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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1897)
OMAHA : DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JTJ2STE 19 , 187.L. OMAHA , TUESDAY JA1STUAKY 5 , 1897. JfY liMVJD CENTS. HONEY VISITS THE CUBANS Senator-Elect from Mississippi Spends a Few Days with Insurgents , HEFUSES TO STATE HIS CBJECTS "Weylfr'M Oovcrninent linn llfuu Hu - lilcloiiN of lllin from I In-Time Me Ian < lci1 Hniiill Ilntlle. lit Havana Province. ( Copyright , IS97 , by 1'rcnii Publishing Company. ) HAVANA , Jan. 4. ( New York World Spe cial Cablegram Special Telegram. ) H. D. Money of Mississippi , n member of the United States house of representatives com mittee on foreign affairs and a senator-elect from his state , returned to Havana tonight after a mysterious absence of three days. Ills visit has uwakenrd great public Inter est on account of a report widely circulated In Havana that he conies to Cuba In the Interests of the rebellion. The World cor- rcjpondcnt conversed with him several times , but obtained no Information as to the con gressman's object In coming here. Gen erally ho has been with those who are cn- dcavnrlng to advance the Ireurgent cause. Ho disappeared Friday nnd I surmised that he had gone "Into the country , " as people nay when anybody goes to visit or to Join the rebels. The government .has b'.en auspicious of him from the first day. A part of the Le Altada battalion , operating liack of Sacramento , Marango San Nicolas and the Santa Barbara hills In Havana province , came on a party of Insurgents , composed of several united bands , and pursued thorn with cavalry. Lieutenant Colonel Aqullera ap- , preached the Insurgents' rear from the Aposte and dispersed them. Forty-two dead were found and a lot of guns and other Imple ments of war were captured. Fourteen men wcro wounded. The InaurgentH were under several petty chiefs. Including Montcro , Runlno , Garcia and Rangucrc. Francisco Padre will bo shot tomorrow momlng In the Cabanas fortres-s for Incen diarism , having been sentenced by. a court martial. This will be the sixtieth military execution on the Island In twelvemonths. . WILLIAM SHAW BOWKN. co.M.'iiii\cil : OP in s. CONSULS. .Simiinnneil < c Havana lo Tnlk wltli KHr.liiiKli Iee. HAVANA , Jan. 4. H Is reported that all the United States consuls In Cuba will suc cessively come to Havana for conference with General Fllzhugh Lee , the consul gen eral. eral.Walter Walter B. Baker , the United States consul nt Sagua la Grande , arrived here yesterday. The correspondents of the Ijnparclal , Iler- nldo and Correspondence of Madrid have re ceived orders from their respective news papers to retire from this city to Porto Rico nnd there await further orders. The news papers have taken this step In view of the prosecution commenced against them by the government for severely criticising the Cuban administration nnd the conduct of tho. cam paign against the Insurgents \VI2I.COMI3 TO WOKMl'S KA1IMKIIS. Mark I.iuit K.vpreNM Snyn Colil AVsive IH MtiNt Timely. LONDON , Jan. 4. The Mark Lane Ex press , reviewing the crop situation today , eays : The usual Increase of cold In January will not bo unwelcome to agriculture , Oi the continent the outlook Is satisfactory. Rains liavo fallen In Australia , hut too late to be of any use except In Tasmania. The news from Argentine Is more gloomy than at Christines. The Russian wheat crop of 1SOG Is semt-omclally stated to bo 3,500,000 quar ters below that of 1805 and 9,000,000 quarters below the bumper of 1891. TUYlXfi TO f'ATClT" PI3ACI3. Kuroiiean POW TM .May Intervene I" I'll ha n AlValrM. BERLIN , Jan. 4. According to the Tago- blatt some of the European powers , Russia nnd Prance being mentioned , have como' teen on understanding to make representations to Washington In order to prevent further trouble between the United States and Spain. Neott I.lliel Cane KeHiiiueil. LONDON , Jan. 4. The trial of Lady Sellna Scott , charged by her son-in-law , Earl misrcll , with libel In connection with John Cockcrton and Engineer William Aylott , a vtflet , was resumed this morning. Lady Scott looked but little worse for her recent Illnors. Dr. Scott , the physician of Holllday Jail , formally testified to the death from consumption of Frederick Kast , a Greek , who was one of the defendants. The physician said that the whole time Kast was In his charge the prisoner waa not fit to be cross-oxamlned on a wltneefl. Harding , n cabin boy employed on Lord missel's yacht In 1SS8 , denied that Lord Rua- BO ! had ever attempted Improper conduct with him. . IteutMveil Humor * of Weyler'M lire-all. NEW YORK , Jan. 4--News has been re ceived by the Cuban Junta from Washington to the effect that the Spanish government lias positively decided to recall Captain General Weyler. Prlmo do Rivera. It Is said , wilt succeed General Weyler In Cuba. It Is learned the Madrid government was displeased at the fact that General Weyler , with about 200,000 troops , has not put down the Cuban revolt. He has expended large Bums of money , but BO far has made no decided headway In accomplishing Ills main object , that of quelling the insurrection anJ restoring peace and good order In Cuba. lllll to AliiiIUli UiielliiKT. LONDON , Jan. 4. A Berlin dispatch to the Times says a now cabinet order has been Issued with reference to dueling. Van ous versions of the order are current , fiaj-H the