Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 16, Image 16

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Dare You Risk issins This
Great January
It wouldn't be possible , in season , to so utterly disregard cost , as we have , in this cutting and slashing into our
' offer \ \ o have pone through our stock nnd selected many extra
determination to close out dollar's worth of Winter Goods has brought us to pootl thlncs that rnnpo from 20c to 40o per ynrd , nnd wo
but every
regular prices our hnvo made the prlco for this sale . . . . ,
All Wool French Sew. colors and hlncU. that wo have
bc.on "p'lInK ' "sn special nil Benson nt ssc. In thin snle nt. ,
the word . , . , . .
that can't resist the temptation to buy and there never was such meaning to All Wool French Seme , * 5 Inches wide. In nil colors nnd
you bargains so big you black thnt nro very cheap nt 40c. but to mnko this sale 29c
n success wo made the price
All Wool French Seise. EO Inches wide , nil colors nnd black ,
" this sale of for this is a sale where prices on winter goods are cut absolutely and truly our rcKUlar Con quality. In this sale nt 39c
"baro-ains" ours
as at Coloied Co.itliiR Serge , nil wool , 43 Inches wide , COfl goods 35c
b reduced to „ , . .
lower than prices have ever been actually cut to before. It will give- our "good name" another boost English 6jc goods Wide , reduced W nle Diagonal to , In navy blue. 3S Inches wide , ' 43c
cut cut Jamestown .Mohair Novelties , good every day In the year nt 59c
S5c and Jl.CO per yard , In this sale nt
will lose dollars we will make for it in increased confidences Our 40c , COc nnd COc Novelty Dress Goods reduced to 29c
for though up
, we , Jamestown Novelty Dress Goods , has been one or our moat 39c
popular tellers nt GOe , In this snlo nt
German Novelty Dicss Goods , all wool , Imndsomc , regular 39c
/ COc goads , at
Our reduced Me Novelty to Dress Good.s , good selection to select from. 59c
Our to $1.00 Novelty Dress Goods , large assortment , reduced 69c
Our $1.23 nnd { 1.50 Novelty Dress Goods , In an endless vn- 98c
ilety of styles , nnd they nil go In this sale nt
Imported Scotch Mixture , nil \\ool , reduced from 70c to
50c 1'lald Dress Goods nt
All romimnts of Dress Goods at just half our usual low prices for remnants
New Spring No\cltls.H
Flannels A very handsome nil wool material : these choice goods nro
.woven . In a small checked effect ; the colors nro all
All wool red Twilled Flannel new nnd desirable ; they will bo very popular fop the
Novelty Cloaking , -j.n navy nt coming season ; 31 Inches wide , nil wool. In this great sale
blue , reduced from$1,75 to lOc Ncw.Incqtinrtl Novelty
A very new nnd t tyllsh weave unlike any Novelty ever
Plain Eiderdown Flannel , nil shown bv UH before ; they nre woven In a regular check
colors , 30c , reduced ed figured effect with a tiny dot or dash of n handsome
contrasting color ; these Novelties without doubt nro
. 22 ic very handsome anC n decided bargain nt the prlco
Blue Beaver
$ Navy
named 37 Inches In
Fancy Eiderdown Flannels , ; wide. this great sale
duced to We , Shepherd's Checks
_ . handsome styles , regular
- - r D5c and Me qualities , at yard , These goods come In dark colors only : they arc strictly nil
2.43 29c wool , they hnvo never been sold by us for less thnn
40c- per ynrd ; for this great snle wo have made the
Embroidered Flannels 1 n price 29c
Special in Fancy s cream Specials in Black Dress Co > ds Astrlchntl No\clty
Without doubt these popular Tnffctn Silks nro destined to play an lied and blnck mixed Houcle J2.00 quality reduced to $1.00 handsome small checked effect , the check Is about
Important pnrt In the fancy dress silk collection for the coming Cloaking reduced from J2.CO to $1.50 quality reduced to Mo 39c half Inch square , formed by a raised tufted of mohair one-
HprW season. As n silk wnlst material they nro ampni ; OOc quality redifcod to 75c COc and COo Fnncy Novelty Black Dress Goods reduced to. . . . In black , -ulillo the ground Is woven In three-toned ef
the" very best. These Silks have never Hold by us for less than $1.75 quality reduced to $1.00 fects , nnd Is considered quite the thing for a high grndo "
75c $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. To close them out wo have made 1.79 $1.23 quality reduced to 83c $1.00 Fnncy Novelty Black Dress Goods , excellent assort- Novelty ; these goods hnvo never been sold for less than
have we
one. price for them all. Never In the history of our store Turkey red and black Outing mcnt , reduced to $1.23 per ynrd : they are r > 2 Inches wide ; there Is still a
offered such a decided bargain In choice Novelty Silks ' as nt the Flannels reduced from lOc to cholcu assortment to eclcct from , In this great sale 69c
present time. effects , They stripes. como In checks tiny , Red and black mixed Boucle to6ic $1.23 , $1.40 and $1.75 Fancy Novelty Black Dress Goods , ns Molmlr Suiting
tlKUrcil etc. , etc. Ilemembcr , all the choice Cloaking reduced from $1.CO to Fancy Swansdown for house handsome a stock to select from as can be found in this 98c We have only n few pieces left of these choice Novelties.
