r THE OMAHA DAILY JVEE : SUNDAY , JANITATIY 10 , 1807. SPEG1RL NOTICES , for lltric cnlntnn Trill tic tnkrii nnlll lUi.10 it. in. , fo ( ho ciciilitR unit nnlll 8 i > . HI. for III morning nnil Sunday editions. AilvorllHrrN , rrqiicxIliiK n wnn licrcd clu'd.can IJHVC nntmor * ml ilrt-HNPil ( it n u n in tic i c l teller lit ettf of Tlio life. . AiiMtcr * ) mi mlrtrcMC-i Y lll tic itelltrrril uu iircNciitnllun n the check only. llnlcn , 1 1-Be n Tvoril firni limrrtlon lu n u-nril llifi-iMtfti-r. NolliInK inKci for ICH * ( linn il.'e for ( he llrnt Inner ( Ion. Tin-up iiiltcrtlNcniiiiilN iiiiiNt I ) run riiMNriHill vcly. SITUATIONS WANTED-RY A YOt'NO MAN. PLACE TI work for Ixmnl or employment or any klnJ AilUrcM I ) 20. Dec. A 876-10 * REGISTER ! : ? ) FiiAriiuasT , YOUNG MAN single , 14 vcnrs' experience. rpcnkB Hrniullna vlnn nml German Immunces ; Hr l clnsa lefcr enccii. Addt cm U 29 , lice ulllce. A- ! 10 * \vTNTiln7 slTU/moNiiv REGISTER ! : ! pharmacist , 12 yciim 'experience ; cnn funils bent of lefcicncc.i. D 32 , lice. A Dili 10' WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED. AN IDEA : wtto CAN THINK ot seme ilmtile thing to patent ? Protect > ou Ideas , tlicy may bilne yen wraith ; write Jon Wedderlmrn & Co. . lcpt. V. . 1'ntcnt Attorneys Washington , D. C. , for their $1,601 prize offc and a lltt of ZOO Inventions wanted. II 635 TAILORS WANTED. CONTINENTAL CLOTH Ing Company , U M176 WANTED. TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR CI gars ; old reliable lioutc ; experience unncces niry ; extra Inducement ) ) to customers ; J75 t $150 per munth and expenses. Chni. C. Rlshci & Co. , St. Louis. U M320 Jll * no A WEEK SAI.AHY AND EXPENSES t'Ato salesmen ; experience not necessary ; pcrnumcnt position. T.io W. 1 * Kline Co. , St. Loulu , Mo. B M732 F2 * WANTED , MEN TO LEARN BARBER TIIADU only eight weeks required , nnd you cnn holi nny position ; outfit of tools given each stu- dcnt ; write for 1S37 catalogue. .Mold's Darbcr College , lltli and Franklin me , , Ht. Louis. 11-MS28 11 * MEN , TO ADVERTISE OUR SPECIALTIES dlstrlbutp samples , circulars ; steady work salary { 40.00 monthly nnd expense * , or controls iilon. Wilfred Specialty Co. , Chicago. B M845 10 * DO A LIGHT MANUFACTURING AND MAII order business ; send 75 cents for "Secrets o thn Trade ; " tells liow to manuncturc and scl ro different article * ; 500 per cent prollt ; only a few dollars to stall ; Information found nowhere rise. The Trade Supply Co. , Uox 2G9 , Toledo O. B-M837 JO1 * HEN TO I.EARN I1ARIIER TRADE AND KILL , good paying positions after 8 weeks' practice tools given each student free upon entering wages made Saturdays while learning ; write for free catalogue. Moler Ilarbcr College , 22 Washington uvc. 8. , Minneapolis. U MfcM 11 * WE WANT 1'USlIlNa MAN IN EVERY COUNty - ty to sell watches ; $30 weekly. Address Great American Watch Co. , Jcrtcy City , N. J. U 897 10 * TRAVELING SALESMEN , TO SELL TO D13AL- cis ; 1100 monthly and expenses ; experience tin- necciii > ary ; write for particulars. Acme Cigar Co. , Chicago. H S9G 10 * WANTEl7sALESMEN TO SELL CIGARS TO dealers ; $100 monthly and expenses ; experience unnecessary. Clinton Cigar Co. , Chicago 11-181 10 * OIITAIN 1'ERMANENT. PROFITABLE , PLEA- nanl cmployrncnt by writing us. Thomas Co. , Englcnood , 111 U-S93 10 * WANTED , TO CONTRACT WITH THRER ( Irst-claFH salesmen for 15-07 ; high commissioner or salary und commission ; staple line ; give references. International Mfg. Co. , Iowa City , Iowa. I KM 10 * WANTED IIY MANUFACTURER. A MAN IN the commlptilon business , aciiualntcd with the millinery trade , to handle a line of Ostrich Kcatheiu In city and vicinity. Address , giving refcienccs. etc. , J , I ocwcnstcln , 33 llond Ft. New York. 1I-S92 10 * MANAGERS. $20 TO $25 A WEEK TO APPOINT ngents and Introduce 13 folding Vapor Until Cnblnets to families and physicians ; everybody , rick or well , buys ; CO.OOO Hold ; Turkish nnO Medicated Vapor llaths at home , 3o each ; cures and prcxcntH disease ; no experience ; book free. B. World Mfg. Co. , Columbus , Ohio.1J 1J SDO 10 * MEN AND WOMEN 1IE YOUR OWN EM- ploycrs ; we mail you Instructions how to start In the mall order business without capital. Dell Tub. Co. , 200 8. Clark St. , Chicago. , 11-S31 ' 0 WANTED. MEN TO READ THE AD OP THE National Correspondence Institute , of Wash ington , D. C. , about Government positions. In thin column. U S9S-10 * MANY 1'ERSONH OVERESTIMATE THEIR ability of taking care of themselves. This Is why u great many tm\e no accident Insurance when It IH needed. Are you Insured ? If not get the "best , " Issued by The 1'aclllc of Cali fornia , For rates write to or call on A , V. Todd , general agent , llec llldg , U 915-10 FOR THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE ; WANT- cd , a few blight men to prepare by mall for the Internal revenue , customs , railway mall and other examinations to be held soon In every state ; splendid chanccu for appointment thin year ; our catalogue with \lews of Wash ington , particulars about all government posi tions,1 salaries , etc. , and dates and places of examination free. National Correspondence Institute , Department E , Washington , D. C. SM 10 * _ INVENTORS. WRITE TOR LIST. " 500 INVEN- lions wanted , " free. J. Gilbert WurllcM & Co. , Dcpt. W , No. C3 & C5 Wall lit. , N. Y. 11-900 10 * A FEW DOLLARS AVIIJ , START YOU IN A paying mall order business. Iluslness Guide Co. , Cincinnati , OMo. lt-S 9 10 * WANTED. MEN WISHING TO TAKE CIVIL pervlcc examinations , soon to occur In Omaha , for postolllce clerks and carrlein , to write for valuable Information , free. U. 8. Ilurcau of Information , Cincinnati , Ohio. II 8C8 10 * MEN WHO WILL WORK FOR Jl A DAY ; HAL- nry or commission paid. Clifton Soap & Mfg. Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. II H.SO I'ER 11.000 CASH FOR niSTRIUUTINO circulars ; enclose Cc , U. 8. Distributing Bureau , Chicago. II 15.00 I'ER DAY MADE SELLING OUR I'Ar"- cnted adjustable kettle covers ; cost Jl.OO and JI.25 per doz. ; sell for " > c each. Richards & Dlrch , 200 Nlcollct ave. , Minneapolis , Minn. H-M9I8 1C * WANTED. EXPERIENCED IUISINESS MAN to travel nnd appoint agents ; salary , 175.00 a month and expenses and commission. A Wlllsle , state agent. 22 1'carl street. Council muffs. In. 11-913 10 AVA.Vriin Ii'llMALG 1IKI.I * . OOOD GIRL ; GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; small family ; rcfcicnccs. 1113 Georgia avenue. C MS 10 10 * D1RL WANTED , TO DO GENERAL HOUSE"- work ; must bo good cook ; nix In family. Appy southeast corner ICth and Ccntec streets. C tM-10 WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBE- vvork ; references required. Call at 1332 N. 24th et. , So. Omaha. C 871 10 * AN EDUCATED WOMAN WISHING A GOOD position , call Monday. 