Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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, natter.
rtmt.lKHRU 13V131IY MOIlNtm
Dully tlirt ( Without Stindny ) , Cnc Y or M CO
Dully He * on. ) Sunday , Una Vcnr S 00
Klx Months , * 00
Three Months * JO
Humlny lire , Onn Yenr * W
Haturday I If. Una Year I M
Weekly life , One Yenr *
Omhlmt Tlio n c Iltilldlns.
Hmith Umalm ; Mlnnor 11IU. , Cor. N nnd S < th 8t .
Council lllulfg : 10 I'cnrl street.
Chli'fiR Olllcei 317 Chnmbor of Commerce.
.V-v York : llnoins U , 14 nnd 13 , Tribune HIilR.
V.'rtililiiRtfjn : Ml KIM i-lrtct.
All eomnuinlculloni rclnllnr to now nnJ cdl-
toilul mutter rliouM \ > t nililrcmwili To the bdltor.
llL'HINKflH I.KTTKIIH. . , , ,
All blislnoi * Ifllcrj nml renilltnncea iihould l ) In Tlio lleo lMilill lilnn Company ,
OniRlin. Di U. . cli < : cl < and postoillco oMeri to
In. mmlc pnyiihle lo Hie nnler f tlio romtiany.
TIM : nun ruiiusiiiNO COMI-ANY.
f'tnte of Kfl.rnnlm , I
liuiRUi County , i ,
ticarcq U. TinnueK , nccrrtnry of Tlio Ilec I'nb-
IlKliIni ; oanip.ny , being iluly iiworn , ny Hint the
ncliuil nanil-cr cf full nml complete copies of The
W.-illy Mornln ? . KvcnlnR nnd Kiinriny Hoc printed
ilurlnff llio inonlli of Deecmber , 1M , wns ns fol-
lf'W1 < :
1 19,059 ,7 19.767
t : oiso * ' " " " ' "
3 w.m i ! ! . ! ! ! . ! losij
A M.116 20 : o.M5
r ; li 19.S1I
r sft.ww nt 19.STO
55 ! 19.918
s ! ! ! ! ! ! . ' ! ! . ' . ' . ' . " ! . ' n.'wj 21 20.0CS
. - , , 10.102
" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
10 ! ! ! . ! . . . . . . . . . . jo'.oiii 2i ( 19.3SS
11 20,011 7 10,500
i : , 10,070 28 20011 !
13 i. . . . 20.C70 20 20,008
It 19.S93 SO 20,051
13 19.S2S 31 10.923
Totnt CS1.9M
IJMIS ili'dncllons for tinnolil nnd returned
ciiptcr t1'5"
Totnl net sales 612.JM
Net dnlly nvernRC 19.uj
ononni ! n. TScnnucK. .
Piibwrlhoil In my prenencc nnd sworn to before -
fore me thin M day of Jandnry. U97.
N. i' . rim. .
Penl. Nolnry 1'ubllc.
Aftor-f'Ipdloii pornsal of ilntfonn
pli'tlgcs iniiilc before oli'dioii Is
oxorclso for tlio nipniory.
The inu'1iliip : im'tliwls of tlio Illinois
frcp silver tli'iiioi'rat'y In stiito politics
nro liL-Klnnliif : to out-Tweed Tweed In
their Imixi'ii effrontery.
Tlio pcojilp of Oiniiha want HIP exposi
tion Inentcd on the .site Unit Is moist snlt-
nblp for the purpose without regard to
who Imppfiis to own real estate In the
IninuMllate vicinity.
When the legislature Rets ready to
Investigate the state treasury It will
not have any dltlleully in Ki'ttiii at
witnesses whose testimony will throw
on the subject.
Senator Vest of Missouri will succeed
himself In the senate. With another
six years' term assured him , the soiin-
lor's How of vltrlolle lan uaKe might to
bo faster and louder than ever.
Our amiable fusion contemporary has
a fjresit deal to say about a commission to
report on uniform divorce laws some
time during the next century , but It has
not a word on the serious condition of
the state treasury.
In view of the coining changes In the
army ami navy , due to the operation of
the compulsory retirement laws , the
name of Colonel Ouy V. Henry should
not be omitted from the list of olllcers
desirous of promotion.
The new'piwtotllec site , with all Its
general and special sewer attachments ,
comes high , but we must have It. It
seems necessary , however , to alter the
entire municipal sjstem of drainage to
tap that underground river.
After lOmperor William succeeds In
raising dueling to a higher plane of
ethics and morality he might (1ml ( a
profitable Held for employment In mak
ing prize lighting a harmless pastime
for members of polite society.
Western railroads will hereafter re
quest the autograph of each passenger
who travels on a pass. We know lots
of people who will be only too glad to
exchange all the autographs that may be
wanted for a few pasteboard annuals.
Itrynn has given the public his defini
tion of what constitutes a democrat , but
lie has not yet Informed any one whether
or not Senator David It. Hill Is Included
within Unit definition. Hill , It will be
remembered , says he Is still a democrat.
There are lots of people who have not
subscribed a cent to the exposition who
'imr not only able but morally bound to
count to Its support liberally. The slock
Kiibscrlptlon.s should be raised to the
million-dollar mark before the ground is
broken for building operation * .
