Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    'lUS OMAHA BA1LT 1JHI3r T.I tin ? SI ) AT , JAXUAHV 7 , 181)7. )
required to contain Iho namco of the long
list of sureties.
i.sov i't i.i/v out : . \M/.i : i ) .
Odlrcrn nnil rirrh * Cliiixon nuil ( fie
Unity HIMII | > fur llnnlnc * *
LINCOLN , Jan. C. ( Special. ) The
was opcnetl by prayer this morning by Chap
lain-elect Mallry. Speaker Oalfln announced
that tlio next business In onlcr would be Iho
election of chief clerk , but was remlmleil
by a member that roll call preceded that
business , and ho gracefully admitted his
error , and the roll was called.
Sheldon , from the committee- creden
tials , reported that there were still several
member * who had not handed In their cre
dential ! ) . Mexico of Antelope , Prince of Mad
ison , and Henderson of York , were said to
bo Miy on credentials , but , with the excep
tion of Prince , who IB not present , the mat
ter wag adjusted , and thu house proceeded
to complete the organization which It left
unfinished last evening.
It wan moved that a committee wait on
Ohlof Justice Test and escort him to the
liall for the purpose of swearing In tha
new officer. ? . I'ollnrd of Cass said ho be
lieved the speaker was fully empowered to
administer all oaths , and believed It would
be a good thing to do away with the t-cr-
vlccs of the chief justice altogether. Speaker
Gaffln demurred at this suggestion , and
uald It would be a grave breach of prece
dent , and one not warranted by the situa
tion. Ho then appointed as a committee to
wait on the chief Justice Crow , Jenkins
and Hull.
On their return Crow moved that the house
now proceed to elect the officers selected
by the caucus by acclamation , and It waa
dono. This reunited In the selection of
Frank D. Knger , chief clerk : U. B. Foster ,
first assistant ; A. W. Dnrnhart. second us-
elstant ; L. A. Delcher , sergcant-at-arms ;
John C. Ilammang , doorkeeper. It was con
tended that until the enrolling and engross
ing clerks had been clocted there could be
no perfect organization of the hou- , and this
was admltto'l. IJut no names were selected
at this session , nnd the * house proceeded .to
elect Rev. C. C. Malley of David City chap
lain , and Ralph K. Pamms postmaster.
Speaker Gaflln was then authorized to
name all other officers and clerks of the
bouse. A populist member moved that a
committee on supplier bo appointed to find
out what had become of the supplies Irft over
from the last session and to provide for
other article In this line for the future ,
llouso of Hall , however , raised the point of
order that the house was not yet fully or
ganized , nnd that the motion was , there
fore , out of order. RousO was sustained
by the ppcakcr.
Speaker Onllln then announced that the
chief Juutlco was then In his room and pre
pared to swear In all the newly elected offi
cers. A recess of ten minutes wart taken for
this purpose. On the return of these officers
Hull and Harlan moved to adjourn. No time
was mentioned In his motion. This led to n
debate , although the speaker continually
Insisted that the question was not debatable.
Finally It wan agreed to take a recoro until
4 p. in. , and It was done.
The house got together at 1:15 : p. m. , and
the following were elected clerks : Charles
O. Wallace. Dawson county , enrolling clerk :
John Ij. Cleaver. Richardson county , en
grossing clerk. The house was now de
clared duly organized. A resolution was sent
to the clerk by Clark. Lancaster , asking that
the American Hag he kept flying fiom the
state house , and the resolution was adopted.
Sheldon fccnt up a motion , which was read
by the clerk , that n commit tee of three be
nppplntcd to notify the senate that the house
was now organized and ready for business.
The motion prevailed , and the speaker named
the following : Sheldon of Dawcs , Rleu of
Douglas and Clark of Lancaster.
Uurkott tent up a motion that the commit
tee on supplier ho named by the speaker.
This was side-tracked by a motion that
the house must proceed to canvass the vote ,
and that until this was done no other busi
ness could be done.
Sheldon , however , Insisted that the Twen
ty-fourth session had transacted other busl-
ncsc previous to canvassing the vote , Jen
kins said that If the republican party had
violated any law It Wan not necessary for the
present house to do DO.
Sheldon said that ho was glad to olworvc
that his republican friend , Jenklnn. had
already commenced to apologize for the ac
tions of the Twenty-fourth legislature. Jen
kins declared that while he disliked to en
ter Into personalities so early In the session ,
he desired to say that while ho was a mem
ber of the legislature he would never apolo
gize for a wrong committed by any person
or party.
The house then adjourned until 10 a. m.
HtMivy S 'nU'iif 1'iiNMiMl on a Colored
Hint Fall * City.
FALLS CITY , Jan. C. ( Spcclal.-Court )
convened Monday morning after n recess of
two weeks , with Judge Stull on the bench.
Moat of the day was taken up by the trial
of Charlie Ilrown , the colored boy accused
of breaking Into and robbing Soudcrs Ilros. '
Btore. The Jury soon found him guilty and
lie was sentenced to live years In the peni
tentiary. His brother , John , was brought
Into court Tuesday morning , charged with
the same crime. He pleaded guilty and got
three years. A young fellow named Sperry
pleaded guilty to xteallng a cow and re
ceived a svntcnco of two years.
( lullirrluif Strong 'IVNtlnioiiy.
DEATHICK. Neb. , Jan. C. ( Special. )
Messrs. Dobbs , Kretslnger and Murphy , thu
committee appointed by Judge Stull to take
testimony lithe disbarment proceedings
against Attdrney J. A. Smith and others who
bavo been connected with the George n.
King Urldgo company appeal cases , are pro
ceeding miletly with their work , and are
getting tpgtthor hufllclcnt evidence to make
a pretty case. The testimony of Jack
Sparks , representative of the Youngstown
llrldgo company , was taken yesterday , nnd
In understood to bring J. B. liettn Into tbo
matter , that gentleman having heretofore
icnlcd any connection therewith/
Retiring. . . .
lukc Ayer'a Pills , and you will
Bleep better and wake in better
condition for the day's work.
