaning toward the gov
T\vu.vrv iini'Mis TO A niiAW.
Tom in le Dlinii and Joe Younprx Have
a Hard Kl ht lit ItnlTnlo.
BUFFALO , Jan. 18. Tommle Dlxon of
Rochester and Joe Youngs of Buffa'o sparred
a twenty-ror.nd' draw tonight at the Empire
Athletic club. Both men wcro Irt gooil con
dition. Yaucgs had the advantage of height
and weight , but thia counted for little
against Dixon'a generalship and qulckneeo.
At the close Youngs showed signs of the
hard fight , while Dlxon was apparently 0.1
bright as at the beginning. The twenty
rounds wcro fierce fighting , .but neither wa
able to land a knockout blow , and the rcf-
erco called It a draw. The points were in
Dlxon's fu\or.
.MaKiiatex Could Not
CLEVELAND , Jan. IS. President Rohlson
of the Cleveland Base Ball club declared
this afternoon that there wim no big base
ball deal In prospect , as had been reported.
Mr , Rohlson and Mr. Abcll of the Brooklyn
club , who were present at the Interview , tuld
that so far they hud failed to reach an agree
ment on the proposition of trading around
some of the players and It began to look
as though U would bo Impossible to do iio.
Mr. RobLson said that he believed that It
would bo u good thing for bsao ball If It
could bo EO arranged that there would be a
shifting around of players between the vari
ous clubs of the National league at the end
of each season In order that the strength
of the clubs might beequalized. . 111' . Abel !
said ho was of the same opinion ,
Female. I'ednlerx.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jnn. IS.-Indlanapolls
was treated to a sensational performance In
the women's six-day bicycle race started
hero tonight. Tillle Andrnion made forty-
one mlli-3 and ten laps , -Which IH the world's
record for an elijhteou.lap track. Dotty
Farnsworth had the .previous record of
thirty-eight miles and eleven lnH nndwas
but awheel's length bettlnd Anderson nt
the MnlHh. The riders pro two hours each
night. The score at thd finish tonluht was :
AnderHon , 41 miles , 10 hips : Farnsworth , 41
miles , 10 laps ; Haldwlt ) , II miles , 9 laps :
Allen. 41 miles , 9 laps : Christopher. 41
miles , 9 laps. There were 3,000 gpcctntorx.
Hallroad ClenrH Away the .Snow.
HURON , S. D. , Janj , .i § f-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) The Chicago & Northwestern has
rahed the snow blockade'rfpd ' trains will run
regularly from tonight. ' 'rfi6 ' train from the
south , duo here Saturday ; yvcnlng , remained
fast In the anew six nil lea cast of hero for
thlrty-alx hours , reachlng'lfore a llttlo before
noon today. The train frtifd'tho east is held
at Brcoklngs and will reiit/h / hero tonight.
Trains will ho bent wcsfiiifl north tonight.
Eight Inchon of snow fell during Saturday's
and Sunday's storm , filling railway cuts and
piling up drifts. Thu temperature was not
low and no stock lasses arc likely to result
In this locality.
Taper Mlllx .Sold.
DENVER. Jan , IB.-Speclul Master Mar
shall E. Johnson today sold under decree
of foreclosure granted by the circuit court
of the United States all the property of
the Platte River Paper Mills company ,
conslst'iiK ' of lands , bulldlngx , plant , ma
chinery , fixtures nnd ImprovfinentH at Mini.
Chester , near Denver , Tim property was
sold for II&O.OOO , tlm purcha or being Edward -
ward Bavory , acting * for the reorganization
committee.- ,
Hiirtluinake Sliouk.
8T. LOUIS , Jnn. 18 , A special to the Re
public from Rcdbud , III. , nays a very ills-
tlnct earthquake shade wax felt there at
10:30 : p. in. today. U was preceded by a roar
Ik thunder and Deemed to come from thu
cant , gradually dying out to the wcntwnrd.
Town Sonata Oaucns Nominates on the
Fourth Ballot.
Two Inorl MM > iT * to llo Dropped nm
tin * \timl > i'r of Committee OlrrUn
Will I'rol.ulily tic Cut | ) MUte
to One-Half.