The state oil Inspector's annual report
Is promised for this week. The public-
Is curious to know whether or not it will
show that the Standard Oil company
continues to pay Inspection fees on oils
not Included In tlio law simply for the
purpose of avoiding criticism by The
It may be gratifying to the Hoard of
Fire and Police Commissioners to know
that the police Judge certifies In his an
nual report to the ellleleney and vigi
lance of the police force. Now" let the
board reciprocate by certifying to the
ellleleney and vigilance of the police
judge. ,
The sultan gives It out cold to the
powers that he will never become a
khedlve , although he admits that he may
1m the last of the caliphs. He may be
cither or both of these , and a vl/.ler and
n Janizary and a yashmak thereto , but
ho will still be the lord high executioner
par excellence.
rotor Itlrklmnser now turns up as a
representative Oermau-Aineiican free
ellver democrat. With a commission as
member of the police board , Issued by
those stalwart republicans , Churchill
and Itussell , and the endorsement of his
fellow CJerman-Amerlean free silver
democrats , with whom ho never claims
Kinship excvpt when wanting an olllce ,
1'eter hopes to be able to convince. Gov
ernor Holcomb and the fusion legisla
ture that it Is of the utmost Importance
to the cause of silver that ho should bo
continued In his Job , whatever may be
done with the police comiultuloii lu\v.
or THE FVNDISO ; / . & .
The decisive defeat of the Pacific rail
road funding bill In the hotmo may safely
bo accepted ns conclusive ngalnwt any
legislation by the present congress ex
tending the debts of the 1'aclllc railroads
to tlio government It Is possible that
the Gear bill , now In the hands of the
senate committee on Pacific railroads ,
will bo reported to the senate , but as It
Is not probable that measure would faro
any better In the house , should It pass
the senate , than the defeated bill , It Is
hardly likely that the senate will be dis
posed to waste any of the brief time of
the present session upon Its considera
tion. Moreover , It Is exceedingly doubt
ful whether a funding bill could bo
pawned In the senate. There Is a strong
opposition to such legislation In that body
which could easily consume the time un > -
tll the close of the session In speaking
against a funding bill and It Is not to bo
doubted that this opposition would avail
Itself of every means at Its command to
defeat such a measure.
It may therefore be concluded that the
action of the house has lulled the funding
scheme so far as the present congress
Is concerned and that It Is finally dis
posed of If the president shall take ac
tion under the authority of the act of
congress of 1887 , charging him with the
duty , under conditions that now exist , of
Instituting Judicial proceedings , Includ
ing foreclosures of the government lien.
In his annual message President Cleve
land said ho had felt Justified In with
holding action under the statute for the
reason that congress has for a number
of years almost constantly had under
consideration various plans for dealing
with the conditions existing between the
Paclllc roads and the government , but he
Intimated an Intention to carry out the
mandate of the law In the event of no
action being taken by congress for a
solution of the problem. The way Is now
open , for executive action and it Is to be
presumed that the president will direct
that judicial proceedings bo Instituted
against the road.
Such a termination of the prolonged will bo entirely welcome to the
people of the west , for whatever the final
settlement It Is hardly possible that It
will be to their disadvantage.
The governor of Maine says that state
will adhere to prohibition. He admits
that there has not been a full realization
of what "the most ardent and enthusi
astic advocates of prohibition prophe
sied and hoped , " but good has been ac
complished. The ruial towns are free
from the groggery and the governor sug
gests that all that Is now needed I. * a
public sentiment which will enforce the
laws In the larger towns and cities. It
does not follow that because there are no
groggerles In rural places there Is no
liquor sold in such places. Perhaps In
no other prohibition state is there so
much surreptitious liquor selling as In
Maine. As to public sentiment In the
larger towns , It Is never likely to lu very
much different from what It is now and
It Is confessedly not favorable to prohi
Nowhere has prohibition been tried
under more favorable conditions for Its
success than In Maine , yet It has failed
there almost as badly as in Iowa and
Kansas. The law Is not enforced , never
has been and never will bo. The fact
that liquor is not openly sold In rural
places amounts to little , for those who
want It can obtain It even there. It is
publicly sold In the larger towns nnd
cities and it is there that the great mis
chief of the trallle is done. It is mani
festly unreasonable to say that there Is
good.In a law which is thus disregarded
and whlclL does not have the support of
public seiitlnitMit where It is most iicido.l.
Tlio legislature this winter should P.IFS a
law prohibiting men anil corporations from
combining In any line of business to crov/tl
out others engngcd In UUo business , to mo
nopolize tl'e trade. The penalty ahoulil br
yio forfeiting to the state tlio entire prop
erty used by such men and corporations
The department otore Is n curse to the best
Intercuts of merchants and should bo legis
lated against , If It la possible to reach It.
While they may cheapen the wares han
dled , yc.t they have the same tendency cs
thu trust , to drive out of business the small
merchant and inulco It r.lmost Impccalblo
for the young man to engage In business
on hts own hook , and compel him to become
a hired man. Crcto Democrat.
Some persons might cut oil' their noses
to .spite their faces , but the great intit-i
of sensible people can m'Ver be persuaded
that thai Is the safe rule to follow. He-
cause the rise of the great department
stores has brought certain evils In their
train Is no good reason why they should
be blotted off the face of the earth and
their property seized and confiscated to
the state.
