Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    T f V 1 T "ft" * *
TITE OMATTA DATLY IMS ] . : 10 , 1807. 15
Operations in the Jobbing District Show No
Material Qain.
Country Crltlolniit nn Omnliii Joli-
) < T * Ml-lllDllH nf CnilllllCtlllK IIllHl-
IICNM ( iOVITIIIIKMll ll < | llir ( 1)11
llnllor l.nillhmr In
The nrst week In January could hardly
lie expected to bring about any material
Improvement In the general trade situa
tion. Sufllclcnt time has not yet elapsed
for the effects of the holiday season to
, wur off. and It frequently happens that
the middle of the month Is near at hand
before conditions cnn bo said to have set
tled back to normal.
The labor Incident to the annual stock
taking always breaks over Into the new
year and for a few days lit least serves na
n distracting Influence , taking the minds of
merchants away from their routine duties
of buying and selling. In addition to
itlmt , the nrst week ot the new year Js
usually well along before the traveling
men are back In their places on the road
nnd It Is a few days later before orders
from them can bo expected to arrlvo very
freely. Thus It happens that no great
things are expected of the first week of the
new year and the ? ast six days have not
nerved to establish any new precedent.
Thcro wan a fair movement of merchandlso
lor Kie season , and that Is the best that
can bo said.
The severe storm the first of the week
was , for the tlmo being , to the detriment
of the country retail trade , as It Interfered
with the shipment of live stock and grain ,
nnd consequently with the circulation of
money. , The change to colder weather ,
however , was decidedly , us It
Ill-ought out a dcrmiml for heavy goods
nnil quickened the buying of winter sup
plies of various kinds.
In the city t'.io retail trade has not
lieen very brisk , the sudden change to
mild weather again being little to the
liking tot merchants In general.
The Superior Journal of recent date rep
resents two business men as making com-
jiarlsons between different Jobbing points ,
in which It was said that Omaha and
a.lncoln are getting the reputation of beIng -
Ing slow towns. One of the speakers Is
quoted a saying : "You send an order to
Omaha nnd not more than three out of
ten llrms will acknowledgn receipt of tho.
order If they can not 1111 it Instantly. So
the mcrttiant ROCS on , wondering why
those poods don't come and whether they
received his order , and .whether to send
In another notification for them to 'get a
jnovo on' and fill that order. Kansas City
jieoplo remove that anxiety by notifying
you when to expect your goods nnd don't
keep you swearing at all your relatives
JIB a safety valve for your feelings for a
week. "
So far as can bo learned there Is con-
filderablo Justice In thu complaint as re
gards Superior. The country merchant
usually writes out nn order for goods at
night , after the rimi of the day's busi
ness Is over. Such nn order mailed nt
Superior would go out on nn evening train
and reach Kansas City the next morning
iibout 7 o'clock , which would give the
Jobllcr ample tlmo to got the goods out the
name day or notify the merchant when
they could bo shipped. If the letter were
pent to Omaha , Instead of reaching hero In
t'ho ' morning It would not got In until late
In the afternoon , too late for It to receive
attention that day.
It can readily be seen what the effects of
nucli a difference jn tlmo might make a
letter mailed Friday would reach Omaha
Saturday afternoon , the filling of the order
would have togo over until Monday , and
It would bo Tuesday or later before the
Roods would reach Superior , a long tlmo
for ono to wait who Is In a big hurry.
When the Jobbers were on their fast ex
curslon In south\Ycstcrn Nebraska this
very subject was brought up at Superior ,
1 > nt there did not appear to bo any help
for It so long as the trains run a at
liroflont. Fortunately there nro not many
points In the state whcro the situation Is
elmllar to that of Superior.
For the year just closed Nebraska I *
credited with 1S2 business failures , the
nssetn of the bankrupt institutions being
placed at J2.U5.707 nnd the liabilities nt
J2,78SWH ) . This showa a decided decrease
In the number of .failures , which , for 1S93
reached 2K , with assets at J1,41S,600 , nnd
liabilities ab $2.35 , WX ) .
While Nebraska has shown n decrease In
the number of failures , every other ono of
the northwestern states reports an Increase ,
Wisconsin Jumped from 2'J3 In 1S93 to SSffl In
18M. Minnesota from 320 to 363 nnd Iowa
from 331 to 391. Among the southwestern
Btates nil report Increases except Kansas ,
whtoh had C53 failures In 1S93 and 653 In
1S9C.A careful study of the record of the year's
commercial losses would bring out very
plainly the fact that Nebraska has been
ono of the most fortunate of all the states
In the union In escaping such disasters.
According to statistics Just Issued by the
Agricultural department at Washington the
fitato of Nebraska produced within a
period of twelve months 7,400,000 pounds of
"ladled" butter. Omaha , as the commercial
center of the state , has a very large share
of this business , but there are factories for
turnlm ; out "Indies" at Wnhoo , Lincoln ,
IStiutrlce and other points as well , though
this city muy be regarded as the center of
the Industry so fur us Nebraska Is con *
The average value of "Incited" butter at
Omaha , for all Kenyans , Is not far from 10
cents per pound , which , taking the govern
ment MgurcK ns a basis , would Indicate an
annual product of the value of $7-10,000.
Those figures are significant when It Is
taken Into consideration that they repre
sent only ono branch of the butter business
and by no means the most Important
branch. "Ladles" nro manufactured from
the lowest grades of farm butter , the pro- '
ductlon largely of the small and unpro-
tfrcsslvo farmers who have not as yet
lenrnrd the art of making good butter. If
the vnluo of the product of all the cream-
orlt'H of the stat nnd of the dairies which
turn out a high grndo article were added
thi < above llgurcs would bo doubled several
times over.
The production of "ladles , " however. Is
of snlllclcnt Importance to merit attention
by Itself , though the extent of the business
In hardly appreciated by any ono not con
nected with the butter trade , with the ex
ception , possibly , of the-'oxpress companies.
7ho manufacture of "ladles" Is an Industry
peculiar In large degree to the west , whore
the butter mudo by the small farmers la dis
posed of In small lota at the country store.
The condition of a very large- part of this
butter Is surih that the merchants cannot
Bi-ll It to their re I nil customers.