DRS M01NI3S , Jau. IS. ( Special Tclo
gram. ) The senate caucus , the only prelim
Inary to the opening of the legislature , was
held thU evening. There was only ono con
test for secretary. Joslah T. Young hat
withdrawn In the afternoon and the candl
dates present were : Henry J. Ualrd of Mai
vern , George A. Newman of Cedar Falls , W
U. Cockran of Uedford , T , J. Poland of le
mars , A. I ) . Hlndmaa of Eagle Grove , J. J
Stearns of Linn county , Kach was called on
to read for five minutes to the senate before
a ballot was taken , as a test. The first bal
lot gave Newman , 8 ; Dalrd , C ; Hlndman , 10
Cockran , 4 ; Uoland , 3 ; six scattering.
On the next ballot Newman went up to 17
Hlndman getting only 8 ; Ualrd , 4 ; Holand , 3
On the third Newman got 17 ; Hlndman , 13
Holand , 1 ; Cockran , 3 ; Ualrd , 3. Tlu ( fourtl
ballot gave Newman the nomination , wltl
twenty-one votes , Hlndman having 11 ; Ualrd
3 , and Cockran , 3.
An assault on minor employes was oponet
anil two assistant doorkeepers were droppci
out of sight. A committee was named after
a long discussion to formulate and present to
the senate a proposition to reduce by at leas
half the number of committee clerks. The
agreement was unanimous that such a measure
uro ought to bo adopted.
At the opening session tomorrow It Is ex
peeled the only Important business will be
the publishing of a concurrent resolution fo ;
a committee of the two houses to confer am
agree on some plan of handling the code. It
Is still uncertain what will be done , but ;
scheme of closer co-operation than was ha (
last year will bo determined on.
IMIici ] OK ins \vinrs AI-TECTIOXS
Tenant SIU-H nil I nun I.iiinlou iirr for
Ten TliotiNiinil DollnrH.
CEDAtt UAPIDS , la. , Jan. IS. ( Special. )
Great Interest Is being manifested In the
case of William Wlggln against Charles A.
Hucton , which Is now on trial In the district
court 'before Judge Ilcmley. Every day
the court room Is crowded with men , women
and children from the northern part of the
county , where the parties to the suit arc
well known. Mr. Wlggln has sued Mr. Hus
ton for $10,000 damages for alienation of
his wlfo's affections. Mr. Huston Is ono of the
largest landowners In northern Linn county ,
and Is reputed to be worth from $40,000
to $50,000. For a number of years he has
been very prominent In politics , and few men
are better known In the county than he.
In 1894 Mr. Wlggln and his family moved
onto ono of Mr. Huston's farms near Wau-
bcck. He reserved one room in the house for
his own use , and often remained there for
several days at a time. Wlggln alleges
that Huston took advantage of the oppor
tunities offered , won the affections of his
wife , became Intimate with her , and subse
quently caused her to leave him , and for
this lie asks damages In the sum of $10,000.
A number of leading lawyers ore employed
on both sides and the contest Is being bit
terly fought. The trial probably will last
a week or ten days yet.
Cnrl II. ChrlHteiiNeii Kenteneeil In lion-
ton for Til roc MoiitliM.
BOSTON , Jan. 18. Carl U. Chrlatcnsen
who claims to be a professor at Waterloo
college , Waterloo , la. , was sentenced toda >
to serve three months In. the house of cor
rection for stealing books from the Ueaton
public library. Chrlstensen was arrested
hero yesterday and In his apartments were
found a largo number of hooka bearing the
stamp of the public library of Hartford
WATERLOO. la.Jan. . 18. Carl B. Chrte-
tcr.acn left Waterloo two years ago and baa
not been connected with the college since.
Ho began lecturing- when he left here , de
livering his lectures 1n Danish , and scored
qulto a success. Ho was considered excep
tionally bright. Ho left the college because
of strained relations with Its owner. Chrls
tensen was regarded as strictly honest here.
1'rlents CeiiHiire the Children.
DUBUQUE , la. , Jan. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mrs. Alexander Young , a wealthy
Eoclcty woman , who apparently abandonee
the Roman Catholic church some years ago
summoned the priests tut death approached
but was buried Saturday afternoon by an
Episcopal clergyman. The priests today pub
lished a card criticising her children for dis
regarding her wish to bo burled a Roman
Hex Mollies to I'liic HlKh lint Wcnrorx ,
DES MOINES , Jan. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The council today passed a resolution
Instructing the solicitor to prepare an anti-
hat ordinance governing places of amuse
ment. It provides for fines of from ? 2 to $10
on any woman wearing an obstructive hat.