The question of the department ritore
must bo viewed fiom the broad stand
point of the general public. If a man
has a legal right to conduct a dry goods
store , he must have a legal right to con
duct a grocery store and a crockeiy
store and a shoe store also , and a k'gal
right to conduct all of them together
under the same roof. As a matter of
fact the prototype of the modern depart
ment store Is to be found In the great
co-operative stores established by the
Itochdale pioneers and other organiza
tions of laboring men In this and other
countries for the purpose of securing
goods and wares of first quality and at
lowest cost. The department store en
deavors to effect the same economies by
purchasing for cash In large quantities
and reducing operating expenses to
the minimum. So far as It Is
successful In this the customer
shares the saving In the cheaper
price at which his purchases
are made. The department store
Is one of the outgrowths of
the new Industrialism , and to suppress
It without supplanting It with
something still more advanced Is as Im
possible as to abolish the use of , rail
roads because they have been abused
and compel people to go back to wagon-
On thu other hand , the growth of the
department store bus unquestionably
worked hardship to a great number of
people In thu community. It has blocked
the path fur the comer grocery and
the small tradesman. It has vacated
hundreds of stores that might otherwise
have boon rented to shopkeepers of
various kinds. At times Us competition
hns not been confined to legitimate lines
and It has been known to resort to
methods of undermining rivals that
would not bo countenanced by reputable
merchants. If any of these abuses can
bo reached and remedied by legisla
tion , the subject Is one properly within
the Jurisdiction of the lawmaker. " . The
department store , however , Is hero to
stay , and what Is wanted Is to get the
greatest good out of It for the public
combined with the least evil.
There will bo a great deal of Interest
In financial and business circles through
out the country In the proceedings of
the business men's currency conference
which will meet at Indianapolis today.
It will be a representative body , embrac
ing a number of men of national repute
in financial and commercial affairs who
will give character and authority to the
deliberations. It Is not the purpose of the
conference to formulate a plan of cur
rency reform. It Is proposed to commit
that task to a commission of experts to
bo created by the conference. The ques
tion of currency reform will be discussed
lit all Its phases , but while no detailed
plan will be formulated the conference
will undoubtedly give expression , in the
form of resolutions , to Its Judgment of
what Is desirable for reforming the cur
The conference Is timely. It Is well
at this Juncture to gel In this way from
practical financiers and business inch
their carefully formed opinion regarding
the currency system of the country and
their suggestions as to how It may bo
Improved. There Is a quite general be
lief that It ought to be and can be re
formed. In the opinion of many It Is
not sutllcleiitly elastic , does not accom
modate Itself as It should to the varying
conditions of business. Then there Is th.1
complaint that In sections of the coun
try there Is rarely an adequate
supply of currency , while at the
financial centers money Is much
of the time superabundant. The
chief contention , however , of the ad
vocates of currency reform Is that the
government must be "taken out of the
banking business , " which means that
the legal tender paper obligations of the
government must be retired. It Is safe
to say that the Indianapolis conference
will be found practically unanimous In
favor of tiiis policy. It may not pro-
r.ounce for any plan for retiring the
legal tender notes , since that would
forestall the proposed commission , but
that it will express itself In favor of
getting rid of this form of the currency
may be confidently anticipated.
A declaration of hostility to the green-
bucks will not be in accord with popular
sentiment. No party will now propose
the retirement of that currency. Kep-
ivsentatlve Walker , chairman of the
house committee on banking and cur
rency , has said in effect that no such
proposition will be considered by the re
publicans of the present or succeeding
congress. In a letter recently written
by S'-nator ' Sherman he says ho does
not sympathize with the movement to
retire United States notes from circula
tion , lie does not think there is any
danger or dllllculty In maintaining a
limited amount of these notes In circula
tion. "The maintenance In circulation , "
-aid Senator Sherman , "of ? 'Ull.OOOono
I'nlted States notes , supported by a re
serve iifSIOO.OCO.txiO gold , not only saves
the interest --ilMli.OOO.OOO of debt , but
is a vast convenience to the people at
large. The absolute security of these
notes was never called in question , after
the resumption of specie payments In
1ST ! ) , until the reserve was being
trenched upon to meet deficiencies In
current revenue brought about by what
Is known as the Wilson far I IT law of
IS-1. ! " It Is not to be doubted tli.U this
expresses the view of a large majority
of republicans in congress.
It is a reasonable expectation that the
Indianapolis conference will be able to
contribute something toward the solu
tion of the currency problem , but If so
It must do inoio than urge the retire
ment of the legal tender notes.
Mr. Uryan's paper falls all over Itself
In complimenting Senator Vest of Mis
souri on his endorsement for renomina-
tion by tlie democratic legislative caucus
and says that he has been tried in many
ways and never found wanting. Senator
Vest , It will be remembered , Is the man
who made the nominating speech for
Hland at Chicago. It was Ids place to
liave withdrawn his candidate's name
when Hryan's nomination became prac
tically assured , but he doggedly declined
and Insisted on hanging out to the end
against the Xr-bra.ska man , thus forcing
Governor Stone to announce the with-
Irawal of Uland , Hut Vest later gave a
foi mal-acquiesccnce to the Chicago ticket
ind shouted for free silver and has thus
once more become a great and good man
n the eyes of the Itryaiv organ.
The disposition of the Woman's club
to erect a suitable building for Its own
mewses and for use In connection with
he exposition should be encouraged and
substantially assisted : every possible
way. No feature of llu > coming fair will
uove more attractive than this nor mort
fruitful In financial .returns to the
women , the exposition and the city at
If It is true that Cadet Taylor is a
candidate for the olllee of public printer
it Washington , It shows that the chronic
olllcosceker cannot be frightened by M
own record. As chief clerk of the gov
ernment printing olllce Cadet left sev
eral things behind him that might re
quire explanation unless he can claim
tlio protection of the statute of llmlta
So the festivities In celebration of the
queen's achievement as Kngland's longest -
est reigning monarch are to bo called
the diamond jubilee. The reference to
the most costly of precious gems Is
doubtless Intended to prepare the public
fur the size of the bills that will bo
presented to the government for the ex
penses of the unique entertainment. The
privilege of being subject to tlio munu
sovereign ? o r over sixty years Is ono
the peophi.-otijjht to bo glad to pay for.
