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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1897)
\ ' . I , , T'l t ' 1 ( I I o THE OMAHA DATLY BEJ3 : SATURDAY , JAXUAKV 0 , 1807. rewarded wlili one of the boat place * In tlio Rift of the executive. Tlio speaker torpratulated bin party that It had l * pn wUo though to be generous In Hut distribution of the power that they hail won , and In r--ward those who hail assisted to compass the rmull. While It wss not possible In tlio next four years to obtain control of thn nation , they coulil place on the Rlalulo books of N'obranka laws tint would asilil them to continue In the placrn already won. won.First nnd fornniont , they nhoulil pass a Hw that would make It a crime for any cor poration to taki * a purl in a political cam paign In the Interi-UH of any party. Ho dc- clnrwl that the hank * hail contributed money > n the recent campaign , nnd the people hail n rlKlit to ay that no corporation should uss Ita Influence to placs a political party In powm1 , or to overthrow another political party. Mr. llryan aliio urnod the pafwwBe of a Btate law by which the bank * should bo compelled - polled lo mine a fund , to be us"d to guar- anico rippmltnra , and li declared that If NcuraakA took the Initiative the national banks would soon be compelled to fall In line. If the * * thing * were done , the ucce n wr , ! , Imil fall would bn a permanent succosn nnd tliu people would keep that party In jowor which had proved Itself to bo worthy to be In power. MANY 8KNT THimi HEOUKTS. At this point Dr. Whlpplo read Icttcrn of rrgrct from lion. David Overmuyor of Kau nas , II. T. I.owl.i of Ocors'a. ' John W. Thotnan of Alabama , John It. McJ.aln. William Sult- r.or of New York City , Vlfci President Adlal r. atsvenson and Clovernor Slonu of Mln- noiirl , , . , Governor Stone's IclKr was an exhaustive review of recent poetical events and ending with ix prophecy that four years hetico the people ) would give Mr. Bryan the honor that they had denied him lam fall. Scnalor I. . . tj. Feltz of ORallala wan then Introduced lo dlscurn "The Nebraska Legla- latun ; . " Ho raid that the proswil leglsla- turo wan an unknown fiiantlty | , but It np- nuarcd to bn complied of levil-hoaded men. Ho excused hlmsolf from further remarks by aylnK that If 'ha chanced to flay anything that dll not prove true hla fellow legisla tors would malio It unpleacant for him for the nxt few months. NO LOVE FOR Till : nKI'AUTKD. "Tho National Democrats" was the toast that James Motialmn of Lincoln wna called , oa to discuss , The toast was received with r.llcuco and the peaker with iipplauite. Mr. Mnnalian ftald that , Judged by Its merits , thu m'.llonal democratic * party would br allowisd to pans Into olucurlty without oommenl. Dili It had been no Intimately connected with Krcat events Ihat the writers of future his tory would ha compelled to add a foot note cl the Ixittom to explain Its connection with th'flo cvenM. The dlagruntled democrats of Iho wcflt had minified with the money princes of the cent. They had been , patted on the back by the executive at Wsahlngton. They had nwocl- iitid with the vlrtunua ntatcaman from Ken tucky , amU In duo time the national democ racy was born. Ilu called the national dem ocrats spies and Infortncrn. and likened thorn to Judaa Incarlot nnd Ilcncdlct Arnold. Ho nrouaod prolonged applauce by declaring that tin ) first great traitor of hlt-tory went out anil hung hlnwclf. The lust hud betrayed hlrf party and then ionu ; foiling. The national democracy was dead. Us "Hero lies the epitaph mlKht bo-written , national democracy. In birth disreputable. In life dl/dmnorablo , and In death dishon ored. " TUinUTB TO "OLD HICKORY. " In the abtcnco of Mr. Overmcycr , W. II. Thompson of Grand Island replied to the toast. "Old Hickory. " Mr. ThoiRpion Bald that no matter how lilgh the monument waa erected over the Itravc , It did not measure the character of Iho man who slumbered hrnenth Its Rliadow. To iaiiKe ; the character of Andrew Jackson wo nhould not K < > to bin tomb , but to the hearts of the American people. His llfo wa.i nil lunplrntlmi to the people for all tlmo to omo for nobler dpcdi nnd loftier endeavor. Ho began llfu as poor nci the poorrnt , and bin cnrrer nliowrd that to him who had an honrst purpose and a determined will there xvas no mich word an fall. The speaker tracoij the lift * of Jackson from his early surround- Iiil/i to tlio triumphs of his later yearn , niu concluded with an. cloijucnt peroration which ccaln awakened treniundoua C'lithunloain. OTHKIl ADUUISSSKS. Tonstnmelor Hlpplo no.xt Introduced It. S. Melcalfe , oilltor of the World-Herald , who responded to "Tho Press. " Ho Bald : "Tho proas each year bicomus moro powerful. This lit particularly true In the field of politics. This was never better exemplified than In the late campaign , when but a ncant few wcro obllRed to IlKht thu battlcu of blmctal- llnm. " The speaker was of the opinion that the majority of nownpapcr men working on tlio metropolitan tdieetx had voted for llryan nnd TITO silver. Democracy In the next catn- palKii , ho advocated , should look well lo the Mcwiipnjiurs , an It would bo thrmiKh them that the farmer nlemcnt nnd the wavcrliKt mlmls of Heattcrcd voters would b > won anl brought over to their ninkri , He advUed thut all itooil ilumocrutH Miould pay their respects to thulr local Hheut and pay tholr subscription : ) a couple of yi''iri. ahead. I'M 1' . Smith was the next speaker. Ho rcupomlrd to tlio toast of "Thu Jackionlan Club. " He | > alil a Klowliu ; tribute to the lo- < -nl organization , vliilmlni ; for It the prcatlfto of ill ! democratic club ; In the western coun try. The speaker touched up the political traitors , so called , of the club , and < iald ho looked forward with pleasure to the day when they should be crowd off the club roitcr , The Jacksonlans have emerged from Iho late battle fewer In numbers , but he fult they etlll stood ready to ( Uht ; the battle for their favorite candidate in I'JOO. Mr. Romaiin of Iowa w o next called upon. Tli eprukcr nald that he como from a dtnto that iave ; CO.OOO tnnjorlty a alnst W. J. llryan , yet ho felt that n larger vote had born polled for the democratic candlihitu than ever before In tlio history of the mate. HP. however , waa assnri-d that W. J. llryan would carry tlio tttato In HID next national campaign. Thouth ; defeated In hU poittonal race for olilce , hu ( Hill pledged hit ] oupport to thu champion of frcn nllvcr. "llmliima .Men and Methods in Politico olid Qovernmout" was tlio toast responded to by Hon. U , V , Cochran of St. Joseph , Mo. Ho Maid : "In reviewing the campaign of 1S9G I think wo have nothliu ; to regret , in otto sense It wa.i n glorious victory. in the campaign of 1909 the xtono not ralllnK | J8G ! ) will bear excellent fruit , for the election of our candidate U already ensured. " lie con- . tondfd that the prrs.i co * 1R9B had been bought OUT by the stronger party financially , imt the cm of knowledge of trim political prin ciples was about to dawn