Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Clark & Welzol , I. 0. 0. P. blk. . nrt par
lors ,
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Wllliclm Samlcr , ago 31 , nnil Llzzlo Hoa-
cnfclclt , ORC 23 , The groom Is from Nebraska
and ttio IirlJo from Mills county.
She wan alone. Suililcnly a beam of Unlit
nhot through the darkness. It was the re
flection of Clarence's shirt bosom , freshly
laundered , from the "Ka lo , " 721 Hroadway.
All members of St. Allmn's lodge No. 17 ,
KnlghtH of Pythias , and visiting knights arc
requested to bo present tonight. Installation
of officers and refreshments will be the order
of the evening.
Mrs. Hertha Hanson , wife of Hans Hanson ,
died at her home In Hardln township Sun
day afternoon. The deceased was an old
resident of this county. The funeral will
bo held from the resilience tomorrow at 11
Nightly services are being held In all
the city churches this week In compliance
with the understanding to hold a week of
prayer every first week In the year. Serv
iced arc being held nightly In all of the
church missions.
General Dodge will remain In the city
several days and tomorrow evening ho will
meet with the members of Abe Lincoln post.
It will bo an open meeting and all old fuil-
dlcrs nro Invited to bo present. General
Uoilgo will talk about the "llattlo of At
lanta. "
William Sanders of Emerson , Neb. , and
MKi Lizzie Hamfcldt of Ncola , la. , were
united In marriage at the Kiel hotel yes
terday. Rev. C. W. Ilrcwer of the Trinity
Methodist church performed the ceremony.
They returned last night to their home In
Word has been received here announcing
the death of Mrs. Hello Lockwooil at her
homo In Hlchmond , Va. , last Saturday. The
deceancd Is the sister of Mrs. W. A. Hoblnson
of Washington avenue and was formerly
a resident of this city. The remains will
bo brought hero for Interment and arc ex
pected to arrive this morning. Arrange
ments for the funeral bavo not yet been
The Woman's Itollcf corps of the Grand
Army of the Hepubllc met Saturday night
for the Installation of ofllccrs. Mra. Anna
Campbell wan the Installing officer. The
new oillccrs arc : President , Mary Shrove ;
senior vice president , Mary Koeter ; Junior
vlco president , Helle Gray : secretary , Mary
Ilolln ; treasurer , Elizabeth Ward ; guard ,
Nora VanAnfltraml ; conductress , Blanch
Wooley ; musician. Mamie Dobson ; delegate ,
Elizabeth Ward ; alternate , Mary Uolln.
A petition was ( lied yesterday by George
E , Gage against the Klmball-Chauip Invest
ment company and C. II. Hannan , receiver ,
nskliiK that a second mortgage on a lot In
Council muffs bo ordered released. The
piopcrty wca mortgaged by C. n. Judd for
$1800 and $135. Since then It had de
preciated In value until It was worth less
than the first mortgage with accrued Inter
est. The plaintiff elated that he was willIng -
Ing to let the receiver redeem the flrst
mortgage at Its face value , but wanted to
avoid the- expense of a foreclosure suit
The plaintiff wns granted thirty days In
which to nie a bill of exceptions In the case
of Pcycko llrcs. against John T. Hazcn and
others. Similar action was taken In the case
of Klmball Uros. against Dcero , Wells
nnd company.
C. n. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation frco Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
ItoKtilar Jiiniinry Srxxlon OPCIIN with
Purely Ilontlnt * IIINIICNM. | |
The regular January session of the Doard
of Supervisors commenced yesterday at noon
H. C. Drandes , the new member , was In
stalled. This makes the entlro board repub
lican. The ofllcrlal bonds of the county olll-
cons recently elected were approved , they
being tbo same as during the last term. Thn
county olHcers' salaries were fixed the same
as last year as follows : Clerk , $3,200 , with
the probate and Insane commission fees ; re
corder , $3,800 ; county attorney , $1,500
auditor , $1,000.
Considerable discussion was held over the
letting of the publication of the record
of the board's meeting to the various papers
throughout the county. Colonel Itakur ob
jected to the letting 'of the contract to IIvt
papers , ns last year , but the board decided
that the county press should bo recognized.
Tlio pcsltlou taken by Colonel llakcr was
that according to law but three papers coulil
print the record of the meetings. Ho salt ]
that In some casra It had been decided legal
whore the regular 33 < i cents per square for
three papers had been divided among more
and In this way the expense kept within the
legal rato. At present the papers receiving
the printing arc- the Neola Iteporter , the
Oakland Acorn. Avoca Herald , Globe and
Nonpareil. They were paid "a cents a square
making the total cost $1.25 a square. Colonel
Dakcr Insisted even at the legal r.ito of 33Vs
crate a square the ccst should only bo $1.
Ho had received communications from sev
eral newspapers , requesting that they ho
given a chance tit printing the proceedings ol
the board. Insisting that the y were entltlixl
to as much recognition as the other papers.
The only change made by the board In the
matter was that the papers shall publish
the proceedings within at least n month after
they occurred. Some of the- papers have
boon stringing the publication of the matter
along for several mouths.
Flno livery for parties and dances. Ogdcn
Livery , 158 Hroadway. Telephone S3.
Froc Sllvrrivnre.
Hy sending forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. Doltrn & Co. , Dos Molucs , la. , you will
got six silver teaspoons free.
Now Is the tlmo to make good resolutions.
"Resolved , That Davis' drug , paint and
glass houao , being the largest , It Is the best
place to trade. Resolved , That If my bill
Is now over ninety days' old that I will go
up to Davis' and settle It at once. If I have
to borrow the money to do so. " That'b
good. _
llt-al Undid' TriiiiNferN.
The following real estate transfers were
reported yesterday at the olllco of J. W.
