Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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, _ fi > It
- * * *
sympathy wllli llio political opinion * of tlic
ncnnte. The matter wna flhally referred tc
the committee on ntnmllnK committee * .
Mr. Spencer of Lancaster offoreil the fol
lowing , which wan unimlmonsly agreed to :
lleiiolvril , Thnt thin body commends tlic
notion of t > ho outgoing xccrotnrv of ntntc
mid hln wipply clerk. Mr. A. C. WrlRht ,
for thi'lr jiiillclouM nml economic mnnnBo-
mont of the Hiipplleii for the legislature oi
the twciity-fctirlh session and cnrc of stock
loft over from Hint session , n shown by
the rrporlH of thn lionsn nnd nennto com-
inlttet-s having clmrfjo of the name.
A number of hills were Introduced nnd
read for the flrnt tlmo. The hills offered yes
terday wore read the second time nnd re
ferred to coirmlttccs.
After the noon recrns the senators sat In
their places while a local photographer took
a rouplo .of views of the senate chamhcr.
Motions wcro agreed to placing all em
ployes under the direction and control ol
the scrgcant-nt-arms , nnd alee rcquefltliiR
the mayor of the city of Lincoln to appoint
the night watchmen of the scnnto membora
of the city police force without pay.
Mr. Dtimlns of Ncmaha offered the fol
lowing , which upon request of Mr. Orahnm
of Frontier went over until tomorrow under
the rules :
Wliprens It Is generally conceded that
oaliirli'M of Htato utnployoi , county oinclnle
nml ileputloH , which are llxeil by xtuttiu * ,
uro lilKhcr than In consistent wllli thu pri-H-
cut Mimiicliil condition of the stuto nnd
the nuvernl countlefl , * and , .
WhercwiH , Numerous blild nro being In
troduced and will bo Introduced for tbp
reduction of said milnrlcs ; therefore. be It
Hesolvcd , That It Is the sense of this body
that a committee of tbrro bo appointed la
draft and submit ono bill fixing said snla-
rli-.i nl SU per cent of the present llguroH.
The Hunuto then adjourned until tomor
row morning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IlmlNiPulH 111 KM Tlm < - Ci-lllllKT ( ) lu
ll till DlNiMiNnlnur ( In * Other.
LINCOLN. Jan. 1 1. ( Special. ) The hotiae
today decided to permit the state to buy
postage stnitpa for the members , sat down
on n proposition for free dally nnd weekly
newspapers , had a photograph taken en
group nnd turned over to the committee on
privileges nnd elections the papers In the
Douglas county content cases. Twenty-five
now Iillla were Introduced.
Sodcnnan this morning moved that further
reading of the Journal bo dispensed with nnd
the motion prevailed by the necessary ma
jority. Hut Jenkins objected to this move ,
insisting that the verification of the previous
day's roll call , nnd other Items kept by the
clerk should bo mndo each morning follow
ing. Ho urged that ouch was the house rule
and Insisted on Its retention. Speaker Gaf-
fln said that It would require n two-thlrc'a
majority to suspend the rule. A vote wnu
taken on suspension : of this rule ; it received
but llfty-ono In the aulniiative. nnd the Jour
nal was read In full.
In the midst of the Journal reading the
secretary of the senate appeared and an
nounced that a committee of three had been
named by the senate to net with a similar
committee In the house cm Joint rules.
Two petitions with Ions lists of signers
from Hall county were rend by the clcik ,
asking that n sugar bounty appropriation be
made to pay the farmore the extra dollar
per ton for beets promised them by the
beet sugar manufacturcra. There was no
appropriation made at the last session of the
legislature , and although the atnto auditor
tHuetl warrants for the same , these have
not been negotiated. On account of this ,
while the law compelled the sugar manu
facturers to pay $5 per ton for beets they
have paid but ? 4 , retaining the extra $ i
contingent on the ndtlon of this legislature
In voting , or refusing to vote , for the ap
propriation. The petitions were referred to
the committee on wnyo and means.
Then there was a wrangle over the ques
tion of purchasing postage stamps for the
use of the members. Hillings of Keya I'aha
moved that the house purchase for each
member flvo L'-ccnt stamp * and flvo 1-ccnt
etamps dally. Jenkins opposed this motion.
Ho declared It an example of cxtinvagance.
The popocrats generally "favored this motion.
Even SoJctman spoke In favor of the stamps.
In the midst of a heated debate , Gaylord of
lUifTulo , moved the previous question , which
carried. The question then recurred on the
original motion to buy the ntnmpa and wca
carried by'tho following vote In detail-
Ayes :
Ilenuinl , Felker. Mornn.
IlllIlllKfl. Kornow. Ni'dilt ,
Ilurinai ) , I'ouke. I'helps ,
lluticr. Gayloril. ItoLcrtson.
llurkL-tt , Ot-anilstnrr , Jtodcly.
Campbell , Hclimm , .
, Hlidilon ,
Chlttrmlen , Homer , Soileriiian ,
Clark ( Klein mcMlns.
Clark U-i" . ) , Straub.
Cox , Ktipp , Uoi line ,
Cmiilc , Kolntcr. Vnn Horn ,
Crow. I.lililell , \Vulle ,
Curtis , Mann , WliiKlow.
KlRliiny , McCarthy. Wlirolor.
Kmlorf , Mills , Mr. Speaker 13
Nnya :
Alilermnn. Jaiklna ,
AnUcny , Jonra ( Cw ! ) , bnytlcr ( \\-ni. ) ,
Jllake , Jene ( Ncm. ) . Hnydt-r -
1 lower , Jones ( V ° njie ; ; -SlllloJl.
