Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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OMAHA DAILY 1VE13 : TIT-KH AY , JANFAHY 12 , 1897. o
Buries the Powara Meafiiuo Uudor an
Adverse Majority of 00.
Flnnl Vole Taken an Motion to 12u-
Kl-oxn lll U Third Tlntilc -
frntfil liy it Vole of
10U lo 1(18. (
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11.Tho P.iclflc rail
way funding bill went to Its doom In thu
house today under an adverse majurlty ol
rlxty-Mx. The friends of the measure , who
bud predicted Its paMAgo up to thilaxt mo
ment , were surprised by the decisive char
acter of their defeat. They had been led tc
hope , from the votes on the substitutes , that
the bill hod moro than an even chance ol
passage. The Bell substitute provided that
If the Union Paclllc and Central Pacific would
clear oft the first mortgngo and advance
the government Hen the government would
extend the ImlebtcdnefH at 3 per cent. It
was defeated , 110 to 153.
The Harrison substitute provided for a
committee to negotiate a settlement of the
debt. It was rejected by the hoimo by a
vote of 55 to 214. Many of the members
wcro as much oppracd to these substitutes
as to the Powers bill. California and the
middle west voted almost solidly against
When the vote came on. the main propo
sition the whole opposition swung Into line
and crushed It by an adverse vote of 102 to
The vote was not taken directly on the
passage of thu bill , but on Iho preliminary
motion to engross and read the bill a third
time. Bills which become the subject of
bard contexts nro usually brought to a final
test bcforo the last parliamentary stagu Is
The Rellly Pacific funding bill two years
ago was defeated in , the same manner on
tbo naino motion. This was the fourth fund
ing bill killed In the house In ten days. An
analysis of the vote today shows that olghty-
elx republicans and sixteen democrats
voted for the bill and ninety-nine repub
licans , fifty-eight democrats , six popullnts
and five Independents voted against the bill.
Mr. Powers , chairman of the Pacific rail
roads committee , presented a motion to re
commit the bill today after ho had recov-
cted from thu shock of his defeat , saying
the memters of the house were all In favor
of a settlement , but evidently opposed to
the principle of the measure his com in It-
tco had brought. He thought his committee
should have nn opportunity to formulate
another bill In the hope that It would prove
acceptable. The point of order was made
against Mr. Powers' motion , but at the sug
gestion of the speaker the point was not
ruled upon today , but will bo whcin tbo house
convenes tomorrow.
Mr. Powers eald tonight ho did not know
what would bo done , but expressed the opin
ion that another effort should bo made to
pass an acceptable bill. The opponents of
the hill , on the other hand , are rejoicing
and , ay the vote today settles the fate of
all schemes to fund tbo debt this session.
It required some tlmo to straighten out
the parliamentary situation. Speaker Reed
slated bis understanding of the status. There
were , ho said , no pending amendments to
the bill. There wero. however , two sub
stitutes , that of Mr. Harrison of Alabama
to provide for a commission of three cabinet
officers to negotiate a settlement of the
debts with the two roads , and the Bell sub
stitute , providing that If the roads would
clear off the first mortgage , so as to ad
vance the government's lien to the position
of a first mortgage , the government would
agrco to the extension of the period for the
payment of the debt nt 3 per cent Interest.
To the former substitute there was pending
an amendment , pioposed by Mr. Northway
of Ohio , providing that the romnvlsslon cre
ated should bo appoliilcd by the secretary
of Iho treasury , secretary of the Interior
and attorney general , In stead of consisting
of those thr o cabinet officers. The North-
way amendment , ho said , was to bo voted
on first , then the substitutes In order. If
cllher of the substitutes were adopted It
would take the place of the original hill.
The speaker's statement of the situation
was accepted after some wrangling.
The Northwny amendment to the Harrison
substitute was defeated on a viva vocc vote
after which the Bell substitute was sub
mitted. Mr. Boll , the author of the sub
stitute , demanded a record making voto.
Ills demand wa sustained by seventy odd
members , mostly on tbo democratic side
and the roll was called. As the voting pro
ceeded It was evident that the substitute
would fall , and the friends of the bill wcro
correspondingly jubilant.
Senator Whlto of California , Senator
Daniel and others wcro present at various
stages of the proceedings and watched the.
progress of the struggle with keen Interest.
There wan a Hurry when the speaker an
nounced the defeat of the Bell substitute ,
110 to 153. The opposition appeared some
what staggered , hut It was pointed out
that the California members known to bo
opposed to the measure voted against the
substitute- .
The Harrison substltuto was then sub-
mltted. On a viva voro vote the volume of
sound wes against the substitute , and the
speaker was about to declare It defeated
when Mr. Harrison , democrat of Alabama ,
demanded the yeas and nays. There were
cries of "no , no , " but ho succeeded In se
curing forty-seven members to back his
demand. This was not onc-Jlfth of the pre
ceding vote , but the other sldo was unable
to muster moro than 129 , so the speaker
ordered the roll called. It was overwhelm
ingly defeated , 55 to 214.
The opposition then decided to test their
strength by securing a roll call on the usual
formal motion to engross and read the bill.
The man who wants
to rise in the world
must throw over
board all useless things ,
There is nothing in the
world DO useless as sick-
ness. Sickness will hold
him down more than anything
else. If n 111:111 : is unfortunate ; in
r * * business , he can recover his loss
es if he has health. If he is pick ,
he had better give up business
until he gelt well. Dr. l'k'rcc'8
Golden Medical Discovery makes
people well. It puts strength
into every fibre of the body and
replaces the lethargy of sickness
with the bonyancy of health. It
is nn invigorating and blood-
making tonic. Its first work is
on the digestive organs , which it
restores to natuial , healthy activ
ity. It gets into the blood and
drives out all impurities and
Kcnns of disease. Its effect on
thu lungs is truly marvelous. It
will positively cure ninety-eight
percent , of nil cases of consump
tion. It la the greatest medicine
in the world for nervous prostra
tion , brain fag , mid debility arls-
itif ( from overwork. It is needed
by every i"311 and woman who is
losinpr flesh. It builds up sound ,
healthy muscle. It blinds back
plumpness to the checks and
brightness to the eye. All Hood
druggists sell it.
I'ou CONSTIPATION there Is noth
ing to Ktwd an Dr. 1'lcrcc'a I'lentant
Pellets. They arc perfectly tmtmnl
In their action , cause no griping or
other luiplennaiitiicMi find they may
I * ilrmly relied upon to permanently
and completely cure. Many * o-calletl
remedies , which tslvu only temporary
relief , are violent purgatives , and
their u e mint be continued forocr
once It Is started. The "Pellet * "
arc not merely palliative. They arc
n cure. One little " 1'ellct" U n Ben-
tic laxntlvc. two a mild cnthnrtle.
