Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    o TTTE O1MATTA DAILY in3EMlTTRST ; , > A\r , , TA7sTlTAinr M , 1807.
Nobrnckn pinned n Inw known ns the "Mnx
Imiim Krc' Rnto Law. " nnd
\ \ hcrran , Snld law , allhoUKh lonally en
ncled him born Inoperative because of ni
nppeal to the courts , where It now remain ?
nndWheren , The producers und Milpp rs nr
not receiving the benelltH Intended to b
derived by the pnfmngii of raid law. but 01
the contrary the old nnd oxcosalvo frclgh
rale gehtdiile In still enforced ,
Now , there-fore , Iho Bonnie of Iho slnte o
Nebr.iskn , the benne of n-proncmatlve
coneiirrlnic , hereby anthoilsto and Inntruc
thn atlornpy Riuipral lo mnko n full nni
comilcle Invi-ittlRntlon of the onuses of do
Iny nnd rfi > ort to thin body , nnd If po.-Hbl
urge a speedy dotcrmlnallon of Ihe Issue
Involved In xiild ease.
On mothn of Hull Iho house concurrei
In tliK joint resolution.
Speaker ( lallln then appointed Elmmorman
I/omlfl and Gcrdes n commit Ice to InvMtl
gnto Ihe present < x > ndltlon of the worklni
force of iho house and report on the same.
denies of Richardson , from iho commute
on supplies , reporled lo the housp that the ;
had found supplies sulllclpnl to nnrry on thi
biiRlniss of the house , with Ihe $500 nlread ;
expeivleil for copies of revised statutes , sta
tlonfry , etc. The report also directed nt
tcntlon to the fnct thnt n large numuar o
wrmlo baskets , cuspidors nnd other nrtlcle :
of furnlturo had been ct > rrlod off by mem
hers of Iho lest Ifmise.
Ilornnrd of Pawnee protested , as a monibc ;
of the last srgdlon , thnl ho for ono hnd no
stolen anything.
Reuse of Hall sarcastically remarked thn
ho nnd Sodormnn , another old mombcr , hai
gene down Into the basement of the caplto
building and carried the cuspidors away It
their vest pockets.
Pollard of Cnss made a vigorous defense o
the republicans of the last houoo and showei
that nearly $2.000 worth of stnlo propertj
left over from the last session had bc-ei
carefully taken care of by the ox-secretarj
of state , J. A. Piper.
Sheldon of Shurldnn c.realcd considerable
< ll-fccllng by asserting that nn Individual
name not given , but who , ns It wnn devel
oped afterwards , wns a member of the sen
ate , had cnrrled nwny n waste basket will
a cuspidor Insldo of U.
Ilornnrd of Pawnee moved nn nmon-lmenl
thnt all charges of theft against membars
of the last house ho eliminated from the re
port. On this amendment n running debate
occurred between Hull , Jenkins , Sheldon am !
Ilcrnard , In which quite nn amount of bail
blood wna engendered. The amendment WBE
voted downi , however , nnd the members ol
Iho last house remain under the stigma ol
having purloined n lot of erdttoons.
The following Joint resolution was sent tc
the clerk by Reuse of Hall :
To the Honorable , the Snpreriie Court ol
the United Slates : Whereas , There Ifl
pending In your honoriiTnc court the fol
lowing eases , viz. : Arthur S. Churchill
against Illpglnson and others : Arthur H.
Churchill against Ames and others ; Arthur
H. Chun-hill against Smith and others ,
which said cases Involve the validity of
what Is known as the maximum rate law ,
n. law etinfieil by the legislature of Ne
braska In 1S ! 1 , and
Whereas , An early adjudication of Ihn
eiuesllons Involved In said llllgatlon Is of
great Importance lo Iho people of Ne
braska , therefore , bo It
lUsolved , by the senale and bouse of
representatives of Ihe state of Nebraska ,
That as early a consideration of said cause
as the rulH of court and the stalfof busi
ness will permit Is most respectfully ro-
Resolved. Thnt the secretary of stale bo
recuentcd to forward to the supreme cour
of MIP United States a copy of this memo
rial and Joint resolutions.
This memorial wns ordered to bo read
thrro times nt Inrge.
Smith of Douglas moved Ihat the senate
bo Informed thnt the bouse had decided to
print 5,000 copies of the governor's mes
sage. Carried.
The following bills were Introduced :
Hy Mitchell , home roll No. K , to amend
section id. chapter Ixxvlll. Compiled Stat
utes of 1S9 , " . , entitled. "Roads ami llildgcs. "
Uy McCarthy , house roll No. fC , "An Act
for line Relief of J. M. McMillan. Ex-
County T.vasurer of Thomas County. "
By Taylor. nou o roll No , 7(1 ( , to amend
section -IS , chapter vlll , of the Compiler1
Statutes of the State of Nebraska for the
year IS'Jj.
Hy Sheldon , house roll No. ns , for nn net
agreements or measures and enact the
same Into -lawn for the government of such subdivision or subdivisions of the
sthln by direct vote of the people who are
] nnlllledl16 vote In Hurt respective Jurls-
dlcllons : vesting a rlrht In iho voters of
nny nuch city , county , town , village , school
district or other iiitiulul. a ! subdivision cf
the state of Nebraska to by a petition refer
any ordinance , agreement , contract or
measure enacted or proposed by the legls-
jnllvo body of any clly. county , town , vll-
Inge. school dlslrlot or other municipal subdivision -
division of Ibis slate to a vote of tin- voters
of such Jurisdiction and to releet the same
by the liallot.s ; to prescribe iho manner of
mich legislation and provide punishment
oflc'mll B against the provisions of
Hy I.qnmls. house roll No. GH , to provide
for jmblle scales .uid the appointment of n
Hy Clark o'f Lancaster , nouso roll No 70
to amend seellon 3.905 of Ihe Complied Stat
utes , being section : t31 of the Code of Civil
Procedure , and lo repeal said secllon as
now existing.
Hy Clark of Lancaster , house roll No. 71.
to amend section KG of the Cede of Clvl
procedure of NohraMca.
Hy NVsblt house roll No. 72 , to provide
for Iho relief of Hurl counly.
Hy Robertson , house roll No 7,1. lo nmend
sections MM 6.827 B.RM. WSJ. h.M : ) , grSHS
D.S3S of the Cnmulled Statutes of Nebraska
of the year of 1S-J3 and to repeal the said
15y UMimr. honso roll No. 74. to oslabllsh
n slnle board of embalming , to provide a
system of examination , rcglotrnilon and li
censing of embalmers , for better protection
of Ife and health by prevention of spread
of Infectious and contagious diseases , and
to llx a penalty for Its violation.
Hy House , house roll No. 73 , to amend
chapter 11. Consolidated .Statutes of Ne
braska. 1K > 5. mid to dcllne the dutjos and 1U
the salary of th. . supervisor of public print-
IIIF. to appropriate money to pay the same
nnd to repeal said chapler.
Hy Hill , house roll No. 76 , lo rcgulnlo
Block yards and tlx commissions for selllnc
llvo stock therein , nnd
providing punish-
nienl for violation thereof.
lly Rouse , house roll No. 7S , to amend
flectlnna S2.1 and 511 of chapter 1 of iho Crim
inal Code of Iho Compiled Statutes of Ne-
Retiring ; . . . .
take Ayer'a Pills , nnd you -will
* sleep better nndvako in bettei
condition for the day's work.
