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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1897)
.YO' , 0 TflA'iVTM. , YAH1 ' ! ' 'I Y. : f ' AJIA11 ° " MT t THE 07 > I.\nA I AILY HIDE : sin'UHDAY , JANtTAtlY 0 , 18J)7. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Utterly Boluses to Beapond to Per sistent Bull Influences , BREAKS TWO CENTS AT THE OPENING Itnlly I.nter , lull the Close In AVenU nml Ollu-r Cirnlnn Also Clone nl n Drclliu1'ro - CHICAOO , Jon. 8. A brcnk of 2 cents per btiBlicI In the prlco of whcnt In the Urst half hour of today's scnslon so effectually finucczcil the bull feeling out of the local crowd Hint no ntnount of encouraging newfl could effect the re-cntrunco of n grain of Jt. Although there was it subsequent rully of He , the market Btlll exhibited signs of weakness at tlio close. Corn and oats were very weak considering1 their previous low prices , nnd closed % c nnd UW'.io lower , rp- upcctlvcly. 1'rovlsloiia went In tlie opposite direction , clo.tlnK ut Bf/lOo / ndvancc. In wheat , opening Liverpool cabled wcro n. great disappointment. Instead of showIng - Ing a Hympathetlc ndvanco with the lo rlso hero yesterday , prices even showed a Hllght decline. The market , for no percepti ble reasons , started virtually lo lower than It closed yesterday , nl though a few tnidcn were made In the confusion of the opening at declines of ' ,417 c. The rnngo for Muy was olllelnlly given at & 2o for hlshcst nml Si-Tic lowest , hut comparatively little changed hands at over SHic. In a llttlo more than halt an hour the price had dropped to SO'.ic or 2 cents under yester day's close. The cxlremo weakness hero puzzled a good many. Wheat was bought yesterday on n firmer Liverpool market. Today the Liverpool market coldly turned ItH backs on the bull enthusiasm. Noth ing In the news of the day threw any fur ther llirht upon tho-reasons for ouch null- Oil weakncn- . Closing Liveip olcnbloiw'i < lower , of course , because ol the early action of this market , and showed declines ofalS 7 il. The Uerlln and 1'nrls markets were both higher ; Antwerp uncnaiiKcd. Chicago receipts of wheat were only ' 1 cars. Min neapolis and DiiluUi got only 178 , ns'llnst 632 a year ago. Atlantic port clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to 3IS.OOO bush els. Itvas reported hero that 23 cnrlonds ot wheat were being forwarded from hereby by rail to Hoston to IJnrtlott-Frazlor , but this llrm denied It. It wns nFserted , however - over , that , whoever may bo the shippers , ttm business was undoubtedly being done , and not only so , but that In addition an other 150.000 bushel lot wuu worked In the , Hnmo way today. Ncvr York re-ported twenty boatloads sold for shipment to the continent. These Items were very lulltjcn- tlul In turning the market. It was nccom- paiilcd by a decided decrease In the volume of trndo , but on Its upward palh prices held comparatively ' steady. May llnnlly reacted to SIVic' , und closed nt S0c to Sic. Corn seemed to bo entirely without friends' , and ns business wns rather more netlvo than usual the market suffered a novero brcnk. Sympathy with wheat con tributed to the weakness. A great deal of liquidation was also done on persistent re ports of Impending western rate cutting- . May opened a shade lower at from 25V5o to 23 > jc , declined to 2lc and closed weak at 23c. 23c.In In oats Qtillo a heavy business wns trans acted , though nt a lower rnngo of prices. Notwithstanding the urgent buying nn easy feeling- was apparent , and price * declined , partly through sympathy with wheat. May opened a slindo lower at IflVic , sold to lS-ifj > lSc , nnd closed lST T10c. There wns a much broader trade In pro visions with outsiders taking more Inter est and the backers apparently unwilling to part with their lines until prices had u substantial advance , Prices wrro llrm. even when whcnt wan weak , and they closed nt about the top llgures. At the close May pork was lOo hlBher at $7.05 ; May lard about ra higher at JI.03 ; May ribs about 7lc higher at SI.OT'.tfM.lO. Kstlmntcd receipts Saturday : Wheat. 100 cars ; corn , 143 cars ; oats , 173 cars ; hogs , Tllff leading futures ranged 03 follows : Aitloli-H. | Opun. ( High. I Low. . I Closo. TVuat'y. 'Wheat Jnn. . . . 7SM 77K Slay. . . H1M-K1 ' R'J KII.4 80M-H1 K-Jh July. . . 70)1-77 ) 77 70 'Corn Jan. . . . * JJ liny. , . , JIU 55 .inly- . . -'ST4 Oatu Jnn. . . . IfiJd inu 1U May. . . . 10-1UH 18U-1U Pork- Jan. . . . 7 70 7 CO . . . . . . . 7 ' . ' - - * U7H 7 8' 7 05 7 B3 uinl " ' ' ' 'A 87ft 3 82 Mav" ' . . . . 1 UU i US 1)74 ) I OS 4 DO Sh't Ulbi Jan. . . . 3 03 n nn 307K .1 DO Jlny. . . . 1 Ut ) 4 10 4 00 4 10 4 DO No. 2. fash quotntlons were na follows : FLOl'lt-Uini ; winter patents , J4.503I.73 ; ftltriiKhls , ) l.i4j 4.75 ; hiirlliK vpeclals , 14.CU ; spring patents. $4.1304.00 ; strnlchls , J3.75y4.lO ; b.ikcrs , WJIiAT Xo. 2 aprlnc. 77 .O7So ; No. 3 cprlng , 7W7Cc ; No. 2 roil , S5T4fi S7'ic. UN-No. 2 , 22 > i022ic ; Np. 2 yellow , ± Fi9 "OATS No. 2 , IGHo ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 20o ; No. :1 : while , f. o. b. , U'lO'lS'/ic. 11VK No. 2 , 275ic. Ii.Mll.MY Nn. : , nominal ; No. 3 , C. o. b. , 24 3lo ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 2lc. I'LAXViEKD No. 1 , 73W75SC. TIMOTHY 8KEI ) I'rhno , J2.C3. 1'ItOV'iaiONH-Mesa pork , per bbl. , J7.70O7.75 ; 1.11,1. . per 100 11)3. , J3.STf , < T3.l > 0 ; short rlba eldea ( lee p ) , J3.fOfft.t3 ; tlry naltnl eliouMern ( boxed ) , J4.2554.tO ; rliort clear sides ( boxed ) , J4.00ffl.J214. \MlldKY Dlatlllcrs' llnliheil goodn , per BU ! . . JI.1S. 8t'OAHS-Cut loaf. J5.20 ; Eranulntccl. J4.C3. Tlm following were HID receipts nml shipments today : On tliu Produce oxch.inga tO'.liv ; the butler krt WiiitHt"aily ; creiuuory. jrij'UlIc ; ilulry , 03 , lie , U.'at , ciiHy ; fresh , lOHc. CliccHO , Htcady ; roULTUY-Steady ; tuilcys , lie ; chickens , c ; ducks , uaiO'.Sc _ KK\V i'OHIC ( JKMJUAlj Jl.lKICljT. Q.iiotutluiiH of tlic Day oil Cciicriil CoiuintitlltlcN. HEW roniC , Jan. S. KIXtjn-nccelpt8 ) , 13.CC1 bbU. ; exports. C0f(0 l.blj. : tlull nnd lower to aell , In nyinpatliy with Ilia ijrop In whtfot ; winter imtenls , tl.SJ05.10 ; Jllnnesuta patcnti > , J4.COQ4.S3 ; winter oxlrai , $3.JOJ3.fiO ; Jlliuicnpolls bakern , J3.IO&3.M ; winter low MUca , J2.75tf3.10. Jtye Hour , Htendy ; nuporllno. S2.75Q2.SO ; fancy , J2.85O S.10. Hour , dull ; ! l.2 ! > . HUCICWHEAT Hteady at SJc. COUN MEAL fjulet ut Cijc. IlYE--Httfudy ; car lots , IOG43C. " 1 1IAIIM1V Dull ; feedlntr. ? S'.ilf2Sio. 1IAULEY MALT Noinlnnl ; wcmern. JOflWo. WIIKAT Ilccclpti. 025 bu. : cx | ) rts , 2l,0til bit. : ppot , weal ; ; No , 1 liiml , 95ijc. Optluni opened uncluuiKeit nml nt once fold off under weak ex port advices nnd netlvo Ihiulilitlon , ruling liravy all day , except for u ullnht rally on ruiuliiontwl cable * nntl export demand ; closed l'itil ' ? c lower ; No.2 red. January , wlosed SOJic ; May. SOiJS } i3 , ulonlnit S7c. COI1N HecclpU , J3o bu. : exports. iS,15C bu. : iipot. I'lislsr ; No. ? , Wie. Option * opened ea y uinl ilicllneii Blmnily with wlieat , cloalnn heavy ut VUt'/io ' net decline ; January , 29Vttfi'9 ? > c , e\o \ - lti > , , c ; May , SUfSlVln , closlnir 31Hc. U.VIV ItticelptN , 74,400 bu. ; axuurln , 11.S73 bu. ; cpot. rnnlcr ; Ko. 2 , ? JUc. Oplicnn , quint and lower with the otlxr markets , cloning nt ' .WVic net gain : January , cloeeil , 22a ; Hay , V3tilvif | , 1'luMnit iS'U' . H.VV Steady : alilpplns , c,5g37'ie ' ! ; eood to choice. 7tiia70o. llOl'S-St aillcr ; ISM vrop. Silc , IIIDIIH Dull : 'IVx.iH , dry , 9Ho ; C.t'.lfcrnln , D'.ic. I.UATIIIIll Hrm ; hnnlojk nolo , Uuenos Ayiei , PP.OVJ3IONS-Decf. steady ; family. JS.50J ? 10,00 ; cviru mc s , J7.WJJ pucltct , JS.COliS.OO : l > ? ef liiiniK , S3. Out iiieats. steady ; pickled bvlllen , 4 ( l4Vto ; pIclilKd RhouMer * , 4JM oj pickled hams , t'.ilji ) . ' . Lard , llrnicr ; western Bleuni , JI.15 ; i - llnej llrsncr. I'orlt. ncllve und firmer ; mess. J1.:5S.7C ] ; short clear. 18.73010.00 ; family , J.9.S09 10.00. 10.00.miTTKU Hccelpl . 3.000 plts . : steady ; western creamery. Ul/ KElgltn. ; . 20c ; factory , 9U140 , CIIKK3H Ilrerlptn. 