Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15
THE OMAITA DAILY "REE : SUNDAY , JAXUAliY 17 , 1897. 15 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Qoncral Business Situation Shows Very Few Changes of Importance. CORN TOO SOFT TO SHIP WITH SAFETY \VcnllH-r PrnvoN 11 ( Ircnt Dclrl- IIH'Ilt tl > .AtltllX LIllCM Of HllHllU-B-t ( Mln-r UltlcN In \n l Tlinn Oiiiiilin. V" Tlio business Intcrcsls ot Omnlm enn Jntrdly lie said to have untlorgono nnj vcrj * tnatorlnl chiuiKo ilurliiK1 tlio week Jusi closed , conilltloiiH KovcrnliiK move ment * liuvliiB remained practlonlly unnl- tcrcd during Hint period , It Is the dul season of thu year at best , nnd no Kfeal business nativity wns expected , cspcclall > durliiff the first llfteen days of the month. At the same tlniu It can bo said , comparing this season with last , thnt trndo In a Jobbing way , nt leant , Is In very fair condition. While there Is still nil nbsenct of brisk dcinnnd , It Is possible to notu slffns of a quiet Improvement nlong cer tain lines , nnd the general disposition umonK Jobbci-H Is to regard the situation ns ohowliiK mending. 'llierc la no room for the formation of cxtraviiBant oxpuctntlons ns to the course of trndo In the near future , but there nro HO many Indications of stocks In hands 01 rotnllera being tu comparatively limited compass Unit n decided Improvement In the demand might occur nt most nny time A Rood mnny very conservntlvo mer chants nro looking forward to the coming of spring ns likely , to witness the begin ning of u more prosperous season , though no very greiit expansion of trade can bo expected to dovrlop from IOc corn. The latter fact no doubt furnishes the rca ronson why business nt the present time docs not show greater activity. Liquida tion has been carried on until the bottom IHIH been reached , nnd the business struc ture may bo said to rest upon n nolk foundation , ns evidenced by the decrcnsi. in the number of business failures In Ne braska last year. The conditions would al Hoem to be favorable to n speedy revival li all branches of Industry , with the one ex ception that prices on farm products arc low , with n consequent scarcity of mone > In the country. SOUTH OMAHA'S COUN MAIIKKT. At the present time very little corn la moving from this section of the country anil , ns was pointed out a week ngo , us many cnttlo arc going back to be placed on feed ns nro coming out. so that com paratively little money Is being liberated for U3f In general trade channels. The extremely mild weather nt this sca- Hon Is the most serious drawback with which business Interests nro compelled to contend. Had the weather been cold , corn , would hnvo bu-n hardened and nt to ship C without danger of serious less. As It Is , n great deal of corn has been lost from heat ing In transit , and shippers are afraid to touch It. Hundreds ot carloads of corn liavo proven a total loss on reaching their destination , nnd have been dumped ns en tirely worthless. Under such circum stances' very little corn can bo expected to move until the weather tiecomca much coldei' , nnd the money of the state must remain tied up until shipping operations can bo carried on without such heavy risks. It might bo noted In this connection thnt fJoulh Omnhn clnlms to bu the best markul for corn In the stnte , In the sense that the "V , best price Is paid. The stock yards com- pi pany hns use for nbout SO.OOO bushels of corn per year , which Is purchased , ns far ns possible , from Douglas and Snrpj county farmers , who ilullvcr It by the wagon load. At the present time the com pany Is paying 15 cents per bushel of sev enty-pound ear corn , a better price , It Is claimed , than Is paid at any other point. The mild weather. In addition to Inter fering with the shipment of corn. Is a matter of regret to all closes of business men , as It prevents thu harvesting of an Ice crop. If Ice cutting operations could bo carried on It Would mean the placing In circulation of a good many thousand * ol dollar * , which would bo a great advantage to business as well as to the laboring men. INDICATIONS OK UlSTTKIl TIMES. At thla season of the year buyers repre- a good many lines of business are accustomed to spend a week or two In the east , making selections ot stocks. Some of these buyers , who have already made the trip , bring back reports that are well cal culated to Increase conlldenco In Onia-ha ns n business center. All these reports agree thnt business operations In the east nro dull without exception nnd that even the retnll trndo In eastern cities , where money Is supposed to be plentiful , Is very quiet. Kastprn rotall merchants nre com plaining of dull tlnu > Just as hard ns nro western merchants , and failures nro by no means Infrequent. No one city appears to liavo n monopoly of hard times nnd It Is n noteworthy fart thnt every Omaha business man who spends n week or two In the east returns better satlslled with 'his own city. OMAHA KUMSltAL .JIAIHCI3T. Cuniiltlnii of Trade nml Qiuitntlnn * on .Staple niul Kiiiii'jProduce. . KQCIS Presli gatheied , 12l2 ! > c. IJUTTEH Common to fair. S09e ; choice to fancy roll , ISffUc ; separator creamery , 20o ; Bath- ered creamery , 15T16c. OAME Hluo winged teal ducks , J1.73 ; green I wing , Jl.CO ; rcdliends nnd mallards , (3.75 ; email B i'abbltH.lflQ'iOc ; jacks , $1.0001.23 ; squirrels , CCi70a ; / "Canada geese , large , JO.OOtfi.OO ; small. J4.C08 6.00. 6.00.CHEESE CHEESE Domestic brick , lOJlc ; EJum , per doz , , (9.00 ; club house , Mb. jars , per doz. , 13.15 ; Llinbcrgcr , fancy , per Ik , Hie ; Hoquefoit , H-lb. jars , per iloz. , J3.COYoune America ! ) , lOHc ; tnliM , fancy , lOHiC. VEAL Choice fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , are quoted nt 7ff7He ; largo and course , 4fi3t\ DHESSEI ) POULTItY Chickens. C507c ! ; tur keys. ] Hi)12o ) ; geeFe , S9c ; ducks , St9c. } LIVE 1'OULTHY Nnl wiimcd. I'lOEONS-Llve , 73JJSOc ; dead plcenns , not wanted , HAY Upland , J4.SO ; midland. Jl.OO ; lowland. J3.50 ; rye straw , I3.GO ; color makes the pi lee on _ j _ hay ; llBht b".l s sell the best ; only top grades brim ; top pi Ires. I1I1OOM COHN Extremely flow tale ; new crop , delivered on trnck In country ; choice green Kelf.woikliig eoipot. per Ib. . 21)2' ' c ; choice creen , runnliijr to hurl , 2Jt2'e ; common , l' ' c. VEOETAIJLE8. SWEET I'OTATOES-On orders , per bbl. , JI.75. ONIONS Oood stock , per bu , , C3'u"5o. LIMA IIL'ANS Per Ib. . 4e. HBANH-HatuI pit-ked navy , per bu , . tl.25Jfl.33. CAIIIIAaE.-aood stoc-k. per hundred. J1.23. CELEHY Per dos. , I5U30c ; fancy , large. 4 : 60s. 60s.l'OTATOESCocd ! native stock , per bu. , 25ff ! Cc. KKUlTfi. URArES Crates , 13 pony baskets. Coucordi anl Catnwbns , per crutes , K.W , SIAUVUA OHAl'ES-l'er kes , 7. CHANIlEHHIES-Cnpn C > .d. per bbl. . K.00(36.50. ( Al'I'MiS-CooklnK , per bbl.Jl.C30'1.75 : fancy N < > w York. M.75. CALIKOUNIA I'EAlta-l'er box. J2.0032.25. ntoi'icAL i-'iiuira. 1'1'LEU IVr unite of iwo to three Uoi. , . OltANOiS : Mexican. J3.J003.73 : California navelr. JJ.UOtf3.60 ; twdllnsu , j.73 fj.(0. LKMON'fMeMliiHi. . Jl.WTf4. > ; chok-e Cali fornia , J3.00 J3.tOj fanry , J3.tOC3.73 , IIANAN.V1 ! Choice hirRH stock , per hunch. U.WCTM5 : medium. Klii-d bunchci. Jl.(0if2.0e. HONEY Fancy white , per lu. , He ; choice , Ucj Callfoinlu , amtji-r color , tOc. CIDEH-Clarllied juice , per halt bbl. , J2.30 ; per MAI'l'.E HVHiri'-rive-sal. rain , each , J2.50W 2.75 ; Kill , cans , per dec. , tU ; luilf-gul. caiu , tD.25 ; qliurl c.inu. 1.1.0)1. NUT ( Almonds , Callfonim , per Ib. . lure * sire. 13f. Uruilli , per lu. . lUc ; nnulish wal- llllls , per lh. , filtu-y , soft "hell , iiiilo : btuliJ. nrds. Ul/11'.io : filberts , per Ib. . to.1 ; prruns , pul- Ished. large. 