Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1897, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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I/IM I I V PTiPPll P m
KliLLLi , SIlGIiR & CO ,
Our Eleventh Annnal Great Discot
Sloro Atlrnctlvc Tlinii 1'vcr . '
1'rlocM .Murkcil In I'liiln l'l nri-K
Yon KIIIMV Wliiit You
( iuf ULTU. i
Monday morning we place on sale CO pin
40-Inch fancy all wool drc s goods. I'orn
prlc s of these goods wcia GOc , C5o and Ci
Monday morning at 29c , and subject to t
20 per cent discount as long as they last.
This discount to bo taiccn from the li
prices to which these niods were rcceni
All prices marked In plain figures.
On our entire line ot
Black satin duchesso , faille Franealso gi
grain , pcau dc sole , brocaded satin and sill
taffeta , etc.
All colored silks , changeable taffetas , m
fancy silks , plain dress silks and satins.
Fancy silks for waists. All our evcnl
shades In satin dtichcsae , taffetas and bi
cades , etc.
All our black and colored velvets.
Our entire stock of
Including all our novcltlcn and staple fabrl
In both
Our entire stock of
In white , gray , brown ami scarlet , comfort
blcs and fiannots , French llanncls , etc.
Our entire stock of Indies' cud children
underwear , union suits , wool tights , vca
and pants.
Our entire Block of men's and boys' undo
All our winter gloves and mittens , Mocl
mitts , Mil mitts , wool mittens , etc.
These thrco days we fcliall place on sa
our entire stock of ladles' children's at
mlt-scn * winter garments. Including all 01
late arrivals and exclusive stylos. Evci
garment In our cloak stock subject to th
enormous discount no reserves.
Don't fall to take advantage of this grci
25 dozen 8-button mou ( | uetalre glocl Id
gloves ; 25 dozen 7-hook glacl kid gloves , I
browns , tans , grays and blacker former prl <
Jl.CO , at this sale GOc.
Corner Farnam and 15lh Sts.
In the month of August , 1S95 , I made th
acquaintance of a > oung man by the nain
of Harry Sage , who was nn amateur pho
tcgrajihcr. Ho took a certain Interest li
me , and I arranged with him to give me lea
cons In the art of photography every Satur
day afternoon. Harry had a very good fold
Ing camera for plates or films. The firs
lesson that ho ( rave me WUR on the exposim
which , by the ay , was one of the hardea
to bculn on. Ho loaded his plain holde
and v o went out to find the tubject for th
first picture.
After some maneuvering wo eelected fo
the first "shot" a group of "culled boys'
playing marblea In their > ard. The comer
v/as not up and focused , and ho then sliowc
mu the murhanlsnu of tliu shutter. It belli ;
n very bright day wo' decided that the ex
Pbsuro Bhuuld bo cine-fiftieth of a second
Ho "took" this picture and I , after havlni
mode a mental note of everything he hoi
told me. chose a view for the next picture
which was the Methodist church at Twenty
first anil Blimey streets , i made thlo plctur
and Harry and I mndo our way homeward
I promised to bo at bis home en tbo follow
Ing Saturday that I might see those picture :
Thu next Saturday I showed up all rlgh
and found that Harry "h ; > d every thing lead ;
for my arrival. Tno dark room that ho usei
wad the bath room. In tula room there wa :
a bath tub and a maiblc baski , cither o
which would afford running water for wash
Ini ; plates or prints. Ho nad a frame \\lilcl
fitted oxer the only window , on wh-lch wai
tacked black rubber cloth , so that no llch
could come In. On the side of the wall wai
a largo elicit on which ho kept his chemical ;
( all of which ucro properly labeled ) , and hli
graduate , tra > s , dry plates , paper , etc.
After mixing the chemicals , ho put the
frame over the window and Inspected th <
room to ueo that no light was coming In
and then I lighted the ruby lamp and Harry
took the first plate from the holder ami
placed It In the developer. I watched Intent ! } ,
noting the different stages of the develop
ment of the plate , end in about c\en mln-
utc.i It was done and placed In the hypo.
Now for the other one. It was my turn
now. 1 took the remaining plato from the
holder and proceeded as I had seen Harry
do. This plate was developed and placed In
the hypo until the jcllgw on the back was
gone. The room was put In order and I left
Harry washing thn plaits. "Don't fall tc
como next Saturday , " ho said , I answered
that I would bo thcra to take the next lesson
I went over to the "gallery" all right and
found Harry waiting for me. Old Sol did
his part that day , making It a model ono for
printing. The frames , paper and negative. . !
being ready wo started In. About three min
utes was enough for each picture that day ,
en wo soon had a HUfilclcnt number to tone ,
which wo proceeded to uo.
