8 THE ( XMAITA BAll Y 1IET3 : TtTlSSDAT , JANUATIY 12 , 1897. EFFECTS OF AN EXPOSITION Good that Oomes from Gathering Together Many Diverse Interests , VIEWS EXPRESSED BY PRESIDENT WATTLES < if tin- ( iron ! SlumIn Oiunlin Will Ilo .Mm-li ToMiiril IM'Vfl- tinClrinl TrniiM- Country. noticed Increase In en- Asked If ho any thuslanm In support of the Transmlsstsalppl and International Exposition among the business men throughout the country. Presi dent Ourdon W. Wattles said : "I think the friends of the exposition are becoming more numerous and deter mined every day , ind with each step forward some of those who op posed the enterprise from the start are fallIng - Ing Into line. The sentiment Bccms to be growing that wo must do comcthlng to otart thla city and transmlsslsslppl country up the grade again , and that the flmt and best thing In do Is , If possible , to attr.ict capital and Immigration In this direction. At the first mention of this exposition a few men eaw In It a great advertising echome for Omaha and the entire went. Many said It could not bo made a miccoss on account of the times ; that congress would do noth ing for It , and when the proposl'lanvrn made to raise $250,000 by subscriptions to stock , It was dinicult to get our leading business men In undertake such a task. Hut when congress did pass an act , authoriz ing the expenditure of $200.000 , some of UHMO who had not seriously considered the propo sition before , became lt active mpporteis. When the committees secured over JIOO.OOO In subscriptions , with numerous largo In- tcr to yet to hear from , which should swell the amount to at least JGOO.OOO , many i.oro : doubters canio over with the hopeful. Hut thcro are some yet who , while in favor of the exposition , doubt our ability to hold It. This has been true of every expasl'lon or other great public enterprise. At Chicago there were many who opposed the World's fair and used the same arguments we now hear against the oxpcsltlon. They E.-.ld the city was too poor ; the streets wcro not In proper condition ; there were not a suffi cient number of hotels , and there was not time to get ready. At San Francisco all these arguments wcro urged with double fore and yet they did make a great success both those places. At San Kranclsco tin opened their gates eight months after tl Midwinter fair was first mentioned. It w originated and ca.rled out during the greato panic this country has ever seen. Over i 000.000 people passed through Us gates , at over $ f.0.000 remained In the treasury oft all obligations were discharged. " OF OTI1KII EXPOSITIONS. Asked as to his opinion as to the rcsul of the exposition on the transmlsslsslp country. Mr. Wattles said : "I can only Judge by what similar expos tlons have done for other sections. Tl World's fair did not particularly advert ! any locality. It-was a great educational su cess. In architecture , science , mechanic electricity , and even music and religion , marked a now epoch In history. To Chlcai and the lines of transportation ccnterli there the greatest Ilnanclal benefits were d rived. The city of Chicago gave $5,000,0 In bonds to the exposition. The asscssi valuation of the city Increased nearly $20f 000.000 In one year , and the taxes on th Increase alone for two years would pay o the bonds they gave. Besides this direct br cflt to the city. It Is estimated that $1,000,0 dally was expended In the city by vlslto during the entire exposition. "At Atlanta the exposition did much' stnrt the tide of Immigration and caplt Bouth , and the good effects of the advcrtlsli of the resources can bo readily seen by tl Increased prosperity which prevails In tl southern states at this time. Speaking the Immediate benefits of their exposltlo the editor of the Atlanta Constitution sa' they got back $100 for every $1 expended. "At Sun Francisco the effect of the expos tlon was especially beneficial to the sta of California. Its climate. Its fruit ar wines and other resources were brought i the attention of the world , and the In fit : of capital and Increase of population has bee phenomenal since. They have known Hit : of the hard times and depression we 1m felt during the past three years. "The further growth of Omaha dopeni upon the development of the country wci of us. Wo are the natural commercli metropolis for a great and undeveloped com try , reaching westward to the coast. Till great transmlsslRslppl country has untol wealth Ir. agricultural lands , that need bi the developing agencies of civilization to fin nlsh happy homes for millions who now Hv In poverty In crowded cities. Thcro ar mountains of gold and silver , subterranea lakes of oil. great deposits of coal. Iron an minerals of every kind , that have never bee hoard of by but few of the people of eve our own country. It Is to advertise thes natural advantages that we propose to hoi this exposition. Marvin Hughltt well undci stood the advantages and appreciated th results of this enterprise when ho said a fe\ \ days ago that It offered the best means o advertising the west of anything that lia ever been proposed. " IWOMS If Oil IJ.VI'OSl'I'KI.V OKFICKIl ! Srlfflcil on Sixth Flour of I'axtoi Hindi. The executive committee of the Transmls dssippl Expedition held a meeting ycstcrda at the Commercial club and adjourned ti visit the rooms on