Aycr's Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect
ual remedy for constipation ,
biliousness , sick headache , and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated , and so perfectly
prepared , that they cure without -
out the annoyances experienced
iu the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer's Cathartic
"Pills. When other pills won't
Lfilp you , Ayer's Is
Form a Stnto Longuo to Carry on Their
Campaign ,
Colil , .Silver , ( JmriilinHiM or Any Sort
of IMNIU * liy tin1 ( tovi-riinu-lit
( lint IN Mndi * I.CKII ! Ten
der Will On.
LINCOLN , Jan. C. ( Special. ) The free sil
ver meeting at the Lansing theater was
called to order this morning at 11 o'clock by
John Jeffcoat of Omaha. The auditorium was
packed , nnd when the house of representa
tives adjourned shortly after many of the
members failed to secure seats , and some
even standing room , In tha theater. Joffcoat
Introduced Congressman Greene , of the Sixth
district as the acting chairman of the meet
ing nnd In a brief address stated the object
of the gathering. Owing to the fact that
W. J. Ilryan was obliged lo leave on the 2:15 :
p. m. train for the cast , the hour of the
mooting had been changed. Greene referred
to the recent campaign as a drawn battle.
Ho did not regard It as n political Hull Hun.
In 1000 hs said the sliver side of the cam
paign would bo under the management of
moro experienced heads than the last one.
Ho did not sco how dufcat could bo possible.
W. J. Drynn was then presented as "Amer
ica's most brilliant citizen. " Ilryan said
that It wat better to have run and lost than
never to have run at all.
At 12 o'clock the preliminary meeting
broke up and reconvened at 2. A. perma
nent state league was perfected. The tem
porary organization was ns follows : Chair
man. G. N. Hcrge , Lincoln : secrutnry , H.
C. Richmond , Red Cloud : assistant secre
tary , Peter O'Drlen , Huffalo. The nomi
nating committee on permanent officers Avns :
Gcorgo E. Htglow. J. J. Dunn , G. A. Luke-
hart , Judge Miller , Judge Ucal and 11. A.
At 3:30 : the permanent organization was
effected by the election of Cunningham R.
Scott of Omaha ns president and Jamtrf
Stockl'tun of Custcr county as s-cretary.
The Ilryan people In Lincoln are very much
exercised Juat now over a suppressed letter
that was Intended to have been read at the
recent banquet tendered Hryan1 by the Free
Silver Traveling Men's club. The letter wan
written by Hon. David Ovcrmyer of Topeka.
Kan. , and , It la claimed , that It was n
most brilliant production , calculated
to redound to the credit of
Ovcrmyer. J. II. Alwood of Lsavcnworth
Is the man accused of having suppressed
the letter , in order that he , himself , might
shine at the banquet as a luminary only
equaled by Ilryan. It Is given out that Atwood -
wood and Overmyer do not apeak to each
other , and as Ovcrmyer Is a candidate fern
n United States sonatorshlp , Atwood did
not deem It good policy to have the letter
rend nt the banquet.
The reading of the letter couched In Im
pressive language might have awakened an
enthusiasm among the traveling men and In
duced them to request Dryan's Influence In
favor of Overmyer. Hence the disgust or
Lincoln Hryanltw. Overmyer spoke here
during the campaign and became qulto
popular. *
The free silver people convened again
this evening In the Lansing theater and
adopted what la termed a declaration of
principles. There was a majority and a
minority report , the latter favoring green
backs , and over this the delegates argued for
nearly two hours. It was finally decided
to make the minority report a portion of the
whole platform. In substance the resolu
tions declare for the formation of the "Ne
braska Bimetallic Union , " under direction
of four commlttccmen. They declare for the
frco coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to
1 without the- consent of any other nation
on earth , nnd declare that the money question
Is the paramount Issue of the day and
likely to remain BO until 1900. The minority
report added ns follows : "And wo demand
that nil money , whether gold , silver or pa
per , shall bo coined by the government nnd
shall bo full legal tender for all debts , pub
lic and private. " There was developed EOIIIO
opposition to this , but It was adopted by a
largo majority.
Judge Gregory of Omaha , free silver re
publican ; A. C. Shollenbarger of Harlan
county , democrat ; F. H. Edinlsten of Dawson -
son county , popullfit ; nnd George K. Illgelow
of Lincoln were elected the four committeemen -
men named In the resolution.
Miss Mary Falrbrother of Omaha was
added to the committee as an honorary mem
ber. The convention then ndjourued.
Slntu Hoard of lltMillh CliooMC-H Knelt
n Xeiv Secretary.
LINCOLN , Jan. 6. ( Special. ) The Board
of Health met today In the office of State
Superintendent Corbott. There wero-present
the governor , attorney general and the state
superintendent , who comprise the board.
The resignation of Secretary J. V. Bcghtol
wns nctcd upon nnd Dr. D. F. Crummer was
appointed to succeed him. Dr. W. C. JIc-
[ Icnry of Nelson was appointed to succeed
Dr. Gcorgo N. Nnson of Omaha as one of
the dental secretaries. The board adopted the
following resolutions :
Whereas , Dr. J. , V. 1'eghtol has proven
to be a faithful and competent secretary
of this board , nnd
Whereas. The appointment of another ns
his miecpx.ior Is due to geographical rea
sons and in no sense to any dissatisfaction
with the tervlecs of Dr , llejjhtol , therefore ,
be It
lU-solvod. That the board hereby testi
fies without solicitation and without ro-
scrvn to Its hlip'i esteem for Dr. Hoghtol as
a man nnd as a physician , and commends
him to thu conndence of the public every
where. .
Tlu'pemliltliiiiM Hi'ixililli'iiiiN.
