Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Whttt Picks Up a Little , Closing at on
Advance of Ono Cent ,
I.ttrKC Onlpm fur IIiiKlnnil Olvo
NlrviiKtli tit the A < lvunue--Sliorl
Do Nut All ItliNh
to Cover.
CIMCAOO , Jnn. 7.-Whc t opened strong
Ami closed at nn lniirovomcnl | tor the day
of Ic per bu. fitter sin Immediate early llu-
cllni ) to Ho below tlm It Hold til
yisttrdny. Sonic of tha shorts covered , but
nmny more nro still out In the ftlgld wcnlli-
tr. A grout deal of stiength came fiom the
heavy exporting agreements reported from
IJvHton. Other markets were extremely dull
but steady , corn closing a shade- higher , oats
% e hlghon nnd provisions 5c higher.
Wheat had recovered from thn extremity
of yesterday's depression by the tlmo of bu.
Ginning the operations of smother day. It
Btixrtcd with n rise of 4c or nt from Sle to
fc2e for Mny. Only Tor a short time , liow-
cver , did the fair opening promise for the
bulls continue , nnd they had to suffer an
other bad half hour before the bull nnws
bccnmo strong enough to change the tone
ot the market. In half an hour from the
ntart May wheat had dropped to Sl'.ic. In
the course of the next hour It had recov
ered to S2Hc. ! , The linn opening was wuiscd
by the opening striingth of Liverpool and
the small local and northwest receipts. The
Ohio mate crop report , which RHVU H'e ' con-
tlltion of wheat at 88c , compared with 1U1
December 1 , also contributed slightly to the
opening adviini-c. Liverpool , whllu noting
a ilecilliip there of ? id per cental to start
with , imcrlbcd It entirely to sympathy with
Hit- previous duy'ti dcprdwlon hew. C. Icuso
received 10 carloads compared with SI n
year ago. Ilnncapolls and UiiUith got only
.Ul ! ems , iiKaliiHt : ! ( il a week ago and fioS
on tliu corrcflpondlni ; day of the previous
year. The temporary decline which fol
lowed the opening advance- quickly wn.8
because of second telegrams < iuot-
IK a further decline at Liverpool and
partly awing lo thu bearish tone oC the
Cincinnati 1'ilcc Cm-rout's remark ? concernIng -
Ing the condition of fnll CUM ti wheat. Rvl-
ilpnccs of conllnultif ; demand for wheat
from the United Kingdom thnn came In und
turned thu conrne of the market. Tele
grams fiom Iloston , New York und Huffiilo
it-porlrd vessels engaged nt the former
plaeo for great qunntltlcH of grain for the
United Kingdom ; In fact , nil the available
freight room nt Hoston until April , nuffulo
said 7HuW ) bushels of wheat were under
orders to KO from there to Hoston , it nil n
Nr-w York message reported a great denl
of the Iloston vessel room was taken for
wheat from Chicago. About half nn hour
from the close May was bringing ffi&c , and
It cloned nt 82fcc ! sellers.
Corn was Inanimate , notwithstanding
some disturbing rumors of Immense quanti
ties of hot corn In railroad cars nt New
Orleans and Gnlvestonvntch were , how
ever , ofllclally contradicted from both
places. The business In the pit was very
small , nnd the fluctuations in price narrow.
Mny opened u shade lower at 2j9c. declined
to 23Vie , recovered to nnd closed nt 23'/.c.
Receipts were- only eighty cars.
Oats was n shade firmeras the brenk
yesterday seems to have started consider
able buying both to cover shoits nnd for
the long account. Trading was extremely
narrow , ivhnt little business there was be
ing In small lots. A rumor from IJoston to
the effect that charters or oats for three
dnys amounted to l.OOO.COo nushcls assisted
materially In the late nttvnncc. May
opened VsO higher nt llWO'tc , sold back to
18'sc nnd recovered to ll'i&c. nt which price
It closul.
Trading In provisions almost wpiit to
nothing today , not a single transaction be-
ins ; roenrdcd In the first half hour. Oncn-
Irg prices were nominally a s ale higher. In
sympathy with a lighter run of hogs than
expected , When trading dlii commence this
advance was maintained and a little more
nddcd to It , nid.'d . perhaps by the strength
of wheat. At the close May pork wus Be
higher at J7.5 ; Mny lard about 5c higher at
J'"y ' Hb3 nbout 5c higher at
Estimated rr-cclpts Friday : Wheat 1G
carsr corn , 103 cars ; oats , 93 cars ; hogs , 26-
000 * It * fill.
' The lending futures ranged ns follows :
No. 2.
Caph quotation ! ! were aa follows :
PLOUlt Easier ; winter patents , H.5004.73 ;
ntmlBlUH. } I.CO f4.75 ; sprlnn Bjieclals. J4.CO ; s
5 ? S1.11'1504-1' ' * lBlit . 3.75 4'K ) ; b
751S5f7Cc ; No. 2 red , tSHOSDc.
COHN-No. 2. 23C ; No. 2 yellow. 23c.
OATS No. 2. ICHc ; No , 2 , ivblte. f. o. b.
1W19V5C ! No. 3 wliltc , f. o. b. , 17 20c.
RYK-No. 2 , 3Sc.
RARI.HY No. ! , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. .
2 < O3H4c ; No. 4 , t. o. b. . 25R2GC.
I'-UAXHRKD No. l , 74H7CHC.
TIMOTHY HKKn-I > rlnie , J2.65C2.70.
I'ROVISIONS MCPH pork , per bbl. , J7.COjJ7.63-
lard , per ICO Ilia. , J3 SOO3.i2ii ; thort ribs , sides
( loofe ) , J3.75tf4.00 ; dry salted Bhouldcra ( boxed ) ,
H.- . " > U.CO ; Bliort clear sides ( boxed ) , ! 3S ; " . J
4.00.URKSSKD I > OUITRY Steady ; turkeys , lie ;
clilrkcnH , 8c ; ducks , ICfflOV-c.
WHISKY Dlsllllcrs' tlnlslicd Roods , tier cal. ,
SlJOARS-Cut loaf. J5.20 ; eranulated , J4.C3.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the Produce uxchanvo today tie ! b.ittcr mar
ket was linn : cruaniury , ir'tfllie ; dairy , OO
17c. l'ee . Hte.uly ; Jresh , 17c. ChecHO , atoudy ;
Condition of Triule mill ( tiiotatliiiiH
on Staple uml Kiinuy I'roiliiue.
EC1OS Krroh gathered , weak nt ICo.
HOTTER Common to fair , &Q9o ; choice to
fancy roll , 13tM4c ; teparator creamery , 20c ; fath
ered creamer } ' , 15fllCc.
OAME llluo winged teal ducks , J1.75 ; green
wing , Jl.CO ; redheads and mallards , J3.75 ; mm 11
rabbits , 75c ; jacks , Jl.CO ; siiulrrels , C0(75c ;
Canada geeee , large , 16.0007,00 ; bnuill , Jl.OOU1
CIIEESllome llo brick , lOJic ; Edam , per
doz. , J9.00 ; club houre , Mb. jars.- per doz. , J3.15 ;
Umbcrgcr , fancy , per lb. , 9 lie ; Roiiuefort , ! j-lu.
jars , per daz. . J3.CO ; Yountr Americas , lOKc ;
twins , fancy , lOHc.
VI'AL Choice ftit , (0 to ItO Ibs. , arc quoted at
7c ; large und coarce. 4I5c.
DRESSED POULTRY Ohlckeni , 607c ; turkeys ,
luic ; geese. Rfi9c ; ducks. 89c.
LIVE POULTRY Not wanted.
PIGEONS Live. 750 0c ; dead pigeons , not
HAY Upland , Jl.CO ; midland. Jl.OO ; lowland ,
I3.CO ; rye straw , 53.1.0 ; color nuikca tha price on
, \my \ ; light liRlet sell the best ! only tup grades
bring top prices.
IIHOOM CORN Extremely flow rale ; new
crop , delivered on track In country ; choice green
relf-worklng carpet , per lb , , 2U2Hc : choice green ,
run nine to hurl , 202HC ; common , Hie ,
SWEET POTATOES-On orders , per bbl. , tl.75 ,
ONIONS Good stock , per bu. , COHTDc.
LIMA IIEANS-Per lb. . 4c.
1IKAN8 Hand picked navy , per bu. , il.5 < ? 1.35.
CAHIIAau Oood stock , per hundred. 11. 15.
CELERY Per dot , MtfJOc ; fancy , large. KQ
10o.POTATOESOood native stock , per bu. , M
ORAPES-Cratcs. U pony baskets , Concords
and Catuvvbas , p r crates , JIM.
MALAdA ORAPES Per keg , 17.
CRANIIERRIES-Capc Cod. per bbl. . ,
APPLlCS-Cooklnc , per bbJl.C501.73 ) ; fancy
New York. J1.75.
CALIFORNIA PEARfi-Per box. i.MC2.23.
PINEAI'PLES-Prr crate of two to three doz. ,
ORANOES Mexican. J3.5083.75 ; California
navels , J3.OOiJ3.CO ; seedlings. J.75U3.0Q.