10:30 : a. in. to 3:30 : p. in. , Grand Hotel 1'arlors , Council lllufts. . C 870 10 * 1.AD1ES-TO TRY MY REMEDY FOR SUl'l IN HUOUH hair ; euro , iiulck , permanent , harmless ; many testimonials ; Kiunple tent , sealed , free , llutli I > . DeVerc , box 494 , I'hlladelphlu , Pa.C J.ADY AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MME. Vulu'B. famous toilet preparations ; agentH mak ing from 125.00to 1100.00 per week ; write for particular * . Address Mine. M. Yale. Chicago , HI. C 10 I'HIVATH FA Sm.Y COo"KS ; O ENER A L house girl ; two In the family. | 3.(0 ; three cur- IienliTB. Canadian Olllce , 1S ! Douglas t C M829 11 WANTED. A LADY WITH GOOD JUDGMENT of business affairs to 111) ) a vacancy. U 31. lite. C-M9J7 12 WANTED , NUIts'i : CURL , AI10UT 15 ; ONLY German or Dane need apply , iC2 N , ISth st. C-939 10 FOIL IU\T iiotsios. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F , Davis Company , 1503 Farnam. D-WC HOUSES ; 1IENEWA & CO. , 10S N. 15TII ST. D-C37 MODERN HOUSES ; C. A , STAIIR KM N Y LIFE CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the city , J5 to 150. 1'idellly , 1702 Furnam it. . D-C3J _ _ MOUSES. WALLACE , DROWN IlLOCKlCTTt and DoUKla * D 010 HOUSES FROM 15 UP ; LARGE LIST. Mo- Cat'UO Inveslnicnt Co. , 1506 Dodgg ilrcet. . Dlt _ _ A IIEAUTIFUL , HOME TN LAPAYETTE PLACP. , I rooms , all modern , iplcndU condition , never ' teen rented before ; now offered at a low rental to first clan tenant. Fidelity Trust 17M Furiuim lU . . . Pil ron Continued. ) nousr.3 TLATsaAitviN uiiOB , ten TARNAX D-C43 _ FOH r.L'NT , Si : N. 8DTII ST. . 7-ROOM 7 > IODKI house ; 1:0 per month. Innulro on premise * . NUMlEl OP CENTRALLY IXJCATED. 6 room cMtnpcs. city water In house : IS. 00 nnc 10. 1 ? . J , II , Kclkcnney , Kaibath block , _ _ D-M221 JIO FOIt'r.ENT 1JY W. U. MEIKLC , 1ST l/Ari / > llniik bide , U ] Dnvcnnait. 7 roomr , modern. IIS. 2S1C N. llth , 7 rooms , modem , 120. MIC Spencer , 7 rooms , modern , $15. HOUSES FOR JtE.VT. UEMIS , 1'AXTON RLK DI361 _ _ FR ( RENT. MtOOM FURNISHED HOUSE modern Improvements , paved streets. 191 Wit t M. D-872 10 * _ TENROOM"MODERN HOUSE ; ONE MILI from couit house , fur deposits Omaha Hnvlngs AOdren D S3 , leo. ! D 920 10 * I'OR RENT , NEW COTTAGE ; OOOD REPAIR" 4 rooms ; corner SOth nnd Sahlor : cellar , els toil , city vvatci ; only 13.00. Inquire 1311 Far num. D 911 10 mil IliVTriJltMSIII2l ) ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS , 1708 Douglas. E mSCM " UiAUTIFUIj. LARGE FRONT ROOM ; I1A1 window ; modem ; with or without board. Cl North 19th. E-M7D9 11 * FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. 202 St. Mnt > | . i : MS31 11 * NICELY FURNISIIEI > ROOM. nAY WINDOW one smnll room , | 5 ; modern. 1709 California St E-fCO 11 * FURNISHED 5 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING 2 for light housekeeping. 614 H. 17th Ave. E-M906- NICELY FURNISHED HED nOOMJ W1TI hcnt , near car line , J3.CO per niDnth. 1614 So Stli tt. K-875 10 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 1011 Capitol nvenuc. E 874 10 * FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN , WITH OR without board. 205 N. 23d it. E MS73 13 PLEASANT ROOM ; MODERN 11RICK HOUSE nice Minoundlngs ; on Douglas st. Address I 34 , lice. E 921 10 * TWO LARGE. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS single or suitable for light housekeeping. 11 S. 25tll st. E 942 10 * ruit.Msinn noo.iis AMI IIOAUII. SOUTH FRONT ROOM ; ALCOVE ; STEA > heat ; furnished or unfurnished ; board : private family. D 20 , 15cc. F M85I FURNISHED'ROOMS WITH HOARD. UTOPIA 1721 Davenport St. F $ CJ 13 * ' * NICELY FURNrSHED R6oMs'oboD HOARD rates reasonable. The Rote. 2020 Hartley. F-M907-23 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. HEAT. LIGHT first class bourd , at J3.50 per week. 811 Nortl 17th St. F-S7S-10 * ROOM- AND ROARD 1XR ) TWO. GENTLEMEN preferred , private family , north part of city Address D 27 , Dec. F S77 10 * HANDSOMELY "FURNISHED ROOM AND board for two ; strictly private family. 1707 Dodge. ' F M930 11 * ROOMS AND HOARD , FROM | 3.50 UP ; MOD ern comcnltnccs. M6 N. 19th. F Ml'35 1C * TWO sfNOLE SOUTH ROOilS : STEAM board ; references. 502 N. ISth st. F M930 12 * FOR IIK.VT STOIIES AMI OKKICHS. FOR RENT. THE 4-STORYvRRICK IJUILDING nt 916 Farnam st. Tills building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures ; water on nil floors ; gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Dee. 1 910 ACJK.VTSVAXTEIJ. . WANTED. CAPABLE AND SUCCESSFUL DIS- trlct , special and local agents to represent the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York In Nebraska , Iowa nnd South Dakota special territory will be given to each ntent with the most liberal brokerage , or a long am valuable renewal contract , nnd with such spe cial help In the field as will Inimre the largest measure of success. For further Information please address J. W. Dean & Sons. Genera Agents , Mee bldg. , Omaha. Neb. J M29G JI2 THE HANKERS GUARANTY FUND LIFn AS- soclntlon wants general , special nnd local agents of both FOX. Life nnd limited payment policies , tvomen Insured on the same tcnm as men. Liberal contracts ; good territory. Address L W. I iughlln , Prcst. , Omaha , Neb. J SS3 10 * GASLIGHT IN EVERY HOUSE , NEWEST thing out. Attaches to ordinary lampsno chimneys ; safe , economical , outnt free to ac tive workers. Standard Dross go. , M'f'rs. Cov- Ington , Ky. J SS2 10 * WANTED AGENTS-RE YOUR OWN ROSS. Establish your own business. We will tell yoi how. J. E , Shcpard & Co. , Cincinnati. J-481 10 * AGENTS LOCAL OR TRAVELINGToUTI'iT free ; big money ; exclusive territory ; no capital ; ono ngcnt cleared one day (73.40 ; BO can you , our safes sell at sight ; city or country. Alpine Safe & Lock Co. , Cincinnati , O. J * SO 10 * WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL OUR NEW waterproof asbestos clay cooking ware ; wages } 3 to 57 n dny. Pay every week. Central Supply Co. , Cincinnati , O. J 879 10 * AGENTS WANTED , WONDERFUL DURGLAR proof door lock ; fasten any door In five seconds ; prepaid to niiv address 15e. DaVey & Davey. 491W. _ Madleon St. . Chicago 111. J 901-10" WANTED. AOEOTsT-TO SELL THE INDELIble - ble Check Perforator ; retail * 15.00 ; large com mission. Wesley Mfg. Co. . 