Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1897, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAITA TATLT ) gATTTHTAV , , TA7sTIrAHT 0 , 1807 ( hat the Omatm exposition wilt bo ot serv ice Many ot them yet brllovo that tlili country Is llttlo better than a Ococrt , and It M ouly by personal observation that they rat ) lip inailo to think othorwlm. Kitnbtlfh nn exposition which will bo worthy of the name , lot It be done with true western vim nml enterprise , and then Invlto eastern frlondn to come ntl Inspect wliat the "desert" lias to offer In the way of agricul ture , In" the diversified products of Its mine * , In the rapidly Increasing llnci of manu facture. Then those old fo lw of the pant whoso minds aru still befogged by that an cient map of the "desert" will desert thuir worn out and unprofitable farms In New England and come to the unlimited west , magnificent In extent , and fo prolific of rcRourccg aa to fit It for all the complex needs of habitation , whuro iand In cheap and opportunities for advancement In llfo unbounded. Kvcry westerner , and es pecially thojo living In Nebraska , should put forth every effort to make the Trans- mlsslsslppl Imposition a grand success. O'Nellt KTontlT ! Nebraska as a whole Is justly proud of the efforts now being put forth In behalf of the TraimmkislMlpnl ttx- position to bo held at Omiha In 1S9S. The work of organization has born completed and perfected , congron Iiai plediied a hand- rorno govcrnmont display to the amount of $200.000 , the capital stock U being rapidly subscribed for , different states aremaklnn appropriations comnicn uralB with the char acter of the expcviltlon , and It now remains for the Nebraska legislature to make a handsome appropriation to help rcpreceiit our great and varied Industries , and the succcrs of the show will be assured. What the World's fair \vnn to Chicago the Trans- mlsslsslppl Exposition will be to Omaha and Nebraska. A glaneo at the personnel of the men at the head of the enterprise aloho guarantees Its success , especially the de partment of publicity and promotion , which Is presided over by Hon. 13. Iloso\\ator of The Hoc. The eucccm of the Omaha Ilee Is a striking example of the ability of Mr. llorewatcr In this direction , which alone would Insure the succor of any enterprise with which he Is associated. York Tlmea : Omaha people arc making a great effort to make the Transmlaslsulppl Kx- posltlon a success. They are taking hold of the fichcmo with energy and great liberal ity. The entire west Is concerned In the project , but Nebraska will be more Imme diately and directly benefited than any other state , and the pcoplo of the entlro common wealth should second the efforts of the metropolis with zeal and earnestness. Omaha should not hesitate to give the In- vltltlon to the state , and wo believe the re- ppouno will be all that could bo asked. The Impression ohould not bo allowed to obtain that It Is un Omaha project , or that the cn- tlro management Is In that city. Sulta- blo men from all parts of the state s-hould be aroused In as many localities as possible. An appropriation should be made by the leg islature , not for Omaha , but for Nebraska , and the Piiterprlslnir people of the state chould ceo to It that It Is as liberal as the times and the financial condition of the stale will allow. Omaha Is doing all it can of Itself , and It only remains now for the people plo of that city to enlist Immediately as many Influential men lu other parts of Ne braska * a. i they possibly can. It's a good thing. 1'iifli It along. Herman Review : Omaha , as the center of the coming Transmlfwls-slppl Exposition occupies a similar position which attended the building of the Columbian exposition. On the business men and people of that city the ultimate sticccsi of the.Trans . - ml&slsslppl Exposition depends and much depends In getting all sections of the United States Interested In Its behalf , so as to make Omaha worthy ot the honor which she boldly EMplres to , aided by the great Mississippi valley , In promoting so Important an In dustrial exposition In which each and all may share a. part In Us history. A largo amount of money has already been sub scribed by the Omaha business men , and an appropriation has bewi made by con- Kress for tlrf purpose of helping to promote the affair. The name Transmlsslsslppl means moro than a single state or two or three states ; It means In reality not only the wholci of the broad Mississippi valluy , but likewise the far wrat , clear to the Pa- ulflo coast. To provide for the n.'llllons of people from such a vast scope of country who will visit the exposition In the season of 1S9S must necessarily prompt the promoting meting at the start of wide- special Interest among1 exhibitors and concessionaires In or der to make It attractive and of benefit to the public , as well as a financial success. Omaha It deserving of much credit for the effort It , Is thus early putting forth In this direction. In the- election of Us local board of directors , many of the strongest and moat Influential men have been chosen. The Transmlsslsslppt Exposition means a great deal In tho. near future for Omaha and Its environments. In connection with the preliminary work which has just begun every laudable effort should also bo made to Impress the Importance of the coming exposition on the mind of the public , and the Incalculable benefit which must cer tainly accrue to the Mississippi valley and its tributaries In still further developing the richest agricultural and stock raising district on the North American continent. Splendid aa bavo been the achievements of Omaha In the past In promoting enter prises of business and commercial value In this part of the west , the magnitude and conception of what the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition promises In the way of a dis play of the Ingenuity of master minds are bound to surpass all former enterprises over held In the United States , and In point of magnificent splendor take rank with the famed Columbian exposition of 1S93. HATS OFI > \ HIMV n SIiriMvil Tlirutrr-dorr llnnovuil TMI > 'Millinery Cri-nf IOIIN. It lo reported that a Now York young man lias eolvcd the high theater hat problem. Ilecently finding himself at a performance eeatcd directly behind two enormous inll- Ilncry creations that completely bid hla view of the stage , he preferred the usual pollto repucst of their wearers wlti the In seine places usual result of a contemp tuous refusal to remove the offending ob structions. Thereupon the sufferer folded Ills great coat Into a wad. seated himself upon It In his chair , thus raising hla should ers to an unusual height , and calmly donned hla high silk hat. Instantly a shout arose from those behind him of "Hata off. Ho