The Santa Wo ofllclals Indicted for
violation of1 Hlb Interstate commerce law
bnvo been acquitted. Nothing else , however
over , was to have been expected. Tin ,
Interstate loifj'mercu ; ' law never yet was
violated by , a railroad company but at
effort to locate responsibility rcsultet
simply In 'n-'iludliig that the law vlolatct
' '
uM Drfi-rrcil.
Chlcnuo llecord.
The question'ns to which Is the only real
slmon-puro Jncksonlan democrncy will bo
decided nhout the year 1900 , and there's no
lisa bothering about It now.
Hi-form In P.liTlloit of
St. I'nul O lobe.
Wo fall to sco any sign of betterment for
the federal senate. Wo do not bcllovo that
there will be or can bo any until an election
by popular vote Is decreed. The people do
not , by any mcutia , always select or support
Ideal candidates. Hut It Is seldom , Indeed
that they fall so low In their choice ns the
state legislatures , with which powerful In
terests that Reel ; control of the senate find II
so much easier to deal.
Iti-voinio Out of Tolmri'O.
IndlannpolU News.
It seems to us that this would bo a good
tlmo for this country to try the experiment
of getting a decent revenue out of tobacco.
Wo cannot , as wns proved yesterday , protect
the business In nil Its departments ; nay , wo
cannot protect ft In any of Its departments
without Injuring It In other departments.
The ways and means commlttea would do well
to take these gentlemen at their word nml
turn Its attention to doing the only practical
thing , which Is to got ns large a revenue ns
possible out of this most excellent and rlgbt-
rous tax , leaving the antagonistic Interests
to fight It out among themselves.
Minneapolis Times ( silver. )
William J. Bryan In his Chicago speech
made the remark that the people who bc
llovo In free rllver should testify to tholr
faith by supporting free silver papers , which
goes to show that William J. Uryan Is un
aware of the controlling motive of the people
In buying and reaiHtig newspapers. As n
rule , the newspaper subscriber Is looking
for the nblo treatment of a variety of topics
and Is not to he put off with an organ
which merely glvrn him views of the silver
question or any other mooted topic. When
the silver papers get to ba newspapers also
they will obtain circulation by .natural . meth
Tlu > Iiiiiirnvlni ? Outlook.
l.oulnvlllo Courier-Journal.
The American National bank of Denver
has resumed business and the Hoanokc , Vn. ,
bank and several of the SU Paul and other
northwestern suspended banks arc preparing
to jcopcn. Comptroller Eckels has ordered
the payment of a GO per cent dividend to the
depositors of the National Hank of- Illinois ,
and the financial horizon Is altogether clear-
Ing. Hcally the northwestern situation
must be sounder than was at first supposed
or the runs started at St. Paul and other
places would have carried down many more
concerns. Several of the banks that were
forced to cleno were Intrinsically sound , but
were cleaned out of cash by frightened de
positors. .
AI < , Tin 's tlio It nil.
Louisville Courler-Journnl.
The allvcrltcd who call themselves demo
crats are working for the ro-o'cctlon of the
republican protectionist , Senator Dubois.
Chairman Al'kansaw Jones , for Instance , de
clares : f
"I , for one , feel as anxious that Dubois
should 'bo returned to the senate as though
he were a democrat. The democratic senators
fret thus about tlio matter , and they have
united In a letter to the Idaho democrats
exprcst'Int , ' their opinion to this effect. "
Query : If , as the rillvcrltprf Insist , votliig
foja republican/ makes a' fpubirean ot ft
sound mnney democrat , why doss not voting
for B. republican make a republican of a sil
ver democrat ?
lie IV.-IN n. liny IIIiiiNflf.
&HC.IRO Tribune.
These carping critics who have denied to
President Clovclar.d the ptcssesalon of any
normal human sympathies will bo discom
fited by the touching eplsodo that occurred
during a recent drlvr. The chief executive
was rolling along enjoying the scenery when
the equipage was forced to slow up by a
bevy of gypsy children who wore playlni ;
marblea In 'ho road. The driver was about
to whip up the horses when a plaintive cry
arose from the group not to run over the
marbles , and the president ordered the car
riage to lo ) stopped until the playthings
could be rescued from peril. It was a gracr-
ful act and should not bo considered merely
as an evidence that the president lias a
marble heart.
Projected I.liio from Viuirmivrr to
. \imlrnllji.
XPW Yoih Times.
Dispatches from London Indicate that the
report of the Pacific Cable commission will
favor the laying cf a cable which will bring
all Greater Ilrllain Into Immediate communi
cation with the mctrcpolti of the empire.
South Africa and India arc- already provided
for In this respect. Australia and New
Zealand remain to be Included by the line
It Is proposed to lay from Vancouver to
Australia , touching none but Ltiltlsh pos-
se:3loiu > . Undoubtedly , however , an ox-
.cnslon will b > > madn from the moU con
venient point on the main line to the
Hawaiian Islards. That will dlspope of our
Hawaiian cable scheme , which has for so
long remained In a iitato of suspended aal-
iratlcn fu the senate. Of course , that was
a political rather than n commercial scheme.
C > rus W. Field looked Into the matter very
carefully and concluded that It could not
be made to pay. It does not follow that a
branch line to a cable across the Pacific
would not pay , though It I ? not to bo ex
pected that the main line will pay for a long
tlmo to come. Jleanwlillo It will require
generous subsidies.
The Trifling Objection Urxi-tl
the Proposition.
Clilcnso Hi'cord.