Squire :
J. N. Cnsady to Olllcer & Pusoy , awU
( less 21 acres ) 17-70-43. w. d . $ 700
8. H. Snyder and wlfo to Charles B.
Glb on , lot 15 , blk. C , Evan'a 2d
Bridge mid. , < i. c. d . 1
J. N. Casady and wife to Mary K.
Cusady , lot H , blk. 17 , Mill add. ,
w. il . 5000
J. N. Cusady to Ellen M. Cnsady ,
u mlJi of w 29.9S ac. mv'i nett 2-74- ;
Vi BW > ,4 sett and H 4 acres w'/fc BeVi
eU 1-74-44. w. d . T . ; fl.000
J. N. Cusauy and wlfo to Thomas
Howman , trustee. undVi of various )
loin and lands , w. d . , . 15000
1. Hurtwell to Iru W. Hart-
well , ? < > y swVi and o 10 acres swU
BW',1 ' 14-75-f. , w. d . . . 2.000
Six tninsrerH , aggregating . J2S.701
Itching , only , bleeding palmi , uliapclcaa nnll > ,
mid paluful tinner emit , plmpK'i , bbckhi-adi ,
oily , roolliy ikln.dry , thin , and falling hair , Itch ,
tog , caly ealii | , nil ylclj quickly to warm baliu
with CUTlcuiiA Soil- , and gcntlo anointing *
with CUTICUIU ( ointment ; , the great iklu cure.
Ii ioU Ihmuihont Ibi wnrU. FoTTtn Dica i
CoKr. . Hole 1'topi. . llattnn.
tutie * to I'foiiuct Con , WhIU Hindi , " free.
IniUntlr r.Utn.l tir
nnnn * tc \\ITI nnc
Distributes Christmas Prcsants to the
Children of Old Soldiers.
Aiiuiinl GntlierliiKN Intetulcil tn Kt-cp
FI'I > MI In Tliclr Memory OIL Ilriivi ;
DUL'llN Of 'I'I It'll' KllHier * V
KliiK for livery Itonni.
Eight years ago General G. M. Dodge
sent $100 to the members of Abe Lin
coln post with the explanation that It waste
to bo used to buy Christmas presents for
the children of the old soldiers. The gift
came at a fortunate time , and Santa Claus
came to several hundred llttlo people who
would have had slim evidence of his pres
ence otherwise. General Dodge was de
lighted with the reports that came to him
of the great Christmas tree that the chil
dren went wild over , and ho has repeated
the gift each year since. Last night ho
was present when thu little folks received
the benefit of his munificence. It was the
flrst tlmo he had ever had the pleasure of
witnessing the sight , and the scene last
night most deeply uffcctcd him. Grand
Army hall was considered too small and
the Christian tabernacle was utilized. H
was packed to the doors. The building
was decorated with evergreens. When Gen
eral Dodge entered the hall ho was given
an ovation that startled him. Old and
young joined In vociferous shouts that
fairly shook the building. The general ac
cepted the salute gracefully and took his
place on the platform with the committee
In charge of the program. Dr. Thomas
was chairman. The early part of the even
ing was devoted to a pleasant literary and
musical program. Olio and Mabel English
gavean Instrumental duet and Miss Inez
Denny a recitation. Arthur Gaff , the mid-
gut cornctlst , made his first appearance since
his return1 from Chicago and charmed Gen
eral Dodge and the audience. Ho Is
scarcely as long as his cornet , and his per
formance would have been considered some
thing remarkable for an artist of mature
years. His rendition of "I Dreamed I
Dwelt In Marble- Halls , " from the Ilohemlan
Girl , was particularly fine. Allda McFad-
dcn , Hazel Brown , Sylvia Snyder and Edyth
Thomas contributed to the evening's pleas
ure , Miss Thomas especially winning the
heartiest applause by the recitation of her
"Christmas Stcry , " In which she adroitly
made General Dodge figure as Santa Claus ,
Mandolin and guitar music was furnished
by Messrs. Aylcsworth , Donham and Abdll.
At the conclusion of the set program Gen
eral Dodge arose and received another ova
tion , and when the applause subsided ho
addressed his soldier comrades and their
children and grandchildren. He said :
Every year 1 hear the results of the
Christmas greetings that come from the
gatherings of the children of soldiers who
served with rno and with others In the
army. You arc brought together with a
view not only of giving you pleasure and
making you happy with the little pres
ents you get , but that It may bring viv
idly before you the fact that your fathers
and other relatives served their country
so bravely , that you may know and have
kept fresh In your memory the story of
their deeds , and also to Impress upon you
that you should hold sacred their memory
and keep fresh In your minds the history
of what they accomplished for you and
their country. You should be taught In
tlio schools why your fathers and your
brothers died , nnd why they served In the
army. Their history should be so Im
pressed upon you that It would be of dally
mention and ever present in your homes ;
you should always Itccp In your homo ,
where It would bo seen , a ( lag of your
country , no matter how small , and hold
It sacred from the fact that It Is the Hag
of your country which your fathers fought
for and preserved. Then you should look
to the future.
This country gives you and all others
nn opportunity which no other country In
tlio world gives , and If this country should
over need your strong arms as It did your
fathers' In Its defense you Hhould rally
to Its support , not waiting to question the
cause. None of. the many assertions that
nro made that people are wronged or op
pressed In this country should llnd lodg
ment In your brain , as Its legislation , Its
laws , Its government and Its Intention have
been always to help the poor and weak ,
the unfortunate and thu downtrodden.
The whole effort of the government and
the pt-oplo Is In behalf of its people , to
build them up and make them prosperous
and happy. Two laws alone show the
tendency of our government : One the
homestead and the other the pension. And
as you no forth with everything to help
you , schools , churches , charities , every
thing- that Is good to guide you. there
Is no reason why you cannot ripe to the
highest position In this government , and
every one of you. If you are Industrious
and honest , can hold ti worthy and hon
orable place In your country and In so
ciety. With everything1 good thrown
around you from nil tlicso sources you
have got to bo absolutely born bad to
go wrongAs you read the history of
the country in which you live It will tell
you that it has grown steadily , strong and
far beyond the growth of any other coun
try , it has grown so rapidly In the last
thirty yitirs that It has astonished the
world , and that Krcnt Rrowth and develop
ment could not have occurred If It had
not been for the war. The war taught the
soldiers who served In It to bo self-reliant.