1SV ) ! ; Juml > o. llfflJc ; Unt * hick , ory nuts } l 23 per bu , ; small , { 1.50 ; coco.iniils , la "pArEH KHAUT-I'or lialf Lbl. , JI.73. : bbls. . J3.00Jf3.23. Fins Imported fancy , K crown , 30-lb. boic , lie ; clvles. 10-lb. boxes , S-erown , lie. HIDES. TA7J.OW. HTO. HIDES No. 1 Kieen hlJes , &V4" ! No. 2 urcen hides. J'i"1 : No , 1 urecn sallvd hides , 7n ; No. 2 ureen tallod hliles , Co ; Nn. 1 VIM I calf. 8 tu 1 ! Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal ralf , 8 to 13 Ibr , , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hlJot , tlOlOo ; Nn. 2 dry Hint hides. s ? c ; No. 1 dry sailed lilJ , Sfl'Jc : part cured lildps. Ho per lu. U than fully cilf-d. ' - _ SHEKI' PEI/rS-nreon salted , each. 23nWi'i 7 urefii snllvdi shearings ( nhort uoolej early skins ) . f ra h , 16o ; dry shearings ( nhort uooled c.irly ckln * ) . No. I. each. Cc ; drv Hint. Kama * nnd NebrnsUa tnitchvr wool pi-Its , per Ib. . actual veliiht. < ijo ; drv flint , Kanrtis and Ncbratku Murrain wool pelt * , per Ib , , actual weight , Jiflc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pells , per Ib. , actual weight , Uc ; Oiy Hint CMnrndo Murrain wool pells , per Ib. , weight , totes feel cut uff. us It Is unless to pay fivltht on them. TALLOW AND aitEABK-Tnllow , No. I , Jo | tallow. No. 2. 2'ie ; greane , white A. Jo ; crease , while H. 2c ; great * , ytltow. Sc ; grenie , dark , old butter , ij'Miu ; tei-ivvux , prime , 12U22c ; rnugh tnllnw. Ic. WOOI < IJnwmhel , nn * , heavy. ( O7o ; fine , light. Sff t ( junrtvrldoo. . , lo lfu- seedy , burry onu ) chnrfy , U ' ; rcltcd nnd InvKon. coarse , 7(9o ! poiud and broWjn tin * , cir.- . rurcu Witihed Medium. Utfltej Una. IIUIOc ; tub vraincd. ICUlScj bluet ; Vci bucks , Ca : tna ln.-i ) , 2&3c ; dra < { Milled , ilfiiv- . HONES In car lots , weighed nn4 dcllverfd 'n CliUMtu ; Uy Lurl lo , p.r ion. IU.W914.00 ; Jry i. country , Idpnclied , per Inn , llo.MflISM ; < 1ry coun. try , ilomp nnd menty , per ton , J .Cu08.W. MlESH MEATS. HLI-.K-Qood native Mecrs , 400 In COO lus. , CO 10 , weetf > rn uteers , BV 8Bc. goal cows nnil licit- cm , B'.iOSfl ; medium cuwn un.l heifer * , J'lc ; ooJ fm-iiunrteril coMt nnd heifers , 4c ; good tole- tiuatlers ulcers , tcj Rood hindquarters cow * and heifers , 7c ; good hlnd'iunrter ' * native steer * , tc- tenderloins , iOc ; toneless utrlpi. 9c ; strip If nil. 7c ; rolls , S ! oj sirloin mitts , fc'kc ; ulioulilcr clods , 6Vtc ; rump butts , 5c ; fleer omickn , 4o ; cow chucks , site ; Ixmelttift chucks , lei plates , 3(40 ( ! Hunk steak , Co ; lolna. No. I. 12'ic ' ; llnnn , No. 2 , lOHci lulnn , Nn. J , NVi ribs , No. 1 , lOftc ; rllx , No , 2 , S',4o ; rlb , No. 3 , fi' 'j loiintln , S4c ; roundg , Minnie or rump off , C',3 ! tuunds , piiank nna rump off. Tc : trimming * , 4cj brains , per dozen , Mcj sweetbreads , per Ib. , 16j kidney ; , each , 3oj ox mils , each , 3cj livers , each , 20c , hearts , each , c ; toimues per Ib. , 12c. I'OilK Tiresred liofes , 4 ! C ; tenderloins , lie ; loins , fc ; spare ribs. 4 < * c ; hnm sausage butts. Bo ; shoulders , rough , 4tc ! : shoulders , skinned. Bo ; trimmings , tci lent lard , not rendered , B'jo ; heads , denned , 3ic ! ; fnouts nnd i-nrs , 3tio ; back- bnnes , 3o : neckbonm. 3o ; pigs' talK 34c ! ; plucks , cncil , Be ; chitterlings , tc ; licrks , 4o ; hcnits , per dozen , Z5c ; slonmchs. each. 3c ; tongues , each , to ; kidney * , per doznn , IOc ; brnlns , per dozen , lie , MUTTON Drcsied liinibs , 7o ; dressed sheep , Co ; rocks , 8Uc ; legs nnd saddle * . 7Ke : brcnsts Mid stown , 3c ; tongues , each , So ; plucks , each , xmv VOUK CKMIHAL MAIIKHT. ( liiiifatliiiiN of ( In nay mi ( icncral ( 'onimoilltlrM , NEW YOIIIC , Jnn. 16. FI.Ot'H-Recelpts , 13 782 bbls.j exports , 9,229 bbls. ; steady , but quiet ; winter patents , JI.90fl5.IO ; winter straights , J4.40 (31.70 ( : Minnesota patcntn , J4.5084.70 ; winter ex tras , J3.23JJ3.73 ; Minnesota bakers , J3.43U3.H ) ; wlnier low grades , J2,75ff3.10. H > c flour , quiet ; superfine , J2.75'rf2.90. Duckwheat flour , quiet ; HUUK.WHEAT Quiet ; 35 5Cc. COHN MEAL Quiet ; yellow western , Me. IIVE Steady ; < l 4Dc. HAHLEY Hlemly ; limiting , SS3 < Cc. HAIU.EY MALT Slendy ; western , C0fl33e. WHEAT Receipts , 13os3 bu , ; cxpurts , 3.SC4 bu. ; spot , dull , but llrm ; No. 2 hard , BOKc. Options opened firm and advanced , with few fluctuations , nil morning on local covering , sup plemented by bullish minors , decreasing local stock , talk of export demand , and prospects of u fair visible supply ilccieiise , closing , No , 2 red , January , Vi&vlu net higher , May , SO'.iU ' b'c , closing 87c. CORN Receipt * . O.C7."rbu. ; exports , : s,2S3 bu. ; spot , dull ; No. 2 , I'Jc. Options opened sleady with wheat , but sold on" under light specula- lutlon , and closed partially Vic net lower ; Jan uary , closed , .B9'ic ' ; February , S9T4G30Vic. clos- ItiK 30c. OATS Receipts , Cl',300 bu. ; exporls , 12,523 bu. ; bpot , dull ; No. 2 , 2Ul c. Optlona opened In active nnd about steady , closing unchanged ; January , closed , 22Vic ; May , :2V > c , closing 2JTSc. HAY Steady ; shipping. 53ijGOe ; good to choice , 70Jj75c. HOI'S Firm ; 1K 3 crop. 3fi7'tc : state , common to choice , 18'.M crop , SSjlUje ; I'aclllo const , 1893 crop. 3 < SG7Hc ; IW crop , 9sfl3c. HIDES Finn ; Texas , dry , 9Wc ; California , LKATHEU Firms hemlock sole , Hiienos Ayres , light to heavy weight , ISiJSTMHo. PROVISIONS lieef , market quiet ; family. J9.50OtO.00 ; extra mess , J7.60 ; beef hums , J7.C05f > S.CO ; packets , J'.OOOT.SO. Cut meats , steady ; pickled bellies , 4lf41c ; pickled shoulders. 4'ic ' ; pickled hams , 8' c. Lard , quiet : western slenm , , 14.23 ; rcnned. quiet. Pork , dull ; mess , JS.SOfl1 9.M ; short clear , JS.73fflo.00. Tallow , steady ; city. 3Miff3ic. ns to quality. HUTTEH Receipts , 4.070 pkgs. ; steady ; west ern creamery. 13'i20c ; Elglns , 20c ; factory , 9B14e. CHEESE Receipts , 1.028 pki ; * . : quiet ; state , large , 74@HVic ! ; stale , small , SWll'.Se ; part skims , IflSVie ; lull skims , 2VM3i. EOGW RecelptH , 3,353 pkgs. ; quiet , state nna rennsylvnnla. 17e ; western , 135T13c. OlLS-1'i.-trolcum , dull ; United , no market. Hosln , quiet ; ( trained , common to good , J1.70JJ 1.72i. Turpentine , dull ; 27HW2S'ic. RICE Steady ; fair lo extra , B JJOVic ; Japan , MOLASSES-Qulet ; New Orleans , open ket tle good to choice , 32JJS3C. METALS 1MB Iron , quiet ; southern , Jll.Ofll ? 12.00 ' : northern , J11.00J13.00. Copper , ntpmly ; hiokers , 17'ic. Lend , strong ; brokers , J2.80. Tin , plates , easy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Liittlft ( Sfiii-nil MarUi't. ST. I-OUIS , Jan. 1G. FI.OUR Slendy ; patents , fl.55SI.C5 ; extra fan y , 5I.10ST4.20 ; fancy , J3.C05J WHEAT Futures dull at the start nnd Ho lower. A fair demand was reported nt New York nnd the world's shipments were light , but while the feellnc wns stronger there wns no maji to f.ic market. The clojc was Uc to % c higher than yesterday ; No. 2 red rash , elevator , kCin bid ; truck. Me ; No. 2 hard , cnnh. SOe asked ; January. SCftc ; May , S6T c ; July , 7iTjc. CORN Futures dull , but steady , f-'pot Hrm , No. 2 casli , 20iic ; January , 20-5JC asKeil ; May , 22V'c. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 cosh. 17c bid ; May. 19J4C. HYE l-'lrm : 33o asked , on track. I1ARLEY Dull : 3084CC. CORN MEAIJl.r. . . IlltAN Dull and steady : 3S ? 