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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1897)
THE FIELD OF ELECTRICITY Bt , Anthony Polls to Be Hitched to an Electric Generator , ELECTRIC POWER ON STEAM ROADS nf 1-JIcctrlc Cn in I'lirN A. Xovnl Stnlruny I > lVllt ! > ] > IIIOMtK III ViirluiiH MUCH. 'following closely the I vl of Nfagara Falls and Sacramento In harnessing water power to generators of electricity , the city cf Minneapolis In about to attach another tug to the Falls of St. Anthony. The falls liavo been the making of Minneapolis , yet only a small pnrt of 1(4 ( power has been tiscd to drive the mills ( hat line I In banks. It Is now proposed to creel an electric power plant , and utilize to'a largo extent the power going to waste , A contract has been let for a. plant to cost between $300,000 and ; 100,000 , which will bo second only to Niagara .Falls. Miwt of the power to bo developed has been leased by the street ear companies of Minneapolis and St. Paul , but there will bo an abundnnco for small factories , mills , etc. etc.THIRD RAIL ELECTRIC SYSTEM. The electric locomotive will replace the Bteam locomotive as KOOII as the problem of producing electricity on a largo scale , economically , Is nolvcd. This Is a statement of a prominent olllclal of the Ilaldwln Loco motive works of Philadelphia. Speaking on the subject , the official eald : "It Is but a question of time when electric locomotives will bo used to haul pawengcr and freight trains on all the various trunk Unco in the "United States , If not In the world , and In order to ascertain just what can bo done In that direction wo have built an electric loo- motive , which , provided It is run on tracks of proper weight , will bo able to develop a speed equal to more than 100 miles an hour. It Is well known that electric loco- motlvra have been built and operated with succrfis , there being two or three In the eervlert of the Halumoro & Ohio Railroad company at the licit Line Tunnel In lioltl- morc , and at ono other' place In that city , whcro they have performed all that the con tract stipulated they should do. These are all run by the trolley system , which for very heavy trains and long distances , as , for In stance , between Washington and Philadel phia , Is considered Impracticable. "At this time the most practical system for moving very heavy trains , such as have already been referred to , seems to bo that of the third rail , and It Is by that system that experiments are now being made with the engine wo built nt the works of the "Westlnghouse Electric company In Pitts- burg. Wo have been Informed , though not officially , that the engine has shown that It can produce a speed equal to over 100 miles an hour. The new locomotive la totally unlike the steam locomotive , so uni versally uaotl on railways , and In general appearance Is much like on ordinary pas senger coach , except that It Is not Intended to carry nor Is It provided with nny ac commodation for passengers1 except thoao necessary to operate It , It Is the first of Its kind In the Avorld ; la thirty-two feet In length , and weighs 90,000 pounds. The spread of the tracks Is seven feet ; diameter of wheels , forty-two Inches , and It la ar ranged for four 200 horse-power motor , two on each truck , and Is equipped with Weat- lughoupo air brakes. The lines of the car are regular , and Its fittings handsome , and It has an electric headlight on the front , and a pilot to protect the locomotive from objects on the Hacks. "In order to provide the proper staunch ness rho frame of the machlno Is covered with a half-Inch steel plate Its entire length and It Is bolted to the floor through casl- < lron plato. TJia frame Is made of ten-Inch rolled steel channels , surrounded by a one- half Inch rolled plato covering the entire floor. This plate Is considered an Important detail , us It Is Intended to give great strengtli to resist blows In casn of collision , and Is also Intended to protect the- lives of passengers In the cars In cases of wrecks nnd derailments. The motor * are dlrectiy beneath the car , between the two tracks , and are 'Iron-clad' consequent-polo motors.'Theso motors are entirely cased In their steel shells , Eii that they are practically free from Injury under all normal conditions of service. The power , which Is furnished from a cen tral station , Is communicated to the engine by the third-rail system , \vhlch Is a system of conducting the current to moving motoru or trains , consisting of an additional rail , either of Iron , steel or copper , laid 'In the trac ! : at about the same height as tlio main rail on which rolls or slides the collector. "Tlio possibilities of Iho new locomotive can hardly bo estimated. The distance from Jersey City to Washington could bo covered In a llttlo over an hour , whllo tlio passenger could go entirely across the continent lu less than two dayc , Including all the stops mecessary to bo made. " The steam reads In Connecticut have won another ease In the courts against the paral lel electric projects. This latest case was directed against the Moutvllle Street Rail way company , which has been constructing a line from Norwich to Now London and paralleling existing steam properties , and the