Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Tins OMAHA DAILY IHSlfe 5rtT13SDAT , JATtfTAllY 10 , 1S)7. ! )
clement a Brent deal of annoyance. H
Bccurn that the custodian of the ncnato'i ,
water closet Is not an avowed disciple of
flat Oliver money , and for a week pant the
pnpulUU and free silver democrats have
planned In and out of caucus to rcllovo him
and Rccuro the appointment In his stead of
nome man whoso financial views were moro
orthodox. Graham , on behalf of the popu
lists , moved that the present custodian bo
( Uncharged , and the place given to another
man ,
Mr. 'Murphy , republican of Gage , made a
spirited protest against the purpose of the
mnjorlly. He called the senale'B attention
to the fact that the present custodian wna an
old soldier In IndUcnt circumstances ; that
If ho la removed , his wlfo and five children
vrlll have no means of support and that ho
will have to be sent to the soldiers' home , to
bo a charge upon the state. The senalor
from Gage appealed to the senate not to
deprive on old soldier In hla declining yoaro
of a place which furnished him the only
ineano ho had to support his family.
Mr. Dundas , populist of Nemaha , accondci
the motion made by Mr. Murphy , to lay the
resolution on the table.
The resolution was , however , adopted by
a strict party vote , Senator Dundaa alone
voting with the republicans to lablo the
Now bills were Introduced and read the
first time , as follows :
Senate nio No. 77 , by Mr. Graham of
Frontier , to amend the stale depository
act. It changes several sections of the
present law , notably thoM detailing the
methods of computing the Interest to bo
paid the state. The bill provides thai "the
amount to be paid by any and all tanks
under the provisions of this act for the
privilege of keeping public funds on deposit
shall bo computed on the average dally bal
ance of the public moneys kept on deposit
therewith , and slull be paid and credited lo
Iho alatc quarterly on the 1st day of Jan
uary , April , July and October of each year ;
and Iho treasurer shall require every nuch
depository to keep accurate accounts of all
such moneys deposited with It , showing the
amounts deposited and when deposited ; nnd
all tlm sums paid lo the state for the privi
lege of keeping the eamo on deposit shall be
credited by the treasurer directly to the ac
count of the state general fund. " Another
amendment provides : "For the security of
the funds ao deposited under the provisions
of this not the state treasurer shall re-
qulro all such depositories to glvo bond
for the safe keeping and payments of ouch
deposits and the accretions thereof , whlcli
bond shall run to the people of the state of
Nebraska , approve , ! by the governor , recrc-
lary of state and attorney general , and
conditioned that the depository shall at the
end of each nnd every month render to the
Ireasurcr a otatemcnl in duplicate , showing
the dally balance of the amount of money
of the stale held by It during the month. "
Still another amendment provide * that the
Ircasurer shall not have on deposit In any
bank at any tlmo more Ihan one-half of the
amount of the bond given by said bank. The
flame amendments are made In the law gov
erning countv depository banks.
Senate file No. 78 , by Mr. Steele of Jef
ferson , amends the law passed by the legla-
laluro two yearn ago , providing that under
certain circumstances t-chool children liv
ing In ono district may attend school In
another district.
Senate file No. 79 , by Mr. Ritchie of But
ler , amends the election law no as to pro
vide for a blanket ballot by which an elec
tor may vote a straight party ticket by
making a cross at tlio trp.
Senate file. No , SO , by Mr. Grothan of
Howard , Is a bill to regulate stock yards.
Mr. Grothan also Introduced four bills to
amend the eodo of civil procedure.
Senate file No. 85. by Mr. Gondrlng of
Platte , amends the criminal co.le.
Senate file No. SG , proposes a law pro
hibiting village , city nnd county officers
from purchasing warrants or bills against
eald villages , cltlco or counties during their
terms of olllcc.
Senate file No. S7 , by Mr , Mulz of Keya
Talia , provides an acl for full net weight
and measure In all packages nnd receptacles
old In original packages in Nebraska.
Senate file No. SS , by Mr. Ransom of
Douglas , Introduced by request , authorizes
the counfy commissioners of Douglcs county
to plat the cast S10 feet-of the northeast
quarter of section 29 , township 15 , north of
range 13 , cast of thu sixth principal meridian
In Douglas county , said addition to bo known
as Douglas addition to the city of Omaha.
Senate 'file No. 89 , by Mr. Ransom of
Douglas , Introduced by request , proposes the
repeal of chapter vl of the Compiled Stat-
ulcs of 1S95 enlltled " "
, "Assignments. Mr.
Ilaneom also Introduced , by request , renate
file No. 90 , amending the cede of civil pro.
Scnalo file No. 91. by Mr. Howell of
Douglas , by requcsl. makes a largo number
of amendments to the existing city charter
of Omaha. These amendments are the onro
proposed by what Ls known hi Omaha ES the
"Popploton committee. "
, Senate file No. 92 , by Mr. Ransom of
Douglas , Is for the licensing and regulation
of pawnbrokers , dealers In second-hand goods
and junk dealers.
House roll No. 53 , by Mr. Crow of Doug-
lea , making an appropriation for the pay
ment of members and employes of the prcs-
Cupid's arrovra
straightest in
light of a
clear complexion.
iJSThJ rosy 151 > S' 'rhe
. : -ir. ! # / woman . who
, .krt./
llhy is sure to
ilie will have
. beauty and mag
netism of health. As she loses health ,
she will surely lose beauty. Hollows in
the cheeks , dullness in the eyes , innddi-
ness in the complexion one or all are
sure to result from ill-henlth.
times m ten ui-iienitii iti'womea
means an unhealthy condition of the or
gans distinctly feminine. A slight dis
order here will put the whole woman out
of order. _ Ordinarily when a woman is
sick , she will iind that the trouble is here.
Headaches , neuralgia , sleeplessness , nerv
ousness generally come from the same
cause. These things are serious , but they
can be cured. Any disease or weakness
of the female organism can be surely
and completely cured by the use of Dr.
1'icrce's Favorite Prescription. Thou
sands of grateful women have testified to
its beneficial results. Among them Mrs.
Uoscoe Vimovcr , of _ Robinson Creek , Pike
Co. , Ky. , who writes :
"Iviili to express my thanks to you for the
good I have received from your ' I'avoritc 1're-
acrlntion. ' I have Hied il nl different times for
the last live years , and nUvay.iu-itli llieino.-.trat-
ifyluR results. Hut the nrcatcft ijooj received l > y
the'Pavoritc I'rcsctlption'\vasuboiit four monllii
nco when my last baby was lioru. I waa afflicted
with 'clillcl-ueil fever. ' luetead of seiuliiijnfter
the doctor , I used the ' I'rescrlptlon' nntl was
cured. A lady friend of miucvtni hlmlhrlynf-
dieted and sent after the doctor and took his rem
edies nnd died. I nm now 37 years old , welsh
147 poundi , the mother of five children , nud am
enjoying the best of licUh. "
If you would like to fccc more of these testimo
nials , nml to liud out nil nbout Dr. Tierce's Favor
ite I'rescripUon , you should scud for n copy of the
"Common Sciwc Medical Advl er. " Thftislr.