I'lEUCB. Neb. , Jan. G. ( Special. ) Colonel
Charles Worker , one of the pioneers of
Plerco county. Is working with tireless zeal
for the appointment of Indian agent at the
Santco agency. Mr. Worker la a man of
Influence and Is recognized as one of the
leaders In the republican ranka In Pierce
county , and bring n veteran and valiant
personage of the rebellion , he feels that his
application Is entitled to favorable consid
eration. Mr. Worker , It Is stated , Is on the
Inside with Senator Thurston.
i'o far as Is known there are only two
applicants for the Pierce postodlce , Fred L.
Ilrnmil' , editor of the Call , and Charles
Gates , It Is not known which
of the two has thu better pull , and
no one cares who gets the office , lloth are
good men and cither will attend to the
dutle.1 In a satisfactory manner. Dr.
Harris has withdrawn from , the race.
ltN TIll'IMANIlll'lllltN. .
BEATRICE , Neb. . Jan. fi. ( Special. )
The selection of Mr. Sheridan of Indlnnola
as steward for the Institute for the Feeble
Minded bus mndo some very largo sort ) spots
In Oage- county , ns Iloatrlco had two as-
plranta and Wymoro one fpr the same place ,
and II wan confidently expected the plum
would fall to one of tbo three.
\ aiifinii' | - < > lH n lllKKor Ci-iii.
FULLBRTON. Neb. . Jan , C. ( Special. )
The farmers of this county have nearly nil
their corn husked and cither In cribs or lu
largo piles an the ground , Nancecounty's
earn crop wan Immense In 1SOU , hut with a
favorable season 1837 will discount It , ai
thu ground Is In much liner condition thau
It wua UUa time last year.
Young ; .Mini CommliM Suicide ,
CLAY CENTER , Jan. C. ( SVccIal.- )
George Popp , 23 yearn of age , i cabling ten
lulled cast of here , committed milcldo Sat
urday night by taking a largo dose of .it-vc'i
nine. Coroner JonUon was summoned and
held an Inquest , but no cause for the act
could bo ascertained.
Unity Dli'M from riiriiiuoiiln.
BEATRICE. Neb. , Jan. q. ( Special. ) The
5-moiitha-old baby of Mr. and Mrn.V. . I ) ,
Hill waa burloU today , Its death occurring
yesterday from pneumonia , Illness of other
mombcra of the family uecctitttatvd a. private
( uuerttl.
TO .HliTTI.H Tim S.UiAltV
Court .SfciiourniiliiT SIIPM fornVrlt
< > f MnmliiiMii" .
LINCOLN , Jnn. 6. ( Special. ) R. A. Clary
of Snllns county today filed with the clerk
of the supreme court a petition for n writ of
mandamus to Instio against Auditor of Public
Accounts Eugrno Mcoro. This action Is brssd
on a resolution recently passed at n meeting
of court stenographers held at Orand Island.
It was decided to combine and press the
matter In tha courts ns to whether or not
the auditor could cut the salaries of court
Monographer ) from $1,500 to $1,000 per year.
Mr. Clary won selected to bring the suit.
Ho bases his claim on the fact that Auditor
Moore now retains $230 In money which Clary
declares In his petition ho Is entitled to.
This case will settle the question as to the
salaries of court stenographers.
MiirflnrHI AN ! < N Kltxurriild < o 1'rcsi-nt
IllH Side of tinCiiwf. . '
AUnUUN , Neb. , Jan. C. ( Special. ) Tbo
thirty days given by the metropolitan curia
of Duhuque to Ulshop llonacum to comply
with the judgment of that .court , as well
as the three days grace allowed , baa more
than elapsed and still nothing has been done
on the part of the bishop toward compliance.
The priests sent hero and at Tecumsch by
the bishop have not been removed , and rival
services nrc still held every Sundny In both
A letter hns been * received hero from Mgr.
Martlnclll , saying that" the bishop bad ap
pealed the cRse , nnd rennestlng Father Fitz
gerald to forward his reasons why the Judg
ment of tbo court nhould be sustained , and
hero the matter rests.
( JH.vxTian WHIT OK n A it MAS conrrs.
William MoVoy of Oimilin Si-i-ks to Itc-
Knlii IllH I.lln-rly.
LINCOLN , Jnn. C. ( Special. ) An appli
cation for a writ of habeas corpus was filed
with the clerk of the supreme court todny
by William McVoy. Ho complains thnt bo
Is now unlawfully deprived of bis liberty
by John McDonald , the sheriff of * Douglas
county. McVey was charged with the erimo
of burglary and convicted on December 5
last. He was sentenced to two years nnd
six months. A writ was. Issued , returnable
on the 19th lust.
n. A. llniiM IN Hurled.
FREMONT , Neb. , Jan. C. ( Special. ) The
funeral of G. A. Buns , who committed sul-
cldo hero Sunday night by taking strychnine ,
was held from the Presbyterian church thlo
afternoon. Rev. N. Chestnut , pastor of the
church , conducted the services. The re-
mnlnu were Interred In Ridge cemetery , and
the services at the grave wcro under the
direction of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen , according to the ritual of the
The weather bos moderated considerably
hero todny , lhe sleighing on some of the
streets Is good , nnd many cutti'ra were out
this afternoon. In the country the miow baa
mostly been blown off tha roads.
The Fremont school board Is strongly In
favor of the proposed legislation to Increase
the general levy for school purposes. The
present tax , together with the amounts de
rived from saloon licenses and flniM does not
raise enough money In Its opinion to prop
erly support the schools In this district. The
members say that .many . other school boards
throughout the state arc In the same condi
Slicrnmit Comity I'air AxMoelnfloii.
