< * < * * * * , I f . * * / > ' ' . - m'l'ir d / . ffAl/n 11 n r d > TIITD OMAHA 1 > ATLY KBE : PUT DAY , JAtfUAKY- 5 , 1807. 8PEG1HL NOTICES , cnu'iitu for ( lime column * Will lo tnkeii until 121,10 11 , in , , for the overling nnil until H l > . ni > fnr the inoriilnpr mill .Sunday cdlllntin. Ailvcrllxcru , l > y rc < | ticn < lnK n tnun- check , cnn lutvc miHwrrn mlle - lo H numbered letter In cnrc of The Ilee. Anmverji no nililrcnucil trill lie delivered on itrcncntiitlun of the chrclc onlr. IlntcK , 1 1-ao n rroril flr.il limrrUoiil lo n Tronl thereafter , \ollilnp : taken fur ICKH ( linn U.'u for the llrM Inner- tlon. TlieNe nilvcrtlteiiicntit niiiNt lie run .SriTATIOX.S AVAXTRIl. BITI'ATION VtANTliiS nY 6fi .M ArfaiHU A3 rook or general houscwoik. AdilrcM I , . W. , . 1203 filbert t. A JI9W 15 * WAXTI3D MAIK HUM1. AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OP nemo Hlmplo thing to patent ? 1'iotert > our Menu , they nmy hrlnjf you wealth ; write John Woililcrliurn & Co. , Dept. V. , 1'ntrnt Attorney * , WnHhlnston. 1) . C. , for their Jl.f > 00 prize offer nnd n list or 200 Invention ! wanted. U-C13 WANTED. CONTINENTAL CLOTHIng - Ing Company. U M17C J30 A WEKIC SALARY AND TCXPKNSHS PAID FMicstiien ; experience not necessary ; permanent position. The W. L. Kllnu Co. , St. Loul * , Mo. H M732 K2 13.00 I'EH DAY MADE SHLLINO Ot'H 1'AT- rnted niljustablu kettle rovers ! cost Jl.OO nnd 11,2. per dor. . ; sell for t'a enrh. lllclmnli U Ulrcb , 200 Nlcollct nvu. , Minneapolis Minn. 1)-MD1S1C - _ _ _ flVANTKD. SALKHMnN , TO HELL VERY COM- Jilcte line of lubricating olid , Brenscs nnd ppoclnltic * ; Illx-rnl terms to proper pnrty. Jewel IteOnlns Co. , Cleveland , O 11 M05118 _ IA KUW ENEitllTlC.nJSTLlN MEN CAN Kct steady , profitable work with C. F. Adnins Co. , C2I S. ICth t. 11-MOCO 19 ( WANTED , SALESMEN EVEUYW1IEIIE. KOU Oronlnnd HefrlKfrntlnff machine ; * ; Rimranteed . to PU\C from CO to FO iicr.cent of leu bills ; wrlto for imrtlculnra. I'hoemx Manufacturing Co. , Onmlin , Neb. 11-973 H * iWANTED , HIDING SADDLE HAND FOU C1I3N- iT.il work , principally on stock xaddles. Ad- Ori'SM Doilfon , rislicr , Urockmium Co. . Minne apolis , Minn. H M9S.3 . 10 WANTED , MEN TO LEAUN MAUIIElt TIIADE only clRlit wei'ki required by our new nni practlcnl method ; complete oufH of highest Krmle tools Klven cncli itudent ; constant prnc- tlco and proper Instruction write for our new catalogue , just out , mailed free. Moler'B llnr- bcr School , 2J3 S. Clnrk St. , Chlcnso. 11 M100 17 * , WANTED , A YOUNQ MEPICAL QRADUATC ; exceptional opening for rlglit pnrty. Call on Vrof. Dtiplerre , Hotel Henderson. U M103 lo WANTED KRSIAM : nni.i . CITU. WANTED TO ASSIST IN GENERAL houHCwork ; Herman or Swede. Apply 14JI Slier- xvood acnue. " C 891 17 WANTED , A aiHL KOU HOUSENVOIIIC ; MUST l > o Rood cook. 2111 N. 22nd nt. C 932 H WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work ; no wanlilng. 1S21 Doujjlas. O-M99S 15 [ WANTED , COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at 210 Frank St. , Council HlilfTH. C-M102 15 WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Mork ; 4 In fnnilly : must come well recom mended. 1331 Ho. 2Uth street. C M993 17 * FUR IlI3NTllOUSnS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company. U03 Fnrnam. D 030 HOUSES ; IIENEWA & CO. , 103 N. 15T1I ST. D-C37 JHODEHN HOUSES : C. A. STARR S25 N Y LIFE U 638 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER tlio city , K to 130. Fidelity , 1702 Kurnam st. . D-C3J HOUSES. WALLACE , BROWN BLOCK. ICTH and Douglas. D CIO IIOUSES FROM IS UP : LARGE LIST. Me- Cague Investment Co. , Km JJodga street. street.UCIl U-CIl A I1EAUTIFU1. HOME IN LAFAYETTE PLACE 8 rooms , nil modern , Pidendlil condition , never been rented before ; now offered at a low rental to llrst class tenant , riJcllty Trnut Company , 102 Parnam st. D 51 ! BOUSES FLATS. OATlVIN UIIOS , IGlTiFARNAM D 013 yon RENT , si : N. SSTII ST. , T-ROOM MODERN house ; (2V per month. Inquire on premise , ! . HOUSES TOR RENT. I1EMIS , PAXTON 1H.IC. D-MSCI roil UICNT KUKMSIli : ! } ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS , 170S Douijlas. E mSOI-15 FURNISHED 5 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING , 2 for light housekeeping. CH S , 17th Avc. E M90G NICELY TURN1S1IED ROOM , HAY WINDOW ; ono small room , } 5 ; modern. 1709 California St. E M9 0 1C" KK-n ROOMS ; STEASI HEAT ; TELEPHONE. I'umlt residence , cor , 17th nnd Douglas. E-M9S1 17 1MIR.MSIIKI1 ROOMS AM ) IIOAHIJ. BOl'TlFTilONT ROOifi ALCOVE ; STE AM Iient ; fmnUhed or unfurnished ; board ; private family. D 56 , llec. ' F MS5I NICI3LY FUllNISHBD ROOMS , GOOD HOARD" ! rates reasonable. The Rose. 2020 Homey. F MS07-23 ROOMS AND HOARD. PROM JJ. Ul' ; MOD- trn conveniences. 616 N. 10th , K M ! 5 1C" NICELY I'URNisilED I'RONT ROOM WlTlt llrst-class board. 116 N. : sth St. F-SW It' iinxTsToui.s A.MJ OFFICES. TOR RENT. 'THE ' 4-STORY I1RICIC 11UILDINO nt 916 1'urnam t. This liulldlnc has u llrcproot cement baecment , complete steam hcatlni ; fix tures ; water on nil doors- gas , etc. Apply at tht ) olllco of The Dee. 1 910 AGic.vrs THE NE\V WARWICK RUPKLINQ FOR Indies' underwear , children's dresses , etc. . Is free seller cvfryvvlni-c ; we want un cntcr- jirlsliur lesldcnt Kent In Omaha ami eurround- IIIK territory to jmsli it on commission ; bent references. Warwick Mfg. Co. , I1. O. llnx 110 , llaltlmori' , Md. J M1000 15 * AVA.vrnn TO it MXT. .AVANTED-ROOM AND HOARD WITH A CIER- inan or rrench family , with miportutiltlcs to learn language. Address 1 > 3 $ , Ilee. .K-M101 1C * tiTOIlACU. OM. VAN & STORAGE. illS KARNAM TEU 1KJ M-CI : PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. WS-910 Jones. General storage and forwaidliiff. MIO IVAM'lJII TO 11UV. AVANTED , SECOND-HAND 5 OR 10 HORSEpower - power Rasollnti enKlne ; must be cheap and In ( -oiul order. AOdrcin Uux 3 , South Omaha. X-M350 Ii AVANTED TO 1UIY. TWO Oil TIu7EE CAnI Inpt letter Illes ; mast lie In guoil condition : uilvlKf , statltiK size , numtier uf drawers , 01 what maka and wood , and state lo tt rush prlct' . t > 45 , Hey. N-MM-J 15 CIOT CASH Ct'STOMER TOR 81 TO 10OIOOM modern mtdencc vvllhln 10 blocks fioni Omahn Hliili hchool ; must bu a lnii > ; iiln. O'Nell's Real Kklatu olllco. South Omaha , N-ST7 19 * roil 8ALIC IIOHKICS AM ) AVACO.VS 115.00 WILI < RLY A GOOD HORSE AND IIAR- ness. Omalut Mortgage Luan Co. . 