Aycr'3 Cathartic Pills have no
equal ns n pleasant nnd effectual -
ual remedy for constipation ,
biliousness , sick hcndnchc , and
nil liver troubles. They arc
sugnr-conted , nnd so perfectly
prepared , thnt they cure with
out the nnuoynnces experienced
in the use of so mnny of the
pills on the innrket. Ask your
druggist for Ayer'a Cathartic
Pills. When other pills won't
help you , Aycr's is
brnska for H93 , nnil to repeal until
Hy 1'holps , hoti'e roll No. 79. lo provide fo
the rejirenunlntlon of two political panic
on boards of election , nnd to amend soclloi
117 of olmptnr xxvl of the CotnpllPil Sint
uton of Ne-brnoltn of 1 93. mid to ropon
said orlKltml st-cllon.
lly House , houxo roll N'o. SO , for nil nc
governing Imhlltml crlmltmlrt.
lly Groavc-nor , liouso roll Xo. 79 , to pro
vlilo pro | > cr ivennlty for the stealing of 1)1
cycles , etc.
Hy House , Iioii3o roll N'o. 82 , to excop
money due from or pnlil by life or peel
demlnl companies or other imooclntlonn.
Hy Hull , hou ! > e roll No. 81 , to npproprlnt' '
money to piy : the- expense * of nt lenst tin
expcrlmcnlnl tents to produce ruin preelpl
Intlon by menus of eourusslon of tbe nt
moHpliore by cunnonndliiR under the super
vision ofV. . R Wrlshl of Lnncnstei
county , Ncbrnskn , nnd lo provide n com
rnltteo to cnrry Into effect tbu provision !
of tills net.
Hy Qrosvrnor , notice roll No. SI , to tire
hlblt tbe unde.rvulimilon of property bj
nxRCHiorii nnd the Sin to Hoard of Kcnmll/u
tlon , nnd to provide Pennine * therefor.
Hy l.emnr , house roll No. 85 , to rogulnti
the election of county cumnil.ssloncrH.
H.v Vnn Horn , IIOIIH.- roll No. Sfi provld
Ins for the Investment of funds nrlsliiK oir
of hu.slnoB * done In this state by forelpi
life nnd nccldcnt Insurance corporations
ns oclntloiiH ami onjanlzntlons.
lly J. M. Snydcr , 'iiouso roll No. 87 , l <
nmend ueotlon U.VJ1) ) of the code of civil pro
ceednre nnd to repeal mild section as now
Hy Uotisc , liouso roll No. S , for an ncl
In relation to nssoclnlloiiH Incorporated un
der the laws of this state for the purpose
of mixing a fund by the- collection of dtie.
or stated payments from Its members tc
bo loaned nmotiK Its membero. rcqulrlnp
and rcBUlntlnK the declaring of dividends
and providing for the reserve fund In cer
tain classes of such associations , nnd defining -
fining thf fund out of which the expense
of all such associations shall be paid , nml
forbidding the collection of a special funt
for their payment.
Hy Soderimin , house roll No. S9 , to nmend
section ! of chapter Ixxv , article II entitle !
"Government-Superintendent Duties of tin
compiled statutes of Nebraska of If 50 , '
and to repeal cnld original section.
lly Soderman , house roll No. 90. to pro
vide on the cnpltol grounds nil heroic
statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Hy Orosvetior , house roll No. 91 , for thr
apportionment of school tax derived from
taxing railroad lines In the state of Ne
braska ,
Hy House , house roll No. P2 , to provide
for the apportionment , by the governor ,
secretary of state nnd attorney general.
or any two of them , of depositories for
certain public funds ; to provide for the
depositing of certain public funds with
such depositories : to punish any state treas
urer violating tlio provisions of this act ;
to require surctlcM on the bonds of such
depositories lo make statements nnd-r
oath as to their net exempt worth , nnd to
punish sureties making mich statements
falsely and to repeal sections 1 , 2 , : : -I C
Hy Smith of DoUKlas , house roll No. 93 to
appropriate JIjU.OCO to aid In the holding of
the Transmlssisslppl and International Ki-
ISA ' and " ' to the cll.y of ° ' "i l the year
provide for the nppalntment
by the governor of twelve directors to rep
resent tlii- state of Nebraska on the di
rectory of said exposition.
Hy McGee , house roll No. 91. to require
railroad companies whose lines Intersect at
a station where freight Is received and dc-
LiviVi'J ? lo connect their lines by transfer
' I" " ' ' ? llPlI' ! ° tllC'r ' iHtea With
reference to
mich sections.
Inn' ( fr'r"ri ' > > hOUi.r ! . ° " N ° ' " " ' to "mcllll SOC-
tlon 1C of chapter xxv of the comnlled
statutes of 1893. entitled "Fees "and to re
peal said original section.
Hy Casebeer , hon e roll No. 97 to nmend
f"n"tpr xl111 °
' Ilo"stVIolJso roll No. 91 ? . to nmend soP.
° ! Lll'WtVr ; ' ' > 'xxll'v ' "f t'he cnmpi.'ed
statutes l , of Nebraska "
, entitled "Snlilleri
Mellon.1"01"3' Homo" nml repeal "nld
On motion of Crow of Douglas house roll
* o. 5.J. the bill appropriating $90,000 for
expenses of the Twenty-fifth session of the
legislature , wns ordered engrossed for a
third reading by suspension of the rules.
The motion of Clark of Lancaster , that
supplies for this house ho furnished by
orders from the chief dork or speaker , was
The house then adjourned until 10 a. in
tomorrow ,
JliiHliifNN of Hie Day DNiiatulicil wllh
Very Pew SlM--rl , , . * .
LINCOLN , Jan. 13. ( Special. ) The senate
was not In a talkative mood this morning
and what llttlo business presented itself for
conalderallon was transacted speedily and
without the elaboration of debate which
characterized yesterday's proceedings. After
the reading of the journal the senate agreed
to the appointment of a special committee of
three to act with a like committee of three
to prepare Joint rules for the house and sen
ate. The president appointed cs such com
mittee .Mr. IJenl of Custcr. .Mr. Haller of
Washington and Sir. Canaday of Kearney.
Mr. Wellcr of Otoo a.skod for the enforce
ment of , rule -13. which denies admittance
to the senate floor to all persons not members
or employes of the senate , unices provided
with a ticket signed by the president of the
The resolution offered yesterday by Mr.
Mutz limiting explanations of votes to a
brief , buslncss-llko statement , was brought
up. The se-aator explained that ho wl < ihed
to shut off stump speeches which were In
tended only as campaign fireworks for politi
cal purposes.
Mr. Graham of Frontier presented the list
of employes agreed upon by the joint popu
list and democratic caucus. The list Is sup
plementary to the list of employes already
named. The additions to the pay roll are
ns follows : Committee clerks Finance
waya and means. J. II. Soaton ; public lands
nnd buildings , J. I1. Nelson ; municipal af
fairs , L. J. 1'latta ; school lands nnd funds ,
J. C. Gorln ; printing , W. II. Stout ; engrossed
nnd enrolled bills , 0. U. Uovcrldge ; state
prisons , E. S. Ivcs ; education and library ,
Kdward Kirch ; claims , \V. K. Straubj mili
tary affairs. O. N. Wntson ; railroads , Arthur
Shepherd ; miscellaneous corporations , n. C.
Ilefferman ; universities and normal schools ,
\V. Z. Tnyloi" constitutional amendments , G.
\V. I'oynter ; enrolled and ensrcssed blllti ,
Miss Abbott ; copyist , Mm. M. 10. 01 instead ;
clerk , J. C. Miller ; Judiciary , O. H. Martin ;
cleric , K. U. Greene ; revenue , \V. M. firew
ater ; clerk , H. H. McOaw ; custodian , John
Gulden ; typewriter , Kva Sullivan ; enrolling
cloikfi , May Summers , K. P. Ingeivsoll , S.
ICIttcl ; nie messenger. D.V. . IIccox ; assist
ant Janitor. Henry Craycrcft ; custodian. Wil
liam Neve ; mcssenscr for secretary of the
tennto , Lawrence Fay ; custodian , c. P. Hal-
llgau ; assistant bill clerk. Thoincs HcnnliiR-
liovcn ; file holder , William Hard , custodian ,
Muse Sherman ; e ngrosalng clerk , Thomas II ,
ilatchcr ; night watchtnpii , E. T. Young ;
> agcs , Uana Mulz , Emory Heal , William
MoMayor , Fred Dally , John Mntchluy nnd
mo yet to bo appointed by Senator WaMon.
rhi > list as reported was accepted r.3 rwd and
.he employes 'sworn In.