1tyrnin , I.otnnr. Taylor.
Cole , MoOruclien. \Vclili.
Mr Oi- . '
llaser. Method. wiclit' , '
Miir.ilmll , Wlmberley ,
( iophoin. Mitchell , M'ooilanl.
llroNvenor. Morrison , Woostcr ,
Hnmllton , I'rlncc. WrlBlit.
lllle , SflVITO ,
HIM. Hliull. Xlmmcrmnn ! ,
Jlolbroolc , Smith ( Rich. ) . aiven4J. .
llulluiul ,
Absent anu not votlns : Uastman , Hender
son , Loomls , Itlch , Pollard , Rouse 0.
Taylor of Flllmoro then moved that the
( secretary of utato furnish the members of
the house three dally papers or the equiva
lent In WGCldln * to each member. On mo
tloa of Sheldon this was tabled.
On motion of Clark of Ulchardson the
House placed tlio hnll of representatives at
tlio disposal of the committee on ways and
means , to bo thrown open Tueoday evening
January 10. for n discussion of the merits
of the TransmlsaUslppl Exposition bill.
Sheldon moved that no bll ! . ? bo printed
until they had been examined by the com
mittee and reported favorably. A hot de
bate followed , and It was shown by Clark of
Lancaster that the success of this motion
would place the entire legislature In the
hands of committees , to the exclusion of the
members of the house. Mcl/eod moved to
indefinitely postpone consideration of thl ?
resolution , but Sheldon made a speech In
its behalf , and nn amendment to lay the
motion on the table received quite a number
of seconds. The motion to table wa.r car
ried by a lar o majority , and all bllla will
bo printed.
Under the call for bills on first reading
th following were Introduced :
House roll 8-J , Introduced by Clark of
IJincaster. to punish chicken alnulng nml
to punish iH-nmiis rccolvltur or buvlnir
chickens , ami to punish all persons bur'bor-
IIIK' or conecrnlnu' chicken thlcvoa.
House . roll luo , Introduced by Chirk of
Ii nciwU.r. to amend Hccllon C77 or the
' ' " " " ' - of '
I'roeediiro of the scale of
IIiMiiio roll 101 , Introduced by J. M. Snydcr
House roll ltt , Introduced bv Fclknto
incorporate the Order of the liaBtornt } / tr
thu rlKhl to acquire , hold nml illspos" of
House roll IKl , by Sheldon , to nniond
Koctloii 2. of chapter xxl , Code ot
Procedure UD3. relating to
nl" U"U l °
llouno roll 101 , by Sheldon , providing for
VnmCivtnlyi8llmP'Jt ' " ml W' ' l"tennneo of
county college of HC leiu-e. art and liidiiKivl-
within the Hovernl counties of the slat , ?
nnd providing for the election of the buiri
of managers for the same.
House roll joby Sheldon , vesting a r'irl.t
u the voters of the mate of NHbniiu.fto
by a petition rfer any law unacted or pro"
ported by the U ! M nturo lo u vote or the
voters cf Htieh Mialo nnd to reject the LniS
by the ballot ; vesting u right lii II. . vmew
W1Half a Center
{ or n Tlio cost of the
few drop : cf Ayer'a Cherry
Pectoral that will cure croup ,
whooping cough nnd ntiy other
cough , if udministcred in time
is perhaps half - \ cent. It may
prolong baby's life ,
Half a Century
of the stnto of Nebraska to propose law :
nnd enact the xnmo Into full lorcn nnd cf <
fort for thP government of the stnte by di
rect vote of the people who nro nunllllei
to vote for Htnto olllrlnht ; to prescribe tht
manner of stieh legislation and provide pun
ishment for nil offenders against the provi
sions of this net ,
House roll. IW , by Shnldon , for n Jolnl
resolution to amend section 1 of article II
of t'fio constitution of the stnto of Nebrnskn
entitled "I eglMatlvo" nml providing thai
the legislative authority of the state of Ne
braska shall , In addition to being exercised
by the senate and house of representatives
bo vested In the qunlUIri ! electors of such
state ; providing for the rallllcatlon of housi
roll No. of this session and to ropea
said orlKlnal wt'tlon 1.
HiiUKO roll 107 , byVlebc , to repeal all ol
sections 8 , 0 , 9a , 9b of chapter Ixxxlla of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the ycai
ISJir , .
House roll 103 , by House , to amend sec
tion 37CO nnd to repeal sections 3'fin nml
37fit of the Consolidated Statutes of ISM. roll ICO , by House , to amend sec
tion 3K)1. ) Consolidated Statuteof Ne
braska , 1S'J3 , and to repeal said original sec
House roll HO , by House , to amend sec
tions .7jrl. 3Fi7 nnd TO70 of the Consoli
dated Statutes of Nebraska , 1K 3 , and tc
repeal unlil orlelnal sections.
House roll 111 , by House , to amend sec
tion ,1131 , Consolidated Statutes of Ne
braska , 1SD.1 , nnd to repeal oald original
section ,
House roll 112 , by House , to amend sec
tions , EM2 , SM3 , nnd IWV ! , Consolidated Stat
utes of Nebraska , UKi , nml to repeal said
original Boctlons.
House roll 113 , by House , to amend sec
tion Cfil of chapter xlx of the Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska of 1S33 , and to re-
Mr-nl said section.
House roll 111 , by linger , to repeal pec-
tloii 12 of chapter II , article 1 , oC the Com
piled Statutm of Nebraska , 1853 , as
amended , relative to aiding county agri
cultural societies.
House roll 11 , " , by Foukc , to provide for
thn commissioning of graduates of Donne
college cadets.