3W H. 16lli St. tir I'-DSO roil SAl.K CHL'Al'ErtT IIAUDWOOUOVEN CO1IN CR1I1. being made. C. R. Lee , SOI Douglas. CJ-618 KLEiailS. HINOI.i : AND DOUUI.E , IlEfSw cost , JJrummond Currlngo Co. Q-S03-K1 roit BA.BiNn NH\V noiLGRAniiicY cle ; H'J. Omaha Ulcycle Co. , 323 N , ICili st. Q-5H JERSEY COW KREsf ; OHAND. RICH iulllii.r ; handsumei pet Hue ban and teats ; reg- litertil thuiuiiglibrod. AOilriM 1 > , Hs-e. IIA" UN , UTO. HMli SMITH , 11S1 DOUGLAS , IXOOM1 6j MAS- und steam ballis. T MSI28 1C' , VAI'OU UAYHS. MASSAGE. W M. UiU . . ro u v trutis utt nupTunt : CURED : NO I-AIN ; NO DITTEN- tlon from business ; wo refer to hundreds of patients curcJ. O. E. Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. _ Llfe building , Omaha , Neb. U-CO AVANTEP , MEN AND WOMEN TO ADVER- tlee our goods In every county In Nebrnikn ; Rood pay ; rn < I stamp for particulars. E , H. Co. , 1019 Unrney st , , Omaha , Neb. VIAA'I TOR UTERINE TROUHL1M , 3l'UKK 1MB. 1'hyslcUn , consulntlon or health book free. U 7J8 11ATHS , MASSAGE. MMK. 1 > OST. J10H R. 1STH. U CM MADAMH I1OVD , THHUMAL lUTUH. 1S13 Howard St. U MD19 16 CAUU & I'nciAU. Ht'ccnssons TO W.M. M'lo Dickey Co. , linvo removed to KO X. litli. U M939 Kit WANTED , LADY PARTNER IN A OOOP PAT- Ing tm lies ! ; imint iiaxc mine cnsli to lmc t ; ihlii will pny you to Investigate. AiMn > fs U 4) ) , Itee. U-M9SJ 1C * M 00-Ut'ITI'Ri : CtJHKD-TILIj MAIK'H 13 for JJ'i.OO ; 110 pain ; no detention from business , wo refer to limulrpiln of imtlents cured. The O. K. Miller Co. , 717 New York Life Dlilc. . Omnlin. U 619 SIO.M2Y TO LOAN KiAI : , 13STAT12. ANTHONY LOAN & TUUST CO. . 515 N. Y. I * ; quick money nt low rates for choice fnrni lonni In lown , northern Missouri , eastern NetirnxUa. * W-CJ3 CITY LOANS. C. A. STA1UI. 023 N. Y. MIC * C MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real c tate. Urennan , Love Co. , Paxton block. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UN" " ' " ' - ? CITY . prcptrty. W. Farnam Smith & Co.,1320 ' n " - MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OM.AllA proiwrty. U. S. MortRnce & Trust Company. New York. Posey & Tlioims , Agents , No. J07 First National Hank Hldgr. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW TIATKS. THE O. r. Davis Co. . 1505 Fnrnnm St. \ \ W MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates ; bull.tlnc loans wanted , ' 'lu Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St. 0 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON gM' property. Neb. farms. W. U. Mclklo 1st N" Jl.OOO IXR ) SHORT TIME. COI 11EE aiONKV TO LOAN CIIATTM3S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons etc. : at lowest rates In city , no removal of Koods ; strictly conllclcntlalj jou can imy the loan oft at any time or In any amount. OMAIIV MORTOAUE LOAN CO. . 300 So. ICth St. X CC1 MONEY TO LOAN. 30. Go7 00 DAYS ; FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duft Green room S liarker blk , X CC2 JIUSINHSS CHANCES. FOR SALE , ABOUT 2,000 LU9. MINION TYPE. 700 Ibi , agate. 1W pair two-third cases , 4C double Iron stands for two-third cases. Tbls material was used on The Omaha Uec. and Is In fairly Rood condition. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mail to The lice Pub lishing Company , Omaha , Neb. > ' 13 TO GET IN OR OUT OF 1IUSIN13SS GO ' 19 J. J. Gibson. Gil let Nat'l Uk. Uulldlng. \-3C6 FOR SALE. A GOOD PAY I NO OIL I1USINEPS In Omaha ; will tmde for land In Iowa or eastern Nebrntka. Address D 17 , 15ce olllcc. FOR EXCHANGE. FARM NEAR SNOHOMISII. WASHINGTON , for property further east. Selby. 1003 Fai num. jj 331 TO EXCHANGE FOR $3,000 STOCK IIARU- \\aro. 120 acres land , two miles out ; 100 m-rcs tinder plow ; eooU title. Address lox ED. Cor- rcctlonvllle. la. Z-M811 15 FOR TRADE. 3 CHOICE IMPHOA'ED TARMS In eastern Nebraska , to exchange for Reneral merchandise , hardware , Implements , furnltuio and boots and shoes. For particulars address George AV. llutton , Coleridge , Neb. FOR EXCHANGE-OMAHA SAVINGS accounts taken ut par. whole or part , for good Improved or unimproved Omaha lots at low cash price. Address D j" . ,5. FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE UYRON REED COMPANY. HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS , LOAN3- Geo. P. Bcmls Real Estate Co. , Paxtonbllc. OMAHA SAA'INGS I1ANK ACCOUNTS TAKEN at nar In exchange for houses and lots. ( All or part. ) The Ilyron Reed Co. RE SIC POR SALE-C-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. $1,100. 4-room house and lot. tfcOO.OO. on easy rayinents. The llyron Reed Company. RK K3 U ACCOUNTS IN THE OMAHA SAVINGS HANK taken at par for real estate at present low ialScs. George G. Wallare , IJrovvn block. Ktli and Douglas. RL-913 PUT YOUR MONEY INTO CHOICE FIRST mortgages ; where It Is safe , brlnsa better re- turna all things conslitcred , than If placed eUctthcri' . See my lint of mortgages. George G. Wallace , IJrovvn block , ICth und Douglas. RL 049 14 foFFER MY SERVICcTTb s'\VlNn8 HANKS depositors In the settlement of their accounts , or In looking after the collection of mortgages which they may take In payment of accounts. Ample experience and ample lefcrcnces. George G Wallace , 312 llrovvn blk. , ICth and Douglas. RE 9M 14 SNAP IMS CLARK ST. . B-ROOM HOUSE ; frontage , 20 feet ; price , J1.3M CO. J. N. Fien- zcr. opp. P. O. IIE-M9M Fit SMALL TRACT NEAR IT. OMAHA AT J ° 03.00. W-acro tract , one hour's drive from 1 * . O. . $ ; o 00. 500-acro farm , line Improvements , un Ideal sum mer home , 4 miles JIOMI city limits" ; must be Somo'timber land near Florence , with timber worth nearly cost of land , tCO.CO. F. D. Wcad , InsuranceLoans. . ICth and Douglas. RE 9SO 15 BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE , GEORGIA AA'E. , I3.SOO. 2 lots , short illatanco from Park avenue nnd Leavenvvorth street , for both , J2.1CO. Full lot between 27th nnd :8th , 5 .0. 4-room IIOUEO and lot , city water , near llanscom park , JKO. F. D. AVcnd , ICth and Douglas. RE-97S 15 A SNAI'-S-R. COTTAGB AND LOT. 12TH ST. . ? i mile south , cnly JS50. F. D. Wead. IStli and Douglas , Insurance and Ixians. RI 97 13 FOR BALE-GOOD FARM LANDS IN NORTHeastern - eastern Nebiu Ka ; small cash payment ; bal ance running 10 to 20 years ; six per cent In terest. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Fnrnam Bt. RE-974-19 1)AXCI.