Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1897, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Clark & Wctzcl , I , 0. 0. F. blk. , art par
Court Reporter Qputun left for hlfl homo
In Tabor yesterday.
Judge Thornell left for Sidney lout night
nnd will not. return until Tuesday , to which
tlmo ho has adjourned district court.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to IMward LcMatt of Lincoln , ago 31 , nnd
Sadie A. Watson of the wimc place , age 30.
They had not met for years. "You have
changed. " she murmured. "Yes , " said
Algctnon , "I now Kcnd all my work to the
HnRlo laundry , 721 Broadway. "
Eunice ( Joodrlch , supported by n good com
pany , was received by an enthusiastic audi
ence at the Duhuny theater last night. "Cop-
tain January" proved a decidedly catchy en
tertainment , and wn well received.
A horse that had evidently been In a run
away was taken nut of a wire fence near
Green's old packing house nt 8 o'clock lant
night , The temnants of a harness nnd b'Jg < y
were attached to him. The animal was
pretty badly cut up. The ownei.has not
been heard from.
The Misses HubliiBon gave their regular
fortnightly musical last evening. An Inter
esting program of piano , violin and vocal
music was given by the pupils ot Iho con-
ncrvatory , nnd a very pleasant evening was
spent In dancing. Refreshments wcro trrved.
Ed Miller , n retail liquor dealer of Shcn-
nmlonh , who neglected to settle his accounts
with the government , was brought In yes
terday and arialgned before Commissioner
Stcadmnn. A bond for $200 prevented him
being sent to Jail pending his hearing .it thu
March term of the federal court.
The Nlblo Spectacular Humpty Dumpty
company will present the time-tried play ,
"Humpty Dumpty , " at the Dohany theater
Monday night. Many clover specialties will
tie Introduced and the performance promises
to be ono of the most interesting presented
nt the theater for some time.
A team of horecs attached to n light road
wngon bocatno frightened by the hissing of
Htcam from the Northwestern passenger en
gine yesterday afternoon nnd became unman
ageable. They full on the track In front of
the engine , but n quick application of the
airbrakes prevented them from being killed.
When the regular annual lax sale closed
last December there was a lot of property
that wnu not sold and many of the bldder.i
were unable or unwilling to take their cer
tificates after the property they had bidden
on was sold to them. This made It neces
sary for an adjourned sale. The sale will
bo held on Monday , and If the property Is
not all sold In one day It will bo continued
until it Is or ni lung as there arc any bid
ders In sight. The sale will begin at 10
o'clock In the morning.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation frco Wednesdays. Health hook
furnished. 301) ) Mcrrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Iilllle PrellinlnarleN .Vcl'CHHUry to Hie
Speelnl Sexlnii In limn ,
Sonalor N. M. Pusey will leave for Dot
Molnos this evening to be present at the
caucus meeting tomorrow morning prior to
Uio opening of the special ccaslon of thu leg
islature. He estimates that the session will
last at least two months , and may run along
until about April 1. As the si salon is onlj
i continuance of the last regular session
little caucussing will bo necessary to enable
the members to come to an understanding
The senate caucus on Monday 4s solely for
the purpCEC of selecting u man to take the
place of secretary of the senate made vacan' '
by the forced resignation of Secretary Bul
lard , who has been Indicted and prosecuted
for forgery and several other serious offcnsct
In connection with the financial affairs ol
the state. The pcaltlon Is a responsible and
Important one. and as It Is lucrative there
are many statesmen eaRor to accent Ita re
sponsibilities. Ths caucus on Monday will
name Milliard's successor. There Is only ono
prominent candidate In southwestern Iowa
who is regarded as standing any show of gcl-
tln ; : the plum , and he Is Lawyer Balrd ot
Glcnwood. He has the entire southwestern
delegation solidly for him , and Is confident
that ho can draw enough strength from other
parts of Ilio state to make sure of bis en
dorsement In the caucus.
Captain C. S. Hubbard , assistant door
keeper of the senate , will leave for the capi
tal tomorrow morrrlnc.
Court \oleH.