supreme court stops the business on the technical ground of an Imperfect or ganization of the electric company , which will now go before the next legislature- and ask for clear power to continue the work. PARIS ELECTRIC CARRIAGES. Quito a number of well known amateurs of automobile carriages In Paris , Including the Prince do Sagan , Mr. William G. Tif fany and Mr , Thorno , > wi > ro present on the afternoon of December 11 at the ateliers llelvallctto , In the. Rue Durct , to see the now electric coupe Invented by M. A. Darracq , The coupe , hung upon "hull reasorts , " re sembles the fashionable coupes turned out by the best Parisian makers and has none of tha unfinished appearance of the usual rtm of automobile vehicles. There Is a seat at the back of the coupe for the engineer , so that those seated Insldo the coupe have an entirely unobstructed view. The motor con sists of an electric dynamo and the foico Is stored by a battery of accumulators. The steering ig effected by the front wheels , moved by a wheel at the engineer's sent. The liralio Is applied In the same manner. The "hull reesorts" and the Inflated India rubber tires make the coupe run as smoothly as possible. The force stored by the accumu lators Is sufficient to accomplish seventy-five kllomc'tora pn an ordinary road at a speed of from fifteen to twenty kilometers nn hour. The coupe Invented by M. Darracq , says the Now York Herald , Is Intended for .use In the crowded streets of Paris , and elec tricity , giving neither smoke nor smell , scums for this purpose tlecldedly preferable to Htcum or petroleum , provided the power nud cfllclency are equal. M , Uarracq's cal culations show that the electric coupe for use In Paris realizes an economy of 40 per cent , UH compared with the use of a coupe drawn by a horse. The accumulators weigh about -100 kilograms. This , of course. Is n very hciivy dead weight to carry about , es pecially when It Is remembered that an av erage mall coach weighs 2,400 pounds , or 1,089 kilograms. However , M. Uarracq Is convinced that this weight Is much moro than compensated for by the stored force which enables this neat and smart looking coupe to be moved at a rapid pacu and with extraordinary facility of steering , and with out smoke or mucll , and with comparatively little noise , through the crowded streets of 1'arls. The cqupo was successfully tried , and n reporter who sat on It , was driven , or rather "motored , " about In the Rue Durct for a few minutes , and found It very comfortable. The coupe runs most smoothly. STAIRWAY OPERATED UY ELECTRICITY The Reno Inclined elevator , or moving stairway , was put Into experimental uio on the Drooklyn bridge a few daya ago for ( he edification of the- bridge ofUclils. It Is the email experimental machine- which waa oper ated two weeks last summer at Coney Inland. In that tlmo It carried 75,000 pomona or more without accident. The machine Is built for making a lift of only about seven feet , and an thin Is only about half the height of a bridge story , the place cliMcn for Its operation la tlmt furthest to the eastward on the rlguthand aideof the lower floor of the brldgo entrance. The ele vator alands Micro just to the right of the regular stairway , and will land Ita pacuon- C r * bcdtdo thotfD who walk up these stairs. An the p.wengerw will ( hon have to w.ilk up the next half flight of. nt pa. the uow elo- valor will not bo able to ndd murh. If any thing , to ( ho bridge accommodation * , but ought to show whether It can be rolled upon for regular 'nnd satisfactory service. The now olnvator IB In effect a treadmill reversed In Its action. The passengers lep upon the cndlcfn belt which forms Ita plat form , grasp a handrail which moves at the Bftmo rate with the platform , and arc car- fled up by on clectrlo motor , which keeps the platform moving. The Ingenious points about the machine are the devices for saving the pawengcra from Injury either by Iho platform , where It dives out of sight to start upon Its return journey or by the moving handrail. The platform Is formed of jointed slats which carry upon their upper faces upright plates of steel about an Inch apart which form continuous lines down the whole length of the endlttu structure. The upper part of these plntcs Is roughened to glvo a foothold , and upon these the parecngcr stands. At the two ends of the machine the plat form passed under a comb-llko cdgepleco , whoso rounded points llo In the grooves be tween the plates. The passenger's foot Is nlld upon these comb pieces bcfdre the mov ing plcco drops away over Us carrying wheels , nnd all the passenger has to do after ho has stepped on and been carried up Is to walk away when ho has beer * safely landed at the top. The handrail consists of a series of con nected rollers , forming an endless chain. These pass along In a holder formed of a U-shaped piece of steel. Over the rollers and fastened to them Is a covering of leather , which , being like a letter U Inverted , covers the rollers and their channel effectually. The passenger grasps the leather and It slips away from his hand at the top , where It passes over n wheel , there to start upon Us return journey. * If the brldgo management should decide to put such elevators Into