\G SCHOOL. MORAND'S , 1519 IIARNEY , FOR I'RIA'ATB and class lemons dally ; alwnjs opui. SOG-F4 VINAXOIAL. LIFE INS. POLICIES 110UGI1T. AV. F. HOLDKN CCS WANTED. TO CORRESPOND WITH PARTIES who wish to buy or Fell Omaha National bank stocks ; also wanted bank cashier with money to help buy control of bank. Address D 35 , Uec. M931 17' IIUILIUXG AXU LOAX ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL I * & U. AfiS'N PAYS 0 , 7. 8 per cent iilien 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; always ie- deemablc. 1701 J'urnani St. Nattlnger. See.CCS CCS HOW TO GET A HOMB Oil SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omahn L. & U. ABS'II , 1701 Farnam. G. M. Nattlnger , Bee. era .MUSIC , AllT AND LAXKUAKI2. GEORGE F. GELLEN11ECK. I1ANJO , MANDO. Un nnd guitar teacher. Room 41 ! Ilee IlhlK. Tel. MS. 100 CO.STU.MIS. THEO LIERKN , AK-SAU-I1EN COSTUMER. C20 H. 13tli ; largest slock masquerade nnd theat rical goods In the west. -MI53 F5 LOST. LOST. A A'OUNG IRIBH BETTER , HEAAT build , white on IIOBU and toes. Return for re word to HJO B , 17th. Lost 9CI-1I" HAKKS. NEW AND BECOND.HAND HAPUHt SAFE HE- pairing. J. J , Uerliiht , 1110 rarnam.M710 -M710 FJ rou msvr. FOR RUNT. 8W-ACHC FARM , NEAR KORT Crook ; I3.M per ucr * . Belby , 1COJ Farnam , WAXTIJIJ TO IIOIUIOAV. TO UOHROW , 1150.00. SIX MONTIIflT'OOOD recurlty ; good rnto of Interest. AdJrem C M , lleo. yl Ji ) LET US HELL YOU A MORTGAGE OR MAKE n loan for you , on either farm or city prop erty. F. I ) . Wcad , Gilt Kdga Securities , ICth nnd Douglas. CO 31 WANTED. TO I10UROW , JIOO.M ; GOOD SE- curlty ; 8 per cent. Address D 40 , ! ! . M9SS 15" Dltr.S.S.MAICI.NtJ. DRESSMAKING , IN FAMILIES. MISS Btur'dy , 4504 Ilurdettc. M-4S3-JI8 _ PUESSMA'KING HY THE DAY ; woniTau.\n- nilteed. C 31. lice. M916 li1 PHYSICAL CUI.TUU1J. ELOCUTION. MRS. AV. N. DORWARD. CM N. 19th. -M7CS Kunxrruiin GET M. S. WALKIN'S PRICES ON FURNI- lure pncl.InK , rei > alrlng , upholsterlns ; mattresses - tresses made and rcnovatcil ; SHI fuming. Tel. 1331. G4 _ SHOllTIIAXn AMI TYI'IJU'UITIXO. A. C. A'AN SANT'S SCHOOL. 511 N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA DUS.COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS. G73 'I'AAA'xniioicnus. II. MAROW1T7. LOANS MONEY. 413 N. IS ST. 671 smviNG MACiuxns AMI SUPPLIIS. , NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine olllcc , 1B1 Cap. Avc. Tel. 1574. CRT TYI'EWlUTKItS. GET THE 11EST TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES icpalrs. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. 1C12 Farnam St. C70 June-30 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITORS , Omaha. Nebr Advice nnd I'.itont line > * VK\K \ : RAILWAY TIME CARD leaves IHURLINGTON & MO. RIVER ( Arrive * OnialiaUnlon [ Depot , 10th A Mason SU. | Omaha HCatii : . . .Denver Exptess Uniani 4:35pm.Hlk : Hllln Mont & Puget Snd Ex. 4:03i : > m 4:3"pm : Denver Expreps 4:0opm : 7.Oopm..Lincoln Local ( ex Sunday ) . . . . "sCpni ' 1-Minn.Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) . . .ll:30an : > Leaves ( CHICAGO , UURLINGTON & Q.jArrlvca OiiiahaUnlon | Depot , loth Ai Majcnj ts.j Omaha C:00pm Chicago Yestlhile 77" . . . fC''am : OMSnm Chicago Kxpi ss { ilf-pm 7:50pm..Chcimo : ! & St Louis Express. . E'.CO&m ll:40ani : Pacific Junction Local C:10pm : Past Mall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2iSOiiu Leaves ( CHICAGO , M1LTVST. PAUL.Arrives. | OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th A : MJIIIII rit.i j C-JOpni Chicago Limited K:03am : llCOnin..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:2pm leaves ICI1ICAUO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrlves OinahaUnlon [ Depot , 10th & M.ioiri rila. | Omaha 10J3nm 7.Eastern Express. . . . . " . . . . ? 3:40pm < : lup.in Ventlbuled Limited C:40pm : DKirii : | St. Paul Express 9:30am : a:40mn : St. Paul Limited 9:03pm : 7:30un..Carroll : & Sioux City Local..HMOpm C'COpm Omaha Chicago Special 8:00am : Missouri Valley Local 9:30am : Leaves ( CHICAGO , 11. I. Si PACIFIC-JArrlvej OinahaUnlon [ Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.f Onia'.ii ' WEST. I.i4"pm Colorado Limited i :00pm : LcavpiTlC ST. P M. " & O [ Arrives Omiihal Webster Street .Station. | Omaha 12SCpirT..Sioux City Express lex. Sun..llDmin : fillnrn ? .KlrniY ITItv AncnmninilnHnn. . . . ! DOnin C:15pm : Bt. Paul Limited. . . . 9llPam ; I ea'vcTl F.T E & " Mo7 VALLEY. [ Arrive Oinahaj Depot , 13th and Webster Sts. | Omaha " 3:00pm Fast Mall and Express ; :00pm : 3:00jm.ex. : Sat. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex. Mon. ) . . 5:00pm : 7SOam..Fremont Local ( Sunaaj-B only ) . . 7WUim..Norfolk : Express ( ex. Sun.10:2Vin ) > C:15pm.:1.i.L..St.l > aulExprcp8L. 9:10am : Leaven I K . C. , Bfrj7 & C tt. fArrleveT" OmaliaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason StgJOr..vi.u 9:05ain ICansas City Day Express. . . . C:10pm 10jOppm.K.C. NlghtEx.la _ U. IVTrans.C:20am _ : l7en. . | ilfssOURfPACIFIc' | ArrlfeT Omahol Depot , 13th and Webster Sts. | Omajia 3.00pTn7nNcbrnelva & Kansas LlmlTed..I23Ipm 9SOpm Kansas City Express C:0oam : 2llpm..Nebiaska Local ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 9:00am Leaves I SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha ! Depot. 15th end Webster Sts. | O.-naha C15pm . St. PaulLlmltcd _ . „ . . . 9:10am : LeavfaT = "Sl6ux'CITY & " PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. ( Omaha TTiOam. . StT Paul Passenger . ll:10pm 7:30um : . Sioux City Passenger . 9:03im : | S Spim. . . St. Paul Limited . 920am ; laves I UNION PACIFIC ; JArrlvc * " OnialiaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.f Omaha 8T20am . O 'erlaUd" Limited . 1. . 4.43pm 3:20pin.Heut'ce : & Stromsb'K Ex. ( ex Sun.310m ; | S:33pm : , Grand Island Express ( ex. Sun ) . 2f"jpni : S:30pm : . Fast Moll . IQ O.un Leaves | "WAUASlfTlAriAVAVi | A"lv"cT Oin hajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.j Omaha 4.30pm . n.0a.m A7IIUSEMENTS. TUE * felephons 1331. THE S iiu. Mprs. Tonight at 8lB.gKVTIfi5Y | CLAY CLEMENT , Presenting Tonight and Saturday Matinee THE NEW DOMINION. Saturday Evening - THE 11ELLS Seats on pale : 27c , We , 70c. Jl , Matliu-e , 2Ic , GOc. January 17-20 , Emily IJancker. THE ft&Et.PU'Viniil IcIephoaB , 1331. TllC UKtsUaIWra PAXIO > ! s UURCESS , Mgrs. Tour Nights. Commencing SUNDAY MATINEE , JANUAUY 17TII. -EMILY BAWCKER- In Her latest Success A DIVORCE CUBE , Bargain Matinee Wpdnc ilny Seats now on sale , Kc. DOc. 73c , 11.00 Matinee , 2' c and OOc. January 21-23 , Rogabcl Morrison. I'antouK 11 u ri-n , Managers. ALL THIS"WEEK. TONHSHT AT SliB , I'llOK. JOHN UEYNOL1JS Presenting Ids Mesmeric Mysteries. LAUGHTER AND SCIENUU COMUINED. Seats :0o and 35c. ' PIHST FLOOIt , THIUTBH 7Bc and BOc. L. Al. Crawford , Algr. IIALCUNY , 3SC. TOM HI IT AT HllB , Usual IATAR&MA | A story of Mutlnec-3. | AlwAlSAlUA. | , | lu boutli. "Alabama" Is to the south what the "Old Homestead" Is to the cast. "Dargnln Day" mat- Irn'o Saturday , all scats 2Sc. NI'.W ( KlSlllVtl ) JTIIHATEIH rir t rioor. ? 