39o. FLAXSEED Steady : 7110. TIMOTHY SEED-1'rlme. J2.40. HAY Dull and steady ; timothy , J3.50 ; prairie , J3.75S7.ftO. HUTTER Dull nnd unchanged ; creamery , 1781 . . . dully , 12B15c. EflOS Dull at He. . WHISKY 11.18. METAUS Lead , steady ; t2.EOff2.83. Spelter , steady PROVISIONS Pork , easy ; standard mess , Job bing , J7.05J/7.75. Lnnl , easier ; prime iiteum , J3.87ii. Hiicon. boxed shouldcni , J4.U ; extra short clear , JI.75 ; ribs , tf.S7 ! ; shorts , J5. Diy salt meats , shoulders , J4.CS ; extra short clear , J4.23 ; ribs. tl.rO ; shorts , JI.I2H. RECEIPTS Flour B.COO bbU. ; wheat , 14,000 bu. : corn. 91.000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. SHII'MENTS-Flour , D.MO bb'i ; , ; wheat , 15.000 bu. ; corn , 15,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu. Liverpool MarliotH. LIVERPOOL , Jan. K.-WHEAT-Spot. steady ; demand noor : No. 2 red. stirlnc. 6 lOd : No. 1 California , 7s V4d. I > "utures clotcil llrm , with near ami distant pos-ltlnns > < d higher ; business heaviest on middle positions ; January , CsH ; < 1 ; Fcbiuary , Cs 9Ud ; March , 6s 1014d ; May , Cs lOttd. COIIN Spot , sleady : American mixed , new , 2a 9'.id. Futures closed quiet , with near nnd distant positions unchanged to > 4d higher ; Jan uary , 2s 9V'td : February , 2s 91id ; March , Hi 9iid ; April , 2s lOd : May , 2s 10d. FLOt'n Steady ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy winter , 9t 3d. I'HOVISIONS nncon. nrm ; demand moderate ; Cumberland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. , 2Ss ; short ribs , 20 to ! l Ibs. , 2Cs Cd ; long clear , light , 34 lo 38 Ibu. . 27s ; long clear , heavy. 40 to 43 Ibs. , 2js ( Cd ; short clear backs , light. IS Ibs. . 2&t Cd ; short cb-nr middles , heavy. 43 to BO Ibs , . 21s ; clear bi'lllcK. II to 1C Ibs. . 27s Cd. Shoulders ( square ) , 12 to IS Ibs. . 56s Cd. Hams , fhort cut , 14 to 18 Hi ! ) . . 40s. Tallow , fine North American , 19s. Ileef , extra India mess , 62s Cd : prime mess , 60s. 1'ork. prime mess , dm- western , 48s Cd ; medium western , 4U 3d. Lard , steady ; prime western , ! ls : lenned. In palls. 22s 9d. CIIKKSK Firm : demand fair ; finest American , while ami colored. 53s. lUTTTHn Finest United States , Ms ; good , B5s. OILS Llneed. IfH 3d : petroleum , refined , CV4d. nrjFllIOKnATOn HHHF Forequarter , 3d ; hlndaiinrter , Bid. HOPS At London ( Vncine coast ) , 4. CoftV NH\V YORK. Jan. 1G. COFFH12 Options opened quint , with prices unchanged to & point. ' lower , ruled Inactive nnd featureless , except tor small local demand against short contract , fol lowing steady cablec ; closed quiet nnd unc'inngca to 5 points advance : sales , 1,000 ham , Including ) Mny. J9.5S. Spot coffee , Hlo. quiet ; No. 7. invnlcv , J10.0.1 . ; Jobbing. J10.50. Mild quiet ; Cordova. 515.50 OU.ffl. Total wnrc lieu o deliveries from the I'nltfd Stales , 4S,153 bags , Including 10.10 bngs frnm New York ; New Yolk slock today , 30- C12 bags : United States stuck. 3sa,432 bags ; nlloat for the United Stales , 34 < iOOA bags ; totnl vlvlhla for tli United Htules , 735,479 bags , against B79- J7f bacH last year , SANTOS , Jan. W.-COUFKIS-fiood average Santos , 11,700 rels ; receipts , 11,000 bagu ; ntocK , B1S.KO bagK , JIAMIlUltO , Jan. 1C. COFFKK Quiet nnd un. changeil ; sales , 4 , ICO bugs. HAVUK. Jan. K. . COFFUH Opened Uf to W ndvanca : cloned unchanged ; wiltti , I.COO bags. HIO. Jan , 1C. t"OFFKlSteady : : No , 7 , nio , 10,050 rels ; exchange , 8 9-lCd ; receipts , 3. COO bugs ; cleared for the United States. 5.000 bags ; fop Kuiupe , 11 , COO hags ; stocks , 319.COO bags. I'M nt "CI V | lix FALL niVlOU , Mass , . Jan. 1C. The print cloths inniket bus aisiuncil n Hnver tone , owing to un- UKiially large sales nnd heavy ilellverles during the week. Th" clock has been reduced 190.000 Idecc-i. The effect of Hie week's business tins lieen to nuiku the mnnufacturerii len eager In thflr talk bt n curtailment mov.'incnt , Some of llu'in have nlieady cuntractt-d to furnish odd coed * lit llRiire which yield them some return , nnd * rim mllU are. nut anxious to shut down , Thes" threaten In bo the means of preventing any general agreement lo curtail production LONDON. Jon , 1C. SUGAll-Cnnc. quiet ; prices nominal ; ccntilfitKnl Jnv ? . llx 3d ; MU.I- covndo , fair rcdnlng , ? H 9d. Ilect.'diill nnd rather easier : January and Uebrunry. n < Wid. NF.\V YOIIIC , Jan. 1C. SUOAH-llaw , uteady ; fair refining , ! 3-l < < : cenlilfugnl , M lest , 3 3-lOc : rallneO. steady ; mold "A. " 4'io ; stnndanl "A , " Ilic ; ronfi-ctloneiV "A , " . 4Uc : cut loaf , Co ; crushed , Co ; powdered , 15 c ; granulated , 4Jo ; cubed , 4Jii % ToliMln MnrkflN. TOLKPO. Jan. 1C.V1IIJAT tlliihcr. tuj iteady : No. 3 cnnli. M'sc ' ; May. 93'.5r. ' COHN-Sleady ; No. 2 mixed , ! 2o bid ; KVSo asked , OATS Quiet ; No. J mixed. ln n k l. HYK--Inactlva ; No , 2 cash , 3Su bid. Cl OVKU SKKD-Dull , but bleady ; prlmr March , ? 5.JVi. Inipoi-lN nml UxpnrlM nl .VonYnrlc , NKW YOIIIC , Jan. IC. The Imports of diy iHlii and merchandise nt thl * port were valued at 110.8)1,001 ) this week , The ImpoiU < if ncc ! , > ut thli port this week wcro valued at J5T.4SI , rl which J11.S7I was In gold , Th * e poit rf peclii Ibis week were K6S.500 , of which J02.1CO wa In guld , \Viiul NEW YORK , Jan , \VOOL--Q.ul t ; < lleeee , 15020o ; pulled. iSOISe. ST. LOUIH. , Jnn , li' . WOOL-Qulet nnd Oil OMj OIL CITY , JHII , 1C , . Ci. . ] It balanro , fn0 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat is Dull , but Gains Strength from Abroad , and Oloscs Higher. OTHER CEREALS ARE CARRIED UP WITH IT Liverpool . \irnln Fiirnlilu'H n Si n ( tin * OiionliiH OnliTH for l'\iort | a StfiniK I'lii'lor 1'rnvltiloim Arttl CHICAGO. Jnn. If ! . Wheat , nlthoucli H very dull market , rulcil ntrnng niul closed Al n 9JC ndviuico. Tlio strength came prin cipally from the firmness In the United Kingdom markets nnd a very good export business. Coin nnd oats both profited by wheat nnd scored advances of UfiVic , re spectively. Provisions closed nt substan tially unchanged prices. In Liverpool again furnished n sur- rrlso nt the opening , the quotations from , L-.ut market Knowing n U < 1 advance , In the l fnco of iv % d decline hero yesterday. It l did not have very much effect , however , the frequency with which thnt market has seesawed with the local market of Into having caused n feeling of linUItercnco. nut Its Influence wns strong enough to cctiso the Mny option , which closed yester day at IOc , to open today nt SO'.ic. ' After that there was n brief period of weakness , caused by selling orders from outside mar kets , St. Louis especially , w.ilch caused It to sell ut SO c. Hut the easy feeling wan short lived. Chicago receipts were forty l cars. A year ago they were 111 cars. Min neapolis and Duluth reported 291 cars , 1 against 174 lust Saturday and 409 a year , ngo. The week's shlimients of wheat nnd Hour from both coasts wore given by Urnd- treel's as 2,948,000 bu. , as compared with 3,109 , K > bu. the week before. It was Inll- n-.nted In the cablegrams that the world's exports of wheat and flour to Kurope this week were expected to show tip small Mon day nnd that was understood to bo tlio chief reason for Liverpool's firmness. It was soon known hero that three boatloads of No. 2 spring had been worked for export to go all by rail at once from Chicago to the seaboard. The market became firmer and May advanced to S0-)4c. Later In the day the same llrm that worked the three boatloads placed ten more to go from here to the United Kingdom In the same way nnd at once. That was the reason In chief for a further rlso to SlfjSlUc about twenty minutes from the close , and the last tradIng - Ing was at S3ic , or % c Imurovcment for Corn ruled a trifle firmer , Influenced by the strength In wheat anil by the reduction of rail freight to the seaboard , equal to 2'c per bu. Trade was narrow and price changes were confined to a Vic limit. Mny opened a shade hluher at 24r872l4c ; , s-ald to 20ic , to 24"4c , nnd closed steady at 2lic. ( boxed ) , J4.25G4.M , Bliort clear BlUes ( boxed ) . < . . * WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per ( jal. , tl.ts. 8UOAIIB Cut loaf. J3.2G ; Brnnulated , J4.CI. Tlio following were the receipts and flilpmcnts today : On tlio Pro Jnco oxcli.