Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    TJIE OMAHA DAlliY 11213 : TUlSfTOAT , JANUARY 5 , 1807.
K. no&KWATKU , IMltor.
Dnlly neo ( Without Sunday ) , One Yenr..K 0
Dnlly 7lc and HunJay , One Year 800
Hit Month * 4 ( X
Tlireo Month * Z < '
( iundsy l ) e. One YPAI- . . . . 20
PMiirrtny lice , On Ycnr 1 K
Weekly Dec , One Yenr , GJ
Omnlm : Tlie I > * milMlng.
South Urrmha : SIN/NT / lllk. . Cor. N and 2 < tli Sis
Council Ilium : It ! North Main Htrcet.
Uilcairo O/llrc : 317 Cluimticr of Commerce.
New York : Ilaonw 13. 14 nnd U. Tribune IllJff
Washington : 1407 F Stroet. N. W.
OOUllKSI'ON'llBNCB. , , .
All communion tlonn feinting to news nnd * < ll
torlnl matter fiioulJ be ndtln-m.-l : To thn Editor
llt'HIKBS.H I.RTTKH8. . .
All Lupines It-Horn nnd roinlttnnccH unouM be
UJre * e < I to 'llio Dec 1'itljllnhlni ? Company
Oinnha. Drafts , ch'rl : * nnd pontblllcp orders t
lie mnrte iinynbl * to the utilrr of the company.
Till' ; IJKi : WnUHHl.NO COMl'ANY.
BtMc ( if Nqlirr-alc.t , I
Dnugl p Cnuiuy. I
OcorRC II. TxM'iiurK , nccrrtpry of The Hoc Pub-
llehlni ? cdinimny , lifting 'Inly Mvnrn , W * thnt the
autunl number of full nml comiilote copies ut The
Dnlly MorningMvctiliiK nml HutnUy lice iirlntoil
diirliiB Hie month of IXcenibcr , 1S90 , wan us fol
lows :
1 19.JH U M.7W
2 lO.ISO IS 19.S19
n 20.113 19 19SIZ
4 J0.1IO 20 SO.M5
5 1 20.HG II 19,811
C 20.WB i'2 19.M9
7 19.1(0 25 1MIS
S J9.OT7 21 M.MS
9 M.1ST ; " > 19.10 !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ioioii 27' ! ! ' . ! ' . ! ! ! ' . ! ' . ! ! ! ! : okoo !
12 19.970 ' 'S 20 01C
33 2i.CTO ) 23 10.008
n 19.MB no 20.o : <
13 la.aM 51 19.M3
1C 20.S3G
Totnl 021,901
I MW deductions for unnolil and icturnril
copies 9.C13
Total net rnloit CI2.1X )
Net tlnlly uvcrnnc 19,755
anouciK n. TXriciiuuK.
Rulircrllicd In my IIIOFVIICO nnd Kworn to bo-
foic me this 2 < l Ony ft .Iniiunry , Ml.
Sent. Notary 1'ubllc.
Anil i-oiiKri'ss reconvened , lee !
Tlie now governor of New York
pledKL'H himself to prove Uml lie Is not
so Hindi as lie IIIIH been painted.
So Apnstntc I'eter luis siKTceileil Apos-
tnto 1'mil on the Oinnlui police board.
This is nn npo-itiitUr Instead of an apostolic
tolic succession.
In making war upon the Imrlmrous
natives of the Philippine. Islands Spain
Heems bent upon outdoing them In
BII va go ferocity.
ret the average legislator have the
appointment of a few of the state's
supernumerary taxeaters , and he cares
riot who ninlcH : its laws.
Foj ; or cloud , or storm or blizzard , or
liny old thing In the way of weather is
welcome which will conceal Omaha'i ?
cow-shed depot from the eyes of the
traveling public.
The reiterated claim of the free silver
press that Hr.vau Is taking a hand in the
organization of the legislature is the only
Indication that that statesman Is
politically extant.
If Illinois is so hard up for creditable
senatorial timber It might draw upon
the treeless prairie state of Nebraska
with full confidence that the draft
would be honored.
Peter ] ! ! rkhau.scr Is a very fitting suc
cessor to Paul Vandervoort. They may
Jiot have diuuk out of the same canteen ,
but they have cohabited hi the same
political bunco bunk.
The cold wave Is sweeping eastward ,
but It Is not likely to reach Washing
ton In time to cool the warlike ardor of
senators who doslrn the passage of the
Cameron resolution.
California may have the monopoly of
midwinter fairs. A midwinter fair In
this part of the country would have to
consist almost exclusively of a demon
stration of the heating power of coal.
Tln , ex-queen of the ; Sandwich islands
has taken up her residence In a suburb
of Itoston In ample time to be annexed
If promiscuous annexation should be fa
vored by the Incoming administration.
In describing his adventures on board
the wrecked llllbus.ter Commodore ,
Stephen Crane will iliul material more
worthy of his abilities than the refuse
matter which has lately occupied his at-
The Transmis.slsslppl Exposition Is
receiving the cordial support of the
stnto press and Is beginning to attract
the attention of the great paper * of the
states that are expected to participate
in tlio enterprise.
It Is computed that several trillions of
combinations can be made of the avail
able timber for the McKinh-y cabinet.
No mechanic , even by working over
time , can begin to exhaust the possibili
ties of this problem In the sixty days yet
Those who are seeking the cause of the
disquietude which pervades financial cir
cles at present need not look further for
one chief ' factor than the Jingo senti
ment'which If not restrained Is likely
to lead this country Into a causeless war
with Spain.
