Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1897, Part I, Page 6, Image 6
DAILTf ME ; SUNDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1807. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT ' MINOR Clark & Wotzol , I. 0. 0. ! ' . Ilk. , art pur lorn. Eunice Goodrich wilt bo at tlio Dohanj theater January 15 nml 1C. Mrs. K. C. Lalnmn ot 723 Fifth will toavo Sunday evening for Oilman , lu. T. 0. Saumlera has recovered from a DC- veie COPO of tonflllltls , which has afflicted him fllnco New Year's. Unity guild will glvo n ut tlio home of MM. J. T. Mnililcn on Plerco strcc Wednesday evening. All friends nro cor- llally Invited. As ho lay unconscious hta friends could ecurccly dls-'ern the difference In tlio white- iiesa of the freshly fallen enow and his Im maculate shirt bosom , recently laundered at the Eagle , 721 Hroadway. Wlllard and William Newell , the only twin stars In the world , open their three-nights engagement at the Dohany theater tonight In the comedy drama , "The Operator. " "The Oorrlcan llrothora" will be Riven Monday night , followed Tuesday by "The Clcmencoai Case. " The Ktsk Jubllco Singers will bo at the Odd Fellows' hall next Tuesday evening un der the auspices of the Young Men's Chris tian association. This will bo the opening concert at the elegant now hall , and the Odd Fellows arc taking considerable Interest In the event. The Flak Jubilee Singers have earned a world-wide reputation and will no doubt prove a drawing attraction. The attendance at the DeLong school for glrlfl yesterday afternoon : was the largest of the term , which opened last fall Hev. 13. AV. Cole , the new pastor of the Christian churrh. addressed the children dur ing the first part of the cxcrclaca. An un usual Interest was taken In the Rowing. At the close of the Instruction some practice was given to Komo new songs , composed es pecially for schools of this description. This was taken In charge by Miss Stave. There was n , largo number of callcra , among them many prominent persona of the city. C. n. Vlavl Co. , fcmalo remedy. Medical consultation free Wednesdays. Health book furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block. ' N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Murnliy.llfll 'CumTrlril Ann In. Yesterday another jury heard the story of the troubles between Mrs. Nora Murphy , the squatter queen of the Lake Manawa region , and I. M. Bell , a onc-tlmo associate and tenant of the woman. Mrs. Murphy's cattle cot away from her place two or three years aso and broke Into the corn fields that had been cultivated by Hell. They did consid erable damage before Ucll discovered their presence. Ho then ehut thorn up and noti fied Mrs. Murphy that ho would hold them until she liquidated the bill for damages. Mrs. Murphy frowned and refused and ehe has been frowning and refusing over slnco wlion Hell would make propositions for set tlement. Doll kept the cattle until ho fed them all of his corn crop. Mrs. Murphy was well pleased with the relief from the care and expense of her kino and made no objection until Hell had fed away all of his corn. Then she had him arrested upon the charge of cruelty to animals , alleging that ho had penned up the animals and was starving them to death. The casj has been In all of the Justices' courts In the vicinity during the past two years. Dell told the Jury In Vlen's court the whole story of his troubles yesterday. They awarded him $30 damages for the loss of his corn crop. Mrs Murphy's attorney Immediately gave notice that ho would appeal to the ill/strict court. When settled the coala will have obsorbei about all of the value of the corn crop am' ' the cattle. _ The Durfeo Furniture company has re moved to 203 and 203 Ilroadwoy. Hoffmayr's fancy patent Hour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Flno livery for parties and dances. Ogden Livery , IDS Broadway. Telephone 83. Court \iili-N. Judge Smith was at the district court yes tcrday , though no regular session wca hold Judge Thornell left for homo Friday even Ing , adjourning court until tomorrow morn Ing. Judge Smith dismissed the' case o the Hex Lumber company against the county treasurer at the plaintiff's cost. The same disposition was made of the case of B. M Duncan against the county treasurer. Ir the suit of August Grcssau against E < Hodln a dccrco was entered for the plain tiff. The action Involves the possession of eomo bottom land In Mills county along the Missouri river. Motions for Judgments were filed In the case of A Brown and J. n. Blair against the Hock Island Railroad company. Judge McGee yesterday rendered a de cision In the case of the Hoagland Lumber company against . F. Patterson and L \V. Iloss In favor of the defendant. Boss. The court held that ho was entitled to the ownership of the frame olHco building unon which the plaintiff was endeavoring to ca- tabllah a mechanic's lien. Wo have had placed in our hands for ealo eomo great bargains In collar's , farms and aero property ; also aomo choice h.-slncss mort8aBca bous''t ' and bold Kroc Sllvcm-iirc. " / ! , cn.dlns 'arty Domestic soap wrappers I . ' i Un" & Co" Dc8 Molnca. 