-.iiffo to lav tiu ! butter mar ket was llrm ; cruamnry , l.'Mlilc ; dairy , 03 17c. KBS. weak ; froHli. 12c. Cliooeu. llrm at Oall > lc. UrcHied iioiiltrv. Htemtv ; turkeys , Ha llWcicldckeiiB , .ISHKic : duekH. loailc. STOC'ltS AMI IJII.V US. IniiirovfiiiiMit on "Wall Street Due to Oimlldfilfo in I'"olirc. ( Jf KV * YOHIC , Jan. 16. The stock market wound up for the week tplrltcd nnd strong. The dJi trlbutlon of business was wider and the aggregate gate transactions larger In tlio short session tlnin the recent full day average. The temper of the ftirt't was decidedly bullish and buyln ? for the long account wns In excer of the pur- cliuiu to cover : iort contracts. There was im special news bearing on the speculation , aside from the very encouraging bank statement , but further ocnuldenitlon of th cxlraordlnailly stnns Inlcrnallonal trade position of the United Stales , the pressure of very large Bums of Idle money reflected In a fairly urgent Investment demand for gllt-edgrd bonds and stocks , nnd I lie abhencu of the deprfpslng reports nnd rumors , political and olhcrwlse , that have checked the niaiket re cently , but contributed toward decliled Improve ment In polni of bolli activity and appreciation of values. The specialties were prominent nna advanced sharply , Including Lwid preferred and llllnoii Steel , which figured for gains of 3 per cent each , and Pullman nnd Colcrado 1'ucl for 114 per rent. Heading l ts preferred ( when Is sued ) , opened at DOc , advanced to 52 Vi and re acted to the opening. IJxpectutlon of favorable traffic returns stimulated buying of the granger * and Southwestern stocks. The Wheeling & l.aitr Hrle stocks regarded the news of the appoint ment of n receiver for the property In Dllglit nei declines , Tlio general market closed buoyant av tlio bun prices showing net gains of from 1 to 2 per cent. In the week Just ended the sentiment of the financial community at large underwent a de cided change , and at the cloce u strong spirit of conlldenco of Improvement In the outlook for general business , ruHronds and the stock mar kets was evident In place .of the ilorimndenn which , for some time past , has been character istic In Wall street , Tlio broad considerations building up values hnvo been esteemed so favoi- able ns to outweigh In the judgment of specula. tors nnd Inveslom. some ordinarily depressing nllucnces. The defeat of the Union Paclllo fund ing bill caused a sharp decline In the stock , and dlscmslon of frequent varying reports and rumors as to the probable nptlon that might be taken by the government for the protection of the lien on the property , excited widespread Interest , ow. Ing to the magnitude of tlie Interest Involved The tecurlty holders wore rcnrsured. however by t.ic formation cf a powerful syndicate , wlilc'i linn KUbiscrlbed lld.OOO.WO for the purpose of at. templing n Fcttleim-nt with the government , and Important developments. Including the liimtu- tlon of proceedings for the foreclosure of Hit property nre believed to be Imminent , The enormous accumulation of Idle money nt thin center , and easy money market * abroad , stlmu. lated n steadily Increasing demand for prime Investment - vestment bonds and stocks for both domeatle and foreign account , ami this 'j > usually tlie legltl. mate prelude to a strong and active speculation In the general market , This favorable Inlluonct wan , however , completely overshadowed m < , . tlmental effect by Km extraordinarily Interim- tlonal trade dtuatlon of the United Slates , us Illustrated In government statistics of rxporu nnd Imports , A deliberate fludy of the sentiment Is In demonstrate conclusively tlie great change for tlui better that hns taken place , Tradlmj In both stocks nnd bonds was large and well distributed , and In the first nnmnd gains were recorded of from 2 to G points In thn leading shares , The iloelts ( if the railway iiimpanles figured more prominent ! ! ' In the deal * Ihan the latter. The shares of Ohio soft coal ir business In general , and of Ilia Wheeling < t I.iiku Krl * In pnrlleuUr. were depreicoil by th.i tlrnionilUattm In the bituminous lrad . whl , ! i | > alto given by the president of the laH Mint I company HI an explanntl. n f . r the ap- o'lliitment of receivers for thnt pr p ° rty , nn- fnnnced at n late hour last nluht. The corn- moil stock fell 3H per rent II 2lj nnd the pr.-- ferr J lli per cent ( o II. Slight rallies oc-uriej on the news thnt nil pntillJIl efforts to swuro an Burrrmcnt for more protlUMo sort con ) mUs uoiiM bo made nt n meetlim "t Hie association , to be held on Tuesday of tint -neek In ChK-BRo. guitar moved Irregularly MV'llie ' vnrytnsr B IP regnrillni ? the status of tnc.&intrst of tinAr. . btii-kle Interests , but eluMM'N per cent hlglier. Chl a i > ( las moved stendlljv nnward on expn'tw- tlon of the declaration or H Quarterly dividend of IVj per cent , which 'trail nft'Twiml semi officially forecasted , nnd n hvllef that legal < b- stacles to a consolidation 'of ' the ronntlttietu companies has been rcmovfrt. The Hock left off 4U per cent higher , Townrtl the elo 8 of the week the strength of the msiki't ' elTPcted renlltn- tlotn of rroiUn on n Inrgr spalo. but tlil5 WH * offset by C' nimlsslcn hoijse rurclintes , foreign buying and ncci-js'tlcs of' ' f'norti > . Lens Island sold off nt the llnlsli nn thi * nnnouncement that 1'xpelt ftephen Little hAd licen eiigaited t Investigate the company. The aggregate Males wcr.i 97fi,110 fhares. - - The bond market dlsplaYcd marked. activity nnd In mnny Issues sub'tnntlnl gains pre vailed , 11io pales were 11,190.010. The moro Important ndvnnees ranged from 1 to J per rent. The bond market for the week displayed Blend- lly Increasing Inquiry for fpielen and domestic nceount * . The snle < were 1J'J.3"3.IXfl. ) The prin cipal ndvnnces Included : Missouri Pnelllo , Isl collateral 5s , 20 per cent : l nn Island 4s. 9 per cent ; Omnhn & St. Louis Ista , trust receipts , 4H per cent ; Oreqon Improvement Ists , 4 per pent : tft. Paul , Minneapolis & Omnlm , 3V4 per rent : St. Paul ccnsol 7s , 3 per cent. Oovem- merits were dull , but strong , on transaction ! " ot IfOOOO. Silver certificates were dull nnd slightly easier nt C4Ti for t'.OOO. The Kvenlnit IVsl's Ixindnn financial cnm < > - rram says : "The mnrkets were quiet today , but the tone wns good for alt specialties. Including Americans. The factors were the earns ns cabled yesterday. The Japanese purchases of gold. It may be noticed , contribute toward enslfr money litre , because the money paid for gold Is rej j I'asp'l from money stored up at the of I Kngland. " . . The following were tlio closing quotations o the leading ttocks of the New York cxchang today : Atchliiin 143s1 O. S. L. All. N . in Adams K < c lf.0 Pacific Mall . 1M > Alton. TH fil Poorla. Doc. A K Am. Kxprosii 10H Pltlsburs Kin llnltlmoru A Olilo. Ill Pullman Palace. . . Canada Piiclllo. . . . IllMJU Kcnitln ? -7M Camilla Southern. . 4ft U , (1. W li ! Central I'aultle. . . . . dopfd 411 Chen.AOhlo 18 Rock Island IIDX ClilniKO A Alton. , lllll SI. Paul "Hii C. KAQ 7l ! dopfd lU : Chlcnpo Ga < t 7 ! ) SI. Piuil AOmnha. filM Consolidated Oas. 14t * < dopfd IHO C..C. , C. A. St. L. . . L'OK Soulhorn P.ielllc. . 