regular service they would bo built to carry up double lines of people , and have a handrail on each side. side.Tho electric motor which operates It stands under the stairway. This moves the wheels which carry the platform around by means of a worm or screw gearing. A controller box , from which the movements of the motor can bo regulated. Is placed against a wall just to the right of the stairway , and a man will bo stationed thcro nt all times when the stairway Is moving , with his hand on the regulating lover and his eyes on the passengers , to prevent accidents. AFRICAN GOLD IN MEXICO. An illustration of the attraction which electrical schemes have for largo capitalists Is seen In the City of Mexico , where Barney Ilarnato has captured the franchise for In stalling nn electric street railroad. It ap pears odd that African gold should thug bo diverted to the modernization of an ancient city. When the organization of the under taking was mooted a local syndicate bid for the option. In all probability they would have secured It , but the South African mag nate suddenly took a hand In the deal and offered a sum so far above them that the city authorities were staggered and forth with yielded to Darnato the privileges ho asked. Now , however , the railroad company Is In a quandary. It finds that , according to the existing local conditions , electricity Is not by any means as cheap a motive power as mules. The price of Welsh coal In Mexico City Is $17 , ami American bitumin ous , which la a much lower quality , Is sold nt $14.50 ; the supply of wood is becoming scarcer and moro distant ; and the city , al though 7,000 feet above sea level , Is lower than the surrounding country , so that no use can bo made of the adjacent lakes. In fact , a more economical method of generat ing current than any that has yet presented Itself will have to bo found before the leis urely Mexican can enjoy the novel excite ment of riding at a speed of ten miles In an electric car. There are two solutions under consideration. Ono Is to utilize the flow from the recently completed drainage works of the city ; the other Is to turn to account no fuel the peat beds of the neighboring dls- TROLLEY CAH DEVICES. Much activity Is apparent In the Inven tion of devices for Insuring greater safety on electric car lines. It has been found that persona who are struck by the cars Invariably try to grasp something for sup port. This fact has led to the suggestion that two plain , stout horizontal Iron bars shall bo placed In front of the car , one about three feet , the other about five feet from the ground. The Idea Is that a person on the track who sees that he can not get out of the way may be able to seize 0110 of the bars , and thus save himself from being run over. An electric alarm signal and Indicator , which Is being tested for trolley lines , Is Intended to enable a carte to glvo warning of Its coming a block ahead. This Is effected by Iho display of a red signal and the ringing of a bell at the corner of the Intersecting street. The lia bility of collision with other vehicles will thus bo lessened. Strung alongside of the trolley wire , at a short distance from each corner , Is an extra wire , which connects with n. little bell and closes a box attached to a post on the next corner. As the trolley wheel reaches this supplementary wire cur rent la transmitted to the signaling devices. A simple system of telephone communica tion between electric cars and the super intendent's olllce has also been put Into operation. It consists of hanging a telephone - phone wlro alongside the trolley conduc tor , a sulllclcnt distance away to Insure Immunity from accidental contact between the two. Kach car la provided with a set of telephone Instruments , which , whllo normally cut out , can be connected at any moment. A II UMAX KIUIS I3SCAPR. Story of ( lie HcrolNiii of n \ < MV Yorlc .Tit n 11 ( i r. There were * heroes In plenty at the burnIng - Ing of a big flat house In West Fifteenth street the other morning , says the New- York Journal , but the greatest hero of them all was the janitor. And since no good word was over said about a Janitor before , let this man's name bo proclaimed bcforo other things are told of. Ho Is Charles Lorenz , the caretaker at 239 West Fifteenth street , which , with the adjoining building , at 241 , was burned out during the darkness and frost that hedged In the city at 4 o'clock. Lorcnz distinguished himself In many ways , but chiefly by converting himself Into a human ladder for the rescue of the tenants , who had doubtless often reviled him and sent Jokes about him to the comic publica tions. It should bo said that they climbed down hla stalwart form with cheerful alacrity , while thf flames lapped out after them greed- lly.tas If In baflled rage. It should also bo said that this knight errant among Janitors clung meanwhile to the Iron railing of a fire escape that was cold enough to rnlso blisters , and that ho never murmured until the last tenant had clambered otf his legs to safety. And oven then his solo complaint was that every but ton had been torn off his coat In the process of rescue. i i The people In the building were panic- stricken and rushed about their data and the halls , clad only In