Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTT3 OMAHA DAIIiY 11313 : TURsDVK .TANl'AHY 12 , 185)7. )
Clark & Wotzel , I. 0. 0. ! ' . blk , , nrt par
Ilcprcscr.tnttvo George T. 1'utnam of Cnr-
non W B In the city yostirday.
Don't buy dress good/i until you have nctn
tlio wonderful bargains at the Iloston store.
Mitts Maude Concilia rcturnr > d yesterday
from a six weeks' visit with relative * In Lin
Mr. and MM. John Moian- have rclnrneel
from a two weeks' trip to Haltluoro ami
the last.
Save 25 per ri-nt on winter merchandise
by ntl'ndlnc tlu > Ilcxaton store ck-arlng sole
Oertriido Thornton , living at C53 Willow
avenue , was reported to he sick with scarlm
lash yer.te.-day.
MM , Joel I ) . will appear In Hit
character nkotch "Now Yoik" nt the Iloyal
Arcanum hull Thursday evening.
Uoberl W. llethcfd and Llllle M. Acker
man bath of Council Illuff . wwo m.irrled
nt Marlon Parker's residence , L' 05 Sixth
avtnnr , ycite-i-day , Kuv. C. W. llrewcr , of-
M SI. Orr of Clarlnda tins risked police
help In finding a runaway hey , Albert .ion-
I HH , aged 1C. Ho left hta homo Bcimu time
nyo. and ' .van last heard of at Hertford , on
January S.
The Kletl : Jubilee alnsora will be the at
traction at the new Odd Fellows' hall to
night. Thla will be the oprmlng concert at
the elegant auditorium and IB given under
the at-Eplcf-s of the Young Men's Christian
DFRoclatlon ,
The Kunlre Gosdrlch company will bo at
Iho Dohany theater January IS and Ifi. Mis.-
Qoodrluh has am enviable ) reputation no c.
dancer and clever soubrctte und comes w k' !
heralded by thn prcre of all cities where
eho has appr-nrod.
E. " C. 1'arions entertained the Ganymede
Whrel club with a cmokcr last night , lit-
had ntolrn a march on the uoya by getting
married lest July and not telling them
about It until the oilier day , nml ho In this
way ( squared himself.
As ho tay unconscious hl friends could
ocarccly dls-arn the difference In Die white
ness of the freshly fallen snow nnd his Im
maculate shirt bosom , recently laundered at
the Englo , 721 Hronehvay.
The Newell brothers scored another hit
last evening at the Dohany theater In The
Corsican Ilrothcrs. ' The play Is , specially
adapted to them and the enthusiasm with
which their work was received left no doubt
as to their being prime favorites In Council
The St. Andrews' society held a meeting
last evening for the election of officers. Dr.
J C. Robertson wan chnfcn president ; J. U.
Hell , vlro president ; Dr. 0. W. Gordon , chap
lain ; 15. N. Waller , scci clary , nnd G. W.
Hewitt , treasurer. The board of managers
consists of W. S. McMlckcn , Henry Stevenson -
son and J. R. McPhcrson.
Goldlc Stnley , n good looking young girl ,
who said she has lived nil her life In Lin
coln but wan now making h r homo In
Omaha , was arrested last night on the charge
of vagrancy. She was picked up on the
Htrcets , In company with Tom Fields , the one-
armed peanut man. The woman claimed to
bo living with Fluids during the absence of
hla wife , for the purpose of taking care or
his two boys , the well known young coons.
"Ginger" nnd "Ginger , jr. "
C. B. Vlavt Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation free ) Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Merrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Hoard of SniM'rvlNitrN Mrotn.
The board of supervlEoiH was In session
yesterday and disposed of a number of rou-
tlno matters. The question of regulating
the work of the township assessor * ) was ells-
erusbcd , as the assessors are expected to bo
hero this morning. During the past the
compensation voted them has caused some
ellssatli'factlon , 'and the board expects to
fix fomc established limit.
A request was received from the Dodge
Light guard/ ] , asking that they bo permitted
to occupy their present eiuarters for another
month , which was granted. A vote of thanks
was also received from the soldiers for the
board's klndnrfis In allowing them to stay
In the library room during the paH year.
Auditor Matthews was directed to have an
Inspection of the boilers of the court IIOUPC
made at least once a year.
Daniel Cnnard was appointed special dep
uty sheriff at Avoca , without ccat to the
W. P. Chester was appointed deputy county
clerk at Avoca , without cost to the county.
Ho Is to take charge of the office when
L. n. Robinson , the regular deputy , Is away
from the city.
W F. Ilaker reported that a new bridge
had been built over the Garner creek since
the September meeting. It consisted of two
twcnty-four-foot spans , and two ten-foot
approaches. Repairs had been made on the
Rceso bridge , near Lake Manawa , and on the
Monlson brldgo over lloycr river In Cres
cent township.
Iloston store annual clearing sale begins
Thursday , Jan. 1-1. All winter goods to be
Bold regardless of cost or value. Watch this
paper for special announcements.
The Durfeo Furniture company has re
moved to 203 and 20.1 Broadway.
DlHlrTrT Court XotM. .
The grand jury In the district court
lianJcd In a partial report yesterday , Indict
ing Frank Shaffer , the livery man , for so-
ductlon. The prcsecutlng witness Is Lizzie
Herbert. An adjournment was taken by the
grand Jury until January 27. Another In
dictment was brought In yesterday , but as
the accused was not under arrest It was tuip-
Jennie F. Ilabcock was given a judgment
against T. E , Casady and A. W , Casady on
a note.
In the case of Mrs. J. T. Anderson against
Mrs. L. M. Aylcsworth the motion for a cost
bond was overruled.
Margaret Harris wan granted a decree of
divorce ngalcnt her husband , George Harris.
The defendant has been convicted of a fel
ony and Is now serving sentence In the peni
tentiary at Fort Madison.
Lena Dyhr was granted , a divorce from her
husbind , Peter Dyhr , on the grounds of do-
portion. und cruulty. She was given the cus
tody of their minor child.
The foreclosure COHO of the Masonic Mu
tual Savings and Loan association against
Surah A. Urailahaw was argued and sub
mitted yeaterday to Judge Thornell.
TTVO .Mure { 'iiHinly AUacliiiiciilM.
Two more attachments were plastered on
the Casady property yesterday by creditors
of J. N. Casady , the missing real estate
ngent. John Ileno sues for $255.24 , duo him
nnd for $129.25. duo T. J. Oliver , which claim
has been aralgncd to him.
Peterson & Schocnlng attached on a
claim of $1SC.25 duo for hardware and other
merchandltx ) furnished during the past year ,
As yet nothing has been heard from Mr.