The mayor says he will sign tbo ordinance ,
which will pass unanimously.
Sum I'nliitkti TellH How He WreeUc-il
the Train nt Calinhii HrlilKv.
NEW ORLEANS , Jon. 18. A special to
the Times-Democrat from Atlanta , Ga. , says :
Sam Palatka , cross-eyed , a fiend In expres
sion , revolting In countenance , has confcsscJ
to having perpetrated the horrible Cahaba
brldgo disaster , which occurred three weeks
ago In Alabama. Stolidly and with immov
able lines of criminal harshness on his face ,
ho admits that he , single-handed , sent twcii-
ty-sevcn persons to a horrlblo death and
wounded and maimed a core more. There
was no romantic reason back of the work
of this courageous coward , a man who dared
dUcovory , which In Alabama meant certain
death , to drlvo a train to ccstructlon In order
to obtain a few dollars.
Palatka was arrested In Eatonton , Putnam
county , In middle Ocorpla. His first cap
tors believed him half-witted , us ho gave
himself away. Those In charge of him today
In Atlanta , as ho was on lila way to Ala
bama , say he Is absolutely reckless and en-
Jtlrely wit hout human feelings. Today he
spoke of the fearful wreck with no sign
o ! emotion.
"I did It , " ea'ld ' Palatka. "I wanted
money. It's nobody's business- what I
wanted It for. I did. I found It very easy.
I say this for the benefit of those who want
( o wreck trains. It Is Just as easy to wreck
a passenger train as It Is to wreck a freight
train. There's no money In a freight. I did
not get anything out of the wreck , I moved
a rail , put 'It across the track and the whole
business seenled to fall , There wcro plenty
of dead folks with money ono man had
$300 but before I could get It the llvo ones
got up and then the crowds came. I skipped
out then. " _
Old Man In Ailverne Clreiiiiixtiineen.
ST. LOUIS , Jnn. 18. Sa ml foul Murrny , nn
HtrcctH , where ho hod fallen from weakness.
Ho wn.H mint to the city hospital nnd tlicru
It wii learned that ho had not tuatccl food
for Hevcral dayH. HlH condition In Hcrl-
IOIIH. Murray clalinH to hnvo built tlm capl-
tel building at Santa Fe , N. M. , and had
HUbcontracts for work on the ntato eapl-
tolH nt St. 1'aul , Denver. Chuyennu and Salt
Kuko City. Hu wild that at one tlmo ho
hail plenty of money , but lost It on u con
tract. About a month ago ho took Hick
anil full In-hind with his rent. W.ion ho
could no longer pay ho wan evicted nnd
since then ho hau been living on the
llr > an SpeiiUM nt JncUxon.
NASHVILLE , Jon. 18. W. J. Uryan , en
route to Texas on a lecturing tour , spoke In
Jnckson , Tcnn. , this afternoon , A large ?
crowd greeted him at the depot and ho
spoke from the depot platform. Ho nuld
hero wrro more silver democrats now than
the day before the election , and that an
rot the republican party had failed to show
.ho open mills uny inoro the open
Road the Testimonials Below from Patients in the Various
Walks of Life.
An Investigation of Every Case Invited Those Who Doubt Should
Write or Cull Upon These Witnesses.