dispatch , but It appears to be Intended to end the Jurisdiction of the military courts of honor , with'n view to preventing duels. It will ulso empower the courts to deal with auarrcls between oHlccru and civilians and Is doubtless the outcome of the cnmmlR- clou which Chancallor vou Hohcnlolia re- cf.ntly prompted the emperor to appoint lo consider the subject. South Afrlenu llefielx Itouleil. LONDON , Jan. 4 Advices received here from Dliintyre , the mlsxlon town of BrltKh South Africa , announce that the British force ecnt last month against tlio Angonl Zulus , under Chief Chlkunl , who had Invaded south west NyafisMand nnd burned a British sta tion beside * ir.nejanrelng tln > Inhabitants nf a number of village * , has ranted the Angonl. ) with heavy IOBH after ( tome sharp lighting. Chief Clillaul was captured and hanged , Five men of the British force wcro wouiwled , Hefiirnx from I'reneh KleelloiiH , PARIS , Jan , returns cf results of tlio election * held yesterday to replace the third of the members of the Senate whose termt ) are expiring show that sUty-nlno re publicans , thirteen radicals- three racialist radicals and twelve reactionists have been elected. Most of the newspapers agree In saying that the result will not modify thu policy o ( the Senate , Neniitor .Muney MNNIIK ! | , HAVANA , Jan. 4. Senator-elect Money of Mississippi , n member of the hou o com mittee CD foreign affairs , I * mUjIng from the Hotul liglatcrla , where he put up on hla arrival here. It U believed , however , that be Im.s gone to Matanzas , whore two Ameri can nowepapc-r men hnvu alto located them- ivlvcs. ( Ilullle In Hie I'lilllniilneH. MADRID , Jan. 4.Ufllcial dUpalrliei from Manilla chioiilclo a battle wi thu Paalg river , .whero lUo Philippine rebels were tryliif to L obstruct navigation. Tlio Spanish lots was ten killed and twenty wounded , whllo the Insurgents had thirty-two killed and many wounded. Thirteen conspirators were shot at Manilla today. KlliMi Terry'H Kye Ueltlntv lletter. LONDON , Jan. 4. It Is stated that Ellen Terry has had several operations upon her eyes. Her friends thought when she left England that the glftoJ uctrers would not return to the stage , but It Is now reported that rthc Is rapidly recovering on the Riviera. Ileenll Havana CorreHioiiilenlx. | LONDON , Jan. 4. A special dispatch from Madrid says that owing to the govern ment prosecution of the Imparclal , the Hcr- aldo and Correspondcncln those papers have agreed to withdraw their correspondents from Havana. IrvliiK Heeovern Slowly. LONDON , Jan. 4. The St. Jamc Gazette this morning says : Sir Henry Irving la not convalescing very rapidly and several months may elapse before he recovers aufll- clcntly to appear jn the | age. Say Coiner. May Surrender. MADRID , Jan. 4. Private telegrams re ceived here from Havana say It Is possible that Maximo Gomez and other Influential Cubans wilt surrender to the Spanish au thorities. Vletorla Will Have a Ynclit. LONDON , Jan. 4. A new ocean-going yacht Is to be built for Queen Victoria In place of the Victoria and Albert , the present royal yacht , D13.MKS A SBXSATIO.VAIj STOUV. AlleKeil I'olNonliiK Only u Death from Natural CaiiNex. LOS ANGELES , Col. . Jon. 4. The sensa tional story from New Orleans reporting the death of Sir William Anderson , an al leged English nobleman , by poison In Nica ragua , was a good deal of a surprise to the friends of Major Horace Bell , a well known attorney of this city , to whoso daughter Anderson was married. Contrary to the telegraphic report , the dead man's name was Captain A. I ) . Anderson. While quite well- to-do at one time , ho had lost , It Is re ported , largo sums In foreign securities. Hn was given no tltlo of nobility whllo re siding lit this part of the country , nor did ho lay claim to any. His wife , Major Bcll' daughter , left here about three months ago to rejoin her husband In Central America , nnd the news of his death has since been received , though no Intimation was made that It was of such a tragic nature as stated In the New Orleans dispatch. Major Bell said last evening conucrnlng the reported poisoning : "There Is absolutely no truth In such a story. Captain Anderson died on his plantation , surrounded by. his friends nnd faithful sennnts , who nurecd him day and night through an lllncsa lasting several weeks. His death was due to malarial fever. I have a copy of .the doctor's certificate to that effect scut me by Dr. O'Hnra. " A.NOTIIUU 111C STIUKI2 IIUIOU'I.VO. Aiitlelpate Trouble Over the Intro- iluetlon \on-rtiloii Miner * . DENVER , Jan. 4. From reports current In Denver and substantiated by private ad vices from Ouray , It appears that Ouray and Sail Miguel counties are an the verge of a strike that will equal the Leadvlllo strike. The cause of It will bo the Im portation of non-union men Into a tunnel ultuoted about nine miles west of Ouray. Since early In December there has been a strlko at the tunnel and mine. Several attempts to settle amicably proved In effective nnd non-union miners have been engaged from around Joplln , Mo. , to take the places of the strikers. The strikers nro mcmbcis , of the .Miners' _ unlan and trouble 'may follow the Introduction , and' even a general atrlkc may be ordered. There are 2.GOO miners In Ouray and ad joining counties , who all belong to the union. Supreme Court KefitHes Ileliearlnp ; . PIERRE , S. D. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) Tile supreme court today handed down decisions on the following applica tions for rehcarlngs : By Corson , the German Bank against Robert W. Folds and George H. Folds , Mlnnehnha county , application de nied ; by Haucv , H. C. Bright , admlalatra- tor of estate of Jerry Lowe , against C. Eckcr and Suslo Lowe , MInnehaha county , app.l- catlon dented ; by Calvin , J. B. Harris against State of South Dakota , original action. This Is n claim for $7,500 made for a compilation of the territory code , which claim was pre sented to the state auditor and payincn' refused. Suit was brought and a demurrer entered by the attorney general on grounds of no cause or action. The demurrer ii sustained with leave to file amended com plaint within thirty days. Auditor Hippie takes the position that the declrvlon wll ! carry with It the appropriation of about 20 per cent of the state's Income without anj legislative action. .lii.lne \ < i ( KIlKllilo for the Senate. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. . Jan. 4. ( Special. ) The point 1ms been raised on Judge A. J. Plowman of Dcadwood , candidate for the United States nenatc , that ho Is not eligible to any elective ofllco during his Judicial term , which began January 1 , 1891 , and which does not end until January 1 , 1898. Article u , section C , of the constitution of the state , prohibits any judge from being n candidate for such an ofllco during the terra for which ho waa elected and the point Is made that Plowman cannot qualify with out violating his outh of office and the plrtln spirit of the constitution. The article was put Into the constitution to lane the judiciary out of politics as much as pon- sible. In the last campaign Jm'.f.e Plow man was the only judge In the state v.'ho went upon the stump and hli action cre ated then a great tleul of ruhciso-comment. Saved from thu Sen. CINCINNATI. Jan. 4.-A special to the ' from JuukFonvllle C'omincrclnl-Trlbiinc , Fa. ! . DIJ'H : Four mull landed from the wrecUul Commndoro thla morning at I'ort Grunge , thus nocounting1 for twenty out of the twenty-eight men on board. The men were observed In the ourf and boats put out to nld them In lnmllni ; . They were nenrly fuml.shed. The last food In tin ; boat war. eaten und the hint drop of water wan glvon out lant night. During the- night ono of the men grew light- hendcil nnd attempted to jump overboard , hut was prevented by the others. They Buy they have not sct-n the other clwht men reported mnslns. ! The men without a doubt lout niv : E. B. Hitter , James Iteil- illptii , Frank Gr.iln , Julio Itodbnr , Uflmnry , L. 1 ! , Mruliury , M. Lean and ) W. A. U. Sinllli. o Miners' WIIKI-N Heiliieeil. MASSILLON , O. , Jan.I. . Notices , lmvf > been posted nt alt the mlncH Intlio Ma .sll- lou district announcing a reduction In the prlc-o of plik mining from Cl to 51 ccnt.s a ton. The poatlnt ; of the notice hud the uffeet of iMuxliig n ccFsntlon of woik In all imrlH of the district and nt thl * time nearly 2,000 men nro believed to InIdle. . A convention hns bf-cn called to meat on the Till to consider tin. reduction. UULLAIUK. O. , Ji.n. . 4-Tho 2M miners In the Maple Hill and BoirKS mliie-H at Bar ton , near this i-Ity , struck thin morning for an mlvnnca of ( i AllKelil CurrleN III * I'.iliil. SPRING FIKLU , 111. . Jan. 4.-At the meetingof the democratic state central committee tonight Governor Atlnold WHB victorious In tbo Ural tcKt of Ktrenuth In the tight between tin ; democratic factions headed by hlmyelf anil Seciotnry uf State HeinrlehHt-n rt-upcctlvtly The governors candidate for .flute I'hiilrninii , Uwl ht W. AudivwH of Chicago , wi nh'otod without opposition , ll'lnrli'l ! icn nnd others refill ing to vote. _ Ounl 0:1 iStrike. . PITTflliUHO , 1' . , Jan. 4A blKWtilke of coal minor * ocrurrtt ! today on the WheelIng - Ing division of tliii Baltimore ,1- Ohio road. The Htrlkext8 : the retail t of the refusal of the operator * to puy tlir GO-ceut rate ax prcml * > i In the lauj'liu convention ' ( inliKiH and oiunttor. < , About l.'w men am out nnd nearly every mliio closed down , WIND LESS SEVERE IN OMAHA Storm 7as General Over Central and Western States. MANY TRAINS ABANDONED ON RAILWAYS Terrllle. Wind * I'revalleil In Many Section * , hut They Were Not So Severe In ThlN i ) . 11 Vlolulo. k ; i "Continued cold weather , with the mercury around the zero mark , Is the present out look for Tuesday , " said Forecaster Welch after the observation taken at 9 o'clock last night. During the day yesterday the fluctuated from 10 degrees to 0 degrees above zero between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 9 o'clock p. m. , growing rapidly colder toward midnight. The wind In the middle of the day blew at the rate of twenty-eight miles an hour , dropping In the evening to sixteen miles. The amount of snow falling was slight , only ,07 of an Inch being re ported between the hours of 7 In the morning and 9 at night. In connection with the wind velocity , whllo It has been far from pleasant to face the enow-laden brcczca which whirled through the downtown streets , Omaha was favored In comparison with the blizzards which visited other cities. Some of the re ports received at the local weather bureau show that at noon , yesterday , Chicago was experiencing a wind from the west that blew , at the rate of forty-eight miles an hour ; St. Louis , from the southwest , nt the rate of