the scantiest of garments and screaming at ( ho top of their voices , Some of these were carried In safety to tlio street , among them Mrs. Gates , an aged woman , who lived on the fourth floor and appeared paralyzed with fear. Others ran to the flro escapes , and as the ( lames nhot from the windows , at times hiding them tram people ou the Htrcot , they prepared to Jump. * "Don't Jump , don't Jump ! " shouted the crowd below. "Como down the lire es cape. " This advice was followed , and men , with children In their arms , followed by women , clad , fcorno of them , In night dresses and others In some garment they had happened to pick up In their night , slowly descended to the first story. There they were stormed because thcro was no ladder leading to the street , a distance of fifteen feet. It was at this moment that Janitor Lorcnz showed his heroism. Leaning from the steps , ho grasped the flro escapu at the first attempt. Than , hangIng - Ing by his hands , ho shouted to these above him to climb down over his body , The flamea were all around him , and the heat was In tense , but Lorcnz never flinched , and person after person , many of thorn women , slid to safety over his body , until more than twenty liad been saved. Then , when there were no more to bo aided , Lorenz dropped to the steps , and as ho walked across the street to where his ! wife and children were , remarked , ruefully : "The only thing I mind about It Is that every button on my coat has been torn off , and the old woman will have a hard job putting them on again. " MECHANISM OF THE EYIiS Unman Skill Overcoming the Defects of Nnturo. USE OF SPECTACLES BECOMING UNIVERSAL Ilrfrnudirr Hrror of tlifi Kyi'n UNO anil A lilt HP of .Sight KvllH of .Modern llltiiiilmitloii Mi-iiiiH of Protection , Eye glasses or spectacles properly ad justed afford lu ninny Instances positive tcllef from a long list of nervous disorders. The human eye Is Intimately connected with the nerve center of the brain , over which It exerts a strong sympathetic. Inducnco. If there Is anything radically wrong with tlu ilcllcate mechanism of tlio organ of vis ion , Kays the Chicago Tribune , Us effect Is soon apparent In the nervous system. There lufijr bo no signs of Jroublo In tlio rye 11- si > if so far as the uninitiated observer Is able to Oetcct , but to the expert opthnlmol- oglst the symptoms are unerring and Infal lible. This Is the assertion of leading spo- ct.illatb.ln diseases of the cyo and It has the unqualified endorsement of reputable optic ians. In It may bo found the cause for the fast-spreading use of spectacles lu all parts of the civilized world where the mod ern theories of medical practice and phys- lolngUal conditions obtain. The almost uni versal use of glasses does not Indicate an extension of Impaired vision In the human race , or the existence of any now optical troubles ; It means simply that experts are trying by artlflclal means to remedy the dt-fccU uf nature. I-OK.MEH USB OF GLASSES. It Is only within the last fifty years that the mechanism of the human eye has been really understood. Pervious to ISJti , when lloimholtz mastered the details of the workIngs - Ings of this Important part of the body and astonished oven the medical profession with hla wonderful discovery , It was the custom to treat the eye on the same basis as other organs. If a man was club-footed the mal formation was readily apparent and the only remedy was In the use of the surgeon's Itnlfe. So long as both legs and feet wore truly formed and evenly mated there was no call for medical or surgical rdd unless the patient could locate some well-defined Interior trouble. And so It was with the oyes. If a man was afflicted with strabbmuu or cataract It could bo easily seen and relief afforded by the proper operation. Not oven the most advanced thinkers had any Idea that there might bo a radical mal formation In the mechanism of vision of which there was no outward evidence. Thus It was the wearing of glasses was confined to those old people whoso eight was con- flrmedly bad and to a comparatively forof young or middle aged who by chance found tha use of spectacles a help. Sufferers from visual defects were almost as numerous In proportion to population then as now , but their troubles were not understood and con sequently no general attempt was made to correct them. FINDS REFRACTIVE ERRORS. Helmholtz discovered that it was possible for nature to err In regulating man'ii vision In much the same way n it might send him Into the world malformed In other parts of the body. He found that the eye Is sub ject to what are called refractive errors which seriously affect the powers of accom modation and induce an abnormal utraln which , If long continued , has an Injurious effect upon the nervous system , and finally upon the vision itself. The range of the visual field depend. ? upon the form of the eye. If both eyes are perfect In construction and Identically alike the vision will be nor mal , but Helmholtz demonstrated to the satisfaction of the profession that nature docs not always do Its work truly , and that many Individuals arc affllctrtl with mis- formed visual organs. To make these mis- formed organs perform their work accept ably to the owner required