1 Colo. Coal A Iron- Sugar Honnery. . . . Cotton Oil Cert. . . . A Iron. Delaware A Hud. . Texas Paclllo I'M Del. . Lick. AW. . . ISO Tol. A O. Ci-n. pfd. to IX All. O. pfd I3W Union Pacific to7M Erlo ! . * > U.S. KxproMi 3H KrlnpM : u U W. St. L. APac. . . . 3H7Hi Fort rt'iivnc inn W.Sl.U A P. Dfd. . O. Northern pfd. . . Ill ) Wells Fnriro Ex. . . U7 C. &K. I. iifil DO Western Union. . . . H.Tm Hocklne Valley. . . Ill Whcclhiff A L. K. . 'J.-iM llllnolH Cenlnil. . . IK ! tlopfd 14 St. P. iDnlmli. . . . Minn. A St. Loula. Ill K. AT.Dfd iiT-M lieu. All. O IS ! Lnka Erlo A West. 18 Hen. Electric 34)i topfd ! OS Nnt'l I.lnsood 14 L-iko Shore l.VJ ? ( Col. FuolAIMM Lead Trust ytfl doifd ) 70 I.oulMVllluA N. . . . filh Tol. St. L. A 1C. C. . f > L.A N. A 5i clonfil 10 Manhattan Coll. . . . 02H Southern OK IS Southern pfd 2l > Mo. 1'ncttlo ! M Tobacco 77i MoMltiAOIilo ' - " - ' doDfd 104 KashvlllaChat. . . . DM Am. T. A C. Co. . . . HS N , J. 10' ' Am. Dfd. . . . 10'J ! N. AW. pfd 111 ! , LuMiicrpM am North Am. Co u Rubber " ' ' ' Northern 1'aellle. . lU : ) Rubboipfd. . . . . . . . ; - : > N. 1'uelflc pfd BUS ColtonOil tifd nit U. P. . U. Al ! _ P. C. C. .t. St. L pfd 47 Northwcslern 104' { Am. Splntu duiifd 'l.'llh do pfd f5 N. V. CvntniL1 > 1 O. RAN. pfd N. Y. &JJ.B 45 St. L. &K. lalH. . . Ontario AW 1G5 C. C. Co. 160 Oroiron Nav HI all ne * mcnt8 paid. The total fales of Block' today were 201COO shares , -ludlmr the following : Amerlenn To- bueco 4,000 ; Atchlnon , 2t'0d ; AniPi-fcnn Susnr , SI.SW ; IlurlliiKlon , 13,2 i ) ; ChlcnKo Qn , 9.CI.O ; Gen- crnl Electric , G.4M ) : Louisville and Nanhvllle , C.1CO ; Manhattan. 3,800 ; MIFdirl Pacinc , 4,1X0 ; Rendlnp. 5.0CO ; Hock Inland. 10.300 ; St. I'nnl , 19.SCO ; Tennesspe Coal nnd Iron. S.fCfl ; Union I'aclllc. 3.SOO ; Western ' 'nlon , S.MO ; Wheeling & Lake Erie , 4,700 ; Southern preferred , 5.500. X < MV York Money Mnrlcvl. NEW YORK. Jan. 1C. MONEY ON CALL Nominally , Mi5/2 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3' per cent. , ' STERLING EXCHANOn Finn , with actual business In bankers' bills nt JI.S7HS4.C7 > i for demand and JI.S5JT4.E5U for sixty days ; posted rales , } i.E3f4. 5\4 and tl.SS5j4.bS' , ; commercial blllH , t4.F3Vi. HAH SILVER Wlc. MEXICAN DOLLARS JOKe. GOVERNMENT KONDS-IIrm ; new 4 . rcg. . 120 ; new 4s , coupon , 121 ; 5sireff. | , 112TJ { 5s , coupon , 114H : 4si rep. , Ill ; 4s , coupon. Ill's ; 2s , res. . M-i ! ; PrclOc Cs of ' 9S , 102. , , STATE HONDS null. ' RAILROAD UQNDS SIrens , , , . , ; , Closing quotations on bond * were as follows : II. S. now reg 12(7 ( C. pTlstn of ' 03 , , ; U. S. now coup. . . . 121 r > : . < ! u.n.7s..l ; in , " U. S. rH. ros . ' . . 112t * D. All. 0.4s HH U. S. > ' > a. coup . 114M Erh > 2dH (14.L ( U.S. 4u. reg . Ill G. H. AS. A.Oa. . . . 101 U.S. 49.coun . 111H clo * VH " " If. ? . n. AT. c."c ; : . : : ; : PaclllciiBof'US. . . 102JS llo lls IDL'W . , . 101 M. . K. tT. 1st 4s. 8l : . 103 do'.Ms4B 112 AIa..clnsU . ill ! Mutuiil llnlod ia. ! . Ill Ala. Currency . 1)1 ) N. J. C. Gon. Os. . . . * La. NowCon. 4s. . or. No. I'aclllc IslH. . . 114 100 N. W. Consols 141 N. C. OH . doS.F. Web..3. . 100 H. G West , Ihts. . . 74 S. C. nonfuiii ! K'St. P. Consols 7s. . 131 TOJIII. new net flu. . 10.1 do C. A P. W. 3s. 1IS/J ! Tenn. now at : ! a. . 77 SSt. ! L. AI.M.m.3 T.W Toiin. old IH ! t0 ! ISt. L.AS. F. Gen.O 111) ) Vn. Centuries illliTexas ! IBIS. . . 87 doclufcrrud till il'oxos P.ii.L'da. . . . AtehlHOii IH tOIilll.p lotaof'UJ. . . AlchlHon 2d A 4. > 4lWo9tShoro Is Kurclurii Kliiiint'lnl. HRHLIN , Jnn. 18. ExclWn < > V''on Ixindon , eight dayii' sight , 20 marks suf'tftg. IXDNDON. Jan , 10. aoldisi.ouoteil at Ituenon Ayrcu today at 1SO.CO ; Llibonv Xlj Home , IOIS7'j. TAIUS. Jan. 1C. ThreoiliMifcent rentes. IKf Ko for the account ; exchang ? on London , SJf 230 for checks. ICllllNIIH CIl KANSAS CITY. Jan. Ift.VIIEAT Dull and steady ; No. 2 hard , " 98794o ! ; No. 2 red , 92)'o ; S'o. 2 tiirlnir , nominally , TCljTSc. COHN-Hlendy ; No. 2 mixed. . OATS Fairly active and Kteiuly ; No , 2 white , nominally. liliOStc. IlYE-No. 2. S2e. HAY Steady nnd unclmnsed. 11UTTEH Uncliaiiged ; creamery , UOlDo ; dairy , ECJClS-Hteui'y at AVi-cUI > - lliinK.Statement. . NEW YOIIIC. Jnn. 16.-Tlio weekly bank elate- nent nlioivH the following clmnKeu : Henervc , neroise f 8,181 .975 ; loans , | nreaift t : 3,000 ; ipeclc , IHTLMUU if2i,3(0 ; legal tender , Increcne I'JSV9(00 ; It-posits , Incieaiw t'J.riS.10) ) ; circulation , deereaka tlW.fiOO. The linnks now hold 152,172.623 In exoOil. i < the requirements of tlio 2G per cent rule. \\'ll-ll < < ) llltltlllllH | , &IINNU.\rOLI8 , Jan. \VIIEAT--Jnnuary , 7'c. ' May , 7Si > tf7SHc ; July , 73Vjc , On track ; Vo. i hard , 7Sfte ; No , 1 northern , 77iaj receipts , ; o curs , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET \7ook Closes with the Usual Light Run of ( Little niul Hogs. POOR LOT OF BEEF STEERS OFFERED Ilnlf-Knt nml 1'iiiliTfoil Stuff a DuiKKliiK' TrntU' Hiiti'li Slock llolilx n Little lli-ltcr for UKlnj' . SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. IG.-UccellMs for the days indicated were : Cnttlo. Hog * . Sheep. Horses. 'January ' 10 1075 4S3 ? l.US January 15 1,5 2 'J 770 2.1HW . . . . January H 2,2071,050 2.0 < l . . . . January 13 3,211) ) 0,803 CO. ! HI I January 12 2,309 5.1M > 1,209 'January ' 11 2,130 3,356 l,7til . . . . ! January 9 1,12 $ 4 , 5r > (171 ( . . . . January S 2,3 > 5 J.M > il CIS . . . . January 7 1.970 C.100 4.4S ) January C 4,027 3,119 2,223 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns : * " ' c , , wi. . * st. P. ny : "OB'i Missouri 1'nclllo Hy 1 3 Union Paclilc system. . . . S 15 C. & X.V. . Ky 1 R. 10. & M. V. H. H. ' ' 11 c. ; st" . iV'.Vi. & 6V iiy' . H. & M. H. n. ii. . . . . . . . m 20 c. , a ,1 q. iiy K. c. i5t. J Jotal receipts -1C 73 G The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huyers. Cattlo. Hops. Sheep. Omaha racking Co 1,092 O. II. Hammond Co lit S73 1C9 Swift and Company 372 1,193 Cudahy Packing Co 170 l.CSii 979 J. L. Caiey 172 \V. L Stephens 33 Other buyers 112 17 Totals 1,113 4.S11 uls CATTLK The receipts wcro light today , only forty-seven loads being reported In , or nboiit the usual Saturday's run. The most of the cattle hero were beeves , largely -half fat cattle. The market did not show any material change , though the trade -was slow on the ICES desirable grades. Hutcliers' .stock was also Just nbout steady , and cows mid heifers sold In the same notch na yesterday. The market of the past week ns regards beef cattle wan not entirely to the liking of sellers. The receipts were not very large , while the de-maud was good , which was a considerable clement of strength , but t--.e heavy declines In eastern markets were suf ficient to counterbalance thu strong feat- urea of the market here. The result was lower price here , though the break was not of such largo proportions as that experi enced at some other points. The downward tendency of the market set In on Tuesday and continued through Wednesday , the de cline for the two days carrying market liploc lower than the previous week. 