Caaady , and his relathea state that they
do not know where ho Is. They ore con
siderably worried over his absence.
IJy Bcndiuij forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. Ilolton & Co. , DCS Molncs , In. , you will
get six silver teaspoons free.
Pine livery for parties and dances. Ogden
Livery , 1C8 Broadway. Telephone 83.
. ,
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday :
Niimo und Address. ARC.
Robert w. Huilier * . Council IJIufft . 21
l.llllu M. Aokurnmn , Council Bluffs . IS
Jens. ) L. Jniiiew. Council HlufTH . 11) )
K. F. Martin. Council Hlufr.1 . n
Hi-ill IXatc TnuiMtVrx.
The following real estate transfers were
reported yesterday at the ollleo of J. W.
Henry II , TtiomiiH et nl to S.uiiantlm
L. Kamea. mvli nwli 2M5H2. < i. p. cl.JJOO W
C. T. Olllcer nml wife to Clay & For-
rent , lot 1 , blk. 4 , Potter & Cobb'tt
add , , < ; . c , el . 21 16
Julia Stuck to Mary A. Stack. Int 2 ,
b'k. ' f > 9 , Htddlo'u HUtid. , w , el . 4 ) 00
Mary 12 , KdKPrton to Thomax C , Ken
nedy , lot 22 , blk. \VlllluiiiH' 1st
add. , w , a . , . 1 (0
Four transfers , agffrcgutlnil 72 10
irl/fPf\n Itin IMMTTIO IIIM'PT
Jcnn Villumnnn Trios to Secure a Warrant
for D. S , Ksrr.
1'i-le-aiiM of Hit * Old .Man .Ma > - Apply to
I In ? Court for a ( iiiarillati
WIIH Oiiiea Wealthy
Jean Vlllernann , n man \\lio has given hlm-
r.clf and others considerable prominence
within the last year , wag endeavoring yes
terday to have a warrant Issued for the
oricst of D. 9. Kerr , a well known real
i-Mato agent , charging him with unlawfully
withholding mum'y which was the proceeds
of nalos of property belonging to Vlllemann
ati-l t-old by the re.i ! estate man. The Infor-
jr.r.llon was filed In oue justice's court , but
be-fore thu warrant was Issued the justice
wan nilvlfcd not to IKSUC It. In Justice
Cook's offlro Vlilcmann huti an altercation
with ono of the business men who Inter
fered to prevent a complaint against Kcrr
being entertained. Kcrr , upon the advice
of Vlllemann' friends , has been holding the
old man's money In trust , \slth the under
standing ho should pay It out only ns
lih nced required. Vlllemann's needs
grow very urgent during the last tew days ,
nnd lie was constantly Importuning his
agent for money. On Saturday he him
S25 , and within an hour or two It was nil
; ; one. During the day he also purchased a
ult of elutliM for him. and the old man
grew very Indignant that he was required to
put them on and leave his old ones as n
guaranty thnt ho would wear them and not
exchange them for beer. This put the old
man In n mental condition that occasioned
all the trouble yesterday. He told his story
In such an honest , straightforward manner
that several justices were Inclined to believe
him and Issue tlio warrant for the arrest
of his agent. The court will bo appealed to
today for the appointment of a guardian
for Vlllcmnnn.
Vlilcmann Is an Austrian , and during his
many years' residence In this vicinity he
has had an opportunity to touch all the
notes In the gamut of human ups and downs.
At one tlmo ho was worth n good many
thousand dollars , and had valuable ami
well stocked farms , but IcvH everything
through dissipation. Last summer he pro-
cur red the arrest of a young man upon
the charge of having stolen three $20 gold
coins from him , but withdrew the charge
when the young man explained In court
that Vlilcmann had In&lrted upon him taking
the money for safekeeping while ho was
enjoying a happy drunk.
Boston store clearing sale begins Thursday.
All winter goods at a sacrifice.
cKirriKic.vrn IXSTRAD.
. .liMHi.TaiiKH. . Cliarur < > il -l li Ivliluap-
IHK , Will .Marry ( litilrl u - lovc * .
Jesse JamcR was brought up from the
county Jail yesterday afternoon for the pur
pose of having his preliminary examination
upon the charge of having kidnaped and nb-
ductcd Frances Martin , the 17-year-old girl
whose mother had compelled her to return
homo by the aid of a warrant charging her
with Inconlglblllty. Jesse spent a very un-
Inppy Sunday In the county Jail and found
some means of letting his sweetheart know
all about It. She Informed her friends that
she would marry young James upon the
very first opportunity and would prevent
them sending him to Jail or the peniten
tiary upon the charge of kidnaping by going
on the witness stand and swearing that she
was not forcibly taken from Miss Murphy.
her temporary guardian , but went freely
with him and climbed upon his load of hay
with only the assistance of a slight gallant
boost from her lover. Thtre were several
conferences between the old people during
the day , which resulted In an amiable agree
ment that the young pcoplo should bo per
mitted to get married In peace. Instead of
being called upon to sign a mittimus con
fining the young man In the county jail
until the grand Jury Investigated the kid
naping charge Justice Vlcn affixed his name
to n marriage certificate after ho had per
formed the ceremony.
Our stock of ladles' capes and jacketa to
be closed out regardless of cost or value.
Implement MIMI'H Convention.
The local Implement men are making cx-
tcni'lve ' preparations for the entertainment of
the delegates to the sixth annual conven
tion of the Iowa and Nebraska Retail Im
plement Dealers' association , which meets
In Council Bluffs tomorrow , continuing
Thursday and Friday. About 150 visitors
are expected , and they will be well cared
for und entertained. An excellent program
has been prepared. Special rates have been
secured on all the railroads nnd headquarters
will be established at the Grand hotel , where
the Fcst'lons ' of the convention will be held.
The program follows :
Wednesday , 2 p. in. Assembly ; Address of
welcome , M. F. Rohrcr. Council Bluffs ,
president Merchants' and Manufacturers' ns-
roclatlon ; response , II. P , Shumway. Wake-
field , Nob. ; appointment of regular commit
tees ; annual addre&i. President T. H. Whit-
taker. Lorton. Neb. ; annual report , Secre
tary J , A. McLiughlln , Craig , Neb.
Thursday , 10 a. m. Executive session ,
dealers only.
Thursday , 2 p. m. Address , "Commercial
Law. " E. M. Bartlctt , Omaha , president
Commercial Law league of America ; ad
dress , "Practical Application of Credit Prin
ciples , " W. H. Preston of Knapp & Spaul-
dlng company , Sioux City , president Na
tional Association o ! Credit Men ; paper
"Organization , " Frol M. Loomls , Council
Bluffs , secretary Merchants' and Manufac
turers' association ; oddrnis , "Credit , " Hon.