These small lots of poor , Tlamagcd nnd
thoroughly bad butter have to bo disposed
of to factories which gather large quantities
of the material nnd HO manipulate nnd rcno.
yuto It ns to bring It Into a merchantable
form as a food product. In the Inngungo
of the butter market , these goods are known
ns "Indies. "
The newer dairying districts of the north-
vifnt product ] Immcnso quantities of butter
Jiwhleh nro sultabln only for the making
of "Indlcn. " As noted heretofore , the prod-
; uot of Nebraska In handled . largely at
- Omaha , but In the Dakotas there are no
HtabllHhments for the manufacture of
"ladles nnd the low crude gutter from
, those states Is shipped largely to Chicago
; nnd. to points In Iowa nnd Minnesota.
Thu rapid increase In the number of
creameries tends to reduce the business ,
j wit the opening up of new /arms keeps up
the supply.
The farmer usually sells his butter nt
the store In exchange for morchnndlse.
The prlco nllowcil nt nny one store Is the
name , qulto regardless of the quality of the
butter , us It Is necewnry to trt'iit all the
farmers allko. The merchant dunii3 | the
butter of all grades Into the most con
venient receptacles thnt mny bo nt hand
nnd periodically sends It to the city for
"ladling , " Flour barrels , starch boxes ,
shoo boxes nnd even Boap boxes have been
Indiscriminately utilized for this purpose.
The ono requirement of the package hns
iictn thnt It should not leak and waste too
anticli. If the contents melted Into oil In
transit. In the Interest of economy the
ludlcra' send out whnt nro called butter
BtniulH to their regular nmtrees of supply.
Jln-iio nro largo onk tuba or lmrrin ! , with
tlKht covers mid strong handles. Thiy are
Bhlpped buck to the fnrlory when filled nt
In cold'weather It Is possible to separate
and Hort the different lots , but In hot
weather the whole Is generally reduced to
u valid limits Impossible tojmriuo. .
.After bclnt reworked nnd well salted the
butter l packed nnd mailo ready for ship
ment. The most of It U forwnrded to the
nrnbonrd nnd much of It Is shipped across
the water , whcro It Is sold In the English
> * markets ns American butter :
JVorv York A Wo Uly Hunk Kltitrmrnt.
KiW : YOItK , Jan. t-Tlie weekly bank itnte-
nitnt how the following cliangoii Itnerve , la-
cr . 110.70)WO ) ; Ion in. itecrfan ) , KiS.'W ; upecle ,
Increiue , SU0.700 ! leva ! tender * , Increaio , 114 , '
4ST.100 ; depnilt * . Inerttn , | irU3tOO ; circulation.
d cr ie , IOM.JOO. Tilt bank * now lioM > y.S51 , 31
In ticen of th requirements of the. per cent
Stock * Dull lliUKlH .StrnttK , ivlth
MonpjMprklitfc Invcfitnu-nt.
NEW YOItK , Jnn , 8. The stock market today
wns dull , nnd no fnr lu the uiuxlly prominent
Blocks were concerned , the fluctuations were nar
row , with n tendency tow.ird n lower level. The
conrrc of prices was Influenced by profH-tnklnff.
In the usually Inactive rpeclnltlea soma note
worthy fluctuation * occurred In ppccinc cases.
In ndldtlon to the realizing the market wna
affected by ncllln ? for arbitral ; * account , ami
the bear contingent , as utual In a dull market ,
sought to force liquidation for effect on the
general ll t. The reaction was most marked In
Mucar , Delaware & Hudson anil Consolidated
das. I eatlier preferred , worked Independent ot
the general list and rose 1 per cent to 00 , on re
ports of nn Improved statistical position of tha
leather Industry. Illinois fUeelfait unusually
active amicnk , the traders dctcctliiK n piimll-
sliol veiling order , and taking nway the market
by underbidding. The Mnck declined Cft per cunt
to 18U. The depression In the Iron nnd fleet
trade was considered responsible for the celling ,
Wheeling & Lake Krlo preferred was erratic ,
with a decided downward trend. After n slight advance , n break of Ji per cent oc
curred , itue to the apprehension of loss In busi
ness or. account at the alleged cuts In soft eon
rules by the llnltlmoio & Ohio. The gencrnl
market wn-t sustained momentarily after the
publication of u very favorable bank state
ment , nhowlng nn Increase In surplus reserve of
$10,70I.MQ. Toward thu close renewed prensuro
forced prices to the lowest points. The market
left off. steaily at slight net losses generally.
T'IO nnrlcl of the week has been dull nnil pro-
faislonal , nnd Ihe movement of prices At the ou'et the speculation wan un-
fiivornb'y ' Ii llmncoil by tha financial nnd com
mercial illhtmhai'cvD In the iiorthuost and by
mllliur of our ecnur'tlej for foreign account.
HubviUi-ntly | the In H-rst > Ioti that the Cameron
resolution had been practically shelved causeil
n moru confident sentiment , which was height
ened by more favorable railway earnings nnd
the decided strength of the wheat market. The
last consideration brought the granger etocks Into
favor. The exceptionally largo accumulations ot
fiindn nt this center resulted In nn Improved In
quiry for nnd decided strength In railway nnd
miscellaneous rectirltlca for Investment. Tlio
most Important development of the week was the
nctlon of the directors of the Delaware & Hudson
Canal company , nt their meeting ? on Wednes
day , In reducing the rate of dividend for th
year , 1591 , from 7 to 8 per cent. The company
lias been justly considered the banner earning
coal property , nnd the prominence of many of Ita
directors In the world of finance caused excep
tional Interest In the dividend reductions. The
unfavorable conditions In the nnthracltc region
have been a subject for comment for many
months past , but hardly nny one hod anticipated
that the Delaware & Hudson would show only
5 per cent earned on the stock , or that the direc
tors would have the moral courage to reduce the
dividend lo that figure. Criticism of the policy
adopted hns been universally favorable , as con
trasting with the methods ( bat have. In the cares
of many leading railway nnd other proper
ties , wrought financial ruin to the security holt ! ,
em. The stock moved widely. After n rise of
4 % per cent , to 121 ? ; , the prlco dropped to 111
on the dividend action ; the stock left off C per
cent lower. The pas stocks fluctuated widely ,
and were Influenced by the tenor of advices
from Albany en various gas measures. Gossip
ns to the dividend chances of some of the low
priced stocks , Including the Chesapeake & Ohio ,
wns reflected In prices. lying1 Island Improved
decidedly , nnd shows nn exceptional gain of 8
per cent on the news of the formation of a syn
dicate to protect the Corbln holders nnd develop
the resources nnd facilities of the company. Con-
solldatcd Ons ruse STi per cent , to 14S % , declined
to nnd closed nt 110. The market started out
weak , but n firm undertone prevailed , ns n rule.