41 1'uik Row. New York. , J 902-10 * AGENTS. NEW. JUST OUT : WONDER EGO beater and cream whip ; retails 15 cents ; sample mailed free on receipt of C cents to pay postage. G. C. Vlnlng , Dcpt 19 , 23 Randolph St. , Chicago. J 1S97 CONTRACTS WANTED FOR SALE OF our goods , cxclusflvc territory ; also with gen eral agents to travel ; every horse owner must have them. J. Hunter Co. , Racine , WIs , WAXTEO TO IlEXT. WANTED-BY YOUNG MA1U1IED COUPLE , modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. Full particulars , location , price , etc. Box , 7C2 , city. HJ-8S4-10' GOT OUT OF BED ON THE WRONG SIDE to 'walk the baby' and stepped on a tuck. " said the man using a cane , "but lucky for me , I was Insured against accidents In the Pacific of California. " For rates write or call on AT V. Todd , general agent , Bee. Bldg. K 913-10 STOIIAGE. OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1415 FARNAM TEL. 1539 M-C45 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 903-910 Jones. General storage nnd forwarding M 48 WA.VmilTO IIUV. WANTED , SECONDHAND SAFE ; GIVE INside - side measurments ; make ; price for cash. Address Wheeler Brothers , Ncola , lu. N-S07-12 * VANTED TO BUY. OMAHA SAVINGS BANK accounts. Address , giving slzo of account nnd discount , to box 220 , Omaha. N M838 10 VANTED-A SECOND HAND LETTER PRESS , cheap. Addiesa No. 412 Puxton Bloek. N MO 10 VANTEO-A GOOD ROLL TOP OFFICE DESK nnd typewriter table or cabinet. State price and condition. L. W. Laughlln , Omaha. Neb. N SS5 10 VANTED-GOOD SECOND HAND LETTER file cabinet , eighteen to twenty-six drawers , cheap. Address 227 Exchange Building. South Omaha. N 90S 10 VANTED-NICE TEAM FOR LIGHT WORK , horses sound nnd kind ; give price und oil par ticulars : must bo a bargain. Adilrom D 23 , Bee office. N 909 10 VANTED. TO RENT OR. BUY. A BL'ACK , smith shop ; preferred In Iowa. Address C. T. Reid , Emerson , la. N M938 12 * TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN CRIB- being mad , ! . C. R. Lee , 801 Douglas. Q CIS SLK10H8. SINGLE AND DOUBLE. coal. Drummond Carriage. Co. _ Q 803-F4 OR SALE. FINE NEW HiaH.GRADE IimY. cK > ; $39. Omaha lllcyclo Co. , 323 N , ICth it. _ Q-514 'OR BALE , $2.000 OR MORE OF FIRST CLASS C per cent bondu Interest payable heml-annu- ally ; con bo < llvl > ij In small amounts If dt. sired. Cull and Investigate or address U. H. Tzuchuck , care Omaha Bcv. Q M7 10 * 'OR SALE. ONE BIX-TON HOWE-HOPPKR scale ; nearly new. Address U 23 , Bee. VANTED. HIGHEST CASH OFFER FOh Gorman Saving * bunk receiver's certlllcuto. Address D , , lire. Q-51-10 * 'HE GOOD QUALITIES OF THE ACCIDENT policies lf ud by the "Paclno" of California are now known to n very largo number In this city. Our policy holders would miike a procession almost as Urge its the combined puraden of the two "butr" purlieu which filled the/ streets a few months ago. A. V , Todd , Gen'l AltU * Bid * . , . Q-tU-10 MISCELLANEOUS , WANTED , TO COMMUNICATE WITH BOMB contractor for moving trees ; have n largo amount of work. Address J , Gardner , 611 Ho. _ Hth slrett. Omahn , Neb. R-84J-10 "EVEN THE llAllY , " IP IT COULD READ , would tell you that the "best" accident policy Is Irsued by the Pacific of California. Ferrules rules write or call on A. V. Todd , Gen's Agt. , Bee RldR. U-9U-10 MASSAttE UATHS , ETC. MME. SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS , ROOM B : MASsage - sage and steam baths. T M923 1C * MISS AMES , VAPOR BATHS , MASSAGE. 607 S. 13th t. . room 3. T-MS13 Fi I'EIISOXAI. . RUPTURE CURED ; NO PAIN ; NO DETEN- tlon from business ; wo refer to hundreds of patients cured. O. E. Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. I.lfo building , Omnha , Neb. U C49 WANTED , MEN , AND WOMEN TO ADVER- tlsc bur goods In every county In Nebraska ! good pay ; tend stamp for particulars , L , 8 , Co. , 1019 Harncy St. , Omalm , Neb.U U C31 J23 RUPTURE. PERMANENTLY CURED ; PAY when cured ; no pain , no detention from huM- ne . Fidelity Rupture Cure , 301 Bee uldK.pmnhn VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUI1LE3 , 316-3 DUE bldR. I'hyelclan , consulallon or health book frcc. U-728 _ UATHS , MASSAGE. MME. 1'OST , 31014 PMTII. . U 050 WANTED-IJY AN EXPERIENCED INSTRUCtor - tor , two or three private pupils. Address. D ID. Uee. U-S3I-13 * SI. C. WALLACE. PLEASE CAl7l7 AT RUSI- . U MSGO 10 * _ nesBpniceofTlicUee. SKIRTS. ACCORDION IDEATED , FOR 75C FOR IS days only. 'Ml Douglas lilk. U MSSS 11 * LESSONS QIYHN"IN KMimbiuuiiY. STAMI-- IMK nnd painting ; inatilcmliifi ; gloves and It til gloves cleaned. Mrs. J , Smith , .1718 Douglas. U SsT ! ! ) A MAN SAID NOT LONG AC1O : "I1EFORE I knew anything about accident Insurance 1 looked upon It as foolish , but after I was hurt nnd not Insured , I concluded never to KO with out a policy , " nnd he now linn one Issued by the 1'aclllo of California , the "best" policy to bo had. Are you Insured. If not , wrllt * or call on A. V. Todd , general agent , llee. llldB. U-015-10 MADAME DOVD , THERMAL , ItATIIS. 1013 Howard st. U-M913 1C- WANTED. THE ADDRESS OF THOMAS E. \Volverton , II years old , by his brother , F. M. Wolvcrton , 4119 Fort St. , Omaha. Neb. U S3 ! 10 MO.M3V TO LOAN UIJAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick monny nt low rates for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W-C53 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. LIFE. \V-MI MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , lirennan , Love Co. , Paxton block. W C53 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co.,1320 Fnrnnm. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. U. S. Mortnago & Trust Company. New York. Pocpy & Thomas , Agents , No. 207 First National Rank Hldg. W CJO MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Furnam St. W C57 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA-PROPERTY AT lowest rates ; bulldlnt ; lonna wonted. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St. W 3 C PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA property , Neb. farms. W. II. Melklo 1st Nail. Bit \V 60) MOXEY TO LOAN CIIATTLES. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. ; at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTQAOE LOAN CO. , 30C So. ICth St. X CC1 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO , 90 DAYS ; FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green room 8 Darker blk. X C02 IIUSINESS CHA\CU.H. FOR SALE , ABOUT 2,000 LR9. MINION TYPE. TOO 11) ' . agate , 1DO pair two-third cases. 40 double Iron stands for two-third cases. This material was used on The Omalm llec. and Is In fairly good condition. Will be cold cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The Uee Pub lishing Company. Omaha , Neb. Y 713 TO GET IN OR OUT OF RUSINESS GO TO J. J. dlbson , Oil let Nat'l lk. Uulldlng. Y 3CC MEAT AIARKET. J3JO ; RECEIPTS J25 PER day. J. J. Gibson , til First National bank. Y JID93-J 10 FOR SALE OR EXCHANCJE-120.000.00 PAID UP stock In a jobbing house of excellent reputa tion with a good trade. The party offcrlne the stock Is a salaried olllccr and the purchaser. If a man of good executive ability and de sirous of accepting an active position , may be elected to the olllce. Addrivs Powell & Potter , 1017 Kurnnm street , Omaha. Neb. Y 723 11 FOR SALE. A GOOD PAYING OIL BUSINESS In Omaha ; will trade for land In Iowa or eastern Nebraska. Address D 17 , Iec olllce. Y MS13 18 * FOR SALE , SOME VERY CHOICE MORT- guges , netting 8 per rent semt-niinuni to In vestors. Inquire of John Dale , 209 N. Y. Life nidif. Y MS39 10 MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY NEW MOVIng - Ing picture machine ; pame ns vltnscope ; descrip tion mailed ; Western Phonograph Co. . 