forty-eight mllea an hour ; Concordla , Kan. , thirty-six miles an hour ; Bismarck , N. D. , thlrty-ttlx miles an hour ; Huron , S. D. , from the northwtat , at the rate of fifty-two miles ; Cheyenne , thirty-eight miles an hour ; North Plat to , forty miles an hour , and Rapid City , thirty miles an hour. The lowest tempera ture reported In the west thus far for yester day was at BIsinark , where It touched the zero mark. The snow In Omaha Impeded business but little. Drifts persisted In collecting along the sidewalks , which , toward night , froze hard , making a good crust to walk upon In the many Instances where the owner of a side-walk refused to get out his shovel. Tlio street railway company put Its snow plows back in the barns at noon , out kept the salt car going over the lines most of the day. This , In connection with the constantly passing car wheels , kept the rails frey from snow. At Union Pacific headquarters all trains were repotted slow duilug the entire day. The castbound overland , duo here at 4:45 : , came In In two sections , the second section being an hour and a half late. But little KIIOW was reported falling over the main line , but that whloh had already fatten was ivported as drifting badly. A mixed train , which was sent out over the Grand Island & Loup City branch at noon ycaterday , made heavy weather of It for about two hours and at length came to a standstill near Dannc- brog. A snowplow will bs sent out from Grand Island this morning to extricate It. Snow In the yards of the company at Grand Island badly Impeded the shifting of'cars and all business for a Umo yesterday wa at a standstill. The Enow as fast oa shoveled from the tracks was thrown back by the wind , and It was not until late last night that any progress In clearing the yards wai made. The enow In places reached a depth of six feet. The westbound passenger train leaving Omaha at 3:30 : was on time at la'sl reports. It waa decided , however , not to send out all the westbound freights last night , and but one left early In the evening. It made slow work of It , duo to the slipper ) condition of the tracks. The Columbus & Norfolk brtnch was reported as still tied up late last night , but will probably be opened today. Tlio Burlington reported all trains on time and but little snow along Its main line or these leading south. The Minneapolis & Omaha line reported llt- tlu snow falling In OKI northwestern portion of the state. The wind , which blew half a gale near E'loux Oily. Norfolk and Wayne , was reported as much lowered In velocity last night. The passenger train due- here from the north at C o'clock last night was three hours late , duo to the drifting snow. Snowplows will bo sent out by the company this morning from Omaha , Sioux City , Nor folk and Emerson and the trains , barring additional snow , will bo running on time today. STOUM OF TIIK IIM7.7.A11D VAUIKTV. Severe Weather of Klve Years AKO AlinoNt Mllaleil | In .Vehraxka. O'NEILL , Neb. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) A heavy snow storm started here yesterday morning and Is still raging un abated. It Is the hardest storm that has visited this section since the memorable blizzard of 1888. Trafllc Is entirely sus pended and business in the city Is at a standstill. The Sioux City , O'Neill & West ern train did not leave for Sioux City to day , the road being blocked. The mercury has stood at about 10 above zero all day , BENNET , Neb. , Jan. 4. ( Special. ) A cold wave struck here on Saturday and for the last forty-eight hours there has been an Increasing snow storm from the north west. This morning the storm has reached the Intensity of a blizzard. It Is very cold and Is getting worse all the time. WINS1DE , Neb. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) Snow has fallen continuously since Saturday night nnd for the past twenty- four hours It has been accompanied by very high winds. It is the worst blizzard since 1SSS nnd no signs of abating. No trains ore running , No casualties nro re ported as yet. ST. EDWARDS , Neb. , Jan. 4. ( Special Telegram. ) A very severe bllzrard set In hero early yesterday morning and has con tinued unabated up to C o'clock tonight nnd Is still raging. The drifts are neat twclvo feet high In the front doors of tin.- business houses. No trains have arrived today , HARTINGTON. Neb. , Jan. 4. ( Special Telegram. ) The worst storm since the memorable blizzard of January 12 , 1888 , has been raging In this locality for twenty-four hours nnd shows no signs cf abating to night. All roads , both wagon and rail , are blocked with snoxv. Considerable live stock Is poorly sheltered and It Is feared that much may perish. NEBRASKA CITY. Jan , 4. ( Special. ) A heavy wind has been blowing for the last twenty-four hours , drifting the snow , about four Inchcu of which haa fallen since the Florin commenced , All trains are late. The temporuturo has fallen to about 10 degrees beiow freezing point. The cold Is Increas ing nvery moment. Stock Is suffering se verely on account of previous mildness of the weather. NORTH LOUP , Neb. , Jan. 4. ( Special. ) A howling wind , nt times approximating a gale , nnd accompanied by more or less enow , h.iu licnn racing hero ever since aoino time Saturday night and continues without abate ment tlila morning. The mercury stood yes terday at clgbt degrees abovs zero and wenl lower during tlio night. What snow ban fallen la all accumulated Into drifts and may bd of sufficient amount to 'interfere ' with trafllc In the deeper cuts. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Jan. I , ( Special. ) The worst blizzard and enow storm In over ( Ivr years ha becin racing here for the past thirty-six hours and there Is no Immediatt prospect of 'Its abating. Trains are tle.l up hero and the railways are struggling hard to get mall trains through from one to seven hours' late , The system of branclicu out of this city are completely blockaded and havt not turned n wheel tlncu Sunday noon , The mercury Is about twtlve above zero and then Is much suffering ami .IK etack. The snow en the country roads la badly drifted cnl probably will be Impassable for < > ono time ST. PAUL , Nob. , Jan. 4. ( Special.-A ) lively snow Btorm , with a strong northwest \Utid , approaching tbo nature of a blizzard , has prevailed hero for ttfo last thirty-all hours. It. Is not extremely-cpM. DUNCAN , Neb. , Jan. 4. * < Sr clal. ) The worst blizzard itlnco 18SS ls\ln full blast here. Perhaps a foot ofvllght snow has fallen and with a terrific wind" blowing It la piling up badly and t.jj plr Is full of flying snow , making It tainwt Impossible to get around. , . , 't ORD. Neb. , Jan. 4. ( SpjcUl. ) The cold wave struck thla section Mtjy ; this morning , accompanied by n hlgK wind , nnd a alight fall of snow. While no\ a everu storm , Its contrast to the fine weather-that has pre vailed hsro for EOIUO days Is keenly felt. SHELUY , Neb. , Jan. ( Special Tele gram. ) A strong blizzard jws been raging since Saturday night. Drifts near some fences are higher than 'a Wn's head. In some Instances storm doors on the south side of dwelling could ildt bo pushed open from the Inside. The caslffolng passenger U snowbound. Farmers cannot como to town to relate how stock Is faring. DES MOINKS , Jan. 4 , ( Special Tele gram. ) A blizzard has been -in progress all day and night ; the mercury * In below zero and falling fast. A high wind has pre vailed and the snowfall 1t about six Inches. Telegraph wires are down In several direc tions and railroads have suffered consider able delay. It Is the first enow of the sea son. son.FORT FORT DODGE , la. , Jen , , 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) This evening finds snow still fallIng - Ing after forty-eight hours of steady storm. It la line snow and drifting badly with a strong wind. Railroads , as' yet , have not been seriously Interfered with. HASTINGS , In. , Jan. 4. ( Special. ) It lisa been a howling blizzard herd for forty-eight hours , all kinds of' stock Is suffering and business Is at a standstill. JEFFERSON , la. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) A blizzard , straight from the west , has had undisputed possession of central Iowa today. The storm has abated tonight. The temperature hns bceirabout zero. OTTUMWA , la. , Jan. 4. The city was In darkness last night. The telephone and tele graph systems were completely demoralized on account of the storm. The damage was heavy to electric light , and street car com panies. The thermometer-was 10 above this morning. " j' . SIOUX FALLS , Jan. 'l. ( Special Tele gram. ) No trains left here 'today owing to the blizzard which began yesterday morn ing nnd Is still raging. The cuts are full of snow to a depth of ten or fifteen feet and drifts six to ten feet dceii ore In the streets here. A high wind te ! blowing , but the tcmporatui-e Is moderate HURON. S. D. , Jan. . 4i ( Special Tele gram. ) There are no Indications tonight of a cessation of the great storm that set inhere hero yesterday morning , The . \\-Ind con tinues blowing from the north at sixty miles an hour , the temperature * ' being below zsro. Railroad cuts are nilpd and the snow Is piled In drifts ten and tw'ilve feet high. The Chicago & Northwestern .tied up all its trains and not a wheel turned "on this division of the road today. Al } train's on the Great Northern are abandoned 'and the telegraph Is Interrupted. Fears-are entertained for settlers , ns fuel Is known ! to"-bs limited. The stoim Is the worst since tlio great blizzard tr 1883. ' ; YANKTON , S. D. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) The great storm Is raging tonight with no slgna of abatement. , Only one train , that operating between Yankton'nnd Sioux City , was moved In this state today. Orders wcro given to abandon tbjs train by Su perintendent Beardsleyi- the general superintendent wired frda.'Chicago to start the train at all hazards -.Occasional snow drifts were encountered : but little delay was experienced till thefcuts were reached near-Sioux City , whcrw th'e train was aban doned. There are no rotary -snow plows In this stat and the \rork ty clearing the tracks Is by the old methods of bucking and shoveling and U will 'rdiulro aweekto get trains running. At ; Cn"Ttfnie ( since the storm began has .th.i ) temperature fal len below , 2 degroes'oto'to zero.SomoMpssea of stock' are reported , bat ' 'theaggregate - loss will not bo serious. MITCHELL , S. D. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) A terrible blizzard has been ragIng - Ing hero since early yesterday , a period of thirty-six hours. No traliis have left this city and none have tome In. Snow Is drifted all over town In high banks and the streets ore deserted. It Is the worst storm In years. VERMILLION , S. T > . . Jan. 4. ( Special Telegram. ) A terrible blizzard has been raging since yesterday morning. Cold Is Intense nnd the snowdrifts are ten feet deep. All business In tho-clty Is suspended and trains are abandoned. The morning pasiengcr train going pflst.ran Into a herd of cattle near Meckllng and' the engine was derailed. Several cattle weto killed. The train was abandoned. III.I// Alt I ) IX T1IBCOHT1IVEST. . Mlimexota. ami ( lie DaUntaN Hurled fuller HiiKe Smnvilrlfts. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jan.M. A blizzard has been raging throughout the northwest yes terday and today and ns a result train serv ice Is considerably crippled. In a number of towns business was about suspended. Devil's Lake , In North Dakota , reported no trains for thirtysixTiours and Grand Forks makes a similar report , adding that the schools are closed pnd wires down to the west of there. . - In South Dakota thoro' was more snow , but the storm was llttlo more severe than In the northern state. Huron reports drifts fifteen feet high nnd the. storm still raging. Vcrmllllon states that nil business has been suspended. Mitchell reports no trains since the storm begaii' on Sunday mornIng - Ing , and streets deserted. Brooklngs classes It cs the wors ( blizzard known for years and all business suspended. Yankton reports many trains 'abandoned on account of the storm. Waterfown fears that the stock will suffer. Throughout western and northern Minnesota seta the storm has beer ) severe. Glyndon reports trains snowed up In drifts ten feet deep. Detroit says tbo railroads cannot do much toward opening1 their tracks before tomorrow. Moorhcad discovers some sign of abatement In the storm , 'which ' Is the worst that has vlalted that 'place , cold winds blowing at the rate of fifty miles an hour and the snow drifting' 'ten or more feet. Barncsvlllo , In the B'amo , part of the state , reports all business'suspended. . TOPEKA , Kan. , Jan4. Passengers on the Colorado express , westbound , on the Santa Fe road , had a trying experience In Sunday's blizzard. At 1:30 : o'ciotdc In the morning at a point ten m'ile rest or Dodge City , Kan , the train stuck fast in a"1 deep cut that had filled with raw , and untilthe noon follow ing not n wheel wqa lurned. The passengers were warm and co'mfo able In the cata and when , after nearly tcn'hours' Imprisonment , they began clomorjnp for "something to cat , ths trainmen proved < jual to the emergency. In the express car tho--conductor found sev eral crates of eggs anil uj-veral palls of fresh oysters. The expretamarJ had some coin- meal and salt and , pepper , which ho liad been carrying for on eim-rgcncy. The trainmen then turned In nnd frofa Uieso articles pre pared a Sunday dinner that was served to the hungry passengers pn pieces of paste board shortly beforerioani Six tramps , who had been riding on tlife brakeboams , wcrs called In and partook of the express mes senger's bounty. Railroad trafllc throughout Kansas \vn considerably'delayed on Sunday , but today trains nrerunning ! with more reg ularity. Reports" received tonight from throughout the state/ Indicate that the storm la subsiding. J-7-- . . _ I'onnil Demi < ln n KIIIMV Drift , KANSAS CIT'Y. J.yi. 4. A epcclal to the Journal from Atcjitaop , Kan. , aya : E. I. Irwln , colori'il , living ou Mound utrrct. found a 10-year-old child dead In a enow dUft near Seventh and Parallel streets thlmorning. . It provrd to 1m ouu of the neighbor's chil dren , who bad wandered 'an the way to echouand | _ falling lijto the enowdrlft could not ucL out and JfrozO to death. Coriluuu CoiiiMiiillesiiiiii'M. . BOSTON , Jim. 4.4The Htnmlnr.l Oonlngc company Htnrlcd uji today nftur a -.ut- down cf nearly three yearn. This will glvo employment to 400 handa , POPULISTS MEET IN CAUCUS OontrgHlng Members of tlio Eoutb Dakota Legislature Confer , SIMMONS FOR SECRETARY OF SENATE Oilier I'ONltlnun Are Vlllfit 1 ( In- Voten of ( 'olleanue * lleiinb- HOIIIIHV1II Arrange Tliotr I'lniiH Today. PIERRE , S. D. , Jan. 4. ( Spcclnl Tele gram. ) At the populldt senate caucus this afternoon the nominations [ or pcsltloiu were : Secretary , T. M. Simmons of lleaille ; Ural assistant , Hugh J. Smith of Miner ; second ns-ilntant , L. W. Meredith of Fall Hlvcr ; ser- gcant-at-arms , J. W. Spears of Jcrauld ; as sistant , Frank Richardson of Mlnnehaha ; postmaster , W. D. M. Dlrdseyo of Edmunds ; bill clerk , J. W. Jones of Lavfrcnce ; enroll ing and engrossing clerk , II. S. Volkmar of Qrant ; watchman , James Olson of Union ; chaplain , W. A. Lyinnn of Hughes. The os- slatant sergcant-at-arms Is. a sliver repub lican , the rest arc populists. The president of the senate will be selected tomorrow and \miloubtcdly bo Senator Crlll of Union. The house populists held an Informal cau cus this evening and nominations were made for the different positions. The Indications yet point to Calvin for speaker and Lien for chief clerk. The republican caucus nominee for speaker will bo Glaso of Codlngtom , and If the democrats decide to nominate a candidate dateho will be Weeks of Hrule. The dem ocrats at a caucus this evening appointed a steering committee to meet In conference with the populists and will not go Into any general caucua with them. The committee la J. A. IJowler , J. S. Kirk , D. F. llurkholder , J. D. Barlow and W. < H. Wilkinson. On ac count of the republican/ / lieutenant governor the populists of the senate this evening ap pointed a committee to