1 - you will Bet six silver teaspoons free. MrnlN ( lir ( ! , , CurloM. If anybody finds a tramp enveloped In a block silk shawl and wearing a Turkish turban with -white stripes and purple sill' cord nnd tassel and reading , the Lord's prayer onnravcd on a sea shell they can safely procure his arrest. Such a I ndlvldua Is badly wanted by the Gees family who HVD Var Crescent. They reported o the po cS yesterday that the tramp hied them of the articles mentioned and ecvoral other things The Reason Why \ \ o nio Raining trnclo bvory day la not Imrcl to umlorstuml our clffnrH litivo stood the test our stock is fresh our prices right our niethcdof doing business is right. You Should Join the great majority und nurohnso your cigars of us. The Union of oxporicnco end our undivided attention to your exchmlvo wants keep UH right up to the timoa and onublus you to get the bout cigars on tha market at tlio Bnino prlco other dealers charge and with every 25o Cnsh Pur- cliitsc wo glvo you n numbered tinkot. Wo are going to glvo away a TRIBUNE UICYGLE MOORE & ELLIS , ROCKY COURSE OF TRUE LOVE Jcsw James and Prances Martin Find it TTnusunlly Rough , LOVER IN JAIL AND MAID AT HOME of n Mother ( o Control Her Conrnc Welt t'p liy OlllccrN of ( lie Frances Martin , the 14-year-old girl al luded to In The Bee yesterday morning as helng sought by offlccrs with n warrant sworn out hy her mother charging Incor- rlglblllty , was not found until yesterday morning. She spent a good part of yester day In the custody of ofllccrs , but was finally turned over to the care of her mother. Jcsso James , the man In the case , now occupies a cell In the county Jail charged with kid naping. The girl has lived with her parents on Avcnuo G and Tenth street since their resi dence in the city until a few days bcforo Christmas , when she disappeared. After several days the mother learned she had gone to the homo of David James , 1712 Ave nue E , where she was enjoying the ardent wooing of Jesse , the 19-year-old son. Con tinuous efforts _ liavo been made to Induce the girl to return to her home , but without success. Her father Is a mall carrier , who drives one of the star routes and Is away from homo nearly all of the time. The girl professed a tender regard for young James and announced her determination to marry him at any cost. The affair culminated In trouble Friday afternoon , which led to the law being appealed to. Tlio girl had been living In the families of the married sons nnd daughters of David James , who wcro not opposing the consummation of the court ship. The mother finally enlisted Miss Mur phy , a cousin , In Omaha , who agreed to toke the girl to her home and keep her until she had a chance to recover from her Infatuation for young James. They wcro cnrouto Fri day afternoon to take the motor for Omaha. Whllo waiting for the train James came along on a load of hay. Ho slipped to the ground when ho saw his girl and In a mo ment learned of the scheme to get her away from him. Miss Murphy had a firm grip on the girl's arm and refused to release her when James or.dcrcd her to do so. James , It is alleged , used considerable force to en force his commands and took the girl from her guardian. Mlna Murphy screamed and called for help , but thcro was no one to hear her. James boosted his girl onto the load of hay and drove away , triumphant and happy. Ho left her at the homo ot his Bister , Mrs. Isabclle Plncro , on the corner of Sixteenth avenue and Thirteenth street. The mother procured the warrant for her daughter's arrest Immediately after Miss Murphy made her report. The olllccrs dur ing the night visited all of the residences of the Jameses but that of Mrs. Plncro. When the girl was arraigned and the story of the kidnaping was made public a warrant was promptly Issued for young James. Ho was arrested during the afternoon , and being unable to glvo the required bond was sent to the county Jail , pending a hearing of the case. James Is a manly young fellow , and all of his family unite In declaring that ho has only bestowed the most honorable love upon the young girl. When her daughter consented to return homo Mrs. Martin with drew the charge of Incorrlglblllty. By sending forty Domestic soap wrappers to L. Bolton & Co. , Dcs'Molncs , la. , you will get six silver teaspoons free. You can buy a $2.00 tic lor GOc , at Hughes' all this week. Rlt.\I > I3 GllOWnitS * ANNUAL MI3I3TING. TK Klcoti'il mill ( iciicrnl ItiiNlnoNn of tin- Society I.iiokeil After. The regular annual session of the Council Bluffs Grape Growers' association -was held at the court house yesterday. The showing made by the .reports was encouraging , giv ing a substantial Increase over 1S95. The following officers were elected : J. P. Hess , president ; W. S. Kccllnc , secretary ; Samuel Avcry , vice president : Charles Konigs- macher , treasurer ; directors , Alexander Wood , Robert McKenzle , Frank Hall , Spen cer Smith nnd O. J. Smith. President Hers addressed the meeting nnd pointed a number of ways la which the clllclcncy of the association could bo In creased. Tlio question of cutting down the expenses of the marketing of the fruit was mentioned. It was shown that the cost of carting the fruit to Omaha cut down the profits materially. ( At present , said Mr. Ileus , there was every prospect of one of the largest grape and small fruit crops In this vicinity In the history of the county. The acreage had been materially Increased and the business ought to reach the $50,000 mark In a fewyears. . The report of. the secretary showed that over $1C,000 woith of fruit was handled through the association last year. In 1895 the amount had only been $13,000. Mayor Carson addressed the association on the subject of establishing a basket factory In this city. He HUggeste l that the old handle factory building could bo used for this purpose. Several persons had approached htm about the matter , and If the Fruit Growers' association would