an unconscious forcing or strain on the power of accommo dation which results In a disordered con dition called asthenopla. People thus af flicted will struggle along , Ignorant of the real caut'o of trouble , until compelled to con sult a physician for relief from nervous affection ! ? , when they will be surprised to learn that It Is spectacles , not medicine , they need. SYMPTOMS OF OPTICAL MALFORMATION Asthenopla Includes pains In the eyelids and In the forehead over the eyes , In the top and back of the head , and In the aides of tha head just back of the eyes , and Is frequently accompanied by extreme nausea and general debility. When failure to obtain relief by the use of ordinary remedies demonstratca the fact that Uie trouble does not llo In or dinary causes , the careful physician will nt once suggest the consultation of an eye spe cialist. This usually results In the discovery of a refractive error of some kind which Is readily remedied by the use of properly fit ted glasses , and In a short tlmo all ftymptoms of asthenopla disappear. Explanation of this lies In the fact that the glasses restore the vision to the normal stage , and -by doing this stop the forced strain on the powers of accommodation , and this In turn relieves the nervous system. Man Is endowed with only a certain amount of what may bo termed visual energy. At the early ago of 10 years It Is easy to note a beginning of the exhaustion of this energy ; at 30 two-fifths of the visual power Is usually gone , and at 50 years fully eight-tenths of the sight energy of the average Individual la exhausted. Women and children are In the main the greatest sufferers from defective vlalon , because they are , as a rule , the most carolers In the treatment of their eyes. The use of glpesra Is abhorrent to them , as Indi cating the approach of old age. and are only put on under compulsion. Dr. Jamca A. Lydston , an authority on the subject , says thcro are two extremes to bo avoided If Iho vision Is to bo retained unimpaired. One is ovcrlllumlnatlon , the other Is underllluml- natlon. Too much light Is In the end almost as bad as a scarcity of light. There Is but one- method of Illumination that is safe and natural , and this Is sunlight. IIO\V TO PROTECT THE EYES. People , oven when afflicted with refraetlvo errors , may get long oervlco from their eyes by utilng them for line work , such as rcaUing and sowing , only In the daytime. If , on the other hand , when refractive crrora exist , the sufferer persist In straining her sight in the trying twilight or under bad Illumina tion , nature soon rebels and the use of glaests Is imperative. Next to sunlight the safest Illumlnaut la the electric light when shaded with a palo blue glass to neutralize the effects of the red rays. The patent gas burners , which glvo out a clear , steady , and Intensely white" light arc good so far as the color of the Illumination la concerned , but the light Is held to be strong , as It merely serves to stimulate the eyes to the degree of requiring more later on , and bra Idea this there IB an overheating of the atmosphere , which Is also Injurious. Given a malformation of the visual organs to start with the defect will bo rapidly made worse by tup modern conditions of life , which teud to pit Increased demands upon the sight. In olden times there was but little reading of fine print or similar strain upon the oyca at night. Electric lights , gas ana even kerosene oil lamps were unknown , candles being the general Illumlnants. The people had but little call to tran ! their eyes and they lasted thorn , refractive errors and all , well Into the sere and yellow leaf period of life. Now the world lives and movca largely by night and the demands upon the eyesight are In a hundred ways more exact ing , Strong lllumlnatits give encourage ment to free use and overtaxing of the visual organs , and the result Is big fcea for the eye tjpeclallits and largo profits for the makers of spectacles. There are many other distressing and serious affections of the eyes , but most of them take the form of gbmo apccltlc dluea-jo , or ran bo traced to some known cause , and are , as a rule , curable by the use of me-JI- clncs or the ncalpel. In the c su of a ro- frucllvo error In the construction of the oyo. however , there Is no cure In either medicine or surgery , The bust that can bo had la relief by an artificial adjustment of the vision with glasses. Fortunately the ex. tent of the visual error varies greatly In Individuals , In some It Is so slight as to hardly merit attention , and It la theae ex ceptions which save us from becoming an > utlrely bespectacled community. i rrnnr Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders in FiftjMtliree Years ! n 1 t RICHARD A. McCURDY , President YOU Who will pay that mortgage on your Home if you die before It's lifted ? A life insurance policy will do it , and the cost to you is only the annual premium paid to the company. It is like pay ing a little extra interest on your mortgage to insure its re lease if you die. The resources of the Mutual Life of New York exceed the combined capital of all the na tional banks of New York City , Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. A duty delayed is & duty Chirked. Let