I'lcicc's 1,008 pnge book , 680,000 of which have
been fioUlnt the regular price , of Ji. so per volume ,
The new edition , viper-bound , of half n million
Is beiu > f distributed absolutely frtt to those who
vrlll send 31 one-cent stnm jn , to my cert of mall-
iugOM/i' , toWotld's DUpcnsary Medical As < ocia-
tlon. Diibalo. N. Y. If French cloth binding It
dcslretl , semi 10 rtnls extra , 31 cents In nil.
It c n bo ulvcn nllliout llui hnuwliiler of
tlio imllfiit Incoflwi , ir * or article ! iiffooil , will
n > ci a poriiiiuiriit nml pifil/ cur , wholhor tin
pMltmt li inailrrnlii drinker < > r n alcoholic wreck.
Hook f lutrllcnlari fie . t < ; ! Imd of
Vuhii .1 Co. . tfilh 4 ItuufUu Kitmnli ! . Ntb.
GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. . Prop'i. Cincinnati , U ,
JUTVTilu hi llulr " It * * in tlurflilui lUlll , " wiM IIH.
cnt legislature , was Introduced and read . I lie
final time.
The ocnnto then adjourned until 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
itorsn iiifsv WITH xiv nn.J.s.
llonlllK ! Work OcciiilvH | ( In * Slmrl
Hull1 liny * ' Si'MKloli.
LINCOLN. Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Speaker
O.ifTln called the house to order at 2 p. in.
Klghty-flve members responded , eleven were
absent and four excused on account of com
mittee work. An attempt was maitri to iihut
off the reading of the house proceedings of
Saturday , but it failed of the necessary two-
thirds majority until over a half hour was
consumed. Hoddy of Otoe then made another -
other attempt , hut Woodier of Merrlck Interposed -
posed an objection on the ground that It had
been once voted on and defeated. However ,
Roddy's motion was put to a vote and carried.
Another long petition from IJutler county ,
caking that the sugar bounty be paid by the
necessary appropriation , was sent up by
Loomte. Window of Frontier wanted tn con
sign the petition to the waste basket of the
chief clerk. Loomls of Duller county ace
omlcd the motion , but the speaker Intcrposci
and said that It would bo referred to a
proper committee.
- Loom Is Rent up a resolution that In view
of the fact that the dormitory of the Statu
Normal at I'cru had been destroyed a com
mittee should bo appointed to visit Peru , as
certain the amount necessary to make the re
pairs and suggest an appropriation for the
same. Wowter of Mcrrlck opposed the mo
tlon. It carried by a clcse vote.
The following bills were Introduced and
road the first time :
ISy Gttflln , house roll No. Ifiu , lo prohlbt
niul tmnlHh bribery In elections.
Hy Onllln , bouse roll No. 170 , to nmcm
section 183 of the Criminal Cede and to re
peal the original section.
Hy Ctnllln , house roll No. 171. to prohibit
nnd punish the bringing of Illegal voters
Into the slate with the Intent to have
them vott > therein.
Hy Ciftllln , house roll No. 172 , to ntneni
section 1&9 of thu Criminal Code and to re
peal the section.
Hy Fouke. house roll No. 17,1 , to nmem
section 0 oC chapter Ixl of the Compllc <
Statutes of 1SS3 and to repeal said act.
lly Wlmborley. house roll No. 174 , to crc-
ate a public library committee , defining
Its duties , nnd for organising a system o
traveling libraries for the state of Ne
Hy Wheeler , house roll No. 173 , to amend
sections 2 , 3 , C nnd 7 of an act untltki
"An act to provide for the depositing of
Btato and county funds In banks , npprovei
April 3 , 1831. " and to repeal said orlglna
Hy Straub , house roll No. 170 , providing
for the taxation of telephone companies
anil fixing penalties for false .statements.
Hy Strniib. house roll No. 177 , providing
for the taxation of telegraph companies
nnd fixing the penalties for false state
Hy Straub , house roll No. 17S. providing
for the taxation of express companies , nnd
to fix penalties for false statement *
Hy Straub. house roll No. 17.1 , to tax life
insurance companies and flxtnc penalties
for false statements.
Hy Straub , house roll No. ISO. to tax
flro Insurance companies.
IJy Straub. house roll No. 1SI , to rc-ru-
mle the charges rmule for the use of tele-
nli'Jtioa ' by all persons , firms , etc. , engaged
in the telephone business In Nebraska am
fixing penalty for violation thereof. '
Hy btrnub. liouso roll No. 152. to regu-
at the charges of telegraph compatfins
and ilx a penalty for the violation thereof.
y. ' "J" ° .f N'emaha , housu roll No.
. . . . . , . , 1SI.
f mutunl "
niLlIorncr' ] hous < V ° 'l ' No1S4 compelling
nil peraotiH
, companies , corporations or as
sociations owning or nporatlng Irrigation
'Itches ' or canals anywhere In the .state ol
Nebraska to keep cut down all the weeds
that may be found growing on the rlirht
of way granted to them in wh ch such
ditches or canals are located.
Hy Oaylord , hour roll No. 1S3 , to legalize
the acts of tlm pWir r\r i > , n * . . , . . , . . . , , , . . .
fnlo in Issuing certificates upon the treas
urer of said county for bounty claims , etc.
Hyeleh. . house roll No. ISO , to Insure
correct weighing of coal , stock , grain or
other heavy merchandise in cities of less
than 5,000 liiSaUtants or villages.
iiinyrU.uHVnllr'i' ! ! ro. " NoJlS7 - to "mi-nd soc-
ni $2 of Cobbey'H Consolidated Statutes
of 1S91 nnd to repeal said section.
Hy Croiik. house roll .
No. ] SS. barring an
nrmni Interest 8 of (10" such > r-v or husband's courtesy
.insanu party In the
real e.stato belonging to the husband or
or hcr BUimllnn nnd tl10
By Phelps , hou.-e roll No. 1SD. to provide
for the representation of two political par
ties on boards of election and to amend
I0'0" ' . of chapter - . Complied Statutes
joi7 > j *
Hy Smith of Douglas , house roll No 100
i ? 1mo"d Actions. B. n. 12. so. 01. G ; BIJ rri
7G. 79. SO 81. S3 , Sfi. SS , S9. 30 31 ' 97 IS 101
101 , 107. 108 , 109. 110. US. U'3. 3 1B7. Ifis. ns
heretofore existing , of an act entitled "An
Act Incorporating .