Tlu. matter of furnishing stamps to tlio
ircsldent and members of the Kennto was
wrought up again on n resolution offered by
Mr. Sykca of Adun-.H. The members voted
.honidolvcs five 2-cont stnmps dally during
ho session , the republicans voting against
.ho resolution.
A number of bills wire read the first and
incond tlmcti and the senate then took Its
loon recess.
After recess the senate tool ; up R dmiltury
llscwislon of r.cvcrnl unlmportiinl resolutions
md motions. The following re-iolutlon. of-
'ored by Mr. Murphy of Gage , was ngrccd to
vlthont objection :
Itesolved , That It Is the wonso of thin sen-
it o that no bill or Joint resolution which
lias been referred to nny standing commit
tee nhull be reporteil for Indcflnlto post-
i > oncment without llrst Blvliig the Intro-
lucer of tltu Hiimo nn opportunity to como
ijeforo uald commltteo nnd bo heard on
thu measure.
On motion of Mr. Murphy tlio list of stand-
nc committees wan ordered printed for the
: onvenlence of the senate.
.Mr. Howell of DcunlflH moved that the
; halriiian of each commUtro tn whom bills
ire referred shall be > rcfjulrcd to notify the
Introducer of bills to bu present nt the meet-
ng of the committee nt 1)19 time said bill
ay bo considered. The motfou provoked a
OUR rambltnc OUcussion und wto finally
igreed to ,
Mr. Farrell of Mon-li-k , chairman of the
: omniltteo appointed yesterday tn confer
ivlth a house committee relative to the
: o.U at printing thu Kovornor'u mc Katu ; , ro-
> ortvd that no conferc-ncn had been held , cs
Jio hmuio hntl nlreaily ordered fi.OOO copies
> f tlio mosfflsp. Mr. Johnson of Cloy wanted
he reiiort referrnd to the committed on print.
UK. lUnsnin 'of Douglas wanted th report
icceptt'il and tht cominltttH ) dl < ch.ricd. A
Ivulv dnluLa bDJiu < 4 which aunuicit JL ronv
tint at time * . The dlflcitMlon developed Hit
fnct that the commlttcf" had rcnlly.hcld no
meeting nnd had not nscertalncd thu cost of
printing the mcssace. After nn honr'n tnll ;
the senate nnally sent the report back to the
committee nnd directed thnt committee tc
follow out Itr original Inotructlnns ,
The senate listened to the report of the
committee to check up the property belong
Ing to the senate. Everything wns reported
ns being accounted for.
The Semite then adjourned.
on.iutvi' OK Vmf TAW.S PIIOPOSUD.
.i of Oenernl luterext to lie
1,1-ulNlallvuly CoiiHlcleri-iI.
LINCOLN , Jan. 13. ( Special. ) Senators
arc not all backward In proposing new In\v3
and the iiumlcr of bl la at the present scf slon
promises to br > ao largo ns nt nny previous
session. Among the bills ollcrcd thld fore
noon , are the following :
Sennto flle , No. 53 , by Qrothan of Howard ,
to regulate ntock yards.
Semite Illo No. 34 , by Grothnn of IlowarJ ,
to authorize county tror.surora In Nebraska
to procure nnd a seal of olllce.
Sonnto flic , N'o. ? .I5 , by Conawny of York.
providing for the payment of dog taxcn to
the general fund.
Senate file No. 37 , by Conaway of York ,
to prevent blindness in Infants nnd to pro
vide n penalty for the violation of the law.
It provides that should one or both llda of
cither eye of nn Infant become red nnd
swollen or should there bo any discharge
from cither eye nt nny time within three
weeks nfter Its birth , It shall bo the duty
of the person having s.ild Infant In charge
to report the fact to n legally iitiallllcd
practitioner of medicine.
Senate file No. 3S , Introduced by Johnson -
son of CIny ( by recincst ) , Is designed to pro
vide for the greater security of deposits In
the banks of the state. It requires every
state bank to pay Into the state treasury
annually a sum of money equal to one-half
of 1 per cent of Its deposits , such deposit
to bo held by state treasurer as a surety
fund for the purpose of making good nnj
losses to depositors that mny occur from the
fall uro of nny of the banking Institutions
of the state.
Senate fllo No. 39 , by Sykes of Adama , pro
vider ) that In no case shall the property of
a wife , ncqulre-J from her husband by gift cr
otherwise , ever be liable for nny debt of the
husband contracted after the date of such
Scnato Illo No. 10 , by Johnson of Clay , to
authorize ) the organization of mutual hall
Insurance companies.
Senate llle > No. 41 , by Johnson of Clay ,
amending the law relating to gifts of lanJ
to cities and villager for park purposes.
Senate ( lies Neu. 4213 , 'A and 45 , nil by
nansoin of Douslas , are amendments to the
laws governing metropolitan cities nnd are
changes which will bo made necessary If
the new charter ' 1 ? adoptrd.
Son.Ho file No. 40 , by Hnnaoin of Douglas ,
requires street railway corporations' to vcs-
tlbulo their cars.
Scnato fllo No. 47 , by Hansom of Douglas ,
provides that a chattel mortgage given by
i 'married man shall be void unless signed by
his wife.
Senate flle No. 49 , by Lee of Uoyd , nmeniV
the law relating to ths voting of bonds for
Irrigation districts : ,
Sena'.o flle No. CO , given by Leo of lloyd ,
provides for the payment t of attorney fees
by count'lea In civil actions.
II111 of CIny has a bill for the regulating
of stock yards , house roll No. 70 , which Is
even mere radical In Its provlslors than any
of these Introduced earlier In the week.
Phelns of Dandy nronoaes to reorganize the
irtscnt system of electing Judgm of dec-
lion. Ills measure embraces n plan to de
clare the one receiving the highest numbei
of votea from one party , and the cue receiv
ing the next highest number shnll be de
clared the elected and duly authorized , Judges
of said election.
Sodciv.naii of Phclps , ono of the most
economical reformers In the hoi'-io , Intro-
lucea John Curry's bill to appropriate ? ! i,0K (
for the erection of a atntue of Abraham Lin
coln on the grounds of the capital. Tlvq bill
was drafted by Judge J. II. llroady of Lin
coln. It authorizes the Governor to , uxpcn 1
the money for the ota ue at his imllvl.ltial
discretion. Cnrry , who secured thedona -
Ion 01' the Tennessee marbo ! to the ttato ,
has shrewdly Incorporated In the bsdj' of the
bill a prov'alon by which a portion of the
money appropriated shall be devoted to pay
ment for paat services. lie. lira worked
away nt 'be mnrblo for n number of weela.
Lomnr of Snnndt-rs la the author thli year
of n bill to establish a Elate board of cm-
> .ilmlng , nnd to provide for n eystcm.of .
examination , registration and licensing of
Hull of Hnrlan comes to the rescue of
Rainmaker" Wright by the Introduction of
louse roll No. 83 , to appropriate money for
: xperlmentnl testa to produce prcclplbnion
> y means of conclusion of the atmosphere
> y cannonading , the whole to be under the
mmcdlato supervision ofV. . F. Wright of
ancastcr county. The bill appropriates
110.000 for the purpose namc-d.
The new transfer circuit bill , house roll
91 , Is Introduced by McGco of Antelope.
l'ivof tin * TrmiNinlMHlKHli'l'l Mill lu
ll-oil m-ril 111 tillIIOIIHO. .