House roll 110 , by Curtis , to amend sec
tion 51 of article 1 of chapter xvlll of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of Kio year
1S : : and to repeal snld original section.
House loll 117 , by Sodermnn , to provide
for the temporary IFSUC of non-lntcrest-
bcarlng warrants upon the state treasurer
nnd to provide for the redemption ami re
issue of same , and to amend Fcctlons 10 ,
chapter xlv of the Compiled Statutes of
HOUHO roll IIS , by Hull , to provide for a
presentation of the products , resources and
possibilities of the slnto of Nebraska at
the Tennessee Centennial Exposition , to beheld
held In Nashville , Telin. , May to November ,
let ) 1 1
House roll 11D , by Stebblns , to provide for
the redemption of all real estate sold on
execution order of sale and decree of courts
nml for the repeal of the general slay law
In the state of Nebraska re'.atlns to real es
tate sold on execution and order of sale as
contained In sections 477a and 4771) . chap
ter I , Compiled IbDj Statutes of the state of
House roll 120 , by Stebblns. to provide for
the more equitable appraisement of real
property under Judicial Bale and for the re
peal of section 4Sla , chapter I , of the Com-
pl'ed ' Statute ! of the fctnte of Nebraska ,
1S05 , and nectlon 1(1 ( , chapter xvlll urtlele
111. Complied Statute.- the State of Ne
braska , 1S33.
House roll 121 , by Ilddoll. a bill for an
act to amend feel Ion 21B : > of chapter xxtsc ,
entitled "hlcnn , " Consolidated Statutes of
House roll 122. by I.Iddoll , to prc-scrlbo
the ( itialllli-atlona of a hor.seshoer and to
regulate the practice of horseshoeing
within the state of Nebraska.
House roll 123 , by ISurkett , to amend HCC-
tlon 14. chapter xxlv , of the laws of isai ,
approved March 4 , 1831 , and to repeal said
original section ; also changing the. form of
schedules "A" and "II , " being parts of
r.ald chapter xxlv.
At the opening of thu afternoon session
Speaker Gallln announced that he would now
limn over to the committee on privileges
and elections all papers In the Douglau
county contest case , which ho accordingly
did , placing them In charge of Loomls'of
Duller , chairman of the committee.
The completion of bllla on first reading
was followed by bllla on second reading
and tholr reference to appropriate com
Sheldon of Dowea moved that the house
committee on Joint rules concur with the
senate committee , nnd It prevailed.
On motion of Jones of Gage the chairman
of each committee was Instructed to leave
on the ( speaker's dwk a notification of when
and where his commltlee would meet.
Klley of Nuckolls wanted n committee ap
pointed to Inquire as to the present number
of house employes , and If It wca found that
thcro wcro too many unnecessary onw they
should be discharged , but ho was sidetracked
by a motion to table.
Then Loomls of Uutlcr. chairman of com-
mlttco on employes , reported n number of
changes In the working force of the em
ployes , but no dismissals. IIo reported that
the total number of house employes now at
work was olxty-thrce.
Hull wanted to know If the adoptloa of
this report discharged the committee The
speaker replied that It did not , and that the
committee would still keep an eye on the
Loomls. chairman of the committee on
privileges and elections , announced that lila
committee would meet this evening at 7 ' 30
The house then adjourned until 10 a m
Hill MaUliiK' nil Ai iiroi > rlntlon Intro-
liic-cd In Hie HOIIHC.
LINCOLN , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) Hull of
Harlnn sant up a bill appropriating $25,000
for a Nchiaska exhibit at the Tennessee
Centennial exposition at Nashville , May to
November , " 1S97.
Sodcrman of I'helps today Introduced n
bill , house roll No. 117 , which Is in the
nature of an act to Inllato the currency of
the state. Its title Is "An Act to Provide
or the Temporary Issue of Non-lntorcst
Hearing Warrants Upon the State Treasury
and to I'.rovldo for the Redemption nnd Ro-
IEHUO of the Same. " It is provided In this
measure 'that uftcr the adjustment of any
claim by the auditor , and after thu warrant
nuall have been drawn on the state treasurer
t ahall be the duty of the treasurer to
iay the same in cash. If thcro bo funds
n bis hands , nnd If not. the treasurer shall
ssuo to the claimant a nonlntorcst-bcarlng
warrant , payable to bearer for the amount
ef his claim , such warrants to bo of the
Icnomlmitlona $1.50 , S3 and ? 0 respectively.
No other denominations shall be issued.
Such warrants are made receivable for all
axes duo within Iho otato and for all claims
ind dues of the state against Its citizens.
iml then shall constltuto In the hands of
my bunk ING Imitltutlou a part of Its legal
wish reserve , nrnJ shall bo so accounted by
iank examiners.
