Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Purchasers of the LoU Win Tholr light foi
llrnfnriiiN the Ilcrlnlon of the IlntiRlni
Comity District Court Concerti-
Power * of HIP County
LINCOLN , Jon. 8. ( Special Tclcgram.- )
The auprcmo court today handed down on
opinion In tlio caao of Stonbcrg against the
etato ex rcl Keller , known more popularly
as the Douglas county poor farm case. The
court reaffirmed the decision of the district
court of Douglaa county , the syllabus of the
opinion being :
SlcnbcrB against state , ex rcl Keller. Kr.
ror from Douglas county. Henlllrmcd.
Opinion by Judge Harrison.
The requirements of noctlon 30 , article ) I.
chapter xvlll. Compiled Statutes. In regard
to the proportion of votes which must have
been cunt In fnvor of n proposition sub
mitted tit nn election to work Its adoption.
Held , Applicable ; to the submission of 11
proposition to sell the public grounds of
n county. . .
2. It Is a settled rule of construction In
thin Htnto Hint a simultaneous repeal and
re-enactment of u statute or sjctlon thereof ,
In tcrmn or In subatancc- a mere nfllrm-
niice of the original and not u r < pjnl tliercot
In the strict or constitutional sense of the
word. State ngnlnst lienils , 43 Neb. , 721 ,
followed ,
3. The act passed during the legislative
session of ISSf. entitled "An net to amend
section 23 of nn act entitled 'An net con
cerning counties and county oillccr.v ap
proved March J. 1879 , " did not repeal the
lirecudlniT section 21 of the act of H79 , as
dependent upon section 23 , neither did It
repeal oration 21 by Implication.
4. The determination of whether or not
the proposition to sell the public grounds
of the county received the required number
of votes to work Its adoption , waa not n
matter for the olllclal determination of the
county board. The authority to make the
sale depended upon It appearing from the
abstract of the votes matlo during the olll
clal canvass of the returns of the election
and Illed with the county clerk that In
favor of the proposition the requisite num
ber of votes hud been cast. An no olllclal
finding of the board which attempted the
pale was necessary , the action of thn county
board , which KubMcqucntly entertained and
passed upon the -claim of purchasers ) at the
wile for repayment of the conplderatlon , the
claim being based on the void character of
the sale , for lack of authority In the com
missioners to make It , did not Involve a
rovlc'W or rnvcrsal of thn finding of the
former board
5. The question of title to the land at-
iempted to bo sold by the commissioners
nnd the validity of the conveyance or deed
wcro but Incidental to the main one to
the validity of the sale nnd must follow
ItH decision , honca were not HO Involved
In the consideration and adjudication of
the claim before the commissioners as to
Iirescnt the question of their effect on
tlio jurisdiction to hear nnd pass tlicrpon.
. Green against Uarlccr. GC N. W. Itcp.
10.12 , 47 Neb. , 3I , distinguished.
7. The conclusions announced In t'iic
former opinion , 07 N. W. Hep , 190 , Includ
ing the adherence to the adoption of Dous-
Jas County against Keller , 02 N. W. Hep. .
CO , 43 Neb. , C33 approved and rcannouncod ,
but need not bo hero restated.
CliilniH AirnliiNt tlu > County AKKTCKUO (
About lfUOlMIl. ( (
The decision of the supreme , court Is
adverse to the county and affirms for the
second time the Judgment of the lower court
ngnlust the county. The total amount In
volved , and for which Judgment Is rendered
ngnlnst tlio county of Douglas is In the
neighborhood of $100,000.
The case Just decided by the supreme
court grew out of the sale of a largo number
of lots In what Is known as Douglas addi
tion , an addition lying cast of thn present
county hospital , which wna platted by the
county and sold for the purpose of aid
ing in the construction of the
county hospital building. The validity of the
title given to the purchasers of these lots
was brought Into question and a number of
the buyers demanded the return of their
money. It was alleged that the proposi
tion authorizing the county to sell the lots
and which had been submitted to the vote
of the people of this county , was not car
ried and. that , therefore , the county com
missioners wcro not empowered to deed the
property to purchcscrs of lota. The matter
was taken Into the district court and the
county wan defeated. The case was appealed
to the supreme court and the finding of the
lower court was sustained. Later a man
damus suit was started against the county
to compel the commissioners to make a levy
to pay the Judgment. Again the county WEB
defeated , and a levy was made In 1S93. The
supreme court afterward reopened the ease
and granted n rehearing upon a showing
made by the county , and the merits of the
case were again argued. It Is the decision
In this rehearing which has Just been ren
dered , and It Is believed that all the county's
legal resources have been exhausted.
Tlio plaintiffs Involved In the suits thus
adjudicated and the amount for which Judg
ment was entered In each case are as fol
lows : C. II. Keller , $4.S32.G2 ; ChrUt Hart-
mann ; $2.070.02 ; Alvin Saunders and John T.
Gardner , J2.4SC.33 : Asraus Thornton , $1,393.S9'
Robert Doherty , { 4,111.02 ; Eric II. Thomson ,
$1,453.73 ; Edward SI. Anderson , J2.C31.1S ;
Henry I'undt and George Helmrod , jl.C37.50 ;
Orlando Tern. J1.C2S.1S ; James S. Gibson.
$1,090.58 ; William Gleburne , $2,281.40 ; Wil
liam Gygcr , J5.824.38 ; Herbert M. Hogcrs ,
J3.729.C5 ; William Rogers. J3.531.73 ; John M.
Wilson , J445.83 ; William H. Urunor , $820.33 ;
Thomas C. Goss , J355.S9 ; Alfred It. Gcas ,
J1.34S.S2 ; Nell Bcrtelsen. J1.1SS.S5 ; Caroline
S. Kuhn , J1.4C0.97. These sums , with In
terest , amount to about J100.000. A num
ber of ( bo parties have cold their judg
ments , so that many are 'held by other parl
tics than those whose names appear , but all
ore directly affected by the decision of the
In addition to those judgments , forty-six
claims have been Illed with the county
board since February 13 , 1895. which have
never bn .i taken Into court. These amount
to another JJOO.OOO. The claimants hold
that they have Just as good claims against
the county as those who have obtained
Judgments , but the county board takes the
position that these claims are barred by
the statute of limitations and will contest
the payment on that ground.