at once compiled with the vociferous demand , quickly enough to prevent the wearers of the two big hats In front of him from learning the cause of the disturbance , and the house broke Into rapturous ap plause when they succumbed to ( ho clamor and removed their headgear. Thla IB heroic treatment , but It sometimes scorns ncccs- OUT OF1 TI1I3 OHDINAIIY. There are paper sails. I3ecr comes In syphons. America has fiC09 distilleries. Franco has 2.1BO female authors. A Detroit man has a $ .1,000 cane. England boasts boy housemaids. Emperor William employs twelve valets. The common pond frog's natural lifetime ( a 12 to 15 years. The crow ( lies twenty-five miles an hour and the pigeon hawk 150 miles. Pretty girls In Paris are placed In shop windows for the purpose of attracting at- tontlqji , The remarkable echo at Eagle's Nest , on the banks of the Klllarnoy , Ireland , repeats a bugle call 109 times , each clear and dis tinct. The old Alexandrian library contained 700,000 volumes , the largest collection over -brought together before the Invention of .printing. . . Thuro arc three varieties of the dog that never- bark the Australian dog , the Egyp tian shepherd dog and the "lion-headed" dogiof Tltlbot. One hundred dollars is now the penalty that all offenders against cleanliness and decency must pay for spitting In the street cars of Iloston , The most beautifully appareled man In Ocnnany Is the prlnco of Thurn and TaxU. It IB believed that ho wears at least one now suit ot clothes dally. Those who know and admire him say they have counted more than 3C5 suits worn lu one year. An Italian scientist who lias written a book on "Fomalo Crlino In Naples , " wherein ho shows that there are more women crim inals In Naples than In other cities of Italy , observed that there was llttlo drunkenness among them , and that their criminal bout vai duo mostly to lack of education. 1 BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. I . J " 7. ' Ono of the haauVonust glnUrn Is made nfter an old noniaii gir.llo , the dr/Ign being executed In diver with the Roman goli finish which has the appMrancr of having been burnished by time. The jeweled glrdlm arc far moro showy. One Is made In the daliy pattern. Each daisy Is studded with r.n nmcthyat , a topaz and an ollvlnc alter nately , and the flowers arc Joined at top and bottom by tiny but substantial chains The bucKIc is u large equal e one , studded with different colored gems. Scrolls , ob longs , H'luaWH and rounds arc put together anil set In tins same elaborate way. In ad dition to being ornamented with JewolH , moat ot theze girdles are ( list glided , then inamHcd In the brightest colorlngi1. . Some remind one of the kaleidoscopes of childish days , while In others the one-color scheme la carried out. Kor example , one paitlctt- larly noted In not glided , but the plain silver Is enameled In the old reds and blues seen on Homo of the old tloman pottery. Each link la set with a largo turquoise , and the buukly Is of solid blue. The prices of these plain HtcrlliiR and much be-jeweled buckles \ary from $25 to several hundred. The single Atones used In * oino of them coat as much as $50 , niid the more ample a woman's waist the more llnlca she will need. In short , the price goes much according to the size. Women aie finding piofltablo employment In Now York City < process-servers. It has been dlfllcult for lawyers to servo papers on persons whom It Is desirous of bringing under "tho rebuke of the law. Men and wo men who Know that they may bo haled Into court It the legal summons can bo pre sented to them will resort to all sorts of tricks to keep out of the way. The law re quires that a paper of this kind shall bo placed In the bund of the person who Is to bo served. It will not do to send It by mall or to give It to n servant. In such cases the law > er could not swear that It has been received. Men servers are common enough , but the man who has been dodging them all his llfo knows how to keep out of the way , and the man ofllcer has a hard tlmo of It. No one Is likely to suspect a woman , so that hero Is n lineof Industry that Is much bet ter followed by a woman than a iiiiln. Every laywer of proiplnence In Now York employs ono or two women to help him In this way. The editor of the Review of Reviews calls attention to the significant fact that Eng land has' never known such prosperity and never attained such greatness as during the reigns of her queens. Of course It Is merely by coincidence that a queen should glvo England her Golden Elizabeth Age , that Queen Anne's iclgn should pass Into his tory as England's Augustan age , and that the glorious Victorian age , now unhappily drawing to a close , should have given Eng land such greatness and prosperity as the world has uc.vcr dreamed of. Of course It Is merely a peculiar , unaccountable coin cidence that such things should occur when the sovereignty Is vested In a woman but wo do not write other history on the hap pen-so hypothesis. The practice of a woman changing her name on marriage originated from u Roman custom , and came Into use after the Roman occupation , says a writer In the Commer cial Tribune. Thus Julia and Octavla. mar ried to Pompev and Cicero , were called by the Romans Julia of Pompey , Octavla of Cicero , and In later times women In most European countries signed their names In the same way , but omitted the "of. " Oil the other hand , at the beginning of the sev enteenth century , the usage seems doubtful , since we find Catherine Darr so signing her- sclf after she had twice married , and we alwayo bear of Lady Jane Grey ( not Dud ley ) , Arabella Stuart ( not Seymour ) , etc. Some persons think that the custom originated from the Scriptural teaching that husband and Avlfe arc one. TJiIs was the rule of law so far back as Hracton , and It was decided in the case of Von against r/nlth , in the reign of Elizabeth , that a woman by marriage Icscu her former name and legally iccclvea the name of her hua- band. The custom , however , Is not univer sal. In Spain and Portugal married women do not take the names of their htwbanda , but continue to bo known by their own. In many parts of the United States a woman never relinquishes her maiden name , and Is called by It as often as by that of her husband. Even In the rural parts of En gland ono often finds a married woman called by her maiden name , and In country nUtrlctj of Scotland It Is sometimes found that both names are used. lu many parts of Franco and Belgium the huband'a and wife's names are uaed together when either of. them Is mentioned. According to Les Annalra the empress of Austria smokes from thirty to forty ciga rettes a day. The dowager empress of Rus sia Ui a confirmed smoker , but confines her Indulgence to her own private apartments , apparently In deference to the feelings of the young czirlna , who IB opposed to the use of cigarettes , which haa become prevalent among women In the best society In St. Petersburg. The queen of Roumanla , the queen regent of Spain , Queen Amelia of Portugal , who In this respect , follows the example of her mother , the wife of Comtc do Paris , and the queen of Italy are all smokers. "In France , " Les Annales continues , "the association ot men and women In all kinds of nports has been the cause of a greater degree of Intimacy , and has bought rs to accept the cigarette , \vhcao use Is extend ing among young women of the moat ex clusive circles. Even the most critical no longer protest when two rcny llpa ecnd out a tow puffs of smoke between a couple of amco of tni ills. Resides , our grandmothers loved tobacco , The duchess of Chartrro and the duchess of Ilourbon , under Louis XVI even went BO far aa to smoke pipeq , ye. ? , plpca. my deata ! And In the 'Letters of a Traveler' wo read that George Sand always liept tobacco on hand for her own personal use. use."In nil times Spanish women have smoked ; and not only cigarettes , bub cigars. Marbot In his 'Memoln ] ' tells us this without minc ing matters. And they smokeIn England and In the United States , although In the lat ter country It Is only recently that women have begun to use tobacco. There was a a.ory In Gil lilas not long ago to the effect that three young girls In Louisville. Ky , , were seen smoking by a policeman and were arrested. The judge , although recognizing that the accused were not conforming to the proprieties , felt bound to release them be cause they were violating no law.- ' Probably ono of the me/it advanced ot Russian women Is Mrs. Crelghton , the wife of the new bishop ot London , who Is the daughter of a Ru&ilan merchant. She haa always been Interested In women's work and women's education. Witness her presidency of the recent national conference and those earlier struggles at Oxford 'In collaboration with Mm. Humphry Ward and Mrs. Max Mullcr , which resulted lu the Oxford Asso ciation for the Education of Women. She Is a historian , like her husband. The prlnciea royal of Italy Is a sculptor as well as a musician. She lies just mod eled In clay a monument to her ancestor , Vlcdllla Danllo , which Is being finished oft by M , Tronchct , and will bo placed In the Paris exhibition of 1900. Further light has now been thrown on the elopement of Princess Elvira do Ilourboa , daughter of Don Carles , with Signer Folchl. The latter U marrltM to a French woman , whom , when she heard of the Intrigue be tween her huiband and the prlnccisi by means of anonymous letters , upbraided the pair In the most violent terms. The prin cess. In fact , win so overcome by Slgnora Folchl's reproaches that she fainted away , Prlnccas Maximo then offered Donna Elvira a homo with her for a while in Rome , but soon , becoming frightened at the rcspoiml- blllty which she Incurred , begged Uon Carlos to take back lilo daughter. The latter was , In fact , continually crying for hur lover mid her reason seemed to be affected. Bufere Don CurlM could remove the princess from Rome she packed up bcr jewelry and ttarted for Vlareg'glo. There she met Folchl. who took her to Genoa and thence to France. The pair first met at Vlarcgglo , where Don Carlo * lion a chateau , Folchl bclongii to the Roman aristocracy and la related to a cardinal , while his brother , an ecclesiastic , was formerly one ot the confidential men around the yci > o. The palu'.er wiui ouco wealthy , but loot hli .money during ( oine ot the recent financial crises common In Rome. Itclug naturally gifted with a taste for draw ing , ho set to work to utilize hU talents and was enabled to make money thereby. Slcnor Folchl Is a fine looking man ot 35 and the prlnccas , who is very graceful , but not re markably pretty , seems to have fallen des perately In love with him at flnst sight. A woman with the suspiciously Teutonic name of Schmahl Is the head and front of the great question ot woman's rights In France. Oddly enough , Mine. Schmahl Is an English woman born and bred , her per manent residence In Franco having only been during the last ten years. However , It appears that neither nationality , race nor creed offers any serious obstacles to femi nine co-operation In the task ot winning equality with man. As chief supporter of the Avant Courlcre , Mine. Schmahl has euccccdcd In annexing , as chief supporters , two women who arc ns widely apart as the poles In religious sympathy or social statin. Ono of these Is the Dowager Duchesa d'Uzcs , an aristocrat and a Roman Catholic of nl- moit bigoted fervency , while the other 13 Mme. Sarah Monod , a member of the well known Calvlnlstlc family of Geneva. Tholr program U limited to a couple of reforms , which they may reasonably hope to com pass In one legislative session namely , the right of women to act as witnesses to all legal documents , and the protection of the earnings of a wife from her husband's In terference. When these two objects have been attained the association will be dis solved , the promoters not being pledged it any more advanced alms. One ot the oldest and most delightful of Mount Vcrnon's club Is the Witan. It wns started twelve years ago by a few Intimate friends , says the New York Tri bune , and , although It has grown In num bers since that time , the same informal , friendly spirit has always prevailed. The club has really no systematic organization , but Is essentially a gathering together of friends for literary discourse. Meetings arc held once In two weeks at the homes of the different members , and a subject Is chosen for discussion. American literature Is being studied tliIn winter. The annual reunion , as It Is called , takes place on the last day of the year , when the members see the old year out and the now year In , It Is a rule to appear In fancy dress , and last year the costumes of almost every nation on the globe were represented. The program for these occasions Is always different , and thU year , as 1S9G passed away , the club mem bers wore found assembled at a feast of roast pig and other good things , and as the echo of HID twelfth stroke of the clock died away every ono roseto his or her feet , and for the next halt hour there was an Interchange of greetings and good wishes. This club Is ono which has had absolutely no financial record. No fees are collected , and no money Is spent except for postage. When the secretary gets out of stamps the gentlemen arc Invited to empty their pock ets. Very few "beauties , " eo-called , are really beautiful In a physical sense. It Is some charm of manner or conversation , some trick of pose or costume , that maketi the beauty of today. It Is the charm ot popularity that