Suit was commenced In the district court
yesterday by Gcorgo Neal against J. M.
Marcy to set aside the conveyance of some
real estate by the defendant to his wife. The
plaintiff Is acting' ' us the guardian of ono of
the Marcy heirs.
E. E. Hart commenced n foreclosure suit
yesterday In the district court against S. F.
Cameron on n second mortgage on some farm
In the case of Dctlcf Kriiso against the
Sclffert & Weiss Lumber company a resis
tance to the motion for a new trial was filed
by the plaintiff. The suit Involves a claim
for wages , and grew ant of the affairs of
Charles Altmanspcrger , the absconding rep
resentative of the lumber company at Mln-
den.An amended petition was filed by the plain
tiff In the case of Lougce against Ellas
Lcmcr and others.
Additional affidavits were filed yesterday
In the case of L , T. Albertl against J. P.
Christiansen to support the motion for a cor
rection of the Judgment.
A decree of foreclosure was granted In the
case of Wlckham against Hughes. Thu Judg
ment amounts to $2,818.
A. F. McLean was granted a divorce from
Martha McLean by Judge Thornell yesterday
on the grounds of desertion.
In the matter of the assignment of Peter
Beck , Judge Green yesterday sent In an order
directing the assignee , W. A. Gronowcg , to
pay the costs of the case In the district and
superior court out of the assets In bis pos
It's always wet and sloppy
On Broadway ;
It wets our feet and rots our leather
On Broadwty.
Hughes saves our health and makes us
On Broadway.
You needn't holler , ho'll save you a dollar
On Broadway.
Yes , Hughra has all the different widths
and toes In men's rubbers at 50c and 7Sc ,
also a full Una of arctics , felts , rubber boots ,
rubber coats , mackintoshes , etc. In fact ho
has all the perquisites necessary to com
plete a gentleman's wardrobe. It will save
you money by calling on him at 415 Uroad
way for anything In men's furnishings.
Whereabouts of E. H , Odell Known for a
Brief Time ,
AVIm Siuv Him on ( lie
Train AVIT flint lie Looked
mid Atoliluil
HU KrluiulN.
E. H. Odclvlioae ) absence from the city
for several weeks has been a mj story to his
friends , returned nt noon jesltTdny , and It
Is believed Immediately left again. Hn came
In on the Wabash and was driven from the
union depot to his htjinu on High School ave
nue , and Immediately afterward to the law
omcc of Wright & Baldwin. Mrs. Odell and
Mrs. Q. W. Washburn left on Wednesday
afternoon for the cast. Neither Mrs. Odoll
nor any of his friends huvn heard a word
from him since ho left. Mrs. Odell has been
arranging to go to her friends In the cast
for fcome time , and Wednesday afternoon
slio and Mrs. Wusliburn bade their uclghbois
and friends good-by. On Thursday afternoon
a telegraph messenger called several times
nt the house , evidently for the purpose of
leaving n message , but the house was closed
and vacant. It Is believed by the friends
tlmt this message was from Mr. Odell an
nouncing his contemplated return , but It
cniim too Into for Mis. Odell to receive It.
Several Council Ulttffs men came In on the
train that carried Mr. Odell , and they Bay
his appearance was so changed and haggard
that they scarcely recognized him. Ills evi
dent desire to shun recognition mid to avoid
them prevented them talking 'o ' him. There
has been little doubt In the minds of his
friends that Mr. Oilell'H business cares and
financial reverses have unbalanced him men
tally. _
Motion Store IHn Jniiunry
Every dollar's worth of surplus stock and
all winter merchandise have been marked
at a price that will close them out quick.
We must turn Use surplus stock Into cash
before our annual stocktaking. Tremendous
reductions In winter dre's goola. SOc ami C9c
dress goods at 3",4c. 75c dress goods at COc.
SDc and U5c drcsa goods nt 69c. $1.00 dress
goods , SDc. $1.GO dress goods , 95c. J1.75 to
$2.75 drcts goods nt USc.
Cloaks In many Instances less than half
price. $3.00 Jackets at $2.05 each. $7.50
jackets at $ I.CU each. $10.00 jackets at $5.75.
