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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1897)
THIS OMAHA Wl'lBl iujrbAY 8 , 1807. SPEG1RL NOTICES. for HIPNI * column * will IIP tnUcii until laini ) p. in. ) for thn evening mill unlit H | i. in > ( or ( tic f BuirtiliiK nnil MM ml u > i-illllnitii. Advprtlm-rM , rciiiii-ndiiif 11 imin- horcil i-lu-ult , 'nn linvi * HIIMWITII nil- flrcniiiMl fit n iitiiulicrol litir ( In cnri * of Tin ; HOP. AiiMU-i-rx no iitlilrcNnLMl will lie ilctlvcri-il on | iri-Miriiiiliiu of tillI'lU'Clt Oil I } ' . Itnti'N , t 1-lic n witril first limrrllonj Ic \vurd tlicriMitlrr. XntlilitK Inltdi for Inn * ( linn arie for tin * llrM liiNi-r- tlan. TIuKilUlvcrllNtMiirfiln niHH ( lie- run SITf.VTIOXS WASTI-JI ) . r * A YOt'N'J MAN. HAVING aS5n EDUCATION nnil special electrical training , dcolrea tUuntlnn with chnnce of advancement ; prefer * local em ployment , but willing to KO elsewhere ; refer- cnci-R If desired ; n book or cigar agencies wanted. I ) 21 , Bee. A--M847 0 * WA'XTKI1MA I.H HUM * . WANTED. AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK Of nemo simple thing to patent ? Protect your Menu , they may bring you wealth ; write John Wfddftbtmi & Co. , Dcpt. V. , I'atent Attorneys , Washington , 1) . C. , for their $ ITOO prize offer ami n Hit of 200 Inventions wanted. 11 * 33 TAILORS WANTED. CONTINENTAL CLOTH- Inif Company , B M176 ' WANTED. TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR CI- , ears ; oM rellnlilo house ; experience unneces sary ; extra Inducements to customer * ; 175 to USD per month and expenses. Chas. C. Illshcp & Co. , St. Iouls. IJ-M320 JH 30 A WEEIC SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID salesmen ; experience not necessary ; permanent position. T.-io W. I * Kline Co. , at. Louis. Mo. H M732 F2- WANTED ? LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF experience , to travel with dramatic company ; state lowest salary nnd full particulars , llrst Utter. Address Oscar Newell , lllnlr. Neb. 822 8 WANTED. MEN TO LEARN DARBKR TRADE ; only weeks required , nnd you can hold any position ; on tilt of tools Riven each stu dent ; write for 1S07 catalogue. Moler's Ilarber College , lltli and Franklin avc. , St. Louis. B-M82S 11 WANTED. YOUNG MAN TO KEEpTlOOKSI mutt write good hand. Address 1) " - , lire. B-MSIG 8 WANTED , IIV MANUFACTURER. A MAN IN the commission business , acquainted with the millinery trade , to handle a line of ostrich feathers In city nnd vicinity. Address. giving references , etc. , J. Locwcnsteln , 33 Hand St. , New York. U-M 8 S WEN. TO ADVERTISE OUR SPECIALTIES ; dlstrlbiitn samples , circulars ; steady work ; salary $10.00 monthly ami expenses , or commis sion. Wilfred Specialty Co. , ChlcaR" . P.-M8- WAXTUll KKSIAIiH IIK1.I' . WANTED. EXPERIENCED FIRST AND second girl for Ber.crnl housework ; girl with rcfcienccs prcfercd. Entiulro 510 S. 22nd St. C-SOl-7- WANTED A aiRI. FOR OENERAI , HOUSE- woik , SID S. 26th St. Can at 1M : or 7 p. in. T C SJ3-S * OIRI. WANTED. APPLY 2222 MIAMI STREET. C-83'J f GOOD GIRL ; GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; small family ; references , 1113 Georgia avenue. C MS 10 10 * FOR Hi\T IIOUSKS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. 1' . Davis Company , IJ03 Fnrnam. D CM HOUSES ; 11ENEWA & CO. . 10S N. 1STH ST. D-437 MODERN HOUSES ; C. A. STAHll 92S N Y LIFE D-C3S CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAOES ALL OVER the city , (3 to JJO. Fidelity , 1702 Farnnm st. D-639 HOUSES. WALLACE , DROWN BLOCK. J6TII and Douglas. D 610 HOUSES. FROM (3 UP ; LARGE LIST. Mc- Cague Investment Co. , 1JCG Dodge street. street.DCtt D-Ctt A. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LAFAVETTE PLACE 8 rooms , nil modern , splendU condition , never boon renteil before ; now offered at a low rental to llrst class tenant. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnnm at. D GI2 HOUSES FLATS , G.YRVIN iJtlOS , 1013 FARNAM D-C12 FOR RENT , 812 N. DDTH ST.ROOM MODERN house ; $20 per month. Inquire on premised. D Cll A NUMI1ER OF CENTRALLY LOCATED , 5- room cotUigcs , city water In bourn ; JS.OO and (10.CO. J , II. Kelkenney , Karbarli block. D-M22I J10 FOR RENT BY W. B. ME1KLE , lST NA'rZ. Ilanlt bldg. KM Davenport. 7 nioina. modern , IIS. 2316 N. 19th , 7 room * , modern. J2i ) . 3316 Spencer , 7 rvoms , nic'lcrn , $15. D-231 HOUSES FOP. RENT. IJKMIs71 > AXTON nLK. D-M3C1 FOR RENT , PART OF FUliN7sHED llOUSE ( o parties without children , who will bo.ird two or three adults. Inquire Cll North 17tn Bt. -M820 S' rou un > TFunxisnii : HOO.M.S. FUIINISHEU ItOOMS , 1TOS Douslas. K-7SI-S U LAnOK TIIONT nOOM ; HAY window ; modern ! with or without board. M4 . North 10th G M7M It * y. ; _ f Pt'RN'IHIIKD IIOOMS , IIOUHIIKKKI'INO. 2C23 St. Mary' * . K SI831 ll I'IIIt.MSIIii : ) ROOMS AM ) IIOAUI1. THi : MKimiASI. 23T1I AND UODOR. F MC1I J3 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM AND lioanl tor two , ' strictly private family , 1707 ! M830 8 KOII 1IKXT STOItliS AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT. THF. 4-STOUY IIIUCIC UUII.D1NQ lit 815 fiiriunn il. Tila : ImllclltiK lias a llrvpr&uf cpnicnt Imtcmcnt. complete Kteum lienthiK llx- turca : water CM all doom ; una , etc. Apply at tlio olllco of The lice. 1-910 AUIS.VJ'S WAVl'HIl. WANTED. CAPA1IM- : AND SUCCESSFUL Dis trict , special and local nRcnts to represent tlio Alanhnttun Life limiranco Ccmpuuy or New Voile In KfLriihka. Iowa ami .South Dakota , h > fdal ( eiritory will he jjlven to each ns'cnt , with thn moat liberal brokerage , or a lung ami viiluiiljlo icnownl contract. nn. | with sucli | iu- clul liclp In the flelil .11 will luiuro the Innjrst 'irfiiidire of success , for further Information : uliliviis J. W. Dean * Sans. ( Jeneral , Uco blilg. , Omilm , Neb. J MS14 J13 WA.vrnn/ro UKV * WANTED , TO ItENT , A FAtlM , I-'UOM 20 TO SO acre * , near the city , AiMresa I' . Jensen , 37M Fouth Hth It. 1C JIS23 S STOMACH. OM. VAN &TrrouAciE. Tiis nu 1533 M-613 _ _ _ PACIKIO STOHAOE AND WAIIEHOU8B CO WS-1) Jonei. General stornKo nnil foriv rJln WA-\TISIIT < I I1UY. WANTED , SECONDHAND HAVE ; GIVE IN- ttilo Miciitiirmentn ; innkv ; price for each. AJJiefd Wheeler llrutlicru , Neoln , In , _ _ _ _ N-S07-1J * MST Sl'ECIAI , HAllfiAINS l.v'llKAI. ESTATE with I' , D.VaJ , Heal E tatv , I oans anil In- BUniiue. N SW 8 u.MI.SCKII\.MOUS. CIIKArKflT HAUDWOOD WOVEN COUN CltHJ- b lns niaje , C. It. Lee , 901 Douglu. Q CIS ron BAi.ij.tEiiiNaTON TVi Hr t claim conJItlon , at tt barculn. AJ.IroJi 1 > ! , llec. Q-7K-8 EI.iillH : , B1NOI.K AND DOUliiu57"I1EI5W t'MiijimonilJ'iirrlaiso ! Co , _ Q S03-r4 rit SIAI.U , VINB Ntw uiaiauAi > iiuY cle , } 39. Oiualm lllcycla Co. , 221 N. Kill > t. Q-314 _ _ _ _ FOIl 8AI.E. J3.COO Oil MoftC OKT'mST CLASH 0 per cent bomlx , lnterr > t rayible * vml-nnnu- ully ; can Lo illvMc'd In vniull uinounu If ile. Hired. Call nnd InvcutlRati ) or uildit-M O. u. Tivcluiclt , cam Omnlm lice. Q-S7 10 * SALE. ONE BIX-TQN HOWE-HOITEII cols ; nearly new. AJJn'es U 13 , lit * . 