wins the title , especially of popularity with the .men. The beauty girl goes to some dance or other function soon after her debut , perhaps. She Is prettily gowned , but no more prettily than half a dozen other girls In the room. But before the evening Is over to her hns been awarded the Invisible blue ribbon of feminine supremacy. In older parlance she would bo called a "belle. " The men crowd around her , de serting the other girls. They want her to dance with them , to walk or talk with them , and her own surprise makes her radiant , while others look on In hushed wonder. The beauty girl knows that she has not halt the ; > lnk and white and gold that marks llttlo Miss Blue Eyes over In the corner , but she docs not question her supremacy. She ac cepts It with the condescension of a queen and her beautysblp Is areurcd. The next day aha will wake from her p o- longed rest to find boxes of violets r.nd roses at her feet , besides Invitations by the score , for , while women do not exactly love the professional beauty , they cannot afford to icglcct her. She soon becomes Indispensable to a fashionable function. Yvatto Gullbert , though never having about her the least suggestion of Jewelry when before the footlights , has In her po * > - srralon a very unique and costly collection of precious stones and rare gold ornaments so dear to the feminine heart. Just before she sailed for America she evolved a design for a necklace , the like ol which hai never before encircled a neck , no Iocs mademoiselle Intend another shall hi. lui'le ' , for the model has been destroyed , and Yvctto determines to go"down to posterity as the only wearer of a necklace fashlonet > f the same material and. In llko design ai this one that belongs to her. This particular necklace or collar Is madi of beaten silver , or what Is known to tin 'Vouch ' silversmith as rnartelc , and Is abou ono and a halt Inches 4n depth and per cctly flat , with just the least bit of round ng at both top and bottom cdces. Set Into tills band In regular spaces are seven magnificent Jewels. They are a topaz n sapphire , an amethyst , opal , turquoise , a icarl and a cbrysopale , and the clasp Is an nvlslblo one. Considerable tribulation reigns In many parts ot Italy and hundreds ot worthy persons are quite csst down because the wedding gifts sent by them to the crown prlnco and lirlncfiss have been "rcturnodl with thanks. There Is uo denying that moat of these were btut.ltli the best Intentions and were In tended to prove the widespread interest In the young pair. But , on the other hand , there is usually so much self-seeking mixed up In this kind of offering , as a rule , that naturally no exception can be made , ami royalty haa to protect Itself without being able to regard the fecllnga of those who really mean kindly when they send these presents. Three enormous storcroomo at the Qulrlnal wore filled to overflowing with a motley collection of articles , from ccstly diamonds mends down to knitted comforters , and such perishable commodities as flowcm , eggo , cakes and no one Icnova what else besldea. Numbers of the "disinterested" donors on clcued congratulatory letters strongly re scmbllng begging epistles. Mrs. Humphrey Ward and her husband spend a great deal of their time at a coun try place railed Stocko , Not a morning goes by that the famous author docs not spend aomo portion at her writing table In fact , she could not dn otherwise and finish ono ot her lengthy novels , all of which who re writes a number of times before she sends them out. However , she finds tlmo to de vote to the pleasures of her son and two daughters , and many house paitles gather at Stocks , where cycling Is the principal diversion. A picture of ono of these cycling parties shows the two young Mlaaes Ward to bo stout , eolld-looklng girls. Montana has a woman managing a mine. The liutto Miner notes the fact as follows ; "Mrs. Nnt Collins , the cattle queen , Is su perintendent of the Montana Queen Mining company of Columbia Falls , and will tliU winter give her personal attention to tliu further development of the Montczuma anil Reindeer leads. The company was organized In St. Paul last year , and haa done consider able development work already , with n good showing of ore. In the spring a smelter late to bo erected at the mine and the work of extracting the mineral begun. These are lo cated In the Lake McDonald country , Flathead - head county , and glvo a largu percentage ot zinc , though at first copper seemed to pre dominate. " Mmo. Sarah Bcrnhardt has recently or dered some very dainty specimen. ) of lin gerie In Chlnai silk. For her Bleeping robw , If robes they can bo called , ahe v.taiavhst U really a dressy' negligee jacket of noft illk , In Dresden effrct.i , much bcfrllled and , ufiled , and falling a little below the waist lino. Full allk pajamas or Turkish trouscru complete the sleeping outfit , reaching jtut below the knee. They are of pale blue , delicate pink and softest lavender , ex- -.uhltcly hemstitched , and Invariably lined with very eoft white Milk , and finished oft vllh ribbons and pretty bows. Violet remains ono of the fashionable colors of the Hfurion. Every Imaginable tint aud toue of tlio deep , rich nhado U worn nud It Is wonderfully becoming to clear , fair , rosy complexions , and the noft brown and golden hair ono la nJwaya ready to admire. It la said to bo thn jMung cznrlim's favorite ( lower and during lief recent visit to London and Paris aho wore them on almost ovary occa sion. The fragtunt blossoms are as fash ionable as the color and the reign of violets Is one of the liveliest Dame Fashion haa ever given. | H Philip Gllblrt Unmet-ton Heartily disap proved marrl.tEo made In the French man ner. "And yjt ono morning , " ho says , In his autobiography , "when I was writing on my desk ( a tall oak desk that I used to ntaiid up to ) the Idea suddenly came , as It somebody had uttered these words In my car ! "Why should you remain lonely all your days ? Eugenie Olndrlez would be an nfTec'.lonnto and fnltliful wife to you. She Is not rich , but you would work and fight your way. ' "I pushed aside the sheet of manuscript and took a sheet ot notepaper Instead. I then wrote , In French , a letter to n larty In Parla who know the Glndrlcz family nml asked her If Mile. Eugenie was engaged to be married. The answer came that she was well nnd that there had been no en gagement. Soon afterward I was in Paris. "I called on M. Glndrlcz , but his daugh ter was not at home. I asked permission to call In the evening , aud she was out again. ThU was repeated two or three times , and my wife told pie afterward that these absences wore not accidental. At last wo met , nnd there , was nothing In her man ner but a certain gravity as It serloun reso lutions