Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat LOBCH ft Largo Part of tbo Gain o
Last Saturday.
Corn nnil Onl * SlumKriicUoiinl c
anil Provision * n More lc-
l rop-\ortlMvi'Mt ! i'H
I'll I In run n
CHICAGO , Jan. 4. today los
nearly 1 cunt of the IHc gained S.utirda >
chli-ily on liccolint of the general taking o
jiruIHH , wliloli wcru HUlllclctitly enticing n
the opening nilvuticc. The northwest him
failures ucru also liillitcnllal to u degree.
Other mnrkutx were nioro or lesa uffcctoi
corn declining nbout * ic , o\ts lie unil pro
vlflonn 2&ftl2'to. '
Liverpool wan n decided faetor In whca
at the opening. Opening nuotatlonH In Urn
r.iarkot were all t'.iu ' way fioni Id to US
higher. At the same time It wan know
that the amount of wheat on ocean passag
linil decreased very heavily and that th
world's shipments to Europe last week
were Hanill. Heerbohm's called the decreas
on passage 3,410,000 IAI. nnd the tola
amount put alloat for the week , 4,000,000 bu
"With that to start wlt.i , wheat , wlilcl
closed Saturday at Xl'fec , opened with buy
cis til anywhere from i5o to So'.ju , mid 83V4 -
thu most general price , 'lln-ro wan .ibiniii
< ince for sale at those prices by peopl
vhosu previous purcliasoH showed a. hand
wirno prollt , fonaiilvrliiK the heaviness of th
niiantitles some of them dealt In had 01
Jiand. thu result being n gradual but al
most steady di-ollno until the price of Mn >
went down to M'lc about 11:30 : o'clock
Some of this Hi'lllng came from otil.Mld
points , notably St. Louis , and was Inllu
. need by signal service reports of snow It
the winter .wheat . district , allaying grcatl >
the fears of damage to that crop from ( If
creasing after the almost un-irei-odeiitcdly
mild weather that haa prevailed. ChloiK <
receipts were 03 cars anil 2,000 hu. were In
jipected out of store. Minneapolis and Uu
luth got only 301 cars against MS on th
corresponding day of last year. The world'
Hhlpments last week Ihially reported wer
C.2UI.UUU bu. against 3S71.000 bu. the wool
before and 0,021,000 bu. the correspondlni ,
week last year. The visible sup
lily showed an Increase of 20Sm
bu. Instead of a decrease of ahou
that much. Closing cables were vcrj
linn wlt'.i Liverpool at a total gain o
2il since It cloed Thursday last , Londoi
C < l per quarter higher and llorlln H { . mark
higher. The market here , however , wn
kept down by steady selling out of long
wheat , a great deal or which during the las
hour was caused by several bank failure
] u the norUnvest. The price of .May llnal'.j
pot down to 8'Dic and closed easy at Si74r : <
Me.C'orn opened n shade better In sympathj
with the better tone In wheat , but luriu'i
weak as the leading cereal declined. Trad
was light , with but little from outside
tourccH. May opened a shade higher a
from 2.T > iC to 2Cc and declined with cevnra
Iluetuatlons to Sf&u , where It closed.
Liquidations was the order of the day It
oats. The market opened steady , but ne.ik
ened later In sympathy with wheat and 01
the decline several good sized lines wen
disposed of. The visible supply showed at
Increase of ( ilSOOO bu. , which had sonu
effect. May opened a Phado higher at IWT
l T ( c. sold between 10 ? iiI'JTtc. closing cas.\
< it"i9V4o asked.
Provisions wcro rather tnino nnd ap
peared to bo as much under the Inllucnce
of the wheat lluctiiatlons. as were other
grain markets. Packers wore moderate
j-ellers and long pork and ribs were like-
ivlm said to have como upon the market In
small lots. At Kio cloe May pork wns 12'/.c
lo.vor at $7.KO. May lard 2 ! < .o lower nt $ :1.I7' : ! , ' . ,
May ribs about fie lower nt J3.97" . .
Estimates for Tuesday : Wheat , 4SI cars ;
corn , 210 cars ; oats , 230 cars ; hogs , 20,000
head ,
The- lending futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | Hlitli. ] " ovr. ] _ Clo u , | HaT'd'y.
" "
Jan. . . HUH R1U fiO PO 80T4
Mny. . HUH
July. . . 7l ( ( I'll '
Jan. . . . " I'lls
May. . . . - s
July. . . . ' . ' 7 ii09 Jim ,
.1.111 . . .
May. . . . ll J 1UJ * lllli ion
Jan. . . . 7 Bfi 7 03 7 CO
May. . . . 7 U5 7 05 7 77M 7 HO 7 117 i >
Jiu. . . . 3 fi 3 "H 3 80 : l H' > !
May. . . . 4 01 ! > < 4 tl.r A 05 a U7.w 4 OU
Jan. . . . 3 81 ! i. 85 ' HIJ 3 80 a H-'Ji
_ Miiy. " . . I Ul''f ' 3U7J4 4 tl'J.'j
No. 2.
CiiBh quotatlonii were ns follon-n :
FIXDtJlt Klim ; winter iiatrntn , J4.5flfrt.7Ij
fllnlKlita , 51.M1H.7taring npicliilg. Jl.t.0 ; cprlne
palcnt ! . . JI.1HM.M ; ctrnlRlits , )3.7SU4.00 ; bakcrii ,
J3.10 3.15.
WIIKAT No. 2 fiirlnc. SOSSO4e ! ; No. 3 spring ,
73St77c ; No. 2 roil , 80H (9U4c. (
COIt.V No. 2 , 23'tc ; No. t yellow , 23i23Vtc.
OATS-No. 2 , ir.4 ! 16ic : No. 2 white , I. o. b. ,
19ffl9Uc ; No. 3 white , 17c.
HVli No. 2. 3Sc.
IIAIlLKY-No. 2. nomlnnl ; No. J , f. o. b. ,
! 41ij32c ; No. 4 , f. o. ! > . , 2l 2lc.
KLAXSI-Ul-No. : 1. 7fj7Cc.
TIMOTHY SUKDl'rlimJS.70. .
I'HOVISIONS-I'ork , mean , per bill. , t7.r"C7.CO ;
Innl , IMT KO HIM. . | 3.tn03.t2'i ; fhort rllis. sides
( loupe ) , JJ.COfiS.W : dry rullnl nhoilM.-rs ( Imxcil ) ,
JM..Jfl.M : short clear cities ( boxt-d ) , )3iT'.aif
lll'TTKH Steady ; creamery , 15fl cj dairy , a&
fresh. ICe.
UHiSSii > I'OtJI.THY-rirmj turkeys. He :
c lcki-nx , Cc ; ducks , 'JKU'c. '
WIIISKY-UlslllIers' tlnUhed Roods , per Knl. ,
Ht'OAIlS Cut loaf , 15.10 ; granulated , JI.S3.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the I'ro.lnco u toilarthu b-.itter mir-
ket W.IH Hleaily ; crcamiiry , lOa'JOc ; dairy. 0 ®
ISc. KKKH , llrnii Irt-uh , lOc. Chccoo , quiet ;
M\V rouic ri\iit.\i ; < MAUICKT.