1.300 pkgn. ; nulot ; largo unit mull , 7HUHc ; part tklm , 4j8o ; lull tkln , SHc. IXICIB Hecrliita 4,000 plz . ; steady ; stutc and rcnntylvanla. ISSKOo ; western. HlfiSc. TAMXIXV IMrm ; city , 36-lCc. OILS Petroleum , quiet ; united closed nt SOo bid. Itonln , steady ; strained , common to good , Jt.7i4. Turpentine , steady ; 27Vi < jsUc , Cottonseed , htoadlcr ; pilmu summer yellow , ! 3o ; prlmo white , "jllCB Stonily : SlG6 o. MOI.AB8ES-llulet ; New Orleans , open keltlo. JOUJIc. MlITAI-S-riK Iron , quiet ; southern , J11.10Q H:0 ; northern. 111.00(113.00. Copper , steady ; exchange , JU.COOll.7S. Tin , firmer ; straits , Jll.ou ; plntci. quiet. Spelter , steady ; domestic , J3.9C ( | 4.00. Lead , firmer , with spot plff quoted at l3.02HtT3.07H an 'cliuimc. whllo a leading brokerage - ago liouia Is quotliiK J2.90 for round lots , Ooltoii Mnrkrl. NEW YOIIK , Jan. l-COTTON-fipot. clo e l quli-t ; middling , uplands , 73-lCo ; mlddllnK , KUlf , T7-lCo ; sales , ( I bales. Future * closed llnii ; , ll.MO baits ; January , 17.03 ; Tebruary , 17.09 ; Mnrch , JT.tSj April. J7.2I ; Mny , J7.22 ; Jnnn , J7.37 ; July. J7.41 ; AURUM , J7.43 ; Heptember , J7.13 : October - tober , 7.ll ( November , J7.14. The cotton marknt opened steady , with prices 2 points higher , fol lowlnjf fn-ornble Liverpool cnblen. Trndlnir wns llRht , rale * irnchlnc but 40,000 bates durlns ; the nrsl hour. Bppculntlvc Inlcrent was checked by the nlmoxt llfeleM condition of the cloth market nt Tall Illver and the ilull business In mmt cot ton In the Milth. lacnl tmders were tioth buyers nml sclleri ! , Hmnller recelptn nt the Interior nnd txitter late Llvtri'ool t-atlen cattstsl nn advance of 3O4 points , nml nt JI o'clock the market wan sten ly .nt a net Rain of 4 to S point * . NK\V OIILEANS. .Inn. lt.-MTTON-Htendy ; middling , 7c ; low mlildllniT. r.5ici peed ordinary , .c ; exchances cloneil today-Hinliday. HT. LOUIH. Jnn. . COTTON-l-'Irm ami un- ntiRed ; nildilllng , BT c ; sales. JSO bales ; re ceipts , 112 bales ; shipments , 219 bales ; stock , CO , 373 bnlcs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA UK.VKHAL .MAItlCKT. Cnnilllliin of Trnilc ntnl mi Mlniilc unit Kiiiu-y Prcnltiri- . nOfia I-'rc h Rnthered , weak nt HBHHc. I1UTTE It Common to fair , SB3" ; choice to fancy roll , 1'ftlle ; rcparator creamery , 20c ; gath- crod creamery , 16O1CC. OAJIE Iliuo Wlnui-.l teal ilucks , JI.75 ; nr"n wlrtK , Jl CO ; redheads nnd tnall.inls , J3.75 ; small rabbit * , 75c ; Jacks Jl.&O ; wiulirels , l0 ! 75c ; Canada seeuc , large , SC.Wlf7.tO ; small , I4.WIP C.CO. CHEESE-Domcstlc brick , 10 < 4c ; Udam , per dux. , tS.CO ; club houiic. l-.b. Jars , per < loz. , J3.1o ; Llmberger , fancy , per Hi. , 9'.4c ' ; lloijuefort , " ,4-lb. Jars , per di.z. , J3.CO ! Young Americas , IWic ; twins , fancy. lOVic. VEAICliolce fat. 80 lo ISO Ibs. , nre quolcd nt 7c ; largo nnd coarse , 4t66. miUSHEI ) POtlLTIlY-Chlckens , "c ; turkeyti. llfflJc ; Reese. SfiOo ; ilucl-s. fflOc. L1VK POULTIIY Not wanted. I 'IO EONS Live , 75fl50c ; iloaJ pigeons , not wonted. HAY Upland , J4.WJ : midland , J4.CO ; lowland. J3.EO ; ro straw , J3.50 ; color makes Ihc price on hay ; light b-Mca sell Ihc bcsl ; only top grades bring top prices. I1HOOM COUN Extremely slow sale ; new erop , delivered on track In country ; choice green self-worklng cnrpet. per 111. , 21i2',4c ' : choice green , running lo hurl. 2R2V4C ; common , I'.ic. VEaETAHLES. SWEET POTATOES-On orders , per bbl. , J1.75. ONIONS Contl slock , per bu. , C5a73c. LIMA IJKANB Prr Ib. . 4c. 1II3ANS Kami picked navy , per bu. , J1.25O1.35. CAIIIIAriK Oood stock , per Inmilred. J1.25. CELERY Per doz , , 250300 ; fancy , large. 4:0 tdo. POTATOES Good native stock , per bu. , 250 3Cc. . TOUITS. OUAPIJS Crates , 15 pony baskets. Concords and Catnwbns , per mates , 52.M. MALAOA nilAPES-Per keg. J7. CIlANIEnniES-Capd Cod. car bbl. . S5.00JTG.M. APPLIIS Conking , per bbl.Jl.C51.73 ; fancy New York , J1.75. CALIFOIINIA PHAHS Per1 tiox. J2.00ff2.23. TIIOP1CAL FnUITS. I'INEAl'PLES Per crnto of iwo to three doz. , J4.00U4.W. OUANOES Mexican. J3.SOff3.75 ; California navels , J3.00f.1.fiO ; seedllnKB. J2.75S3.00. LEMONS Messlnns. J3.COiTI.CO ; choice Call- fornla , J3.00ff3.50 ; fancy. S3.COfl3.73. HAIJANAS Choice. Inrga stock , per bunch. t2.COf2.23 ; mcdliim-slre.l bunches , J1.B032.0J. HISC13LLANiOL' _ . HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. , 14c ; choice , 13o ; California , nmlier color , IGc. CIOEIt-Clnrlfled Juice , per half bbl. , 52.50 ; per bbl. , J4.COft4.25. MAPLE SYltUP Flve-enl. cans , each , I2.50W 2.75 ; lnl. ; cans , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , J6.25 ; I'.i'irt cans. J3.tO. NUTS Almonds. California , per Ib. . large size , 13c ; llrazlls. per Ib. , lOc ; English wal nuts , per Ib. . fancy , soft shell , ISflmic ; stand ards. IKJlllic ; filberts , per Ib. . lOn ; pecans , pol ished. large. J10o ; Jumbo llJ12c ; Inigo hickory - ory nuts , J1.25 per bu. ; Email , JI.50 ; cocoanuts. 6c 8AUEH KnAUT Per half bbl. , JI.75. : bbls. , J3.OOfT3.23. FIGS Imported fancy. 5 crown. 30-lb. boxej , 13c ; choice. 10-lb. boxes , 3-crown. lie. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIHES No. 1 green hides , &c : No. 2 green hlJes. 4o ; No. 1 green united hides , 7c ; No. 2 green balled hides , Cc ; No. 1 vual calf , S to 12 lb . , "c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4e ; No. 1 dry flint hides. 'JOlOc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , Sffnc ; No. 1 dry salted hlJeK. 69c ; part cured hides. 'Ac per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEKP PELTS Green Halted , each , 25ffCOe ; green salted , shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( fhort wooled early skins ) No. 1. each , 60 ; dry flint. Kninas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 45f5c ; dry flint , ICanrus nnd Nebraska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 304c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool p lts , per Ib. . actual weight , 4CKc ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pells , per Ib. , actual weight , 3Sn ; feet cut on , ns It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GIIEASE Tallow. No. 1 , 3c ; tallow. No. 2 , 215c ; greasr , white A , 3c ; grease , white It. 2o ; grease , yeliow. 2of grease , dark , IKc : old butter , ; beeswax , prime , 15f22o ; rough tnllow , Ic. WOOfUnivn hod. fine , heavy , f67o ; fine , light , SfiOo : qunilcrbloo , 103U'c ; reedy , buiry nnd chaffy. 8fiOc ; rotted nnd broken , conrce , 7S9c ; cotted and broken , fine , < W3c , Fleece Washed Medium. UUlSc : line. 1401Cc ; tub washed , IGfflSc ; black , 8c ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 233c ; dead pulled , 5TC'\ HONES In car lots , weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton. J12.Wai4.00 ; dry country , bleached , per ton , JIO.OO 12.00 ; dry coun. try , damp nnd meaty , per ton , J5.00gs.00. FUESII MEATS. KEEF Good nutlvo steers. 400 tg COO Ibs. . GK0 ic ; western steers , 41SU5'Ac ; good cowa and belt- era , r } j5'ic ; medium cows unU heifers , 4 c ; good foieqiiiirtcrs cows and heifers , 4c ; good fore- quartcru native steers , 60 , good hlndquarteis cows und heifers. CUe ; gooJ hlnuciunrter * native etecrs , fc ; tenderloins , 20o ; bonclesa slrlps. So ; strip. loins , "c ; rolls , SJic ; sirloin butts , bVJo ; shoulder clojj. OHc ; rump butts , Scj steer chucks , 4c ; cow chucks. 3'ie ; boncldis chucks. 4o ; plates , 3o ; flank , steak. Cc ; loins. No. 1 , 12o ; loins. No. 2. lOc ; loins , No. 3 , EC ; rlb3 No. 1 , 10f ribs , No. 2. Sc ; ribs. No. 3 be ; rounds , 54c ; rounds. shank or rump off. 0 > ic ; rounds , shank nnd tump off. 7c ; tilmmlngs , 4c ; brains , per dozen , 35o ; wweetbreads , per Ib. , 15o ; kidneys , each. 3c ; ox Inlla , ench , 3c : livers , each , 20c ; hearts , each , Cc ; lonittic.s per Ib. , 12c. POItK Urciwed hogs. 4 c ; tendorlolns. 12c ; loins. 5o : spare ribs. 4c ; ham uausago bulls. DC ; shoulders , rough , 4Jc ; shoulders , rklnned , 5c ; Irlmmlngs , 5o ; leaf bird , not rendered , BHc ; heads , cleaned , 3 Vic ; snouts and ears , 3 Vic ; back bones , 3o ; neckbnniu , 3c ; pigs' tails. 