the filxth floor of tin I'axton block , which will be the permanen headquarters of the exposition as soon ai they can bo placed In condition for occti pancy. The committee selected the roomi at the southwest corner of the fioor am will add additional rooms as the needs of tlu various departments require. The exact arrangement of the several do- partmcnts of the exposition will , be decided later , but It was determined that the Do. partmcnt of Publicity should remain In Itr present locution In The Dee building. Ii : this connection Manager Itosewater stated the department required so much of his tlmo that unless It was close to his office It would ho Impossible for him to give II his attention. The Department of Ways and Means will be Installed In the now quarters us soon nn possible. This will carry the secretary's ofilco with It , and the headquar ters will be removed from The Hue bulldliiE to thu Paxton block within a few days. James Sheaklcy , governor of Alaska , was appointed vice president for that territory to roprercnt the exposition. IIiii-klln'N Arulfii Sitlvr. The best salvo In the world for cuts , bruises , eorcs , ulcers , .salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay required , It IB guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , E2 UP PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Com Ammonia , Alum or any other adulteiant. 40 Years the Standard , DINCIIIMINATINH AHAIXST OMAHA. Objection * to Action of I\IONMII | | IHrrolorK 1'roNcrlliliiuHome Tnlcnt. OMAHA , Jan , 11. To the Editor of The Hoes I notice In the prcia reports that General Mandernon Introduced a resolution last Saturday which was adopted by the ex position directory , authorizing the employ ment of an oriKlncer and landscape architect to report upon the relative merit of the proposed ultra , such engineer and architect to bo non-resident of Omaha. This , like n former rcaolutlo , directing t -1 employment of an exposition (7) engineer as xencrallRiilmo , has the odor ot an exclusive -100. It pro claims thai uhut they advertise to bo a mctropnlltlan city of 150,000 population la after all a village and that It has not one competent professional man capable to determine the most ordinary problems of municipal engineering or that there Is none GUfllclently hontwt to be trusted with the preparation of an abstract ot facts touching the relative merits of various respective sites. . The Introducer of this resolution a few years ago denounced the sulxicrlber , who was then In Omaha , before the Treasury depart ment as an engineer whoso profiles and reports were false and absolutely unreliable , bceau.sc , In deference to the written request of lion- . John M. Thurston. Alvln Sounders and others , he had prepared plats and profiles of the various proposed poslofilcc sites with an abstract of their relative merits , from an engineering point of view , which , among other things , contained the statement that It sclented the Sixteenth street site would re quire nn additional expense for piling under the foundation * to Insure a uniform bearing , as the measurements made Indicated that water would bo struck thirteen feel below the grade surface. In view of the gcnoral'a denial a special Investigation was ordered inadn , and the government expert sent to Omaha returned to Washington with a report that my statements os well as profiles were absolutely correct. After this site was selected , In place of manfully admitting the truth and providing for a proper foundation , the architect , ap pointed on the recommendation of General .Mandctson , perslstrntly denied the existence of a water stratum , willfully misrepresented the facts , claiming that the water was only seepage water from leaky service pipes , anxl proceeded with ( he construction Just as If a uniform foundation existed. Hod It not been for a timely change In architects , this building would liavo been wrecked before It was two-thirds up. After thn change the entire iron framework within was stayed and modified at a very large expense , so as to Insure as uniform bearing no possible , and a drain ditch Is now being constructed under contract at an expense of about $5,000 to draw the water from the build ing foundation , whilst a pump is kept con stantly at work to keep It nt a low level.- Thus the structure Is kept In a sort of sickly physical condition , with the probabili ties of future uneven settling and cracking duo to this Ir excusable neglect. I cite this to raise the question whether , us In this case , an honest engineer Is really wanted for the analysis of the proposed ex position Bites. It seems to have been In timated that local engineers should be dis qualified from serving because they are- liable to be prejudiced. Upon that theory loc.il attorneys should not be ocloc'cd for Judges In our courts , but should be selected from neighboring states. As a matter of fact any local , reputable engineer U more liable to glvo an honest abstract of the merits and demerits of respective slte-rt than such non-rcsldcnts as may solicit the brief employment , as the latter. If Inclined to be llshoncat , come "for what there Is In It. " ind , having nothing at stake locally , are more prone to yield to the Insidious In- luence of interested iiartlea , while , on tl I'fcrr hand , the resident