( luolittlniiH iif tli liny oil General
NK\V YOIIIC. Jan.KUUUIeccli > t , . -
200 bhlf. ; exports , iMl lihU. ; dull , owhn ; to the
tlrm vlcwa of holdern ; winter patcntx , } t.8jtfo.:0 ;
winter etralehtD. Jl.Wift.SO ; Minnesota patents ,
JI.COfll.M ; Jtlnnci-ota hakers , I3.4003.W ; winter
low erodes , Jl'.TSOJ.W. Ityu iluur , quiet ; Biipc
llnc , J2.75O2.S3. lluckwheat Hour , dull at J1.23.
HUCKWHKAT Ktraily lit Sic.
COItN" MKA1 < Steady ; yellow western , COc.
HVK Nominal.
llAHMOY-HU'ULly at 29'e.
IIAHI.KV MAI.T Nominal ; western , SOir.Wc.
WIIKAT Hccelil | , C'J.375 bu. ; exports , 116.219
tiu. ; fpot weaker ; No. 1 hanl , 97ic. Options
opened stroni ? at the highest point or the crop
on May , stimulated by firm cables nnd bull-
lull fnrelKii ututlsllcs ; later Kurope turned sell
ers , sturtint ; larso ( ifferlnKK by local lonRs. under
which prices collapsed , ctpeclally on late months ,
rludni ; up to Uc net decline : No. 2 red , Janu-
ury , 721iifTJHc , closed at 72c ; May , 6'J ll.tCO'jl ic.
clotoil at f3ic.
COIIN ItecelplB. < t,225 hu. ; exports , 164,642 bu. ;
| iot steady ; No , 2 , 295i 2 ! ? 4C. Options ijulet but
Heady all day. helped by export demand , clos-
IHK unchaiiKfil ; January doted lit l"J ic ; May.
! l3ltc. } closed al 3H c.
OATS Ilecelpls , 64.000 bu. ; exports. 10.3J3 bu. :
rpot fairly active ; No. 2 , 2214e. Options dull
mid barely Mrady , closlnif He net lower ; Janu
ary cloned at 22'ic ; May , 23iff24c , clorcil nt
23ic ,
llAY-Qiilet : shlpplnir. C2'i057Kc ' ; eood to
choice , GiijO'Oe.
IIOl'S-HUndy ; 1S05 crop. 3 7'ic ' ; U56 crop ,
fWlJo ; 1'aclllo coast crop , 1803 , SViOiWc ; 1WK ! crop ,
Mi 13o.
IlIDKS-KInn ; Texas dry. 8Uc ; California ,
I.IATIHU Firm ; hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayrcs ,
19H (20'ic. ( '
1'HOVIKIOKH rifff , llrm : family , JS.tOiMO.W ;
rxtru mers , ? . . ' . ( ] ; packet , JS.IHijl'j.W ; beef hams.
S.OO. Cut ments , llrm ; pickled bellies. I.Kf
1.75 : pickled vhuiilders , K.25 ; pickled Iminii. | S.f,0
. ,
orn crcnmcry , 1302Ic ; Klgn | factory ,
- .
KdtlM-KIrm ; western. ,
BIKJAH Itaw. ijulet ; enmuluted , 4Hc.
TAMX\V-l--rm | ; city. 3 C-lCc.
OILS I'elroleum , nomlnnl ; united , OOc. IloRln ,
firm ; strained , common to KUCM ! , Ji.7\it/l.5. \
Turpentine , llrm ; 2Te2iic. Cottonieed , dull ;
prlinu crude , 20c ,
HICK-I-'Irm ; 3Til/6Vic : Jnpnn. 4' ' , ; CM So.
MOLAy.SKH-Qulot ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
MKTAI.8 1'lic Iron , quiet ; southern , J11.M0
1225 ; northern , Jll.OOOU.OO. Copper , ilroiiK ;
brokers , J11.S7V4 ! i-xcluuiKc , Tin. llrm ;
strnlts , JtS.W ; plates , quiet. Hpelter. dull ; do-
mtittlr. JI.D3. I'li ; lend ! stroiiK , but KUa-rullv
quole.l by brokers al the old price of llfo In
the locnl market , but forelun market ilrmer ;
trading ruled quiet ; rxchannu price , 13.03 ,
YOIIIC. Jan. 4-COrTER-Optlons
openrd llrm nt from 10 to 30 points ndvnnct * . In
fluenced by the strength In Havre , European
buylnir orders and Rdvemo crop reports holdltiK
the itrcneth nil day , assisted by small llruzlllun
rtCklpts and liberal warehouse deliveries ;
flint nt ficm JO to M | iolnts nMI'K.inre ; rn\ff \ ,
21MO bflRi ! , Including ! Jm > . (5. Wf.0 | ;
March , J9.Mnti.Ki. Ppot , llh , , M , > , No. 7 , Job *
bliiR. JIO.T.V Mild , rtenilyi Cuiiloui , tlt.MUlT.W ;
Wllfn. lute Hnturd.iy , MO bflR HantuH. Nos. 5 to
7 ; Impellul 1'rlncc , J10.7S , eft < irc terms , Wnre-
hoUc dell\erle , 17 , S3 IHIKK from New York ;
Ncxv York stock today. 3M.2S9 tmRs ; United
liH.-k , 407,311 baK ; nnont for the Vnlted States ,
JM.OvD lORSt total visible for the L'nlted ( States ,
7UI.8II bni { , nsnlnH 6 , < Si7l hnK * Innt year.
I HO. Jan. 4.-t-on-'KK-Julel ( ; No. 7. lllo ,
li'fwO rcls ; rxchanite , 8 9-1C.1 ; receipts , two dnys ,
14,000 IHIRS ; cleared for the United Htatui. f.OU
IIIIKK ; slock , 3.W.OOO bncs. Weekly report : 1'iilfie ,
quiet ; exchniiRc stnndanl , lO.Wil icls ; recel'itt. ,
diirlhK the \\cek , CKM ( ) baRA ; rhlpmentn tn the
United Klates , 44.000 bnKs ; stock , 229.01)0 ) IHIRS.
SANTOS. Jan. 4.-COl < TKI--nrin : ; itood nve
astKnnloH , 11,4W rcls ; receipts , two days , 9,000
bnB * ; stock , CO , K ) baRS. Weekly report : Cof
fee , llrm ; curxl aveniRc per 10 kilos. 11.400 rels ;
recelptn durliiK the. week , 67,000 linns ; shipments
to the l/'nllcd Ktnlcs. 26,000 lings ; stock , 008.000
HAVlin , .Inn. 4.-COPl-'ii-Ctofed unsettled
nt I'.i'SPit ' ndrnnco ; sale * . SB.OOO II.IRH.
IIAMIIU'.C. Jnn. 4. COI-THi : Iriegulnr ; Itf
1'.4 ' I'fg. nilvimcp ; sales , ICOO baps.
OMAHA nigMVitAi , .11 AUKKT.
CiiiiilKlon ( if Trndo nail ( liiiitiitliin.i
nn Slni'lr mill I-'nncy Produce.
KdOS-rrrvh gathered , weak nt ICJJISc.
lllj'TTKIl-Common to fair , & 09o ; choice to
fnncy , roll , 13014t : ; separator crcnmery , Sic ;
Kiithcieil cienin , lS12i'c.