3 Vic ; plucks , each. Cc : chitterlings , to ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per dozen , 25c ; stomachs , each , 3c ; tcngues , each , Sc ; kidneys , per dozen , lOc ; brains , per dozen , 15c. MUTTON Dressed lambs , 7c ; dressed sheep , Cc : rncka , S'.jc ' ; legi and saddles. 7V4o ; breasta nnd slews , 3c ; tongues , each , Cc ; plucks , each , Jo. _ SI. LOIIN ni-nt > fiil 3lnrUi-H. ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 8.-KLOUU Dull , weak and unchanged ; patentx. tl.COff4.75 ; extra fancy. Jt.lOij ) 4.20 ; fancy. J3.4003.IO ; choice. J3.COS3.10. WHEAT Hull , weak nnd lower , on account of discouraging cables from Liverpool. A disposi tion to sell short nlso had Its effect on the mar ket. Their was qullo a rush to sell t the start , but the activity did not last long , and the business was light. The close was I'i02c under yesterday fcr futures , will ; fpot also lower ; No. 2 red , cnrh , elevator. S7c asked ; track , SDJTOIc ; No. 2 hard , cash , nominal ; May , 87'JWSSc ; July , 73c. 73c.COIIN COIIN Futuies , dull and weak nt the open- Iw : . with but lltlle Iradliur. nt lower prices than yenlnrdny. Ppot , steady : No. 2 cash , 204c : May , 2Sc bid ; July , 23c asked. OATS Futures , dull , weak , with no specu lative demand ; spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , 17c ; May. mio bid. HYE null nnd nominal ; 33c , track. HAHLKY null : malting , 30HOc. COItN MEAI Jl.35. 11IIAN UnU , but steady ; sacked , east track , FLAXSEED-Kasy ; 72Kc. TIMOTHY SKED-Prlme , 20c. HAY Quiet ; steady ; timothy , J5.DOQ10.0) ; prairie. J3.75n7.00. llIITTEIt.-Steady ; unchanged ; creamery , 17 ® 204c ! ; dairy , IZOlSe KOOS Lower : Uc. WIII8KY-J1.18. METALS-Ixrad , dull ; J.75gj.82H. EpcltJr , dull : J3.S5 nrked. COTTON TIES Unchanged. IIACSGING Unchanged. PROVISIONS Pork , higher ; standard mess , J7.COf73.10. Lard , higher ; prime Mean , J3.72U ; clidlro. 3.S2Vi. Uncoil ( boxed ) shoulders , JI.50 ; extra short clear , J4.C2H : ribs , JI.70 ; shorls , J 1.52 ' 4. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , Jl ; extra short clear , JI.12H : rlP . J4.37V5 ; shorts. JI.M. IlKCEIPTS Flour , 3.000 Mill. : whcal , 15,000 bu. : corn , 104,000 bu. ; oat a. 15,000 bu. SHIPMKNTS-Flour , 4.COO Mils. : wheat , 27,000 bn.i corn. 1W.COO bu. ; oats , 7.COO bu. LIvtTiuiol ( J m I il mill I'rovlxIoiiK. LTVEHPOOU Jan. 8. WHEAT Spot quiet : de- maud poor ; No. 2 rej , spring , 6s lid ; No. I California , 7s 2id. ! Futurea opened steady , with near und distant positions unchanged , but later weakened and cloied steady , with January Ud lower und other months % d lower ; business nbout equally distributed ; January , Cu SJid ; February , Ca 9Vid : Match nnd May , Gs lOVjd , COHN .Spot quiet ; American mixed , new , : s lOViil. Futurea opened dull nnd closed quiet , with near and dlitanl positions unchanged from yntcnlay'a clotlne prices ; butlnets heaviest on middle months ; January. 2s 9Md ; February and March. 2a tOd ; April. 24 lOlid ; May. 2s 10\id. FI.Ot'H HtpHdy ; dtmand poor ; St. Ixiuls fancy winter. ! > s : d. PItOVlrilO.N'S llacon , uteady ; demand moder ate ; Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 Ibs. , 27n ; short ribs , 20 to 21 Ibs , , 2C Cd ; long clear , lUht. 55 to 5S II. i. , 27s ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 41 Ibs. , : fr ; short clear backs , light. 18 Ibs. . 2Cs C.1 ; short clear middles , heavy , 40 to CO Ibs. , 21s ; clear bcl- lie * , 14 to 10 Ibs. , 27l. Shoulders , square , 12 lo IS Ib * . , ZCs. Ilalin , short cut , 2Ss. Tallow , line North American , 19s. Dcef , extra India mess , C2 Gil ; prime ineas , W . Pork , prlmo mess , line western. < Sa 9d ; medium western , 41 * 3d. Lard , dull ; prime western , 2Ci | OJ | renned , In pa I In , 22s. CHEESl'J Firm : demand moderate ; finest American while and colored , September , Ms < < ] . IIUTTKIl-rinctt United Slates. Ms : good , Us. OH.S-f.liuceil. fi 10J. Petroleum , rellned , CVid. ItEFIUOEItATOH lEEFJulet. ) . HOPS At I ndon ( Pacific coast ) , 3 Cd. HecelplB past Ihren days : Wheat , 283,000 cen tals , Including 111.000 ccntali ; American ; Amorl. can corn , 179,109 centals. Weather dull. _ _ _ Mil uu r Mnrlcct. NEW YOIUC. Jan. S.-SUaAH-Ilaw , quiet : fair rrOnlUK , 2 IMCc ; centrifugal , 9G tent , 1 3-18o ; sales. 24 tens Muscovado , 19 toil , at 2 IJ-lCe. Jlc- nned. quiet but BtcuJy. IXNUON ) , Jiin. 8.-8UOAn-Cnne , aU.dy ; ten- trlfucal Java , Its M ; Muicovudo , fair reHnlng , Oa d , Deet , dull and Inanimate ; January , BUSINESS FAILURES OF ' 96 Great Number of Unsound Concerns Go to the Wall ; LITTLE APPREHENSION NOW REMAINS ItotiMOM Which Hnvo SiiHiionili-il 1111 mi * Woillil Ilnvc Upon Ditn- lo lltiNlncH * In An > ' Time of Activity. N13W YOIltC , Jan. S.-n. O. Dun & go's Weekly Itcvluw of Trade will toinorrow say : 'ilie ycnr 1D7 beqlns with one clear ndvan * tnge Ihe past year has Pwrpt out of the \vny a grent number of unsound concern ) , which In any time ut activity would .lave been dangerous to huslnom , of the 15SsC commercial niul IjahK- IIIK tiillmes In IS' ' ! , with HuMlltics of J2T6,4i5.- 741) ) , a larKe ehnre represented crippling lus , en In previous years or the violence of vpeculntlra Btorr.ji In US3. or th.llrst Imlf of istid , v..lle thounatulB irore rctulted Irom tlio fury uf Hie political tornado . ' . .HI fall , ll.vnlclnif fnlluix-t iiinountlnif to jtf.f7t191C duilnfr the year IIVHV.BSJ > 150,1J ( ! ench , and were 14i per cent lurscr than In UW. Coninierclal failures nmounted to $228.095,534 , n. lllllt , over ilA/0OuO Imvine been added by tlio lant dny of the ycnr , but the nveragu llablll- tlc ? . Jh,9' < : , WIIH smaller than In xoinu ycnra or Brent prosperity. The failures of brokerage nnd "oUicr" com mercial concerns averaged J5S.41S each , Increrjl- IIIK IIS per cent o\cr IS'jj , while rmnufacturlns failures nvcniReil J28.108 each nnd Increased 34 per cent , and trailing fallmea Increased 100 per cent and nvcrnicd only VJ.CC6 each. Kour-llttlis of the Increase In manufacturing nnd tradliiK fnllurea was In the lumber manufacturing , 170 per cent : dry Koo.d , CO per cent ; woolen nuumfac- turltiB , 16 per cent ; clothlnB trade , 2t ) per cent ; shoo trade , S" per cent ; leather nnd shoe manu facturers , 167 per cent ; grocery trade. 33 per cent ; machinery , 70 per cent ; milling , 117 per cent ; furniture , 90 per cent , nnd printing , 97 per cent. In tlio other branches the Increase was moder ate In amount nnd In live of the unclas'-tlllcj manufactures nnd In trading failures the lia bilities were smaller Hum In 1S93. While banking failures have not ceased nt the west , apprehension about them Ims almost wholly eubcldcd and no serious Imluenec upon Kencrnl trade Is now expected. Many nound con- ceins were doubtless caught by the epidemic , but practically all the Important failures arc traced to disregard of law nnd of bnnklns scnre nt periods somewhat dlttnnt. It Is felt that all elgns will bo the sounder after this purslm ; nnd the return of money to New York lias ex ceeded t'hlpmcntB to the Interior by } 2OCO,000 for the week. Wheat rope to 82c on Monday , but has de clined oRaln to E3.2r c , with western receipts 1.000,000 bu. smaller than yesterday , while At lantic exports. Hour Included , were 2,037,1.00 bu. , nfcalnft 2,337,026 bu. last year. The trade ac counts Indicate a preat quantity In farmers' hands , enough to permit more than 100,000000 bu. to be exported In the remaining six months. Cotton started up n shade , but receipts from plantations arc Mill too large for low estimator imd the condition of the cotton mills fore shadows curtailment rather than large consump. tlon. The market for goods Is cxttcmely slow , ns many Infer the unprecedented Ftocks of print clotl Indicate a similar surplus of other goods. Tiic logic Is bad , but In many branches the mills have doubtless manufactured goods , antici pating n demand which has not come. It Is now proposed to relieve the market by felling quan tities of print cloths abroad , or by locking uii 2COC,000 pieces until the market Improves. The only change In quotations Is Vic reduction In some blenched goods. Prices of wool arc n shudc lower. In woolen coodn the only chr.n - is a reduction of 7Hc In clay worsted nnd mix- tu * > * nnd orders are not frnjui-nt. Or'dera fur boot * nnd shoes have almost r'nsul , except for u f-J qualities , which have been advim-nl tnly : ' . * to 3i 11- i rice , but Jobbers are buying a n : tic niou1 , ap ttcckT have run IVtV. Knormous purchases of bllletii came with n runli , most of the large concerns contracting for nil they require for months nnd even n year to come , nnd some of the largest contracts are said to hnvo been nbout { 15 or even letc but there Is ns yet no better demand for struc tural work , llaru arc eak. Nells have de clined to J1.40 for wire nnd J1.50 for cut , and lit tle Is doing1 In rails , ns possible buyers think JS IB too high with billets at J13 per ton. Amonn vessels a great deal IB expected when relative prices become Fettled. The aggregate of gross earnings of the United States icportlng for the month of December Is J3M37.0S5. n decrease of 2.4 percent compared with last ycnr , nnd of 8.9 per cent compared with the corresponding tlnje In JSD2. The latter reports mnko u more favorable showlnY than any of the -earlier returns for thc.