The kitchen table wan the thing we
wanted , so wo toned on that. My friend uicd
Arlslo , jr. , pap r , and of courao lined gold for
toning. After about ten iivliuilea the pic
tures had the desired color , so wii put them
Into the fixing bath for tlfteca minutes
After this was over they were unshed am7
placed between blotters to dry. As this les
son had been comparatively short , Harry said
ho would wind up the myslcrlee of the art
by mounting the batch
Ho got out his mounts , paste , brush , plans
ind squeegee roller ( I must say hero that the
prlntH were ( rimmed before going into the
toning bath. ) I enjoyed this part very much ,
for ho let me mount the last six myself , I
wont homo tlio proud possessor of six
mounted piMits of each vlinv , though I was
no. prouder than the "mammy" of the boys
who received her share of thepictures. .
It wax not long before 1 was the possessor
of a small kodak. I jiovor knew who gave It
to me. I have been so busy with it over
ihico , until I was able to buy a Ptemo , the
Eamo as my friend had.
Reader , If you are In doubt about getting
R nimera , don't beIn doubt. It 1 as "easy
ns plo" to manipulate and you will have
> nnro enjoyment out of U than anything 1
] < now of that you could Invest In ,
STEI ) , 0. TBAL.
. t ' Ciuiicrn Cluli .Mi-HliiHT.
The Camera club entertained Its membcre
nnd frlcnda last Ft ( day evening In a vof )
pk'flsant manner. The occasion was another
of the series of mnolccru which are given by
this society. About thirty-live members and
guests were present. Refreshments were
Borved during the evening , and the
fiport cndod with two largo pic
tures of ( he happy crowd , taken by
llnihllfiht. Among thosa present were : Dr.
0. w. Hayes , 1) . Johniou. J. W. Nowlcan ,
J ) . M , Lewis , A. S. IlllHngs. Jr. , E , W.
Chandler , T. F. Bullock , P. M. Vandi-rvoort ,
Ilurloy , Charles Hill. Stutt. George Wil
ton , J , O'Hanlon , Fied Morrla. Frank Tlel ,
Theodore II , Johnson , IM Smith , R , M.
Lowla , F. P. Roonoy , W. F. Durnall , Charles
1" . Bauer , Brooks , A. 3. Itomano. p. 0 , Nell-
Ben , A. L. Lynch , C. J. Tuineld , Frank
Thompson , C. II. Calllcr , F. Barrowclough ,
V. K. Chandler.
Motor CniiNfN u lluniinn ) * .
A hori < and repair wniun , belonging to
the Omaha Qua Manufacturing company ,
WIIB tied to n post near tlio corner of Park
nveinio mid I.cnvenworth ntret < t lant night.
XNl'oti n pamtliiK motor scared the nnlmal and
ho broke loose , runiiliiK north on the a ve
il uo nH fur nx Tnrnty.elKlith and DndKC
fctreets. Hern Ihn wugon struck nn obstruc
tion and u giMiernl Hiimghup occurred , The
licrna wax nftcrwnrds recovered in the
western portion of the city , The
a complete wreck.
' DOM n ( lirI'rlccn. .
Cloelng out hand-made laces , the so !
cases at 1-G regular prices ,
$ .1 laces for 4Sc a yard.
$1.25 laces for 2Bc a yard.
$1 chiffon and mousrcllnc dc sol , 49c.
Mens tihlrts and drawers worth COc cac
nt 2Sc , .
Electric blue shirts and drawers , wor
9Se each , for 33c.
Vienna rhlrts and drawers , worth $1.
each , for 59 c.
We lead thorn all In silks.
Tttenly-one-lnch figured and strip
taffeta , worth 7Gc , for 29c.
Thlrty-slx-lnth white Japanese wash si
that has heretofore sold at GOc , for 39c.
Ono -hundred pieces velvet , all colors , 01
to ten jnrd lengths , \\orth7rie to Jl per yar
letting down price. 19c a yard.
Monday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock.
Standard prints , 2c a yard.
Staple apron ginghams.
Monday afternoon , from 2 till 3:30 : o'cloc
GOc quality black , all wool tklrtlng inoree
25e a yard.
Simpson's fine percales , colors warrante
( it Sc a yard.
Letting down prices.