.Metropolitan Cities an
"oilnlng. UeRUlntln * and' Prescribing V.ieir
nutles , Powers and Govermnent. ' npproved
March SO 18S7. and .amended at thoVeglsla-
tlvu sessions of ISSJ , 11,9.1 , and 1S93. which
said act appears as and constitutes chap
ter xlla , of the Compiled Statutes of Ne
braska , seventh edition. 1883 , and to repeal
said sections of said art as heretofore cx-
. p. . , . . ' \u icj'v n nuutiuua u , jj anu 77
Illlls on second reading were referred to
appropriate committees.
The opealcer announced that the commit
tee on school lands would meet tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
On motion of Clark of Lancaster the house
at 3:30 : adjourned until 10 a. in. tomorrow.
Ilcv. Omar Srntt > : ONKIIN. ;
HASTINGS , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Yesterday
morning Itcv. Harry Omar Scott presented
his resignation as pastor of the Flrat Pres
byterian church of Hastings. Mr. Scott will
deliver his laet sermon la this city Sunday
January 31 , after which he will go to Hia
watha , Kan. , where ho will assist In revivals
To.- some time. For the past six years Mr
Scott has been pastor of the Prrobyterlan
church and during that tlmo ho has built up
a large congregation , but was compelled to
resign on account of the financial condition
of the church. No steps will bo taken to
secure another pastor for the
rim , iilit , . . .Ml i. . . fi.i _ i i . . . present . . , : but . .
- . . - I * . . . , * . * , . . , , uu. uui'it uy mo ministerial
students of the Hastings college.
1U-V. .1. I * . I ) , | , | , vy , | lit FllllH City.
FALLS CITY , Jnn. IS. ( Special. ) The
mission conducted by Rev. J. P. D. Llwyd
of Omaha In the Episcopal church last week
has boon a grand success. Three services
were held dally , with a sermon In the even
ing. rho short Instructions In church hls-
: ory at the close of each sermon proved very
interesting and Instructive. Mr. Llwyd Is
one of the strongest and most eloquent min
isters that line uver visited this city. Much
good work has been accomplished by him
during his short stay. Mrs. Alexander Cam-
: ron. also of Omaha , favored the congrega
tion with a solo several evenings , which
were highly appreciated.
HnoU by the S Inriff. .
CLAY CRNTKU , Neb. , Jan. 18. ( Spe-
jlal. ) Last evening Sheriff Secord brought
II. J. Illck from Shlckley. under arrest on
: ho charge of defrauding the Commercial
: iotel of this place out of several weeks'
board bill. Mr. Hick claims to have been
recently traveling for a St. Louis patent
ncdlcino firm. Ho is about 35 years old
light complexion , light hair and moustache ,
prominent chin , and In walking carries ono
shoulder lower than the bluer. Ilia trial will
take place Tuesday before County Judge
SIIIIUINI'I'liclr IViiPlirr.
NORTH LOUI' , Neb. , Jan. lS.-Spc- (
clal. ) The pupils of the Interme
diate department of the city schools
gave a surprise party In honor of
their teacher , Miss Orllla Colby , on Satur
day evening , which , with n- few exceptions
was attended en masse by the members of
licr department at her hoiuo.and the evening
was pleasantly spent by the youngsters play-
lug games aud munching sweetmeats until
a late hour.
if you want to. If you want
to cure that cough get Ayer'B
Cherry Pectoral. Jt cures
coughs and colds ,
IimtlliHIon HUH I'roKrcn-icil irllh
l"comini > KtitHlnccilcil. .
LINCOLN. Jan. 18. ( Special. ) In the
thirteenth' biennial report to the governor
the Hoard of llegcnts of Iho University of
Nebraska shows the continued prosperity of
the university during the financial depres
sion of the last two years. The attcnd.incn
has not decreased ; the studetil ! ) are , with
few exception * , not below collegiate grade ,
nnd the regents maintain lhal the "people of
the commonwealth have every ivnson to lo
j pi-ouil of the position which the university
i now occupies among the educational Itulltu-
j | ! tloiu of the country. " The percentage of
I undergraduates completing their courses and
! I taking dcgreca Is rising. The
' has been about 1,500 for each of the t\\u
years. The total number of graduates In
June , 1S93 , was 126 ; In Juno , 1S90 , 135. In
1895 fifty-four 1) ) . A. decrees WCIM con
ferred ; twelve H , So. ; nineteen M , A. ; forty
ono LL.n. ; In 1896 , forty-nix H. A. ; twenty-
seven IJ. Sc. ; eighteen M. A. ; forty-lhreo
LL.ll. , and ono Ph.D. The last degree was
for the first { line conferred In course by the
There Is an Increase of two In the number
of Nebraska counllea rcpreacnied among Iho
students. The attendance fiiom Douglca
cotinly lies Increased 43 per cent. The num
ber of farmers' children has Increased from
207 to C31 In the blcnnlum.
On account of an appropriation from the
last legislature , which wns less by $19,690
than was asked , for current expenses , fol
lowed by a further reduction In the Income
duo to the partial crop failure , the board
baa been compelled to economize In ex
penses. Ily denying reasonable demands of
departments- growth , nnd In other ways
the board has avoided a dellcit. a fact In
which n pardonable prideIs taken In the
report. It la shown that the University of
Nebraska U conducted with great economy ,
when compared with similar Institutions In
other states. Nebraska Is fourth among
twcnly-ono stales from which slatlstlcs were
received In the number of sludenls altend-
Ing , but sixth in slzo of Inatrucllonal force.
Further retrenchment would mean Impair
The report estlmales an apparent shrinkage -
ago of about $35,000 In the revenue , due to
(1) ( ) a shrinkage in the grand poscasment roll
of the state which Involves n | loss of $12,750
to the temporary university fund In Iwo
years ; (2) ( ) a falling off in Iho Income from
lands leased and sold of about $18,000 in
Ihe Iwo years. The regents point out thai
II la necessary lo augmenl the temporary
university fund either by an Increase In
the rate of tax levy or by appropriations
from tlmo to time from the general fund
of the state , nnd urge the latler policy as the
Following are the csllmalca of Ihe re
sources from the state for the two yeata
1897 and 1S98 :
Three-eighths-mill tax
on r-stlmnted
grand assessment roll ( $170,000.(0 . . . $127,50i
Interest on Investment permanent
fund IS CCO
Interest on land lenses and sales ! '
1S9' 03,000
. , $210500
Necessary expenses are estimated as fol
lows :
Payable from the resents' fund ( tem
porary university fund ) :
For salaries snulynires of chancel
lor , professors , Instructor ? , a ist-
" " . ! " " - o'Hcers ' and all employes ,
ioJi-"s t ns 500
For salaries nnd wages of cha'ncei- ' '
lor , professors. Instructors , assist
ants , olllcers and all employes ,
1S93-19 ng rrn
For current and Incldvntnl expenses !
departmental expenses , printing ,
postage nnd stationery and plumbIng -
Ing nnrt pipe work 1M17-93 C.7EO
For current and Incidental expenses ,
departmental expenses , printing.
postage and stationery nnd plumb
ing and pipe work , 1S9S-99 6,730
Total ' . . $210500
Tlio following Is a.schedulo of the amounts
per year for which an appropriation must be
asked from the general fund :
ncpalrs : . . . . $ l,000
Furniture and apparalus 3 r,0d
Hooks 200' '
Fuel , gas and water ! " s'r.O'i '
Student labor I'CQ.