encourage the enterprise It would bo a success. But llttlo encouragement was given by the members of the association , as their experience In baskets made In this vicinity has not been satisfactory. Yestcrday'B meeting was one of the best attended In the history of the association , and all the members present were greatly encouraged by the outlook. The matter of selecting a manager has not yet been decided upon , being left to the board of directors. Do you wear a necktie ? You can buy any of these elegant tlea In puffs , ascots , and any etylo tlu mada that formerly sold from 75 c to $2.00 , at Hughea' , the men's outflttcis , for COc , all this week. Mori- Actions AKiilnxl Cimnily. The First National bank commenced action against J. N. Casady end Thomas Bowman to set nsUlo the trust deed that was given to protect the bondsmen of the missing real estate agent. Mrs. Casady and Mrs. J. N. Canady , jr. , arc. also made defendants to the same action In different counts covering the transfers that wcro to them. ThU action attacking the deeds was not unex pected. The holrs to the Grosvcnor and Voxel estates wore expected to take this action , but It U understood that they will not participate In any euch a suit , as It would Invalidate the benefit that It was ex pected to glvo them under the deeds. Another attachment was plastered on the Sasady property yesterday by C. It , Shcaroi. Ho Is a resident of Hazel Dell township and claims a number of small amounts for work doun by him und his wlfo and son for J , N. Jasady. All the claliiw aggregate about $100 and were Incurred by Casady during the past . ear. As yet no word has been rect'lved from Mr. Casady and his friends nnd relatives state .hat they da not know of his whereabouts. Mllnrry Store Itnlilieil. When Miss Helen Sprlnk opened her mil- Inory shop at 19 Main street , yesterday naming , ho discovered that the place had been Invaded by thieves during the night. A trantom , nver a back door , had been forced > pcn. All of the coeds In the etoru had > ucn carefully examined , nnd a quantity of ho most valuable ullks , velvets ami flno rlmmlngs had been taken , The cash drawer md been forced , and all of the money It ontalned. was taken. This constated of a ew small coins. Mlts Sprlnk Is satisfied the burglars wcro not women or men desiring to ecuro headgear for their famalo friends , for bo thieves pulled and hauled around a num. ) cr of dreams lu hate and perfect loves of bonnets and dUcardcd them ( or a few venal ) unule . _ i SOCIAL UVBNTS OP LAST AVI3I2IC , AfYnlrn Unit Mmle Time I'nnn I'lciiN- niidy fur Mnny People. Mr. and Mrs. B , M. , Sargent hove been In Chicago for the past two days , Mr. Sar gent Is expected home Monday , but his wlfo will visit In Wisconsin before returning home. ' Walter D. Dlmmock ot Plttsburg , who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dim- mock , returned homo Tuesday evening after n two weeks' visit. Miss Alexander of Omaha was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Mcrrlam last week. Mrs. Andrew Kellnr of Hot Springs , S. D. , passed through the city Monday on her way to Nashville , Tcnn. , where she goes to spend the winter with Miss W. Kcllar , who Is well known here. Phillip Dodge has returned cast to con tinue his law studies , after n pleasant visit with his parents. Miss Gale of St. Louis , who has been visiting Miss Kleanor Montgomery for two weeks , returned homo Monday. General Dodge has been homo for the past week. Miss Georgia Sharp of Ompha Is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Owen W. Butts on First ave nue. nue.Mrs. . S. 13. Bollcs , who has been visiting her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Owen W. Butts , expects to leave In n few days for her homo In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stlllman entertained Mr. Hagey and Mr. Smith , members of the Chicago University Glco club , at dinner Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. II. Campbell enter tained a small party ot friends at their homo with a chafing dish lunch. The Up-to-Dato Whist club met Tuesday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shea on Hlghth street. Miss Brogan of Fort Smith , Ark. , Is visit ing Mrs. Tlnlcy and family. The next assembly of the Dancing club will be held at the Royal Arcanum hall Wednesday evening , December 13. Mrs. S. 13. Bollcs entertained a few friends Friday evening with n phonograph The concert afforded by the Instrument fur nished no end ot amusement. Those pres ent were Misses Shnrpo and Moore , Messrs. and Mcsdamcs Haas , Cunlmlngs , Gilbert , Bollcs and Butts. Miss Kthcl Barnard entertained Informally at luncheon Friday. Miss Key entertained Informally Wednes day evening. In honor of her friend , Miss Jacobl ot Philadelphia. Miss Jacobl will leave for homo In n few days. Mrs. O. II. Simons entertained a small party of friends Tuesday evening In honor of the young women who assisted her at reception New Year's day. They wore Misses Wickham , Moore , Farusworth , Scclcy , Jones and Smith. The Monday Musical club gave Its second end public recital of the season Monday at Mueller's hall. The program proved ono of the best ever presented by the members of the club. Encores were demanded by the critical audience present. The program was as follows : Wedding March . McndclsRolm Misses Deebe , Moore. Hnrnnrd and Mrs. rirlnsmnld. ( n ) Du Dlst wle Kino Illume . Liszt ( b ) Ich Llcbc Dlch . Grelg Mrs. Lnnge. Motor . . -.Rossini { Transcript by Liszt. ) Mrs. K. B. Hnrt. ( n ) Thcro Is a Garden