There U nothing "just a good.
There U nothing "jiirt the same. "
The druKfilst who eiidcuvon to force
omelblnK cl c upon you haiau eye
lo hli own prolit and no coniUdcra-
tluu at all lor your bcaltli.
\ 11 iliwly Mr. Mngulre , dcmocrnt of Call-
ft.i Hi diirando'l Iho ytnn and nftys , and
half Mir houio seemed to rtao In rcnponso
to hla demand. As the roll call began , every
one uall.wl that the critical moment had
cumo. The subdued buzz of excited con\er-
satlan subMdtd and a hush succeeded.
Mr. Power * and his cleric kept tallies.
Mr. fJummhiK.i , democrat of New York , Mr.
Mugulrc , democrat of California , and sov-
01 at other members also checked thu voto.
When It waa quietly whispered about that
nt the end of the first roll call on the nfo-
tlon to engross , the vote wa S7 to 147 , the
advpisarles of the measure were overjoyed.
.Mr. Mngulrc Mnrtrd a round of upplsusa
anJ abandoned hi * tally. Iho completeness
of the defeat ot the bill's advocated became
more and more apparent , on the second
roll call proceeded. When the cler'ts had
figured up the totals , thn epeakcr submitted
the rrault ; yeas , M2 ; nays , 1GX.
The following 1 the detailed vote :
Yeas : Republicans
I'ljchcr , Mostly ,
Altlxcn , I-'nolP MlIITHj' ,
Oiuilncr , Olcll ,
A | ) lcy. .Illlettc ( M. Y. ) . Ovemtreel ,
Arniil 1 (1'a ( 1 , nillttle < .Ma j-.l'nyne. )
Anmlil ( II. I. ) , (2 row , 1'oolc.
Atowl , Hnllerninn , Tower * .
Avpry , Hinly ,
Unrinrr , llnnoj- ,
llann-y. llntcn. HPC C ! < ,
Hctidfm.n , Itnhlmon ( Pa. ) .
lltiitvll * , Henry ( Conn. ) , ,
llrow trr , Hepburn , Uipprl ( Conn. ) ,
11111. tihermini ,
Mull , Hooker , ilnilth ( III ) ,
Cidilci Soulhwlck ,
Hunter , Fperry ,
nile' ! < c > rnR. ! Jenkins , Stnhle ,
Connolly , Johrwm ( Cal. ) , Klonc ,
C'mllnp , Klrkpntrlfk , Taft.
Curtis ( I.n. ) . Knn\ , Thomn" ,
Cmtls ( N. Y. ) , Vnli Vonrhln ,
, " \Vndswortli ,
DnnloU , Wntfon ( O. ) ,
Day I on , \VellliiKton ,
nnvonnr , Million , Wilson ( N. Y. ) ,
Hrnpcr , Miller ( W Va.Wno < lmnn ,
KvnriH , Mitchell ,
Tarls , Morse ,
It.inklie.iil , ( Trowlt-y. Mcredltli ,
llcrry , : ullierion , rnttemon ,
C'ntehlnB" . Denny , IlUfll ,
Clarke ( Ala. ) , Kyle , Bpencer ,
Colib ( Mo. ) , McCloIInn , Sulzcr. 16.
Cim en ,
Populists None.
Nays : Republicans
Anderson , Itrntuol , Northwny ,
linker ( N. HO , Hermann , Otjcn ,
Hnrhiini , IIIcKH , Pnrkcr ,
I . Illllinrn , 1'onrnon ,
Iteacli , Hopkins , Peiltlnn ,
Ilrlltnnp , IIowc , Pitney ,
lllmhnm , How f II , Prince ,
Illue , Push ,
tlowcra , Huff. Itlnnker ,
Iroilerlck , Hull ( I-n. ) . Scrnnton ,
lluriell , Ill do , Slinnnon ,
Ilurton ( Mo. ) , Johnson ( III. ) , Slmpltlnn. .
Ilurton ( O.ilo ) , Iuhnon ( Inil. ) , -Smith ( Mich. ) .
Cook ( Win. ) , Joy , Knov er ,
Cook (111. ( ) . Klcfcr , Soutlmnl ,
Cooper OV'Is. ) ,
Corllcs. Leonard , Ktcele.
Crowthcr. I.ewlH , Stepheimon.
Curtln ( Knn. ) , I.limey , StennrtVl3. . ) ,
Dnnfonl , Ij inl , Stroilc ( Neb. ) ,
DcWItt , M.ihnnpy , Tnwney ,
Dolllier , Marah , Taylor ,
Doollttle , McClenry Thrope ,
IM.Iy. . ( Minn. ) , rrnecy ,
HUH , McClure. Tri'lonr ,
Knlrohllil , McCornilclc ,
rietdior. McKxvnn , Vnn Horn ,
I-Vnton. McLnohlnn , Wnlkcr ( Vn. ) ,
l'"ox.i. Mclklojohn , Wanner ,
rininble. Mercer , Warner ,
. Jllwon. Minn. White ,
Orout , Miner ( WIs. ) , Willis ,
HuKcr , Moody , Wood. M.
Hniner ( Neb. ) ,
Abbott , Fitzgerald.
Ilnllfy , Hall ( Mo. ) , Otey.
H.irtlctt ( Dn. ) , Hair loon ,
flartlPtt ( N. Y.J.Hiirt. Pcndlcton.
Hell ( Tex. ) , llemlrlck , HIchnidKon ,
IJlnck. ( Oa. ) , Hutcheson , Robertson ( Ln. ) ,
llealiior , Jones , Sns res.
Illicit , Kcntlnll , Spnrkmnn ,
Clnnly , 'Ocbpis ,
ropkrcll , I.ntlmer , SlokCB ,
Cooper ( Kla. ) , Sw.inson ,
Cooper ( Tex. ) Lester , Tulbcrt ,
Cox. Livingston , Tute ,
Crlp. Mngulrp , Terry.
CummlnR * . Mcfleary ( Ky.Turner ( On. ) ,
OeArrnoml , McVnllocli , Turner ( Va. ) ,
Dlnsmorr. McDenrmon , T > lcr ,
Dochery. McMllllnVVnnlilnKton ,
Elliott ( Va. ) , NclII , Williams. 55.
Krtlmnn ,
Allen ( Utnli ) , Shnfroth , Wll'on ( Idaho ) ,
Hiirtmnn , Towne , Total , 3.
linker ( Kan. ) , Howard , Martin ,
Hell ( Colo. ) , Kern , Ncnlnnilii. < .