Thlrty-clght-lnch , all wool , tan and llgl
gray figured serge , and also 36-Inch hei
rlctta cloth In all colors , 12ic ! a yard. Son
of thcfc goods have sold up to 49c a yar
Two-toned fancy mixture , full 34 Inchi
wide. In all the leading shades , regular 31
quality , at lOc.BLACK
A very fine black cashmere , 34 Inches -wld
the 2f.c quality , for 12'c.
All wool silk finished Henrietta clotl
3C Inches wide , nt 19e a yard , worth 39c.
A 46-Inch French serge , strictly all pui
wool and regular 75c quality , for 39c.
4-4 Arrow brand , 3'/icj lOc bleached mui
lln , Be ; 8-1 ehccttng lie.
All our 19c towels , Ivuck , hemstitched an
fancy fringe damask , at lOc for Monday.
Best sugar cured hams. S'/jC.
California picnic hams , 4',4c. '
22 11)3. granulated sugar for $1.
Beet Minnesota flour , $1.10.
2-lb. package oatmeal , Dc.
Wisconsin full-cream cheese , 7l4c.
letting down the prices.
IliirliiiKdiu II on te California
Leave Omaha , via the Burlington rouU
my Thursday afternoon at 4:35 : , In a com
Portable tourist sleeper , and you reach Sa
Francisco , Sunday evening , Los Angelc
Monday noon. No transfers , car goes rlgh
through. Uniformed Pullman porter and es
iicrlenecd excursion conductor relieve you o
ill bother. Everything provided. Ticket
MO. Berthsbis ( enough for two ) $5. Cal
xt ticket onice. 1503 Farnam street and gc
full Information.
Mc-HiiKli I'liNNi-K Sentence ITpoi
Convlutoil rrlHoiiors.
Judge Mellugh devoted yesterday ti
iloslng up the business of the November terr
if the United Statca court.
James Dalley. convicted of the robbery o
ho postolHco at Clarke , Neb. , last summct
vas sentenced to two and a holt years In th
lenltenHary. Early In the term Dalloy wa
rlcd jointly with a man named Young , bu
he jury disagreed as to his case , while I
ound Young guilty. The latter received i
lenltetillary sentence several weeks ago.
Clmnr O. Dlake , convicted of cmbczzllni
lovernnicnt money from the poatolfico a
lulls. Neb. , was sentenced to ono year In tin
icnltentlary. He was postmaster at Buttc
.nd WUB short about $700 In his accounts
lo was li dieted a coupln of years ago , bu
ipon to square the shortage will
ils bondsmen , who protected the govern
nent , he was not prosecuted. He then wen
0 Oklahoma , but did not keep his promls <
a the boiidiimen , and they complained apalas
1m. Ho was Indicted again , with the rcanl
icreln eel forth.
John RlwaUkl of Beatrice , who pleadei
ullty to having set up an. Illicit still , wa :
untcnecd to thirty days In Jail.
A motion \vta made for a new trial In tin
uit wherein Heniy McKendry received t
crdict of $ l,2GO nealnst the Swift Packing
umpany for damages , but It was overruled.
Judjjo Mellugh announces that ho will cal
ho law and equity dockets at 11 o'clocli
cxt Monday morning In the court room al
\estcrday afternoon Judge McIIURl
ranted a new trial to Charles Adams , win
ras convicted a few dayn ago of robbing ( he
ostofllco at Mlllard of $90. In granting tlu
ow trial the judge said he had not felt thai
ho evidence brought out In tho.caso wai
ufilclent for u conviction.
E. P. Evans , who was brought to Omaha
rom Kansas City Friday night , was ar-
signed yesterday afternojn on three counts.
IP pleaded gu-llty to the aicond count , and
10 otliar two were dismissed by the gov-
nimcnt. The count to which Urans pleaded
ullty charged him with having received a
liter from J. BrufEsol o' Audubon , la. , last
clober , which contained $8.75 for duca on
ic bonds held by the remitter. Ho acknowl-
] ged the receipt of the money on the back
; the letter accompanying the check , and
! turncd It through the mall.
In respond to the Inquiry of the court If
: > had anything to say , livAns said ho was a
JOT man , unable to fuinlsh a bond and uiir
) le to fight the case. IMs wlfo was at home
I , and had been for nearly a year. He
icreforo concluded to plead guilty to the
ily count which contained any semblance of
eta apd await results. Ills attorney also
ado a plea for his client , saying that he
id withdrawn from the bond company and
as trying to gain a foothold In Kansca
> ty. The history of ths case was gone Into
the attorney for thn government , after
lilch Judge Mellugh fined Evans $100 and
ntonced him to jail for sixty days. The
ntcnco 'Is to be suspended If the flno shall
1 paid within three weeks. Evans will bs
lowed ' to return homo at once upon his
omlse to forward the money within the
no prescribed.