Lucius Wells , Council Bluffs , manager Deere ,
Wells & Co. ; paper. "Mutual Relations of
Jobber and Dealer , " E. H. Merrlam , Council
Bluffs , secretary David Bradley & Co. ; ad
dress , "Tho Traveling Man. " F. A. Blxby ,
Council Bluffs , manager Sterling Manufac
turing company.
Thursday evening Reception.
Friday , 10 n , m. Addrcf.i , "Insurance , "
Secretary J. A. McLaughlln ; general dis
cussion of wa > s and means ; reports of com
mittees , etc.
2 p. m. Election of officers.
Hoffmayr'a fancy patent ( lour makes the
iCBt nnd mopt bread. Ask your grocer for It.
Ci-li-lirato Tln-lr Silver WrililhiK.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Teller celebrated
tholr silver wedding last Saturday. They re
ceived many beautiful prestnts and In the
evening were pleasantly surprised by a party
of old friends and neighbors. The tlmo was
spent In games r < nd sevtral mualcal selec
tions by the MUtJca Neumayer anil McGann
added 19 the entertainment of the company.
Refreshments uera served. Those present
were : Mr. and M' . Wack , Mr. und Mm.
Wcls , Mr , and Mrs. Ncumaycr. Mr. and Mrs.
Shott , Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Webbor. Mr. and
Mm. Schultz , Mr. and Mrs. Klerrmnnn , Mr.
and Mrs. Howard , Mr , and Mrs , GcnUs , Mr.
and Mrs , Rahllng , Mr. arid Mm. Ilcttel-
moyt-r , Mr. and Mrs , John B , Webber , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Baumclater , Mr. and Mrs. Wardlan ,
Mr. and Mrs. Emlg , Mr. and Mrs. Adolph ,
Sir. end Mrs. Lower , Mr. and Mm. Lelk , Mr.
und Mrs. Rlss. Mr. and Mis. Luuhley. Mr.
nnd Mrs , Bruggcmnn , Mr. and Mm. North
over , Mr , and Mrs. Swaix > Jnr : , Mr. and Mra.
Ryan and Mr , and Mrs , Xlescb ; Mrs. In-
goldaby , Mm. Macklaud and Mrs. Sprink ;
Mlts Kramm , Mlm Wnrdla-ti , MUs Neumayer ,
MUs Tony Neumnver , Miss McGann , Miis !
Clara McGann , nnd Mecarv. Rohllng , Henry
Rohllng , John Schott , Gcrncr.
We have hud placed III our hands for eale
Home great bargalnu In cottnx , farms ami
aero properly ; nleo tome choice h.vtiu'fiB
property ; IIrut mortgage * bought und told.
Day & IIcco.
John Itlli-y .May lie IlroiiKlit ( u Slain
Trial nil Serlou * CliarKi-n.
There are good prospretn that ex-Dcput ;
Sheriff Nick O'Urlcn will soon have tin
satisfaction of acclns John Rlley , the Grls
weld bank rohbei who made such an offer
to kill him , safely behind prison bars Ir
Iowa , serving a term for his murderous as
Three yearn ago the Grlawold bank am
pcatofricocro robbed. Dynamite was use *
In wrecking the bank vault , and this , to
gcthcr with the fact that the robbers clennci
up a nice haul In both the bank and tin
po.itofilcc , set the little village wild. Thi
burglars wcro traced In the direction o
Council Bluffs , nnd at 10 o'clock the : iux
day the local officers were notified to looV
out for them. Only vague dcscrlptloi-.n coult
ba given , but these enabled Nick O'Brien rm
Deputy Sheriff Hooker to rccognl/c then
when they ran across them In the Klc
hotel. There were four of them , Wlinon
Butler , Rllcy and another man , who man
aged to get away. Butler. Hlley and Wllaoi
were- Invited to otep over to the- court housi
and have n conference with lho herlff. llrj
wcro gentlemanly fellows In Ihelrdcportinen
and compiled , without protest , nnd the neccs
slty for searching them for weapons did no
occur to the officers until It wcs too late
When the men. arrived In front of the step :
on the south side of the court house Rile ]
stepped behind ono of the largo shnde treei
and remarked that be wa < < not going an ;
further. At the same time he nent a U (
revolver bullet at O'Brien's head. Wllwi
was also behind a tree using his gun t (
some purpose. In a second O'Brien nm
Hooker got their artillery Into action am
for a short tlmo there was some rapid shoot
Ing. One of O'Brien's bullets took effect li
Wilson's body and Inflicted n bad wound
and ono of the first shots alme , ] at O'Brlei
by Rlley ( "truck thij ofilccr and made a dan
gcrous wound , which caused his life to be
despaired of for n long time. The men tooV
advantage of the effect produced by theli
shots nnd nmlo n successful break for lib
crty. Hooker followed them , emptying hi !
revolver ns ho ran. By pressing a deliver :
team Into service , he finally overhauled then
on Eighth street and Tenth avenue , and ex
changed the last shots ho had In his gun
With no more cartridges and the two des
perate men at bay in front of him with c
revolver In each hand , he < gracefully backe <
down and disappeared behind the dash <
board of the delivery wagon. The men lefi
the state. Rlley was afterward arrested Ir
Pcnnaylvnnla , and sentenced to the pcnltcn'
tlary for three years for a crime ! committee
there. O'Brien went to Philadelphia aftc ;
his arrest , and had a talk with him. Tli <
Pennsylvania officers refused to give bin
up. His sentence expires next Thursday , am
all arrangements have been perfected te
bring him back here. Sheriff Morgan h
there now , and yesterday County Attorncj
Snundeis left. As a precaution , he took r
warrant , Issued from the federal court
charging Rlley with the pcstoffice burglary.
Wilson and Butler were subsequently ar
rested and convicted for the part they tool ,
in the postolflco robbery , am' are now serv
ing terms In the penitentiaries at Fort Madi
Eon and Anamosa.
Free Sllvcrnare.
By sending forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. Boltrn & Co. , OPB Molnes , In. , you will
get six silver teaspoons free.
Sli'V % Cook Hurt.
Steve Cook , night clerk nt the Grand hotel
waa seriously hurt yesterday morning while
out for a horseback ride. His horse slipped
while going up the hill on Pierce street
just above First street and fell upon him.
Mr. Cook's arm was severely wre-ached. the
tendons at the wrist and elbow being torn
loose. The horse was also badly hurt.
