Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Measures for Amendments to Election Laws
and Purity of Ballot.
l'lrnl KlicM o { the Hcxxlon In Senate
on u Joint ItcniiliKliiii tit Itriicnl
Article Twnty " ( thu
S. D. . Jan. 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The first fight of the acsalon came
up today Irv the senate on a Joint resolution
to repeal article xx of the constitution and
nubmlt to tlio people at the next tsencral
election. A number of bills were Introduced
In the senate providing for amendments of
the election laws and purity of the ballot.
In the hotiso the principal bills Introduced
\vcro : Illlla regulating the lobby , fixing a
maximum rate of telegraph tolls , Increasing
the membership of the supreme court from
three to Jlvo members , Increasing penalty
for officials who falsify accounts , providing
penalties for bribing In public office. A
number of bills were also presented In the
house providing for reform of the ballot
and for punishment of election enemies.
All the members of the railroad commh-
eton arc hero , Tompklns arriving today.
They will organize as soon as they can BO-
cure the attendance of the old secretary
nnd the records of the ofllce , possibly Mon
Senator Palmer took advantage of the first
opportunity to Introduce the railroad mrns-
uro on which ho made the principal part
of his campaign , and It was given Its first
leading In the nenato yesterday afternoon.
The joint resolution Introduced In the
house by Representative Olcson for an
amendment of the constitution , making full
citizenship a qualification for suffrage , Is
largely duo to the fact that under the prra-
tnt law numbers of foreigners are rushed In
and their first papers paid for by cam
paign committees just about election time ,
and this often gives a partisan advantage
on this vote where It could bo secured by
the votco of "gehulno" citizens.
Following Is a Hat of the senate commit
tees :
Judiciary Kcllar , Bouck , Palmer , Hlnck-
luy , Grill , Falrbank , Case , Homer and
Appropriations Keith , Hlbokle , Brad
ley , Jackson , C. Sell In ml , Wlnslow , Homer ,
B. Majors and Burllngamc.
Railroads Palmer , Ilouck , Wilkinson ,
McOlcnn , Hatch , Case and Prathcr.
Elections Ilouck , Klmlschy , IJuck , Slck-
ler , Stmvart , Goodwin , Sweet , Homer and
Engrossed and Unrolled Bills Majors ,
Buck , Hart , Gundcrson and Thaycr.
Hulcs McQlcnn , Palmer and Homer.
Charitable nnd Penal Institutions Jack-
Bon , Cook , Kcllar , AVhalcy , HInckley , King ,
Ilurllngame , Craig and Wyman.
Public Health King , Slcltlcr , Keith ,
Klndschy , Grant , Goodwin , Burllngame , Sage
nnd Gundcraon.
Temperance Whcalcy , Jackson , McGlcnn ,
Wilkinson , Bouck , Grcclcy , HOES and Sweet.
Schools and Public Buildings HInckley ,
Crlll , Kellar , McGlcnn , Wilkinson , Jackson ,
Stevens , Iloss and Case.
Highways and Bridges Grant , Bradley ,
Cook , Webb , Morgan , Bothun , Whltlock and
Counties nnd Towns Bradley , Bothun ,
Hart , Morgan , Webb , Slcklcr , Prather ,
Hatch , Hess and Tliayor.
State Affairs Klndschy , King , Majors ,
Bouck , Falrbank , Hincklcy , Craig , Powers
and Horncr.
Ways and Means Wilkinson , Klndschy ,
Cook , Grant , Morgan , Goodwin , Gundcraon ,
Grccley nnd Sweet.
Printing Buck , Grant , Majors. Crlll , Stew
art , Bouck , Prathcr , Craig and Thaycr.
Corporations Schlund , IJouek , Jackuon ,
Whcalcy , McGlcnn , King , Wyman , Craig
and Gundorson.
Chairman of minor committees : Public
Institutions , Prathcr ; Irrigation , Stewart ;
cities , Cook ; military affairs , Webb ; IcgU-
latlvo expenses , Slcklcr ; apportionment
Crlll ; agriculture , Morgan.
I.nfe Ciinillilate for Vice I'ri-Hlilent
Seekx u Sent In ( In * IIollHe.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8. Arguments In the
election contest of Thoinaa E. Watson , late
candidate for vice president onlho populltt
ticket , against James C. Black of the Tenth
congressional district ot Georgia , were begun
today before the house elections committee.
It was thought Mr. Watson would bo pres
ent , but he did not put In an appearance.
The sitting member , Mr. Black , was among
those who heard the arguments of a formid
able array of counsel , Messrs. Cross , West ,
Glenn and Rountrco appearing for Watson
nnd Meesrs. Cummlngs , Lamar , Cohen and
Wright for Black. Mr. Glenn. In behalf
of Watson , argued that the entire vote of
the city of Augusta should be thrown out
Jbccawie of a number of alleged Irregularltlcn
in registration and of the ballot boxes , lack
of representation on the boards , etc. In
behalf of Black the entire regularity of the
V election waa argued by Mr. Cummlngs , who
V maintained that the entire theory of Wat-
N son's case that a widespread conspiracy
of fraud existed , was not justified by the
facts. The committee Is not likely to vote
on the contest for the present.
The arguments took a wide range , going
into the general political conditions of the
south nnd the progress of the populist party.
Mr. Glenn contended that Watson exempli
fied this new clement , which had turned
Its back on the old regime represented by
the wealth and aristocracy of the south.
Tl\o latter clement looked upon the new
comers as revolutionists and every power
t of the old machine , ho said , was directed
A * toward crushing them. Whtlo conceding
I Representative Black's personal Integrity ,
Mr. Glenn asserted that Mr. Black was a
beneficiary of the methods employed by the
old regime ot the south to perpetuate Ita
\ortli DnUotn .Senatorial Situation.
BISMARCK , N. D. , Jan. S. The senate re
publicans met In caucus , perfected organiza
tion and appointed a committee of two to
confer with n committee from the house ai
to the tlmo for holding the senatorial
caucus. The Indications are tint Hanebrou.ih
will succeed himself , but an effort will bo
made by the populists to get enough Ola-
satisfied republicans to prevent a caucus , In
tha hopeof helping elect a republican who
will concede something to them for their
support. The republicans of the oBscmoly
have called a caucus to choceo a nominee
for United States senator for Saturday ,
January 9. Two Judicial districts , comprUi-
are always
.guaranteed to be
free from any defect
in material or
construction. The
makers particularly
recommend the
movements engraved
with either of
the trade marks
fROrJL. " Made in
various sizes for
lad IRS and gentlemen ,
ancreor sale by all
retail jewelers.