In splto of realizations and comparative prices ,
generally speaking- , show Improvement. The
fluctuations In foreign exchange excited some
comment , owing to the strength exhibited , due
to an Increased demand for account of large
commercial Interest , which eventually forced out
hoarded exchanges. The aggregate sales were
707.S33 shares.
The bond market today displayed Increased
strength , nnd a wide distribution of business on
Investment purchases , which Included many of
the Inactive Issues. Sales were J707.COO. The
week's market was strong , icflcctlnK the largo
amount of money seeking employment. The ad
vances In the active speculative bonds were
mainly fractional , with Kansas A Texas Issues
leading. Material Improvement * occurred In the
sales and bid prices ot gilt-edged bonds. T'.io
aggregate sales were J7.C15.COO. Governments
very dull , but higher , on sales of 1100,000.
Tha total sales of stocks today were C9.O1
shares. Including : American Sugar , 7,600 ; St.
Paul , MOO.
The following were trie closing quotations on
Inn leadlne stocks of the New York cxchans *
today :
Persistent Strength of Liverpool Gives Bulls
Their Ohanco.
Corn ( lulcl , Ontn Um-lmiittPtl nnd Pro-
vlnloiiH n Trlll > HlKlicr IurKC
WcNtcru lli't-flptu of
Corn IC
CHICAGO , Jnn. 0. Wheat today rccov
cred about 5 c of what It lost Friday , duo
almost entirely to the advance at J lver
pool , which was totally unexpected. Othc
market.- * exhibited various degrees o
strength or weakness , corn declining Uc
oats closing unchanged and urovlslons
making a trifling advance.
In wheat a few sales were made nt the
opening nt about lo higher than ycster
day's final figures. May , which rested yes
terday at from , SO'&o ' to Sic , sold sparingly
at the start nt &l c , but there were mi
incrotis sellers nt SI He. Hut Inside of hal
on hour the prlco had dropped back to
81Uc. Liverpool showed unexpectei
strength In view of the weakness which
prevailed hero yesterday , futures there be
Ing quoted > id higher , and to this was duu
the opening advance. There were other en
cournglng features for the recently dl.- )
heartened bulls. The receipts hero were
only 23 cars and at Minneapolis nnd Du
litth only 174. Minneapolis and Duluth go
S93 a week ago and CSI on the correspond
Ing day of last year. The weekly ship
mcnts from both coasts were S.10S.GSS bu.
against 2,70SOCO * bu. the week before. Ar
gcntlno shipments were only 8,000 bu. , as
against 40,000 bu. the similar week of lasi
year. The shipments for the last twenty1
four hours from the Atlantic ports were
remarkably light , being equal to about r,0-
000 bu. In wheat and flour together. The
advance at Liverpool , however , did nol
make altogether plain sailing for the bulls
and , though Its effect was marked at tin.
opening , rumors that that market wan be
ing manipulated In the Interest of a clique
on this side , coupled with frco realizing
by operators who were satisfied with their
profits , caused the reaction to 81',4o al
ready noted. Hut the fact that the forelgi
demand for wheat showed no signs of
abating indicated nn independent strengthen
on the part of the Liverpool market , amr
from 81 > { , o there was n quick rlso to Sle ,
The remarkably line showing of the New
York bank statement had Homo effect In
favor of the bulls. The market held stead
ily between 81 ? > c ami SlVi-c. bid In the last
half hour , and closed at SM'.c.
Corn was quiet nnd easy. The exports
for the week were liberal , but cables were
easy and operators are looking for In
creased receipts an the western railroads
are expected to1 reduce freights from west
ern points. There was considerable pres
sure to sell for this reason , and prices
gradually declined. Slay opened unchanged
nt " > c. declined to from So'JSc to 2o4c ami
closed easy nt 25 > ic.
Oats was fairly active , -with offerings
moderate and qulto a demand from , shorts.
The feeling was firm early In sympathy
iwlth wheat , but an easier feeling' devel
oped later , although the chaiiKo In prlco
was slight. May opened a shade higher at
Iflc. declined to 189ic and closed at from
1S % to 19c bid.
The provisions market wns stiff nt a
shade over yesterday's closing prices. The
decrease In pac'.tlng for the week tended
to enlarge the speculative demand , and
there was less pressure to sell from the
packing Interest. No Important prlco
changes were recorder , but the undertone
was ilrm nil day. At the close pork was
a shade higher at from $7.0" to $ ? .U7'.fc : May
lard 216c higher at $1.0714 ; May ribs u shade
higher at JI.10.
Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat , 12
cars ; corn , 202 cars ; oats , 112 cars ; hogs ,
41.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | High. | Low. | Clogp. [ Ycst'y.
'Wheat" :
Jan. . . . 7HH 1SH 78V 7RW
Mny. . . 81 ? Hij RUi ROTS-SI
July. . . 77M 77M 7UJ4 77M
Jan. . . . 22H 22M 2'J4 !
May. . . . S6 l5 ! 24H
July. . . . -20 J3J ! BO
Jan . . . . 10 10
May. . . . IP 1U IBM IBIS 18M-10
Jan. . . . 770 7 72l < 7 70 772W 770
May. . . . 7 05 7 U7M 702K 7 U7K 7 05
Jan. . . . 3 02 3 02 1 < 3 110 3 87W
May. . . . 4 US 4 IW1 4 00 407H i 05
Sh'tKlb *
Jan 4 00 3 07M
May t U7M 410 4 07K 4 10 4 10
No. 2.
Cash Quotations were as follows :
KLOUU Quiet ; winter ] > atcntn , $ I.DOI4.73 ;
stralRhtci. JI.SC34.CO ; rprlnff patents T4.15i74.SO-
spring straights. i3.DOQ3.90 ; baliero , J3.10f3.5 < > .