LINCOLN. Jan. 13. ( Special. ) Following
s the full text of the Transmlssioalppl 12xpo-
Itlon bill , house roll No. 93 , by Smith of
) ouglas :
A Hill For an Act to Appropriate 5130.W3
o aid In the Holding of the Tr.insmlssiB-
IppI and International Kxpo.-dtlon nt tro
city of Omalia , Nebraska , In the year , IKS ,
and lo Provide for the Appointment by the
Govtrnor of Twelve Directors to Represent
the Slate of Nebraska , Upon the Directory
of said Exposition.
Whereas. There Is to be bold at the city
of Omaha. In the state of Nebraska , In the
year ls9S , an exposition , known- the
"Transmlsslssliipl and International K.xpo/1-
tlon , " participated in by many western
states , and
Whereas , The said exposition had Its
origin in a resolution unanlmou lly adopted
ut a former srsslon of thu tr.msmissISrlppi
congress , participated In by all the statcB
west of the Mlsslsslnpl river , and wa ? de-
Mgned to advertise and develop western
Interests ; and ,
W' , The conrrcss of the United
States has passed a bill authorizing and en
couraging the holding of said exposition
nnd milking nn appropriation to provide for
nn exhibit by the United States government
at fciild exposition , In a building to bo con
st rucitd by the federal government ; nnd ,
Whereas. A cornoratlon with a pioper
capital has been duly organized under the
lawn of the state of Vehranki : , to cany on
the business affair * Jf s'lld exposition , and
Is nuw proceeding with the worlc of prei > -
uraHon , so that Bald exposition may beheld
held from Juno to November , In the year
ISflS ; and ,
Whereas , The location of said exposi
tion at the city of Omiihr , in the state of
Nobr.iska. has afforded to this stati ; an
auspicious opportunity to exhibit Its own
resource-si nnd produetH In said exposi
tion , nnd , also , ns n state to iiccuro great
nnd lasting benelltH ns a result of the com-
liiof all the vlsltom from other states ;
and ,
Whereas , This opportunity Is ono which
will enable thepcoplo or Nebraska to re
fute In a most effective way the false and
detrimental reportn which have been cir
culated concerning the state- , and to dem-
onstratn tu all the world the great natural
wealth and varied resource.of Nebraska ,
und. . ,
Whereas , Homoueekcru nnd Inventors can
by means of this exposition bo attracted
In largo numbers to Nebraska , und ,
Whereas , Prlvato einurprlso alone can
not adequately provide ! the necessary cap
ital for this great public undertaking , by
which the whole- stale In lo bo BO largely
bunolltcd , therefore , be It enacted by the
legislature of thn Htato of Nebraska :
Hoctlon 1-Tlmt the utnto of Nebraska
take part 111 ntd exposition ns hereinafter
provided- ;
Hcc. i. Thtit the governor of the stnto of
Nobrnr.ka bo , nnd hit IB hereby , authorized
nrjd dltccted to appoint twelve Btuto dlrec-
tor.'i , two being from each congressional
district of Nebraska , said utnto director * to
bu uutliorl/.nd and unipoWcrod to represent
the Htalo of Nnbraulcn upon the board of
directors of the TrnnumlsslsBtppI nnd In-
tcrmitlonal Exposition.
Sec. 2. Thnt the governor bo , and Is
hereby , authorized to 1111 nny vacancy oc
curring ninong paid tnnlve state directors.
Sec. i. That the governor bo , nnd Is
hereby , authorized to notify the said
TrnnsmisalK.ilppI and International Expo
sition of Dm appointments when made as
abovu provided.
See. 5. Thut If the said Trnnsml8slsslppl
und International Exposition shall within
ninety ilayji after the receipt of tiald'notl-
lloutlon causa the said directors HO ap
pointed by the governor to bo duly and
loirally elfoted directors of Bald corpora
tion , with full power ns such , nnd nt such
compensation a.i Is provided In section B
of thla net , then the appropriation herein
after provided for uluill be and become
available AH bolow. provided for the utjp of
Bald cxpoF.ltlon.
Bee. C. That for the purpose of assisting
said TraiurulHsleslDBl and luU'rnatlonal Ex *
. osltlon toopcrly | | { plan , furry on , de
velop nnd Uoinplnto the said exposition
the sum of $ .l5QOOv ) be , nnd the name If
hereby npproprlatrd from the ntnto treas
ury , out of any fund not otherwise appro
priated , j ,
See. 7. Tlihtnl ald sum of money shnll
bo and becUrnuimvallablu ( for said exposi
tion In flvo cqu'11 Installments during the
period between July 1 , 159 * nml July 1 ,
1.S93 , and shall bo paid mil by the state
treasurer 1IHW.C wurrnntn drawn to the
Tder of the treasurer of the said Tunis-
mlsslsalppl nnd International ExpoMllon
by the auditor of Nebraska , who Is hereby
aulhorlzed mMifllrepted to draw Die winio
upon reqnoi | | | | | nulhorUed by the re-
I'ordcil vote nf a majority of the directors
of said exiAlilllr/n / , and upon said certifi
cates of tlmtipwfeidcmt. showing Hint said
vote line been had nnd reeoulrd.
Sec. 8. That al the time wild twelve direc
tors are elected by the stockholders of
said exposition' ' , and before the above ap
propriation shall brromn available , ll'ie
board of directors shall , by the proper ac
tion , provide nn order that during the
term of olllce ench of said stile directors
on the board shall receive J75 per month
compensation from nald expn. lllon , to-
pother with rnllnny transportation , so ns
to enable him to attend nil meetings of
the board of dlrectois. This action bv the
board of illrrrlotfl , when tnhrn , shall be
duly cerllfled to the state ntidUor and kept
on ( lie In his ofilce.
Sec. 0. The terrii of olllce nf fie twelve
stale d reetors l-erein provided for shall her -
? . , lllp.1.1' "I'lmlntment ' nnd end one
! r
„ '
" , , . ? ( . f'0 * ° r " > e exposition , ni
which time they shnll make to the governor
' \ report. Bull ! directors shnll draw no
other salary or compi'iis.itlon for their serv
ices than that above provided for , lo be
paid by Ihn .id exoosltlon.
.Ji ° Cl . Jv'ereai ; , an emergency exist. ,
this act sh-ill lake clTecl and be In forca
from and after Its passage.
Ucxiilt of n ronferencc Held by ( lie
StMinloi'H YeH ( Ttlny.
LINCOLN , Jan. 13. ( Special. ) Dcfcro an
nouncing Iho day'sndlonrnnxent this nflcr-
noon Llculertint Governor Harris requited
the senators to remain In their scat ? after
adjournment for an Informal dlicus lon of
affairs relating to the course of legislative
procccdure. In reepcno to hh request the
acnnloia remalnexl. The llcnlcrnnt governor
then nlalcd tbe object of his rosiest. He
'jrUcved. ' ho said , that a radical reform
should to Instituted In regard to the printIng -
Ing of the bill.- ) introduced In the present
notion. Ho crid t.iat In hh Judgment no bill
cshould bo printed unless the commltteo to
which It had been referred recommended
Its pea sage.
So-n or McTann cf I3cne o ; > . o cd th pro : > -
calti-jn. Ho raid ihat with l-iit ouo copy
of n bill In Us pcsqcr.lon , Iho committee
to which U WM referred , would hnve great
Jimculty In atudylng Ita provlalcns , and cac-h
member of th ? committee should have n woy
of the bill before him. There would nho b'o
danger , ho said , of blla ! bccoralns Icat. or
Senator Dundis Relieved that duplicate
Jilll-3 should not , be printed.
Senator Hallci- warned Ihe aennto thnl the
scheme propc-.ud' by the lieutenant governor
wen fraught with extreme dani pr.
Senntor Ilowell thought that no bl'l rho-ilj
bo printed until a written order bo slancd bv
the chairman of the committee to v.-hlrii
It had be-on rWe.-rod. Ho' thought this
plan would obvlate'a great deal of ex'jcnie. '
Senator Ccnawny Uellcvo.l dint J'JD plain
Ictlcr of llw'coimllliitlon ' itrjiiifrd Ihat all
hills and Joint'rr olutloni bs ps-intril.