Dairy nnd farm school s'oio
Protection ' against chinch bugs 1,00-
Farmers' Institutes r. ' 25JO
Summer school , f,0'i
Expenses of Inspecting schools 1,500
In addition to the above an appropriation
from Iho general fund of the state , to be
made by separate bill or bjlls , for much
needed now buildings , namely , wing of re
lief building on campus for College of Me
chanic Arts , $30,000 ; new buildings on farm
for experiment station and farm nnd dairy
school , $20,000 , making a , grand total of ap
propriation from the state for the blcn-
nium of $309.500.
In addillon to the revenuw from the.state
Iho university collects fees from students
estimated nt $9,000 per annum , and also will
receive In the blennlum funds from the
United States government ns follows :
Agricultural experiment station , per
annum $15,000
Morrll ! fund ( act of congress 1S90) )
1S97-9S 23003
Jlorrlll fund ( act of congress 1S90)
U9S-99 21,000
The report enters elaborately Into the
needs of a wing of a building to afford relief
to the pressure for lecture and recitation
rooms , to bo used ultimately as a depart
mental building for the College of Me
chanic Arts ; and also for the equipping of
th'o farm and dairy school and the experi
ment station with a building In which thilr
work can 'bo ' properly carried on. The rcgenta
urge very strongly that It would be a s.erlous
blow to the university to be crippled for
lack of funds at this tfmo and Insist that
It would Involve a loss to the girls nnd boys
of Nebraska which could never bo made up.
No Criminal CIINVN nt Prcmoiit.
FUEMONT , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) The dis
trict court convened for the January ses
sion this morning , Judge Marshall presid
ing. The Jury was excused unlll tomorrow.
The caao of Clallln , Thaycr & Co. against
Mlllllu'n , a replevin case growing out of
the Golclgraber failure. Is npw on trial be
fore the court. The plaintiff sold the Gold-
grabers a bill of goods shortly before their
second faiHire hero , and now claim that
owing1 to fraudulent representations the
title lo the goods has never passed. Tliero
are no criminal cases set for trial nt this
term. Judge Sullivan will hold court next
week , at which tlmo another of the Dodge
damage cases , Mllllgan against the Elkhorn
Railroad Company , will bo tried. There are
Bcvenly-lwo of these cases on Iho docket.
nt I.nrurc Innrlli Loup ,
NORTH LOUP. Nub. . Jan. IS. ( Special. )
All attempt at burglary WFS made ono night
recently at the eaal door of Iho large general
merchandise aloro of O. S. Poller. The lock
was burst from the door and an atlempt
miilc to pry the door open , but owing to a
slrong bar on Iho Inaldo the effort to enter
u-ovcd a failure. On the same night the
jarborshop of George Mayo was entered and
: wo line razors stolen anil a number of arti
cles of clothing were stolen from a clothes
line. In the south part of lown. Such depro-
latlons are of very uncommon occurrence
in North Loup.
TliotiMiiiulH .Slici'p In HiiuiiilurN County.
WAHOO , Neb. , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Over
60,000 sheep will bo wintered In this county
; hls winter. N. D. Derggren will control
48,000 , and will place them at different
points throughout the county. Mr. Hcrg-
; ron received word a few days ago from
S'cw Mexico that a train en route to tills
ilaco , carrying 2,400 of his sheep , had been
brown from the track in the mountains of
S'ow Mexico and but 130 of the 2,100wero
saved , Louie Mlclenz of this place has pur
chased 3,000 sheep , which HO will winter
on his farm at Ithaca ,
\VIII Have lint One Coiiiinlttru.
LINCOLN , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) The various
oglslatlvo committees appointed by the State
Teachers' association at UH last meeting will
assemble next Wednesday at the ofllco of
.ho Htato superintendent of public Instruc
tion. The object of this uinetlni ; la for the
Mirposo of cooBolldallng tlicno commlltera
nto ono for moro effective work , U Is
.bought that harmony of action will bo bet-
: or conserved by this method than It would
bo by too much conflict of motbod.
IllMlllMltlOII | I'lllllTH "XVlllllIriMVII ,
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 18. Governor Stephens
las withdrawn the requisition papcro which
md been granted for Lcffert Knox. arrested
MJay on the charge of grand larceny ,
Inox was agent of the Now York Life In-
m ran co company at Chicago and It wan nl-
egcd that ho had collected premiums which
10 failed to account for.
Proposition Mado. to tlio Stnto Officials li
sTya Direction.
o in'
vi. A
. . i - . [ > -
-SI ntilliiiiUliuc Hnnril AwUoil In Uo
iiiovi > llj 'i .ilccrlvcr ' niul Allow
the SjuvJi'liolilfrH to Wind
till , OilItllNlllOilft. .
LINCOLN , Jan. IS. ( Special Telegram. )
Ex-Governor Crounso nnd Attorney J. W
West of Omaha are In consultation with the
State Hanking Hoard over a proposition to
take the German Savings bank out of the
hands of a receiver and place It again under
control of Its stockholders. They propose
to glvo a bond for nearly $1,000,000 and
obligate themselves to pay off every dollar
of tlio bank's liabilities within four years
A question arose as to whether the Danklnt ,
Hoard had a right to move In this mailer
without permission of Iho court. Pending
the Investigation of this point Iho applica
tion of Iho bank was left open , and actloi
will bo taken later by the board.
The case will bo presented tomorrow lo the
supreme court. Altorney Sheehan appears
for Receiver McCague and Attorney Wcs
for the bank. There arc some peculiar fca
turcs presented. Whereas the banking la\\
of 1893 provides that the stockholders of n
broken bank may glvo a bond lo pay de
posltors In full. It Is not certain that It con
templated taking the bank's affairs out o
the hands of a receiver after a receiver hac
been appointed by the district court. The
case raises a point novel before presented
Receiver McCaguo is now In poasesslon , am
the question raised lo , can ho bo ousted b >
the Slate Hanking board without regard to
Iho district court of Douglas county ?
The official bonds of John P. Goad , Jr. ,
and Reuben Slpp , bank examiners , for
$25,000 each , and the bonds of the three
now .secretaries of the State Board of Trans
portation , Gilbert L. Laws , Joseph I3dgcr-
lon and J. C. Dahlman , for $2,000 each , were
filed loday with the secretary of state.
Thomas McCaguo , receiver of the bank
knew nothing of the move unlll apprised ol
It yesterday by a Bee reporter. lie
stated that It was taken entirely without
consultation with him. Therefore he was
not In a poslllon lo say much. He thought ,
however , that the action was a move on the
part of Attorney West which Is to be used
In his case that Is lo be heard tomorrow bc-
fore Hie supreme courl. When the order
was Issued by Judge Keysor of the district
court ordering an SO per cent assessment on
the slock , . Iho proceeds to go to making
payments to depositors , Attorney West ap
peared in court In behalf of the corporation ,
asking permission lo argue. Judge Keysor
refused his request , and the attorney then
carried the case to the supreme court. This
Is the matter tllh't is to be heard tomorrow.