In U93 a levy of 2.7 mills was made by
the county to pay tlio poor farm judgments ,
The amount which this levy was Intended to
lalso was JC0.750.CS , and of this amount
there was collected the sum of J44.031.03.
Of the amount collected J12.2S1.G7 Is tied up
in the iletunct Midland State bank , anil
$0,713.34 in the German Savings bank , leav
ing but little over J25.000 In the treasury
with which to meet the judgments. This
will necessitate a levy If the Judgments
ere to bo paid ,
The annual tax levy Is made In Juno o (
each year , but the cummMHtoncrs are re
quired by law to make an estimate at the
beginning of the year of the funds which will
tie required to run the county affairs dur
ing the year , so that the payment of these
judgments will bo a Hvo issue very coon.
The statutes provide a maximum levy for all
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other atlutteiant
40 Years the Standard.
purpor.cs of 15 mills. Tim levy made by tlu
county last year WM 14 mill * , and the
county funds are now about JCO.OOO shor
of the amount required for tlo | county bust
ness. How to keep within the italu'torj
limit and provide for n fund fof th& pay
ment of thetxj judgments Is a question the
commissioners will have to meet during
the coming six months.
flrnnil SnprllltMClollilnB Snip.
Men's $10.00 casslincro suits for (3.95.
Men's J7.CO 6hevlot suits for | 2.TC.
Mcn'n $12.00 black and fancy worsted suit
for J5.00.
Men's very fine $15.00 sack and frock suit
for $7.GO.
Men's $10.00 fine Melton overcoat , Skin
ncr'fl satin sleeve lining , for $4.76.
Men's $12.50 kersey and beaver overcoat
for $4.95.
Men's $12.50 fine Irish frieze ulsters fo
All men's odd trousers for less than hnl
Pants worth up to $8.00 now on sale fo
9oc ; $1,50 , $2.25 and $3.2C.
100 dozen ,15c knee pants Saturday at lOc.
All fiOc and 75c knee pants for 35c.
AH 95c and $1.25 knco pants for BOc.
25 ponmto granulated migar for $1.00.
Heat sugar cured hams , lO'&c.
California picnic hams , GV c.
New California prunes , 4'ic.
Minnesota flour ( High Patent ) $1.00
3-pound can tomatoes , 7c.
2-pound can corn , Cc.
2-pound packages oatmeal only Cc.
10 pounds navy beans for 25c.
Pint bottles tomato catsup , Sc.
Golden Rio coffee per pound , 20c.
Broken Rio coffee per pound , 12c.
Cereal coffee , the now drink , lOc.
1) I n I n K Cnrx
Serving meals on the European plan ( you
pay only for what you order ) on the Bur
C:00 : p. m. train for Chicago ,
4:35 : p. m. train for Denver , ,
9:05 : n. m. train for Kansas City.
Tickets , time tables , berths , etc. , at ticket
office. 1602 Farnara street.
I.lkoly ( o lie Chiilminii for
< ho Next Ycnr. -
The new Board of County commissioners
will hold Its first meeting next Tuesday
morning , and will then organize for the work
of the year. As the board ! now consti
tuted It consists of three republicans am'
two democrats. Messrs. Stcnbcrg , Klcrstcaa
and Ostrom are the republican members ,
and Messrs. Hector and Hofcldt constitute
the democratic minority. Commlsloncr Sten-
berg has been a member of the board for five
years , and Commlsttoncrs Kicrstcad and
Hector have each served ono year , while
the other two members were elected lust
The organization of the board for the en
suing year has been a fruitful subject for
speculation about the court house for several
weeks and many slates have been made up
by these who will have nothing to say about
the matter when the time comes. It has
been taken for granted by all hands that
the republican majority will organize the
board , but the members themselves have
maintained a Ephlnx-llkc silence upon the
subject , and are not giving out any In
A man about the court house who has
kept a claio watch upon the proceedings of
the board for a number of years has made
a prediction of the wanner in which the
new board will bo organized and has given a
few of his friends a "tip" on what Is com
ing. The prediction Is substantially ao
follows : "It Is an unwltten rule of the
board that the oldest member shall bo the
chairman , unless there Is a strong objec
tion. on hl part ; bcnco Commissioner Ston-
bcrg will probably occupy the position this
year. It la another unwritten rule that the
other older members shall bo given the
most Important committees. Commissioner
Hector Jiaa made no secret ot the fact that
ho wants to be chairman of'tho committee
on roads and bridges and he has done good
work during the past year as the second
member of thcwo committees. The other
members eeem disposed to steer clear of
these committees and they will probably go
to Hoctor. Mr. Kicrstcad has been a hard
worker during the year he has been on the
board , and has put In all of his time famili
arizing himself with the affairs of the county.
The handwriting on the wall says too will
bo given the most Important commit
tees. H Ifl not customary to give new
members more than ono committee each ,
and this procedure. If It Is followed this year ,
will give Klerstcad the three most important
committees. Thcsa committees are finance.
Judiciary and poor farm , and If Klcrstead
draws them he will have his hands full for
the year. That would leave the committee
on court bouse and jail and the charity
committee to be divided between Ostrom and
Hofcldt , and I vcntura the guess that the
charity committee will gs to Mr. Ostrom. "
Careful Inquiry among the members of the
board seems to Indicate that there Is no dis
position to disturb the present Incumbents
of any ot the appointive olllcct. .M. H.
Horncr will probably remain the clerk of
Iho board , W. S. Aekwlth will likely remain
In charge of the charity store , as ho has
become familiar with the work. Miles
Houck will continue to bo In charge of the
court house and jail and George Wright will
continue as xuperlntcndcnt of the poor farm.