Senator I.cp'did not liellevc- wr.a rafe to
depart from ; c3f f Mtorrn In r latlon to the
printing of bll'a : 'Ifc ' Bald thnt he was n.i-
poscd to the i > r.m rff allowing any co-.nojlttcc
of Ihe aenale lo decide whether or not a bill
should bo nrl-ilfcl.1 '
Senalor Ora-'hsm'3al.-I Iticrc were Iwo roa
sow for contlhulnf the past raitcm. Flrsi
ihero wns no 'vr.j-'by ' v.-hleh c-en the ehali-
Tan of R a'anillniT-cnmrallloe could sccm\
bill frcm Iti'legal ct-'stoJInn : nnd.v end
'bnt unlpr tin'trrfvhln ' | of the law ! ro-i
tract for COO printed copies of every bill hai
alirady been 'let1.
This secnicd Jo rff tto ! the quc tlin. The lieu
tenant governor-fidJ Mint hrcn Intoi-ReJ tha
Ihe Klate prlntliji.1 board had already lo
Ihf contract , lb'tnl(1 ( there wsi'notb ns mor <
to bo e.ild , and fedjjfuriird the'c'
\VILI , no To.aj'tAxi ) KSI.AA-D xnxr ,
SvpoiKl . Dny'H . Sr < i < on iiT ! ie
HASTINGS. .Neb' . . Jan. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The srcond day's ooEsion of tin
aavcnth nnnunl Eplseornl convocatlcn of the
Jnrlstllctlon of the Platte opened at 0 o'clocl :
this morning with -a largo attendnnco In St ,
Mark's church. After the srvlco of thr holy
communion and the ennual address of the
bishop the convocation met st Iho guild
house pursucut lo adjournment of ycsUr-
day. The roll having been ca'le.l ' nnd the
minutes read , tint ? was Ihen devoted to
hearing the reparta of the varbus commit-
lee ? .
The members cf the committee for
Rl'Jcrlng plans for ( ho relief of the bUlion
in hla work crs : Rev. J. 51. Ilatrs. Rev. A.
G. PlnUham. S A. Pctter. Miss Krampls. II.
M. O'.lver. ' p. K. Iluar' ! ! .
The first husliKEs In the afternoon ss-
slon was to hear lh 'report of tin commK-
tea en ChrUtlnn .education.
The niHtter cf.cionplng ! Iho date nf th ?
convocatlcn was then briiUBh * up. After a
gc-'ieral dl'cussloh Itvaj uranlt-.ei-nly do-
cldcd that iho date rf the convocation ho left
lo the decision of llr * blslu-n.
An Invitation was extended by the rector
of the church at Grand Intend for the con
vocation to meet .lliure next yur. It was
uncnlmously adopted.
The dclrgates clei-led to the missionary
council are : Clerical. Rev. A. G. I'lnkham
of Grand Inlcnd ; lay delegate. Mr. H. M.
Oliver cf Hnstlngs ; delegates. Rev. S. A.
[ 'olter of Kearney nml Mr. IJulUrd of North
Platte. The convocation then adjourned to
meet nt 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The
services nl the church this evening ccn-
nlstod of shortened form cf evening prayer ,
followed by short nddresscs from Iho dif
ferent visiting clergy.
ItexultH of iiiM-lc > nn Held In Vnrloiis
liixUludniiN In ( lie Mlntc.
NEI1RAS1CA CITY. Jan. 13. ( Special. )
Tlie election of ofilcers In the various nn-
Uonal bAnks of ( ho city was held today.
Of Ihe Merchants' National. W. A. Cotton
was chosen president ; II. N. Stcwell , vice
pietildpnt ; R. O. Mniuell , cashier , nnd F. J.
Homcger , r.sslstnnt capMer. The Nebraska
City National bank elected W. L. Wilson
president ; Robert , Lorton , vice president ,
and II. D. Wilson , cnahler. No change was
made In the olflccrs of the Otoo County Na
tional : Judge M. L , Haywnid , president ;
Frank W. Lewis , vlcq president , nnd John
W. Stolnhart , canhlcr.
Doiltve Couiity , Jtotiril of Snpei-vlnorH.
FREMONT , Jan. 13 ( SpEclal. ) The Bon-a
of Supcrvljora on "Dodge county met yester
day for Its flrst sullen. Politically the board
consists of llve''Tcpubllcans ' and two demo
crats. There Id t but one new member , C.
M. Wormwood , iM'hn.luccccils A. J. Ha.'tlnRj ,
11. W. ReynoHqfvflp. ( ! re-elected chairman. Dr.
W. J. Davlcsas cnoscn counly physician ,
W. L. Houck JniilfoV of the court house and
J. II. Fletcher' ' HUptrintcndent of the poor
farm. The bonds 'of the newly elected as-
sossor.s and read oversccra were approved.
Assouor L. P. ( JagO ) appointed C. C. Pollard
deputy assessor , , for Fremont. Tlio board
awarded a par ai ; , tic ) county printing and
furnishing of , cujiplles to the Fremont
Tribune nnd jtl b halanco to the Herald.
The usual comroMfJps were appointed and
considerable ro tJnej/JUsliiesH transacted.
'I'mnHfiTH Ifln' ' ( oeit anil IN Sued.
NBURASKA CltY , Jan. 13. ( Special. )
Joseph F. Welch , who has conducted a lum
ber , planing mill .and general contracting
business here for many years , today disposed
of his yard , fixtures and machinery to W.
P. Montgomery. Late this afternoon Milt In
attachment -was commenced agaliut Mr.
Welch by the Ncbrarka City National bank
to recover $1,200 which the bank clalnw Is
due on a note. The bank alleges that the
transfer was made with Intent to defraud
creditors. _
AV11I Levy nirrut Tiixntlun ,
HASTINGS , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) Mayor
Evans uays I hero will not bo another elec
tion for voting bonds for water worka Im
provements and an electric light plant. Hut
an U U necessary for Improvements to ho
made on iho water wurjiH lioforo long a di
rect taxation will Up made. Under thin the
amount will all liavo to bo paid In about
three yearn ; whorcaa , had the voting of the
bonds boon legal they wquld have had ten
ycurq' tlwo .la which . tq have paid tbo
amount. i ,
AiM'inPtin ni 111 IM i nTprv
Ol'I'ICEKS ' ' ARfc Rh-liUiClliD
State Historical Society roncliulcs Its
Easiness nt Lincoln ,
'npiM'N on NoliriiMUti'n lllHlnry Arc
ItiMiilTlim * llumlicilVoUly nml
Unity Mot * Nimpoi'N llroelveil
ISally nl tlu > l.llirnry.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jnn. IS. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tlio Nebraska Str.lo Illslorlcnl so-
clcly held Us IIml session this evening In
the chapel of the university. Members of
thu State llortlctilturnl noddy joined In Iho
exei cists. Thi } following now members worn
elected Ihls evening : Prank K. Whlto of
Plnttsmoulh , A. K. I'opo of lied Cloud , Mrs.
Laura X. Dickey , Thomas 1' . Morgan of
Palmyra. II. 11. Wnrd , 12. II. Harbour , Ur.
G. W. Wilkinson.JiV. E. Stownrt nnd P. W.
Tnylor of Lincoln , Ur. P. A. Hall of Mead ,
and 13. ! ' . Stephens of Crete.
The old oirtccia of Iho s&clely wore nil ro-
olccled. They arc : J. SU-rllng Morton ,
prcslJonl ; It. W. Kurnna , first vlco president ;
W. S. Summers , eccor.d vice p'caldcnt ; C. II.
Oerr.lreaaurcr , nml H. W , Caldvvoll , score-
Vint Vice President Kurnns preside , ! thU
evening. Prof. Ecdtcy prevented n coiimunl- :
catln finm the N'obrotki Academy of Scbnco
icquColiiiK the mlvllcgo ot1 Incorpornllng In
Iho annual report of the lll-Uorlcal society
ebovt n hundrid pngcs of mailer pertain-
In'g to Ihe Academy of Science. Permission
lo do ooa granted.