LUMONS Mi'tslnus , J3.COU4.U ) ; choice Cali
fornia , J3.CV03.CO ; fancy , I3.COU3.75.
IIANANAB Choice , largo slock , per bunch ,
l.lvOS.t5 | mcdlum-ilted bunches , Jt.COflt.Of.
HONEY Kancy white , per lb. , Ho ; choice , He ;
California , umber color , lOu.
CIUER-Clarlllea Juice , per halt bbl. , j.50 ; per
bbl. , J4.OOUt.S5.
MAPLE HVHUP-Klve-Kul. cans , eai-li , JJ.COO
Z.74 ; gal. can , l r dux. , Jli ; ImU-Kul. cans , ;
qt.uri cairn. J3.CO.
NUTS Almonds , Callfornit , p r lb. . bust
slit , lie ; R mil In. per lb. . lee ; English w | .
uuls , per lb. fnncy , raft rnell , 1291240 ; stand-
nit. UCHUCj nitwrts , per lb. , ICv ; pecans , pol-
lihtrt. Urge , JtflOc ; Jumbo HCIZc ; Urg hick *
ory nuts , JI.I& per bit , ; smalt , Jl.CO ; cocoanuts , la
RAUKtl KRAUT 1'er half bbl. , J1.7S.1 bbl * . ,
FIC1H- imported fancy , S crown , 80-lb. boxei ,
15c ; choice. 10-lb , boxes , 3-crown. lie.
ItlMCS No. 1 green lilies , to ; No. 2 green
hldct , 4r ; No. 1 green united hides. 7c ; No. 2
green suited hides. Cc ; No. 1 vral calf , 8 to II
lb . , 7c ; No. 2 venl calf , 8 to IS Ibs. . < c ; No. l
dry ( lint lildt * . 9tflOc ; No. 2 dry flint hide * ,
tjfiic ; No. 1 ry salted hides , ! { } 0c. part cured
hides. He L T lb , le thnn fully cured.
SHEW I'JU.TH Oreen salti-d. each , 2JCOo :
creen salted , shearings ohort wooled enrly skins ) ,
each , I5o ; dry shearing * ( short wooled early
skins ) No. I , ench , Tc ; dry flint , Kansas and
Nebraska butcher wool p lts , pfr lb. , actual
weight , IQ5c ! drv flint , Kansas and Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3(74c ;
dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lh. ,
actual weight , tftSc ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain
wonl pells , per lb. , ncltifil weight , 3CC ( ! feet
cul off. as It Is urelets tu pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND ORKA81- : Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ;
( allow. No. 2 , 2'iu ; grcartwblto A , 3c ; greare ,
white II. 2c : grease , yellow , 2c ; grease , dark ,
Hie ; old butter , 2@2 c ; beeswax , prime , i:022c ;
rough fallow , Ic.
WOOL Unwashed , fin * , heavy , CO7c ; fine , light
88 * ' ' ! qunrterblooi , , I0ffl2c ; reedy , burry nnd
clinffy , SftOCi cottcd and broken , coarse , 7j9c ;
rutted nnd broken , fine. CRSc. I'leecc Washed
Medium. ISIJlSc : nnc. HfflCc ; tub washed , ICtllSc ;
blnfk. 8c ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2Q3c ; dead
pullrd , 6C-- .
RONikJ.-In car lots , weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.00JIH.OO ; dry
country , blenched , pnr ton , JtO.OOiTlZ.OO ; dry coun
try , damp and meaty , per ton , JC.003S.OO.
HhKl. ' Good unlive steers , 100 to COO Ibs. , E'.tW
, c ; ncMern steers , 4i,405'ic ; good cows and helr-
ers , tU5'io ; medium cows and heifers , 4Hc ; good
furcqunrtcrii cows and heifers , 4o ; good forc-
ciunricrii native steers. Do ; good hindquarters cows
und heirt-rv. C'.ic ; goo I Idndquaricrs native etecrs ,
fc ; tenderloins , 20c ; boneless strips , ' . 'o ; strip
loins , 7c ; rolls , 84p ! ; ulrloln bulls , 8'c ; shoulder
clods. t'tc ; tump bulls , Cc ; sleer chucks , 4c ;
cow cliurku , 3io ! ; lionclms chuckx , 4o ; plate ,
"o : nanlc steak. Cc ; loins. No. I , 12c ; loins. No
2 , U'e ' ; loins. No. 3 , Sc ; rib * No. 1 , 10 - ribs , No.
2. 8u ; ribs , No. 3 oc ; rounds , C&c ; rounds ,
flunik > ir rump oft , G'.ic ; rounds , shank and
lump ulT , 7c ; irlmnilngB , 4c ; brains , per dozen ,
35c ; kwcctbrend.i , per lb. , ICe ; kidneys , each , 3cj
ux ! all ; > , each. 3r : livers , each , 20c ; hearts , each ,
Cc ; tuiiKticH pfr lb. . 12c.
I'ORK Dreffcd IIOKS. 4 > io ; tenderloins , 12c ;
Kilns , { < ; finrc rlb . 4c ; ham Hnusagc butts , Cc ;
thou'.drrx , much. 4i c ; nhnulders , thinned , 5c ;
trliuiiiliiRj , Cciut ; \ lai-,1 , not rendered , CV4c ;
headK , clonn-d , SVic ; snnuls and ears , 34c ! ; back
bones , 3c ; nrcKboiitu , 3c ; pigs' tails , 3'tc ; plucks ,
each. Cc ; chlltcillng ! > , Cc ; bocks , 4c ; hcnrtn. per
dozen , 2"iO ; slonini-hc , each , 3c ; tongues , each , Sc ;
kidneys , per dozen , lee ; bralnn , per dozen , 15e.
JtUTTON Drc'sed liilnlm , 7c ; dressed sheep ,
Co : rai-ks. Slic ; legs mid tsnddlcK , "lie : brcastn
and slews , 3c ; tongues , , Cc ; plucks , each.
( InotiitloiiH of tlu * lity on Ouncrnl
NEW YOniC. Jnn. 7.-FLOUR-Recelpts. 13-
CC6 bbK ; curorts , 12,196 bb'.p. ; Hrm , but very
iiulct , buyim and fclk.TH being conKlderubly
apart ; Mlnnccotn pmeiits , t4.COQ4.SO ; ulntcr pat
ents , J4.S3f5.1S. | Rye Hour , iiilel | ; nuperime , 12.73
iff2.S3. Ilurkwhcut Hour , dull ; J1.30 , epot.
nilCKWHEAT Steady ut 33c.
RYlSteady. .
CORN MEAL-Ptendy nt COe.
HARLKY Steady ; feeding. SS"402S' " e.
PRLEY MALT Nominal ; utktcrn ; C0lf55c.
WHEAT llecclptp , 925 bu , ; i-.tports , C7.COO
bu. ; spot firm ; No. I hanl , 7Cc. Options opened
llrm on foreign buying and afler u sharp reac
tion suld Btpndlly on covering , light oftorlno ! .
reports cf large ( rcbjlil engagements nt the
seapoits and Iminlilc.s for ca h wheat west ;
closed ? lo nel hlihi-r ; No. 2 led , January , closed
al wtc ; May , 57 9-lCiTSS 9-lCc. closed nt SSc.
CORN Ri-colpls , 1K.225 bu. ; exports , 105,391 bu. ;
spot easier ; No. 2 , 2Vic. Opllolll opened steady ,
ruled quiet and about steady all day ; cloeed
steady ; January closeil at 29-Kc ; May , 314031V/c ,
closed at 31 HO.
OATS HecclplB. M.COO bu. ; exports. 70,432 bu. ;
tpot dull ; No. 2 , 22ic. ( Oillons | quiet but firmer
on covering and closed V4c net higher ; January
rinsed at 22Sc : ,
HAY Steady : shipping , 52l4S374o ! ; good to
choice , 67',4T,70e.
HOP. * Steady ; Pacific const , 1805 crop , 34O7Hc ! ;
1S96 crop , 9M13c.
HIDES Finn ; Texas , dry , 9V4c ; California ,
LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayres ,
194C20Uc. !
PROVISIONS Heef , steady ; family , JS.COjJ
10.00 ; exlra mess , I7.CO ; pncket , JS.COI79.00 ; beef
bams , JS. Cut meats , strudy ; pickled bellies ,
4mr4ic. Lanl. steady ; wi-stern steam. J4.074 ;
rctlned , steady. Potk. steady ; mess , JS.25@8.73 ;
short clear. JS.73fflO.CO ; family , J9.30010.00.
TALLOW Dull ; city , 3 C-lCc.
OILS Petroleum , dull ; United closed nt SOn
bid. Rosin , llrm ; strained , common to good ,
tl.72',4. ' Turpentine , llrm ; 27 > .itf2SUc. CottonFccd ,
steady ; prime summer yellow , 22i23u ! } ; off sum
mer yellow , 22S22ic. !
IIUTTER Receipts. 3.673 pkgs. ; matkct rteady ;
weslern creamery , 13Q20c ; Elglns , 20c ; foclory ,
CHEESE Receipts , 3,021 pkgs. ; market quiet ;
Btate , large , 74ITllc ! ; small. 7 > i llc ; part
skims. 4f.So ; full skims. 24f3c. !