The chief objection raised by these who
question the wUdom of establishing postal
savings banks In the United States Is that
this country 1m H not a national debt sulll-
clently large 61- letting ( a permit the perma
nent Investment in government securities of
all the fuiidsj > b. | : | ned through thcao agen
cies. No dojM.hls / ' . la In part thu reason
why congrcfis.'hasnot , ( already put the ays-
tom , In opsraf { ( > n. It must bo freely ad
mitted , too , thalr * government securities fur
nish the berii 'Investment for savliico ac
cumulated through , the postofllce depositories.
.V.tnitrlcvj with large national debts , like
Great Hrltaln and France , can moro con-
vcr.'lcntlly cstabl ! < ] h postal savings banks' ,
h-.ireforo , thiin ii' ' country like the United
States , which 'lias 'a comparatively small na
tional debt that' 'Is' ' not permanent.
Hut It Is er.tlrely feasible for the United
Slated to Invrct such funds In a nafa nnd
practical inannlr.1 and the comparatively
email Inconvenience. Involved In dcvl ng
some , othur torm-jaf , Investment than govern
ment secuiltle fjUp.ulil not stand In the way
? r HID establishment of a system that would
irovo of suclfjiryat benefit and convenience
to the people.
In Italy It Is found entirely feasible to In
vest the savings bank funds In oilier ways
: lmn In gorornrrlont bonds. Much of It It ,
oaned to provinces and communcn. The
stata of the American union are generally
TCO from heavy Indebtedness , but all tlic
great municipalities nro In debt , and their
used for costly Improvements la such that
lives t of them will continue to be In debt
'or years to como. Municipal bonds are con
sidered by private Investors
gilt-edged se-
curll'li-s , and It should bo pmslblo to frame
a law providing for thu safe Invcxtmcnt of
postal savings funds in this manner.
Kx-Postmftdter General Wanamakur's rec-
) mmomlatlon Is an easy solution of the prob-
em. Ho would have the funds loaned to
national banks In tlio utatea In which the ;
originate. Uy declaring these loans tnmt
funds and mailing them preferred claim *
agalnit the banks , na Mr. AVanamnker vug-
gestod , there could bo practically no danger
of tlio eovorumeut uuffcrhii , ' IOJK thereby.
Tribune ! An long na the culti
vation of the sugar beet \a \ confined to the
newspaper It won't amount to much. Our
farmers should Join In the good woVk of
booming the beets. They can make this
state the rlchrat In the union It they BOO
nt to do so. Kvcrythtng depends on the
farmcm In Nebraska.
Hebron Itcpubllcan : If moro men planted
sugar beets It Is reasonable to suppose that
moro sugar beets wouM bo raised. It there
were moro acres of sugar beets planli-d less
acres would be planted to corn , less corn
would bo raised. If lem corn w ta raised
what was raised would command a higher
price. So you see sugar beet culture means
not only profit from the beeta. but profit from
the Increcsed value of other products. Can't
you BCO the point ?
Holdrege Citizen : Other states are catchIng -
Ing the beet sugar crnzo and are preparing
In trnt tlii > lr finll In urn If tliov mil rnlsc
sugar beets succeasfully. If they can we
may rest assured they will offer Induce
ments to get factories located In their
in hints. Nebraska hr.s gone through the
experimenting stage nnd found out that
nho can raise them successfully , nnd that
If the matter Is pushed It can bo made n
great Industry In this etnto. The question
Is ehall wo keep on and have numerous
factories erected In this state or shall we
quit and have some other state secure the
lead In 'this great Industry.
Grand Island Independent : Irss than five
years hence any politician known to be op
posed to the development of the sugar beet
Industry will have no vlandlng In Nebronka.
The farmer who knows anything at nil re
garding the culture of sugar beets realizes
that It Is a diversified crop Hint brlngd big
returns. The farmer who does not engage
In beet raising knows that farmers thus nt
work do not come Into competition with him
In raising corn , oats nnd other crops , and
he Is therefore favorable to the Industry.
The laborer , merchant nnd business man be
gin to realize nlo that vast sums nf money
distributed through the factories bring In
creased business nnd therefore the sugar be"t
Industry has como to stay and the politicians
want to cut their cloth accordingly ,
Schuyler Sun : Some decided action should
bo taken by the legislature In regard to the
beet sugar Industry of this state. Let some-
kind of a bounty law be- enacted by which the
farmer may be benefited. If thta l done nut
only will the farmer receive direct benefit
but the manufacturer will bo assured that
the Industry Is protected , settled , nnd an
established and recognize Institution which
has passed the experimental utage. When it
la once settled that tills Industry will re
ceive Its proper nnd due support from the
state there will be no trouble In flccurlng
IhOEO who are enterprising enough to Invest
capital In the enterprise. Hut let the subject
hang fire until some other state takes the
matter In hand , offers Inducements nnd lends
encouragement and we will lo c- the oppor
tunity of ilnvnlnnlni ? nno nf ll-m rrrrtnfrvat In
stitutions In the world. Wo In Nebraska can
Just as well ns not lead , not only the United
StntcH , but the world , In the production of
How u Shrewd Kiirini'r linl.seil tin-
Vnlinof HlM'Crop.
DCS MnlnOH deader.