I'crnoniilly Cominctcil ISxcurilou *
Leave Omaha every Friday via the Union
Pacific. No change u { cars to Ocdcn , San
Francisco or Los Angeles. Tourist sleepers
ilally to San Francisco.
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
alono. A. C. DUNN ,
City Pass , and Tkt. Agent. '
1302 Farnam Gt
rieiulH Guilty to ANNiiultlnff Special
Olllecr CnrlHon.
Frank Clark , a teamster who has given
ho garbage contractor cotisldurablo trouble
n times past , became a bit pugnacious
Thursday and was arrested.
Special Olficcr Carlson caught Clark dump-
ug manure on a vacant lot and promptly
nformcd him that he Intended to arrest
ilm. Clark , however , was of a different
opinion , and drove off at runaway speed.
Carlson followed In a buggy. The chase
continued for several blocks , but the officer
lually caught up with Clark at the latter's
> arn at Twenty-second and Pacific streets.
Doth men alighted from their rigs.
"You'll not arrest me , " yelled Clark , who
was holding a pitchfork In his hands. The
Dfficcr made a lunge , and Clark brought
ho pitchfork down , cutting a gash three
nchcs In length on the officer's head. Four
stitched were required to repair the dam
age. Clark , however , was landed In Jail.
Thursday two charges confronted the
irlxoncr , one of assault and battery and the
3thcr of hauling garbage without a license ,
ro both Clark pleaded guilty. On the first
10 was fined $10 and costs , and on the other
110 and costs , Ho could not pay the flnsa
mil therefore went to jail , ,
Slx-Thlriy r. 11. Train.
of the
Best oervlce.
Dining car.
City oftice : 1504 Farnam.
I'rninlHo 11 I.nrKe Flclil of
The dates of the summer raca meetings
n this circuit have now been agreed upon
mil the Indications point .to a very suc
cessful season. The first meet will be at
3oux ! City , Juno 8-11 , the others on the
Jatcc named : Lincoln , Juno 16-18 ; St. Joe ,
luno 22-25 ; Omaha , Juno 30-July 3 ; DCS
Molnes , July G-8 ; Ottumwa , probably July
If tbo plans now proposed are carried
Mil , the combined purses offered at the six
ncrtlngs will aggregate $57,600. This , with
ho short shipments between the six cities ,
t la aald , will be BUfilclont to attract an ex
ceptionally good field of horses , The local
association la now at work on the details
or the races , and the managers expect to
offer the bent cards that have yet been made
up In thlu dty.
MR Till ? vi
Next Important Question in Gonnoctiot
with the 1808 Show.
Poor Knriii , Hlnnrood , UlvervlcYT , Sil
Icr 1'nrk mill Hunt Uinnlin Encli
Hnvc Their Ailvocittcn Who
Will L'fKC n Selection ,
The Board of Directors of the Trans
mtealsslppl and International Exposition as
eoclatloa will meet at the Com
mcrclal club rooms this nfternooi
to open tenders of eltcs for thi
exposition , These tenders will be received
ceived at the secretary's office until noot
today and will be opened nt the mcetlnf
of the board. Judging from the expression !
of sentiment voiced by numerous director !
an engineering expert on exposition sltcf
will be employed from out of the city tt
make surveys of the proposed sltca and re
port to a subsequent meeting of the boari
upon the respective merits of the slte <
offered and the selection will bo made by the
full board.
There will bo five propositions submitted
for the consideration of the exposition dl
rectory. Thcso proposed sites wcro de
scribed In detail in The Ileo several weekf
ago. The sites In question are as follows
What Is known as the Poor Farm site , the
Elmwood Park site , the Rlvcrvlew Park site
the Miller Park site and the East Omahti
site.The supporters of these several sites have
been doing a great deal of work during the
paat few weeks and nil feel confident ol
landing the exposition on their chosen site ,
The supporters of the Rivcrvlew park site
have bcciu marshaling their forces and work'
Ing hard for their favorite. They have Issued -
sued a lithograph map , purporting te
show the advantage possessed by their site
In the way of contiguity to the business cen
ter of town. All rules of precedence arc
brushed 'aside , and , Instead of measuring
distances from the postoillcc as a central
point , It locates the central point at the
union depot , at Tenth and Mason streets , and
thereby gives nn advantage over all com
petitors of about one mllo. The several
strojt railway lines are shown In red , and
the Hlvervlcw park exposition site Is hcavllj
shaded. These maps have been freely dis
tributed over town.
The pushers of the Miller park site have
prepared a handsome plat of their location
and will file this with their written proposi
tion. The proposition which contemplates
the use of the state fair grounds and Elmwood -
wood park will bo submitted by several ol
the residents of that vicinity. The East
Omaha proposition will be submitted by John
A. Crclghton. The slto which contemplates
the use of the land adjoining Hanscom park
on the wcjt and northwest and extending In
a northeasterly direction to Dodge street at
about Twenty-eighth street has been handed
In to the secretary. This Is the 'only propo
sition which has been submitted up to this
So far as can ho learned there Is but one
proposition which will contain an offer ol
anything In the nature of a bonus. The
other propositions will simply Include the
tender of the use of the ground , free of
cost , to the Exposition association. Some
will also Include options on the purchase of
any portion of the ground nt a stipulated
price , and other considerations la the way
of sewerage , free water , etc.
o to nine-line.
Docs not necessarily mean the contraction
of disease provided the system Is in a vigor
ous condition , with the blood pure and all
the organs In healthy action. When In
such a condition contagion Is readily re
sisted and the disease germs can find no
lodgment. "Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the' best
medicine to build up the system because It
makes pure , rich blood , and pure blood Is
the basis of good health. In cold weather
It Is especially necessary to keep tip the
health tone because the -body Is subject to
greater exposure and more liable to disease.
Hood's Sarsaparllla is the safeguard of
_ _
n Coimiilltro Axlci-il to Name
Three IK-li'Katfs.