Receiver MeCagnoi' thought that the latest
move was a scheme whereby the attorney
might be put In1 a position to have a proper
standing before th'o court ,
It is the receiver's opinion lhal Ihe propo
sition of the Attorney and Governor Crounso
cannot bo accepted. He bases this belief
on the fact that tfhon application was made
for a receiver by the attorney general none
of the slockhe-Idirs , not even Ihoso whom
Attorney Wtst represents , made objection ,
although service was had upon them. Now
that the bank IIRS gone under the care of
the district court ; the receiver believes that
It has passed 'out of the Jurisdiction of the
State Hanking board. Whatever Is done ,
however , will be .done slowly , In order that
the Interests of all parties will bo pro
tected. ,
Receiver McCaguc went to Lincoln last
night to be on , hand when the case of At
torney ; heard before the supreme
court. . - ' - . ' .
Lincoln IVopli * < luli'tl > - Movlni ? to
Cniituri * tin * IIlK Slioiv.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. IS. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A Joint-session was held tonlghl In
the chapel of the State university of the Im
proved Slock IJrecders and State Swlno
Breeders' associations. The address of wel
come was delivered by Chancellor MacLcan ,
and response was made by Hon. W. H. Whit ,
more of Omaha. Hon. J. D. Dlusmoro read
a very Interesting paper on the advantages
of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition to the
stock breeding Industries of Nebraska.
The State Agricultural society will hold
Its first session tomorrow at the chapel of
Iho University. Qullo a number of Um mem
bers are already on Iho ground , and more
are expected tomorrow morning. In this
connection It can bo stated that a move Is
pow on foot among certain Lincoln parties
to quietly work for- the permanent location
of the Stale fair in Lincoln , and to clinch
the matter with Iho present session of the
legislature. The parties favoring this move
argue in this way : Omaha has now had tlio
Stale fair two years out of the five granted
icr by the last session. In 1S9S , owing to
: ho fact of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition ,
Omaha will not likely hold any Slate fair
al all. Therefore , Ihe Lincoln pcoplo believe -
lievo that now Is the tlmo to move sysle-
vallcally for. he permanent location In Lin
coln , either at the old fair grounds or at
Lincoln park. It Is thought likely thai a
bill with Ihls object In view will be Inlro-
luced In Iho house at an early day , and pro-
vldlng for a liberal approp'rlallou.
The thirteenth annual show of 'lie Stats
Poultry association will begin to-icrrow at
ho old republican headquarters on N street.
'lain and fancy fowls are now arriving on
almost every train. Secretary L. IKyman
s In full charge , aud ho promises one of
the most Interesting and extensive exhibit J
hat the association has yet : naJe.
Jerry Kitrrcll'M .Toll.
LINCOLN , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) The point
raised by ex-Secretary Jerry Farrell , as In
aver of his holding over as ono of the secre-
arles of the Stnto Hoard of Transportation ,
s that ho was not regularly removed. As It
akcs four votes of the five members of
he board to elect , , Mr. Farrell claims thai
t lakes four voles lo remove a secretary.
'ho present board comprises the slale trcas-
tror , secretary of state , auditor , attorney
general and land commissioner. Farrcll
claims thai whllo Iho vote on the removal
of the other two secretaries was unanimous ,
Jtato Treasurer Meservo nnd Altorney General -
oral Smyth reCuwid to vote for FarrolPs re-
noval. On UiO'C.a.11 of Iho vole on 'his sue-
cssor. J. C. Dahlman , however , bolh Smyth
nnd Meservo 'volort ' for the laltcr. This Is
hewn by tho'/inrn'utcs ' / of the board as kept.
by Iho
DcufliM frfii UK * ( irlp nl Cliiiilron.
CHADRON. 'Nob. , Jan. 18. ( Special. )
The funeral or Mi's. ' Nalhan Loenlhal , aged
nothcr of Max -and Benjamin Loonlhal ,
iromlncnt morchnnts of this place , took
> lace today fftSM' the family residence , and
vas largely atti/ndcd. / The dealh was duo
to general debility ?
Messrs. Cox.rlUirA and Westcolt have each
lost a young child by the grip , and numer
ous deaths , pjrriclpally ) among young chil
dren , are conptajt y being reported.
The Prcsbyityir ns dedicated a new church
at Gordon Sunday
A farmers' Institute will bo held at El-
vooil February 3 and i.
Eastern partloa have arranged to buy and
crib 1CO.OOO hushola of corn nt Tllden.
The general etqrp of Joseph Horkcy of
Crclghlon has bcoh clcaed by creditors.
A stable and four horses belonging to Wll-
lam Price of Ponder were burned recently ,
Miss May Moore , a teacher In the school
on the Omaha Indian reservation , has been
ransfcrrcd to Oklahoma.
W. L. Kirk will have charge of the Plain-
view News during the absence of the editor ,
U. E. Foster , who has a Job at Lincoln.
An old muzzle-loading shotgun exploded
n the hands of George Olcson of Oakdale.
ilowlng off a couple of the boy's fingers.
The Burlington road ha lnnueil an order
equlrlng the employes of the Ilavelock shopi
o remove to that tntburlt In order to be
mndy when needed.
The Missouri river rose BO suddenly nt
/Jobrnra Umt men and teams engaged ID
putting up Ice were compelled to move lively
to get to dry land In time lo aiive a ducking.
Whllo F. Allensoe. a farmer living near
HUM Li , was nt work In Iho field someone
ransacked his house nnd s'.olo $7 belonging
to n school leacher who was boarding there.
tlurnmn I'tters of Pierce started to build
a ( Ire and a.i It did not blaze up to suit him
he poured In some coat oil. U blazed Mp nil
right and now Herman Is raising a new out
fit of eyebrows and \vhliskeie aa well as doc
toring up eomo ourned places on his face.
Aniuiiil lU > | > or < lo tlu > Clly ( "oiinvll
1'rt'iinri'il it Illi lliM'iiiiiini'iHliUliiiiN.
At the meeting of the Fire and Police
board Irat evening , Its annual report to the
city council showed that the board had held
sovenly-onc meetings during Iho past year.
Thirty-nine members of the police depart
ment were before Iho board for discipline ,
and who wcn disposed of as follows : Sus
pended without pay , 11 ; charges dismissed ,
15 ; dismissed from service , 5 ; permitted to
resign , 3 ; reprimanded , 5. The Ucrtlllon
system of measurements for Identifying
criminals Is highly endorsed. Stolen prop
erty received by the police during Iho year ,
The recommendation of last year , that an
ordinance bo passed making It unlawful for
any minor under 10 to be found In any place
where malt or vinous liquors are sold , unless
accompanied by parent or guardian , was re
newed ; the hoard also urged Ihat on ordi
nance for Ihe closing of billiard and pool
rooms oa Sunday bo passed.