3c 30c L. M. Crawford , Mir. I Balcony , 33c. Tour nights opcnlni : Sunday Matinee , Jan. 17. HUMAN HEARTS ( ! ! > Hal Held. ) A tale of the Arkansas Hills. A car load ot special scenery. I | Jan. 21-21 Corlnne Extravaganza Co. HOTELS. HOTEL MERCER COII. I'-iTII AM > IIOAVAUU. Commercial Men's Hradquarjcrs. 100 Rooms J5.00 rer day. f,0 Rooms With Hath. IJ.W Per Day. Sl'ECIAL RATES HY TUB MONTH. Table Unexcelled by Any llouu ot Same Kate. AV1.MC TAYLOH , .MuniiHi-r. BARKER HOTEL. TIIIHTISISNT1I AXIJ JONUS STItUBTS. 1O rooms , baths , steam heat and all modern conveniences. Rates , 11.10 nnd 12.0) per day. TabU unexcelled , Special low rates to regular bsardum. JMAM1C 1ULD1XC1I. lift. COMMERCIAL CIJ1J DIRECTORS J , n , Dumont ia Eleatfll' President for the Coming-Year , COMMISSIONER UTT KES HIS REPORT Wnrlc or the Cltili _ for ( lie Paul Yonr HlKlily Siillriu torjto ( lie Mom- l cri , mill < lie' XrSv Vcnr I3u- ( crvit iv llli1 The newly elected directors of the Com mercial club held their first meeting last night , for the mirpose ot electing oniccra anil nn executive comnvltteo for the ensuing year. The mcellni ; partook of a social na ture , the members ot the directory being stated about n supper table , \vlitch extended around three aides of the large dining room lu the quarters ot the club , on the top floor of the Hoard of Trade building. Thirty- seven of the sixty directors were present and a dainty and delicious supper was served. These present were : Kdgar Allen , J. E. Daum , 13. E. Ilruce. AV. M. ( Jlass , C. S. Hayward - ward , John Steel , AV. II. Hoberson , Clement Chase , C. II. 1'lckcn , AV. C. Dullnrd , 0. II. Palmer , C. M. AVllhclm , M. C. Peters , A. T. Hector , C. P. AVellcr , J. S. IJrady , W. U. Ilennett , A. llospc , jr. , H. P. Cady , 0. AV. Uningor , AV. Farnam Smith , A. II. Noycs , E. A. Benson , II. K. Burliet , J , P. Carpenter , A. II. Comstock , T. P. Cartrlght , Gould Dlctz , C. C. George , N. A' . Kulin , W. S. Poppleton , Samuel Hecs , L. T , Sunderland , 'A. J. A'ler- llng and AV. S. Jardlne. After the cigars the retiring president , Charles P. AVcller , called the meeting to order and reminded the directors of the duty which had brought them together , after which ho called upon Commissioner J. 12. Utt to present the report of the dolnga ot the club for the past ycat. The report ot the commissioner was an exhaustive review of the work which had been accomplished by the club during thu year Just ended. A marked Improvement In the equipment of the tire department and a corresponding reduction In the fire lossss , with a slight reduction In Insurance rates , was referred to as among the things which had been accomplished. ThB subject of railroad rates , and the 'Im provements In rates affecting Omaha ship pers , received very exhaustive treatment at the ha'nds of the commissioner. The depot situation was reviewed bilefly and the pros pective outlet to the gulf via the Kansas City , Pittaburg & Gulf railway was men tioned as a means of opening to Omaha Job bers and manufacturers a now market to the south. The commissioner also predicted that it will be but a short time before the Illinois Central , Minneapolis & St. Louis , Chicago & Great Western and the Great Northern railways would reach Omaha will : their rails , as these roatss are now known to bo making preparations to extend their lines to Omaha at an curly date. An Interesting feature of the report wna a review of the new business houses which have removed , to Oniawi during the past year , through the effort ? * of the Commercial club. These houses ! were given as follows : Heno & Co. , cigar manufacturers , from Bur lington. la. ; the Marshall Paper company , from Grand Island ; J-Iuney & Co. . wholesale saddlery , from Hastings. Neb. ; Sharplesa & Co. , manufacturers pi creamery goods , from Council Bluffs ; Omaha Butter Tub company , from Prcmont ; envelope and box fartory from Denver ; Amerlcjin Chicory company , from Fremont. The business outlook for Omaha was re viewed briefly and the 'subject ' of a factory for making sugar froiu'lieets was dlscusseJ , concluding with a strong recommendation to push the establishment ot such a factory In the Immediate vicinity ot Omaha. Commissioner Utt also read a financial re port , making a fnvoniblri showing of the finances of the club' , | , Bqth reports were closely listened to amlvlgorously applauded. PRESIDENT WELDER'S ADDRESS. President Wcller then read his annual ad- tlrn < j xvhlolivn < ? ns fnllmvs ! Gentlemen of the Commercial Club : I con- pratulato you upon the conditions sur rounding you this evening. Never before In the history of thH oieunlzutlon hits tin club been palled together under more fa vorable ausplrcs * . I feel that we can con- Krntulato our.sulves nnd the community on the result of our labors. Wo feel that we can say without boasting that much of the good that has rome to Om.ilin during the past year has come ns a direct result of the labors put forth by this organization. The business depression tnat hns been lost- Ing upon us has vanished. Our stiitc hns been blessed with nn abundant harvest , : iml we now have enough nnd to s < : ure. Tito new year promises to bo one of general prosperity nlong nil lines. Wo believe , therefore Hint every business house In our' city should become lilentlllcil with this club and contribute to Its Mipport. Wo 'hnve felt the strength that comes from united nnd haimonlous notion , and every'buslnoss man every professional man ; In fart , every citi zen of our city should give this organiza tion his hearty nnd loyal support With conlldence fully restored , Omaha with the mnpnlflcent territory tributary to It and Us vast resources must como to the front. The worst Is behind ; the future lookfl bright and promising. Let