WHKAT No. 2 spring. 78V4lf7S4e ; No. 3 fprlne ,
7CO770 ; No. II red. 87& fS c.
COUN No. 2 , 221i j22ic.
OAT3 No. ! , 16Jio ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. . 20O
lc ; No. 3 white , t. o. b , , ICHOlSo.
KYK No. 2. 3Sc.
IIAIIM3Y No. 2 , nominal ; No. 4 , t. o. b. , 21Jf
FhAXBKKD-No. 1 , 73V4S76HC.
TIMOTHY fiKIiU-l'rlme. $2.C04f.C3.
rilOVISIONS Me s porle. per tibl. . J7.75ff7.EO ;
lurJ , per 100 Ibs. , J3.SOtJ3. ! > 2l4 ; short ribs shies
( looiv ) . $3.9084.10 ; dry ealtcil nlioulders ( boxed ) .
J4.25(74.50 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) , Jt.OOG .l1 .
WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per sal. .
BI/QAHS / Cut loaf , 13.2C ; cranuloted , J4.C3
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
ArtlclcH. IlucclptH. Slilpiueius"
Flour. I ) 1)1 a , 4,000 8,00(1 (
Vt'hcnt. bu. . 18.000 32,000
Corn , bu. . . . (10.UOO H'.I.OIW
OatH.bu 10S.UUO 200.00U
llyo. bu G.OOO
ll.irloy , bu. . L'U.OOO is.ooii
On the Produce oxalianno today the butter mar-
km wan firm : creamery , lB4Jlt ) ; dairy , 03
17c. Kegs , weak ; fresh , 15c. Cheese. Htcndy ;
HM nhc. Dressed poultry , easy ; chickens , 7c ;
ducks ,
( luutiitloiiH of the Day on General
NKW YOUIC. Jon. 9. FLOUR Receipts , 12,050
bbU. ; exports , 179 bbl . ; dull , but steady on
everything but spring patents ; winter' patents ,
J1.00S3.10 ; winter straights , J4.53l.73 ; Mlnneapo.
Hi patents , J ) . 4004.75 ; winter extras , J3.303.SJj
Minnesota bakers , J3.45es.95 ; winter low grades ,
{ . .7383.10. llyo flour , dull ; superfine , JS.7M2HO ' .
lluckwhent flour , dull ; J1.23.
COHN MHAl-Uull ; yellow western , 12e.
m K Steady ; car lots , 40 ® c.
2l qulct : wc"cr" ' w0aK s
1IAI11.KY MALT-Nomlnal ; COS5c.
WI1HAT Ilecelpts. ! ) S3 bu. ; exports , 24 S'2 bu
spot. Ilrm : No. 1 hard. OCHc. Options opened
etrons and higher on unexpectedly ilrm Liver
pool cables and bulllih continental news ; reacted
COUN. Ilecelpts , 42,175 bu. ; exports , 13,700 Int. :
pot , weaker : No. 2. 2914c. Options opened
steady with wheat , but were Influenced by west-
cm BclllnK. and closed UffUc net lower ; Janu
ary , closed , 25io ! ; May. 3015-1C&31UC , closing
OAT3-Jtecelpt , 40,800 bu. ; epot. steady : No.
2 , 2/c. Options dull , but fairly steady , dolne
unchancpd ; January , closed , 2Jcj May , 25fl23'4c.
clo lii ( ; 23c.
eh TfJM * "IPPlnif > WMf7KC ! C ° ° d to
IlOl'rt-.Steady ; ISM crop. 3 J7Wo : 1'aclflo coast ,
life crop , 37',4c / ; 18 crop. W13f. -
IIIDKH I'lrm ; Oalveston , iGSc ; Buenos
Ayres , nominal ; California , IS'.Jc.
I.KATHKH Firm : hemlock pole , nucnos Ayres ,
IlKht to heavy weight , 19Ji J50Hc.
I'HOVISIONB-Ueef , tteaily : family , J5.00O10.00 ;
extra mess , J7.0 ; beef hams. M ; packet , JS-fOJI
J3.DO. Cut meats , steady ; plckli-il bellies. 4Ui >
4Uo ; pickled nhouldi-rs , 4Vic : plcklisl lintni. 8 W
9c. Lard , nrm : western stfam , JI.15B4.20i re-
tlneij higher. I'ork. fairly nctlve : mess , J8.OO
S.73 ; sliort clear. J7.MiJ10.CO ! family , J7.Cflff7.50.
TALLOW Steady ; city < J2 per nickaKe ) , 3 i |
" " - country ( packers free ) , 3HC3'c ; , as to
HOHIN-fitendy : 27H 2S o.
niri-Klrm ; fair to extra , 3Tfl6.c ! ; Japan ,
ifl4 C.
MOI.ASSnS llarelv itcadv ; New Orleans , open
< ettle. good to choice , 22 < | 32c , '
MKTAI-S I'lg Iron , flulli southern. Jll.OOO
I123f norlliern. } 11.00ftl3.CO. Conner , cti-mlv.
liroUerT , JII.K7U. Lead , quiet ; brokers , J2.CO.
Tin. plntei , dull.
OILS Petroleum. Pcnntylvnula rrnde , steady !
Pelirunry. C < ' bid ; rales , none , Busln , steady ;
t7m2IV5p. rollonsoed. steady , but not' active )
rlme rmrte. ? C" : prlmo rummer yellow , 23e ;
jiitter rni1fi KU" ; prime while , 27c.
lU'TTJin-lte'-flptn. lt\l \ pk . ; steady ; west-
crn creamery. . 13ff2Cr ; Hklnf. SOoj fuclnry. OflMo.
rlpi. | p rtH-HnlH. 4CO pkKK. : qulfll KtBlff.
Inrgo. RUUllc ; flntf , small , 7lWllc ( ; part nklmi ,
4c- full slilmii IHUJ' ' " .
nciOB Itirrlnts. J.OTO pkgs , : state nnd Tcnn-
sylranla , lS920c ; wcilcrn , HOl'o.
St. I.onU Of ii r ml
PT , IXJI'IK. Jan. P. Fl/t'n-nu | | flnrt tin.
rhinvd : pAtrnts f4.cOR4,7.1 ; rxtro f r'-y , JI.100
4.M : fnncv. lUOjTl.M ; choice , JlOOOllO.