upon the world In the next national light. Politicians liad been bought over ' by the Kciiros In the crtuade ngalnat llrymi. I'vwi those men who loved ( ho jjlltter of iolil ; better than honor would join hands with the farmer and laborer nnd mnkn tint oltutlon of thu nuxt democrutlc candl- date an ovcrwhidmliu ; victory. The njionltor nutllnod the corrupt Hysioiu of hondlii ; ; big corporAtlouH nnd ussor'ed thai the voter now had his oycs OJIPII nnd would HIM to It that Icglilatlou In Iho future - turo hhould do away with such methods. The Into bank failures wcro accredited to thn foinlim Installment of the rupuhllcftn prcdlilant In thn whlto house. Ho UU-d that lriO&M)0 ( ) of the republican vote beocompoird : of Illiterate forelgtii-ra and nt'rtrona. Ik- concluded by declaring thut the usurper would go down before the va- lanehi' of votes which would bo cant Rtulnnt ; him In the next political content. lu the. al onup of W. 1) ) . Oldham. who was down on the proiiram to roipoml to tlia loaii' of "Thu itaiicalH Ari > Tin nod Out , " Judf { Scott upoko , Hn said It wiiu the llrnt tlmo li : bin life tlmt hu had attended n Jncknimlan club liKimubt. Ho , liownvur. found himself llioroiiKlily < it houm. Hood politics , hp ait'ld , wuu with him good ro- HloodU what ijlvcj stroiig nerves , ( loud Mood nnd io ; d hvalth ciiiuu by SarsapariBBa Itn sure t1) n't Hood's mid only IIOOD'H. Hood'u Plllaaio thj ( uvorllofamily caUiarllo , ifclcft ] . Ho foil Ihat he was on the right side of the fcnoo and Intended to stay there For many rtasonn the speaker was Blat that W. J. Bryan 'hod t > n defeated. II would only nuke moro ccrtali bin e1 rtlon at the next rait Ing of the rote at the national election To watch ovcry yearly election during the next four years was the nyiitern whl * fc nhouh bo employed to accomplish victory In 1903 Durlns the narvljig of the banquet It oh re * orchestra rendered the following program : amnd Marrh Jnrksonlon Clul ) . Hohrs Otrirliire-Wplrotno . HN. . Cnllln Bplpellon-Oriind Duchcsii . Offfnlmch \Vnltz North Htnr . Wnldletifel I'olonnlfft Triumph . Fr. Bfrijer Ovi-llun Hrldnl Honn . C. I nillco HoU'ctlon Bohemian Qlrl . Ilnlfe Wnltz Andaluchi Vnlno Knpiiirioc..Thli'ru : Ornnd Klnnlu Iltirrnh for \v. J. Hrynn. . . Hnyiln ( M'TPL'T OK lllAiv 1IIM.SMI.MCS. . Over 1'lKlil . Million Iolliir ' Worlli ol ( iolil nnil . * illv < * r I'rdilueeil. DBADWOOD , S. I ) . , Jon. 8. ( Special. ) Thu following figures , which have been obtained from Ihe officials of the companion men tioned and can be verified at any tlmo maybe bo Interesting an showing the rapid ( rtrldca m.vlo by thu Black Hills mine : . : Name of lllne. Ton * ore milled. Value Homntit'u ) . m.ow ! ir , ; : . < x > Q IIKflilniul . 1HLWO T37.0M ' lc.ulw < x l Term . ZJt'eW ) ( M.CIW Awx | Conrallilate ] Co . 8,1 ) 2I.MO .t. u . i.siw n.ow Kryilono . ! ! , ) k-VO-M lluly Terror . 10.0 * TS.Wit ) Dcmllircko . 7.WW M.O-VJ Ht. Klmo . I. * . * ) < 1rsx\r : \ llnnr . l. W Ilankvn . I G.JW Colutnliua . \M \ C.OW DrinliviXKl niul Dvlawnro Kmoltlni ; Company . . ' . 13I.W ) 1.900.0M ( Uili mi Krncllfr . 1.WO ) OnWm 111 waul . 45,117 K Oj ) II. . H. . O. & ! 2x. Co . 25.00 SI 3. 004 KHJi.imn . S1.91J "M.COfl Khlppoil fiom IllncU Jfllli. . . . 43W ) 1,075.104 1'ri'liict nf I'lncer Mlii ( oitlmnte < l ) . Total , IWi ! . ou-W I * , , K TotBl , Ii93 . . . JM.WO 4,010.000 Inpronce . K'J.TM $ J.3Ji/KiO In the nbovo figure.i li not Included the valtio ct silver and copper navod by the vari ous reduction plants In ( ho treatment ot ores , which will nwcll ( ho total of the wcaltn pioiluecd lo nt leaat on additional $1,000,000. Of thla amoiint the DeaiUvoad nnd Dflawaru omeller saves on an nvorago of 500 ouncea per day , and the Black Hllla Gold nnd K.t- trartl'M company twenty-live ounccfl , or n total for theic two compjnles alone for the year , counting 3I50 working days , of $110- 802.SO. But this -Is by no means all thi sil ver saved , ns many small companion keep no account of the white melnl which comes lo llirm In the process of reducing the ores. Ono plant alone last year , the Dradwool and Delaware smelter , produced $200.0UO worth of copper from ores shipped In for treatment , while othem have produced thlj metal In Hinall amounts , ranging from a few liundnd to thousands of dollars. The figures given nro reliable and the amount of gold produced In lf > 90 , $3,233,000 If anything , la n liltllo less than thu amcunt really produced for the year ended on De cember 31 last , ns th flKures for Iho lasl two months of the year were not available. YUAH'S IHJII.DI.Vt ; AT VKU.MIII.IO\ . ( ' ! < > nnil Coniily Tuned . Ilnve Spent it llnnilreil Tlionrianil. VKU.MILI.10N. S. I ) . . Jan. 8. ( Special. ) During the past year Vcrmllllon has made a fine Hbowlng In Its many Improvcmento In Iho way of business houues , dwellings and public bulldlnga which have been built allow lo take the place of the old landmarkn. Among some of the now buildings might be mentioned the old KpLscopal buildings which have been remodeled and made anew for a pamchlal nclmol under the charge of the Benedictine Order of Sisters , at a cost of $7,000 ; a new Third ward achoolhousc. $0- 090 ; new hulldlnKK for the Clay County bank , $0.500 ; McCauII & Webdler CO.'H new covatur ! , $1,000 , and many olher cosily bnlldlnrA The lolal amount expended on Improvements In the various WBJII amounts to J31'OQ. Dur ing all tills tlmo the county has kept pace With the city. Several new otorrci have been built , new creameries cjtablUhod and farm rcjldcncca and ncccf/ury farm buildings erected , It la estimated that the city und county have togelhcr ivcnt $100,000 In the ycar'fl Improvement. ! . Contractor Watson handed over the kcyn lo thn new brick nchoolhouiie In the Third ward Monday morning to the city Hchool honnl , which proceeded to turn on Ihentcain for the Hral nwalon of the year. The build ing Is ono ot the meat cxpon.ilvc public ulnctvi In the city. It In made of brick. heated with atenm , and coal , wllh fixtures and healing rpparatuo , In the nclKhborhoud of $7.000. The Imllillni ; contain. ) four rooiM. niul 1 situated In one ot the prettiest placii In the city , overlooking the broad M'naouK valley from the brow of the hill. Thcro Ic need of a school building In each ward of the city , nnil Ihere la already talk ( if their being built en noon aa the school fund will permit. _ IMUA.V.S Dltl.Mv WHISKY AM ) KICIIT. Kulvex unit Axen ) , 'rei'ly UNeil unit Iron Aloi'eiiNln IN ICIlleil. CHAMBI2ULAIN , 3. I ) . , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Details are received hero of n Hinall alzod Indian war that occurred on Bad tlvcr ax the result of an overdose of llio whlto man' . ! "firewater. " A party of Two Kettle Indiana had 'bc-en acrosa the Missouri river on a shopping expedition nnd returned much the worm for Ilijuor. On the way homo the v/agon was iiirt | and Its occupants thrown out upon thn ground , An angry altercation ensued , which led speedily to a guuornl inuli-D , In which knlvc.1 and axea were trccly used , Ono or two squaws wrro badly Klaahid nnd Ircin ( Moccasin , ono ot thu moi ) , had 'his ' skull split open. It Is ec > hl , 'by ' his ov.