GAML'-I'ialilc rhtckcns , per doz , , IC.COtfC.tS ;
iiiiill | , Jl.WQI.IO ; Line winged teal ducks. 11.WW
1.75 ; Kreen wine , U.23 ; reilhcads and mallards ,
r.CO ; tinnll ralihltD , 40flCuc ; jnclts , Jl.Com.M ;
Kqulrrclr , C0i75o ; deer snddlrn , HUlCc ; cuicasscs ,
lOiillc ; nntcloim snildltr , 13KUt ; carcasses , tic ;
Cnnniln geese , InrRC , | ( i.00f7.00 ? ; smnll. il.COOS.bO ,
CIIiisiOomesllo : : brick , lO'.ic ; IMam , per
dox. , t'J.OO , Hub IIOIISP I-.b. } : itp. per doz. , (3.15 ;
l.lmlici-gpr , fnni-y , iicr Hi. , B'ic ' , ; Uoituefort , Vj-ll > .
Jjrs , PIT doz , Jil.CO ; Yuune Amerlcus , luTic ;
twins , mney , loije.
VKAI.-Choice fat. SO to 120 Ibs. . nre Quoted nt
7n ; InrRe nnd cnarfe , 44T5e.
niliHSii : : ) POITI.TUY Chickens , Co ; turkeys ,
lOSTllo. KCCBP , 7 ! < Se ; duel ; * , 7i8c.
MVII'Ot'I.TUY : Not wanted.
IjJOKON.S I.l\c. 75IOOc ; dend pigeons , not
. midland 14 00 lowland.
HAT--tIplnnil , J4.50 ; , ;
t3.Ed ; rye straw , 51.00 ; color makes the price mi
liny ; IlKht tielor sell the lirsl ; only top grades
hrlrur lop | irlcp- < .
ItllOOM COItN'- Extremely slow sale ; new
crop , ilclhcri'il on trark In country ; c'.iolce Kreen
elr wp klllK cnrpot , per Ih. , 2'lc ; choice green ,
running to hurl , 2'4c ; common. Hie.
SV.'EKT TOTATOUS-On orders , per bbl. , J2.00.
ONMONS Cloud stock , per bu.tOij.V > c.
LIMA MKANS-l'iT Ib. . 4c.
lll-IANS-IInnd picked navy , per bu. , J1.2. . .
CAltlunE-Clnoil stock , per hundred , J1.25.
cni.EItY I'er doz. , 23ff30c ; fancy , large , 4C { ?
tOf.POTATOKP Oond stol : , per bu. , 25c ; Wyom-
tn * stock , mclcec ! . tOc. ner 100 Ibs.
( lit M'ES-Crntou , iS pony baskets , Concords
and CatuwbaB , per crates , J2.60.
MAI.AdA OUAI-nS I'er | ; CB , $7.
CIlANIinUKIMS Cape Cod , per hhl. . J6.
AI'I'U'S CwklPif. per hbl.J1.6o I.75 ; fancy
New Yolk , J1.75.
CAI.IWr.NIA I'BAnS rcr box , 12.0002.23.
TltOI'ICAL , l-'ltUlTiJ.
I'INlJAl'liLES 1'cr crate of two to Ihrce doz. ,
OKANOKS Mexican. J3.75 ; Cnllfurnla navels ,
J4 ; recdllngM , J3.
I.HMOSS Mpsslnns. J4. 50 3.00 ; choice Cali
fornia , J3.MH3.75 ; fancy , $4.
IIANAN.vs Choli-e. Inrnc stoclt. per h-jnch ,
t.Cllfr225 ; medium-Hired hunches. J1.5002.0S.
HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. , He ; choice , 13c ;
California , amber color , lOc.
ClDKU-Cbirlllcd Juice , per half bbl. . J2.GO ; per
bbl. . Jl.00jf4.23.
MAPLE SVUUP-rive-sal. cans , enih , J2.COIf
2.75 , gal. cans , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , J'i.25 ' ;
ni.irl calm. J3.50.
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. . larg
size. 13c ; Ilrazlls. per Ib. . luc ; Etigllsh wnl-
uiiis. per Ib. . fancy , soft shell. 125T2'ic ] ' ; slnnd-
ards. ilGH'.ic ; HlbcrtB , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , pol
ished , larsiJOlOc ; Jumbo , ll12c ; Inise hickory -
ory nuts , 11.23 per bu. ; small , 11.50 ; cocoanuts. Be
' ' "
"sAIllIU KJIAUT Per half bbl. , $1.75. ; bbls. .
n.cofi3.2 : > .
KIOS Imported fancy , C crown , 30-lb. boicj ,
ISui choice. 10-lb. boxes. S-croivn. He.
HIDKP No. 1 green liK'.cs. Sc ; No. 2 green
hides 4cNo. . 1 gre-cn Milted hides. 7c ; No. 2
preen tailed hides , Cc ; No. 1 venl calf. 8 to 12
l'h * 7o ; NIL 2 venl calf. 8 to U. Ibs. . 4c : No. 1
dry Illnl hides. 941 lOc ; No. 2 dry Hint lildea ,
Sfi'icNo. . 1 < lry called hliie * . fifSc. part cured
hides. ' .Jc per Ih. lees thnn fully cured.
SHEKI' 1'El/TS Green salted , each. 23BCOe ;
crocn sailed. shearing * ( fhorl wocled early skins ) ,
each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) No. 1. each , Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas and
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight , 4 ? jc ; drlint. ( . Kntuau nnd Nebraska
Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3Jf4e ;
dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pells , per Ib. ,
aclunl weight. 4fi5c ; ory Hint Colorado Murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , nclunl weight. 3f4n ; feel
cut off. n It Is useless lo rny freluht on them.
TALLOW AND GIIEASE Tnllow , No , 1 , 3c ;
tnllow. No. S. 2Jc ! ; grease , white A , 3c ; grease ,
white II , 2c ; Rrense , ychow , Ic ; grease , ilnrlt ,
lo ; ohl liutter , 2ff24c ! ; beeswax , prime , UCSIc ;
rough tnllow , Ic.
\VOOL-UnwnsheJ , flno , heavy , (07c ; fine , light ,
SffOc ; qiiarlcrbloo. . . 10Jfl2c ; teedy , burry nnd
cbnffy. SiiSc : cotted nnd broken , coarse , 7fl9c ;
cottcit nnil broken , line , CifSc. Fleece Washed
Medium. ISGISc ; line. HSIGc ; tub wnshed , ICJflSe ;
black , fcc ; bucks , Cc ; lac locks , 2Q3c ; dead
pulled , CGI ? .
ItONl-'S In car lots , neighed nnd delivered In
Chlc.iRo : Dry buffalo , per ton. J12.00014.00 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , $10.COff2 ! 0 ; dry country -
try , damp nnil mealy , per ton , 50.0088.00.
1IEEF Good native steers. 400 to COO Ibs. . C',4Q >
7c ; western steels , 4Iijr3'ic ; good cows anil licit-
c-rs , Cj5fcc ! ; medium CUWH iillU heifers , 414c ; good
forcipiuiters cows ami heifers. 4c. gi-od forequarters -
quarters native steers , Cc : Rood hlmlqimnera cows
and heifers , G'ic ; gooJ hlndguxrtcrs native steers ,
c ; tenderloins , 20c ; boneless btrlps , 9c ; ttrlp
loins , 7c ; rolls , b",5c ; sirloin butts , Uc ; shoulder
clodH , ti'.Jc : rump bulls , ( c ; steer c.iucks. 4c ;
cow chucks , 31-c ; boneluts chucks , 4c : plates ,
3c ; Hank , rteuk , Cc : loins. No. 1. 12c ; loins. No.
