8 THE OMATTA DAILY 35EE : SUNDAY , JA TTAKY 10 , 180T. itAvnn.v nitos. ' Clearing Up Snlox ( Jrcnt Ilciliietlon * In Kvpry Icinrlineii | < . On fltyllnh , flcasonablc goods. Head thcao eamplo prices : MEN'S CLOTHING. Men's 110.00 cnealmcro nulls for $3.05. $ Men's $7.EO cheviot suits for $2.75. Men' * $12.00 black and fancy worsted nulls for $ r..OO. Men's very fine $15.00 sack and frock milts for $7.50. Men's $10.00 flno Melton overcoat , Skin ner's satin sleeve linings , for $1.75. Men's $12.60 kersey and beaver overcoat for $1.93. Mcn'6 $12.50 flno Irish frieze ulster for $5.00. All men's odd trousers for less than half price. Pants worth up to $8.00 , now on sale for 0-c , $1.50. $2.25 nnd $3.25. 100 dozen 35c knee pants at lOc. ' All 50c and 75c knee pants for 35c. All 05o and $1.25 knee pants for 60c. MKN'S HATS. Beginning Monday wo will sell 10 dozen tiff hate at 50c each ; 20 dozen stiff hats at 75o each ; an elegant , stylish hat , cither stiff or soft , for $1.00. A visit hero will convince you that you can nave money. The styles , the qualities the prices arc right. MKN'S UNDEHWEAIl. Unprecedented values. Every article Just as advertised. Odds and ends In ahlrts and drawcro worth 75c , reduced to 25c. Alt wool shirts and drawers , camela hair nnd Bray , worth $1.00. reduced to 35c. Flno all wool undershirts , worth $1.50 , go at fiOc. Derby ribbed shirts and drawers , worth 75c , reduced to 29c. Electric blue shlrta nnd drawers , all sizes worth $1.00 , go at 50c. All wool , natural gray , all sizes , worth $1.25 , reduced to C214o. CLOAK & SUIT DEPT. All our winter goods must bo closed out within the next ten days. Many big bar gains. "Tho early bird catches the worm. " An $8.00 capo for $3.98. A $10.00 cnpo reduced to $4.93. , A $13.00 capo reduced to $5.93. JACKETS. All our flno Imported Jackets that sold for $18.00. $20,00 and $25.00 reduced to $9.00. $7.00 and $3.00 Jackets reduced to $3.98. Children's long cloaks , worth $0.00 , at $1.08. Ladles' black mohair skirts , well lined , worth. $3.00 , at $1.60. ladles' Pecco lined wrappers , tight fitting lining , at $1.25. Dark print wrappers nt $59c. LETTING DOWN TUB PRICE'S ON EM- nilOIDERlES & LACES. A great sale In embroideries , laces nnd In- scrtlngs In 7 lots at 1 ; , 3c , 5c , 7V4c. 10c , 121 c and 15c and others In proportion up to 60c. There are embroideries and laces In this lot worth up to $2.00 yd. , b'ut we must clear them up. A great sale on ribbons and notions ol every Mod. DRESS GOODS. Every yard at a cut price. Some big bar- A 38-ln. all wool French serge , mohair finish , reduced from 39c to 25c. A IC-ln. all wocol storm scrgo reduced from 7Ec to 39c. A 4S-ln. mohair finished serge , strictly all wool , reduced from $1.00 to 50c. A line of 38-ln. goods , brocades , two-toncil effects , mixtures and checks , a regular 39c quality , for 25c. All of our boucles , stripes , chocks nnd mixtures , regular 75c quality , reduced to 39o per yd. All our $1.50. $1.75 , $2.00 highest grade novelties reduced to $1.00 per yd. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES. 25 pouinds granulated sugar for $1.00. Ilest sugar-cured hams , 10V c. California picnic hams , Gc. Now California prunes , 4J c. Minnesota flour ( high , patent ) , $1.00. 