EOOS Receipts , 4.4S3 pkgs. : market quiet ;
state and Pennsylvania. 19C21c ; western , 1418c.
RICE-Steady : 3K J6c.
MOLASSES Sleady ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
METALS Pig Iron , quiet ; southern , Jtl.3 :
northern , Jlt.OOS13.00. Copper , steady ; brokers ,
Jll.r.O . ; exchange , Jll.CO. Tin. steady : etralts ,
J13plales , dull. Speller , easy ; domeslle. J3.90Sf
4.00. Lend , continues lo how n fctrong market
on favorable foreign advices and scant loeal
offerings. The exchange quotation Is J3.00R3.05 ,
while some brokers ore quollng as low as J2.90.
St. Loul Cciicriil MnrUctH.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 7. FLOUR Unchanged ; pat
ents. JI.COO4.75 ; extra fancy , J4.1084.SO ; fancy ,
J3.40S3.50 : choice , J3.COS3.10.
WHEAT Opened sliong and advanced , the
bullish Ohio state crop report for January fol
lowing the break of yesterday , causing nre
action. There was no decline until near the
cloce , which wa from Ic to lV4c higher than
the previous day'H Himl llgures. Spot , easier : No.
2 red , each , elevator , S ? ic : track , 91r92ej No. 2
hard , cash , nominal ; May , VJic.iukcd ; July , 76 lie
CORN Futures dull and Irregular ; clofcd frac
tious either side of yesterday's close ; spot ,
easy ; No. 2 cash , 20 > ic ; May. 224o ! bid. '
OATS Dull : steady , with light receipts and
no demand : No. 2 cash , 17c bid ; May , 1'J c.
RYE Nominal ; 35c. track.
11ARLEY Dull : 30ff40c.
11RAN Dull and nominal ; sacked , cast track ,
worth nominally SSfjlOc.
FLAXSEED-llellcr ; 77c.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J2.40. .
HAY Quiet ; linn ; timothy , J3.50010.00 ; fcralrle ,
iltn'TE'll Steady ; creamery , WMlie ; dairy ,
I2Sfl5c. „
EOGS Steady : ICc ,
JIKTAI S Mead , dull ; 12.7532.8214. Spelter ,
PROV'isiONS Pork , higher : standard mess ,
Jobbing. J7.4D08.00. iJird. higher ; prime steam ,
S3 A3- choice , J3.75. Uncoil ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
J4.50 : extra short clear , J4.C2 > ,4 ; ribs , Jl.TO ;
shorts $4,87 - Dry call m al ( boxeD. shoul
ders J4 : extra short clear. J4 : rlba , JI.25S1.37V5.
RECEIPTS Flour. l.C H ) bbls. ; wheat , 20.0CO
bu. : corn. SO.OOO Int. ; OBIS. 21.CCO bu.
SHII'MENTS-Flour. 5,000 bids. ; wheat , 18,000
bu. : corn , C9.COO bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu.
Liverpool Oi-iiln mill PruvInloiiN.
LIVERPOOL , Jan. 7. WHEAT Spot quiet ; de
mand poor ; No. 2 red. fprlng , 6H ll',4d : No. 1 Cal
ifornia , 7s Id. Futures opened Tttcady , with
near pndtlons ? id lower und dlrtant poslllons
% d lower ; cloted eiiny , wllh March IVid lower
and other months lil lower ; business about
equally dlslrlbuted ; January , Cs I'Ud ' ; February ,
CM lOlid ; March , Cs lid : May , Cs livid.
CORN Spot steady ; American mixed , new , Js
10'id. l < * uture opened steady , with near and
dbitant positions Ud lower ; closed sleady. wllh
March and April U < l loner and other months
Ud lower ; business heaviest on middle post-
lions ; January , 2 Otfd ; February and Marcn ,
2a 10d ; April , 2s 10V.I ; May. 2.i lO'.iil.
FLOUR Firm ; demand poor ; St. IxiuU fancy ,
On 3d.
PROVISIONS Ilacon , quiet ; demand moderates
Cumbrland cut , 2i In 30 Ibs. , 27s ; short ribs ,
20 to 21 Mi' . , 26s Cd ; long clear , light , 35 to 33
Ibs. , 21s ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Iba. , 2Ca ;
short clear backx , light. 18 Ibs. . 2Ca M ; Miort
clear middles , heavy , 45 lo CO Ibs. , 2ii ; clear
bellies. 14 to 16 lun. , 27s. Shoulders , rqunre. 12
to 18 lb . . " ( is. HaniB , Bliort cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. ,
39s. Tallow , fine North American , 19s. Ilecf ,
extra India ineifi. C2s Cd. Pork , prime mess ,
line western , 4Ss 1)d ; medium western , 41s 3d.
Lard , dull ; prime western , IOs M ; refined , In
palls. K .
CH1JESE Firm ; demand moderate ; llnest
American while and colored , Cts Cd.
1IUTTKR Finest United States , Ms ; good , Ks.
OILS Llr eed. ICg Cd. Petroleum , refined , CV4d.
REFRIOERATOR REEF Forequarters , 3H < li
hlnd < iuarler8 , Cd.
HOPS At London ( Pacific const ) , 3 10s.
London Stock ( tiiotntloiin.
I.OKDON , Jan. 7. I p. in ,
RAR OOLD 77 11(1.
1IAR HILVER 2 ll-16d per ounce.
MONEY-2rr,4 per cent.
Thu into nf discount In the open market for
short and three months' bills Is 3'l ' per cent.
LONDON , Jnn. 7. BUOAR-Cane. steady ; cen.
trlfucnl Java , lie 3d ; Muicovado , fair rtllnlnir ,
On M. lleet , quiet ; buyers und seller * Indif
ferent ; January. 9 3d ; I-Ybrunry , Us 3V4d ,
NKW YORK. Jan. 7. HUClAR-Ruw. stea-ly
and quiet ; fair refining1 , 2 13-lCQ2io ; centrifugal ,
i J lent , 3 3-lC03'ic ; refined , firm ,
Cotton Market.
NKW YORK. Jan , 7.-COTTON-Spot. cloned
quiet ; middling , 7D-l6r ; mlddllns , iiplandi ,
7J-Hc ; mlddllne. KUlf , 77-lCo ; nuk-i ) , 131 Lulca.
l-'iltlirt-i cloned Dtt-ady ; * ale , V5.200 balra ; Jan
uary , JC.'JI ; February , J0.9S ; March. 17.06 ; April ,
17.12 ; May. 17.20 ; June , J7.231 July , J7.30 ; Auguat ,
7.Jl ; September , J7,03j October , J7.0J ; Novem-
Ker , 17.W , Iluidnrss on the Cotton exchange WAR
easy , A decline of from 9 to 4 point * on the
opening mil WAR due In dlsftppolntlnK KnKllMi
cables , The illPcournRlnK condition fit the print
clnlli rnnrkvt at rail lllvtr nnd lack of export
Interest In rpot cotton In fouthcrn mnrkcta ndilctl
to tha Rcncrnl depression. Traillnc up to It
o'clock readied but 15,000 bnles , At that time
the market wan dull and unchanged from the
ST. IXH'19. Jan. 7. COTTON-Stcndy and un
changed ) middling , 6c.
steady ; middling , 64c ; ; low middling , GHc ; good
ordinary , CHc. .
Ooiioral 1'iwnril Trend of I'rloPH. ivltlt
AntlirncltcM nit Inception.
NHW YOItK , Jnn. 7. The stock market toilny ,
generally speaking , reflected the efforts of pow
erful financial Interests to neutralize the effect
of the reduction of the Delaware fc Hudson
dividend. Manipulation waa evident In the
high-priced stocks , for effect upon the general
list. A tendency toward a higher level was
apparent at the outset , which was Inlluenccd by
foreign buying In this market and the execu
tion of orders for commission account. Hxecu-
lion of Improvement In Impending railway traf-
no returns stimulated an Inquiry for the leading
railroad stocks. The traders disregarded n
stronger market for foreign exchange , owing to
the more reassuring Washington advices regard
ing the Cuban question , and made decided rCTorta
to advance prices. Ilurllngton rota a pulnt on
purchases for Honton account , nnd there was
fair buying of the low-priced shares on orders ,
principally from the west. The exception to the
general trend of prices was the nmnracltc coul
group , which displayed heaviness. The strength
of the exchange market WHS duo to largo pur
chaser of bills liy prominent lower Wall sliuet
Interests , and the light offerings were IWUKC-
qucntly supplemented by supplies of recently
hoarded exchange. Actual rates rose slightly ,
but the advances In posted llgures were more
noteworthy. Chesapeake & Ohio was In good
Inquiry- , advancing to IS on orders for foreign
account , Induced by the recent mole f.V'iublc
tralllo returns and gossip of the prohibit1 < ! ic-
laratlon of n small dividend. The upwar.l m < ive-
mcnt was checkeJ soon after the . " .i I of the
llrst hour by a vigorous drive nt the high-
priced Industrials and n renewal of lluul Intlon In
the coalers. Ituslncss was less active
on the decline , but the premire
was very persistent. nnd eventually
material losses were recorded In n number of
Blocks. Chicago Gas sold off S'.i per cent ami
Leather preferred fell 2'i ' per cent on rumors
of n probable dlrcournglng annual report and
uncertainty regarding the disposition of the hold
ings of the late president ot ihe company. Ccr.-
FOlldntc.l On lost 3 points to 41 , and pinup
declines occurred In Sugar anil Tobacco. Dela
ware & Hudson wna very errallc al Ihe oul-
sct , but eventually dropped IK per cent to llOVi ,
rallying later to 11214. T.ic railway phnrcn were
well supported and rallied easily , partly on
covering. The closing was steady , with the net
chnrRL'si unimportant aside from the specialties.