engineer would Hi ; this climate too hot for him the moment h dishonesty was discovered. I do not wish to bo understood as objcc Ing to the employment of any reputable ci glncers who are competent , whether resldei or non-resident , but I claim that the ill ; crimination against Omaha engineers nr architects ijpon such flimsy pretexts as ha\ been cited Is uncalled for and that tl alleged reasons arc unfounded and Infaraou If thr > exposition directory 'prefers the en ploymcnt of other than local talent It Its privilege .to go to Chicago , New Yorl Paris or elsewhere for such help. What object to Is the spreading upon the recorc and publishing It broadcr-st that Omaha , ei gluecrs are to be specially proscribed froi employment In the TransmlsslsslppI Expos tlon. Whilst It may be po. alble that soin of them have not mibscrlbcd quite as hr-avll as some of the directors who represent larf corporations , they have not been overlooks by the stock subscription solicitors and hav subscribed ns much as their limited 'near enable them to pay. ANDREW UOSEWATEI Culni-rli In UKIllnil Is a dangerous disease. It may lead d rectly to consumption. Catarrh Is cause by Impure blood , and the true way to cur It Is by purifying the blood. Hood's Sai saparlPa cures catarrh because It remove the cause of It by purifying the blood. Thoi sands testify that they have been cured b Hood's Sarsaparllla. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and d not purge , pain or gripe. All druggists. Jo- Why buy ready-made garments when NIc oil the Tailor will cut them to your ordei for o trifie more ? IX THU IJMTHII STATES COUU'l Of I.IIHlV ' . 'k Of ( llf. Xo vriHlici'IVrin. . Judge McIIugh commenced ycstcrda ; on the last week of thfe November term o the federal court. He will devote the weel to criminal business , taking a part of Satur day to announce decisions In cases whlcl ho has had under advisement. Judge Woolson will come over from low : on Wednesday to hear an argument for : new trial in the Felix Murray case , and wll hand down decisions in a couph of cases he has been considering Ho will remain a couple of days and maj hear a law case In which Judge Mcllugr was formerly associated as counsel. The court Is now occupied with the secont trial of James Dallcy , charged with tlu burglary of the postolllce at Clark's. The Jury disagreed at the former trial. A case was filed In the court yesterda > entitled the American Loan and Trust com pany against the Omaha & Republican Val ley and the Union Pacific Hallway Companies and their Receivers. H Is a petition of the treasurer of Gage county asking that an order of court be Issued directing the re ceivers of the roads to pay certain taxes , amounting to $ I39.C3. Gcorgo Crowell of Danci-oft , convicted some tlmo ago of disposing of liquors to Indians , has bowl brought down to have sentence passed upon htm. Ho Is said to bo an old offender In this line of transgressions. dork Hlllls of the circuit court has made seine decided changes in his olllco. The twelve-foot file case which has stood against the north wall of the main room has been moved over to the west wall , and another cast ) of the same slue has been brought In from 'one of the other rooms and placed ngalnst the west wall. This necessitates the closing of Iho door which has been used for years a'u a general entrance. The counter which stood along the west aide of this room has been moved over against the north wall and supports two largu open Hie casrt ) . Mr. Hlllla says thcso changca tvlll enable him to have all the paper/j be longing to the olllco on I Vie In thL'i room , In- itead of being scattered through several rooms In the building , and that these Im provements will answer the requirements if the office till the new government building s ready for occupancy. The general en- ranco to the clerk's1 ofiU-e will hereafter bo nado through the door In the north room. > vhlch has been closed to the public In the last. Mr. mills will have his desk In that oem ami one ot the typewriters will bo uoved Into the south room. The king of pIIU u IJcccnam's JJcocham'z ( Mil IIiillitliiKN Uulldlng Inspector Ilarto lias condemned ho buildings located at 41S-21 South Four- fcnth street. These are the wooden struc- urea on the west Bldo of the street Just south > C the Pacific fixprc company building , eng known as the Eagle hotel , and another the old frame blacksmith shop on the orner of Howard street. AU the buildings iiivo been lu a tumble-down condition for earn , No Safer Remedy can be had for Coughs ml Colds , or any trcuble.oJ the Throat , than 'Urown'H ' Hroucblal Troches. " Price 26 ct . iold only lu uoxei , B1NCIIAM NAMES CHAIRMEN Mon Selected to Fill Important Places in the Oonncil Organization , COUNCIL COMMITTEE SLATE PREPARED I'rcxlilrtit of the lloily HciiicinlxTH Illx mill ( ilvt'N TliLMii the Choice I'lncoH nt HIM President Dlngham has been busy during the past week In making up the standing committees for 1897 , which ho will probably appoint tomorrow night. The list Is now complete , and although It Is possible that one or two changes may bo made before the committees are submitted to the council , It Is moro likely that It will remain la Us present form. The president has met the anticipations of his friends by assigning the best committees to