Ralph BlttcnKcr , deputy clerk of the
ilted States circuit court , will go to Lln-
In today to got the papers and hooka of
a court In readiness tor the opening of
o January term tomorrow ,
The following grand jury has been drawn
r the January term of the Utrited States
urt which begins at Lincoln tomorrow
C. Money. Omaha ; A. C. Loder , Greened -
> od ; S. A. Davis. Plattamouth ; Frank Gai
ter. Omaha ; Henry Adams , Onialia ; F. E.
jores , Omalia ; Albert M. Clark , Omaha ,
. II. Crook. Falls City ; William Fenton ,
iwson ; Edward Hilton. Blue Hill ; James
lonoy , Hastings ; Joseph Stafford , Omaha ;
od Albrect , Omaha ; John H. Tulhlll ,
laha ; W. R. Buck. Crete ; John Flfer , Lln-
In ; J , K. Marloy. Lincoln ; F. D. Sturdc-
nt , Strong ; J. M. Lefevcr , Strong ; Peter
ckrell , South Omaha ; J. A. Haughey ,
lalia ; Lou Franklin , Lincoln ; C , J. Mentor ,
) n Tuesday , Jan. 19. the Missouri Pacific
Iway will sell round trip tickets at very
f rates to certain points In the Houth ,
ithwcat and southeast. Stopovers allowed
the going journey. For Information ,
idfoldcra , pamphlets , etc. . call or address
npany's onlce , 13th and Farnam , or depot ,
h and Wclxiter sis. , Omaha , Neb ,
T. F GODFREY. 1 > . ami T. A.
' . 0. PHILLIPPI , A. 0. F. and P. A.
eggs. lOo dozen , Wllllarn Gentle-
in's. Wo don't handle cold storage eggs.
"TinOvcrliinil MmlliMl. "
To Utah In 29 hours. California In CO'/ ' .
urs > la the UNION PACIFIC. This Is
> fastest and finest , train In the west.
: kcto can bj obtained it city ticket olllce ,
12 Farnam street ,
'or > our furnace- use Wear Nut coal ; $1 per
; for sale only by D. T , Mount. 209 S. I6'h
The riilcnuo Cycle Show
ens Saturday , January 23. Blggcul event
the 1S97 'Wheeling world !
'arc and a third via the BURLINGTON.
eave Omaha on the "Vestlbuled Flyer"
1 you arc In ChC4go at 8:20 : the next
rnlng , Sleepers , chair cars , a la carte
'Ickgls at 1(02 Farnam street.
. B. REYNOLDS , City Pawenger Agent.
\'u carry Ihu repairs for your ttove. 1207
iglas. Omaha Stove and Repair \Vorki , |
Attorneys for Poor Farm Cases Toll Wh
Ought to Bo Done.
CoitinilNNloiiiTM Ilcci-lvo .Hi'ViTnl C n
niuiilciitlnuN on ( lie Subject , Wlilel
Arc Ilcforrcil In a Coiiiinlttuo
for CniiMlilfriiiloii.
The regular meeting of the Hoard of Coun
Commissioners yesterday was enliven
uy communications from three alto
neys who represent claimants against tl
county In the matters growing out of tl
complications surrounding the sale of lo
In what Is known ns "Douglas addition.
These communications were In tlio nature i
replies to the letter presented nt the lai
meeting of the board from W. D. Ueclcct
the special attorney employed by the boai
lo protect the Interests ot the county In tl
legal procedure Instituted by the vnrloi
purchasers of lota from the county. Tlios
loiters were written by C. II. Keller , Qcorg
13. I'rltchctt and V. O. Strlcklcr , each t
whom represent persona who have cither n
covered judgments against the county In tli
supreme court , or who have claims ag.ilnf
the county which have not been taken Int
court , but which are of substantially th
Eamo nature as those upon which the si
prcmc court hag pasrcd three times , cac
time deciding against the county.
