Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1897, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Continuation of I'i We Solicit Inspection--We lrge ) Comparison
of Our Eleventh
) ' H ,
I' ' U
Annual arm
On our entire stock of Colored Dress Goods , Including all Novelties In On our entire stock of lllnnkets , Includlnj ; White Hlnukcts , Grny , Drown
Fancy Goods.
. and Scarlet Illankcts.
All our Plnln Colored Ilciulettas. i
All our 1'Ialn Colored Series. Our entire stock of men's anil boys' Cnslnnere anil Wool Underwear.
Allour I'laln Colored Itroadcloths.
All our I'laln Colored Ladles' Cloth. Our entire stock of men's and boys' Cashmere and Wool Hosiery.
All our IMaln Colored Mohairs. Our'entire stock of ladles'and ' .
children's Cashmere niul Wool Hosiery.
All our I'laln Colored Whip Cords.
All our I'laln Colored Jaciinards. Our entire stock of ladles' and children's Cashmere and Wool Underwear
On our entire stock of IHack Dress Good ? , Including all our Main and '
. Our entire stock of ladles and children's Cashmere and Wool Union Suits.
Novelty Weaves.
All our Storm Serges. On all our men's and boys' Winter Gloves and Mittens. IOn I
All our Diagonal Cloths.
All our Silk Warp Henriettas. DISCOUNT On all our ladles' and children' * * Winter Gloves and Mittens.
All our Itroadcloths. On all our ladles' 1'Maunel ' Wrap pers. >
All our Mohairs.
This discount to be taken from the lowest prices to which these goods have been recently reduced.
During1 this sale we offer our entire stock of Ladies' and Children's
Our stock of Corsets Is now Our annual sale of
Our annual sale ot complete , including the cele Our annual sale of
brated Linen Laces
Muslin Underwear including Torchons , Me- Linens
dicis and Smyrnas.
is now in progress embracing including all tli3 new
Our annual sale of
bracing all the new ideas patterns in damasks ,
c Embroideries with napkins to match
in trimmings and the latest
DISCOUNT will eommoneo Monday morn T ov e 1 s , Kitchen
est shnpcs. ing1. Tills stock 1ms been caro- Linens , etc.
At 33 1-3 per cent discount one-third off of the lowest prices larger fnlly selected variety and I him embraced over a
We solicit inspection. prices ranging from 4c to $3.00 We invite inspection.
at which these goods sold. This will include all .
were ever . eurO yard.
for lilcli wo 11 ro the western agents. a yard.We
We urge comparison. Wo solicit . O i J . We invite inspection. Ve urge comparison.
Wo urge comparison. inspection. latest and exclusive styles in both . .ladies' . and children's goods , Wo urge comnnriaon.
Cor , Farnnm and I5fh. Cor. Farnam and I5fh ,
Popoorata Get Together and Fix Things for
Monday's Formality.
AH Oo to llryan anil Four to I2ncli ot
tie TnllH to Hie Iate Kree.
Silver National
LINCOLN , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) Alt of the
presidential electors chosen November 3 on
the W. J. llryan popocratlc ticket met this
morning In the olllco of Governor Holcomb
and held a brief session. They are : Ncls O.
Alberts , Saranvlllo ; Jacob N. Campbell , Fullerton -
lerton ; Flclden J. Hale , lluttlo Creek ;
v- Michael F. Harrington , O'Neill ; Stanley
Louis KaUoryz , Mllllgan ; Fred Mctz , cr. ,
Omaha ; Olof W. Palm , Lincoln and Xavier
Plascckl , St. Paul. The. llryan electors or
ganized by electing Jacob N. Campbell chair
man , and .Michael F. Harrington secretary.
The regular day for them to meet , cart their
vote and delegate ono of their number to
carry the vote to Washington , to bo present
at the opening of the now congress , Is next
Monday. Upon completing their organiza
tion they adjourned to meet on that day at
the governor's office. Presidential Elector
Orlof W. Palm Is a candidate for dolcgato
to Washington , and It Is understood that lie
possesses quite substantial backing for the
position. AH per stipulation , In the scheme
of fusion carried out In November , four of
these presidential electors will cast their
votes for Thomas Watson of Georgia for vice
president. Theec four arc Nelson , Kostoryz ,
llnrrjngton and Campbell. So far as learned ,
Fred Mctz , sr. , Is the only competitor for
delegate to Washington agalnrt Palm. With
the exception of Metz , all the electors will
remain In the city over night and tomorrow
will dine at the residence of Elector Palm.