Mayor Droatch has requested the executive
committee of the TransmlsalsslppI and In
ternational Exposition to designate three
suitable persons for appointment as commis
sioners from Omaha to the Tennessee Cen
tennial , to bo held at Nashville , There Is no
pay attached to these positions , but they
are regarded as very desirable and hon
orable. It Is requested that these pcrnona
who have the time and the Inclination to
visit Nashville as such commissioners make
that fact known to members of the commit
tee , and the request of the mayor will be
complied with at the meeting of the commlt-
tco this afternoon.
( iithurx So in PolntH In lowii.
OMAHA , Jan. S. To the Editor of The
Bee : During a recent business trip through
Iowa I learned of a movement which , It
seems to me , ought to bo of Interest to the
citizens of Omaha and Nebraska In general.
: was surprised to learn from Iowa farmers
theraBclvcn that , speaking in general terms ,
Nebraska had a better crop and a better
quality of corn than had Iowa for the year
1890. The low price which has prevailed
during the past year , together with the
act that feeding cattle are very scarce , the
winter of 1807 finds Iowa with practically
.wo crops of corn on Its hands and the
crop raised in 1800 of questionable market
value. 11 Is to , so far as possible , counteract
hU condition of affairs that a movement
ias been set on foot which , If successful ,
and present indications are very flattering ,
vlll enable the farmers of Iowa to profitably
ccd their surplus grain.
Briefly , It Is this : To secure from the
railroads what Is called a "fccdlngiln-translt
rate on feeders. "
ThU rate Is explained as a through rate.
'or instance , from New Mexico to South
) maha , with privilege of unloading for feed-
tig purposes at any station In Nebraska ,
and when the stock Is ready for market , In
hreo or six months , re-ship to South Omaha
on the old bill of lading , only paying extra
or the Increased weight and a small amount
or extra trouble of unloading and re-
oadlng. The Iowa plan makes Chicago the
imrkcttng point , but there Is no reason why
South Omaha should not bo the objective
) olnt la a similar scheme for Nebraska
The second obstacle to be overcome by the
owa farmer was the lack of ready cash to
nako the necessary purchases of cattle
or feeders , which was necessarily large.
The plan Is to interest the bankers , who
hroughout the state of Iowa have larger
cosh reserves than usual , and who have
always considered cattle paper or notes , the
proceeds of which have been Invested in
attic by farmers , who have the corn to feed
hem as gilt-edged. Tills plan will enable
ho farmer to market his surplus corn crop
vlthln the next few months and thus set
ho wheels of industry in motion , as it
vould go a long ways toward restoring the
Id-tlmo prosperity.
If this scheme Is good for Iowa , why Is
t not good for Nebraska ? I have It on
ho authority of the originator of this move-
ncnt that both the railroads and the haule
rs of Iowa are very. favorably Imprewed
vlth this plan , which has been tried by
ndlvlduals and found profitable.
Many of tlio bankers and railroad agents
ro In hearty co-operation with the move-
nent , and from present Indications It will
o brought to a successful issue In the very
icar future.
IluvUllu'M Arnli'it Salvo ,
The best salvo In the world for cuts ,
riilses , cores , ulccra , alt rheum , fever sores ,
otter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and
U skin eruptions , and positively cures plica ,
r no pay required. U IB guaranteed to give
erfect satisfaction or money'refunded. Price
5 cents per box. *
DIED Powers Miss Annie , daughter of
Mr , nnd Mm. Patrick Powers , January S.
at thflr residence , 1021 Bo , 24th street.
Funeral notice later.
Dciiot Odlrlnl AVliolt HoliiH lic Pee
There Is an offlclalrat the union depot wh
eomctlmca appears gruff ? but this la for th <
most part deceptive , . Underneath th <
broadcloth a 'warm heart Is concealed am
his handsome face otltltncs lights up wlU
a smile which belle * ' trio trushy mustache
that bristles with authority when the out
going trains requires "call. " That qulc
relaxation of the facial muscles has provci
an expensive weakness to the man In blue
U ck of the little blackboard used at tin
ntatlon for announcing ) the time of In
coming trains Is a little memorandum. Upot
it Is a long line of figures , which -whet
properly footed up show1 that the smile Imi
caused Ha owner an outlay of J31.S5. I
each small amount could a tale unfold 1
would show how little waifs , young glrh
and many a wreck of humanity has beer
supplied with a lunch at the neighborly
lunch counter. Many a countryman wht
has found his little capital inadequate tc
purchase transportation to his dcstlnatlor
has been sent on his way rejoicing by t
contribution from this man In blue.
"Vcs , I guess I am an easy mark , " Kilt
ho of the quiet smile a few days ago , "bill
then humanity , as It floats through thl <
place , Is not all ungrateful. An old womar
In a threadbare drc s , with a basket ol
artificial flowers on her withered arm , came
la hero a few days ago. I don't think she
had made a sale that day. Her face WBE
pinched and haggard with hunger and the
abject poverty which everywhere pervaded
her perron should have appealed to a hearl
of Btone. She displayed her stock to the
hurrying tourists. They would have none
of It and the look of expectancy which no\\
nnd then came to the faded old eyes died
away as a coarse rejoinder killed cverj
new born hope In her breast. She ever
tried her eloquence upon the popcorn man ,
but he feigned not to sec her , as he sup
plied his patrons with an article more In
demand. At length In sheer exhaustion
she tucked herfolf away on a bench in a
quiet corner and dropped Into a fitful sleep ,
It was In this condition that I found her.
I touched her upon the rhoulder. 'Flowers,1
yes , she had them for sale , 'would I buy ? '
No , I did not care for the flowers , but where
was she going ?
" 'I wanted to go to DCS MolnM , ' she an
swered , 'but the distance Is so great nnd I
have so llttlo money. ' The tears started
again. 'I have tried so hard to pell them , '
Bho continued , as eho pointed to her 'basket '
on the settee. 'And my friends. Ah , I
fear I have none. Perhaps they are dead.