1IATI1S , I'.TC. UMU HMITII , lll UOIIUUVH , IIOOM Si MAH- and iltuni bath * . T Miin 9 < WIHH AMES , VAlOIt B. Ulh t. , tmia * , nuirrunn CUHEO ; NO TAIN ; NO DETKN- lion from lm lnes ; we refer to hundreds of pntfentu cared. O. E. Miller Co , , 717 N. Y. _ Llte building , Omaha , Neb. U-6IJ WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN TO ADVEH- tlso our Koodn In every county In Nebrankn ; Cnod pay ; * nd itnmp for particulars. E. B. Co. , 1019 Harncy st. , Onmlm , Neb. U-SJ1 JM IttTTt'ItE 1'EIIMANENTLY CUIIED ; PAY when cured : no pnln , no detention from Inisl- nes * . Fidelity Itupttire Cure , 301 Itco bldK.Omnh.i U-W3 VIAVI FOIl UTKIUNK TnOUIlLES 'sK-S IJEE M'lfr. ' I'hynlclan , consulatlon or health Ixwk free. U 726 IJATH3 , MASSAQlT. TlME.'ToST , 310U S. ISTIlT U-CM \VANTED-I1Y AM EXPEltlENCED INSTHtT- tor , two or three private pupil * . Addrera. D 19 Uce. ' , U-S3I-13' MO.VIiV TO l.OAX ItK.U , I3STATK. ANTHONY I/5AN & TRUST CO. . 313 N. Y. L.J HUlck money at low rates Tor choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W C53 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 921 N. Y. LIFE. W C51 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrtnnan , Love Co. , 1'axton block. W 6S3 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNLMPIIOVEO CITY property , W. Farnam Smith & Co.,13:0 I'arnam. 6 LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. U. S. MortRnse & Trust Company. New Yoik. Po ey & Thomas , Agents , No. 207 First National Hank llldg. _ T"609 MONEY" LOAN AT LOW HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1101 Fnrnam St. W 7 MONEY TO JXAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates : building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St. W < ! 3S 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA property. Neb. farms. W. 1J. Melkle 1st Nail. Ilk W CM .1IOXKY TO IjOAN CIIATTLUS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. : at lowest rates In city ; no removal of Koods : strictly confidential ; you can i > ny the loan oft at uny time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTOAOE I.OAN CO. , SOS 60. 16th St. X-CCl MONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO , 90 DAYS : FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green room 8 Darker lilk. X-C02 11USIXBSS CIIAXC12S. FOR SALE , AI1OUT 2.000 LI13. MINION TYPE. 7Crt ) Ibs. agate , 150 pnlr two-third cases , 40 double Iron stands for two-third cases. This material was ueed on The Omaha Hec , nnd Is In fairly good condition. Will bo sold cheap In bulk or III quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The llee Pub lishing Company , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 TO QET IN OlfoUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson. Sll Itt Nnfl Ilk. Uulldlns. Y 366 MEAT MARKET. JKO : RECEIPTS J23 PER duy. J. J. Gibson , 5H First National bank. Y MM3-J 10 FOR SALE OR E.\CHANaE-20,000.00 PAID UP stock In a jobbing house of excellent - reputation tion with a good trade. Tne parly ottering the Mock Is a salaried olllcor nnd the purchaser , If a man of KOod executive ability nnd de- Hlroim of accepting an active position , may bo elected to the olllcc. Addruia Powell & Potter , 1617 Farnam sticet , Omaha , Neb. Y 723 II FOR SALE , A OOOD PAYING OIL 1U1SINES3 In Omalin ; will trade for land In Iowa or eastern Nebraska. Addresi D 17 , Dec olllcc. Y M813 19- A CHANCE CHANCEto to obtain an Interest at CUIM'LE CREEK , the great GOLD CAMP OF COLORADO. Five years nso a cattle pasture , today the greatest gold-producing district on the Amer ican continent. Thousands of people would like to become Interested In these great gold fields nnd secure n. .share of the golden riches , but cannot nfttfrd to spend the tlmu and money necessary to BO there nnd lool ; up desirable mining properties. Wenru forming a , company to operate nt Crip- pie Creek , and can after those Interested a cplendld chance to obtain a share of the wonderful output of tlilt great gold camp , wllioul ( the expenditure of any money for traveling expenses or taking- time from busi ness , . The amount required of each one Will lie very small and liable to yield enormous returns. Interested , write during next ten days. THE COMMERCIAL LEASING AND MINING COMPANY , New York Life Illds. , Qmaha.Y . Y MS43 8 FOR SALE. SOME VERY CHOICE MORT- BaBea , ncttlntr 8 per rent semi-annual to In vestors. Inquire of John Dale , 200 N. Y. Life Uldff. Y MS30 10 FOIL UXCHAXKH. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES WHEN people expect to make an exchange In spring. Neb. Cycle Co. . IJth and Harney. Z 219 J9 FARM NEAH SNOHOMtSII , WASHINGTON" ! for property further east. Sclby , 1C03 Farnnm. 