$15.00 , $10.00 and $ L'2.00 Jackets to clcso at
$0.03 each.
Heavy unbleached muslin , 3' , c. 7c
bleached muslin , 5c a yard. SVic bleached
muslin , 0-c a yard. 2'/j yards wide sheetIng -
Ing , 12V4o a yard. Heavy white shaker flan
nel. rJc. 25c white wool flannel , 17c a yard.
Gcod cotton crash. 3c a yard. All linen
crash , 5c a yard. SOc table linen at 37V4c
a yard. C2'/jC ' white blankets. 45c pair. $1.00
fancy colored blankets , ( J9c pair. Underwear
and hosiery on sale at maniifaturcrs' prices.
Council Uluffs.
CUTS niti'Mc AMI pi.n.xns GUILTY.
TlioiuiiH Oiiii-y , I'liHtimtttor of Moilnlc ,
SIIJM lie Toolc Unele Sain'x Money.
When President Cleveland appointed
Thomas Carey postmaster at Modalc , In. ,
the new postmaster had no difficulty In
procuring a bond for $1,000 that was con
sidered to bo gilt-edged , and Carey was
as proud of his bond as he was of hla ap
pointment. The postal officials have also
had occasion to be thankful that the bond
proved to be as good as it was supposed to
be , for they have called upon the bondsmen
to make good a shortage of $208. The short
age was discovered when Carey WES checked
up and out ah ut a month ago , and the bonds ,
men promptly responded to the appeal to
settle up. Since then Carey hca been en
joying a protracted drunk , thU being hU way
of celebrating the fact that ho had lost his
$40 n month pcetoinco and had friends to
malte good his shortage. " Yesterday he re
ceived n rude awakening when Deputy Mar
shal Charley Bradley appeared with a war
rant for his arrest on the charge of embez
zlement. He was brought before Commls-
sloncr Stcadman yesterday afternoon. Ho
fortified himself for the ordeal by taking
an extra number of drinks after ho reached
the city and when called upon to plead
to the charge he was the happiest man In
the county.
"I'm an embezzler , and that's all there
Is to It. I used tlio money because I did
not have any of my own when my family
all got sick. It all went for medicine , and
now I want to take my medicine. "
Ho was cautioned as to what a plea of
guilty meant , but nothing could shake his
determination to evade any of the consequences
quences or modify his pica. He was taken
to the county Jail until his frtenus at home
could arrange for a bond.
.MrM. Del.oiiu'x IiuiiiHtrliil School mill
the rinuil Work It IH Diilnpr.
Despite Inclement weather yesterday
eighty-five girls were present at Mr. and
Mrs. DcLong's Industrial School for Girls.
While they were busily engaged In the
tasks allotted them Rev. C. W. Brewer gave
a pleasant and Interesting talk. Each child
Is given n garment to make and Instructions
how to make It. The work Is carefully laid
out and supervised until the garment Is com-
plcted ; then It becomes the property of the
girl who has made It. In this way a strong
Incentive Is given to the little girls to learn
to sow. The material Is all procured by do
nations solicited by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
DoLong. Many poor children of the city
have not only been taught how to sow and
make their own garments , but have become
proficient enough and have been attentive
and industrious enough to clothe themselves
during the winter. The school meets every
Saturday afternoon. It has developed from
a small gathering of llttlo girls from poor
families until It has now become one of the
Important Industrial educational Institutions
of the city.
$5,000.00 to loan on real rotate security.
E. H. Shcafo & Co. , Baldwin block.
Fine livery for parties and dances. Ogden
Livery , 108 Broadway. Telephone 83.
I'crHonnl Movement * mill Dellulitful
12 n ( e rn I n men IN Citron lei eil.
Mis1 } Bertha Slcan of Omaha visited
friends In this city last week.
Mm , 0. M. Dodge , who has been 111 for
eoniL tlino pest , Is Improving ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Sherman have re
turned from n trip through California.
Miss Nelllo Louden of Fnlrflcld Is the guest
of Miss Maude Cavln on I'ark avenue.