Grand total , yeas. 102 ; nays , 108.
The following were paired , the first named
being for the bill : Messrs. Mllllkun
with Money ; Manley and Moees : Ilcmmlng-
way and Miner of New York ; Weomcr and
Shaw ; Wilbur and Sorg ; Watson ( Ind. ) , and
Meyer ; Clark ( Mo. ) , and Allen of MIs-
siaslppl ; Hltt and Mcltan : Cousina and Mc-
Laurln ; Tracowcll and HuBscll of Georgia ;
Kulp and Strait ; Henry ( Ind. ) . and Strowd
of North Carolina ; Aldrlch and Miles ; Lcisln-
ring and Hlshop ; Loudcnslagcr and Tucker ;
Ilrown and Llttlo ; Hurley and Fowler ; Lari
mer and Shuford ; Crump and Maddox ;
Gnmcnor and Atrhtson ; McCall ( Mass. ) ,
and Wllaon ; Woodward cind Skinner.
There was a great outburst of applause
when the defeat of the measure was olH-
clally announced. The formal motion of
Mr. Hubbard , republican of Missouri , to
reconsider and lay on the table was carried
and some minor business was transacted.
Then suddenly Mr. Powers seemed to make
up his mind to try to get further considera
tion of the bill In a now form. Ho aroo
and moved that the bill bo recommitted to
the committee.
"It Is apparent , " said he , speaking very
calmly , "that the house has manifested Its
opposition to the principles of this bill. But
I take It that every member present wants
Botno action taken , and I will malco this mo
tion In order to ECO If the committee cannot
formulate a measure that will meet the ap
proval of the house. "
Mr. Dockery of Missouri Immediately made
the point of order that the motion was not
In order. A parliamentary row followed.
Mr. Terry , democrat of Arkansas , said that
his understanding of parliamentary law was
that the refusal of the house to engross
the bill killed It , and the motion to recon
sider and lay that motion on the table had
put It In IM coinn and nailed the coinn up.
Affcr some further debute , upon the Ug-
gr-htlon of the speaker , the discussion on
the ( juestlon as to whether the Powers mo
tion was In order went over until tomorrow
t'o glvo an opportunity to examine prece
dent ! ' .
The excitement quickly subsided. Mem
bers retired to the cloak rooms in droves , and
In five minutes there wcro not twenty-five
of them on the floor.
The house parsed several minor bills , In
cluding ono to permit olllcora of the regular
army who served In the volunlecr service
to wear the unform of their highest rank
on ceremonious occasions , and then took up
the army appropriation bill.
Mr. Curtis , republican of New Ycrk , In
charge of the measure , explained .that It
was the regular bill , and contained no now
features. It carried $23,126,344 , a reduc
tion of $155,558 from tha bill for the current
year. The bill occasioned no debate , and was
passed with a few minor verbal amendments.
Some bushiest on the speaker's table was
disposed of. The senate amendments to the
bill to abolish the death penalty In certain
cases were concurred In.
Under the call of committees the following
bills were disposed of : Senate bill to re-
qulit' vessels for hire of fifteen tons or over
propelled by gas , naphtha or other fluid , to
submit to Inspection and comply with the
ruled of the road ; to amend an act authoriz
ing the appointment of receivers of national
banks no as to provide that no national bank
shall bo organized In cltlca of CO.OOO Inhabi
tants with less than $200,000 capital ; In
cltlca of 30.000 with less than $100,000 ; In
cltlct ) of C.OOO , $50,000 , and In cities of 3,000 ,
$20.000 , and to provide an American register
for the barks Cerrcss and lilack Diamond.
At 1:10 : p. m. the house adjourned.
To fun N | ill * Woli'iitl'H
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. The republican
senators will hold a caucus at 11 o'clock to
morrow to pass upon the bill proposed by
Senator Wolcott to the caucus committee
providing for an International silver con
ference. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Crop HritiirlM lK'ln > Ml.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. Owing to dolaytj
In receipt of Information the government's
cotton and grain report will not be Issued
today , but will bo deferred until later In
the weelc. .
Dully TrnHiir > -
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Today's treasury
fltitement ehowi : Avallabln cash balance ,
$232,713,731 ; told reserve. $139,351,150.
1'ato of the Funding Bill a Surprise to
Uniou Faoifio Fcoplo.
.Strong lolil > > - on llninl for Srvoral
i Working for the Iii
of lluiitliiKton unit the
Southern I'nclllo.
WASH1NUTON , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Union Pacific people hero working
for the Pacific funding bill were greatly did-
concerted over the defeat of that measure.
They bad hoped that thq bill would pass by
a small majority and from conferences had
with leaders of the house , this seemed to
them a fair presumption. Tonight members
of the reorganization committee present In
Washington have llttlo or nothing to say ns
to what the future may bring forth. They
had not expected do'eat and all thflr plans
will have to bo revised. They allege- that
all railroads entering Omaha. Kansas City.
Sioux City and Denver combined aulctly to
defeat the measure and that they had their
agents actively at work slnco Friday , boring
holes In the bill. It Is oven Intimated that
VanderblltInterests , so closely connected
with the Union Pacific , through tralrlc ar
rangements , wcro opposed to the hill In 110
present form and they , too , united with great
railway systoma entering the cities named
for the ptirposo of defeating the measure.
There were other considerations operating to
tha defeat of the bill , for not slnco the Pa
cific ilE'il subsidy , so old-timers say , has so
powerful a lobby In the Interests of the
Southern Pacific been seen In the corridors
of the capltol. Ex-congressmen , ex-judgos.
lawyers and man about town who wore pre
sumed to have a pull wcro working o : > "nlj
for the Huntlngton Interests and thli oi-
trangcd representatives who might have bcci
otherwise Inclined to vote for the measure
A member of the reorganization committee
this evening said : "Undoubtedly wo will
have to provide for the new conditions under
government foreclosure , because I bellevo the
funding bill la dead. Wo will be prepared to
go against the world , and take our chances
In purchase of the property. What new devel
opments will arise , I am at a loss to predict ,
and will have to consult with those who have
millions at their back before I am authorized
to speak. The property Is valuable , and will ,
I believe , pay almost every dollar the gov
ernment has Invested in It. Much ns I had
hoped that the government's dues would not
bo exacted by the representatives of the
people , the result has been different , and now
the reorganization committee will have to
dcvlso nome now means of securing the prop
erty other than through the funding bill. "
There will bo a meeting of the cabinet to
morrow , at which time , according to Secre
tary Thurber , the Pacific funding bill will
In all probability be taken up and the proc
lamation of the president foreclosing on the
property talked over and the manner of Its
Issuance agreed upon.