the members who helped to m.ikc him president , and the others arc compelled to take what Is left. As a result , Councilman Wheeler Is relegated to an unimportant committee for the first tlmo In many years. Ho draws the chairmanship of plats and additions , while Mercer , who was an oppctiltloiii candidate for the presidency , will be chairman of the committee on rules. As no docun'cnt was referred to either of these committees during 1S9G , It Is presumed that their duties will not be arduous. Hcchel fare-s .1 llttlo better , drawing the committee on police and a place on finance. The follow ing la the full list of chairmanships as the slate now stands : Judiciary , Iunt ; finance , Ilcnawa ; claims , Duncan ; grades and grading , Stuhtj streets , alleys and boulevards , Axford ; police , Bechel ! public property and buildings , Christie ; lire and water , Hurmcstcr ; gas and electric lights , Karr ; sidewalks and bridges , Allan ; printing , Hurkley ; sewerage , Mount ; paving , curbing and guttering , Flynn ; viaducts and railways , O'Malley ; telegraph and telephone lines Crocker ; plats and additions , Wheeler ; rules , Mercer. Axford , Ilurmcoter and Hurkley have the same committees that they had last year. All the other chairmen are comparatively new to the dutica that they will be called upon to perform , and It will probably be a couple of weeks before they get their work In hand ready to begin the business of the year In earnest. The sergeant-at-arms question Is also to be settled tonight. Wheeler's promised or- dlnanco providing for the abolition of the olllco will bo burled by a reference to some committee that can : be trusted to take care that It 1 > ? not resurrected. If the ordinance had been suggested by someone else It Is said that It might have stood a chance of Consideration , but there Is a disposition on the part of some members of the present majority In the council to sit down on any thing that Wheeler may propose , regardless of Us merits or demerits. U Is practically certain that someone will be sergeant-al arms. The olfice may be abolished by the majority later on , but the effort liu that direction Is not likely to bo successful at this time. The choice lies between Frank Planck , the present sergeant-nt-arms , and Tom McVlttle , who 13 practically the choice of the inajcrlty. Planck's friends say that ho hns a cinch on reappolntment , but the leaders ot the majority declare that Mc- Vlttlo will have the job. Look out for cheap substitutes ! Hewai of new remedies. Dr. Hull's Cough Syru has stood the test for nearly fifty years. Think of It ! $15 for a Bull cut to you order from $23 woolens ! Nicoll the Talloi Knrbach block. TIIHOUOHK III.l'KClIKIl DISAI'I'ISAII KrliMiilN t'llltlilr to l.i'itrn of ( lit * Mull' \Vlicroaliouts. "Where Is Theodore Bluccher ? " la a que-i tlon that Is being asked by many of tl : German people of the city. The query also being wade by the members of Teutonl lodge , Oi\lcr of the World , of which bed Dliiechcr was treasurer until the lodge clei tlons last December. No ono can answc the question , although It U very certain tlu Hluccher Is not In the city. Dluecher Is a blacksmith who resided I the vicinity of Eighteenth and Vinton afreet : He had two sons , both of whom arc ban working boys. He also has a wife. Shi however , has been In a somewhat critic : mental condition. On this account Illuechc has been much worried -and this U looke upon by some of the missing man's friend aa an explanation of hU disappearance. 1 Is stated that at ono time ho threatened t kill himself on account of his worry ovc the woman. The members of Teutonla lodgi however , have another explanation of th matter. Dluccher as treasurer of the lodg had about $200 on hand and this lie dc pcslted In the German Savings bank. In th same account he had some. $100 of his ow money. Thus , when the bank closed ho ha about $300 In It. Thcro Is no doubt of till ; as he showed his bank book to hla friends. Last December the lodge elected new o | ficcra. Ono of these was a treasurer , a sue ccssor to Uluecher. This successor demandc the lodge money from Bluecher. The latte explained the situation , saying that the fum was tied up In the bank. The lodge mem bers asked the unpleasant question : "What did you do with your money ? ' and Dluccher became worried. He informed the olllccrs that he had sold the account Ii : the German Savings bank at a discount hut to his friends he paid that he had done no such thing. This complicated matters , The man's friends say that ho had no busi ness sense. Thursday of last week Dluecher applied tea a Farnam street saloonkeeper for a loan ol $ S. The saloonkeeper said he would cash a check for the amount. Hluccher drew a check upon the Omaha National bank for $ S. It was accepted bccauio Dluccher ha.l given similar chcckfi before and the money was turned over to him. When the piece of paper was presented to the bank , It was not honored. It was said that Dluccher had withdrawn his money. Uluecher has not been seen since. Friends of the man cannot account for lib disappearance. They say that he had property In this city , on which ho could have easily raised money. They think that he may have become frightened , however , that he would bo prosecuted on his bond for the money duo the lodge. Others