Ing eighteen members , have already cm-
cuncd Informally and agreed to ntipport
Hannbrough , This Is the solid republican
strength of these two districts In the legln-
Inture. _ _ _ _ _ _
Governor Mnttticirn HcroiiiinonilK
.SlrliiKcnt I.nun on Mir Slilijccl.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 8. The last mcs-
Bago of Governor Claude Matthews was sub
mitted to the legislature todayi After mak
ing a detailed report of the condition of the
various state Institution certain recom
mendations arc made. Notable among these
arc a compulsory education law and a law
prohibiting the formation of trusts or their
operation within the state , a violation of
wlilch should , he says , bo met with heavy
penalties. The message does not fecommcnd
the celebration of the Indiana centennial ,
which was considered at the last session
of the legislature , but urges careful consid
eration of the proposals submitted by the
committee already In existence , and If It Is
deemed that the present depressed times will
not Interfere with the undertaking an elab
orate celebration should bo had. The men-
sage asks for on accounting by the Vandnlla
railroad as to the matter of Its alleged debt
to the state under an old charter , nnd that
the attorney general be empowered to em
ploy help needed In any legal procedure lookIng -
Ing to this end. The governor expressed
strong sympathy with the Cuban Insurgents
nnd recommends that the legislature at least
adopt a resolution requesting congress to use
every effort that nt least belligerent rights
bo accorded them by our government.
Ipiuocrn < N Jliuiuupl nt MIIHOII City.
MASON CITY , la. , Jan. 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Ccrro Gordo club celebrated Jack
son's day tonight In grand style. Covers
were laid at the > banquet table for 200. Vis
itors were present from nil over this sec
tion of the state. M. P. Hcaley , Fort Dodge ,
responded to the toast. "Democracy's Fu
ture ; " C. II. K. Boardman , Marehalltown ,
"Tho Gold Democrat : " ' II. M. Ilebok , Toledo ,
"Tho Social War ; " J. S. Murphy. Dubuque ,
"Tho Prens ; " Mrs. Mlna Murray , Nashua ,
"Jackson Patriotism ; " Samuel Mitchell , Nora
Springs , "Need of n Now Orleans. " Mr.
Henley Is the new chairman of the state
committee , and In his address prophesied a
new coalition In thp democratic party of the
MrlClnlry Spent n ( Inlet Day.
CLEVELAND. Jan. S. Major McKlnlcy
spent n very quiet morning at the homo of
Hon. Myron T. Hcrrlck , where ho and Mrs.
McKlnlcy are now visiting. A few personal
friends called upon the major during the
morning , among them being Senator James
It. Garflold , Webb Chase and Charles B. Mor
row , editor of the Cleveland Leader. This
afternoon Mr. nnd Mrs. McKlnlcy , accom
panied by their hostess , took a drive to the
east end nnd return. It Is understood
that the distinguished visitors will bo the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hcrrlck until Mon
day noon , at which time they will return to
Vent IletiniiiltiiitiMl.
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Jan. 8. The
democratic caucus today nominated Senator
f } . Vest ns candidate for United States sen
ator to succeed himself. Governor Stone's
name was placed before the caucus by Mr.
Washburn of Polk county. Speaker Kar
ris , for the governor , and bv his authority ,
stated he was not a candidate and with
drew his name. The legislature will vote
for United States senator on January 19 ,
when It Is confidently expected that Vest
will bo re-elected.
DelllWnre'N It II III p.
DOVnil , Del. , Jam 8. The "rump" house
of republican representatives held a short
session In the Hotel Richardson this after
noon. Arrangements were made providing
for the dally pay of members , selecting the
hotel as the permanent meeting place and
agreeing to meet every third day until after
January 19. The session was held behind
closed doors.
U cm iu * rut If Cimcim NomftircK ICIrrteil.
JfiFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Jan. 8. The legis
lature has elected the oHlccrs nominated
by the democratic caucuses last night. In
the house. Mr. Farrls was chosen speaker
and Charles W. Green chief. lcrk. In the
senate Charles W. Pears was elected presi
dent pro teui and Cornelius Rocho secre
IlfiiiiHili-ll Inn "Kuril toil.
CONCORD , N. II. , Jan. 8. George Rams-
dell was yesterday formally Inducted Into
ofllco as governor. Ills address dealt chiefly
with changes ho deemed advisable In the
form of the Australian ballot blanks used
In New Hampshire , his wish being to sim
plify the system of voting.
Curry n Democratic StrniiKlioIil.
ELKINS , W. Va. , Jan. 8. In the munici
pal election held here yesterday the repub
lican ticket won by sovcnty-ono majority.
The liquor license privilege was voted
down. The town has always heretofore been
a democratic stronghold.
ANMuiiililyiiuui Arrouted.
ASHLAND , Wls. , Jan. S. King G. Staples ,
asscmblyman-elcct for Sawyer , Dayflcld and
Washburn counties , was arrested yesterday
at his home In Iron River , charged with
embezzling funds while chairman of the
town board. _
lie TlilnliM ( lie ICIlaiilc 1'rt-Hlilviil
Will l-iivatc In Chicago.
n. C. Outcalt , cashier of the old Capital
National bank at Lincoln , was In the city
lost evening. Ho spent several montlm In
Mexico last year , and Is thinking seriously
of going thcro to locate. Ills conversation ,
turning to his oldl business associate , C. W.
Moshcr , and banks In general , he said : "I
have been Informed that Mosher will go to
Chicago when he Is liberated from Sioux
Falls. Ufa father lives there , and was a
wealthy man , but built a big hotel In that
city during the World's fair , and lest about
$00,000 on the venture. It Is reported In
Lincoln that a capitalist thcro was going to
buy and present Mealier a sugar plantation
In the south somewhere , but that man Is
not In the business of making such dona
tions. " i _
I''nilmill Collier , ivlth AVIiulH In the
\orlliu cut.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8. The forccnst for
Saturday IB :
For Nebraska nnd lown Fair ; colder ;
northwesterly winds.