In Her Face. . . . . Charles Tlnncy ( b ) Bountiful Violet . Carl Rolnecko Mrs. Wnketleld and Mrs. iMltllK Pllgerchor ( Tnnnhnuscr ) . Wngner Miss linrnnrd. ( n ) Maiden , How Sweet . Nevln ( b ) Thine . Bohin Mrs. Fred Loomls. Song- Without Words . Sutorlus llr. nnd Mra. L. C. Patterson. The Derthlck Musical club was organized last Monday evening by Francis Eaton of Chicago at Mueller's Music hall. A de lightful musical program was rendered as follows : Venetian Gomlelllnr . Mendelssohn Mrs. nrlnsmalil. I Would Tlmt My Love . -Mendelssohn 'Mrs. ' MultlB and Mrs. Simons. Woddlnir March . Mendelssohn Misses Beebe , Moore , Barnard und Mrs. Brlnsmald. Jewel Sonir ( Fnust ) . Gounod Mrs. J. G. Wndsworth. On Wings of Song . Mendelssohn I. M. Trcynor. Mnrche Mllltnlro . Shubert Messrs. Slmms nnd Thlckstun. , Farewell to the Forest ( quartet ) . 'Mrs. Mullls , Mrs. Wndsworth. Mr. Altchl- son , nnd Mr. Rlgdon. Another session of the club was held Wednesday o\enlng at the homo of I. M. Trcynor , when the organization was com pleted and the following olllcers chosen : Mrs. Robert Mullls , president : Miss Pearl Chamberlain , vice president ; C. B. Altchlson , secretary and treasurer. TJio club starts out with the following members : Mcsdamcs O. H. Simons. J. G. Wadsworth. A. R. Brinsmald. D. Macrae , Jr. . R. Mullls. W. II. Wakefleld , P. J. Montgomery , E. E. Hart ; Messrs , and Mesdamcs II. A. Cole , W. L. Thlckstun , I. M. Treynor ; Misses E. Stewart - art , Maude Smith. Nora McCabe , Zcnla Lange , Mona Reed , May Tulleys , Sylvia Snyder , Pearl Chamberlain. Gertrude Jones , Gertrude Kennedy , Efla Ellis , Carrie Mor gan ; Messrs. J. II. Simms , L. W. Tulloys , C. U. Altchlson , C. S. Havcrstock , D. E. Stuart , W. S. Rlgdon. The purpose of the club Is to study classical music analytically and each composer will bo taken up during an evening and a critical analysis of his work given with selections from his masterpieces , illustrative of his manner and style. Many of the admirers ot the Chicago University Glee club In this city attended the concert In Omaha last Monday evenIng - Ing nnd later the reception at the Mlllard. In the party that went over were Misses Farnsworth , Sadlo Farnsworth , Keating , Cavln , Trautman , Bowman , Bennct , Plnney , Messrs. Wright , Motcalf , Douglass , Squire and Plnney. The party was chaperoned by Mcsdamcs Campbell , Brlnsmald , Mcrrlam , Vincent and Wells. Mr. J. M. Fenlon entertained the Con servatory club at a chafing dish luncheon Thursday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. J , Shea. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. John Davis , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis , Miss Keating , Miss Cavln , MIssAVIck- 1mm , Mr. Dawson , Mr. Douglass and -Mr. Fenlon. Misses Sylvia and Grace Messmcr gave a very brilliant dancing party at the Ogdcn Friday evening. The parlors and dining room wcro beautifully decorated with palms , sinllax and cut roses. Chambers' orchestra furnished delightful music. The Onward club will meet with Mrs. Porterfleld Tuesday afternoon Instead of at the resUenco of Dr. and Mrs. Cleaver. Mrs. W. A. Travis entertained a number ot her friends at tea Thursday afternoon. Hoard of SiiiicrvlHiirN. The Board of Supervisors was unable to complete Its work this week and adjourned yesterday until tomorrow' morning. No action has yet been taken to rescind any of the printing and blank tiook contracts that were let a few days ago. Mr. Wads- worth was busy yesterday getting data for the action he Intends bringing against the county nnd the printers who were awarded the contract. Ho stated yesterday that ho had discovered several 'Instances ' where an overcharge had bcou made on the contract prlco at nn expense of hundreds of dollars to the county. These ( acts would bo brought out lit his petition when ho commenced the rctlon. Arrangements wcro made by the board yesterday to meet all the assessors of the county next Tuesday , -when effort will bo made to got the business of assessing on amore moro equitable basis. There arc about forty assessors In the county and they have all been notified to bo In Council Bluffs Tues day for a session with th : board. It was rumored yesterday that some plan would bu formulated to Increase the valuation of thu property throughout tbo county. jof Hot ( If. Charles Walker , a bartender , while hunt' Ing at Dig Lake last evening Just before lark , observed a bottle floating In the water ivlth what appeared to bo a paper Insldo of t. Ho secured It after some difficulty , In a plcco of oiled paper Inside was writ- en this mcBsago ; "Look In the lake and rou will find my hotly. John Hansen. " It , vui Impossible to tell how long the bottle lad been In the water. A quantity of water lad soaked lu around the cork , and It the laper had not been oiled tbo writing would iavo been Ineligible , The message * wea written In pencil oif n Acrap of paper thi had evidently been lor&from n note book Walker brought thc -tmttlb to the etntlo and turned It over to the police. The dl rectory shows only tayttfjobn Hanson llvln In the city. Ho Is d 'chY cleaner , and live at 2215 South Seventh street. Inquiry a that number last nlgM railed to locate him The police gcnorttlly regard the thin ns a hoax but arc i Inclined to InVcstlgat for the reason that , a pan ? named. Hansci disappeared from thp Spitman. farm eevcrt weeks ago. Ho catac to this city with nearly $200 In his pc'&tsslon , nnd was neve heard of again. Th'er * la very llttlo wntc In the lake , and It woma