At the reciucut of John 0. Yclser , Sheldon
of'i today Introduced a measure pro-
Idlng for the Initiative and referendum. Kcc-
tlou 1 provides that the cjuallticd voters
of the state shall have the power to veto cer
tain bills passed by thu legislature , the
method to he employed In excrcl-ilng thU
veto powi-r being that form of popular vote
known as the referendum. Section a pro
vides Hint all bills shall fait within two
classes , viz. , urgent measures aud msasurcs
not urgent , and that no measure shall be
classified on urgent except that relating
to the Immediate preservation of the public
peace o'r the public health. Section 4 pro
vides that a Ihrco-fourlhA vole of each
jouso of the legislature shall bo nccessflry
to place any bill for such a purpose In the
eliualllcalton of urgent measures. Section C
provides llmt urgent measurea shall go
into effect Immediately upon their approval
by the governor. Section. provides that
within nliioty days the volcr.i of the-
utato shall have the. right to Ilk-
with the rccrctary of ctato n
uitltlnn to submit any measure not urgent
wssed by the legislature , whether signed
jy the governor or not , to n vote of all ttio
voters of the state for rejection or np-
iroval. It U provided that the vote * for
and against tuch uicanurc shell hu counted ,
tctumed and announced by the rcflpectlvu
ollk-lals an In thu manner provided In the
a so of the election for state olllclals. Uu-
uss thfl mcnsuro shall on the day o ( election
receive the alllrmatlvo votes of a majority
of the ballot * cast forlmd against said menu-
ire , It uhalt not become u law. The In-
tlatlvo portion of thin measure pruvldc-u the right tn pvopovo laws for the ntnto
shall , In addition to being exercised by the
Kimatii nnd limite , rest with any < j per cent
if the voters of the state ,
Voi-Ic ruiint- Holler AKrnt
M'COOh JUNCTION , Neb. , Jan. II. ( Spu-
and have not paid the notes. T. W , Smith
Rmtth of thin pluco WHE appointed county
Mlef agent by the county board of York
county. Warrants to the amount of $7,000
vcro Issued , uml with thu proceeds seed
; rat n wai purchased , and this grain was
sold to the farmers , giving them a year's
time to pay for the same. Owing to partial
crop failure , a largo amount of tiotex had
to ho carried over to this year , and moe
of thcniliavo been paid back. In smnu case
tenant farmers Imvc moved out of thn count :
nnd have not pnld the noted. L. W. Smltl
has made a good agent-fop the county. , Las
week ho resigned , and M. Sovereign of York
was appointed , , ,
oos.siiI.HO.M 'ruin sTATn'fnousi3
.Hiiitcrlntctiilrnt .Int-lixnii Surprint-
Some of I lie Wine DIK.-N nl I.lm-olii.
LINCOLN , Jan , 14. ( Spcclnl.-QuUo ) )
number of the popocratlo element were
today astonished by the announcement tha
State Superintendent of 1'ubllc Instruction
William R. Jackson had appointed .to a
clerkship In his otllce Mrs. A. 1C , Qoudy
wlfo of the superintendent who made way
for Mr. Corbett two years ago , after' having
occupied the ofllco end enjoyed 'Its emolu
ments for four years. Mrs , Ooudy succeeds
ns clerk Corbett , slsior of the ex-super
intendent. A. K. Cloudy Is and always has
been a strong republican , and the popocratlo
clement prjfcwcs to bo unable to under
stand the motive of Superintendent Jackson
In making the appointment. It Is also
severely criticised by some of the repub
lican ? . .
I'rof. C. 1) . "Grldln and wlfo have been
offered and have accepted positions In the
Kearney Industrial School for Roys , under
Superintendent Hoxle. ' Mrs. Grlllln will
act as matron nnd the professor will havf
general chirgc of the Inmates and the school.
They will report for duty next week.
The state banking department olllco wll
probably be turned over to the new admlnla
tratlon tomorrow. Dr. Hall , the new chle
clerk of the department , who succeeds R
H. Towuley , was at the department this aft
ernoon making the acquaintance of hU new
duties. Mr. Townley's resignation wns
handed In on the 8th lust. Dr. Hall was
requested to have his bond ready , ao that
ho could enter upon hla duties next Monday
but It was ascertained this afternoon thai
no bond WISH required , ao ho will probably
take possctslon In the morning.
The State Hoard of Transportation will
hold a meeting tomorrow to organize for the
ensuing year and to formally appoint J. W.
ndgerton. G. L. Laws and J. C. Uahlman
secretaries of the board. The meeting waa to
have been held this afternoon , but oxvlng to
the temporary Indlspailtlon of Land Com
missioner Wolfe It wns postponed until to
morrow afternoon.
A. C. Wright who acted na custodian of
legislative supplies during the session two
years ago and who has taken charge of the
stationery left over until the present sca-
nlon , turned over hla olllco to his successor ,
L. D. Stoncr , this afternoon and this even
ing left for his home In Casa county. Mr.
Wright fecld a peculiar satisfaction over
the record he has made. Generally In the
pest the legislature has managed to exhaujl
Its supplies ut the end of the session nni
leave the supply room as bare as the shelves
of Mother Hubbard'a historic cupboard.
This week , when the committee called upon
Mr. Wright to check up , It was taken
down to the supply room and shown a pile
of stationery ca big sa a furniture van.
Thcio were lead pencils by the cord , thlrty-
nvo reams of cpgrcaslng paper , six ream' )
of enrolling paper , ten dozen quarts of Ink ,
118 gnxss of rubber bunds , lifty-two gross
cf steel pens , and books , records , ( lies .and
odds and ends , tlie value of the whole amountIng -
Ing to $1,800. Thcuc Buppllci were ordered
by John C. Allen for the legislative sen-
slon two years ago. There la enough tenet
not only furnish the present session all the
stationery It needs , but If properly used
there will bo enough for the sctalon two
years hence. The 'senate showed Its appre
ciation of Mr. Wright's record today by unan
imously adopting a resolution of thanks to
him nnd ex-Secretary of State Piper for
their watchful cars of state property.
Soil Culiir < - Ii- < - ( uint OKaliilln.
OGALALLA , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. )
Prof. Campbell of Sioux 'City and Superin
tendent Park cf the Union "Pacific , paid
this town a visit yesterday evening , nnd
Prof. Campbell gave a lecture on the sub
ject of soil culture nt the school hbuse.