LOUP CITY , Neb. , Jan. G. ( Special. )
At the annual meeting of the Agricultural
Fair association , bold tcday. the following
officers were elected for the ensuing year :
C. L. Drake , president ; J. M. Snyder , ( Trot
vice president ; T. L. Pllger , second vice prea-
Idcnt ; W. R. Mcllor. secretary , and J. Phil
Jargcr. treasurer. The dates of the Sher
man county fair wcro set on September
15 , 1(5 ( nnd 17. The fair ntaoclatlon beautified
Its grounds considerably last year by the.
addition , of a Inrgo nrtlftclal lake , which
was filled with water from the Irrigation
ditch of Ui'e .Sherman" County AValpriiO'vcr
anil Improvement company.
Iloili YlelliiiN Ilccovorliijc ,
HOLDREGE , Neb. , Jan. 6. ( Special. )
Mrs. Conard , who was shot last week by
her husband , Is Improving , and will soon
bo around again , but will not bo able to
take up her work In school for some time ,
ns her finger that was shot off la very pain
ful. Conard still languishes In jail , and
seems to bo Improving also ; n part of the
bullet Ls still lu his brain. He eats well
and sleeps well , nnd talks rationally. Ho
will have his preliminary hearing as soon
as ho gets well enough to attend the trial.
On Complaint of IllH lnnnlir. .
HOLDREGE , Neb. , Jan. 6. ( Special. )
Perry Coultoni hod a preliminary examina
tion before Pollco Magistrate I. E. Austin
this afternoon , charged with Incest. Ills
lil-ycar-old daughter swore out the com
plaint ngalnst him some time ago , but Cotil
lon got wind of It nnd left the town. He
was located by the sheriff In South Omaha
nnd brought back here for trial. He waived
examination and wns bound over to the dis
trict court.
\oli-il Slullioii Oli-N While Traveling.
KULLERTON , Neb. . Jnn. 0. ( Special. )
The great trotting stallion "Shndclnnd On
ward , " the property of E. D. Gould and
Thomas F. Miller of this city , was taken
sick while en route from Indiana to thla
place and waa taken from the car at some
point In Iowa , whcro he died on Sunday
last. "Shndcland Onward" was one of the
finest nnd beat stallions , ever brought to the
state and lib loss will be deeply regretted
by all lovers of good horses.
Kicked ( o Ilialli liy a llorni' .
WAVERLEY , Neb. , Jan. C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Thomas Ccoley , a highly respected
young man , 19 years of age , and the only
sou of R. S. Ccroley , was kicked In the breast
by a horse nnd killed Instantly. It oc
curred at tliclr homo adjoining town about
C o'clock this evening. The shock to the
parents Is extremely great , It being the
death of the second grown son nnd one
daughter within the past fifteen months.
On Hie and Shecimicit Have Trouble.
KIMI1ALL , Neb. , Jnn. C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Thomas Wilkinson , a prominent
shoopralscr , wns arrested this afternoon for
cutting a uiclghbor's wire fence nnd letting
his sheep Into the enclosure. It Is said that
a shotgun figured In the deal , There are
hard feelings hero between the cattlemen
and some of the sheepmen , as they bptb
claim the range.
Valley County' * .tlortKUKc Hi'enril.
ORD , Neb. , Jnn. C. ( Special , ) Volley
county'a mortgage record for tbo year 1S90
Is as follows : Ninety-foven fnrm mortgages
fllcd , amounting to $70,348,00 ; satisfied' 1S7 ,
MG9.r > ' . ' 3.43 ; thirty-two town mortgages filed ,
? 9,5S2'J4 ; forty-six satisfied. $18,708.55 : 1.098
chattel mortgages flled , $217,423,01 ; 559 sat
isfied , $117,047.75.
> eliraMKaewn .YoleN.
Chauncoy Valentine fell on th6 court house
steps at falls City and broke lila leg.
William Neville of PlattsmoUih Is organ
izing n party of young men to go to Cuba to
fight the Spanish.
Gcorgo Popps of Clay Center committed
suicide by tnklng strychnine. No cause U
known for the deed.
A German resident of Hastings recently
brought In to have rebound a blblo which
was printed In 1710 ,
Dr. N. McCabc has been appointed surgeon
for the Union Pacific at North Platte , In
place of Dr , Dick , deceased.
Citizens of Taylor and Almcrla , Loup
county , recently had a wolf hunt , but only
succeeded la rapturjni ; two rabbjts.
The drug stock and building of John Koe-
nlcitcln of Norfolk was damaged by ( Ire to
Uio extent of ; tiCOO Tuesday night. Insurance
Perry Gallon of Atlanta , Phelps county ,
bail been bound over on thu charge of crim
inal artnult preferred by his 15-year-old
The Broken How city government has
offered a local attorney (100 If ho will go Into
court and nccuru the cancellation of tup contract , -
tract between the city and Broken Dow
Water Worka company ,
A couple of farmers' boys boarded a Union
Pacific freight train Sunday , tetwoun Lax-
liiKton and Cozad , and proceeded to throw
overboard a winter's uupply of coal. They
succeeded In accomplishing , till * bfforc-
Extracts fromiljan Inaugural Address at
St. Paul ,
( lovcrnor < Cli UKli Ailvlmvt u ClintiKi > In
AxNi-MiniirlitthMoUiodN Itntlier Than
mi Inrrrnni' In tinI.CKII ! l.i-vy
1'li-a for ( Soud Itoiul * .
ST. PAUL. Jan. C. Governor David M.
Clough wns Inaugurated for his second term
of olllco shortly before noon today. The two
houses met In Joint session at 11 o'clock and
a committee of senators nnd rcprcsentatlvca
waited upon the governor to escort him to
the hall of the house , whcro the members
ol both branches nnd n largo number of
spectators wcro nwaltlng him. He wns nlso
nccompnnlcd by Alexander Ramsey , terri
torial and war governor of Minnesota , ex-
United Stales senator and cx-tvcretnry of
war , by ex-Governor L. F. Ilubbard and a
few of the state olllccrs. Chief Justice C. M.