H taught them to take hold of great enterprises -
prises , to take great risks , and when they
laid down their arms and came homo and
Blurted life anew they by themselves and
ny their example put energy and con
fidence and success not only In
vmm/ vica' . . ut ' " othcrs around them , and
sou F-ee In the
growth of tno countryvrtwt
they have accomplished In thirty years , a
growth and development that under any
other condition of other"
affairs and any x-
perlence would have taken more than UO.
The country has been settled , orcnnlzed.
occupied and law Is administered In nil
parts of It from the Atlantic to the Pacillc
and from the Gulf to the until posses
sions. It In bound together by lines of
1nm ? ° ilml lj ? , wmpathy of states and
Kovernmentu so that another trial test of
Its strength by a civil war la not liable to
occur. It has had the Kreatest test that
any country In the world has ever had-a
elvl war where one-half of Its people were
against the other half , but w-Jinrc the re
sult of the war held the country moro
llrmly topether and moro united than it
ever was before a greater success than any
war has ever conferred upon any nation
In the world. Therefore , .whllo the war
was u great calamity , it was a great bless.
Injr. and while you look upon the los of
your fathers and your brothers as an In
dividual grief. It was a national benefit.
And now , my llttlo friends , as I pass
tlirouKU the -world leading a busy life , my
comfort nnd pleasure come to mo often
Just ns It has here tonight , In seeing- the
pleasure and happlncHS of others , and es
pecially In rcelng how well qnch commu
nity , each army organization , tries to take
rare of those who are In need nnd have
lost their best friends , and It makes me
feel and say that the world Is ( food and Its
people- must bo happy , for they never tire
of doinggood. . While you arc young and
cannot comprehend the reason for many
things , still you are old enough to appre
ciate thu good and forsot am bad , and to
always bo hopeful ; to fvcl that If you help
youmulvos others will help you. and to
bear In mind that Idleness is ono of the
greatest evils and brings crlmo and sorrow.
Therefore bu sure to have some object In
life. Keep to work at something. And
above all things , bo sober , Industrious and
cheerful , Keep UICHO great nrlnolpNm tvcr
prenciu ami your lives will bo worthy of
your bravu fathers and orothers , and yu.i
will live and illo happy.
At the conclusion of the general's addreia
the presents purchased with his money were
distributed. Every child In the audience waa
HolTmayr'u fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. A k your grocer for It.
Hy Bernlnis forty Domestic soap wrappers
to L. liolton & Co. , DCS .Molnca , In , , you will
got nix silver teaspoons free.
I.nliori'iHViinlcd. .
Wo have for tale or rent several deslra-
bio fruit , grain , vegetable and stock farms
near Council muffs for 1837. U y & Hess.
Rental Aucnts.
A few ilaya moro remain of our great re
moval lale. Durft * FuroHuro company ,
cot.\cn , ni.scfssr.H ITS nii.i.s.
CrKlclxni IN Itnlxril Aliout ( lieCon -
Mlrni'llini nf HitHlli ( Street llrldKo.
The regular meeting of the city council
wcs held last evening , with the mayor and
all the aldertmn present , except W. C.
Drown. At the request of Alderman Kasper
the Items of the bills were read. The most
Important of these was the one for the re-
palm of the Sixth street bridge , by R. C.
Merger & Co. This amounted to $318 , the
contract price , and $92 for extras furnished
on the approaches to the bridge. This the
city engineer explained was not Included
In the contract. The work onthe bridge
has been closely watched by the other bridge
men of the city , and has brought out rome
emphatic criticism.
Alderman Casper followed the reading of
the bills clou'Iy. and took occasion to point
out the necessity of retrenching along sev
eral lines. Ho recommended that all the
men employed by the street department bo
laid off , Including the sidewalk man. This
was objected to by Alderman Shubert , who
claimed he was needed to look after getting
In. the crossings where the new sidewalks
were being put In. In defending his recom
mendation Alderman Camper paid that ho
thought "this pension business" ought to be
stopped , and didn't sec the need of keeping
men on the pay roll simply to draw salary.
On roll call his motion was lost , and a sub
stitute to keep the sidewalk man employed
was psiired.
Another matter that Alderman Casper
calltd attention to was the price that waa
being paid for some of the city printing.
He thought that It should be let by bids
and every ono should be given a chance at
It. One Ucm he referred to In particular
was the cost of furnishing' dockets for the
superior court. Monthly bills had been put
In , he said , for $40 for fifty copies of the
dockets. He had Investigated the matter and
found "other good republican printing
1 offices" that would do the work for halt the
[ money.
I A favorable report was received from the
special committee on the subject of the city
I Joining the Iowa Municipal association. The
committee was Instructed to take the proper
' steps to Join.
j The committee on West Broadway reported
that It had passed nn order to pay F.
Guanclla & Co. $2,500 as partial payment
i on the slag paving now In course of con-
; strucllon. The county had ordered the pay
ment of $1,600 of this amount , and the com-
! mlttco recommended that the city pay Us
share. A resolution to that effect was
, adopted.
I Some preliminary steps were taken to get
the ordinances of the city In shape for pub
lication. H Is only two years since they
were published last. H was ordered to pub
lish a notice to the effect that the following
ordinances were to be repealed : Western
Edison Electric Light company , granted 18S3 ;
! Mitchell & Sweeney , tramway , passed 18S7 ;
Suburban Transit company , passed 1S87 ;
Beck's Pony express , passed 1SSS ; Interstate
Bridge & Street Hallway company , passed
1S80 ; the Mynster Spring Hallway company ,
passed 1S90 ; the Council Bluffs Transit
company , passed 1891 ; J. T. Stew
art Blcctrlc Light company , passed
18'j2 ; Gas and Fuel company , passed
1SS9 ; Council Bluffs & Lake Man-
awa Hallway company , passed 1894.