Mr. GoorflcSpnitRler IN the ereillt ISO I I had hern Kreally allllcte
man , for Mi-Cord , IIrally t Co. , the with enlargement and dlnpliieeinent
M'liolexnle Rfopern. SiienUliiK o'f hi * of the heart , with neeonipaii ) Inic
relief unit cure from the horror * of weakneNK of that orKiui , In later
ilyHpi-i'iln , lie HiiyNi yearn I have alxo uireatly NiiTere < I
"Catarrh of the Mniiiiieli nearly from elironle eatarrh , Iant winter n
rnlnoil my illm-Mlon for neveml \ery ne\ere MleUnexH left me III im
yearx. AlnuiNt Invariably after eat- extremely feehle eoiidlllon anil
IIIK I nonlil have n itnll , heavy pain wholly nn lit for nay work. After it
In the Mtomaeh anil limvel * , ax eonrxe hy mall with Dr. Shepard It
thoiturh lilted u 1 > with lead or imtiy. itfYordN me Kreat pleaxnre to xtatc <
The food would He on the xlotuaoh that 1 have found mneh relief anil'
irlthont illKCNtliiKt oaiiMiiK illxt'om- xiihxtnntlnl heiiellt from lilx treat-
fort , illntreNN nnd often IIIHIMI-II. A ineiit , .My eaxe wax handled wltlt'
nnnilier of iihyNlelaiiN trlvd to help exeellent Judgment a ml xklll , and I
IIH- , lint none of them neenied to hit moxl heartily eoininend Dm , Cupi'lniul
It , until I heKnii Kith Urn , Copetnnd nnd Shepnrd nx eonrteonx , hif.iitrahln
anil Shepnrd , and they viired me. I Kentlenieiii thoroiiKhly tinalllled an
linvi HIM IT had a HJKII of tronhle xpeelallxlN III their ehnxeu profeio
nlnee I llnlxhed the conrxe aliout two MlOII. "
yearn nm > . "
Water , Neb. , writes :
Hev. M. Oe Motte , In aetlve ehnrKc "Something over four years ngo a des-
of the M. 13. c ImrcliCM of TaliuiiKe and perati ) attack of grip nenrly mined my
\i-l ) . , wrltex to Dr. Shenard ! health. I kept running down until 1 wan
helpless and could m-nrcely got around
the house. 'My ' stomach nnd IRTVOH were
In u wretched condition. 1 wax worn out
by a lack of sleep nml u Klow starvation
for 1 could not eat. The heart wns feeble ,
but at tlme boat and pounded violently
ngalnHl thu chest wall. I couldn't go ti ) >
stairs without a smothering fcplliiff. I
hail , too , other troubles that so many
women suffer from. 1 mirfcrpd BO that I
thought 1VMH losing my mind.
"A three months' course with Drs. Copp-
laml nnd Shepnrd gave mo a oomplcta
euro. 1 gained Heventeen pounds and am
perfertly well now. I can't begin to tell
how I nm changed. "
C. S. SHKPAlll ) . .M. I ) . , Consulting ,
W. II. COI'iiAM , .M. I ) . , Physlelans.
REV. McKENDREE DE .MOTTE. Olllco Hours 9 to 11 n. m. : 2 to fi p. m. . Evc >
cnlliKVedtiPSdays and Saturdays only
"Since ooiuliiK out of the army In U to S. Sunday , 10 to 12 .
This is the
kind of weather when you need a
good , heavy , stout boot yet
shapely withal to resist the cold
and slush ; in fact.'to be perfectly
watertight. Many women dislike
rubbers and there is a constant
demand for a shoe that possesses
these requirements. Try a
pair of boots at $2.50.
NO. 25 MAIN ST. They 1111 the bill to n "T" . Yet fm- those
who want rubbers wo luvvc tlrtjm in nil
atylcs nnd nrices.
NO. 25
Primary , Sccontlnry or Tcr-
tlnry liluod roisoii perma
nently cured In 15 to 'IS
( lays. You can bo treated at homo
for the eatao prlco under came
gnarnnty. If you prefer to como hero we will
contract to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , and
no charge If wo fall to cure. If you have taken
mercury. Iodide tf"4 R B i fffe ( BF Ef E ) potnah , and stilt hava
aches and pains , DIucouH ajBLB 5UY pntchcB In mouth ,
More Throat , rimplca , Copper-Colored Hpota , Ulcers on any part of the body ,
Hair or EyebroTCH fulling out , It is this BtOOl > 1'OISOX that wo guarantee to
cure. We solicit the most obstinate f ± a M nv trn f TBaH'JEl cnwcs ttnj
challenge the world for u cnso 0QJirobUr ! ! ES B truEi wocnuiiot
cure. Thla dlecaco hr-v always baflled the Nklll of the niont eminent pIiyntcInnM.
8500.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. AbHoluto proof * sent scaled on
Address COOK SIK3IKI ) V CO. ,
307 Masonic Temple , CHICAGO. 11,1 , .
MA100D RESTORED This ( front Vegetable
Constipation. llBtopi till looses by iluy or night. 1'revonts quick *
nfssof discharge , which If not checked leads to Spprmiitorrlinju ml
nil tlio horrors of Impotoncy. < : UPIl > KJ Kcleauscstliollvcr , tut
kidneys anil tlio urinary orKiiiisof ull Impurities ,
FCPinr-NI. Htrensthonsandrestoressmall wonkoiwins.