I have sold no flowers in all this great city.1
"She had had nothing to cat since Fri
day noon. It was then Saturday night.
I soon fixed that. The faro to DCS Molnes
was J4.50 , and when she clasped the bit of
pasteboard In her hand as I helped her on
the train I think I never saw gratitude
expressed in a human face to such a degree
as it was in hers. She tremblingly
thanked me and said she would send the
money back to mo from her first flower
ealcs. I never expected it , yet strange
enough a week later I received the exact
amount , accompanied by a note , thanking
mo all over again for a trifling act which
anybody would perform. "
One of the great overland trains came tea
a standstill outside at this moment. The
hlM of the air 'brake and the tramp of many
feet cut short the conversation , while he
of the blue uniform was surrounded by an
eager crowd clamoring for information of
Its departure. "Pas-s-sengcrs going east
Northwwestcrnroute tr-r-raln
by the Northw-w-estcrn- - ,
standing on the fifth-'track ! "
He had assumed his official gniffness , yet
the kindly heart still continues to beat back
of the corporation brass buttons.
Although many remedies are pushed Into
the market by spicy advertisements , Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup still takes the lead.
MntterN Prrtnlnlni ; to the AVorlc of Ihc
City Council.
City Clerk Hlgby has completed his of
ficial report for'1SOC. ' It twill bo presented
to the city council next'Tuesday night. It
Includes n. considerable amount of detailed
Information with regard to municipal trans
actions and Indicates that the expenses of
the clerk's office have been materially re
duced. In 1895 the amount paid for salaries
of permanent employes was J7.420 and the
amount of fees for which licenses were
itaued aggregated ? 12,7C7.83. During 1830 the
total expenses for salaries were JO.OCO.
Licensee wcro issued on which the fees
amounted to JJ3.C1T.C1. The expense of com
piling the city tax list was about the oame
In 1S90 as in the previous year and about
$1,500 less than in 1891. The expenditures
for supplies remains about the same , but
there was a saving in election expenses , as
compared with the previous year.
The report shows that there wcro 45 regu
lar and. adjourned council meetings during
the year with an average attendance of 15
members. There were 25 special meetings ,
with an average attendance of 14 members.
There wcro 5 wsslons of the. council as a
board of equalization , with ah average at
tendance of 11 members. During the year
the couucll received 145 communications
from the mayor , 48 from the city attorney ,
129 from the comptroller , 32 from the clerk ,
120 from the treasurer , 17 from the en
gineer , 74 from the Hoard of Public Works
and enough miscellaneous communications to
bring the total up to 2,374. Eight hundred
and eight resolutions wcro presented.
There were 2.41G committee reports sub
mitted during the year , of which 135 were
from the committee on Judiciary , 250 from
finance , 15 from claims , 21 from grades and
grading , 37 from streets and alleys , 41 from
police , 89 from public property and build
ings , 30 from fire and water , 07 from gas
and electric lights , 49 from sidewalks and
bridges , 10 from printing , 15 from sewerage ,
20 from paving , curbing and guttering , 10
from viaducts and railways , 1 from tele
graph and telephone lines , and 40 from
special committees. No reports were re
ceived from rules or plats and additions.
Ordinances numbering 184 were Introduced
and read the first and second time. Of
these , 145 were passed , C were lost and ' 33
wcro burled In the hands of various com
mittees. The total number of documents
read before the council during the ycqr
was 5,597. The record of these Is preserved
on 2 079 pages of the journal. Of these l.GCO
pages are devoted to the journal of proceed
ings , 40 to proceedings of the Hoard of
Equalization , and 077 to the ordinance rec
ord. The foilowlng table shows the number
of licenses Issued for all purposes with the
revenue that each produced :
Licenses1 Issued during 1890 were as fol
lows Auctioneers , 3 , J150 ; baggage , 4 , J20 ;
circus , 2 , J430 ; coal dealers , 30 , $1.160 ; elec
trician ; , 7. $35 ; employment agencies , 7 ,
$350 ; exhibition C , $22 ; express , 215 , $1,075 ;
J15 ; fruit fltand , 23 , J2Sii gunpowder , 0 , J45 ;
hack. 32 J320 ; hack drivers , 82 , J101.25 ;
house mover * , 8 , JGO ; junk dealers , 8 , J200 ;
lunch stanil , 1 , J12 ; merry-go-round , 1 , J5 ;
milk , 70S , J2,20a.CG ; iniu um , 1 , $10 ; omnibus ,
0 , JCO ; pawnbrokers , 24 , J1.250 ; peddlers ,
251 , J2.980 ; plumbers , 39 , J39 ; runnera , 4 ,
J75 ; secondhand dealers , 20 , $100 ; street
sales , 1C , J50 ; theaters , C , $250 ; transient
dealers , 2 , J70.55. Total licenses. 1.G05.
Dog tags , 2,103. J2,103 ; f es collected , J34.70.
Total fees of the olllce , J13.517.01.
TliliiKH Iilvul ) " n ( ( he Honiu of
thi ! ChniiMifiioyH. .
Christian Rapp , the druggist at Twentieth
and Grace streets , waa arrested yesterday
( or committing nn assault upon
Thomas Champcnoy , who Is employed In
the storekeeper's department of the Union
The affray occurred Thursday night at
Champenoy's residence , 2407 North Nine
teenth street. Champenoy and his brother ,
Dan , were In the house when Rapp entered
Die druggist took a neat and remained quiet ,
although ho mumbled to himself. Champc-
noy says that Rapp suddenly arose and
made a lunga for him , The two men
Bullied , and Rapp was finally beaten off
with Daniel Gliampeuoy'a assistance , but no :
until a sweater was torn from the othei
3hntnpenoy'B back. Rapp left , but returned
t abort time after and tnade an attempt to
; et In ths house again ,
Champenoy stated yesterday that ho had
liad no difficulty of any character with the
Irugglst. As a matter of fact ho wan ono
of the elgncrs of Rapp'a application for a
druggltt'a Ilccnuo to sell llquora. Ho hello
llo vcn that at the time of tli9 affray Rap
was maddened by alcohol ,
The king of pills U Ucccham'i Ucecham'a
Tc ) Bo the Best Railroad Bridge in Thin
Part of the Country.