Mlsa Georgia Lindsay of Omaha wen the
guest of Mrs. Horace Everett last week.
MIsH Georgia Sharp of Omaha visited with
Mrs. O. W. Butts during the past week.
The Monday Musical club will hold Itn
next regular meeting with Mrs. E. W. 'Hart
on Seventh street.
Miss Cavln entertained the Conservatory
club last Tuesday evening In honor of her
gticit , Miss Louden.
Mr. J. L. I'axton and Mr. Arthur Cooley of
Omaha were guests at the Dancing club party
Wednesday evening.
Mr. Gcorgo Kecllne has returned from
Jacksonville. Kin , where hu took his family
to spend the winter.
Dr. Donald Macrae , Jr. , who has been con
fined to his homo on account of Illnces , Is
able to be about again.
Mw. S. H. Douglass , formerly of this city ,
I * the guest of Colonel and Mrs. D. U.
Dallcy , on First street.
Mlsa Stella Patterson left yesterday for
Den Molnes , where she will visit for sonic
time with Mrs. Tom Austin.
Mrs. Wells has returned to her home In
Kansas City after a pleasant visit with Mr.
and Mrs. C. K. H. Campbell.
M'as Eleanor Montgomery will leave this
week for New Haven , where she will visit
for some time with Mia * Helen Homana ,
Miss Maud Jacobl who has been here
for some time visiting with Mies Key , leaves
this evening for her home In Philadelphia.
Mlsa Key entertained a party of frlcr.ds
with a sleigh rld < 3 Thursday evening In honor
of her friend , Miss Jacobl of Philadelphia.
Mr. John Henderson , formerly of this city ,
but now of Gcscon.idc , Mo. , left for home
yesterday after a pleasant visit with Tom
Metcalf , Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Squire and daughter.
Florence , l"ft Monday for an extensive sauth-
crn trip. They will visit Mexico and other
countries before returning.
Mrs. S. E. Uolles , who has been the gurat
of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Butta. on
Fiist avenue for the paat month , left
for her homo In Chicago Wednesday evening.
Mlsa Key entertained an Informal farewell
party last evening In honor of her friend ,
Miss Jacobl of Philadelphia , who leaves for
her home today.
The members of the Royal Arcanum and
their frlcr.da wcro entertained Thursday
evening with a literary nnd musical program
at their hall In the Ucno block. Mrs. Frank
lin gave a number of clever readings that
wcro enthtislaatlcally received. After the
program darclng was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gilbert entertained a
few frlendii Informally at their home on
First avcnuo Thursday evening at a phonograph
graph party. These present were : Miss Bow
man , MUs Bullard , Miss Sharp. Miss Krnt-
ing ; Mr. onJ Mia. Trautman , Mr. nnd Mm.
Underwood , Mr. and Mrs , Uenton and Mr.
and Mrs. Sharp.
Mr. E. M. Lcnls and Miss Nellie Beck of
Council Dluffa wcro united In marriage at
the Baptist parsonage in Logan on Thurs
day. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Lewis of Lewis township , and the
bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo
Beck. They will be nt homo after January
20 at 1103 South Seventh street.
The concert given by the Fiak Jubilee
Singers Tuesday evening nt the Odd Fellows'
hall proved a decided aucccas and was at
tended by a large and fashionableaudience. .
No band of singers have become so great
n favorite ns the Fis ! company. A demand
has been made that they return and they
will be at the Odd Fellows' hall February I.
Frank Lea Short and "Tho Players" will
give a performance nt the Dohaney theater
Thursday evening , January 21. The perform
ance will bo given under the auspices of
the Unity club of Grace church , this city ,
and will consist of "Tho Bells" and "Nance
Oldfleld , " which Is the same bill so success
fully presented at the Crelghton theater ,
The Derthlck club met with Mrs. O. H.