For South Dakota Generally fan- ; north
westerly rulmlH.
For Missouri Fair ; westerly .0 north
westerly winds.
For Wyoming , Kansas and Colorado
Fair ; viirlnblu wlnda.
Local Iteeonl.
OMAHA , Jan. 8. Omaha record of rainfall
nnd temperature compared with cor
responding day of the past three years :
1S07.1KW. 1895. IS9I.
Maximum temperature. . . M 63 W 2S
.Minimum temperature. . . 30 22 8 : !
Aver.iKe temperature10 so 7 1:1 :
Italnfall W .00 .00 .00
Itccord of tempera turo and precipitation
at Omaha for the day and since March 1 ,
iwfl :
Normal temperature for the day 18
Excess Tor the day 22
Accumulated CXCC-HH since Murcli 1 2i ]
Normal precipitation for thu day. . .02 Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 Inch
Total precipitation uliicu Men. 1. M.GI Indies
IIxreRH Hlnco 'March 1 , 6.10 Inches
UctlclPiicy corresp'ir period 1MIB. 11.17 InchcH
Deficiency correHp'i , ' period 1M-3. 15.11 Inched
Ileporfx from Stallonx nt B 11. in.
Hcvcnly-ilftli meridian time.
Eomanco in tlio Life of on Estimable
Tonng Lady ,
Clrniulnlccc of John Jncoti AMor Will
Soon Abandon n Menlnl INiMl-
tlon In n Ml *
SCDALIA , Mo. , Jan. 8. Miss L. Draytou
Aetor , an heiress and descendant of tlio
late John Jacob Astor of Now York , Is em
ployed ns a chambermaid nt the Hotel Slcher
here , under the name of "Draytlc Langdon. "
She Is a daughter of W. D. Astor , who died
lu St. Louts twenty-three years ago , leav
ing hla only child In charge of her aunt ,
wife of the late Major Langdon. Six years
later the aunt died , leaving Draytlc to fight
her way In the World. She ncaulrcd a
common echool education nnd was sfnt out
as n public speaker by the National He-
form association. Three years ago she
suffered a severe attack of pneumonia and
was compelled to abandon her vocation on
account of a weak voice. Then she went
to live with her aunt's relatives In Sallno
county , Missouri.
Attorney Garrcscho of St. Louis , who has
Miss Astor's Interests In charge , says she
will receive a legacy of $20,000 In June ,
1897 , left her by a cousin , Miss Drexel of
Philadelphia , who recently entered a con
vent. She will also receive in October the
deeds and full title to a 4SO-ncre tract of
land In Saline county , Missouri , which Is
In a high state of cultivation and Is very
valuable. The land Is part of the estate
of Miss Astor's aunt and has been In litiga
tion for thirteen years. Recently the case
has been decided In favor of Miss Astor ,
It having been shown that It was purchased
with money belonging to her father. Law
yer Garrescho says that by August next ho
will have disposed of three wills , which
will leave Miss Astor In possession of $70-
000 , besides which she will receive , after the
first of May next , an annual Income of $ G,000
from the estate of the loto J. J. Astor of
New York.
Mies Astor Is a grand niece of the lalo John
Jacob Astor , deceased. Her mother was n
Drexel. Her father was connected with
Blows' lead factory at St. Louts , and at
the tlmo of his death was studying law.
Miss Astor was 12 years old when her
father died. She says she prefers doing
the work of a domestic to living on the
bounty of relatives until she comes Into
her property.
The girl's story Is generally discredited
here. The first Intimation of It came to a
newspaper In an anonymous letter , date !
Jefferson City , nnd postmarked Sedalla. Lot-
tic , Leon or Droytle Langdon she Is known
by all of these names tellii the story of
her great connections haltingly. She Is not
qulto certain of the Initials or given name ? .
She says she knows William Waldorf As
tor , who came to St. Louis for her when her
father died , and when she refused to go with
him ho got very angry nnd said she should
have nothing. The anonymous letter Is re
garded by thosu who received It as a hoax.
It was the badly disguised writing of a
person who writes a good hand , and the
spelling Is obviously the Illiteracy of an
educated person ,
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 8. A special to the
Star from Scdnlla says : Miss L. Drayton
Astor , who has been working In a hotel
here , awaiting the time when she should
legally become heir to part of the Astor
tstatc , Is greatly chagrined at the news
paper notoriety accorded her here and
abroad. She says she does not wish the
Idea to gain currency that she has relatives
with whom she could bo living , but prefers
to work in a hotel. Her father , she says ,
was alienated from his family by his mar-
rlago to a Catholic , and during hc.r lifetime
she has had nothing to do with her relatives.
Relatives with whom she resided In her
early days , she says , arc all dead , and she
docs not care to burden friends pending
the settlement of her father's claims to the
Astor estate and payment of the legacy
left by her cousin. She decs not think It a
disgrace to work , and Is content to wait a
few months longer for the Inheritance.
NEW YORK , Jan. 8. Representatives of
the Astorsl deny the story sent out from So-
dalla , Mo. , to the effect that Miss Drayton
Astor , a chambermaid In a hotel there , was
an heiress , Inheriting an annuity of $5,000
a year from the estate of John Jacob Astor.
The eMato knows no such person .
AilniiiK Convleteil of StenlliiK Money
from n I'ONtolllco.
A Jury In the federal court yesterday
returned a verdict , finding Charles Adams
guilty of stealing money from a postoOlce.
A motion will be made for a' new trial. On
May 30 last , whllo tbo postmaster at Millard -
lard was momentarily absent Jroin his
ofllce , Adams went Into the postodico and
helped himself to about $90 of government
money. He was shortly afterward arrested ,
but the money was not found on his person.
It was presumed that ho throw It away
when tbo officers approached him.
The attorney for James Dally withdrew
the plea set up that the former Jury which
tried Dally had been discharged , without
his consent , and the case will proceed to
trial. The district attorney telegraphed for
Judge Eblras , who presided at the former
trial , to como and hear the argument on
the pica , but after It had been withdrawn
Judge Shlras was notified that ho need not
Apropos to the near approach of the ex
piration of the sentence of Charles W.