were Impending. Her sister slrmved no such rcrcrve , but greeted mo gayly and frankly. After a few days Iwas acccptco on the condition of an annual visit to France. "From a worldly point of view this en gagement was what Is called In French uno folio on my part , and hardly less so on the part of the young lady. Wo had , however , a kind of Inward assurance that In spite of the difference of nationality and other differences wo were , In truth , nearer to each other than most people who contract matrimonial engagements. The electric alllnltles act In spite of all appearances and of many realities. Wo have often talked over that time since , and have confessed that wo really know hardly anything of each other ; that our union was but an Instinctive choice. However , in 1S5S I had neither doubt nor anxiety , and In 1SS9 I have rclthcr anxiety nor doubt. " Mmo. Chcmlneo gave a doll party , which la the latest craze In the fancy ball line , for llttlo folks , writes a Paris correspondent. The affair wrs In honor of her llttlo nieces. The cards bore the picture of the daintiest Parisian doll Imaginable. The doll Idea was carried out on programs , souvenirs and other details. When the little folks arrived the palatial salons were a veritable fairy land. There were living Holland dolls , Rus sian peasant women , Armenian refugees , em presses and queens without number , Japa nese , Cliliicao and representatives of all na tions. Several flower girls , got up regard less of cost , enlivened the scene with gar lands of velvet roses , each carrying a floral basket , which was really a llower hat worn on a former occasion when attendant at a wedding. The boys were attired as Turks , soldiers , marines , cadets , Santa Glaus and other characters dear to the children. Frank Doster , the new head of the supreme premo court of Kansas , has accumulated but row or tins worlirs goods. Ho lives In a small cottage on a hill In the outskirts of .Marlon a cottage as much In need of paint as the front yard [ Ik of a lawn mower. The judge Is CO years old , tall , sallow , unsocial and careless bflhls attire. He came to the part of Kam&s'lh which ho now lives as captain of a fompany of troops sent out to guard the Safita' Fo trail. Speaking of the late J. R. ICcndrlck , the third vice president of the New York , New Haven & Hartford railroad , whose death occurred In Bosron recently , the Boston Transcript sajst : . "Mr. Kcndrlck's great suc cess resulted mostly from his thorough knowledge oj every , detail of railroading , and also of men , and likewise from the pos session of ou Invariably level head and an Intense desire for absolute and Impartial Justice on questions and In regard to alt persons with , whom lie came. In his per sonality Mr , .K ndrlnk was remarkably affable and approachable. , HI | , wonderful success In life may be attributed to n firm will , a thorough adaptability to his business nnd a remarkable discernment In all the affairs of llfo. " Hero Is nn anecdote , said to have been related by Mrs. Scott-Slddons herself many years ago , when n friend asued what had impelled her to go upon the stage. In the early 'COs she was living with her mother , the widow of an Indian officer , In a sea side village. They were very poor , their lodgings were moro than humble , and the girl was anxiously wondering how she could ccntilbuto to the support ot the llttlo fam ily. The problem was a hard one , for In those days the "sphere" of women was smaller than now , and their opportunities to make money were not numerous. Meanwhile her Immediate * duty was to try to make the shabby rooms pleasant and homelike. While engaged in this task she discovered that an old chiffonier which stood In one corner of the sitting room had only three legs. The missing fourth member had been replaced by a crumpled-up newspaper , which , judg ing from Its dusty condition , had not been disturbed for many years. Mary Slddontt removed the paper , found that It was a very old copy of the Annual Register , and on glanclm ; over It found a Ion ? nrllclo iln- talllng the triumph of her great-grand mother In some long-forgotten play. The girl decided that this was a "leading , " and at once resolved to seek fame and fcv tiiiui ns an actrcrs. Being beautiful and In telligent , she soon obtained a chance to test her histrionic ; abilities , and won enough of success to raise her mother and herself to what , compared with their previous state , Heemed almost llko wealth. Ono of Paul's most valued possessions Is an autograph album , lu which may lie found the writing of all the great mualil-uia ot the Uot fifty years. Beilloz has contributed some amualng translations ot hla neil de plume , Oportlt Vallt. Latin wcholara , he saya. think it means , "We must suiter , " uiQiihs say , "Bring the pato" ( apportcz le pate ) , but lovers of music translate It , "We must have Pattl. " About thlrty-fivo girls of Stanford univer sity , Palo Alto , Cal. , have becu practicing regularly three days a week on the basket ball field. Since the holidays the practice work haa been redoubled In anticipation of a challenge from the girls' team of the University of California. The bicycle betrothal bracelet Is the comrno 11 faut engagement affair for the bicycle girl. The bracelet Is a dainty crea tion ornamented with a very petite bicycle , with two small golden wheels clasped to gether by a seat 'formed of a small heart set rouud with jewels. About fifty women , most of whom are Americans , have reglstcre-il at the University of Berlin , anil 150 are registered at Zurich. They are not accorded the came rights that are given to-the'men , and are thinking of beginning to agitate for them. The St. Johiiflbury Woman's club of Ver mont has placed tscats in the public parks of the town and dot up drinking fountaltui for men , with granite troughs for horees and 'logs. Per Infants find Children. Shs fie- ftra DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. A Handsome Complexion Is ono of the irreatoat charms n woman can poisoia , 1'uzzom'n COUI > LLXIUH I'owuuii given U , SPEG1RL NOTICES , < \ < iTllnrniciiln fur tlirxi' column * will In * InUon until liliilO | ) . > . , tiiv tlu * ( Mlnlnuanil iinlll S 11. tu. for Ilic iiioriiliiH : mill Snnilii.v eillllnn * . AitvorllNcrn , by riMiii'Ntliur | it inim- llt't-lMl < ll > l < l ( , Oil II llUM' UIINUlTfl Illl- ilt-OMHiMl li > n iiiintlicrcil loiter In curt * or The lloi > . AiiHtM-rn HO inlilrcxurit Avlll ilcllvcrril on proMeulatlon of tliu cheek only. lliitfn , 1 t-U < - n mint Jlr .t Insertion ) lo n word tlii-ront'liT. riutliliiK' InUon for 1HM tlmii y.-.o for the llrtl inner * ( Inn. Tliiiimil I'ril'eiiicntN limit tie rim ciinxrcutlt t-ly. SITUATIONS AVAVI'KP. A YOUNO MAN , HAVING < ! iKlt lUHX'ATION nml | > eclnl ilcctrlcnl tr.UnliiK. ilmlii'4 .itUnl | ( < > n wllli clmnue uf aih.