3-pound cans tomatoes , 7c. 2-pound cans corn , 5c. i 10 pounds navy beans for 2Sc. > Pint bottle tomato catsup , Sc. Golden Rio coffee , per pound , 20e. Ilrokcn coffee , per pound , 12'ic. Cereal coffee , the now drink , lOc. HAYDEN HROS. I LETTING DOWN TUB PRICES. Why buy rcady-mndc garments when Nlcoll the Tailor will cut them to your order for a trlilc more ? The Mont Unique Citlpiiilnr uf the .SriiNOii Has Just been Issued by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry < Copy can be se cured by sending C cents In stamps to cover postage , to A. J. Smith , O. P. A. , Cleveland. Curd of TliiuiUx. I hereby cxti'nd my sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their aid and sym pathy to injself and family during my re cent troubles. MRS. JOHN GROVES. Sli-Thlrty 1' . 31. Train. of the CHICAGO. | V MILWAUKEE " " & ST. PAUL RY. P ) Best service. ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Dining car. City office : JB04 Karnam. It's a snap ! $15 and $20 takes a cliolco of our $25 , $30 and $33 aulta. Nlcoll the Tailor , Karbach block. Wanted To communicate with name con tractor for moving trees ; have a largo amount of work. Address , J. Gardner , 511 S. 12th ntreet , Omaha , Neb. For your furnace use Wear Nut coal ; $4 per Ion ; for sale only by D. T. Mount. 209 S. 16'.h. Nearly 1,000 pants remnants , worth $7 nnd $ S at Nlcoll the Tailor. Cut to your order for $1 and $5. _ Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and mag. nctlo physician ; special attention to ( licences of women nnd children and all obscure nnd long-standing diseases. 119 N. 16th St. . It. 3. D. T. Mount , coci , 209 S. 16. I'crNOiinlly Conducted Lcavo Omaha every Friday via the Union Pacific. No change ol cars to Ogden , San Francisco or Los Angeles. Tourist ulecpcra dally to San Francisco. Special attention paid to ladles traveling lono. A. 0. DUNN , City Pass , nnd Tkt. Agent. 1302 Farnam St. The depositors of the American Savings bunk are requested to meet at room 50C , First National IJank building , on Monday , nt 5 p. m. , _ DOINGS OP Till : TIIITKSTOX IIU-M.KS , Annual Iti-porlM or ( Mllccr * .Slumn Knvoriililo Condition. The Thurston Ulllcs held their annual meet ing last Monday evening. Nearly all the active members wcro present nnd a good ' ehnro of the associate members. No drill was had , the entire evening being devoted to business of a civil nature. iteports from nil the standing committees wcro read by tha secretary. The finance committee reported about $1,200 received nnd disbursed. The now feature of the asso- clatu membership Is greatly aiding the finances and will enable the company to make luany valuable Improvements lu the coming year. The iccrultlng comnrlttco reported forty- MX active members , eight momucra-clect and three recruits , flvo applications rejected. The court of discipline reported ten cases before It. Nine members were reported for dismissal , The associate membership com- sulttec rcportul slxty-nlno members. The new officers elected are ; Secretary. J. T. 'Jliichnnnen flnandal ' ; secretary , D'Altou Itlsloy ; treasurer , George II. Olllcuplo. The following standing committees were also elected ; Finance , Captain Foye , Privates llackcnburg and White ; recruiting , Lieuten ant Stocklmm , Bergeanta Itlchardo and Cav- crdalo and Musician Itlsloy ; court of disci pline , Ivioutenant Hayward , Privates Cross , Lllllo and Stafford ; armory , Sergeants Tay lor and Illrhnrtb and Private Ilachr ; asso- clato members , Lieutenant Stocklmm , Pri vates Taylor and Scrambling ; press , Sergeant Taylor. The boys are Jubilant over the receipt of A picture of tliolr chaplain , Rev. S. Wright Duller. It la a beautiful picture and appre ciated very much by the company. A very Dice tlmo was participated In by members of the company only In ilui form of a. prlvatit masquerade , held nt the armory Friday night , January S. About sixty couplru wcro 'present , The coatunuu wcro yery elaborate