Theec arc all considered dead ordinances , and
If the owners of them are Interested In kccp-
I Ing them on the books they will ho given an
opportunity to raise any objections they de
An amendment to the rules of the council
was Introduced to the effect that every alder
man must vote on every proposition that
comes up before It. The new rule provides
that In case any member refuses to vote
without the unanimous consent of the coun
cil , his vote shall be recorded In the negative
on the subject up for consideration.
j An ordinance was Introduced to take care
of Dny cases of a tin vote between the can-
I dMatea for city ofllccs and for election con
tests. The proposed measure Is practically
I the snino as that governing In similar casca
. arising In the county and state elections.
' Charles Matlicscn was appointed Janitor ol
the city -hall In place of his father , who re
cently died.
Andrew1 Bolen and Charles L. Ycncy were
appointe-d spet'Ial policemen at the govern
ment works , without cost to the city.
Eight thousand dollars was ordered trans
ferred from the police to the general fund.
M. F. Hohrer submitted a proposition for
the nalo cf a strip of land alongside of ' . 'nt
owned by the Standard Oil company.
Iinrt Is wanted by the city to open Third
street and Sixteenth avenue and Mr. Hchrcr
wants $2,900 for It.
The proposition was referred.
Aimunl IliiiniMiM Ovr ! < * with tin-
Hoard Of SlllKTVlNlirN.
There promises to bo a continuation of the
same old merry war when the Board ol
County Supervisors audits the reports end
claims of the Justices of the peace. Last
year the board adopted and enforced on order
not to allow the Justices a cent moro than
the law allows , which must not be more than
$1,200 a year. This la to be made up wholly
of fees. If the fees exceed $1,200 the sur
plus Is to be covered back Into the county
treasury , and If they do not reach that
amount there Is no remedy for the unfortu
nate Justice. He must hustle and get bus
iness to bring It up to the limit or stand
the loss. Another source of Irritation will
bo the disputes that will arljo between the
Justices and the members of the board over
the question of olllcc expenses , Last year
the board construed the law to mean that
the Justices could claim just $1,200 as the
maximum amount for their year's work , and
whatever they were obliged to pay out for
olllcc rent , fuel , lights and stationery must
bo taken from that amount. The Justices
will reopen this dispute again Ih'.a year , and
each will put In hl-3 bill of expenses. These
will approximate between $200 and $300
The dockets of the various justices show
that the total receipts of their offices dur
ing the year have not exceeded $1,500 , and
In some cases have dropped considerably
below $1,000. If olflce expenses arc to be
taken out In tluvso cases the justice will
feel that ho has been poorly paid for the
expenditure of grey brain matter ho has
copiously Interjected into his judicial de-
cislocs. In most cases the constables will
faro better than the justices , for their fees
will reach In the neighborhood of $900 ,
which they will bo allowed to keep , besides
sundry enug little sums earned In serving
papers outside of their courts , and they
will have no office expenses to mar their hap-
Thcro was a general hustling among the
justices of the peace yesterday. Each of
the three Justices was Inducted Into office
with appropriate ceremonies. Justices
Cook and Vlen were re-elected and con
sequently succeeded themselves. Justice
Walker retired and his ofllco and books
were taken In charge by Ambrose Burke ,
who has the distinction of being one of
the youngest justices ever elected In the
county. Mr. Walker was ono of the oldest.
It was expected that there would bo sorao
general changes In the locations of the of
llccs. It was the wish of some of the jus
tices to get their offices all luf ono building
and oa near together as possible , but after
considerable casting about It was deter
mined to let the old order of things stand.
There was a good deal of discussion among
the parties Interested before It was def
initely settled where the constables should
go. Constable Alburtl , who has been with
Justice Cook , finally determined to cast his
fortunes with Vlen for the next two years ,
His place will bo taken by F. A. Grout , ono
of the now constables , and Justice Burke
will have his judicial orders enforced and
processes executed by HI Balrd , the other
now man. Each justice had his rabbit foot
lu sight all day yesterday , hoping that It
would attract at least ono case and estab
lish a good luck precedent for the flrst day
of his new term. But the charm had evi
dently lost Its potency for all except Cook.
lie docketed two email civil cases and
narrowly inlbEt-d having a marriage , hut
the others bad nothing ; to show for the
fuel they wanted In keeping their rooms
comfortable for the accommodation of the
_ _
The popularity of Salvation Oil Is not at-
tonUblog when wo hear ol Its many cures.
STI'.KIi StAXn-'AOTt'llKH'lj '
I 'rcl Inn flint 1'rlrrx Hiiro Hcni'lu'it
I lie llottniu ,
PITTSBUHG. Jan. 4. Hunderstood , )
hero that n committee of Uio 'Ucss'1enicr Steel
Association of the- United StAten , known as
the steel billet pool , Is meeting In New York
today preparatory to cnllliifua meeting In
the near future. Secretary tffdrgc S. His-
com Is out of the city , nnd firms who are
members of the pool say that they have not
yet been notified of a mootlhR. " The com
mittee now In session In Nowi-York Is a
special one appointed to collect , data con
cerning production , alloln.icnt , , prices , etc. ,
with a vlow to arranclng a new schedule-
for the billet manufacturers represented in
tlu pool. The Btcol market has been In
active during the holidays , but there Is a
feeling here that prices have reached the
lowest notch and will settle near a basis of
$18 a ton for steel billets. This Is the
flguro that the pool expected to fix when the
next price agreement Is entered Into.