us then look for ward -nlth conlldence , feeling that success must attend the work of this organization during the years to come , and I have no doubt but what my Eticcessor can next year congratulate you upon still greater piosperlty than wo now enjoy. I have felt for some time that closer relations should bo established nnd maintained between the Commercial club and the Hoard of Trade , and will bo pleased to present my views nu to the nature of such relations to the In coming executive committee for their con sideration at any time that will suit their convenience. I would also recommend t'int the board of directors be constituted the working body of the club , nnd that meetIngs - Ings of the board bo held nt least once every two weeks , and that all matters of Interest coming before the executive com mittee bo considered lit these meetings. I would recommend that the directors bo In vited to attend any or nil meetings of the executive committee and Invited to take part In the deliberations of the committee. In thla way the members of the board of directors may become thoroughly familiar with the work of the commissioner nnd matters that arc referred by him to the executive committee. During the next two years wo antlolrmto that the active work of the club will bo largely Increased , and wo must be prepared to take up matters of Interest that como before us from time to time and bundle them with dispatch and In a way that will reflect credit upon ourselves nnd on the cltv. On account of the Transmlsslsslppl Expo sition , Omaha will bo the center of attrac tion for the entire transmlsslsslppl country for the next two years. T.ils club must of necessity do a good deal of entertaining and will have Its hands full In looking after the commercial Interests of our city. Wo be lieve , therefore , that the entire board of di rectors should take ( in active Interest In the management nnd work of the club from now on. and mike It u point to at tend all regular nnd'ttpoclnl meetings. Since this club was 'organized I have had the honor to servo you each year In norno olllclal capacity. Onti'iycnr as chairman of the executive committee nnd for two years as your president. I desire to thank the commissioner , Mr. Utt/ the members of the executive committee nnij all connected with the organization for the uniform courtesy which has nt nil times l > ? eti extended toward - ward me , Never In my life hnve 1 seen n HdnJ1 of mMi that worked In more t'ompleto harmony ntid for the best Interest of the oily In which they live than wo have ; iero In Omaha. You deserve to succeed , nnd you have my best wishes for your success , ELECTION OP OFl'ICKRS. At the conclusion of the reading of Ills ad dress the president announced that the next thing In order was the election of officers for the ensuing year , nnd ho called for nomina tions. J. H. Dumont was nominated. Ho de clined to serve nnd placed George W. Llnln- ger In nomination. John Stcelo nominated C. P. Wellcr for rc-oloctlon. but Mr. Welter declined the honor. W. M. Gins * then nom inated E. E , Bruce , but he also declined to accept. Mr. Dumont then moved the elec tion of Mr. Llnlnger by acclamation , but Mr. Llnlnger positively refused to accept the proffered honor and Insisted that HIP old rule ot electing the chairman of the executive commltteo should be followed , and his mo- tlpn lo elect J. II. Dumont by acclamation was carried without opposition. Mr. Dumont accepted ttio honor with n short talk , In which ho reviewed the work for which the club was organized , and dwelt upon the Importance of united action. Alfred Mlllard was re-elected treasurer nnd the club them proceeded to elect an executive committee. The size of the committee formed the sub ject ot a lengthy discussion , motions being undo to provide for n committee of the full board of directors , for n committee of eighteen members , and for ono of twenty- five members. The last motion finally pre vailed and the president appointed J. S. Brady ns Judge and Eagar Allen. X. A. Kuhn nnd W. S. Poppleton as tellers , nftcr which tha vote was taken. The ballot re sulted In the election of the following ex ecutive committee : Alfred Mlllard , Edgar Allen , J. U. Baum. E. E. Bruce , W. M. Glass , C. S. Hayward , John Steel , W. H. Koberson. , Clement Chase , C. H. Plckcn , C M. Wilhelm , A. T. Rector , C. P. Weller , A. Hospo , Jr. , H. P. Cady , G. W. Llnlugcr , Thomas Pry , W. Parnam Smith , A. H. Noyes , Charles Mctz , J. P. Carpenter , C. C. George , W. S. Poppleton and A. J. Vlerllng. A motion by Mr. Llnlngor that the full board of directors meet with the executive commltteo for consultation f- noon on the first Tuesday of each month formed the sub ject of another lengthy discussion , which finally ended In the adoptloTi of nn amend ment suggested by Mr. Steel , that a meet ing 1)0 held at 0 p. m. the- first Tuesday ot each month , nnd that every member of the club bo invited to attend at that tlmo to take supper and participate In a discussion of matters ot interest to the club. This concluded the business of the meet ing and the board adjourned. The executive committee will meet nt noon next Tuesday for the purpoas of electing n chairman nnd taking up tne regular work of the committee. lliri'AIIj ( iUOCKUS AVILL IIAXO.I'KT. South Oniiilm llri > tlircii In He Invited lo .Inlii the I'"i'Ntl > tllt-H. The directors ot the Retail Grocers' asso ciation met last evening nnd perfected ar rangements for nn Informal lunch , or ban quet , to bo held nt the Commercial Club cafe , next Thursday evening. Preceding the lunch there will bo nn open meeting , to which all retail grocers of Omaha and South Omaha , whether members or not , will bo Invited. The subject for discussion at the meeting will bo the question whether it would bo advisable for the grocers nt the present time to adopt the cash system of selling goods. The association membership numbers 135 , and It Is expected that the Invited guests will swell the number to fully 200 , and covcr.i will bo laid for that many at least. The association Is In n most nourishing condition , and the object of the proposed banquet Is to ninko the grocers of the city and South Omaha better acquainted with each other , and at the same time glvo those who arc not members an opportunity to learn more of the workings of the organiza tion. PHllSOXAL PAIIAOIIAPHS. J. L. Packard , a banker