2. lOc ; loins. No. 3 , ( c , libs No. 1 , U'oribs , No.
2 , Sc ; rlbn , No. 3 ic ; rounds. D-7ic ; rounds ,
shank or rump off , C'ic : rounds , shank and
rump off , 7c ; irlmmlnKS , 4c , lirulns , per dozen ,
S5e ; s.weclbreud.x. per Ib. , lie ; kidneys , each , 3c ;
ox tolls , encli , 3c ; livers , each , 20c ; hearts , each ,
Cc ; tonKUes per Ib. , 12c.
1'OllK DresFCil IIORS , 4jc ; tenderloins , 12c ;
loins , Cc ; spare ribs , 4c ; hnm uausuKe butts , Cc ;
shoulders , rouRh , 4'ic ; shouMcrs , skinned , Cc ;
trimmings. Cc ; leaf lunl , not rendered , d'tc ;
heads , cleaned , 3Hc ; pnouts nnd enrs. 3Vlc ; back-
liones , 3c ; neckbonm , 3c ; pigs' lulls , 3'.ic ; plucks ,
each. Cc ; chlllerllngs , Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearlB , per
dozen , 25c ; stomachs , each , 3e ; tongues , each , EC ;
kidneys , per dozen , lOc ; brain ; ' , per dozen , llic.
MUTTON Dressed lambs , 7c ; ilresced sheep ,
Cc : nicks , bHc ; lees nnd saddles , 7'4c ' ; breasts
ami litcws , 3c ; tongues , each , Cc ; plucks , each ,
I.lvrriioo ] Ci-nln nnil PriivlNloiiH.
LIVKHPOOL , Jan. 4. WHEAT Spot f\rm\ \ de
mand poor : No. 2 led , spring , 7s Id : No. 1 Call-
fornln , 7s 2d. Futurcn oiioned steady , with near
and distant pOKltlonw 114,1 ! hlBlier ; closed steady ,
with near positions 2'1 ' hlRher , nnd distant
months 2lid hlRher ; business about co.ually dis
tributed : January. Cs ll'.id ; February , "s ' , i < l ;
March. 7s Hid ; May. 7s I'-jd.
COHN Spot llrm : American mixed , new , 2a
MI..I. Futuies cpenen tlrm , with near ptiiltlons
> , iil lilylier. dla'nnt posltloiiR HI ! hl licr ;
cloi > eil su-ai/y. with May id higher and other
months ' , id hliier : : business about equally ills-
lribii'H-1 . 'nnuiiry , 2-t Ptl ; February , 2s lOUd ;
Alar-h , 2s lOil ; May , ? fc lid.
FljOUIt Rleudy ; demand poor ; St. Louis
fancy , winter , 9s 3d.
PKAS Canadian , 4s CO.
PUOVIBION8 Ilacon , Btcndy ; demand moder
ate , Cumberland cut. 23 to 30 Ibs. , 27s ; short
ribs , 20 to 21 Ibs. , 27s ; long clear , llRht , 35 to
33 lb . . 27s ; long clear , heavy , 40 lo 45 Ibs , , 2Cs ;
short clear backs , Unlit. P ! llu. . 27s ; short clear
middles , heavy , 43 lo M Ibs. , 24 Cd ; clear bel
lies , H to 1C Ibs. . 27s Cd. Shoulders , MiUiiie. 12
tn 13 Ibs. , 27 . Hams , short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. ,
3S Cd. Tnllow , line North American , lAi. lleef ,
extra India mess , COs ; prime mess , COs. Polk ,
prime mess , western , 4Es 9.1 ; medium , western ,
4K | 3d. Lard , dull ; prime western , 21s ; refined.
In tails , 23i.
CHEESE Firm ; demMid moderate ; finest
American , while and colored , September , Clr.
IIUTTKIl Finest United States , 90 ; good ,
OILS Unseed , ICs. Pelroteum , refined , C'/id. '
UEFUKlEltATOU IIEEF-ForequartcrB , 3ic ;
hlndiiunrters , C d.
HOI'S At Iximlon ( I'aclllc consl ) , 3 Cs.
The following nre stocks of lircadstuffH In
Liverpool : Flour , C ! > ,000 racks ; wheat , 1,607,000
centals ; corn , CCS.OOO centals.
HI , KHUN ( it-nrrnl .11nrli-t.
ST. IXJUIS , Jnn. 4. FI.OUK Firm , but un
changed ; patents , t4.CO4,73 ; extra fancy , 14.109'
4.20 ; fancy , l3.40H3.fX ) ; choice. t3.00J3.10.
WHEAT Oi > cncd strong and hlttacr on nc-
count of hlKher cnbli-s nnd light world'ii ship
ments with cold weather. The reports of snows
throughout many parts of the winter wheat ter
ritory soon enured a feelliiK of wenknein and
a heavy decline tret In , the elope being ? i01c
under Saturday. Spot lower ; No. 2 led , cash ,
elevnlor , 92c asked ; track , UltjU.'c ; No , 2 hnril ,
cnsli , nominal , sir ; January , iilc ; May , 91Hc
bid : July. 7t > ? ie uekcd.
COHN Dull and weak , the receipts being
heavy and thu locnl demand limited. Hpot
steady ; No. 2 cash. 20'ie ; Mny , 22U 22'ic.
OAT8 Dull and lower for both spot and
futures ; No. : mill , IT'.to bid ; May , SOto ! a ked.
IIVK-Dull at 3lc.
IIAIH.EY 39ff40c.
IIHAN Dull , but Hun ; r.icked , east side , worth
nominally , SifMOe.
FIA.\SEEl-I/ nt 73c.
TIMOTHY BEKD-l'rImc , J2.40.
IllTTTCIl Unchangeil , i ,
EdOH-HlKher at lie.
METAI.S Ix'ad , nominal at n,774flS. ! S.
Speller , nominal nt 13.90.
I'ltOVIHIONH-I'ork. hlRher ; standard mess ,
jobbing , I7.45tf7,93. Uird , easier ; prime strnm ,
IS.Cfij choice , | 3.k3. llnenn. boxed shoulders ,
Jl.tO ; extra short clear. JI.HH ; ribs , (1.70 ; horl > ,
II.S7H. Dry salt inentn. boxed shouldcm , III
extru short clear , | 4 ; rllm , | 4.2u ; s'tdrts , I4.37U ,
HKCIillTB Flour , 3.WO bblr : wheat , 2S.WK >
bu. ; corn. 21S.CHX ) bu , ; onls. C2. ( X ) bu ,
SHIl'MENTB-Flour , 6.WO bbl .i wheat , 17,000
bu. ; coin , 196.000 bu. ; oats , 10.000 bu ,
\ MV York lr > ' . .
N1\V YOHK Jan. 4.- There was no life to the
demand , as a rule , mill for mUcellantous mer-
chnndlfe of n fnncy description , \eiy fair dent.
