THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WBUTSTESDAY , JANUARY 0 , 1807. _ 8PE01flL NOTICED Atlvi-rtlnciiirnlH tor ( | ICNI > columns nil ! tic Inkrii until ISt.'lO 1 > . m. , for tlic cM-nliiK unit iinlll H p. in. for tlio iiiornliiK nml SiiiiitnieiUlliniN. . Ailvcrtl irrn , by rrtiiipntluic n iiiint- lioroil olu'olf , can lini c niiH orn nil * ilri'NMiMl ( it u iiiiinlii-ri-il IcldT In cure of Tinlice. . AIIHVVITH NO mlilroHMi'iI nil ! ilrllM-riMl on iircM-nliitliin or tin * i-lii'cU only. Iluli'N , 1 1-Uo li t\iinl Itrxt liixrrtl < m | la n itoril ( lii > ruiiftir.ii : < lilnK tiiUen for II-NH Hi mi li.-.r for tlic llrnl IIIMIT- llon. TlicHc mil ( rllNciuciilN imiM lie run cniiNi't'titlt rly. WA.VI'IJI ) MAI.IJ HUM' . WANTED. AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK OP nemo simple thing to patent7 Protect jour Ideas , they may bring jcu wealth , write John WeddcrbiiTn & Co. . Ipit V. , Palint Attornc > i ! , Washington. 1) . C. . for their $1,100 prlro offer nnil a ll t of 200 Inventions wanted. 1J 633 TAILORS WANTED. CONTINENTAL. CLOTH. Ing Company. MliS _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED , TIIAVHMNO SALESMEN TOR Gl enn , old reliable house ; experience unneces- ear > ; extra Inducements to customers. 175 to 1150 per month mill expense * . Chns. C. Ulshcp & Co . St. Louis. U-M320 J14 $30 A WEEK BAJ.AUY AND EXPENSES PAID salesmen , expirlenco not necessary ; permanent position. T.ieV. . 1. . Kline Co , St. I/ouls. Mo H-S1732 P2- WANTED. A rimnVCLASa TEACHER TOR mandolin and guitar. Address r. Herman , Missouri Vrllcy. la. H-SKSCJi * WANTEDT YOU TO MAKE AND SELL 200 kinds of sonp T. Q. Sorter , Hiker Clty.Oro. _ II M79 * > > i AV'ANTnt ) , nXTKIUCNCnD rillST AND second girl for general housework ; girl with references prcfercd. llnnulre 510 S. 22nd St. C-iOI-7' WANTKD. TO DO GKNUUAI. HOUSH- vvork ; must .bo n good cook. Fix In family. Apply Southeast Cornir Kill nnd Center streets. C M8H 7 L.ADy AQHNTS WANTED. TO BKIA * MMH. ValoV rnmous Toilet I'rcparutlons. ngents innklnR J23 00 to I1CO 00 per week ; write for pnrllciihirs. Address Mme. SI. Yale. Chicago , III. C MS12 C' I.ADY AOUNTS WANTHD TO HHMj MMII Yale's famous toilet prep trillions Agents making \r to J100 per week. Willo for par ticulars. Addnss Mme. M. Yale , Chicago. Ill C M609 6 KOH IN Al.I. PARTS OK THU CITV. T1IH O. r. Davis Company , 1D03 Turnum D C30 110USUS ; UHNKWA & CO. , 10S N. 1ST1I ST. U-C37 JlODr.IlN HOUSKS ; C. A. STARK 23 N Y MP12 r D-C33 CHOICI : iiousns AND COTTAOIS AM. ovnn the city , Jo to J30. ridcllty , 1702 rarnnm st. D C39 HOUHIIS , UROWN I1L.OCIC. 1CTH nnJ Douglas D-610 PKOSI t3 UP ; LAitan LIST , sic- Cague Investment Co , 1500 Dodge street.D . D Jll A JinAUTIPUI * HOME IN \r.\YnTTB 1'I.Acn 8 rooms , nil moilern , eplcndlJ condition , never been lenlcd before ; now offered nt n low rental to llr t class tenant. Tldellty Trust Company , 1702 rarnnm st. D C12 IIOUHIIS PLATS. OARVIN UROS , 1CH PAKNAM D-CI3 FOR RUNT , 812 N. 3DTII ST , T-ROOM MODHRN house , t-0 per month. Inquire on premised. D-6H A NUMIinil OP CI3NTRAI.LY I.OCATji ) . 0- rootn cottnges , city water In lionse ; JS.OO and $1000. J. It. Kelkenney , ICarbaih block. D MJ31 J10 Foil "RENT1 HY' W II SIEIKLE , 1ST Hank lildg. 2133 Davenport , 7 rooms , modern ( IS. 231G N. 19th , 7 rooms , modern , J20. 3316 Spencer , 7 rooms , modern , $15. D-3SI iiousns POR HUNT. IIIIMIS , PAXTON HLK D-M3C4 roit ni Trun.Mhiiin HOOMS. PURNISlinD ROOMS , HOUSUKnnPINO 2C23 St Man's. i : M71C-G * 3 NICH PURNIHIinO ROOMS ; LIGHT HOUSn- keeping 111. ! S llth. 13 MC92 J6 PUHNISHED ROOMS , 1708 Douglas E 721-S HEAUTIPUL , LARGE PRONT .ROOM ; HAY v\lndow , modern , with or without Imird Cll North 19th. E-SI70I ) 11 IIOOAIS AM ) IIOAItl ) . THE S1ERRIAM 21TH AND DODGE I' M614 J9 DHLiailTPUL PlIRNISIIKD ROOMS , WITH I ward , terms reasonable The Albany , 2101 Douglas. P MCS4 JC IIANDSOJini.Y PURNlSIini ) ROOM AND board for two ; fctrlctly private family 1707 Dodge P MSOO C itn.NTsToias AMI FOR ItnNT , THU 4-bTORY HRICK UUILDINQ at 91G 1'nrnnm st T.ils building has n fireproof cement ba&ement , complete steam heating flx- tuies , v\atrr on all Hours , gas , etc. Apply at tha , otllce of a ho lice 1-910 coiiNiii RTOKI : or LVNOU HLOCK. PINIVT location In ilty for drug etoie. I 335 JH A i\TS WA.'NTHIJ. WANTKD. CAPAIILi : AND SUCCnSSPUL Dis trict , bptclnl nnd local agents to represent the Manhattan Life Inbiirnnce Company of Now Ymk In Nehrapkn Iowa nnd Nmlli Dakota , Kptclal tcriltor > will be given to each nient , vtlth the most liberal brokerage , or a long niul valuable ruiovnl Lontrnct and with such spe cial help lu the field as will Innire the Urgent inencnro of success Per further Information plenrn address J. W Dean & Sons , Otnerat Agents , lleo bldg. , Omuha , Neb , J M29G J12 bTOUAOi ; . OM , VAN S. STORAQU. HI5 PAR.VAM TIM * 1559 M-615 PACIPIC STORAQK AND WAKCIIOUSi : CO. . iWS-.UO Jones. Guicrul storage and fornanllng , M-C4C \T1JIITO IIUV. WANTID , SICOND-HAKO : OKPICR DISK. Room 1 , 1S1M3 Dodge. .N-M7SS - WANTii > , SKCONDHAND HA Pi : , QIV13 IN- fhh ) mcaisurintnts : make ; price for cash. Address Wheeler Hrothem , Neola , la N-S07-12 * \VANTGbT TO I1UY , OOOD SlicOND-IIAND piano , foi cash. Addiesit D 1C , lice. N-MS10 7 rou S.\I.I.MISCILLA.MIIS. ciu\i'iRr : : iiAitmvoou WOVIJN CORN CRIU- telni ; made. C. It. Lee , 001 Douglas. Q CIS $100-2ND HAND 'W POWLRII , $50 ; OTHKR vvheelb , $5 to iiO. Oimilm lllcjclo Co. , 3D N. 1G. Q-5H _ _ POR HALL' . IIRMINQTDN Ti'l'DWIirTKIl. flrkt ilass condition , at u bargain Address D 2 , lice. QJ8 cost. Diuinmond Carriage Co , Q-S03-P1 LAUNDRY. OOOD WORK AND GOOD \VAQRS U ( he motto of the city SU-am Loundn. 211 So , llth hi , Tel. 231 ll-119-JS MASHAfiH IIATUS , 15TC. I' . ' HMITII. 1121 DOUUI > .VB , ROOM 6 ; SIA8- sage und tcmn baths. T M7G7 v * ASlEsTvArOR TlATHS. MASSAOI CO ! 0. lllh et. , room 3. T SU13 PO * lU'PTURS CURED ; NO PAINT NO DETEN- lion from bunlncii ; we refer to hundreds of patlmtn cured O. E. Sillier Co , 717 N. Y. Lift building , Omaha , Nrb. U CI9 YES. YOU C.VN"GET SHIRTS LAUNDERED foi lo , tmt If you want mod woik , have them dona at tha Cll ) Steam Laundry , ill So. lllh. Tel 251. U-11S-JJ BATHS , PO3Ti \ s PHIIMONAL. ( Continued ) RttlTURE PERSIANENTLY CURED ; PAY whep cured ! no pdln , no tlctentlon from lm l- ne s. Fidelity Rupture Cur * , 301 P-ee tildfOm ( ha U 052 WANTED. MKN AND WOMEN TO ADVER- tl > iour gooils In every county In NcbrnsUn ; coed imy ; rend Blanip for particulars. E. S. Co. , 1019 Harney t. , Omnlm , Neb U-K1 J2 ? MHRY - WRITE TO HANDSOME I.V.DIE" ? or honorable men , many rich ; fend lOe nnd join corresponding club Ilex 1313 , Denver , Cole U M70 < ! 7 * sT s8 mn : lildg Ph > slclan , con-nlnllon or health book free. U-72C MOM3Y TO I.OA.\lti\L HbTATH. ANTHONY I/AN TRUST CO , 313 N. Y I * ; iiulck money nt low rates for choice farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska , W3 CITY LOANS C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. LI I'D W-C5I MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrcnnan , Love Co. , Paxton block. W Go5 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY proiorly. | W. 1 nrnam Smith . Co.,1320 Pnrnnni W 65G SIONHY "TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. U , S Mortgnge H Trust Company , New York Po ry ,1 Thomas , Agents , No 207 Plrst National Hank Hldg. W-C39 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O P Davis Co . 1503 Pnrnnm St. W CJ7 MOEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates , bulhllng loans wanted ridelll ) Trust Compnn > , 1702 Pnrnam St. W CiS C PER CBNT"sToNI3Y TO LOAN ON OMAHA property. Neb farms. W. 11 StelKle 1st Nntl Ilk W-CM MO.M V TO ItA.N C1IATTMJS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PtlRNlTURE , PIANOS horses , wngons. etc , nt lowest rates In city no removal of goods , strlctb confidential , sou can pay the loan oft nt nny time or In any amount. OMAHA SIORTOAOE LOAN CO . 