-n brother. Slick Charlie , Iron Moccasin died noon afterwards , but tha others will recover. The law against selling whisky to Indliinn Is not very rigidly enforced In that Hcctlen , and It Is no uncommon thing lo sec nn Intoxicated Indian. The proverb thai "a drunken Indian Is a crazy Indian" always holdii good. Kovc.'nl while men have boon Rent lu liu ! penitentiary for abort tcrina for ntrlvlng to evade ths lliiuor IUWH , but the nppeiir able In get nil the splrltu they can pay for. The result h that whites are threatened und fierce quarrels take place Hinong thiinsflvca. KiHjTiticrrY7"o.v TIIK TIIHU'TWKJ.S. I't'ciilliir I'lieniiiiienoii .Vntleed Dtirlnu ; ( he , Sloriu nl Huron , IIUIION , 0. P. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) A pecu liar feature of llio great storm was the ap pearance on the ttrti of trco .Iwlgu of brlghl Hparkii of electricity. They were seen In dlfforont parts of the city Monday evening , and presented n ntrunge yet beautiful alght. On touching tlio twig with the finger the elec tric upark would Immediately bo transferred thu enl of the twig lo the tip of the linger and thoru remain as long aa the llnjier \vivu In ( 'oatnet with the twig. upon which thu spark npppnred ; remove the linger and the vparK would again tulco Hu place on the tip of Mlio twig nnd no amount of shaking of the trco could dloplace It. A touch of the Htovnplpn with an Iron poker or other me tallic. guhstnnco would result In aondlng a sharp current up the arm and thouoanda of electric sparks Into the room. l.nnit Olllec lliiNlni'NN In Deeeiulier. CHAMIItiHUiMN , S. D. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) During tbo month of December the United States land olllco In thla city transacted u larger volume of business than for many inontlm prevlouu. A total of ICG original homr-tcsd entries were placed on record , dUpnnlng of 23,869.01 acreo of land. There were alao llvo final entries , All but a few of the orlglcal bomcutead entries were upon luiuU In Cregory county. Iho pluta of which were only recently filed In the local land offlcp. _ Trnnlili'M In ( lit * llnxliiCN * ST , I'AUh , Jan. B. Judge Bunn , late yoatciiluy , upon the petition of I'ubllo Kx- nmlncr Kenyon , appointed J. F. Fltzpatrlck rcculvur for tno Bank of North St. I'aul. Tha bank uoii capIlalUcd at $25.000 , and Cailnli\ | Henry A , Uaotle , Its president , and rtiri'iilly pojilmunter of St. I'aul. says It hud dopotlt * of ( inly $22,000 and as nuts of about $35,000. Its deposits were mainly ' public funda. It'c rcocrvu fund was deposited with thu Allomanla bank , which failed on Monday , and Ihli was ono of the cauica of the auDpninlon of the Bank of North St. I'aul , Dl'ltANOO , Colo. , Jan. S. The ofilcera of the _ ni | Juan County bank ot Aztec , N. M. , have decided to close Ihat limtltutlon , owing to | > oor UU.IIIGM , DepoBltoru will bo paid their money throutth the Smelter City bank of thl city. TAKE A RECESS TILL MONDAY Both Branches of tbo Legislature Qivo Up Work for a Time , SWARM OF PLACE HUNTERS AT LINCOLN pNxiiri * fur Aiiiiolntinriit < ! renter ( linn Kver nnil ( lit * Member * frKlnw lleoiiomy nt I'ver } ' ' 1'jirii uf the Itiiml. LINCOLN. Jan. 8. ( Special Tclogram.- ) Iloth branchwi of the legislature ) have ad journed until Monday , thua closing the firot loftlilallvo week. The ncrialo has done al- motrt nothing. The horns h u n"cnt four ilajn In nn effort lo placalo placc-liunlurs. The distribution of Iho twenty or thlrly Job * lo clerks , JanlloiH , custodians , pages and other accocsorlco to legislative deliberation necir.n to bo a matte. ' ot extraordinary Importance. Three days of tlmo would have been saved had the fuclon caucus last Monday night del egated to Speaker Gafiln Iho authority to appoint the minor employed of the hounc. Ono prominent leader of the populist party remarked today that he ho < ) cd the tlmo might come when the Interests ot the lax- * payers wouldbo considered of enough Im portance lo penult the speaker to name cm- liloyca Inatcad of making the scramble for pctly places a maltcr of legislative delib eration. The eeinte lies already filled thirty places , elective and appointive , nnd the house baa exceeded that numbor. Moro will be r.ppolntrd In both houses ; but there la an evident disposition to keep the total number down to low au porulblo. The pressure for pieces Is enormoi : greater , probably , than at any previous atoalon , The newly Installed state officials are today besieged by men anxious to servo the state In any capacity that has a salary ntlaclipd. Governor Holromb Is Iho objective point ot attack of most of the applicants , and his ante-room lu constantly filled with pallent waltom for nn audience. Land Commissioner Wolfe lira entertained almcat os many. Most of Iho members who did not leave for tholr honiM I bin afternoon went to Omaha to at tend HIP Iiaii'iuet tendered by the Jackson- Ian club. There l.i every Indication that Monday nft- crnoon will wllness a flood of bills for pro posed laws. Nearly every member of Iho house has nt Iwst one hill prepared ready for Introduction. In the oenato Iho pronpcct does not Hceni no overwhelming. The Omaha charter Is In Senator HowelPa pocket , and ho saya It Is ready for Introduction as noon as the Bcnato Is ready to receive bills. It It generally concede , ] that Senator Howell will bo chairman of the committee on mu nicipal affairs , the committee to which the charter Is iMually referred. Thin place seems to bo already laid aalde for the Omaha sena tor by common consent. The formation of the ( ( landing committees of both IIOUBOS la ntlll In the Inltlalory otage. Speaker Oafiln today rct'iiMled all members to signify to him In writing ihelr firsl , second nnd third cho co for chairmanship. The senate com mittees nro likely to bo appointed early In the coming week. IIOI/.SI3 / OIVH.H OUT .MOIIU PI.ACHS. AiIilKliiiinl Clerk * . On ( . > . ] Inn * , .Inn. Horn , P > IK < * N , Kit : , .Ai.mliieil. ] ( LINCOLN. Jan. 8. ( Special. ) At 10:15 : Speaker Gaffin called the house to order , although the adjournment of last evening had been set for 10 o'clock. Ninety-eight members responded to roll call , McCarthy of Garfield and Mills of Lancaster being absent. Clark of Rlchardcon was called lo llio chair by the speaker and the house Jour nal wna read by First Assistant Clerk Foster. Hull of Harlan moved that when the hoiuo adjourn that the tlmo be fixed at 2 p. in. Monday. This was carried , find Jones of Gage moved that the house authorize the printing of COO copies of the 'governor's message. On this motion a dlvHon was called for , and the speaker requested the-clerk to call the roll. r Snydcr of Sherman explained his voto. Ho said thai ho believed Iho objection to this motion nrojxj from the fact that It had not yet been settled wJiat the printing of the nios > ao _ would cost. It was a compliment that had brcn extended to other governors , and ho would vote iiyo. The