WHEAT The ndvanc < > of * id at T.lvrmnol In
hn face of the lionvy decllnn on thu > | ji > yci-
fenlay rauted n flrmrr feeling nnd the market
opened hUhcr. The etporl clrarnnci' were also
ifavy. and the world's shipments nf wheat re
ported small , After fliKtuallnr within n nsrrmv
nr * of IMS than lo , futures oloicil UOIa
dgher than yesterday , Spot , dull , but higher )
No. S red , cosh , flevAl CJSHic ! truck.n. . > n.- ,
No , 1 hard , cnth. SOc asked : January. 5Sc nskedj
Mny , MUe nukcili Julv < TJJic.
COUN-null nnd wriUftt- for futures : spot ,
easy ; No. 2 rash , SO'toi .January , 20Vic ; May ,
22Uf22 c ! July , 2il4o nfRrii.
OAT3--IJUII , easy amrneglected ; No. 2 cash ,
21r , nominal ! May , WKilSHc.
UVn Lower ; 34Uc. tri < V
IIAHLKY Dull ; 30fl4 .
COIIN MKAL J1.35. , , . , .
IlllAN Dull ; numtnnll > V,3SniOc , cast track.
n.AXai-it > Itetter ; ,7M < J.
TIMOTHY SKKD-l'rlpxs , J2.40.
HAY Uulet , steady uirul. unchanged.
IH'TTKH-Sleady ; cteaixlcry , 17r20',4e ! dairy.
' -
KflOS Lrtwer : 104e. ! .
WHISKY Jl.IS. dull ; ! .73ff2.S5W. Spelter ,
dull ; . ? , , .
COTTON TIES TtncliiUifcfd.
HAHOINO Unchanged.
I'ltOVISIONS I'nrk , better : Ktnndant mess ,
Jobbing , J7.W57-.10. Lnrd , tlrm : prime steam ,
J3.72'4 : choice , J3.K214. llaeon ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
Jl.tO ; extra chert clear. JI.K2H : ribs. J4.70 ; short ,
J4.87I4. Dry salt moats ( Ixired ) . fhnulders , Jll
rxirn short clear. | I.12 < 5 : ribs , JI.37U : shorts ,
iil'rniPTS-noiir. : S.MO Mils. : wheat. 23(00
bu. : corn. lll.TO ) bu , : oats , 12.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Klour. 3.000 bliU. ; wheat , 26,000
bu. ! corn , 23.000 bu. ; oats , 4.COO bu.
Liverpool Crnlu nnil I'rovNIniiM.
LIVKIU'OOL , Jan. 9. WHKAT Spot , firm : de
mand poor ; No. S red , spring , ( in lid ; No. 1 , ( Till-
Ifornla. 7s 2V4d. Vuturex closed Ilrm , with near
nnil distant positions ? ld lilclirr ; business nboiit
equally distributed ; January , Cs C'4d : February ,
fa fi'Jd : March , ( in lid ; Mny , 6s
COltN Hiot. | steady ; American mixed , new , 2s
10'jd. Future * closeil steady , with near nnd dis
tant positions unchanReil frota yesterday's clos-
ln prlcps ; business heaviest oil middle posi
tions ; January , 2s OMd ; February. 2s lOd ; March ,
2s lOd ; April , 2s lOUd ; May. 2s lOHd ,
KLOUll Steady ; demand poor ; Bt. Ix > uls fancy
Winter. s 3d. *
I'HAS Canadian , 4s f.d.
I'HOVIHIONR llacon , Ilrm : demand moderate ;
Cumberland cut , 21 to 30 lln. . ZTs ; fhort ribs.
20 to 24 Ibs. . 2Cs r.d ; long clear , Unlit , So to 3S
Ibs. . 27s ; lone clear , heavy. 40 lo 45 Ibs , . iC :
short clear backs , IlKht , 18 llm. , 2 < Ss Cd ; short
clear middles , heavy , 43 lo KO Ibs. . 21s Gd : clear
bellies. ' 14 to 10 Ibs. , 27s. Shoulders. Ware 14
to IS His. . 2C . Hams , shorl c\it , 14 to 16 Ibs. .
29.1. Tallow , fine North American , 19s. IJcef ,
extra India mess , KM M ; prims mess. Ms. Pork ,
prlmo moss , line western , 4S 9d ; medium west
ern , 41s 3d. Lard , steady ; prlmo western , 2ls ,
CltnKPK FlrrnVd'cnund moderate ; flncil Amer
ican , white and colored tHentember ) . 15s fid.
llltTTKn-Flnest Unltoil 8tnte . to * : irooil , r.s. ,
Sndon d'acinc coast ) . 3
Cotton Mnrkrt.
NK\V YOUK. Jnn. O.-COTTON-1'Mturcs'closrit
steady : sales. 102.700 l.nlos ; January. J..10 ; leb- ;
ruary. J7.13 ; March. J7.21 ; April , J7.27 ; May. . .2o ;
June 17.40 ; July. J7.45 ; Aimust. J7.40 ; Peptcinber.
J7.17Oclober , J7.14 : November , J7.13. Spot closed
dull ; middling , 7c ; middling , uplands. , so ;
middling , gulf , 7c ; sales ; none. The collon
market opened sleady and fairly ncllve , wllh
prices unchaiiKCd to 2 points lower. IjiiRllsn
cables were about to e.\pcctatlons , nnd wllh llglit
outside buying orders gave the market a Btcndy
undertone. Kstlmntcs of liberal receipts for the
noxl week , nnd some Iwal selllnK to realize on
liurchafes Monday , caused a decline of 4 to o
points at 10:30. : 1'rlvatc Liverpool cables report
n Rood demand for Kpot cotton by fplnners nt
1-lCd advance. New Knclnnd teleRrnms , tin tnc
olher hand , point to phiRglch print cloth markets
nt Fall lllvcr nnd lltlle dlspiultlon on the part of
spinners to buy cotton. Bouthcrn markets have
a steadier underione. At 10:43 o'clock , n sharp
reaction of from S to 9 point * was due to liberal
New Orleans and local buying , nnd nt 11
a. m. , the market was Ilrm nt n net gam of 4 to
G points on nales of 75.COO bales.
good , 7c ; good middling , CTicj good ordinary ,
Cic. .j , .