aud tasly. . . . w " * * _ ! > ! * U III i > .l. fl BOSTON STORE'S ' CLOTHING Entire Chicago Bankrupt Stock of Men's ' and Boy's ' Baits and Overcoats , AT ONE-THIRD OF ITG FIRST COST Tomorrow nil Kxlrnortllnnry Oppor tunity to .Secure lllwli Oriulu iliiK n ( I < "nr llcloiv CON ! of Cloth. FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. $7,50 nil wool suits , $3.93. All the men's all wool suits , In square or straight cut , that sold In Chicago at $7.50 , go at $3.OS. All the men's all wool suits that sold In Chicago ut $10.00 nnd $12.00 , go tomorrow at $4.98. Your choice of the strictly nil wool worsted , casslmero nnd Melton suits' that sold In Chicago for $15.00 , go tomorrow nt $7.60. $20.00 AJCD $25.00 MEN'S SUITS , $9.93. Your choice of the highest grade of men's suits In this entire purchase , Including satin lined clay worsteds , satin lined Im ported Scotch cheviots and satin lined ens- slmcro suits. They nro absolutely worth $20.00 and $25.00. go tomorrow at $9.93. MEN'S OVERCOATS. Your choice of all the finest nil wool beaver , Melton or kersey overcoats and ul sters that sold In Chicago for $10.00 $ to $20.00. go tomorrow at $4.93 , $7.50 and $9.98. All the men's heavy chinchilla overcoats that sold In Chicago for $5.00 and $0.00 , go at $2.00. Your choice of all the young men's suits , from 15 to 19 jeara , that sold In Chicago from $10.00 to $15.00 , go at $3.98 and $ t.9S. All the beys' knee pant suits , 4 to 14 years , go at 93c , $1.50 and $1.98. Men's all-wool pants at 75c , $1.59 nnd $1.98. DOSTON STORE. OMAHA. 16th and Douglas Sts. on Ilic Kiii-opcim I'lan. The dollar-a-mcal method of operating dining cars Is no longer In vogue on the Burlington route. Something better has taken Its place. Meals are now served on the European plan you pay only for what you order. The pay-for-wlmt-you-ordcr way Is the only right way to run a dining car. It Is In operation on our C:00 : p. m. train for Chicago. , 4:36 : p. m. train for Denver. 9:05 : a. m. train for Kansas City. Prices nro reasonable and the service Is as good as It can be. Tickets and berths at 1502 Farnam st. Diamonds , largo and small , nnd other goods at Hubermann's closing out sale , at cost and below ; all warranted. Cor. 13th nnd Douglas. l.OC.VI. IMtKVITIUS. A daughter was born to G. S. Ambler and wife on Tuesday , December 29 , 1890. Rental agents report fewer desirable houses vr.cant than at any time during the past three years. An epidemic of mumps Is sweeping over the north end of the city , nnd nny number of the children arc afflicted. Mr. and Mrs. John Kcllthcr of North Seventeenth street are receiving con gratulations on the birth ° f a son. The Omaha Street Railway company has removed the track bolts and closed up the cable slots on all of thd old cable tracks. John D. Qulnly was arraigned 'n In ? fodsral court yesterday on the charge of burglarizing the poetoinct- Springfield. He pleaded not guilty. The telephone company Is giving all ot Its wooden * poles a coat of red. and white paint. The red extends up the poles some ten feet , above which white Is being used. The family of S , Glcavo returns thanks to Rev. T. J. Mcckay , members of Dorcas Tens , and all others who arslatcd them and prof fered shelter when their home burned bat Sunday. The funeral of Mtas Annie Powers will be held Monday morning at 9 a. in. , from th residence. 