at Crelghton , Is in the city. C. II. Warren. Dunlan. la. . Is stonnlnit at the Mercer. "W. II. Blackman , Norfolk , Neb.Is a guest n ! ; ( ho Mercer. S. M. Hobcrtsou , Oslcaloosa , la. , Is In the city at the Mercer. J. E. Boyd has gone to Chicago to be absent" for a week. Warwick Saundera , n Columbus newspaper man. la In the city. M. Alexander , a stockman of Buffalo Gap , S. I ) . , la lu the cltv. Flvo members of the "Alabama" company are stopping at the Mercer. G. C. Powell , Hyannls , Is In the city -while on his way to eastern points. Matt Daughcrty , Ogallala , arrived In the city yesterday from the east. S. Puhrman , n merchant of Schuyler , U In the city on a purchasing trip. J. II. Poag nnd John Sullivan are St. Louis , Mo. , arrivals stopping at the Barker. A. A. Scott , an old resident of Sutton , IE In Omaha on n short visit with friends. Hon. " J. M. Woolworth left yesterday for an eastern tilp , to be absent for a week. J. C. White , a prominent merchant of Lin coln , la In the t'lty on a short 'business ' trip. J. II. Mcllrlde- the Western Passenger association , left last night for the cast on business , Culoael A. Hogcland , the "newsboys * friend , " Is stopping rn the city whileon his way vest , John A. Crelghton left last night for Chicago cage and eastern points , to be gone for a short period. Fred Enderly , Goring , Neb. , and Dr. E. J. Taggart , Gretna , are state arrivals registered at the Barker. Elliott S. Miller , a prominent insurance ma'n ' of Des .Monies , is registered at one of the hotels. W. W. Richardson , general western travelIng - Ing passenger agent for the Pennsylvania lines , was in the city yesterday. Miss Rollnda Balnbrldgc , Miss Emclla Gardner , Miss A. Allen , Mr. George Berry , Charles G. Craig , William Mack , O. Macy , J. Williams , M. Colno and William Balrstow are members with the Clay Clement com pany quartered at the Barker. Nebraskans at the hotels : Charles G. Ryan , Grand Island ; A. O. Evans , Lincoln ; Tom A. Smith , Lincoln ; L. J. Traynor , Grand Island ; G. H. Wushburn , Lincoln ; II. Harms , OMowa ; Pal Paso , Nebraska City ; E. U Chlcchestcr , Wayne ; A. A. Scott , Sutton ; G. W. Mayfleld , Louisville ; John Pratt , Ster ling ; J , W. Perry. Ord ; P. A. Smith and wife , Lincoln ; E. II. Reed , Crete ; Jlrs. Me- Elroy , Wakcfield ; C. A. Pratt , Gushing ; Emll Nelson , Wausa ; 1) . W. Moffat , Gordon. LINCOLN , Jan. 11 , ( Special. ) Omaha pCo- plo In Lincoln : At the Llndcll T. 0. Van Brecn , W. L. May , A. L. Armstrong , II. T. Benedict. At the Lincoln P. T. Raum , Walter Molse , W. S. Sclby , Lcvl Cox , Charles Curtis , X Fawcctt , J , P. McSwecn , J. H. Evans. > erne Women jump at it. They're ' quick to see the advantages of Pearline , quick to econo mize and save , quick to adopt all the modern improvements that make life easier. And these quick women are the ones that are kely to use Pearline ( u& ± p' ) > n the right way , and to find new uses for it , and got most out of it. Some Women SJ have to be driven lo it. They wait until they can't stand the old-fashioned way of washing any longer. Then they get Pearline. But ten to one they use it For only part of the work , or use it some way of their own , or use something else with it nnd don't get half the help they ought to. dcati1'eddlers and * omo unscrupulous grocers will tell you vDCUU " "or "the 1'earlinc , " IT'S this is a $ coed as same as : . T3 i FALSE Pent-lino U never peddled , and If your 11 JDclCK grocer send * you tomethtnB in place of Pennine. bo boncil- / it taet. Ui * IES 1'VLII , New York. BEAUTY LIES IN COLD WATER Fountain of Perpetual Youth Vainly Sought Discovered Easily , MME. YALE TELLS HOW TO BE LOVELY Simple nircctlntiM for AUnlnhu ; mid llptitlnliifr I'll ; nil-ill CliiirniN Arc lilvcii lliinilrritN of Women ut HIT Free I.i-i'tnri' . The fountain of perpetual youth nnd never-fading beauty , In fruitless quest ot which Ponce de Leon left his bones In the unexplorc.l forests of n now world , Is de fined by Mine. M. Ynlo ns being simply n 'pall ot hydrant water , cold as It comes fioni the pipes , In which n tcacupful of salt has been dissolved ; this thrown over the unclad body fiom a tumbler. She herself hns bathed In this fountain or some other possessed of the properties ascribed to the spring so ardently sought by the Spanish adventurer. Slio stood > cs- terday upon the Btago of Boyd's theater and looked out over an audience ot women who crowded every available Inch of space. They wcio joung women , old women , women stout and women slender , women with complexions and women with traces of what had been , nnd nil , ot whatever condition and degree , anxious beneath nn airy and somewhat contemptuous exterior , to learn the secret of keeping or regaining their charms. They , In their turn , beheld , across the footllght glare , a vision ot phys ical loveliness , garbed In various costumes nnd clowned with a wealth ot golden hair , In which blazed n diamond tiara. Their estimates of the quality of their entertainer's beauty varied accoidlng to their Individual turn of mind. Many , It la unto to say , came to scoff , nnd scoJIlng went nwny. "Oh , mercy ! Paint nn Inch deep ! " said. In passIng - Ing out , ono who wns not herselt entirely free from facial dccointlon. But most of the audience appreciated the lecture nnd ex hibition nt its very considerable actual value , and took nway from the theater not a few excellent hints for hygienic living , which , duly nnd systematically carried out , cannot fall to make healthier and more attractive women. And among the unre served admirers of Mine. Ynlo must bo In cluded as ahe graciously Included them In her first words of welcome the few shrink ing men who hid themselves as effectually as might be In the darkest corners of that otherwise Adamlcss .Eden. Some tlmo was consumed In getting the cnoimous nudlcncc seated. It Is safe to say the Boyd ushers never worked harder In their lives. The entire crowd was women , and women who had come to n free entertainment. What more need bo said on that point ? HERE BEGINNETII THE SERMON. When the curtain was finally rung up , after some music by the orchestra , n sylvan sccno was disclosed , with a back drop painted to represent the flames of burning Troy. On n llttlo platform placed near the center of the stage stood Mine. Ynlo , the fair Helen of this not otherwise very icallstlo