ca.it nround for other reasons for his dlsappcar- ince. Stll lothers are trying to make tlicin- Eelves believe that he has gene away on a business trip. _ _ \OT IX THU DIAMOM1 .MATCH DUAL. John AV. lioiuio Ui-iilcM Mint lit * llor- rinvfil Company .Money. John W , Doano , one of the receivers of the Jnlon Pacific , was last week re-elected prcal- lent of the Merchants' Loan and Trutt com- tany of Chicago , whlnh position ho declined o accept for this year. At that tlmo It vas reported that while president of that lorporatlon ho had been a heavy borrower rom thct fuml.i ot the company and that hens \ns also Involved In the deal which caused he sensational failure of the Diamond Mutch 'ompany ' last summer. Yesterday Mr. Doano said to a Dee re- lorter that there was not the slightest truth n the latter report , nor , so far as ho was , ware , the slightest foundation for mtcli a lory. He said that he had been re-elected resilient of the company and for personal eosons declined the position , He had tcle- raplied his refusal from Omaha while ho . as hero Inat week , He emphatically denied hat ho had been a borrower from the com- any's funds or that he had been In any way onnccted With the failure of the Diamond latch company. Ho added that a correction f tlicso erroneous reports had been made a Chicago. KIUMVII In Oiiliilui. Thomas 0. Conkllng , the Plnkcrton agent f Kansas City who committed suicide there unday morning , was very well known to ho pollco authorities and the police re ar t era ot thin city. Ho made frequent rips to Omaha on 1ms In CUB and Invariably miewed hla acquaintances on such occa- Ions. Ho was In the city fast for a couple f days ju t bcforo last Chrlutmaa. Conk ing WUH well liked by his Omaha friends. lo wns a imall man and looked considerably Idcr than ho really was , 35 years of age. la was very quiet , Ho was cheerful In MB otiVL'rwatlon , and the nowa ot his suicide. as entirely unexpected. , noAitu op uwrovi'ioN KIXANCIS. on WhiHur Out ( lie Deficit .Now Hi. ( SUM. Ono ot the first qncntlons .that will cngago the attention ot thonnow Hoard of Educa tion Is the amount that' the city council will bo asked to levy for cdhool purposes. The appropriation that the board will ask for this year will be * considerably In excess of any that has ever been , demanded bcforo and will not fall far shortof $200,000 In excess of the amount that -will be available from saloon licenses anil cither sources , nsldo from direct taxation. Ono year ago the. board discussed the Idea of asking about the same amount , but finally compromised by asking for the equivalent of a 7 mills levy , which would liavo been something less than $123,000. Even this woa refused by the council and & levy of G mills was granted. At the pres ent rate ot expenditure this has proved en tirely Inadequate to run the schools. The deficit of $ GO.OOO which existed at the end nf the school year , last July , will bo nearly doubled at the end of the current school year. Members ot the board declare that every possible retrenchment that could bo suggested without direct and permanent In jury to the schoois has been tried and that It Is Impossible to further reduce the ex- nonaca. The finance committee will meet some time this week to begin the cor.nldera- lion of the quostlon and the general Im- liresslon Is that members will ask for a levy in the basis of an expenditure of $400,000 luring the next fiscal year. Of this amount nearly $350,000 will be required to run the jchools and the remainder to apply on the outstanding deficit , which Is estimated $111,000 at the end of the school year nc July. On the 1S9T valuation 1 mill of ta atlo'n carries an apparent revenue of near $17,500. The real revenue Is material less. The receipts from saloon licenses ai other sources are estimated at about $211 000 , .and consequently the uouncll will compelled to make a levy of about 11 mil In order to carry out the purposes of tl board , U Is not considered likely that It w go to that extent , but U Is practically ns3iir < that the levy will be considerably In exce of the 5 mills granted one year ago. In case the amount nskod for Is not granti by the council the Idea of Issuing bon to take up the deficit will probably be co sldered by the board. Just before the fir of the year , when the receipts from saloi licenses were used to take up the outstan Ing Indebtcilnesa , there were warrants a grcgatlng $153,000. drawing 7 per cent I terest , on account of the school fund. / the receipts from licenses were nearly wlpi out In the liquidation of tills sum. It w only be a matter of a few months unl the deficit again begins to nssumc trcmc dons proportions. It hns been suggcali that bonds could bo floated that would dra 4 per cent Interest and thu < 3 save the ta payers 3 per cent on the amount of wa rants outstanding. The Idea has been ill cussed to some extent by members of tl board , and so far seems to be received wl favor. The legal aspects of the propcsltk have not been Investigated , but these wl be considered when the matter la broug ] before the board. OMAHA SAVIXKS 1IAXIC IlKPOSIT. . HIIHIIC AVI 11 CiiMli Tlicm In MinlU- AinoitiilN on Orfnlii CondllIOIIM. I will take a limited number of Omah Savings dcposltu , allowing par value , t apply on the purchase price of new pianos. No'discount will be taken off. You gt the full amount of your deposit. Thosewh made these savings with a view to Investln In pianos or organs , will avail thcicnelvc of this opportunity , without IOF.S of time , t make a saving ? bank out of their nc\ \ piano , while those vho have made the ! ravings for other objects will do well t accept this offer. This proposition should be Investigated a once , as we can accept'only a limited mm ; bcr of deposits , for which remember yo 4-ct 100 cents on the dollar. A. HOSPE , Jr. , 1513 Douglas St. Il's a snap ! $15 and $20 takes a choice o our $25 , $30 and ? 