Impossible for man to he conccalc.l In It anywhere. MKHC1I.VXTS AM ) MAXUFACTUIIKHH Arrangement * for nil Active Cum liulKii Miule liy tlie lloily. A meeting ot the executive committee o the Merchants' nnd Manufacturing commit tee , was held In the Grand hotel last oven Ing. The question ot arranging for the ban qucta customarily held during the year , am the subject of the membership were th mattero chiefly discussed during the carl ; part ot the evening. M. F. Rohrer , president of the nraoclatlon called attention to the agitation going on for the removal of the general Indian supply warehouses from New York City to som western city , nearer the distributing point and SJggcstoa that Council Bluffa Join Omah In Ita effort to have the warehouse locatec In this vicinity. The president named Charles R. Hcnnan August Bercshelm nnd William Gronewcg as a committee to attend the meeting of th monetary convention at Indlanapolla on Jan uary 12. Committees to secure new members and the renewal of old memberships , were ap pointed. For the purpose of facilitating th work , the city was divided Into districts , and the business men In clnwca. Following ar the committees : Implement Denlcrs 13. H. Mcrrlnm nm F. A. Blxby. Newspapers nnd Banks Victor Bender nnd C. It. Ilunnun. Rcnl Estate.T. . Grecnshlelds nnd M F. Rohrer. West of Twelfth Street F. H Keys und L. M. Shubert. Rctiill Merchants , Mnln nnd Pcnrl Streets M. Wollmnn nnd Charles Bono. Mult Street , South of Fifth Avenue I'nt Gun noude , Charles Rex nnd Chris Litrsen. Attorneys D. B. Dalley nnd T. C. Daw son. son.Rctnll Dealers on Broadway , from Fourth to Twelfth Strccts-B. M. Sargent nnd E. W. Hart. Brondwny , North Side , from First to Fourth Streets W. H. Lynchnrtl and J. C Dellnven. East Broadway , East of First Street- Victor Jennings nnd H. E. Glvencns. Physicians nnd Professional Men Dr. J H. Cleaver and" Dr. F. S. Thomas. Railroads W. J. Davenport und J. SI. Lnnc.- City Oniclals-J. A. Gorhnm nnd N. C. Philips. Insurance Companies II. W. Binder nnd Jnmes O'Kecfo. Gardeners nnd Florists J. F. Wllcox , J R. Mcl'hcrson and J. P. Hess. The matter of abolishing the city tlckc offlces of the various railway lines cnmo uj for considerable dlacurslon. A resolution was passed , directing the president to ap point a committed to act' ' with the secretary for the purpose of drawing up a strong pro test against the p'roJjtMod action , and direct Ing It to bo forward * ! ! at once to Chairman Caldwell ot the Webtertf Passenger assocla tlon. The committee 'Ivas ' appointed am promised to get out the letter today , so tha It will reach Chairman Caldwell by the tlm the passenger association convenes In Chi caga tomorrow morning. Neckwear sale at .Hughes' all this week any tlmo In the hou e r 60c. I.lceiiNeN. The following mnrrlngb licenses were Is sued yesterday : ' ' * Name and address1 ! Ago Charles W. Johnsttrl.- Omaha . 22 Anna Eggerllng- , Omaha : . 19 H. C. Wells. Mills bounty. . . i . . . 24 B. Xanill3 , , Mlllatcounty..n . -2J South Omaha News. Pastors of the different churches In South Omaha have Issued the following address to the public : The clergy of South Omahn , feeling the need , of some fund from which they may supply the wants of any emergency cases which mny nrlso during the comingmontha among that class of poor which cannot be assisted by the city or county , nsk your co-operntlon In the following plnn : Tlmt n subscription bo circulated ns'.clng for $1 from cncli subscriber , which shnll not be paid until the full sum of J1CO hn3 been subscribed. Tlmt Harry M. Christie net as treasurer of said fund : that e make nrrnngemcnts with various merchants In the city to honor such orders as shnll 'bo made upon them by himself upon tlio request of any ono ol the undersigned clergymen. That It shnll bo distinctly understood that Btich fund shall bo used exclusively for emergency nnd other cases not proper subjects for county relief. Timt the clergy pledge themselves to the observance of these provisions to the best of their abllltv , nnd further , thai every dollar thus subscribed be accounted for. IRVINO P JOHNSON , D.V. . MORIARTY. CHARLES ZAIC. nOIlKHT I , . WHEELER , J. E. ENGLISH , C. C. SMITH , HERBERT P. ESPY. HOWARD CRAMBLET. Those Interested in the venture say that If the people will co-opcrato In this it will obvlato the necessity of a charity ball or entertainment this winter. Dcntli from AlcoliiillHiu. James Haley , an employe of the Omaha Packing company , died yesterday afternoon at the South Omaha hospital. Haley had been drinking hard for several days , and when found by frlemU Friday was lying In a stupor at a room In the Lister block , on N street. Chief Brennan was notified nnd had the unconscious man removed to the hospital. Dr. Schlndcl was called to attend the case , and did everything po&slblo to overcome the effects of alcohol. The physi cian said that alcoholism was the cause of death. The parents of the deceased llvo at Thirty-seventh and Washington etrcctB , Chicago cage , and have been notified. City D. S. Clark , druggist. 