5S-WI 1RREOATED NEBRASKA LAND , CLEAR FOR Equity In Omaha business block ; owner will be In city January 8. Cnll on or address J , J , Gibbon , DH11st Null Bang Illdif. ZbSJ8 TO KXCHANa E. FOR DEPOSITS ACCOUNT IN savings bank's ; cottcse , homes , clear ; price ranging from 1500 to } 1.000. J. J. Gibson. Cll First National Bank Building. X79J FOR SALB"OR TRADE FOR FARM , A FIRST class hotel of 21 rooms , with II modern Im provements , well furnls'ied. at Woodbine , Iowa. Woodblre has cnc of the best patronized Normal schools In the state. Inquire J. A. Roberts. Woodbine , Iowa. 55 SOS-11 TO EXCHANGE FOR 53,000 STOCK HARD" ware. 120 acres land , tuo miles out ; 100 acres under plow ; good title. Address Box & > , Cor- rectlonvllle , la , * ii-MSll )3 ) EQUITY"IN T-ROOM HOUSE IN WALNUT Hill for ccrtlllcates of deposit In Omaha Sav ing * Sank. D IS , Doe. V. S3J S KOIt SAL,13HKAI , ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE-CG3 HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS. LANDS , Gco. 1 * . liomls Real Estate Co. , 1'axton blk. RE CCI " " FOR EXCHANGE EIGHT-ROOM MODERN IIOUPO for claims against Omaha Savings bank. O. M , Nattlnger & Co. , 1701 Farnam St. RE-CC3 15 _ OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS TAKEN at par In exchange for houfes and lots. ( All or part. ) The Byron Reed Co. RE S10 A GRAND TIME TO BUY BROAD 12 ncies near Fort Omaha , tightly , K'.CCO. 2C5 acres. 8 miles from P. O. , ( will divide ) , m 2SI acres , tl.OOd house nnd fine barn , ono hour out , KO.IO. ISO acres , prairie , farm , close , I2S.CO. 3 acres , 30th fctrc-ot. 12.&CO. If you rtay In town buy these : Sightly corner. Improvements , rents nt (276.CO , near Ilaiisconi Park , mortgage 1 1,400 , price J2.CCO. Beautiful corner , Georgia avc , , J5.0CO. F. D. Wcad , 10th nnd Douglas. RE 821 S COTTAGE AND IvOT-SOlITH 12TH. 5i.O.CO. This Is only about Vi "t a. mlla south and u bargain. F. D. Wead , IGth nnd Douglas. RE SIS 8 _ _ ' LAND. 40 Douglas county , 51,400. SO rlo e In , (4,400. CO cloce In 11,000. 20 close In , I2.(00. CO In Iowa , J.'CO. (0 In Iowa , Jl.MK ) . 40 In Iowa , JC60. ( CO In Inwii , (20 nn acre. 230 In Iowa ( line ) , tS.OCO. (0 In Sarpy county . (3.COO. EO near Lincoln , II , CfO , 1GO near Syracuse , 13J an ncre. ICO Clark county , Iowa , 14.000. UO Washington county , 123 an IUT * . S3) Hurt county , 120 nn ncre. ( Fine. ) 240 Hurt county , ( to an acre. 40 In Hurt county , (1.200 , in rinse to Hanscom IMrk rhenp , C. F. Harrison. < 12 N. Y. Life. RE332-7' BEAUTIFUL ACRE IXDT , WITH HANDSOME shada trees : close to paved strict : un edk'Q of city ; only ( COO.OO ; call and see 11. Hicks. Room 503 , N. Y. Life BUg. UK-Mull 8 WILL SACRIFICE 10 ACRES. CI.OSE TO FAIR grounds ; only (2.9&00. Address D 21 . , llee. IU-MSI " O - : 8 SCHOOL , MOHAND'S , 1510 HAHNEY. rOU I'lUVATB and class lewon * dally ; ulwayn open , SOC-F4 KIXAXUIAL. LIKE INS. TOL1CIE3 IIOUQIIT. W , P. HOLDEN CC I'.Y\V.MIIt01CiHH. II. lIAltOWlTZ LOANd MONEY. 413 N. It U ? . WAXTRH TO ItOIlHOW. WANTED , TO IJOUIIOW. ISOO.M ON IMt HO\KD farm In Clay county , Nelirnnkn , for thro * years at S per cent , Addreis D It , lice. MSM 10 * .snwixn MACIII.MI.S AXD .suri'iiis. : NEW HOME , HOtJSEltOI.0 AND WHITE sewing machine oince , 1)11 Cap. AVc. Tel. 1S74. C < ! 7 KAIt.1I FOIt 11I2XT. OOOD SO-ACItE FAIl.M FOIl ItENT , 314 MILES west of city llmltni lessee can buy the build- Ins nnd complete fnrmlnK outfit for JCW from present tenant , llemls , 1'axton block. M 541 HUIMHXtt AM ) MAX ASSOCIATIONS. SHAUES'TN"MtrrtiAi7 ; n7TssN ; I'AYS o. 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 year * old : always re deemable. 1701 Karnam St. Nnttlngcr , Sec.CG3 CG3 no\v TO QIT A HC.MC un SUCOHR GOOD Interest on jnvlncs. Apply to Omnlia L. A . Ass'n. 1701 Fnrnam. O. M , Nuttlngcr. Sec. SIIOUTIIAM ) AM ) TYIMCWHITI.VO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. , B13 N. Y. UFE. 672 AT OMAHA UU3.COL.I.EC3E. 1CTH & DOUGLAS. G73 WAXTHO TO TO iioitnow , tuo.oo , six MONTHS , GOOD security cooJ rate of Intcrcat. AdJress C Co , Doe. 6S.1 M 1.BT US SEMj YOU A MOUTOAOK OK MAKE n loan for you on cither farm or city prop erty. F. t > . Weail , Cllt Edge Securities , 16th nnd Douglas. 520 31 1'ACIvKI ) . GET M. S. WAl.KIN'8 TniCES ON FUUNI- ture pncltln ? , repnlrlnjr , upholsterlnR ; mattresses - tresses made and renovated ; 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331. 67 * TY1M3WU1T13HS. GET THE HEST TYI'nwniTEIlS ; SUPPMKSs repairs. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. 1C12 Farnnm St. C70 Junc-30 LOST. LOST , HEAVY-SET WATER SPANIEL : extra larpe ears ; nnswcrs , "Don" ; reward. Ueturn 2226 North IStli St. . or I'hone 230. Ixist S03-8 IIIIOWN WATER SPANIEL. UECEMUEH 23. Uuwaril for return to 2037 Illondo. Lost f7 ! S * IMIYSICAIi CUI.TUHK. ELOCUTION. MRS. W. N. DORWARD , C23 N. 19th. -M7G3 F2 NEW AND SECOND-HAND BAKES ; SAFE RE- pnlrlng. J. J. Uerlght , 111C Farnnm.M710 M710 Fo imi2SSMAKl.\G. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. MISS Sturdy , 4301 Uurdctfe. M 4S3-J10 * DRESSMAKiTTaTlY THE DAY ; WORK GUAR- nuteed. C 39 , Uec. M7CO D .MUSIC , AUT AXI ) kAXOUAGK. GEORGE F. GELLENnECK. BANJO. MANDO- lln nnd gultnr tcncher. Room 412 llee Hl'lg. Tel. 238. 1'JO iTECHTOLD.PRINTERDROWN I1LK. TEL. 1015. 11237 J-tl MKDICAL. LADIES ! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY- roynl Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best ; safe ; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stumps for pnrtlculnrs. "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall. At druKfilsta. Chlchester Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Hec. SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITORS , Uco llulldlne. llulldlne.Onmlm. . Nebr Advice and Pniont Book I'UEE OLD OFPICRIIS AUK IIE-HLKCTKU. Animal Mi'ctlii * ; of ( lie 1'iiclflc 13x- liroxM Co in | ia ii y SlocklmldiTH. The annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Pacific Express company was held yes terday afternoon , at the Pacific Express head quarters In this city. Iloutlno business In cidental to the closing ot the year wca transacted. The following were elected to the board of dlrectom to servo during' the ensuing year , Messrs. Anders n and Clapp bo lus the only new members chosen : E. Ellery Anderson , New York ; Oliver W. Mink , lioaton ; E. I ) . Pryor. E. T. Clnpp , E. G. Merrlam and S. n. Schuyler , St. LouKj ; E. M. Morsman. Omaha. At the subsequent meeting of the board of directors the following officers were reelected - elected : E. M. Morsman , president and treasurer ; William * F. Hcchcl. secretary ; Oliver W. Mini ; , vice president. Veteran Firemen to Meet. The members of the Omaha Veteran Flre- men'a association have been requested to meet at Elks' hall , Fifteenth nnd Farnam streets , this afternoon nt 1:30 : o'clock , In full uniform , to attend the funeral of the late II. IX Shull. AVlv SIc'i'iUTN mi ( lit * "Flyer" the Burlington's "Vcstlbuled Flyer. " As beautifully luxurious and luxuriously beauti ful as any In the country. Leaves Omaha nt G:00 : p. m. Arrives at Chicago at 8:20 : a. m. Tickets and berths at 1502 Farnam street. Slx-Thlny r. 31. Train. of I he CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE fi ST. PAUL HY. Host ficrvico. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Dining car. City office : 1WM Farnara. 'run iiKAi/rr MAHICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Thursday , January 7 , 1837 : WAUUANTY DEEDS. Patrick Cogan nnd wife to Itlchard O'Kecfc. Jr.r n 30 ft. of a CO ft. of w 121 ft , , lot 1 , block 4 , S. 13. IloKor'a add J2.1M II. U. Hastings to Lev ! Heyden , sV4 lot 15 , block "C" Horbich's BUD of llor- bach'a 1st add l.COO Uoyd'a Opera House association to O , M. Carter , lot 5 nnd w',5 lot C , block 119 Omaha 230,000 Mead Inv Co to J F Squires , lots 9 and 10. block 3. Uedlek's 2d add 1 Thomas O'Donnell , sr. , to Mangle N. O'Donnell et n ! . , Vt lot 11 , block 10 , Kountzc 4th ndd. , 100 A 1C White and husband to Herlln Co. , lots 1 nnd " , block 2 , Farnam Hrts. ; . GOO Same to same , pt tax lot 22 In 3-14-13. . ISO QUIT CLAIM , DREDS. C E Clapp to O O lloock , lot 7 , block 8. Went Bldo mid 1 Shoshone Mcrctl Co to J J i.oran , lot 5 and wVi lot C , block 92. umuhu 1 Mead Inv Co to Elof Llndgrcn. lots . 9 nnd 10 , block 3. Iledlck pk add 1 C E Clapp to A 11 lloock , lot 2 , block 1 , Hoocu'a sub , i DEI3DS. Special master to A M Goodrich , lot 1 , block IS. West Omaha 3 , < on SamoMo Maurice Ilrown , lot 43 , Nel son's add MJ1 Total amount of transfers J25S.9SG 3 WANT GEHUINK.i . DURHAM Ion will fliitl nun coupon Inililo cucli two ounce nnil ( wo coupons liialdn each Tour ounce t > ng of Ulnck- wril'a Diirhnm , Huy n Imj ; of this celebrated tobnccn nml rcml the coupon which K'vrs a Itst of vnlimlilo pres ents nut ! Imvr to get them. Primary , Secondary or Ter tiary Ulontl 1'olsoii perma nently cured In 15 to 35 tlayo. You cau bo treated at homo for the eatao prlco under tame guaranty. If you prefer to como hero no will contract to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , and no charge If wo fall to euro. If you have taken mercury , lotlldo n"B" § O > jHj B H H < f"fe W i W'potnnh , nnd still have aches and pains , Mucous H D * Sf * * " * * " " " * i'ntclicH in mouth , Here Thront , Pimples , Copper-Colored Hpols , Blccra on any p'art of the body , Ilnlr or HycbroxvH fUlllnc out , it is this BLOOI > POIBOX that we utiarnutco to cure. Wo solicit the most oh.stlnnto 4n H " ' CONOH and jf fBE3B ? i E33 > r "F'fUE ? clmllciiKO tlio world for n case QL uJEruBaBi K3 H H SfofS AVO cannot cure. Thin disease basahvays banieil tlio Hl < tI of the most eminent physicians. S.100.OOU capital behind onr unconditional guaranty. Absolute flrooffe seut scaled on application. 307 Jlafjoiilo Temple , CUICAUO , IML. | @yst& sSEoUtJSEJ H 1 100 -EAST , WEST , HOME IS BESTIF KEPT GLEAN WITH BRYAN AT BASODET TABLE ( Continued from First Page. ) Kohl otnndard democrats' and free silver democrats a necessity,3 bat It ouht ( to bo desirable to both sides. If the frold stand ard democrats nro nsT bad. politically , as \vo think they are wo miKlit not to care to. afllllato with then * , nhd If those who supported the ChlcoRO ' ( ilatform are half as bad as the Koldbuss-sny they are they are apt to contaminate all who associate with them. WO COMPROMISE ADMISSIBLE. In my opinion there should be no com- promlso of the Issues involved In tbo late campalRii and no tormd' short of absolute surrender offered to .thoS.e who have de serted us. If any becomes con vinced that Kio gold HtanOard is necessary , or becomes a defender 4of trust ? , he can leave the parly and Jbltv'tho ' boltliiK dem ocrats or the republicans ! If any bolting democrat sees the error' ' of his way and Is willing to endorse life Chicago platform and labor with those who seek to carry It Into effect , we iwlll welcome such a dem ocrat back Into the fold. . We nre engafeod nqW In Just such a con test na that through whlo.i Andrew Jack son passed and we do well on this occasion to take cncouraKement from his devotion to thn cause of the . -eoplc. Ho gained his Kreatcst victory In Ills fight nsalnst the national bank. Wo have the same flsht on hand today. The national bank Is seok- liiff to force a retirement of the greenbacks and then monopolize tne Issue of paper money. The reiiubllcan.s , during the cam paign Just closed , avoided this subject and refused to declare themselves cither for or npalnst the retirement tot the RreonbacUs. Hut when they como to apply their Ideas to legislation , they must dlsclosq their views. A statement Issued by the Treasury de partment near the close of December f-howed an available cash balance , Includ ing gold reserve , of more than $223,000,000. Of this sum about $30.000,000 were In green backs nnd about f3i3.000.OCO In treasury notes. TCils money Is cither Rood or bad. If it Is good It ought to bo In circulation among the people instead of locked up In the vaults nt Washington. To keep a balance of $225- OOO.d'O ' In the treasury when the money Is needed among the people Is Inexcusable. The only way to got this money out among the people Is , first , to have the taxes less than the expenditures. In which case the amount of the deficit being saved to ttie yeoplo In taxes. Is virtually paid to them In the proportion In .which they pay taxes ; and second , to loan It out through banks or other agencies. AVe have now a surplus of about ? 