Start otllclated In the simple but solemn
swearing In of. tbo chief executive for his
new term of olllco. Governor Clough then
road bis biennial message to the legislature.
Governor D. Mi dough's message
was read before the two houses of
the legislature at 11 o'clock In Joint
session. It was very voluminous and goca
Into detail of all the workings of the various
departments of the state. The financial re
ports show credits to the various funds ag
gregating $850(111. After calling attention
to thu recent reduction of the nsscsscd valu
ation of the state as It affects the tax levy
ho suggests the need of a thorough revision
of the general tax jaw nnd recommend' ? the
creation of n tax commission or the op-
potntmonL of a Joint committee of the two
houses for the same purpose , such commis
sion or committee to present Its findings to
the next legislature. Ho recommends the
suggestions of the public examiner looking
toward the greater safety of all funds , public
and private , on deposit In the various bankf ,
for the greater care In the handling of public
money. A number of recommendations for
the moro careful regulation of loan find
trust companies are made. The work of the
grain nnd warehouse commission In the In
spection nnd handling of grain comes In for
approving words and In regard to schools ho
recommends that the free text book laws , DS
applied to districts , bo made compulsory.
Ho recommends the adoption of some fystom
of mtnblUhmcnt of county roads , with lim
ited state aid , and urges the need of better
roads nnd better .methods of roadmaklug.
He briefly reviews the work of the various
state Institutions , notes the work on the new
capltol and recommends that the commla-
aloncrs be given power to hasten It while
the cost of work la lo.w , but keeping them
within the original cost price. Ho suggests
chnngeis In minor portions of the factory in
spection law. In the manner of taxation any
needed addition' In Income Is augijcsted ns
more properly obtatnablu from new methods
of taxation rather than by Increasing the
levy. ' '
South DnUo'lu
PIERRE , S. IX. Jan. G. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The 'house organized today with
Representative' , Cflvln as speaker ; J. H.
Lien , chief clerk ; D. B. Connors , first assist
ant ; C. A. Crane , second aEslstant ; Jacob
Schettcr , sergcant-at-arms ; P. Griffith assist
ant ; J. J. Joaes , enrolling nnd engrossing
clerk ; P. O. Johnson , bill clerk ; D. G. Mc-
Laughlln , messenger ; R. E. Talent , watchman - )
man ; ClarkonLomtan , cliaolaln.
On this Ilfit , the eergeant-at-nrms , post
master. watqlmvtu and second , ineslstnnt
clerk nra deuiocrVu. , This' Is th.e result
of a compromise between the populists nnd
democrats , lu which the democrats were to
withdraw their candidate fop speaker and
make no nomination. Besides these ap
pointees , they get chairmanships of appro
priations and ways and means committees.
The chairmen of f > ome of the principal houfe
committees may bo selected tonight , but
the committees will not he selected until
tomorrow , and the committees will not be
announced In either bouse until Friday.
The senate held a short session todny ,
only drawing scats and adjourning till to
morrow , when the governor's message will
probably bp read. Most of the names bavo
been selected In the senate , but there may
bo changes whpn the absentees arrive to
morrow. There Is some friction among
the lenders In regard to the chairmanship
of sonic of the committees and there may
bo changes. The chairmen of the principal
committees nro understood to be : Judi
ciary , Kcllar ; npproprlntlons , Hlnckley ; In-
aurance , Goodwin ; state affairs , Klndschy ;
elections , Uouck.
Mlxxoiirl Ii' lr Iii1iiri' Coiivcnrn.
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Jan. C. The Mis
souri legislature convened at noon today nnd
nfter temporary organization adjourned until
tomorrow. George T. Collins of Scotland
county was elected temporary speaker of the
house and T. J. Llnglo of Sedalla temporary
clerk , The democrats have n safe majority
In each house and will elect all their otflccrs
and a United States senator to succeed
George G. Vest. Caucuses will bo hold to
night to nominate ofllcera. Governor Stone
will send in a lengthy meesagc on state
affairs tomoirow. Senator Vest will have no
opposition In his own party.
LANSING , Mich. , Jan. C. Both houses
entered upon the thirty-ninth biennial ses
sion of the Michigan legislature at noon
today. Governor PIngrec had arrived from
Detroit an hour previously , but he did not
appear In the senate or house. Largo crowds
were present In both chambers. The pro
ceedings wcro of the usual opening routine
character. The addresses of the retiring
governor , Rich , and of Governor Plngrcp will
ho read before a joint session tomorrow aft
Colorado lavrlilatiirr COIIVOIICM.
DENVER. Jan. C. The eleventh biennial
session of the Colorado legislature convened
at noon today. The populists and sllvcrltcs
captured the organization In both tha sen
ate and tha liouso , with the aid of the few
McKlnloy republican members. Edwin L.
Hurlbut was pjc ted speaker of the house
nnd Francis Cnrnqy. populist , was elected
president pro tern , of tbo scnnto. Governor-
elect Adams WIll"'bi > Inaugurated Tuesday ,
January 12. a'l ' an _
C" , " \ M
NtMV IIiiinpKliIri * IjiMvinalter * .
CONCORD , 'ft ' ! IT. . Jan. C. The 101st BCJ-
slon of the Now -Hampshire legislature was
opened today. _ JaMw F. Brlggs of Manches
ter was electe'u HrWher of the house and
Chester B. Jortlaihof Lanccster was climcn
prtflldent of Iho e onate. Tbo legislature Is
ovenvlu'ltnliiKl , ! republican. In the senate
there nro twcjuy-tjWo republicans and two
democrats , whlq ) JCu the ) house there are 91
republicans oud , , [ xty democrats.
Jan. C. The opening
of the fortlcthfUt&3on | of the Illinois general
assembly occuW-il1 today. E. C. Curtis , re
publican , was "el'ccfed speaker of the house
and II. V. Flnher , republican , wua elected
president pro tern of the senate. Govurnor
AltgcM'a biennial inesmgo was presented
and both houses adjourned. It U under
stood that the balloting for the aenatorshlp
will not begin before January 14.