result of the i oil call allowed 32 ayes , 02 nays , and the motion was lost. Billing ! ; of Cherry then moved that two copies of the mcssago bo furnished each member of the house , but the motion failed of n second. Webb of Custcr moved Ihat a committee ; of thrto bo appointed to act with a like cnm- mlttco from the senate on Joint rules. The speaker raid that ho nhould appoint a com- mlllcc on rules , Imt that the motion was properly before the house , and would bo ccled upon. The motion wao carried. Speaker Gafiln then requested that dur ing the pending adjournment the members would send him tholr first , second and third choice for chairmanships. Speaker Coffin also announced the following appointments selected last night by the caucus : Fourth asflstant clerk. G. W. Phillips , Platte county ; typewriter. Miss Virginia Phillip ? , Douglas ; assistant postmaster. Laura M. LUCUB , Doug- Ian ; first bill clerk , I. D. Marks. Hall ; proof reader. Mary Falrbrother. Douglas ; assistant proofreader , to be named Monday ; enrolling nnd engrossing clerks , Edward Westering , : : iay ; Lizzie Stevens , Adams ; Katie Neville , Otoo ; Lena Browcr , Cumlng ; Arlhur Franlz , Saline ; copy holder , JCSEO Pfiug , Flllmore ; MsUtunt copy holder , Anna Close. Richard son ; sixth Janitor , L. U , Chancy. Richard son ; stenographer , lo bo filled .Monday ; ao- Hlstant night watchman , Henry Taylor , Pur- ma ; secretary , Ralph Clark ; typewriter , chief clerk , Sadie Striker ; engrossing and enrolling clerks , D. A. Way of Douglas , C. Wilson of I'latle , J. M. Whlslnand of Tlmyor , I ) . W. Murray of Flllmoro ; mull carrier , Daniel Biirkhard , Adams ; assistant door- cccpcr , Charles Blvons , Johnron ; assistant bill clerk , II. F. Wasmund. Sheridan ; as sistant custodian of cloak room , L. S. Bruno , Mcrrlck ; Janitor of the house , John Vandor- licrg. Frontier ; pages , Oscar Phclps of Dundy. Willie Smith of Richardson. Fred 3clirenlmer ot York , James Boyd of Ham ilton. W. P. Wright of Lancaster , was. the choice of the caucus for bookkeeper In Iho chief clerk's office , subject lo Iho appoint ment of the i-llver democrats. The following named persons nro the dem ocratic caucus nominees for pagro , and were this morning appointed by * the speaker : Willie Cunningham of Saline , Louis ICdwarcM of Richardson , Willie Hciuley of Pintle , R. Black of Hall and Harvey Grosvonor of Hamilton. On motion ot Smith of Douglas the scr- gcant-at-arms v.-iw Instructed to procure a Hag to float over the cast end of the capl- lol while Iho house Is In session. There was a move made to limit the cost of tl.'ln flag In $25 , but Roddy ot Otoo protested against tbo motion , tiaylng Ihat the American flag liad cost too much already to be humiliated now by any monetary limit. Tlio price of the Hag was loft open. Tha house then adjourned to meet at 2 P. m. Monday next. .Semite Ailjoiimx Qull < ly. LINCOLN , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Lieutenant Governor Harris presided at the brief ses sion of the flcuato thin morning. No at tempt was inndu to trantnct business beyond tlio adoption 'of a resolution directing tha tiecratury of state to furnish all supplies needed by the ofilcora and membcrii of the acnatu upon rcaulvltlon. Mr. Fritz of Thuraton moved that the sen ate adjourn until Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. His motion was amended by Mulz of Keyu Palm , making the hour 10 o'clock Monday forenoon. The amendment won lost on a tie voto. Thu original motion wan voted down. Then Iho senators agreed to a mo tion made by McGann of Boone , under which an adjournment wns taken until Monday afternoon at. 2 o'clock. John MOITIMV .MiieeoeilN Jnt'liNon. O'NEILL , Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) John Morrow of Atkinson was ap pointed county superintendent by the super visors to 111) ) the vacancy caused by the rt-algnatlon of W. U. Jackson. Ho U a ) opull t. ( 'rciiinery Aitllntloii at Klldiorn. ELKHORN , Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Them la u movement on foot hero to catsb- lull a co-operative creamery association. For the purpose of taking action In the matter thnrcvjylll be a masi meeting Salur day , January , 1C , of the farmers and other Interested''Jln ' ° the matter. The mcctln will ho aiMrtoked by John Diet , a pracllc * creamery mdn of Falrflcld , la. - , , , > _ _ _ _ _ NBW vmtstov OF coxAitn THAcanm > .ir ! , Iliinliniiil ritijrrtcil ' " HI" Wife l.cnvlnt Hnfil pKi * for Kr < * nion ( . FRHMOXT. "Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Miss Hal tie Hale , n tJMcr of Mrs. D , M. Conard , wh was shot by. her husband at Holdrcge , ha returned toFremont , and elves a nomowha different vortlon of the .cause of the tragcd than has previously been reported. Conari ! according ttf 'her ntory , was unwilling t work at any buslnraa where he had any thing to do as long as he could get nome on to support himself and family. HU wlf had supported herjelf and child by leach Ing , nnd during Hie prat few weeks imp ported him , too. The shooting , she Bays , wcf caused by Cont.rd' being unwilling liM wlf and boy should come lo Fremont. It oc currcd oil the sidewalk on llio way to til depot. Conard , his wife and boy were or the way to the depot , when they were over taken by Dr. Shields , a friend of the family The doctor asked her to ride. As she wa Retting Into the wagon Conard pulled a gill on the doctor , who then otcppcd back. He then turned the gun on hla wife. She threw up her hand , and the bullet cut off he finger and entered the neck near Ihe Jugula vein. Thinking Ills wlfo was dead , he she himself. Kiiiii ) HV .IU.IIPI.VC err A TUAIX Illn licit Cntelii-M on On * Cnr nnil tin WheelK Cut ( lir lllx I , < * K. O'NEILL , Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Special Tcle- Kram. ) William Parllna , a nallvo of Hol land , about 23 years old , while dealing o ride of Ihe Fremont , Elkhorn & 'Missouri ' Valley pat > enger train lost night , received Injuries from which ho died about 8 o'clock this iinmlng. He took the blind baggage at Norfolk last night , expecting to go to Dcadwood , When the train was pulling Into Stafford , a Hinall station about sixteen mllc.l east of this city , ho went to Jump off the train to hldo from the brnkcman , and. In Jumping , a belt ho had tied around his body got caught on eomc part of the car and Ihrcw him underneath. Two cars panned over ono of his legs , cutting It off near the knee. Ho was brought to this city nnd attended by Dr. Glllagan of this city , nnd Dr. Mc Donald of Atkinson , and Dr. McKnlght of Long Pine , who was on the train. A coroner's jury was empannclcd nnd the railroad company and Us employes wcro ex- oncralcd from all blame. The youug man's folks live lu Holland and are reporled lo he wealthy. Ho was burled In Hits city this afternoon. ItOIHIKUS TA ICK STAMPS AXI ) MOXKV. Knler n. Hunk unit I > enpe with Over Klulity HollnrM. TALMAGi : , Neb. . Jan. ' 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Bank of Talmago was enlercd last night by burglars. ! 