1024 South Twenty-second ttrcct. Services will bo held at 6t. Petcr'o church. Interment In St. Mary's cemetery. Fourtcsn cars of orn from British Columbia for the smelter , one car of rice from Japan1 for Paxton & Gallagher , nnd another for McCord , Brady & Co. , were received at the custom house during the past week. Burglars entered the cigar store of A. D. Scorcy at 2825 Sherman avenue Friday n'lght by means of tha rear door. They departed with a considerable quantity of cigars nail tobacco. No Unco to the crooks has been discovered. A man * meeting of all the churches of the city has been called for next Friday night at S o'clock In the Kountzc Memorial church. The object of the meeting Is to devise plans for the assistance of foreign missionary work. License Inspector Hurst yesterday filed a couple more complaints against coal deal ers for falling to take out licenses to sell coal. The parties are M. Rosenblatt , who Is In business at Fifteenth and Davenport streets , and Miller , a dealer at 1203 Dodge street. Ferdinand Prapllch was nrrestcd Friday for drunkenness that verged on delirium trcmcns. It was learned yesterday that the prisoner has a wife and two children living at Sixth and Pine streets , and that they arc In destitute circumstances. M. Mabel , a peddler residing at 2407 South Ninth street , has been arrested for running Into the buggy of Mrs. Barbara Thomas on North Sixteenth street , Friday , and break ing a couple ot the wheels. It Is charged that Mabel was going at an unlawful rate of speed. 13. II. Hall , the complaining witness against the "policy" gamblers , who failed to ap pear when the case was called for hearing lioforo Police Judge Gordon yesterday after noon and for whose person a capias was Issued , appeared yesterday afternoon when the casa was called again. A runaway on North Sixteenth street made Mi I n fa 11 if nl \ ? tnr * n t linn vnol nriln v A driver of a delivery wagon failed to hitch ila horao while ho went Into a house , and the animals took the bits In their mouths and lit out. The street was strewn with wclt.i es , the loss of which constituted the only damage unstained. Tha members of the four companies of the Omaha lire department who responded to the flio alarm turned In from Hal Mc- Cord's residence last Tuesday morning were smoking clears yesterday. That morning Mr. McCord fcCflt a box of cigars to each of the companlucs , for which the boys feel duly thankful. S. IK. Atwood of riattfiinouth complained .0 the police that while ho was walking last Ninth nnd Jones streets yesterday 10 waa attacked by a dog. The animal tore ils trousers. Atwood learned that the ani mal belonged to Sclimltt , n resident In the nclghboihuod , and has caused a warrant to 10 Issued for his arrest cm the charge of keeping a vicious dog. SWIFT' Is far ahead of nny blood remedy on the market , for It docs eo much more. lie. cltlvs removing linpurltloi , and tonlnc up the mn-ilown lygtcm. ttcitrti any blood illicaio. Itiaattcr notho\rdccp-Bcatcd or obitlnntc , iihlch other so-called blood remedies fall to reach , It Is : teal blood remedy for real blood diseases. Wr , Aia fimlth , of arconcastlc , Ind. , writes : "I bailaticli & bailca oof Sciatic Itbenmatlim that I became absolutely lielploss unable to t nko mr food or iandlo ui > ielf lu any way , 1 took tunny paten * medicines , but they did not reach m rurcil mo sound and well , nudlnow weigh 170. " Docks on blood nnd skin diseases mailed fro by Bwltt Sptolno Coiopauy , Atlanta , da. CAKN'S HOC Tins. Any Tic In Ilin lloimc for Fifty CctitN. The prcatcst sato In this town the most genuine the one that everybody swears by , Is at Calm's. Calm Is selling out his entire stock of neck- tics choice of any In the house for'COc. Tics worth up to JI.CO , In every concclx-- able shade nnd shape any of them BOc each. Its to bo the cleanest