In locating the exposition all selfish
Interests should be subordinated to the
paramount Interest Uml alms to place
It where It will draw the largest at
tendance and at the same time con
tribute most to the upbuilding of the
city as a whole.
The United States treasury counted
n surplus for the.111011111 of .December ,
but It will need surpluses of that slv-.i-
every mouth for several years to come
before It can hope to piny even with
the deficits since the repeal of the Me-
Klnley revenue law.
The new year has got a good start
with no light as yet shed on the subject
of the snlllclency of such bonds of city
olllelals as Imvo been furnished by
guaranty companies. The city Is either
protected or absolutely without protec
tion so far as o tllcers HO bonded arc
concerned. In the Interest of public
safety all doubt on the question ought .to
bo dispelled.
Populism hud HA origin In the it-volt
against partisanship. The founders of
the populist parly denounced all exist
ing parties tin rotten and proclaimed
their determination to discard machine
methods by dethroning King Cauciw.
They called themselves "the people's
Independent parly" to emphasise their
Independence of party shackles. Their
lli.H national convention was held on
Independence day and their llrst
national platform balled as a second
dcclaratloit of Independence.
And now the spectacle Is presented at
Lincoln , as It Is In other state capitals ,
of the representatives of the people's
Independent party surrendering their In
dependence and voluntarily making
themselves subjects of King Caucus. An
independent party renouncing Independ
ence and embracing the most obnoxious
form of party tyranny la an anomaly.
What becomes of the Independence of
the proud yeoman who enlisted for the
purpose of striking down party shackles
and resisting the party lash ? What dif
ference IK there In principle between
obeying the behests of a republican
caiicim , a democratic caucus or a
populist eaneuHV If It Is wrong for a
republican or a democrat to enter a
caucus that pledges him to vote con
trary to his conscientious convictions , Is
it right for populists , who pride them
selves on their Independence , to do the
very thing they have condemned In
season and out of sotis'in ?
Tlie Jce ! has always opposed King
Caucus In Us own party and has no
reason to change its views In that re
spect. It believes in true Independent1
and has no use for sham Independence
A reform party that pursues the
methods which It has condemned nut
denounced In other parlies lacks th
elements of real reform. Instead o
appealing for popular support on tin.
high plane of Individual Independence
It practically stands for continuance
of the abuses It has set out to abolisl
provided only that the spoils of oiikx
are distributed to its own members.
un I > RACK.
Governor lilnek. the new chief oxeciK
live of New York , expressed the hope It
his Inaugural address that "when tin
next circle of wars Is traced ii' > on ( hi
earlli , the Am.erlcan nation shall stnnt
oustide the bnneful ring. " lie said ther.
Is upon us nil a duty to curb the 1111
In-Idled speech and net whose tendene.i
Is to weaken and dissever and to culll
vate that reason and careful moderatloi
which shall draw and hold us nonr to
gether. is no dlfllenlty In discern-
ngthe application of this. It shows 11m
the now governor of the Umpire state
iias no sympathy with the spirit of jingo
Ism that has been manifested at AVnsli
ington and is likely to soon display itself
again. The hope of Governor Itlnck Is
the aspiration of a majority of the Amer
lean people. This is a nation of peace
and in that character It should continue
The progress , the prosperity , all the most
vital interests of this republic will hi
) ist subserved by maintaining amlcablt
relations with the world , so long as oui
rights are respected by other nations
Unbridled speech has done great harm
uid If It should be followed by rash
iction the possible Injury cannot be easy -
\y \ , computed. The spirit In congress
which would Invite war Is In no small
neasnre responsible for the delay in re
covering from depression and distrust
md every consideration of the publk
volfnre demands Its repression. If that
s accomplished , and there Is promise
hat it will be , the benefit to the country
vlll be great nnd immediate.
Major McKlniey so plainly Indicated
n his addresses during the campaign
what he thought should be the policy
cgarding the tariff and the currency
that nobody ought to have any diffi
culty in forecasting the position of his
idmlnlstrntion toward these question ; ; ,
n unmistakable terms the country was
epeatedly assured by the republican
( residential candidate that he was in
favor of maintaining the existing mono-
ary standard. There was no am-
( Ignily ov equivocation In his referen-
e.s to tills subject. lie will enter upon the
( residency fully committed to this and
hero can be no reasonable doubt that
he pledge he has given the country
vlll be faithfully adhered to. The
fact that the president-elect Is dls-
( osed to respect the republican promise
o promote the cause of International
bimetallism does not justify any qnes-
lon as to the sincerity of bis attitude
especting the gold standard. All
IVort In this direction may and prob-
ibly will be fruitless , but the re-
( ublicau pnrtjt havlu ; } promised the
country that the effort should be made
is bound to make good that promise
and up reasonable man will expect
Major MoKlnley to stand In the way of
doing this.