colors , In solid colors as well as the dresses reduced from 15c to country , and they go nt They have been very popular In this season nt $1.00 per
more fancy effects , can bo had In tolOc yard ; owing to the extreme low prices we have made
these Silks. 18 to 21 Indies wide In 98c lOc . 75c they nre being closed out very rapidly ; however , the
$1.23 and $1.40 Boucle In mohnlr effects at.
this sale ut a yard assortment of colors Is very good ; 4J ( to CO Inches wide , 50c
all wool nnd mohair , In this great sale
All-Wool Plniil
Corsets. These 1'lalds arc considered good value nt Kc. .n fact they
Flannel Flannelette . have never been sold for Ic6s ; to close the balance of
them out our prices will be very cheap ; 32 Inches wide
Night Gowns at . . . . . . 15c
Shirts and ' We have decided to discontinue the sale Colored French Serge
Children's Gowns worth COo
We nro showing a handsome line of colors In the service
nnd COc each reduced to of I. C. Corsets , and have made the fo- ! able goods at a pilcc that cannot help pleasing you ; 3(1 (
Waists I . Inches \\lde , all colors nnd black , nil pure -wool , In Uils 29c
great sale nt
One lot of boys Flannel Boys' Gowns worth 75c each lowing reductions to close out this line : .Molmlr Novelty Ill.ick mil Colors
WnlEts , dark colors , broken reduced to A handsome Imported Mohair nnd Wool Novelty , woven
sizes , worth up to $1.CO each , to50c No 172 , in black and gruy , -i 59 with n raised tufted or knotted effect. These goods
special price ' worth 75c each reduced from $2.60 to 1 should be seen In order to approve their real value. Wo
ladles' $1.00 Comforts reduced to. . . 75o $3.35 Grny Blankets reduced have never pold these goods for less than $1.25 and $1.40
price50c reduced to50c $1.25 Comforts reduced to. . . 82o to $2.50 Efflantino , in black and gray , per yard ; they nre 41 and 40 Inches wide ; In this great 75c
50c 50c $1.35 Comforts reduced to. . . 9So $4.25 Gray Blankets reduced sale at
Men's Gowns worth 75c nnd $1.CO Comforts reduced to.$1.15 to $3.13 reduced from 3 ° ° niack Satin Duchess Novelty
$1.00 each reduced to 51.73 Comforts reduced to.$1.33 $5.00 Grny Blnnkcts reduced . $3.75 to A handsome satin Mulshed Novelty ; they conic In small flsr-
$2.00 Comforts reduced to.$1.50 to $3.75 ured effects nnd arc equal In to any nil silk
Men's Flannel Shirts , size 14',4 50c and 75c $2.35 Comforts reduced to.$1.75 $5.CO Grny Blnnkcts reduced material ; It Is n medium weight material , line silk Iln-
only ; we have too many of this ' $2.50 Comforts reduced to.$1.75 to , ; . . . < . $4.00 No. 1211 , fancy figured , Ish , n class of goods that Is suitable for any season of
slz > to reduce the stock we will Men's heavy Canton Flannel . . . $0.00 Blnnkcts reduced , . 50
< ; . $2.50 Comforts reduced to.l.Sl Grny reddcedTrbm t'he year. These goods are considered peed value nt
sell this size ut one-half of Gowns worth ' $1.00 each reduced $4.75 Eiderdown Comforts to $4.75 S5c- per * yard. Wo will close out these goods during this
regular prices. to COc , ' reduced to $3.40 $7.75 Grny Blankets reduced 81.00 to great sale at 60c
{ 5.50 Eiderdown Comforts to , . . $5.75
reduced to $3.S3 $ S.CO Grny Blnnkets reduced One lot of Odd Corsets , No samples of drcsa goods or stlUs mailed at these prices. i
. to $0.00
$0.50 Eiderdown Comforts '
reduced to $4.CS COo White Blankets cut to. . 45c comprising Mme , Warren's
75c White Blankets cut to..f 7Hc
COc Gray Blankets reduced >
to 39c $1.00 White Blankets cut to. . TJc High Bust , Kosmo , Dr. Irish DilllitieS and French
. Organdies.