Ingn were mnde for pprlng rtqulrementn , tlm
Included chleHy fancy woven cotlon nnd prlntei
fabrics , Staple cottons , both woven nn. .
blenched , were quiet , with some Inquiry for
the former. Printing cloths were dull nt 2 K-l
( /2tic for spots nnd crntrncts ,
SiM'crnI Hrnrlnli ToniU-nelcM at Work
M nil Ilio Alnrlti'l SiK'riiinlm.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 4. The stock market today
wan dull and Irregular , with n lower tendency.
The forenoon trading wns slow , nllhough the
grangers were n trifle less sluggish than the
general list. Lsiwcr Ixmdon prices nnd foreign
stiles stimulated bear aggression , but the mar
ket received effective support lit Intervals , nnd
coveringwns quite nppnrent In some of the
spcclnltlili. Around 1 o'clock the market i-uld
off sharply on the announcement of the SI , 1'nul
bark failures. The bears were nlso helped by the
prevailing unenslness regarding possible congres
sional action on some Important Hnnnclnl ment-
urcs. General Electric wns Inilucnced by prollt-
taklng nnd declined IH per cent. The large c-
curliy holdeiu In 1:10 : lending shares conllnue
to augur hopefully of the Immediate future of
ihe market , owing to the hlgn price of and
shnrp foreign demand for wheat , the exception
ally Inrge accumulations of funds , expectations
of reviving general buulnctn and the easier ten
dency of money nbrond. The bears lay stress
upon the absence of outside Interest , the Kink
failures and dullness of general trade. The
closing was dull at net fractional losses for
many shares.
The railway nnd miscellaneous bond markets
showed n decided tendency townrd n hlg'.ier
level on Investment purchases , The , large imms
of money distributed for Interest and dividends
are finding employment In the high grade Is
sues , resulting In material Improvements. The
sales were Jl.ST9.OuO. Governments wen ; dull ,
lint strong. The irnnMnctlonn were J3.000.
The Evening Post's London financial cable
gram says : The stock market opened good
geneinlly today , but gave way Inler nnd closed
distinctly under the best In the absence of pub
lic support. Argentine national stock and Ar
gentine rails were exceptionally booming up to
the clofc. Consols were eauler. The conlnn-
goes were 2',4 to 3 tier cent. Americans responded
lo ihe rise In New York , but the tone wns In
clined to be dull nnd It wan rather iv seller's
mnrltet. Mines were lower. About 200,000 In
gold wns boimlit today In the open market for
Jnpnn. The 1'nrls bourse wns tlrm , although
money In dear nt the monthly rvttlcment. Tne
Uerlln market was sleady. Discount rules nre
falling there.
The following were the closing quotations on
lh leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Atclilsou liUVOntarlo &Tv 1-Of.
AdatiiH Kx Ifio Oregon Nav 14
Alton.TH fill O. H. L. .V U. N 14
Am. Express lll'.l Pacific Mall V4
Ilalllmon-.t Ohio. 11X IVorl.'i , Dec. .V E . 1 !
Canada I'nclllc. . . . l > : 4 I'ltlHUmm 100
Canada Southern. . 44 Pullman Palace , . . 1"- '
Central I'.iclflc. . . . llcadlnir IMW
dies. A. Ohio 11. ( i. W 1ft
Chlcairo& Alton. . HiO I dopfd 40
C. RQ I1HU Uouk iHland tlflJi
fhlc.igo GIIS 7IU ! St. I'aul 7iU !
The total pales of stocks today were 104,411
s.iarrs , Includlnc : American Susar , 12.3W ; Uur-
llngton , 10,200 ; Clilcuso On , 3.20U ; Ucneral 131c < - -
trlc , 9.7CO : Manhattan , 3.SOO ; Headlntr. D.COO ; St.
1'aul , 13,300heellnr ; ; & .Uiko Kile , 4:00.
\ MV York .Money.
! ' , per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed at 1'Xifp
2 per cent.
1'IUMi ; MUnCANTILlS l'AI'En-3',4C44 ! P r
STKUL.ING KXCANCIJ-Stcady , with actual
bUKlnesa In bankers' bills at 14.Kff4.bCU for de
mand and | 4.Ui ! < H.t2 % for sixty dnyg ; posted
rates , H.SIli and JI.STUtSTli ; commercial bills ,
QOVEHNMKNT IIONUS Firm ; new 4s , re
and coupon , 1 0',4 ; 6 retr. nnd coupon , 114 ; 4s
rec , HO'.i ; coupon. 111 ; Ui , W,4 ; I'aclllc 3s , 1S37 ,
Closing quotations on bonds were an follows :
Silver bira. line ; Mexican ilnll.irj , & 23S2Kc.
Sight ilr.iflH , 1'JH'c ; Iclogr.iphlc , 15c.
New York 31111111(7 ( luotiidoim.
NEW YOHK. Jnn. 2-Tho followlnff nra the
clohlnir minium quotullons :
Pori'luii Fliiiiiiclal.
I'AUIS , Jan. 4. Three per cent rentes , 102f
COc for the account ; exchange on London , 2If
:3o for checks ,
HEIILIN , Jan. 4 , Exchange on London , clijht
duy ' ulglit , 20 marks Jl'.t pfg ,
IXDNDON. Jan. 4. The amount of bullion
gone Into thu Hunk of Kngluud on balance In
11.0(0. Oold nt lluenon Ayres , 181,35 ; Lltboii ,
38.M ; Home , 104.73.
Kliiiiiiflill Notfn ,
HALTIMOHE , Jan.CUarlnfcn , | 3,44SC76 ; bal-
I10STON. Jnn , 4.-Clearlng > , $16,299,212 ; bal.
nnces , I2,03 .CO : .
CHICAGO , Jan. 4.-Clearing , II7COOOSI.
Money , etcaJy ana unchumitJ , New York tx-
thnnire , pnr. 1'orrlcn . .oichnnKc , Imrely ttcndyi
drmnnd , JI.H'.J , rliuny Itlllf , II.S3M.
NBW YOHK , Jan _ ,4.-CI nrlllK , II47.CIS,2J4 (
Lnlances , H8.II8.KO. , ,
PimAl > ii.l'IIA ] .j'an. ! 4.-ClrnrlnRR , $ I4,3M-
0,6 ; halancex , } 2,43rhtu , ,
WT , l ll'IS. Jan.J.frienrlnRj. . I , ; 77C05 ; lial-
nncta , J5U.87S. MOBC-W , JO7 t' < r cent. New York
exchanKP , S5o tircmlui\bliti | ' , r.0o rremlum naked.
KANSAS CITY , /Jan. 4.-\VlinAT-Markct
rather low ; No. 2 hnM , tOa ; No. 2 red , 9lc ; No.
2 fprlnc , 7Sc. ' '
COHN Market nbout steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
17'.iii ; io.
OATS Market active nnd Meady ; No. 2 white ,
nominally , ifOSIc. i
IlYt : Market nrml'.NM. ! , nominally , 32c.
HAY Market rtea'dV/iinchaniird.
Ilt'TTKIl Market ilull nnd weak ; creamery ,
17friS'4e ' ; dairy. IDfilSe , '
IXIOS Mnrkct hlRher on llshter utock ; quotn-
blc nt 13i.Sc. _
VlMlliliSiiiily | | ( if Ornln.