He Illustrated his theory by designs ; on the
blackboard nnd gave a very practical nnd
profitable talk to thq. fa'r'mers'who were
The Union Pacific company Is talcing step , ?
toput In five experimental farms in western
Nebraska , and they desire to locate ona
of them near Ogalalla. to demonstrate to
people living In the dry belt that crops can
bo successfully raised In a dry season \iy \
the aid of Mr. Campbell's plan of soil cul
ture , the two principal points at which are
packing the subsoil nnd mulching the nur-
face by frequent light cultivation. A lively
Interest was manifested In all that Mr.
Campbell had to say on the subject , and a
gocd many questions were put to him by
Incredulous oncp , all of which he answered
A meeting will bo called at an early date
to take up the matter of the experimental
station and to recommend some good farmer
to have charge of It.
1'iildllnniinior.s lit Sliclliy.
SHELDY , Neb. , Jan. II. ( Special. ) The
aggregation of peddler grocerymeii who had
a rough experience In Stromsburg , ns re
cently reported In The Hoc , nro having a
cool reception here. Their delivery day
from the car was announced for Saturday ,
and many new faces wcro that day seen
In town. The salesmen failed to raise the
required amcant of cash that they might
obtain the bills of lading and their cus
tomers left dissatisfied. The eastern flrm
turned the goods over to John I ) . Mitchell
of Osccola to collect for them. Fred Schmld ,
the proprietor of the City hotel , attached
( ho goods for a board bill. This bill was
reduced yesterday , however , for when one
of the men was eating his dinner the tav
ern man took possession of his bearskin
overcoat which was hanging in the ofllce
aud received ? 10 to return It. Liveryman
frank Ouster pushed his claim In a differ
ent manner. He discarded his coat nnd vest
and threatened to light two of his former
latrons. Seeing that ho was In earnest
: hcy gave him enough spices , extract and
raisins to last his family a lifetime.
\ /'orpni-jiftout. .
LINCOLN , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) The fol-
owlng articles of Incorporation were filed
oday with the secretary of stnte :
The Packers' Rulldlng and Loan associa
tion of South Omaha ; the authorized capital
stock Is $1,000,000 ; the Incorporators nro :
\I. Strauss , T. W. Tallaferro , E. 'A. Cudahy ,
J. G. Martin. M. R. Murphy. W. 1) . Wall-
work , Richard Swift , James Phillips , A. II.
eyes , A. C. Foster , A. 13. Farrar , T. V.
Tntum , Arthur F. Stubbs , W. N. Habcock ,
James L. Puxton , W. A. Schrol , James Fitz
gerald and J. C. Cobry.
The Omaha Live Stock Commission com-
uny of South Omaha ; capital stock , $10,000.
rho Incorporntors arc : Lafayette Coltrln ,
John n. Smiley , 1) . 11. Olney and H. Jeger.
Platt & Frees company , Red Cloud , Wcb-
Ktcr county ; capital Block , $10,000. The In-
ncorporators ore ; D. M. Frees , C. J. Plait
and M. M. Plntt.
The Telegraph Mining nnd Development
company of Omahn ; capital stock , $500,000.
The Incorporators arc : Henry 13. JcnnUon ,
ijenry Farmer , Charlcn W. Moore , S. Reid ,
K. D. Parker and J. W. Mann.
K ! < In Onialin.
VALENTINE. Nob. , Jan. 14. ( Special
rclcgram. ) The RIkhorn road commenced
loading Its ears with Ice from Lake Minno-
chaduza today , running It from the lake teA
A railroad switch over a chute. In this way
about twonly-fcur cars can bo loaded per
lay , and , afler Hie company has secured Its
supply , It will endeavor to have a lot mar-
celcd In Omaha , running u special train
every day. General Superl.ntendent Hughes
and Chief Engineer IJcrry spent part of the
day hero overseeing the work of getting
started. The Ice could not possibly bo of quality , and Valentino Is anxious to
supply the btoto now , since facilities are
nt hand for handling , nnd the work fur-
alchctt employment for u numbe of laboring
men. ' " . . V ,
Vii11of Ai-itlilcutM nt . "Piilrllplil.
FAIRFIKLD , Neb. , Jan. ' 14.-SpcclaI. | )
W , E. Mercer , Juulor member ol the firm
of A. J. Mercer & Sou , publUdiera of the
News-Herald , met with a jialjiful accident
last evening In attempting lo alight from
a moving train at the depot ' here. 'Ik'
slipped and fell on tliu icy platform , ono foot
was caught between the wheel and rail and
badly cruuhcd , Ho will lose two of hla
Today Marlon Lower , a brakeman on the
north branch of the Kaunas City & Omaha
railway , got his hand pinched In making a
coupling. Ho will bo laid up for name time
and may lose hla Index floger.
* _ _
A M l
Episcopal OoUWJtition of the Platte Talks bf
an Archdeaconry.
* y -it
IM-port of the CotntnlKce oil
UhrlMlltilt Miliii-ntlou AitiinlltiK |
for \ld for PlnttrIimtl -
tutv tAVuiiirii'H AVork.
HASTINQS , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The last day's session of the sev
enth annual Kplscopal convocation of the Ju
risdiction of the I'latto reassembled nt the
Guild house at 9 o'clock this morning. The
first business was the report of the audit
ing committee of the ulshop'ii accounts ,
which wns na followsr
Illicit Hoverend Sir. Your committee
would respectfully report Unit they IwVo
KOIIO over the accounts nnd llnd them cor
rect nnd the Investments s afe , so fur na
can bo Judged at the present time.