In regard to the tariff the president-
elect was equally clear nnd definite In
advocating a policy that would give
more revenue to the government and
better protection to Industries which
have suffered from the present law.
lie did 'not advocate extreme duties ,
but Indicated that he favored moder
ate piotectlon , knowing that to he
necessary to revenue. This position
may not be satisfactory to some of
those Interests which have submitted
their views to the ways and means
committee , but undoubtedly It will be
adhered to. It Is a mistake to assume
that .McKinley Is an extreme high tnrllT
man. He Is a protectionist , but he has
never been hi-favor of higher dnlleii
than were deemed necessary to foster
home Industries and safeguard Ameri
can labor. Some of the features of
the law that bore his name which
were assailed were placed In It agaln.U
his advice and his vote , lie Is in ao
cord with the nearly unanimous HC.II-
tlment of the country In favor
ing reciprocity and It Is t/
bo expected that his administration
will sedulously endeavor to glvo th
widest extension to this policy.
Persons who profess to have obtalneij
trustworthy Information regarding HIM
currency policy of tliu next admlnlstra.
thin my that It will favor the gradual
retirement of the greenbacks as soon ai <
Jho government has u surplus of revenue
to apply to this purpose and some other
form of currency , bunk or metallic , can
bo substituted for them , but nn new Issue
! of bonds will be favored for the puipose
| of taking up the greenbacks. It maybe
bo doubted whether this Is anything more
than conjecture , though It Is entirely
safe to say that thu republican ndmluls-
Ir.itlon will not favor Issuing bonds to
retire the legal tender notes and thereby
Increase the Interest burden of tile gov-
ernmeut ! ? l'MMlM ( ( ) ( ) annually. It Is also
said that thu new administration will
favor an enlargement of the national
banking system to enable Independent
bunks or branches of city banks to be
cairied on In small town : ! , thus jM-ovld-
Ing bolter banking facilities In localities
where such facilities are now lacking.
The policy of the new administration ,
It Is safe to predict , will be conservative
In all directions , with the one purpose of
promoting national progress ami pros
perity. Probably no one more
fully than Major McKluley the great op
portunity the republican party will have
to firmly Intrench Itself In the confidence
of the people and no man can moie
strongly desire than he to justify the
popular faith In republican principles
that was expressed In his election.
Thrre will bt a slmip test of senatorial
courtesy when tiie nominations sent to
the senate at the opening of the session
are taken up for confirmation. The five
silver senators have combined to oppose
the confirmation of all appointees to suc
ceed olliclals whose removal Is under
stood to be due to the fact that thej
were active In support of the free slhv
cause and it is probable they will vote
against all the presidential nominees
rcvTiirdle's of the circumstances undo
which they were nominated. It Is fail
that there are Home republicans who art
Inclined to throw oft' the bonds of sena
torlal courtesy and vote to confirm the
nominees against whom material charge ,
have not been made and sustained. The.\
take the ground tint It will b u.iwis'-
republicans to Join In opposition t'J sonn
money democrats appointed by the presl
dent to ollice and admittedly compelen
to fulfill the duties which would devolve
upon them. These republicans desire to
reconnlno the set vices of the sound
money democrats to their party In tin.
presidential election and to show theit
appreciation of the support those demo
crats gave the sound money cause.
All of the republicans , however , do no
lake th.s ! view and especially those who
desire the imtronacc that would fall t <
them in case Mr. Ceeland's ! nomlna
tions are rejected are expected to voti
on the ground of senatorial courtesy foi
the rejection of nominations objected U
by their colleagues. These senators take
a wholly selllsh view or the matter am
from a political point of view their pro
posed action Is a mistake. If the noml
nees are men qualified for the duties 01
the olllce.s to which they have been up
pointed the republicans should vote to
c mllrin them and certainly no republlca :
senator can justify himself In unitliu.
with the free silver men against sue !
nominees , when the opposition is solely
( di the ground that they are honest
money democrats. It seems pretty wel
assured , however , .thatsome of them
will do this and therefore that the reccs , *
nominations will till fail of confirmation.
As between the majority and minority
reports of the council Investigating
committee. City Knglneer llowell Is
placed in a very unenviable light. The
committee consists of live members.
All live find that he falsified unblush-
lugly when he denied the charge of
soliciting a ? lH-a-month Job for h ! < *
friend , Solon L. Wiley , from the watei
works company upon representations
that compliance would remove all ob
stacles In the way of the company In
Its efforts to secure concessions from
the city. Three members of the com
mittee try to gloss over this miscon
duct by calling It an indiscretion , very
much like the girl who pleaded that 11
was only a very little one. The other
two members review the testimony and
find that the charge hfs : not only been
sustained in every particular , but also
that Knglneer IIowcll has been using
his ofliclnl position to further a con
spiracy to raid the water works com
Taking the most charitable view of the
case , one conclusion is inevitable , and
that is that Mr. llowell stands self-
convicted of offenses that , unlit him for
occupying any position that calls for
strict integrity and impartiality in the
discharge of public duties.
Pennsylvania Is agitating for a state
leposltory law that will protect the pub
lic funds and secure for the taxpayers
the interest paid on money , which In
reality belongs to them , but which has
been hitherto appropriated by the differ
ent state treasurers. It Is remarkable
that In this respect the great state of
Pennsylvania should bo behind Ne
braska. It Is also remarkable that
while other states are coming to the
leposltory sjstem , there should be pro-
pie in Nebraska who want to return
to the old plan of farming out public
money for private gain.
The constitution of Nebraska re-
inlros all the biennial reports of state
olllcers to be in the hands of the gov-
irnor at least ten days before the con
vening of the legislature. Some of the
reports have not yet been given to
the public. Wonder If the constitution
omits for anything with the delinquent
( tllcials.