Slriii-tiire Will lie Coniplctcil Kiirly
Xuxt Siiiiiiiu-r mill nt u Cunt of
, 950,000Will ACCOIIIIIIO-
1 iliitu Klcvuu TrnultM.
Within the mcxt three months the Union
Pacific 'railroad will start the construction
of an Immense steel bridge at the crossing
of its tracks and South Fourteenth street ,
the building of which will Involve the expen
diture of upwards of $50,000 In Omaha. Chief
Engineer Pogram this morning announced
that the work of putting In the. abutments
for the new bridge would bo commenced its
soon as the frost was out of the ground , and
that the structure would probably bo com
pleted by the latter part of June.
The engineering department of the Union
Pacific has been at work upon the plans for
the now bridge for several months past.
They are now complete and the officials are
merely waiting for the winter season to
pass. The receivers of the company have
secured the necessary order from the United
States court to proceed with the work , and
the plans of the company's engineer have
been approved by the city.
This Is the fourth lime that an attempt has
been made to put In a steel structure at
Fourteenth street. Various obstacles have
prevented the success of the threa previous
attempts. This lime , however , all the pre
liminary arrangements have been completed
and ( necessary orders secured. Thevo can
bo but llttlo doubt thai the fourth at tomtit
to build the desired structure will prove suc
The bridge will be of steel throughout.
It will be 188 feet In length , and will bo
sufficiently wldo to accommodate eleven
tracks. Eight tracks will be put In when the
bridge Is built , and there will be room for
three more. The structure will be supported
by a row of steel posts , resting on stone
piers In the center of Fourteenth street. It
wllV consist of main cross girders resting on
abutments on both sides of Fourteenth
street and posts In the center of the street.
The bridge will be .built on a "skew" because
of the obltquo position of the tracks at this
crossing. The main cress girders at the end
will run into heavy oblique girders.
There will bo a solid floor , and when It
U completed and the tracks all In the ap
pearance of the bridge will not be unlike
that of a regular railroad yard. The floor
will consist of steel trouth sections resting
on the top of the main girders. These
trouths will bo filled with Portland cement
concrete , and the ties will be laid In gravel
ballast resting on the concrete. This con
struction will make a floor throughout that
will be a permanent and as reliable as any
portion of a railroad roadbed.
The bridge throughout has been designed
for the heaviest rolling loads now used In
the country. About three months will be
required to complete the structure. It Is
said that from an engineering standpoint
the building of the bridge will be one of the
best pieces of railroad bridge work that
has been done In this vicinity for a num
ber of years past. From the standpoint of
the city and of the traveling public the
greater safety assured by the construction
of n strong steel bridge at the crossing of
the railroad tracks and such a busy thor
oughfare as Fourteenth street Is said to beef
of the greatest consequence.
I roHirc < N Ahcnil.
R. S. McAllister of St. Louis , general
fclght ngcnt of the American Refrigerator
Transit company ; J. II. Kerr of Milwaukee
and of the same company , and Charles
Peak of Minneapolis , of the Toledo , Ann
Arbor & Northern railroad , were all in the
city yesterday. "We are making our regular
tour through this section of the country , look-
ins after business , " said Mr. McAllister.
"Wo flnct bU3.lncts , a llttlo dull , but no more
EO than Is usual right after the holidays
have passed. H is not one whit duller than
during the corresponding period for several
years past. The prospect is bright for a
good business In the next thrco months. "
Xoti'N ami I'crxonnlN.
J. W. Dewccse , attorney for the Burling
ton at Lincoln , was In the city yesterday.
Thomas M. Orr , arslstant secretary of the
Union Pacific , Is Indisposed. Ho has been
troubled with an attack of the grip for
Ecveral days past.
Testimony In the Drorbach case. Union
Pacific , was yesterday taken at Green River ,
Wyo. , before Special Examiner Taylor for
Mastcr-ln-Chanccry Cornish.
George D. Haynes , city passenger agent
of the Milwaukee , who has been 111 for a
fortnight , wss able to bo out yesterday
for a little while. He expects to report for
duty next week.
The Vnnderbllt lines east of Chicago are
hesitating about Issuing the new D , 000-mile
Interchangeable mileage book approved by
the Central Passenger ncaoclatlon. They
have been advhed by their legal depart
ment that such an Issue may bo declared
A number of railroads have asked tlie
Interstate Comcrce commission to give them
moro time to put air brakes on all thdr
equipment. A law passed by congress In
1893 makes It compulsory that all nvllroadi
should bo fully equipped In this respect by
January I , 1898.
S. D. Calderhead , auditor , general .passen
ger and ticket agent and general freight
agent of the- Montana Union railway , was
In the city Thursday. He says his fifty-one
miles of railroad from Hutto to Garrison
is In good physical condition , and is doing a
fairly good business.
Tlio Burlington's passenger department
yesterday received an Inquiry for pa ? en-
ger and freight rates from a point in Geor
gia to a certain farming town In Nebraska.
The only noteworthy thing connected with
the letter was the following postscript : "I
wish I had not left Nebraska. "
DctnllH ( lie "Work I'rrforincil
the 1'jiMt Vcnr.
The annual report of City Electrician
Schurlg has been filed with Mayor Ilroatch.