Masher for the wrecking of the Capital Na
tional bank at Lincoln , there arc two cases
against him now on the docket of the fed
eral court , but District Attorney Sawyer
said yesterday that It was hardly possi
ble that they would be pushed , as ho thought
the points In them had been practically
covered In the former Indictments.
District Attorney Sawyer admitted yes
terday that It would bo almost Impossible
to reach the cases against Frank M. Horsey
nnd Ezra Higgles , charged with the wreck
ing of the First National bank of Ponca , at
this term , but as the term at Lincoln Is not
much more than a continuance of the ono
here , he hopes to bo able to arrange far
trial there. HIgglns Is still In Jail here ,
having been unable to secure a bond since
his rearrcst In Missouri several weeks ago.
Judge McIIugh yesterday heard arguments
In the case of Herman R. Vandecar against
the Omaha & Republican Valley railroad ,
wherein It Is asked that the case bo re
manded back to the state court In Valley
county. It Is a damage suit.
L. A. Varncr , editor of the Sterling Sun ,
Is In the city ,
A. W. Pllger , a hardware merchant at
Stnnton , Is In the city.
J , C. Kearney , a cattleman and ranch
owner of Ogalalla , Is In the city.
P. J. Nichols of the Union Pacific returned
homo yesterday from a western trip.
Ex-State Superintendent of Schools A. K.
Goudy of Lincoln was In Omaha last night.
Gcorgo W. Holdrcgo of the Burlington re
turned homo lest evening from a visit to
the Black Hills region.
State Superintendent of Schools W. R ,
Jackson of O'Neill , accompanied by hit * fam
ily , arrived In Omaha last night.
Miss Dorothy Stler , Lincoln , Is visiting the
Misses Abbott , Twenty-fifth and Capitol
avonuo. She expects to remain some tlmo.
Hon. John Adams , a prominent cattleman
of Sidney , who has been In Omaha for a few
days on business , returned homo yesterday.
Michael Cudahy. Chicago , who ban been In
this city and South , Omaha for several days
past on an Inspection of the Cudahy company
plant , returned homo last night.
Nebraskana at the hotels : W. E. Brown ,
Dodge ; Clark O'Hanlon. Blair : D , A. Jones ,
Wayne ; J. W. Longfellow , Hardy ; F. A.
Howard , Lincoln ; W. S. Jay , Lincoln : H. A.
Liven , Wymore ; 8. J. Young , llartlngton ;
W. K. Bowen. Wayne ; F. 0. Wilson , Norfolk ;
John II. Crycr. Norfolk ; N. P. Freeman ,
Oaceolaj C. S. Sbadvr , Lincoln ,
Kunrral Service * of H. 1) . Sluill niul
Jnlin Gro\J > dri [
At 2 o'clock yesterday -aJurnoon funeral
services wcro held over the remains of
Henry D. Shull , belter JfhoSVh as "Billy"
Shull , In th ? lodge rooma of flo Elks. They
wcro conducted by the chapl l cf the lodge ,
Ilcv. T. J , Mnckay , and ittwi sermon was
preached by Ilcv. Luther Kuhns. The regu
lar ritual of the order wM'pitrformcil over
the body In the presence of many friends or
the deceased , who crowded , , the lc lgo rooms
to their capacity. Among VIDSO present were
a number of the membt-rs of the Veteran
Firemen's association , to whAc.h , body the de
ceased belonged. .
At the conclusion of the'ceriniony ' the re
mains wcro carried to Prtwtsct Hill ceme
tery for Interment. Tlio acting pall bearers
wcro Gcorgo Mills , A. H. , Coinatock , Arthur
M tz , Arthur H. Brlggs. Npd Chamberlain
nnd Ji L. Patterson. The honorary pall
bearers were John A. Crelghton , Frank P.
Honlon , Don Chamberlain , Joe Tcahon. John
Tctard nnd W. F. Bechcl.
"A Friend" has written the following
trlbuto to the memory of UIG dead man :
"llllly" Shull has Joined the silent ma
jority. Ills life wont out sweetly nnd
'cncefttlly , nnd , Mtiough not unexpected ,
the news brought n P.UIB of pmlnos.i to hla
rent number of friends. In poor "llllly"
§ hull's soul the spirit of humanity nml
good fellowship wis predominant. He
socmed the embodiment of litownlng's
Idnnl when he rorote :
"Hand Krnsjm hand , eye lights cyo In
good friendship ,
And great hearts expand.
And crow ono In the sense of this world's
fife. "
Ho coula not have existed without con
genial companionship , and the sad death of
the beloved companion of hlo life a few-
years ago doubtless hastened his own tak
ing off.
"Billy's" mission on earth ( and every man
has one ) , It always seemed to me , was to
disseminate pleasure and sunshine to cheer
hla fellowtnan and lighten the load of care
and trouble In this sorrowing world of outn.
Many a ono who has como under his fra
ternizing Influence will miss the sunny old
face , the strung grasp ot friendship , the
cheering words , the hearty congeniality ot
"Billy" Shull , nnd yesterday many a. tear
fell from eyelids that seldom glvo outward
expression to grief nJ the frame that but a
short time ago held his great soul was ten
derly laid away by loving friends.
"Billy" had great griefs of his own , but
ho bore them manfully. Never n word of
complaint escaped his lips , but during the
last days of his life he seemed to derive
great comfort In the hope that ho would
soon bo with his wife.
I am sure that the good God of us all
will judge "Billy" Shull by his overflowing
goodness ot heart , and that these qualities
of soul which fie exercised so charitably hereon
on earth will secure for him a title to the
home beyond the mists.
Vale , "Billy , " till we meet again.
"Leaves have their times to fall ,
And ( lowers to wither nt the north wind's
breath ,
And slurs to set but nil ,
Thou linst nil seasons for thine own , O
dcnth. "
Services were held yesterday afternoon
over the remains of John Groves nt St.