-iiui tiK-iu ; | iroVr.i ( lojnl iti- liloinctil , but wlllliitf lo KO ul cwh.ilefn - fnci s If ilrnlrcit , no bui.'t nr clK r HC-Micka wanted. tl , Itcc. A--M11T WANTHD. AN IDEA ; WHO ' . 'AN TITIN1C OK acme pimple thlnn to p.aunt 7 I'nHMt your Ideas , they inny brlni ; you nonltli ; urlto Jiilm \VccMerhurn & Co. , Di-pt. V. , I'litont Attonin , WaiihlnKton , n. a , for lliclr Jl.SM | nlin olfi-r ami a list of 200 Invrntlcni wanted. 1I-CJ5' TAH.OIIB WANTUD. CONTINENTAL CI.OT1I- Ing Company. H-JUTO WANTUD. THAVEUNCa.uliESjiEN I'OM CI- ears ; old rcllnblc lioutc ; rxp < irlnca uniH-cpx- pury ; extrn Inducements to customers ; J7J to JIM per month nnd expenses. Clmx. ( . Illjlinji & Co. , St. l.oul . 11-M3M JH ttO A WEEK HA1.AUY AND EXPENSES PAID imlesmen ; experience not neceisnry ; permanent position. The W. U Kline Co. , St. Uiulii , ito. 1U-M73- ! : WANTED. MEN TO L.EAUN 1IA1U1KH TUADE ; only eight weeks requited , nnd jou can hold nny position ; on tilt ot tonla glxen cnch un dent ; write for 1S07 cnlnloKiic. Molcr'a Itnrbcr ColleRe , llth nnd Kmnklln inc. , St , Louis. 11-ME23 11 * MEN , TO ADVEIIT18E OtJH SPECIALTIES : distribute pumplea , clrculnra ; Bloody woik ; snlary 140.00 monthly nnd expcnces , or cominln- slon. Wilfred Specialty Co. , Clilcnco. 1I-MS43 10 WANTED. AQKNTSi J20.00 A WEEK SUUE TO workers : new Roods : new plan : II'H n winner : u\ery rntrtly need * It : sells nt sight II. S. Co. . I.'ox 1H , Cincinnati. Oliln. DO A LIGHT MANUKACTPHINO AND MAIL order Imslnem ; nend 75 centH for " .Secrets or the Traili > ; " tells how to mnmmcttire and sell r.O different nrtlcle * ; & 00 per cent prollt } only u few dollars tt > stnrt ; Information found nowhere else. The Trnile Supply Co. . Hex 2K ) . Toledo , O. H-M817 10 MEN TO LEAUN IIAHDEIl TUADE AND FILL Kood imylnn position's nftfr 8 weeks' practice , tools Riven each student free upon enterliiK ! u KC3 made Snturdnys while learning ; write for free catalogue. Moler llarber College , 223 Washington ne. S. . Minneapolis II MW1 12' WANTKD Ii'KMAI.K III3L1 * . WANTED A QIUL TOR OENEUAL HOUSEwork - work , 515-K. 2Cth St. Call nt 1:30 : or 7 p. m. C-SW S GOOD OIIIL ; GENERAL HOUHEWOUKj small family ; references. 1113 Georgia memie. C M810 10' GIUL WANTED. TO DO GENEIIAL HOttSE- work : must tic good cook ; six In family. Appy southeast corner ICth and Center streets. C $50-10 roil HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O. P. Davis Company , 1SOJ Parnnm. D 630 HOUSES ; 11ENEWA & CO. , 103 N. liTH ST. D-C37 MODEItN HOUSES ; C. A. STAIIII S23 N Y LIFE D-C3S CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALT/OVEU the city , { 3 to | 30. Fidelity , 1702 Furnnm st. D-G39 HOUSES. WALLACE , IIUOWN ULOCKT16TII and Douglas D CIO HOUSES. PHO.M J5 UP : LAIIGE LIST. Me"- Cague Investment Co. , HOC Dodge street. street.D Dn A I1EAUTIPUL HOME IN LAPAYETTE PLACE 8 rooms , all modern , cplcndld condition , never been rented before ; now offered nt n low rentnl to first class tenant. Fidelity Trust Company. 1702 Farnam st. D C12 HOUSES FLATS , QAHVIN 11UOS , 1013 FAIINAM D-C POIl UENT , 812 N. 3STH ST. , 7-IIOO.M MODEItN house ; (20 per nfonth. Inquire on premised. D-6 A NUMHEK OP CENTUALLY LOCATED. Broom - room cottages , city water In houte ; JS.OO nnd J10.CO. J. II. Kclkenney , Karbach block. D-M221 J10 KENT IIY W. 11. MEIKLE. 1ST NA T-L Dank bldg. 2".33 Ia\enport. 7 rooms" , modern , IIS. 2310 N. 19th , 7 rooms , modern , J20. J310 Spencer , 7 rooms , mcdern , )15. P-331 _ HOUSES FOR UENT. BEMIS. 1'AXTO.N 11LK. D M3C4 I'OIl Iti\TI < -UHMSIIi : KOOMS. FUIINISHED HOOMS , I70S DouglnH. E-mSOl-13 " UEAUTIFUL , LAUQE FRONT IIOOM ; BAY window ; modern ; with or without board. 61 < jNorthlWi. ! E M7O ! 11 PUIINISIIED IIOOMR , HOUSEKEEPING 2C"3 St. Mary's. E MS31 11 * ) UOOMS AM ) IIOAIll ) . THE MEUniAM. Z5TII AND DO DOE ! F MGU J0 SOUTH I'ltONT IIOOM ; ALCOVE ; STEAM heat , furnished or unfurnlphid ; board ; private family. D 20 , IJeo. r MS3I HANDSOMELY FUltNISIIED nOOM AND board for two , strictly private family. 1707 Dodsc. P MSC3 S' KOH Ui.VrhTOII3.S AM ) OIWIUUS. FOH RENT , THE 4-STOUY 1IIHCK UUILDINO nt 3JG rnriinm Ft. Tain building lian a llrepronf cement basement , complete steam heating Hx- tuies ; water on nil lloois ; gns , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Dec. 1 910 WANTED. CAPAI1LE AND SUCCESSFUL DIS- trlct , epeclal and local ngi-nts to represent tha Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New Yorlc In Nebraska , Iowa nnd South D.ikotn , special teirltory will be given In each ubcnt , with the most liberal brokerage , or a lone and uiluablo renewal contract und with such spe cial help In the Held an will Iniure the largest measure of succen. Tor further Information please address J. W. Dean & Sons , General Agents , Ileo bldif , , Onuhn , Neb. J M230 J12 WANTED. AOENTS FOK NEW"PAYING buslnctu ; theie In big money for you ; sample and full particulars rent free. Addrrk cimi. Marshall , Lockpurt , N. Y. J M836 ! > OM. VAN & STOHAOE. H13 FAIINAM TEL. 1535 M-CI3 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , Wi-aiO Jones , General rtorage nnd foi warding. M-CIO AVA.VI'HI ) TO IIIJV. WANTED , SECONDHAND SAFE ; GIVE IN- uhlo mcnsurments ; malic ; price for cash , Address Wheeler llrother , Neoln , In. N-S07-12 * LIST SPECIAL IIAROA1NK IN HEAL ESTATE ttlth F. D. AYcud , Real Ettatu , Lounn nnd In- BUI mice , N Slu 8 WANTED To'llUY. OMAHA HAVINGS HANK accounts. Addrers. giving lze of account mid discount , to box 2JO , Omaha , N M858 10 .S.VLI.MISCILLA.VKOU.S. : CHEAPEST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN CRIIL bellitf mad ? . C. R. Lee , 001 Douglas. Q G < 8 FOR BALE , REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. llmt clans condition , ut a bargain , D Z. IJcc. Q-722-S _ _ _ SLEIOHH , " H1NGLE 'AND boUnLE , RELOW co t. Druininiind Can luge Co. Q tOi-F4 FOR BALE FlNK NEW nfIII.ORADE JICY ) - clt ; 133. Omaha Illoclo Co. , 3.3 N. IClh it. FOR HALE. I..OOO OR MORE OF FIRST CLASH 0 per cent bciulH , Internet payulila beml-annu- ally : cnn l > illUdud In email amount * If do- alrud. Call and lnve tlifato or address (1. ( U. Tzbdiuck , cute Omnlm Heo. Q-837 10' FOR BALE , ONE BIX-TON HOWE-HOPPER scale ; nearly new. AddreM D 23 , life. Q A1QI4 1 * WANl-ED IHOHEHT"CA8H OFFER FOH Herman Havings bank rucuher'ii certlllcute. Addrets D , 2& , Ilee. Q-631.10 * MIHCIILAMOIS. ; WAS fl.DTTO lWMMINtCAlTVITlf SOMH i-onlr i tor for molni ; liees , hnvo n InitM nm > vint nf work. AJtu-i J , Ontdner , Ml o. lllh nlrett , Oinnhn , Nrb. H stJ-10 IIATIIS , KTC. MlbSVMKS VAol ) A'rHS.A83CaE ! , WJ . lith I't. ' , room > . T-M6I1 F5 I'UH.SO.VAl , . " RUPTfRi : CfllKD ; NO I'AlNi NO DirTEN- tluit fivm b , iine ! > s ; wo refer to hundred ! of patients rutvil. O. E. Mlllrr Co. , 717 N. Y. Lllc building , Omatm , Ntb. U-tH " " * " " " " wTNfED7 > IEN""AND""v'OMrN""Tf3 : - ttno our ( .oods In every county In Nebraska ; K < > od fay ; rend Ktntnp for r.mleulars. E. S. Co. . 