' ' . $1.25 White Blanlcqts cut to. . 'JSc
Animal Linen Sale. 'Oc'.Gray to Blankets reduced COo $1.75 White Blankets cut'to.$1.If. Warner's , Ball's , Tricora
$2.25 White Blnnkcts cut to..Sl.Gl
$1.25 Grny Blankets reduced J2.75 White Blankets . . . if find
cut to.$2.00 Waist etc can
Uero is whore the thrifty housskeopor Jo S7',4c $3.35 White Blnnkets cut to.$2.50 , you Never before has there been such a
the . $1.00 Gray Blankets reduced $1.00 White Blankets cut to.3.00 size , we will
reaps to $1.25 JfiOO White Blnnkets cut to.$4.KO your
All our CO-lnch Cream Damask $2.00 Gray ' Blnnkcts reduced Jfi.i.T White BlnnkctH cut to.$5.00 close them out at display of artistic Wash Dimilies at. . . .
reduced from COc a yard in to . $1.50 $10.00 White Blankets cut to.$7.CO
this sale
72-Inch Bleached Satin Damask 75c
reduced - from J1.25 la this sale. . . . Hosiery. Foreign Wash Fabrics
D pieces OS-Inch Silver Bleached .
Damask fhls sale , reduced from 50c. in 25c Ladles' blnck ribbed We are showing1 all the Foreign Novelties in French Organ
100 hemstitched Tray Cloths , , Children's Scarlet Wool Hose , penniless dies , beautiful sheer , plain , printed effects the floral designs
from 45c cnch , In
sale reduced 25c ult wool Vests less , sold ut i0e ! per 15c are made in the most beautiful combinations , with both light
and I'nnts , worth pnlr , special pi lee. .
SOO yards Brown Crash , rc- up to $1.00 each , 25c and tinted grounds , price
duced from Oc a yard , In this 3c Ladles' fine blnck
snlo ,
Ladles' scarlet nil nibbed Wool Hose ,
100 doz. 3-4 nieachcd Napkins , re wool Vests nnd
duced from $200 a dozen. In \ OQ Pants , always extra vnlne nt IKo ,
. this special sale * . - - sold nt $1 ench , 50c special price 15 pair Special January Clearing Sale of Cloaks
. . . .
special price
, reduced for fiOc or one pnlr A. fc/ % _ 7
12 pieces Brown Crash |
6c '
from lOc a yard. In this sale. . . . ' for . . . .
Special sale 100 S-10 Illeached Ladles' el's hair fine Vests cam We are closing out all our beautiful Jackets , in the newest styles
Table Cloths , reduced from $2.50 1.47 nnd 1'ants , extra i blnck Cnshnierc
each , In this sale . lender llnlwh , nt wns $1.00 a , 75c full regular ninde , plain , regular such as Empire Fronts , Box Goats and Tight Fitting Garments at
75 Bleached Table Cloths , 8-10 , 1.69 special price < IOc qunllty , special price
reduced from { 2.75 , In this sale.
' Ladles' extra finality blnck Cnsh-
9c One lot of ladles'
100 doz. hemstitched Huck Towels 15c cacli.ln this special sale "Jacksonville" nil niere Hose , plain , full regular ,
.wool r Ib h e d
25 dozen JS-54 fancy Sideboard Scarfs , 33c each , In this special 18c Vests , Drawers , always sold nt fiOe per pnlr ,
sale , , t ; . Tights nnd Com special price 3 pairs for $1.00 or
tO dozen Bleached Napkins , reduced from $2.75 n dozen , In \ Q7 bination smnll sizes Suits only , In , ono pair for , 35c
this sale 79c - worth to $5.00 from each , $2.50 spe- 1.00 Ladles' fine blnck Cashmere Hose , All our $20.00 Jackets , now $10.00
. sale lul plnln , full regular , high spliced
All our $1.00 Bed Spreads , In this .special prlco
dozen Damask nnd Huck Towels , reduced from 23c each , lieels , regular 75e quality , special
50c All
$18.00 Jackets
In this special sale , cial price our . , now $9,00
Men's heavy fleeced Cotton Un
S3 8-12 Bleached Table Cloths , our price $1.00 , In this sale. . . . derwear , regular DOe quality , 37ic Children's extra fine plnln Wool
special price Hose double heels and toes All $15.00 Jackets
„ , , our . now $7.50
23 8-12 Bleached Table Cloths , reduced from $3.50 , In this O ,
special sale , * * , nlwnys sold nt i0c ! per pnlr , spe- '
dcrwear for men , line wool cinl price lOc
25 dozen Knotted Fringed Towels , reduced from ' J2' c , In Jleeclnu , sold at S3c , special All our $10.00 Jackets now $5-00
this aalo , . prlco . . ; 50c Children's extra line plnln Wool , -
24 pieces Bleached Crash , reduced from 15c n ynrd , In this | fc ) Hose , full fashioned , iiOc qual
Halo .1. . " . ivrw Mon'H scarlet all wool Undpr- ity , speclnl prlco 2 pairs for iioc Closing out all our beautiful Jackets in
25 special dozen Damask sale Towels , , reduced from 25o each , In this w'car slzoa line , arc regular broken , $1.00 to close quality out , 50c or one pair for 15c all the latest styles , such as empire
75 dozen 5-S Napkins , reduced from $1.00 a dozen , In this Misses' black ribbed Wool Hose , fronts , box coats , light fitting , garments
sale ' spliced knee regularise qunllty , are being closed out at absolutely one-
One lot of men's natural wool
3 for 50c or
S3 dozen line Hemstitched Damask Towels , our price We and camel's hair Underwear , speclnl price pairs 20c half regular prices.