Twenly-nlno members of Iho fire depart
ment were up for discipline ; ten were lined
seven discharged , Ihree reprimanded , three
suspended without pay , four reduced to rank ,
two dismissed.
Tht < license hoard held sixty-one meetings ,
granted 19C saloon llcensw and fifty-five
druggist permits.
Complimentary mention was made of Iho
city electrician for meritorious work in im
proving the flro nnd police alarm system.
H. D. Flske was appointed special police
man for Nebraska Music hall.
Application of W. H. Ernlst for reinstatement -
mont o Iho lire department was filed.
Liquor licenses were granted to J. P. Mc
Caffrey , 1021 North Slxtecnlh ; James Doug
las , 203 North Sixteenth , nnd Julius Jansen ,
1121 South Sixth street.
Mtuiy Itcllrvliiiin Topli'M Up for Con-
The work of the many Christian societies
of young pcoplo and their influence for good
upon their respective churches were the
topics discussed at yesterday's meeting
of the Omaha Minlalcrlal union. The first
part of the service was taken up with seven
seven-minute speeches , ono clergyman from
each of the denominations represented tcatl-
as 10 me worx 01 uio young pcopiea
society with which he was most familiar.
The Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor , the Brotherhood of St. Andrew , the1
King's Daughters , the Daughlers of the
King , the Klus'y Sons , the Epworth
the Luther league , the Young People's union
of the United Presbyterian church , the
Young People's Baptist union and many
other similar societies were mentioned dur
ing the discussion and their work heartily
The clergymen who made the short ad
dresses were : Baptist , Rev. Thomrs Ander
son , pastor of Calvary church ; Congrega
tional , Rev. Jacob Flook , pastor of Hillside
church ; Episcopal , J. J. II. Reedy ; Lutheran ,
Rev. Luther M. Kuhns , pastor of Grace-
church ; Methodist Episcopal , Rev. F. II.
Sanderson , pastor of Trinity church : Presby
terian , Rev. S. M. Ware , pastor of Second
church ; United Presbyterian , Rev. Alexander
Gllchrlst , pator of Central church.
Following these addresses tlicro was u
general qulzz , over which Rev. John Gordon ,
pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church ,
presided as qulzzmaster. Rev. Asa Leard
wea Installed as president of the union.
Resolutions ul sympathy to Rev. Mr. Mac-
Dill In hia sorrow over the death of his
wlfo were unanimously adopted.
Committee AlMiolnlcil lo KNC'ort Clii-
I'iiK'o Kxpt'rlN ( o IMvtiviiYV I'lirlc.
The South Side Improvement club held Us
regular session at Tenth and Hickory streets
lest night , and the location of the Trans-
mhral&slppl Exposition was the main topic
under discussion. John. Powers acled as
chairman , with F. K. Darling secretary.
Mr. Darling , as chairman of the committee
appointed to confer with a committee of
South Omaha men on the location of Iho ex
position , made a report. He said the South
3maha contingent expressed themselves as
Sclng In favor of the Rlvervlow park slto and
pledged their support In raising funds for
the grading of the grounds , or for any other
imrpcso which , as the plans matured , might
bo deemed necessary. The South Omaha
men stated they would be present at last
night's meeting of the club , but later sb
word that It would be Impossible to attend
until the next meeting night.
Ernest Stuhl was of Iho opinion lhal Iho
south sldo should have the exposition loca-
: cd In Its favorite park. Ho thought If all
the property owners of Iho First and Second
wards and those Interested In the project In
South Omaha , would contribute fifty cents
each lhal $25,000 ralghl easily b raised In
mproving Iho park for exposition purposes.
A committee composed of Ernest Stuht ,
W. W. Blngham , F. J. Kaspar , Frank Dari
ng , Judge Gordon , John Powers and Dr.
lanchotte was delegated to meet nt the Pax-
on hotel at S o'clock thta morning and ac
company the Chicago engineering experts ,
vho Intend to look over tlio Rivcrviow park
site loday with a view to Ua selection for
exposition purposes.
John May ArroHli-il Attain.
John Muy , an old blacksmith living near
Twelfth nnd Nicholas streets , become In-
oxlcaled last night and , going home , began
jeatlrig his wife. Ofllcur Curry , who
chanced to be In the neighborhood , went to
he woman's assistance , ilo attempted to
arrest May. but had only taken him n
short distance toward the nearest patrol
lox when the old man began to fight ngaln.
The olllcur was nt length obliged to use
ils club nnd the brawny Itlaclcamlth went
o the ground from a ImrJ blow with Ihe
oeust. It caused a gash in the prisoner's
lead , which required the services of the
city surpeon. Mny Is exceedingly ouarrcl-
some when under the Influence of liquor
nnd linn been arrested many times for fishi
ng and maltreating hl.s family.
I'olli-o .Mali-on'ii Work.
Police Matron Dennett has 'a handsome
ilncushlon at the station , the handiwork
if Mrs. Dora Grebe , an Invalid inrmito of
ho county poor farm. Mrs. Grcbo wnn
akcn in charge several months ago by Mrs.
iennelt nnd after various plans for her
support hud failed she was at length
urncd over to the county. ' .Mrs. Bennett
vlll ralllu the article and turn the pro
ceeds over to Mrn. Grelio. The matron
( Use received a letter yesterday from u. Mlsa
V. M. McArdlo of Grand Island , who has
> cen In needy circumstances for some tlmo
inst. A position ns houooltoepcr for a man
vith two motherless children living on
South Thirteenth street lias been Hecurcd
for hcr.
I'ropoHi1 l < > Korri * Sc-lllriiicnt.
A few creditors of the defunct People's
nvestmcnt company mot In room 20 of the
Wnro block last night to discuss meant ) nnd
\ays of forcing a settlement with the con-
cnrn. The meeting was n pocrel one. It
H understood that an attorney has been
secured to take charge of the matter.
Storm DaiiiniTt1 III Ohio.
FINDLAY , O. , Jnn. IS. The heavy storm
vhlch swept over tlio northwestern por-
lon of Ohio last evening did much damage
n the oil fields. Telegraph and telephone
vires were blown down and connldcrjbo
lamago wim done to ImlldliiFX. The roof
of the Olobo Window Glass company In thla
city wn torn off ,
Cluirwil Midi I'olNonliiur HIM Wife.
MILWAUKEE , Win. , Jnn. IS. A Hpeclul
o the Wisconsin from Green Hay , WIs. ,
nays : Barney Van Hoorbeko was arrested
lore today on a telegram from Anderson ,
nd. , i-hargliig him with poisoning his wife ,
vho died recently. The prisoner will realut
MlncrH < ! ! mi IncrciiMc.