12. > , COOOCO above the reserve. For the fiscal year ending Juno SO. 1S93 , the ex penditures exceeded the. receipts nearly $13- OOO.OH ) ; for the year 1S3B , n little moio than $23.000,000. If the republicans attempt to Increase the reserve they must expect cither to Increase the expenditures or the surplus In the treasury. I think wo nre safe In assuming that they nre hostllo to the greenback , not because It 1st Inferior to Iho banknote , but because the national banks desire to retire the greenbacks with bonds nnd then draw upon the bonds the Interest which the poo- pie as a whole now pave on the greenbacks , itispunnicANS CRITICISED. While the republicans have not yet had nn opportunity to write their policies upon the statute book , wo have proceeded far enough to discover that thu mere an nouncement of republican success does not restore prosperity. It the advocates of free silver had won every bank and business failure would have been attributed to their success nnd the pold standard papers would have been loud In tbolr walling. Hut the republican organs , although compelled to chronicle an Increasing number of bus iness failures over the corresponding period of last year , never connect these failures with republican success. DurliiK the month of November , ISM , seven national banks failed , nnd In the month ot December nine more closed their doors. I find upon examination of statistics that December witnessed the closing of more national banks than wuro closed In any other month since January 1 , mi. ex cepting the three months of the panic of t'iiat year. Ono bank announced as the C.IUHO of Its failure. ' 'Inability to realize G' per cent upon assets , " This notice was a confession of the nrnumcnt made during the campaign by th < " advocates of free coinage. We have alf1along * insisted that the gold standard was'ilMUroylng the value of assets. With monei' 'rlstlnjr In value and property falling in value , hard times must continue. That thts isnot duo to local causes IK evident from the fact that the same complaint comes from other nations. The press dispatches slrttlr that toe holiday trade In Germany w.Vs 'H disappointment to the merchants. ' ' ' ' It will bo the duty ofjtj/e / Jackson club to point out from time to Ml me the effect of republican politics , so' 'that ' the work of education will extend 'tovr ' four years In stead of behiR crowded Into n fowr cam paign months. The m > iAber.H of this o.lub should not ) m deterred' ' pj' ' the charge that they nro agitators. T o , democrats were never afraid to agitate'against ' the McKln- ley bill : the renublicnr/M''wero / never afraid to agitate against thV'Svilson bill ; the bankers nro now aBltntlrVg. through their conferences and ponvurlUbns nnd through the .iress. against our jiresent currency system. Why should tho'sa be silent who believe that thn gold standard Is ruinous to the musses ? This club nnd .similar clubs can also keep before the people the prog ress which li betnp made by the trusts. They can secure such Htnto legislation n la possible and brlns what Influence ! * they can to bear upon those olllclnlo who arn charged with the enforcement of the law. I/et mo call attention to another work which the clubs can do. Tliey can encourage the sup. port of f.ioso newspapers which are oppos ing the cold Htiuulnril. No newspaper can long exist \vlthout renders and unless the advocates of free silver nro willing to sup port newRpapors which represent their Ideas they must expect to bo without news papers. And I might suggest as another work thnt the clutwi can perform , that they can bu prepared to make such ft canvass of their rcspsctlvo localities that they will know whether a iiuddcn Increase In the vote moans that thcro Is iiHually a larji ; ) stay- at-home vote , or whether It im-anH that all the votes cast are not represented by legal voters. Chicago U the great metropolis of Iho Middle West and yon who live In Chlcauo will exert a larKu Induction upon the poll-1 tics of the states tributary to this city , I ralolrut that th dmnnaruav of Chlcueo Is supporting" the principles of Jefferson nnd Jackson and I rejoice that the democrats , of this city arc determined to continue light for democratic principles In the face of nil opposition. I bid them podspoed In their work and , as I believe in thu ultimate triumph of the rlsht , I can encourage them I to believe that their labors will llnally be i crowned with success. | Following Mr. Bryan came Governor Alt- i geld , to whom had been assigned the sub- ! Jcct , "Character and Mission of a Minority ' Party. " Then came H. M. nidgley , late postmaster at Springfield. III. , who was recently re moved by President Cleveland for "offen sive partisanship. " Ho seemed well In touch with his subject , for the reason , as he alleged , that ho had lately "been up against It. " John W. Tomlln.ion cf Alabama was the last speaker on the regular list and ho de livered an eloquent address upon "Mem ories of Heroic Conduct. " Von Can lie Wvll When your blood Is pure , rich and nourish ing for nerves and muscles. The blood Is the vital fluid , and when It Is poor , thin nnd Impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes , exposure or ovcnvoik. Keep your blood pnro with Hood's Sorsaparllla and bowell. . Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill ; assist digestion , euro headache. 25 cents. AMUSEMENTS. Frederick Worde will open a three-night engagement at the Crelghton Sunday night. During the local stay , will be seen In a repertoire of those plays the production of which has placed htm high In the ranks of American favorites. "Richard III" will be the Sunday bill. "King Lear" will be pre sented Monday , whllo "Henry VIII" and i "Henry IV" will bo the offerings at the two I performances Tuesday , when a matinee will be given. Seats will be placed on sale this morning. Clay Clement as Baron Hohenstauffen , who was hero In "Tho New Dominion" last year , may bo seen In that play at the Creigh- ton for three nights , commencing Thursday , January 11. "The New Dominion" tells a story an old as love Itself , but In a manner moro simple and direct , and therefore more natural than It Is usually told on the stage. In Mr. Clement's Impersonation of the Daron Hohecstauffen there Is never a hint of coarseness nor the slightest deviation from the best methods ot cultured artists. In the