H Alli'Koil MOTHC Tlili-f'M Father ,
CHEROKEE , la. , Jnn. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The grand Jury returned an Indict
ment against Stlllman Whltcomb , father ot
Charles Whltcomb , who Is so badly wanted
jere for horeesteallng , and he was arrested
oday on a warrant charging him with the
: rlmo of receiving and concealing stolen
property. His bond was llxctl at $1,000 ,
which bo quickly furnished. Whltcomb Is
an old resident of the county , nnd Is en
gaged In farming. Ills place was searched
by the sheriff some tlmo ago , and a large
amount of stolen property found secreted In
different places the house , barn and an old
well , from which a wagon load of stuff was
taken. Including bicycles , harness and other
articles , too numerous to mention.
The prisoner , who Is upwards of CO years
of age , says that ho knew nothing about
how the goods came there , or that they were
on the place until they were found by the
To Iinpeaeh the 1'ollee J a line.
DES MOINES , la. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The city council today Instructed
the judiciary committee to prepare Impeach
ment proceedings against Frank W. Phil
lips , police Judge. Expert examination of
hla accounts shows ho has failed to turn
over about $1.800 fees nnd fines collected.
Phillips admitted $977 of this and paid It
over. The proceedings will bo based on this
admission of guilt.
.Married .Man anil Woman mope.
DUBUQUE , la. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Sheriff Fairbanks and Mrs. George
Fertlg , nged 60 nnd 35 , both married , eloped
from Dnbuquo , Satunlay. The woman had
$1,300 drawn from n Charles City hank , and
the husband , a liquor dealer , arrived here
too late to capture the couple nnd the money.
It Is reported the supervisors of Floyd county
Imvo declared Fairbanks' office vacant.
.Strm-lc by a Train ami Killed.
OTTUMWA , In. . Jnn. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) John Griffin , a horoeman of Albla ,
was struck by n Chicago , Burlington A
Qulncy train here while walking along the
track , and Instantly killed.
t Hvi-r Deelnreil In IIlHlory of
the Organization.
BOSTON , Jan. 11. The Calumet & Hecla
Mining company crossed the one-hundredth
mark In the number of dividends declared
today by announcing a $5 regular dividend
and flO extra , the largest dividend over de
clared In the history of the corporation atone
ono time and the first extra as well. Both
dividends are made payable February 10 to
stockholders of January 13 , and together they
call for the eVIsbursment of $1,600,000. mak
ing an aggregate of $43,350,000 that the com
pany bas paid In dividends slnco It wati or
ganized. Today's dividend brings the total
up to $35 , for the fiscal year beginning May
1. 1890. _
Trouhlt-N In ( he lliiNlaeHX Worlil.
NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Koch , Dreyfus &
Co. , wholesale Jewelers , have auapcndcd.
The amount Involved Is uald to bo about
5200,000. The firm came from Now Orleans
In 1SS9 , where Its business was established
forty years curlier by Nathan Koch.
ALMA , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
Over complications arising from the failure
at the First National bank. In this city , the
jardwaio firm of Moore & MuJgctt was o'o-icd
this morning on a. chattel anortgage held by
the Lee-Clarke-Aiulrecsen Hardware com
pany of Omaha , The mortgage calls for
(2.0SI ( , and there are other obligations , aggre
gating $900 more. The stock will more than
pay the claims agalntrt It , but the failure 'a '
a surprise to everybody. Moore & Mudgett
have been In buslncra In Aluia for twelve
years , and wcro coiulilored among the best
n ( buslneci ] men ,
Worrli-il Over HIINIII | > NH TronhleH.
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn. , Jan , 11. George
B. Woodworth , aged 69 yearn , father of F ,
H , Woodworth , hardware merchant , com
mitted bulcldo here thla morning by shoot
ing himself In the head. Temporary Insan
ity brought on by busloeEK troubles was the
I'allN DIMVII the Slein ,
Edward Moore cf C22 North Fifteenth
ctrcct fell down the etcpn at Knights of
Labor hall at Fourteenth and Dodge utrcuia
last night , where a ball had been In
procreea , end received n severe gash on the
bead and other Injuries.
t *
Illinois' Late Governor Offered an Affront
by t'la Legislature1
Slii'tilscr ItcfiiNCN li IloeoKHlr.o Anyoiit
In ( lie Illlmiln' Joint AiCHt-mlil-
.Mnki * u .Motion
Him ( In-
SI'UINHFIEt.n , 111. , Jnn. U. The ln >
auguratlon of Governor today do-
velopci ! a sensation at tlio close of tliU state
house ceremony when tlic retiring governor ,
John P. Altgeld , was not permitted to ilullvet
the farewell tuUlrew which has been otu
of the features of previous Inaugural Ions
In Illinois. Governor AltRClil had prepared
his speech , It hail been Riven a nines or
the printed program , nntl much Interest hail
centered In Its anticipated delivery. The
snub was made the more painful to tin
ex-governor end his frlcndj from the facl
that Mrs. AltRcld occupied a scat beside
htm on the stage and shared tlio confusion
resulting from the affair.
Early In the course of the exercises II
was moved that Mr. Altgcld be rcqucotoc !
to address the joint assembly present ul
tlio Inauguration. Speaker Curtis of the
lower house declared the motion out of order
and subsequently refused to roccgnl/.o anj
democratic member who attempted to ad'
dress the chnlr. The majority of the mem
bers of the joint assembly and the large
audience did not appreciate the significance
cf the coutse until a motion to adjourr
carried and put an unexpected end to the
ceremonies without letting the governor have
an opportunity to deliver the addrws whlcli
ho carried with him to the stage. Mucli
Indignation was expressed at the snub , am ]
tlio democratic members tonight are bitter
In their denunciation of what they term
an "outrageous result , " while the repub
lican leaders declare that the whole affalt
was nothing more or less than an oversight
on the part of tlio speaker In falling to call
upon Mr. Altgcld for his speech. Ex-
Governor Altgcld left tlio state house Im
mediately upon the conclusion of the In
auguration ceremony , and returned to Chicago
cage without permitting himself to be In
tervlewed upon tlio affair. His friends were
very Indignant.
CHICAGO , Jan. 11. William J. Ilryan ar
rived In Chicago early this morning on a
business trip. A representative of tlio As
sociated press tonight asked him If he had
read of the slight offered to Governor Alt-
geld by the legislature. He replied : "I have
Just noticed In an evening paper that they
refused to hear the customary address from
the retiring governor. If It Is true that the
ippublicans did this in order to show their
dislike for Governor Altgeld , It will probalily
result , as such Insults always do. In more
harm to those who offer It than to the people
against whom It was directed.