Oil Inspector Edmlstcn says that during
the present month ho will compile his annual
report and submit the same to the governor.
Ho Is given the full month of January In
which to do this. Today he turned In to
the new stale treasurer , John U , McEcrve.
M.100 In fees collected for the Inspection ot
The care In the supreme court In which
( V. J. llryan appears as plaintiff in error
The Kxpowltlon location Is In doubt
llt tl'i'ro ' Isn't any doubt abut' where
Drex L. Shooinan stands . ii > K rdlii
those Kre.ueh Kuainel Shoes ho wears
them all the time not the Iniucy top
Kiimm'I. but the genuine French Ku-
aniel the ? I.OO and $5.00 Kind that we
mo KcllliiK at ifll.oO-eltlHT In rounder
or bulldoK toes we're closing them out
that's why they're only Jfll.OO.
against the city of Lincoln , was under con
sideration by the supreme court at Its re
cent sitting , llryan was Riven Icavo to
nio briefs In twenty days/ This Is the case
In which the late free silver democratic can
didate for president seeku to enjoin the city
council of Lincoln from Issuing sonic $250,000
In gold bonds for certain public Improve
A meeting will bo held tomorrow night at
Red Ribbon hall for the purpose of discuss
ing the good and evil features of the Slo-
cum law ,
Reginald Ralph Hoycr , the young man ar
rested for purloining overcoats belonging
to the officers of the Nebraska National
guard , while they 'wcro participating In
the reception to Governor Holcomb and the
newly elected iitnto olllcers , was today sent
to the reform school ,
n. F. Hodgln and J. L. Houston of Omaha
are In the city organizing a Lincoln branch
of the Hualness Men's Fraternity. Mr. Hod-
gin la president or the organization , and the
olllccrs arc all Nebraska business men.
During the next iwo years the heads of
the various state departments , with the pos
sible exception of Attorney General Smyth ,
will bs found residing In Lincoln , or within
a few mllea from the local postortlce. Oov-
crnor Silas A. Holcomb , now residing at
1745 A street , lias not announced his Inten
tion ot an Immediate removal. Secretary of
State \V. P. Porter will bo found In the
eastern portion of the lty at 2023 Euclid
nvenuo , near the corner of Twentieth street.
Superintendent of Public Instruction Wil
liam H. Jackson has rented the house at 1927
G street , next door to ex-Attorney General
Lecsc. State Treasurer John D. Meserve
and wlfo will probably not keep house In the
city , but remain at their present quarters at
the Hotel Lincoln. Auditor o ! Public Ac
counts John F. Cornell , when not on duty at
the capltol , will bo found with his family at
1700 Washington street , near the corner
of Washington and Seventeenth streets.
"Undo" Jake Wolfe , commissioner of pub
lic lands nnd buildings , has long resided a
row miles out from Lincoln and he has not ,
BO far , expressed any Intention of moving In-
sldo the city limits. As ho has lately sold
off a large mumber of high-bred swlno and
thus reduced his stock Interests to the mini
mum , It Is thought he will bo found the
greater portion of the time. In the vicinity
of the west halt of the north wing of the
capltol building. Attorney General Smyth
will , It Is said , continue to reside In Omaha ,
although ho may bo found generally nt the
Llndell hotel. Nearly all of the deputies who
have famlllcB will reslilo In the city.
In compliance with the. laws of the state ,
under data of January 7 , Land Commissioner
Russell has transmitted to Governor Hol
comb n report of the amount expended from
the funds appropriated to the olllco of public
lands and buildings during the six months
ending December 31. 1898 , as follows :
Amount Uncx-
Expended. "ended.
nooks nml stationery * 8 30 $ 90 77
PostiiKo and postal expenses 2uO 00 M oO
Traveling oxpeijHcs. . . . & 0 00 20000
Expre H nnd telegraph 60 SI 2 .t >
The amounts appropriated for the blcn-
nlum wua 03 follows : DooUa and stationery ,
$100 ; express and telegraph , $150 ; traveling
cxppubcs , $500 ; postage , postal expenses ,
| SOO.
The State Board of Irrigation today al
lowed the claim of the "Farmers' Canal" of
Scotts Illuff county for water from the North
Platte river.