1019 Hartley it. , Omnhn , Neb. _ RUPTURE nUMANENTLY rUlHCU : PAY hni i-'ircd ; IM rain , no detention from bust- ncrt. Fidelity Rupture Cuie , 301 Uio lililT.Onmlia U-051 - _ _ VIAVf FOR UTE'.ilNE TROUI1LKS. 3W-S 11EK lildg , Physician , coniulutlon or health book ree. U-72C _ 1UTHH. MASUAllf. . MME-T-OSTrsiSVi S. UTIlT U-C.-.Q _ ' _ WANTED-IIY AN EXPEl'trENCEir 1NSTRUC- lor , two or lliioo pil\alc pupils. Address. D \ \ Rcc. U-S31--13 * M. C. WALLACE. PLHASE CALL AT RL'SI ness oillcc of Tl.ilice. . U-MSCO I0 TO ANTHONY LOAN * TRUST CO. . 313 N. Y. U ; quid : mnney nt low rules for choice fm m loans In Iowa , not them Missouri , eastern N < lira Ua. ' - CITY LOANS. C , A. STARR. S25 N. Y. LIFE. _ iXrSi1. MONEY 10 LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rail estate , Iliinnnii , I ixc Co. , Pnxton block. W K > 3 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propel ty. W. Farnam Smith & Co.,1320 Fnrnnm. * MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA proiwrty. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Company. New Yoilc. PoM-y .4 Thomag. ABcnts , No. 207 First National Dniilc Hide. W (539 ( MONEY TO "LOAN T LOW RATES. THE O. F. Dnvls Co. . 1503 Fnmani St. W-CS7 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowokt rntcs ; bulldlm ; loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St. W 038 C PKR CENT MONEY TO IX1AN ON OMAHA property , Neb. fnrms. W. 11. Mclkle. Ut Nntl. Rk W CM .MO.V12Y TO LOAN CHATTLI2S. MONEY TO IXJAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , nngons. elc. ; nt lowest rntcs In city , no removal of good * : strictly confidential ; you can imy the loan off at nny time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXAN CO. . 300 So. Kill St. X-CC1 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO. 80 DAYS ; FURNI- turc. pianos , etc. Duff Green loom 8 llnrkcr blk. X-CC3 HU.SIMSS CIIANCICS. FOR SALE. AROUT 2.000 L119. MINION TYPE. 700 Ibs. agate , 130 pair two-third cnses , 40 double Iron stands for I wo-third cases. This material was used on The Omaha llec , nnd Is in fairly good condition. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities lo suit purchaier. Apply In person or by mail to The Heo Pub lishing Company , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 TO GET IN7 > R OUT OP UUSINESH GO TO J. J. Gibson. Oil let Nat'l Ilk. llulldlng. Y-3CC MEAT MARKET. 1330 ; RECEIPTS J23 PER day. J. J. Gibson. 514 Flrsl National bunk. Y M393-J 10 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-420.000.00 PAID UP stock lu n Jobbing house of excellent reputa tion with a good trade. party offering the stock Is n salaried olllccr and the purchaser , If n man of good executive ability and de sirous of accepting an active position , may be clectfd to the olllce. Addrms Powell & Potter , 1C17 Fnrnam slieet , Omaha. N b. Y 72-1 It FOR SALE , A GOOD PAYING OIL HUBINESS In Omaha : will trade for land In Iowa or eastern Nebraska , Address D 17 , Heo olllce. Y MM5 15 * FOR SALE , SOME VERY CHOICE MORT- gngci , netting 8 per cent Foml-annual to In vestors. Imiulro of John Dale , 20V N. A' . Life IllilB. Y-MS39 10 KOIL .MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES WHEN people expect to make nn exchange lu spring , Neb. Cycle Co. . 15th and Harney. 2 213 J9 FARM" NEAR"SNOHOMISI WASHINGTON , for property further cast. Sclby , 1C03 Farnnm. > 331 IRREOATED NE1IRASKA LAND. CLEAR FOR Equity In Omaha business block ; owner will bo In city January S. Call on or address J. J. Gibbon , 514 Ut Natl Dang Rldg. 7-CSS-JS TO EXCHANGE , FOH DEPOSITS ACCOUNT IN suvlngs bank's ; college , homes , clear ; price ranging from J100 to H.OCO. J. J. Gibson , D14 First National Hank llulldlng. X792 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR FARM. A FIRST olasa hotel of 24 rooms , with nil modern 1m- prmemclUB. well furnNhed , ut Woodbine , lima. Woodblro hns one of the best patronized Normal schools In the stale. Inquire J. A. Roberts , WooJblnc , Iowa. X SCS-11 TO EXCHANGE FOR J3.COO STOCK HARDware - ware , 120 acres land , two miles oul ; 100 acres under plow ; good tllle. Address Hex K9 , Cor- rccllonvllle. In. Z-MS11 13 EQuffY IN 7-ROOM HOUSE IN WALNUT Hill for certificates of dtposlt In Omaha Suv- Ings Sank. D 18. Ilee. Z-S33-8 * FOR TRADE. 3 CHOICE IMPROVED FARMS In eastern Ncbruvku , to exchange for general merchandise , harduaie , Implements , furniture and liootn and shoes. For particulars address George W. Hutton , Coleridge , Neb. KOI ! SALI3 HKAL KSTATK. AHSTRACTS. THE HYHON REED COMPANY. RE-CC3 HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS , LANDS , I.OANS- Gee 1' . Uemls Real Estate Co. , Paxtun blk. RB-WI roil EXCHANGE-EIGHT-ROOM MODEItN house for claims against Omnh.i Savings bank. G. M. Nattlnger A. Co. , 1704 Fainnm St. RE-Cr.3-12 OMAHA SAVINGS HANK ACCOUNTS TAKEN nt par In exchange for houses and lots. ( All or part. ) The Rjron Reed Co. RE MO A ORAND TIME TO HUY 11ROAD ACRES 12 acres near Fort Omaha , nightly , } 2. K ) . 2C3 acres , 8 miles from 1 * . O. , ( will divide ) , at JM.OO. 2S4 acres , tl.OOO house und fine barn , ono hour out. JW.W. ISO acres , prairie , farm , close , $200. 3 nereM , 301 rlrecl , I2.DI < I. If O'ou slay In town buy these : Sightly corner , InumneincntH , icnts nt J270.W , near llnnscom Pnik , mortgage $1,400 , price 12 COO. Ilcautlfiil corner. Georgia nvc. , | 2MO. F D. Wend , ICth nnd Douglas. Hi : 621 S COTTAGE AND IXDT-SOUTH 12TH STREET. tsr.O 00 This Is only about 1 of a mile couth and a bargain. F. D. Wend. 16th nnd Poiiclns. RE 818 8 FOR BALI -H-ROOM HOUSE AND LO'rTjUOO. 4-room house and lot , JfOO.M , on e.isy piyment * . The Ityron Reed Company. RL' 853 14 DAXCl.Vfi .SCHOOL. MORAND'B , 1510 HAHNEY , FOR PRIVATE and class lemons dully ; nlwayu open. EOGr 4 LIFE INS. POLICIES I1OUGHT. W. F. HOLDEN ccc IIUILDLVCi AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAYS C , 78 per cent when I , 2. 3 years old ; nlwnyii re- decinnblc , 1701 Fnrnain St. Nalllngcr , Heo.ccs ccs HOW TO GET A HU.MU OR SECURE GOOD Interest on ravings. Apply to Omaha L. & 11. Ass'li , 1701 Farnum. G , M. NaUlngcr , Src. CC9 .MUSIC , AUT A.VI ) LA.