It affords a very thorough detail of the work
done by the electrician during 1890 and of
the Improvement ! ) that have been accom
plished In the electrical wiring of the city
and In the removal of superfluous and uu-
slghtly polea and wires. The report shows
that 193 permits' for electric wiring were
Issued. Undert these were installed 5.0CG In
candescent lamps , fifty-five are lamps and
eovcnty-four motors and dynamos , wllh a
combined capacity of 897-horso power. Under
the direction of the electrical department
440 miles of aerial wire were removed from
tins t'trects and ninety-seven poles wcro taken
down. The wires of the Nebraska Telephone
company In the business district wcro placed
under ground , 825 miles of wlro being thus
removed from the directs. The total ex
pense of street llfthtlng during the year , ex
clusive of the special service during fair
week , was $20,131.11. The coat of lighting
the city hall was Jf,359.Gl , as compared
with a total cost of Jl.504.04 In 1895. The
expenses' of the electrical department , In
cluding the salary of the electrician , ag
gregated $1.811.76 , while the receipts from
permits , etc. . were $150,75 ,
The electrician reports that satisfactory
progress has been made In Inspecting the
old wiring In the city and getting the wiring
In the various buildings In the condition
contemplated by the ordinance. This wiring
is now In good condition and no flreti oc
curred during the year the source of which
coulil bo traced to defective wiring. Ho
recommends that the ordinance be amended
to make the fee for Inspection depend on
the amount of work to bo Inspected , Instead
of the present t/ystem , which compels the
same fco for Inspecting ono that would be
charged for Inspecting 1,000 lamp ) . The
total capacity of Installations found defective
during the year comprised 2,909 Incandescent
laini'ti , 112 ore lamps and twelve motors.
Moat of these have been repaired and others
are now being attended ) to.
A portion of the report Is devoted to mu
nicipal lighting. The electrician ways that
ho has mad- > Inquiries of the officials of
other cities' ' In regard to the expense of their
public lighting and has been convinced that
lice , 1-8-07
Honesty in Shoeslice
Is the best policy. Some men arc honest because it's
natural , some because they can't help themselves and
some because it pays. Makers of shoes have more
chance for dishonesty than makers of most anything
else because few people know the difference between
split leather and full stock in the uppers between
solid leather and filled leather in the soles. Our mak
ers make us an honest shoe because we pay for honest H :
shoes and won't accept anything-else. Even our $1.25
shoes have real leather counters and soles. Our $1.50
and $1.75 shoes are solid leather throughout. Our $2.00
shoes are as good as most people's $3.00 shoes and our
famous Goodyear welt shoes for $2.50 are as full
of honesty as this paper is full of print. They
are made of full stock calf , They are
Goodyear welted , wide back stay , solid stitched.
They have honest soles , honest insoles , honest coun
ters , honest linings and they arc sold at an honest
price , For wear , for looks , for comfort , for dress , for
economy , for styie , for worth-of-your-money-in-shoc-
lealher , these shoes beat any shoes offered anywhere
for $3.00 to $3.50. Many people wear them a full year.
Honesty is the best policy in shoes. The more you
know of The Nebraska shoes the better off you'll be.
It was Charlco Lamb who. after spendlnjj
an hour reaiHng the various Inscriptions lu
a cemetery , hunted up the sexton and asked
him "where all the bad people wcro burled. "
The question often arises as to who buys
all the stupid Sideboards that ono sees in
the stores. When any person can secure
such a design ns the one hero shown AT NO
It Is a wonder that the latter can over find !
Hero Is a hit of genuine beauty. Styles
may come and go , but this Sideboard can
never properly go out of fashion , for beauty
is always fashionable. It has the charm
of a wonderful simplicity ; it will never grow
tiresome to Its owner.
The equipment Is very complete , and every
arrangement of the best modern Hoard la
hero present.
Furniture a ( the Lowest Prices. 12th and Douglas
the present contract in Omaha Is a fair oni
for the city.
Some extensive Improvements are recom
mended In the lire and police alarm depart
ment. In the first place a chloride storag <
battery Is wanted in place of the gravlt ;
battery now lu use. The latter costs abou
J400 per year to operate and requires tin
attention cf one man the greater part of the
time. The operation of the storage batterj
would not cost oven JGO per year and would
give far moro satisfactory service. The cosl
of making the change. Including the pur
chase of a now charging switchboard , Is
estimated at JS50. >
Send your address to II. E. Bucklcn & Co.
Chicago , and get a frco simple box of Dr
King's New Life Pills. A trial will con
vluco you of their merits. These pllla nrt
easy In action and are particularly effective
In the cure of Constipation and Sick Head
ache. For Malaria and Liver troubles thcj
have been proved Invaluable. They are
guaranteed to be perfectly frco from cvcrj
deleterious substance and to bo purely vege
table. They do not weaken by their action
but by giving tone to stomach and bowch
greatly Invigorate the system. Regular she
25c per box. Sold by Kuhu & Co. , druggists
( lunitUty of .Stolon CiOoilH I''oil ml on
I'rcinlni'N of. the Ai'iMixoil.
Railroad detectives arc confident that they
located a fence for thieves when they
swooped down upon a number of houses at
Sixth and Pierce streets Thursday am'
recovered a quantity of property which had
recently been stolen from freight cars. The
raid resulted In the arrest of Fred Baker ,
George Baker , Lafo Patterson , John Kirkland -
land and Thomas Kliklaud , all of whom arc
at the police station , charged with bur
For some time past both the Union Pacific
and Burlington roads -have been annoyed by
car thieves , who have otolen quantities of
property. The cars -which seemed to be
especially selected wcro those loaded with
provisions and groceries. A few days ago
a Union Pacific car was robbed of a lot of
coffee and two days ago a Burlington car
was looted of a quantity of canned and
preserved goods. These were the latest
Thursday Detectives Vlzzard and Miller
of the Union Pacific learned of the ex
istence of a gang of peddlers who were sellIng -
Ing provisions eif various" kinds from house
to OIOUEC. They Investigated the matter
anil found the five prisoners were the par-
tlca engaged In the business. When their
houses wcro raided a quantity of canned
plcklca , milk , mustard and other stuff taken
from the Burlington car was found and also
some coffee , which Is supposed to have been
stolen from the Union Pacific ear.