COLUMBUS , O. . Jan. 18. The Ohio coal
operators have agre"d to an Increase of
rom 45 to 51 cents for January and Fob-
uury mining , to nu-ot the Increase from
il to CO cents In the 1'ltlflburtf district ,
Ncvi'liV irlinIMI Urinvni'il ,
LONDON , J n , 18. A ferryboat laden
with workmen wink while crossing the
Ink nt Newport today and seven out of
Mtevn persona on bourd were drowned.
Nurse Administers the Atiosthotlo in a
Lincoln Hospital.
OortmiT .Snyw lie \VII1 InvcNllnntr ( lit !
'Mn tier , SimKCNtliiic ( lint tliu
Her Authority.
LINCOLN. Neb. , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Ar
thur Rdnlmit , n boy 10 years of age , died
this morning at St. Elizabeth's hospital
under peculiar circumstances. Ho was
troubled with a hip disease , which thu phy
sicians thought they would operate upon. In
order lhal Iho doctors would lese no tlmo
when they arrlve-d , one of Iho sisters at the
hospital essayed to place Iho lad under Iho
Inlluonco of an anesthetic. For this purpose
she used chloroform , but whether slio used
too much or tlio patient was not 'In proper
physical condition at the tlmo Is not known.
When the physicians had prepared their In
struments It was found that the boy was
dead. Coroner Holyoke said Ihls afternoon
that ho was going to Investigate the affair.
Ho said also that no one but a licensed
physician or a nurse qualified lo do such
work had Iho right lo administer an an
The coroner's Jury In the case of William
D. Dougherly , the Burlington freight fore
man who was killed by Iho cars lasl Satur
day morning , today returned n verdict that
the deceased came to his death by accident
and relieving nil other parties trom blame.
The funeral took place today at 11 a. m.
David nnd Tlllle May have filed suit In
district court thu Columbia National
bank for $20,000 damages , claimed to have
been sustained by them by reason of attach
ment lu 1S91 of a number of pieces of real
cvitato In and about this city , alleging that
there were no grounds for the attachment
and that It was absolutely eel asldo by Ihe
district court , which action was confirmed
by the supreme courl. They furlher state
that at the time at the attachment they had
property reasonably worth $400.000 and had
a stock of clothing worth $7,000 and had debts
of $90,000. The attachment ruined their
credit and forced them Inlo expensive litiga
tion and foreclosure proceedings , which dam
aged thorn $10,000 worlh. They therefore
sue on the attachment bond of the defcndanli )
for $5,330. They also lllo suit against F. K.
Johnson , \V. W. Hackney and J. II. MeClay
for $5 3oO damages growing out of Ihe same
At 1:30 : Ihls afternoon a serious accident
occurred nt the corner of Fourteenth and It
streets. A. J , S'sson ' , 73 years of age , while
crossing R alrect was run over by a buggy.
The horse , which was n fractious animal ,
jumped forward while Mr. Slsson was cross
ing the street and before the driver could
gain control of the horse Slsson was thrown
down and two of his rllxj were broken. He
also received a frightful cut on his forehead
and one under the left eye. Owing to the age
of the victim , the Injuries are considered
serious , but are not regarded as fatal.
The United States clrcirlt court convened
today at 11 o'clock , with Judge Mcliugh pre
siding. Ralph IllttcngEr , deputy clerk ,
reached Lincoln from Omaha yesterday lo
get the papers and books In readiness. Thu
work of the forenoon was devoted lo Ihecall-
IIIE of the docket. The court Is expected
to bo In session two weeks , and possibly
longer. An array of counsel from all parts
of the state occupied the attorneys' enclos
ure when Judge Mcliugh rapped for order.
Quito a gathering of spectalors was prcsenl
In Iho audience portion of the court room.
The hearing of the cases will begin tomor
row morning.
Dentil of Another of Ihe XclirnsUii
After a short Illness Daniel Kendall died
yesterday at his homo on North Seven
teenth street In this city at Iho advanced
age of 82 yciis.
Daniel Kendall was born nt Hampden ,
Me. , and was by profession a master bildgo
builder. Fifty years ago ho was In the
employ of Iho Western Railroad company.
Boston. In 1S55 ho went to Illinois In the
same capacity for Ihe Rock Island railroad.
In ISliC ho came lo Nebraska with the Union
Pacific railroad , nnd afterward , and until
seven years ago , was with Iho Chicago &
Vnrihu-pHinrn. A wife , two fions and a
daughter survive Ihe deceased. They nre
C. C. Kendall , Now Jersey ; N. B. Kendall of
Kendall , Smllh & Co. , Lincoln. Neb. , and
Mrs. Ida M. Boggs oflhlsrlly.
Ho Stole tu > Cllj'N Milieux.
George Wilson , who hns been a member
of the chain gang nt vnrious times for the
past year , was arrested Sunday night Ir
a disorderly bouse In the cast end. He
was locked up nt the Htatlon on a charge
of disorderly conduct. When brought be
fore Judge. Gordon yesterday afternoon ho
was quickly recognized by theollieers at
tending court ns ono of tlio prisoners who
escaped from Superintendent Gibson whllo
workingon the streets about n. fortnight
ago. At the tlmo Wilson took leave of his
companions ho retained a pair of mittens
which belonged to the city. These hi ) aft
erward pawned In Council Bluffs , where
they were later recovered by tlio police.
Ho was charged yesterday with petit lar
ceny , and Judge Gordon sentenced him
to thirty dnys in the county Jail. When
this Hcntcnco Is served Wilson will have
a balance of twenty days upon his linn
sentence to serve out.
Thinks Her HoyH Have Hun
Mrs. Smith , a widow living at 723 North
Sixteenth street , notified tlio police last
night thai hcr two young fon.s had run
away. Tholr names arc Leland and Jesse ,
aged It nnd 12 years , respectively. Mrs.
E'mlth requested tlio police to arrest the
boys on sight , as she felt assured they
Intended to leave the city. Tlio boya left
for school yesterday morning nt 9 o'clock ,
but failed to return homo at the usual
time. Inquiry of the teacher developed the
fact that they had not attended the school.
Tho. boys ran away about u year ago and
succeeded In getting as fnr as Plattsmouth
before being captured.
Honvr I'acKliiK lloiiHi ! Ural.
ST. JOSEPH. Jun. IS. A deal of great
Importance to St. Jopeph and the west
was consummated loday , whereby Swlfl
and Company of Chicago purchased
the St. Joseph Block yards with
the adjacent townslto of St. George ,
the buildings and the entire tlllu
of tlio St. Joseph Stock Yards rom-
pnny to the property hero. The purchase
price Is not madu known , lint In said to bo
JICO.OOO. Swift and Company will
take Immediate possession und will
put a force of "CO men nt work
at once putting the yards in lit
condition for active operations. They will
erect n mammoth packing plant hero nnd
will nmko St. Jorcph the active point for
operations on the Missouri river.