"The fact that Governor Altgeld ran ahead
of the national ticket In this state Is evi
dence that his defeat was not due to per
sonal hostility to him , and. I hardly think
the people will approve of any slight offered
to him In his official position. "
Questioned about the defeat o'f the Pacific
railroad bill , Mr. Dryan said : ' 'I nm very
much gratified to know of the defeat of that
bill. Its purpose was to fasten a heavy bur
den upon the western states' for eighty years
to come , and the people In those state have
reason to rejoice at this , tholr. escape from
so unjust a measure. "
XHW iiAii.uoAi ) HIM. ivruonror.n ,
Sou Hi Dnkoln I.t-KlNlndirt IIii
fur Senatorial CIIIKMIMI-H.
I'lEKUE , S. D. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tc-le-
graai. ) In the IIOUEX ! today , the principal bill
Introduced was a railroad , bill , by Dollar ,
which Is pronounced by those who have
studied It , to be nearer the Wheeler1 hill of
two years ago , than Is the bill Introduced by
Palmer. IJllls were also Introduced for ap
pointments of deputy oil Inspectors , fixing
10 per cent as the Interest limit by con
tract , providing for a boiler Inspector and
commissioner of Immigration.
The first .move In the contest cases was
made today by a resolution calling on the
secretary of state for the papers and records
In the contest from the Thirty-eighth dis
trict ; Ragan against Howcll.
A resolution wcs presented , appointing
Representatives Kirk , Anderson and Kuhno
a committee to Investigate the question of
a settlement with the atato treasurer , as
asked for the governor's message.
In the senate , after the Introduction of a
few minor bills , an executive session was
called , to discuss the governor's rpcclal mes
sage In regard to the treasurer , and a com
mittee , consisting of Senators S. llothum and
Sheldon , was elected to act with the house
committee to Investigate the treasurer's set
There Is a general fusion caucus on tonight
and a populist t-enatorial caucus will be
called far Thursday night. Tlie republicans
will hold a caucus tonight for the purpose of
discussing n time for a senatorial caucus. A
change la apparent on the surface In the s n-
atorial situation , but all arc hustling to bo
ready for the caucuses.
On account of the absence of some of the
leading republicans the caucus tonight only
met to adjourn to Wednesday night , and a
caucus Is probable for Friday night.
The governor has l 3iiei an order removing
the adjutant general's office from Mitchell to
this city.
I'opnli.sls ThreeSlinrt of n Majority In
OLYMPIA , Wash. , Jan. 11. If both houses
of the legislature meet at noon , according to
program , the first ballo't for United States
senator will take place on Tuesday , January
19 , but If organization Is delayed ono day
balloting will not begin until January 20.
Although It 13 moro than a week befora the
election takes place , all of the senatorial
candldatra are hero and the contest wages
warmly. Senator Seiulre and Judge Turner
appear to have more individual strength than
any of the many populist candidate. Judge
Wlnsor and llov. Clark Davla of Seattle ,
F. H. Baker of Tacoma and Lieutenant Gov
ernor Danlcta of Vancouver are the moat
prominently mentioned. Many old-time poli
ticians predict a prolonged deadlock , while
Senator Squire ha.j announced that It will
not last ono week. As the populists lack
three votes of a majority. on Joint ballot. It
la generally believed they will , soon after
balloting begins , realize itliat they cannot
elect ono of their number and | n consequence
will go to both Squlro and Turner.
M'KI.M.HV UUTimXS , , , 'ftt CAXTO.V.
Will Id-main at HomoUntil He SlarlN
for WiiHliliiulon.
CLEVELAND , Jan. ll.-nMn.Jor and Mm.
McKlnley left Cleveland iforTCanton at 11
yclock this morning. No'urntiraal crowd wns
present. The homeward journey was made
In the prlvato car of GcncraT uperlntcndent
Canft ! of the Lake Shore &u Ifchlgan South
ern railway , which was attached to the
train for Canton. U cogld not he learno.l
today Just when the oxpeptevl jvUlt of Sena
tor Sherman to Canton jj'lH t ilo place , al
though It U known that It will bo during the
liro-icut week. It Is ackupwjqlge-d by thcwo
who are very near to the 'president-elect that
much depends on tula conference , eo far as
the cabinet Is concerned.
CANTON. 0. , Jan. 11 , President-elect Mc
Klnley and wlfo returned to Canton tlilo
afternoon , Ilrsldra the newspaper cnrro-
upondentH , J. W. Wardwcll and Superintend
ent H. A. Kennedy accompanied them They
were driven to the prcflllont-el ° ct's homo , and
probably will not again leave Canton until
they take their departure for Washington
about March 1 ,
I-'alrliaiiUN * 1'rlt-iiilx Arc * CimUilrnt.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. .11. The senatorial
contest for the successor'of Daniel W. Voor-
bees will bo settled tomorrow night , Wil
liam It. McKeans returned last night , accom
panied by ox-Secretary Richard W. Thomp
son. Thcro are lilnta that It Is the Intention
to inipport Judge ) Ilaker , Supported ) of
Cluulctt W. Fairbanks art ) confident that
their candidate will not have Ices than ( ev
enly votes In the caucus , and they will not
' ' If U readies seventy-five ) .
Xouly nicclcd OMIoorInntiuiirntrd h
tlio l < 'orcnoiii ! ,
TOPEKA , Kan. , Jan. 11. Governor Jv'ir
W. Lcedy mid the populist state ofnueri
rhoeen at the November election were
Installed at ttio state house tills rooming
Ex-Oovernor Oshorno presided at 'hi
ceremonies. The oath of olllco w s first ad
ministered to all the new ofilci-rs of the
state with tne exception of governor anil
chief Jtmtloe ; The retiring governor. Morrlll
then delivered on luMiess , at the close ol
which ho Introduced Goveinor Lccdy , whc
said In his Inaugural :
Governor Lccdy eald In part : "Ki > enl >
conscious of the responsibilities of the ex
altcd position to which the suffr.iges of otu
people have summoned me , grateful to tin
citizens of KatiEss for the cunll lenco re
posed , fearful at times mi 1 ronsl ! cr the
magnitude of the tr.ak r-nn fronting meyel
hopeful because of the many far-reaching
opportunities for holpfuliios . I tatev tinor ,
the discharge of my olllclal duties. Kansas
has been most fortunate In UK selection ol
men whom It has called to the position
of chief executive. H Is my mint i arm's !
hope that I may prove In 001110 decree
worthy to bear the mantle that f.Ula from
the shouldciu of Charles Robinson am ;
those who have followed him. ! u Jthci
lands the elevation of men to high , \n ( ,
dignified official position U marked by the
blnre of trumpets the- boom of t-annon
ami the tneisured tread cf rnarthl array.