sweep of neckties over known. Calm la too anxious to make n complete clearing of all the neckties In the store to parley about a loss. Ho docs It every January. Any iiecktlc In the house for COc. That's why Albert Calm's neckties are al ways now. Not an old style , In color or shape , to work off. Ties are always new at Calm's. Any tie for COc means something nt ALUKHT CAIIN'S. 1322 Faruaui St. _ Think of 111 $16.00 for a suit cut to your order from $25.00 woolens ! Nlcoll the Tailor , Karbach blk. It onto Cull font lit Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 : p. m. every Thursday In clean , modern , not crowded tourUt slccpcra. Through to San Francisco and Lcs AiiRClcs. Berths and tickets at 1B02 Karnam st. CllHlll < T IIlKKllIN ItflcilNOll Oil llOllll. Kznx U. IIIgRlns , cashier of the wrecked Klrst Nntlonnl bank nt Poncn , v.-ho has been In jail here since bin rc-.irrcst In MIs- notirl navernNwcckH ngt > , hus boon released on n bond for $1,000. The bond IH signed by A. C. Jensen nnd Arthur r.lliHon , nnd Is conditioned upon HlKglns * reporting on thp third dny of the Janunry term 'of the federal court , to be held nt Lincoln , to answer to mi Indictment for maklnir false entries In the liook.s of n national bank. ArrfNtcil for a Ieml IMpo Clnc-li. Gray Yntcs , n 11-year-old boy , was ar rested yesterday afternoon on the charge of burglary In the daytime. He Is ac cused of entering n vacant building near iorl.v-8lxth nml Dodge streets on Decem ber 31 , In company with Charles Carnal , and aflslHtlngr In the theft at n quantity of lend pipe and water connections. Carnal IUIH boon bound over to the district court on the chnrgp of burglary. The boy will bo held principally ns a complaining wit ness ngaiust him. Unity Clnli . The postponed meeting of the historical section of the Unity club tnkos place to morrow nlglit nt the lecture room ; second floor of the Public Library building. Sir. " ? ° i..rciUtS n Inpcr ° " "Tll Ille'1 V M"x ! . . ° ' ' ? 'nUT , ° Vrl.ttc" , Constitution. " and Sirs. ' " State Constitutions. " follows " wjth one on "Karly mien. niRD-Ppwcra-MIss Annie , ilnughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick Powers , Jiuumry 8 , ? ' Ve8l''enco' ' 1024 So22cl Hlrc Mineral , ' - - Monday morning nt 9 o'clock to St. I'eti-r s church. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Uoncwer has restored gray hair to Its original color ana prevented baldness In thousands of cases. It will do so to you. Holler & Co. , tailors. 21E South 13th street. A CHANCE ; _ _ to obtain tin Interest ut Cripple Creek , the grout GOLD CAMP OF COLORADO. rive ycnrs ngo a entile pasture ; twlny tlic crcn ctt Bold-pro.uclnK ] Olntrlct on the American continent. Tliournmla ofpeople woulil like to become Interested In thone ureat KoKl llelila mid Eceiiro a share-of the Kohlrn-rlchcii , but cannot nrronl to ppeml the time nml money necessary to KO there nnd look up desirable mining prop- We nro forming n company to operate nt Crip ple Creek , und can offer thorc Interested a splendid chance to obtain a share of the won derful output of this jjreat cold camp , without the expenditure of un\- money for trawling ex pense * or tukliiK time from builntst. The amount icqulrcd of ench one will be very mnull nnd liable to yield cnormou * returns. If Interested , write during next ten days. TJin COMMKltCIAIj MSABINd AND MININO COMPANY , New York Life IIUli ; . , Omaha ? \V. It. IIESVSKTT CO. Tlmo Walt * ( r No linn. Neither should youuwolt to have your time piece cleaned when youi have an offer like this. this.Wo Wo will clean anu > put In good running