Tlio reason Riiflpriri nro not curcit I ) } ' Uoclnni In occnusu ninety per cent nro troubled wlln
ProilallllK. CUi'IDKNlSlsthooniy Unovrn rcmnly to euro wiihotu an operation , duuuimllmiinl'
nlA wrlttrn Rimrnntraclven and iniinvy returned If clx bnxrn iluc.i not ciTcct u pcruiiuictueuro.
(1.00n , box , six for $9 00 , by mall. Bend for FIIKIcircularnml testimonials.
Ai'drc ' 1 > AX'olj 31 EIlICiriK CO. , 1" . O. Box 3378 , San Francisco , CaL
Myers-Dillon Drug Co. , S.E. Cor , ICth and Farnnm. Omaha , Nob.
SenatorM Ank Them to Draft a III11 for
a Homily or Siilixlil- .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. A number of
senators , together with several representa
tive shipbuilders and owners of steamship
Ines.mct In the rooms of the senate commlt-
tee on commerce today and had a conference
as to the best method of Improving the mer
chant marine. Senators Fryc , Perkins , Ledge
and Elklns , and Messrs. Qriscom , Sowall ,
Smith , Clyde , Cramp and Hyde and several
others Interested In ships and shipping ,
wcro present. The plank in the republican
national platform calling1 for discriminating
lutlcfi was the basis of the discussion. Some
of those present favored It , whllo others
were opposed , stating It might tend to divert
: ho carrying trade to Mexico and Canada ,
to the detriment of American ports and
American ships. There was a general In
terchange of views , and the opinion was
expressed that a bounty In the way of mall
jounty on tonnage , such as given by for
eign countries , would bo better than dis
criminating duties. Ono gentleman ex
pressed the opinion that $5,000,000 a year
llstributod among American lines would
mild them up equal to the English lines.
The senators finally said the s'llp owners
and builders should agree among themselves ,
and they were asked to prepare what they
thought was a suitable measure , which
would not conflict with treaties , and send It
o congress. _
I'oiuiIlHln Take All tinSiiollH. .
VEKMILLION. S. D. , Jon , 18. ( Special. )
F. M. 'Bailey ' , editor of the Clay County
"rccman of this city , returned from Pierre
aat week , where ho wont with the hope of
letting a clcrlMhlF' Helng a republican , his
rip was unsuccessful. He cays everything
s being run on a populist order. Many
of the populist frlcndci have as many as
four or flvo clerkships to the utter exclusion
of the republican brethren. Mr. Bailey ex-
iccts to return this week and In lobby-
ng a bill through In regard to the proper
of the unorganized counties.
ICaiiniiM HeiiiililleaiiN ,
TOPKKA , Jan. 18. The republican mlnor-
ty of the Kansas legislature tonight mot
n senatorial caucus , which was organized
jy the J. II. Burton forces , No vote was
akcn ana the caucus adjourned until Frl-
lay night , when It will probably give Mr.
lurton the empty honor of n republican
For Infanta and Children.
Tie fie-
8earles & ?
Searlea *
Nervous , Clironlo (
Private Diseases.
sr.xtiAiiv. J
Private DUeaies
jncl Dlsordorwof MH
i Trent moit : by mall
-Consultation frea.
Cured for Ufa and the poison thorouirtlvt
clcanued from the uystem. PILES , FIBTUfJU
and VAIUCOCEL.1C permanently nnd suc
cessfully cured. Method now and unfailing
By now raothod without pain or cutting. ) .
Call on or address with stamp , J
no a. uth St. '
Dr. Searles & Searles , Omaha. W b
\Vo tend ( he Krcneli Itemed ?
CALTHOS free. (09 ( U.I.II i ) ml
legal cuariutvotliatCALTiibt will
BTOI' ud ,
CLIII. KiierMalorrhcii , VurlcoccU
and KI'.STOHi ; Ixitt Visor.
Ute it and pay t/iatisjltJ.
VOM MOML CO. , 332 B ,
Bolt inrrlnm Jnt4 , C1. < l. llJllo.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . S100.C
Onu NlKlit ) ThnrNiInx , Jan , 1.
and hli player * In
Under tlio nunplcui of Unity Qulld of OracU
churcli ,
Iiicldcnlul inmla urrangeil for the occailon by.
the Imperial Mandolin club. Hi
I'rlct * We , 3So anil 2ic , Bcata now c/n sale o ,
' " '
druif itor * . | -