a man convinced of responsibility secure adequate protection and at 'once. ' INSURE ; NOW IN THE MUTUAL LIFE. A Policy of .Insurance in the Mutual Life fc ; the quickest asset vou can leve. FIVE AOKSVOJi. . They AVcre In Uiicli' .IOC'H Ilnnil mill lie Took'tlio Pot. I was a conductor on a trunk line railroad In the flush days Uiit'jmmcdlately preceded the close of tlio war and prevailed for a few years after the close , soys a gosslpcr In the New York Sun. Money was plentl.'ul , 'inoia's were rather lax , and as yet It had not been made part of the railroad conductor's duty to stand guard over the poclcctbooks of cred ulous travelers , oithoso whoso cupidity ran away with their reason , and consequently those were the halcyon days of traveling card players abroad for what waa In their profes sion. I used to HUe a quiet game of draw my self , and Indulged my liking whenever my duty gave me opportunity. This , of course , placed mo in sympathy with others who played , and one day I got Into a pretty stiff game on board my own train , while In the actual discharge of my duty , and yet with out holding a hand. I had been on the road but a week tor two , and was not yet ac quainted with all Its patrons. In going through the train collecting fares this day I speak of I came to four passengers who were absorbed In a gatr.c of poker , a news paper spread on their laps to play on. "Fares , please , " ! said. People didn't bother much about buying tickets In tlioso days , and a largo proportion of the fares were paid on the train. Three of the men handed over their money. The fourth , who seemed somewhat excited , said : "Conductor , can't you como around a llttlo later ? " I told him I must have his faro then and tlii'rc. Ho. looked at Ills companions , hes itated a moment , and then said : "Will you let mo tale $ a little rakcotf for my faro , fellows ? " They decided to do so. "Conductor , " said ho , holding up a handful of gunwada , "them stands for all the money I got. I'm gain' to bet 'cm on this hand , and the mischief of It Is I'll have to call before I've done It justice. This Is the hand. " Ho passed It up to me , shielding It from all other oyes. It was four aces. I became In terested at once. I had $00 In my pocket. I reached In and took out J20 and handed It to the holder of the big hand. "Go ahead ! " said I. "Bet that on It , tool" Ho did so. Two of the 'other players dropped out. The fourth stayed , and I passed my remaining $40 to the man with the four aces. That was my pile , and -ho had to call. Ho hated to , ho said , and I hated to have him do It , with a hand like that , but there was no help for It. Ho called. The other man showed down a straight flush ! Ho got my money and the money of the man I backed and I hadn't got the man's faro ! I stopped the train and put him off , and that was the only satisfaction I got out of It. Tlio next station was the end of my run. That same evening I saw the man I had backed and put off the train and his three companions board an eastbound - bound train. "Do you know any of these chaps ? " I asked the station agent , , "Know 'oral" ho replied. "Rather , They're four of the slipperiest card sharps on the line of the P. , O. G W. " They had Initiated n\o \ ; that waa all. A great many drovers traveled ou the rail roads during the warf ) < Tt\ey carried plenty of money , and were generally easy and profitable game for the professional card players. Some of tho. drovers , though , had the reputation of being very handy with the carda themselves , and. bragged of It. I used to hear of Uncfo Job Reddy , Dig Ike Sloat , and others as among tbo quick-witted drovcra who wcro said , to. bo able to take care of themselves against the tricks of the sharpers. Ono day r noticed among my passengers a noted card tiharp , known famil iarly as Jersey Jerry , At a way station a llttlo old man , gray and wrinkled , hut tUlll active and spry , got aboard the train. Ho was a very loquacious old gentleman , and gave me the Impression that ho had been In dulging overmuch In applejack , that being a bolt of country famoua for that Insinu ating and lingering tipple. Ho talked to everybody within hearing , and flually ex pressed a willingness to play any ono a game of old slcdgo for a quarter a corner. Nobody paid any attention to the old fellow for a Ions tlmo , and then Jersey Jerry began to tr.kit an Interest In him , This surprised me , IB the old man seemed to be- rather small game for that far-rcachlnj ; Individual. M any rate , before long Jerry w a busy play ing him old B lei ! go for a quarter a corner , and the old man w'na" winning every game , muoli to his apparent delight , and In the process of putting away and producing hla atakta ho displayed a wallet the plethora of which explained the Interest Jersey Jerry was manifesting In him. After a while , ( a going through the train , IS THE COMPANY IN TV/0 GENERATIONS 1843-1896 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , has paid $246,000.000 to its living members. * Has been the benefactor of women and children to the extent of $ J65,000,000. Ulas paid its meiitos In zll ® m $ Ss\LsJ \ FOR IOWA arid NEBRASKA , FIRST NATIONAL BANK BU1LDIHG , SIXTH AND LOCUST STREETS , OMAHA. DES MMES. ( Wanted