Otllcial figures show that the gold
iroduction of the United States for
1800 was an Increase over ISiKi of
tbout $ r.ilx > ,0 < X > . As this Is nearly
twice the decrease In silver production
'or the corresponding year , some people
nay bo curious to know what tlu > mill-
ng states are raising such a rumpus
Nebraska has been a state for thirty
cars. Up to date Omaha has furnished
luce presidents of the state senate , 11
. Taylor , Isaac S. Ilnscall and Wjl-
lam Uwyor. *
rolonel Itussi'll prides himself on his
lalwart republicanism. That In why ho
list hl.llrst vote for Omaha police
ommlBlouer1 for Dr. Savllle , who turned
renegadeiruai thi : republican ranks last
summer hud wound tin by voting for
Peter Hl h uer , who deserted the re
publican wily years ago ,
.Uiiiillty "f
nl itinux city Journnt ,
Headers nMtlio Onmua pnpera Irarn that
Omaha wn ila KI union depot , a big exposi
tion niul to f e Cubn. If tliorc Is nny
thliiB oaeOttialia ! wants It will be asked
for. nr l
M'liit Way t < i On It.
f Jlobe-l ! > nocrnl.
So far us the 1'nelno railroad question
U concerned,1 the eatf coiiwo for congress
to pursue ils-to nnd out what lluntliiRton
nnd his follow .grabbers waut , nnd then do
A Tariff for KO
Indlnmipolls Journal
A German newspaper says that SOO fac
torial IIAVO started up In Germany alnco the
icccnt election In this country because- the
proprietors ctpoct better times here anil ,
thst llio prrrtcnt tariff will continue. The
foreign manufacturer has not sulllclent
friends In thU country to maintain the
present tariff.
Oniiiliit mill ( InKiio IUoti.
St. Iritis Hciniblle.
Omaha Is vigorously preparing Its Trans-
mlsilsslppl and International Imposition for
1S03. Since It la the first ( treat exposition
attempted beyond Ihc Missouri , nil the
western states will lend their warm Interest
ami best efforts In aid of the Omaha en
terprise. ' The Nebraska legislature will
nppropJl.ilo $250.000 , thits winter. With
Uio appropriation by congress , the fumU
will be ample for an elaborate affair. The
Omnlm exposition will bo one of the marked
features of next year.
I'ltu-k. l'rlnli > iV InFc nnil
llTton Adveitlfor.
The menvivo " ' RocCo to sell must bc-
Cln at the --Ins and cncoutnge buylnf ;
mice inert' . . / ruuot push their Kooila
exactly us It l i < y ncre beginning In business.
1'liick , shrowdncat ? . energy , tact , "prlnlora'
Ink , " Inviting prlcca all these arc needed \ . >
helli on bi-slness arter the Inactivity of four
years. It U not more EOOI'.J that arc needed ,
but more cualonicrd. The merchants and
laianufacturcra who recognise this fact arc
already finding an Inorezoed business ; but
the men who are attll slttlnR v/ltli folded
hands nre likely to remain undisturbed for
some tlmi. to come. If prosperity Is to
be General , there must be "a IOKR pull , a
strong pull , and a pull nil together. "
TIio < * nmlm Century.
' Qlnbe-DetnocriU.
Ed word Everett Hale oald In a recent ad-
drrts on the coming century that the world
la growing better. In his cla.-vjiricatlon , the
century of Columbus wa < > marked by discov
ery , the eighteenth by analysis nnd the nine
teenth tiy Invention. The victories of the
twentieth century. In his opinion , will bt
moral and spiritual. HH prediction la that il
"will bo filled with not only physical com
fort , but spiritual , and physical foreca will
be transmuted Into 'moral and spiritual. "
UJucatlon will be general and greatly ele
vated , and natlow will bo brought Into clo oi-
Intercourse. No one has ventured to proph
esy what the next century will bring forth In
invention , for ecirccly a year passes now
without some wonderful advance.
I'roillKnl I'lillniitliropy.
Chicago Tribune.
The charitable bequests and gifts of the
year tend to .support the theory that the raci
has been taklns fl- stride forward In moral
development. Through the year the mag-
nlllcent total of ? 3,1G70.129 waa given to
varicus Institutions. In 1895 the donatlonn
of thU character amounted to $28,943,511) ) ,
and lu 1S31 tlipy were only $19.937,116. In
two yeara the total ha nearly doubled. The
money thld year has been distributed ' as fol-
IOWR : College , ? , , . ? lfiS14.25G' ; charities , $10-
831,731 ; churches , ? 2,133.112 ; museums nnJ
Galleries , $2.333.GlV ) . and libraries , ? 1.132,000.
The glfta have been distributed with wi-ie
discriminationaid , ) have been lavish beyond
all reasonable expectation In a year when the
cry of "hard times" lisa been conotanlly
raised. . ' , . .
All ArKKHioilt' Till' I'o.sdll UjtliUx.
Sioux City Tribune. '
One of the" rnct striking arguments In
favor of the establishment of postal savings
banks ' Is made by Postmaster Hcslng of
Chicago. He states that the Chicago office
earns under'hla ' supervision during the hard
times of 1893 , when there was general ills-
trrst and uncertainty. Mr. HcHlng noticed
that a largo number of peopleIn moderate
circumstances withdrew their small .savings ,
from the various batiks and purchased money
orders payable to themselves. ThU was
an eyeopener for the postmaster and re-
\eac1 ! to him the need of a perfectly safe
dcpcsltory for small savings.