quarrel scene at the conclusion of the second act , where careful discrimination Is meat demanded , ho Is particularly effective. During the coming engagement Mr. Clement will bo seen aa Matthias In "The Bells. " IXTHHXAI , 1IBVI3XU13 COM.UCT1OX.S. HllNltK'NM Of Xt'IlI'llHUll SIlOWN II 1,111'KC IiH-rciiHi" . The report of the United States Internal revenue office for the district of Nebraska for the quarter ending January 1 , 1897 , has been completed. The comparison with the came period of 1895 shows a largo Increase In collections. The figures are as follows : 1533. ISM. 1.1st $ 1.U7G.CO $ 1,430.00 Beer 33,341.72 31,0 .77 Spirits , W3.23 30I.B7.SO Clirars H.uwyi JI.U.M.U- Tobucco C1S.W 4S9.H1 Playing Curds JG7.10 1S.91 Special Tax 7.4G2.2I O.C30.01 Oleomargarine 12,993 CO Totals , . . .8122.333.29 &G212C.97 The Increase In the collection on spirits Is duo to resumption of operations at the Willow Springs distillery. In the re port just raailo by the collector the Item of oleomargarine Is omitted. This Is duo to the fact that the stnto legislature legis lated against the product , which resulted In the closing of tbo South Omaha fac tories. _ I'HRHO.VAL I'AUAHHAI'IIS. Tobias Castor left for Chicago last night to ho gone a week. Captain II. U. MuUord baa gone to Lin coln to bo al'scnt a few Uuyj , General J. M. Dodge left last night for Chicago and eastern points to bo gone for a fortnight. Captain William Foye. of the Thumton Ulllca , left last night for Lincoln to take part In the Inaugural ceremonies. J. P. Itlcharilson , local superintendent of the 1'ullman company , returned homo last night from a abort trip to Grand Island. 1 C. Howard Walker , Uoston , eenlor member ! of a firm of architects In this city , la In Omaha for a few days on professional busl- ncHS. ncHS.M , Klrsehbraura , fan Francisco , who has i been visiting frlenda and relatives In thin city for a abort jiorloJ , loft Tor borne last night. C. C. Kasson , a former reel-lent ot Omaha , now ot Savannah. Oa. , where lie U connected with tbo great Plant sjfltcm of railway , Una returned to Omaha to recuperate. LOCAL IIUI3VITII2S. The Young Pcoplo'o society of Unity church will glvo a social In Slyrtlo ball , Continental block , tomorrow uvenlng , Andrew Varzanl , a citizen of Crawford , bos been brought to Omaha to answer to an Indictment In tbo federal court for dUposIng- of liquor to Indiana. ALLEN AMENDS HIS MEASURE Changes tbo Terms of His Original Exposition Bill. ASKS SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND MORE * Mil rip ! > Soi-ri'lnry Cnr- UHI ! > Put In ( In * I'lii-iu of Aiiu-inl- IIICIIN l > y the X Sriindir. WASHINGTON' . Jan. 7. ( Special Tclc- Kram. ) The Trnnsmlsslsslppl nnd Interna tional Exposition matter received n new Im petus today through Senator Allen , who Introduced a bill amendatory to the act aa passed at the last session , changing the amount ot appropriation to $275,000 , Instead of $200.000 , nnd also changing the govern ment commission to n board of management. These changes were recommended by the secretary of the treasury In a letter toi Sen ator Allen , somewhat similar In character to the letter written to Representative ! Mercer. In addition to the amendment of the bill , Senator Allen also Introduced nn amendment to the sundry civil bill , providing for nil appropriation of $275,000 for the exposition , $75.000 to bo Utilized for the erection of a government building at Omaha In 1S9S , and $200.000 for transportation and exhibit. Some of the members of the Nebraska delegation feel that , as the bill appropriates a certain amount ot money , the securing of the appro priation should rest with the lower house , the business of Nebraska's senators being to see that the amount named be not scaled In the paring process which the senate com mittee on appropriations Is likely to Inaugu rate. They reason that If the bill appro priating $275,000 or more passes the house that It would greatly strengthen the possi bility of the bill being favorably acted upon In the senate. They further say that as the house usually originates appropriation bills , It would se6m but proper that the test of .strength should first bo made there. Bvory member of the Nebraska delega tion , with the exception of Melklejohn , wud present during the debate on the funding bill. Senator Thurston was also on the Hoar of the house during a portion of the discus sion. In the gallery was Mr. Alvln W. Krech , secretary of the reorganization committee of Iho Union Pacific , which has been charged with largely carrying on the light for the bill. During the progress of the debate Krcch told The Ueo that ho was hopeful that the bill would pass ; falling ot which , the committee which ho represented would talto Its chances with the rest of tho' world to purchase the property upon the best terms possible. At least four different canvasses of Iho house have been made on this meas ure , and , as might be expected , no two agree , varying from forty majority In favor of the bill , to fifty against. OPPOSITION GAINS GROUND. While It is outside no mortal an teH how the house will vote on Monday , thcroa \ un doubtedly a most pronounced opposition to the bill , which Is hammering away on the public sentiment Idea nnd making Inroads , but there may bo a small majority In favor of the mfasuro when the vote Is taken. Senator Aldrlch stated tonight that the senate might take up the funding bill next week , and talk on the measure for several days. This , ho was urging , upon the repub lican steering committee , and rot without some show of success. Interest In the bill Is very keen and superhuman efforts will bo put forth to pass the measure this month , thereby doing away with the necessity ot the president's Issuing his proclamation of fore closure. Governor Ilolcomb through hla private secretary , Denton Maret , has transmitted to Vice President Stevenson the final ascertainment of votes for presidential elec tors In the state of Nebraska. Thirty-three states have already certified to electors In the manner prescribed by law , twelve being loft to hear from. Senator Thurston , In