order nil nlcklo nlntm clocks for 25c each , provided there are no pieces gone ; extra charges will bo madtl fdr new pieces. Tills Is for thirty days only. We have secured a first class workmantand are prepared to do all hinds of repair * work at one-half the regular prices. All work guaranteed. Alarm clocks thataing ; for fifteen minutes , only $1.48. Opera glasses , leather covered , nt J1.38 and up. Spectacles-uiOe per pair nnd up. Watches , | 1.25 , as long as they last. Wo have In our Jewelry dept. a largo line of table and pocket cutlery AT BOTTOM PRICES. W. R. DENNETT CO. Nlcoll the Tnllor Karbach block Is niak Ing trousers to order for | 4 and $5 , that have always sold for $7 and $ S. Wo carry the repairs for your stove. 1207 Dt uplas. Omaha Steve and Repair Works. Ilecnufc old "SpecKIc Tinctured Doc" has lost his temper , nnd for fear It may affect Ills mind , We have concluded to let him nlone. We nre still dolnsr business nt the fame old stand , and so lonK ns the prercrlptlons' crowd UR ns they do now , we wll reserve our ammunition till nnother day. Itoljli SpaniRU.i Kidney rills Mo Cnmola Juniper Jl.oo Vine Knlnfrn , 730 Duffy Mnlt Whiskey Kks Illrncs'B Cnlarrh Cure 3lo ( Munyon'H llemedlcn ! 0c \Vnriu-rii Safe Cure M > o i : -ptlr\n I otus Cream ICe 1'alne'a Celery Compound Cue Hood'fl Snrsnparllla 64o Cutlcura Heap , I5o Williams * 1'lnk 1'llls , . . . . , Kc I-.vill.i 1'lnkhnm'n Compound 75o Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets * Sic Hiinyadl Water ] 5o Mothers' Friend 7 c Mclachol . . COc Lambert's I.lsterlne . ' " . " 0 Dr. MIMT Nervine 70o S. S. fl 73o AV r Hair VlR r roc 1'lercc'R Finorlte Prescription C2c CUT PRICE SOHAEFilS , DRUGGIST. 1GTH AND CHICAGO STREETS. Good as your mother - or used to inako , is possible if you nso our boat Mocha nnd Java blend A Pound for 35C OM&KA TEA' - " anl COFFEE CO l5IG > Dodge. SilSUB Beatitifttl Teeth * fi What docs its mean , but that the possessor keeps them beautiful by consultlnpr hla or her dentist ? ( iolil Cr.nviiN. . . . ( ? . - , . ( > ( > lo 9H.OO 1'orcelnlii GriiiriiN jt.'i.OO BAILEY , Dentist , Ptixton Blk , 10th and Furnnm. .NEW MUSLIN. . . . . . . . . UIMVIIHnUli iuckcil yiiUr , Insertion mid rulllrIN CCIIH. llfiiutlfiil OIMVIIH i\ltli ciiilirolili-rcil rulllo , tuelot mill lii.scrtlon , Rood niiiHlIn , tvell inmle mill full li > "nprli , 7i > eontM , CIMVIIH for 1 > M vuutH IIM iiretty IIH 1.VC Nolil liiNt HI-IINOU for ljtl.U5 nml tjil.r.0. DrmviTH > vltli riulirolilcroil rulllr.1 ooiitH up. Oinlirrlla Krmve.rN , U.t eoiitH mi. ' / Oiultrella KklrtV iVUh fiuliroliIcrcMl rnllle , wlx ynrilHulili' , ijll.IIK up. We huvc ii very oli-Kniit llni of lIKill rillUUI ) CSOWXS A.VU SIC I UTS < lmt we arc heJlliiKT vt-ry fiiNt. U8 Vfry lii-mitlful KniliroliU-rlcH nml cnllrcly iicirjnattvriiH In Mn > ilorln nnd Coriinlloii Nlylrx. lOiiilirolilc-rli-H , vlevvu InvIiuH ivliHUN loir IIH : t5 > ciuiM 11 ynril. Cut Price Clearing Sale in Every Department. Sjr.-T. llmulUcrclilffM fur K7oi tl.O for tjd.OII , IfH.OO for IJI1.U5 , Jjtl'.nO for ii.7n , ijia.r.o for t5U.no , i5r.r.o for tj-'i.Tn , i7.7r. for i.i.7r. , tfio.r.o for ftl.r.O , If 1.- , ( ) ( ) for * 7.r ( ) , 512.1.0II for Ijll'.no. h'oo ( lie Krvat ruiliiutloiiN wo urn milking In AHTI DIj DrniM'N , TnliliCOVCTH , Ntuinpvil I.liu-HH , etc. SliniluN lu Milk. lliiHlery nt lialf forinor iirleo. DON'T BUY A PIANO UNTIL YOU HAVE EXAMINED OUR STOCK OP Ivors & 1'ond , Stelmvny , Knabc , Kifier.soa anil VOHC & Sons' 1'lanoH , All styles at Jowcst prices , Cash or Easy Payments. \visiiiiii ui'iiioirr . . . . . . . . mo TAYLUIl .t 1'AHI.UV OIUJAN , UM < V . . . . . . . . . Write for Catalogue aud Terms. , , Wt Con and Dxlgo BtrcetB. A , C. MUELUUn-riano Tuner. , , Telephone 1025. GENTLEMEN ! A Snap. . That is a Snap. . 