'Dur ing the last two days of the week values did not chow any very decided change. Iho most of the beef cattle coming have been only half fat and by no means a do- itlrable kind or cuttle for packers to handle. Heally good and Well-finished cattle were absent from the market , so that the sales made during the week have not shown up so very well on paper. mitchers' flock , .such as good cows nnd heifers , sold nt satisfactory prices all the week , and the light oircrmps and active demand wits sufficient to hold values up In sjjlto of the decline on fat steers. The common kinds may have shown a little weakness , but hardly enough to be quotn- ii ,9un stock , bulls , stag ? , etc. , sold well all the week , nnd veal calves were In nutlve demand at steady prices. .v.T" ? R itest strength was developed In the feeder department , the receipts of that kind of cattle being only moderate , whllo demand was very active. The prices paid for feeders were as high as they have > en/JfnY " " . " - ' r'l Rl B mostly from $3.00 to $1.00 , though as high as $1.15 was reached , uno low price of corn In the country Is far .u u'"s ' thu,1)l'ylng of feeders , nml thus the demand shows no signs of falling .oil. TU-prcscntntlvn sales : NATIVES. DEI * I1 STEKIIS. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr No Av Pr 2..1010 J3 CO 20 . .1101 * 3ISO W ' . .1I43$3M C..10J ) 3 DO 35..1140 3 0 L. . . S30 4 00 I. . . . M 3 CO 7..1102 3 SO J4..12C1 400 40. . . . ! 3 3 63 17..1115 3 SO 30..HID 4 0) " L21 3C3 21..1117 3 S3 1..1250 400 ? " ' . ' ! ? 3 k" 5..1201 3 W 7. . . . Ml 4 10 0-J----J ° Ji J 0 19..110S 3 DO 13..1200 410 rt"'S ; 2 12..1IC7 SCO 20..1403 413 ? " " ? S " " " 1173 2 IK ) IS..150.5 413 WT ' ' ' ' 8""IOCO S9 ° 21..1557 423 . . . . ' 3 so COWS. L. . . 30 100 2. . . . 920 250 1..13SO 293 4. . . . 935 175 3. . . . ! t23 250 9..11CO 293 1..1000 173 1.U 0 250 II..110 $ 300 I" " , : ! 2. . . . U13 250 2..1105 300 L. . . 7,0 200 1. . . . 9(0 ( 2 CO 1..KJW SCO 4..1017 210 C. . . . 93S 2C5 2..1203 300 3..mi ! 2 25 2 111(1 ( 5 711 n lln i in STAGS. 1..15CO 350 CALVES. , 315 2 93 6. . . . 318 3EO L. . . 120 4 SO . 335 3 00 L. . . 250 3 90 8. . . . 121 4 73 . 320 STOCKEHS AND KEEDEHS. 733 3 00 4. . C15 3 SO . CIO 4 00 , 500 3 25 II. . 3 90 0. . . . S40 4 (10 D40 3 40 550 3 90 L. , . 4CO 4 00 Gil ) 3 40 E37 3 90 8. . , . 742 4 00 t tiUo3 GO . SfO 3 90 * ? i . .Ml 4 00 2. . . . MO 3 SO HOGS The offerings of hogs wcro liberal , the receipt ) ! being nboul tho-tame an ut thu clone of last week. It was a case of put on yesterday nnd take off today , the market opening nbout Co lower and continuing that way mall thu close. The demand wim good at the decline and the IIOKS wcro nil sold and weighed up early In the day. Heavy hogs Bold mostly ill $3.15573.20 , the name welxlua having brought J3.201i3.23 yes terday. The llcht and medium weight loads sold at J3.2003.25 , as aualimt l3.ZOQ3.ti ) yester day. day.The The hog market of the pant week experienced a Kood many upa and downs and values were not steady for nny two day In suc.feslon. The week opened nt a decline nnd thu market ad vanced 5JflOo on Tuesday , but ilia Biiln was lost on Wednesday. On Thursday i-alui-s advanced IOc , nnd 5c was added on Friday , which wan the liluli day of the week. The decline ut the close of the week left values 10fi 15c higher than they were at the opening of the week , The demand was good all thu week nnd the arrivals sold freely at current prices , Hepre- eenlullve sales : No. Av. Sh , I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 10 , . . . .458 ICO J3 10 51. . . . . .303 120 3 2J "J. . . . .353 SO 3 10 CO. . . . . .2SS . . . 3 20 10. . . . .430 . . . 3 10 Cl. . . . . .293 fO 3 20 53. . . . .401 SO 3 10 Cl. . . " ICO 3 20 ' 12. ' * . .415 60 3 10 . .209 3 20 . .33S . . . 315 Gl , . 301 3 20 fa. , . .3S3 SO 3 13 C7 . 2SS 3 20 so. . . .3S5 0 3 15 42. . 201 3 20 (3. , . .401 SO 3 15 57 . 290 3 20 62. . . . . .3:0 . . . 3 IS C5. , ,313 3 20 52. . . . . .32 * . . . 3 15 CL. 293 3 20 4 . . . . . .332 . . . 3 15 C5. . 23 3 2214 " . . . . . , S2 ( ! SO 3 15 CO . . 295 3 22(4 ( 57. . . . . .360 ICO 3 15 G5. . 200 32SV4 . . . ,33 > 1 40 3 13 80 . . 274 3 2214 . . . .413 SO 3 15 3S , . 231 3 22 U . . . .378 . . . 3 13 GS . ,250 32J 7. . . . . .350 . . . 3 15 10 . 27(1 ( 325 2.i. . . . . ,2C ! > 10 3 13 42 , . 2C3 3 25 CO. . , . . , SCO . . . S 13 Kl . , 2H 3 23 . . . . . ,2Sl . . . 3 17V4 CO . . 2CO 3 23 U. . . . . .2W 40 3 1714 73. . 273 3 23 ii ) . . . . . .310 120 S 17' } 70. , 3 25 K. . , . . .319 40 3 171i 41. . . .210 325 L. . . . .321 SO 3 20 S. . . .260 3 25 L.I. . . , . . .300 . . . 320 C3 2CO 323 0. . . . . . .274 . . . 320 GO 255 323 ' . . . 253 fO 3 20 73 203 323 . ! ! . . .200 40 3 20 G7 217 3 23 ' . . .272 40 3 20 43 231 3 23 1. . . . . .317 100 320 72 231 327W , . . .311 120 3 20 CS , ,211 330 1. . . . .m to 3 20 61. . ,223 3 34 u9 , . . . .207 SO 3 20 250 334 U ) , , , . . .321 . . . 320 M 22 ? 3 30 C. . . . .219 . . . 320 M 211 40 33314 2 . . .113 . . . 320 2 * 150 32214 ! ! . . . ! 2l . . . 320 20 233 40SO 3 3214 i. . . . ,31'J 10 320 IkO 2M SO 33214 i. . . . .285 40 3 JO 151 21S 3 3214 . . .3'J1 ' tO 3 20 1. . . , 1M 31- sl ! ! , . .2'2 . . . 320 71 163 3 33 58 320 (0 320 I'lUB-ODDB AND ENDS , 1 4(0 . . . 2 40 7 433 3 15 3 230 . . . SIX ) . . , . , , , . t 17 < . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 n : )7 ) 3 4 , , . , . . , . : . . . 3 10 n 29t 3 20 f ) 310 . . . 3 15 3 Z93 3 25 fJIIIOIir Thcre was a fair run of sheep and tlio ' ' market wns ntf'ivt at ntndy prlecs. Kvcryihlnn rold onrly.tenrerentattvo M\Utu NJ. , Av. Pr. 2 native buck * SI5 j : 73 7 name mixed S3 375 M unlive ewes 103 310 109 western wethers 117 335 M western wethers , 127 333 173 n extern wethers V > 340 Ct9 western wethers 101 350 LIVI" yroctc > I.VIIKIT. l-Vtv rnUli * DITt-rod mill Prloos 'u- ( Ininwril lloKH n nimo Lower. PHK'AHO , Jan. K ! . The week clofeil on n. tmd entile market and therw Is no reason to expect n large supply next week. There.11 a good de maud for choice rattle , but very few are comlni , here , the great bulk of the dally offerings bem of n medium grade. Today's receipts weic to small to constitute much of n maiket. The nflY-- Ing * made \voio ill'iio i-d of nt prices unchnniHH fitiin > e ! < lerilny' ( iiiotntlons. rommon to prime hogs sold nt from JJ.10 to 1350 ; prleiii ruling1 5e to 10 lower than yeMer day , with sales largely n good dime lower , Tti bulk Mold at from } 3.2i > to 13.40. Small receipts of sheep were easily sold nt lit * changed prices. Common to choice sheep broURh from { 2.50 to f3.Kf > ; Mexicans nelllng the hlghet and Ted westerns sold nt from 13.1) la JJ.Sv , Ir.t.ilis Mold nt from I2.DO tu > 5.23 for common to choice , nnd Mexican yearlings sold up to J4.,0. Hecelptu : Cattle , 200 bend ; lions , 27r 0 henti sheep , 2,500 head , ICmiNiiH OH ) ' Live Slock. KANSAS CITY , Jan. ! ( ! . CATTLE Receipts 300 head ; shipments , 3,2X ( > head ; maikct un changed ; Texas steers. $3.05ff4.00 ; Texas cowit ll.SOif3.40 : native steers , J3.5oH4.jO ! : native rows and heifers. Jl.15ff3.50 ; stockers and feeders JJ.35 ; Yorkers , f3.30if3.35 ; plus , J3.001/3.CO. HOGS Hecelpts , 7,000 head ; shipments , none market weak lo IOc lower ; bulk of sales , J.l.0fl > 3.SO ; heavies. J.I.POOT.SO ; packers , J3.10Ji3.2J mixed , I3.20W3.3714 ; lights , J3.10tf3.33 ; YorUers Jj:0fi3.33 ; pigs , J3.OOjT3.20. RHI3KP Hccclpts. 2.0CO head ; shipments , SOO head ; market steady ; lambs , J3.10fiJ.00 ; muttons t2.00 3.CO. Stork III Sltjlif. Hecord of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets for January 10 , 1S97 : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1.073 4,838 1,115 Chicago S'W ' 30.COO 2.MX Kansas City CCO " . ( XX ) 2.U i St. Louis COO 4.UOO 300 Totals 2.2T3 43.US 5,94'i Si. LolllH Live Stoi-I.- . ST. LOUIS , .Ian 10. CATTLK Heeelpts , COO heail ; market steady , but only pmall trading done owing to light supply ; nntlve > bi-cven. J3. ii 6.CO ; slockers niul feeders. J2.2o5I3.75 ; cows niK1 heifers , J1.73tf3.75 ; Texas and Indian steers , J2.75 64.00. HOGS-Hecclptn. 