300 So. ICth St. X C61 SIONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO , 90 DAYS. PUHNI- tnre. pianos , etc. Duff Green room S Darker hilt. X 602 1IIJMM3SS CIIAACI3S. POR SALE. AHOUT 2,000 L11S. SIINION TYPE 7uo Ibs. agate , 15' ' ) pair two-third cases , 40 double Iron stands for two-third cases , This material wns used on The Omnlm Uco , nnd Is In fairly good condition Will be sol < l In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The Ike Pub lishing Compiny , Omaha , Neb Y 713 TO OET IN OR OUT OP UUSINESS CIO TO J J Gibson , Oil 1st Nnt'l Uk. llulldlng. Y 3CG MEAT MARKET. J330 ; RECEIPTS J23 PER day. J. J. Gibson , S14 Plrst National bank. Y SI33S-J 10 POR SALE. A PIRST-CLASS RETAIL Oil business , no trades. Call on or uddre < sV H. Center , Port Dodge , la. Y MC9I J7 POR SALE OR EXCHANGE J20.COO 00 PAID UP Hock In n Jobbing house of excellent rtputa- tlon with a good trade Tne party offering the stock Is n salaried olllccr nnd the purchaser , If n mnn of good executive ability nnd de sirous of ncceptlng nn active position , m ty be elected tn tne olllce. Addrens Powell A. Potter , 1C17 Purnam street , Omaha , NeK Y 7J1 11 POR SALE , A GOOD PAYINd OIL 1IUSINESS 111 Onuilin ; will trade for land In lawn or eastern Nebraska. Addicss D 17 , Hee olllce. Y MS15 19 * TOIL n\CIIA > GU. SIONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES WHEN people expect to make an exchange In tprlng Neb Cjcle Co , 13tli nnd Harney. V. 213 J9 PARM NEVR SNOHOMISH. WASHINGTON , for propci ty further cast. belb > , 1C03 Pnrrnm. /-33I IHREGATED NEURASKA LAND , CLEAR POR Eiiutty In Omaha business block , owner wll be In city January S Call on or address J J. Gibbon , Cll 1st Nntl Unng Uldg Z-GSS-J8 TO EXCliANGE'T-oTrDEI'OSITS ACCOUNT IN savings bink'Hj cottage , homes , ckar ; price ranging from (300 tn SI 000. J. J , Gibson. Ml Plrst National Hank llulldlng. Z792 POR SALE OR TRADE POR PARSI. A PIRST class hotel of 24 rooms , with all modern Im provements , well furnished , nt Woodbine , Iowa. Woodbine had one of the best patronlzei1 Normal schools In the state. Inquire J. A. Roberts , Woodbine , Iowa. y SO11 ! TO EXCHANGE POR W.OOO STOC1C HARDware - ware , 120 acres land , two miles out , 104 acres under plow , good title. Address Ilex S9 Cor- rcctlonvllle , la , X SIM1 13 l-llll SALi : 11UAL USTATtt. AHSTRACTS 1HEUYHON REED COMl'ANY. WE HAVE HAROA1NS IN HOMES , AI O farms , and want more , list jour propert ) with us G SI. Nattlnger A. Co. 1701 Parnani. RE CCS HOUSES , LOTS , PARMS , \NDS , LOANS Gee P. Hcmls Real Estate Co. , Paxton blk. RB GO I DA.tCI.tG SCHOOL. SIORAND'S. 1510 HARNEY , POR PRIVATE and class lemons dilly ; always open SOG-P4 LIPE INS. 1'OLICIES HOUGIIT. AS' . P. HOLDEN CCO MUWI.0 MACIIl.Nr.S A.M1 SUPPLIES. NEW HOSin. HOl'SEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine olllce , 1J14 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1574 CG7 PAHM IfOll 11I3.M' . GOOD SO-ACHE PAIIM POR RENT , 315 MILES west of city limits , lessee can bu > the buildIngs - Ings nnd complete farming outfit for JCOO from present tenant. Hemls , Pnxton block SI 511 UUILDI.tG AM ) LOAX ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L d H. ASS'N PAYS 0 , 7 , H per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 jcurs old , ah\a > a re deemable. 1704 Pnrnam St. Nattlnger. Sec.CCS CCS HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECPRE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. . H. AEs'n , 1701 runiani. a. SI , Nattlnger , Sec. CO SIIOUTIIA.M ) AMI TV1'CWI11TI > O. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. BU N. V. LIFE. 07. AT OMAHA UUS.COLLEGE ; , IGTH & DOUGLAS. 67J CLAUVOYAVrS. SIRS. 1'RITZ , CLAIRVOYANT. 1509 CALIPOR- nla. S 23I-J5 * WAM'1211 TO IIOIIIIOW. TO HORROW , J15000 , SIX SIONTHS , GOOD security ; good rate of Interest. Address C Gj , lice. 6S9 30 * FUIl.MTUlin PACKED. GET SI , S. WALKIN'8 PRICES ON PURNI- ture pncklnir , repairing , upholstering ; mat tresses nude nnd renovated ; 2111 Cumins , Tel. 1SJ1. C74 TYPiswiirruits ! GET THE HEST TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES ; repairs , United 'typewriter & Supplies Co. , 1C12 Parnani St. CTD June-:0 LOST. LOST. HEAVY-SET WATER hPANIEL ; extra large ears ; nnuHurs. "Don" , lewnrd. Re-turn 2220 North IStli St. , or Phone 236. Lou -kOi-8 DRESSMAKINO , IN PAMIL1KS. S1ISH Sturdy , 4304 Hurdette. M-4SJ.J19 * DREflSSIAICINQ HY THE DAYj WORK OUAR. united. C 39 , Hee , MJCO 9 * .MUSIC , AHT ANIJ IA > 'GUASn. E P , OELLENIIECK. IIANJO , MANDO. lln and guitar teacher. Room 412 flt Illdir. Tel. 2J8. jijo HECJ ITOI JlPIUNTiiVniio\VK UUf , TCU leiS , uu ; j-a PIIY.SIOAL cui/ruiin. r.t/CUTION. SIRS. W. N. DORWARD , C23 N. 19lh , SUC8 n s\ris. NE\V AND SECOND-HAND HAPErt. SAPE RE- pilrlniT. J. J Dcrlght , 1110 ParnaniSS710 -SS710 P3 PAWMIUOKnilS. H. SIAROWITZ LOANS SIONEY. 4IS N. 1C ST. 071 SUES & CO. , PAThST SOLICITOUS , lleo llulldlnj : , Umaha , Nobr A ( I vlco nnd I'.iienl lloo. < IItKn * rou 1 AI > Kit FOR TII1J I'UIJUC 1 > UINT ING AND BINDING HIIALKD rnorOHAI.S v lll lie received until January 21 , 1S97 , nf 10:30 : o'clock n. m , for fur- nlHhlnp the I'Al'lIH for Hie I'lTllMi' I'lllNTINCl nnd 1IIND1NC1 for the ) eur ending 2Sth of 1'tb- runry U'.s. the ald proposals to be opened be fore and the nwnnl of contracts to be miulo by the Joint Committee of Congreis on I'ubllo I'rlntltiB to tie lovvot and best bidder for the Interest of the Government , the committee re serving to Itself the right tu reject any anil all bids , us Itn judRincnt of the bent Intervals of the Oovcrnmtnt may dictate Detailed scheduler of the description , quantity and qunllt ) of the paper required , accompanied by samples and blank propoinli , nnd Klvlim the regulations wild which bidders must comply , cm tie obtained by addressing Til H. Dcnullct , 1'ub- lie Printer , \ \ HshlMKton , 1) G. The contracts will be intcreil Into for uppllne nuch quantities of paper ns may be needed dur ing the sear , nnd no more. The estlm ttcd quantities ret forth In detail In the schedule comprise. u."i,000 reams machlne-nnls ! ] printing paper , H\33. 13.COO reams machli'c-nnlsli printing paper , 24,100 ton mi plied and supcr-cnlnndcrctl uhlte or tinted printing paper , various slzeo 23,50) roams nhlte writing inpcr , vnrlouu sizes nnd eights 2,400 reams colored writing paper , various sizes nnd eights. 1,500 reams cover pnper , var'ous sizes nm veights. . 73 CCO pound * best plate paper. 123 000 poum'n of best mnp pnper. ITTi.OOO pounds fine coated wood-cut paper. 3,100 reams nianlla paper , various sizes nni uelshlr. 100 000 pounds glazed bond paper. ! 0 000 pounds nrtlllclal parchment , various sizes 2,000 pounds pirchment deed. 100,000 sheets canlbonrd , various colors , Blzes and vttlMits 1,723.000 sheets bil lol board , various colors , sizes nnd eights 7,200 tennis llrst-claiti ledger piper , wilto or blue , laid or wove , various sizes and weights. 0.000 reams tccond-class ledger paper , white or blue laid or wove , various sizes and weights 2,700 reams tissue nnd rep > lng pnper. 53 rcntns blotting inpcr , nn > required color or weight. IV ) reams tar pnper , 21x30 313 reanli plaid , marble nnd comb paper various sires 330 reams t > pewrltcr paper , various sizes and weights M > reams cap , letter nnd note pnper. 