J. J. Chandler of Shunandoah , la. , writes
the Sunllncl of that place as follows :
"As there seems to bo some < loubt In the
minds of some of your renders as to the cor
rectness of my estimate of prices realized
from corn fed to 101 cattle at Solomon , and
ns that estimate was made from memory , I
have since taken the trouble to make n state
ment from bills of cost and sale of cattlu ,
which I hand you nnd which Is as follows :
September 1 , 1SCG , 101 cattle cost In
Omaha $3rG7 fiO
Cost of driving same home > a ss
Interest on money 7 711
Total W.7IS 92
December 22 , 1SS3 , 101 cattle net In
Clilcngo JQ.U7 57
Ilnlnnco $2,29S K >
Amount of corn foil 4,000 busicl-j
Net per bushel 53 i cents
"In the ahavo statement I make no account
of hog feed for 100 hogs following the cattle. "
Mr. Clmndlcr's statement Is n perfect Illus-
tnitlon of the possibilities of realizing on
In n .18 * surplus grain at thla time. It shows
precisely the possibilities of bringing stock
from other states , not as rich In grain , but
richer In stock than Iowa. Mr. Chandler
has doao Just what Henry Wallace recom
mends the Iowa farmer tn do , and jiwt what
he wants the railroads to help In doing.
Mr. Wallace proposes that the roads grant
fcedlng-ln-trantlt rates to promote bringing
lock cattle Into Iowa. Under .inch an
arrangement cattle could be bought In
western stales and billed to the Chicago
market at regular through rates. Arrived
nt the dclrcd point In Iowa , they could be
fctoppsd , fattened on Iowa's cheap corn , nnd
when finished , sent on under the original
billing , getting the benefit of the through
rate from tlio original point of shipment.
A through rate Is much ICPS than the sum
of two local. % Millions on millions of bush
els of corn are In Iowa ready for feeding ,
If only the .Hock can be had. The money is
iieio 10 neip me process ; me uanKS nave
It , and Mr. Wallace , who hns Investigated
the in-atter , says they would use it In the
furtherance of such legitimate speculations.
Tin ease of Mr. Chandler Is an exception
In that he lives EO near to n western stock
cnttlo market that he could drive liU stock
lidnie. A farmer at n greater distance
from Omaha could not d so , nnd the mil-
road rates would nt once 'become ' a rerlous
consideration. It Is for such that
rcedlng-ln-trnnsit rateo nre wanted. The
freight agents of DPS Molncs have dcclde.1
to recommend their roads to grant the
[ irlvllcgci. One or them declares that
eslrlctlons easily bo deviled to prevent
fraudulent use of the privilege. It woulJ
seem that the cons-ent of the railroad man
agers Is the only thing needed to put the
plan Into execution.
To turn Iowa's Immense surplusage of
grain Into money at rcatonablo prices will
solve the present business problem , no far
as this state Is concerned. The rallroado
should be able to see It. A practical step
would be for representatives of Inwa busl-
icas organizational to go to the railroad hcad-
Itiartcni and lay the matter before the man
agers. Would it not bo within the province
of the Commercial exchange to take hn-
ncdlate steps to secure the co-operation of
other like organizations in Iowa , In rending
n strong Joint committee to Chicago to
confer with the railroad men ?
run PAIITY o.v TH i AL.
Some IteiiiiirlCH on tlie PopnllNt Ail-
iiilnlNtrnllon In .VfliriiHkn.
Knni-ns City Star ( Ind. dem. )
The populUta are now in absolute control
of Nebraska and will have an opportunity
o demonstrate their capacity for government ,
t haa become the custom to regard popu-
Ists aa wild-eyed fanatics , mid the ncta of
certain leading Rplrlt.i In that organization
tavo , In a measure. Justified this cutlmntc.
Jut it may bo said that In Nebraska thu
wrty Is In Ita best form , and co r onalbll-
ly makes conservatism , It la not Improbable
hat the officials of Nebraska will be able to
irovo that the republican party label Is not
iltogother the badge of respectability or the
! gn of capability. Governor Holcomb haa
low entered upon Ills second term us i x-
cutlve and ban Justified the warmest
ncomlums an to his Integrity and patriotism ,
unil the now legislature , according to 1m-
urtlal icporu , ! composed of men of
torllng honeaty. That being the cazo , then-
.1 no rea&on to expect disaster in con-
otiucnco of populist control. On the con-
rary , there are substantial reasons to hope
hat the present administration In Nebraska
vlll demonstrate that populists , guided by
oiimTUt'am. are quite ns capable of govern-
ng as memborxi of any other party. Tlit-
populists will understand , of course , that
hey can't hurt Nebraska without Injuring
The December report of the Lyons cream
ery liliows the receipt ot 220,020 pounds of
milk which produced S.80tpounds ot butler
fat : gross receipts , $1,818.30. Hutter netted
17U cents. This pnyit better tbnn corn or
Huffman & Kolllns of Antelope county ex
pect to put In 300 acres of ntfulfn next
gprlng , making BOO acres altogether. Nearly
every farmer there who has experimented
with this forage plnnt expect ? to luerrano his
ncrengo the coming aensou.
Twenty-four ncres of beets raised by K. I * .
Ohnstedt & C'o. of Wnyno gnvo n profit of
* 103.S7 nftcr pnylng $23i.23 : freight on the
beets to the Norfolk factory. If the bounty
of 11 n ton Is iccclvod the profits will be
over $700. The labor In raisins the beets
amounted to $ r > U2.C5.
As n sample of what rim lie done under
Irrigation In Nebraska cornea Careton Tniel-
sen nt Iiotip City. lip has gathered from
alxty acres of Irrigated laud , nnd didn't get
the water on It until August 10 , 5,000 tumhcla
nt nnrt , Onin nf tlt/i tl'int lifjidltpflil 1HO
bushels to tluacre. . Ho think * lie will gel
nil averngo of 100 bushels next year.