These people who purchased the money
orders wore willing to lese the Interest on
tliulr money nnd pay the fee for nn order
besides In return for a safe deposit. The
great army of small depositors have no means
of Informing themselves upon the exact cor >
dltlou of a bank , but they all know Uncle
Sam. If postal savings banks nro started
they will not die for want of patronage.
M2AHX TO .S .11II,1C.
\ < > Wnrraiit Tor Clnoiuy Cnncln.sIoiiN
us to tln > llJislin-HH Situation.
St. Louts Republic.
A rapid succession of commercial failures
creates an exaggerated apprehension in the
public mind. As a rule , the average citizen
looks upon them as a .sign of painfully hard
Thcro la seldom any middle ground of
popular opinion about buMnciss conditions.
If things are quiet In business circles , those
directly concerned are prepared to entertain
gloomy conclusions as to the situation.
Reduction of operations and studied econ
omy down the line are Incidents that be
long to the train of circumstances nuclei
debate In the public mind. When men
set to thinking this way they may bo led
Into extremes. Extreme views are not safe
n the consideration of any subject , and
no class of people know this better than
lo the business men of the country. The
record of failures from day to day , as shown
, n the te'lcgraphlc and local columns of the
irras , Is larger than usual , nut whllo this
3 true It Is also a fact that this Is the
opening of a new year. It Is a tlmo for
octtllng accounts. Even In times that enjoy
ho enter and liberality of active trade the
old year goes out and the new one comes
u with the accompaniment of business set
tlements , the result of arbitrary and , at the
same time , ordinary methods of commerce.
Admitting that present business condl-
.lons are not Just as we would have them ,
bu.slneca men should not assume , by a pro-
rtsa littlebhort of uurecsoncruel to each
other , that times are plumb out of joint.
I'llOKITS < ) ! ' II HUT CI'l/rtmK.
12.\uiii | > l < ofn .Hlirt'i-NNful SiiKnr llrct
I" Nt'liraxUii.
The followlngitttalement of the product of
wenty-four ncrraof-Wayne : county soil wa-s
ilnilly furnlsheil.'by K. I' . Olmsted & Co.
and we re < iucat > till who may see It to read
and remember. . 'Just think where Wayne
vould bo today/with a beet sugar factory
and 3,000 acrwof , .liccts within a radius of
HX ! or seven mlUi-s. , , Here la labor amount-
ng to $151 ! , nnd l\aullng \ beets $12G on twcnty-
onr acres , besides a net pioflt of $103 , ( with
out thu bounty-clear ) profit to Olmstod &
'o. , and they would also have $230 In add
o It If the factory was located at Wayne
md the freightsjved. , Is there anything
Wayne necda more'titan a beet sugar fuc-
ory ? At the aaliiD ratio of profit 3,000
aercij around Wayne would create a clear
) refit of J5l,000E nd saving of freight $27-
r/00 ; total , $ SlnriO ; > labor on the 3,000 acres
amounting to $57,000 ; grand total , $138I > 00 ,
> raldca a vest amou'nt of money that would
> o paid out for labor at the factory. Jiut
lilnlc of Itl These are not Idlu arccrtloca ,
nit factb.
WAYNH , Nob. , Dec. 28 , Statement of the
ccclpU nnd expenses of twenty-four acres
of mi par beets raised by 13. I * , oltnuted &
'o. on their farm two mllra west of Wnyno :
n\'l \ tonii neil nt IS per tun. . . . > ! , ,717.31
rovlilvd bounty of JI per ton \
not received , deduct 2(3.M (
Heed " . . , ; J 102.75
'nparliw eround , Hredlni , ' , cul-
tlt-utlon , eta 408,00
luullni ; lii-et to can. . . , , 13fi.CS
Krcliiht paid to fuctury at Nur-
folk 236.23
Hlier expenceH 38,91
'rullt without bounty -1(13.87 (
Jl.37l.4l Jl.3K.4l
If bounty U received the total profit would
10 $717.37 , being $31,11 per aero , " If the
jounty la not received the profit will bo
116.81 per aero. If the beets had ht-cn noli
nt a factory In Wayne nnd the freight o
$236.23 saved the profit would Imvo been
I26.6S per ncro.
The nvcrngo yield per aero was fourtcfit
tons net weight In Norfolk and thn average
tcwt was 14MO per cent siignr nnd S3 1-10
per cent coefficient In purity.
Geneva Signnl : From the1 report of Audi
tor Moore we lenrn that It costs nomethlng
over $ & 00 n month In gnl.trlcs nlonu to run
the girl's Industrial school , to say nothing
of food , light nnd fuel. Good tilings come
McCook Tribune : In State- Auditor Uugcne
Moore's "goodbye" report ho llnds many
nbuscs nnd points out mimcroua Impcrfcc
tlons nnd suggests sundry rcfornus In stnte
finances. Hut they como pretty Into to be of
service to the republican parly.
Sewnrd Kcporlcr : Pome of the Ideas ad
vanccd by Auditor Moore In his report ate
very good , but when he attacks the valued
policy law he certainly maker n mistake.
Insurance companies should be obliged to
keep their contracts , nnd that Is what the
law Is for. There la no danger that the
auditor's recommendation will lead to Its
Beatrice Democrat : The sugRtatlons of
Auditor Moore that the state Institutions
be tun upon business principles nnd that
nalarlcs be cut , are good. It Is nlio In lint
with the policy advocated , but never prac
ticed , by the populists. The queatloii of
assessment la especially worthy of attention.