100 reams white Tiench folio , 17x22 2 000 sheets parchment 15x21 I'roposnls will be received for ono thousand reams or more. liy direction of the Joint Committee of Con gntos on I'ubllc printing Til. K IinNHDICT , I'uMIc Printer. Washington , December 21 , ISOG DlO-JG-13m Moi'Uliolilrrn' Mei'tliit ; Tllr Diiinliil .t Vulluy Hiillvvny Notice Ii hereby Riven tlmt the nniiui mcetlnK of the HtOLKholdors of the Om.Jluv & Hopubllcnn Vulloy Ilnllvvny company fet the election of seven directors and the transaction of sueh other business as mnj lawfully romn bcforo the meetlntr , will beheld held In the olllce of the concral solicitor Union IMclflc buildingOmnlm , Nebraska on Wednesdav , the Cth day of January 1W , nt 10 o'clock ii. m. Thn stock transfer books will bo closci ten days before the date of the meeting. ALEXANDER MILLAIt , Sr-crctary. , MOMS. , December 7 , 1S9U. Slorl. llolilcrH 1 ret Inn. Ofllco of Lee-Clnjkc-Aiidrecsen Hardware Comp.iny , Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 12 , liM : Notice is hereby Klven to the stockholders of the Lec-Clarke-Andreesen Hurthvaro company that the annual incotliiB of the stockholders of tno oompiny will bo heh p. in. , for the purpose of electing a bean of directors for the company , to servo tlur IIIK the ensuing year , nnd to transact such otiicr business as mav bo uroscnleil at tucl meeting. ( Seal. ) H. J. T UE , Atlpst- President. W. if GLASS. Secretary. Dec2d22t ] > oIcii ( of Irrlurntliui llonil Sale. The directors of the Middle Ioup Val Icy Irrigation district Invlto .sealed pro posils for $100.000 ( In part or whole ) o bond < t of salil district up to 2 p. m. of Jan uary 1 ! ) . 1S17 Addies , GIIAULUS NICOLAI. Secretary , Sargent NVb. D2ld20t The annual meeting of the stockholder of The Ueo Building company will be held In the ofllco of The Omaha Uee , Oin.ilm Neb. , atI o'clock p. m , Tuesday , January 19 , 1SU7 , for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing jear and the traiibaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting Uy order of the president. N. P. FfilL , Srrretar'y , D2Sd21t m & d MILAY TIME CARD Leaves IHURLINGTON S-"MO. RIVER ( Arrlvu _ Omjlininlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 5'Jnin ' Denver Express . . . 9.S5um 4.3opm Ulk Hills Mont I'ugtt find Kx 4iO'pni 4.3-pm Oenvcr Epics . 4 oipni Mpm .Lincoln Local ( ex bundaj ) . . 7. < 5nrn JLiupm _ J lncolnl _ caI ( ex , Bundaj ) . 11 30un Lcrivcs | CIHCAGO , llUHLINRTON L \\rri\tf \ OmalmjUnlon Dipot , loth A. Mai Sts | Omaha 8 OOlim Chicago Veetltulo . . $ .i/iam SJ 'ni ' Chicago EM > I-B , . . 4.J5pm 7.50pm. Chicago & . bt LouU Express . B.oocm 11.10am. . . . 1'acldo Junction Local . . C ICum .Past Stall. . 2.Mpm Leaves ICIIICAGO. SIIL. & ST . PAUL.Arrlvcs. | * " " OmahaUnlon | -l"M"t- ? Ucpot. jCtli A sianiiil"M"t 6-30pm. . , . Chicago LlmlledT. 11.00am..Chicago Express ( ex Sundiij ) Leaves ICIIICAGO .t NOUTmvUSVN ( Arrives" OmalmjUnlon Depot , lotii & . Alaoo iitu | Omaha 1045am Eastern Express 3.40nm 445pm ; Vestlhuled Limited C,40pm . . fc't. Paul Express slsoim 0.40.1111. . " ? . ' . „ 1 > 5 J.H'n ' ? a. . . . . . pS 7:30am : . -Carroll & Sioux City l.ocnl , . .ll.iupm C 30pm . . .Omaha Chicago Special s 00am . .MUsourl Valley Lociil. . . . 9.30um Leaves ICIIICAGO , R. I. & PACiriC.I OmuhallJnlun Depot , 10th & . Slason hts.f " "EAST lOilOam..Atlantic Express ( ex , Sunda , . 7 00pm Night Express Sasam 4Mpm : Chicago Vetlhuled Limited. . , lSnm : 4.Mpm..Bt. 1'ovil Vftllbuled Limited. . . . l:33pm : WEST , _ 1 . 4 "pm. . . . . . .Colo rado Limited. . . . 4.00pm Leaves ! ci7 ST. P.r SI. & O. lArrUes" OnnhafUnlon Dtpot , loth i SIneon Sts.f Onuihu 12:30pm..8loux : _ City Expreiis tex. Sun..llsam ; 8l5am. . , . Sioux city Accommodation. . . . s.oopm CUJpm. . . . . . .StI'aul _ _ Limited , . , - .j , 8,10am " lKr& . Slo. ' VALLEY. I Arrive Oniaia ! | Depot , lith und Wabnter fat . | Omalia 3:00pm : Fast Slall and Expnss 3.00pm.ex. ( Sol. ) Wjo. Kx. ( e.Mon. . ) . . D.OOpm oii 7 50aii..Premont Local ( Sumujs enl . , 7Mam : .Norfolk ExpreM ( ex Sun ) . , ,10.23am Cll ; > pm . . . .bt , Paul Expriss 9:10am : Leaves I K. C. . ST. J & C. II. | A rrlcvcs OniahajUnlon Depot , 10jh Ac Mnion Sts | Oi..vl.a "aflJain.Knn : n City D y Express7. CilOpm 10.00pm.1C. ( J. Night Ex. via U. P , Trans. C:30jm : Leaves. | S1ISFOITRI PACIKIC. ( Arrives Otnahaj Depot , lith nnd Webster Sts. ( Omaha S.COpm.Nebraska & . Kannns Llmlted.T.125pm 930pm. ; , , , . . .Kansas City Express C,00am iilipm. . .Nebratka Local ( ex. bun ) , , . 9,00am leaves I SIOUX CITY Ai PACIPIC , ( ArrlviM Oninhal Depot , llth and Webster Sts. | Omaha C.lJpm. . ; , .Ht. Paul LlmltcMl . sTlOam L"eoveri SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC | Arrlve Oiniih | Unlon Depot , 10th & Slaton Hti | Omaha 8'40 m . . . St. . , . , . . , , . ! 7 30am . Sioux City 1' , , . 9,03pm fi.Mpin , . . . Rt. Paul LlmlUd. . . . . 9,20am ln\e * I UNION PACIPIC. " lArrlvn OnialmlUnlon Depot , ICth & . Slqion SH. ( Omaha S 2ftam . . . . . . . .Overland I.lml' d. , , , . , , " < , IJmt ; J.SOpm lleat're & StromibV Ex ( ex fiunS:50pm ) : 6J3iin.linnd : | ( Island Kxprms ( iuc. Sun ) , f frjnm S:30pm : Pn t Mall 10 .Pun > a\ei I WAI1A8II RAILWAY lA'rhtu OnulmlL'nlon JJipat , 10lh-.l Mason SU.f Omalu 4.3 pm ll.ioara MinTi.\n. UNION LAND COMPANY' . OH1OIN ! SHOUT L1NR ' AM IITVIl MmTHKUX U.ULU'Ay COMPANY. In tlio Circuit Court of tlm United States for the D'strlt t of or em. In the Circuit Court of the Lnltod States for tbo District of If nl o. In tlio Circuit Court of the United fctntos for the District ol Montana. In the Circuit Court of the Pnltod States for the Dliirlct uf Utah , In the Circuit c < urt of the United S ales for Ilio DIMrlctnf VVromlne. ; AMERICAN LOAN ATHUsT COMPANY , \rt THE onroox cnoiir LINDA UTAH NORTH- LllN RAILWAY COMPANy. Delendant. Wonni. At a term of tbe Circuit Court Of the United BinlM for iho Dlctrlct of Oregon , held at thotlty of Portland I lien Id btntoou the ! lf- Iceiilli dny ot July. lbd * > , nnd at a t rm of the Circuit Court of the Unlteil titntrs for the Dis trict of Idnlio on'the twelfth ilny of December. IBM , nnd nt ft term of the Circuit Court of the United ynt g for Iho District of Montana on Uiu seventh dny of August , 1KW , nnd ulatcnn of thf > ( Ircult Court of the Unlliil Mntes for the District of Wjomlng on the twinty-stventh day of Htptt-mlior , 1MX3 , Ktid at a toria of the Circuit Court of the United Wtntes fur tha District uf Utah on Hie llrst day of Drcimber , 1MKJ , thi'ocertnln s"ve nl decreen vviretliily cntorcJ In Ilia rbove-eutltled cn cs then pending In incli of the Clreiilt ( our s nbovo mentioned , forcclos- I Hi : tlm mongice of the .defendant , the Ortgou Short Line ittUmli Noituirn Hatlvvay Company , commonly known us nnd wiled Us Consolldaie-d Monxngo , which tuortKijo beira elnlo the ] t day of Aiuuv , 1SV ( ) , ii nil which snld murtgnco M the Ui > ii5cilldnlcd SlnnenKO nf iho snld Hallway Company exituleif to tlm complainant In the nnovo-intltUd casts u TruMeo , nnd which Is more pnitlculnrly menllontd und described In the coiiiplnliinnt s hill of complaint filed la Iho eljov o ROTI nil Casi i i nnd VMie-nuis , It was In nnd by Hio said fevernl dern-ei ordered , udllniged , and decreed that the s till Con&olldntcd Slortgngn of the R ld dofindatit co npHiiy tet fortli In the bill of complaint MOID- s.i UI iina i > o made niul cxeiutH ai nloresnltl i n 1 Learlnz Unto us nfonsnld , nn < i n vnltil nnd Euli- em Inn moilc'BO nnd constituted n llenuixjn no n.orlijKOl ; itomls < 's , propoily , nnd finnclilsis am-Tlijul In tlio euld moncago ami lierclnntlcr described innJ . , . . . , vriiereni , It tvoa there In luxllunnd bysnld ccvernl decrees nloremlil furllior n < lu > JciQ nnd decree .1 Hint oil ot Bald probity , renf , pnrfortnl. nail mUitl , meiit'oncJ anil i.ercrlUnl In tulJ nioi'.saso , bo sold un er tlio direction of tlio underfilled , Join II Clelnnd , ttiiiml loner unmcd In Hrd by thoiuilutoxrraldecicosiui nbo > o mi'iuluuM , tn Milo lo bJ m do tulplCKt to coitnln unoerl > liiK inortiriges upon cortnln purls of u o calil nropcrtloj nnltli me lierelunfier Hpeclfled nnluulUi ute likewise partliulariy fpocllkd In nnil liy the > alil decrees , tlio proceeds of t ucli enlo lubonppllcd In fftllifnctlon of tl o mlrt severul dccrTH litielnbfloru BKlilloixd , all of nlikll weio docnx for tlio pnmo debt , and Insntl5fncllon of ttio Interest Ihcnoii and of ttio costs of tbo snld lulls ; nnd . . . . . . . . Wherein , Likewise It win provided In and by the tormi of tbosaM Consolldnted yorlgneo nmonit oilier tilings tlmt ttio trustee imincii tin 10- In , towll , tlio Auicrcan Loan A. 