2422 N street. Robert Taylor , Grand Island , was a visitor In the city yesterday. Born , td Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ocst , Twen tieth street and Missouri avenue , a son. A. P. Larson , Newman Grove , was at the yards yesterday , wltli'fdur cars ot cattle. The Emanon club'.will hold a business meeting at the ofllcdJbf jl. C. Murphy Mon day evening. " * The expenses of thii. public schools amount to about $4GOO everynionth , anffi the school funds' are now In very"good condition. Funeral services ovjqrltho remains of the Infant child of Mr and Mrs. P , Butler , Twenty-fifth and Q ftttpcts , will bo held at 2 o'clock this aftcrqo.Qn , The Hammond Packing company com menced the erection tycatcrday ot a frame structure , 50x100 fcet ) < to. bo used as a store- houeo for box lumbOr. iTho now building la being put up near/-thp largo oil tank , at the north' end of the plant. Last Thursday morning , at St. Agnes' church , Mies Margaret ) ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shannon , watr married to Mr. J. F. Buckley , by Rov. DjiAV. Morlarty. Miss IJmma O'Loughlln nctofl as bridesmaid , while W. L. Buckley was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley will reside at Twenty-fifth and P Btrcots. Ofllcera of the Eighth Grade Debating club liovn been elected as follows : Roy Towl , iresldcnt ; Ilymau Lev/ , vice president ; Grao Damron , secretary and treasurer. A pro gram Is rendered by the members ot thlii club at the High school building every Frl- jay afternoon , to which parents and frlenda of the pupils are Invited , A son of W. B , Olln , the QJ street grocery man , was thrown from a. wagon ! at Twenty- joventli and F streets yesterday afternoon , ind quite badly Injured , The homes became frightened and ran away , and young Olln itruck on his head , which wan cut In several , ) lacc . A phnlclan was called , and after iho Injuries were drcsucd , Ollu wan taken to tila home. , i Still Giving Premiums. THESE ARE THE STORES where prcmi um Stamps arc given , Buy here , collect Premium Stamps and secure handsome Premiums Art Studio. Dye Works Musical Merchandise Harry Schmidt , 406 Broadway. ( Stamps Schoodsack's Twin City Dye Workf , corner Murllcr I'lano and Organ Co. , 103 Main St. given only when cash deposit Is made. ' Avenue A end 2Glh street. News and Periodicals Baby Carriages. FUIlNITUnB-S. S. Keller , 311313-313 I ) . W. nuchncll. 22 Main street. ( Stamps Broadway. given when asked for nt the tlmo the S. S. Keller , 311-313-315 Broadway. Roods are bought-nnd paid for , except on OIULL12 WOUK S. S. Keller , 311-313-31.r. school books . ) Bakery. Broadway. \ Goods Boston Bakery ( P. Ualdauf , Prop. ) , S2S Groceries Optical Broadway. M. Wollman , 409 Broadway , ( Eyes tcstoJ. \Vldnmlcr , COS Broadway. I Johnson & Olson , 739 Broadway. free. ) Banjos , Guitars , Mandolins Etc nudolph William Fltrgomld Teller , 1001 , 421 Main Main street. ifttcet. Paints , Oils and Glass Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Soutli Bartcl & Miller , 100 West Broadway , Tolc- Dell G. Morpr.ui Co. , 742 Broadway. Main street. phone Slid. Mcrrlam Block Pharmacy , corner Main street J. Wardlan , 1G01 Broadway. and Willow nvenue. Bicycles. 11. II. Harris , 2301 Broadway. Brown & Wcsncr , 617 Main street. , Patton & Patton , 932 Fifth avenue. Morgan Co. , 140 Broadway. J. T. Findlcy , 337 Broadway. C. A. Lacy , 3S1 Harrison street. P. U. Schneider , 12 Pcail street. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. Hardware Photographic Work Books and Stationery. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. Harry Schmidt , 40C Broadway. ( Stamps D. W. nushncll , 22 Main street. ( Gives Charles Swalno , 340 Broadway. given only when cash deposit Is made. ) stamps when asked for at the tlmo goods Pianos and Organs arc bought and paid for , except on school Harness and Saddlery books. * Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Main St. Walters Bros. , 148 Broadway. ROOM MOULDING J. B. Long. 31 Main St. Boots and Shoes. SEWING MACHINES J. T. Flndley , 337 Ice Broadway. I S. A. Plerco & Co. , 100 Main street. SHEI-JT MUSIC Mueller Piano and Organ The Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. , Broad Co. , 103 Main street. China and Glassware way nnd Ninth street. . I SHOES S. A. Plerco & Co. . 100 Main street. SIGNS J. B. Long , 31 Main street. M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. . . ' JEWELUY M. Wollman. 409 Broadway. SILVERWARE M. Wollman. 409 Broad LAUNDRY Eagle Laundry Co. , 721 Broad- . Coal and Wood * way. way. Stoves and Ranges The Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. , corner Meat Markets Broadway and Ninth street. . Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. J. H. Pace. 738 Broadway. Chas. Swalnc , 340 Broadway. I Confectionery .C. II. Huber & Bro. , 112 East Broadway. TAILORING Simon Johnson & Co. , C43 Robert Marx , 221 Main street. Broadway. Purity Candy Kitchen , C34 Broadway. J. H. Miller. 1013 Main street. Tinware C. 0. D. Market ( C. H. Orvls , Prop. ) , D37 Dentistry Broadway. | Cole &CoIe. 41 Main street. ' Dr. L. E. Hoc , Iloom 322 Mcrrlam Block. J. Wardlan , 1G03 Broadway. Chas. swalnc. 340 Broadway. ' Dr. A. 0. Mudgc , 319 Broadway. Fred Evcrs ( West Broadway Meat Market ) , TURF GOODS Walters Bros. , 148 Broadway. 2313 Broadway. UPHOLSTERY S. S. Keller , 311-313-315 Diamonds Broadway. Merchant Tailoring WALL PAPER J. B. Long , 31 Main street. M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. ' WATCHES AND CLOCKS M. Wollman , 409 ' Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway. j Broadway. t , Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wizard Cough Elixir Doll G. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway. Millinery Merrlara Block Pharmacy , corner Main St. Miss L. A. Wollman , 339 Broadway Brown & Wesner , 617 Main street. and Willow Avc. ( New store , new stock and new fixtures. ) Wood Brown & Wesner. 617 Main street. Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway. Mirrors The Council Bluffs Coal .and Ice Co. , corner P. G. Schneider , 12 Pearl street. Broadway and Ninth street. L. Masscnberg , 630 Broadway. i S. S. Keller , 311-313-315 Broadway. C. A. Lacy , 381 Harrison street. BEAR IN MIND' that it costs you nothing to get our Premiums , The Premium Stamps get them FREE. Our office is always open and you are cordially invited to call and bring your friends. If you have been overlooked in the distribution of our Stamp Books , kindly notify us and we will take pleasure in supplying you. THEY ARE FREE TO ALL. Yours very respectfully , THE CO-OPERA1IVE PREMIUM ASSOCIATION. CLA1R E. TURNHULL. Local i J. C , IIU.HES , General Manager Please note change in our Office Address as we have moved from 10 Pearl Street to 339 Broadway. BILL TO REMOVE CAPITOL Senate of Soutli Dakota Bejects a Proposal to Postpone. MEASURE TAKES ITS REGULAR COURSE Muiiy Other llllln Introduced In ( ho Sound- mill tliu HOIIHO 1,1x1 u ( tilt ; rrliiolpnl HiiiiNC COIllIllltU-OH. riEURE , S. D. , Jan. 9. ( Special Tele gram. ) The event of the day In the senate was the bill to remove the capltol to Hu ron , which came up on a vote to postpone two' weeks , which waa lost < by a vote of 3 to 14 , and U takes It ? regular cour&c. Dills were Introduced regulating salaries of treasurer and register of deeds , provid ing for another judicial circuit and choosing other circuits ; creating the office of boiler Inspector , and a bill to reimburse J. M. Good for expenses of J4.317 Incurred In the Indian trouble of 1891. In the house a message from the governor wail read , asking that the legislature provide for an accounting with the active cadi by the state treasurer bcforo his new bond bo approved. * A Cuban resolution , a resolution for the appointment of a committee to thoroughly investigate the Taylor settlement , and a lallroad bill , fixing a 3-ccnt rate and mileage books good In the hand of any one , wcro the principal measures presented. The republicans and populists nro both milling caucuses tonight. In the house today one of the flrst re ports presented after the speaker had an nounced his principal committees , was the report of the committee on compensation of house employes , as follows : Chief clerk , $ G- IIrat assistant , $4.50 ; second assistant , $4.50 ; engrossing nnd enrolling clerk , M ; amlst- nnt enrolling clerk , $3 ; sergeant at arms , ? 1.50 ; assistant sergeant at arms , J3.GO ; bill clerk , $4 ; postmaster , $3.50 ; messenger , $3.60 ; committee clerks. Judiciary , $3.50 ; appropria tion , $3.60 ; enrolling and engrossing. $3.50 ; all other clerks , $3 ; chaplain. $3 ; pages , $2. Tlio speaker announced en the principal committees the following list : Judiciary Swartz. Holmes , JlcWhortcr King. Court , Mnstlc. ' Donahue , Dollurd , Jlnss. Itnllroads McMnnus , Weeks , Oleson of [ > a\vrenre , Dean , Wrlghi , Duly , Kulinn , aiiiHs , Sheldon. . . Correction of House Journal Kins , Kldd , Itule's Kldd , Holmes , Swnrtz , Qoddard , ; torllc. Counties nnd County OfllcPK-IIolmcs , lurkholder , aurmun , Moscson , Lilly , Hnir , llnnlMICn'ml Banklng-l'urdln. Stovnrt , Swnrtz , Oiinnlson. Llllv. Lien , Uurkc , Engrossing nnd Enrolling Iilllaunnlson. . MuWhortcr. Hlsty. Hepdnhl , Anderson of Clngsljury. Ilulverson , Unwell , Approprlutlons-Klrk. Olson of Lawrence , Ilhickstonc. GlbbB , Dnly , Kltndt , IJurke , McCougttoy , Hnlr. Insurance Anderson of Aurora , ninck Htone , Hanson , I'urdln , Power , Melseiv holder. Fnrnum. Educntlon-Necr , nruce , Mitchell , KlrU. Vrlght , Oieson or Lawrence , Uurkc , Hair , " "Ways and Means Weeks , Anderson of 'cnnlngton , Kldd , Olcwjn of Lnwrence , 'urdln , Hojfdnhl. Jones , Ebbcrt , Sheldon , Jomerfl. Mlc-.inels. Printing nnd Library lUirkhoIdcr , King , { Idd , Hrusscnu , Aulwcln , Bchmiubcr , Ehcl- on. Agriculture nnd Horticulture Peterson , icnson , Power , Demon , Stewart , Hanson , "municipal Corporations-Mantle , Cplton , lynn. Qllibs , Johnson , MIchnolH. linker. MlncH nnd Mlnlng-Hrucp. Ilentpn , King , .Illy. Herman. Downing. Ovcrseth. . Charltnhlu Institution * .AnilorHon of Clngsbury. Denton. Olbbi , Olson of Ynnk- on llyan , Storlle. Jnrillno. Highways and nrlduort-Olson of } nnk- on. Michaels , MOSCHOII , Peterson , Uhoor , Jbbert. Ilcsolutlanu were Introduced and pacued to pread the message ot Governor Sheldon on 10 record of the house , and for a vote of the ull body an the organization of the house o prevent any future ( iiiEBtlon as to the cgullty of the organization by the vote of wa than a full majority of the house. Adjourned. In addition of Iho capltol removal bill , a 111 to protect t'aino was Introduced In the It's Cold , Ami you need fuel. There Is one place In town where you can get the famous CRNTUIl- VIM < R COAT. , nothingbc.its It. J3.75 ptr ton. CINHNNATTl III.Ol'K. . ! , . . . 1 75 STUKATOU III-OCIC 3 75 HAMILTON HCHKKNKD LUMP 3 K is .MoiMis : LUMP 3 M CO WAX NUT 3 Pw CO I.FAX CHKSTNUT 8 75 COIIH ji.CU per ] oml. All orilcra promptly Hlled. WM. WE.LOH . . , No. 8 M AIM , Tel. J2S. YAUD-015 SO. MAIN STREET , Tel. 03. Wo BCDil tlio French IltmcJy CALTHOS rn-f. < n CM ) . Id ) .nil Irpnl KunrnntrotlmtCAl.Tlcos will STnl'nUcharKrufind Kmtulunm CUItl ! Hprrrautorrbea , Vurlcucclo and KI > TIHK l.o.t Visor. Vie it and fay if satisfied. VON MOHU CO. , 332 B , Sole Anrrlrtn JftoU , CUrltMtl , llbls. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . . 5100,000 \VC SOLICIT YOUIl 11USI.