There U no reason why property should be
assessed at cue-fifth Its' value nnd tnxca
levied nt 10 per cent when nt u fair valua
tion taxes would be loss than 3 per cent.
Polk County Democrat : State Auditor
Moore devoted a large portion of his report
to the governor In a defense of the Oxnard
beet ougnr combination nnd the old line
tire Insurance companies. And this Is the
clnM of Institutions the republican party
always befriends. Va little fish , the pro
ducers , can take care of ourselves as bwt
possible , but If there Is n thieving corn
bHatlon that' the republicans nro not always
favoring we would like to know where It
Is r.t.
Schuyler Herald : Auditor Moore thinks
that the valued policy law la a useless piece
of.legislation and should be repealed. A few
representatives of old-time Insurance com
panies are of the same opinion , but the
great common people consider it one of the
best laws ever placed upon our statute
books. It Is safe to say that there la no
danger of the law being repealed nt thta
winter's session. There Is nothing unjust
or unreasonable nbout the valued policy Inw.
It simply requires the insurance companies
In case of loan to pay the amount their
policy calls for and on which they have
been receiving premium.
iIc Illodil Split .lltilnly In
tin- Old Wi > rl l.
Itevlew of lU\Iewfi.
No sword lias been drawn by one great
civilized state ngalnst another through the
wholeof 1S90 , but the gates of the Temple
of Janus-have by no means been shut. Hy
far the most blood-stained portion of the
world's surface so far as 1SOG Is concerned
is the Ottoman empire. There has been
actual lighting lu Crete , while the talc
of massacres of Armenians In nil parts of
the empire Is still far from complete. "The
Shadow of God" In Constantinople Is
haunted by a perpetual fear , and he
Imagines , like most men In panic , that ho
can best secure his own safety by striking
terror. Abdul Ilamld embodies In his reign
and In the massacres by which Us closing
days nro being marked n great object le-s-
1:011 as to thu real nature of Turkish rule.
Without some such demonstration It would
have boon Impossible for us to con-
cclvo the popular enthusiasm which
launched mediaeval Europe on the sc
ries of enterprises that we call cru-
sjdes. There are many persons today who
would be very glad to see a now crusade
preached for the extermination of the "In
fidel. " 'not ' because ho Is an Infidel , but be-
tausa ho has established ncsasslnnllon an an
Instrument of government , and replied by
mawncro to the protests of the conscience
of Europe and America. Casdng a rapid
Glance over the world , U Is curious to note
how much fighting has gone on In the Is
lands. On the contlneuu there has been
lltllo war ; but man has faceJ man In deadly
wrath In Crete , In Cuba , In Madagascar and
In the 1'hlllpplno Islands. In fact , with the
exception of the continent of Afi'lca and
certain of tlicao Islands , 1S9G has been a.
jear of peace. These , however , are consider
able exceptions , and neither In Cuba nor
the Philippine Islands did 1896 bring any
prospact of peace. The struggle on both
sides Is marked by ntroclilea of which the
civilized world hears n little from Cuba , but
nothing much from the Philippines. In Mad
agascar n French expedition to Antananarivo
has placed the French In nominal posses
sion of the Island. It Is only nominal , for
outsldo the capital the French appear to
bo obeyed only as far as their guns will
carry , nnd until such tlpjeas thc'Ir guns are
removed. On the African continent there
has been more serious fighting. Italy
suffered a great defeat In Abys-
slnlu , Which , however , has been a
blessing In 'disguise. ' In that ft has led to
the abandonment of the ambitious scheme
of establishing an Ethiopian empire raised
upon the colony of Erythraea. The defeat
In Africa shook down the Crlspl ministry
and crippled Italy In the estimation of Eu
rope * . It was also tire means of launching
the long-expected expedition for the recov
ery of the Soudan. The Anglo-Egyptian
force under 'the ' Sirdar , Sir Herbe.t Kitch
ener , achieved an almost bloodless success
when It marched southward along the Nile
valley , and cleared the soldiers of the rnahdl
out of the fertile provinces of Dongola. It
Is understood that this year when the Nile
'u high Uongola will be used as a base for
the rcconquest of Khartoum. But for the
unfortunate Issue of Jameson's raid Cecil
nhodea would probably have realized Itla
Ideal of joining the Cape to Cairo before the
end of the century. Matabeleland has risen
In revolt and bos been reconquered. The
Transvaal lies been the scene of fighting
which could hardly bo dignified by the title
of war. On the other side , the Ashantl j
power lies been broken by an English ex-
pcdltlon , which has opened up one of the
dark places of the world , full of frightful
cnrelty , to the milder Influences of com
merce end civilization. Aa the year closed
Sir George Taubman Goldle was departing
for the Niger in order to strike a blow ut
one of the slnve-tradlrrK tribes which still
live and thrive under the nominal protec
tion of the Niger company.
Ogalnlln N'own : Kvory newspaper In Ne
braska should lend all possible , nlil In mip-
port of the TranginlMlcalppI nnd Interna
tional Exposition. It will be tu'cond only to
thu World's fair of any similar exposition
ever held.
Gretnix Hcporlcr : Now for n Transmits-
KlppI Exposition. A long pull , a strong
pull , and n pull nil together will make It the
greatest show ever held In America outsldo
of Chicago In 1S93. Put your shoulder to
the wheel.