Tlio security of Kansas Is not dueto the
l.fiOO mllllla who are heady for call to
arms , but resH tipon the broader foundation
of the character of a people who have been
weighed In tin1 balance and never found
wanting at any crisis of the nation's his
tory since the advent of this young com
monwealth Into the sisterhood of plates. "
"I witness the assembling of a host of cltl.
r.cns from every quprlcr of the common
wealth to cheer this administration on in
the assumption of Itn high responsibilities.
Under the Inspiration of ouch n high environ
ment I assume my responsibilities
with profound obligation to you for your
sympathy , with high appreciation of our
people's confidence , and with n fixed de
termination to do my duty a.s I see It till I
hive flnliihc.l the term of my rcrvlceami
icturn to the state of Kansas unsolled and
unsullied the trust they have reposed in
me. "
The goveiTor and Chief Justice Hosier then
took tholr oaths of olllce , following which
the ceremonies closed by the audience sing
ing "America. "
This nftcrroon the newly Installed olllccrt
will hold a reception In their respective
ofllccs. Tonight n public rc-coptloa will be
given In their honor In the senate chamber
sni-.H M ) HOIM-F"o I ilHTTI3U TIM US ,
MlNsourl'H ( iovi-rnor I 'I ml * \o lliiliu In
(111 * ItflM-Ilt Kid-Moil.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo. , Jan. 11. Gov
ernor Stephens In his Inaugural address to
the legislature declares his ambition Is to
maid- his administration distinctively a busi
ness administration , and calls upon the
legislature to make the present session a
business ono. "Partisanship , " he pays ,
"should ho moderated , If not suppressed ,
and unseemly strife should be avoided. "
Referring to the condition of state affairs ,
ho says : "The most rigid economy should
bo practiced.
"It Is my opinion that under the prevail
ing gold standard and financial policies of
the federal government , general business
condition' ! will not materially or permanently
improve , but on the contrary , we can
reasonably anticipate a continuance of the
experience which has so distressed the country -
try In recent yeans. I see nothing In the
Immediate future to warrant a substantial
hope for better times. "
He recommends the establishment of a
banking bureau and the creation of the
office of a bank commissioner. The power
of trust companies should be limited so that
they could not engage In the banking busi
ness. Laws to suppress trusts should bo
enacted and lawn to prevent the coercion
of omplocs should bo passed , that voters
may exercise the elective franchise without
hindrance. The passage of a fellow servant
bill is asked.
llpuim-rnlN anil roimllnlN I'anlilito
I'll 1 1 1on u CaiullilitU- .
SACRAMENTO , Cal. , Jan. 11. The law
makers who left the capital on Friday are
returning In twos and threes , but many of
them took advantage of their vacation to
the full limit and did not como back until
this morning. The principals In the sena
torial fight are again on the ground ami
there will bo a great gathering of the clanti
today when the presidential electors arrive
and decide upon the man who Is to carry
their vote to the electoral college at Wash
The first ballot for United States senator
will bo taken on Tuesday at noon In both
houses , and It will require a majority or
each to settle the question. If a joint ballot
Is taken to elect , It will need a majority of
those proton t and voting. The democrats
and populists have issued a call for a caucus
to bo held at G o'clock tonight , but It la
doubtful If any man will get their united
complimentary vote. Charles D. Lane , a
mine owner , and Congressman Magulrc are
mentioned by the democrats , and tlio popu
lists will vote for Cator.
l.' that OpiinNlllon Will Al-
tfinl Ont > If 1I.-I.1.
SALDM. Ore. , Jan. 11. The nineteenth
biennial session of the legislature met at
noon today. The contest for United States
senator to succeed Mitchell overshadows
everything else here. A call for a caucus
has been circulated , and It was given out
last night at the Mitchell headquarters that
forty-thrco olgnaturcs had been seemed. U
U claimed by the Mitchell men that they
have enough votes pledged to obtain the
forty-six votes necessary to an election. Thj
opposition to Mitchell has put forward no
candidate , and at present will give out no
figures. It l unllkrly that the null-Mitchell
men will go Into caucus , and the strength
of the two factions cannot bo measured until
a vote is taken.
IiiillanaiiollM Confori'iiei * .
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 11. The monetary
conference , composed of delegates selected
by the hoards of trade and commercial
bodies of most of the large cities of the
United States , will convene at Tomllnson hall
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. It Is now
acaurcd that there will beaL least 350 dele
gates In attendance , among them some of
the greatest authorities on fininchl questions
In the country. H Is probable that the con
ference will bo organized with K. O. Stan-
nard of St. Louis. c-governor of Missouri ,
as temporary chairman ; M. C. Stuait
Patterson , dean of the University of Penn
sylvania , will bo made permanent chairman.
Evana Woolen , who wae secretary of the
national democratic convention , will probably
bo permanent secretary.
Among the delegates already arrived , arc
the following : W. B. Dodge. George Fc.i-
tcr Pcabody. Henry Vlllard. Evan Thoman.
ex-Mayor Frank Edson , and ex-Secretary of
the Treasury Charles W. Falrchlld. ' all of
New York ; Prof , T. W. Tausslg of Harvard ,
Prof , Henry Ferguson of Hartford , Conn. ;
E. V. emalley of St. Paul , Minn. , and M. n.
Ingalls of Cincinnati.
Many ( 'naillilad-H for Si-r
DU3 MOINES , la. . Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram -
gram , ) The contest for secretary of the
state senate 1s getting hut. W. U.
Dullard , the present secretary , Ima an
nounced that he will rczlgn without waiting
to be deposed. He linn Kccured a new trial
on the chargn of forgery and declares ho
will bo clcare-J. The candidates for his placi
are : O. A. Now man of Cedar Falls , II , I ) ,
Davlduon of Donne , Joxlah T. Young of Al-
bla , C. S. liyrklt of Den Molnre , C. H. Tnl-
mndo | ; of West Union. T. J. Wllcox of DCS
Molnt-s , D. E. Hlnman of Eagle Grove.
\Voli-ott Oallu n Ilajanl.
LONDON. Jan. II. Senator E. 0 , Wol-
cott of Colorado , who U vUUIng Europe In
tlio Interest of bimetallism , called at the
United Stnti'K cmbatsy today and had an
hour'H Intel view with Ambassador llayard ,
The bimetallic league \iea \ been bexflcgcri
with callcrn auxloua to BOO Senator \Vol-
colt. _
Dlali -KlHlaliiri > Moot" ,
SALT LAKE. Jan. 11 , The second legis
lature of the utato of Utah met and organ
ized today , Thu wcnato wuu called to order
by Mrs. Lilly 1U I'urdee , clerk of the last
Kciul Hulow tlio Ivxporlcncus of Tltosc Who Have H.-cn Curci.1 uiul Tlicu
IMuco Yourself I'mlui * Treatment by I-'xpuricnueil Specialists Who
Arc Kuliuble ami Worthy of Your Confidence.