Co ii ii IT Unit
HARTKORD , Conn. , Jon. C. The general
assembly of Connecticut met and organized
today. The house ba.i a membership of 218
republicans and twpntyfour democrats. All
of the twenty-ulna , fccatow are republican. ! ,
J. L. Harbour of Hartford was elected upoaker
of the IIOUBO.
to Moncliirj- iifi > rciut > .
KANSAS CITY , Jan. C. The Commercial
club has appointed the following named
prominent buslneua men to represent It at
the national monotdry conference at Indlan-
noolla on January 12 ; M. V. Wataou. proal-
deal pf the club ; 0. F. J'utnam. C. J , | lub-
bard , KAcUard Jl , KulIU ana J. U , Jamctj ,
lonu .Hnintnr nnd
Hold n
, President-elect Mc
Klnloy arrived here nt 10 n. m. from Cleve
land. When the 102C tralri arrived from
PlttsburK Senator Allison and General Felix
Agnus , proprietor of tjio Baltimore Ameri
can , were greeted by Private Secretary
Boyle , who had come to meet them. General
Agnus bad chanced to meet Allison In
Ptttsburg , although ho knew Allison wna
to bo In Canton todny. General Agnus was
much pleased by the courtesy shown by
the president-elect. After stopping nt n
hotel n abort time. General Agnus went to
the McKlnley residence , where be , by np-
polntmont , had a conference with the pres
ident-elect nnd Senntor Allison , although
the latter had preceded him to the home
of the Incoming president. General Agnus
lunched with Major McKlnley nnd spent the
nftcrnoon there Senator Allison leaving on
the 2:05 : train from the cast to nssumo his
senatorial duties.
An Associated press representative was
cordially received by General Agnus , who
snld thnt bis coming to Canton wcs on
Invitation nnd thnt he could In nowise talk
of what might occur , until he had seen the
prcdldent-clcct nnd talked to him , Later a
statement wns made to the Associated
Press by n friend of the general on authority
that ho ( Agnus ) was here 111 behalf , of no
one. A conference with him was desired ,
It Is believed , In respect to the clalma of
the south for n cabinet portfolio. General
Agnus Is not and will not be nn aspirant
for a place In McKlnley'a cabinet nnd hns
determined to dcvoto all hla energies to the
management of hla paper. Ho Is not Inter
ested In the naming of any particular man
from the south to n cabinet portfolio , but
would like to see a young man rhosen. Ho
Is aho desirous of keeping Maryland In the
republican column nnd defeating Senator
Gorman for re-election to the senate nnd put
In hla plnco n republican. To that end In
his conference today , when asked ns to
the Maryland situation , ho laid before the
prealdent-olect the matter as outlined nnd
expressed himself freely.
, Senator Allison rcmnlned at the McKlnley
homo till trnln time this nfternoon. He
left In n most happy frnme of mind. sayIng -
Ing ns bo shook hands with the president
elect : "Good-bye , good-bye , nnd God bleos
you Is my prnycr nnd yours too.'I presume. "
DES MOINES. In. , Jan. 0. ( Special Tele
gram. ) National Cominltlccman A. B. Cum
mins returned today from Cleveland , where
he spent Monday In consultation with
Major .McKlnley and Chairman llanna. Ho
says that Allison's refusal to go Into the
enblnet will probably not keep Iowa from
representation. Tbo president-elect dcslrw
to reward the northwestern states , nnd Mr.
Cummins says Indiana , Illinois , Michigan.
Wisconsin , Iowa nnd Minnesota will get
three cabinet positions. Mr. Cummins de
clined to flay whether his own name bad
been considered for a cabinet place , but there
1,3 a rumor that he is likely to have one
PITTSBURG. Jan. C. Senator William B.
Allison will not bo a member of President
McKlnley's cabinet. The senator tonight so
announced while passing through here on his
way to Washington. The senator snld ho
would be glad to accept a portfolio If of
fered htm , but ho know It would not bo of
fered. A long conference was held between
President-elect MeKlnley nnd Senator Al
lison at Canton today , but the nature of
the conversation could not be learned.
CLEVELAND. Jan , C. President-elect Mc
Klnley returned to Cleveland tonight , being
accompanied by General Felix Angus , editor
of the/ Baltimore American. The conference
nt Canton today , between Mr. McKlnley
nnd Senator Allison , has caused considerable
speculation. It Is not doubted thnt Mr. Mc
Klnley Invited Mr. Allison to Canton to offer
him the secretaryship of state. There U no
doubt whether the otter was made , but
whether It wns accepted or not , no ono but
tbo parties to the conference and one or two
other persons know.
The rumor to the effect that Cornelius N.
Bliss had been offered and accepted the
portfolio of the navy gained strength today
when the Associated pieso dUpatcb was re
ceived from Now York , In which Mr. Bli
refused to deny or confirm tbo report.
NEW YORK , Jan. C. Cornelius N. Bliss
Is homo from his western trip , a feature
of which was a meeting by appointment
with President-elect McKlnley at Cleveland.
Mr. Bliss was asked If It were true that bo
had been tendered nnd had accepted the
navy portfolio , but replied : "Further than
to tell you that wo talked of various matte in
and that wo had n very pleasant time to
gether I cnn say nothing concerning our
conversation. "
WASHINGTON. Jan. C. Oonslp connecting
Senator Sherman's name with the secretary
ship of state under '
McKlnley's new cab
inet was revived today when It was stated
that , upon Invitation. Senator Sherman would
visit Major McKlnley at his homo within
the next few days. It Is generally believed
hero that upon this occasion Senator Sher
man will bo formally tendered the State
portfolio , and that ho will accept.