Senator Gear stated to The Ileo this after
noon that ho will probably call n meeting of
the senate Pacific railroads committee to
morrow or Wednesday , to decldo whether
the senate should take up the Gear bill.
Tariff hcarlnga before the ways and means
committee closed today. Omaha people will
doubtless bo Interested In the outcome of
the modifications In ere schedules as pre
sented by W. H. Alexander on behalf of
the Omaha and Grant Smelting company.
Mr. Alexander had Intended leaving for
homo on Sunday , but a conference of mine
owners and smeltera was called for this
morning , at which ho was urged to be
present. It seems to be generally admitted
as a result of that conference that the pro
visions concerning lead ore and lead products
which Mr. Alexander urged In hla talk bo-
fen the committee will have to go , and
the ambiguous fiaturca of the present
schedule ho eliminated. At the conference
held today there seemed to ho no dlfllculty
In coming to an agreement on all points ex
cept the duty on crude lead.
Mr. Alexander's outline called for three-
fourths of 1 cent ) per pound for lead In orcj ,
and he had obtained the acquiescence of
several other Intercstc-d parties to thla sched
ule , but Senator Carter , representing Mon
tana miners Insisted on 1 % cents per pound.
The Omaha smelter people contend that the
latter rate would bo prohibitive instead cf
protective , and that Ita enactment would
compel them to build furnaces In British
Columbia. Mr. Alexander leaves for Omaha
In the morning.
Among Items of local Interest to Nebraska
and territory adjacent In the Indian bill ,
which will bo reported tomorrow , are the
following : For maintenance of Indian school
at Pierre. P. IX. $27.000 ; Plpcatouo school ,
$18,900 ; Rapid City school. $19,900 ; Sao and
Fox reservation school , $14,523 ; Flandreau
school , $19,900 ; Genoa , Nob. , school , $3(5,900. (
Mr. Gamble of South Dakota will propose an
amendment , adding $10.000 each for two
school buildings at Chamberlain and Rapid
City , and the committee will not oppose the
amendment. The secretary of the Interior
will not approve the plans for the school
buildings until ho 11 mis out whether or not
the appropriation will bo Increased.
Comptroller Ecklcs has approved the fol
lowing reserve agents for .national banks-
( Jankers' National bank , Chicago , for Farm-
civ' and Merchants' National bank of Fre-
nont , Neb. ; First National bank , Chicago , for
First National bank of Ouster City , S. 1) .
The comptroller has been notified of the
selection of C. S. Llpplncott as cashlor of
ho First National bank of Lincoln , In place
of F. M. Cook.
The Pcttlgrow bill , providing for the loca
tion and purchase of public lands for reser
voir sites , which has passed both houses of
congress. Is now before Secretary Francis for
ils opinion. Ho has not yet made up his
ulnd as to what he will do In the matter , but
will decide and return It to the president In
time for him to sign or veto It before the
en days' limit has expired. Ileforo the
jlll passed either house It was referred to
ho Interior department , and was approved by
joth Commissioner Lamoreux and Secre
tary Smith. This is the bill which has
> rought General Attorney Sterling of the Elk-
lorn to this city , as it vitally affects his
road , permitting It to erect reservoirs along
ho line for watering cattle. Ho feels satis-
fled It will become a law.
Secretary Francis today rendered decisions
n the following land cases : Nebraska John
J. Moore against Frank F. Parker , O'Neill
llstrlct ; commissioner's decision sustained
and land awarded to Parker. L. F. Ander
son against Frank Everett , Alliance district ,
lecblon affirmed and land awarded to Ever
ett. South Dakota Anne E. Huppler , Water-
own district , commissioner authorized to
ESUO patent , reversing former departmental
leclslon against applicant. Wyoming Al-
cn , I. . . Ilurgess , Buffalo district , decision af-
Irmed and prlco of land embraced In entry.
Ixed at $2.00 tier aero.
Patrick O. Hawcs U reglslerod at the St.
James , and Is hero for the purpose of sccur-
ng appointment for state claims.
J. N. H. Patrick of Omaha , government
llrcctor of the Union Pacific , Is at the Ar-
I ) , A. McAllister , land commissioner of the
Union Paclllc , Is at the Raleigh.
Mr. and Mm. Charles Offut of Omaha are
at the Ebbltt. _
Coiiiniltlcc Scml *
\ iinnOvrr Our \\Vck.
WASHINGTON. Jon. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The nueutlon of Judge McIIugh's
confirmation , referred to the Judiciary com-
iilttCL , was taken up thta morning by that
> ody and postponed for ono week. , The com-
nlttco wna to have considered the various
nominations which have been referred to
t , but nearly all , Including that of Judge
lowry to bo Judge of the court of claims ,
\ont over on ono objection or another. It
s understood that Senator Georga of Missis
sippi , a member of the committee , doilrcs to
bo heard on Howry's nomination bcforo It U
oported. _ _ _ _ _
NoiiilniiHoitH .Tin lo HID .Si-iuitc.
WASHINGTON , Jan. L The president today -
day sent Iho following nominations to the
senate : Navy : Captain William T. Samp-
noil. U. 8. N. , to bo chief of the bureau of
ordnauco ; Commander Joseph P , Cogblnn ,
to bo a captain ; Lieutenant Commander Wil
liam I. Moore , to bo ; a rommandcr ; Passed
AMlstnnt Enslnocr jLV"1 N little , to bo
chief engineer ! KnglncrrClclInn N. O'Reilly ,
to bo passed Assistant engineer.
Postmasters : Aueuit , Rein at Eureka ,
S. I ) .
War : Lieutenant 'Colonol ' George Wil
liam Cnndcc , deputy ( paymaster general , to
bo colonel and assistant paymaster general ;
Major Alfred Elliott IiMra , paymaster , to bo
nontenant colonel and deputy paymaster gen.
cral. i
Not n 1)lilninnllq | ll - | > rernlnfIvo.
WASHINGTON , Jon. 11. Archbishop Mar-
tlnelll hni denied abixtlntoly all reports as
serting that ho hnsi received Instructions
of any kind from the pope lo approach the
United Slates government regarding Its altl-
tudo toward the Cuban rebellion. Ho added
that ho did not expect any communication
from the Vatican on the subject. Ho furthermore
thermoro called attention to the fact that ho
was merely an apostolic delegate to the
United States , to deal with the bishops o
the Catholic church , that he was not a.
nuncio , and that the government did no
recognize or have any deillngs with him.