Catnrrh , In nil Its forms , bronchltl * , then-
mntlsrn , Oohlllty and. In fuel , the prcuciice
of any chronli * dlwfuiu' , produces u sensl-
tlvrne-xs to c'mngt" ( In the weather. That
these dl ! > oisert ! tome perfectly under the
treatment of a skilled spi clullit IMS been
proved by the long line of leitlmoity given
by well known men niul women who hsivo
been cured by Prs. Cont-land and Shrpiml.
In order to tnuVile earh i-ufferer to become
pi'rson.illy familiar with the meilla of
their lipiitment THKV INVITE ALL TO A
Distant Patient Writing for Consul
tation ItlaiitiN anil Itclnii Cureit at
< 5 Aifc. . \ r
" - * ? 5s * r < * *
- % -e- / - -
* tr--as-
\/rtSi \ / S $ -H > < * i gf # &ri % \ ifWi ii\\O
I'rlmnrj' , Secondary or Tcr-
tlury iiluod I'oinoii porinti-
netitly cured in IR to :15 :
tlnys. You can bo treated at homo
for the tumo price under tame
ftnarnuty. If you prefer to como hero u will
contract to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , and
no chaitco If we full to euro. If you have taken
Iodide DTp Hjnj ff B n B ( Fb 9 ? nf iiatnuU , and Mill ha\a
nches ; and pains , .IIiic-ouH H " * * * H W D"4,76 ,3 = 1 1 t'atclion In mouth ,
More Throat , i'ituplcu , CoMicr-CoIurcd NjiotM , I'lccrs on any part of the body ,
Ilnir or r.ycliron-H falllnc out. U is this IILGOI ) IMUHO.V that wo eunrnntco to
cure. WCEoliclt the most olistlnnto / a = a T en"0 " CIGCN and
g pgpapj / | Jg"
challenge the world 1'or u CUHO Qji&J D&Ka tL < F o2)a a BaCa x cannot
cure. This disease hr- < always bnfllcel ( lie Hklll of ( ho most eminent pliynlclnnH.
SitOO.flOO capital bchutd our unconditional guaranty. Absolute m-oolVt cent scaled oa
Address tlOOIt ItB3IKI > K CO. ,
307 .Unsonlc Temple , CHJltiAUO. 1M/ .
senate. She read the olllclal roll and asked
for the further pleasure of the senate The
senate then organized by the selection of
lion. A. Nebeker as president. The hoiiac
wcs called to order by Secretary of State
Hammond and John Perkins of Weber county
was elected speaker. The governor's mes
sage will bo read tomorrow.
. \iiollii-r C'lililiu-t 1'oxxIlillH.v.
CANTON. Jan. 11. With the return of
President-elect McKlnley and Mrs. McKln
ley from Cleveland comes a fresh bit of cab
inet gossip. It is talked about tonight that
Hon. Charles Emory Smith , editor of the
Philadelphia Prtfis and cx-mlnUter to Russia ,
has been slated for the treasury portfolio.
No fiuthoi-ltatlvc statement can bo obtained ,
however , cither In confirmation or rejection
of the report.
I ml In mi Snt > OltlclnlH IiiiiiiKiirattMl.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 11. James A. Mount
and William S. Haggard were Inaugurated
governor1 and , lieutenant governor of Indiana
today nt noon. The ceremonies were held nt
the capital. Governor Matthews made a brief
speech. Introducing Mr. Mount. The latter
made a long Inaugural addrexa , touching only
on state affairs.
I'roiioNCH to Ann-ml ( lie Mulct
DUIJUCJUE , la. , Jon. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mayor Duffy has written to every
other mayor in Iowa requesting Joint action
at the approaching special session of the
legislature to secure an amendment to the
mulct law , giving cities all Instead of half
the mulct tax.
Adilri'HM of Xo ( ictiornl IiittTOHt.
SPIUNGKIELD , 111. , Jan. . 11. The ad
dresses of the retiring governor , John. P.
Altgeld , and hla successor , were devoid of
any matter of national Interest.
Already I'nld Many TlioiiNnmlH DnrliiR
\orllii-i-n I'lifllli * H ' 'elV THlilp.
MILWAUKEE. WIs. . Jan. 11. Colonel
James McNmght , for oomo time president of
the Northern Pacific & Manitoba Railroad
company , general counsel for the Northern
Pacific company , and of counsel for Ho-
eeivers Payre , Oakes and House , has filed
suit In the United States circuit court
against the Northern Pacific Hallway com
pany , the new corporation , to recover a bal
ance of $1,000 alleged to bo duo for serv
ices In the Interests of the receivers and
to recover the proceeds of a note for $11-
743.20 given to secure fees for services In
securing thei passage of a bill by the North
Dakota legislature.
The bills filed are the first to throw light
upon the great aums of money which were
paid to the attorneys In the Northern Pa-
cine litigation. The Investigation of He-
cclver Oakes covered a period of about eleven
months , and all the while the attorneys
were also engaged In looking after the other
affairs of the receivership. For their serv
ices In the Investigation alone , however ,
the sum of $40,000 was paid. Of this amount
Joha C. Spooncr received $10,000 , Colonel
McNaught was allotted a similar amount ,
William Nelson Cromwell received $ GGCG.C7.
William J. Curtis and Alfred Jarctskl to
gether received 50 CCO.C7. nnd George P. Mil
ler received JfiCCC.J7. ( The suits nro In the
receivership proceeding , Colonel .McNaught
coming in under the provisions of the de
cree of foreclosure , which binds the pur-
chassr of the property , the Northern Puclllc
Railroad cei'npany , to pay all Indebtedness
for which the le-celvcra are liable.
Judge Jci kins has ordered the North
ern Pacific Railroad company to fllo an an
swer to the suits before February 1.
Ilvi > 111 nl .Slioot III C i-n I rii I CJHy.