InilliiiinpoIlN Moiu'lnry Convention.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Jan. G. It has been
definitely settled that the monetary conven
tion , which begins January 12 , will bo hold
In Tomllnson hall. Yesterday and today the
executive committee received n number of
requests from delegates nuking that hotel
quarters bo reserved for thorn. Local mem
bers of the executive committee are of the
opinion that the convention will be able
to conclude Its labors In two days or three
at the outside. The general feeling at pres
ent Is thnt the work will resolve Itself Into
the appointment of a uonpartlsnn high tUss
commission of business men representing as
nearly as practicable the various sections
of the country.
Trnillntr on CoiiinilKcc Appointment * .
SPRINGFIELD. 111. , Jan. C. A vital point
In the fight for the United States senator-
ship 10 the distribution of committee assign
ments. Speaker Curtia waa asked today If
bo Intended to make up the list before tbo
election of a United States senator. Ho re
plied that as > et ho had given the matter
but little thought. "I have not decided what
I will do In this matter , " ho added , "and as
yet I am unprepared to say Just how I will
net. "
i > vn AM in PH. ! * cum : CUHKS I II KS
I I3U.1I.\M4. > TMIIV CUItl.VG
Tin : CAUSH.
Iti-iniirlcnlilf Hfiuody Wlilrli IN HrlhR-
IHK Comfort lo TliuiiMiinilN if Suf
ferer * .
Probably half the people who see this
article suffer from plies. It la ono of the
commonest diseases and one. of the most
obstinate. People have It for years , and
Jiwt because It is not Immediately fatal
they neglect It. Carelessness causes no
end of suffering. Carelessness about BO
simple a thing as piles has often caused
death. Hemorrhages occur from no up-
parcnt causa and losa of blood causes death.
Hemorrhages occur during surgical treat
ment , often causing death.
Piles "nro simple In the beginning and
easily cured. They can bo cured oven In
the worst stages , without pain or Jos * of
blood ; nulckly , surely and completely. There
la only ono remedy that will do It I'yramid
I'llo Cure.
U allays the Inflammation Immediately ,
heals ( ho Irritated surface and with con
tinued treatment rod new the swelling und
puts the membranes Into good , sound , healthy
condition. The euro Is thorough nnd per
I lore are some voluntary anil unsolicited
testimonials wu have lately received :
Mid , M. C , Hlnkly , C01 MlMlBslppI t , , Iiir
dlannpolU , Ind. , Buys ; . Have been a hufforer
from the pain and annoyance of 1'llea for
flftoim years ; the 1'yramld I'llo Cure and
Pyramid Pills gnvo mo Immodlato relief and
In a short t'lmo ' a complete euro.
Major Deau of Columbus , Ohio , nays : I
wish to add to the number of certificates ns
to thu benefits derived from Iho Pyramid
Pllo Cure , I BUffeied from Piles for forty
years and from Itching iillca for twenty
yearn , and two boxc * of thu Pyramid Pile
Guru have effectually cured mo.
Most druggists ecll Pyramid Pllo Cure or
will get It for you If you wish them lo. It
IA pno dollar per package and -Is put up only
If the ' Pyramid Urus Co. , Albion , Mich.
Challenge to the Citizens of Onmhn Which Has <
Appeared in the Dailies in This City for
the Past Two Days Creates
The Public Seems Thoroughly Aroused. - *
A General Eagerness to Know What the Outcome of the AfTaUr
Will Bo is Plainly Noticeable Amongst ,
Many of Our Readers.
As a result of the announcement made
by the Oimhn newspapers the Inst few
diiye , that a free package of Dr. Ilobbs'
Sparagus Kidney Pills would be- given nwny
to any of our readers who would call at
Kuhn & Co.'s drug store , N. W. corner Kith
and Douglas streets , todny , nn Intense In- i
tercst has been awakened In this distribu
A largo number of people called yester
day to make Inquiries about the free sam
ples of this wonderful medicine to bo given
nwny 'oday , which shows what general In- |
forest Is taken by the public In tbo test j
now being given by Dr. Ilobbs of bis dis
covery for thu cure of all kidney nllmonts.
Much to our gratification , a number of
Iady'callcr3 have shown an unusual Intcr-
cnt In this great distribution.
"Can It bo possible , " said a man who
called yesterday , "that the advancement
In the science of medlclno has at last
reached a climax for poor sufferers llko
myself ?
"I nm going to say ono thing nt any
rate. The owners of this medicine cer
tainly have faith In It , and they are going
about It In an honest , straightforward man
ner. Just Ibis thing alone gives mo con
fidence nnd strong hope thnt I shall again
be a well nun. "
Another caller yesterday a lady said :
"I llv several miles awny from Omaha ,
but I am going to get n sample of this now
kidney medicine for my husband. He
hns been a sufferer from kidney disease
for many years.
"We have spent thousands of dollars
y Tills crcntVesPtulilo
Vltullfc'rtlioj ri-setli. |
tlonot n ( aniouiFrench physician , will quickly euro \DII < > f ull ner
vous or dlscuM-s of tin' ( , 'unurumo oriMiu , sucli in Jjiet Mntihi.oiJ ,
IrromnUi , I'alnsln the Jl.ictivmlimt ! imlb3l < uiiNervous Di'Mllty ,
I'impica , UnUlncsi ti > Marry , KxliuiiMliii ; Jrnliiw , Viirlcorclo nml
Constipation. 11 stnpi iill lo'bon hy ilny or nlsht. I'n-vi-iits iiili | k-
IKESoldlwliaree , which If iiolcliPrKmliPails toHporniiitiirrliii'iiaiHt
iilltholiorrortiitlmiioti'iicy. 'lH'J iiNiclcunAi.sthuli\er : : , thu
BEFORE AMD AFTER klilncysnwl tlin urinary orcniiaiil all Impurities.
1. * "TDtt'1SR CO.P.O. IJox 1070gunFranchco.Cnl. rEalel j
Myers-Dillon Drue Co. , S.E. Cor. ICth nnd Fnrnuin , Omaha , Neb.