Barnabas' church , Rev. John Wllllamn ofil-
clatlng. The services wcro attended by
many of the friends of the ) deceased , among
them being members of the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows and the Emmet Monument
ment association , to both of which orders
the dead man belonged. Another service ,
which , however , was very brief , was aao
conducted by Father Williams nt Forest
Lawn cemetery , where the interment took
place. " ,
The funeral occurred under the auspices
of Omaha lodge. No. 2and Hesperian en
campment , No. 2 , Independent Order
of Odd Fellows and < 'tho Emmet
Monument association , r A guard of
honor of members ot tlicso bodies escorted
the remains from the lattt residence , on Chicago
cage street , to the churchi and also along a
portion of the way to the cemetery. The
pall bearers' ' wcro J. P. Henderson nnd J. J.
Toms of Omaha lodge , No. 2 ; A. W. Scrlb-
ncr of Hesperian encampment. No. 2 , and
Tom Tnllon , John Rlcrdpn and P. J. Mc-
Ardlo of the Emmet .Monument association.
All these bodies and also friends of the de
ceased sent beautiful floral designs.
Commencing a tbrcc-nlght engagement at
the Crelghton tomorrow night , with an elab
orate production of "Rlclnrd HI , " Frederick
Wardo will present a repertory of Shakes
pearean plays which w.111 be staged with all
the advantages of a brilliant scenic Investi
ture , as well as costly and beautiful stage
effects , which , added to the advantages of n
competent support by a company of well
known players , should prove an attraction
of moro than ordinary drawing powers for
lovers of the legitimate. "King Lear" will
bo the bill for Monday night , whllo "Henry
IV" will bo the attraction for Tuesday evenIng -
Ing , the last night of the engagement.
"Henry VIII" will be presented nt a spe
cial bargain matinee , which will bo given
It Is six years since "Alabama" was pro
duced at the Madison Square theater , New
York , and since that time It has been a
continuous success. The author , Augustus
Thomas , at that tlmo was entirely unknown ,
except to newspaper men as a brilliant de
scription writer. In ono night ho became
famous , and since then has produced sev
eral successful plays. When "Alabama" Is
produced at Boyd's theater next Sunday
afternoon and every evening ( except Mon
day ) and Wednesday and Saturday matinee ,
the following well known and clever people
will bo seen : Clement Balnbrldge , Fred
Mower , Harry M. Allen. L. P. Hicks , W.
M. Wadsworth , Louis Shea , Leo Haney ,
Francis Nelson , and the Mlasca Ethel Irving
IValcn Weathcisby , Etta Alexander , and
Kato Doollng. The engagement at Boyd's ,
which will be opened with a tnatlncc to-
morrrow. will Include every evening next
week , with the exception of Monday night ,
January 11 , which has been given up to
the Independent Order of Foresters by the
courtesy of the management. The usual
Wednesday nnd Saturday matinee will be
given. *
Clay Clement , whoso artistic success In
"Tho New Dominion" was most pronounced
last season , will play a three-night engage
ment at the Crclghtoni commencing Thurs
day , January 14 , again appearing au Baron
Hohanstauffcn In his charming play of south
ern home life. Mr. Clement's company dur
ing his coming visit will bo practically the-
same as when last seen hero , the cast In
cluding the namc3 of several players who
were well liked In their respective roles.
"Tlio New Dominion" will bo the bill on
Thursday and Friday evenings and nt thu
bargain day matlnea Saturday. On Satur
day night Mr. Clement will \ > B scon as Mat
thias In an elaborate production of "Tho
Bells. " Seats will bo placed on sale Mon
day. 1 i
The last two performahcds by the Newell
brothers and their associate * will bo given
at Boyd's today. "Thct Operator" will be
rendered at the "bargain day" matlnco at
2:30 : and at 8:15 : this c'VuTilng. Six now
views. "Charge of the FVctich Cuirassiers , "
"Oinclal Procession at Ilitda-Pcsth , " "Elu-
vated Railroad , New Yiirkl" "Demolishing
Old Buildings at Lyons , , " ' 'Procession at
Geneva Exposition" and. ' 'Entrance of the
Czar Into Paris" have Deep1 received from
Now York nnd will bo Vrbduced at their
performances by Lumlcrj Js cinematograph ? .
"Pudd'nhcad Wilson , " fr'ftn Its quaint cos
tumes. Interesting eltuatln/iiaqd clever com
edy scents will ho the , aUractlon nt the
Crclghton for two leat performances today.
A matlnco will bo given today , when an op
portunity will bo given ladles nnd children
to witness Frank Mayo'o charming play.
Prof. Reycolds will close the first week of
hl engagement at Crelghton hall with to
night's seance. Hla "Mesmcrlo Mydtcrlca"
javo been so cordially received that his stay
in Omaha will bo prolonged. No perform
ance will be given Sunday night.
HH | Had .Money llrniiKht Tronhle.
Jim Devol , a fnrm hand from South Da
kota , vlxltcd the bad lands taut night nnd
ordered n bottle oC beer In ono of the rc-
Horts. When It arrived ho attempted to
puy for the order with a pewter half del
lar. Ho was thrown Into t-ho strrut nnd
later nrrested for belnir drunk and dluor-
Important Event in Ohtirch Circles Occurs
in England ,
Mont Ilrv. Kreilrrlek Temple Farm-
ally Sentcil In tin.Marble Clialr nt
Clint rrlniry Cathedral Nota
ble C'litircliinen 1'rcNuiit ,
CANTnUDUHY , Jan. S. IU. Hon. ami
.Meat Ilcv. Frederick Temple , D.I ) . , was civ
throned today at the cathedral here as nrclv
bishop of Canterbury and prlmato of nil
England. The approaches to the cathedral
were crowded , and the old edifice wae
thronged with spectators eoon after the
doors wcro opened. The mandate for the
enthronement was presented by the vlcai
general to the chapter of Canterbury , In
the treasury. After this ceremony the chajv
tcr proceeded to the deanery nnd conducted
the archbishop to the great west door. The
procession was formed , bended by the bcdcs'
men and the high seneschal , fallowed by the
municipal representatives.