The. bond market was strot'K and higher In
most Instances , seine of the Inactive Issues
cxcepted. Chicago & Northern 1'aclflc Ists , trust
receipts , developed activity and strength after
long continued nrglccl and rose 2 per cent to
42. The sales wcie fl,5S9CCO. The principal ad
vances rnnged from ! 5 to 3 % per cent , the last
In I ulsvlllc & Nashville 11. & A. ' Ms. The
more noteworthy declines extended from 1 to 3
per cent. Governments ruled generally linn on
lrans.icllons.of 17.COO.
The Kvcnlng Post's London financial cable
gram s ys : The slock markets weic steady to
day , but only moderately active. Americana were
very dull al the opening , but closed compara
tively firm. Some of the large houses report
that there has been buying of both American
shares and bends here on Investment account ,
certain descriptions of securities which for weeks
past have been very illlllcult to negotiate having
found n market. Proposals to reslorc the
finances of Pern have caused o sharp rise In
the debentures of the Peruvian corporations.
Franco Is said to be willing to grant a loan to
Peru , on the understanding that the latler shall
recognize Ihe claims of HIP corporation. The
Paris llourse was quiet and Eteady and the
llcriln market firm.
The following were the closing quotations or.
In" leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
bid. 1 all aHHcBsnicnlH p ml.
The total sales of stocks today were 157,873
t-harctt , Includlns : American Kugur. 9.COO ; llnr-
lliiRlon , 18,400 ; ChlcaKO Una. C.CCO ; Chetsnpeake &
Ohio , .3fOi Delaware & Hudson. 14 , 00 ; Louis
ville & Nashville. 6,100. Heading. 12 NW ; St. Paul ,
17,700 ; Union Paclllc , S.SOO ; Wheeling & Lake
Eric , 6,100.
New Yurie Money Market.
1'asy at 1B2 rer cent ; last loan. 115 per cent ;
clcrcd. I'.4il2 per cent.
PniMB MERCANTILE PAPnil-3'4T44 ! per
STEItLINO EXCHANCJE-StronK. wllh aclual
ImflncKS In bankers' bills at S4.S704.S7 > 4 , for
demand , and al $4.S4'i for sixty days ; posted
rates , J4.S4U8I.S3 and Jl.SCVtffi4.SS ; commercial
till ? , } l.ra ; 4.S3.
GOVERNMENT IIONUS Quiet ; new 4s. ren.
nnd coupon , 120',4 ; Cs reg. and coupon , 114 : 4s
letf. . 110U : coupon , 111 ; 2s , 93',4 ; 1'aclllc 3s , 1697 ,
102 % .
Closing quotations on bonus were as follows :
Sllvi-r bare. ( HUe : Mexican doflarj , O'35-Mo
Sight drafts , IZh'c ; tcU'.r.ip'.ilc , 13o.
IloMton Stock ( luotntloim , .
BOSTON. Jan. 7.-C.1U lo.itm. _ vi4 per cent :
tlmu loaim. : )4'itl ) > liar c iii. Clo3liif p.-ljai for
muckH , boiidu und niln
Business at the L&cl & Yorcla in a Hathor
Hnsctt d.1ondition.
Cattle Trmlc -noVnll > - KiiMlcr , with
Kurlj- Sal on/1 i i til lion * Active
uiiU Teity IHtutn
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 7-nccelpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. HoiSheen. . Horses.
January 7 r.3 0 G10J < ,4.3
January C 4,0:7 3,119.X23
January G 730 ' 2G2 421
January 4 $91 1,331 2C'J7
January 2 1,6S12,740 l,20i > . . . .
January 1 812 3,000 1.50S
December 31 1.324 G.SS8 2,318
December 30 1,030 6,931' 1.SS3 . . . .
December 29 2,181 7.5S4 l.SUl 4i
December 23 1,519 2,743 3-00
December 2t3 1,031 4,093 202
The oillclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. . M. & St. 1 . ny . .
0.St. . U Hy 1 I
Missouri 1'aclllc Ily _ 2 2
Union 1'aclllc system. . . . 7 27 S
C. & N. W. Uy. . . . . 1
V. , U. & M. V. It. U 17 17 7
S. C. & 1H. . H 1
U. , St. P. , M. & O. Uy. . 13 4
H. & M. U. U. n. . . . . . . 33 32 3
C. , H. & Q. Uy 3
C. , U. I , & l . Hy , east. . " 1 l
C. , U. I. & P. Hy , .west. . . 1
Totnl receipts. . ; , S4 91 21
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Uuycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omana Packing Co C2 410
O. 11. Hammond Co 300 1,516 23J
Swift and Company 03 1'iO 1,3 7
Cudahy Packing Co. . . . 623 I.SI3 1,771
U. ISceker nnd Dcgan. . 157
Vnnsnnt & Co 120
J. L , . Carey SI
W. I. Stephens - . 40
Hill & Lewis Co..i. . 8 . . . . *
Swift & Co. , country 401
Hamilton 40
Cudahy Packing Co. ,
from Kansas City 201
Other buyers S02 7
Left over 500 550
Tola ! .r 2,130 6,083 4,4 9
CATTL.K The receipts of cattle were
reasonably largo for tljls time of the week ,
though there were * not many morn than
one-half the number reporieil In yesterday.
A large proportion of all the cattle here
were cornfcd steers , the most of them half-
fat stuff that would have looked better In
the feed lots than In the stock yards , The
market on fat cattle was upon the whole
slow and drnggy and the whole forenoon
was consumed before anything like a clear
ance waa effected. Other markets nil came
lower , which made local buyers rather
bearish , while at the same time sali-jrncn
were nsklng gxiod stiff prltrin many cases
higher than yesterday. This difference In
opinion between the buyers and sellers was
the real cause of the dullness and not the
want of a good demand. The cattle , how
ever , kept selling , such as were attractive-
In the eyes of buyers bringing nbout the
same pricca ns yesterday and the less do-
slrablo and trashy .stuff selling lower.
Tht-rc was no very 'marked change In the
market for cow stnft , the ten or a dozen
loads here selllngfor the most part In good
season. The better grades were certainly
steady and ns high as J3.70 was paid for a
very choice bunch of heifers. The feeling
on the common to i medium grades was
Stockcrs nnd feeders were In much lighter
supply than yesterday und the market was
Just about steady. Speculators bad quite
a good many on' hand , but there- were a
number of country btlyois In , who cut down
the supply very materially. Representative
sales : , . ' ,
tfb. Av. Pr. No Av. IT. No Av. Pr.