NliVV YOUK , Jnn. 4.-Tie : vIMble supply of
Brain. Saturday January 2 , as compiled by the
New Yoik Produce exchnnKC , wnn nn follow * ;
Wheat , 64.C51.MO bu. ; Increnfc , JuS.OOO bu. Corn ,
19I20KX ( ) bu. ; Incretl-e , BW.WK ) hu. Oatu , H.dSiS.MO
bu. ; Increafc , C13.HK ( ) bu. Hye. 3,087,000 bu , ; In-
crnaFo. 81.MO hu. Hurley , l.TO.OC'O ' bu.j decrease ,
4J7.0CO bu. i
Cotton Mnrlirt.
Ni\V : OUI.KANS , Jan. 4. COTTON-Qulel nnd
ftcndy ; middling , CTic ; low mlddlliiB , t o ; good
ordinary , Cc. .
NEW YOIIIC. Jan. 4.-fit'OAH-Itaw , nrm ;
fair reflnlne , 2 13-lCc ; centrlfimnl , 90 left , 3 3-lCc.
Refined , firm ; mould "A , " 4Hc ; Mnmlnrd "A , "
4' . c ; confeclloners' "A , " 4'sc ; cut loaf , Sc ;
crufhed. He ; powdered , 4e ; grnnulntcd , 4Ho !
cuben , 4Hc.
on city
OH , CITY , Jan. 4. Credit balances , OOc ; cer
tificates , no tildn ; nhlpments , December 31 , CO. 3.15
bbls. ; January 1 , 3 and 3 , 17i,40. ( > Mils ; runs ,
December 31 , 140,131 bblp. ; January 1 , 2 nnd 3 ,
107,415 bbls. _
AVool Mill-lift.
NK\V YOHK , Jnn. 4-AVOOI.r-Uull ; Ileecc , 1CJJ
ZO.- > : pulled , 15fllSe.
ST. IXJl'IS , Jnn. 4. WOOLr-Qulet , steady nnd
l-iKln : ItntliT MnrUct.
KI/1IN. Jan. 4. lll'TTKH l-'lrm ; ofTerlnKs.
M.030 Ibs. ; sales , 20,940 Ibs , at lOc ; ,500 Ibs. nt
7.EOO Ibs. nt IS'Sic.
Trlnco'luii ( .
Mny , Jl.SS'i. _
ICIIloil liy nil
CLEVELAND , 0. , Jan.I. . A spcc-lal from
Fremont says : At Mlllersvlllo , this county ,
yesterday n son of Alex Dohvlck got hold ot
several pounds of blasting powder nnil wont
to the cellar , accompanied by thrco slaters ,
to kill rats. The slutf exploded nnd ono
girl , 8 years old , was burned to death. The
clothing of the -other children caught flro
and they were terribly burned , as were Mr.
and Mrs. Dolwiclt In trying to extinguish
the flames.
Hank CiiHlilor CoiiimttH Sulolilir.
BALTIMORE , Jnn. 4. nichard Cornelius.
cashier of the Farmers' and Merchants' bank ,
committed sulcldo today by drowning.
INSTIUJMENTS placed on record Monday ,
Jnnmiry , 1S07 :
Mnry Ui Motto nnd husband to Met ! !
HroB. Hrewlns company , lots 1 to
20 , Mock , 2 , Taylor's Kurnnm Htrcct
add J 2,500
J J Hreon to Eimonlo Hrcen , lot 3 ,
block 3 , Missouri Avenue park , w
Zd feet lots 1 nnd 2 unit c 91 feet of
s 29 feet lot 2 , block 126 , South
Ornnha < 3,500
D W Anderson to M T King , sr , lot
9 , block 2. Cherry Hill 1,000
M A Patrick and husband to M N
Hamilton , c 15 feet lot 22 nnd o 15
feet of n 2 > ) feet lot 21 , block 4 ,
HiuiBcom Placp 100
B H Fogg , receiver , to Thomas Hector -
tor , lots 3 to G , block 2 , lot 5 , block
3 , lots 4 nnd 5 , block G , lots 17 and
18 , block 7. Potter & C'a 2d add to
South Omaha t. 000
E H Oilcll. trustee , to Council muffs
Savings bank , lot 15. Luke & T' , ndd 1
Sheriff to A U Smith , executrix , o
23 feet of w CO feet of n > { j lotI ,
block G , Park Place 1,005
Same to A H Dufrcnc , lot 5 , Shaw'B
sub S33
Same to Fred KrugDrewlng com
pany , lot 9 , block 2 , llorbach's 2d
add 607
Special master to J P Bryant , exec
utor , lots G , 7 nnd n 5 feet lot 8 ,
block 1 , Potter & C'a add 1,192
Total amount of transfers Jll.COO
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Wcok Begins with ft Very Light Him ol
All Kinds ,
\o < KnottKli OITiTOiI to Tr-Nt tile Triulo ,
lint All Solil Co nt I'rli-cM
( hut Are Slemt } ' to
SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn.I. . llecclpts for
the days Indicated word
"ogs. Sheep. Horses.
January 4 N > 1 1,351 2.C97 . . . .
Jn nary 2 l.CSI 2,740 l,20i
January 1 M2 3W(5 ' ( 1.SOS
December 31. 1,321 r.9SG 2.31S
December 30. 1,031) ) 6,931 1.SS3
December 29. 2.1S1 7.5S4 1,201 47
December 28. 1.M9 2,743 3100
December 26. 1,031 4.C93 202
December 21. 1.0S3 0,030 49
December 23 1,361 C.f.23 1,779
December 22 3,310 8,153 1,177
The olllctal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wns :
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep
C. M. & St. P. Ily J
O. & St. K. Ily
Missouri Tactile Ily J
Union Pacific system. . . . 21 1i
c. & N.v. . uy i i
F. N. & M. V. U. H 1 8
C. St. P. M. * O. Uy. . . . 5 3
H. & M. U. H. U 3 1
C. H. & Q. Ily 1 <
C. U. I. & P. , east 11
Totals 32 23 12
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
ber of head Indicated :
lluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
O. II. Hammond Co , 25 47.1
Swift nnd Company 131 COS
Cudahy Packing Co . 43 202 449
11. Heckcr & Degnn . 57
J , L , Carey t > -
Lobman & Rothschilds. : su
W. 1. Stephens 79
Huston & Co 41
II. Ucckor K. D. , S. C. . 115
Other buyers C5
Left over 519
Totals 903 1,315 1,200
CATTLE The results of the storm In the
country were plainly reflected In the very
light cattle receipts , the lightest for a Mon
day In a long -while. There -were not cnougli
cattle In the yards to really make a market.
There was not n. load of cornfcd beeves
and only a few head , odds and ends , hut
they sold at good prices , and had there
been enough here to amount to anything
the market would probably have been fully
lOc higher.
Cows and heifers sold at good strong :
prices and the wxmo was true of feeders
and stock cattle.
Everything In the yards sold early. ncp-
rcsentatlvu sales :
Ul'.Kf BTEKrtS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr.