'BT. I/JUIS. Jan. . WTTON Firm ; 1-lCc
hlKher ; middling , 7c ; faleR , l.CSI bales : receipt- .
1.4S1 bales ; bhlpmcnts,11 , , 54 bales ; slock , 6oK3
bales. i- , n | .
ICniiniiH City Hi.
KANSAS CITY , JatA -.WH ' I' AT Active nnd
11YE No. 2 , 32c.
HAY Unchanged.
lltlTTnil-Stcady ; ct > 4mcry , J7ffllSfl ; dairy ,
10 lSc. "
Demoralized ; yc „ ! ; ' . '
TOLHDO , Jan. \VJIKAY Dull , but higher ;
cash. 93Hc ; May. 0Ac \ ; July , fO'lc. '
COHN Uull nnd stcu < ly-No. | 2 mixed , 22o ; May ,
' T ' '
OATS Qulel : No.-2 fulxbd , 17VJc ; May , 19UC.
KYI : null : NO. 2.STK
CIXJVKH SCr.D Uull-'nitd 8tcndK-cn h , J5.SO ;
March. J3.3S. ' ' ' '
OILS South Lima nnd-'In'dlana , B5c.
1'orc'lKii Klniiiiclal.
BEHLIN , Jnn. 9. Exchange on London , eight
days' sight , 20 marks'371 pfg.
LONDON , Jan. 9. Gold Is quoted nt Uuonos
Ayres today at 1M.GO ; IJ'Jbon , 30 ; Home , 101. CO.
PAIHS. Jan. 9. Thrco per ccnl rentes , 102f 45o
for the ncocunt ; exchange on London , 23f 22'ic
for checks.
AViinl MnrUet.
NKW YORK , Jan. 9.VOO1 < Steady ; domcs-
tlo necce. 15 :0c ; pulled. UfilSo.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 9. WOOL Quiet ; steady.
Wcok Ends witb the Customary Light Enn
of All Sorts.
Doinniiil Good mill KvrrythlttK1 Solil
Knrly nt Striiil ) ' 1'rlovM HORN
. Strong "ml Sonic Tinicn
u MUi-l lllKliur.
SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. 9.-nccolpts for the
the days Indicated wore :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
January 0 1.12S 4,653 071
January X 2,3 < 5 , ' CIS
January 7 l,9"rt ( i.lW 4,4S'J
January C 4 , ( 7 3,119
January 5 730 as 421
January 4 H'l ' 1,351 2.GU7
January 2 l.GSI 2.710 1,20s
January 1 M2 1,1.03
December 31 1,321 MSG 2,318
The ofllclal number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each rend was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. M. & St. P. lly 4
O. & St. L. lly . .
Mo. P. lly
IT , P. system ( ' 1C
P. K. & .M. V. 11. It G 19
S. C. & P. } ly 19S
O. . St. P. , M. & O. lly. . . H S
11. ft M. H. U. H 10 7
C. I ! . & Q. lly 7
K. C. .t St. J C 1
C. , H. 1. & P. lly. , cast. . 1 a
C , II. I. & P. lly. , west. . . 1
Totnl receipts 47 63 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated : ,
liny era. Cattle , Hogs. Sheep.
Omalm Packing Co. . . 1,003
G. H. Hammond Co SO 010
Swift and Company. . . . 425 76S . . . . .
Cudiihy Packing Co 31G 1,962 402
11. Hecker it Degan 21
J. 1 . Carey 13S
Hamilton S
Heukor & Uegan. K. C. . .
Cudahy P Co. , K. C 72
Other buyers 1G5
Totals . 1,15.9 . 4.CSI 674
CATTL13 The receipts of cattle were
light as usual at the close of the week , and
there wore not enough of any ono kind
hero to make very much of a market. The
truilo , naturally , under such conditions , was
devoid of especial Interest , the buyers tak-
lntr the cattle lit about the same prices us
were paid yesterday. The duinand was
good and everything changed hands early
In the morning.
The cattle market of the past week was
largely under the Imluenco of the snow
Htonn , which occurred the llrst of thu
week , and which cut down receipts very
materially. The light receipts of Monday
and Tuesday gave the market a sharp
upturn , values on Tuesday bc-lnp recorded
25o higher than the previous week , on buef
cnttle. Hy Wednesday the roads were
open and the cattle came In large num
bers , breaking the market badly that day
and the day following , until at the cl < wo
of the week the advance was all lost and
possibly a little more. The demand was
good all the week , and it was ? no trouble
to dispose of each day's nrtlvals at the
current prices.Representative soles :
No. Av. J > r. No. Av. ' lr.
' ' , 900 J3 00 6. . . .1031 J3 75
1. ! . 9SO 3 10
' ) . . . ,10JG , 3 CO
1. . . ,10CO , 3 no
27. . . ,1262 3 CO
3. . . 973 3 GO
5. . . , 9S5 3 CO
CO. . . ,1031 , 3 cs
20. . . 1142 3 75
t. . . . SOO 3 S 2. . . . MO 3 (0 1. . , . 780 I K
1 , . . , ( SO ITS 2. , . . 910 300 2. . . . CK 313
1. . , . 6TO 2 SO 3. . . . MS 323 1 , . . . 3W 32(1 (
8. . . . 733 2 S5 1. . . . 440 3 M S. . . , SIS 3 ft )
2. . . . CIS 2 S3 M. . , . WO 1 2S 2. . , . 735 353
2. . . . 610 2 S5 14. , . . 993 323 2. . . . 855 349
2..1100 1 73 2..1&30 2 SO 1..10:0 3 CO
1..1430 210 1..1060 2 S3 I..1C20 200
1..1liO 240 1..1000 2 SI 1..1470 301)
1..1410 240 1..14SO 2 tO 1..1IM 300
1..1710 2 < S 1..1390 290 1..15IO 30.1
1..1130 263 1..1.M ) 300 1..1IW 323
1. . . . S30 S CO
1. . . . 3SO 2 60 1. . . . 3.10 3 DO 1. . . . 2(0 ( 4 CO
2. . . . 320 2 CO 1. . . , 2SO 3 r.O 2. . . . 143. 6 00
4. . . . 3K 273 1. . . . 370 360 3. . . . 173 r. 00
1. . . . 310 373 L. . . ISO 375 1. , , . ISO BOO
1. . . . SCO 300 9 , . . . 3JS 3 S5 1 , . . . 140 625
4. . . . 76 3 13 C. . . . 370 3 S3
3 , . . . 610 3 TO S. . . . 6SO 365 3. . . . 718 3 SO
9. . . . CM 310 S. . . . 4M 365 13. . . , 643 3 SO
1. . . . C40 33.1 C. . . . CSS 375 21. . . , 753 3 SO
1. . . . 760 330 L. . . MO 375 3. . . . 67 3M
1. . . . SCO 330 42. . . . 578 373 1..SOO 3 SB
1. . . . S20 3 V. 3. . . . Ml ! 375 . . . . < 5 3 S5
1. . . , K 3 35 1. . , . 7SO 373 1. . . . 610 4 W
9..1103 3 CO
HOtia The market opened strong nnd In some
cases 5o higher and tbo trade wns nctlvo nl the
advance. After the most of the hogs were sold ,
however , the market rased off and closed weak ,
wllh the ndvancu lost. Heavy hogs sold very
largely at J3.03 f3.13 , as against J3.00JI3.10 yester
day , while tinllsht nnd medium weights today
brought 3.17'iOT.30 anJ yesterday J3.15tf3.274. ?