( iiiN CIIMC Ni'l for Itclioiirlnu ; .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11 The supreme
court today assigned the Laclodc Gas com
pany case for rcargumcnt on the secom
Monday of the next term.
ItrcHviT for a llniik.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. C. H. Sprlngur
has been appointed receiver of the Mer
chants' National bank of Dsvils Lake. N. D
TltlHTu'o tlllUoiiM for the Army.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The bouso has
passed the army appropriation bill. It
carries over $32,000.000.
no Min OF Tit Ann niur.rToits
Aiiiiiinl lloolliiK in"l nifollon of OHI-
iu-r Ilflil Vi'Mli-rilny.
The cnnual meeting of the directors of
the Hoard of Trade was held yesterday after
noon In thr rooms of Iho Commercial club.
President Edward Porler Peck was unable
to bo present on account of Illness , and
First Vice President Daniel Farrell , Jr. ,
acted In his stead. A number of bills wore
audited ami routine business transacted. The
following annual report of the treasurer
was then read and accepted :
Receipts :
liahinco on hand January 1 , 1S90. . $ r.T.-IC
Cash received for rents 13,01180
Cosh received for transfer fees. . . . B.OO
Total $10.153.35
Disbursements :
Interest $ 3,000.00
Taxes 1.S7J20
Insurance TGOnO
Salaries > 7M.OO
Olllco expenses SS.93
Supplies and expense : ) of building C , 173.18
Elevator 471.27
Hooks and stationery 10S.G3
Trustee account -iriO.OO
Balance In treasury 2,200.52
Total $ lG133.3ti
After approving the financial report the
old hoard of directors adjourned slno die.
The new board then formally organized ,
Messrs. S. A. MeWhorter. John S. Brady
and E. E. Drticc being- the only directors
on the now board who wcro not members
of the old board.
The new beard then proceeded to an elec
tion of onict-rs , with the following result :
President , Daniel Farrell , Jr. ; first vice pres
ident , Jeff W. Bedford ; second vice president ,
S. A. McWhorter ; treasurer , II. F. Cady.
There was a cortest for the position of sec
retary , a salaried office. There was no elec
tion for this position ; it being announced
that Mlra M. E. Smith , the present secre
tary , would hold over.
Last evening there was held the annual
meeting of the stockholders-at which time
the financial report yra received and the
acts of the new board of directors endorsed.
There wcro brief speeches by the newly
elected officers.
ItoHiMK * llomr A M mi ill iicc ( Ion.
At the annual meeting of the Rescue Homo
association the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year : President ,
W. 51. Adams ; secretary. Eugene 11. Peck ;
treasurer , Mrs. Hattle Crawford ; superin
tendent , Mrs. M. A , Lee ; matron , Mrs. C.
P. Ncph. The directors reported the homo
In a prosperous condition financially.
Last year the borne provided shelter for
thirty-nine women. There were nineteen
babies born , of which four died. Of the
other babies , nlno went away with their
mothers and flvo wcro placed In respectable
families. At the present time there arc
nine girls and two babies In the home.
During the next few v.ceka the officers
of the Rescue home expect to call upon
residents of the city and ask them to as
sist In paying off a debt that exists against
the property. Among the liberal contribu
tors to the home during the past year have
been the following : Boston store , Cudahy
Packing company. Graham Park and the
South Omaha Coal and Ice company. The
city schools donated a largo quantity of
clothing and provisions on Thanksgiving
Oinrlrry ANxoHntloii MooHlltf.
The Prospect Hill Cemetery association
hold Its annual meeting In Judge C. A.
Baldwin's office In the Now York Ljfo build
ing last night to elect officers for the en
suing year ani also to audit the yearly
accounts. C. A. Baldwin , as president of
the association , acted ca chairman.
Secretary Charles F , Catlln made the fol
lowing report : Balance on hand In treasury
January 1 1S90 , $2CR.09 ; Interment fcca ,
31.01S ; annual assessments , $ S01 ; a.tlc of
lots , $1,827.35 ; receiving vault. ? S7 ; total.
$4,537.11. The expenses for the year were
$1,247.77 , leaving a balance of $289.37. The
report of the trtwtcfa' permanent fund
showed $2SGI C2 on hand.
In the board of dlrertors elected annually
to servo seven years there was but one va
cancy , that of Mr. Catlln. He re-elected.
The officers of the association elected were
these of lent > car. They are : C. A. Bald
win , president : Henry W. Yatra , vice presi
dent ; Charles F. Catlln , secretary , and A. L.
Reed , treasurer.
ClIIIHITMltlVCIllllIllIllR llllll 1,01111.
The annual meeting of the Conservative
Building and Loan association wis : held at
the company's offices In the Commercial
National bank building last night , and the
following miMnbcrs of the directory were
elected : B. G. Burhank , John Steel and
Frank Burman for three years , and John F.
Flack for one year.
The secretary reported that the business
had Increased 430.000 during the psat year ;
that all had been paid up to the
end of 1890 ; that the association had no
real estate on hand , and had no foreclosure
suits pending.
The directory will meet npxt Monday after
noon at1 o'clock to elect officers for the
next year.
Rlrrtric Mwlit Company KIcHlon.
At the meeting of the 'New5 Omaha Thom
son-Houston Electric LJg iJ , company ycster-
lay afternoon the foflpwlng officers wcro
declcd to servo during 'the ensuing year :
Thomas L. Klmball. president ; W. F. White ,
Hunt vice president ; Fjcd A. Nosh , second
vice president ; Warrun ifiwltzler , secretary
a-id treasurer. The fifth director to fill the
place of S. L. Wylle waa Jiot chosen at the
meeting , otul the cloctlou was allowed to
; o over until the nox ( meeting.
On the Di-utli of .John lirovcH.
At a meeting of tho-.d-Jminct Monument
association , held last rilgHti James P. Brcn-
nan , John McMahon aM rflm Nanglo were
appointed a commltteojlg 'prepare the follow
ing resolutions , which were adopted :
Whereas , It bus pleased the Supreme
nuler to remove from our midst our worthy
friend and brother , lion. John drovon ;
therefore , bo It
Hcsolvcd , That we , the Emmot Monument
ment ftuHocliitlon , bowing reverentially to
Ills di'cron , deeply mourn Ilia death of our
brother , Hon. John Graven. Ho wan a val
ued cltlzon , a devoted husband and n faith
ful , loving father ; an lrl lunan by birth ,
an American citizen liy choice , yet never
forgetting the HiifferlngH of the people ) of
lilt native country.
llcHolvrd , Tlmt In lib untimely taking
off. tint great otrugglo to rnnko Ireland an
Independent nation hat ) lout ono of lt most
faithful , devoted and ardent Htippoili-rB.