Simons loot Monday evening , the attendance
being large. The organization wen com
pleted by the appointment of the committees
xvhlch will have charge of the working ot
the club. The program committee consists
of Prof. J. II. Slmms , Mrs. J. G. Wads-
worth and Mrs. O. H. Simons. I. M. Trey-
nor , W. L , Thlckatun and D. E. Stuart were
appointed as the executive committee. The
next meeting of the club will be held at the
residence of Mrs. P. J. Montgomery a week
from Monday
The N. V. C. gave a pleasant sur
prise party to Mr. Lawrence Overmelr at his
home , 1202 Sixth street. Amusements wcro
games and music. The guests were : Mlsa
M. Talbott , Mhs M. Brown , Miss O. Hen-
drlcks , Miss B. Gillette , Miss W. Blcknell ,
Miss O. Johnson , Miss Frlsby , Miss H. Blck ,
Miss Bickncll , Miss Frlsby , Miss T. Mcln-
tlre , Miss J. Solhoff , Miss L. Sharpncck ,
Miss Hoyt. Miss F. Burnhardy , Miss L. Uurn-
hardy. Miss Bcardslcy , Miss Allison and
Mls.s Blcknell.
The third of the series of parties to be
given this season by the Dancing club was
held at Hoyal Arcanum hall Wednesday even.
Ing. It'was In every way the decided suc
cess the other assemblies have been and was
well attended. The orchestra has been
added to anil the music wan exceptionally
fine , the dancers becoming enthusiastic and
applauding every number. Those present
were ; Mr. and Mrs. Hess , Mr. and Mrs.
Hart , Sir , and Mrs. Allen , Mr. and Mia.
Shepard , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Davis , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Fred Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Stlllman ,
Mr. and Mrs. Xurmuehlen , Mr. and Mia.
HCES ami Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright : Mrs.
Vincent and Mrs. Altclwon ; Miss Cavln ,
Miss Dodge , Miss Key , Miss Sloan of Omaha ,
Miss Jacolil of Philadelphia , Mis. ] Tullcys ,
Mlas Bennett , Mlsa Kennard of Omaha , .Mlsa
Vlncont , Miss Moore , Miss Thompson , Miss
Farnsworth , Miss Sarah Farnsworth , Miss
Alexander Mlas Sherman , Miss Louden of
Fnlrfteld. la ; Mlsa Baker , Mlsa Keating , MFS !
Sharp of Omaha , Miss Montgomery , MlfH
Bcebo and MI&s Olive Gulttar ; Messrs. Fen-
Ion , Mayne , Farnaworth , Pcxton of Omaha ,
Crockwell , ISmpkle , Glcsson , Haas , Squire ,
Patterson , Fred Empklc , Cooley of Omaha ,
Stuart , Douglass , Blalno , Hatteuhauer , Bow
man , Dawson , Butler , Ulxby , Jones. Jora-
lyn , Wlckham , E. A. Wlckham , Brown ,
Gcorgo Wright , Griffith , O'Kecfo , Gcrncr ,
Heath of Omaha. Hando.
We have had placed In our hands for calo
some great bargains In cot'i-s ; : , farms and
acre property ; nlso tome choice l'slncs
property ; IIrat mortgages bought and told.
Day & HCES.
Special Fiiullng of Each Juror in the Case ol
Moordlftnd Ellis.
mill Jury MiiHliilii All Oic Count )
In thu liiillulmriilN l'rlNMtierN Hrenlt
Io\vii -Sentence IH I'l'iinoiuieoil
anil Ailnilt Their Cullt.
1 We find that this store has the besl
line of clgato in the city.
2 Wo find that this store Is strictly up-to.
3 We nnd the stock well kept and always
fresh , having the goods that the people
4 We nnd that everyone gets full value foi
motley Invested , the cigars arc the cqulva
lent , besides tlm firm Is going to give tiwaj
n Tribune bicycle April 30th.
C We find that when a customer once
forms the habit of trading at this store , they
rarely ever go around to other cigar stores ,
l ! Wo nnd that they not only receive
cour'oous treatment , but long experience In
the buulncas , has placed them In a position
to bo nble to cater to the whims and fancies
of each Individual.
7 We nnd that . store Is the most
popular In the city. JCD no necessity for
poisonal solicitations lor patronage.