The icrorl of Taa.iurcr Ocrc showed n
balance on hand January 11 , 133B , of
if2.2C3.Cfi ; warrants drawn. jl.5G7.72 ; balance
In Ktnlu licatjury , Jtijj.fll ; lolnl balance ,
IJosiL-co Pound of Lincoln read nn Inlcrest-
Ing imiicr on "Sons and Bnughlcia of No-
brtslta. "
Sccrclnry Caldwell rfad Hon. .1. Sterling
Morton's paper on "TheIKslory of Klfly
Years of Nebraska. "
"The IJevsult of llo : Pioneer Sessslon of tlio
Legislature from n Lrpal Point of View"
dlscwscd In nn rntctialnlng manner by
Judge it. U. Hc-tfiP. J. H. WelMlrr , J. H.
Hrcady. P. . Pourd nnil W. J. Lamb.
Llbrarhn Dnrrrtt gnvo a cihnrt description
of the prrepn- * condition of the library ami
nowi rr-im of the aorinty. He said about r.OO
conlea of dilly and weekly payers wen ; rc-
cclv-d ea < li day , nnd when Hie Hindi on hand
p-rmlttf-d th'y would be bramd and servo as
looal data of Nebraska's history.
A number of valuable hlstorlcnl works had
Intojy hern dnnated to tht > ooolety by VIce
President rurnri and olhcrs.
Knt ( > HortltMiltiirtil Society Conclude *
lis Ml'y'.Iolltl | | ( Mlll-lllll.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The State Horticultural society
elected the following officers this forenoon
end adjourned tn the afternoon , meeting
this evening with the Stale Historical so
ciety ; Proil'lent , 0. A. Marshall , Aurora ;
vlco president , J. H. Hadlnkscn. Lincoln ;
second vlco president , \V. J. denser. Platta-
mouth ; secretary , C. H. Barnard , Table
ltoctreasurer. ! ; . Peter Youngers , Jr. , Geneva ;
board of directors , 13. P. Stephens of Crete ,
J. W. Sttphensoa of Norlh Ucnd nnd J. P.
Dunlap of DoWltt.
I The following I'apc-ra , which were read nt
I the efurnann sctMlon , comprised the pro-
grm : ' 'OcnjCTvatlon cf the IlHlnfall , " Prof.
CJ. D. Swccsty. Blatc univei-slty ; "Itpfotest-
lf ? tie ! Sand HIMs of Ncbrtnlca. " Dr. C. E.
Eri-ry , Strto university ; "Commercial nrape
Cu'ti-re" lien. Sliaa Wilson , Atlantic , la. ;
"Horticulture In Rarly .Daya , " Hon. K.V. .
Kurpr.-j , HroVrnvllle , Neb. ; "Creasing
1-Yulls. " Hon. A. P. Collman , Corning , In. ;
"Iinrct.i Injurloivs to I-'rult Trees. ' Piof. L.
Urunor , State unlvcralty ; "The First EUht
Ycsra of the Evergreen , " 13. II. Hlckcr , 131-
liln. 111. ; "Horticulture r 1111 Employment
nl tire Industrial School nt Kearney , " O. Q.
Smith , Kearney. Neb.
The report of the secretary shows that
wprrai.'i for $2.319 had been Issued and ? 5(5 (
turned over to the treasurer from member
ship dues.
The report of Trcraurer Younsera showed
receipts ot $2,050 , expenses of $2,321.07 nnd
? 1.17S.2o on hand.
Coin in ! ( < Cliriiw * ( 'nrrniilliiii nml
till ) ) r ffM 11111:11 : Co n il 11 ( > I.
nrjATHIca. Jan. 13. ( Special Telegram. )
The committee cppolntsd some time ano
by Jndgo Slull to tnka testimony In the
dlsbariaent cnseo against AUsriiDya J. A.
Smith ona J. H. Halts fllad KB report loday ,
tcether ivllh HID Ubtlmoay taken. The re-
I port Is of considerable length , sotllng forth
I In tYlnll th- part taken 'by Smith nnd Ilutla
i In'V.e > uppi-el cas t In relation to the claims
rssinst the cM.ty of Iho Q. 13. King
I-'rMfto roiopnny. Treasurer I. J. Krantz ,
Youngxtc-wn Ilrldge con.pany and oilier
CI&IU.D. The crma..ttce arrived at the con
clusion thr.t the part taken by tha attor-
n33 named v/aa fr tin purpoo of corrup
tion and wns unprofcasional. A very bad
showing U maila ngnlnst the cttormcys , ns
well as three or four other citizens who
lnvo tiikon n part In the nrr > eal3. nnd shows
that an effort to step theai evil practices
Ehojld 1'avo been Initltuted long before It
vns. Tha report will bo nctod upon nt the
term of court beginning January 13.
A roBiplalnt w .i flloi In distinct court
rpalnst V. Q. Allon. an old resident of
Virginia , In ( southeast Gage county , charg
ing him with Insanity. Ho will bo brought
befoic Iho commissioners for examination to.
Suiirliilnil''iit | V.'clilieiAlliitvoil lo
I'U.v ' tin * " 'I UK- fur Tn k I n K llolil.
LINCOLN. .Ian 13. ( Special. ) 'Hie Hoard
of Public Lands and Ilnlldlnps he'd a short
i iicaslon today In the cfllco of Land Comm'.o- '
1 sloncr Wolfe. The only buslncci ? cdnsldored
was the matter rcliitlve to tfcc now appointec.s
j nt the Geneva Home for Olrls. It wns de
cided to leave Iho alfclr In Ihe hamU of Iho
new mipcrlnlcmUm , IJ. It. 11.Vbber , nnd
pomilt him lo arrange for Ihe lime of inkIng -
Ing possession v/lth Ihe pieaonl Inrumbcnl.
Mr. Sccbiookc. Mr. Webber will consult
with Mr. SeabroDke'a attorney. Mr. Wheeler.
The clerks In the governor's olllce were
hu.iy today In making out und Iraiumltting
cortlOrates of election to the various state
: , olilccrs and congressmen-elect. Until the vote
' on UK-EC odlccn was properly canvarosd Iho
; ccrlincuilcs could not bo Issued.
The new alate house bank examiners wrnl
on duty today. Not nil of thorn have filed
llielr bonds , but It U understood that thbi
will bo ( .ono nt an parly day. All of the
old examine have left the field.
OMVKAH t'oit iuA'ri.ins \\'ii-'ic.
IIiiNliiiud Hciilcneeil nl Walioii > | I-H.
lilu CiiNe'H Suit for Kliinili-r.
WAIIOO. Neb. , Jan. 13 ( Special. ) Judge
Hates Is holding court at this place nnd has
been for several days. I st week Anton Ilcrn-
mck was tried for assault upon his wife with
Intcni lo do great hodlly harm. The jury
rcturnod a verdict of guilty , nnd this mornIng -
Ing Judo ( Datcn sentenced Dcrncnek to ono
year In the penitentiary.
The celebrated caae of Caoo B"ln t Caao
la being tried this week. In It Mrs. Ida Ctno
sues her mother-in-law for slander. The
caao wan rtarted seven yeaiw BKO and this
Is thu third trial. Judge Marshall setting
the verdict aside In ono irlat where It
wns ? 2.700 ; Judge Hales overruled a motion
for a now trial in the second trial of the
ca o where the verdict was $1,700 and alto
scaled the amount of the verdict $1,700 , The
case was then taken to tlio supreme court ,
where It wan reversed.
fiiiK" County HiiiicrvlHom Jloi-t.
nEATIUOH , Neb. , Jan. 13. ( Special Tclo-
gram. ) The Hoard of Supervisors today ap
pointed Dr. G , L. Iloo county physician.