in JESvery County. H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative. Omaha. I noticed , that the game had changed to poker , and that Jerry had evidently led his Intended victim along until they were playIng - Ing a pretty still game ; but 'Ae old man was winning , and ho was elated beyond measure , and more garrulous than over. I stopped to watch the ploy. It was Jerry's deal. 1 knew somehow that Mow ho had worked up hla game , and that the climax was at 'hand. I felt sorry for the old man , but It was not my affair. Ho had paraded himself too much , anyhow. As Jerry tossed his oppo nent's cards to him I caught a glance of each , and would have sworn that four of them kings. The old man took them up cautiously and held them close. Ho seemed to gloat over the possession of them. Ho drew no cards. Jerry drew one. Then they begcn to bet. TliB old man was game , and came back at Jerry without a quaver. Four kings was a tremendous hand , but I know that Jersey Jerry hod given himself a bsttcr ono as well as I knew I was there. Dy and by there was more than $300 In the pot , and the old man seemed satisfied. Ho called. "What a' ye got , yo young smartyJ" ho said. said."Four acca , pop , " said Jerry. "That's all. " "Ye hain't got enough on 'em , Jerry , " exclaimed the old man , and Jerry started ! to hear his name called. "Yo hain't got enough on 'cm , 'causo I've got flvo on 'cm myself. " And the old man with a grin that meant a great deal , and a look In his eyes that meant a great deal more , spread nvo aces on the newspaper they were playing on , and coolly raked the money In and stowed It In his wallet. To the utter amazement of myself and every one else who saw It. Jerry got up without a word and went , Into the next car. The old man only grinned the more , and In leas than flvo minutes was asleep In his seat. "I wonder who that man la ? " said I to the head brakcman as I went out. pointing back to the seat where the grl/zled old pas senger was asleep , with his head thrown back. The head braheman knew everybody. "Who. him ? " said he. "Why , that's old Uncle Joe Heddy , the drover. " Uncle Joseph had played It away down on the sharper , for he knew him and hla game , and a trick worth two of hla. I.OY.U , TO TUB I < AHT. A KciUm-Uluu Trilinlf to the .Vntlvc I'roilnut. An aged Kcntucklan died last Sunday morning -full of years and posses'sed of much wealth. Ho was not an eccentric man , relates the Kansas City Journal , and his long life had been peacefully spent In the bluegrass - grass region , adding to his patrimony from year to year and pursuing the even tenor of his way ns Kentucky farmers usually do. Some years ago , knowing the Inflrmltles of age , ho had constructed a neat and roomy sarcophagus wherein his mortal body was to find a quiet resting place when ho had done with the burdens of life. It was made of good blue limestone and warranted not to leak. When he had his tomb prepared ho purchased at the came tlmo a barrel of the flncat and purest old bourbon that could bq made by the most famous distillery In Ken tucky , and left positive orders that at his demise the mountain dew should be poured Into tha Btono sarcophagus and his body laid therein. It has been fifteen years since that whisky was bought , and all of that tlmo It hau been getting mellower and mellower , Its bouquet growing moro and more fragrant as the old man ripened for the grave. In accordance with his last wishes tha soothing liquid was used as directed and received Ills frail nnd cast-off tenement , to preserve It until the resurrection morn when ho will probably want to take another drink. As It was the custom of the noble red man to huvo burled In the same grave with him his homo and Implements of war and of the chase , to have them handy when hu reached the happy hunting grounds , BO this thoroughbred Kcn tucklan passed unto that bourne from which no traveler returns , with enough of the ardent to last him through the Journey. An other Instance of tha ruling passion strong In death. _ Smooth lldlilx'ry lit I'lirln , A very smooth robbery hea Just bceT dis covered In tbo Hue Uallu , In 1'arls. Tbo wealthy owner of the residence has been absent for some tlmo and the concierge waa surprised when two men brought a Norman unnolro to the house. The next diy the men returned , oaylng that they had made an error , and brought a mnall sideboard taking away the Norman armolrc but within that armolro was everything nf value la the houio. How much will your admin" istrator have to sacrifice your estate to force quick assets ? An Installment Policy for $100,000 will leave your family $5,000 yearly income for 20 years , in any event , and if your slated beneficiary is then living he or she will be paid $5,000 yearly during life. A 5 psr cent Debenture for $100,000 will leave your wife $5,000 yearly income either for 20 years or until her death ii prior thereto ; then $100,000 will be paid in one sum. A possible return of $200,000. 