CENTHAL CITY , Jun. ll.-Spccliil ( Tele
gram. ) A number of our local sportH had
a live-bird shoot on the fair grounds hero
tlilH afternoon , twclvo birds , $3 entry. The
following Is the score :
J ) . Jlarlln 11111 01011 11-10
F. Knmlirlnk oem Hill ll-io
M. Moore 11011 01111 10 9
T. Shields 11111 11111 11-12
S. llalrd 11111 11111 11-12
In shooting on * thu tlo Uiilrd won.
lira. .ToaepliIiioFolhill , of Duo West ,
S. 0. , liad ri Rovt-ru case of ctilnrrli ,
which finally becutno BO ( li-op-Bcnlctl
( hat filio was entirely Ural in onu
car , anil par L of I liu bonei in her HOBO
Ploughed oil. Tlio best physicians
treated her inaln , anil t-liu used
various nppli-
o a 11o n a of
sprays anil
washes to no
avail. Fourteen bottles of S.B.S.
promptly reached the seat of the el IB-
case , and cured her sound anil well.
B. B. B. norrr falls to
euro a liliioil dlscaio , anil
It M the only rumcdy
which readies deep.seated
raici. Uitnrnntrttlpurc-
_ lu vtoetnWe , Hooks
lt Bi'tclflo Co. , Atlanta , Cla.
Noli. , wife of the well Known u.-.celal ngcnt
of the r. U. M , V , railroad , writes :
"It was a fortunate thlnp for mo thnt T
wns Induced to write for yoi'r Consultation
lll.nil : . When I ren-lvrd It I vaut once
that you could euro tut If any one rould.
1 feel * o well now that I know I am nliso-
lately urn-d nnd Hhnll permit you to nmha
llste of the foots are'orillnuly. If jx-oplo
only know what n xhort i-ourso with you
would do thrro would ho fewer sufferers
from rhtonle illscnse- .
' \\ly onse was a lu\d ono , Htarlliig , T
I'.il'.il ' ; . from nvKleeted e-olds. C'atairh of
the head gave me the usual nii nl and
throat symptom : ) , with foul lireatli , lu-ad-
ne'hes and diary fpt-llsi. The catarrh
xremed to co down Into my UIUK * and
Nlomaeh , clvlng mo a diy , liaeklnt ; rough ,
p.iliiM In the Hmall of tlio bin I ; , colil hiirnbi
and feet nnd Incoiiinla. I had dl-itros *
after oatliiir , a coated tongue and ( roiitiout
- ) , > lliilon. ( I lioe-nme weak , noivous and
V low-spirited. When your first ln x ot
medicines ronched mn I l.oq.m nsltii ; t'iio
tioatme-nt rogularlj and I was niucli bettor
rlpht awny. After a whorl course with
you 1 can say that I am alisoltiloly cured ,
novel- having foil bottt-r In mv life be > fore.
1 slnorroly hope thnt other tuiffcrltiK women
will try your treatment , for It has done so
much for me. "
wiirrn TO mis. COPELANU ANT >
JIUllll .MI.UU1U.11 AUU lUUUl
c. s. SIIKPui > . .M. u. . nonsuiting
W. H. COI'IM.AM ) . .M. IJ. . Physicians.
Cllleo Hour * ! i to II u m. ; 2 to r. n. m . Kve-
\\Yel nesdnys nnd Sntuid.iyu only
( j to 5. Sunday , 10 to 12 .
Searles &
Sea > rles ,
srr. cut isis IN
Nervous , Cliroalo
Private Diseases ,
AM Private UNeaio *
mil nltordcritof .Men
Treatment by mill
ConHiiltation frco.
Cured for llfo and the poison thorough ) *
cleansed from the system. PILES. FISTULA
and VAKICOCELK permanently and suc
cessfully cured. Method now nnd unfailing
By now method without pain or cuttlnjr
Call on or address with stamp ,
Dr. Searics & Searlcs.
Man's Greatest Joy
Is Ills strength nnJ vl or the full
possession ut Ills rowers.
banish the dangerous weaknesses of hilh
sexes , revitalize liie rurvous system , enrich
an J purity the blooJ. lliey check all drains
forever ,
$1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxet , $3.oo.
Rinrnntco to euro or refund tlio
-'ifj wltlie > crvfi.0iriltr. ( ) Adilrcw
Smrnmn & McConncll Drue Co. ,
1S13 Doilga St. , Omnlin , Ni-li.
A IVrioii * /lr < i * jr Kntllritf Mem-
orjr.Itni > oteiicKleei > 1euneMeto.cuuketl
by Altuttonml oilier 1'ireM.m nnd I mile *
crplionn. 7'/ir// ' / u ( * / , / ( / rimfttftr1 /
reittorH Ix > H VlltilitT in old or joung , unit
lit ( i man fur iftudy , uutn < ts or nmrrfaco.
_ . rrcvpnt Iiinniiity nml Cnnnumptlon it
tnkun in tlm . Their use nhawn linmeilint * improve
ment nntl PlTrcU a CUHC wliuro all othora tail. In.
nUttipon huvlnic the ccnufno yijnx Tablets , Ti ) y
hoTHcuriul thotiitnmli nnd will euro you , UP jtle a
poult Ire written uunrntitoato bffact u curt * In men coia
or refund the money. lrlc CO cent * i > or luickitun , or
nil imckuuo * ( full treatment ) for 62.&J. lljr until , ia
l > luin vrrnpiwr , upon r cnlraof rrlce. Circular free * .
For late In Omaha by James Forsytli , 20 ] N.
JCth Street.
Kuhn & Co. , IStli ana Douglas foirccti ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , $100,009
0 I'liK OK\T PAID ON TIM 1C Ilii'
Will Klvo tliolr Inlmltablo musical enter
tainment In tlio above beautiful auditorium ,
liroadway ,
Under the auspices of the Young Men's
Christian Association ,
Tuesday Evoniue , Jan. 12
Doom Open at 7 O'clock ,
Commences at 8 O'clock.
Tickets CO Ccnta.
Ittscrvci ] teats without txtra charge at
A. A. Hart's jewelry store.
Three K'lKlitD , Htnillni ;
Only Twin Ktnrn In the World ,
III Tnrcu Clrtnt Twin I'luyii ,
I'rlccn , ISc , Kc , 3So und Me.
HeaU now un alu ut Hcllt'ia' ilruv ( lore ,
Two nlit.Uii , commencing I'UIUAY. JANUAIIY
15 , Iho popular uctrilm , ill.'NIUi : eiOUDltlCH.
nml un eicclk'iit coiiiiuny. | In Iho Kri-ut Ixunlon
kuccim , CAl'TAIN JANUAltY , Hillu OIICIIK
U'cilnreiluy inurnlnK. niunlrlch popular prlcei ,
A ticket will uilinlt emu liuly fur , If uccxjin-
lunlpit with r. ( ! pad ) re nvud et-ut ticket. Or.
In other word" , one puld rfecr\cd tm ticket
will uilmlt onu laily und Keiitlciimn , ur Iwu
ladlci U imrchaiiJ at lh advnnc idle.