S Wo nnd that the "Corner" 5-ccnt cigar
ought to be fioKl for 10 cents to make com
petition on an equal , but inasmuch as this
linn sees fit to put out ouch values for the
money , no Jury can Justly Indict them.
0 We find that while many other atorca
aru comparatively dull , this store has been
throughout the season the scene of life and
activity , owing to t excellence of the
goods there kept on <
10 We find that tin . .m with the push
generally gels the pull.
11. Wo find that a satisfactory reward
will bo paid by the firm and no questions
asked , upon presentation of evidence that
they permit any competitor to sell pipes
cheaper than they do.
12. Wo find that the best story always
gives the Imagination something to do. Sn
turn on your Imagination and then cnmc
around , nnd they will still surprise you.
Vex Populi , Foreman of Jury.
Upon the verdict I nnd Moore & Ellis
"guilty" of selling the most and best cigars
for the money of any house In Council
I therefore sentence them to nrst place
among the cigar stores of this city , where
they are to remain so long as they main
tain their present reputation for selling high
grade cigars and continue their courteous
treatment to customers.
Have the prisoners anything to say ?
Wo acknowledge ; our guilt and grace
fully accept the decision of the judge.
Hellly to le | Here Totlny.
Sheriff Morgan Is expected home this mornIng -
Ing with Hellly , thu bank , robber who shot
Nick O'Urlon two years ago. He was heard
from at Chicago , lint failed to Inform the
deputy sheriffs when he would get home. H
Is understood that | A determined fight will
be made by th6 frlpnds of the prisoner to
prove that ho Is not the man wanted. His
Identification by O'Brien has been complete ,
and It was on his testimony that a requisi
tion was granted by the governor of Penn
Hoffmayr's fancy 'patent Hour makes the
beat nnd most bread. Ask your grorcr for It.
. * . . .j. )
The Durfeo Furniture company has re
moved to 203 and 205 Uroadway.
Swift .t Co. of CIilciiKo Kvpefteil < o
Develop u IIlK Industry.
ST. JOSEPH , Ma. . Jan. 16. ( Special. )
Milton Tootle and John Donovan wont to
Chicago Icat night , where they expect to
close the contract by which G. F. Swift will
become the owner of the St. Joseph slock
yards. If the sals Is made It will Include
also the property of the St. Gcorgo Town
company , south ot the city , about 400 acres
of land , already platted and laid out In
town lots. It Is expected that Swift & Co.
will build a largo packing house at the t > tocU
yards and operate It , although no assurance
that It will b : > done lies -jjia given. If ( he
proposed Improvements ire made the packIng -
Ing houses will all bo lighted by electricity
and an effort will be made to boom St
George , the suburb adjoining the stock
Three packing houses are now in opera
tion here , but It Is possible that the Mo ran
Packing company's plant will bo put In op
eration again. It Is tied up In litigation
now In such n way that It could not bo in
cluded In the sale to Swift. It Is hoped
that the new Interests will make the stock
yards as successful as the yards at St. Louis.
The St. Joseph Stocks Yards company has
been carrying too large u debt for many
years , and the stockholders were glad to
unload. The company has a capital stock of
$500,000 and a bonded debt of $250,000.
I.mvyer AceiiHeil liy Iilx Typewriter.
NEW YORK , Jan. 16. Theophllus B. Steel ,
a lawyer , was arraigned In the Central po-
Still Giving Premiums.
Stamps are given , Buy here , collect Premium Stamps and
secure handsome Premiums FREE- f
Art Studio. Dye Works Musical Merchandise
. ' . .iiii'llcr Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Main St.