Lancaster county democrats are loudly be
wailing the retulta of their efforts to secure
some recognition from the populist element
which contrala the affairs of state. They
point to the fact ( hat from Lancaster Bounty
alone the populists have Steward Rewlck ,
at the asylum ; Hoxle , elated for the Kearney
Industrial school ; J. H. Edgerton , In the
llurcau of Industrial Statistics ; Kent , slated
for deputy later commissioner ; Eager , chief
clerk of the hou o ; Wolfe , land commissioner ,
"Rainmaker" Wright , bookkeeper In the
house , and Goodell , engineer at the state
capital. Of the free silver republicans ,
Schwlnd Is secretly of the senate ; Price ,
Insurance clerk In the auditor's olllco ; Lin-
dell , watchman In the senate , und G. L ,
Laws , secretary of the Hoard of Transporta
tion. All thrao positions pay from { 1,000
to $2,000 annually. Of the Lancaster Demo
crats there U not ono visible In any Im
portant petition who claims hla homo In
Omaha , peculo In Lincoln At the Llndell :
A. C. Hull. At the Capital : C. E. Darling
ton. At the Lincoln : C. D. HIbbard and
Fred Mctr , Jr.
FJrxtntiiiiinl Hunk of Alum , Known
to lie UiiNitfe , Closes tin.
ALMA , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special Telegram. )
The First National bank of this city was
closed this morning by order of the comp
troller of the currency and Is now In the
hands of National Bank Examiner Whltmorc.
The failure of the bank occasioned very
llttlo surprise. Liabilities aggregate In
round numbers $125,000 , with assets of the
same amount. The last statement of the
condition of the bank showed nearly $48,000
on deposit ; $40,500 of this amount Is be
lieved to be duo the state. The county loses
but llttlo more than $150 owing to the gen
eral opinion that the bank was In an un
safe condition. Local depositors have lost
very little. A. L. Hurr , president of the In
stitution and owner ot the bulk ot the stock ,
Is out ot the city.
I..VICH QUI.\\iilAllGII is \ ( )
l.nrfje llocly of Inland Ayater llecumeM
Dry l.unil.
DECATUR , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special. )
At last the final chunk which divided the
Missouri and the famous fishing resort , Lake
Qulnncbaugh , dropped into th'o river ,
and what was mice a big body ot Inland
witter , next summer will be nothing but a
barren piece of land. This lake was notable
for Its abundance of fish , and Its .excellent
fall game ehootlng. Last summer ar.d
autumn Its shores wcro dotted with Omaha
pleasure-seekers. Yesterday evening Mra.
Wllto Williams , while on her way homo ,
creased this place where the river broke
through. Her horse was drowned , and the
old woman barely escaped with her life. ,
llentrlee People Object to Slierlilnn.
DEATRICE , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) A movement -
ment has been placed on foot this week ,
originating no doubt In Beatrice , and It
Is claimed by populists hero that the move
ment will result In a strong effort by mem
bers of the fusion party throughout the
state and especially In this congressional
district , to prevail upon the State Hoard of
Public Lands and Buildings to revoke the
appointment of Mr. Sheridan of Indtanola
as steward of the Institute for Feeble
Minded Youth located at Beatrice. An at
tack will bo made upon Sheridan's public
and private character , and everything pcs-
slblo will bo done to accomplish the desired
_ _ _ _ _ _
IlnotleKKer IN Hound Over.
ST. EDWARD , Neb. , Jan. 0. ( Special. )
The bootlegging case of the State of Ne
braska against William Shiiey came up In
Justice Bullock' * court yesterday. R. F.
William ot this city appeared for the state
and J. E. Wilson of this place and T. H.
Harkloy of Albion for the defense. The trial
lasted all the afternoon and resulted In the
defendant being bound over to the district
court. Ho furnished rj bond.
The ( louring mill at this place , which has
been owned by Crouch Bros , for u number
of years , was yesterday sold to A. D. War
ner , a prominent stockman of this place.
II oil nil OVIT for IiieeiiillnrlNin.
TECUMSCII , Jan. 9. ( Special Telegram. )
In the county court hero today M. A.
Yorty of Lincoln was bound over to the dis
trict court to answer the charge of Incen
diarism. His bond was fixed at $1,000 , In
default of which ho went to jail , Yorty
was arrested Tuesday night on 'suspicion
of having something to do with the firing
ot the elevator at the Model roller mills that
night. Circumstantial evidence was so
strong against the prisoner that Judge Bran
don deemed It advisable to let the district
court review the case.
HrvrrnI TlileveH.