1131-153 Lo.Sallo St. , Chicago. Y 903-10' UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME I.AW- ful phislclans. Dean , 1C01 W. Congress St. , Chicago. Y 901 10' [ 398.00 REALIZED IN ONE WEU1C ON AN INvestment - vestment of J1CO. Smaller Investors realized In proportion to capital Invested. A perpetual In come within the reach of nil. Write for par ticulars. Comlen & Co. , 323 Pike Illdir. , Cin cinnati , O. Y 903 10 DO YOU KNOW HOW EASY IT IS AND HOW little It coBtR to have an accident policy ? In buying get the best. The Combination Accident Policy , Issued by "The Pacific of California , " lins never been equalled. For rates write to or call on A. V > Todd , general agent , llec llldg. Y 913-10 CI ARK , DEEMKR & CO. , PATENT ATTOR- neyg anil experts , 189 Uroadway , New York , quickly procure and sell patents everywhere ; lowest terms ; one client makes Jl.WO weekly from our private "Hints" hand book , mailed tree' I IprlicMt testimonials. Y GET RICH QUICKLY : SEND FOR " 300 IN- vcntlons Wanted. " Edgar Tate & Co. . 213 Il'dway , N. Y. Y NVESTKJATE ' THIS ; JUST WHAT YOU want ; stock of hardware , furniture , ec. , etc. . Invoice JG.CCO. nent nnd clean , three rooms , rent cheap ; no trade. Address D 3. Omaha Dally Dec. Y 3.SOO.OO BUYS A FORTUNE ; IT'S A SURE vvlmier : a "lllcyclo Racing Game. " Address Jlox 230 , City. Y 923 10 * > . C. VAN DUYN & CO. , GRAIN. STOCKS , provisions ; direct wires ; Chicago , New York ; dally market letter ; telephone " 1C , 'Lincoln ' , Neb. T 932 10" IELIAIILE REPRESENTATIVE WANTED : must furnish (300.00 cnth capital to pay far goods on delivery , after orders urn obtained ; 200.00 monthly guaranteed. Vail , Morw Did ? , , New York. Y 937 10 FOIL i-\ciiA.\ci2. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES WHEN people expect to make an exchnngv In spring. Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and Harncy. K 219 J9 'ARM NEAR 8NOIIOMI3H. WASHINGTON. ' for property further cast. Selby , 1C03 Farnam. JJ-391 TO EXCHANGE , FOR DEPOSITS ACCOUNT IN savings bank's : cottage , homes , clear ; prlco ranging from S300 to 11.000. J. J. Gibson. GH First National Bank Building. X792 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR FARM. A FIRST class hotel of 2t rooms , with all modern Im provements , well f urn lulled , at Woodbine , Iowa. Woodblre has one of the best patronized Normal schools In the state. Inquire J. A. Roberts , Woodbine , Iowa , S5-SOS-11 TO EXCHANGE FOR 3,000 STOCK HARD , ware , 120 acres land , two miles out ; 100 acres under plow ; good title. Address Box 19 , Cor- rectlonvllle. la. -MSll IS Wl TRADE. 3 CHOICE IMPROVED FA11MH In eastern Nebraska , to exchange for general merchandise , harduure. Implements , furniture nnd boom and shoes. For particular address George \V. Hutton , Coleridge , Neb , JC-M8G2 15 NEXT TO CLEAR CONSCIENCE , I'OR SOLID comfort , give me easy boots Josh Billing * . He should have raid "An accident policy In The Pucllto Mutual of California , with A. V. Todd , Gen. Agt. , 310 BecJIIdg. Z-91S-10 'PICK.UP" CONTAINS 1.000 PRoFuRTY EX- chances ; every state ; uvery territory ; rend SOc , Plck-Uu Publishing Co. , St. Louis , Mo. U-M917 10 roil HALT. IlUAIi ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON IUSISO COMPANY. RU-CM , LOTS. FARMS , UANDtf. LOAN8- Qco , P. Biiial * IU.il Uiluta Co. , Pkxton blk. UU-C44 roil .sALinn.\i , ESTATE. ( Continued. ) FOR EXCHANOE-JimilT.IlOOM MODERN house for cUlms ngfiTrUr Omaha SnUnei bunk. G , M. NMtlnger & Cn.lTOI | Farnnm St. i , . ( . RE-6S3-1J OMAHA HAVINGS iWNrJ ACCOUNTS TAKEN M pnr In exchange.1 for" houses nnd lots. ( All or part. ) The Ryrdri Ued Co. RE-S16 FOR SALU-B-ROOM'JTJdtJSE AND LOT. $1.100. $ 4-room house nnd lol.'JiW.OO , on easy payments. The Byron Reed ComfcrinK RB-S53 14 CHEAP LANDS ANI.CHEAP , HOMES. A member of our compnru ? expects to visit south ern Tcxns , leaving ' 3bnunry , 19th ; cheap rates can be had. A KrcnC chance for men of small means ; innps nnd pflcts can be seen nt our office. Omaha IlcnV Eitato & Trust Co. , Ill S. ISlli St. RE 912-10 I 3 < X > SECURES A WARRANTY DEED TO A line , full lot within two blocks of the Sherman nvenuc car line , which has been held nt double that price nn 1 vvhlch will sell again for more than double Inside of eighteen months. Eight nice cottnucn In the same block. Icrms . .0 cn h nnd 13 per month. Omaha Savings bank certificates taken at par ns part payment. Five of these lots were sold during the part week. Sco Payne & Harder , Agents , WILL SELL CHEAP ONE OF THE FINEST homes In Walnut Hill , nearly new , beautiful re ception hull. $100 mantel , hnrdwood llnlxh , rod- tied yard , front and rear , natural shade. Cnn be had nt n rare bargain before February 1. Fidelity Trust Compay , 1702 Fnrnam St. Bee Bldg. R13-910-10 CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS ON THE SIGHTLY ground near 33rd nnd Dodge at n great bargain. See Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fnrnnm St. J130.CO , HALF ITS VALUE ; LOT WITH SMALL house , on Center St. , one mile tsouth of court house , on grade , shade trees , llyron R. Hast ings , 212 So. Hth st. RE 911 10 OMAHA SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS AC- ceptcd for n desirable 7-room houfc nnd lot In Clifton Hill , one block from motor line. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Farnam st. RK 913 10 FOR SALE , 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT NEAR I'Oth and Grace mrcQls ; price , S930.00 ; ' ,4 cash , balance easy. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Fnrnnm ct. WHEN ROTHSCHILD WAS ASKED HOW HE made money , lie nald : " 1 buvs shceps und pells deer ; " mnny persons In Omaha bought "shecps" in 1SS6 nnd sold "deer" In 1SS7 ; they made money ; but the man who bought "deer" In U67 nnd later on sold "snecps' ' got mixed. You can't get mixed now , lit. nil "shecps. " Why not deposit a small sum each month on n good lot. It can't get nway from you. Omaha property Is "sheeps" today. We have nice building lotH at JIw > , and from that to $1,000 , nnd $5.00 or (10.00 each mont.i will lay the found tlon of n future home. Omaha Real Estate & Trust Co. , 211 So. ISth street. RE 914 10 NICE COTTAGE AND LOT , ONLY $1,200.00. Cheap lot , cose to car line , $450.00 , 51-acrc farm , with good buildings ; only ten miles from P. O. In Omaha ; $4,000.00. Finest residence In Omaha , 60x243 feet , facing Hnnncom park , $3.500.00. $7,200.00 house , modern , fplcndld location ; for quick sale nt $5,000.00. Splendid Investment , choice , Improved property ; will pay 8 percent on price ; $3,500.00. Beautiful ncre lot , clofe to paved street ; Just the place for suburban home ; If taken quick , only $500.00. Ten acres , beautifully situated on the edge of city ; cast exposure ; handsome shade trees , paved street , etc. ; will make nn elegant home , and Is especially adopted for small fruit ; price , $2,500.00. 