The letter cf Mr. Keller was the longes
and most exhaustive of the three. Ho nil
vised the board , first , Hint there Is no an
thorlty In law for a pro rota distribution c
any funds raised by taxation between an
class of creditors , but any amount which I
available must be paid to the parties wh
dm make demand , while the others miw
wait. He demanded that the county at one
Issue warrants aggregating 85 per cent o
the levy made In 1895. Mr. Keller also too !
exception to the statement ! ) of Mr. Hccket
ihat the county cannot make n levy of mor
than 1C mills In any year. He Raid that th
power of the commissioners to make a lev ;
sufficient to pay the judgments is absolute
The statement that tliS county Is not llabl
.or ' city taxes paid on the land In quoi'tloi
ivas also exceptcd to , and the claim wa
made that the county Is liable for nil mono ;
> o paid. Mr. Keller also stated , most posl
lively , that the claims against the count ;
ivhlch have not been taken Into court on
lot barred by the statute of limitations
md he warned the board that any attemp
o delay payment ot thorn on this grount
vould bo followed by defeat and entail mori
! \pcnEc upon the county. The moral aspoc
> f the case was then treated at some lengtl
> y Mr. Keller in the most vlgoroun manner
md any attempt to plead the ttatuto o
Imitations was denounced as dlshonorabli
md contemptible. With respect to the ad
rice of Mr. Beckett Hint tlio commlssloncn
tad no power to audit the claims in qucstior
inleFS there was money on hand to paj
hem , Mr. Keller advised the board that II
vas > compelled to act at once , and he de-
imnded that some action be taUcn at once
ind hinted that the hoard could bo com-
iclled to act by mandamus. He reminded the
loard that there claimants "had been
ulled Into inaction" by the promises ol
irlor boards that these claims would be
ettled on the same basis as thoao whlcli
ad been taken Into court , and the claims
iad already been pigeonholed for tv.o 01
hrec jcara , and ho demanded that action
10 taken without delay.
Accompanying this lUter was a formal dc-
nand by Mr. Keller on the part of his ell-
ints that tht board at once order warrants
rawn In pajmcnt of the judgments and
osts In the cases pasiqd upon by the. su-
iremo court.
These documents , as well as the letters ol
lessr ? . rrltchett and Strlckler , were rc-
crred to the finance committee.
The finance committee reported favorablj
n the recommendation of the Heal Estate
xchango and recommended the adoption
f a form of warranty deed and mortgage
3 lie printed In book form In order tc
xpcdlte the recording of ouch instruments ,
ho report of the committee was adopted
nd the necessary records ordered printed.
Contracts for furnishing supplies for the
naulng year were awarded to the following
rma :
The printing and stationery contract was
tvldod between the three bidders , Klopp A :
artlett company. Hess Printing company
nd American Publishing company , each
Idder being awarded the contract for the
emo onLIch ho was the lowest bidder.
The conlrtict for bread at the county
nspltal wps awarded to Z. II. Keedcr , at
& cents per found loaf.
The George P. Munro company was
warded the contract for groceries at the
aor farm.
Kuhn & company were awarded the con-
act for filling prescriptions nt 12 1-5 cents
ir prescriptions by the cornty plijalclan and
! ' , A cents for prescriptions by other
lynlclans wHch are approved by the county
lysician or a county commissioner.
The P. J. Quealcy Soap company was
vardcd the contract for supplying soap to
10 court house and jail.
Thomson Bros. , the only bidder on brooms ,
ere awarded the contract at ? 2.23 per
The Seymour Lake Ice company was
varied the contract for supplying Ice to the
unty horpltal at $1 per ton on the earn at
a hospital switch during the cutting season ,
umrcau : ; Bros , were awarded the contract
r supplying iceto the court house ana
11 at 30 cents per 100.
Noah Perry was awarded the contract for
wcr pipe.
The contract for white oak and white pine
Idge timber was awarded to the II. F.
, dy Lumber company.
Bids for white oak piling were rejected
d the clerk ordered to readvcrtlse.
A. request of the county treasurer for four
: n to work on the tax list \\aa referred to
9 Judiciary committee.
The annual report of the register of deeds
is filed , showing a net mirplus for the
ar amounting to $983.40.
Stx-Tliiny i' . .11. Train.
of the
Best eervlco.
Dining car ,
City offlco : 1504 Karnam.
lamllton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and mag.
Ic ph > sldan ; tpeclal attention to dlseaees
women and children and all obscure arid
K-standlnc dlsefltes. 119 N. 10th St. . n. 3.
) . T. Mount , coal , 209 S. 18.
TO ci.osni viimt OUT.