3G suite. . Nicoll 'tho Talloi ICarbach block. Mrnlx oil ( InHuroi | * nii IMnii. The dollar-"a-mcal methoa of opcratln lining cars Is no longer In vogue on th Turlington route. Something better lin : akcn Usplace. . Meals are now served on th European plan you pay only for- what yo irilcr. The pay-for-what-you-ordcr way Is th inly right way to run a dining car. It 1 n operation on our 5:00 : p. m. train for Chicago. 1:35 : p. m. train for' Denver. 9:05 : a. m. train for Kansas City. Prices are reasonable and the service I is good as It can be. Tickets and berths at 1502 Farnam st. _ i HKI3TI.VK OK UUAI , KSTATI3 MHS lril vltli tin * PropoMi-d Imv 01 KurocloxiirrN. At the regular meeting of the Real Estat ! xchango at the Commercial club ycsterda ; .ho committee reported that thcro wit i satisfactory prospect of securing the fore ilosuro laws that were approved by the ox : hango at a previous meeting. Members o ho committee had talked with the. senator rom this district and had been assurci hat they believed the suggestions wen ; ood. They would do all they could ti lave laws passed during the present sessloi f the legislature. A in umber of othe natters wcro discussed In a general way nit. no action was taken. The following were elected members o ho exchange : G. L. Green , G. W. Car'ock , . S. Skinner. J. H. Sherwood , J. D. PIpei nd W. H. Russell. Duy It. Try It. You will never change our brand. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry hampagne never falls to please. IlurlliiKloii It onto California IlMMirhlons Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p. in. every Thursday i clean , modern , not crowded tourist ccpcrs. Through to San Francisco and pa Angeles. Dcrths and tickets at 1502 Farnam st. UTTIXO THU TIHS OK AVKDI.OCIC. Kt * Kryxor IN | > OM < H of Many Mlx- Ht .Miirrlnm-K. A ilccreo of divorce has been granted by ulgo Keysor to Mrs. Margarctha Schmclser om Edward SchmcUer , and the name bonus r Mrs , Schmclser before she thought she as married to Schmelscr was restored to > r and she will hereafter bo known as rs. Lange. Schmclser will bo remembered the corpulent German who landed In malm about live years ago and announced mself as a newspaper man of wldo ox- rlcncc , Ho bought an Interest In a prom- cnl German paper , and proceeded to clr- late in the best German society. His irrlago with Mm. Lange was soon an- lunccd and the ceremony which was sup- acd to make them' ' man and wlfo wes rformcd. Mrs. Biihmelscr learned , bow er , that her Edward was already pro- led with ono wife. The cause of all the niblo left this partiof the country In short iler and Mrs. SchmeUer applied for a dl- rcc. Schmclsor did not appear and a crco was entered by default. Ex-Councilman Robirt Holmes was the do- ulant In a divorce case. In which Judge jysor granted a decree to the wlfo. Mrs. lllo Holmes applied for a divorce on the aiiiids of drunkenness and nonsupport. limes did not appear and a decree was ken by default. At the tlmo the appllca- n was made Holmes wrote from Pueblo , lo. , that ho Intended to appear and make lefonsc , but he did not do BO , Iiuluo Koysor granted a divorce to MM. mlo Dryun from Zacharlus Dryan on the muds of drunkenness and cruelty. Judg- mt was entered by default and the wife H given the care and custody of three nor children , \U8tln W. Raymond was granted a divorce im his wife , Suuan L. , on tbo ground of icrtlon , iJoaslo F. Van Werner secured a decree divorce from Fred II , Von Werner on the nind of cruelty. Van Werner did not ! > car and judgment wa entered by du- lit. ludgo Powell Ensued a decree to Eva Me- nry , granting licr a divorce from William on the ground. * ot nousupport and drunk- TIIOMPSON-BEIDKS'S ' SALE Proves to Bo tbo Biggest Drawing Oanl of the Year , OMAHA WOMtN RECOGNIZE WORTH It I ) hi it't Take Tlicm I.oiiir ( o I > ! M- covpr ( lint \ VlilrhViiM Mimt to Vlii'lr Iiitrri-Ht Vint tlic I Store In Pni'Ucil. The Tliompson-Dclden sale opened this morning to nn overflowing house. Rarely , Indeed , has a ealo been HO success- fill , taken either from the proprietors' or the buyers' point of view. The buyers arc de lighted , though not surprised , to realize that , every reduction quoted In yesterday's an nouncement Is genuine. Not In one single Instance has anybody been disappointed , and , while there has been ono continuous scramble for bargains nil day , It lias been a good- naturcd one , for those who could not get up to one counter could very profitably put In their time at another. The store Is full of bargains. The confidence that exists between the people and this store la elinply phonomlnul , made so by the staunch Integrity of a house who would sooner cut oft their right hands than to make