addition to the large bowl of pap which ho will dispense during McICInley's administration , will have the appointment of two mounted aldca attached to the personal staff of Chief Marshal Gen eral Horace Porter , and he has been looking over the handsome , soldierly appearing men of Nebraska to Honor upon tne occasion 01 the Inaugural procession. After laying awake nights he has thought that Colonel Hills of Palrbury , and Captain W. J. Key of the Thurston Rifles would set oft Nebraska chivalry In a moat acceptable manner , and they will In all probability be Invited to come to Washington on March 4. Should the Thuraton Rifles decide to come to the capltol on the occasion of the Inauguration , Captain Fey would probably inarch with his company. In which event another son of Mars would he substituted. The following Nebraskaus registered In Washington tonight : D. C. IlradforU , Omaha at the National : Charles B. Mngoon , Lincoln , at the Ebbltt ; 0. U. Englls , Omaha , at the Shorcham. For hoarseness , eoro throat nnd cough , take Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup , the- specific for affcctloiw of the throat and chest. SKATHIl IS IJItOWXnU AT CllUSTOX. IIoIilM U ] > IIlN Companion llndl She IH lU'KC'UCll UlllMIIIHl'llHIM. CRBSTOX , la. , Jan. 7. ( Special Telegram. ) ifoward AViUon , son of Al Wilson , and Miss Fay Rawls , daughter of Dr. Rawls. broke through the Ice while skating at Sum mit lake this evening about 8:15. : Wilson held Miss Rawla until friends rescued her. She was In an unconscious condition. Wil son sank before ho could bo reached. At mldulht ; ; his body had not been recovered. The accident created great excitement owing to 4ho prominence of the parties. , of n Day. NEWTON. la. . Jan. 7. ( Special Tele gram. ) Denjamln Woodrow , one of the old est settlers of Jasper county , died this morn ing of old ago. Ho was 92 years old. a lead ing owner of the Jasper County bank , nnd bad lived In Iowa over fifty years. VI3RMILUON , S. D. . Jan. 7. ( Special Tcl- ogram. ) Thomas Simons , one cf the oldest settlers In Clay county , died this morning , aged 75. Ho was one of tlui original twelvu pioneers In 1S59 , Ills aged wife survives. CIiiMVi-iI ( o rift-ex Iiy Wllil SIMVIH. ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 7. ( Special Tele gram. ) Fred Floyd , whllo hunting In the woods about fifteen miles inorthecst ot thin city , accidentally wounded n wild tow. The cries of the animal brounht two oilier * and lha three rushed upon Floyd. A fierce strug gle ensued , In which ho broke his gun bar rel and was then overpowered by the brutCH. The beasts then literally chewed Floyd to pieces. His body was found in a terribly mutilated condition. I'-imiTiil of Mr * . MnoDIII. The funeral of Mrs MucDIll. wife of Ilov. Edgar MncDIII , took p'.nce nt the 1'nrk Ave nue United Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon nt 1 o'clock. The church WIH bountifully ( lecornted with llowera In mem ory ot the deceased , and u largo number of' friends wuro In attendance. 1 he Hrrv- ICPB wuro In charge of Ilov. ailrnrtat , " v. John Gordon nnd Itcv. Mr. Espey of South Omahn. At the conclusion of the ceremo nies the rcmnliiH were removed to the iw\t \ denco of thn husbitml at 2315 JnckHon street , and nt 7 o'clock were taken to the depot for Bhlpinent to Monmontli , III. , thu f-jr- mer homo of the deceased. Interment will take place thcro at 2 o'clock today. The deccatiud wia accompanied on the laxt jour , noy by her plants. Mr , anil Mrs. (2. ( li. Huclf of Monmouth , 111. , and by Ilcv. 1-Mgar MacUlll. .Small lllnao on DoilKu SI ! ' < I. A residence owned by Ocorgo T Mills , lo cated at 2510 Dodge utrcot , caught fire yes terday afternoon , catmlng the llroxun a tun. The Iduzo wan duo to a lot of ruuulnli which liad been Blacked up In n front room on the first floor and led theiv by teimtilH Who moved out nonui tlmu ngo. The cauae of the blaze IH u mystery , but I * thought to linvo been Hturlrd by tniinpn who liuvii mido the place their htnduartuni ( | unknown to Mr. MlllH. Toe damage la about $15 , covered by Insurance. i ! S"uif OliIiH-HC MlnlHlrr. SAN FIIANCISCO. Jan. 7.-The new CliU nc-xo mlnlatcr to the United Htattu will soon bo on hb way to Washington , Lnt- eat ndvlcoa stuto tunt he IH duo to arrive In Ban Franclflco oarlv In March. ASICS KOIt CHAXOK OK VK\tHJ. \CMV 1'lniNO III ii Murli Mdmitri ! OMCN- tloii Ciiiu'iTnluir duCM ) ' . If n petition tiled In the "water work * case" la granted , the question of the va lidity of the franchise of the Omnhn Water company Is In a fIr way to bo pnsscd upou by the United States dUtrlct court for tlili district. The- petition In qiio.sUon Is filed by the Omnha Water company , and aski that the case bo transferred to the United Slalra court , U la alleged that the nmcunt Involved In the etilt Is moro than $ . ' ,000 and the question Involved Is ono between resi dents ot dirrercnt states , It being alleged that the Omaha Water company U n corpora. tlon organized under the laws of another state. The meat Important reason urged as giounds for transferring the cnso to the United States court Is thnt Iho case really striken nt the validity of the franchise held by the defendant company. U Is charged that the true Inwardness ot the case lies , not so much In the application for nn Injunction restraining the mayor and council from enacting legislation bearing upou the exten sion of tbo franchise- the water company , but la really designed to bring Into question tlio validity of the franchise held by the petitioner. On this point It Is charged that the plaintiffs nnd nil the defendants except the petitioner , the wafer company , have In terests adverse to the Interests of the water company and for that reason the question of the validity of the franchise- should bo de termined by Itsolf. The petitioner alleges thnt It Is the owner of the plant and franchise of the old water works company , having acquired both the plant and franchise by purchase under fore closure proceedings. It Is alleged that the lower court has no jurisdiction In such a case and a transfer to the federal court