2nlrane.o was made Ihrough the door In the rear ot tlio bank. A pinch-bar and common chisel wcro the In- Blrumcnls used. The wall of Iho vault was lorn nwny mifilclcnlly to allow n grown per son to crawl.'throngh. ' Several private boxes wore torn cpemJ Tno safe was not molested. About $ CO worth of 2-ccnt stamps and $10 worth of 10-tunt Htamps , belonging to the postmaster , were taken , and $11 In money andi a revolyer.'i The lliloves made Ihelr de- parluro with a' npan of horses , a spring wagon and/harness , which they stole from Mr. C. Scl/lltt/J / The team was found this morning alwnit four miles south of Nebraska City , nnd allowed signs ot very hard driving. Snj-H Clip ffanlt * Are \Vvll ICopt. GRAND JSMNn. Jan. 8. ( Special. ) At WodnoadaynlghlL'tf meeting of the city council Expert Actfcuntnnt A. E. Fowlle made a re port on tilt1 ? examination of the records of City Trcasiircr' King from April , 1893 , to May , 1895 " M ? . Fowllo has made ncveral examinations ot records In thlo cjty and county andth.Q public has , the utmost con fidence lrf filfVdrIc. ' reports""that 'Iho present administration of the Insurer's of fice In admirable. Mr. Fowllo says : "Grand lalaml Is to be congratulated upon having ntich an efficient officer. livery amount was correctly entered. Every column was cor rectly added , and when the day of zctllo- mcnt came every penny of the $31,190.31 'balance on hand' was accounted for. The records have been Kept In a model manner and go where you will their ctpialu are few and their superiors you will not find. " W rc for n licet .StiKiir Homily. GRAND ISJiAND. Jan. S. ( Special. ) The ( sugar beet raisers ot thin vicinity have taken active ntcpo lo bring Ihe Importance of making an appropriation for the payment of the sugar bounty before the legislature. At a meeting at which about 100 of these beet ralscm attended a committee was ap pointed to prepare suitable mcmorlala to the legislature and to Intercal the beet ralicra In other counties In the effort and ( ecure their co-operation. This committee Is dili gently al work passing petitions among clll- r.on.'i generally and the producers of heels particularly. In order to defray the ex penses Incurred by Hils work an ossesamenl uf 1 cent a ton has been agreed to among the beet raisers themselves. Klre llnj-H CJIvc n llnnn.iiet. BEATRICE. Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Tuesday evening marked a happy period In the affairs at hose company No. 1 , Beatrice volunteer fire department. It was the time fixed for Iho annual election of officers , which ro- sullcd In the oclecllon of the following corpa : President , II. I * , Harper ; vlco president. E. M. Caruthers ; secretary and treasurer , F. J. Maxwell ; foreman. C. T. Harrison ; first no- jUtant foreman , W.V. . Scotl ; second ao- Jlslanl , Guy Llddlcott ; Hleward. Orrln T. Curlls. After the buulnera of the meeting WM Iransacted n magnificent banquet supper was iwrvcd by Hayael , about thirty , Includ ing representatives of Iho local press , par- tlclpallng. S < * lll * nil OIil NELIGH , Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Yestor- ilay a settlement of the Judgment held by Antelope county against the old Commercial Stnto bank waa reached. By Its terms the stockholders pay the original sum of the ludgment nnd costs and one-half the accrued Interest , amounting altogether to $3,876.21. With the payment of taxes by the Fremont , Hlkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad and the Short Una during the last days of December , this sum will enable Antelope county to cancel - col all outstanding warrants and leave a liandsomo surplus to the credit of nearly all the funds , ' Two \\VililliiKM tit Mlmlen. MINDEN , Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Speclal.5 Mr. lay Smith and Miss Clara Springer wcro married nt , t'hy .homo of Iho bride's parents In thla cltyiJaot evening , Rev. Hnniia of- delating. ' j f O. C. I'aulscn and Millie Jones wore mar ried In this city last evening at the rcsl- Jenco of IhorhrMo'ti partmts. Botli nro young people , well-known In the community. Mr. I'aubeu In thu present county clerk. I'MnifM u Thief In n Cellnr. lJERMNicp. ( , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Henry Ilelnek wasfartcstcd hero today upon com plaint of 'lilrftryman Ben Carls upon a ! warrant iMnqd by Justice C. 0. Llttlcflcld , charging him w.lth stealing two horses from his Htnblo , ic'tt there for board. Constable C. C. Taney inado the arrest , after pome difficulty In finding hM man , who was hid den lu his under a straw bed. \ * Tv'OoV ( 'onilly IMiynlrlnii. NKBRASlt CITY , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Dr. W. II. I'nrlVhurst of Dunbar was loday ap pointed county physician by the commission ers. He succeed ! ) Dr. O. C. IIolso. Tha city council had a lively meeting laul night , at which the old mailer of the city attorneyshlp was rovlowcd. A heated wran- Klo between the mayor and council wa tin : result. ill Slielliy. SHELBY , Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) SkatIng - Ing Is all the go of late. Smlth'd lake , which can bu reached In a tow minute/ walk , Is In line \'ondklon for the apart. The married worn nil started the bull to rolling , and the Klrla 'goon fell Into line. When the lake Is brilliantly Illuminated at night with torchru Iho nceno la a gay and brilliant ono , Imen n | iliiKi > r Willie Hunting. OAKDALIC. Jan. 8. { 3poclal. ) George 31 on , fcon of 0 , A. Olson , n prominent buaU : ieaa man of Oakdalo , had the llttlo finger blown off ono of hla hands by the hurtling > f hlii gun while hu waa out hunting , MAY ABOLISH JIILFORD 1I01IE Mcmbira of tbo Legislature May Follow Governor's Suggestion. ONE INSTITUTION CONSIDERED ENOUGH A for Vrtrrmift ( n Itr In Order til Muvc i\IM-MHf nnil CiiinlirrHiimi' MrUi- < IIH f LINCOLN , Jan. S. ( Special. ) There U considerable talk among the members of the IcgUlaturo concerning the advisability ol abolishing the Mllford Soldiers' and Sailors' ' home. This Is In line with suggestion ! mode by Governor Holcomb In his The home was established by the last Immediately after It had appropriated $12- 000 for enlarged accommodations for the Orainl Island Soldiers' home , and the bill met with considerable opposition on the floor ot thu house. It created n new office , the patronage bMng lodged In the board of public lands and buildings , but the Institu tion comes forward this year with a deficiency of $10,521.20 , after earnest promises had been made to flcctiroi the pCBsage of the bill that the Institution would bo self-supporting. It also now aaks that $13,500 be appropriated for the purchuo of the nanltarlum property In which Is located the home. It Is un doubtedly true that there mo members In both housed , old soldiers , como ot them , who arc In favor of coiMoltdatlng the homo accommodations for veterans In some Instl- llon , and It Is thought that the effort to do away with the cumbersome method ot sup porting twit separate homes for the soldiers , to the apparent detriment of both , will