1..HI..O 53 J5 M.V..1107 J3 S3 41..1233 Jl CO
1. . . . & 40 3 CO 3..1073 3 S3 3. . . . 910 4 W
34..111-3 360 10..S11W 3 85 3. . . . 9S6 400
16..1021 3 CO 18)Hog ) 3 f5 3..1240 4 CO
3S..12W 3 CO 27..J2J7 390 19.1175 400
16. . . . Ml fl 73 . . B.12103 SO JO.-.1222 403
CO..1117 3 73 1S..MH4 3 0 . 17..1278 4 10
20..IISO 3 0 40..1212 390. IS..1373 4 10. ,
19..1192 3 tO 20..107D 3 90 21..1237 4 10
36..13:3 3 0 38..1130 3 9 1U..12S2 4 13
1..1KO 3 S3 20..1101 , 3 DO C5..1472 413
14..1082 3 85 23..1046 3 93 18..13IS 4 23
20..1093 3 K 24. . . , 931 3 05 42..1230 4 23
20..1135 3 5
1. . . . 720 175 1. . . . 970 233 2..1100 275
1..11CO ITS 1. . . . MO 235 2..1183 275
1. . . . 910 175 2. . . . 9CO 233 1. . . . 720 2 0
1. . . . 8(0 1 5 2..1100 240 8..1037 285
1. . . . Sf.0 2 CO 2..IOS5 240 2..1115 285
1. . . . 920 2 CO 1..10JO 2 < 0 3..1100 2 CO
3. . . . S20 200 1 , . . . 130 260 20. . . . 964 290
1. . . . CCO 2 CO 2. . . . MO 2 CO G. . . . 90S 290
1..1070 210 1. . . . 950 2 CO 1..1100 290
1..1050 210 1. . . . 800 250 1. . . . 990 290
1. . . . 900 220 1. . . . 720 2 CO 12..11CO 293
2..1113 223 2..1070 210 C. . . . 834 300
1..10CO 223 1..11CO 2 CO 1..11CO 300
1..11CO 223 1. . . , 9SO 2 C5 1..1100 300
1. . . . iCO 223 2..1120 255 1..1000 300
3..1030 223 24..1035 2 CO 1..1330 300
1..1000 223 1..1130 2 CO 15..1037 301
C. . . . 9C5 225 1..1140 2 CO 9..1208 310
1..I010 225 2..1105 2 03 2..1130 310
1..11CO 223 4..1002 2 C3 1..1330 313
1..1020 225 1..123D 2 C3 1..1030 315
1..11CO 223 1..1130 2 C3 1..1200 315
1. . . . 50 223 1. . . . WO 270 4..11f,2 325
10..1055 230 1. . . . 600 273 1. . . . 030 3 2 >
2..1C43 2M 1. , . . 930 273 4..950 323
1. . . . 870 230 1. . . . 850 275 6..9CO 335
2. . . . S10 233 1..1170 275 4. . . . 7S2 333
2..1070 235 3..1210 273 1..1320 350
1. . . . 700 2 CO 4. . , . S07 3 CO 3. . . . C8G 3 20
19. . . . 21 2 C3 1. . . . 870 3 CO 2. . . . 703 323
3. . . . 8S6 273 1. . . . 9SO 310 17..9C3 323
1. . . . ECO 273 1. . . . SCO 315 1. . . . 820 323
I. . . , KO 273 4. . . . 7C3 315 2. . . . 803 340
1. , . . CCO 2 tO 8. , . . 7C2 315 8..1C01 SCO
2. . . . ( ' 20 2 fO 12. . . . 751 320 4. . . . B13 SCO
C. . . . CM 285 1. . . . 900 320 .20..10SS 370
9. . . . 748 2 5
1..130 220 1..1470 2 CO 3..1455 2 SS
2. . . , f45 233 1..1270 2 CO 1..1740 300
1..UOO 233 1..2020 270 1..1320 SCO
1..11CO 240 1..1C70 270 1..1S20 300
l..llt < 0 240 1..1040 273 1..1330 310
3..1346 2 CO 1..1540 275 1..1510 310
1..1200 2 CO 1. . . . (00 275 1..1370 310
1. . . . C60 260 2..1120 273 2. . . . 900 310
1..1570 2 CO 3..1333 273 2..1463 315
1..14IO 2 CO 1..1570 280 1..1C30 315
3..1200 2 CO 2..1435 283 2..10CO 325
1..1190 2 CO
1..11CO 3 CO 1. . . . SCO SCO
3. . . . 270 300 1. . . . 310 375 1. . . . ICO 500
1. . . . 320 300 1. . . . 140 400 3. . . . 130 CCO
1. . . . 2SO 323 3 , . . . 11C 4 CO 2.-T45 5(0
1. . . . 3CO 3 25 1. . . . ICO 4 CO 2. . . . ICO C 25
1..1CCO Z 80 19..1031 SCO 9 , , . . CCS 376
3. . . . CCO 300 4. . . . 723 3 GO 19. . . . 739 375
1..1140 300 8. . . , C02 3 CS 1. . . . 400 3 kO
1. , , . 950 3 00 36..1106 3 C5 2. . . . C70 3 83
8. . . . C23 3 00 C. . . . 710 3 C5 22. . . . CCO 3 83
5. . . . SCO 310 C..7EO 3 C5 26. . , . 871 3 S3
1. . . . CCO 325 7..1090 3 C3 3. . . . 590 3 5
2. . . . 745 3 25 40.1153 3 C5 18 , . . . C22 3 H
11. . . . CIO 3 40 I.950 3 70 7. . . . C04 3 85
6..1211 3 CO 17.t. . < Hf ( 375 36. , , . C07 385
1. . . . KO 3.JO 3I.TI1&1 375 12. . . . 831 385
1..1030 3 CO 5.1.1 , . 1.6 375 24..1017 390
1..1010 3 CO 3 , , ' . . < . 7G 375 10. . . . 416 390
HOOH The recclpti * ft hogs wcro Hie largest
In some days , In Javt - > ho lurgcnt 'of the montii
to date. j , ' '
The matkct todW8 not entirely to Hie
llliliif of salesmen , ; Inasmuch an values were
Just ubout lOc lowers .Some few scratch pales
were made early ntj prices that were not over
DC lower , while eoine i/f the worst sales , lownnl
the elate , looked ICc lower , an compared wllh
tlu bent Bales ycBterduy
Salesmen wcro ajlutle slow to mnke the con
cession , but the my/ft oftliem cut loomIn reaKon-
ubly good HeaEon , jjojlmt n fair clearance was
effected by mlcliluy ) [ , ,
Heavy IIOKS cold lruy ; at J3.1003.15 , nn aitalnst
J3.20O3.25 ycslerdajViTjIic medium wtlKlitu and
llglit nold al J3.20j(3S3n while the same welft.ns
yesterday ,132063.40.
Touny'H rtccllno vjvlifa | out the most of tbe
oc'vrr.ce this \vc < - kari , $ leaves the market only
a 8hi.dc hlntier thauj ( ( .jWtii at tlic clone of lam
week. Iteiiresentaypp.jialca :
No. Av. fill. r.f. u No. Av. Sh. Tr.
34 337 . . .J31Dl G7 2C1 . . . J3 17W
a 402 80 3 14 , CO. , , . , ,2S5 80 3 17't !
15 432 . . . 310 -43 281 80 320
13 3C6 fcO 310. . . . , , , , , 80 3 20
.M 326 CO 3 10 , 07 22U 80 3 20
U 351 . . . 310 71 248 200 320
17 3S1 SO 3 10 C9 275 120 S 20
10 432 . . . 310 C9 2C5 80 320
74. , 3 2 120 3 1214 CJ 233 120 3 20
II 339 2EO 3 U"i . . . , . , . , 40 3 20
M 321 ! ICO 3 12W Cl 27C 200 320
C8 3(5 120 3 12i ! C9. , 267 . . . 3 20
58..323 10 3121,4 Cl. , 223 40 320
a 330 KD 3 12' ' , ! , 75..225 40 3 20
C9 323 40 3 I2V4 C8,272 , . . 320
CD 329 ICO 3 12i ! CD 230 80 3 20
S3 312 ICO 3 12'i CO 217 . . . 320
! 4 330 . . . 3 mi [ 7 295 . . . 320
18. , 339 ICO 3 12i C2 , , 311 80 320
X Ul ICO 3 12H , Cl. , ,289 CO 320
18 329 40 3 li ! 46 JOS , . , 320
15 321 . . . 3 12 ! < j CO 273 . . . 32214
18 32S 240 3 1214 CO.,2E2 40 3 22'i
331 120 312 % 78. , ,223 10 3 22''j '
57 267 120 315 74 2C5 SO 3 22M
X 312 tO 315 79 29 . . . 3 W
17 300 . . . 315 C9 238 . . . 3 22
14 : CO . . . SIS 22 217 , , , 325
14 209 120 3 IS C5 218 . . . 325
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 II C3 219 . . . 3 25
19 302 40 3 U 74..27C 1ZO S 23
El SOS ZOO 3 15 Cl , , .U1 W S 24
M . , 200 ICO 31.1 70. . . . . , . ! > 110 !
42 . K5 . . . S 15 fO. . . . 819 . . . SIS
cc . no FO i is ci . : ra . . . a . "
73 . SCO KO 813 M . 2.15 . . . 315
C3 . i7 ! fO 1 IS 71 . K3 . . . >
Cl . 34 < . . . 315 49 . 9 . . . 3 tS
43 . 325 SO 315 CS . 241 (0 353
M . Kl 40 315 f.9 . 209 ICO 323
. ' , S . 2V8 . . . 3 15 64 . M ICO X 23
M . J17 40 315 101. . . . . . . .HI . . . S SS
C2 . : : H . . . 315 121 . . .SIS . . . 3 JS
. . . . . , . . 200 313 77 . 263 . . . 323
35 . . . .J32 . . . 315 C9 . 192 . . . 330
CO . 190 . . . 315 F9 . 142 . . . 330
C9 . 311 . . . 315 m. . , . IM . . . 330
C4. . . . . . . ,361 . . . 315 C.1 . 755 SO 330
C3 . 2C3 FO 315 27 . IM . , , 333
65 . 270 SO 317V4 3S . ICO . . . 353
K . 305 fO 3 1714
i . r,40 . . . i co 6 . . . . : M . . . 3 1 ;
1 . ICO . . . 2 CO 9 . 301 . . . 313
1 . COO . . . 275 4 . 275 . . . 313
1 . 410 . . . 2 SO B . 3CS . . . 3 17(4 (
8 . r.SS 40 3 00 C . 153 . . . 320
2 . 4(0 ( . . . 303 C . 1S3 . . . 320
S . 301 . . . 305 E . IMS . . . 320
3 . 333 . . . 303 6 . 200 . . . 4 JO
5 . 2S4 . . . 303 6 . Z2S . . . 3 2o
! . 2S5 . . . 305 7 . Ul . . . 3 X >
B . 376 . . . 310 7 . 237 . . . 323
6 . 331 . . . 310 G . 172 . . . 323
SHEEP The receipts of sheep were very large
for this matkct , but In spite nf that fact the
market was fairly active nt about stead )
prices. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r.