0 , W. Hnzelton was chosen sloward of tha
poor farm and Lars Hanson Janitor at the
court lunino. The salaries of superintend
ent of schools , deputy county cleric and clerk
for county Judge were fixed the same as last
year , the first at ll.GOO , the two others * t
I'lnlxinite I'rouniniN rrrimred for n
Tun Dnyn * VUlt.
OHANI ) ISLAND. Neb. , Jnn. 13. ( Spes
clal. ) The local newspaper tticn'n nssocla-
lion has everything In re'-idlncss for the flf-
Icenlh annual convention of the Nebraska
Press flaanctnllon , which will bo held In Ihls
clly January 14 nnd Ifi. Sccrelnry V. M.
Morwln of Itoavcr City nnd Preuldent Day
ton of York nre expected to arrive1 In Ihe clly
loulRht. They will mnko hendaunrtrrs In the
parlors of the Pnlmer house. The business
of the convention begins nt 2 o'clock lomor-
row afternoon In Hie ( Irnnd Army of Iho Re
public hall. On Thursday evening Ihero will
bo n public entertainment at the opcrn house ,
for which Ihe * following ptogram has been
nrrnngcd :
The Oypsles St. Cecelia Oclet
ilro. A. It. Sheets : , Mri. ,1. A. Wolsteiv.iolm.
Mrs. S , 11 , IJeynard , Mrs. Oeorge U. Hell ,
.Mrs. Ons Krleml , Mrs.V. . M. Oeddes. Mrs.
.7. H. Wooley , Miss .Mai-gnr.-l Howard.
Welcome w. It. Thompson
Response. . Presldenl W. K. Dayton
Solo O , Mlo I'Vrnando Donizetti
Mrs. A. L. Sheetz.
Leeturo Heading for Die Writers
Dr. A. L. Sherman , dean of College of Lit
erature of the University of Nebiaska.
| String Quintet llaeh
llartllng's String Quintet.
Soothsaylngs A. I. , lllxliv
Quartel nrand lland Olee Club
S3. 11. Ileynnrd , C. W. HrinliiKcr. John Oaw-
ley and T. CSliaw. .
Poem Under the I'mbrella Walt Mason
ROIKS and Dances Hake Sisters
Character Song La Pas Ma La
LalI.T7.ol Hake
On Friday afternoon the visitors will be
taken lo Ihe sucar factory tn n spcclnl Union
Paelllc train for n visit through the works.
On Krlday evening n grand hall will bo len-
dored lo Iho vl-sltora. Gr.ind Island's com
plete orcheilra haa been engaged lo furnish
music for thla occasion. The local newspaper
men will leave nothing undone lo make Iho
visit of the ncwspiiper men nn Interesting
The federation of republican editors will
.meet nt the Palmer house tontghl afler Ihe
arrival of Ihe n o'clock trains.
( 'Iiiiilron Klrciucn'M Hull.
CIIADUON , Neb. . Jan. 13. ( Special. )
Friday evening , January 29 , the local lodso
of the llrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
will give Its ninth annual ball nt the Ulnk
Opera honso In Ihls city. This Is one of
the lending social even'.s of the sensou In
IhU clly. The famous NUilh Cavalry
orclirstra of Fort Koblngnn. under lland-
mastcr Gungel , will furnish Iho music. The
baniuel will bo held at one of Ihe leading
hotels , probably the Hotel Chadron. Visit
ors from almost every station on the Klk-
liorn road nro expected to bo In attendance.
lecii Ini'lii-s of ! IMS
VALENTINE , Neb. , Jan. 13. ( Speola'l
Telegram. ) The Elkhorn mad has Its bridge
crew here to.lay building n runway for de
livering Ice from Lake Mlnneeliaduza to the
npur Irack nt Oilman's water power llourlng
mill , ami will ccmncnco tomorrow loading
Ice for HIP entire line , filling Us houses nt
Chadron. Long Pino. Norfolk. Fremont , Mis
souri Valley , Omo'ia and Lincoln , which will
iTqulre B03 cars. The IceIs ,7-evenleen Inch CD
thick and clear as cryetal.
I'ni'mer Htrlclcen ivlth I'tirtilyNlN.
WAHOO , Nub. , Jan. 13. ( Special. ) Yes-
toidny evening J. M. Henderson , n farmer
residing rear this city , while out milking ,
had a flreko of paralysis. He hnd sulllclent
life left to crawl out of the wny of the
hogs In the yard. He was discovered by
members of his family and removed to the
IIOUBP , where ho now lies In n critical con-
.Slll > ! > Oil I 111- IffIIIll < illll GUI'S Off.
BANCROFT- . . Jan. 13. ( Fpcclal. )
August Kuhlko , a Oennnn farmer living four
miles eoulh cf hero , whllo hunting rabbite
this morning , sltnpod on some ice , car.slng i
Ills gun to gn off. The full dim-go of shot j
slruck his leg ji : < Jt below Ihe kice. Ono of
Iho nclKlilorusaw him and carried him home.
It U believed the lc ; ; will hnvc lo be ampu
AvllniYi ( > n Iliuik r.lcs Olllcei-N.
ARLINGTON , Nrb. . Jan. 13. rSpcclnl. )
The Btockholdcrs of Iho FIral Nallonal bank
of Arltnglon at their annua' ' meeting yes
terday elected J. II. Pratt , K. C. Morchouso ,
.1. T. May , W. II. Turner , K. Tollman , 13. H.
Qiiesner nnd Mark n. Turner directors. J.
H. Pratl vas elected president ; J. T. Mny ,
vine president , and E. II. Queisncr , cashier.
fiMvhoy I'rt-m-Iit'H ; il CnlilliiliiiN.
COLUMBUS. Neb. . Jen. 13. ( Special Tcl-
ejjram. ) Broncho Jiick , his pnrd , "his llttlo
wife , " and a covoto wers billed to prccch
in the opera hous ? tonight anil they tilled
the bill In nn original manner. The auill-
f-nco wao touvh and the cowboy sermon hll
the mark. The outfit is genuine and will
reach Omahn soon.
Flue Hlc"lii7Ti7rirf ! Kr Miii iil.
FREMONT , Jan. 13.--Spcclnl. ( ) The anew
of ycstorday was followed by a ll ht rain
last evening and the I'lclghlng I very Rood.
Aleut all the cutteni and sleighs In the clly
were on tha streets this aftcinoon.
rtoliniMkii XiMtH XoU'W.
An epidemic of blackleg has broken oul
among iho catllc near Alliance.
The new Christian church at llurwell was
dedicated Sunday , January 10.
N. P. Hull cfVnus lent 100 ho s In the
atorm which ushcre-l in the new ytar.
Complaint Is made that hunlcm all over
the state are violating the game law which
nays ( ju.iil ahull not ho shot after January 1.
The dcllcli-i cy In thu aci ants of ex-Trea
surer A. S. Hnilan , ddcoai.of ! York has
been compiomlried by the p.iy..ionit of J13U.3G.
The deficiency was alleged io be $100.
Join Patton , who runs an elevator nt
Fiillerlon. wrltco to The Ilco to deny a re
port from Belgrade , printed In this paper.
Ho eajii he has not refused to buy corn , but
Is paying S to 9 cents n bushel for It.
Your local doctor mny be n good old ninti.
but you shudder when he bti ijests local
treatment for the weakness and : pe
culiar to women. These things me gener
ally tiuiiL'CL-ssiiry , but the doctor doenn't
know it. He U pcrd-clly honest , bill he is
behind the limes. Ilo elocs Ihe best lie can ,
no doubt , but his best is not good cnougli.