-'mblHh. For the fourth week roads reporting show a consid erable Increase In gross eanilmn. ; The Increase Is not confined to any one section , but nearly all the large systems report n large gain In the fourth week. Compared with IKK roads reporting for the month show reduced earnings , the great est loss being In grangers and .other wHitPrn roads. As n whole the returns so far made for December compare much more favorably with preceding years than the first complete report for November. CLK.UUXG HOUSE T4)TAIS. of lliiKliicNH lij- IllC NEW YORK. Jan. 8 The following table , complied by Bradstrect's. shows the total clear ances nt the principal cities nnd the percentage of Increase or decrease , ns compared with the corresponding week last year ; CITIKS. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York C6S , 2,87S 6.1 Chicago 76,750,580 23.1 Boston 112.yeo.2lo 16.2 rhlladelphli ( S , 120.211 2L St. Ixiuls I8.tOJ.013 San Francisco . . . . 1J,3SSC9 Baltimore IG/.lf.l.GJC G.I 1'lttshurg 15.1S7.01S 3.7 Cincinnati llfcS,400 15.1 Kansas City . . . . . . 9.C34.I83 22.3 N'cw Orleans 10.5rl,657 7.S Buffalo 4.W.H.6 15.3 Milwaukee . . . , . , . , , 2.5 Detroit 5.92B.51J 21.5 Louisville 11.0 Minneapolis C.413.570 OMAHA 4.010.lOi 17.3 1'rovldenco 4.MS.COO 12.2 Cleveland 7.42S.M7 12.C Houston .3S1,237 C.I St. Paul 2.903,101 33.2 Denver 2.3M.303 2.9 Indianapolis 4,8:3.905 10.5 Colnmliui' , O 3.3'iI.kOO 1S.5 Hartford 4.1W..318 13.1 Richmond 3.00S.236 Washington 1.S37.910 23.7 Toledo I.r,6i,4i3 S7.0 Dallas 13.2 St. Joseph 1.155.3.W 1S.O IVorla i.Ms.ew 2S.2 Memphis .900 % ! ! Portland , Ore 1.3G1.C93 G. " Rochester 1.812.14S 11.1 New Haven lf82.7SO 15.C Savannah 2.3.S7.4C2 Springfield. Mass. 1.707,0:0 S.i Worcester 1.6l7.ri59 10.i ( Portland , Me 1,070,022 9.2 Atlanta 2.C93SG3 1.4 l.'ort Worth 1.40S.337 13.3 Waco 2.27CS\9 15.2 ' Syracuse 1.1CD.1CS 'ioio DP.H Molncs 1,009,936 12.8 Grand Rapids . . . . sw.cns 15.2 Seattle 451,740 10.2 Iiowcll , , 071.228 7.0 Wlmlnston , Del. . , C07.337 27.1 Norfolk . ' . . . 1,071,137 8.4 Sioux City 328.502 , S2.0 Los Angeles 1 , 32.1,711 11.1 Tacoma - 25.0 Rockford , III 1.V..524 2G.O Spokane M2.6CO 17.S Jacksonville 201 , SR3 Lincoln 4I1.M2 1.4 New Bedford 79.f)5S 82C Wichita ZBI.MO 33.9 lllrnilnRlmm 2S.01 Topekn , 12.7 Lexington , Ky. . , . 48.1 ninghnmpton' . . . . 4.VI.900I n.v Davenport 7SR20l ( ! Ray City. Mich. . . . SIl.MI 18.9' Dayton , O 674.177 .IS.3 Akron , O 298.001 4.3 , Springfield , O 219.D57 21.G , Canton. O 1R2.900 3.1 ! Knoxvllle 47S.27S Fremont , Neb n7.r,2 ! > 32.1 Huntings. Neb , . . . M.I rhattanooga 12.8 Fargo , 1C1.872I 51,7 NnMlvllle 1.313.4751 0.3 flnlveston B.M4.2DOI 4.5 Salt Lake ; ] , fi > . * 34l . . . . 10.0 Fall River 1.0'I.TM 7.9 Scrnnton DM KTfti li.RI Helena , COI.M : 17.11. . . . . . Augusta . . Knlamazoo ISO 219) ) . Totals , U. R Jl 7.G Kxclmlvo of K. Y I 470,119.791) ) . 9.G DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal It 0.051 : , yI 22.3 Toronto I 9.428.975 7,0 Halifax 1,372.124 18.9 Hamilton I 714.2 < 1 21,0 Winnipeg I 1.61.-.4M > 1.9 St. Johni , N. D . .I 589,279 , * ' Totals U .MT.aT2l' . .I 18,0 KKT'S STOCK UKVIHW. TrniiNiii'lloiiH of tinI'IIH ! AVci'l ; on n VITV MiulliMl Sen It- . NEW YOUIC , Jan , 8.-Br ( lstroot's ro. view of the stock market tomorrow will nyi In point of activity the flrtt weclt of the 'new year lias proved n disappointment to Wall ttreet. Not only hare trnninctlonn continued to ba on a very limited ecule. but the quality of Ilia actual trading ha * keen entirely profei- ilonal. To compeninte for thli. the tone linn bern , on the whole , very itrons throughout , prlcei having evinced a dltpoilllon to advance where nny little pncrutAitetnent was for so doing , while " Interests endeavored to test tlm nmrkrt frthH lime to time , nnd oven sold stocks to fome ( j.xtcnt. The Impressions produced were , however ; small , o far as the general list was concJnird , and , though the chief Incident of the week was Ilia reduction of the Delaware & nifdmn dividend rnto from 7 to 5 per rent , wltli itulecldcd decline In that stock. Us Inlluence oniUit , nnthrnclto group was limited. . . , iri The strength of the mirket , ns n whole , wn * nltilliiitRl.lo In the main to n tvellet that the Cuban agitation at Washington had been worn out nnd lo the report VT from that city early In the week Indicating .that the resolutions recog nizing Cuban l > clllKerehry would not be pressed further In the fenatcY'Lftler ' on there were ru- mera that further efforts. would be made to re view the question , and . ! ) < this fact the "street" was Inclined to attribute the hesitation of the public In take part m the stock market nnd the equally apparent disinclination of the latge Interests to adopt nny aggressive speculative | nl- Icy with reference to the properties with which they are financially Identified. More or less slrc-M Is laid upon the somewhat better results shown by the latest reports of rnllrcad earnings and the news In the couth\vesl that corn Is moving more freely , which has nn appreciable Inlluence upon some of the granger ttocks. Kurcpe has l > ecn Inactive , nnd. ns money rates In Ixmdon have failed to weaken with the advent of the new yenr , there Is no expecta tion of assistance from that quarter. Foreign exchange Is lilnhcr. n rise being natural at this' time , but Fpeculatlvely the fact has had no particular effect. The liotid matkct Is ICFS active thnn Imd been expected , In view of the largo payments on January 1 , though the In vestment demand Is snilllclcnt to keep prices steady. . 1IUSIM3SS IS nni'OUTKH HUIiTi. Trnilc Coin ! II I onu UN Up Iiy NT3W YOUK , Jnn. 8. Urnilstrcot's tomor row will say : With the exception of reports from n dozen south Atlantic coast 'nnd Gulf cities , jobbers nt nearly nil distributing centers say business Is dull nnd without new features. Demand has Improved nt Chicago nnd St. Louis for hats , hardware , sh'6'cii nnd dry goods , but trade In these lines Is fair only. Cold weather has stim ulated purchases of clothing nt some points. Little general recovery from holiday dullness In reported ns yet. At moft content salesmen arc Just starting out. Collectloij. ) are reported unsntlsfnclory , but In many Inslunces mcrchnnls express , themselves nil hopeful of good spring business. The price movement has had little significance nnd advances have been In hides , which have become relatively scarce , turpenllne , coffee , whcal. oats nnd tin. Finn nnd practically un changed quotations have been recorded for Hour , pork , rugar , cotton , print cloths nnd pe troleum , nnd reaction arc lepnrted In quota tions for'tcuthtrn plff iron , lord nnd corn. There Is no change In the wool market , manu facturers declining to buy until they receive orders for goods , More strength has been shown by boots nnd shoes since the llrst of the week. Iron nnd steel have been disappointing , m con sumers evidently nnllclpatc a further leduc- llon In prices and refuse lo place orders. The week bus been marked by exceptionally heavy orders of southern pig for export. Cotlon goods remain nn depressed nnd tlio mnikct Is ns un- oatlsfactory as heretofore , ns lower prices are expected. Uxports of wheat ( flour Included ns wienl : ) from botb coasts of the United Stales this week amount to 3.1CS.CVS bu , , ns compared with 2.717.