The maikct closed In reasonably need season ,
with practically cvcrythltiK sold.
Hogs , like cattle , coimmmdcd hlKli prices dur >
ItiR the early part of thTi past week. The
market started out with an advance nt the com
mencement nf the week and went still higher on
Tuesday nnd Wednesday. On the last mentioned
day values touched the highest point reached
slnep November SO. On Thursday the market
broke H strnmr 10 ? nnd on the day followIntr 80.
The week closed with the market ITwj lower than
the high point nnd n strong IOC lower than the
opening. Thu market has ranged from 2.1Jf40o
lower than n year nun. The demand was good
nnd the market active on most days of the
week , the receipts moving off freely nt the
prevailing prices. Representative sales :
No. AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
DC X12 KO J3 05 Cl 24S 40J315
63 370 210 303 74 201 ICO 3 IS
,67 299 40 305 f,9 258 . . . 315
I 62 SOS ICO 303 Cl 281 120 315
43 259 40 3f5 , 54 320 200 3 15
33 333 40 303 61 2M . . . 313
05 321 . . . 3 ( V. f > 3 270 . . . 315
32 430 COO 3 OS ' 67 300 . . . 313
23 314 40 305 I 62 2S1 . . . 3 IS
33 377 . . . 303 I 63 301 120 313
45 373 . . . 305 I ( ! 4 271 ! . . . 313
14 315 40 3 OS 4S 239 . . . 3 IS
33 377 120 3 05 II 2J1 . . . 315
64 300 160 SOS I 67 2TO SO 3 17 < i
61 327 . . . 310 I fl ( 274 . . . 3 17 4
CO 324 . . . .110 I CO 231 ICO 3 17H
6(1 ( 293 SO 310 Kl 201 . . . 3 17ii
CO 331.40 310 I S2 2tt ! 40 3 1714
$2 33S . . . 310 I 74 244 . . . 320
62 310 40 310 71 233 40 320
63 335 120 310 I 02 2S SO 320
M 3C340 3 10 ' 7(1 ( 201 . . . 3 0
67 323 40 3 10 I 68 273 SO 3 20
4G 327 SO 310 74 254 . . . 320
63 313 SO 310 60 272 40 320
31 330 SO 310 61 272 . . . 320
42 310 . . . 310 , 74 2.12 . . . 320
69 827 FO 3 ll > 72 241 . . . 320
60 3d SO 310 SO 203 . . . 320
61 318 . . . 310 73 223 . . . 320
65 322 . . . 110 SO 212 SO 320
5S 2.18 120 310 6 ( ! 272 SO 320
02 3.15 SO 3 12',4 ' 62 2.10 40 320
64 2SS . . . 315 60 212 SO 3 22'4 '
61 297 . . . 315 71 ST1 40 3 22 > 4
63 2ffi > SO 315 62 2ifl . . . 323
K 2CH . . . 315 62 1C5 . . . 323
72 203 120 315 76 209 . . . 325
33 311 . . . 315 63 217 . . . 325
47 310 . . . 315 62 133 . . . 330
1 400 . . . SCO 4 ICO . . . 310
1 4CO SO 3 00 4 245 . . . 313
6 43(1 ( . . . 300 2 US . . . 315
6 293 . . . 3d ) 1 ISO . . . 320
. 3 430 . . . 3 03
SHI5KP There were a few sheep here today
which met with ready sale ut full steady prices.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
5 western lambs r. C4 J3 60
152 western > c-jii I ncn 93 3 85
2H western jamb * 71 475
ciuc.viio i.Tvlci sixuJk MAUICHT.
Cattle Ton Scarce In MnUr a .Mnrkel
Cixiil Demand fur UOK .
CHICAGO , Jan. 0. llecclpt of cattle today
were too small to make much of a market. Tim
few cnttle In the pens Eold readily enough , but
quotations were mostly nominal nt yesterday's
fnu res.
With ti good demand prices for hogs were
stronger nnd largely 5c higher. Sales were
at fU.03Itl.15. with tnc bulk of transactions nt
} 3.'utj HO. Heavy hogs were discriminated
AKalntt to Fome extent.
Ir. sheep the few offerings sold readily at
uteady prices. The sales were on the bantu of
} 2.2Hi2.60 for very common sheep , up to J3.50U
3.75 for the best Mock' . Lambs sold at (3.15 for
40-lb. lots , up to i5.COU5.SO for choice , to 78 In
9 < Mb. lots.
Receipts : Cattle , 600 head ; hogs , 22,000 head :
nherp , ] .WO head.
KIIIIHIIH City 1.1viStoilc. .
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 9. CATTLK-Ilecelpts ,
1.0 < head ; shlpmcntH , 2,900 head ; market etcudy
nnd unchanged ; only retail Irade.
HOfjH Receipts , 7.COO head : xhlpmcnts , l.LW
henil : market uteady to strong ; bulk of sale *
J3.15if3.25 ; heavies , J3.10S3.20 ; puckers , < 3.05V3.10 ,
mixed , JJ.15ff3.2Ti5 ; llcliU , J3.00V3.30 ; Yorkers ,
J3.1M13.23 ; pig * . M.OOtM.10.