each , In this special sale : . , broken sizes , regular prlco $1.00' ' ' one pnlr for
each , will sell them at . . . . . . 50c
f- Hoys' black ribbed Wool Hose , Special Sale
' extra heavy , worth -lOoiper pair ,
sanitary wool fleeced Un- ,
Children's ( lorn oar. three-thread , sold special price 25c of Ladies' Fine Mackintoshes
early In the season nt $1.60
each , special price ; . -t.f 1.00 Ona lot of men's Wool Half Hose , Navy blue nnd brown Mackintoshes , never
sold for less than W > 9 , now .
Hoods. small sizes only , nlwnys sold nt
. Men's extr.x fine natural woolv 2oe pnlr , .special .price two Our regular Double Texture Mackintosh ,
Underwear , very soft , regular * i > per 15c never sold for less than JI.OO , now . . .
Children's Angora Hooda , in $1.00 quality , special prlce.'VTj. . . . pairs for 25c or one pair for. . . .
white and groy , 81.00 quality ' ' One lot of men's line Oashmero L'adies' Dress Skirts
reduced to . Men's denvcar fancy , an striped extra peed wool Un- - Hose , In blnck nnd colors , small
81.371 and $1.50 quality nicnt for sold wear and . durability Bar- , sixes only , worth COc/iH'r pnlr , Flno quality Wool , now Crcpon . . . . Skirts . , our regular . . $10.00 t/ Cl
at each ,
always Jl.CO
spe 1.00 special price
reduced to . * * cial price . Flno quality of Wool Satin Skirt , our rce-
ular J5.00 quality now . tAll
$1.75 quality
reduced to . Infant * ' flue ribbed wool Shirts ,
$2.00 quality pi regular Ice , all COc sizes , quality ; , special 25c Gloves and Mittens All our Cloth Capes , Boucle Capes , P.'ush Capes , at clearing
reduced to. . . . , , , Inuring this snlo wo will giv&ZO per cent dis sale prices.
Infants' line count an all ladles' , men's and children's
Merlne Lined Kid Gloveand Mlttona ,
Children's Colored Hoods , in silk , velvet and \yrappcrs.
nil1'- '
plain , ' - Men's heavy Yarn Knit MH1-
cloth , at 20 per cent discount from regular worth up special tent ) , worth price Mo per 'pair ' , 25c Yarns. Vr-r ' S. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas
G5o each , Peacock Ice Wool , black ,
prices. uporlal 25c Men's heavy double Yarn \yhlto nnd colors , small
boxen , former prlco lOc per
price Knit Mittens , aluo Angora
Yarn Knit Gloves , worth box , now Co
Infanta' flno 7Bc nnd $1.00 per pair , special 50c Stnrllght Spanish Yiirn. the
mudo , former prlco
Handkerchiefs. i Ibbed cial prlco
20o per ukclnr iow selling
wool Children's fine black Yarn ut ttc
One lot of School Hnnd- Shirts , flna Knit Mittens , worth 23c per I5c Utopia German Knlttlntf
kerchiefs ullU crochet pair , special price Yarn , no better , former price
, hemstitched and colored '
chet trim 25c per skein or 'Mo per
ored borders , fabt colors , special med , worth Ladles' flno Unllncd Mocha pound , reduced ( o HOa per
prlco up to $1.00 50c Castor Gloves , In tan , red , Bkcln or 75o per pound.
ouch , epo navy blue , green nnd black , Finest French Angora Wool ,
3c worth $1.GO per pair , special 1.00 In gray and white , sold all
1 Infantb' nil prlco , , , . , . , . . . . , . . , . , . . , . the season at ICc per ball ,
' Wool now lOc
Ladien' fine white Swiss ' /Wrappers „ ,
Embroidered Hnndkcrohiefs , regular ' plain , very must charges
Soft and - - purchasers pay express
lar 25o quality reduced to Out-of-town
, fine , worth
Up to $1,15 .for ; because of these cut prices we cannot
15c vach clul , price t > i > o , > , 50c OCAM8 alTord'lo lese another penny However , wo shall bo pleased to fill or
ders as long as the goods last. * V ( .