Hnt < > Miitilittonlirn nil "Ci
1'rlfrn I : T IIHil In Otmiliu.
The Rubber Co. , 1310 ! Farnnm St. , has t
elded to close out tholr Mackintoshes at ui
heard of prices. Thai moist weather Is cor
Ing the next sixty days and you will wai
one , so get It at these low prices.
Gent's black Mackintosh , now $2.49.
Gent's black all wool , flno quality , no
Jo , So.
Ladles' 2-capc , all wool , velvet collar , no
$4 , 35.
Ladles' all wool , 1-capc , now $3.75.
A few very fine ladles' and gents' Macklr
toshes that have been soiling at JIS.OO t
$25.00 , to close them out. JS.CO to $13.75.
Rubber boots , shoes and rubber goods c
every description.
" ( Jolil l Whrrc Von Kind H. "
The history of tao nagged Top d'strlct ' Is
most convincing .lemonstratlon of the trull
ot the miner's maxim "gold Is where yoi
find It. " There la absolutely nothing a
Ragged Top thai indicates the presence o
gold. It has hoi'ii passed over scores o
times as unworth ) of notice. And yet 11 I
today the scene of the most remarkable am
sensational dlpcorirlca of gold that havi
been made since the romantic days of ' 49
Paupers have become wealthy In a fov
hours. Mines change ownership dally. Twi
new towns have been laid out. Bulldlngi
arc being erected ns fast as the llinUct
facilities at the disposal of the Inhabitant !
will permit.
The Hogged Top district offers remarkable
opportunities to men who are quick to act
It Is situated on theSpcarfl&K branch o
the B. & M. rallload , and Is best rcachei.
by taking the Burlington's 1:35 : p. m. trait
for Deadwood.
Tickets nt 1K02 Farnam street.
J. B. REYNOLDS , City Passenger Agent.
Tlu > TrniiHtiilHNlHMliil
Those who wish to send this edition tt
parties outside the city will be supplied a
The Bee counting room with any number o
copies at 5 cents each. This will Includi
the mailing , nnd wrapping , If the addresses
are let' with orders.
HUM AlwujN OMiitnril.
LEXINGTON. Neb. , Jan. S.-To the Ed
Itor of The Bee : Did the practice of scerci
debate ever prevail In congress , mid Is li
now In use ? a. B. Durr.
Ans. It Is n common practice of the scii'
nto to go Into secret session on trcntlci
and nominations.
Whiskers that arc prematurely gray ot
faded should be colored to prevent the look
of age , and Buckingham's Dye excels all
others In coloring brown or black.
J Reserved Sen's.
| M3ht-73c , 50c , 35c
1 Sunday Miitinoo
' 30c and 23c.
TONIGHT-8:15 ,
and continuing for Three Nights with Wed
nesday Matinee ,
PltumiCTlO.Y Ttio lleaiitlrnl
IMny of Hcnl Ufo
I3y Ha ; Reid. '
Mil. IIAI , ltiil ) anil
MISS iiKHTiiA. nr.i.i.n AvnsTimooic.
A full car of Scenery and Properties.
[ heCrcatdSil'roflti.tionof ' Mem Times
I L. M. Crawford.Mi" i PRICEP.
I MKlilH OpciiliiKTliurmliiy , Jan. Ill
New , Gorgeous Operatic Extravaganza ,
"Hondrlolt Hudson. Jr. "
70 People , Magnificent Srcnery , Selec
Iliorus of SO , 10 European Dancers.
Four Nights. Commencing
SIATIXKI ; TODAV , ut : ) .
In Her Ixitcel Succcfs
fxrcnln Mntliicc Wcdneriiay Bents now on sale ,
23c , Me , 75c. 11.00 Matlncc , 25o nnd Me.
Jnnuary 21-LM , Rosabel ilorrlnon In "Car-
icn. "
00 Douglas. QUO. MITCHCLU Prop.
he lli-Nt Vauilfvlllc Slio\v in UKAVcNt
The following well Known nrtUtn nlll nppcar
cry nlKht nt this popular place of nmunement :
mui and Mue ln > ton , Andy Adanu , llcrtlm
lnu nnd nillf Morris. In I.lvlnu Plcturei ; Thou ,
iirdle , llllt Peck , Mnn Vcrnou , JIny Cameron ,
umle Peck , 11. J. Maurice and .Sit , ' . Alinon
Performance i\ery Night from 8 to 12.
mmcrctal Men's llcadiiunrters.
ICO Ilooins J2.00 per day.