tableau. She was habited lu flowIng - Ing Grecian robes of diaphanous texture , her beautiful neck nnd arms were bare , and she made a very pretty picture with out the aid of drops and burning towns. There were three poses to this part of the entertainment , each , If possible , more grace ful than the others. The serious part of the afternoon's work began after a brief Intermission , when Mine. Yale , wearing nn Empire gown which the masculine mind can only ndmlro without attempting to describe H. delivered the first and more general Installment of her lec ture on "The Religion of Beauty" and "Tho Sin of Uglliitss. " She wns seen to bo a plump blonde woman of medium height , with tapering and symmetrical arms , a fair neck and snowy shoulders , and a r mrtlnvlnn nn tvli Ifli n anmnwVinf Tinnf vln\V aided liy a good glass failed to reveal more paOit than Is called for by tlio ordinary staso mnkciip. Not oven a akin sucli as Mine. Ynle la said to possess In reality could Htanil the blazu of the footllRhts without some nhl of this kind. The full mcasuro of her physical charms , however , was more nearly revealed In the next act , when she appeared , to quote the hill of the enter tainment , "in the costume of the goddess Diana" which permitted n great deal of her to he seen , much after the style of a chorus girl In a modern burlesque. Few chorus girls , however , have Mmc. Yale's flguic , or carriage , or walk , or superb yet womanly development. Her lecture Is not now , being in most re spects the s&me as It was when she last spolio In Omaha. Slio delivers It extem poraneously , without special fluency , nnd In a voice and with nn Intonation not best adapted lo public speaking. "Ucauty , " she said in substance , "Is uhat all women desire , what comparatively few possess , anil what any can attain by going properly about It. When women begin to lose their personal loveliness their ambition and their sclfrcbpectbegin In n measure to go with It. Some characters are so beau tiful that they shine out through n repellant - pellant exterior as the sun breaks through obscuring clouds ; but consider how much more attractive such a character would be In connection with n lovely outsldo thau In spite of physical disadvantages. Science has made gicat advances In all directions during the present century , but In none moro remarkably than In the application of the laws of nature to thu prolonging of human life and the acquiring and retaining of all the essentials of physical beauty. No woman , even at CO , need be wrinkled , withered , bout nnd gray. With proper care aim me employment ui o nyKiuuiu uiui u rational dress , regular habits of bathing and sleep , a system of simple exercises designed to develop and strengthen the body and the judicious itbc of such chemical preparations as nro calculated to feed the waste tissues , she may Keep the bloom nnd the vigor of youth until long past the ago when , as a grandmother , she might otherwise - wise retire altogether from participation In the activities of life. " TKA , COFFER AND CONSISTS. Mme. Yale mlvlses total abstinence from tea nnd coffee , and Is an unrelenting fee to the corset. "Thcso beverages , " said she , "aro altogether harmful. They arc stimu lants , not nourishing foods , They play havoc with the nerves nnd with the liver , without the healthy working of which no woman can bo beautiful. And as for the corset , It Is my belief that It Is responsible for a greater part of the Ills of woman kind than any other cause I had almost said than all the other causes put to gether. " Then followed practical Illustrations of the exercises prescribed , shown by ftlmo , Yale first In the Diana costume referred to , nnd afterwards In a modern ball drcon. None of the exercises arc complicated In their nature end none call for special ap paratus. They nro all such as liavo been long used by teachers of ph ) steal culture , nnd nro well adapted to the purposes for which they nro Intended. Mine. Yalif also gave careful illicctlona for bathing nnd for the usa of her own various prepara tions , Indicating where they would bo placed on Kule In Omaha. After the lecture 1,100 women visited the drug department of the Doston store to obtain the samples of tlio preparation for which coupons were given nt the door. il ( r > Hinn Oniiilin ( ilrl. The nuthnrltlcs nt lllnlr reported by telephone - phone to thu local police last nlsht f.int there WIIB n 15-year-old girl mopping with a farmer near the town who Is supposed to Imvo run nway from this city. A descrip tion of thu girl vi'im Riven , and the Omiibn police renucHtod to iiHcertnhi If any young Blri of thlH city had been mUsctl by tiff imrontH , Tlio girl hua been living at lilalr for about u week. HniitlNiniil llolii'H Ucciivi-ri'il , The police yesterday nftcrnoon recovered the baptismal obcH and boota stolen mtm1 tlmo ago from tlio Chilstlan church , lo- rated nt TwVnty-tilxth nnd Ornnt ntrootH. They weru located In a priwiwliop ut 1201 utieut Nlut'llVil Howard ftnulil. BAN FUANC1SCO , Jan. 14 The Test thin evening hii nn Interview with Mrs , J. AV Dayun of I'nlo Alto , molhcr of Minn 'Cath erine ClcinmonH , Uic uctruuu , In which Sirs. Hayun nays her itaiiphtpr Is criRninvl to Howard Clould. pen of thr Into Jny Gould , and that ( loiihl itoknnwlMlRoii the rnpw nipnt to her recently while nho wn In Now York , nnd thnt ho Is eomlnv to California In n few dtiys to visit her family prior to her marriage. South Oinalm News . A pppclnl meeting ot the Hoard of Kdu- catlon li.is been called for next Monday evening , to which the taxpayers of thp city nro Invited. The object of the nicotine late to reach eomo conclusion , If possible , ns regards the voting of bonds for a new high school building. It Id proposed to decideal this meeting whetjicr the question of voting bonds shall bo submitted to thp people nt the spring election or not. Nearly nil of the members of the board nro In fnvor of ths Issue , nnd they claim a new school building Is badly nccdol. Should It he denned too expensive to erect a new high rehool bulld- Irg. for which at least $50,001) ) bonds would have to be > voted , the plan ot voting a smaller mini , to bo used In making addltlona to someof the school houses , will be brought up for discussion. Already site for the proposed school house has been miggcsted. Twenty-fourth street , between O nnd I streets , U thought by