South Omaha Nsurs . ff
The council met In regular session last
evening , with .Mayor Ensor In the chair , and
Councllmen Bennett , Caldwell , Franek , Hy-
land , Schultz , Hughes and Vansant present.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved ,
Chairman Schultz of the committee on
resolutions offered a resolution abol'shlng
the oincc of etrcct commissioner for a period
of three months , nnd Imposing upon the city
engineer the duties of that olflce. This pre
cipitated a discussion , w.hlch was Indulged
In by Schultz , Hyland and Caldwell. Alder
man Hylnnd first objected , and placed his
objection on the ground that It would bi >
undignified for a city the size of South
Omaha to be without a street commissioner.
Ho also contended that there would cer
tainly be times when the engineer could
not attend to work of this department.
Alderman Schultz "If we can save the
taxpayers $1SO. It Is our duty to do It. Thcro
Is very llttlo work for the ctrcet commis
sioner to do , and It Is wrong to Incur un-
necciisary expense upon the city. "
Alderainn Caldwell Interprsed an objection
to the rc-solutlon on the ground that ho did
not favor throwing a "poor man out of a
position on the verge of winter. " Ho alno
thought that the taxpayers would lose noth
ing In the end by continuing Commissioner
How In ofllce.
The resolution was finally put to a vote
and waa lest on a tic vote , Aldermen Franek ,
Hyland and Cnldwcll voting agalnrt the reso
lution. nnd Aldermen Schultz. Bennett and
Vansant voting yea. The resolution , Ita \
reported , will be relntroduccd at the next
The mayor's veto of resolutions relative
to ordinances authorizing the laying of aide-
walks waa sustained.
City Treasurer Broadwell reported to the
council that ho had received $300.50 from the
MUixnirl Pacific as taxes , the scmo belnn
paid under protest. The eamo was referred
to the finance committee.
G. E. Beck wrs granted a rebate of $2.
on plumber's license by leason of nearly
half the fiscal year having elaracd before
the license waa granted.
The protest of Harry M. Goodwin against
excessive arse-KJinont was referred to the
finance committee and city attorney.
Alderman Sehultz Introduced a resolution
directing that a committee oi ; three be ap
pointed to wait on the street railway com
pany and endeavor to persuade the company
to oprrato cars on the Q street line until
11:45 : p. m. . Instead of 11:15 : , for the purpose
of accommodating theater patrons. Action
on the resolution waa pcatponed for one
The liverymen were , by resolution , author
ized to dump refuse from their establish
ments Into washouts In the .streets , under
the supervision of the city engineer and
L'trcct commissioner.
The city engineer reported In favor of
granting the prayer of the petitioner In the
matter of the application of Hprman Kountze
for the vacation of Fourteenth street , from
the north line of I ntrect" td the city limits. .
The report wzs referred -to the committee
on streets and alleys and thu city attorney.
The council voted to meet as a board of
equalization January S. to equalize assess
ments In. connection with sidewalk Improve
Meat Inspector Howard reported that ho
had slaughtered fourteen diseased cattle and
forty-eight diseased hogs , during the month
of December.
Milk Inspector Carroll made his ncml-an-
nual report for the perlo.l , from July 1 , 189C.
to December 31. 1896. The report allowed
that 117 permits to sell milk had been
granted. It also showed that there are 451
cows kept within the corporate limits , with
a dally capacity of 913 gallons of milk , all
of which Is consumed by home consumers.
Ho requested that next season , and hence
forth , the council require , by ordinance , the
herding of cows In localities free of stagnant
water. He asked to be authorized to inspect
milk and cream used In the restaurants and
hotels of the city , and was advised that the
present ordinance so empowered him.
Hcgulai * appropriation bills were passed ,
and monthly bills were allowed , after which
the council adjourned for one week.
X > w Mvi- Stock ContiiilxNliiii Klrni.
Hosnbaum Bros , company of Chicago has
opened an office at South Omaha , consoli
dating with the well known firm , of Boyd &
Buchanan under the firm name of Hoson-
baum-Buchanan company. Tha now firm Is
Incorporated , with Joe Hosenhaum president ,
A. G. Buchanan vice president and treas
urer , Andy Haas secretary and James U.
Boyd director. Mr. Buchanan will assume
( ho management of the business , whllo Andy
Haas will look after the selling of the cat
tle. The hog and sheep departments will be
In charge of Dan Mcl'hall , who Is well known
on the South Omaha market. Hossnbaum
Bros. Is ono of tha oldest and largest live
stock commission firms ) in Chicago , and that
they should decide to take an active Interest
In the business at South OmaJia Is very
gratifying to the stock yards people. Mr.
Buchanan , the manager of the new firm.
commenced work at the old Boyd packing
hou33 when a boy and worked himself up
to the pcslKon of mcaagcr , and after Mr.
Boyd gave up the packing business he went
Into business for himself.
lion ril of Kdiifiitliui Meeting.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Edu
cation held last evening F. 0. O.'nen pre
sided In the absence of President Shupp.
SupeHntendcnt Munro reported a total en
rollment for the school year of 2,418 , divided
about evenly between the sexes. The enroll
ment for December was 2,209 and the total
dally attendance * for December was 1,957.
Ho reported that he had assigned Emma
Herman to Albright and Julia Kearney to
Brown Park. The pay. roll of the teachers
for tils month of Decemb'or was $3,039.25
and the outsldo pay roll was $671. C5.
V'arran'.s were ordered - drawn In the
amount of $4,075.05 to moot bills outstand
On recommendation of Superintendent
Munro the hoard decided (6 ( purchase a sulll-
clcnt number of coven ) nto cover all new
books on hand , and the rule wns estab
lished that henceforth 'all books shall be
covered , both as n safeguard asalnst con
tagious diseases and as , < t measure of econ
omy. Other business of minor Importance
was transacted.
til vi' Stuck Kxi'lmuKe iiecll < m.