Ilnrry Schmidt , 406 tlrondwny. ( Stamps Schocdsaclt's Twin City Dye Works , conic.
given only when cash deposit Is made. Aveiuiu A and 2Gth street. News and Periodicals
Baby Carriages. FUIlNITtmn S. S. Keller , 311-313-3IG D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Stampi
Broadway. given when asked for nt the time Iho
S. S. Keller , 311-313-315 Hroadwny.
goods bought and paid for ,
except on
QIULLB WOUK S. S. Keller , 311-313-315
school books ) , i
Bakery. Uroadway ,
Boston Itakcry ( I' . Unldnuf , Prop. ) , S28 Groceries Optical Goods
13 roadway. M. Wollman , 409 Broadway , ( Eyes tested
C. Wldmnler , C02 Uroadway. Johnson & Olson , 730 Broadway. free. )
Banjos , Guitars , Mandolins Eic Uudolch William Teller Fitzgerald , 1001 , 421 Main Main street. street. Paints , Oils and Glass
Mueller I'lnno and Organ Co. , 103 South Barli-1 & Miller , 100 West Broadway , Tele Dell 0. Morgin Co. , 712 Broadway.
Main street. phone 350. Mcrrlam Block Pharmacy , corner Mnln strco
J. Wardlan , 1C01 Broadway. and Willow avenue.
II. H. Harris , 2301 Uroadway. Brown & Wcsneivfil ? Main street.
Pntton & Patton , 932 Klftli avenue. Morgan & Co. , 110 Broadway.
J. T. Klmllcy , 337 Droadwny. C. A. Lacy , 381 Harrison street. P. O. Schneider , 12 Pearl street.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main street.
Hardware Photographic Work
Books and Stationery. Harry Schmidt. 40fi .
Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. Broadway. ( Stamp *
. . . Gives . given only when cash deposit Is mado. )
D. W. nushncll , 22 Main street. ( Charles Swalne , 340 Broadway.
stamps when nskcil for at ttio time goods Pianos and Organs
are bought and paid for , cxcci > t on school Harness and Saddlery
books. ' Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Mnln St.
Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway. ROOM MOULDINO J. II. Long. 31 Mnln St.
Boots and Shoes. SUWINO MAC11INM2S J. T. Flndley , 337
Ice Broadway.
S. A. I'larcis & Co. , 100 Main street. SHEET .MUSIC Mueller Piano and Organ
The Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. , Broad Co. , 103 Main street.
China and Glasswarj way and Ninth street. SI10KS S. A. Plerco & Co. , 100 Main street.
SIONS J. B. Long , 31 Mnln street.
M. Wollman , 403 Ilioadwny. JBWKMIY M. Wollman. 409 Broadway. SILVERWARE M. Wollman , 409 Broad-
LAUNDRY Eagle Laundry Co. , 724 Uroad .
Coal and Wood way. way.
Stoves and Ranges
Tlie Council DliUTs Coal and Ice Co. , corner Meat Markets
Uroadway and Js'lnth street. Cole & Cole , II Main street.
J. H. Pace , 738 Broadway. Clins. Swnlne , 340 Broadway. '
Confectionery C. II. Htibcr & Uro. , 112 Kast Uroadway. TAILORINQ Simon Johnson & Co. , 51 ?
Ilobert Marx , 221 Main street. Broadway.
Purity Candy Kitchen , 534 Uroadway.
J. II. Miller , 1013 Main street. Tinware
C. O. D. Market ( C. II. Orvls , Prop. ) , 537
Dentistry Broadway. Cole &Colc , 11 Main street.
Dr. L. B , Hoe. Hoom 322 Mcrrlam Block. J. Wardlan , 1C03 Broadway. Clms. Swalne , 340 Broadway.
Ur. A. O. Mudge , 310 Uroadway. Fred Cvcrs ( West Uroadway Meat Market ) , TUItF GOODS Walters Bros. , IIS Broadway.
2313 Uroadway. UPHOLSTERY S. S. Keller , 311-313-315
Diamonds Broadway.
Merchant Tailoring WALL PAPER J. n. Long , 31 Main street.
M. Wollman , 400 Broadway. ' WATCHES AND CLOCKS M. Wollman , 409
Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway. , '
' Simon Broadway.