FALLS C1TV , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) Court
adjourned Thursday until March 29. Judge
Stull sentenced flvo young men to the peni
tentiary : Brown brothers , three and flvo
years , burglary ; C , C. flperry , ono year , for
stealing a cow ; Grot Anderson and Charles
Bcchcrly , one year each'for stealing1 a cow.
Leroy CJuImby was called and pleaded not
guilty of the killing of Peter Hill and at
the request of defendant the case was con
tinued until the March term.
l < 'nriiirrn I'ny Out Cash ( o 1'eilillerH.
STROMSBURG , Neb. , Jan , 9. ( Special. )
A company of grocery peddlers has suc
ceeded In selling in this vicinity an entire -
tire carload of stuff to the farmers , which
has been distributed here this week , some
buying as much as $50 worth and paying
cash. The merchants who have been sellIng -
Ing goods to them on time for several years
and have to wait for their pay are loudly
complaining. Several men who speculate
with these nonresidents had trouble in ge -
tlng their goods.
Lincoln Count'N .Mori KauriItccoril. .
NORTH PLATTC , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special. )
The mortgage record for Lincoln county
for December , 1S9G , Is as follows : Farm
mortgages filed , $21,927 ; released , $6,440 ;
city mortgages filed , $131350 ; released , $1,42C ;
chattel mortgages filed , $10,218 ; released ,
$18,538 , The county ccrk ! has compiled the
record for the year 1S90. which is us follows :
Farm mortgages filed , $70,075 ; released , $94.-
C7C ; city mortgages filed , $41,910 ; released ,
$44,098 ; chattel mortgages filed , $159,740 ; re
leased , $100,378.
( ; a 111 ii AVurkH oil Committee * .
LINCOLN , Jan. 9. ( Special Telegram. )
Speaker Gallln Is busily engaged In making
up the standing committees of the house ,
nnd will have the full list complete by 2
o'clock Monday , when the house meets.
At the speaker's suggestion , ho has been
materially assisted in the work by , members
of the house , who have handed In to him
their first , second and third choices , for
committee chairmanships.
IiiNime Mail ThliikH TlmcN Arc Ilnnl.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special. )
Murray Slgafoos , a young man residing In
west Beatrice , was adjudged Insane yester
day afternoon. Although owning a good
farm without Incumbraiice , young Slgafoos
has allowed the prevailing hard times to
worry him to such on extent that his mind
has become unbalanced.
i\liloNlon In a SiiK r Factory.
NORFOLK , Nob. , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) An
explosion occurred at the sugar factory last
evening , which badly damaged two of the
largo engines. . It was caused by water ac
cumulating In the cylinders.
Ilcflc WniitM to Ke < ; nJJie Aircncy.
DECATUR , Neb. , Jan 9. ( Special. )
It has leaked out that Capiatn Beck , acting
Music und art uo nriii In ami nt our
Htore You can always Hud something
to In ! rest you here Our dorks arc al
ways pleased to show you our blf ?
stock You may not want to buy now ,
but If you t'oiiiu In and see what wo
have you will know where to K < > whi'ii
you do We are the only store In Omaha
selling thu Klmball Plimo It's the best.
A. HOSPE , JI * . ,
1513 DOU GLAS ,
Indian agent of the Omahas and Wlnne-
bagoes. Is making an attempt to bo rein
stalled as agent under the new administra
tion. It Is said he * baa a petition out to thla
effect , and that over 500 olgnaturcs have
been secured among the Winnebagoes. Cap
tain Beck was an ardent supporter of Mr.
Bryan In , the late campaign.
ItlcliarilNon County MortjjaniIteporC. .
FALLS CITY , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) Follow
ing are the total mortgages filed and re
leased during 1S9G In Richardson county :
Two hundred and sixty-six farm mort
gages filed , $353,176.53 ; 185 farm mortgages
released , $213,700.55 ; 101 town and city mort
gages filed , $55,828.41 ; soventy-soven town
and city mortgages satisfied , $ CC,926.12 ; 583
chattel mortgages filed , $300C11.C9 ; 19C chat
tel mortgages released , $59,482.41.
Shopmen Work nil Kxtrn Day.
NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special. )
Railroad men at North Platte arc rejoic
ing over the new orders which wcro posted
yesterday. For a couple of years the shop
men hero have been working but thirty-two
hours a week. The new orders provide for
working on Friday , which gives the men
forty hours' work per week. The full force
of men was working today under the new
orders. _
Vcrillct of Not Guilty.