Hu is not a spvcialbt. He is a gcncial prnc-
tftioncr , worried and bothered and hurried
in giving ntlenlio.i lo a thousand und one
different ailments. Many busy physicians
do not take the time to find nut what in
really the matter wilh ihcir jialicnls. Many
a woman line been continuously ticalcd fern
n disease she did not have , because fro-
( iiicntly the symptoms of dir.cnscs pecu
liarly feminine appear to be the came na
tlinse of other disarders.
Uvcry invalid woman may have the nerv-
ices of n regularly ijradualed , experienced
nnd skilled specialisl in the treatment of
diseases of women if she will write to Dr.
It. V. I'ieicc , chief consulting physician of
the Invalids' Hotel mid Surgical Institute ,
lit IluiTalo , N. Y. Over thirty years ngo Dr.
Pierce invented his "Pnvonte Prcscjip-
tlon , " for the treatment of the dlscnscs of
women. It ha * had a record of thirty years
of success , and to-day more of it is no Id by
drugcitits than all oilier medicines for wo
men combined , Its effect is immediately
perceptible. It is quick to tilop the drug-
ginir , benring'down feeling and other tor.
liufiif ; pains. It soothes innammatiati ,
promotes regularity , and stops debilitating
drains on the H > ttem.
The pliyHology of women. In health and dls-
ta e , related in Dr. rlerce'a Coininon Bcnie Med
ical Advlner. A copy free for 31 one-cent stamps
( > < r-v ntj'ize atiljr , Cloth-bouud 31 cenli ,
tViost Complexion Powders
have a vulgar ulnru , but I'OZZOHI'S la A > ruu
baautlflor , whoao cllccta nro losllng ,
Notwithstanding So Many People Have
Already Reported , the Number
Increases Daily.
All Sny They Have Received Great
Itenelit anil Feel That u
Spoeily and Perma
nent Cure Will
Tlio Test Is Rc-ardcil ( on All Skies
So Far as a Forerunner
of Great Success.
It Is onlv a few days ago Ihat the nn.
nouncomcnt of what Is bound to prove ono
of the mout remarkable tests ever made of a
discovery In medicine , appeared In this
liaper. So far a largo percentage of these
who received n free aamplo of Hobbs' Sparn-
gus Kidney I'llls have made n report which
ns a whole la satisfactory.
When It Is considered that so great n num
ber of our citizens suffering from kidney
troubles of ono kind or another , have ,
within this short tlmo found a nmllrlno
which has greally benefited them , and that
nil appear to be nn the road to rapid re
covery , Iho Incalculable valim of Dr. Hobbs'
llscovory lo suffering humanity cannot bo
If Bcorcn of pcoplo In Ihe city of Omaha
alone hnve received so much benefit from
.his remedy , what an untold blessing It.will
irovo to bo , nnd what n vast amount of
suffering 11 will' eave when Iho pcoplo of
ho whole world comelo know of It !
Today Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney Pills
lave -In this shorl llmo firmly established
homsolves and gained the confidence of
ho people of this community , and have more
vnrm friends In Omaha and vicinity than
ill of the kidney remedies that wore ever
heard of hero before put toRCther.
They have bcomo the nlmrat universal
topic of conversation- every pnrt of the
clly. Nolhlng of such Importance has pre
sumed It.self to the people of Omaha In re
cent yenrs. llrlRhl's irlnease , rliDiiinallsm
( which Is Irncoabls ninety-nine limes out of
n hundred to kidney sluggishness nnd In
activity ) , Impure bnod | , malarial germs , nnd ,
In fnct , nil the tlinut-nnd nml onu dlse-asea
Ihat come from a deranged condition of this
( liter , cleanser and purlllcr of the body , nro
nil now stripped of their horrors tdnco It has
become n well established fact that a snfo
and harmless sneelflc for their euro hna
been discovered In Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kid
ney IMllo.
There are , undoubtedly , hundreds of thou
sands of people who nro suffering to a
greater or loss dcirrte from kidney troublea
who do not kno > \ It.
Some nro In a drowsy , dull condition
feel languid ; generally speaking , they say
j they feel pretty well , when accosted by some
j friends , yet they have nol Hint bright , sharp ,
i vigorous lone to their system ns of yore.
I Unbeknown to them , poison from their klJ-
i ncys ( which nro n Mile out of order ) Is
gradually collecting In their system , nnd
lotaily unconscious of me fact , they are _
Hlowly but surely being poisoned to death.
It may bo a process of years , but the re
sult of the kidneys working Imperfectly
means nlmott certain destruellon al lasl. No
man can feel vigorous and bright , nnd no wo
man ha.s thai healthful , rosy lint to her
checks that poets have | > nld homage to slnco
the creation of the world , whore the kidneys
are not performing llielr functions properly
and regularly , day and night.
A plant commonly ns a vegetable ,
but which In reality Is ono of the most
valuable caul artlvo kidney medicines r s-
paragus has , by ( he nlrlll of medlcnl sci
ence , been called upon t.i perform Its duly
as nature Intended It should.
Asparagus has been known for years lo
Iho medical fraternity to possess a certain
amount nf virtue for kidney ailments. Dr.
Hobbs look up tills subject many yearn ago ,
nnd , nfter lenig and patient experimenting ,
U enabled to coiliblne the medicinal proper
ties of the asparagus plant with other valuable -
able diuretic and kidney healing remedies
known lo Iho medical fr.ilernlty of Iho
world , In such form thai II can today , under
his formula , bo regarded ns a positive spe-
clfls for all forms of kidney , bladder and
urinary diseases In both ssxc-s.
Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney I'llls , CO cents
a box. Six for ? 2.CO.
N.YV. Cor. 15lh and Douglas.
Omaha , Neb.
* > S THK ONtV
fll.l TC AT > AI-L
\Ve > Kic fr Dicorrieref
0 t' ui K pr > icnce.
Ve r ic Unaho.
Hook Ki . Uoniii'ialloa '
It run l > tfn'ii itUlioul ( lie hiiioiIcilce "T
( lie pjilli-nl ID culfiH' . lr'3 i.r iirldi' cif ultl
( -licet il IM-IIII I'-i-llt ( lli'l ' HH-ilv | ' HIIwliittirr tm )
It.itlt-nt I * n i-if 'lrnto f inKi-r , it iiit ( ilc < , liulic wruclt.
Illiok of nirll. uliilH I , In l - ( mil tt
Klllin A ( V. . Itillt A lli"H.-l " "IJlinnljll. . Nl-b ,
GOLDEN SPECiriC CO. . Prop's. Cincinnati. U.
l5ir" Vrltc frff lltctr ' louk M llurftilu * Ha'U. ' ' tmllrj fret.
IIJ.IH53 ,
Tlircc nl lils. cuiainciiclni ;
Tonight at
I'rcvor.tlnK Tonlnlit nnd J-'rl. NlKlit ami Hut .Mat. ,
Saturday Kvcnlm ; - - - Till : IIKI.I.S
Hi uU on nlu : i' i' . V > f. 7J ( , il. MalliuiKl - , D'jc.
January K-M. Kiiilly lluiii-Ut-r.
BOYD'S NI2W I riltST ri.OOIf ,
L. .M. Crawford , M r. IIAI.CIINY , .irio.
Umml I A 1 A A Htory of
Matlncon. I -Li A. , , , „
"AliiLuinu" u In Ilic on Hi what tlio "Old
Jloiiiretcad" U to tliu cufl. "Itarcaln Dny mat-
Iner Halunlay , all tcnt KG.
Commercial M.'ii'u Ilcadfiuurlrrn.
Ivo Huunu $2.00 tiir day.
to Knoins With Until , ) ! . „ ' > 1'or Day.
Tulle Unuxccllua by Any llouna ( if Hnma Hale.
110 IOKIIU , Lathi , cteuin uml all modern
convenltncci. Hutu , JI.W uml i.CO imr day ,
Table unexcelled. Kie-i-lal low ruin tu i
bourdern. ntAMC HlbUlTCH ,