A. II. lllgolow of Hartlctt planted threo-
eighths of nn ncro of ground to peanuts lait
spring. He harvested this fall from this
piece of ground forty-one bushels of No. I
nuts. The sandy trail In this locality l Just
right for this crop. These nuts are worth
$1.60 per biiHhel. At that rate the crop
would bring $173.50 per nt-rc. Mr. Hlgelow
says the crop Is no moro trouble to raise
than potatoes. Why not mop raising so
much corn nnd try n few arrca of peanuts ?
According to the Nollfih Leader , there Is n
big profit in keeping cows onch year to the
farmers of that section , and especially Is
this true where Intelligent feeding and care
of the nnlmals Is given attention. In speak
ing of this subject. George Couplnnd of Cedar
valley stntes that ho has kept an oxnc
account of the Income from his cows the
year , nnd Is surprised at the remarkable
showing. During the year he has had ai
nverage of lx nnd one-half cows giving
milk , from which ho has received returns o
$250. or nn average of over from oacl
cow. The animals have been well cared for
and the winter months have proved the
mc t profitable of the year , owing largely to
the fact that they have been fed om alfalfa
which expedience lies demonstrated In
superior to any other feed.
During the year 1S95 the Albion creamer }
received 1,021,597 pnundH of milk , paying to
the patrons , after nil expenses were paid , the
sum of $10,015.53 , or an average of nearly
02 cents per 100 pounds of milk for the year
During 1S3G there wns received 2.797.01
pounds of milk , paying to patrons nflur nl
expenses were paid $1-1,701.41 , or nn average
of nearly 53 cents per 100 pounds of mill
for the year n gain of 70 per cent of mill
over the year ISO.'i. but a lots of 17 per i-i-nt
In price rrrelvcd per 100 pounds of milk
the cause of the loss being the lower price
of butter , as nil know butter fnHmvnil tlic
depression of everything else and droppei
to the lowest price over known for this class
of butter It cents In Now York.
The Fremont Lender says that cducatlni
scorns to bo desired by nil men In nil trades
and all professions. The day of men who
stumbled along In any profession or trade
without an education is nt nn end. Things
nro nil being performed on nn educatlonn
scale ns never bofoio. Farmers undcratntu
this as well as any class of men , and reallz
lag It tlio farmers'
Institutes are belli ; ,
established In almost every county In the.
stato. Over sixty will be held this year , nni
before another year rolls around uvorj
ouiinty will hold an Institute. Dodge county
and the neighboring counties have hern
among the leaders of Institute work and the }
present a fine program every year , and no
enterprising farmer should miss a session
of the institute. No trade or profession re
quires more careful study than the farmer
Bvcry day nomethlng new evolves on OIL
farm , and If the farmer docs not keep up
with the progressive march he is auro to be
come a back number. The next Institute will
bo held February 10 to 12 , Inclusive.
The Duke of Richmond receives the largest
pension in the world. It Is ? 93,000 a year ,
and Is n perpetuity from the time of
Charles II.
A Kansas man hns discovered that brandy
can be made out of wet rawdust. From this
It may bo Inferred that the men who "any
nothing -but paw wood" are. simply ncqulrlng
n Jag.
Hurglars are the grc t terror of Mmc.
Pattt's life at Cralg-y-Nos castle , and she
has had nil the window shutters fitted with
electric bells , which start ringing at the
slightest touch.
The mutual admiration nnd harmony that
exist between the governor of Michigan
and the innyor of Detroit are delightfully
cdifyl.ig. "Love's youngdream" lan't a
marker to It. And nil because both ofilces
are held by the same ofilclnl Hon. Mr.
The British bishop of Hath and Wells
was surprised , after putting up nt n hotel
In the Pyrenees to receive a number of
plumbers' business cards. It developed that
his name had been Inserted In the visitors'
book as " .Mr. Bishop , England. Profession.
baths and wells. "
Ono of the first acts of Governor Dlack
of Now York was to establish a permanent
board'to regulate the uniforms of the state
military ofiiccrs , but he reserves .the right
to veto what the board may decide on. It
Is undcistood that this Is a hit at the pro
fusion of gold lace and fcathera.
Prior to the caucus choice of United
States secator In Pennsylvania , one faction
sent 300,000 circulars to the republicans of
the state requesting them to forward tin-
enclosed pcstal card to their repre-scnta-
tivM In the legislature. This bit of po
litical work ccst $10,000 In pcstage alone.
A Chlcrgo poltccmnn who caught n would-
be suicide wading toward deep water In
the lake drew his revolver anil ordered
Jilm to come ashore. The wretch hurried
in nnd begged for mercy. He said death
had no terrors fo- him , but he really was
afraid nf n Chicago policeman with a re
Matlldo Helutzo. who , nftcr polfonlng her
husband with nrsenlc at Earnawko , Prussian
Poland fled to the- United States , whence
her extradition was obtained , lias Just been
executed at LIFSES , the decapitation , as
urual , being effected by mi-ana of a big
two-handed swcrd wielded by the executioner
Phil May smokcri enormous cigars. Ho la
ono of the least conventional of nrtlrts who
affect bohemlanUm. He has been teen In
the Strand with a frock coat , yellow boots
and n straw hat. Ho often receipts an ac
count by rapidly drawing his own charac
teristic fnco ncroi',3 that of her gracious
majesty , with the Inevitable cigar between
his teeth.
"To have been n shoemaker In his youth , "
saya the Now York World , "and to have
rtacn at 37 , eelf-educatcd. to the position
of Judge of the federal court for the dis
trict of Nebraska , Is the very remarkable
achievement of William I ) . McIIugh of
Omaha. IV ; La a native of Illinois , where
he was admitted to the bar , and where he
practiced law. Ilia friendship with Secre
tary Morton was not the least of the causes
of his success In life. "
A contest at typesetting with the linotype
machines to Ecttle the championship of tliK
world will tn'te ' place In Buffalo , N. Y. .