\3IUS12M IS.VJ'.S.
. . . .
The HuccpHiful American play ,
Only mntlneo Saturday. Seats now on
sale. Price * . Kc. HOo. 75c. Jl.OO und $1.50.
Jan. 11-12 KroUcrlck Wanle.
I'ltOF. .IIIII.V lliV.NOIl.S
rii-tcnllng till
Mesmeric Mysteries.
i u'tuTiri : : AND t > ciivi : : COMUINUP.
KfiiU Ka ami Xi ? .
1. . H , CHAWKOIlli , AlnniiBer.
rovnzirr AT nun ,
\Vllliiril-.M\VI'M. Wllllnni.
, . - "Till' OI'UUATOH"
| | ( | > .
i : cry ixsrformnnca l. nutlful moving jilcturcii | jy
c i M : .11 ATO it A r u i : .
"Ilariiiiln ilny" null" " r'uturJuy , all kC.Us Uc.
Jun. 10. "AUIutnn , "
110 loauiK , balliB. ntvum licut nnd ll modern
ronvrnlrnifi. Itato , Jl.JO nn < l Jl.OO | .cr ilny.
TaliU unuX'H'lU'J. Ki > ernl | low rulr * | o rt-Kulnr
tturder * . PIIA.NK UILD1TCU , Mtfr ,
with the be&t doctors wo could hoar of ,
north nnd south , but nt the best ho bn3
received only temporary relief.
"Or. Hobbs' announcement that ho has
mndo n discovery which will euro and build
up tbo kidneys , and his offer to prove It
byi the giving away of n free package , Is
quite n novelty to mo , as heretofore It has
been 'pay' whether the medicine did any
good or not.
"Wo are going to give this remedy a
good , fair trial , and I hope that others , suf
fering nH my husband Is , will hear of It
and accept the kind nnd generous offer which
Dr. Hobbs makes. "
It Is expected that todny tbcro will bo n
great rush of applicants for a free package
of Dr. Ilobbs1 Sparngus Kidney Pills. Hut
no matter what the demand Is , Kuhn & Co.
nro well prepared to meet It.
All those living In Omaha or any town
outsldo who apply at our store today lu
person or write for a sample will bo wel
come , nnd not only a
of this wonderful medicine will bo given
or sent to each applicant , but also Dr.
Hobbs' little book , which In a concise way ,
treats on kidney trouble.
This great frco distribution ends tonight
at 8 o'clock , BO that all who wish to avail
themselves of Dr. Hobbs' generous offer
should call or write Immediately or they
will miss the opportunity.
N.V. . Cor. lath and Douglas Sis. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Nloi-l , hoIili-i'H Mo-llUK.
OMlco of lA-0-Clniko-Andrrcnun Hnrdwnn
Company. Omaha , Neb. , Dec. K , 1MW :
Notice l.s liumby given to tlio stockholdcri
of the l-co-Cliirku-Aiidrepxcn Hnrdwur
company that tlio annual meeting of tha
stockholder * of tne company will bo buld
at tbo olllee.s of tbo tmld company , NOH.
1219 , 1221 and 122. ! Harnoy street. In thu city
of Omaha , In thu state of NubrnsVtn. on
Tuesday. January 12 , A. 11. 1S87. nt 3 o'clock
p. in. , for tbo purpose of clouting a board
of directors for the company , lo Hervo dur
ing the ensuing year , and to transact Fueli
other business as may bo nrrsentcd at mien
meeting. ( Seal. ) II. J. USH. : President.
W. M. CLAPS. Secretary. Decl2J22t
NlllIlM- .
The Parlllc lixprotui Company , Olllre of tbo
President , Omaha , Neb. , December 2,1W3.
Notice In heieby givi-n that tlio annual
meeting of tin1 HtoukholderH of the com
pany for the election of illiodors and tlui
transaction of Kiiob other ImslnrsH ns may
properly como before1 It , will bo lieUl at tbo
olllco of tbo company. No. HOI Hartley
street , Omaha , Neb. , on Thursday , January
7. 1SU7 , at 2 o'clock p , in.
IJy order of tbo Hoard of Directors.
] ! . M. MOIIS.MAN. President.
Attest ; WIKUAM K UKIMIICI. . . H.'i-'y.
Dee .1.10-17-2l-31-Jiill 7.
Notlco IH beieby civun that tbo annual
meeting of tlio HloukholdmtJ of tbu Union
Land emnimny for thu election of live ill-
recloru anil Ibo transaction of mieli oilier
business UH may lawfully como bcforii the
ineotliiK will bu held nt thu olllco of tbu
general Hollcltnr , Union Parlllii building ,
[ Jrnalia Nibiuuku , upon Monday thu llth
day of January. 1&37 , at 10 o'clock n. in.
Al.KN'ANDIJH MlLUMl. Bccrutary.
Iloaton , Muss. , December 7 , 1S9B.
D22 d22t
MIorUlinliliTH' .Ml-HlllK.
The annual metitliiK of tlio stockholders
of The lieu Ilulldlng company will bo held
n the olllco of Tlur Omalm lire , Omaha ,
: 'td ) . . nt I o'clock p , m. , Tuesday , January
a , 1W7 , for the purposn of clectlnj ; a board
of director * ) for thu eiioultiK year and the
transaction of such other business ns nmy
iruparly como before tbo mcetlni ; . liy
order of tbo president. N. P. KHIL.
8cirotary. :
D2Sd21t in A o
.Vollci * of I rrl KII 11 n n llonil Huh ) .
The directors of the Mlddlo I oup Val-
ey Irilgatloti district Invltu scaled pro-
iiosals for iioo.uco ( In purl or uhulu ) of
Hindu of said district up to 2 p , m. of Jan
uary ID. 1KU7. Address ,
Bariiorit , Nrb.