KIMBALL , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The case of the atato of Nebraska
against Thomas Wilkinson , charged with
maliciously cutting a nclghbor'a fence , waa
tried In Judge Prouty's court today. It
appeared from the evidence that Wilkinson's
arrest was more spite work than anything
else. The Jury , after being out fifteen min
utes , returned a verdict of not guilty.
liiK ,11 in-Ill no Corn Through Ice.
DECATUR , Neb. . Jan. 9. ( Special. ) An
Iowa man and his threshing machine at
tempted to cross the river on the Ice this
morning. The email grain separator went
through the Ice , while the proprietor and
his horibcs made a hurried scramble for the
opposite shore.
City Creamery IlnriiN.
FALLS CITY , Jon. 9. ( Special. ) The
Falls City creamery building was totally
destroyed by fire last night. The loss la
partly covered by Insurance.
IluyH the ICniiNaH City .t Atlantic Line
* to Sinltlivllle , Mo.
KANSAS CITY , Jon. 9. The Kansas City
& Northern Connecting Railway company ,
the northern extension of the 1'lttuburg &
Gulf system , has purchased the Kansas City
& Atlantic railroad , which extends from a
point three miles north of Kansas City to
Smlthvllle. Clay county. The purchase price
Is stated to bo about $225,000. This acqui
sition , together with the line of the ICanran
City & Northern Connecting Railway com
pany , which Is being extended from this city
north to Pattonsburg to connect there with
the Qulncy , Omaha & Kansas City , for
points cast and west , furnishes another link
In the projected line of the gult road north
Negotiations are said to bo pending with
the Kansas Clly & Atlantic company for
Its bridge site and piers , known as Llio Win
ner bridge property , together with thet six
miles of track forming the approaches ,
which -s all that remains for the I'lttnburg
& Gulf company to secure to complete Ita
line out of the city northward.
It 1s stated tonight that all arrangements1
have been made whereby the Winner bridge
will bo completed at once , and a new depot
built by the Plttsburg company , or the capi
talists represented by tbo Kansas City &
TroiilileH Too Much for Him.
FON DU LAC , Wls. , Jan. 9. Owen Fergu
son , for the past six years clerk of Fond du
Lac , shot himself twice * last night , each
tlmo a llttlo too high to hit the heart.
About a year ago hit wlfo died , at the loot
election ho w defeated for re-election to
the position of county clerk , a few montlui
ago ho broke hU leg and previous to that
ho was a cripple. Ho ban been drinking
hard of lain and It la reported that ho Is
short In hla accounts with the county.
Etato Thwarted by the Forgetfulness of
Principal Witnesses.
WlliifHM , to Aiolil ln-
crlmliintliiK IlIiiiHeir , KorBctx All
He Hver ICiiciv , anil the CIIHVH
Hail to lie Dronncil.
The court scenes In May Irwln's "Courted
Into Court" and In "Pudd'nhead Wllf > on , "
or In any other show that .has ever been on
the rend , never were In it with the farcical
trial of the four men charged with running
a polrsy shop , Thomas Dennlson , William
Ncatlehouse , Frank Heocock and Joseph
Parks , In police court yesterday afternoon.
The four men were charged with keeping
gambling devices , upon the complaint of
E. II. Hall , a local colored attorney.
The arrcsU > were made several days ago.
Hall had run up against the policy game
and presented a ticket which represented
that he had won about $275. The mana
gers of the game refused to pay the ticket ,
alleging that It was fraudulent , the numbcro
never having been drawn. In revenge Hall
sworeto a complaint against thu men , In
which they wcro charged Im four counts with
running a policy ehou and selling tickets.
The wheel was located In South Omaha , but
a branch office of the establishment was In
this city at Thirteenth and Douglas streets.
Since the case began the places have been
closed up.
The case was set for hearing on Friday
aftcrnooni. Two colored men , James Dlggs
and James Hardln , were called as witnesses ,
but developed a most dcnaa Ignorance of all
matters connected with policy , with the
policy shop In question , or with any people
connected with such an establishment. Com
plaining Witness Hall was called , but he
failed to recpoiul. A capias was fasucd for
his person , but ho could not bo located. The
case was continued until yesterday afternoon
In the hope that ho might bo brought to
Hall showed up yesterday and explained
that ho wa.- ) across the river and did not get
back In tlmo for the trial. During hla ab
sence ho also had developed a most clenao
Ignorance regarding policy matters and dio-
playoJ It brilliantly on the stand. Ho did
not know whether the defendants ran a
policy shop or sold policy tickets. IIo did
not know how policy was run , or whether
It was a game ot chance. IIo know every
thing from hearsay , but nathlng from per
sonal knowledge , despite the fact that lie
had alleged all In the complaint.