\ES9. WI2 DLISinU YOUR COLLECTIONS. ONE OP TUB OLDEST HANKS IN IOWA. B I'lill CENT PAID ON ATJD BEE Un OB WIUTE. scnato today. This provides for a now officer In every county of the state as game and fish warden. The remaining scnato bills wcro principally for ballot changes and for purity of elections. Governor Leo has appointed as delegates to the good roads convention to bu held at Orlando , Kla. , on February 2 : L. T. Nor- mon of Togstad , Henry L. Terry of Vcrmll- llon and N. S. Ilnsnn of Oroton. 'COLD HUSH IN TIIH ItLACK HILLS. TliriMItlvnl TIMVIIH Spring ; Up nml lid 1 1 run IH I'rc-inirc In llullil. LEAD , S. D. , Jan , 9. ( Special Telegram. ) The excitement attendant to the rich gold discoveries lately made In the Ragged Top district , near thta city , continues unabated. A pocket of ere was uncovered yesterday at a depth of ICO feet la the Dacy shaft , which nasaja over $24,000 to the ton. Three rival towns Ualmoral , Preston nnd Ragged Top have lately sprung up In the region of the discoveries and tholr growth borders on tbo marvelous. Surveyo have been made , and the Burlington and Elkhorn railroads , In < iucst of ere business , are preparing to build branches to the district In question. People are rushing thither In veritable droves and every foot of ground , within a radius of five. square miles , hca been located by prospector : ) hungry for riches. Old miners assert that the Hugged Top country haa greater possi bilities than any mining district In the Illack Hllla. Ac-crpl Political POMH. ( VEHMILLION , S. D. , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) PIcrro will claim three of tbo editors from this city thin winter , wo go to fill various capacities In and about the state capital , T. II , Ayrrs , editor of Plain Talk , has already commenced to feather hit * neat ea private necretary to the governor. K. S. Oanforth , junior till tor of the Dakota Republican , has accepted a position In the otllco of thentato auditor , and will leave Saturday to begin the work. P. M. Dalloy , editor of the Clay County Kreeman , also expects to leave In a few daya to act as ono of the clerks. CnrrlcM ( hiCIIIICIIN. . niSMARCK , N. D. , Jan. 9. In the repub lican caucus tonlcbt Senator Hansbroueh wnu chosen aa the republican nominee for senator to succeed himself , thus assuring liln re-oloctlon when the vote Is taken on the mil lust. Tills result has bce-a conceded for several days , all opposition being practically withdrawn and the nomination wa made unanimous tonight. The first vote was ; Ilanabrough , 38 ; Kranclti , 1C ; scattering , 3 , Annual clearing ualo of neckwear at [ Inches' tula week , any tlo In the house for We. , , . Men Made Over I Any man sulTorliiK ( mm the effects of lolllci nml executes rrrlorcil to perfect health , iimnhuoil , nndlE r. Night lontrs , Or.ilnsnn.t omlMl'iMS c < M o nt once. Thn Krrorinf Youth , I'rqjnntnro Decline. Lout , Manhood , nnd nil Hljeiuci and Wenk- ncises of Mini , from whatever cnute , l > crnianontljriind privately cured. SMALL , WEAK PARTS ENLARGED AND DEVELOPED. Ourrcffular SIOO wrkneo Pnrln Vltul SpiirltH , a full month's treatment , lee ! " , ! * , * ' . " ' Vrva Jor " J"r ' ' " " ulv- Miillod closolr rented. Cut tills out. It nnlr nppcnrs once. Write nnir. tolav. Till : IJll. AHCHASIUAULT CO. . Dcpt. 15 iioiiiin , M.I . , u. a. A. No C , 0. D , or Prescription Fraud. WE SEND IT Y'e will pend you by mall ( In plain package ) AHSOI.U'rni.V Klinihe : ( powerful Dr. Ilon'iiinn'H Vital lli-Htorallve Tabletx , with 11 lenul Kunrnntee to pennnncntlx euro ION ! MtlllliiMHl , -lf-AI > llHiWcnlciuMN , ViirliMX'i-lfiMnjis forever .Murlit KnilNxloiiM iiml all unnatural tlrnln ; epeedlly rentorcs health anil perfect munhootl. \Vc 1mvc fnlth In our treatment , nnd If wo could not cure you wo would not fend our medicine KUKI2 to Innnd pay when nitlKlk'tl. WISSTI3II.V MI3IHCI.M3 C'O. , ( Incorporated. ) Kiilninnr.oo , Midi. Searles , SPCCIUISTS IV Nervous , Chronic nnd Private Diseases , WEAKEN srxiMiu. AH Private DUcaioB i ml Dtaordcrnof Mea Treatment by mill SYPHILIS Cured for llfo and the poison tliorcur'ily , cleansed from the system. l'IIES. FISTULA find IlECTAL UI.CHKS , HYDHOCtSLEfl and VAUtoU2L : < r } permanently anil suc cessfully cured. Method now and unfailing STRICTURE AND GLEErnssS. By now method without pain or cutting- . Call on or addrcis with stamp , Dr. Searlcs & Searles. " . GKAND OPENING CONCEKT ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE TIIU FISK JUBILEE SINGERS glvo their Inimitable musical enter tainment In thu above beautiful auditorium , Droadway , COUNCIL UUJFFS , IA. , Under the auspices of tbo Young Men's Christian Association , Tuesday Evening , Jan. 12 Doors Open at 7 O'clock , Commences at 8 O'clock. Tickets CO Cents. Reserved seats without extra charge at A. A. Hart's Jewelry store. DOHANY THEATER Three Nliihti , Blurting I , , ' ' ' ' Sll.VDAV , JAMJAR V K ) . , , Only Twin Hturu In the World , fllttftffl : : * N3lVJ3ir , In Three Great Twin I'laya , Hiinilny . . . THU OPKItATOIl Momlny . . COUHIOA.V IIIIOTIIKUH I'lii-Niliiy . . CII-.1IH.\OKAU ( UHU Price * , 15c , 2Sc , Ko and COc. BcuU now on olu at Helium' driiK tlore. JOUANY THKAT12II- Two nlKhti , commencing KHIDAY , JANITAIIY 9 , the popular uctrcim , KUNICi ; UOODItlCU , und un excellent company , In the great lyondim imcce , CAPTAIN JANUAHY. Halo optim Wednesday mornlnir. ( loodrlch popular | > rlc n. A ticket will mlinlt on lady free , If uccoin- lanleil with nno jmld reierveil neat tlckil. Or , n other wordi , one paid reivrved neat ticket will admit one ludy and eentleman , or lw r adlti It purchased at tlm advance talt.