15 culls . 112 J2 M
1 buck . 120 SCO
106 western ewes . 100 305
317 fed western wethers . 127 3 25
186 westerns , mixed . 103 323
75 western cwra . , . 106 3 25
112 western wethers . 87 3 35
23 native lambs . . . CO S S3
If.S western wethers . > . 107 3 CO
2.1JtMern yearllrgs . . Dd 3 CeSS
SS Wyoming mixed. . . . . . 70 3 50
132 Mexican wethers . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 353
119 Mexican welhers . M 355
323 Mexican welhers . . . ! K > 3 C3
19 native mixed . 110 375
100 native lambs . 69 4 00
142 Mexican yearlings . 79 410
131 Mexican yearlings . 78 4 10
M Mexican yearlings . S9 4 10
Gl weMcrn lambs . CS 4 40
171 Wyoming lambs . Kl 4 CO
31 western lambs . . . . . 70 4 73
Tritilc ( Inlet In Cnltlo mill Sliet-p mill
HOKN Hnlo LiMver.
CHICAGO , Jan. 7 , Trade was quiet In cattle
Cattle were Well taken at from J3.CO to Jt.25 for
the cheaper srades of dressed beef steers , lo
from JT lo J5.33 for choice lo prime shipping
beeves , Slockcrs and feeders fold at from $3 tc
14.25 , and choice to prime cows nnd heifers u
frrm { 3.15 to J4.15. Hulls sold at from J2.10 to
51.10 , mid etagn and oxen at from J2.CO to i4
while pilmc calves brought JG.10. Texas let
fleers were active at from S3.40 to JI.20.
Sales of hogs today were about Cc lower than
yesterday. Sales ranged at from } 3 to J3.IO
for common to choice- lots , with the bulk telling
nt fiom J3.25 to J3.40. The receipts were large'v
uf superior quality , with only a small propoi
tlon of light bacon brgs.
Sheep were about lOc to 15c lower today , al
though there was n very good demand. Sales
wire at from 12.25 to J2.CO for ordinary flocks , U |
to from J3.30 to J3.75 for the bctler class o
muttons , prime westerns Felling around J3.70
Ycaillngs brought from J3.40 to J4. 5 , anil Iamb3
sold qt from J3.CO to $5.:5 for poor to choice
Receipts : Cattle. J3.COO head ; hogs , 30,000 head
sheep , 17,000 head.
IvmiNiiN City LI viStock. .
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 7. CATTLE Receipts ,
7,500 head , shipments , 4,300 head ; best grades
steady ; olhera lOc lower ; Texas slecrs , J2.70W
3.75 ; Texas cows , JI.S082.70 : native steers , 13.00 ! !
4.fO ; native rows and heifers , Jl. ( W.1.30 ; stackers
ami feeders , I2.C083.10 ; bulls , J2.10JJ3.10.
HOOS- Receipts , 13,000 head ; shipments , none
market CfflOc lower ; bulk Df sales. J3.20ijT3.25
heavy. J3.10JI3.25 ; packers. } 3.00JT3.27',4 : mixed
J3.20S3.3fl : lights , J3.20G3.40 ; Yorkers , J3.10fT3.17'i
pigs , J3.OC433.ltl.
SHEEP Receipts , 4,000 head ; shipments. 1.000
head ; market slow ; lambs , $3.0094.00 ; muttons
J2.COO4.00. . _
St. I.onlH I.lvr Stock.
ST. LOt'IS ' , Jan. 7. CATTLE-Recclpts. 6,000
head ; market steady for Ihe best ; others weak ,
native beeves , I3.f0ff5.10 ; dressed beef steers
J3.50ff4.S5 ; stockers nnd feeders , J2.00S73.75 ; cows
and heifers , J1.7503.CO ; Texas and Indian slcerx
HOOS Recelpls , 10.000 head ; malkct 6c lower
light , J3.23jr3.35 ; mixed , J3.10f3.30 ; heavy , { 3.100
SHEEP Receipts , 3,000 head ; market strong ;
muttons. J2.60Q3.35.
York I.lvo Stiu-k.
NEW YORK , Jan , 7. REEVES Receipts , C03
head ; no trading ; * cables easier for live * culltt-
at lO'.SiJllc. dressed weight ; refrigerator beef
higher al 7Jfi ! > c.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-ReccIpts , 5,300 head ;
fdieep , In demand and steady ; Iambs , 25c oft ;
late sales 35c lower ; sheep , J3.5flfH.25 ; choice
heavy. J4.40ff4.ta ; "lambs , J4.COfJ5.92',4 ; most of
sales , J5.4Cfj5.7Q.
HOas Receipts , 11,507 head ; nrm nt { 3.SO4.00 ;
pigs , J4.25fJ4.60. _
Stock III SlKlit.
Record of receipts of live etock at the four
principal markets for Tuesday , January , 7 , 1S97 :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omaha . 2,300 fi.MK ) 4.500
Chicago . 13,000 30.000 . 17.000
Kansas City . 7.COO 13.000 4,000
St. Louln . 6,000 10,000 3,000
Totals . 2S.SCO C9.000 2S.COO
CnnViMmkct. .
NEW YORK , Jan. 7. COFFER Options opened
quiet , with December contracts 10 points lower
and other month ! ) unchanged ; ruled dull and
featureless Ihroughout and cloecd quiet and un
changed to 10 points net decline ; tales , 8,750 bags ;
Including March , J9.803.05. Spot coffee , Rio ,
Eteady ; No. 7 , Invoice , 110.25 ; Jobbing. J10.75.
Mild , steady ; Cordova , J15.CORI7.00 ; pales. 400
bags Maracalbo , p. t. Total warehoure deliv
eries from the United Stales , 17,450 bags , In
cluding 13,733 baH [ from New York ; New York
clock today , 330,167 bags ; United States stock ,
3i > 0,472 bags ; afloat for ( he United States , 335.COO
bags ; totnl visible for the United Stales , 724,7.16
bags , agalnsl 612.902 bags last year.
SANTOS Jan. " . COFFEE Nn returns.
HAMIlUilQ , Jan. 7.-COFFEE UfJ',4 pfg.
RIO , Jan. 7. COFFEE Holiday ; receipts , 8.CCO
HAVRE. Jan. 7. COFFEE Sleady ; cl : ; ed at
a advance of % f ; pa leg , 16,000 bags.
St. Lotilx MnrkctM.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 7. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2
red. cash , elevalor , SS c bid ; track , Mi92c ; May ,
S9c asked ; July , 7CUc bid.
CORN Dull ; No. 2 cosh , 20'Jc asked ; May ,
22'Ac ' bid.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 cash , 17c bid ; May , 19ic
bid. *
RVH Nominal ; 35o track.
ISA RLEY Dull : mailing. 30S40C.
FLAX SEED-Ilcller , 73c.
PORK Higher ; standard mess. Jobbing , { 3.43
LARD Higher ; prime , J3.C5 ; choice , 13.75.
LEAD-Dull , J2.72Wfi2.75.
SPELTER-Dull , J3.S5.
City Mnrkt-tN.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 7. WHEAT Slow and
about unchanged ; No. 2 hard , 7SfJ7 ! > c ; No. 2 red ,
nominally. 91ff52c ; No. 2 spring. 7CO77C.
CORN Dull : No. 2 mixed. 17Tje.
OATS Rather slow ; unchanged ; No. 2 white ,
old , 19j20c.
RYE No. 2 nominally. 32c.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy , J8.COff8.tO ; choice
prnlrle. to.CO.
RUTTER Dull ; creamery , 17lEc : dairy , 10 ®
EGOS Weak. 14',4c.
Dry OoodH.
NEW YORK , Jan. 7. With many buyers lookIng -
Ing around Ihe market rome sales have resulted
and others arc In prospect. Still the reflection
of the market was quiet. Printing cloths lire
quiet , but more Inquiry and some bulnesu In
good gooCB. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IlrltlNh Import" nnd
I/3NDON. Jan. 7. The Hoard of Trade re
turns show that the total Imports for 1(96 have
Increased 25,117,677 over 1S95. The exports have
Increased 14,023,193 over Ihota of 1S95.
MluiiemioIlN AVlicnt Market.
78o : May , 79Kc ; No. 1 hard , on track , 79c ! ; No.
1 northern , "Sc ; receipts , 190 cam.
\VoTil Mm-kft.
ST. IXJUIS , Jan. 7. WOOL Unchanged ,
NEW YORK , Jan , 7. WOOL Slcady ; flceoe ,
15fJ20e ; pulled , 150180.
'I'"rlNco Win-ill.
dull ; May , Jl.M'i.
I'MlllllK-lllI > I CM.
RAKTLMORi : , Jan. 7. Clearings , J2S07,130 ; bal-
apces , J347.879.