- CCO 1m. last week. 3,471,000 bu. In the first week of January , ISM : 2,057,000 bu. In the cortespond- Ing week of 1S9I nnd ns contrasted with 3,303 000 bu. In the like period of 1S03. Tolnl exports ot Indian corn this week amounting to 4.S19.2G1 bu. constitute the largest week's aggregate elilp- ments leported. Lost week the total was 2,742- 000 bu. , nnd In the week one year ago was 2n2G- 000 bu. In Ihe llrst week of January , U93 , Hie aggregate was l.STO.CCO bu , , and In the like week of IC9I It was 1,570,000 bu. , while In the cor responding week ot IS'JJ the total was S2I OCO bu. The week's tolol of business failures In tue United States Is 4S' ' the largest ever re ported. This is unntraslnd with 325 In the last week of ISSC , with 4ifi lit the llrot week ot 1MW , SIX ! In the correspon-llnir Week of 1593 nnd with IS4 In the like period if > llS4. There are 03 bualncc.tntullmes reported from the Dominion of Caji.'yla. this week , compared with 37 last week , 51 In the first week of Janu ary , H93 , nnd a llk < ? total In the corresponding week of H93. - : < ? IIOND.S. HUN a Plrin Umlcrlmii' , with Irrrpriilar .Miivi'iuciit < > f Prloi-.s. NR\V YORK , Jan/IS.S-The movement of stock prices was IrrcgularfloJqy , but n llrm undcrloiij ruled under Ihe lac . ptpdlsqulellng Cuban ic > ports from Washington and a cessation of the bank failures In IhVf northwest. Foreign deal ers were disposed to seiY- lending stocks freely , but the offerings , estimated nt 15.CCO ( .hnre-s. were well taken , awd , prices advanced on cov ering nnd a moderate pommli < Ion house In- qinry. Transactions In" ' the" lectaHlcs were "on n lower scale , and li * fluctuations rcconlcd In that class were In HUM lunances Importimt. The steady Increase In the Inquiry for prime Investment securities , which Is rellecled In the largo volume of transactions In bonds , nnd ma- teilal advances In the Kilt-edged ImneJ , consti tutes an element of stienglh In the general market position. The Invcilment inquiry extenJs to Kurope. In the Industrials , todiy manipula tion for n rice was again apparent , but the move ment In the railroad Etocka was quieter. The coal chares ruled feverish and lower under ihc Influence of the Delaware & Hudson dividend episode , but the low-priced chares were In fnlr demand. The difference In favor of the American Spirits , In regard to standing contracts , Involv ing fl.500.COO , Influenced activity and a strength In the sliaieJ. the prefeirt-d rising IVj per tent lo 2334 , The absorption of the Corbln Interest In Ixng Island by the Pratt cstalo and the formation of a cyndlcnte to Improve the limn- clal and physical condition of the property caused an advance of t per cent In the stj.-k to 53. Manhatlnn was raided around midday nnd yielded 1'i per cent on the tepart liled nt Al- bur.y. showing n decided Increase In the sta tistics of pas > enRers carried by surface ronti In the state. The general market also sngsed slightly , but the reaction WOH boon checked by the manipulation In Sugar , which carried the price of the stock up I > j per cunt to 112' ' enlarge large transactions. The conflict with the Ar- buckle Interests lias encouraged n creation ot a large short Interest , which Is on the alert , however , lendy to run en Indication of Inside rupport. Delaware & Hiuljon. which had pre viously fallen HI per cent , rallied a substantial fraction , nnd the grangers al. o displayed some Improvement. National Starch first prcferrn.1. which has been neglected for n long tlm * , Jtimpfd 5i per cent to C2 , with n mbscquent depression to C9. The afternoon speculation was largely centered In Sugar , which fUnirod for 41.000 shares out of nn ngsrcgate for the i"ny of l.'O.MO shares , Profit laklng In the late Muu- liiB forced general concessions. The rl.ia'nvm ' heavy nt slight net losses In the rathiyx. . Tlio bond market ruled fairly active and val ues made further substantial gnlns In movt In- stnnccii. The dealing : ) In the usually Inactive issues are Increasing and at Improving prices pentrally. Do liardclnben Coal Cs were con- Fptciiour for n decline to SHS , us compared with 52 , the last previous sale , In December , 1893. Tie sales wt-rc tl.4C2.000. Governments were quiet lut a trifle higher for the new 4n. Sales wens JS.W The i\enlng : 1'oet'a financial cablegram from Londvi mys : Miserable weather nnd the lack ot public ni ; > port dcprerecd the stock market here today. The only fcnturb was a rise of 8 points Ir. Rank of Kncland stock , on cxpecta- tlniiit of I'ici eased proilu for the p'jit year , ns the result of recent loann by the bank nnd alfo of thi1 profit rn thr hales of American eagles for last auturin. Americans were steady. Uiu- Ririy securltle : . were flat and mines dull. Span- lull exchange on Iondon Hiow n marked Im provement. An Important large deal In Turk ish Blocks Is rumored between a Paris and n Luincr bank. If true , the price nt which the French Institution has bought reflects favorably on Turkish prospects. In Paris the market was llrm and In llerlln steady. The following were tna cloning quotations on Ihi leading blocks of the New York exchang * today : Orciron Nav . 14 AdaniH Kv IfiO 0. 8. L. AtJ. N . 1SK Allan. TH S3 Pacino Malt . .Mil Am. Express llll. I'L-orla. Dee. & K . \l llaltlmoni It Ohio. 17) . Canada Pacific , , , , DTilf Pullman Pnliico. . . iBl : Canailn Soiuhorn. , 4ji Ucndlnv. . . . SUM 1'aoltlc.UU \ IL O. W . 1ft CUos. &Ohlo. . . . . . . liih dopfd . 40 ChluiiEO fi Alton. , 11)0 ) > , Hook Ihland . ( I7U. C. II. .VQ 7.1W St. P.tiil . . . . . . 71M Chicago Cua 7.1 - dopfd . 130 ConHolldnti'd Ona. 14.1K. St. Puv.l .t Omaha.IB C.C. , C..V St. L , . . H7lf .dopfd . 130 Colo. Coat A Iron. , 'jj Soutlieni P.iclllu. . 1HW Cotlon Oil Cert. . . . SuzarRuIlnorv , , , , lilt. Uolawaro & Hud. . IWl ' A ; Iron. y7Ji Vol. . Lack. &w. . . 1M Totan I'ncltlc . 0 I ) . .V R. O. pfd . lTal.&O. Cim. pfd. CO KiiBlTemi . 14hUnlon | Pacltic . U Krlu . -M . U.S. BXPMHS . 3H Kriupfd 11M ; W. St. I. . A Pac. . . . IIW fort Wayne ltiji ; .W.SI.I-.V11. nfd. . 1BH' O. Northern pfd. . . lift WollsKar o Ex. . . 117 (1. .tl ! . I. pfd OU WiMtnni Union. . . . 8lU' Hacking Valluy. . . 17 lllliiola Contnil. . . U'J do ufil St. I' . .VDiilntli. . . . 20 * 1111111. & Ut. T otii IHiJ K. &T. pM WH Den.&U.ri Illo L-ikoKrloiWest , 17. . < ( ion. Uluctrlc : ii : > ilopfd , . , "Jat'l Llinued Kl Load Trust t.11"/ . . "do pfd. . ' . . . " ! ! ! " 70 LotilHvlllo& N. . . . 4UM ' , Tiil. St. I , , , 'c 1C. O. , -4K UA N.A U' ilopfd 10 Manhattan Con. . . . B7M Southem UK MPinplila.VO 15 Soiulioni pfd ili ! ( MlcnlgunCiintml.- Tobicco 7H Mo. Puclfto ai dopfd 10.1 Jloblki.voiiloil Am. T. & O. Co. . . . H3 NaHlivlllu Chut. . . . IIH C. C. Co lull ! ( ) ( ( Am.H' pU. . . . J4ll H..1tW.pd 1IIVJ Ui.ilhorpfd OH North Am. Co 4M Northern Paclllo. . litlj llubbar nfd 7.1 N. Pacific pfd 8il : ! Cniton o.i nfd ns a.p..U.AU.- . ; . i' . u. a A at. L praifi " Am. Hi'lrln , : 1:1 : nopfd. . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; . isir ( lop.'il .0 N. V. Ccntnil 0:1 : O.HAN , pfd 113 N. V. AN.K 13 -i.i.s.ii-iiitH. as Untnrlo.t W.- . . . . 14' ( nil OFseismcnU paid. Tno total ruUn of ctock * today were 1DO CIO uliarfs , Inrludlne : American Guitar. 4I.M.O ; llur- llnulon. 15ICO ; Ixiiilivllle & Nathvllle , 4.fOO ; Manhattan ( 'onuolldaled , 3,1.00 ; IlendliiK , 0,7W ; HI , I'aul. II.2CO ; TennCKrco Coal und Iron , G.700 ; I'lllon ' 1'ncltlo , CMO ; Wubasli ' & I.lkcKrle , . lll'Iltl.I.N , Jan. . IJicliungu on LonJon. It riarli * 3 * I f , I'Alt IK , J&n. H. Tt.ree per cent rentoa , 102f ISc for the necourl , Ksclinngc on Ixnulon , SJf 2Jc for clicck ! " . ' I.OKbo.V. Jnn. 8. OeM l quoted nt llilfnos toilaj ; nt KS.M ; I.ltbon , 3SI ; Itonio. 