Archbishop Temple was attired In full
nrchoplscopal robes , his long scarlet train
being borne by two boys , king's scholars ol
the Cathedral school. They wore , accordlns
to Immemorial custom , surplices of pure
white linen , yellow sandals and little purple
caps. The order of Installation was read In
Latin , and the archbls'hop was conducted to
the marble chair accompanied by the arch
deacons of Canterbury , the venerable 13cn-
Jamln F. Smith , M. A. , and lit. Ilcv. George
n. Eden , D.D. , attended by the dean ol
Canterbury , Hcv. F. W. Farrar , nnd the
vice dean. The marble choir , known ns the
.patrlarchlal throne. Is said to have been
used by St. Augustine , nnd In It , during
many centuries , the archbishops of Canter
bury have been enthroned.
The now archbishop of Canterbury Is one
of tbo most advanced liberals among Eng
lish churchmen. Ho Is a professed advocate
of Darwin's theory of evolution , nnd , upon
the occasion of his confirmation as arch
bishop of Canterbury In the church of St.
London December 22 Rev.
Mary-lc-Bow , , on ,
Sir. Drown John made an Ineffectual protest
against Dr. Temple's confirmation on the
ground of the lattcr's belief In the theory
of evolution.
The archbishop of Canterbury , who was
born In 1821 , has been successively head
master of Hugby , bishop of Dieter and re
cently bishop of London. Ho took a double
first class nt Oxford nnd married a daughter
of Rt. Hon. W. S. Lasccllcs.
Later In the afternoon the dean and
chapter entertained the now archbishop ol
Canterbury and a numerous company at
luncheon In the library of the cathedral.
The city was thronged with sightseers :
There was a dramatic Incident ns the arch
bishop was traversing the nave at the end
of the procession. A voice shouted loudly :
"Tho whole1 proceedings are a fraud. " The
Interruption came from on elderly gentle
man of clerical appearance. Ho was
promptly and forcibly ejected amid consider
able excitement. The spectators nt first
thought that the disturber was Her. Mr.
Ilrown John , the clergyman who protested
against the confirmation of the archbishop
In the Church of St. Mary-le-Dow , London ,
on December 22 , asserting Ineffectually that
the archbishop should not bo confirmed , as
he was a believer In Darwin's theory ol
evolution. Dut It developed that the name
of the Interrupter today Is Greenwood and
ho Is not a clergyman.
South Omaha News.
A meeting Is to be called for some evening
next week to discuss the advisability of
voting bonds to the amount of (5,000 for
erecting a new high school 'building. ' The
school district at the present time la not
bonded and for this reason those Interested
In the project assert that the proposed bonds
would sell readily at par , or possibly a
premium. Members of tha Board of Educa
tion and Superintendent Munroc assert that
moro room Is needed , and that something
must be done before long to relieve thu
crowded condition of the down town school
buildings. The Intention Is to arrange the
matter so that It may bo voted on at the
coming spring election.
Revival M
A ommlttco composed of members of
the Young Men's Christian association vla-
tted business men and saloonkeepers yes
terday afternoon and delivered Invitations re
questing the men to attend the nightly
meetings now being held In the Young Men's
Christian Association parlors by Evangelist
Nash. The meetings commenced on Jan
uary 7 , and will continue until January 17.
So far the attendance has been quite large ,
and an Interesting revival Is anticipated by
those Interested.
Civil Service Iiiv
Ed Shclton , special agent of the Depart
ment of Agriculture , has been In the city
the past few days. Investigating tha re
movals of Dr. W. S. White , Tagger Zcllar
and two stenographers , who wcro dismissed
from the service some time ago. The offi
cials removed appealed to the civil service
commission , hence tlio Investigation.
After tlie .11111 ; 1'eilillerH.
All milk licenses which wcro Icsued In
1 9C expired on December 31 , and Milk In-
tpector Carroll has started out after the
dealers to collect this year's tax. The rates
are as follows : One cow , $1 a year ; for three
cows , $2 a year ; for three or four cows , $3 ;
for five cow.i or more , $25 a year ; milk de
pots , $10 a year.
City fiONNlp.
W. Q. Sloano has gone west on a hunting
John Itca , Mascna , la. , Is registered at one
of the hotels.
H. Ftgard , Seward , waa a visitor In the
city yesterday.
Gcorgo Jones , Vlnton , la , , was la the city
visiting friends yesterday , ,
Horn , to Julius Winter nnd wife , Thirty-
ninth and K streets , a son.
L. 0. Todd , Mllford , spent yesterday fore
noon looking over the jards.
Mrs. Sandwall will entertain the Monday
Night club next Monday evening ,
At the present time the county Is assist
ing fifty-two families In this city.
M. Holding , mayor of Corning , la. , was
a visitor at the exchange yesterday.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. John
McCune , Tsventy-slxth and Q streets.
Henry C. Sautter lias returned from a trip
through the western part of the state.
Mall Carrier K. a. Itozcllo Is on the elck
list , and Al Owens Is carrying his route ,
The Bohemian Turners will glvo a rausquc-
rado ball at Koutsky'u hall thU evening.
F. M. Stewart , Buffalo Gap , S. I ) . , woo at
the yards yesterday with a shipment of
The shipments of hogs continue quite
heavy , over 21,000 having been received since
January 1.
S. II. Smith , a farmer of Crete , cpent yes
terday In the city looking after some prop
erty Interests.
The revival services In the First Presby
terian church closed last night after a very
successful week.
Thcro will bo an 8 o'clock celebration of
the holy communion at St. Martin's church
Sunday morning ,
Samuel X. Woodworth , county attorney of
Ncmaha county , Kan , , U In the city , the
guest of W. C. Lambert.
Judge H , D. Travis and wlfo of Plotts-
mouth are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 10. O ,
Mayfleld , Twenty-third and I streets ,
Miss Mary Horan , Twenty-fifth and I
streets returned homo last evening from an
extended vl/ilt with relatives In Kansau.
H la over two months now Hliico the flrc
department has been called out. The last
alarm responded to was on November C.
Mr p. Annctta Eke ban sued Frank Dolczal
and Joseph Koutiky for J37.00 wlilch she
claims Lpr hUtUiaud lost In a gambling housu
opcrntenl by the defendant * . The case will
be tried Saturday , January 1C , In Justice
Agncw'n court.
An Infant child of P. Butler , Twenty-fifth
and Q streets , died yesterday. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon at S o'clock.