Nebraska City Prees : The state legisla
ture will convene In regular session next
Monday. The llrst thing the legislature
should do after organization should bo to
make n splendid appropriation for the Trans
mlssUttlppl Exposition.
Emerson Enterprise : The Transmlsals-
slppl and International Exposition which
will be held In Omaha iwxt ycnr will be a
grand show and great thing for Ncbrmtkn.
Subacrlptluns amounting to nbout $500-
o 0 have- already been secured nnd the na
tional government will contribute' $200.000
more. The ttale legislature should make
liberal appropriations nnd all the people of
the state atsUt In making It n sticriFs.
HurchnrJ Times : Now Is n good timeto
work up the Transmlsslsslppl Expedition
which will bo held at Omaha , June-Novem
ber , 1S9S. Congress has pledged not Iras
than $200,000. and almost $300.000 additional
la contemplated. In addition to this there
have been BUlwcrlptlons nnd other nppro-
prlatluns which mnkrs tht > sum total which
It will reach nbout $2,000,000. An exposition
cf tills cert will call attention more forcibly
to the western states ami allow their excel
lence nnd wealth.
Platte Center Signal : The Trnnsrnlssls-
slppl Exposition la bclriR engineered for-
wnrd "u" tlio'inoat enterprising nnd success
ful b , . . , iess element of the state. Nebraska
should came forward with a liberal appro
priation for this grand srhcmo In order that
wo may look forward with pride to the year
1S9S , when our state will demonstrate to the
world nt largo that Its Industrial develop
ment U only excelled by our wonderful
natural resources for agricultural purposes ,
which mnke > 3 Nebraska truly "The garden
opot of Anu-rlcn. "
nixon Tribune : The Transnrlssl&ilppl Ex
position Is an assured success. Omaha has
raised Its llulo $400,000 and congress will
appropriate at leatt $200,000 for n govern
ment exhibit. Almost every slate In the
union will appropriate a nice mini arrd be
represented and Nebraska should not be
laggard In this matter. ' U Is the one chance
In a lifetime to advertise Nebraska. Ixt
the legislature this winter not be "penny-
\viso and pound foolish , " but appropriate
such a sum that will glvo Nebraska an
exhibit such us has never been se-en before.
Nebraska te all right.
Fnlrfleld Herald : The TransmlsalfslppI
Exposition Is already full-Hedged , subscrip
tions to the amount of $400,000 having been
already secured and a government approprl-
Ulon of $200,000 already made. It
low remains for the coinliu ; legls-
nturo of Nebraska to make n
Iboral appropriation to keep It moving and
to uhow the Implicit faith In the enterprise.
V number of ntatea have' ' already made np-
iroprlntlons. It will certainly bo of great
icnnflt to the entire west , but to no state
nero than our own. Keep Nebraska to the
rent for n successful exposition at Omaha
n 1S9S.
North Bend Argus : The * Transmlsslsslppl
nnd Intcrnatlonl Errxposltlon to bo held in
Omaha , June to November of 1S9S , Is now
inder way for a successful end. Over $100-
OOD has been subscribed by Omaha people ,
nnd Secretary Carlisle had made the con
gressional appropriation of $200.000 avall-
iblp. There la no question of the benefits
of this International exposition , and the pro-
ectors nro entitled to duo credit. Ne
braska will take pride In joining with her
bister statro In making am exhibit that will
I nt once prove beyond the question of doubt
j her resources as one of the best states In the
I union. Success to the exposition Is hoped for
j nnd is already assured.
Nebraska City Prera : The Transmljsls-
slppl Exposition Is no longer n probability ,
but an assured fact. The citizens of Omalia
have fulfilled every pledge made to congress
and the board of managers Is composed of
Omaha's mcst prominent nnd worthy citizens.
The various managers have been selected
with a view of their special fitness or quali
fication for the department over which each
will preside. The selection of Hon. Edward
Hovewatcr as manager of the department of
publicity -heads the llct of wise selections
and the newspapers of Nebraska will rally
to hla support In making the exposition one
of the grandest successes ever achieved Irr
the exposition line.
'Waterloo Gazettte : The Board of Man
agers of the Transmlssisslppl Exposition
has got down to business and progress Is
being made every day to make a crnnd suc
cess of this exposition. Congress lies pledged
not lera than $200,000 for a government ex
hibit , and Omaha has already secured $400-
000 In subscriptions to Its capital stock. We
hope that onr state legislature will add
dignity to Nebraska's fame by granting r.
liberal donation for a magnificent display
of the products of our great commonwealth
at this time of abundance of crops and
assured return of financial prosperity. Hur
rah for the TransmUslsslppl Exposition at
Omaha , 1S9S. Neighboring states are ar
ranging to assist In this gigantic enter
prise , and Omaha will bo the Bite for a
"world's fair" on a grand scale.
Lincoln State Journal : The prospects for
TransmlpslEslppI Exposition arc bright
ening and though some Ioc4l prejudice crcefii
out here and there the Interest In the enter
prise Is growing nnd there Is little doubt If
the people of tills ntate give' the proper aid
nnd encouragement the exposition will be a
great success and will bo of Immense value-
to Nebraska nnd the states surrounding It
In attracting the attention of .capital and
removing the temporary odium that sundry
erop falluraa and political breaks In con-
requence have thrown upon the trarumlssls-
rlppl region. It behooves every Nebraskan
to stir himself In behalf cf the exposition
pnd to see to It that a proper recognition bo
accorded It. by the state authorities and a
generous appropriation be granted by the
legislature. It Is or .o of thee things that
wo cannot afford to Ignore. It must not be-
permitted to fall.