a misrepresentation. The attention of the ladles seemed to bo about equally divided between the drc goods , silks , linens , underwear and Jacket whllo every department In the house w ; doing a business that would have been tl envy of the most enterprising mcrchan Every counter Is a bargain counter. The Is eloquence In every price. Stylish gooi at lc a than stylish prices. The moro tin bought the more they wauled to buy. To satisfy themselves Thompson-Heidi seem to have taken It upon themselves satisfy their customers first. The prime eJect \ Ject of the sale Is to close out every dollar worth of winter goods , but realizing th ; their customers would not be satisfied wll "Imitation reductions , " Thom'pson , llclilcn Co. have gone through their entire stock i winter wearables and marked down cvci single article made the reductions so radio ; that none who have a dollar laid by ran r slst the temptation to buy. That the r ductlons are genu'lne ' the old soiled prli marks will abundantly testify , laying ask the fact that the women have the utino confidence In the house , even If the prli marks were not In evidence. All the Jackets have been cut exactly I two. Any Jacket In the house now , bclr eold for half price. The silks , the drci goods , the linens , all show as liberal n dnctlons. The underwear , hosiery and yarns , tl gloves , mittens and other furnishings she reductions ranging from 50 to 75 per cent. Go where you will , buy when you wll today , tomorrow or next day , you are sin to run up against a bargain , and a bargal of greater dimensions than has ever befoi been produced In this city. The sale continues tomorrow , and there's any truth about that story of "th c.irly bird , " this U certainly the day to et breakfast by early candlelight. Nearly 1,000 pants remnants , worth $7 am $ S at Nicoll the Tailor. Cut to your ordc for $1 and $5. Slx-Tlilrty l . 51. Trnlu. of the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PA 1) ) I. 11Y. Host ecrvlrc. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Dining car. City ofHco : 1504 Karnain : WAI.I.ACHTO inmi > osii : HlH MiuiiiKcnit'iit of llu > AVfstcrn Ar . \Nsoflalloll Xiil SnllsfiM'tor.v. J. Laurie Wallace will no longer figure a the ruling spirit In the affairs of thi Western Art association and the schoo ind thereby hangs a tale. Whei the art school of the Western Art as Kocintlon was opened In a bulldlni : it Fifteenth and Dodge streets , severa rears ago , Wallace wns Installed as the chle Instructor and a number of pupils wen obtained by some of tb > energetic dlrcctoro In the course of time the association obtalnci the use of the third floor of the I'ublli Library building and the achoal was movei thither , with Wallace still In charge. Tin management of the affairs of the school wa : eft largely in the ! : anus of Wallace , and iccordlng to 0110 of the most prominent sup Dorters of the school , "Wallace knew nearl ; ui much about business EH docs u suckllni : alf. " However that may be , the fact re mains that , of the several scores of puplli lecured for the school by the efforts o ho directors , none remained for any lengtl ) f tlmo and the patronage of the school fel ff at an alarming rate. The quarters In the library building were iHalncd from the library bourd with the indcrstanding that public exhibitions ol ulntlngs belonging to the association were o be given at Elated Intervals and the gat- cry was to be open at all times au a pub ic place. The place was fitted up at con- ildcrablo expense to the library and waa no.de one of the best exhibition rooms west if Chicago. One exhibition was held and hen the place was turned Into a private ittidlo for the exclusive use of .Mr. Wallace. The doors were locked , and those who did lot possess the requisite qualifications were lenlcd admittance. Under such a regime ho patronage of the school fell off , notwlth- tandlng the Incentive to keep It up offered o Wallace by giving him all the money akcn In payment for tuition. Early In December of last year the library > oard notified the Art association that Its grcemcnt had .been violated by not keeping ho gallery open to the public , and the asso- latlon was further Informed that It must , ay for heating the quarters occupied by It r have that service discontinued. No otlce was taken of this warning , and Wal- : ice continued to carry thn key to the place. > ecembor IB , In acordanco with the notice cferred to , the library board ordered the eat shut off from the third floor and the hilly blasts of winter whistled through the ivcn curls of J. Laurie , undisturbed by urrcnta of warm air from the radiators or lys from the Incandescent lamps. The man of paints and palettes took exeep- on to such cruel treatment , and at once ticked his collar box for a long Journey. Hearted : arted for Chicago , leaving behind him his ; slgnatlon as professor of the art school , hlch was presented to the association at Its icetlng In December , but was not acted [ > on. In Chicago Wallace had himself In- irvlowed by a representative of ono of the ! g dallies , and he "didn't do a thing" to inaha. Ho Informed the Chicago public lat "Omaha wan dead , " or words to that feet , and then ho Jumped on the "corpse" id told a whole lot of things to ease his itragcd feelings , and announced that ho ould