'irust Coapany , In tlnic\ent of doliuli In Inleroit uixjn thurald Coniolldnt d ilorlLogg , latent In lia dlBcrvilpn nntl in' " " reniiest of tno liolum of oro-llflb piit of the bund * Issued nnd outMnndlnx rcuirul ticrrl > > , Ulch requctt bns btin duly mni'o , sboutil sll nnd dlgnoiu of the wxld r.iorleaceil prvmlHis by public auction at nun time and plKco In tlio Clt > of Rilt Ijtkc , In the 'lirrllun of Utah ( now SMto of Utnhi r.i tl o trustee mlul t dili'mlno , said trustee to make ruth calo nftcr It slull lr.o : clven public notice thereof and of tlu tlmo and p noa tin. r of b } nJvrrtlbcnirnt pub- llsbod In ia h of Uio .cltlisof ow 'iorknnd ] ) U--ton not leu than twlcon cel lor four Con- e"cutlvo weeks next preceding the sftlo In ono or more nenaiapirs i Hlillbhcil , u 1th i onvr on Uie pnrt nl tald trustee tu adjuuin 5ich tale from llmu totluic ivnd Rlvo Euch notice of adjournment tlieruof M tlm tru-teo mltibijUilulc reasuiiablo uu- dor thsolrciuns nni "Jans' . . . \\lurcas , It R3 further adjudged ana aecrecxl In and by ( be s.tld sov ? ral decrees nbovo ucn- tinned In the nhovo elitltlnl ca-iies tliattho said trustee , /riiertcnirWftn it Uiust Conimns. mllit liivd leave to aid h > ild Join In thu enld enlunni ] In tlio nollc gjaiid RiU crtlscmint tlirrc- of by thu stld sav ural Dcrro tlicrecd lo be made , th. ) iild sale ro to be .nii > io to I o innOo for the ot lorcolrnlitf ItliH said Conolldai l Girpjas , In a-corJanco v\1th ttie temuof the Bald several decrees ; and Wsoreas , It na fnrtlier ndJiidRcd and decreed blhoi ild sovtral dtfrcfcs , Una the mid noit- fudpropertlois loulfl 16 tuhl ns on intlnlj mid F n one lot at publlo auction lo the hlghtei bidder therefor , under tlio drrtctlon of und nt a dnard tl ua to bi nnmo 1 by lliaanlurommlKloner.fn Hie City of Hilt tlio.'Urrltory ( non blntcof Via'i.iipoii ' a.ic'i ' turnui nsltirii Ciimnil5 < ioncnnlEht npnrjro ; It being likewise i rovlded tint public mllcjof sacli caio nin.tho | tlmo r.nd plrco tluttof bri ilvon by nuvertlicaifUt lv\lco n wick for four constfcutlvo eeks in not Irn than two ntnfc- pip'ra pub ) Irticd la oncn of tl o clllis of J\ew VOM. JIu jn , S lt Jj\ko , loitlncd , Chcgon , nud Oaulii.nltu jjjrttr tOi ntljpum uri trio from time tutlJiJ at the rcgiu < t.0 ( the fald tiuMco cir.iplnliwit.sucli notlio of 11 o ndjouri mint toLe rlvi'ii a.itho Co.m\lMldnCrllst ! | thtlik icccoim * blc Tin tor tliD circumstance ! , tno cnld triiilco com- phunaut on Hi put to Join iis > uin tiueiic In all lutlcreof uleand tlio ration of ony futh adjourn ment , such s-ilo 01 ronfhnuitlon tldiof lo per- | ii > iually bar ttin said djjf'ni'nrt llall'.Miy Com- jinny , nnd all psrjom csalra lint ty , tlnougli , or un lor It , fro n all right ami Intcuxt In the Raid nlhv jdniil pruoilsjs by the ilrciccs ortcie ! < l to bos ld , ulttior nt law orln equity , it IHn ; like- Iso ilecr.iaJ that 111 on tuch connimntlon of mle , the puro'iaur t.iarrnt , upon roiiplrliiK with the tcnaj of tlia sale , s'lould bo ( milled to net ho Iran thjSAliI Coinmiislnner aid Iho snld unite conplnlnint , til } Amcrlcun Lccn A. Tiuit Lorn- panileola conveying aid JmntfcirlnK tl o nld rallnaysnuil jircmlsis to Iho purcha. ir.but sub- iect to cer.aln prior uudcrl ) lug mori ngta lieic- niftcr mentioned ; anil Whereas , It was further provided by the Bild s vcral decrees that eucli Bale el nil bo irnuo up m such tenm u the Ccmmleslcier Bit ! t up- proveany partlts to Uic suits nbovc nicntlondl or tuo holders of any of tfio Ci luoIlUnte-l Bonds to secure which the Consolldntiil WorlBLgo nai oxucutod , lo be at liberty to bid and pur- chas r-iat sucli ftalu : nnu Whereas , An appeal was taken nv the said defendint , thu Oregon Ohort Line ttUlnh North ern llAllnny Conipuny , from u.o said dcrreo In the said causa as enitrod In the Ulsilct of Oregon gen , nnd fro n tl o nald decree , as cnlrred In snld cause In the District of Slontana , and from iho eald decree us entered In Raid cntae In the Dis trict of Mjcmlng , all of which said several ap peals have been duly dlmlucd and hy Iheo.-deis and ilccr.-oi of t in Appellate Courts to whlcJi ilia appeals wire taken In tlio said cnnses , the raid cauies were rcmnnded to the s vcral ceurts from wnlca the said appeals were taken , with dliec- tloin to proceed In the 'ciuecj ' and to the en- foico ment of ad ! dec eei , but reserving In the cour'i from which the appeals wore respectively taken further jurisdiction In the cautrs for such further orders and de crees ct the foot of the. ecveraldecteen ns tnliht bo nppllcl for us tonll pmitera m t adjudicated by the decrees , and fur fuither erdors and rtlrcc- lloill to IhoComuilMlonor ttuelilug tl.o said culo or Ilia terus and cendllloua thereof oo might bo equitable ; nnd Wliereni , Mandates from the paid Appellnto Courts have been dulv filed In thoeeveral conns Irom wniu'i tlio paid appeals nrro tiiLen direct- Ingonforcttmmit of ( he fold dccrres , and prices * 1 a * duly luued thereon frcm cadi of the cnld courts , directed mil delivered to thn urder- elened , the Cummlsiio.irr thereof nrned lu the wild de-creel , for the prcror enfi rceinont thereof In hccoidan o tne tenai of the sild tie'tiees : Jew , Ihi'ie'forc , ? > otlct ) Is hereby given by the unJeiElhuel , John H Clelrnd , tlio Com- niHilonor nimeJ bytbottld ( 'cdeti end by tno American Loan A. 'J'nist Con.pruy , coicplnfnant In tbe said er.'ioc.s and tnmteo of thn salil Consoll- date I Mortgage. tfUBOtV iruano Jomluc Ilevoln uritlcrnnd iiji.imnt to the tenni cfnlid hi tha tllrectlenol the said occrtoi and becntiteof rnd by vlituoof power to it Intrnleil by the terns and conlltlui i nf the fia.d Con-ollcated Siott- K u'f , that all nnd Ungulai the i.illuuy jropir- tleiand nuy nn I nil oihfr property of tht ( ro- BotiHhort l.lni & Utah Jvonhorn Hallway Com- - jinny by It hud or held on Iho l t day of Anruit. IbslMlio data of the Nild tonfoHiJutol iiorti pace , nnd all n let wqulred property theiealter by U acquired an 1 coLprlsimr nil tlio rullwoyi 1l1.ot"SJlir'M"y,0't'"J-1"1 ! ! . ! ' ] ° ' son Wiorl Line i .Northern Italluny Coirjnny Intro laid ConmlIds ca Miiitgace i-xpreved to lo conv tya I thereby to the Amurlian Loan A-'liutt Loronnnr astmvloo , tvill botoU on tlionlnlh ia > of Jami- ery , A. D lb')7 , nt Ilin lioui of ten n clock , forenoon - noon , nt Salt Ijike City In the Halo of Utah formally 'lurrltory of L'Mh , at the i cor ot the Couit houo of the Lount ) of fcnlt Ijike In raid city , whlc'i t ld properly ip to be rold Is do- pcrlledln the eald Coiieolldated Sioitgnco _ 113 "All that line of rnllwij , hrKlr-n'ncntn nt PO on the Union 1'acltlc Jfdtj ay , nt up uco call ? ! ( linn/er , In the County"\f bwutnuter , In \\n. raliKf.nn I oxiendlnj thVnce'lii n gemral WfMerly the nnd County nortlnvesterly of " - ' - direction - " , Intoard - . . . . lhroL ! > .Ii throij ' Oneli ( IncliiuiiiK nrnucnoi ici isviiJiuai , in the County uf AltuiM mielto JluKi , , fi.v. in ihoCountjSf Ada , In Idaho ) , and iheitco Into the CViunty of llaker , In Oroon , and tncnro by ucli roi.tucr routes us mav be ektoraln.d lytholionid of Dlri'ctoM of iho nlln-tiy tl u Coluin- - ' blu Hlwr , IMgtt bound , qr tbe1'iu.lfla ( X < r'n. from any fcnjlblo i > olnt or poli.tii upon tlluMtJo ! rallttui' InanortliHCitfjly , i\e tfrlv orioutli' llmlorlv dlrJ'tjL'n.'llffoWVirKu'-'ii Vwin's. ' % iblw. &wvm ) ia& & us thu Ulrectura may oltU'ur dftirmlne Idtmi rr lines with froj mich ) any e-xteiia olUlbla pna or point Oimiclits or itilnls of tiny ol bv aild ! iho most f slblo route lo tuchlO'hrr p ! iB IP Mvo. rnlni , L'tali , IdHlipMonaniVtashli | L-IOII Urrjnn " 'J ' i of DlreVlSr ? ! , - V'O. . ' . ' ? . . . - ! . " irnilno. Anlr'jjii , ! . * < * < imil * buvijw irnv Ullll Counties ol Madison. IISaM-1IriMl , f IlirUtllfll | | Inn r nnd IVir I/.de . lu iloinn-ft : nnd Ihcnco b the most feasible rouw Ibiouih Ilio ciuniy ofVl ouu. In Montana , lnlotfnd tuuu.iii Jilnl o ami Wtailnsloii. Hill then-ii by m h rm'o or M Ulan tlil Il-vunl ol Dlr-gnrs my from tin. routes lime rluimilne , lu a firntpl i < r I crli , i ttrly l-utit Pound or to Iho J IVIfle VceinV Ki ; " II , , Mill r.iu"h rf the nildllnocf iulVit"yrun. nine from any foaijlsio jwlnt or points uiiori lia line of rallvsy In Idaho. J'onUn.i , 'o lifw ion or oio.'oii lo siiUi oth r point r points I fdi ho' Wontani. . ' , . or Oio-on ' a.'ilnjrtoi. , or any of tl s the said Hoard of lirocti/iBmuy urn , time iloi / from tine o CounlUsol Illiubiiin ntid Oielda. , In Idaho , and ' "i ; Into and thrntiih , , tonnllVi o" UclieJ I ox Elder , Mfber , ] ) UVS | , halUakc.Utali. Juab , Wlllard , llMivcr , Iio i Bin , | > IB , mvter. Kmcrr and Toocld , In Vliih. Including brihcliesW BlfSei'uAv" " ' 1 " "l1 ° ft < x nWl fntlq Hllvcr Uity , nnd Kur ku. In tlm County j of Juab , il"i'i0 ! . ySiC,1iMl such tn " ' LrnnrJu-s < \ > " ! > 'y < " or " "Vis. relocnllonioi In U5 eiteniluni ( ( any ol Iho Mid Hnc BlYio ald iOStt ot IIrrcloraiI1ay ! 'fBW Ilinotollniet'o. Unnlne , and thvnrp Inloniid lhrou li Iho Cotintji nf Lincoln , lo t < VAda , to tha foutliwistern * und nry line of Nevada - , to/Hht-r wl h binncb llnfS8xUiidliir ' ( Him tho'counlleiof Wblli lnl Biid.N'ie , In iJovnan , tot'llnT with uch rail. 0)i , tirancheii. nr ' lliit'l uitimlnnsof Hie said ' "in nil * ilirough Utah. Nuriula , Arl"on.TJrf "on ! ad ( Jpllforiila , qrmiy of tnrm , en 1)10 ) mrd ol Ulrtcuiu uajr octcrtulu * . juid lao ll auJ ArVhosn lint * nflAllvrvr and Munches nnfl luiis therein that tlmJldilwny tompiny mny hrrtMtr-r couatrui-t or Rrnultf , c lrndinx trcra my l > nslt > t | lnt nr points upon nn > ul Mid Hn-\liy tlio movt cllglblo mute nr routes to miy nr nllof ui h plaera n the illmlnn uf Ilio Pali. w vCVtnpwiy may ti ftnt > Mnertd lo wlfct or 1'erniliu hy virtue ol Iho ilmrlrr or mtlclrsof Inrotpir.itlon of the Hallway Ctmtnny , t > r miynf Itsrnmtltuciit rompunli roimuid > t l Iniolha Itvlltray ( Xmpnny , or hy v Irlui' eil nnr nnrnd. ti'MHIhTtxif nhhli main line inil I ttnilus nre nlr-aly consiructml nd ( iimplcnd lo thrcxtrnl of 1 J , ) . ; ! mlliM of Blnglo trnik or 111Ami nliun I nnd singular the Innils , rlchls nf nny. nn I r > il mid Inuolinld eMnie nlnndy nr lue- nfttr tu i < n ncntilri'd by the Hull nny Vknmur. niidllvilqr liiluiulnliulMM.svil It r tu nldol.ovc- tics rl xsl lines of rnllniiy , or nny I n lull irrx tension tliervif , i > r Inr iho j > uros < s < f > ftmlnal nciiiii ; ; < il \ii ins , blntlons , nuivhi n-is nmihlno hnillnu' . strnttutTS , rppuml < r , nnd Wiirksdr iilli. r ln * , In rniineitUn with , or lor nny pnriiosM of nioh nvllw ) , brnnili , nr PMPII- Inn. An I iitso nil nnd xlntnlnr U c n duo , < irs ml I Inn tin k. ( iiiiipmint , nnihli eiy , ttrl , lini < | i'iii'iiL < , nmt ilnls , iurnliiiro , fill , riipllm. mu other clLiikH , iHlouglnic to or In m llrr to bn nOiilrel | by tlm lUllwny ( otnppnv , nd In nny wj > uppertnlnliu ID tlm until inllwn.vs nrnny lilMiuh or njlen lnn lln'niif , or to the working nf thn samn. An I nNo nil end Hiunlir the fMtichlses , rights , nnd prlvlligia Hint H tKnII - w ijr Company now Ims , or nmv ntrrnllrrtinu'K ' * . for or In ri' < p'it nr fie snld nbovc r ill ways , < > r HI ) bmnoi or tjluinlun ilieiiof , or the ions riitt on , milntennniv , In pn vininl. tvor lin ; , or 111) of the saimti gelbir with nil t'Tnltml iicconiniodiitlnns , Hnlli > i:3 : , vvi nl.niMs , ) n\c'iltn fihopi , hrldgts. bnlldinks , niuruin * . np.inuclus , works , prlvllrg'S , iH-iniuili' , np I nipun | n.inci'S tu or with Iho snld pnmlNM , i > r any ntrt theroot , nuw or nl any tin < during llm Dull innco of this seiurlty nppertnltilng or " tnJojHl Mil I description holnc Interded In drfcrllin Iho rilhvv ) s of tnu mid lullunv t'ntopuny us the utrnnu or have hi on nrtunlly romliucltd , nl- Ibu ( thu name mn > vnr > from tint kcnrril lento anis'o 'lescrllnnl , which fnld \ toiierllis to nlo des-rlh-M cnilinre nut ( over the fidlgnlig MMS of railway nctuvlly ronsirucicd nnd In use , am ] Uoicrlonl ns follovs : 1 rn a HiiiH of nllwnv ronslstlnif of nbout hiiminM and tli-von ( Oil ) nillei In linilh , biliiri Hi ! ) inrti of tlie inld inllnii ) * of the raid Kvllw > Uniipmv cvtPiidliiK frmii ( Jrni iir In n 113 tiirnug't Idnlo to Hnntlnuiu In the suto of Oregon nnl fiom t-lmthi tie lo KctUiuin In Idiho , which Mid llmof rail way wem formerly the linen nf rnllwny of tlfvt certain rvllwnv corporation known m nnd CJllnl thu fn < ? i > ii s'inrt I.luo lUIInn ) ( enpiny. J The nnd rnllwny | ioCitle | ton- nl-tliu of uboiit four hundred und vlxlj-slx nnd slxtj-ono on huiulrdtlis (4HI 111) ) ml In In luutli.luliK t e parti nf the rild rrtlwnvsof the ifvltl dcfendint itnltwny ( on put ) cxltndlng Iroin Ofdjn. In Ulv'i , nunlirrl ) tluoigli Idiloio Hurls HI In Miiiiliun , mil ficm Silver llou to Hutto Cltv In Montnni .being II u HIKI of irllnhy formerly vovtM Inn c > ntnln ralhu. ) c < ii | irHllon c.ilu I tne Utali end Vorilirrn llillv\n > I ompnny. ; ) Thi > rillwi ) < niu lallwnj propittlcs eon- Blslliuof nbinit onu hundrud nnd live (10M ( irllci In leiiKlh. holnt ( hn pans of the- said r 1lwaMof the iald defendant luvlluny Oimrnny "xli 11111115 Iron Silt LIV.O C'liy ( u Jiinn In Utnhnnd fniinr- ly vo tivl In a. cettaln railway tripmntlGti called the I till bouthfin linl Irond ( "iniio. ) 4 Tin ) rillwivl und nillwny pnpiillrs ron- sl-tltiTOf nbnnt iin < i lumdieil and llility ( ] ; io ) mlloln Iciuih , in I holiiK Ihf > pnils of luo ruld rallu \ > of tlio il fptidint lullwny eoni ] > nnv ox- ipiillnit from Jtn1) 10 rrl to In I tali , which were lorii'rly vsled In iv evrtnln other inllWHV c < ir- pirAllon called the Utah Southern llnllroud Kx * n. I IK ral I vvwa and railway prop rtles consist- uot about c\sf \ twii und iilncl } fiur iine-hun- i1r.-Jtlis ( IS HI ) milmln length , bclnit Ilic ) nrls of Un sild rnllniVH of Uiu lUIendnnl Ilnllnaj Coin- inn y ntt'inJIn , ' iron Nniipa to llnl - Cltj in I latin , niul wlili. i wjro v < "t.c < l In a tcrtnlli other rtlluty cnrpontlon called thu Irti ho Ltiitral Hi lwtCoinp mf. li 'Ihj rullwti ) * nnd rnllnny properties cousin- lujof ftboni slxtoi0i | nd llfiten oiie-hundredlha ( III I.M miles In length , x'ond ntr from Ixhl Itrictlon to llntlc ti : Llnh.wltli o brin < .li from Irjilol t ) tfllvi-r 01 / nnd llun-Un nnd the Iji- roca mill's forinriy called the full lul.uA rn Hull way. 7 no rail wayii nnd rnl'vri } protetllrsi-onslst- In ; nf alioiit thirty nine and tlltv oni hiindinltlia (3) ( ji ) > miles In iPinrlh , lelng tin' imf of the rulwin of the difcndnnt Itailwny Con puny cx- toi HiU fro u xi t L.IKO Cll ) lo 'luimlnai In tl o bt vie iu Ut ih wl u u hirntn , ind fcnucrl ) called the Um1 ! A Ni'MiJi Hallway h. Iho ralluav i nnd rnliwny piopinlCN ron-M- In ; nf n out ll\c mil clfcbty-Jlvo one hill dreilllu ( n Silmllos In lenjj'h , being tbu 11111311' ' the lull- navi of tlm 1 > fe idant llniiwnj ( uupiui ) ix- I en 11 its' from svru-u.,0 Jim tlf > n w < itwnrdl > In DivliCouut , ' In Utili. ami Joitmrl ) cnllid tlm Oi lo i it tj ) mo Hill vvi y. 0 ( In Mllwai and mllwny iropirtles of nbojl forty tlvo (45) ) wiles In lencih , I'oli n " ' tvunof Un luld r IIvva > a f thew Id defendant Ilillwiy Co TI piny extending finm Ogilin tot-alt Lite1) City In fie Htatu ol Utiih , nnd 'ormirly c\ll-'l fie Utn'i Conlrnl Inlhoul. VVilo'iKald line * of rnllwny no In r"rt moro pirtlm nrly described In nnd nro rdiriid to nud mv r > > d