ROSTON. Jan. 7. Clearings , { ,18,098,175 ; bal-
anccs , (2-347,751.
NEW YORK. Jan. 7.-Clearlng , { 108,655.453 ;
balances , $6,545,008 ,
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 7 , Clearings , J9,041-
C61 ; Imlanccii , | 1,349,7CO.
HT. LOl'lH , Jan. 7. Clearings , { 3,525.804 ; bal
ances , J90S.3C4. Money. Cf(7 per ctnt. New York
exchange , par bid ; S5c premium asked.
CHICAGO , Jan. 7. Clearings , J13,150C40 ,
Money , cleudy and .unchanged. New Yolk 'X-
change , par. Foreign exchange , demand , | l.b7't ' ;
slxly days , { 4. 4V4.
I ' 'or iIK n ] < 'lniiiivlnl.
RERUN , Jan. 7. Exchange on London , eight
days' sight , SO murks S8 pfg.
IX3NDON , Jan. 7. Oold Is quoted at Huenos
Ay res today at 1S6.75 ; Lisbon , 39V4 ; Ruine ,
PARIS , Jan. 7. Three per cent rentes , lOJf
ire for the account ; eicluingc on London , 25f
So for checks. _
I'roiioNiilM for Lnyliid tlic C'nlilc.
LONDON , Jan. 7 , The Chronicle annDiinccu
hat the Pacific cable committee liau finally
jlgncd Ita report. It toya tliut the lowest
tender for a I-'at.nlnt ; Inlands cable ranged
rota 1,017,000 to 1 , 880,000 , according to
whether a twelve , fifteen or eighteen words
> er inlnuto cable la laid ,
( Continued from First I'nne. ) _
from the senile , bo appointed to wall nn the
governor and Inform the governor that the
two houses worn now ready to receive an )
mo < agc 1m might bu ready to communicate
The motion prcvnllcd.
Clark of Lancaster moved that a committee
teeof three be Appointed to canvnaa the volt
for ntnta olllcers , with n llko committee fron
the scnato , which prevailed.
There \stro a number ot motlonn fired tit
nt tlm clerk to appoint committees on sup
plies , anil one to tmk the sccrvUry of stnt
to furnish supplies on request of the chle
clerk. The speaker ruled them all out o
order on the ground that no business couh
bo transacted until the vote was cuiivassrd
Speaker Gflflln then announced the fbllowln ;
commlttfra : To wait on tlio governor niu
Inform htm that the house mid senate wrrt
now ready to receive any communication
Jenkins of Tliayer , I.oomls of llutlcr , Hlcl
of Uonglaa ; to act with the eicnatc com
mlttco to select the Unittor rniiVnesliiK the
vote , Clark of Lancaster , Clark of Uldiard
sou and \Voostcr of Merrlclc.
The Breaker announced the following ap
potntincnta : Enrolling clerk , Charles \Vnl
lace of Daweon ; ciiKnmlni ; clctk , J. L
Klcfcr of Hlchardson ; second engroisliu
clerk , Charlie K. Yost of Uun'alo ; third en
grossing clerk. A , J. Webb of Dunging ; IK-IK
janitor. Joy Hnckler ef Kcy.i I'itm ; ; uecoiu
Janitor , AV. S. Lulter of .Seward ; fourtl
Janitor , T. Harrington ot Douglas ; -ussl-stati
ccrgrant-at-arms , James Xoe of Dodge ; cue
toillan of the liotiso. Albert Hcrry of U'ayni1
custodian of the cloak . worn , D. Cpsgrove o
Douglas ; timekeeper , E.V. . Crane of Lin
coin ; fireman , H. 1) . Schncrlngcr of Cusler
night watrh. W. F. JIaddox ot Hamilton
custodian of the water closet , M. McGco o
A communtratton lead from Adjutnn
General llnrry extending an hivllr.tlon to tlu
incmbrM ot the liousu to attend a rcceptlot
to Governor llolcomb and tlie newly olectci
state ofncors In the senate chamber at !
o'clock this evening. The Invitation , ot
motion , was accepted.
The speaker eald that llcprcscntatlvi
Prince ot Madison , who war absent yester
day , wzs now present nnd had his crcdcn
tlals with him. It would bo proper for the
house to act on the mnttcr and he appotntei
Hull , Crow and Smith to make arrangement !
for the same.
The committee which had waited on the
governor announced , through Jenkins , chair
man , that the governor's message would be
laid before the house at 2 p. m. Chief Jus
tice Post appeared and Representative Prince
was sworn In as a member of the twenty-
fifth session of the Nebraska legislature.
The employes appointed this morning re
paired to the rooms of the chief Justice am'
were sworn In.
Woostcr. from the committee to arrange
with the scuiato committee for nn hour li
Which to canvass the vote , reported that the
conference had been held , and the hour flxei
at 1 o'clock p. m. 'In the hall of representa
lives. The report of the committee wat
adopted and the house adjourned until
P. m.
After the Joint session Pollard of Cnss sen
up a motion to the effect that a committee
of flvo bo appointed to provide supplies foi
the house. This was sidetracked by a pain
of order that the first business following nt
adjournment of a Joint session was calling
tlm roll. The speaker decided the point wcl
trken and rrll call proree'cd.
Pollard again renewed his motion concern
ing the supplies for the house. Sheldon
moved an amendment that the committee
bo authorized to ascertain what had become
of the supplies furnished the last legisla
ture , as well as to procure new supplies for
the present session. Jenkins of Jefferson
opposed the amendment , and said that , ro
far as this -session was concerned , all the
Information It had was that the supplies had
been used. Pollard opposed the amendment ,
but was willing that another motion should
bo made after this one had been voted on.
Sheldon explained that ho desired to know
what had become of the furniture used dur
ing tha last session.
Clark of , Richardson moved that the whole
matter bo laid on the table. A vote was
taken , the speaker was In doubt , and the
roll call de nandcd and had , with the result
that the motion to table was defeated by a
vote cf 75 to IS.
Pollard AVocster , Sheldon and Rouse de
bated. . the substitute. Pollard and Rouse op
posing , Sheldon and Wooatcr supporting It.
Sodcrman of Phclps ( .ailed attention 'to '
the fact that the statutes authorized the
Board ot Public Lands and Buildings to
provide supplies to the amount of $300. The
question on the substitute was now put and
Grandstaff of Webster moved that the
chief cierk be allowed a page , a custodian
and two stenographers. Dcforc this was put
to a vote Clark of Richardson moved to ad
journ. No hour was stated. The speaker
held that as the house could not adjourn
without action > by the senate , the motion to
adjourn implied the usual hour of 10 a. m.
A caucus of the house members was an
nounced at the Lincoln at 7 o'clock and the
housD adjourned.
nf tlu * Klt'iMIon Ilofin red mill
the Outli of Ollltiilvcii. .
LINCOLN , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) The Joint
session of scnato and house to canvass the
vote cast for state officers at the election of
November last did not commence at 1
o'clock , as provided by the report of the
lolut committee on arrangements. It was 1:35 :
before Speaker Coffin rapped for order and
requested Clerk Roger to proceed with the
roll call. At the personal request of Lieu
tenant Governor Moore , another committee ,
comprising Hull , Jenkins and Clark of Rich
ardson , was appointed by the speaker to
notify the fenate that the house was now
ready to receive them. Chairs wcro placed
In the aisles for the senators , state olllccrs-
elect and the Justices of the supreme court.
Hull , from the committee , announced that
the duty of notifying the scnato had been
lerformed. The sergcant-at-arms announced
the senate , which appeared , led by Lieuten
ant Governor Moore , who took his scat bo-
slde Speaker Gaflln. The senators scattered
themselves through the body of the house.
Secretary Schwlnd of the senate called the
roll of the senators , and Chief Clerk Eager
performed the same duty for the house mem
Lieutenant Governor Slooro stated that ac
cording , to the provisions of law they were
met In Joint session to open and publish thu
returns of the last general election , held on
the 3d day of November , 1890. The abstract
of votes , as compiled by the state canvass
ing board , was then handed to Speaker
; 5nHn. ( Speaker GalDn announced that ho
had opened the returns of the general elec
tion , and now declared and published the
following OB duly elected :
For governor , Silas A. llolcomb.
Lieutenant governor , James E. Harris.
Soerelary of state , William V. Porter.
Auditor public accounts , John -P. Cornell.
Treasurer , John H. Meserve.
Superintendent of public Instruction , Wil
liam H. Jackson.
Attorney general , Constantine J , Smyth.
Commissioner of public lands and build
ings , Jacob V. Wolfe.
Congressmen : First district , Jcsso II.
Strode ; Second district , David II. Morccr ;
Third district , Samuel Maxwell : Fourth dis
trict , William L. Stark ; Fifth district , R. I ) ,
Sutherland ; Sixth district , William L.
Lieutenant Governor Moore said that tlui
speaker had now canvassed the vote and de
clared the result. On motion of Clark ot
Lancaster a committee was appointed to
notify the governor that the vote hod been
July canvafracd.