104.C8. N MV .York Money Mnrkol. Nl\V YOUK , Jnn. S. MONKV ON Knsy nt l'ii'2 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed. 1HV3 per cent. 1'IUMK MnilCANTIUi I'Al'KU-SHGUi per cent , STUnLlNO KXCHANflti Sternly , wllh ncttml biulness In bankers' bills nt JI.J70I.S7U for do- tnnnd , nnd nt M.MST4.MU for sixty days ; pasted rates , , nnd JI.S7'ai. S ; commercial b.lll , tl.fl IIAU flll.VRR . . . . . CIOVBUNMnXT IIONIM Kltin ; new Is , ren. nnd roupon , I20U ; R , rcg nnd coupon , HI : 4s rcK. , 110"l ; coiuion. 111 ; I * , 03W ; Tneltlo 3s , 1S'J7 , 10:14. STATH I1OMI1S null. HA1IAVAY 110Nl)3.-I-Mrin. quotnllons on bonds were ns follows : tj ; S.Ticw n'iTrr.TT 120K n. I''isit lif'oATmnaTJ U. S. now coup. . . . I'-'l ) ) * 1) . . % H. G.TM 110 U. H. CH. rev Ill 1) . .V H. O.-lH HH I u. a. fin. coup . Ill . ; U. , I-- * U. H. A.S. A.tN. . . . 0.1V4 u. > . . . . . do 7 | M U. . H. .VT. 0. f > 1 1(17 ( IMcllletln-vf Ul. . . UJ1 ) < do Hi lOit .1 AIi..uliHl ! A . 11)2 ) M. . IC. V T. 1stIs. . Hi : , Ali.ci9sll : ! . 1D-J ( lO-lrtlH lll ) ( ! < iU . I'l ' Mntiiilllnlo.t Us. . Ill AIn. ( tirrjncy . H'J K. j. o. OP-H. r.s. . . . Ixi. How Ton. 4s. . lit Ko. i'aoillo ISM. . . 101) ) K.V. . CO-.IHJH N.O.lis . I'.U cloS.KDol ) . fit. . N.O.-IS . 101 II. Went. Ism. . . 7il | S. C. mmriiml hi SUV. Cjnual-t 7 . . 1'Jll TPHII. iii'w Ht-tila. . 81) ) do o. .v iv. . IVIin.iiPw dvtila. . 10S St. U JtI.M.H'ii.3 74 Tt'nn. old its lit ) St. L..VS. P. HiMi.O lt)7J ) ( Va. Coittirli-H OIW Texas I'ac , IHIH. . . HO doiJo'i-rn-d ( ! iPexas lMn.'JiU. . . . _ 1\ < Alclilsjii-ls "Witt. ! InNnflM. . . loii : AlclilMOii lid A -ll' < WnstShorJ ! 10.1H C.tntul.1 SH.1M O. H..V N. l ts. . . . 110H I. . A N. inillled 4s. 7 ? O. H. A.N. 4 S7 Southern 09 8'JM X. 1 . : iiln 78 HnKloii Stock QiiotnlliinM. BOSTON. Jan. 8. Call loins. ' - > 1S'U par cent : limn lo.-ms. : Ui'-l ; ! 'IKV C3nt. Clo < Uir prlcj ) fur stocks , bonds nnd inlntn ? sli.iro-i : A.T..1S. P 14 ivTlJ ioariTfl Mf American Kn nr. . lim Kd. 13103. Ill 14S Am. S itr : pfd. . . . 10l ) > ( ( Joi. : Klec. nfd 70 llriyiiinto n.-m fit * AtuliHon pfd _ ' ) ! { Moll Telephone. . . SOildi Muiilnou N "DM lioslon .t Albany.10 Wli.O-'iit. Is . U7 IlOBion.tMalm > . . . llll Win. Gout. ( Is . 117 O. . II. . ' ( 7I < Allomv. Mlnhi.Ca f.O Fltclibnrc ! )1 ) > 4 All'inth . ' 'I ( Jonrral Klectrlc. . : ti : ? | IJOH'on .V Monlnr.i : tlSU lIllnolH Stool U7 HiitKiA lloHt n. . . . O Central. . 7-X Calumet , V II cl.i. . .11.1 N. Y. A.X. K COM Old Colony 1704 Krinklln . lli ! On.Short Lino. . . 14 17H Hnbbi-r ' . ' ! - tlnlon Pacific HH Qulncy. . . I'-'l WestKml 01'x . . . . 100 WoBt Knd pfd 8(1 ( Wolvprlno . I ) Sun 1'riinolsiM ) Ilnlniv Uiinliitlniix. SAN PIIANCISCO. Jan. C. Tlm oniclal cloln ? cinot.tlloiisforinlnln ? Htocks toJiyV3rj : u fol lows : Altn 4 Alpha Con. . , 15 .Instlun . t Amli'rt 15 Kentucky Con . t Ilelclicr fiO Muxlc.-ui . -1.1 llcsl Atlolchcr. . . . 05 Con. . . . 20 llodlnCun 7 Ophtr . nn Calunona 12 Ovonnan . 17 Clintli'ii o Con 51 I'otosl . CO 77 Snvairo . -Ml Rimtldt'iico r-.l Sierra Nnratla . 4'1 ' Con. Cal.AVa 130 Silver Hill . 1 Con. Innierlal 1 Union Con . I : ! Crown Point 20 Utah Con . 7 . YellowJacltot. . . . 31) ) ( 'oultl A Currlo. . . . 27 Silver b-irs. ( HHc : Maxlcin ilr > ll-ir.i ,'i'-'Wc. SlglitUraftH , l.Sie ; tologr.ipilc ! , loc. NIMV Yni-lc. Ilnlnp : Uuolnllons. NEW YOIIK. Jail , 8. Tlio following are Iho Ilnlwcr us U.Hailo fC.ll Choll.'ir. 70 ( itililr. nr , Crown 1'olnt .5 I'lymontli 20 Con. Ciil. JtVa 1(10 ( QnlckHllvnr. 100 Uondwoud 100 gnlcksllvur pfd..l200 Oonld A.Cnriy 25 Sierra Novad.i 45 lliiloAXorcroi-i. . till standard 120 Iron Silver. ill ) Union Con 40 Mexican 40 Yellow Jackut. . . Hu Iiniln 11 Stock ( luotiitlniin. LONDON. Jan. 8. t p. in. clOHhu ; : ConsolH.m'y. . . lll f-10S ) | ! . IMnl common. . Consols , nco'l. . . . . . 111IS N. Y. 117 c.iu.lMcIllc a7H IVniisylvanla ' Erie 1014 l'i" : . KrlulBtpfd : > " > Mo.x. Con. now 4 . H84 III. Contra ! l ) . > ' IDi Mi'Xlcan ordln-irr , 2.S ? ( HAH GOM5 7Ts ITid. - IIAU SH'A'UH-2 ! ) 11-lM per ounce. MONIJY 2 21i per cent. Tlio rate of discount In Ihe open market for short nnd tlircc months' bills Is 3 % per cent. PIllllKCltll \ < > tl'H. IIALTIMOKi : , Jun. 8. Clearings. J3.CS3.71S ; bal ances , JI3I.213. nOSTON" . Jan. 8. Clearings , $17,702,431 ; bal ances , $2,227,745. NI3W YOUK , Jnn. 8. Clearings , $3S.S21.2D2 ; balances , J52C,422. I'llIUVUliU'HIA. Jan. 8. Clearings , ! 3,5I- ( ! S77 ; b.-ilanccn , $1,537.:50. MKMriUS , Jnn. f. , J35n.f.03 ; lial- nncoi. { 41 , Ml. New York exchange fclllnu at > 1 piemlum. ST. I-OUIS , Jnn. S. Cle.irlnss , $1.95.CC ; bal ances , JS03.UO. Money , DJ7 per cent. New York exchange , par bid ; 2Je premium allied. CHICAGO. Jnn. 8. Clearlnffs , $13,780,0:0. Money , steady nnd uiiclifttiRed. Nciv York ex change. lOo discount. Foielgn exchange , barely Btc-ady ; dcmund , $4.S7 ; elxty days , JI.SI. ( JnlTft * Mnrlcct. NI3\V YOUK. Jnn. S.-COFKKK-Optlons opened steady nt unchanged pi Ices to 10 points down ; ruled dull , with n wenk underlone , follow ing easier cables nnd lighter ri-cclpts nt llio nnd Hanm * . weaknet-s was llnnlly nr- rcsted by moderate foreign buying ; closed dull nnd unchanged to 10 points net decline ; bales , 9.2CO bags. Including : January , J9.K ; March , } 9.f06a.t."i. Ppot coffee , Illo , rteady ; No. . 7 , In voice , ilO.25 ; jobbliiK. $10.73. Mild , steady ; Cor dova , $15.t01H7.CO , Total war * hcii o deliveries from the United States , 1C.022 bags. Inclu.lln- : 13.930 baRH from New Vor ; New Yolk etoc ! : today , SC3.2SS bnga ; United States flock. li2,4S7 bags ; nfloat for the United States , S42.COO bncs ; total visible for the United Slates , 7CIs ; lugs , oKalnBl CCO.SCJ bags Inft year. IIAVHI-3. Jnn. K. COI'KPi : Olored quiet at a net lots of ' . , ' ( ; sales. 24 OCO hac'j. SANTOS , Jan. 8. COFTOK Firm ; good nvcr- ngo Santos , 12.200 rels ; lecelpts. two days , ID.CM ) bags ; stock. H.'iC < X > bags , HAM11UHO. Jan. 8.-COFFEl---Decllni-d Vt pfd. ; sale ? , "l.CCO bags. HIO , Jnn. f. COFFKK Firm ; No. 7 Illo , 11.0V ) rels ; exchange , S 17-SSd ; receipts , IS.COi ) baui ; cleared for the United dales , 4 , WO bags ; for Kurcpe , 0,000 bags ; stock , 311. MX ) biK : ? . IviiiiMiiH City Mnr ! ; ' ( H. KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 8. WHBAT Dull nnd about Ic lower ; No. 2 hard , 77cN'o. : . 2 re-l , ono car fancy. 93o ; No. 2 Hiring , nominally 748750. COUN Firm ; No. 2 white. IS'/ic. OATS Slow ; No. 2 white , nominally Uff21c. KYI2 Nominally 32e. for No. 2. HAY Steady and unclr-nged. IJUTT1JU Steady , but slaw ; crcam-jry , IT&Uc ; dairy. 1057131' . EGOH Dccldeilly lower on nverstnik nt ISe. I'corla ( i nil 11 PEOUIA. 111. , Jun. S.--OOIIN Finn ; No. 2 , 20 c. OATS Slow ; IrreguHr ; No. 2 white , l"ifilfic. ! KYi : Dull nnd nomln il , WHISKY Market rteady at * 1.18. HKC13IITH Com. ju.Wl bil. ; oat" . 1SCO ) : lu. ; rye. COO bu. ; wiical , C,0 ( lm. HHlI'MKNTri-Corn , i,7ri' ; , u. ; cuts , KO.S'O lu. ; wlilfliy , C7S bbls. ; , .ftjl Ml , ttisw York Dry ( icioilH NUW YORK , Jnn. 8. There was n lllllo dc- aiaiic nil mound , nnd though tlm grimier nu in- i vr of lii'i.ililcr were of the Informntlun I'lmrac- t'T. man } moJcrate purelmtres uf blrncbed nnd biowi ) c'jIU'lis ' nnd scaEunublo rpecinltles re turned fnlr Bales , ami with forwarding on old ct'apinirnts ; returned n good volume of bust. na * * rninlnK clotlis were quiet nnd auota- tlona unchniiged. Tdlc-ilo A TC'LKDO. Jnn. -\VllKAT-Dull und steady ; No. 2 cnsli , .He : May. S4 c. COIIN Dull nnd sternly ; No. 2 mixed , 22c. OATS Uulj Nu. r mixed , ISc. HYB-Qulet ; No. Z i-n h , 3Sp. CI.VI-it KCKO Steady ; prlmo cash , { i.30 ; M.irch , J.-.r. ' . . OilUnchanged. . London Wnol SiiH-H. LONDON , Jan , 8. At the aheeprkln sales IBS- 2S4 Cnpo of ( louj Hope and Natal tklns were offered , and of this nun. her 3K'3 were with drawn' . The demand wiui jood nnd lint home tiaduvero the calcf buyers , i onrso wool WUH nearly par , lung wool wni'id ' lower und others were UUJid lower. Lamta iliowcd a tlccllnn of > Iliiiillpii1lN 'WIliMit 'Miirltrf. MINNUAI'OLIH. Jan. S.-WIIEAT-CIOhed : January , 77c ; May , 7S'ie. On track ; No. 1 noith- crn , ti'.ic ; No , 2 norlh.