2..1035 S3 63 11..10TO } 4 03 2. . .1115 1 35
. . i20 1 50 1070 18. . .me 3 10
. . 837 2 15 MO 2 75 C. . .1218 3 10
. .1070 2 25 icco 2 73 .1305 3 10
. . 9SO 2 20 ! 75 1. . .1250 3 15
2 CO 970 2 75 4. . 3 IS
.1010 2 50 720 2 tO 7..1061 3 30
. SSO 2 75 1010 3 00 3. . . .1030 3 40
. 945 2 75 1013 3 10
21'0 L. . . 420 323 8..1150 3 CO
924 3 CO C.SSO 3 4
1..12CO 2 75 1..1720 3 00 1..1600 3 15
1..12CO 2..11S5 3 10
2. . . . 3 25 6. . . . 3:0 3 B 1. . . . 190 C 00
1. . . . 3 23 1. . . . 130 4 CO
1. . ( .90 3 00 , 733 3 SO 4. . .icr.2 . 3 85
5. . 470 3 75 3 CO 33. . . 731 3 ! X >
1. . , .iCO 3 CO
No. Av. Pr. No. AV. IT.
1 cow ! )70 ) J2 25 1 feeder. . 7fO $3 F.O
5 cows 724 2 50 5 feeder.1044 3 70
10 heifers 12C 2 75 4S fccdeni. . . . 799 3 SO
11 cows & 77 2 R5 24 fi-eders..lUO 3 (0
14 rows 917 3 CO 82 feeders. . . . 9S7 3 SO
2 feeders. . . . S30 3 CO 31 feeder MS 3 S.O
4 feeders..1105 3 CO 21 feeders. . . . W7 S''O
1 cow 9EO 225 1 feeder 12M 300
2 cows 1040 5 S5 9 feeders. . . . 953 3 80
19 cows H9 2 f > 5 10 feeders..1016 3 (0
8 cows ? 70 2 (5 34 feeders. . . . 833 3 SO
HOGS The receipts of hog an well ns of
cattle wore light , nnd the twenty-three lends re
ported In were not enough to make very much
of a market. The demand wan good and the
Irnrtc won noon over with , licnvy hogs telling 10o
hlRlirr nnd Until to higher.
llenrr l > i > K * told Inrgrly nt > J.100125 , ( it
HRRlnit > ,1.H"J1.15 on Bnturdny. Light nnd
medium oclcht hoci > brought I3.2t03.35 , nn
ngnln t J3.JO for the be t light on PAtunifty.
Thn mntkfl wai ncllv * nt the mlvnnre nml
evrrythlnR eold In short order. Itrprficntntlva
rates :
No. Av. Sh. IV. No Av. Sh. IV.
SO SM . . . 13 ITVi 45 314 . . . $3 2B
> i 351 40 3 M 46 325 . . . 3 K
10 3JI . . . 3 M CO 270 100 S t8
51 K3 3D 30 M 330 40 S 25
3d 312 40 .ISO C2 29J . . . 3 25
t3 349 SO 3 SO 67 1 0 . . . 3 SB
51 311 ICO 395 CO 719 . . . 330
US 291 160 3 IS OS 2M . . . 3 SO
70 2SJ IM 32. ' , 03 231 . . . 3 TO
M 2S5 40 325 45 211 . . . 3 T5
CO 879 40 325 M ! JJ . . . 335
62 31S 40 325 02 1TC . . . 3 3S
HHHUI' Thrrc were mor- > sheep thnn anything
elfo In the yiirdu nnd the maikct was active nnd
linn , lleprcicntntlvu sales :
No. Av. 1'r.
IS Colorado ewes HO J2 05
B weMern cwp no 275
IS" Cotorndo ewes IKI 3 jo
32S western wethers lXi ( 3 40
116 western lambs 66 4 25
ScTiinililc for l-'iiI DnivpN of CnHlf nnd
I'rlcrH Slum * mi . \ < lvniit'r.
CHIOAOO , Jnn. 4. In cnttlp menger receipts
rnuced nn Irreftulnr rcrnmble for the few Rood
fat droves of cnttlc Hint were offered. 1'rlrei
were utronp nt ndvnnces of from lOc to COe per
103 Hi ? . Snles were nt from J3.CO to 13.50 for
common to choice , with trndlns largely nt from
JI.40 to $3 , nnd fancy boexes weic cnlnhlp t
from J5.33 to 15.M. The etocltcr nnd feeder
trndo wns ngnln quite nnlmnted nt from f3 to
J4.10 , prices lu-lnp Hie hlKhe ! > t of the fcnson.
Ilulehers cattle were nrtlvc nnil lOe higher ;
cnlves rcumlned linn nnd Texns-fed cnttle were
active nnd nhout from lOo to If.o hlKher.
Hog receipts were nl o rniiill nnd IIIP pens
wcrv emptied nt nn cm Her hour Hum usunl nt
nn ndvnnco of from Co In lOe In prices. Snles
were mntlo nt from J3.10 to I3.CO for conl'se
heavy tn prime llKhtwelKhta ndnptcJ to the
waiUB of i-hlppers. nnd transactions were largely
nt from 53.30 to J3.55. After most of the hogs
were sold sellers culled prices easier.
Sheep nnd lambs were In lively demnnd nnd
ndvnnced Irregularly , the average Improvement
licltiK fully 13e. Sheep KoM nt fioni ! 2.0 to 12.75
for Inferior to common up to from J3.MI to j.1.75
for choice to prime nntlve nnd western-fed
Hocks , nnd Inmhs luwight from J3.rft to } l fur
feeding lots up to from IS.IS to > . * . . " 0 for choice
to prlmo. Vearllngs told nt from 11.00 In } l.30.
llecolpts : Cattle , ll.OflO head ; hogs , 21.000 head ;
slice ] ) . 10.000 head.
IVIIIINIIH City I.lvr Sloelc.
KANSAS CITY , Jnn. 4.-CATTl.I--Ilecelpts ,
5.COO head ; shipments , MK ) head , Market
opened MroiiK to lOc higher ; nn high
grades ; Texas Fleers , J2.7503.fn ; Texas
cows , Il.ttf2.75 ; native Fteers. MOO
04.f5 ; native cows and helfera. JI.rCifTJ.r , . " ; stockers
and feeders. } 2.7.ff3 95 ; hulls. | 2.23f3.20. ?
HOOS Iteeelpts , S,500 head ; shipments , none.
Market opened strong to Be higher , closed weak ;
hulk of sales , J3.3Cff3.35 ; henvles , J3.22'.ifi.1.25 ;
packers , J3.25fi3.S5 ; lights , J3.30tf3.40 ; Yorkers ,
J3.20Q3.40 ; pigs. J3.03(3.95. (
SHEEP Hocelpts. l.rno hend ; shipments , 700
head. Jtarket very strong ; lambs , J3.HOff5.10j
muttons , J2.10fl3.40.
X > TT York Mvc Slock.
NEW Jnn. . : : :
YOIHC. 4.-llit.ViS-Hccelpts , 3.327
hcnd : ctecrs opened weak ; closed higher ; nntlve
steers , Inferior to good , JMOJM.M ; stngs nnd
oxen. J2.75S4.23 ; bulls. J2.05H3.25 ; dry cows , ,
Jl.r,0i3.40 | ; cables quote American steers nt 10'4
illl'ic , dressed weight ; nheep , S'.iflS'ac ; refrle-
crntor lieef , { ? $ ; no exports.