\GtlAOI2. OEOItaE F. C1KLLENI1HCK , RANJO , MANDO. lln nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 lies IJMtr. Tel. 238. M IIECIITOLD.PRINTER.IIROWNHLK. KL IOIS. LOST. IXST. HEAVY-SET WATER HPANIEL ; extra lurga earn ; answers , "Don" ; ri'wnid. Return 2220 North lllh Ht. , or I'hane JIO. IIROWN WATER HPANIEL , DECEUHEU . Reward for return to 2C37 lllondo. LOST. POCICETHOOK WITH AIIOUT ( .M AND letter containing1 | 3.0) In llvcr , between IClh nnd Capitol avcnuo nnd 3th und Nlcholim utrccls. Finder will render great pcrvlia by returning same to lie * oillcc. Ruward. Loit M6CI 9 AVAM'I'.U TO ItntlUOW. WANTED. TO 11ORROW 00,00 ON IMPROWO fnnn In Clny county , Nebrnska , for Hire , ' yt-nrn lit 8 per cent. Addrcsi D 11 , Hie. - Msas lo .MACIIIM'.S AM ) S NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND \\HITIJ enlnc machine olllco , ISM Cap. A\c. Tel. l'T . t C6 k < 1'AH.M KOIl HUNT. CrVJOU 80-ACRK FARM TOR RENT. SH MILF.H weit o ( city limits ; lessee cnn buy tlie build * Ing * nnd complete farming cm I lit for JOoO from tilcsvnt tenant. Ilemls. Pnxton Moik M--JI4 AM ) TYIM\VHITIN . A. C. VAN SANT'H SCHOOL , M.I N. Y. LIFE. Ctt AT OMAHA HU3.COLLEOE , 1CTH & DOUClt AS. C71 GET M. S. WALKIN'S PRICES ON FURNt- turo pncklnc , repairing- , upholstering ; mat- timjcs made ami renovated ; 2111 Cutnlng , Tel , 1331. CM TYrr.wiii'rnns. GET THE REST TYPEWRITERS ! SUPPLIES ! rvpnlrs. United Typewriter & Supplies Cfl. , 1C12 Fiirimm St. 670-Junc-a ) _ AVA.vrr.iTo noititow. TO I1ORROW , liriO.OO , SIX MONTHS. GOOD security : good rnto of Interest. Address C 03. lice. CS1 SO' LET ITS SELL YOU A MORTGAGE OR MAKE a loan for you on either fnrni or city proi > - erty. F. D. Xvcnd , Gilt Edge Securities , nnd Douglas. (20 31 PHYSICAL CU1.TI1IIK. EI.OCUT1ON. MRS. W. N. DORWARD , C23 N. 10th. -MiCS F2 SAKHS. NEW AND SECOND-HAND RAPES ; SAFE HE- palrlng. J. J. Derlght , 1110 Farnnm.M710 -M710 F3 IHlKSSMAIUXd. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. MISS Sturdy , 4304 Rurdcttc. M-4S3-J19" DRESSMAKING IIY THE DAY ; WORK GUAR- nnteeil. C 35 , Uec. M7CO I'.VW.MIHOICKHS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 4IS N. 10 ST. r i C71 Di : COSTIF.MF.H. THEO L1EI1EN , AK-SAR-REN COSTl'MER , CM S , 13th ; largest stock masquerade nnd thent- rlcnl goodi In the west. MSJ9 PS SUES & CO. , PATEST SOLICITOUS , lco ) Hullillnp , Unmlm. Nubr Advlco nml I'a tout , Hook KICK12 ) TO TRADE 0 } TO SELL / ITORENT DO YOU WANT APOSlTiO.M SOME HELP TO BORROW MONEY TO LOAN MONEY IRV IMC COIUMYS 01 Ilir . . . OMAHA BEE. Omaha advertisers do this successfully tthynolyou ? The Bee Publishing Co. . OMMU. 6-O-OOOOO-O-O O-OO- Slni-UIiolilrr.s .licet I lie. Onico of Lec-Clnrke-Andrecscn Iliirilwnro Company , Oinalm , Nub , , Ui-c. 12 , 15 % : Notice la hereby Klvun to tlio Htorkhulilcrn of the Lec-Clarke-Aiidroesen Hurilwuro company that the annual nicotine of thn stoeldiolclorH of tno company will bo hold ut the olllccH of the miul company , Nos , 1219 , 1221 anil 1223 Harney street. In tlio city of Omaha , In the atato of Nebraska , on Tuesday. January 12. A. I ) . 1S07 , nt 3 o'clock p. m. . for the jmrriosa of electing n boinl of directors for the company , to servo iltir- Intr the ensuing year , ami to transact such other business ns mav bo nri'spnti-d at mich nicotine. ( Seal. ) H. J. LKK. Attest : President. W. M. GLASS. Secretary. Docl2d22t The annual meetliiK of the Htockholdcrs of The Dec Hulkllng company will be hclil In the olllco of The Omaha I lei1 , Omaha , Neb. , at1 o'clock p. m. , Tuesday , January 19 , 1VJ7 , for the pin pose of electing a boaul of directors for the onsuliiK year and the transaction of such other business as may iroperly como buforo the nitvtlnir. Hy order of the president. N. 1' , KKir , , Sorrctnry. D2S.12U m & o RAILWAY TIME CARD leaves jltURLINGTON At MO. RIVEH.IArrtvi OiiiahaUnloiiJiepot.JOtli | _ & MaionSU.J * Omaha iS3nin . Dtiucr Express . ! ) :3iam : ! 4.33pm illk Hills Mont & 1'iigct Snd Ex. 4:0' : > pm 4.Upm : . ucmcr Expicts . . . 4:05pm : 7K : > pm. . . . Lincoln I .oca I ( ex Sunday ) . . . . 7:4Spm : 'i : ! > 3pm. . . . Lincoln 1-ucal ( ex. Sunday ) . . , , HURITNOTON & Q.j OmahaynlonDcpot. | loth & . Majcn Sts f Omaha -4. . S:00im : | . Chicago Veetllnli * . . . fC"nm : , SHSan . Chicago Enpiess . < : )5pm ) 7:30pm..ChlcaEii : & Bt Uiula Express , . 6:00cm : ll:10am : . Poclllo Junction Local . C10pni ; . Fast Mall . Lea\es ( CHICAGO , MIL. ft STTPAUUIArrlves. OmahnlUnlon Dtpot , JClh .Ve Mamin Aid | lliln.'ia 6'SOjim . Chicago Limited . , . 8:03am : llOCam. : . . Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:2Ipm : i < cu\rn ICIIICAUO k NORTHWKSTN.IArilven Om.ihaUnlon | Depot , 10th & .Ma.iu.-i Stu.f Omaha lOjain . Eastern Exprces. . , , . 340pm ; 4IJp.m : . Vt'ullliulcd Limited . 6:40 : | > m GBSpm : . SI. Paul Express . 9:30 : im Cn/im : . St. Paul Limited. . . , . 9OJpm : 7:0am. : . . .Carroll & ( lloux City Ix > : Cdim : | . Omaha Chicago Special . 8. 00. nil . Missouri Valley Ixicnl . 9:20am : LeaveTlCIllCAaoI * R7"ir" & PAClPICJArrlvs" OiiialiaUnlon | Depot , lOlh U Maaon Sls. | Omu.u _ 'EAST ! _ 1040am.AIIantla ; Express ( ex , Sunday ) . . f > : .Ji4Mii 7:00pm : . Nluht Express . 8-irium 4 : . ' .Cmi | . . . . Chicago Vestlliuled Limited. . . . I:3. : > ptn 4Mpn : . St. Paul Vcntlbuled Limited. . . . lJ5pn | ' _ WEHT. _ " IMipm. . . . . . . _ .Coloiudo I.linlted . . . . . . 46bpm : leaves I C. . ST. I1. . II. & O , [ Arrlvea OinahalUnlon Dfiiot , 10th & Muton KU. | Omaha 12:30pm. : Sloux City Exprcx ( ex. Sun..1lam ) : 'f > : lCnm..Kluux City"Acrommo.latlon. . . . . " . S:0fljim : Clupm ; . St. Paul Llmltec ! . 3:16am : Leaves" ! F , , E. & Mo. VALLEY. " | Arrlvo" Onmaaf Depot , ICtii nnd Wab < tt-r His , | Omuhii 3Wipm..I'a : MolT and Express . 3:00iin.ex : ; , Hut. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex. Mon. ) , . liOOpin 7-tOaiu. . Fremont Local ( Kuim.iy only ) . . 7iOnm. : . . . Norfolk Express ( ox. flun ) . . .lO&am Clipiii ; ! . St. Paul Expriss. . 9:10am : Lea\c I K. C. , ST. J , & C. II. | Arrievt- OinulinjUnlon [ Depot , lOlli & _ Mo on Ht . | _ Or..ula : iis Clly 1'iy Express. . . . 0:10pm : 10Wpm.K. : C. Night Ex.yla U , P. Trans. C:30am : iTT-incnTi MISHOURn'ACIFIC. JArrlvcn" qinn.ijiLDepo isth undJAjebitcr Hts. _ _ Omaha ' 3CO7iiiNebraKkn' : | & Kansun'Limited..121'uoi 9tOun ; ; Kaniag City Express , , . , , , , , CiCOam 2lipin. : . .Nebraska Ijocul ( ox. Hun. ) . . . . fiOOnm Ix-nves I SIOUX CITY ft 1'ACIFIC. | Arrtvc Omn.inf Dfpot. ISth and Webster HU. I Oninlin , fljltpm St , f'aul Limited , , 8lCum : " * Leaves f HIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. lArrlvm OmnhalUiilon Dtrpot. lOlli ft Mutpn Hts. [ Oinaha : ( , . . . . . . . . . . 1'aul I'asit-ngu/ HlIOpnT 7JOuin : Sioux City I'usttnger iiOJpm : CWinn : St. 1'aiil l.lnilt il. . . . . . . . ' 7 UNION I'A'CIFIC. Arrive * OiimhalUnlon Depot , IQtli ft Maion m . ( Omaha ! , . . . . . . . . . " LimitJd , , 4.43pm 3:30pm.Hcnt'ce : & Klromib'K ' - ( ex Hun.3:30pni ) : C:33pm.lrund : ( Island Enpri-ns ( i < t , Hun ) , ? tJi'iu aSOpm ; Fnit Mall . .10'IO.iin ' " " " Leaven \VAIfjimfUAII.'WAY. I . 1Arrlvea Om ilm Union Depot , 10th & . Mason Hti.f Oinuh * CJOpm. . H : un