The election of officers of the Live Slock
exchange occurred jlciterday , but , while
some were expecting oj > porltlon ! to the regu
lar ticket , there was o'rIy ( 'one' ' ticket in the
Held. Following Is the 'tlcke.t elected : M.
H. Murphy , president ? James G. Martin , vlco
president ; W. F. Denny , L. . Hoberta , A.
n. Powell and John L. Carey , directors ;
committee of arbitration , George Jackson , W.
J. Perry , D. S. Parkhurst. T. C. Shelly. W.
B. Vansant ; committee on npp.'als , Lovl Cox ,
John P. Carey , A. C. Foster , G. W. Talll-
ferro. B. F. Carpenter.
DmiKliliTN ( o .Meet.
The Klng'B Daughters will meet Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. W. B. Cheek ac
cording to announcement by the secretary ,
Mm. L. C , Gibson.
IIMVII .Stall * OllluerN .Strom In ,
DBS MOINBS , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The new state officers wore sworn
In today , George L. nohson auccecds Wil
l-lam McFarlaml us uecrotary of state. Archie
Smith of Storm Lake will gucceod C , 8 ,
Blrkltt ua hla deputy and A. E. Shipley of
Marahalltowu will bu the now clerk of the
executive council , succeeding Frank Loa
ders , Within the next three months prac
tically all iho employes of Ih ? olllcc. tium-
boring near a dozen , will be changed. II. II.
Srhcll of Fort Madison will succeed Uind
Commissioner I ) . A. lillca 'In April. State
TicflMtrer Herrlott , Attorney General Ilom
ley and Auditor McCarthy suciesd themselves
and no changes are made In their offices , ex
cept that B. I ) . Davidson , deputy treasurer ,
retires and Is sueccenled by F. 1 , Herrlott ,
son of the treasurer.
The Clleo ami Mandolin club of the Chicago
cage university , on Its fourth annual tour ,
gave Its first concert In this city at the
CiclgMon theater last evening In the > pres
ence of a very small audience , composed
largely of whal are called "society people. "
Omaha In allowing on ? good thing after an
other to paes by utiEEcn and unheard , is
losing much moro than It realizes and Is
teaching traveling companies mol is stop
hero unless upon a guaranteed remuneration
'Iho Chicago club gave ono of the best cn-
UTtalnmcnts of Its kind to bo heard miy-
whcre. The mandolin orchestra contains
KD3.1 players nnd Is well drilled. Their ren
dering of "Kl Caritan" march , by Sousa ,
was spirited and Interesting. In "The Rvrn-
Inr Star , " from Tannhauser , the work was
not so good. This may bo owing to the very
bad arrangement which they used. In Iho
accompaniments their work was all Hint
could be dralrcd , especially In Schubert's
"Serenade" and In "Kstudleutliia , " a Span
ish selection quite appropriate to their In
The Glee club consists of eighteen young
men. Most of the voices are strong and mu
sical , and they are wonderfully well drilled
In their ensemble work. Mr. Horace 0.
Lozl < > r dracrvcs great credit for the unity ,
style , c.'mEolon nnd accuracy of their sing
ing. Tlielr rendering of "Dr. Jenk's Vegeta
ble Compound , " extravagant nonsense In
words , but very dinicult In the rythmlc anil
harmonic structure of Ho music , and of
"Annie Laurie , " as arranged by Dudley
Huck , WRIT sulllclent to give them a place In
the front rank of glee club singers In this
Mr. Davidson , the baritone soloist , wns
well received and sang with n good deal of
Mr. Hall , the tenor , has a sweet voice , but
needs moro spirit to make his singing
cftuctlve. It wns well for his style that he
selected Schubert's "Serenade , " for It
showed his voice to good advantage.
Mr. Sincere has ono of the best voices In
the club , Is muslclanly , and Bang well
enough to merit an enthusiastic reception.
As ono of the "Cherry Sisters" he gave a
good imitation of a certain kind of feml-
nlno eccentricities ,
Mr. Ilnin. the whistler , was as Interest
ing as whistlers usually arc , and stuck
to the key much moro than the average.
Taken all In all , the concert wns all that
It purported to be , and was thoroughly en
joyable. Much of the work was far above
the average and ithe many people whom the
weather kept at homo will without doubt
avail themselves of the next opportunity
to hear this Jolly band of entertainers.
At the conclusion of the concert at the
Crclghton theater given by the University
of Chicago Glee and Mandolin club the
members adjourned to the Mlllard hotel
and tendered a reception and ball to their
many friends in this city. Nearly a hun
dred of the younger society folk of the city
were present and enjoyed several hours of
dancing In the large dining hall of the ho
tel. Tlio room was beautifully decorated
with liowcrs and ribbons embodying the
colors of the college and everything sup
plied to make the evening most enjoyable.
Hcfrcshments were served In thu cafe ad
joining the ball room.
This evening "The Players , " a company
composed of some of the best hlrftrlonlc tal
ent of Omaha , ( supporting Mr. Frank Lea
Short , will appear at th Crelghlon thea
ter , prcssntlcg "M'llo. Lotl" and "TheBells. . "
Besides the fact that these people are mem-
brs of the society circles of Omaha , there
Is also this consideration , that they arc stu
dents of Iho Crelghtou Theater Dramatic
school and several of them are people whose
talent has been recognized by critics and
who deserve honor at the hands of their
homo Irleiula.
A comedy , "M'lle. Lotl , " dramatized from
a French Ptoiy-by an Omaha author , Guy B.
Short , will bo presented for the flrst time
on any stage. Miss Nina Maisliall will play
the title role , appearing in Iho character
of a music hall danscus : .
"Tho Bells" will then be presented , Mr.
Short playing the part of Mathlas , the bur
gomaster. The entire company has been
chosen with special reference to making as
strong a cast as possible and a professional
performance may be expected.