SIIEKP AND LAMII3 Ilecclpts. 7.027 head ;
nctlve nnd llriner for sheep ; UfT'.Sc higher for
lambs. .Sheep. J3.00O4.CO ; Inmbs. J4.75fffi.75.
11OOS Iteeelpts , 12,572 head ; steady nt J3.COC1
.SI. I , out * Uvr StDctc.
ST. I/Jt'IS. Jnn. 4. CATTI.E-necclpts , 2,000
hend. Market strong anil geneinlly better ; nntlve
shippers. J3.CTW5.16 ; stochers nnd feeders. J2.0flff
3.70 ; cows and heifers , Jl.75ff4.CO ; Texns nnd
Indlnn steers. Jl.COff4.15.
HOOS Iteeelpts. C.COO hend. Market CfflOo
higher ; light , J3.30Q3.40 ; mixed , J3.15JI3.35 ; heavy.
J3.15K3.45 ,
SHEEP-Itecelpts. l.CCO head. Mnrkct lOc
higher ; muttons , J2.COff3.S5.
Stock III
Ilecord of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for Monday , January 4. u : > 7-
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. '
Omahn . kSO 1.H54 2 m I
Chicago . 21.0 lOOiOl
ICansns City . r > ,000 f.5CO l.roi ) I
St. IM\I\B \ . 2,000 C.Or.O 1,100
Totals . IS.SSO 33.S34 15,197
Itllllroiiil Men .MiiNt Sliiml Trliil.
ClIICAQO , Jan. 4. Ill the United States
district court today Judge Gro.sscup over
ruled the demurrer of Joseph \V. llcinlmrt ,
ex-president , nnd John A. Hanloy , cx-tralllc
manager of the Santa Ko road , in the cone
charging Uicm with breaches of the Inter
state commerce act and they were commltte.1
to trial. The court will take up thu trial
Stop * Work < iu Ciiinity IlulliIliiK.
DET110IT , Mich. , Jan. 4. Judge Donovan
of the circuit court this morning sustained
and made permanent the Injunction here
tofore iMiicd rostrAlnlrtK the Board of County
Supervisors from nrootfdlns Hh the erec
tion of A county building under A contract
recently closed , The principal ground for
the apllcatlon for an Injunction wns that
"Improper Influences" were used In de
termining the selection o ( ntono for the
I2vldi-iicp Tcudlim- Slimv Jnnn Kcr-
iiniulox llnsi Not IllMiippenrcd.
SAN KIIAN01SCO , Jan , 4. The story re
cently puhllflhcd upon the authority of C.ip-
tain 1'owlcr of the IlrltUli ship James Kcrr
relatlvo to the of the Island
of Juan Fernandez lacks verification. Chilian
papers under date of November 30 glvo
nccounlH of tne results of a oclcntltlo ex
pedition recently dlHpatched to Juan Fer
nandez upon the government wnr shin l'rra
Idcnt Krrazeurlz. FurlLcrmore , a largo
cannery for packing lobsters la cMabllKhcd
at Cumberland hay , the only port on the
Inland , and the last stoimer from New
York carried to Valparaiso , via I'anama , a
quantity of material for this cannery. It
Is therefore unlikely that the Island haa
disappeared. The Chilian government In
sending nonui thirty families to tin- island
os colonists and fishermen In order that the
piscatorial resources of Its surrounding
waters may be developed. Kvery month
a sailing schooner piles between Valparaiso
and Cumberland bay. BU that communica
tion 1ms been made with the ncttlement
since Its alleged disappearance. The yarn
originated during the early part of 181)0 )
with a scries of heavy earthqunko ahocka
on the mainland of Chill. Another Ilrltlshcr
sailed Into Valparaiso with the news that
ho had seen when passing Juan Fernandez
a column of smoke and his ship tccdved a
violent ( shock , and ho thought Selkirk's
Island had been swallowed up. The Chilian
government sent the transport Cnsma to
the Island and It returned In three daya
with a. large consignment of both canned
and llvo lobsters ,
KloiHmi'itlliii'il | | In ( lie Ituil.
KANSAS CITY , Jan.Frank ( Units , a
youth who cntno here from Nebraska and
secured employment ns n eonrhnmn In the.
family of Illlln Adalr , n prosperous bttsl-
tu-SH man , Is In jnll , charged with abduc
tion. The coachman's Incarceration re
sults from bis elopemmt with Floreiu-e-
Adalr , the Ifi-year-old daughter of hhi em
ployer. Hulls was arreHtol at a late hour
last Mlfht In Kanvai City Kan. , at the
home of nn aciiualntance , when ; ho had
taken the girl after falling In hla efforts
to secure n matrlage license. Miss Adalr.
tearful nnd penitent , was Inken home.
Ilcriniiiln It oil i'7i ! < Port.
ST. Q KO lid IS ISLAND , Ucrmudn. Jan. 4.
The Hrltlsh steamer Uenmuda , Cap
tain Scott , alleged to bo a flit-
buster , which left New York December
31 , arrived hero this morning , twenty-four
liours ovenluo probably owing to fog and
rough weather. It would have been Im
possible for It to have landed a filibustering ,
expedition on the const of Cuba sln''C De
cember 31.
I'lvp Mlii.-rs Klllcil.
SOUTH M'ALKSTEH. I. T. , Jan.I. . Flva.
miners , MarHn Iloyml , Joe Cox ( whlto ) , Tom
Curry , William Ulshop nnd Simon Pltty
( colored ) , wcro InRtnntly killed In a nilmv
e\loslon ] at Aldcrson this morning. The
explosion Is supposd to have been caused by
tlio flro boss unscrewing his safety lamp
which Ignited the gas. No damage was donate
to the mlno property.
Wnrlt for lilli * ItllliilN.
CLKVHLAND. Jan. I-The sheet nnd
plate mill of tin- Cleveland Rolling .Mill-
company , which ban been closed down ,
since ISM. will repume operations within
a few days , giving employment to prob
ably 200 or 300 hands.
Telephone lOJJ'J. Omaha , Nob.
lloard of Tradr.
Dlroct nlrei to Ciiit-aco and Ntw York ,
CoirmDontltnts : John A. Warrtn & Ox
IIlghi'Ht market nrlcn paid and prompt returns.
Keferenco Omaha National ll.nilc
F. S. BUSH & CO. ,
No conimlMHlon. OKiy. llth ; St. . Omaha , Nob.
Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders
iti Fifty-three Years !
E/ *
RICHARD A. McCURDY , President
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York ,
has paid $246,000.000 to its living members.
Has been the benefactor of women and children
to the extent of $165,000,000.
on aJJ over
FLi !
A.gents Wanted in JBvery County.
H. 3. WINSTON , Special Representative , Omaha.
How much will your admin1
istrator have to sacrifice your
estate to force quick assets ?
An Installment Policy for
$100,000 will leave your family
$5,000 yearly income for 20
years , in any event , and if your
stated beneficiary is then living
he or she will be paid $5,00(1 (
yearly during life.
A 5 psr cent Debenture for
$100,000 will leave your wife
$5,000 yearly income either fo/
20 years or until her death u
prior thereto ; then $ J 00,000 will
be paid in one sum. A possibla
return of $200,000.
IS UNO , $2,500 $ , ;
MO u rn 10 wi for m
iii ill nttii
The true business man acts
31-omptly. Get our rajes at ones *