never return to Omaha. These are a few of the reasons that make It ghly probable that the next Instructor of iO Wcxtern Art association will not be J. uirlo Wallace. Scrofula is a word -you iOn't quite understand , but if on talk with your doctor , ic will tell you that it is ; enerally believed to be due o the same cause which ; ivcs rise to Consumption , t appears mostly in those /ho are fat-starved and thin , sually in early life. A ourse of treatment of Scott's ! mulsion witli the Hypo- hosites wherever Scrofula lanifests itself , will prevent ic development of the dis- ise. Let us send you a oolc. Free. SCOTT & DOWNE , Chcmbti , New York. lice , 1-11-07 DEAR JACK This will introduce you to the Shoe Department of the Nebraska. It is the only place in the country , as far as I know , where you can buy real Box Calf Shoes for men at $3.00 a pair. I have seen the same shoe sold in exclusive shoe stores for $5.00 , and I have seen them sold for $4.00 , but never less. I know of no better shoe for winter than the Box Calf Shoe. They keep the feet dry in wet weather and save the expense of rubbers , which are a nuisance , anyway , Uesidcs , they are handsome looking shoes , and when polished they shine like an enamelled shoe , The young man who waits on you at The Nebraska will * explain their mer its , and you can believe what he says , for 'twould bo as much as his job is worth to tell you anything that ain't so. While yon are in you might look at their other $3.00 shoes in Ox Blood and Rio finish , with ex tension soles. And ask them to show you that Good year welt , solid calf , at $2.50 , which they say is the greatest shoe in the world for the price. Several people ple I know of are wearing 'cm , and they say they can't wear 'em out , You can mention my name if you like , but it won't make any difference , as they treat everybody just alike and they have only one price to all. Yours , Joe. Suits made to order for . . . . From fabrics worth $25 , $23 and $30 ! 3GC or 'ourself. Garments cut to please you not us. We offer to make Pants at. . , From Goods worth as much as $7 and $8. Nearly 500 designs. m Don't pay us if we displease you. Karbach Block. 207 South 15th. "CUPIDENE VlnllzrrUii ! > [ > ri'M.-rli ) . tlon of a fnmouitFrcncU pliyBlclun.wlll quickly uuruvuunr nil ner vous or discuses or tlio Kem-ratlvo iirKuin , tucli us JHISI Jliinlwocl , Insomnia , I'nlrm In till ) JlHcU-hcmlnil : Emissions , Nervous Drtjlllly , J'linples , UnQIncss to Marry , Kxliauiilni ; Jriiln , Vurlcorrln ni'J Constipation. Itatopinll losses liydny nr iilijhL 1'iovrnti iiulcl : * _ nessof Ulsclinrgp.wlilclilfnotcliPrVoillpnilstoKpormnlorrlKiMinti liMn l nil tlioliorrnrfldf Impotcncr. 'iriiII > iMJclcniuMUiollvcr : , tlio. AND AFTER kid , , , , , . . , , , , , , ) tlioiirlnnry orunns-if all Impurities. CCI'IlHINIjHtrenBtuonBundreftorcsumiillwciikf/iBa , Tlio reason miirorors nro not cured by DoctnrH IB licciiuxu ninety per cent nro troubled . wltli . Prontntlllx. CUl'JDHN'Klsthiioiily known rrniiily to cure wllliouiun operation. M.nxJicMlmonl- nli. A written Kii"rnnli.o given and mom1) ' returned If six Imxra iloee not viTcct a iicrmuueiit cure. | l.cOnboxsUfiir.ri.oo , liy mall. 80111 ! tamiei : circular iincl tmlmonlals. / < Mre n I > AV J nt : v ! INK < : < > . , P.O. lloxSOTO , Ban Francisco , Oal. nrSilell lyers-Dlllon Drug Co. , SE. Cor. 10th und Fnrnam , Omaha , Nub. On an early page of the Autocrat you wilt find the Idea expressed that a scholarly gen Russet Coucl tleman Is at home wherever ho Binrlla tlio ) , Invigorating fragrance ot RusHla leather. Verbum Bat uaplcntl. So without moro ado let us Introduce this Leather Library Couch. In tufted niEsct of extra thickness , It In. certainly a distinguished member of the fur nlturo family. The frame Is oak , but of that thcro Is nothing visible , the whole Couch being overstuffed , and trimmed with a heavy fringe. Great Improvement ! ! liavo been mada I n the pillowed headrest. Still greater palnit ivo been taken with the price. This Is t ho first year that we have been uhlo to ad- ortUo Leather Covered Couchca and Sofas at the same price which many other stores , ro asking for the cheaper coverings of plush or corduroy. Now Is the timeto placet . lur order on thcec goods. CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO. , Special January Sale This Month. 12th and Douglas. I Beautiful Teeth , What does Its moan , but that the poxHpHsor keep them beautiful by cunmiltlnK hln or her dontlxt ? < ; < , iii criMiiiH. . . , ir.oi ( in # M.OO I'orvrliila G'rmviiN , , If.Oil Mr BAILEY , DontiHt. U. [ jPuxton Hlk , 10th and Fumum StCIKlCllUjlllTN' .Ml The unmml mooting of tlio Htockholdnrn of The Dee Uulhllng company will bo held In the olllci ) of The Oimihu Dec , Omaha. Neb. , nt 4 o'clock p , in , , Turwluy , January 19 , 1VJ7 , for the purpose of ulcutlni ; u boarder or directors for tliu rniiulng year ami thu transaction of micli other huxIntHH IIH may properly come bcforo the mcetlmr. Uy order ot the president. N , P. KKIL , Heeretnry. of IrrlKiitlnn llouil Hnlc , The directors of the Middle Loup Valley - ley Irrigation district Invltu sealed pro- posalH for llfjO.OCO ( In purl or whole ) ot hondt ) of unld district up to 2 p. m , of Jan uary 19. Ik'j7. Addrr-Hs. CHAULliS NICOLAI. Secretary , Burvcnt , Neb.