prove successful. Previous to the governor's reception last night at the state c.lpltol two handsome military overcoats belonging to Captains II. II. Mulford and A. II. Hollingsworth were stolen from the office of the adjutant gen eral. The garments were valued at about $50 nplccc , and were both now. Thla morn ing Officer Nightingale saw Harry Iloyer , alias J. T. Smith , boarding a train for Omaha with the two overcoats In quctUion swinging from hla arm. Ho was taken to the station and locked up. It Is believed ho Li also guilty of stealing a lot of tobacco. HISTORIANS MEET NEXT WEEK. The annual meeting ot the Nebraska State Historical society .will be held at the uni versity January 12 and 13 , commencing at 8 o'clock p. m. , the first day. The general subject will bo "The Legislature of 1855. " The program for Tuesday evening Is as fol lows : Paper , prepared by Hon. J. Sterling Mor ton , iiresldont of the society. Paper , "Tho Women of IWj , " Mrs. Har riett S. MucMurpliy , Onmlin. HlogrnphlcH of some of the members of the Icgl.ilnturo of isr.3with romlnlsecncc.s by tlio.Ke of the members uml pye-wltnessos who can be present. The program for Wednesday evening Is : Paper , In connection with the organiza tion known * ns Son * nnd Daughters of No- braHlcn. Itoscoo Pound. Lincoln. "Tlio ncmiltx of the Pioneer Session from n Lojjul Point of View ; " illscusslon by Juilgo M. U. lloese. Judge J. n. Webster , JudgoJ. H. Oroncly , Judge S. n. Pound , W. J. Iximb and other eminent jurists. The State Horticultural uDclety will meet on January 12 and 13 In day session. Tno organization of persons In Nebraska toforo January 1. 187C , known as Sons nnd Daughters of Nebraska , will mcnt on Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock In tha State university chapel , holding Its election at1:30 : p. in. The addrora for this society will bo given on Wednesday evening. In con nection with the Historical society program , ) > ' Itoscoa Pound J5NGINEEUS TAKE A NEW NAME. The civil engineers of the state closed tholr necllng nt the State university today. The old name. "Nebraska State Association of 31vll Engineers , " was changed to "The Ne- > raskn State Engineers' Society , " and the mnstltutlon was changed to admit to niem- icrshlp mechanical , mining and electrical en gineers who have had five years' practical ex- lorlenco In the line of work peculiar to their pcclalty. The following officers were elected : 'resident. A. J. Grover , Omaha ; vice presl- lent , A. C. Koculg , Grand Island ; secrctary- rcasnror. A. Dobson , Lincoln ; executive com- nlttce , J. P. Walton , Lincoln ; A. M. Munn , Nebraska City ; Prof. II. II. Owens , Lincoln. Thn members ot the legislative committee selected arc : V. L. Durrell , Lincoln ; O. L , Dampen , Lincoln ; J. F. Hoorbach , Omaha. 'ho meeting adjourned , to meet May 17 at Grand Island. The regular annual meeting vlll bo held next' January at the State uni versity , Lincoln. Articles of Incorporation were filed today with the secretary of state of the Dawn illning , Milling and Tunnel company of Colorado and Nebraska. The capital stock la 1,000.000 , nnd the Incorporators are : Elmer to well of McCook , James K. Ilovard and Michael Stockdalo of El Paso , Colo. The official bond of State Superintendent Vllllam U. Jackson for $50,009 was filed to- lay with the secretary of state , William P. ortcr. The bond of Secretary of State "ortor , for $50,000 , Is on file In the office of ho state auditor , John F. Cornell. Omaha people In Lincoln : At tlio Llndcll F. C. Tuttle , Ed P. Smith , H. F. Ilcncdlct. At the Capital T. II. Bills. At the Lincoln V. S. Felkor , G. W. Jloynton , August Meyer , C. K. Ilogers , J. P. Fallen , Victor Lantry , John , II. miller. J. II. Evant , I. J. Dunn , Cdson Hlch , L. J. Little. II. II. Bennett. VT.MOST HI3ADV 'J' < > T WORK. \isiv Stnle OlllrcTM nnil Thrlr niilN .SflUliiK llmvii.- LINCOLN , Jan. 8 , ( Special. ) Nearly all ho newly elected state officers wcro found oday In their departments , niul tholr cm- loyca were engaged In familiarizing them- elvoa with their new work. With two cx- cptlons tho.forco In the governor's olilce a unchanged. Henry Dhiin ot Omaha sue- ccds Mr. Nelson and Mr. C. Q. DoFranco f Falrbury succeeds Julc Schoenhclt as tcnographcr. Following Is the force In the office of the onimlssloncr of lands and buildings , as cmpornrlly arranged : Elon W. Nelnon , cputy ; J. S , Hyatt , chief clerk ; Alex chlegel ( retained ) , draughtsman ; D. L ; . .lynch , bookkeeper ; E. P. Drowsier ( retained ) , lookkcuper ; Myrtle L. Shrove , sale contract Icrk ; Albert Sjoberg , lease contract clerk ; Jora King and Zoo E. Mathowo are ro- alncd as assignment 'clerks , In the olllco of Secretary of State Porter nro' found nt present : O. C. Wccsner , deputy ; ) . E. Stcrrett , bond recorder , and MB ! Nellie urcell , clerk. Tlio force Is not yet fully ompletcd. In State Auditor Cornell's office ere found nt present on duty , C. C. Pool , deputy ; iamuel Llthty , Insurance deputy ; John Simp son , bond clerk ; Jamcfl Whltaker , recorder ; V. II. Price , Insurance clerk. Doth ex- ) cputy Hodlrnd and Bookkeeper Uabcock nro at present retained on duty. In the olllco of the state superintendent of niblle. li.f tructlon both Superintendent Jack- ion and Deputy Deck wcro on the ground , nit the full list of employes was not made ip. Thin Is also the condition of the troa- Kiirer'H department. In tlio banking de partment It wan learned that thcro had been 10 formal transfer of tlio business , It Is said that the Hoard of Public Lands and lulldliiga will not meet again until Febru ary , during which tlmo this department will remain undinturhcd. At the olllco of Deputy 'ommUslonor ot Industrial Statistics Powera t wita giver out that there had been no change In the force , which comilals of Deputy John I'owora and Clerk J. H. Edgorton. In the olllco of Slate Oil Inapector Kdmln- oi7 Mr. ) . L. L. E. Stewart Is atlll acting an tenosrapher , although It Is understood that ha will bo given a clerkship In the office of the land commissioner. Secretaries of the Stnto , Board of Transportation J. C. Dahl- n u n , Gilbert L. LIWH and Joseph Edgerton valltcd Into Iho department this morning nd announced the Intention of taking formal poscVlon ! on Monday next. Attorney ( Icncral Hmyth and Deputy Ed ' . Smith , both of Omaha , are In po&acmilon t the olilce , and prepared to conduct the cgal affairs of tha utato In the supreme. ourl. _ I" I ' ' < ' " "f Klooil. NKLlfHIl Neb. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Should ho present warm , weather coutlnuo for any rest length of tlmo , unprecedented high valor Is predicted In the Elkhorn river. Dur- HK the rocuut storm the nbow drifted Into the channel so as to Impede the currcti and causing R reduction o ? the water love by at ! o t three feet. WUU this Impedltncn to the flow and the vast volume of water tlia will be added to the stream by the mcUlln snow , nothing less than a Hood can bo ex prcted , and It Is possible much damage wll ensue farther east , Ilnppy lit Jnlll PENDEIl , Neb. , Jan. S.