4.COO bead ; light , J3.25O3.40 ; mixed , J3.1i ( (3.23 ( ; heavy , J3.00f3.40. SHBKP llecelpls , 300 head ; market unchanged , muttcns , J2.75tTI.CO. I'iMirIn MnrUotH. PKOHIA , Jnn. 1C. COHN 1'lrm , hlshcr ; new- No. 2 , 1914c. OVT.SIrregular ; white. 1W20C. HYi : Dull , nominal. WHISKY Market steady : llnlshed goods on n basis of J1.1S for high wlr.ea. HKCKIPTS Corn , 5.4W bus. ; oats , 7.CCO bus. ; rye , l.SW bio. ; whljky. none ; wheat , B.400 bus. .SHIPMENTS Corn , 5.COO bus. ; onls. 4J.WO bus. ; re , none ; whisky , 1,123 bbls. ; wheat , 1,200 bus. ( ' ( ill ( ill NKW YOHIC , Jan. 1C. COTTON Spot quiet ; middling. 7'lc. NHW OHM2ANS , Jnn. 1C. COTTON Quiet i middling , 79-H'c ; good ordinary. 7 C-lCc. h'T. LOUIS , Jan. -COTTON Steady. mn TO POOH ni-niAxn KOU COAL Hi-nvy Iiivi'Nliii % " N "f Wlici-lliiflf CINCINNATI. Jan. 1C. There was nn at tempt to make the appointment of receivers for the Wheeling & Lake Erie road a quiet affair. Jiulgo Taft , who heard the case In chambers In place of Judge Kicks , who Is In California , was unwilling to say any thing nbout It without permission of the attorneys. From ono of them , Judge Dil lon of New York , It was IcarneJ that the application came from creditors ot the road , one ot the heaviest among them being the New Jersey Industrial company. He said the embarrassment of the company was duo to the general hard times and Is duo In a measure ( o the light demand for coal for the past two winters. The company inndo largo Investments In coal mining prop erty which had been properly managed , but there wns but little demand for the prod uct. The price ot coal had fallen oft 25 per cent during the past year , nnd as the road depended largely on Its coal business Its earnings had been greatly lessened. No dividends could bo declared at all , though until 1SDB this had been regularly done. Mr. Merrlck'a appointment as ono of the receivers was made at the request of the Mercantile Trust company , the Equitable Life Insurance company and the Central Trust company , nil of New York , nnd all creditors of the railway company. W. E. Connor of New York , ono of the largest stockholders of the road , refused to make any statement of the case for publica tion. tion.NEW YORK. Jan. 1C. President A. G. Dlnir of the Wheeling & Lake Erie makci the followlnc statement with reference to the rumor that the appointment ot recelvera for that company Is Imminent. "Tho dif ficulties of this company resulted chielly from Iho cxtreirely low rates now and for some timn past prevailing in the bituminous cca : trafllc , which comprises moro than half its tonnage. The demoralization In ratea in thin trade has been without a prcceJent. Coal lias been carried and sold at such prlcca as wcro never before known. Tiio more neces sitous rallrcad has made rates , and the others had either to make them or lose buslnetu. At the recent meeting of the board of directors of this company a formal protest against the ruinous cutting of rates wpfi addressed to the other roads engaged In the Ohio bituminous coal trade Next after bituminous coal the Item of the company's business Is Iron ore tonnage. Inconsequence consequenceof Idleness of mills , furnaces and other Industries the railroad haa Imd neither the ore tonnage or the haul of the Unished product. The coal mines controlled Iiy the company have also been hampered by constant strikes. In addition the recent Lianlc failures in the northwest , where a largo part of the coal carried over the com pany's line la sent , have retarded collet- lions , and suspension of payments liavo thun iccn compelled. The Intercot upon the bonded debt hns been punctually paid. Not ono dollar Is In arrears on that account nnd every account will he able to meet Interest. The property Itself Is In excellent physical condition , having recently had the benollt of large expcdlturcs , both for bottcnncnts ind additional equipments. " I'W'O SUM'S IIAVI3 A HOIIfill TI3IU. KiicottiiU-r a Terrible Illl//iu-l Oil Ilii Horn. SAN FHANCISCO , Jan. 1C. Two badly lattercd British veesels have made port , one the ship Eaton Hall , 183 days from Cardiff , and the other the bark Elliott , 183 days from Lelth. Iloth wcro caught In the snmo severe utoims off tlio Horn during the irst week in October last and both were orced to put back to Port Stanley , leaving here a month later only n day apart , and naklng port hero on the same day. A > rlcf history of the experiences of the same vessels has already been reported by wire , nit fioini ) unpublished details are Interest- lib' The Eaton Hall , Captain Lourlnton , after two duya of Aovero gales , on October , ran into n terrible blizzard off the Horn , 'lie snow , driven by the wind , drifted on the ckg and clogged the rigging , making It langcraua even to go on deck , while It wan mpowilblo to see ony distance from Iho hip. The main topmast nnd backstays had > een carried away In the gale and during the illzzuril the hulwnrkr , wcro crushed and the cck houses ( itnrted by the heavy caa that wept the decltH. The Elliott had n t.omo- vliat similar experience , only It fared worse. IH deck ! ) were constantly full of water , the oas going clear over the vessel , It was hrown on Its beam ends until the Htar- > oard rail was under water nnd the cargo ill If ted. With Its bulwarks enulu'j , the deck louse started , every window broke and the argo dangerously hcatwl , It was picked up iy a Drills ! ) man-of-war and towed bad ; to ort Stanley , where It was obliged to din- Imrge 250 tons of coal. The ship left there day before the Eaton Hall , arriving off the leads hero Jtwt twenty-four bourn ahead of tint hlp , Ti'imlilcN In ( ho lliiMliu-HN Wnrlil. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo. , Jan. 10. The tandnrd Shoe company , ono of the lareeit ompanles employing convict labor and olng business nt the penitentiary , linn made n assignment. The total liabilities will robably reach $70,000 , I'oor collcclloni la igalgneil us thu cause of the failure. It In bought the creditors will h paid In full , TOUT HUHON , Mich. . Jan.Asman > & leanl , retail dealers In dry Kooda , Imvo ailed , with liabilities of 157,000. SI'HINOFIELD , III. . Jan. 10 , In the United State * court today Judge Alton op- ' pointed Walter C. Arthur , Ml. Vernon , re ceiver of the Mt. Vcrnon Par MniuifacttirliiR company , with a bond of * 2IiOOQ ns the nnnio. Tlio receiver wns appointed on the applica tion of complainants In the suit of William A , Taylor ngnlint the Ml. Vrrnon Car Mnn- ufncturlng company. UACINK , Win. , Jnn. ! ( ! . lllrnm J. Smith wns ttxlny appointed receiver of the Hello City Hnllwny compav , on application of the .Sterling company of Chicago , which held a Judgment for $ .1.000 ngnlnnt the atrect mil- j way company. The was built by Or. ' Holmes , nnd In 1S93 Jnckson t. Cnno purchased - ! chased It. Since then the road hna loU Mr. Case lit the neighborhood of $400,000. H U bonded for $100.000. The appointment In no way affects the other Interests of Mr. Cnse. On it M ill u li Celt l.ONt In CHICAGO , Jnn. IC.