HcHnlvt'd , That themrcHolutloriH bo
upread on the records of this association ,
that n copy bo presented , with the atwur-
ance of our profound tiwnpiithy. to the be
reaved wife and futlierles.s children of our
late brother ; n copy nn furnished the
public press ,
Important. Salvation Oil , the greatest
euro on earth for palu , U only 25 cento.
Wnys and Means OommUtco Hcccivos Its
Last Delegations.
ItoprcNiMilnllvt-n of Industries Priulno-
.MlNct'llnntMiiiN Arllolt'x oil
tinTarlir l.lxtN l're ont
Their dixi-it.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The ways and
means committee considered the miscel
laneous article * coming under the tariff law
and the free list as well today. Repre
sentative CorllM naked for protection on
tobacco , lumber , fish and other products of
his district.
The coal tar manufacturers were repre
sented by N. S. Greenough. Pilch , the
chief product of coal tar , ho said , was
largely Imported and coal tar somewhat.
A duty of $2 a ton on pitch and specific
duties on coal tnr were wanted.
J. C. Story of Boston said that It was pe
culiar thaf representatives of the gna com
panies should appear to ask a duty on a
by-product of ens and combatrd Iho propo
sition to put on duties. The products
were used for refining and paving and the
gas manufacturers did not produce enough
for homo use.
William Colder of Chicago recommended
a duty on mopspcat , which Is now on the
free list. Foreign dealers had charged $30
a ton before- the Americans entered the
business and It had dropped to $12 , leas
than It could bo produced for. Four dollars
a ton duty was asked for. The chief cost
was labot , and sufficient material could bo
found In Jackson county , Wisconsin , to
supply the United States.
Kcnnctt Barnhart , a representative of
Marshall Field & Co. of Chicago , advocated
moderation In the tariff and tpcclflc duties.
As an average , an ad valorem duty of 60
per cent yielded but 35 per cent. The bulk
of the Importing trade was In the hands
of foreign manufacturers , who were able to
sell goods hero cheaper than Marshall Field
ft Co. could land them In New Vork. The
paragraph allowing duties equal to the man
ufacturers' cost , plus S per cent , was most
advantageous to Americans under the syo-
tem of consignment. In many Ir.nanccs
the firm found It cheaper to buy goods of
consignees on this side than to buy them
Abraham Grubcr of New York spoke for
duties on wearing apparel brought Into the
United States by foreign tourists.
Lucius Ltttaur of New York asked the
following rates on glovesSchmascham : , $3
a dozen ; lamb , $3 ; kid , $1.
An Importer of lamb gloves , W. J. Curtis
of Now Yotk. made a plea for a system
which would not discriminate against the
cheaper gloves. He was willing to accept
rates 50 cents a dozen , all grades , le-ss than
those asked by Mr. Llttatier. Specific duties
would bo satisfactory to all.
Charles Smith , representing the New York
glove , Importers , presented a schedule , which
ho oald averaged 20 per cent higher than
the present rates.
Representative Klefer of Minnesota pre
sented a petition from residents of Minnesota
seta , asking that rates Imposed on potatoes
and starch by the McKlnley law bo re-
H. Hallenem of New York , representing
Importers of shoo leather , said certain kinds
of enameled and shoo lealher could not be
made In tills country , and that the duty
.should be reduced.
Henry Burl : said tanned and finished
leather was fully protected , but ho thought
It would bo well to change the duty to a
specific one.
Mr. Kraft of New Jersey eald he was one
cf the two manufacturers of buckskin for
piano forte action. He wished to have the
duty restored to 35 per cent.
Representative Morse of Massachusetts In
troduced speakers who desired an Increase
of the duton Jewelry.
Mr. Thresher of Attlcboro presented a
plea for a new classification of Jewelry In
order that It should not bo placed In n. lower
Rcprcscnlatlvo Sparkman of Florida asked
that grape fruit bo Included In the classi
fication ; with oranges , lemons , etc.
A. Gompers of New York , representing
diamond workers , asked that rough diamonds
bo admitted duty free and the duty on fin
ished diamonds bo advanced from 10 to 15
per cent.
Colvln Tomplclns of New York City asked
that gypsum rock bo placed on the free
Representative Relnakcr of Illinois thought
that a tariff of 30 per cent should bo placed
upon asbestos.
Representative Gregory of Chicago , repre
senting Importers and manufacturers of mu-
ulcal Instruments , said that those articles
uere now unclassified , which worked a hard
ship to the trade. He did not ask for a
ihangn of duty , but If it were changed he
thought it should bo made 35 per cent.
Ex-Senator Davis of West Virginia spoke
upon the subject of coal. The duty upon
bituminous coal , ho said , \a \ entirely too low ,
Ijolng but U per cent , while the average
duty upon all articles in the Wilson , law is
41 per cent.
Colonel Lamb of Norfolk said that when
35 cents was taken from the duty It be
came appnrtnt that unless reductions were
made In charges of railroads and operators
'or handling the miners would be placed
on starvation wages.
W. C. Barry of Rochester , N. Y. , rcpro-
i'Mitlnj ; the nurserymen of the United States ,
said there had been no duty on nuiaery stock
for years , to the great detriment of the no-
tlvo Industry. A duty of from 33 to 40 per
cent should bo Imposed.
J. W. Harrison of California desired a
luty i.pon anthracite coal.
Sllis Wilson of Iowa , representing a nur-
Berymcn's association , asked a duty upon ,
luraery stock of 30 to 40 per cent.
S. W. Cox of Charlottcsville , Va. . asked
that a duty bo Imposed upon slate pencils.
James Ross of Philadelphia desired an In-
ci rased duty on clay pipes.
Chairman DIngloy announced before ad-
nurnmcnt that the formal hearings on the
arlff were now concluded.
Member * of ( he Dolly Clnli
IIIM : Our Komi of ( luveriiineiil.
The postponed meeting of the Unity club
was held at the public library last night ,
mt was not very well attended. The sub-
cct of the evening's study was the early
ilstory of the constitution , preparatory tea
a cou'ldcraUon of the constitution Itself at
i future meeting.
"Tho Idea of the Written Constitution , "
vas the subject of a paper by E. C. Page , In
. hldi hu took the ground that the Ameri
can constitution was the flru document of
ho kind worthy of the name , becaiMo It
vas framed by the people and could not bo
changed except by concent of the people.