Several other students of the school who
are not Included In the easts will give life
studies. These are little sketches from real
life observed upon tjio streets , In the stores
or 'homes of Omaha.
The company includes Arabcl M. K-lmball.
Nina Marshall , Jraslca Pond , Margaret
Scannell , EJward S. Thompson , John Mc-
Keen , Carlos Ekstrom , Herbert Bohannoi , ,
Frank Lehmer and others.
Clement Balnbrldge- will bring "Alabama"
to Boyd'a theater for six nights and three
matinees , commencing Sunday , January 10.
This In welcome newy for our thcater-gocro.
The scene , the sentiment , the surroundings
of "Alabama" are all of the south after the
war. The entire action Is out of doora. The
play Is poetic , refined , simple and full of
delicate , tcndernecs. There are no blood nnd
thunder parts , but the story told la Interest-
Ing. .Mr. Thomas la the first dramatic au
thor to catch the dreamy fancy of the couth
without doing violence to the natural senti
ment and humanity of that region. "Ala
bama" has , It Is said , all the quaint deli
cacy of a pastoral , yet deals faithfully with
fact. Its poetry being the simple expression
of genuine character. Every sentiment ex
pressed In the play Is on an exalted plane , in
keeping with Its brilliant literary character.
"Pudd'nhend Wilson , " which played two
engagements hero last season and Is remem
bered us ono of the most delightful plajs
ever presented In Omaha , will bo seen again
tills week at the Crelghton , opening a four
nights' engagement next Thursday night.
The piece Is too well known to require de
tailed description. It derives additional In
terest for Omaha theater-go3rs from the fact
that Frank Mayo , the author of the play and
creator o ! the Mile role , was on his way to
make his third appearance In the part lu
this city when hia death occurred. This
season the role Is assumed by Theodore Ham
ilton , a veteran actor , who Is said to have
made a hit second only to that originally
scored by Mr. Mayo. With this exception
and ono or two others the company which
will present "Pudd'nhcad Wilson" this week
Is lie same as that of last year.
Prof. John Reynolds , who thoroughly de
lighted and mystified the largo audience at
Crclghton hall last night , will continue for
the remainder of the week. This cntertaln-
nuint , for such It Is 'well ' called , amuses as
well n mystifies and there Is no doubt but
what a great number of last evening's au
ditors will bo numbered among those who
will wltucBS Prof , Reynolds' performance
Frederick Wanle , the tragedian , will play
a half week's engagement at the Crclghton ,
beginning next Monday.
A JoUe on Senator Hoar.
Senator Hoar tells this story :
Ho was riding In a train down on Caru
Cod this summer , when hu felt a tap on his
shoulder , and , glancing buck , ho Haw a ben
evolent looking old lady studying his face.
"Excuse me , " she Bald , "but aren't you
Mr. Jefferson ? "
The senator thought at first ho had been
taken for Thomas Jefferson , and he was In
clined to be piqued. Then It occurred to
him Joe JeffcrF-on , the actor , In-.labltH
that part of the country , HO he replied be-
nlpnly :
"No , I am not Mr. Jefferson. Will you
bo kind enough to lull me which of hit * char
acteristics I reminded you of ? Wan It Hob
Acres or Hip Van Winkle ? "
"A llttlo of both , " was the reply.
Knot Hull Ini'lileiil.
Detroit Journal : The broncho sniffed HUH-
plclously IIH the stranger cautiously
mounted him. "I do bolluve , " ho snorted ,
"Mint thin tenderfoot lias perfumery on his
handkerchief. Considering that this "
Ho braced hlm.self for an effort.
"In foot bull HCIIHOII , I think "
Hit * spinal column maidenly described n
conla section ,
" 1 will buck the uccnter , Neigh2"- ,
Nature of tlie .Mnltuly Now Prevalent In Many Cases Superinduced by
Catarrh U 1nf.ju ( > i llun.livils It.-ln ; Cnrjil by tlio ' Healing
Vapors" Ailminl.stoivil by HIM. Copcliuul ami bheparJ.
Half the people In Omaha nnd all over
the state are Just now snrezlliB und run
ning at the nose , or hawking , coughing
ami spitting with more or less fury. Some
are drooping In the llrst languid liulf-
slekness of a bad cold. Others nre seriously
111 from neglected cold , half dead with
headache , earache , lungaehe , boneaehe , duo
to latent eatarrhal poison suddenly awak
ened from rold and snake-like sleep to
vicious and destructive activity. These nro
eatarrhal sufferers.
The other half of the community nre
complaining of chills , followed by pain and
misery In the head and by pain and sore
ness In the muscles. They show u quick ,
feverish pulse aiua hlnh feverish temper
ature. They have a cough that Is Incessant
and distressing , with nervous sickness and
cold defection. They have the grip.
In all such cases good nnd timely advice
would scvm to be. "Look to your eatarrhal
trouble see the specialist at once. "
farmer of wide acqualntan'ee In Holt
Pounty , wiltcs that for many yeais bis
i-onstltutlon has been Impaired by eatarrhal
poison. Then , live years ago , a severe
attack of lagrlppo left him greatly de
bilitated. Ho goes on : "I kept genius
tlilnnrr and weaker until 1 eould hardly
KOI around. I lout 20 pounds lu weight.
Ilosldcs tin- affection of the head and bron
chial tubes 1 suffered severely from catarrh
COOKIM ; sruooi. von HHIDKN.
A. CllinpNc iif n Quaint InstHiiilnti In
\e\v Vorlc. j
A matrimonial Preparatory Institution the
New York Cooking school might bo called '
with propriety by people who understand
the work It Is doing nt present. The title
lies a somewhat sensational sound , says the
New Yor'c Times , but the preparatory courco
that Is conducted at the school la so C'liil- '
ntntly practical that It must appeal to every
one to the old school conservative as well ca
to the modern gourmet. The pretty younp
Iirldes-that-are-io-bc who come from ihp most
cultivated families of upper New York tnkr
It with great thoroughness. Six of these
picspcctlve brides have been at this scho-d
already this year , and people are hardlj
home from the country , and those who have
returned are mcst of them too busy with
shopping or putting their houses In trim
for the winter td do anything else.