In pirt by th. ) undcrl } li f prlur n OTIRDCCS lieroiniftcr ipoclflel , the projieillid dettrlbed there nh"ln ; In p rt tha saiuu [ uoiertlennhovo pirti-uUrly diiTlbed. Tj ither vvltli nit chnnires of the lines thereof , nnil nd lltlnns nnd brunihoa thneto and to nil parti thereof , nt any tlnm mvi'u or cunMruttid Lltlicr by or for mm In bihnlf of tl ornld Oiegon hhnrt Line and Utnli > orthein ll llv\n > lim- piny ; Including In the alter n ] it nd irrpiriy raj .tloiiud nlnvo nil properly , leil or Itrfunnl. uc mired In behitlf of Iho On Ron Shoit 1 Inn nnd Uuli .Vortlicrn Hallway Company ty the receiv ers or oticrvv Ise. t 1M34II1 * ula will oo mnde , linwrvcr , nnd U ca illrni" * 1 nnd niire.hftsu inndo eon pleto ly I't-uls , thu title of sntd merunued pro ) tilles vv ill luac- qiilrjl iubje > ctto tin ) following une1erl > lngirort- SKai up n ucli pirt of tl'o tald pr icrtio ns uriODV in > I thereby and embraced tno < lii.tonltt 1 All In Isnliir ) of mortgign d Ueil the first cny ! nl Novanli > r. IB t , nml nindo b ) tie Olipon Siort Line llallw ly Ci3ninii } of tbe one pmt nrd IVdJerlelc I , . Ams nnd John r , Dillon , trustees , nf 110 other pirt , teeiirlng neiitlnblo bom's Hi.nlr.n I outiuiidlnunler thn snld moilcrgo in tlsaiiount t'HTLOl IUHV bo nrccrtnlnrd. vvlilcn builinri ) pvynble nil Iho first dny of Icbruary. 1DJwith | Interest nt f.U per cent , per niinum , p\y\blo SPml-nnnimlly. J. An liilcnturd of mortgage. ilntM the first day of J ily , lH7d , and m d ( ) ritneen tint Utnh ifeXirt'iorn Uillway Corapin > of tha cno paiv ail I Juy Uould nn I Jo oili | , lec8. of tlitiithcr partKecnrmznie < itlnblii bono's Istued thoriun ler anl noxv outstiindlng Iheiiuti rs the amunt thereof miy bo nfcuituliud , whlih bonds ar.i piyiblo on tbu llrst duy of July , IDOH , with Intoftiitnt S'von per cent , pir nnmiii , pajublo Eoiil-.inniiully. : t An Indenture of mortgage daletl the flrtt day of July , IShJ , and imn'.o bctvuen the < t Northern lUllwiy Comi un > . of II , cue pnlt.r.nil the Ani rlun Ixnil A 'Irii't Coirpun > , tiiiMfc , of Iho other part , to ilrlm ; necotlnlile Icnr's Uiuctl nnl outstnnillng thernnnrierus the nnibiint thtuof m y hia curUvlnot , which bands aio pn > rblo on tliq lint day of Julj , 1UJO , witli Interett ct the rataof live per ceuU per annum , injnhlo sciul- 4 All Indcnturo of innrtinso ; dutcd the first diof lininry , 1S7O mil na < o between the Uti'i ( Mntrnl Ilalliual Coiupnnj , of the one pnrt , an I Horace H Kl'rldgn nud Atrnm O. f-i < not , tni't)4 ! < , of the other part , iccurlng noi.oth l.ln bonli Usnol ml ontbtanilln ; thetiunocr nstl.a amomt tlnir'Of nny bo naurlnlnnl , but whlih niioint 10 ojtMandln ; tluriunder ns It Is 111 1 10 coniiilnlniu t's bill In this cnlso Is th i sirnof hlx ' Hollar- , which tcuids vvorj paya'ilo Janunr/ < t , IHO , v , Hi Inttriti at sltp'rc'nt pir aniriii , jnvabio 6n I annually. 6 Ail Inlnnttirj nf nioitirngo intid tlic flnt diy of July , IH7I , nnl undo letwien the Vtah hoit'iTii HillroiJ Company , of thi'oni1 purt.und Wllllvm H Hoo.ier and Henry I ! Jl miond triiilcai , of the ot'ier ' pnrt , ( ( curing nrgotlatd bonli iHiuul and out.tandlnit thereunder ps the miojnt fieroof may bit nseertalneil , whlih bonds w.-ro pt > jblo on the Mm day of Jnl ) , 1H)1 , with Intercn at tht rue of > evcn ptr tcm. pernnnum , p.ivablo siinl annuallv * . \nlnloiituvj of mortgage Tnted the frtt day ot Jjlv , 1H7U. mil nnde between Urn t'tnh Ho ilhurn lUIIroin Coin ] nny , of the one jmrl , nnd Vi'llltKtnlf jloopcr nnd Jnincfl 51. HnBi. trtiMctS , of the ot'ier put , sa urliu mgotlublo I ends la- sued an J o iistindlm ; tbirciini-ir ustho nu.ount ther.'ol nuy bo -crtiilnnl i , which bonds are p\vabloou tlio Ilrit di > of JulJ , ItLU , vvltli Into rixtattho mio of icvcu per tent , ptr annum , pavablo ieinl-ann mil } . 7 , An Indiintnrj ol uortgngo I'nlcd the first diyofjuly , 1H70 , nnd undo bctv\ien tlio tltnh hoilhern Hillroid K Uii lon , of the one ) art , und William 11. Hooper ai d Jiniirs M. Hi in , tn.a- tP-'S , of th ) ollur unit , idiirlng icgotlKblo liouiH Iiiued nnd outstanding thittundrr lib the t'li r. of miy ha nl < rlnlncd , v.hlch bonds uru piyublo on tnu first day ot Julv , 1IW , with Interest nt tin ) rite of rev in ) or cent , itruunum , payabln foinl. unit r.lly. 8 An Inde itnrj of niorlrago tinted tbo nifit da ; ofJnnuiry , 1HS7 , nnd made lilunn tbo Idnhe Ccntril Uiilwar Coipnny , of lh one pnrt , nnd tin A'njrlcjin Loin .t 'Ini5t Company , liustic. of th ot'ior pvrt , securing noollnbio bonds l < ued nnl outunnlltig thereunder , as Hie ninount there of mty bui * ertnlncd , vvhlili bonds nro imjablo on thu flrit day of Junuary , 1017nlth Infeutt at the nto of six per cent , per annum , pa ) able ecml- Tlu nu'r-liiscr at sich tale will bo required to dsposlt with the Uoi iiulh.ilnnor.ln irene > , lh > < sum of on ) Immlrol tlinusind (1JOOOO ( ) dcllars , and II fie pnahasur almll fall to rompUto the purcli iso In n ori'anco with the tumi of the S4le , un 1 upon lonllrmallon tlicirof by the < ouit u i lor "hot ) dlitctlon and decree tlio silo will be male , tno drnoxlt ho madv shall timvupjii b ) ford II" 1 : nnd U mirh sulc thrill not boi.oiilr.ii3l by the court , such tUiostl will b ; return 'il to fie nurclia er If omif.rmed. the do. pjilt so mulu will bo accepted mid received nnd npnllol a a pvrt of tlio piiuhaw price. Consul I li'irl bin's of the wild OiOKOn bhorl LI no an1 Uuli Northern Ilallwny Conpnnj. end rciiruii by the coinolldattd ircirlenRu afort'nld. may b t < * n lord I nnd will bo ncdvedoiiBCCOuntoi thn bid of the piir.'ti iBer , but to FIIC.I ainuunt enl ] nsnnitld hi ninillciiilo thereto by tbe tirnsof tin vlecrecs had the entire purchase prlra hetn paid I n money ; fin t fhopurcfnsermuM lil'enlsopav In mousy ui a pjri 01 his jmrrlmsu prlco sucli olhti further uuiiu In moiixy ua the court may Ceter. uilno. If the Mlo shall bo confirmed , nnd the purchnso prlcj made omiipleto by iho pnjinint by iho hid. Uerof tlio pnnhss' ) tirlco thereat , u died frrlho propinks purchneed will bv ex ecu ml by the Comniliiloner upon tlio Olrictlvn nnd dccrf-qol the courts tharLto , In wlilc-'i < lnd Iho American Losn&'lruit Company. compUlnnnt nnd trustee of the sild roaanllilntod raortg ( .n.wlll Idn , ion- viylnir to the puichaser thu fl Id rallnnjaand jiremlws , thu ( utciutlon of nlilrli bythcsold Trust Uompiny will ba m-ido Jiuraunnt to the terms and illrccltoni of the > nld dcrws. and pnrsunnt to tha power and nuthorlly ii | > on It conferred by the Hild cornolMnKd niorlcngc. vi hlch dec-d , BO to bu executed , Uicll by the terms of thu tnld tlicrers convoy to tha i urchus'-r the uvld inoilgaited rnllwuysnnd prrptnlis , itiibjett , lioni > rer. to lliu undurllnr murUugra tlierroti lierctnbeforo referred in. and to the rrci'lvcr * ship rlmrgea and ohl [ cations linpocil by tlio d creui , whldi Halo and deul by tha l.inn.1 of the Mil iIicritH shall ix/niliially bar HIH defnndint , the Oregon Hliort 1 Ino A lllnli Nnrthi.rii ItilUvny ( ion p. ny. nnd oil per- cans clilmlne liy , thriiugli , or under It , from all rl.-ht nnd liilcii t in the culj uortcogcd prop. crtlcs , ' Dated this olnlilli ilny nf Ilorembcr. 