-Spcclal.-Tln ( ) Goodmanson case wilt root until the Marcl term of the district court. At that time tin counsel for defense will probably move fo a change of venue. It Is the general opinion however , that the case will bo tried nut finished here. Goodmanson deports hltnscl as usual , looks hearty and well and haa n < particular fear of future developments. Hi receives congratulations and flowers fron several women of this vicinity. At the time of the preliminary hearing n few oi the young women went no far as to wall within the walls of hU cell to get an oppor tuiiity to nhftkp handd with him. lliiivn tin * Iliii-iH-.I Dormltnrr PERU , Neb. , Jan. S. ( Special. ) The uorfc of tearing down the walls of the State Nor mal dormitory , recently burned , w a begun yesterday. It Is found thai nearly all thu brick In the walls can be used again. This will materially decrease Ihe amount of ' 'luds necessary to rebuild. AcliriixUiiIMVH Noti-x. The harness shop of W. F. Hermann al Lyons has been closed by creditors. I'onca pcoplo are agitating the question ol organizing a board of trade to boom the own. own.With With the beginning of the now year Johr II. Gentry took charge of tha Tckamah Bur ton Ian. The residence of J. E. Atwood ot AVxvci precinct , Furnas county , was damaged J33C by nro recently. Grand Island Baptist college now feola hopeful that the endowment fund will be secured the coming summer. The p oplo ot Papllllon , Portal , Chalco nm Mlllard had R wolf hunt recently. Sevora wolves wcro nlghlcd , but none wcro killed A llttlo fion of George llarr. living nea Stanton. was badly burned rcccnlly. II wcs playing with matches and set Ills cloth Ins on fire. The Platte river Is unusually full ot watc for thU season of the jcar and old settler who have watched It predict a great year fo crops In 1S97. Miss Ixnilso Adams of Tekamch Is a can dldato for county superintendent of Bui county In place of Superintendent Deck who removed to Lincoln. Frank Schaeffer , formerly ot Central Oily Is reported to have married a native princes In the Hawaiian Islands. With his brld ho Is said to have acquired considerable wealth. Two wolves frightened the team of a mai husking corn near Cambridge and they rai away. A young woman riding horscbacl slopped them before any serious damage was done. A petition Is being circulated for til formation of a now county out of the casleri Her of products of Hed Willow coun'y .m portions of the present counties of Furnas and Frontier. The mayor and oily council of Nebraska City nro nt loggerheads. The mayir vetoes any bills of Urn councllmen for any purpose except salary and the councilman pass the blllj over the veto. Blair pcoplo complain of a surplusage of doss , which make life a burden for the pcoplo of that city. They ehaso one by daj or night and those who stay In evenings nro dUtracled. by thulr bowlings. The report of the county commissioners of Madison county show * that In the four years the county has owned nnd conductor a poor farm a saving of almost $3,000 per year has been effected In the cost of carIng - Ing for the poor of the county. Elmwood has a pugilistic preacher who took a fall out ot the church Janitor. The preacher accused the Janllor of going through his desk nnd a wordy war ensued , which wound up by the preacher breaking his cane over the janitor's head and than polishing lilm off with a chair. Joseph Paley , a former citizen of York , conducting a loan office while thcro , 5efi without paying some personal taxes , assert ing they were exorbitant. Returning the other day the sheriff otlachcd his vallso cun- lalnlng some valuable papers nnd refused to oven let Paley have a night shirt until the taxes were liquidated. ATIIM3TIU UMO.V PUM.3 OUT. Severn Connection Midi ( lu * I.iMiir of AH 'IIIIII WlirelmiMi. NEW YORK , Jan. 8. The conference com mittee of the Amateur Athletic union has decided to sever all relations with the League of American Wheelmen. This action on the part of the Amateur Athletic union was taken at a meeting last nlghj , when the sec retary of the union was Instructed to serve thirty days' notice of termination of the articles of alllanco between Iho union nnd the League of American Wheelmen. There lias been much frlcllon between the two organizations. _ NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The Prnxa says : Much discussion Is going on In wheel circles concerning the proposition to form a na tional cycle racing association. The Idea appears to bo growing In favor , and It Is probable thai nearly all the well known : yclo tracks will be represented at the meet ing to bo held In this city January 1C. Origi nally It was Intended to have only half a lozcn tracks In the proposed circuit , but the demand has been eo largo that a great Increase In the circuit is contemplated. It ivlll probablj bo composed ot the following tracks : Manhattan beach , New York ; Wil low Grove , park , Philadelphia ; Hampdcn park , Springfield , Mass. ; Chester park , Cln- ilnuall ; Fountain Ferry , Louisville ; At lanta park , Columbus , 0. ; Buffalo park mil parks In Manchester , N. II. , Brat- llcboro , VI. , ICccno , N. II. . Erie , Pa. , Den ver , San Francisco , Birmingham , Memphis , St. Louis and Cleveland. Mntcli UIIPC-H IJeoliiriMl Off. NEW YORK. Jan. 8. A special to the World from Chicago says : The Michael- Llnlon scries of match races Is off. Michael lett Chicago today and will nail on Saturday uoxt from Now York for England. This itrp has been inndo necessary by the action of the N. C. U. , the English governing body at cycling racing , which has demanded his appoaraiico In England at once to answer the charges preferred by the promoters of a race meet at which ho did not appear. Michael says ho will return aa soon as poa- slblo to take up Union's challenge. Ho feared nunpeusloii In England , ho ttald , and consequently In this country , If ho did not answer tha charged. AVoiiiliTful A- PITTSBURO , Jan. 8. The powerful X-ray machine construclcd by Prot. H. A. Fcstion- ilen of tlio Western unlvcrslly was on ex hibition last nlsht before tlio Academy of Science and Art at Carnoglo hall. Prof. James Keller of the Allegheny observatory , In telling of the wonderful tests to which the machine had been pul , eald It had al ready Ihrown n ray of light through four Incheii of solid Iron and ho thinks later on it will bo developed o that It will plcrco six Inchefl and Intimated strongly that It may yet bo utilized In Inspection of armor plattM. _ SliorliT anil 1'rlHnnur * NOWATA , I. T. , Jan. 8. Ilubb Rogers and Ills three sons , Clem , Houston and Jasper , wore nrrratcd at Gooseneck by Ncal Ward , ihorlff of thki district , charged with thu murder of Matt Yocum at Oolagah , several lays ago. V..ird Blurted with his prisoner * ! Tor Cofffyvlllo , Kan. , for safe keeping , but was himself ariestrd , togelhcr with the four men. by the Bhcrlff of Montgomery county. Excitement prevails at Oolagah , and If the nrlaoncrs arc returned to the territory It Is [ cared they will ho lynched. Dcuth ( o Iliu ATLANTA , Ua. , Jan. K.