V ) noonia With Ilath. : .50 I'cr Day.
Mo Unexcelled by lVu/ House of Same Kale.
Mrs. J. Benson.
A Pew of the
Bargains iu Onr
20 per cent off on nil goods In Infanta1 Wear Dcpart-
Ail Winter OoodH In Department will 1)0
cut In price nome to half former price except Ur , Jaeger B
K ° ° LadleH' All Wool Hone , with merino heel nnd toe , for
" "Oilldren'H Heavy SeanilcfH Hone , lOo pair.
lioyH1 Flannel WalHtH , navy blue , brown and gray , were
tl.50. now Me.
Waists that weto $1,00 , now CSc.
_ WalHtH that wore We , now 3Jc.
Clilldren'H line quality Jt-rgey C.ip , wadded and will pull over the ears , were
73c , now 3 0
Handsome made T.un O'Shantcrs. woith J2.00 , now
All our Toqiit'B and Tam U'Kli.inti'ra that wrrn " 5o and SOo , now 23c.
Ono lot of Bi-otcli IMald Tam O'ShatiterH and Vlaor ( 'aim. ISc.
( . 'htldrcn'H C'loih and Hllk Uolln t8 that were J1.S > and ; i.M , now (5c.
llonnetH that \\ero Jl.OO , now f > 0c and 20c.
Ohlldren'H folon-d L'otton DrcHHCH that were 11.00 , now CSc.
HoiniiantB of l.lncn KrliiKt * . a < - n yard , . . . .
HaiuUomo Stamped l.tiun I'lecoH , with and without llnlihcd edgeii , at half and
lean tiun half former prlc-CH.
Ik'iiutlful Tullw Dr.iucH in all polorn , were J2.7G. now $1.85.
Commenced and 1'lnlnhcd Hand Umbroldcrud 1'lticca ut half former prices ,
New Uoaton liagu juut In.
no > ir..siiKins' sour
A' In ( he AVnIiimli II. II.
Tlio next dnto lo Tuesday , the nlnctcentl
Kor tickets and further Information cell
Wnbash onice , 14IG Karnam street ( raxto
Hotel building ) , or wrlto
Q. K CLAYTON , Agent.
Finest lic.irses In tlio city , | 3.00. Cm
rlagw , T2.2G , Jim Stcphonson , 10th & Harnc ;
Heller & Co. . tailors. 215 South 13th strcc
Jewelry , wntchra , dlamonda , nt cost. A. I
Hiihcrmnnn , 1.1th and UoiiRlna slo.
I\ery dny wo receive orders for liy mn
without the cnsli nccompnnMtiK the urder. , \
the extremely low prices we jell goods we mu >
InMut on KcttlnR our money with the urder-nn
no attention will bo pnld to orders \vllhoiil th
cftfh. In nil cnfe * where woods nrc ordered b
freight ndd 2'c for drnynse nnd ndd posing
where Roods nrc ordcicd liy mull.
Ilobbs' SpornKUS Kidney 1'llls 53
llKyptlan Lotus Cream , 10
I'nlnc's Celery- Compound GT >
VVIIIInnis' 1'lnlt IMIls 35
lllrni.y's Cntnrrh Cure 30
Duffy's Mnlt Whltky K >
lIooil'B SarFnpnrllla C4
I dozen 2-Ri-nln quinine cnpmles r.
I dozen 3-Krnln quinine rnpjulrs T
I dozen -miln quinine cnpsuloH 10i
Vine Kolnfrn 75i
flininberlaln's CotiKh Cure I.'i
I'jrnmlil rile Cure 3.V
' tl-C1
I'nninlc Juniper -
jnrllcld Tea I.'i
So-to-Ilnc , r..i
* . S. S 75 (
Mothers' Friend " .V
\yer'8 Hnlr VlKor C0 <
: 'lerce's Favorite I'rcserlptlon C2 (
All others In proportion ,
Telephone - 420.
llccuusoln pltnof the "calamity
howlers" and "Imrd tlmo cnuikn1'
our biislncst continues to pro < ncr.
This Is simply for the ronson Hint
fulrnuxs alu--iys wlni. HHKUIDAN
COAL Is sold iinilor u posltlvo
cuarunteo to bo as cleiin and do
thu wonc of Imrd coal at half the
Tol. 127. (005 ( Fnrnam
n Beautiful
9 Teeth , .
j What docs Its mean , hut that
the possessor keeps them bcnutlfu'
by consulting his or her dentist ?