Lutn Thursday afternoon search warrants
and the warrants for tlio arrest of the men
wcro issued from Justice of the Peace
Powers' court , the police court having ad
journed for the day. An attempt Is being
made to find sonio moro stoleu goods.
Siiyn that Hi : Dili Not Imlliili )
A young Jcsso James , according to the
statements of the complaining witnesses
against him , was arraigned In police court
yesterday. Ho used no weapons , but. ac
cording to the testimony , ho performed lilu
work in a very hlghwayman-llUo manner.
Ills name Is Tommy Qulnlan and ho Is the
10-year-old son of a very respectable citizen
living near Eighteenth and Leavcnworth
streets. Two boys of about his own ago
wcro the complainants against Tommy. One
was Jullua Kortlang , who liven near Twenty-
ninth and Leaven wet 111 streets , and the other
was Dick HOSB , whose homo Is at Twenty-
second and Mason atrcets. The encounter
occurred near Seventeenth and Leavcnworth
streets at 7 o'clock Wednesday night. Kort-
lang and Rom were on their w y homo from
a Htoro. Both swore that Tommy Qulnlan
approached them and at once demanded of
Julius whether ho had any money. The
latter responded In the negative , but this
answer did not appear to satisfy Tommy ,
who proceeded to go through the boy'a
clothcH. HP , however , found no money. Ho
was also charged with using eomo very bad
language and that formed the basis of the
complaint on which ho was arrested , as it
accused him of " ! ndi > ccnt and disorderly con
duct , lewd and lascivious behavior , tulklng
In an Indecent and filthy manner and mak
ing Improper xuggcotlonfl. " In the face nf
this array of charges Iho llttlo prUoncr burnt
Into tears and could only ray :
"I didn't do nolliln' . "
On account of the boy'a ngo Judge Gordon
concluded that ho could tint hold the prisoner
and therefore discharged him with a
Illlnil PlKM nt Kort Crook.
The revenue ofllcera have located nn ex-
tcuilvo field of Illicit ll'iuor venders la ( bo
Teeth ,
What does Its mean , but that
the possessor keeps them beautiful
by consulting hla or her dentist ?
( Jolt ! CI-CMVIIN. . . . > ? , - . . < ) ( > ( o JjtN.OO
I'oroulnlii CroiviiN . .I.Oil
BAILEY , Dentist ,
Pnxton Bile , 10th nnd Fnrnnm ,
vicinity of Fort Crook. Tlirco men have
been definitely located , and a number of
others arcsuspected. . Several arrests will
probably bo made today. Tlio partleo
have been peddling whtiiky In small quanti
ties to the people In that neighborhood , anil
wcro exposed by soldiers at the fort.
Action Takeii ItoKiirilliie ; CiiNtomurM
AVlio ! ) < .Veil I'ny.
The regular meeting of the Retail Gro
cers' association was held at the Commercial
club rooms Thursday. The attendance
was as large as usual , the most of the gro
cery houses In the city being represented.
The main feature of the evening was the
discussion and final passage of a resolution
to the effect that n letter bo sent to all cor
porations and firnui In the city employing
men , asking that they use their Influence
toward Inducing their employes to pay their
grocery bills. It was urged that there arc a
good many men having steady employment
who muko a practice of not paying their
grocery bills , while there are plenty of hun-
est men out of work who would pay if they
The secretary reported the list of
poor-pay customers , which Included between
4,000 and 5,000 names. The Hat , he satd , waa
ready to go to the printers. As soon as the
list ran he printed a copy will bo furnished
to each member of the association. It waa
explained that the list was made up of two
classca of customers. The first Included these
who would pay If they could , and these who
could pay If tlcy : would.
The president was Instructed to appoint a
committee to act In conjunction with com
mittees from other bodies In an effort to
eccuro at the hands of the legislature a
modification of the garnishment law. As It
now stands It Is Impossible to collect u bill
from any ono who In unwilling to pay , though
he may bo drawing a good salary all the
The meeting to bo held two weeks from
Thursday will bo followed by an Informal
lunch or banquet , with the object of making
the members better acquainted with each
Ccrnuin Itaiilc Sloi-UholilcrN .Must I'ny
t'l > or Slioiv ( 'IIIIHI- .
The fitockholdcra of thu defunct German
Savings bank will appear before Judge
ICeysor this morning to show cause
why units should not bo Instituted against
them on their stock to pay an afucssment
of 80 per rent which has been levied by
order of the court to meet the obllgatlomi
of the b.tnk to the depMltoro.
The motion filed by nn attorney claiming
o represent the bank , in which the court
was acikod to net nsldo the order directing
he receiver to commence suits against tlio
stockholders , has been overruled by Jnili.'o
Keyaor on the ground that the attorney
naklng the motion bed no right to appear
or Iho bank , as the attorney for the re
ceiver Is Iho only attorney authorized to i'-l
appear for the bank.
AVnlrr WorlfN Cix < ! Out of Court.
The Injunction Issued from Judge Koytior'a
court restraining the dty authorities from
enacting any legislation bearing upon the
franchise of the water works company was
llssolvcd yesterday by order of the court
and thn case was illBinlnacil without projudlcu
ipon the request of the plaintiffs In the
case. The costs In the case were ordered
axed against the plalnt'lffti. This dlupoHra
of the application of the water company
or a transfer of the cano to Iho United
States court , and the whole matter IB now
out of court.
Hlie UIIN Tlrc7l of Omrr.
Lena May Swift lias applied for a dlvorco
rom Omcr T. Bwlft on the grounda of do-
crtlon and nonstipport. Sim allegev that
ho wa.l married to Swift DeceniU-r f , 1SS3 ,
n Lexington , Nth , , and charges that ho Oe- .
orted her In BrptPinhor , 1894 , Bho alia
alleges that Mho has thrco children , all boya ,
and ho auks for a dlvorco and the custody
of thtso children.
Tlio moit astonishing roHnlts In healing
wound * have been ihown by Salvation Oil.