Most torturing and dltflgurlng of Itching ,
burning , scaly skin and scalp htiinora Is in.
etantly relieved by a warm bath with Cirri-
CUIIA BOAT , a elnglo application of Cirncuiu
( ointment ) , the gicat skin euro , and u full dose
of CunuuiiA. ] le& < > i < vt.vr : , greatest of blood
purlfiore and liurnor cures , when all else falls.
imid thtooshoqtlht world. forTis D oo MD Cniu.
Cocr. , Vrepi-i Owton-JMlow lo Curt Hill llhiura , " frit.
milllln HMD I'lmpl/ ' .
rALLIriu HAIH cu d
LaUlos Who Value
A refined complexion must ueo I'ozzonl'a 1'ow
dcr. It produce * a soft and beautiful skin.
Friends Offer Absolute Proof
of tiie Merits Of Or ,
Hobbs Sparagus
Kidney Pills ,
We Publish in This Article What
Kulin & Co. , N. W. Corner 15th
and Douglas Sis. , and a Well
Known Physician Ilavo
to Say Kegarding
This Great Rein.
The verdict of the pcoplo must at nil
times bo considered final. This old saying
Is a true one , and whatever the popular
verdict may bo In the test now being made
of Dr. Hobbs discovery for the cure of kid
ney diseases , It must necessarily bo con
sidered final. No appeal will l > o taken and
no subterfuge resorted to. Kach and every
claim made by Dr. Hobbs must be fully sub
There are today In Omaha and vicinity
alnno hundreds of people who Bay that Dr.
Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills are Indeed a
grand medicine. They have good reason
for saying this , having themselves been
either greatly benefited or cured by their uso.
From a Popular Drug Company.
OMAHA. Jan. ICth , 1S97.
Hobbs Remedy Co.
Gentlemen : Kvery day brings endless In
quiries from customers as to the merits of
your Sparagus Kidney Pills. Being fn-
mlllar with the component parts of this
medicine , wo never have any hesitancy In
leeommciidlng Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney
I'lllct , as It is our belief that It would ba an
utlcr impossibility to combine 'in any prep
aration moro virtue than what the formula
shows thdy contain. Yours truly ,
Experience of a Distinguished Phy
sician , a Graduate of Jefferson
Medical College , Philadelphia , in
185 ! ) , and an ox-President and
Present .Member of the Delaware
State Medical Society.
MILFORD. Del. , Jan. 23 , 1S90.
Hobbs Remedy Co. , Chicago
Gentlemen : I feel that I would not ba
doing my duty to my fellow men If I should
inot give my testimony as to the curatlvo
qualities of Dr. Hobba Sparagus Kidney Plllii
In Iho following ease , as any one In MClfonl
can testify. No ono expected him to live.
'Ho was Ihe slckcal man I ever saw nol to
die. After an experience of thirty-six
years in the practice of medicine , I can say
that this case was moat miraculous. You
are at liberty to refer to mo In regard to
this case , and I will gladly answer any
questions desired.
About a year ago I was called to see J. F.
Klmbal , who had been troubled with kldtioy
disease for five years. lleforo ho came
Into my hand.i to be treated ho had been
under the care of several physicians. They
all pronounced his dbeaso as Incurable. On
examination I found the following symp
toms to bo present : Urine- high color nnd
scanty , a brick dusl depDEll on standing.
By an anal > sls10 per cent of albumen and
full of tuho cast , showing a destruction of
the kidneys going on. Circulation nffected ,
palpitation of the heart , swelling and pum-
iiess under the eyes , also a swelling around
the ankles , hands and abdomen. Pain of
great severity In the small of the back ,
cramps In the legs , specks or motes before
the eyes , ringing nols-s : In the head , furred
tongue , bowels constipated , loss of appetllo.
sick stomach nnd Indigestion. All of the
above symptoms nhowlng Brlght's disease In
Ils very worst form. 1 told him that I
considered his case hopeless nnd that l\i \
was beyond the aid of medicine. lilt
friends and neighbors were dally expecting
his death. His life became a burden to
him. At this tlmo a neighbor , rending
your advertisement of Dr. Hobbs Spnragus
Kidney Pills , persuaded him to try them.
From the u o of the flirt box ho began to
Improve. It would consume tlmo needless y
to follow the whole course of his convnles-
cence. After using six 'noxca of Dr. lljblu
Sparagus Kidney Pills ho was entirely
cured , and Is loday a well and sound man
and Is able to follow his avocation , without
any rclurn of his trouble.
I am a regular graduate of thirty-six
years' experience In Ihe practice of medi
cine. This man's euro was llttlo short of
a miracle. After dainonstrntelnij the rura-
llvo power of your pllla In two cases , I shall
prescribe them In all kidney and urinary
troubles. I am Imlcpcmlcnl enough la lisa
any remedy that will relieve and bencllt my
patients. I am willing to acknowledge and
commend thus frrnkly .ho value of Ijr. Ilobba
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
How timely the ndvlco of Mr. Klmbal'a
neighbor. It you are sick , take heed of
your kidneys.
will not only euro Brlcht's Disease , but all
kidney troubles , diabetes , pain In the back ,
sleeplessness , rheumatism , gout , neuralgia ,
nervousness , etc. They glvo now energy ,
now blood , now vigor and HKALTH. They
have cured thousands. They will cure you.
Endorsed by Physicians , Druggists and Pa
N. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas St. ,
Omaha , Neb.
A Frrvotie JAr < i r 1'alllniE Mo/n >
by AliiiKauiiil otlmr l-IieeM * " ! nml Jn ll -
cn-tloni. 'I'liru < inlrl.linml turtlit
iwloui Lntl VllHlltr In olil nr } ounu , uml
lit a man * ur tlmlr , uuilnim or niurrltiiiu ,
. . . . , 1'r vunt liiinpilly und ( ! nnunii'llon If
Ukcn In lima. Tliolr UIH eliatm Ininiu.lliilo linnrovo-
niiitt iui.1 uffocti u CUJUv wliuru nil oihpra lull , lu-
l > t uin liurlnii tlm i-rnnlnu AJnx Tnbloto. Thar
Imvncuiml Ihouinniliinnil will euro jcm.V ulta a
lo.ll Uu wrf ttou uunrunlmi la flltct n euro In encn cum
ur rcfunil tliti inonojr. J'rict * OO toui Lur pnckuiin , or
nliacliiie Kull Imminent ! ( or 62.UI. Ur mnll.ln
tilBln wni'ixiriii.oii | ' riH'olj'tof ' iirlco. ( llrculnr fiw- .
AJAX REMEDY CO. , 'D'i'i ' J.riu : >
For lalo In Omaha by J me Fornylli , .101 M
Kth Street.
Kulin & Co. , llth and Licuclaa Etrceti ,
\Vcknti Ik UUoidcrrf
to fn KiptiUuct ,
I Y .r U Om hfc
nook Fru. Contuliaile *
nd toainauon Kr c.
| 4th ind Farnim St | _
OUAIL& , UUlt.