00 acres , central Nebraska ; Just Hie place for raising cattle nnd hogs ; cnn sell for $10.00 per aero nnd tnke one-half purchase price In good city property or small Iowa farm. Choice residence properly ; two nice cottages ; very desirably located'price ; , $6,500.00 ; owner will take part In good \ncant or farm land. 4 SCO ncres. central Nebraska : bplcndldly located nnd admirably adapted for stoek purposes ; price only $8.00 pef iicre ; will take good farmer or city property as part payment. 10 valuable lots , olofe to business center of Omnha , $12,000.00 ; nlliclcar , > for good lown GlU-ed'ged business , lot | n business center of Omaha , $32,500.00 , clear , , for Improved property. .n rloL-nnt lots In finest residence neighborhood in omnha surrounding lots held at $300000 to $4Ofl.OO ; cnn offer , thtte " lots for $ CO,000.00 ; owner wants large slock" ranch. „ , „ „ , . . Wvr& * a& & < " < 1 'n ' B00 * * & % * $ . AiNTYf , RE 923 10 t BUY LAND ADJOINING OMAHA ; THE GREAT TransmlsslnslppUnnd , International Imposition of ' 93 will cause a great demand for ncrcs rlo to omnha : v < r "in offvr-fcverfU Choice 10 nnd 20-ncrc tracts , right on the edge of the city nt prices tlint.vvlll nMonlsh you ; en I nnd see us or write. lllcks. N. Y. Mfo , " A GREAT BARGAIN : 3M > ACRES SPLENDID grazing land , near North Loiip. Neb . only $4.50' per ncre. George N. Hicks. N. V. Wfo Omaha. RL 9.4 10 Hide , _ _ ONE 0 AND ONE 3-ROOM COTTAGE ON north 20th. near Charles street , for $1COO.OO , can tnke deposit In Omnha Savings bank nn part payment. , . . 2423 Burdctt Mreet. 4-room cottage and lot. COX126 , for Sl.230.0a. 'jjg'-j ' , ' Y. iJfc. 'R'E M93 ! 12 FOR SAI.E CHEAP. HOUSE AND IJOT. 2724 Blondo. Inquire on premises. RE M933 11 * DANCINO SCHOOL. MORAND'S. 1310 HARNEY. FOR PRIVATE and class lessons dally ; always open.SOGF4 SOG-F4 FINANCIAL. LIFE INS. POLICIES BOUGHT. W. F. HOLDEN ccc IIUILDI.VG AMI LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAYS G , 7. 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; always re deemable. 1701 Farnam St. Nattlngcr. Sec CCS HOW TO GET A HOA1E OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n , 1704 Farnam. G. M. Nutllnger. Sec. . CC9 .MUSIC , ART ANI > I.AXOUAOE. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK , BANJO. MANDO. lln nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 Bea Bide. Tel. 238. HO BECHTOLD.PRINTER.BROWN DLK. TEL. 1015. WANTED TO JIOIIUOW. WANTED , TO BORROW , $500.00 ON IMPROVED farm In Clay county , Nebraska , for three years at 8 per cent. Address D 11 , Bee. MS33 10 * SEWINCJ MACHINES ANIJ SUPPLIES. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine cilice , 1514 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1574. CC7 SHOUTIIANI ) AXIJ TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 613 "N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA BUS.COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGLAS. C73 FUHNITCUE PACKED. GET M. S. WALKQCS PRICES ON FURNIture - ture packing , repairing , upholstering ; mat tresses made and renovated ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. * 67 < TYPEWrtlTEHS. GET THE BEST TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIER ! repairs. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. . 1C12 Farnnm St. _ \ C70-June-30 WANTED TO IIOUIIOW. TO BORROW. Sl.orBIX MONTHS. GOOD tecurlty ; good rnto.ap-lntercst. Address C CS , Ijec. W * Ci9 SO * LET US SELL YOU K , MORTGAGE OR MAKE a loan for you on'clfher farm or city prop- crly. F. D , Wc dr .pill Edge Securities , ICth nnd DouglusJK I 1 82031 l'IIYSIC-.fiP CUr.TUUE. ELOCUTION. MRS. W. N. DORWARD. C23 N. ISth. M7C8 F2 * SAIfES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES ; SAFE RC- pairing. J , J. Derlght , 1118 Fnrnam.ill ill 10 X3 DHESSMAICINQ. DRESSMAKING , IN FAMILIES. MIS3 Stun304 Burdette.M-483-J19 * U DAY ; WORK GUAR. untecd. C 39 , Bee. ilJlO 15 * PAWMIItOKEUS. II. UAROWIT4 LOANS MONEY. iU N. It ST. WQJNGw Statistics of the exports of American bi cycles , pulillshcil last Sunday , showed the steady growth of the business durliiR the first nlno months of 1S3C. The flRurrti for the entire year place the valtio of bicycles sent abroad at J3.000.000. Of this amount Jt.200,000 went to the United Kingdom ; J220.000 to Germany ; $120,000 to France , anl join.OOO to Drltlsh North America. Hlcyclcs to the amount of $35,000 were shipped to Africa , and war-stricken Cuba purchased $5.000 worth. The explanation given of this great In crease dn this line of manufacture. Is that other countries of the world nro bcRlmi'iB ' to learn of the higher grade -American workmanship. The Increase 4s , therefore , likely to go on as long as the European countries turn out Inferior articles of manu facture , to those which can bo secured In the American market. The present year will see aomo changes In the appcuranco ot tires , but thcrowill bo no marked points of difference from those that riders have been familiar with for nev- eral years. Embossed or corrugated tires ore likely to have moro of a vogue than hith erto. Ono New York concern which Is put ting them on the market now for the first tlmo charges $2 moro a pair for embossed Urea than for smooth ones , such as It haa been soiling heretofore. When asked wherein the new tires were an. Improvement on the old , the answer returned was : "They will not slip as easily. Everybody knows when ho puta on a new pair of rubbers that ho Is not BO likely to slip as with a pa'lr ' the soles of which have been worn smooth. It Is Just the eamo wltli tires. Our tires have been tested for several months. In fact , wo have been working on the embosstd tire over slnco last spring , and wo know that we have n good thing. Experiments show that these tires can bo ridden from 2,000 to 2,500 mllca over ordinary roads before they are worn smooth. At the sama tlmowo are prepared to furnish smooth tires to those who want them. " It Is a significant circumstance that this concern has given up the manufacture of Its double-tubo tire , which has enjoyed a certain measure of popularity. The agent said that there was no demand now for tires of that kind , and he believed that only ono make of doublc-tubo tire would bo found on the market to ony extent this year. In sayIng - Ing this ho did not Include the so-called dc- tachcblo tires , which are regarded by some riders to bo the beat to bo found. David King , Jr. , of Now York is an ardent patron of the wheel nnd a boortsman as well. Jntt how he Is enjoying Seth of his weaknesses at the same tlm ° . Ho Is shootIng - Ing snlpo on Jckyl Island , a sandy waste at the mouth of St. Simon's sound , on Ihu coast of Georgia , about ten miles from Brunswick as the boat salH. Jekyl Island la famous for Its birds and then ) Is a club house there for the use of Bportsimm. The beach Is very broad and shelving nnd very hard. The