1P ( ) . JOHN II CI , > ; iANIi , rimimliaionnr. ciNLOAN.tTnuKrcoui' liy B. U 1 KAIIOUV , ' VU.tN.W. JORDAN. > l ArtUtYT. EVERY WOMAN Eoiiuitlnies IICIHI. n ri-HabU tnoutlily regulating inedlclof DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL pILLSj Are prompt. Hafo nnil certnln In remit. The no ( Jr ) , IViI'M ) imvcrdlsuDlxmit hnni any 1.10 Sliermttii & McConnnel Drug Co. , 1113 DrJgo Hlroet. Omahtt , Nes , _ DRi Si Oi GULLInS nud" morplilno untlUoto , Ain.Kxp. UlUtf.i CblcuKO MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD Last Mooting of the Commissioners ns Now Organized * BONDS OF OFFICERS-ELECT ARE RECEIVED Report of dimity .Inilwo lln\ti r I * l'rt > MnliMl unit Ht-ferroil to tlio Incoming llonril for UN Cuiinlilrrntloii. The old Hoard of County Commlsploncra hclil lla last meeting jcstprdny niul fin ished up tlio small amount of toutlno brsl- nets remaining to bo acted u | > on. The re tiring members of the board , Mcaira Wil liams nnd Jenkins , go out of ofllco nt mid night tonight , when the new members , Messrs. Ostrotn nnd llofoldt , bccomo com- mlsalonera In fact. The nrat meeting of the now board \\111 be held January 12 , unless Important business requires a meeting to be held sooner. Jnmcfl Nason was nppoliited constable of Waterloo precinct to flll vacancy. The otnclal bonds of County Attorney Hal- drlRe , W. H. Learn , constable for Omnhn ; W. J. Morrow , Justice of the pcaco for Haft Omaha ; several road overseers nnd the fol lowing nsecwsors , viz. James Q. Carpenter , Fourth vvrml ; W. II. Mnllory , Fifth ward ; S 1 > . Hrlgliam , South Omaha : Clnus Oft , Jefferson precinct ; J. F. Trncy , Florence pre cinct ; II. J. Hocflslg , Douglas precinct ; F. J nielck , McArdle precinct , nnd Fred Moul- ton , Clkhoin precinct , \\cro approved. The hearing of the protest against the granting of n liquor license to Mary La Motto In Dundee Place had been set for hearing } C8terday , but It appeared that the applicant had not been notified of the hearing , nnd the case was continued until 10 o'clock this morning , when the board will sit ns n license board to hear testimony nnd pass on the protest. The following report vvns received from County Judge Uaxtcr nnd referred for the consideration of the new board * "In addition to the usual report of the receipts and illsburaementA of the county court for the > enr IS G , I herewith submit a report of certain additions and Improve ments to the records of the office during the past three jenrs of my ndmlnlstrntlon. "The claim register found In the olllce , by reason of Us avvkvvnrd hulk , has per sisted In falling to pieces , and by reason of Its poor arrangement nnd much useless nnd statistical Information , was soon found cum. bcrsome and unsuitable and has been dis carded. It has been replaced , without cost to the county , by a simpler and more piactlcal volume. "Tho la.v provides that certain official bonds Mial ! be flied nnd recorded In the county court. Heretofore these bonds have Leen Hied , but not recorded. About two > ears ngo n bond record was prepared and all olllclal nnd miscellaneous bonds from the earliest records have been recorded. "All marriage licenses Issued prior to 3S92 were preserved by my predecessors In unbound packages , which has made difficult the labor of finding the original papers and frequently resulted In their loss. At the cost of over a month's labor of almost the entire offlca forre , these scattered licenses have been collected , arranged chionologkally nnd bound In convenient volumes. Thlo has enhanced their usefulness nnd reduced the labor of the office force by making them easier of access. "Tho absence of convenient and complete Indexes to administration , guardianship and adoption matters has heretofore seriously embairassed the public. Complete ami icllablc InJcxfs to these three classea of business have been made , and trifled by comparison with every paper , fee book and Index relative to them The labor of thcli preparation occupied ° cveral months. "Convenient and reliable Indexes are now Kept for clUl cases and marriage licenses , and the flrst complete Index to condemnation matters Is In process of preparation. "To reduce the labor , and consequently the expense of iccording. eight largo volumes of the probate record Imvo been prepared. Those contain printed copies of the probate blanks most frequently used. "During the foity jcars covered by the county court records the uncertain reading of the statutta nnd various interpretations ami amendments thereto have resulted In a variety of practice In keeping the records Many records have been practically Inac cessible to all but a few because of a lack of the necessary unwritten information as to these practices. A complete key to these records now constitutes ono of the most valu able additions to the office. These and other minor Improvements have been made with out charge to the county except for the books used They have brought the records into a ajstematlc and simple shape nnd have mntciially reduced the labor of the office. " itni.inK rou PIIOPIJHTY . .IinlKtKi'jNor I'aNMi-M 4111 n Tux I.uv ) CltNC. Judge Kcysor has entered n decree setting nsilc a tax levied against certain lots on South Seventeenth street to pa } damages for the change of the grade of that street be tween Casttllar and Vinton streets , The grade of the street was ordered changed and appraisers were appointed to assess the damages resulting from the change to the abutting property. The report of the ap praisers showed that a number of lots nlong the street were damaged , and after adopt ing the report the city council levied a tax to pay these damages , assessing all the abutting property , including that which had been damagul. Onncrt , of the damaged property appealed to the courts for relief and the case was contested on the theory that the property In question could not be both benefited and damaged. The decree entered by Judge Kcjhor was based on this course of reasoning. The tax assessed against the property of the plaintiffs was set aside , but this does not affect the tax levied against any other property on the sticct. MIOOTS AT 3riciMiv's picTimn. MnUiT Cn 11 nl ( o ( lie AHoiiMnn of tin1'olirr. . The police * were ycsteiday requested to endeavor to discover the party or par ties , nt present unknovvni , who fired a bul let Into the residence of S. A. Cornccr , 1019 South TVS only-fourth atreet , on New Year's ovo. Corneer did not report thp fact until yesterday. It appcaro that some time IJP'OIC the last election Cornccr placed a picture of Mc- Klnky In hi ? front window. Ho allowed the picture to remain there after election ami until the prercnt time. On Now Year's cvo some gay passerby took a shut at the portrait trait of tlio president-elect. The bullet went through the forehead and then bored Its way through three partitions In the house. The chief of police has detailed n couple of the detectives to ninUo an Investigation , It gives Immediate relief wo mean Sal vation Oil , the great paln-tumcdy , Price 25c oil n Tim CUHO In which n fight la on between thrco negroes , W. II. JInll , James Hard ing nnd JnmcH DlggH , chuigcd with gam bling , and Thomas Donnlson , clmrgcd vvltli UeLpliiK wimbling1 devlccH , came up for hearing before Judge Gordon yeutordiiy uft- ornoon All the parties appeared at the fipcclllul time , but It was discovered by Ui6 prase cutlntf attorney that the Informa tion lira I nut the varlouH Individuals WIIH not made out In legal form. The prlsoncra wore therefore dlHchargcd. A now Informa tion will bo Issued today and the rnuo will bo brought up again Intur In the week. llfi < Knilci-w 1'Ki-rn1 The annual meeting of tlio Ufa Under writers' A eolation of Nebraska mnu held In the room of the Commercial club Monday uvcnlng , The following olllceru vvcro elected to servo di'rlng the ensuing year : I'rcnl- dent , John Steel ; first vice presi dent , J , M. EdmUton ; second vlco president , C , K , Oould ; secretary , A. H. KdmUton ; treasurer , II. It. Oould ; executive eommlttcu : W. I. Ilawl.d , II , S. Ford , William II , Ilrovvn und Hlmon floetz. The next regular meeting will bo hold ill Lincoln , Monday , February 1. The king of pills U Mocchara' * IJcccham'i IMPOSITION COMMITTI3U Mir.TH. Action on llliln for HOOIIIN for llrnil- iliinrlrrn Pimliioncil. The executive committee of the Trnnamls- lsslipl | and InlerniutonM Imposition nsao. elation held a special meeting jcslenlay nt the Commercial club rooms for the purpono of acting on the bids for rooms for head quarters , which were opened nt the last meet ing nnd ivfcr.