"People told mo that they were running
a policy game , " he said.
"Who wcro the people ? " demanded Abslst-
ant County Attorney Jeffcrls.
"I don't recall any particular party. There
wcro a number. "
"Did you swear to the Information simply
on the reports you heard ? "
"Yes. "
Hall admitted that ho was the owner of
the policy ticket upon wlilj-h ho claimed a
wlmrlng , and which WUH Introduced In evi
dence. Ho raid he did not gut It from any
of the defendants. When asked from whom
ho got It or purchased It the defendant's
attorney kindly Interposed an objection oa
the grounds that the witness might Incrim
inate himself. Hall admitted , also , that ha
had presented ( ho ticket for payment and
tnnt ho got no money on It.
"Now. how much did thla ticket cost you ? "
asked the awilfltant county attorney finally.
"I refute to answer fcuch qucstluns , " re
sponded Hall , "Thero IB a charge In thin
court against mo , accusing mo ot gambling ,
and thla court will prottct mo from Incrlm-
lnatli.g mynelf. "
"Thorn is no use going further , " said the
atilstunt county attorney to the court. "I
move to dismiss the cane , " and It was done ,
The , defendants bad Ilio deadwood on Hall
and bis witnesses. As soon as the arrest
u nmdo they at once filed Informations
against Hall. Dlgcs and Hardin , charging
them with gambling. If the witnesses had
testified that they bad obtained tickets from
the gamblers they would have admitted that
they themselves had gambled and would ,
therefore , have convicted themselves on tbo
cbargo that was pending against themselves.
As soon as the case was dismissed the
gambling cases against the witnesses were
called. Tiuii the gamblers' attorney also
developed n dcnso Ignorance. He did not
know who or where the witnesses against the
colored men were. Assistant County Attor
ney Jeffcrls thorcupin peremptorily dismissed
all the cases.
x Afiiovr scoiins CIUVKLAM >
PrcilletH ( lint Ilrynii AVI 11 ITiiilonliteillr ,
He the Xe\t PreHlilent.
PITTSUURG , Jan. 9. lion. G. W. Skinner ,
pension agent for this district , waa the un
expected orator of the occasion wljen the
Randall club very brilliantly commemorated
Jackson day at the club house. Though
holding a commission from Grovcr Cleve
land , ho rapped the president In a manner
that was liberally applauded. In the course
of Mr. Skinner's speech ho predicted that
Mr. Bryan would bo the next president , eay-
tng : "If the politicians do not nominate
him the people will. "
Mr. Skinner then continued : "While I
will gay nothing moro against the president
to uhoi'o ' favor I ewe the ulllco ot pension
agent , I will Bay that Mr. Cleveland has mis
interpreted the feeding In the mlnda of the
masses ot the democratic party. The trouble
with too many democratic leaders Is that
they wcro reared In a bad atmosphere. The
fault with New York democrats Is that they ,
wcro brought up too near Wall atreet. "
The remarks created a profound sensation
and thcio was a moment for recovery from
the shock before the applause broke out.
Inr fe Toliiiri-o AVnrelioiiNe IlnriiN.
DANVILLE , Va. , Jan. 9. Flro broke out
today In the big leaf tobacco factory of the
American Tobacco company and the buildIng -
Ing ulth all Its contents was entirely con
sumed. The walls fell In and the building ,
valuable machinery and 1,000,000 or moro
pountU of leaf tobacco will bo a total loss ,
estimated at $150,000 ; Insurance $125,000.
The company will rebuild at mice.
Mill Fire In MlnnciipollM.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jim. 10. A llro which'
broke out In Anchor Hour mill nt 1 o'clock
t'.ilu inornlnt , ' threw toned for n tlmo the
entire milling district. The entire llro do-
pnrtmrnt WIIH called to thn HCCIIU , und
Hiivreedcd In conllnliij : the 1 In in CM to thu
packing department of tliu Anchor eHt
llHhmcnt. Loss , ? i:0OCO ; fully Insured.
"llully fJco" but It's jjood wonder It
all di'Ho fullers sell do MMIIIO clpu * as dut
feller Stoeeker does < lls Is do
live cents' wort I ever had and as
cs lots of ten-cent clears do uloodu
Klvo me-but I won't shoot no siiljm
loiiK as Ktoecker puts up dat "ritoecla-r"
of hlsen at only live centa don't
see ! , i