snipe are plentiful , but timid. They know man , and thsy know his gun , and It takes skill to make a gooJ bag. Ono way of sbootlng snlpa Is from a blind , built of grass and twigs , BO cunningly ar ranged as to look like a clump of i.atural vegetation. The sportsman lies behind It , and when the snlpo don't oomu within bhot ho goes homo cmply-hando 1. Mr. King has a blln \ , too. but It Is mov able and follows the birds. It Is nothing more or less than n tricycle specially l.ullt for the purpose , upo'i w.'uso frame grasses and green , things are .10 illsponed as to lead the fated snlpo to sco no guile therein. Ilehlnd the screen Bits Mr. JC'.ng on : i com fortable spring neat , his feet on the pedals and his armament conveniently disposed around him. Ho wheels from the clubhousa to the shooting siounds , awaits his fame , brings It down , gathers It In on'd moves slowly off to the next good locality. When birds alight out of mtrwliot ho moves towatd them at a practically Imp-jrcoptlble salt un til ho finds hlniscK witlil.i range. * The Idea of admitting colored wheelmen to membership In < ho League of American Wheelmen Is now exciting universal dis cussion. The editor of Cycle Topics writes- "Whether the delegates to the national assembly will countenance a resolution of this character , bhould ono bo offered , Is a matter of much conjecture. While the col ored riders are not so many there Is a strong sentiment from the south that will bo recog nized. At the annual meeting In 1895 , which was held at Asbury park , a colored woman attended and applied for privileges which were hers , considering that she was and had been a lawful member of the organization. The dlfiTcnslon wao particularly noticeable at the ball given by the Asbury park wheel men. Although she presented her League of American Wheelmen credentials , the privi lege of the floor was refused her , and 'this ' was made the subject of considerable com ment on the part of the press. While many northerners openly championed the young woman's cause. It was plainly evident that they did not care to come out openly in sup port f her rights , while the southern con tingent was noticeably belligerent. So when the question comes up before the national assembly the arguments for and against will bo very spirited. " Legs , and long and eupplo ones Into the bargain , are generally supposed to bo nec essary to those who would successfully ride a wheel , and yet Alba W. noot of Jersey City has been able to win a record without them Ho has lost both of his legs , yet ho Is a trick bicycle rider of International fame. Ho can drive his wheel with the wooden substitutes for legs that ho has a mlle In three minutes. He Is able to show tricks that are utterly Impossible to the rider who Is perfect In his physical equipment. Mr. Hoot Is a very popular man with his ac quaintances , and docs not seem to miss his legs as seriously as many other men miss a hand or a foot. H J la ono of the best- naturcd men In the world. Ho Is earning a good living by giving exhibitions on hla wheel , and seems satisfied with hla lot In life. In the course of a column leading article on Halo's victory In the Madison Square Garden bicycle contest the London Tele graph says that "In this flaccid and lux urious ago suph performances 'elevate the ' " No return- piano of humanity. conqueror R COSTUMBS. THEO LIEflEN , AK-SAR-DEN COSTtlMER. C20 H. nth ; largest Block masquerade and theat rlcal goods In the went. MSJ9 K8 LOST. LOST , A WHITE 11IRD DOO O'UIM RETURN to 1M7 Caiiltol avenue for reward , Lost-6S9 10 LOST. SUNDAY , JAN. 3. DETWEEN 2D AND J sis and 2Cth nnd ! ' , or on motor car , houlh Omaha , a nluln gold ring , with Inscription. Return to 7J2 N. 21th St. , Bouth Omaha. IHOVC1.KH. 11ICVCLE8 ; COO FINE SECONDHAND WHLLI.R all makes. mUU be closed out. J5 toi US ; write for deicriptlvo lists. ! ' . T. Mead Cycle Co. , Chicago. MIDICAL. LADIES ! CHICHEHTER'H ENCJLISII I'ENNY- royal I'llls ( Diamond brand ) are ' " ' ' ' ' ' / : reliable. Take no other. Send 4o itanipi for particular . "Relief for I-dl" . " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlclicsler Chem ical Co. , I'hlladelphla , I'a. Mention Uee. SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITOUS , " ' " Ilco"ull'll"&ma.m. . Nobr Advice nnd I'nient VUEti Ing from the wars hss received finer tributes than has IInc ? from the press ot hU native land. . Postmen on bicycles Is one of the Im portant Improvements Introduced rcoently In the Philadelphia postal service and vvhlch ban greatly expedited the municipal deliv ery and receipt of letters. American cities are only at the beginning of these Improve ments and the most Important now needed Is a housctohoisa ! collection of Ipltcrs. I'tlTTIXO O.V HRAlvlIS. XoveUIoN In ( lie CIr Um < Will IIL riiNliuil This riiNiiu. Drakes will bo attached to bicycles moie generally this year than over before. Their advantage as safeguards Is cow universally conceded , and whllo In the past a brake has been added only when specially ordered some manufacturers this treason will only leave them off when so directed by the pur chaser. With these a brake will form a j part of the regular equipment of every ma- chine. The atgumcnl In favor of the use of brakes have been presented over and over again. Every rider should know how to stop his wheel by "back pedaling , " which Is done by pressing on each pedal Just na It comes around to Us very lowest point and In applying the weight and power at that point. If at the uamo time the rider presses firmly down on the handle bars , the bicycle can be very quickly otoppcd. On going down hill , however , the exertion nnd energy required for this Is enormous , and , moreover , It Is not as quick In action In the event of an emergency as the appli cation of a regular brake. Thcro Is a division of opinion as to the relative merits of brakes applied by foot power or by a lever operated by the hands To most riders , however , the latter method Is preferable , as one never loses control of the bicycle with the feet on the pedals. Every cyclist Is familiar with the ordinary old style of plunger brake placed on the head of the bicycle , and consisting ot a spoon operated by a rod and lever attached to tin handle bar. This year two styles of con cealed plunger brakes arc shown. One Is operated by the ordinary handle , the rod passing through the tube forming the head , whllo the other 1ms an Ingenious mechanism , by which the power Is applied by. simply turning the grip of the haudlu bar. It la said to be effective and simple , and will be largely used. Two varieties of the ordinary footbrake are shown , ono having foot rests for coastIng - Ing , attached. Another footbrake has a rub ber roller , which comes In contact with the tire. Still another roller brake has recently been Invented. The side plates of this brake are connected by cross bolts. A wlro