Senator Ransom moved that a committee
bo named to Invite the Justices of the su-
ironic court to appear and administer the
oath of olllco to the offlclaU-clect , As the
committee to wait on the governor Lieu-
onant Governor Moore appointed Clark of
ancaster , Gcrdcs of Itlchanltoii and Loomls
of Duller , and Senators Ransom of DouKJeti
ind Caldwcll of Nuckollo.
Senator Fritz of Dawnon and Representa
tives Doljton of Flllmore and Rouse of Hall
ivero named by the lieutenant governor on
i committee to wait on the supreme Judges
ind request their presence In the hall for
ho purpose of swearing In the olllcers-clect ,
The scrgeant-at-arms announced the gov
ernor of the state of Nebraska , who was pre
sented by Lieutenant Governor Moore , and
jo at once proceeded to read his met aic ; ,
Whan tbo governor completed thu reading
if the lengthy document , ho WUH greeted with
mtuualaBtic applause from mcmboru on tlio
floor and spectators In the gallery. Lieu
tenant Governor Moore announced that the
Joint Bcenlon would come to order and the
oath of oftlcn would be administered to the
Btatu oillcers-clect. They necordln ly ranged ,
tlienifolvca before the clerk's desk , from be
hind which Chief Justice I'oat administered
the iMth to them In n body , The Joint pen
sion of Henato nnd lion so was then adjourned
sine die , the senators returning to the cham
ber nt the west end of the capital , The now
state offlceri , retired to the lower floor , and
some of them proceeded to take formal possession -
session ot their respective ofllcfs.
No canvass of the vote of resent had been ,
made , hut Urgent Thomas Unwllna was
sworn In wlthjho rest of the ofllccrfl.
uicii"rio.\ : TO"THHin \ - OKKICKHS.
Function at ( lu > t4nt > UOUNI > Miule it
Mriiinriililc AITiilr.
LINCOLN , Jnn. 7i ( Special Telegram. )
The reception to Governor llolcomb nnd the
now state olllcers was held In the senate-
chamber. All the desks of members hail
been removed , the secretary's desk lined with
potted palms , nnd the president's stand dec
orated with foliage plants and flowers. Two-
Inrgs ( lags wcro draped over the entrance to-
the chamber , lly 8 o'clock the gallery was >
packed and the space outside the railing ;
crowded with people. The ceremonies , under
direction of Adjutant General Harry , wcro-
largely of n military character , although no-
sttlo arms were worn by the governor's of-
llclal staff. IJrlgadlcr General Hills anil
aides , or the field olllcors of the First and
Second regiments , Nebraska National
Guard , who wcro In attendance , wore full
uniform. Music was furnished by the Second
IScglmcnt band.
At 8:15 : Governor Holcomb nnd wife wcro
escorted to the senate chamber by Generals.
Harry nnd Hills , the governor's olllclal stalt
: iml the Held ofllccrs of the First nnd Second
regiments. The governor was followed by
Private Secretary Mnret and wife. Chief Clerk
Mary and wife , nnd the now state olllccra.
and their wives. The ladles assisting Mrs.
llolcomb wcro : Mrs. Lcslcr Klrkpatrlck , n.
sister of Governor Holcomb ; Mrs. John Klrk
patrlck , Mrs. Hcnton Maret , Mrs. Ed
ward S. Kcchct , Miss Fcchet , Miss Nash , Mrs ,
H. K. Olflln nnd Mrs. F. L. Mary. Governor
Holcomb was attended by his olllclal staff , In
full uniform.
The state otllccrs , with their wives , formed
In line In front of the desk of the secretary
of the senate nnd shook the hands of n great
number of people. The state olllcers receiv
ing were : Governor Silas A. Holcomb. Lieu
tenant Governor James E. Harris , Secretary
ot State William V. 1'ortcr , Andllorof Public
Accounts Juhn F. Cornell , Treasurer John
II. Meservc , Superintendent of Public In
struction William H. Jackson , Attorney Gen
eral Constantine J , Smyth , Land Commis
sioner Jacob V. Wolfe and Itcgent Thomas
Hawllns. The retiring state olllcers did not
greet their successors In n body , as was tho-
case two years ago , but dropped In singly ,
accompanied by their wives , and wnrmly
congrntulated their late political opponents.
It was 9:30 : before the governor's staff and
field olllcers of the two regiments repre
sented creeled the state olllcers. They wore/
among the last , nnd It Is estimated that fully
1,000 people had passed down the line up to
this tlmo. At 10:30 : the Informal reception
was over and the guests had departed from
the atato house.
Trains Dee ( Cc > t Through After tlic
Sturm an ( liilek UK They Mlurlit.
H1LDUETH , Neb. . Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Thla
town was without any mall from Saturday
night until Tuesday morning on account of
the storm. A good deal of complaint Is mada
In the towns along the branch road over the
uncertainty of the tralnu. The matter has
been laid before the Postal department scv-
chal times , but nothing has come of It. A
largo amount of corn remains ungathercd
yet and onow Is deep In thu llclds. Not much
corn Is coming In ; 8 cents per bushel la
not a very enticing price.
M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb. , Jnn , 7. ( Spe
cial. ) If It were not that the Kansas City
& Omnha railroad from the west and south
had trains running , McCool would be shut
In. Two locomotives anA a snow plow have
been stuck In enow drifts one-half mile north
of town for the past two days. One of the
locomotives Jumped the track and nearly
turned over. No trains have come from
the north since Saturday last.
PIBHCH , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) August
Drisso rounded up his herd of hogs yesterday
and found that the blizzard had closed the
career of thirty-seven of his fat porkers.
Mrs. II. Luckc also reports thirty-four largo
hogs dead In her drove from the effects of the
MILLER , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Reports brought In by stockmen
today show that 100 head of cattle and liorsea
and nearly 800 sheep perished In the recent
storm on thu range tributary to Miller.
FariiiiiCutH HIM 'I'll r oat -\vlth < i. Itnsr.or.
ALMA , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Spsclal Telegram. )
A. W. Iloserer , a prominent farmer living
about six miles west of this place. In a fit
of despondency attempted sulcldo this morn
ing by slnehlne hla throat with a razor. Ho
had been very sick the night before and In
the morning sent his daughter to a neigh
bor's for some medicine. When the girl re
turned tihu found her father In a serious con
dition , bkedlng profusely. Medical assist
ance was procured as quickly as possible.
At this time his life Is not despaired of.
Mr. Iloserer does not know what prompt oil
him to talco Ills own life and hopes for hla
Ditch Company KlrulH Ollli-i-i-M.
GEKINO , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Tlio
annual meeting ot the Enterprise Ditch com
pany , which was held yeotenlny , resulted In
the election of the following directors : M.
K. Powers , F. L. Logan nnd John A. Orr.
The meeting was adjourned until January
12 , when the advisability of merging thu ter
ritory under the canal Into a district will
bo discussed. There Is a majority apparently
In favor of the proposition.
Si-nrli-t I'Vvc-r In AiliiniH County.
JUNIATA , Neb. , Jan , 7. ( Special. ) Some
ot the schools Im Adams county are clocicil
on account of scarlet fever. Lung fever la
also prevalent , probably due to the warm ,
wet weather. There Is one case of scarlet
fever In town and the victim , Miss Dora
Lemon , Is quarantined.
Ili-et Suurnr Vnatnry f r AViiync.
WAYNE , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Capi
talists from Fort Scott. Kan. , have about
completed negotiations , through Senator
Urestilcr , for the erection of n beet sugar
factory at this place with n capacity of 200
tons of beets per day. The factory is to coat
To I'ny 11 IVnally fur
s rather hard. Isn't It ? Yet bow many are
compelled to do this after every meal. Dys-
> cpsln , that Inexorable persecutor , never
cases to torment of Its own volition , nnd
rarely yields to ordinary medication. Hut
ranqullllty of the stomach Is In store for
hcso who pursue a course of Hoslotter'a
Hoinaeh Hitters. This fine corrective also
remedies malarial and kidney complalntfi ,
rheumatism , constipation , blllousruens and
nervouuncca ,
Hey Illi-N AVblli- IIHiiKVlilpinil. .
DBS MOINES , la , , Jan. 7 , ( Special Tole-
Kratn. ) Harry Oliver , aged 11 , son of Charles
7 , Oliver , misbehaved In school this morn-
ng , and his teacher , Mls.i Florence Mills ,
lunlshcd him. She used a whip , and struck :
ilm several times on the legs , when ho fell
at her side. It was supposed lie hail fainted ,
but examination showed ho was dead , Ho
lad heart disease and the coroner flndu thki
ho cause of death. The death caused a great
xcltcment for a few hours , the family being
veil known , but the teacher In fully exon
erated by the coroner , who found no marks
of violence on the body.
Tbo king of pills 1s Uecclmm'B Dcecliam'a
Telephone 1030. Omuhu , N-b.
, Hoard of Trade.
IMrcct wires to Ciiiuiifo and Ni-w YorV.
Currtsponiltnts : John A. Warrtn A O
HIirlicHt market nrlco p.ild ami prompt return *
JUiferwico Omaha National IJ.'ink
r. s. BUOH & co. ,
No commUuloiu 613 9.1'Jth 81. , Omaha , Hotx