January 21. The ccntcftants 'Will be Barney
J. Mousing of the St. Louis Prot-Dlupatch
and George W. Grion of the Buffalo Hvcnlng
News. The typo to bo set Is No. 2 nonpareil ,
slug to measure 13'/4 ims pica , or 27 cms
nonpareil , the epccd of the machines to be
ninety-five revolutions per minute. Green Is
the champion operator of the world. He
won thu championship nt Chicago In Novem
ber , 1S ! > 5. On that occasion he ect 78,900 cms
to Taylor'o 70,000. Seven hours wa.i the
tlmo. In March , 1890 , Mousing contested
agalntt Francis , another crack St. Louln
or jrator. nnd at that time beat Green's
record by about COO urns an hour.
Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Hour AM > imimrp.
noMon Trnvolor : rrlacllln-My rtcnr.
your dress Is so short that I m nfrnlit
they cnn CP your nnklen.
Prunolhx-Atid It's no long Hint I'm half
nfrnia they cnn'l.
Chlc-ngn Record : 7"lB'lV ' ncVfi , J.'n 2
Mwenr off : ho anya lib niothtr-ln-luw In nil
good ns momborrthlp In a lompornnco no-
clotv , " i ( y _
"She k'lssea him every time ho comes '
Into the house. "
Detroit Frc-o PresM : "no yon think.
IMrvemi , Hint your non Is nnjulrlnR u
good education at COHOKOV
"Ho must tm gottln' the best , tie ilrnwa
on mo about every other day to ninko pny-
mcnttt on It. "
Chlongo Tribune : " "Tlio Impudent thing ! "
exclaimed Mln * ( llliisnnl , mill tiulvorhin
with wrath. "I mot Hint young Peduncle
on the street n few minute * nfio for tlio
llr.Ml time slnro we had our ii'.mrrel. After
ho had pnsscd mo 1 hoard him whistle , _ J
Just Toll Them Tlmt You Saw Mo.1 And \
I hadn't even looked nt him ! "
Now York Advertiser : JlilKH-Tlioro Is n
man who bus a number of movements on
foot for nuikliiK moiipy.
Itlnks-Who Is ho ?
JlnkHdon't know hla name , but IIP'B n
dancing teacher.
Detroit Journal : "Wns ho pretty full ? "
"Standing room only. "
"Kh ? "
' ' ' Knld. If ho fuller
'That's whnt I . wna any
he couldn't stand. "
Indianapolis Journal : "I hnvo oallod to
npply for the position of bill collr-otor. "
said the slinrp-nosed man who stood In tlio
doorway , "I understood you xvnntod un < % "
"Tlmt Is exactly what wo want , " said the
business man. "The lust man we hud
soomoil to bo only n bill presenter. "
Indianapolis Journal : "I , " ho shouted
Impnsslonodly from the rostrum , "I shall
bogln at euro In the noble work of crush
ing tyrants ! "
Then , after the Rtorm of applause had
ceased , ho wont home nnd tried to mash
the hlrod girl.
Cincinnati Tribune : "Jawklns Is nn ex
port In somn things. Ho stood across the
room tlio o I'll or night and blow n pl-ino
lamp out with ono breath. "
"Too bad. I thought lie had taken , the
gold euro long ngo.1'
Detroit Journal : First Savngo T sus
pected till along that thin profession of
conversion was not slnooro.
Si-rond Savage Ah , to bo sure ! When a
person doosn't wear n stitch of Hollies all
tlio year except Just before Christmas , timl
Ihon nothing but golf stockings , why , who
could help but suspect him ?
Cincinnati Knqulror : Mrs. Drlnkliorn-l
did have pome hopes that you 'would swear
off on the first.
Mr. Drlnkhorn Apnosh. I may have my
faults , all rl' . but ain't no man c'n ao.-use
mo ot ever being a quitter.
Washington Star : "General. " said the
olllccr. "tlio report that you hnvo mud *
tin end of your opponent by violating y mr
truro and poisoning him la bring denied "
"Denied ! Do fioy refuse to accept f'l.-'s
for whlrh I am willing to vouch ? Who
dares put this affront on my honor ? "
Detroit Kroc Pre.t.n.
"That goes without saying , " says younj
Mr. Vatichn.
( The roosters already were crowlnir. )
"What bothers mo mostly , " mid Knto ,
with a yawn ,
"Is something that says without going. "
Washington Stnr.
Say. fi'llers-can't ye foci It ? She's a-bllln'
now fur steam ;
Yo klii toll It by her murmurln' an' the
tromlilo of the beam.
The engines Is all ready an' she'll never go
Wcth n bran' new crew an' cap'n fur to
got 'or under way.
The future Is before us an' beyond the
misty blue.
ThenIs fortune for the many ; disappoint
ment fur the Tow.
Wo Hi every voice n-clieerln' we'll sot out to
conquer fate
When WUI'm pulls the throttle valve an'
starts llit' ship o' stato.
Wo'vrpin right clus to breakers , an' she'd
sort o' pitch nn * roll
Till she made us fear that mebbo she wns
Kottln' past control ,
Dut , without a-blamln' no one , nor a-tukln'
no one's part.
We're kind o' slad she's rostln' fur to got n.
better start.
Hero's to the preparation for the comln'
festive day
When the Hags are all a-wavln' an' the
liiinds begin to play !
An' every man will lull * a linn' to keep 'cr
true an' straight
When Wlll'ni pulls the throttle valve nn'
starts the ship o' state.
No Amount
S. W. Cor. 15th and