-Tho Journal innkci ) the very sensational announce ment thnt every trust operating In the ilntn of ( icorMu him ducuumbctl lo the Cal- vlu mill-trust law onnctod by the recent [ ; encrnl noiicmbly. AH n result of the op- iratlon of thai mcnmirc , Iho American To- mcco company , the potauli trust , the Hiiuff .niHt , the coffee tniHt , the rmitch nnd other main that Imvo been opcrullntr In Ooorjilu mva notllleil Jobbcnt niul merchants throughout tlio ntato liiuidlluir tholr tiooilu hut HID unll-tniHl nut niiido their vxlat- IIK contract" unlawful , nnd they would , hcrofore , no longer be coiulderctl by cither jarty. SEARCH FOR A LOST CASHIER Barber Asphnlt Paving Company Finds i fihortngo on Its Hands. EXAMINE E , B , SPENCER'S ' ACCOUNTS Voting : Mint Htnrtoil for Otnnlin. Tcu AK < > unit HUN Nut II i-c 11 11 i-n r it I'ritin Slncr _ Ilonil C'oinimiiy I.lnlilr. SIOUX CITY , la. . Jan. 8. ( Special gram. ) ! : : . B. Dcmnrcst of the Barber As phalt Paving company arrived In the city this morning from Kansas City with In structions to Investigate the accounts of K. B. Spencer , the cashier of the Sioux City and Omuha olllcesviio has been missing for ten days. Mr. Spencer started for Omaha December 29 nnd has not been heard of since. His homo Is In Buffalo , but In quiry elicited the fact that he did not go there. The company opened nn ac count nt the Sioux National bank when It first commenced doing business hero and It had $1,000 lu the bank when It was closed. Then the account wan transferred to the First National , but only $1.COO wcs on deposit when the bank failed , Since than the bills have been paid by Mr. Spencer In currency sent hero from Omaha or Kansas City , and ho kept his own books. They are In very bad condition , but Mr. Dcmarcst estimates that the shortage hero Is aboul $5,000. Several bills ho should have paid Imvo nol been scltled nnd It will take some tlmo to find out Just how much the company owes here. Charloa E. Squires , local agent for the Barber company , said last night that ho had been aware of Spenccr'a defalcation for sev eral dajs past. Upon December 2S Spencer made a draft on the local branch from Sioux City for $4,000. This wao honored by Su perintendent Drake , as ho supposed the money was wanled In closing up the sea son's work there. Receiving no acknowl edgment of the receipt of Iho money at Sioux City , a number of tellers were writ ten lo Spei.cer , but no reply waa made to nny of them. E. B. Demarest , general miperlnlendcnl ot Kannns City , was then notified of llio mai ler , and ho arrived In Omaha Wednesday on his way lo Sioux Clly. Mr. Squirm staled that Spencer had no connection with the local branch. He was formerly engaged as a clerk In the company's offices In Buf falo. N. Y. About the .middle of last Au- giut ho wns sent west to perform the du ties ot cashier for the Omaha and Sioux Clly branches. It wan found , however , thai thcro was too much work In the two cities for ono man to take care of , so Spencer confined himself lo the work of the Sioux City office. Ho was In this city but once , when he vis ited the local office , the early part ot last November , for the purpose of checking up his account ? . He remained here for five days. Spencer Is described as being of a rellrlng disposition , and has always borne Ihe beet of reputations. He Is about 35 years of age , and has a wife and one child , residing In Buffalo , N. Y. The Barber company will lore nothing , as Spencer has stirlty In a bond company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10\VA COUNTY TUKAStmnil SHORT. .lloney .SiippoNi-il ( o Have lli-en IOK ( in Uiinril of Triuli * TrmiHnellonx. DAKOTA CITY , la. , Jan. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Board ot Supervisors ot Hum- boldt county today discovered that County Treasurer J. W. S. Llndley was $20,000 short In his accounts. Llndley admitted his guilt nnd was held to the grand Jury under J1D- 000 bonds which ho could not furnish. Ho went to jail. Llndley has been engaged In stock-buying nud It Is said lest heavily on some otock deals last fall nnd then en deavored to recoup himself by dealing on the Board of Trade. He lost still more. Llnd. oy waa elected two years ago and re-elected ast fall. His bonds are good for the amount jut some of the signers will bo left In straitened circumstances. Llndley has been a resident of Humboldt for about twelve years. Ho was elected three years ago to the Job he now holda , and as twenty-four good men are on his bond the county cannot lose anything by hla shortage. His bondsmen are meetly farmers Ecatlercd throughout the county. Llndley was a dealer In cattle. ( tlilekeii TlileveN tit Crouton. CRESTON. la. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) Gcorgo Mann's chicken rooal waa vUlted by thlovca luring the night , and about fifty of his Hock etolen. There la every Indication thai a ganii of chicken llileves Is cperallng In Ihla clly , stealing poultry and taking the plunder to surrounding lowns for sale. In thla man ner they have Ihua tar avoided arrcsl. Sent ( o the liiHiine AMylnin. CRESTON , la. . Jan. 8. ( Special. ) E. B. Goldsmith was eent to Iho asylum from Oils ; lly yesterday. Ho Is violently Insane over - rellglom mailers , Imagining himself to bo TnNf constant communication with the Lord. Ho ' s G2 years old. l"nher ( ClreulneN n Ptllon. CRESTON , la. , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) A. N. Jcya. father of Frank Keys , who wna ncnt o the penitentiary from this place , la clr- : ulatlng a pctlllon In behalf of hit ) son. The governor will bo asked lo pardon Ihc- young nan. llniilc llemnnex. MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 8. The Bankoro' Exchange bank , which closed Us doom a veek ago , resumed hualncEO loday. Acting apor. the recommendation of M. D. Kcnyon7 he state superintendent of banks , Judge 5eagravo Smith made an order this morning Il3chargln the receiver and restoring thu jank'H assets to Its officers. e Same. . . Old Sarsaparalfia. Thnt'u Aycr's. The came old I oarsaparilla na it was made mid sold by Dr. J. C. Aycr SO years ago. In the laboratory it is different. There modern appli ances lend speed to skill nnd experience. But the saroapa- rilla is the same old sarsaparilla that made the record GO years of cures. Why don't we better it ? Well , we're much in the condition of the Bishop and the " " he raspberry : Doubtless , said , " God might have made a better berry. Cut doubtless , also , He never did. " Why don't we better the earsaparilla ? We can't. We are using the s j o oltljilant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since too make sarsaparilla com pound out of sarsaparilln. plant , we ace no way of improvement. Of course , if we were making Bomcflecrct chemical compound we might. . . . But we're not. We're making the same old ear- saparilla to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the , because airiiic oltl aiirHHjxtrUla cause it works the snma oM cures. It's the sovereign blood purifier , oyd It'a Ay era * , y