It Is a pretty sight to sec the classes at
work. The fun begins as the cirls troop from
the elevator to the rooma of the school on
the top floor of the United Clurltics building
The dressing room looks like a ( lower r.ur-
den or cage filled with tropical hlrda when
all the pcga are hung with the hats. Then
the young cooka put on their aprons. They
are buslncR3-liki > aprons big white onet >
that II ? around the waot ! and almost cover
the drcra skirt , whllo a pretty gathered l-il )
is secured 'n the hack with strapa whlcll go
over the ehouldcra. One pretty girl has
thrao straps nf red , and there Is red at the
waist and a broad red Land at the top cf two
big pockets at the sides. Another .iprou Is
all white , with pretty Hamburg rulfiea.
But they all have bibs.
They have very gay lunch parties , these
classes , when the menu has been prepared.
And everything Is worth eating. There arc
the brldca-that-are-to-bc-soon but
not only - - - - - ,
brldes-that-aro-to-bc-sometlme belonging to
the clauies , and occasionally a mother or a
sister or a friend drops In and la Invited to
luncheon. The following Is the menu if one
of these private luncheon parties , and Is a
sample of what thu young brldegroom-that-la-
to-bc Is to cat In tbe > future :
Chicken bouchces ,
Cheese soulloos. Spinach In bread coses.
Popovers. Xarlna cream.
That Is only ore luncheon menu out of a
number. There will bu mutton chcps with
peas sometimes ; mushroom sauce will grace
many dishes ; there are potatoes rcallopcd ,
stuffed tomatoes and ether things equally
delicious. Some visitors have said that after
having seen a class of these young cheft >
af work , all wearing their big white aprons
and every sleeve turned away from a round
white arm , an invalid would have an ap
petite If Invited to attend a luncheon pre
pared by such nlco girls. '
There are some difficulties In the work to
tho-c who have.never cooked before. One
of _ the girls , who Is preparing for a home
of" her own , made consomme the other day.
To do this there was raw -meat to chop , nnd
she had never so much as seen raw meat
before. She made the consomme. "But 1
was sick nil the week after It , " she said ,
Every morning except Monday (3 ( filled
with classes of the school. The afternoons
are devoted to the children of the mission
schools , who have their lessons free , and
the evenings to the older girls , who are at
work through the day. There Is a pleasant
sentiment which connects these classes. The
young .girls from the wealthy families pay ,
and pay well , for their lessons. It Is their
money which helps to support the sohool
and enables the girls and .young women who
have not the money to obtain the Instruc
tion which they could not have In any other
§ sP3i2 !
Vegetable Prcparaiicmfor As
similating IheToodand Regula
ting the Stomachs andBovreis of
Promote s DidestionChecrful-
ucssnndncst.Contains nelUier
Opiurn.Morphmrj nor Mineral.
J\on/iAin Sail'
StnittSctft *
fiirifuj Saaar .
Wintuyrttn riant )
ApcrfccUlcmcdy forConsllpa-
lion , Sour Slouwcli , Diarrhoea ,
Worms , ConvulsionsFcvcrish-
ticss andLoss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signolurc of
of the stomach , obstinate constipation nml
mental depression.
A \vrll Uiunvn liuly n-ci'iilly
nt tlu * olllci * 11 f Urn. Ciit < liini1 unit
Slu'imi'il , Sli < Niililt "Doi-lor , I
\vonlil IlUt * (11 Inlit * your lr < 'iitnu-ii ( ,
for you linvc iMirotl Nt'vi'rnt of my
fi-tciulM , lint I will nut li't > < > < i iiiililUlt
niy n n tinwlu'ii cured. "
I. el It tie dUlliietl.v umlerNtouil Mint
thin Is u innHer left entirety to tlin
put ti'nt'.H own illnerelloii. Not one In
ti-ii ii f ( lie tcHtliiionlulM itlvoti liy
umtefitt ( iiitlriitM IH over iiulillxlieil.
A teHllmonlul or Nliilcineiit IN neve *
UHi'il uiileMN with tlio patient' * full ,
eo line n I mill miiirovul. ,
Hi Iis'iliile ,
( ' . S. SllKl'Allli. M. n. . Consulting
W. II. COPHI.A.MJ , 31. n. . Physicians.
Cilice Hours- to 11 a. m ; 2 to S p. m. . Hve-
minus Wednesdays and Saturdays only
U to S. Sunday , 10 to 12 .
Se rles &
Searles ,
srmuisis IN
Nervous , Clironlo
Private Diseases.
All Private Disease *
.uiJ DlnorJcrsof M a
Treatment fay mill
-Consultation trfo.
Cured for life and the poison thoroupMr
cleansed from the system. I'U.133 , FISTULA
mid VARIOOCBL13 permanently and uo-
ccssfully cured. Method new and unfailing
By new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or address with stamp ,
Dr.Searles&Searlcs " *
. , "Z ?
All Druggists.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , - . . SI 00,000
\Veaknett 'A Ui ordcr e
0 On Kiptiicnce.
9 Vciti ic Otnilit.
Rook Fire. Coniultll >
and Examination Krr.
14th and Fcrnam Sli ,
. NUU.
; OF
Oaitorli la put up In cne-tlzo lott'ei only , It
| li not told la balk. Dsn't allow anyone to tell
yon anything oho oa tbo plea or promlio that U
Is "Just aa gotd" and "will aciwer every pur-
\ pete , " fir Eeo tint you cot O-A-B-T-O-R-I-A.
Iho f 3-
tlaUjflf . S/IT/f-A a l ea <