mnny to bo n good locality , on account of Its being central. According to tlto report of Superintendent Mtinro the Reboots nre now- overcrowded nnd something will Imvo to lie < lone before long to mnko place for the constantly In creasing number of pupils. llr. Clnrk Thief MU-rnm-niilNt. Dr. Clark , Chicago , has been appointed chief mlcrcscop'.st ' of the Department ot Animal Industry nt this point , nnd will ntj- sumo charge of the ofllco this morning. Dr. W. S. White , who for several years \vns In charge of the microscopical work here , waa removed from ofilco shortly ntter the recent election for "offensive partisanship. " Sev eral other government employes were re moved nt the same time , nud n number of dismissals Imvo occurred since. These who were removed at the tlmo Dr. White was dismissed have appealed their cases to the Civil Service commission , and nn olllclal ot the Department of Agriculture was hera last week Investigating the matter. The other vacancies have not yet been Illled. Slcluli lllilc EnlorlnliiniiMit. Wednesday evening Miss Cora Holmes en- tcrtnlncd a number ot her friends with n sleigh ride. A largo double olelgh , with four horses , waa provided , nnd the young folks were driven through the city nud out Into the country. After the rldo refreshments were served nt the residence of Miss Holmes. These who enjoyed Miss Holmes' hospitality wore : Hattlo Smith , Geneva Garlow , Mildred Dare , Stella Miller , Elflo Onrdncr , Irma Drown , Nuttlo Mnnn , Mnblo Rich , Mnudo Dennis , Florence Grundy , Fred Garlow , Fred Mullen , James McGirk. Vnrro Hall , George Nichols , Dewltt White , I'errlo Wheeler , Louli Nichols , Ralph Cressy nnd Harry Gardner. MorKHii'M llrlrf The brlcfa In the Morgan case were re ceived from the printer by Attorney II. AV. Patrick last evening nnd ho went to Omaha nt once in order to serve the attorney gen eral with n copy. Mr. Patrick hopes to get a now trial for his client. The supreme court allowed Attorney Patrick thirty daya In which to niethla brief , anil the time ex pired at midnight last night. Owing to the fnct thnt the county commissioners re fused to allow any more bills In this case Mr. Patrick wns compelled to pay for the printing of the brief himself. MiiKlc Clly Oownlp. Mrs. Ulce , Sixteenth and N streets , Is very sick. sick.Hiram Hiram Hnll has returned from Grand Is land. A son has been born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmcs Parks. J. AV. Jones , Hartlugton , is Jicro for a day or two. An Infant chl'd ' of Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Hall is sick. C. D. Gibson has been taken to Lincoln for treatment. J. R. Mayes , Henderson , la. , Is rcslsterod at ono of the hotels. George Sherwood. Janitor at the AVest Sldo school. Is qulto sick. Alvn Laverty. Ashland , Is a guest of hla brother , Jay Laverty. S. Mathcwson , Norfolk , spent yesterday In the city with friends. Mrs. Martin Stupart , Thirtieth nnd Drown otreets , Is qulto sick. Nearly 5,000 hogs were received at the stock yards yesterday. William Brown , Dig Springs , is hero at tending to sotiio business. John Qulnn. AVood Hlvcr , wns looking over the stock yards yesterday. T. II. Hatcher left yesterday for Lincoln , where ho will spend the winter. AH. . Reeves brought n shipment of cattle up from Mankota , Kan. , yesterday , The Ideal club will give n dancing party , on AVednesday evening , January 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tanner will entertain the Drlvo AVhlst club Friday evening. John F. nitchart leaves for Grand Island today , where he will engage In business. J. Hasmusson , Eighteenth and AVyman streets , la confined to Ills homo by olcknesa. Miss Agnes Hllcy , who was badly bitten by dogs last Sunday , Is slightly Improved. U. II. AVnllace. Coin , It. , wnn In the city looking after some property interests yester day. day.C. C. M. AVhcoler , Bromfleld , spent yesterday In the city looking nftcr como business mat ters. ters.A A meeting of the Sons of Veterans will bo lii'ld this evening nt the office of Judge Ag- nevv. nevv.All of the local banks repart having done n hotter business during the year just closed than In 1S05. Frank Laetner , Twenty-second and Q streeti , has about recovered from his recent sovrri ) Illness. Police circles have been very quiet for thft past few das , no arrests having been mndo slnci ) Monday. MUs Fnnnlo Lewis , who hns been Un'tlng frlenrts here , returned to her homo nt Loveland - land yesterdjy. John M. Woodward fell on the slippery nldewnlk n day or two ago and dislocated his left shoulder. J. W. Thompson , a prominent farmer of Concord , wne a visitor at the stock yards yesterday afternoon. _ Ilev. Frederick Tongo will conduct revival ser.lcca at the First Presbyterian church every evening next wculc. Harry McCormlck , n well known AVyonilng stockman , formerly a resident of Omaha , wnn a vlbltor nt the yards yesterday. The four Bohemian lodges In the city will nlvo a dance on Saturday evening , January 10. for the benoflt of the National hall. Itov. Dr. llobert L. Wheeler leaves for Gor don , Neb , this morning , to assist In the dcdl. cation of n new Presbyterian church at that place. The work of grading the Thirteenth street boulevard still contlnum. At present the toaniB nro working on the big (111 ( between O mi'l U Htrccts. Henry Shoemaker , n prominent AVaahlnc- ton rounty farmer , who hns been visiting Councilman and Mr * . John F. Schtilt/ , re turned to his homo ytwtonlay. Tuesday evening last , Clement Mortis ami MltM Zoo 121la nice were married nt the homo of the bride's parents , SIMuenth nnd N streets , by Itev. Dr. U. L. AVhnelor. The revival services now bolni ; held nlfrhtiy nt the Yoiinr ; Men'fc Christian aicocUtlmi will bo continued until Sunday evening. 1 If ) nt- tendance Is very Gratifying ( o UICKO Inter ested. Judge J. M. Fowler of thla city lias been appointed commandant ot the Eoldiom' homo ut Mllford. Judge Fowler la an old resident of South Oinalm , and haa always been moro or le a Intorrstod In local politic * . Hu prrvod ono term aa pollen judge not long ago , Owners of the pontofllco slto recently pur- vaecd by the fiovurumunt cannot undcrslund the delay In iieiidlnt ; the monoy. A telegram waa iccelvcd from Washington two wtoka ago to thu cfftict that the amount , 15,000 , would be forwarded within a few days , and ulnca that tlmo nothing has boeu hoard.