The city council will meet as a board of
cqualltatlon on January IS nnd 19 , to equal *
lie the tax on sidewalk repairs and new
Two government mlcroscoplsts have been
sent up from Kansas City to assist with the
work here , making eleven mlcroscoplsts now
on duty at this point ,
A meeting of the Sons of Veterans will
bo held at the office of Judge Agncw next
Monday night to complete arrangements for
mustering the new camp.
City Attorney Montgomery Is drafting an
other ordinance governing out-of-town so
licitors , to take the place of the one knocked
out by the district court.
Mrs. 0. A. Hammond , who hn ? been visit
ing her daughter , Mrs. I ) . J. Kendall , SIC
North Twenty-fifth street , has returned to
her home nt Richmond , Vt.
The firemen weahcd the pavement nt the
.Intersection of Twenty-fourth and N etrects
yesterday afternoon , nnd flushed n largo
quantity of mud and snow Into the sc\\cr.
August "Lsmm , a ckarmaker , slipped on
the pavement nt Twenty-seventh and N
streets yesterday nftrcnoon and Injured his
head. lie was assisted to his home by
Peter Hcttrlck , aged 7 < years , died at his
home , Forty-first nnd L Hrcots , yesterday.
Funeral cervices will bo held at St. Bridget' . !
church Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. In
terment at Magdalene cemetery.
The proprietors of the gambling houses nt
2103 N rttrcct and 2411 N street , paid Into
the city treasury the sum of $50 each yes
terday for the privilege of running their
places for the month of January.
C. 12. Forbes and F. L. Whcdon , publishers
of the Kearney Democrat , have purchased
the Dally Sun of this city from John F.
Rltchhart. Mr. Rltchhart left yesterday
afternoon for Grand Island , where he ex
pects to engage In buslncs ? .
The hooks ) of the public library are now
at the otllco of Superintendent Munro nt
the High school building. Miss Moore , ono
of the teachers , assl.Us Prof. Munro In
dlotrlbutlng books every Tuesday and Friday
afternoon , from 1 to G o'clock. OK TUB ror.icn couirr.
TraiiMietloiiN Shown liy Heiiort of the
Police Court Clerk Schwcnk has com
pleted his annual report to the mayor and
city council. H shows that during the year
a total of 0,229 cases were tried , of which
G 519 were misdemeanor cases , resulting In
2,470convictions and 3.079 dismissals. Six
hundred and eighty felony cases wcro tried ,
of which 3S1 were dismissed nnd 299 were
sent to the district court. Ono hundred
and forty-four cases were appealed to the
district court. There were still ICC cases
pending at the end of the year. The num
ber of legal Instruments Issued during the
year aggregated 11,855.
The report shows that $4GC1.23 was col
lected from miscellaneous fines. This was
a slight Increase over the collections for
1S9G fioin this source , as the miscellaneous
fine collections In that year amounted to
$4,478.60. The total revenue from the police
court In 1SS3 , however , was $1G,143. The
difference was collected from Designation
and disorderly houses , the landladies and
Inmates of which were fined regularly every
month during the greater part of 1895. This
fining system was abolished after the present
fire and police board came Into existence.
i nitnvirins.
The warm weather of the past few days
has caused the Ice In the river to move
The lake In Miller park has become a
favorite resort for the skaters of the north
The women of the First Congregational
church served meals In the auditorium of
the church yesterday.
Yesterday W. S. Wedge waa re-elected
secretary of the Builders' and Traders' ex
change for the seventh consecutive term.
A permit has bceni Issued to A. Bloom for
the erection of an addition to the planing
mill at 2014 Grant street. The new building
will bo 34x2C feet.
Andrew Vcrzanl , a citizen of Crawford , has
been brought to Omaha to answer to nn
Indictment In the federal court for disposing
of liquor to Indians.
Complaints from suburban residents of
the south side arc to' the effect that many
of the gasoline street lamps burn out
shortly after midnight.
Streets In the resident portions of the
city arc In wretched condition. On account
of the melted snow they are filled \\ltb
mud to a depth of several Inches.
People residing In the vicinity of the
old fair grounds arc nnnoycd by coal thieves.
Ono man has filled several large blocks of
coal with powder nnd Is now patiently
waiting for results.
During the past few days the street gang
has buen employed In clearing the loose snow
from the cross-walks In the business dis
trict , thus saving pedestrians the necessity
of wading through several Inches of Blush
and mud.
The Omaha Street Railway company has
placed a couple of new motors In service
on the Walnut Hill line. Thcso motors
wcro built In Iho local shops. They are
nearly double the length of the ordinary
street car.
Clyde Bumgardncr , who lives at 2414 Cald-
wcll street. IB carrying In his pocket a 3S-
callbcr ball tlmt came through the sldo of
his house nnd fell on tlio plato from which
ho was eating his evening meal. He thinks
It was fired fioin Twenty-fourth street.
Tlio license Inspector has notified the
elevator conductors that unless they re
new their licenses before February 1 they
\vlll bo proceeded against under tbo pro
visions of the ordinance that makes It n
punishable offense for a man to run an
elevator unless ho Is regularly licensed
so to do.
My baby had Eczema In Its worst form.
The top of her head was as raw as a piece of
beef , tbo hair eaten down to the scalp by ap
plying tar poult Ices , and I thought If shooter
got well she would bo bald. The best physi
cian In the city attended ! ier , but she con
tinued to get worse all the time , and ho finally
admitted "It was tliu most obstinatecao lie
Iiail ever seen , " and that ho was "at his wits'
end. " Borne ono suggested CUTICURA UKIIK-
l M , which I purchased and trlcd , , Jn a few
dayt I iwtlcttl a grtat change. Bho continued
to Improve , and to day ( i tntlrett/cured , baa
n nlco head of hair , I ; lively and hearty , and
the dlicaso shows no signs of returning. I
send you her photograph to bliow her us filio
Is to-day.
J. II. JACOBS , ZttMVmonj Avc. , Halt. , Md.
Brienr Cum TBMTHUXT ron ILL 811.1 AND HUICD
Iluuon Wtnn tith > with COTICI'IA Soilgcntl
p | > llftlnninfCtiTlcliiitilnlm [ nlttietr tkin core ,
ind ralia doui of Curicuui UIIOLTIHI , [ rtiitit of
tloo4 I'urlfltdtud ' humor eutti.