What had been called constitutions in the
old country , up to the time of the adoption
> f the federal constitution , had been made
> y legislative bodies , and cotild bo changed
or abrogated by those sanio bodies , and for
hat reason wcro not really constitutions.
Mrs. Ella B. Pcrrlne discussed the HUb-
ect of the "Early State Constitutions , "
showing that many of the Important features
of the national constitution were taken
rom the charters or constitutions of the
colonies. She noted many of the provls-
ons of thc-so early o nstltutlons which ecciioJ
cry funny In the light of the present day.
Mrs. Perrlno had prepared a chart en a
blackboard , Illustrating the various branches
of her subject and their connection with each
At Its next meeting the club will begin
consideration of the constitutional convcn-
lon held at Philadelphia , devoting thrco
nuetlngs to the subject.
Slioillfl | < * rH Arrrxli'il.
Two women , giving- the ilctitloiiH namex
of Mr . John Jacltson and -Mrx , James
Johnson , were detected yi'Htcrduy nftcr-
10011 In stealing 11 bolt of lace , n table
cloth and llireo hiuiilkurchluf.s from ICI1-
mtrlck'H. It was learned that they lived
icur Thirteenth and Hpauldlng Hlreets and
hit police will IHHUO search warrants in
order to InveHtlgatu thu rooms. It In ox-
lected that moro plunder will bo turned
up. Both women wcro Intoxicated when
Bottled. nt the TJJ HUNYAiU Spring , Dudn Post ,
"Gentle , but Mtl f.ilory in III ncllcm. RcmaiKahle for Its rchne ! in magnesium
lulphntc , exceeding of nil oilier btltcr wateis always of the SAtne iltcngth , which i
of course , a matter of treat ; importance. " Mw I'frA MtJieai J jui M
"A mucli-cslccmcil p rgMK'cuntcr.'IUcpinpositioni < constant. The practitioner
It tbus enabled to prescribe Ocfmitc quantities fur definiteresults. . " "A Natuul
Water. " TU Lancet.
" Affords the < e guarantee * of uniform strength and composition which hate lone Iron
inling in the best-known llunjndi wntets.1' " .Aurccnllc to Iho jwlatc. " " l.xeev
tionally efficacious.1 Uritisk MtJitatJeumaf.
"This Water may bo classed \\itli the best Aperient Watcn and be pronounced
ono of the strongest. "
Prtfnter , Litbxich , University of
Irlcos : 15 cents and 5 centn pnr bottlo.
Sole J\\f > irlfrt :
SEE that the Label bears the well-known Run DIAMOND Mark of
Employed nt the lending HOSPITALS in NEW YORK , BOSTON ,
PHILADKLPIIIA , BALTIMORE , CHICAGO , etc. , and at .tho principal
Last evening nt the Kiist Congregational
church Mr. Clarence Hddy of Chlr.igo Rave
nn organ rccltnl , at which lie played ono
of the meat remarkable programs over pre
sented for the entcrtiilnmeiit anil Instruc
tion of an Omaha amllonco. It wan real
organ music , written by great orgnnlsts for
the "king of Instruments. " .Mr. KJily Is a
musician. Ho Is aklllccl and schooled In all
that pertains to musical composition , and
io knows the aggregation of pIpiM and Pedals ,
keys and trackers , bellows and stops , as a
skilled surgeon knows the anatomy of the
human body. Ills Idea of tone-color has
been developed by the broadcut experience ,
and h . knows just the row of pipes that
can paint the figure ho has In. . mind for his
picture. Ho has studied the orchestra not
to Imitate It , but to bo Inspired by It. Ho
baa boon enough In Km ope , In the closest
communion with the greatest musicians , to
catch enough of the nacrrd flro fiom the
altar In the original temple of his art to
keep hia own soul ever burning. Ho plays
not us a performer , but as a musician.
The sonata In 0 minor , by Gullmant , was
perhaps the moat Interesting miml > ci' on the
program. It was written for and dedicated
to .Mr. Eddy and Is a compliment to the
greatest American organist from the great
est French organist , of which every American
should bo proud. It Is In five parts , or
movements. The first In an "Allegio Ap
passionate , " full of intensity and dash. The
second Is an "Adagio , " melodic and gentle ;
the third IH a brilliant Scherzo ; the fourth
a "Hccltatlvo. " In which an active Imagina
tion might discover Margarita , Faust and
Mephhto. The fifth Is a "Choral and Kugue. "
The choral U In the German style , broad ,
rich , rcllgloun , appealing to the heart as
only the mystic chords of worshlp-mualr
can appeal to it. The fugue is composed on
a theme , the principal notes of which are
the Initials of the names of the performer
and the composer , C. 13. . A , G. Clarence
Eddy , Alexander Gullmant. Surely an In
genious way of cementing an artistic
brotherhood. This sonata wcs outlined and
partly composed while Mr. Ciullinant was
In Chicago during the World's fair.
In the "Pastorale , " by Lomare played
from a JISS. copy in the handwriting of
the composer , and dedicated to the per
former Mr. Kddy proved that with two
hands ho could play upon thrco manuals
with the greatest ease and accuracy. H'a
\\aa encored several tlmei during the con
cert , and always played again.
Mr. Eddy Is a great artist. Everyone who
hoard him play should bo better for It. He
proved that the really good Is enjoyable.
lib audience was Intensely Interested and
enthusiastically cordial. They wcro hearing
some of the greatest organ playing In
musical history.
At the Crelghton last night Frederick
Wardo presented "King Lear" to an audience
which , though by no means great , was nt all
events larger than that of the evening bo-
'ore. It was an enthusiastic audience ; one
would llko to call It appreciative , If Its ap-
plausu had not been , moro frequently be
stowed upon nolso and rant rather than
upon the moro delicate points of Mr. Warde's
excellent characterization.
The American public hrs much to bo thank ,
'ill for. In that few of the ambitious young
ragedlans of the pitsent day have attempted
this tremendous role. Old play-goers rc-
ncmber Edwin Forrest In the part , which
was very successfully essayed by Edwin
loolli , despite his limitations of stature , and
WES a monumental performance In the hands
of Tommaso Salvinl. W. 13. Sheridan played
t also , convincingly and well. The lesser
nen , however , for the most part , have for
borne to rush In whcro the giants have
vallccd with humility. "Lear" has not boon
> laycd by any ono for several years , so that
Mi1. Warde's production has all the essential
characteristics of a revival. Ho Is entitled
o warm gratitude for having restored the
grand tragedy to a stage which Is distinctly
loorer without It ; and for having done it In
a fashion eo scholarly and so generally ac
ceptable. Ho has taken fewer liberties
vitli the text than some have felt privileged
o take in preparing acting versions ; and hla
landling cf the character Is marked by a
student's reverence for a great original.