15 $1.1)1)1) $ ) ) ) , K.D , pi to jo'j ' lor on Hi El The true business man acts oromptly. Get our rates at oncet Primary , Secondary or Tcr. tlnry Itlond I'olson perma nently cured In 15 to 3. days. You can bo treated at homo for the same prlco under earno Cnarnnty. if you prefer to como hero wo will contract to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , and no charge If wo fall to euro. If you have taken mercury , iodide B-r | G < qs ( fftBHIKT EfB V Potnsh , andBtlll have aches and pains , aineoiis * * * ' "J U HOkEn B t > ntcii ! > n in mouth , Sore Throat , S'linplcs , Copper-Colored Spots , Ulcers on nny part of iho body , Ilnlr or Eyebrows fiilliiiff out , It Is this JBI.OUD I'OIHOX that wo Rtmrnntcu to cure. We solicit the most obstinate /j"fc R B rt ! [ tros s-av r "WonjiRa CHHCH nnd dialleiiBo the world for a case < UBJI&SBJ | EiY THE we cannot cure. This disease has always battled flic wltHI of the most eminent phyHlcIniiH. S500.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute proofb sent sealed on application. Address COOK ItKMKDY CO. , 307 ainsonlc Temple , CHICAGO , ILL. CUPIDENE" - .ils erpntVcgotnblo Vft llzcrtlioprfscrlp' Constipation. JtBtopinJI IOSSPI Ijyilny or nlfiht. riovnmi quick , wlilcli If not chrvknil leailH to Kprrmntorrlicr'i nnd ' OErORE AMD AFTER nl I tlio liorrnrs of 'impotoncyV iilll'lilKN 13 clcauLca tuuiivcr/tiio , \ Ulilneygnnd the nrlnnrynrcnnaol all Impurities. :3 : fltrcngthensanu'rcKtorcsiimnllwcnlc organs. The reason miffi > ron nro nnt enrol by Donors Is brcauw ninety per cent nro troubled wltli I > ro tntlllM. CUI'IDKNKIiltlioonl ( mown rrnicily to euro wliliout nn operation , Sbuoir.itlinonl- nl - A written ( fUiriiiili'iiBlvcnnnclrn . . . iint'yrcturni'il If els Imxm does not ciTucl a iicrinanvntcuro. sendforniEUclrculnrnnil tostlmonlala. AM - , nAV Z. JrSEIIItISfKCO.,1' . O. lloi3770 , Ban rrnnclsrnCal. Jtpr tfole by Myors-DIllon Drug Co. , SE. Cor. 10th nnd Fnrnntn , Omaha , Neb. Se rles & Sea/riea / , SPICIAUSIS IN Nervous , Cliroaio n nd Private Diseases , SFXIMUV. All Private Disease * ind DUorderHOf Mon Treatment by dill -Cousiittntlan free Cured fur life and the poison thoroughly cleansed from the nystem. I'lI.BS. FISTULA and RECTAL. UI.CI3US , HYJJnoCBLKS and VAUICOCELIC permanently and suc cessfully cured. Method now and unfailing STRICTURE ABDGLEEUSSS. 13y new method without pain or cutting. Call on or address with stamp , Dr. Searles &Searlcs. " ' i& LAPSED POLICIES 1 The Metropolitan Life Insurance Co , l Will Kcvlvo any Lapsed I'ollcy onwJilciffly.wofuqccr ! > : TO wcik'miniums ' I weroiicelvcil.r.rd on lichllioir. | mluin.i mo i - \ ono ra.tnrliiyoirullcy ! ulij ttoftl < in fo ; \f \ I jemimas lu , A t > lir-i-n ! now ixi.lcy In lull linmullMu Ix-mT.t V yrlthoct UDy ] MI , : ftr Iho m.icunt cnllod ( A for by the iild t rimluin at tlio prcntov ftge on , V tlio j.rownt tuUo. (4 6 , Newllfo , new strength , new \\fft. \ oysfm. V They aci quickly , cjealo a licallhy illL'tsllon , * * pure r eh bliHiJ , flrro muscln , rueccJ strength , steady nerves and a clear brain , 51.00 Per Box , 6 Boxes $5oo. A le-al | Kuarantfu to euro or refund the money wtlli cvt-rv5.00order AUtl'i-u Hhortnan & McConncll Druit Co. , 1513 Ilcxlue Ht. , Omnlm , Neb. Men Made Over Any man BiiirerliiR lroii tlio uirtcu of follloi anil cxci > sc reMurril to lu'rfoct lie.iltli. manlimiil , nmlftut. . NIKlit lo. < n . clraliu mid cniJHloiis crate nt ( inro. Tlio l-rrors ooiitli ( , I'ruiiintiira Drcllno. lx t .M.inlimiil , nnil nil Dliraiei mill Wrnk- nuiiot of Man , from vlmtuvor cauio. purinanmitlyHiiil privately curt'il. SMALL , WEAK PARTS ENLARGED AND DEVELOPED. jjjaM . . - - No D. 0. D. or Prescription Fraud. Chlrh tcri hnellill llist.-ii.nil llranff. Orlctnnl otnl * luly ( Jniiitiir. ire , fJwai rvlIiMc. LADIC nk UfJSelit for dYAfit < TJ J'nqUtk flti > 'jtranain licit al r Uniettlli1 i , ivalM lih liln ri' ' ' * on , TnLo CURE YOURSELF ! Uu lll for unnitiirol uudi.ircfii , Infliimmutluun. I IrrllniloiiB or nlci'Mliona of in u cum irfiiibrntiri. , . - - - , 1'Unions , anl i.ot aitrlu * ftTHtEwisCiUMiatCo. Rl'nt or rol oniii . ] Nolil hf I > ruBRl ( , nr ont In plain lunrper , cxpirip.i , MFP | ] | ( ' , for r. . ' < i , or * * i ' - - - - - 'Irriilur It rim I in irlvrnilllioul I 111' Ilium InlLiof" ( lie imllciit In ruff , leu nr urlkU' i > f fiHiil ; will ( iJlocl n luriiiniit'iit nml tx' < "ly curn , wlirtlicr tlio I'MloMt N n iiiinlcnilu ilrliikcr nr on Mlriiliolla wrci'U Itnok of p.irtlrnl > iri < f " < ' * t" I * ) mill i'f Klllui . .1C < i. . Ifil ) , A l > nualn 11 * . Oiiinhn. nrb. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. , Prop's , Cincinnati , 0 , BD'U'illl ' "r llxlt " li-uk ou UarpliliK IliU ! . ' null * ! fi . KTOCKIIOI.DKHH' .II UNION IjANI ) COMPANY , Notlco IH hereby clvun that thu unnuul inctitlrig of the HtockholdoiH of the Union I.uncl company for the flection of flvo Ul- icuturu and thu tniimuctlon of uueh other buKlia-SH M H may lawfully como bufora thu meeting will bu held ut the otllcu of the Konurul solicitor , Union 1'aclflo building , Omulm , Nebraska , upon Monday the lltli duy of January , U97 , at 10 o'clock a. m , AMOXANDKU MIU.AH. Bcurotury. Uoston , Muns. , December 7 , IWfl. D22 d22t Xollitu of Irrlifiitliin lloiiil Salt * . The directors of the Middle IDUI > Val ley Irrigation district Invlto Denied pro- iioHiilH for I100.0UO ( In part or whole ) of bondo of H-ild district up to 2 p , m. of Jan uary 19 , lSi/7. / AUdrcHD , CHAHLES NICOLA ! Becruturv , t. Noli. PZIdSOl