Baldlhrnurhoullht varM. I'orrin n. C.Coir..Boll
l'iop , UMtoa , "HuyloCuielrnWimlUitma"fic .
Britishers Given a Cordial Greeting in the
Flowery Kingdom ,
.Naval HeKMttn nt Toklo UeinonmtrnJcn
the lliihoniuleil ICiithunlnxin of
the .Iniiiniexc Innvnl
I Matter * . *
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 8. Advices from
Japan , per the steamship Coptic , say : The
trial ot Mm. W. R. H. Carcw for the
willful murder ot her husband by poisoning
Is set to commence January 4 In her llrl-
tnn.'ilc majesty's court nt Yokohama. The
crown advocate , II. H , Wilkinson , has como
from Shanghai to assist the Yokohama
crown prosecutor , H , C. Lltchllcld , Sixty
British residents cf Yokohama have been
summoned for the Jury. Flvo only will bo
.actually nccOcxl , but counsel on both sides
nro expected to cxcrclso great discrimina
tion. The case promises to bo one ot the
most sensational on record.
Two English officers Captain Welby of the
Eighteenth Hussars nnd Lieutenant Mal
colm of the Twenty-third Highlanders who
left Lch In Ladakh last April to travel from
Thibet to Peking , reached the Chinese capi
tal December 22 , having been eight months
enroutc. At starting they hud a rcttnuo
of twelve Arganns , and their equipment
was packed on thirty-seven mules. Ou
arrival at Peking they had three Arganns
and three mules , the men having deserted or
died and the animals perished. They
passed through western and northern Thibet
and met with much kindness and hospitality
a't the hands ot the Mongolian tribes.
A naval regatta held on the Sumlda river ,
Toklo , on December 18 , Illustrates Japan's
enthusiasm at present for naval matters.
Despite the Inclemency of the season , the
citizens of the capital and Us suburbs at
tended In tens of thousands to witness the
rncca , the emperor himself was there and
In the officers' race each of the thrco boata
was steered by an Imperial prince.
The story circulated that a slto had been
granted to Germany for nn Independent
settlement In Shanghai turns out to bo In
correct. Germany has not sought any such
concession. The minor Is supposed to have
owed Its origin to the fact that negotiations
for nn extension of the general settlement
have been passing through the German consul
general , Dr. Stcubcn , who happens to be the
senior foreign consul lu Shanghai nt present.
A rumor comes from Chinese sources that
n party of roughs In the city of Lanchow ,
In Annul province , recently seized the Roman
Catholic priest of the district , compelled him
by murderous threats to bow bcforo a local
Idol and sign a document , the contents ot
which nro not stated. U Is believed that Iho
French cruiser Algcr , carrying the French
admiral and the French consul general lu
Shanghai , has proceeded to Nankin to exact
A famous painting shows the infant Napoleon
leon in the chamber of hs ? birth , nml shows
bis mother watching over him. The mother
of Napoleon was n strong , healthy , active
woman. She brought into the world n fain ,
ily of smart , handsome , healthy children.
Without health nnd strength Napoleon
would never have risen above the position
in which he was born. His mother could
not give him wealth or high station in life ,
but she gave something better. She gave
him the ability to secure these things for
himself. She equipped him with a strong
body nnd n clear intellect. Every mother
may do ns much for her son. The first btcp
in this direction is perfect health for her
self. Perfect health in n womanly way. She
must take thought for the most important
mid delicate organs of the body. She must
keep them strongly healthy for the perform
ance of the greatest nnd most wonderful
work in the world. Women do not suffi
ciently appreciate the importance of health
and carefulness. This is shown by the
dreadful prevalence of so-called "I'cmale
Complaint. " IJvcrywoman maybe strong
nnd healthy by taking Dr. Picrcc's 1'nvorite
Prescription. It is not a cure-all. It is in
tended to cure just otic kind of disease , and
it cures it. It works directly on the female
organs , cleanses , strengthens and makes
them healthy. It makes weak women
strong , nnd if it is taken during the period
of gestation , it insures health for the child ;
and , nl the time of parturition , comparative
frccdo'n from the pains nnd dangers errone
ously believed to be unavoidable.
The physiology of women. In health nnd dis
ease , is contained In lr rlcrce's great work , the
"Common Sense Medical Adviser. " A copy cf
this book , paper-covered , free to auyouc who will
send ii one-cent stamps , to cover cost of mailing
only , to World's Dispensary .Medical Association ,
No. 663 Mill ! Street , UufTalo , K. Y.
TODAY 2.39-T9WT 8:15 :
The eticcctnful American play ,
I'rlccs-25c. Me. 75c. $1.00 and llatlnco
, 23e , Me , 75c , Jl.OO ,
1'hreo NlKhlK , eiiminvnclng
Sunday . "HICHARD III. "
"KINO . "
Monday . LEAH.
Tuesday Matlnco . "HENRY VIII. "
Tuesday Evening . "HENRY IV. "
BcatH now on MIP. ! 2uc. MP. 75c and Jl.OO.
I'axtou &
TONHillT AT Kllff ,
1'rcBcntlnu Ills
Mesmeric Mysteries ,
Benta 25c nnd SSc.
NE// two usr
L. M. CUAWKOKD , Manager.
'Hsrnaln Dax" Matinee I All
Today , |
TONK11IT AT Hilfi ,
Views Today. | uic miuioR. "
IllUHtrnted HCOIICH In Purred Animation
L. M. CrnwforJ , Msr. PUIOK9.
Ono week , commencing Sunday Matinee ,
Jan. 10 ( xct ptlnK .Monday night ) ,
" "
A Htory of thu Kouth.
"Alabama" IH to the Kouth wlmt the
"Old HomwUcnd" In to the Kast.
_ loBt ! rc'wcrvcd cutu , 7Cu and COo ; balcony ,
" ' ' '
'j'aii. 17 to 20. "HUMAN lIHAUTa. "
140 rooms , tntlu. iteain livnt and nil modern
convenlrnct'V. Itutm , JI.M ) and J2.00 per day.
Tulile une > i < illcd. Hreclul low rule * to reituUr
bearderu. rilANK IIILDITCH , llur.