-rn , 77c ; reculpu , J1S car * . MANCHIISTEIt , Jnn. 8 , The market for clott lu < iul < t , with n llmltH Inciulry. The jurn market la llrm , but little Is dalni ; . Wool Mnrlci't. BT. IjOHIri , Jan. B.-WOOb-lJnohanred ( NI-\V : YOIIK , Jnn. 8.-\VOOU-Qulftj llee.- . ; , 1H/200J pulled , i : ISc. Oil Oily .Mill-kill. OIU CITY , Jnn , 8. Credit biilancrs. 5Jc ; c r- tlllcates. no Lldi ; chlpmentu , 15,003 bbls. ; i'.in , woo y/i . ' ' I'rlnt OlnlliH .llurlicf. 1'AIJj IHVUII , Mais. , Jan. -I'rlnt ciotlu lull ut 2jc ! , nominal. _ KrlNito When I. HAN FIIANCISCO. Jan. 8-\VUlSA7-Mli't ; May. 1.67Ti. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bun Fairly Liberal in Both GtUtlo and Hogs. CATTLE MAINLY FEEDERS AND BUTCHERS nnil I "iilrl > ' Aoltve , I Urni > Almut u Moki-l UOKM l-'lvr l Ton Co 111 Iiinrcr. SOUTH OMAHA Jnn. S.-Hecclpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. January S 2,3Si 4.SWJ t13 ! January 7 1,870 0.1WI.4VJ . . . . January C 4,017 3,11 ! ) 2221 . . . . Jnmtnry 5 7.10 SC1. 421 January 4. . . . . . . . . & > l 1.S3I 2.CU7 . . . . January 2 I.CSI 2,710 l.IOi January 1 S12 3.WM l.&OT . . . . December 31 1,321 r-.SSfi 2,313 Uerember 30 1.U30 fl.Ml 1S < 1 December 29 2m 7 , SI 1,201 47 IJccembcr 2S 1,519 2,743 3200 The olllclal number of cnrs ot' stock brought In loday by each roul : was : Cattle , llocs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. 1' . Hy 3 o. & St. 1. . Hy l i.Mo. 1'ae. Ity : t 2 Union I'nclllc system 2.1 0 2 C. A- N.V. . Ky 1 R , 1C. , < i M. V. H. H IS 17 C. , St. I' . , M. & O. Ky. . . . 13 5 Jl. XM. . H. U. H 13 21 C. . U. & I ) . Hy ! ) K. C. & St. J 17 c. , H. I. KV. . Hy. . cast. , r l C. . H. 1. & I' . Hy. , west. . 1 1 _ Total receipts 93 71 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Iluycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 3 l.tioJ . . . . O. H. Hammond Co. . . . 17(1 ( 100 Snlft and Company. . . . 331 1,737 rudahy Packing Co. . . . 377 l.tll'J ' S7I H. JJockcr and . . l Van.saiu .t Co Gl J. 1 , . Carey ' . 107 ; W. 1. Stephens 131 Hill Lewis Co 151 licnton & Underwood. . 71 Huston .t Co fit Hamilton 11 H. 15. .t D. from K. C. . 4IW II. H. . * i I ) . 3 City 125 Swift , country 390 Other Uuyers 212 -I Totals \ ( 5,313 1270 CATTLE The receipts so far as numbers were concerned wcru about too -Mine aa yesterday. A considerable ] iroporllon of the cattle were feeders nml butchers' stock , so that the actual ollcrltifs of bcei steers were not so very large. A uood many of the beef cattle wore only half fat , or warmed up , but there were a few loads of fairish stuff that sold up to 11.20. The market. BO far na values were concerned , did not chow mum change from yesterday. The domain ! > wu good , and 41 the offerings were not especially largo the trade was soon over with , the pens being cleared In , good oeason , Hutchcrs' stock Bold fully ns well ns yesterday , too demand being strong for desirable cows and heifers. In the feeder division the condition of the trade iwas hardly so good as yesterday from a seller point of view. There were quite a good many feeders nmong the fresh arrivals , nnd In addition there were quite a number In the hands of spedulntors , whllo In the face of the liberal offerings the country dcmtfnd did not prove to bo especially brisk. Under such conditions prices were a little lower. Representative sales : NATIVKS. IJKEl' STKUnS. No. Av. I'r. No Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. 3..1056 $3 00 1S..10S5 J3 SO S0..12$3 90 I. . . . HO SCO 19..1280 3 W ir . . . .117 > ) 3 W 1. . . . 93D 3 Sft G..1120 3 SO IS..1241) 400 si. . . . 125 3M a. . . . 853 .1S5 n..1201 i ta Si. . . . 95' ) 3 C5 13..1149 3 W ! ) . . . . .1172I 03 C..1CGI 3 G5 II. . . . 932 3 S5 17..14:0 410 IS..1055 3 05 2..1173 3 83 21..1213 4 15 8..1W7 370 3..1240 383 3U..13S7 413 19..1051 375 G3..1222 3 ( ii SO..1311 415 . . . . 872 375 II..122.1 3 SO 17.1323 420 4..1082 380 23..1050 300 1..1180 4 2t ) COWS. * 1. . . . S20 1 CO 1. . . . 10.10 2 SO7..12.V ) 2 93 3. . . . S73 ICO 1..1UIO 2 M 1..1UH ) 300 1. . . . 910 173 1..1C20 210 3..1301 3 CO 1. . . . CO 200 2..1110 2M 6. . . . 9S2 SCO 1. . . . 8fO 2 CO 1. . . . 970 2 f,0 2..1100 300 1. . . . ICO 2 00 2..1115 2 0 4..1255 3 00 I..l0.'i0 2 CO 1..10CO 2.13 1..10.10 . 301) 1..IPOO 213 1. . . . fOO 253 300 1..10CO 220 1. . , . C50 265 3. . . . 93 3d ) ! . . . . ) 2 JO 1..H20 20) ) 1..1010 3 VI 1..1I70 223 C..1C28 2W 2..9'0 ! 3 Cu 2. . . . U50 225 2. . . . 855 2 05 1. . . . W ) 3 03 9..1CC3 2 3 2..IC43 2 C5 2. . . . 50 310 1..11CO 223 IS..1073 270 22. . . . 21 310 1..10-JO 2 SO 1. . . . Ktl 275 9..1101 310 1..1UO 240 1 , . . . 910 273 6. . . . ! > S > 0 310 1. . . . 110 200 4..12T5 275 1..11W 310 1..K20 2 CO 4..1090 275 l..ll',0 315 2..1010 2 SO 3..1610 275 10 ICtS 315 2. . . . 10 233 1..1I10 275 2..1185 320 3..IOCS 235 1. . . . I'll ' ) 280 2..10SO 3 S3 1..1100 233 7..1CCO 280'Sl 325 1. . . . WO 240 1..12VO 2 IS 1..1I10 323 I..1WH ) 240 I..1K'0 2 S3 10..1063 .123 1. . . . SSO 2 < 0 1. . . . 950 2 1..1320 3 23 3..1070 240 1. . . . 8W 28" 2..1125 325 1..1G4.0 240 I..1210 2 M 18..1101 325 S..1032 240 2..1230 290 3..910 323 1. . . . KM 2 CO C..1121 2 SO S..1U7 323 2. . . . 925 2M 4..1097 290 3..1KO 330 2..1040 2 CO 3..U23 290 1..11CO 330 2..1215 2(0 2..1075 290 4..S92 333 3..1MM 2 CO 5..1134 2 M O..MI 340 3. . . . S93 250 7..1191 2 93 1. . . . W 223 4. . . . 4C7 2 E5 23. . . . 7M 325 2. . . . 470 2 TO . . . . COS 285 2 740 323 3. . . . 870 2 CO 4..K2 293 IS..I'll 320 1. . . . CIO 270 1. . . . C4I 300 1. . . . fM 335 2. . . . SOO 270 17. . . . 737 31' ' ) 2. . . . S'O ' 3 33 1. . . . SCO 273 2. . . . KO 310 S. . . . 9'A > 333 2. . . . K3 2 TO 2. . . . 130 310 1..1IM 340 1. . . . 700 2 SO 7. . . . 791 315 12. . . . SC3 35' ' ) 1.CIO 2 SO -I. . . . 847 320 1. . . . 050 S 51) 2. . . . C05 2'0 2. . . . fOO 323 1..73Q 360 3. . . . f.23 280 . . . . 7t2 323 1..1010 SCO 1.ISO S 0 2. . . . 713 3 23 11UU.S. 1..13SO 223 J..1K0 2 C5 1..1CM 2 5 1. . . . ! I40 241) ) 1..13T-0 2 C. 1..1230 2 S3 1..12W 211) 1..1190 2 C ! 1..1310 2 to 1..1360 2 4' ' ) 2..1213 270 1..ICCO 2 l 1..13IO 251) ) I..I1CO 270 1..1CIO SOU l..12rO ; 253 1..15CO 275 l..l 4'l 3 It ) 1..1310 255 1..1720 275 1..1KO 3 WI 1..110) IKS 1..1CSO 2 S3 1..15MI 313 1..105A 2 CO 1..1030 2 S3 1.2'lM ' 32) ) 1..19CO 2 CO 2..I4S5 2 83 2..1V.O 3 25 1..1620 2 CO 1..1ICO 2 S3 I..Km 323 STAGS. 2..13CO 3 CO 1..15CO 323 1. . . . MO 340 O.U.VKS. 1. . . . 120 2 CO 1. . . . 90 400 ] . . . . 201 310 1. . . . 70 300 1. . . . 100 400 I. . . . Ill 52" . 1. . . . 260 300 1. . . . ICO 173 1. . . . 210 523 2. . . . 125 330 2. . . . 173 & Ort 1. . . . 210 540 1. . . . 220 4 CO 3. . . . lit 5 00 STOCKKRS AND l''BKDKn-i. 1. . , . C70 3 CO ID. . . . 99J 3 05 1. . . . 4fK ) 3 SO 1. . . . G50 300 20..1001 3 C3 2. . . . W5 3 RO 4. . . . ! )00 320 2. . . , 820 3 K 4. . . . NO 380 1. . . . 4W 323 2. . . . CIO 303 1. . . . MM 3 M 1. . . . SCO 323 3.1..1050 3 C3 7. . . . 720 380 i. . . . 3:10 : 323 n7..iu4i 3 C3 : . . . . ; 3 to 3..1173 323 12..1198 370 1..7fO n R3 2. . . . 7C3 3 3" , 5. . . . 700 370 2. . . . 970 3 F3 4. . . . BS3 335 2..1180 370 2. . . . .173 ! t K3 1. . . . 710 3 f.O n. . , . 731 375 3. . . . < lit : 3 K3 2. . . 780 3 MS . . . C12 3 75 S. . . . 'S - . M 4. . . . 2 3 DO :2. . . . 623 S 75 ] ( ! . . . . t''J n ! M 1. . . . 6)0 3 CO J. . . . $40 375 12. . . . 1,3 390 4. . . , KO 333 5. . . . 740 375 4..1MO 3 S3 2..10SO 333 I. . , . 710 373 ' . ' 7. . . . 754 39ft 11. . . . IllS 3 S3 7. . , . 4M 380 1. . . . 770 100 2. . . . f.S3 no 1. . . . 72D 3 SO 1. . . .W 420 8. . . . 771 3 M 2. . . . 423 3 SO 35 421 4 20 2. . , . C70 3 C3 MILII-IS : : AND Bi'niNai-jiis. No. Pr. 1 springer M'2 nn 1 cow nnd calf i't 00 1 milker 2500 1 uprltiK'-r 2 * < :0 : 1 niu'lnser > . ; 27 00 1 f-iu * and rnlf. , 2S f o 1 row mi' ] on If 3D (0 1 nn Inner , , no CO 1 tpringer 3200 1 coiv untl rnlf . ' , . . 33 (0 VVKHTIIItNf , Pr. 331 3 C3 375 I 20 I SO 3 10 321 380 310 . . . 3U 3 tlf. tiff. . .1519 3 CO' ' IHJU.'i The arrfviiln of IIOKS f H shoit of yc-eler- Jay'n llgure , hut till ! Ihfio U'H n fair run , Ci'i-iylhliu ; . IIOWGVC , * ' . 'a n nln l the wiling In'.ciTK , mlvlciM frnm t.llicimarlict * lielng lower. The trddo upennd at Ihls point lower and II loon di'velop d lulu u t ? 