The rest of the morning was devoted to
the hearing of reports of tlio various guilds
of the Jurisdiction. Mr. It. J. Hnrr of Orand
Inland , the president of the guilds , took the
chair nnd the convocation resolved Itself
Into a Committee to consider women's work.
The reports of the gulldj enow that very pro
gressive work 1ms been done In nil parts of
the Jurisdiction. Among the reports was
that of Grand Island , showing that over $ SOO
had been raised by the women the past
year , the total receipts of the parish being
$2,134.80 , and that a new rectory had been
built. The guild of North I'latto has also
been very active , and presented a very cred
itable report. The various chapters of
the Daughters of the King also presented
their reports , showing great progress In
work during the year. There nro at presr
cut existing chapters at North Platto. Grand
Island , Broken Dow , Hastings and Klimvoo.1.
The committee on Christian education pre
sented a lengthy report In which Christian
education Is defined na education In duty
toward man and in duty nnd privilege toward
God. It Is pointed out tint the public schools
under existing conditions cannot < lo moro
than train the mental powers , and that that
being so these schools should not monopo
lize the whole cf the time and strength of
the boya nnd girls. The duty of the parent ,
the church and the Sunday school In the
Christian education of the child are em
phasized , and In conclusion an appeal la
muds for the support for the 1'lntte Insti
tute , n school wliero "sound learning is al
lied with the positive teaching and Influence
of the Christian , religion taught by the
church of God. "
The committee on the bishop's address re
ported as follows :
Considering the adverse circumstances
under which the church In this Jurisdic
tion has labored during the past year , your
committee think : ) that the progress which
has been madeIn Its advancement in ul-
incwt phenomenal. The committee , congrat
ulates the bishop nnd the church generally
on the rosulfVwhich have been achieved ,
and notes \\lkh much satisfaction the
school at Kearney Is under Hitch good
management and doing the work so well
for which IfMwirt 'designed. The coni-
mlttco suggests [ .that the bishop ap
point n committee of two clergymen nnd
two laymeU"to " report on that portion of
his address ' "relating to the "Platto Mis
sionary. " Your committee regarded It as
' bo rc-
IIL-VUU ui inucn oi ino woric which ho has
bj en caring' rtir.the llnances of the JurlH.
dletlon nml ilolnglmuch clerical work whlcl
should bo jjonu by others , and reconv
mends that fi/t / .representative committee ol
i.pCnrori. llrJFleiflymcni'lnrt' nominated by C ( > ual the mlm' con.
ventlon to Consider the advlsiiblllty 01
The commlipo on the , relief of the bishop
In bis work r per od as follows :
YoUr comrultteoquld respectfully re
port thrft Unrealized ho need of relief In
your arduous .labor , .nnd takes thn liberty
of rccommondlnc the appointment by your-
Felf of an archdeacon , if possible , -who
shall be able to look after portions ol
your correspondence nnd accounts , and do
such missionary work as his time will al
low ; or else a lay helper , who may net a ?
secretary nnd general factotum , as you llnd
After the reports wcro heard , the con
vocation proceeded to the election of of-
[ leers for the ensuing year , resulting In
the election of Mrs. A. II. Graves of Kear
ney , president , nnd Miss Annie Kramph of
North Plattc , secretary.
The convocntlon then took a recess. At
2:30 the convocation proceeded with the
consideration of women's work. Papers
wcro read by Miss Bertha Chllde of Gibbon
on "Personality In Church AVork. " This
was nn excellent paper , and brought forth
nn Interesting general discussion. A paper
was also read by Mrs. Husscll of Kearney
on "Women's "Work. " This was followed
by n paper on "The Women In the Parish , "
written by Mrs. Plnkham of Grand Island.
These subjects all brought forth very In
teresting general discussion.
Ono hundred dollars was pledged by the
lonvocnllon for the support of the "Platto
Missionary" for the coming year.
The summer meeting of the guilds will
ho held In connection with the next annual
convocation , which will probably bo held
n September , 1S ! > 7.
A resolution wrs offered extending to the
rector aud parishioners of St. Mark's church
of Hestlnjra the hearty thanks and gratitude
of the convocation for the very hospitable
nanner In which the delegates have been
The convention adjourned at 5 o'clock.
Following nro the names of the delegates
n attendance :
Ulslioy Ht. Kcv. Alison R. Graves. S. T.
Clerical UPV. J. M. Hates , Ilcv. S. A. Pot-
cr , Hev. Ooorpe A. needier. Ilev. A. a.
'Inkhain , Itcv. K. D. Irvine , Hev. J. U. Van
Lay Grand Island : Mrs. II. II. Glover ,
Mrs * . It. J. IJarr. Mrs. II. U McMenns. Mrs.
7. P. It. Williams. Mrs. A. O. PInhham ,
Mrs II. C. Miller , Miss Hetzel , 'Miss ' Edna
Williams and C. V. Nusz.
MfCook : Miss I.ehnw.
Gibbon : Miss Chllde.
Junlata : Mrs. St. John nnd Mrs. Urown.
Kexlngton : William Skinner.
Kearney : Mrs. CSravcs , Miss linbbitt and
I. N. UiiHScll.
HoldrcRo : H A Russell.
North Platte : John U nick , Mrs. Relse ,
Mrs. 'M. H. Douglas , Miss Goozoo Miss Von
Goetz , Miss Krnmnh nnd .Mr. Dullard.
Hastings : H. M. Oliver. 13. Uurton nnd
ohn Slaker. Mrs. H. M. Oliver , Mrs. Morey ,
Mrs. T.urton , Miss Twldale. Miss Urqu-
mrt. 'Miss ' Jewell , Miss limtna Lowell. Mrs.