) no docs not fear to bo corrected in saying
hat his Lear Is by far the best thing Mr.
Wardo has done. It la characterized by ad-
nlrablo strength , and a notable delicacy of
hading. The physical and mental decay of
ho aged king , from his robustness of body
anil alcrtnew of mind In the opening scenes ,
hrough the heart-breaking course of the
lory to Us Infinitely pathetic close , was
ndlcatcd with n sure touch and a most con-
Inclng Intensity.
The suppoi t seemed better placed than on
ho night before , Mr. Stilton offering a very
ntelligcnt conception and consistent render
ing of the character of Edgar , and Mr. Ernest
Wardo , without by any meana exhausting
the possibilities of the role of the Fool , gave
ni performance rich In prnmlso of yet better
While Drux L. Sliooinnn In down nt
Lincoln ImimiHM'iiiK' nwny nn our city
clmrtorvi > will hnvu a ale of IIIHMM' |
and children' } ! wet wouthcr Hlioi-.s dull
doiiKulu button slini'.H with liwivy Koh'H
missus' nlJWK iM.riO-cIilldren'H ?
thuHu arc the bluest har alim In younj ;
peoph-'H slioi'ri In town It inake.H tin bliiHli
fo ay H but H'H n fact nuvt'rtlich'hK
that no olxu HUUIIIH to know how and
what to Hull for nils.scs' and children' * !
things. Mr. Vlnton did excellent work as
Edmund , and Mr. Tinner pleased the audi
ence as the bluff and loyal carl of Kent.
The plcco has been lavishly otagcd by Mr ,
Wiirde. The scenic effccla and acccssorlM
are worthy of high praise. The vtorm In
particular Is strikingly realistic , Mr. Wardo
was warmly lecalled after each of Lear's
strong scenes' , and after the third act ho
shared that honor with the other participants
In the storm picture.
Loudln's Flsk College Jubilee Singers wcro
the attraction at Y. M. C. A. hall last night.
Tlu > troupe of colored artists Is an unusually
largo one. It Includm the names of .Messrs.
John TA. . Lane , J. II. Hrooks , F. J. Loudln ,
W. M. Karley. and Misses I' . J. Malone , M.
II. Adams. C. S. Sagwiir , M. K. Wilson. J L.
Simmons and L. F. Ilotison. Every moniber
of the troupe Is a soloist , and the work lit
th'ls line was most excellent.
The meat enjoynblo portion of the program
consisted of old plantation dtttlcs , which
wore given as they have not been heard In
this city for many years. In response to the
many encores , "Way Down Upon the Suwaneo
Itlver , " "Nclllo Was a Lady" and many
other old inclodloa were ulven.
MUses Malonc and Admits , In soprano parts ,
anil John T. Lane and J. H. Ilrooks , tenors ,
wore particularly happy In , their efforts to
please the audience last i/lght.
The Flsk Juhllco Singers arc now on their
way honn lo Havcnna , 0. . having been ab
sent hlx jo.irs on a tour around the world.
They have given concerts In the principal
cities of Europe.
The attraction at Iloyd's tonight Is "Ala
bama. " Them will bo a "bargain day" mail-
net at 2:30 : tomorrow.
Two porformanecH will be given nt llm
Crelghton today , where Frederick Wardo and
his company are presenting a Shakespearean
repertory to well pleased audiences. The
popular priced mallnec this afternoon will
have "Henry VIII" as Iho attraction , whllo
"Henry IV" will be the bill for the evening
performance , Mr. Wardo appearing as Fal-
Nlcoll the Tailor Karbach block ! .i mak
ing trousers to order for ? 4 and $3 , that
have alwayg sold for $7 and $ S.
"Kri-pyliiir 11 aioUiiT-ln-I.nw" TeeS
Cnlorlflf for II lull t-cliin.l MuriilM.
"No 'Freezing a Mothcr-ln-Law' today ,
and admissions will bo refunded to all who
have purchased tickets. "
That waa the startling announcement
nmilo at the High school yesterday Just at
the close of the day's session , and nearly a
hundred of the lower class men took their
tickets forward and got hack 10 ccnty apiece ,
This was all becaubo the faculty refused to
let the senior cla&i play go on , on account
of objectionable features of the performance.
H socms that It Is the custom for the
High school senior class to give a social
each jear , and to defray the expenses by
repeating a play before the geneial public
at a nominal prlco of lulmlralon. The social
this year was held at the school building Friday evening , and was pronounced by
nil a brilliant success. The class play thin
year was called "Freezing a Molher-ln-Liw , "
and the parts wcro taken by MIssca Ethel
Tukoy , Edna Hohlson. and Messrs. Louis
Ileeil , Harry TuKoy and Frank Lohmer.
TheEO young people had been rehearsing
under tutelage for several weokii , and were
naturally proud of the achievement.
It happens , however , that the dramatist ,
In order to top out the elocutionary exer
cises , Included among the accessories sev
eral by-plays which are not supposed to bo
regularly practiced In public by jinitlm and
mlrso.1 of school age. In ono scene , for
example , two of the young men are required
to lounge about mnoklng cigars and drlnkliu ;
elder out of wine glasses , and In another
ono of the male characters Illustrates the
meaning of the lines by putting his arm
about ono of the young ladles.
When these facts were brought to the
attention of Principal Lcvlston and Afnl"t-
ant 1'rlnclpal Mlai McHugh , they decided
without much hesitation that such an ex
hibition Is hardly the proper thing to hold
up before the Innocent freshmen and soph-
mores. The seniors In charge of the ar
rangements for the play wcru called Into the
olMco and forcibly impressed with the views
of the principal and assistant principal , with
the result that the mother-in-law will not
bo again frozen , no matter how cold the
weather may turn.
The eenlora say that they will have to
give another amateur theatrical performance
to raise the money for the social. Hut the
nuw play will not have In It any mucking ,
drinking or embracing.
nt Work.
I aHt night as C. W. Shradcr was on his
way from his place of business at Twenty-
Hlxth and Hlomlo streets to hlH home at
IfiiS Uurdette. ho WIH : held tip by two
iniiHkoil men. who held rovnlverB to Ills and lolltvcil him of ! J In ca li.
Shnuler tviliiUH lie can Identify the men.
We will Give
for unlimited number of dujioBltH In Um
Omaha Savings Bank
Thu Hiimo to apply on the piiivmno !
price f a nuw piano you ciinnut utfird
to lot thin liberal offer ( it by you.
"A. HOSPE , JR. ,
1513 DOUGLAS ,