9 r- M. ' A. to order f S , to order $1 * < > order ami "T/te Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating' You appreciate a good thing when you see it don't you ? * When we tell you , that for the above prices we offer you choice of our Q9K < 597 OOQ QQfl and < CQ9 QTTTTlMf1 yav'tyal-yLiQ'iVvv uilll yva OUlllliU Also a choice of our $6-$6.50-$7-$8 $ $ $ $ and 19 TROUSERING lYou will want further proof that we mean what we say. We'll back up our claim , if you'll give us the chance. Notice the fabrics in our windows. Then let one of our salesmen show you the quality of the cloth the kind of trimmings we use and'finally ask to see the. workmanship on the garments that have been made up ! Can we do more ? Yes ; we'll refund your money , if we fail to fulfil our promise , Is that fair ? / . N * ' * True ! We have a large variety but at such prices the best designs go quickly so make your selection early on Monday. ' 'Tis a snap ! You shouldn't miss it ! . . SOY KARBACH Sou tb. BLOCK. 16th Str Milton Rogers & Sons. s x DURING JANUARY WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL Stoves and If "you contemplate buying , or expect to require a stove or range during the coming year , we can certainly save you money enough to make SOIC AGENIS IN OMAHA EQR it an object for you to buy Monitor , Garland , now. Majestic , Michigan , Radiant Home , Round Oak IVJiSton Stoves and Ranges. 14TH AND FARNAM STS. PARLOR SUITES- Did you ever hear the fitory of the boy who went Into an ofllce to ntudy law , be ginning on tlio munlllcent Halury of noth ing' n week ? At the end of the first week hlfl father said : "Well , Tnbc , how do you 111(0 the profession of the law ? " "Taint what It's cracked up to be , Dad ! I'm aorry I learned It. " Tobo'n facility with the law Is a nothing to the cane with which somepcrnon decld o that they don't euro for nny now furni ture thin winter. Not one In ten of tlios o pcrtioiiH opeakf the truth. Nine out often ton would buy In a moment If they coul d rcalUa how Inexpensive Is flno furniture today. today.Wo nro not exactly giving our Parlor HultH free of charge , but wo nro Dolling them nt n price which bus never been c < j nulled lu the history of the furniture trudo ' ' lfCtho'ro Is anything you can posalb ! y use como In nnd ace our January prices. CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO. , Special Sale during January , 12tU and Douglas TO REACH TEXAS UBO the RnUrOau. TO REACH KRUG Use tlio Tclophono 120 If you wish a case ot THE MOST DELICIOUS DEER MADE. " ' ' " SMOKE 'I. SOOT- " * That' * 811 iitIIAN : ) COAk-U no jmiicrfuutlons-cfjiiul In results to hard coal , and nt half the cot. WauuuruiiUiO nutlsfugtlon ovoiy tlmo , VICTOR WHITE , Tel. 127 1605 Farnam Ofllce of Lcc'Ul.iike-Andrcciion Hurdwar * Company , Omiilm , Neb. , Deo. 12. 1838 : Notice IH hereby nlvcn to the stockholders of the Lre-Clarko-AndrcoHcn Hardwuro company that the annual meeting of Urn RtocklioldiTH of tno company will bo held at the olllcoa of the said compuny , Nov. 12IH , 1221 and 1223 Ilurney urcet , In thu city of Onmlm , In the otnto of Nobrnxka , on T Tucfldny , January 12 , A , D , 1897 , ut 3 o'clock ; p. m. , for the jmrpoM ) ot electing a board of ( llri'otorH for the company , to nervu durIng - Ing the cnniilng yenr , and to transact HUeh other InialnoBi ! ua may bo presented at nucti nieotlni : . ( Seal. ) 11. J. LICIO. AttPHt ! 1'rcildent. W. M. QLAUB ,