G. 1C. Douglas and Miss I r vino.
KmlorNi'il liy Snllnc County l ! < ir.
CUETK. Nelj. , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Your correspondent In this city has
> ccn requested' three-fourths of the bar
f Saline county to express their high ap-
tin list- taking old
of your dt'iioHllH wliun
Wo accept
Omahn Savings Bank
it tholr fnco vnluo In pnytnont for n < *
tliinos You cannot afford to inlsn tli
ipportunHy Wo can accept only a Hin
ted lUIIllbLT ,
. , . ,
prcclatlon of the editorial In this morning' *
Hen on thn Judge Mcliugh appointment nm' '
confirmation. The vlawa cxprcescil In thai
article thla morning colncldo with the opln <
lon of the bar of Saline county Irrespective
of party , nine-tenths of whom are eound
republicans. _
SnU ( PrpKit ANMoeliitlnti Moot * nt
Crnml iMttinit anil Tntkn Hliop.
Git AND ISLAND , Jan. II. ( Special. )
Thd nttconth annual convention of the Ne
braska Press association was called to order
thla afternoon nt 3 o'clock by President Day-
ion of York. The secretary read the pro
ceedings of the previous meeting , which were
promptly approved as read , nnd the president
delivered his annual address. Ho acknowl
edged his Inability to compel publishers to
cease cutting rates until they wcro ashamed
of their own business methods , nnd to per
emptorily stop the government from compet
ing with the country print shop In the printIng -
Ing of envelopes. Ho expressed his npprecla-
tlon and concratulatcd the convent-Ion over
the fact Hint It was no longer referred to ns
the Republican Press nssoclatldn. "It haa , "
said ho , "nnd should have no politics , nnd I
would recommend that a conrnlttuo of three
bo appointed to arrange the moat ghastly
penalty for the first member who Introduces
politics In any bt his remarks during the
sessions of the convention. Ho further rec
ommended the establishment ol county asso
ciations nnd the federation of tha publishers
of like political faith.
C. M. Hubncr , D. H. Cronln , Edgar How
ard. N. H. Ptirks , nnd L. J. Simmons were
appointed ns a committee to receive the
president's nddrcss nnd report recommenda
C. H. Cass , R D. Heed and George Cross
wcrotippolntcil a committee to audit the re
port of the secretary-treasurer.
The propoacd amendment to the constitu
tion , providing for the admission of the
wives , mothers , daughters and sister of the
members Into active membership was read
and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Mobley , In making a few announce
ments In behalf of the local committee , re
ferred feelingly to the death of Ed J. Hall ,
who was actively engaged In the preparations
for this convention when called to the great
The visitors were hero Invited to board
a special train nt 2 o'clock tomorrow nnd
visit nnd Inspect the sugnr factory.
Mr. L. J. Simmons read a paper upon the
question. "Have We n Kreo Press ? " and
the contents were discussed by Kdgnr How
Charlca D. Thompson of Omaha addressed
the cssoclatlon upon the Transmlsjlsatppl I3x-
posltlon. after which the association nd-
Journcd until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
This evening the visitors , ns well as towns
people , were entertained at the opera house
by a program of song nnd speech.
Indian Police Captain mi n Drunk.
DECATUR , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. )
Daniel Webster , captain of the Omahn Ind
ian police , came down here and loaded up tea
a dangerous degree on whisky. Webster
dosUted when requested by Marshal Page to
stop his loud and boisterous talking , and
reached for his pistol to shoot. Page grabbed
his man and with the assistance of ono or
two others the revolver was token away.
Later on the drunken captain was dumped
Into a wagon and taken home In n paralyzed
condition. He Is of a pugnacious disposi
tion when Intoxicated nnd thla Is not his
first attempt at shooting people. It la only
a abort time ago that he made nn effort
to murder a drunken comrade , whose life
wns saved by his wife knocking the arm of
Webster up Just ns the pistol went off.
Man nml Wife Injured In a Itiiiiaway.
FRANKLIN , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) H. L. Smith and wife of Tnrklo ,
Mo. , who have been visiting here , met with
a , oprlous accident this morning. They were
coming to town to take the train for their
home , and In some way the team became
frightened and ran away , throwing both
Mi % Smith and his wife out on the frozen
ground. Mrs. Smith received a bad cut on
the head , which had to be sewed up. Mr.
Smith escaped with but ellght bruises. A
man named Scott , who was driving them to
town , fell on his face , which was badly
bruised , and two of the wheels patted over
him. The buggy was smashed to atoms.
Dr. Dyoriy attended the Injured and found
no bone.j broken.
V.'lll Collect from tlic lIiiiiilNiiicii.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. )
The county attorney haa caused an execution
to bo Issued against the bondsmen of Frank
Davis , whoso term of oftlco expired January
1. 1SS1 , to collect a shortage found due the
county by nn expert ' employed by the county
to check up his b'ooks. amounting with In
terest and costs to $2,400. The case has been
In the district court for three years , the
county obtaining Judgment In November ,
1ST > , and the bondsmen failed to
perfect an appeal to the supreme court be
fore the expiration of the time allowed.
Twenty-two names appear on the original
bond , but of that number only eomo ten or
eleven are solvent.
llcvlvnl at Iccaur.
DECATUR , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) A
religious revival is In session at the Mctho-
dlft Episcopal church of this place this week
and Is apt to continue through the next.
The meetings are wholly under the control
of the well known local religious worker , '
Rev. Thomas Dlthcll. Some special -music
for the occasion has been Introduced by the
regular chur.'h choir , with good and thought
ful effect. A lively interest by the public
has been manifested from the start , and they
are having crowded houses every night.