-Chlef of I'ollco llndcnoch Is In receipt of n letter from To ronto , Canada , requesting that the Chicago police make Inquiries for T. F. Sinclair of Victoria , H. C. Mr. Sinclair left Toronto three weeks ngo. cnino to Chicago anil Is supposed to bo In this city at the present time. His friends have not heard from him slnco he left Canada. Mr. Sinclair Is a wealthy merchant , nnd his irlcnds fear some harm may have befallen him. Make Money. g H AVull ) IMSKS. Our Co-Operative Syndicate I'lan , endorsed by leading Humidors , nn unprecedented miccow. MW StMllCAlC NOW rORMISG. Prospectus. KlvltiR full pnrllculars , also Market letter , nulled frro on application , SHMI-MONTIIIY SHTTLI3MHNT.S. HE WOLK & COMPANY. Itanlteis St Itrokers. No. 60 llroadway , N. Y. Oily. Hank lleferences. PAHT1CULAHS KUBtfoNAPPLICATION SAM KELLERS CO. . IIANKKKS AND HKOKI-KS. . l-t HrondtViiy nndJ3I7 New Street , Now Vork. Agencies In nil largo cities of the U. S , Nearly 70 i > er cent jirollt on our "Holiday Combination , " covering only twenty-seven days' transactions : OVKll S PISH CKNT weekly oa the Investment for the- past six years. No losses ever recorded. The safest and most prolltablo system of Investment known. llnrllctl. ISalilrluro t Dolliiril nun J. II. Mrliilosli , Atturiicj- * . Notice Is hereby given that by virtue cf an oral agreement made December 20lh , 1MH , bolwceu Chrr.k-s A. .Incobson nnd the under signed , by tlio terms of which the said Jncobscn delivered to the undersigned the property hereinafter described , ns security for the payment of rent , In the sum of $200. then past duo and payable , from "him to the undersigned , \ipun which said debt thorc Is due , at the first publication of this notice , thu sum of $200 , with seven per cent Interest from December SOth , 1S9I , the undersigned will on Friday Hio 29th day of January , 1S97 , commencing at at 10 o'clock central standard tlmo In the forenoon , at room No. 1020 , In thu New York Llfo Insurance building , nt the northeast corner of Irnrnnin and 17th streets , In the city of Omaha , Douglno county , Nebraska , sell said property , to the highest and best bidder for cash , as follows , to-wlt : Job printing plant and the property formerly used In the publication of the Svenskn-Poaton , consisting of two hand printing presses , four corr poking stones , cut ting machine , brass rules , leads , printer1 ! ! furniture for making newspaper and Job work , one table , ono paper rack , three desks , Iron frames , chairs , subscrlji- lion books , flics of Sx-enskn-l'ostcn , typu cases , COO pounds ot type , moro or less , of the various vnrlutlrn of lypo usually used In a newspaper and job printing business , rules for paper , and sundry miscellaneous articles usually con nected with a Job printing business nnd the publication of a newspaper , including one editor's library. Dated Omaha , Nebraska , January 7th , 1 < 97. NI3W YORK LIFK INSURANCE COM PANY , 15y IJnrtlott , H.-ildrlgo & Do Uord and James H. Mclnlosh , Its attorneys. Jnn-8-d-20-t \ollco of SnU > by Itci-clvci- Aiiu-rl- ( nii 1.01111 nnd Ti-iiMl ( 'milnuny. Notice Is hereby given that I , the under signed , as receiver of the business , property and assets of the American Loan and Truxt Company , pursuant to an order of tlio circuit court of the United States , wltMln and for the District of Nebraska , made on the Ifith day of January , 1N)7 ) , In the suit therein pending wherein John . \ . Ordway and others arc complainants and the Ameri can Loan and Trust Company Is defendant , will , nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon on the llr.n day of February , 1S97 , In my olllco at No. 1017 Fnrnnm street , In the City of Omaha , In the County of Douglas nhd Htato of Nebraska , sell at public auction all the property , assets and Interests of the American Loan nnd Trust Company remaining in my hands or In the 'hands ' ot any other persons accouiuaiilc to mo there for , to the highest bidder or bidders for cash. The said property , assets and In- tersta are more particularly described In my special reporlii llled In said suit In said court on the 3rd day of October , ISSJ , nnd the 13th day of January , JS97 , upon whloh. hi i < nMimr Hnn wltli tli.i rnnnrl I. , ui.lf the said order of the court Is based. In addition to my rororts on file and the record In said suit I will personally give sueli Information from my books or other wise as may bo requested by any Interested pi-rson touching the property herein adver tised for salo. Dated this IBth day of January. U97. 1MIILI1' I > OTTKR , Montgomery & Hall , Receiver. _ iHEi' i'f : _ JjCdlOtm SfOUkllOllllM-K' .11 01(1 ( 11 K. The annual meeting of the stockholders ot The 13cn nulldlng company will bo held n the olllco of The Omaha Hec , Omaha , Nob. , at 4 o'clock p. m. , Tuesday , January 19 , ItW.'for the puiposo of electing a board of directors for the onaulng year and the transaction of such other business as may > ropcrly como before the mcvtlng. IJy order of the president. N. P. FBIL , Sot-rotary. D2Sd2lt m & o RAILWAY TIMETAID I-eavra JIIUIUNGTON & Jib. "lllVnn.lArrlvea Omaha ( Ur.lon _ Depot , loth & Mason Sta.l Qmalia S : Utin . Ucnvcr Kxprc a . . . . . 9 : 'uini 43jpm.rjU ; | Hills Mont ' i'uKi-t Snd Kx. 4oripm 4SjHii ! | . Denver Kxpicu . 4U. ! > pm ' . ' : Wpiii. . . .Lincoln Local ( ex Sunday ) . . . . 7:4pni : 2Wpm. : . . .Lincoln I ocal ( ux. aunday.ll:3Uam : iTUHUNV.TON & 7j.ArrIves | ' OnialiaUnlonUepol | _ , loili & Ma cn Sta.f Oin.ilii I.'COpm . Chlciiso VCktlii iK < . fiM'am 9:4Sain : . Clilcnxo ixpr . -J5pni ! 750pm..Clilcngo ; & Kt Louis Kxprem. . l:00un : l:40am : . 1'aclflo Junction Local . C:10pin : _ _ . l'\ist Mall . 2:00pm Leaves IcniCAaTJr MIL" & m7 PAULArrlvcs | , OmalialUnlon Ucpot , IQlli & Mamui rii.i ; oinuim CMOpm Chicago LlmlteilT IOOnm..Clil : aBoKxirciii _ | ( ox. Sunday ) . : | Leaves ICHICAOO & NORTHWKST'N.IArrlves' ' OmahaUiilonUepol " [ _ , 10th .t Alj. > u.-i Su. | Omaha 1045am..Eautein Express..I. . . . . " SMOpm 4 : < 5ii.m VuHtlhuled Llnilled f > ; 40pin fi:55pin : St. I'aul Express : GilOiini St. I'aul Llmllcd 0OJpm : 7:30am..Carroll : & Bloux Ctly Local..llslOpm C-3lpiii ) .Omaha Cldcnco Hpoolal S:00am : , Valley Local : . . pmalialUnlon IJcpol , IQlli & M.uon tits.f Uiiinlii OHOnm..Atlantic Hxprcrs ( ex. Sunday ) . . & :3pm : 7:00pm. : . . , . NlKlit lixprcas KlSam : 4JOpm..Chicago Yccllliuled Limited. . . . l:53pm : : : ) . . . , , I'aul Yc'Htlbulcd Limited , . . . l:3Jpm : ' " " t.f.u.r * " - lMOim | Colorado Llmllod 4COiun : .eaves I C. . BT. 1' . . M. & O. JArrlvej" Oinalinf Weliater KUcot filntlon. f Oinuliii 2:3ipm..sToux : City ttKpr M ( ex. Huii7).il.Wim ) : 8iuni.Bluux : city Accummndntlon , . . , SiOOum CiUpm. . . . . Hi. 1'qiil Llmlfcu. . . . 910um ; .caveiTl P. " , " U. & ' Mo ? ' VALLEY. lArrlvn" Omiihaf Depot , Ittli und Wclulur fit . | Umulut S:00pm..7..1''nirt : 'MalT'amrETprec * . . . . . . . sTwiim ( Hat. ) Wyo. K * . ( ex. Mon. ) . . 5 ; ipm TCOum.l''rcmont : l.ncal ( Sunaayi * only ) . , 7:50nm.Norfolk : IlxpiciH ( ex. 8uu.10:2.tam ) Cl5pmL. : Bt , I'aul liiprcri , . . . . . . . . . . 910um ; TeavciTT KTcr."HT."j. " & C , W. "iTfrHcvST QinnlmlUnlim Utpot , lOtji & Mnion fit JOr. , ' i.u ' ' * " 'f:0Iam.Kaiiia' : ! ClTy l > ; : . . . . : 0OOpni.K.C. : _ Nlslit Ex , via U. 1' . 'frank. C:30am : I MIBHOUIII rAC'IFIC. JArrlve * Jinalinj Drpot , lllli and Wcbxter Ht Oinalia " " " " rKp"in.Nflira ; ) la & Kaniaii""Limited. . . , I2'i5pm ) : :0ini . Kun an City Exprens . ll:00im : 2:10tim. : . .Nliruiila ( Loenl ( ox. Bun. ) . . . . SjCOarn TnveiTFTlioi'JSrciTV" & I'ACinc. Omiihaf Utpot. ISlli and Welxlcr Hit. I Omnlm Cliin | , _ . , . , . . ' .HI , I'aul Ltmlled . . . . 8:10atu : .eavei | 'fllOlLV CITY ft J > ACIFia lArrlvaT' JnMlialUijInnJJegpt IQtll & Maton titn.j Oinnlu , isioTim . i. . lit , 1'auT J'aiiin'nser , . riftlOpm 7Mam : . Hlnux City J'unsenntr . , , , 9:05pm _ _ Kpituii.v1.iiHt. _ . _ Paul Limited . . . . OiZOam OmalialUiilon Uepot , IQlli ft Mmon Bt . iTzOBin . .Ovnrlund 'Limited , . . ( ; ( , ' , | > in l:30piiiik'nt'ca : & Hlroinnlj'K iv : , ( tx Hun,3SOnra ) : li pm.arund Inland Uxprcm ( ux , Hun ) , t'Mpm ; . . . . . . , . . . . . . . tlnll. . . . . > avei1 rXrtfw OnnliaJUnlnn Dfpct , lOlli k Maion Sli , | Omnlia 4i > 0pm . i . . . , , , , , . . . .ItitOam