screw- serves to keep the brake away from the tire. H Is operated by the feet , except when fitted to a machine for women , when It In connected with a hand lever. An Englishman has Invented what ho calls a "wheel brake , " where , Instead of using the ordinary spoon , be applies a small wheel to the tire. Two other brakes are shown that act on the chain , and are automatic , being applied by the act of back pedaling. It should bo remembered that whatever form of brake bo used It should never be applied suddenly , for If this be done , not only Is the rider likely to be thrown , but the tire may be Injured. Apply any kind of brake gradually and keep the ma chine under absolute control. SKELETON HIDES A mCYCI.E. \ovvl I'lnn .of nil AHlNt la . ' 'rnil Hlx Moilcl lloiiio. "Talking about your queer sights , " said a man to a Uuffalo Courier reporter , "tho freakiest ono I ever saw was on view In Niagara Square for a few minutes the other day. An artist friend of in I no , who was painting a largo mural decoration , had oc casion to use a lay figure on which to drape the costume used In the picture. I know of only ono life-size manikin or , to bccomo accurate , womankln In Duffalo , and mj friend borrowed It and had It carted to his studio. "When the painting was completed and the figure was no longer needed , the artist proceeded to cast about for an easy method of returning his 100-pound fair but Inani mate Trilby. The bicycle suggested Itself as the least laborious way of transporting the figure over the two or three blocks In tervening between the artist's studio nnd the owner's homo. Accordingly , Miss Man- Iklni was mounted on the wheel , and my friend began the strange Journey. "Tho entrance of "this queer apparition upon Niagara Square gave the uninitiated pedestrians a paralytic shock. Young men and maidens paused and gasped for breath , old wome.i covered their faces with handa and fled , wMlo nice white-whiskered old gentlemen rubbed their eyes and pinched themselves to ascertain If they were really there. I doubt whether those astonished Uuffalonlans will ever fully decide whether the thing was a latter-day Lady Oodlva era a Court street living picture divinity learn ing to rldo the bike. I am not certain that my picture-ranking friend who Is a most eolcmn devotco qf his art thoroughly enJoyed - Joyed the sensation which he thoughtlessly caused. " The Lily Tnlkx oil Jllounicrx. OMAHA , Jan. 8. To the Sporting Editor of The Bee : "Oh , yes , I am In favor of bloomers and would wear them myself If It were not for the commenta people make about them , " Is ouo of the many remarks on the advisability of adopting this ccstumc as the regimental wheel attire for women , which I hear almost dally. Now , I have too much of a true American's Independence to allow the comments of any ono to In terfere with what I consider proper to wear ; had I done so undoubtedly I should not have been the first woman In the city to rldo a wheel , but learning to rldo as I did In the good "old ordinary days , " when skirts awheel were an unknown quantity , I know the case and comfort acquired In dressing properly for wheeling. Having seen so much of the world and Its ways I must admit that , candidly , I am a great admirer of the "old woman , " and have a very kindly feeling for her opinion on drcbs , and whllo I do not wish to be con sidered as an advocator of the cause of bloomers , I believe after all , they ore the only truly sensible and modest garb for cycling , living as wo do In a wintry country , where wo have email-sized cyclones to breast unices It Is BO wo an pick our days for riding. In saying bloomers , I do not mean the baggy abominations , so-called , which made their appearance on our streets In 189S , neither have I reference to the almost akin tights , called "knickers , " which some of our esteemed sister whcclwomcu adopt , but a happy medium between the two. So many women complain that they can't rldo against the wind. Well , It Is scarcely to bo wondered at , dressed us they are , with tight stays and several yards of cloth to catch the wind for them to push against , and sitting Eootralght that they have no purchase - chase to propel thcmsclvcK against the force of weight they have to contend with. Now , It lu ono thing to look prutty at any kind of work and quite another to dress to do- that work to the hcU advantage. Whllo I do not condemn sitting erect , and should advlnu nu woman to assume a pcorchcr'a position , I would recommend their getting moro over their work , and dress to do It the easiest way possible , or get "lined up" Is moru of a bicycle way of expressing It. It ID not for the pleasing appearance ho presento that the racing man humps his buck and wcara as few clothes OB possible , but bccaueo ho knows the advantagn of a gooj purchase on the pcdaU and the waite of energy of even an Inch of unnecessary clothing to catch the wind. Speaking of different cortuiiea for the wheel , I iwcd to think divided nklr's ' nml knickers were qulto the thing , hut on giving them a trial I found they had the samu drawback as skirts of catching the wind and creeping up. H Is from no deslro to wear male attlro , M jvo are uotnotlinia uc- of , that any of us wcnr bloomers , nnt more limn It would bo lu donning a Imthlnc ] suit nt the sc.ulion1 , but bccnuao this gar ment Is better adapted to our \vork , Whllo the remarks occasioned by wearing bloomers nre dls.iKrccablc , they should b ] taken with all duo allowance for the eotirco : from which they originate , and ( bo lack ot breeding In tho.19 uttering them , for no tnilyfj refined person will comment on another' * , . appcitranco , no matter how objectionable to L. them It may bo , und In Ignoring them at - you would the remarks of any strict rowdyj you raise yourself abovu them , anil the/4 thcmcelvcfl bccomo the obccts of derision1 from any light minded pr-rnon. If you pursue - ' sue thl/i course It will not be long beforei these remarks cca e. In nlno cases out ot ten they arc made by those who wont to nnd yet can't rldo or own a wheel ; If they , could jou would find them In knickers In- etcad of bloomcr.i , My ndvleo to those wishing to wear boom ! crs Is to ntsfit t little ot their Independence ) the coming t-canan and wear thc-in ; throw _ < 4 aside your Mays , nnJ If you must , wear - something of the soil cot the bicycle slaysi or an undernalst fastened with olnstlo fast- pnlnp ; ' , nud you v.Ill appreciate the true en joyment nnd btncfltc of riding a wheel. In discussing thlx rjuriitlon n gentleman remarked marked not long Hncr : "I would not allow ] my wife to rldo In bloomers. " Perhaps not , and yet thU same gentleman was seen a few- evenings later cscurtlni ; his wlfo to n fnsh- lonablo gathering , iiho wearing a low cut corsage. Now which was the mete modest ? Well , really , perhaps the poor man didn't know , you know , or she may too the ono wearing the