la apked. Thl ? matter would have come up for hear ing before Judge Kcysor yesterday , but the judge was called away by private busi ness and the case will probably be taken up this morning. W. S. Poppleton , at torney for Guy C. Ilarton , II. W. Yates , C. W. Lyman and John A. Crelghtou , the plaintiffs In the case , said yesterday that ho did , not l > ellevo the case would reach the UnltRJ States court at this time , but would bo dis missed by Judge Kcysor for the reason that the necessity for n restraining order had passed , the action of the mayor In vetoing the proposed extension of the franchise and the action of the council In sustaining the veto , having rendered further proceedings unnoccssnry. Mr. Poppleton said ho should nsk to have the case dismissed. Ho mid that he thought the matter would bo dropped In that way for the present. Salvation Oil has cured many ot rheuma tism when other remedies failed. Price 25c. STIlAlttllTKMNR OUT OITV ACCOUNTS Comptrolli'iKliulH ( lit TiiNlc AlniOHt nil KmlU'MN Oiu * . Comptroller Wcstberg Is still engaged In the task of untangling the muddle In which Henry Ilolln left the accounts ot the city. At least ono man has been at work on these matters mcwt of the time for months , nnd the back accounts are gradually belug brought Into shape. The comptroller lir.H Just completed the work of bringing the sinking fund up to date. The task begun way back of the Dolln administration , and for the first time In many years the exact condition of the tilnklng fund Is known. The completed figures show that the fund has been overdrawn exactly $93,437 , of which $77.000 represents a part of the Holln de falcation. This overdraft covers a long period of years , and , aside from the amount already mentioned , has been covered up by transfers fiom special and other funds. Mr. Weatberg now proposes that these funda shall stand on their proper basis. From this time the sinking fund will stand with an overdraft of nearly J100.000 against It , and the amounts duo to the upeclai funds will bo credited. The comptroller calls attention to the fact that Henry Dolln la only charged on the books of the Mty with a defalcation of $18,000. The Item of ? 77'.000 Is carried as a part ot the overdraft on the sinking fund and otho' items are covered up In various waya. It Is his opinion thnt every dollar of the known defnlcatlon bhould bo directly charged on the books to Uolln nnd his bonds men , and BO credited on the fund from which It was taken , The city attorney has objected to this , however , on the ground that it was entirely unnecessary , and since the matter Is now In the courts , It Is not likely that the comptroller will make the change unless he Is authorized by the council or legal department. Whllo the finance committee of the old council seemed disin clined to push this matter , It Is expected thnt when the new finance committee gets to wdrk the matter will bo taken up. The next job ahead ot the comptroller la the adjustment of the Interest accounts , which are Inextricably muddled. The city receives nnd pays out large amounts ot Interest each year , but previous to the present administration there arc no accounts that show how this money was received or expended. The money seems to have been mixed with the other city funds , and In order to strike a correct balance It will be necessary to make n research that will begin thirty years back. The work entailed will be enormous , nnd unless extra help should be provided , will probably occupy a largo part of the year. _ lIoju'N ( o Itoopoii die Dnnlc. SIOUX CITY. la. , Jan. 7 ( Special Tele gram. ) I. C. Dlnndlng , the bank examiner who has been In charge of the affairs of the failed First National bank , was today ap pointed temporary receiver. Mr. Ulandlng'a appointment , It Is believed , will facilitate the reopening of the bank by February 1. Ilia appointment as temporary rucolvur will en large his powers and enable him to Hquldato certain asset ; , at an early date. Coiiiluutuil K Leave Omaha every Friday via the Union Pacific. No change ul cars * to Ogilea , San Francisco or Las Angeles. Tourist uleeptrj dally to San Francisco. Special attention paid to ladles traveling aloiia. A. C. DUNN , City Pass , nnd Tkt. Agent. 1S02 Farnam at KOItliCAST OP TODAY'S WHATIIIill. Cent-rally Knlr AVvatlicr I' ivldi Viirlnlili ; WluilN. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Forecast for Frl- ll.'lV ! For Nebraska , Missouri , Kunnaa and lowii Orii'-rally fair ; vnrlabla wlnclH. For South Dakota Partly cloudy , with pio'.iably light Know flurries In nxtromo northeast portion Friday night ; south winds. For Colorado Fair ; variable \vlmln , Wyoming Fair , warmer ; varlabla wind * . lioi'iil Itfooril. OFFICK OF TlIM WKATHKIt BUIUOAU. OMAHA , Jan. 7 , Omaha record of rainfall and' U-mperaturo coiupau'd with cor- day of the past three years : 15B7. IS'J't. 1S9I. Maximum temperature. . . 3 ! ) 31 22 2J Minimum temperature. . . 21 AvurnKu temperature. . . . . CO 22T 15 U llulnfttll 00 T .00 , W Hfcord of temperature and illation nt Omaha for the day and tilrieo March 1 , 1MH1 : Normal temperature for the day IS KXCOHH for the day , 13 Accumulated exce.s.i Hlnco March 1 I formal precipitation for the day. . .03 Inch Deficiency for thq day Winch Total precipitation Hlncu Mch. 1. i. ! > l Im.'hf.i Kkft-ss sliu'o Muroli 1 0.1-Inclion Deficiency for cor. period , IbWi. . ll.4"i Inches Di'llrloncy for cor. jxjrlod , 183. [ ' . 13.03 Inevica Hero. llciiurln from Slulloim nt H p. in. Hovcnty-lUili muilillan time. BTATION8 AND BTATE O1T \VEATHKIt. Om.ilia. rlenr ? ? ,00 North I'lutte , clear Sail huko ( 'lly , clear 1'hryeniic. clear , , luiilil City , clear ,00 lurun , ulcnr . , . . . , , . Chicago , couily . , , , . , , , . , lee U. I inli , cloudy. . , , , . . . , ,01 > t. Paul , clear , . , . , .00 > nveri | > ort. clcur . I limu , clear , .CO { iuiiu City , clear ,00 Invro , cloudy , , , , , , . . , . , .00 lUmarck , clear . < , , .00 \VIIII t n , clear , . . . , . . . , , . . . .00 GnU'cuton , imitlyclpuJy. . . _ . _ . "T" Indicates trace of 1'rfClpltntlon. Local L'orecait OfflrlaL