10o decline. ) ' * or ft lower mniUvt Ilia Irudera * fnlrly scllvo nnd th offer- Imrvrro nil tiiki'ti In r < * unnubly gnoil triivnn. ll-jivy hugn tiold i'ly nt ) ] .0jf/.1.0 / , nn ngalimt t3.infi3.t5 yenlenlay , tvhll > * tlm light und medium wiluhti. Inoi'Kht ' I3.l5'J3.:7ii toJny and 13,2503. 1) y icidiiy , Today'H di-cllno can Irs Iho marital la tilt 1'iiveil | > lul tnuched tlnco Deccnilxr ' . ' , No , AV. Ph. Pr. No. Av. Bh. I'r. H , , . 4IS . . . 3 W 71 , . . , . . . . ! t Jl 12U M . . . . . . .jn ro .m * om , . ami W . W . . . 3 00 TO . 200 , . , t li 50 . 331 ( I ) .1 W 45 , . CS7 0 3 II 10 . 374 . . . t w oo . : : o i > ) 3 u 2 333 . . . 3 f5 SlIKKI' Tlio rccclptu of slurp were nut larni' , lint mlvlce * from ollu-r markets wore mitllclently unlnvarnlilp to force vnhios down tibout ICc. llppri'scntrillve ftnlen : ' No. Av. I'r. i cull * 120 12 r. ' ) 21S wralonii" , inlxoil 119 3 ZS 222 westerns , mixed Ill 3 3 ( ) IIICA < iO 1.1 VK STOOIC Trude Sli v lit Cnlllo mill nt I.invcr Prlt'cH MiiffK Irrcmilnr. CIUCAOO , Jan. S. In callle trndo was idow. with n further decline of from Be to U > o per 100 llig. In common and medium Rradpx , Kak'nrro on n basis of from S3.50 to S3. 73 for the poorest dressed licet steers up to from } t.0 to 15 for export eattle , with mmlorato pales of prlmo beeves nt from > . " > ,0."i lo { S.S5. The hulk of the "iilos wvie nt from { 1 o to Jl.tO. titatiN and oxen sold nt from H.49 to $1.40 , bulls nt I mm { 2 lo M , nnd eows nnd heifers nt from $1.75 to kl.C.l. c.ilelly nl from J2S5 to tl. n few extra heifers Koine for 54.50. Ciilviu ruM up to J6.15 prr Itu llm. StKvkc rs nnd feeders were FlroiiR , They ruM nt frutn (3 lo ? 4.:5 , prlmn feeders tirbiKlmr from i.o to Ka hlsher than lusl week. Today's fed slcors rold nt fiom 53.40 to 54.20 for lots uvrr * iiRtiiK from KT5 to 1.2CO His , In IIOKS prices were IrrcKUlar. In Komo cft * < 03 hops were clcndy , whllo In others they cold from So to 15e lower. Common to prime droxcs sold nt from ? 3 to 13. 15 , llio hulk ioliR nt from K. l.'i lo IJ.35. The dcclli u was chiefly In choice light nnd medium Wflxhtx. The nmvlo't for Bhoop was fnlrly nctlve nnd about steady. Khrrp mdd nt from { 2.25 to J3.VT for Inferior to choice Hocks , nnd laniUi nt fium $3 to $3.50 for Inferior up to from $5 to $5.25 for liopt , with yearling nt from $3.r > 0 to II. 33. Western cheep sold nt from $2.75 lo $3.75. Ilccelpts : Culllc , 0.000 head ; IKW. 31.000 head ; sheep , 11,000 head. City Live HtoeU. KANSAS C1TV , Jan. 8. CATTLIJ IlecelpIs , C.OCO head ; tlilinu | > nts , 4,000 head , Dchlialda BrndcH fctroiiR ; ot.icrs slow nnd a bhndo lower ; Texas steers , $2.70jj3.70 ; Texas cows , $1.75ft2.C5 ; nallve Rteers , $2.9.5/I.SO ; native eows nnd hellers , $ l.M > jr3.25 ; mockers und fccdem , $2.CTt3.7C , | ; bulls. $2.05H3.15. 1IO(1SUfeclpls. . 17.000 head ; shipments , 700 head. Market opened weak nnd r.o lower , closed a shade lielter ; hulk of rules. $3.0003.25 ; heavies , M.C'O'JS 'S ; packers J3.00ft3.S ; mixed. M.I5r3.23 ; llBlitM. $3.22'sa3.n'4 ! ; Yorkers , $3.0503.25 ; plKs. $2. ! > : ( f3.10. ailUI. : ! ' Itecelpts. S.fCO head ; iddptnentB , 100 hivid. Market Mciuly ; himhs , J3.toaG.03 ; millions , S2.COH3.40. _ Nt'iv York I.ISluulf. . NH\V YOUK. Jan. S. 1113KVK.S Uecelpls , 4,113 head ; common nnd best itrers steady ; others lower ; oxen lower ; hulls firm ; cmvs steady ; native slccui , $4.UOfr4.85 ; BlaRS nnd oxen , $3.4lfp ) l.ffl ; hulls , $ J.C033.W ; cows , dry , $ I.IOff3 20. Cl- ! hlcs quote American steers ut lOffllc , dressed welsht ; she p , S'.4591Sc ; refrlucrntor lieef , SffOc ; expoits , 317 l > ee\t's ; toinorrow , 1,170 beeves und l , < r ! ) < | UarterH of hecf. SI1KU1' AND I.AMHS llecclpts , 8.131 head ; cheep firm nt $3.00KI.37'S. ' Iioas-r.ccelpts , D.S17 head ; steady at { 3.E09 1.10. _ St. LunlH Live Hlock. ST. IXUIH ) , Jnn. 8. CATTLK-Itecelpls. C.OOO ; market slaw ; nntlvo licevcs , S3.WffJ.10 | stockcrs und feeders , 52.00JJ3.75 ; cows nnd helf- eili , $1.75Q3.rO ; Tcxu nnil Indian Rleers , $2.COf 410. IIOQS Itecclpts , JO.OOO head ; market weak nnd lie lower : Unlit. J3.Mi73.DO ; mixed. J3.OJff3.23 ; heavy. S3.00 < fft.CO. ; HIIK1JI' Itccelpts , 1,500 head ; market Etronsi muttons. 12.nog3.S3. Stock In "si lil. Ilccord ot rneelpts of live stock at the four principal mniliels for Krlday. Jununry 8. 1S97 : Cattlo. Hocc. Hheep. Omnhn . 2.3M 4.MO CH ChtrnRO . .CCi ) 3l. iO 11.000 City . G.tOO 17.CM 3,000 St. Louis . C.OOO 10.000 1,000 Totals 13.355 G2 , CO 10.113 Ivcly Si-nsliin of KnlfvlitN of I.nlioi * . IHTTSnuna , Jan. 8.-Onc or the- liveliest conventions of the I'lttsburg district begun In KnlRhtH of Labor ban at 10 o'clock. There was u wrangle over the seatlnB of sjoino delcKiitcB and only thlrly-lhreo wcru admitted. During the moniliiK iiointof the deleRates demanded an explanation of the ncln of the local organization. Tiila caused itulta a titlr nnd the matter ivuy under dis cussion when n recess was taken for lunch. It la the annual meettnt ; and olllcera nru to be elected , hut It Is not likely that an election will bo held until tomorrow. WASHINGTON , Jan. 8.-W. II Q. Sim mons , for several years past mauler work man of District Assembly CO. Knlh'hta of Labor , the head of the KnlghtM In thla city , baa been expelled from the order by the executive board for alleged violation of Its rulcH. The expulsion Is duo to the -hostile aUltudo of Simmons toward the board In a recent controversy. Simmons announces that ho will HIIU llio board for damages for defamation of chainctcr. AKHCNhlir lloc'i'l Vl'll Slolcll ItOlldN. CHICAGO. Jan. 8. In the InvcntlRiitlon of the chnrBCH iiBalnst AKslatant Superintend ent of 1'olicc lloas and Inspector Shon bc- fore the Civil Service commission today the accuser. cx-Convlct "Sleepy" Burke , created somewhat of a sensation by Ii'.cntlfylim ox- Assessor Goorcv ) II. Wllllums , n prominent local politician , na the man whom he saw recelvo the stolen bonds Irum Jack McLean at the corner of Adams anil Clark ntri-ctn ono day last May. The chief of police says ho will not arrest Williams In connection with the cnuc. Hu nays It lathe duty of tlm tttato'H attorney to lay the matter be. , fore the rand Jury In cjiso sufficient , evi dence U secured to warrant nuch action. . TJII3 III3AI.TV .MAlllCICT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Trlday , January S , 1837 : WAItUANTY DKKDS. Union Land company to W. R Oro- ; an , lots 12 to 17 , block 1 , Kendall's. . ? 1 R A. Crowell to I' . M. Crowoll , I it I ) , block I , nnd lot 1. block 4 , Wj-,1 Sldo . . . . . J.CMJ Jc/.in ItliiK and wlfo to L. M. Ganlnir , lot 20 , hiock 9. nrlvtsi ? Plauti . 1 It. 'M. ' Onrdnor to a. \ \ * . IJoyd. snmi' . . 1 llnnk of Minnesota to K. A. d-vmjur ot a I , receivers , lot 4 , block I'l" ) , Omaha . l 11. M. Stcnbers and wlfu to ICmni.i Mltukuf , lots 0 , 7 , 18 and 10 b'ork ' : loin 1. 2. n. II , r , 2 and "XI. bo.- ! . : . ' , and various othi-r lots In Hoan 51111 ; lot ! > . block 15 , Kountso' nd uiM . A. W Strcot nnd wlfn to H. H. Hat - Inj-'H , lot 1. block : : i3. Omnlia . 1.0C-0 R , K. French nnd wlfo to J , J , Mo- ni-11 fTmHj.ri feet nt point on south Him Dodge Hlriioti WIG feet cast of west Una of Twonly-fotiiin n'reet. . l \V. J. Hunter and -rtlfo : > W. II. ( in ten , lot 7 , block 3 , Crulyhton C. K Fans nnd.vlfu to An.ilo ti'iu - bni ) , P yof lot c , block > : > ; , .sou ii Omaha. . , . , , l.t.'O Annlo UauKhnn to Marrarct Ourran , same j.r.10 Special master to K. fl. llatoi , n 'i of lot K2 , Nelson's add . 1,7JJ Special master lo Andruw Ml'.cs ' e ; - ccutor , nt ill , lot II. block ID ; lot 11 , block " 9 ; lot 0 b'.ock 41 ! ; lot S. nlock 1 ! ) , South Omaha ; .lots 18 , 3. 12. il. \ 4. 2 , 13 , 17 and .i , Swutnam's & ' dlv Total amount of trnnsfera . J'i)53 ! ; ) JAMES E. BOYD & CO T.leplion-103f ) . Oimiliu , Xjb. COMMISSION CHAIN : WOYISIJJLJ : AM : SfOKJ < Hoard of Trade. , > ! ? ; ct wires to Ciiicary ami Niw York. 7i.rr < H ( > end < ni l Joli.T A , Warrno * O HIDES WANTED. Hlxhuut matknt prluo p > ld nnj prom , , , raturnt Itufurvncu omulm Nmloiml Hank ' IT , 8. BUSH & CO. , Ko caiii'iilutlon. 013 S. Ulli St. , Oinu'.ia , : < i > U