-ed to n committee. On account of the absence of , Mr. Ilruct1 , tine of the special committee , however , no uctlon WES taken on the bids , the matter being ptvit- ponod until the regular meeting on Saturday of this weok. President Wnttles was requested to confer with C. S , Montgomery , the legal ndvlscr of the board , regarding the powers of the fltnte , county and cilj to make appropria tions In support of the exposition. A letter was read from the llrltlsh vleo consul nt Knnsis City , asking for full In formation regarding the exposition for In corporation In his regular annual report to his goveminent. The matter was referred to the Department of Publicity. Mnuager Hitchcock , for the Department of Promotion , reported favorable progress In the work of his department nnd asked authority to employ one Additional tjpo- wrlter. The request wra granted President Wnttles read n letter received from Secretary Olncy of the Department of State , relating to nn nnnouneemont through the State Department to foreign govern ments regarding the exposition. The sec retary expressed his willingness to do all In bin power In the- matter and enclosed a long list of the olllclnl titles of the various foreign potentates for use In nddrc&ilng communica tions to their highnesses. President Wnttles said ho would follow up his correspondence with the pocrctary of state nnd get the facts of the exposition prominently before the nations of the world. The form of blank application for space and the rules to govern exhibitors and con cessionaires were referred to the Depart ment of Publicity In conjunction \tlth the Departments of Inhibits nud Concessions for rovIslon. The notifications of the action of the Park boird and county commissioners tendering the use of parks nnd the poor farm addi tion , were rend nnd plnced on file , the chair man of the committee being Instructed In acknowledge the thanks of thu committee for the concessions now AMI < ; mis % AIU ASSOCIATION. Hi-noHn llaKc a Cnoil Sliouliiir for It * Year N Work. A few members of the HOJB' nnd Girls Aid association held a ohort meeting In the Young Men's Christian association par lors last night to hear the > early re ports of the officers. Rev , John Williams , as president of the association , acted as chairman. The society has been In existence for four years nnd n largo amount of benevolent woik has been accomplished In the way of lemovlng children from parents who failed to provide for them , taking them from vicious surroundings and .In otherwise se curing for the little waifs gpod homes where they might grow to become good men and gentle women. A. W , Clarke , ns superintendent , through whom the major portion of the work has been performed , reported that 152 children hod been provided with good homes In the past four jenrs During the jenr of 1S9C BOVCU v\ero tiansferred from places which had been selected by the society to others more desirable , and nine provided with per manent homes The last named were given homes with reputable farmers , as the coun try Influences nro thought to be the best. Cadet Tnylor , as chairman of the commlt- tee on Jails , repoited that the arrangements for the care of chlldicn and women in the city Jail were In fairly good condition. The cells were separate , and the feminine and Juvcnllo prisoners were removed from the Influence * of the hardened criminals as far ns possible. Ho stated that the plans of the new Jail contemplated at Sixteenth nnd Lcavcnvvorth streets wore In conformnnco with the Ideas of the society. Mrs 0 W. Clark , as secretary , reported that $23 GO of the society's funds were still tied up In the defunct Globe Savings bank , and that thcro was a cash balance on hand of $5. A general discussion wns held on the ctir- fevv ordinance , which is now In the hands of a special committee of the city council for the purpose of revision , nnd the chair man selected n committee composed of Hov , A. J. Turkic , Mrs. Cadet Tujlor , Judge Horha and Mrs G. W. Clark for the pur pose of conferring with City Attorney Con- nell. In order Hint the Ideas of the soclctj In the matter might bo carried out. The meeting adjourned , subject to tin call of the president , when It Is expected that the officers for the prcacnt year will be elected. I > Till : UMTii ) STATES COUIIT , llcrrvo Untt-riMl In tin" S rorerloMiirr Caxc. Judge Mcllugh of the United States court yesterday rendered a decree of fore closure against James Stcphenson and In favor of Harold IlroHn for $35,000 The mortgage covered the barn nt Nineteenth and Nicholas and the ono at Tenth and Hnr- ney streets , and the family residence at Nineteenth and Casa. The feutuio of the case was the defense set un by Stephtnson , In which he alleged that the mortgage wa secured through misrepresentation Illley Abels was yesterday sentenced to eight months In Jail for passing confederate money , the sentence to Oato from September 30. Ho was convicted under that section of the United States statutes which make It a crime to pass or use anything made In imi tation of government , currency. Judfio ML'Hugh has several cases which have been submitted to him nnd which ho wishes to pass upon before going to Lincoln. That ho may have tlmo to look up the la.v involved , ho has decided not to hear any more civil cases this term. Tlio next few das will bo given to criminal business , and the few days remaining after that , and be fore the opening of the Lincoln term , v.lll bo given to prcp.iring opinions on the cases under advisement. The following petit Jury has been drawn for the January term of the federal court , opening at Lincoln on January 18- Charles M Sullivan , PlatUsmouth ; Hd Hoare , Platte Center ; U. S. Hubbard , llavelock , Julius Jankov/skl , Omaha , Ambrose Uddy , Lincoln ; Low Martin , Hastings , Joseph U. Hojd , Uni versity Place , George G Seoy , Omaha ; T II , Davis , Lincoln ; L. J. Pond , Alma ; F. M. Hose , Lincoln ; J W. Well , Lincoln ; A. J. Wright , Tccumseh ; A. S Voddcr , Bennett ; Fred Trute , Hlk Creek : C. II Ulckard , FulU City ; J. M Borland , Fairmont ; L A Dnr- rington , Chadron ; J. W Smith. Cook ; P. W. Illrkhnuser , Omaha ; T. J. Majors , Peru ; H. II. Sydenham , Kearney ; P. II Horry , Jack son ; J. II. Hamilton , Lincoln ; 13. J Ircy , Omaha ; C. C. Miller , Omaha ; P. J. McQuil lan , Omaha ; G. M. Murphey , Cielo ; Henry Leavltt , Omaha ; 0. N Potter , Omaha , Theo dore W. Smith , Omaha ; H. C. Mowers , Colon ; Wiley Mathews , Lincoln ; John H. Pohlman , Peru ; U. M. Hraden , Douglas ; A. A. Car man , COMMTIO.V OF Tim CITY KU.VHif. oil Iliniil XA'lirn I-IIN ! Yfiir'M ISllHllH'NN ClllM'll. The following statement from Comptroller Wcstbcrg shows the condition of the city funds at the close of 18'Jfi ; I Balance Dorem- Dee. SI , ber salUal - H'Mj a lies. an co. . Polled . 3,42.120 3,10000 325 20 Water rent . Wl fil . Sill : .l H wcr trnliita'nlrf ' 4 * 51 . * * > § ' Judgment . ' < J . ' ' 3 Library . . . . . . . . . Wl'J 4'J ' C22 00 5,307IS Curb , gutter nnd cleaning . 1231 . 1231 Purk . 1273 . 1 73 HwiTl . 93 ! > 10071 S-'iU Llrhtlllf , ' . . . . . . 2021 . 2 ! 21 O y hall. . . 3,374 CD . 3,374 OS lUMil . . . . . . . 1.HH72 1.02380 82081 IMvIng bond . SlS'Jll . 8.JWI Plumbers' main- talnlntf . 1.SM73 . 1 , 00 ,3 , riCtilcal ( . 23000 . 2CO OJ Police mllpf fund WM M ) . 4t ft M Vladuet . 70 S3 . 70 SI Coal dealers' II- , ipiiHe . . . . 2000 . 009 Totals . .EMlinib < 237HQ 97 t SQI 'Jl Death ( if K-Cltx Clurk ( Jroven. John diovea died at his rcHldonuo , 2538 Chicago utrcot , lust night , after an ill- nc n of four month , ' ! vvltli dropsy. Ho hud been at St. Joxcph's lioxpltal till about ten ilaj'H ago , vvlidii hu wait tali en homo , Ho was about W years of ago and leaven a wife and two daiinlitiTH , Ho xervcd two tcrnm oti city dork of Omaha.