TIilcvi'N Arc I'mnipdy Flm-il.
WEEPING WATER , Nub. , Jan. 14. ( Spe
cial. ) During a dance held hero last night
two young men , Walter Harbcr and Thomas
llattcreon , living In the country , stele two
lap robe.s belonging to Guy Johnson. An
ofllcer went to the homo of Dattcrson and
located the robes In a corn crib. The boys
were brought to town and had a hearing
before the pollco Judge , who fined them $10
each and coala ; about $20.
II. .fc .11. Kircnuiii'M Wife MlNNlnK.
NEBRASKA CITY. Jan. 14. ( Special. )
Mrs. True , wife of M. A. True , a fireman
In the employ of the n. & M * disappeared
from her home yesterday afternoon. She
left her two children in the' core of a neigh
bor , saying she would bo back In a abort
time. Since then nothing has been heard of
I'lnr SIclKliliiK nt t'oliiiuliUK.
COLUMDUS , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) This
vicinity Is enjoying the very bet sleighing
within the past five years. Sleighing parties
nro the order of the day and the young people
ple took advantage of the bright moonlight
last evening and the morrj ; Jingle of the
bells was heard until long after midnight.
To la-op tliu foot up out of the whiHli Is
Impossible the wi't weather Hliot1
Ihoujjh ovpiTomoH all this dllHeiiUy by
( ho construction of the Hole Our _ 0th
Century Shoe at ifU.W ) nml ? ! I.OO for wo
men IB the most Hticcessful of all ItH
price rceomint'iids It It has heavy sole
solid leather tops luce or button any
too Hlylo 'most the $3.00 ono la na good
IIH lots of $5,00 shoes.
1410 FAUNAAI ,
. * ' * - . * 4 * >
Special and
Important Announcement I
For the accommodation of the
ladies we have put in
stock a full line
, 1 , Yale's '
V W " " - } *
and will continue to carry them
Mine. M. Yale- from now on.
During this week we will hold a GRAND EXHIBITION
and CUT PRICE SALE of all
We have cut the prices away below any others ever
made , and will meet any competition. OUR GOODS ARE
GENUINE , wo guarantee them to come direct from Mme.
Yale's Laboratory. WE NEVER SUBSTITUTE. WB
Mine. Yale's Remedies
To be the ? highest class gxjods on the market and of the high
est medical qualities. Awarded World's Fair Medal and
Diploma of Honor for great merit and purity.
LADY ATTENDANTS We have appointed several
young- ladies to wait upon our patrons and assist them in se
lecting the necessary remedies. Guide to beauty free. Aslf *
for it.
For wrinkles , use Mme. Yale's "SKIN
FOOD. " two
For removing Ulemlshcs , clearing and
whitening the skin , use Mine. Vale's COM-
For Krcclclot ) , use Mine. Yale's "LA
For Developing Neck. Dust nnd Anna ,
use Mine. Yale's "IltlST FOOD , " two sizes.
For Restoring Llfo nnd Color to Hip
Hair , stopping It from falling nnd creating
a luxuriant growth , UBO Mme. Ynlo'a
"HAIIt TONIC. " Mme. Yale's " 1IAIK
For Pimples , Blackheads nnrt Skin Dis
eases , use Mine. Yale's Special Lotion nnd
For Softening , Healing , Smoothing the
Skin nnd keeping the Complexion perfect
use Mme. Yule's "ALMOND BLOSSOM
For Creating n Hose Color nnd IlrlRhten-
Ing the Expression , use Mine. Ynlo'fl
For Cultivating Luxuriant Lashes nnd
Kyobrows , uao Mine. Yale'a "KYKUIIOW
For Female Weakness , tnko Mine. Ynlo'a
Great Female Tonic , "FRUITI Ct'KA. "
For the Hlood nnd Liver , tnko Mine.
Yale's "HLOOD TONIC. "
For Constipation , take Mine. Ynlo'a
For Softening. Whitening aifd Refining
the Hands , use Mine. Ynlo's "HAND
For Making the Lips Plump. Smooth and
Rod. use "JACK ROSE IIUDS. "
POWDER , " Uirco shadca-Ilcsh , whllOk
Mall orders promptly filled. i
& & FRESH GOODS. * &
Wo gunrantoo our poods como direct from Madarao Yale's Laboratory , and
arc perfectly frcsli nnd genuine.
There is nothing puritanical about
this PURITAN. Puritanism has soft
ened with the centuries. The early Puri
tan the Puritan woman in American
history stands for all that is best in our home
life. It was she who gave the bent to our na
tional character , she who inspired ambition , and
toiled for education and the independence and
refinement of the home. There is no more
fitting name , then , for a woman's journal than
The Puritan of today is not restricted to New Eng
land , but is in every home where the virtues of the
old Puritan , now softened and modernized , char
acterize the home life. And it is to these women
these gentlewomen the modern Puritans
that this journal is dedicated. The PURITAN -
TAN can be had from your newsdealer.
Ask him for it. If he has sold his supply
lie can get you a copy , or you can get
it direct from the publisher.
FRANK A. A1UNSEY , Publisher ,
No. in PIth ( Avenue ,
Ivors & I'ond , Steimvay , Kmibc , IMIKTKOII
nnd YOHB & Sons' Pianos ,
All styles at lowest prices , Cash or Easy Payments.
AVUIIKU uiuuaiiT . - - - . - ma
Wrlto for Catalogue and Terras.
Cgr. IJUi und uodgo Streets. .
C. MUliLUBU-riano Tuner , * ffelepljonQ 1824. /