pants , figuratively speaking , In , vvhlch case he would have nothing to my , and she wouldn't need bloomers. LlbUE WILLIAMS. ' Trininil > < slNslM > t CyrKSlum - . The lilcjclo show to bo given by th local Cycle llrnrd of TradeIn the Karbach block , corner of Fifteenth nnd Howard , streets , dm Ing the first week of March' ' promises to bo ono of the best and moat elaborate exhibitions of the kind ever offered In the \\cft. All of the prominent manu facturers In the country will be repicscntcil by n full line of their goods , and the ilealcra ot Omaha are anticipating a big Impetus In trade as a result of the enterprise. Every facility for the convenience nml pleasure ot visitors will be attended to by the manage ment and there Is little doubt but what the week's exhibit will bo marked by an enor mous attendance from not only thU city and the Dh.rfH , but from all paits of the two states. Hrduccd rates on all the rail roads will be ai ranged for and the fchow will bo a distinctly transmteslretppl affair , a mammoth exposition of cycles , cycle accessories series , sundries , machinery , nml , In fact , everything with wheeling Interests. The members of the board arc such well known and entei prising business men us J. J. DC- right , W. Lylc JJickcy & Co. . L. Klcscher , Goto City Cycle company , High Art lllcyclo company , Nebraska Cycle company , Omaha lllcyclo company , V. M. Kucscll & Co. and. the Western Electrical Supply company. They are all much Interested and are de termined to give a nhow that will compare favorably with the famous exhibits of Now York , Philadelphia , Doston , St. Louis and Chicago. The great army of riders In the city arc all anticipating a most enjoyable nnd Instructive treat , and all will combine In an effort to further the magnificent pro portions ot the March exhibit. Space Is being applied for at n rate that guarantees that every available Inch will br occupied , oT tlicr Whocl. George Miner Is organizing a party to leave Omaha , Sunday evening , January 24 , arriving In Chicago early Monday morning In tlmo for the opening of the Windy City- Cycle show. Special railroad rates have been pecurcd and the party will trn'vel In n. special car. So far about fifty people have signified thejr Intention of going. Ned Ileadlr.g , the soldier bicyclist , who hrta been shaking humlti with his old Omaha friends and rccclvlag their congratulatlonn during the past week , expects to leave for Fort Kcogh the latter part of next week to join his company , vvhlch la at present 'ocated there. Ned Is on a three-months' fur- ough , which expires January 0. Ho will not enter the coming six-day race , which Is to be held In Chicago next month , but will rest up until the opening of the coming racing season , when he will compcto la short races throughout the nortliuoat and next wlntnr rldn In llm ennnnil lMtm < tintlnnnl six-day go-as-you-plcaso race to be held In Madison Square Garden , New York City. Jack Klnntiman , Heading's trainer , left for Fort Kcogh Friday last. The Omaha Wheel club Is getting up a grand skating party for next Saturday even ing , and If the weather Is cold enough to make good Ice by that tlmo about fifty mem bers nnd their ladles will hie themselves to Icy fields , where they will spend the evening skating. Refreshments will bo served , and It Is the club's Intention to hold several such parties during the winter. It Is reported that Oeorgo D. Gideon will succeed lilmtclf ns chairman of the Lcngua of American Wheelmen ItccliiR board at a good salary. The salary will have to bo n pretty fat one to pay Mr. Gldvnn for tha tlmo ho has devoted to the work lu tha past. From present Indications It looks as If the fight for the League of American Wheel men presidency will bo o hot one , that will liave many sores which will l > e a long tlmo healing. There are five candidates In the field at present nnd by the time of the as sembly In February that number la likely to bo doubled. Nebraska wheelmen seem to be well pleased with the work of Sterling Elliott , and , as ho Is up > for re-election , will undoubtedly cast their votes lor him. As the smw , slush and muck clears away the number of .cycle riders on the streets In creases. There has been but little pleasure In wheeling during the past ten days , how ever. The intending purchaser of a bicycle In the spring would do well to start nt once on his course of lessons at omo ot the riding1 schools , io bo ready for the road as early oa possible. „ -A. The Omaha Wheel club held Its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening last , at vvhlch the following were elected to membership ; A. H. Pcrrlgo. Providence , U. I. ; F. T. Mlttaur. W. C. Urlavv. Denver , Colo. ; William Emerson , Omaha. There men are all old-tlmo members and have been transferred to the honorary membership Mat. . H. Smith , W. I ) . Ulno and George O. Scrlbncr were elected to active mcmbeishlp. The club al.io decided to continue Its member ship In the Assrclatcd Cycling Clubs , and. empowered the board of directors to elect delegates 'for the coming season. E. E. Mockctt , Lincoln's swift racing man , has accepted n position with ono of Omaha's largest blcyclu jobbing houses and for the balancu of the winter will represent It cm the road and during the summer on the racing path. The Idea of admitting colored wheelmen to membership In the League of American Wheelmen Is now exciting universal discus sion. Whether the delegates to thf National assembly will countenance a resolution of this character , should ono bo offered , U a matter of much conjecture. While the col ored riders are not many , there Is a strong Hcntlmcnt from the south that will bo recog nized , At the annual meet In ' 05which was hold at Asbury park , a colored woman attended and applied for privileges which were horn , considering that OK was and had been a lawful member of the organization. The dis sension was particularly noticeable at tha ball given by the Anbury park wheelmen. Although she presented her \i. A. W. cro- ilcntlals , UIB privilege of the door wan ro- fiiHo.l her , and this made the subject of can- Hlderable comment on the part of the press. While many northcrncru openly championed the youtig woman's cause , Itwas plainly evi dent that they did not care to como out openly In support of her rights , -while tha southern contingent was noticeably belliger ent , Eo when tha question comet ) up before * the National aetcmbly the arguni'iits for and against will lie very spirited. The nat ural fiuppoMtlon , however , Is that should a resolution bo proposed to throw open the League ot American Wheelmen to colored wheelmen , the man who propcncB Itwill recall It by special request , The colored ndcri now have u lea cup of. their own , and uli oil Id an attempt bo made to change tha League of American Wheelmen constitution In their favor It will result In a lot ot usclcta controversy , . /