I ( inlil Cr < m UN. . . . ! ? , - , . < > < > to > ? S.II (
I I'oroeliiiii CriMviis IJ..OO
BAILEY , Dentist ,
Pnxton Blk , 10th nnd Farnain
Special January Sale
House and Kitchen Furnishings.
Surprlso EC ; Whips , 2 for 5c No. 8 Wafllo Irons 7Bo
Genuine Dover Egg Beaters lOe Turkey Feather Dusters 25a
Asbestos Steve Mats 3c Ostrich Feather DuMcra 45o
Kitchen Vegetable Knives 5c Floor Sweeping Brushes 95a
Corn Poppers , lOc Clothes Wringers , Novelty $2.25
Patent Flour Sitters lOc Enterprise Italsln Seeder 05o
Slaw Cutters 25e Enterprise Meat Chopper $1.75
Muflln or Gem Pans Sc Willow Clothes Baskets 50a
Granite Iron Kettles with patent tilt Extra Willow Sqimro Hampers $1.75
ing cover , -I quart 35c Automatic Steam Cook CM $1.15
2-quart genuine Granite Coffee Pot. . . . 45c Breakfast Carvers , pair $1.35
3-plnt genuine Granite Tea Pot 3Rc Game Carvers , pair $1.05
No. 8 genuine Granite Tea Kettle fiSe Rogers' triple-plated Knives and Forks ,
Dread and Cake Boxes , japanned. . . . . . SOc set $3.25
Mrs. Potts' Flatlrons , per set-3 75c Sheffield plated Knlvea and Forks , set. . $1.50
Patent Double Roasting Pans 70c Success 4-gaIlon Family Water Fillers.$4.75
Soapstone Cake Griddles 7iic Parlour germ-proof Water Filters $ B.BO
14-uuart Stamped Dish Pan 15e Plo Plates. 2 for Co
Fapanned Dust Pans 5c Kitchen l-njiip and Reflector 30o
Wlro Toaster lOc Scrub Brushes Cc and lOo.
hitclior Knlfo 20c ( -quart Tin Covered Pall 10o
quart Stamped Saucepans lOc Potato Mashers 3o
G-quart Stamped Saucepans 12e 1-gallon Tin. . Coal Oil Cans 10o
Bread Knife 25r l-quart Stamped Preserving Kettles . . . Sa
Ennmcltnc Stove Polish 5fDc G-quart Stumped Preserving Kettles. . . lOo
Toilet Paper , roll , good quality Dc fin Dippers >
14th and Faruaiu.
The Bee will wrap , address and Mail
Tie Trans-
To Any Address in the United States.
Those who wish to send it to parties outside this
city can leave orders at Bee Business Office. .
sending copies to your friends.
A Really Good Piano
is one that looks well , plays well and wears
well. We represent the Ivers & Pond.Vose
& Sons and Emerson factories , all having-
an established reputation. We sell them
t lower prices than others ask for unknown and inferior pianos.
Taylor & Farley Organ S 12.50
Chickcrln Upright 5185.00
Fine Weber Upright Rnrc liargnln.
Schftioller & Mueller , W , Cor. 15th and Dodge Streets.
' Tuner. Telephone 1C25.
A. C. MUELLEIl-l'lano
Our Men's Fine Epamel All our Women's fine 2oth Century
double sole , razor toe , Shoes , in French enamel , French pat
marked down from $4.50 ent calf calf skin , Russia calf , in wine
to and tan , round and
painted toes , button and
All our broken lines of Men's Fine lace , marked down from
Shoes , in calf , cordovan , enamel and § 5.00 and $6.00 to
patent leather , all kinds rt {
' Colt S'cin Lace
of toes , that sold for $5 , Women's Fine
$6.00 and $7,00 , marked heavy welt sole , pointed
down to M/UJI / and ronnd toes , marked
down from $4.00 and
Turner's Men's Fine Shoes Single and $5.00 to
double sole French enamels , single
and double sole patent Women's American calf
leather on razor toes , welt , lace or button ,
$475 $ and toes ,
marked down from $6.50 needle square
and $7.50 to was $3. oo , now
Turner's Men's Fine Shoes Box calf , Odds and ends of Women's Fancy Slip ,
invisible- cork sole , on pers , in black aJd (
both razor'and bulldog bronze and patent leather -
toes , marked down from er , marked down from
$6.00 to W IT $2 , $3 and $4 to
Big cut in misses' and childrens , boys' and youths -winter
weights. Deep cut in warm goods ,