Drug's & Drug-gists' Sundries
Wizard Cough Elixir
Dell O. Morgan & Co. , 712 Broadway. Millinery
Mcrrlam Block Pharmacy , corner Main St. Miss L. A. Wollman , 330 Broadway Brown & Wcsner , G17 Mnln street.
mid Willow Avo. ( New store , new stock and new fixtures. ) Wood
Brown & Wcsnor , C17 Main street. f
Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway. Mirrors The Council BlnfCs Coal and Ice Co. , corner
P. O. Schneider , 12 Pearl street. Broadway and Ninth street.
L. Mnssenberg , C30 Uroadway. S. S. Keller , 311-313-315 Broadway. C. A. Lacy , 381 Harrison street.
BEAR IN MIND that it costs you nothing to get our Premiums , The Premium
Stamps get them FREE.
Our office is always open and you are cordially invited to call and bring your friends. If
you have been overlooked in the distribution of our Stamp Books , kindly notify us and we will
take pleasure in supplying you. THEY ARE FREE TO ALL.
Yours very respectfully ,
GLAIR E. TLJKNHULL. Local Manager. J. C , HUMES , General iManii"ci >
Please note change in our Office Address as we have moved from
10 Pearl Street to 339 Broadway.
One .VlKlit Only , Moiiilny , .limitary IS ,
Nllilo Spectacular Humpty Dunijily Company
Supported Ijy f Irons specially nrtlM ? . 1'ilccn
10 , 1.1 nnil : o cents. HcatH now on cale at .Solids'
( . .ntMKlit , Tliiirhilny , .Inn. L'l.
nnil his players In
"NANCE OLDF.ELI)11 . ) and "THE BSLLS. "
Unilcr the nuspl m of Unity Guild of Gritce
Incidental muplc nrrnnKfil for occasion by
the liniierl ii Mnnilolln club.
Trices M'c. 3Ic nml I5c. Bents now en tule at
fellers' ilruu store.
llco court , charged with passing a worthless
check lor a small cum on Clara A. Daven
port , a typewriter , who also pays he "be "
trayed her while sne was employed In his
oirice. He was unable to furnish a $200 bond ,
and was taken to prison. Mr. Steel bc-
I longt ) to one of the oldest famlllci of Ken-
, tuclty. It Is said Colonel W. C. P. Breckln-
rldgo Is his first cousin. Steel has ? prac
ticed law In New York for thirteen jearo.
He has been assistant corporation counsel ,
and In 1S1H was a candidate for congress on
| the O'Brien democratic ticket.
This is the
kind of weather when you need a
peed , heavv , stout boot yet
shapely withal to resist the cold
and slush ; in fact to be perfectly
watertight Many women dislike
rubbers and there is a constant
demand for a shoe that possesses
these requirements. Try a
pair of boots at $2,50.
NO. 25 VIN ST. They fill tlio bill to n "T" . Yet for those
who want rubbers wo have them in ull
styles nnd prices.
NO. 25
Closing Out Sale.
Having concluded to discontinue our Omaha branch for the pres
ent , and to avoid moving ; ottr large stock of Pianos and Organs
back to Conni'll muffs , la. , wo will sell for the next thirty days at
a discount of from L 5 to 53 per cent In fact , regardless of cost.
Cull early at lu' ' Farnam Street and secure a bargain.
At Our Council Bluffs , Iowa , Store.
Wo will continue our clearing sale to January 1 , 1S1I7 , during jq
which time yon can secure rare bargains , not only In Pianos and JKJ
Organs , but in all kinds of Musical Instruments. jj
Guitars , $2.7. ) and upward. *
Mandolins , ? ; i.U. > and upward. + 4
Violins , Accordeons , Drums , etc. We carry a very large stock * 3
for the Christmas trade. J $
ILEB PIANO & mm GO , ,
Omaha , 1522 Farnain St.
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Do you want " 9 Everybody knows what *
Shoes Cheap for Cash- Sargent's Sale means- They ,
If you do , go to don't come often
Twice a year Januai , an.l July We cut the life out of prices on Shoes
Nothing is kept back , everything goes , at a price
If you think you have Bought Shoes Cheap before
Go to Sargent's now.
This includes all the new Columbia and Twentieth Century Toe , Misses' Ladies' and Children's
Look for the Bear , TEN DAYS ONLY AT SARGENT'S Oood Shoes our Trade Mnrlr , f