Schuyler Sun : Every true Nebraska citizen
should take an active intorcat In tha Trans-
mlos-lEslppI Exposition of IS'JS , nnd In every
way rxwslble ( io that which will tend lo
Insure SUOCL'M. The advantages to the
Etate In general and the citizens an In
dividuals can not bo overestimated. Both
directly and Indirectly the benefit * will \ > o
felt over the entire state. The othr-r statcu
represented will also come In for their share ,
c >
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all j
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated for its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your ji
cakes , biscuit , bread ,
etc. , healthful , it assures i
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap J
. , .
but to Nebraska additional advantages r
lent from the fact that It I * to occur within
our own borders , und on our own ooll
vMlora from the stop. It depends In
n great incAsuro upon Uio lnpw : lon re
ceived whether or not those visitors will
rare to make nny Investigation. II a debilitated nrpect hangs over thu
exposition Hie effects will 'be ' inoro detri
mental than though no cxpralllon worn held.
Yet If an nlr of thrift , Induct ry , wldeiiwnko
btislncra activity la muliilnlnc : ] , If eastern
visitors arc given to undorstnud that
Nebraska Is not the "crcnt American dwelt , "
but n prosperous ami active common
wealth , anxious nnil icmly to do Jicr part In
the gr < sit economy of the nation , nccess
will bo assurwl nnd benefit * Avlll nccrtio In
proportion H then bi-hoovra every clllr.oii
of the state to cnnstltutt : lihiux'ltn cnmmtttco
of uiio to talk for the great luteroccunlo
_ _
riilcnpo Tribune : "I am sorry to lienr
tlmt Allwuhl , the clothing meivhant. Ima
railed In biiKlnens. Mow illil It hnpucn ? "
"Overconlldeniv. Ho brought on u cur-
loud of ear miifrV
Cincinnati Hnntitrcr : She How silly
these- Jokes nro about A mini's wife ubus-
Inw 'him tu'i-aiisc ho ncrlilentally situ on
her new hat. 1 couldn't do such a llilnc.
He-No ?
She No , ilenr ; I haven't the lint.
ChlonKO Kecord : "Sciential ! " nro trylnq
tn discover what tniiRUUKO waa tiseu In
the Oiirtlcn of Kden. "
" \\V1I , I can't say what lnnRtinpe Atlnm
and Kvo upokr , but 1 know that themiKcl
with the limning mvord talked to them Ilka
n Dutch undo. "
Philadelphia Unllotlri : YOIIIIK Wife ( wl.tli-
IriK to ploasr ) Now , denr , what dre-us would
you mlvUe nw to wear for the concert tliln
evening ?
Komi Itn.Mlmitl Well , I think nn ac
cordion Mklrt , with a brain band around the
waist , anil piped sleeves , might nt thu
Chronicle : "I wish there waa
porno new way of kllllnc time , " said > ouni ;
Mr , Point Ilrecr.e to Miss Homowood last
" 1 cnn sureest one way of killing time ,
which was not possible for n Ions while , "
n piled the maiden.
" \Voll ? "
"Sh-lb'h 111"
OMcnpo Post : It happened at one of the
winter race tracks.
"They're olTI" yelled a man In a big
"Who ? The horses ? " nskod n man who
had Just como from the bettlnir shed.
"No ; the men who are bettlnff on the
Cleveland Plain Dealer ; "la Mrs. I3ol-
linqlKUii a ilnuplitor of the revolution ? "
"I think so. Her father used to run a
Htcani lathe. "
Somervlllo Journal : In all probability no
man over looked aa hanri.iumo to his wlfo
ten years after they were married as ho
did the day bofoio. she- married him.
Detroit Free Press : "Mrs. Newly , Is It
true that your husband Is so very alisent-
nilndeil ? "
"Perfectly. We've boon married six
montliH and many an ovcuIiiR at 11 ho Kots
tip , takes me by the hand , tells mo what
a dcllchtful time he- had nnd would lca\v
If I did nut remind him. "
lip to Date.
Sly lady's descondlni ; the stair.
Wrapped In an opera cloak :
And lookliif , ' siirpashlnnly fair.
With a halo of wonderful hair ,
Like a saint whom wo mortals Invoke.
Though My Lady , descending tire stair
In a ulory of tulle and of white ,
Una often denied me a prayer ,
JU'fusod mo a Rift , yet I swear
She Is "coming down handsome" to
night !
Detroit News.
Hear the sledges > wlth their bells ,
.Silver bells !
What a world of worrlment their melody
foretells !
How they tinkle , tinkle , tinkle on the avo-
ntid nt n\ \ ,
Whlln the stars that ovorsprlnkle all Uio
heavens seem to twfnklo
With a devilish delight.
If I hoard them all alone
I would utter not a groan ;
Hut another , she will huar ,
And , as soon as I appear
At her side.
While the. snow Is glinting , glinting
She will straightway fall a-ulntlns
Of a Hdo.
Then a csurrx ; I'll gently mutter.
And a ride !
And a Hdo , ride , ride , ride , ride , ride , ride.
As she talks about a cutter arrd a ride !
S. W. Cor.
Douglas Bt *