HIIKKP Hecelpls , 1)00 ) hrftd : shipments , l.tM
bend ; market steady ; lambs , ji2SU4.7 ! | muttons ,
SI. I.onlH Live Stork.
ST. LOUIS. Jnn. ff.-CATTLK-Itfcelpls. SOO
head ; market quiet ; native shipper * , J3.60lts.23 ;
( lockers nnd feeders , J&COi/J.TS ; c\.ws and heif
ers , ; Texas nnd Indian < : lcrs , J2.WJ
4.M.HOttSllccelpts , $ .000 head : market steady , but
slow ; lUht , J3.20JJ3.30j mixed , JJ,03Cf ! heavy.
ailiii' No market on ncco-int of no ioiclpln.
Slork In Sl lit.
Ileconl of receipts of live stock t the four prin
cipal markets for Saturday , January 9 , l.W :
Caltle. Hogs. Shoep.
Omalm 1,12.8 4.CM G74
Chicago 600 22.000 1.000
KniiMis City 1,1X10 7,000 600
St. Ixitlln SOO 11,000
Totals 8,428 4T.C35
I'rorhi IJrnlii MurUot.
PKOniA. Jan.COUNKasler. .
OATS Slow mid rlendy ; No. 2 white , lSG19ii ° .
HYIO Dull nnd nominal.
\VIIlSICV-Market steady ; flnlslieJ goods on tha
basis nf J1.1S for high wlnex.
WHKAT-No. 2 red , winter , S9e.
ItKCKIPTS Corn , CD,500 bus. ; oats. 30,200 bus. !
rye , GOO bus. ; whisky , none ; wicnt : , 1,100 bu .
SlllP.MKNTS-Corn. 4.P50bin. : oats. ST.PW bus. ;
rye , none ; whUky , C75 Mil ? . ; wheat , l.SOO bus.
IiiiliiirtN ami ICximrtM tit NIMV York.
NKW YOItK. Jnn. 9. The Imports of dry goods
nnd gencrnl merchandise nt this port this week
were 0.778.1121. The Imp'iita of ipeclo this wcok
wore irl,3tO , of which 132.CM weoi gold. The ex
ports of specie from this purl aggregated G20.G2I ,
of which 40,480 wcru gold.
llN AVlii-nt AlurUcf.
elowil nt 77Hc ; Mny , 70o ; July , SOUWSOlic ; lo-
celpts , 133 cars , _
Oil City Mnrkot.
OIL CITY. Jan. 9. Credit balances , OOo ; crrtln-
catcs , no bids. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIOSTON. Jnn. 9. Clearings , J16.0C2,09I ; b.-il-
nnccs. J1.621.4S5.
NHW YOUIC , Jnn. O.-Clcarlngs , J107.3H.62l ;
balances , J5SSSS03.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 9. Clearings , JI.1I3.SOO :
nnoes , J493.440 ; money , 6 < T7 per cent ; New Yorlc
exchange , par bid ; 2r > c premium nekcd.
CHICAGO. Jnn. ! > . Clonrlngn. Jll. 678,210 ;
money , uteady nt MT7 per cent ; New York rx-
cliange , 75c illscnunt ; foreign exchange , struns ,
demand , Jl.S'li ; sixty days , ( I.EI'.i.
I.oiuloii Stock
LONDON , Jan. U. I p. in. closing :
oimol' uT'y . filM' ' Mexican onllnary. " .1 ) (
Consols , ncu't . lllj lsi. Paul common. . 7llt
Can. IMclllc i7 > N. Y. . H7K
Krlu 1M Pennsylvania . 53M :
Krlulat prd 11,1 iti-ndlnir .
III. Central IIM Muv. Cell. iiowMH ,
I1AII SILVnil 20 1MC.I per ounce.
MONI3Y 2CT2V1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the opn nnrket for
short bills. 3b per cunt ; for thrco months' bills ,
3J ! per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\t\r York .tlliiliiu' Unotutlons.
NK\V YOUIC. Jan. -Tho following nro tha
clOHlng mining quolntluui :
41 Urondrtdy nnd 43-47 Nc\v Street , Nov \otk
A'cnclcs { In nil largo cillCH of the U. S.
Nearly 70 pnr cent profit on our "Holldny
Comhlnntlon , " covering only twi'tity-scven
dttys' trnnsnotlons : OVKIl 8 I'lill CUNT
weekly on the Investment for the past Klx
yen re. No losses over recorded. The safest
nnil most prnlltiiblu uyHteni of Invcatmclit
j u TJici 6 US"IN vijs'i'ji ; IJNTS
1000 PER CENT.
more profitable than In other channels.
affords largo and small Investors the dual ad
vantages of tnfvty and most satWactory returns
nn Hums of J23.00 to 51,000.00. Prospectus and
Muikel I/L'ltcr mailed fire.
loWOLI : & CO. , HnnkorN \ llrokcr.4.
llunk Itciuii'iici'.s. SI ) llro.idwny , N. Y. City.
IllghuHt mnikut nrlco paid and prompt roturua
Kffcroncu-Omnh : ! Nnllonal llnm :
F. S. BUSH & CO. ,
No commission. 611 ! S. 13th SI. . Omaha , N
Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders
m Fifty-three Years I
RICHARD A. McCURDY , President ,
Who will pay that mortgage
on your home if you die before
It's lifted ?
A life insurance policy will
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The resourc.e pf the Mutual
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combined capijal , , of all the na
tional banks of New York City ,
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A duty delayed is a duty
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A Policy of Insurance in the
Mutual Life is the quickest
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The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York ,
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Has been the benefactor of women aitd children
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its mites in a ! ! over $4E8
- AgentsWanted in JBvery County.
H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative , Omalm.
.How much will your admin1.
istrator have to sacrifice your
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An Installment Policy for
$ J 00,000 will- leave your family
$5,000 yearly income for 20
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he or she will be paid $5,000
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A 5 pzr cent Debenture for
$ J 00,000 v/ill leave your wife
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prior thereto ; then $100,000 will
be paid in one sum. A possible
return of $200,000.
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The true business man act *
oromptly. Get our rates at once *