arrange for a senate committee , consisting of Senators I'almcr , Douok , Crlll , Jackson , Majors , Klndchlck , Keller and Bradley. The republican caucuses of both houses will bo held tomorrow. MUST UK ItI' Montana'cv Governor Milken Some IteeoiitineailatloiiN. HELENA , Mont. , Jan. ! . The Inaugural address of Governor Smith was devoted al- m Cot wholly to state affaire. Ho E.I Id that the Incoming administration In the state docs not mean anarchy , nor the enactment of vicious and hostile legislation , and that hasty , Ill-advised or radical laws , hor-tllo to any Interest or persons , arc not con templated. Ho calls attention to the de pressed condition of buslnoro , and says the expenses of the stale , county and city governments must be reduced. The followltg are some of the recom mendations made by the governor : Taxation of gross receipts of Insurance companies , ICES losses ; a tax on corporatlona so worded that they cannot evade the Incorporation fee by subsequently Increasing the capitalization ; a graduated Inheritance tax ; abolishing the bureau of agriculture , labor and Industry , leaving the collection of statistics to county assessors ; reducing salaries In the land de partment of the otato ; abollahlng the office of rlty treasurer ; repealing mileage laws ; re ducing the cost of the national guard of stale In the > nistt "Tif''oaroitand armory..taking ; oft the bounty on coyotea ; that the land grants bo bonded not to > excccd $300,000 at present for blillclliig UiO'Stattt capltol ; that convicts bo set to work on Irrigation plants and canals to reclaim the million acres of arid lands under the Carey act ; the Initiative and referendum and proportional representation are recommended as subjects for a constitu tional an-endmeiit. The legislative assembly of Montana , which met at noon today. Is divided politically as follows : Senate : Republicans , 11 ; demo crats , 9 ; populUts. 3. House : Democrats 44 ; popullats , 1C ; republicans , 8. Three sen atorial seats are contested , but the prospect Is that no party change will occur. Seiialorliil Flgrlii fieltliiK SPRINGFIELD , III. , Jan. 4. There has not been so much political activity In Spring , field since the famous session of the legis lature which elected General John M. Palmer to the United States senate as there Is today. The political lights arc both nu merous and Interesting , the most Important being the selection of a United States sen ator to succeed John M. Palmer. The dght for the position of United States senator Is quite uncertain. The leading candidates are Martin D. Madden , the Chicago alder man ; Samuel W. Allerton. the millionaire packer ; Hon. David T. LItller of Spring field ; Colonel Clark E. Carr of Galebburg , late United States minister to Denmark ; Congressman H. R. IHtt of Mount Morris and ex-Congressman William E. Mason of Chicago. Both Mason and Madden express the greatest confidence of success cs can didates. California LeyrlnIalorN AxHeiiihlc. SACRAMENTO , Cal. , Jan. 4. The legisla ture of California met today nnd after or ganizing adjourned until tomorrow , when the first biennial message of Governor Budd will bo road. The first work of the legisla ture will bo the election of a , United States senator to succeed George C. Perkins ( repub lican. ) In Joint session the republicans will have a total vote of 74 , necessary to n choice , Cl. The re-election of Senator Perkins was generally conceded until recently. Now S. M. Shortrldge , W. H. L. Barnes. C. P. Crocker and ex-Senator Charted N. Pel I on are all In the light against Perkins. The friends of the latter claim ho has sixty-coven votes pledged , six more than are nceeosary to ulect. \VNOOHNII'M | Governor Inaugurated. MADISON , Vfla. , Jan. 4. Major Edward Scoflcld of Oconto was Inaugurated governor of Wisconsin today. The ceremonv took place at noon. It was simple In character and was witnessed by a largo crowd. Im mediately after the Inauguration Governor Scoflcld signed the commissions of Ills ap pointees. Iho only change from the present Uet are Major C. R. Doardman of Oahko h , to succeed General King an adjutant gen eral ; William J. Scott of La Crease to bo superintendent of public property , succeed ing C. A. L. Morlcy ; and Paul Scoflcld , son of the new governor , to be executive clerk. Delaware Deiiiix'i-jilN AVIn. DOVER , Del. , Jon. 4 , The decision today of the court of errors and appeals In the Kent county mandamus proceedings reversed the action of the superior court , which lat ter body had rendered en opinion that the ICcnt county board of canvassers should re convene and recount the votes In Kent county , several hundred of which , the re publicans claimed , were unlawfully thrown out by the board. This Is a victory for the democrats and gives them a majority In the legislature. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iilnlio I'oiiiilUtH Ignored. BOISE , Idaho , Jan. 4. Governor Prank Steuiwnburi ; and other state officers wuro sworn In shortly before noon without cere mony of any kind. Both branches of the li'KlKlaturo met at noon and wore organized liy the democralfj und silver republican : ) , The latter voted rolldly for the democratic uomlnecH. The populists , who fuaed with the democrats In the vlcctlon , did not get a ilactA , II. Alford of Lowlston la speaker , CiiniinliiirH CfilU on CLEVELAND , Jun. 4. Major and Mr * . McKlnlcy remained at Wlndcrmcrc , M , A. lamiu's suburban home , this morning. Major M.ICInlcy luul a largo number of rallcm , among whom wcro National Coin- mlticcman A , I ) . Cumrnlngs of Iowa. Mr. CiunmliiKH said hla vlfllt had DO political significant : * , TltAI.V IlOllllim OATIIKUI Mail Who llrlit I'll u Train IN . \i , mill Cunfi'NMpNi KANSAS CITV , Jan. 4. Early llilij Ing the detectives working ou the train robbery cae.0 brought In another sus pect , nrrested near Olomlale , and who , they say , was with John Kennedy , the leader of the gang now under arrest , on the night of the lobbcry. The officers refuse to dla- close the Identity of the suspect , saying It would Interfere with their plans In locating and arresting other men under surveillance. Later In the day , after securing i\ com plete confession from the man , the olllccrs gave out the suspect's name ns Jim Flynn. Flynn Is 37 years old and a farmer. He has lived Iti the vlclalty of Blue Cut for the last fifteen years. Klynn Implicated Kennedy and another man , also a resident of the Blue i Cut locality , and the last of the robbers will doubtless soon be behind the bars , Klynn'a confession tells In minute detail how the two holdups of the Chicago & Alton railroad at Blue Cut were planned , with Kennedy ns the arch plotter. It gives the names of all the men In such affaire , tells how the money wcs divided and where the jewelry was burled near the scene * of the robbery. Bcsldis Kennedy and Plynn , the gangs arc said to have Included two others , for whonrthe ofllcers are now search ing. A quantity of Jewelry , as Indicated by Plynn , waa found burled near Crnckcr- neck , together with $25 In gold , two shot guns , thtcc revolvers nnd a mask. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 4. A special to the Re public from Birmingham , Ala. , says : Pour I of the train wreckers In Jail here- today I confessed to the formation of a fiendish plot to wreck and rob the Southern railway's fast I express from Washington , D. C. , at Me- | Comb's trestle , twelve miles cast of the 1 city , en the night of December 19. nnd this j confession leads to the belief that the same ! gang removed the > rail which wrecked the I Birmingham mineral train at Cahabn river bridge , causing the death of twenty-six peo- | pie nnd Injuring eleven others on December I 27. although these under arrest are as yet silent as to this wreck. \vinni\c TIIIMTIIICAI , CIHCLKS. Woman Who Onee riialli-iiKeil Cor- lu-H Finally Make * n Jlaleli. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 4. Miss Lansing Rowan , who achieved notoriety by chal lenging James J. Corbett to a boxing bout , will soon become the wife of Maurice DC Vrles , the operatic baritone , who Is now In New York. The couple have been engaged for some weeks , but have managed to keep the matter secret. Mfcn Rowan leaves this mornlnp with the Frawlcy company , cnrouto to Colorado over the Oregon and Washington circuit , and It wrai only last night that she opened her heart to ono of her dearest friends. The affair Is not of long standing. De Vrles and Miss Rowan met for the first time about ( Ivo months ago. when the grand opera season at the Tivoll opened. .Miss Rowan was then n member of the Frawlcy company , playing emotional roles at the Columbia. The wed ding. It Is said. Is set for omo time 1m March. Miss Rowan will sever her connec tion with the Frawlcy company on February 20. nt Colorado Springs. From that city nho will go to her home In New York and break the news to her relatives. CHACI3 VAtTOIlAX WAXTS A IMVOKCK. Aetrens AK | < M ( o He Separated from Her .Millionaire IIiiMliiinil. CHICAGO , Jan. 4. Grace Vaughan , the actress , at present with "A Bunch of Keys" company , today fljed a suit for divorce against Andrew Rawson Jennings , son of the Cleveland Standard Oil magnate. The charges contained j the complaint are sensational. * According'fiTlb'e'Wflhe'couple were quietly married four years ago In Cleveland - land , whllo"Grace Vaughan -wasa.member , of the Spencer Opera company. Their mar riage created a storm and Miss Vaughan con tinued with the opera company , hoping that her father-in-law would some day relent. Early In 18DI , however , she reappeared In Cleveland and announced that she was there to bo supported by her husband. A few days after she suddenly disappeared. In the bill ( lied today she charges that she was drugged by young Jennings and taken to the Newburg Insane asylum near Cleveland , where she was confined for seven months before she managed to escape. She has fllnco lived with her mother In Chicago. In addition to a decree , of divorce she asks for alimony. S . IlKSTHOV A IIOSI'ITAK. Twenty I'atlentN Are Carried from the CHEYENNE. Wyo. , Jan. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Wyoming general hospital at Rock Springs caught fire -from the furnace this morning and was completely destroyed , the four walls of the building alone remain- Ing. The patients , about twenty In num ber. were removed In safety to the city hall , which was Improvised ns n , hospital. All of the furniture was removed. The hospital was a handsome stone building erected three years ago at a cost of $27,000. Governor Richards Is unable to state whether or not It Is Insured , but It Is believed that insur ance to the full amount of the loss Is car ried. _ IleathN of n Day. DENVER. Jan. 4. Mrs. Dodge , wife of Colonel D. C. Dodge , vlco president and general manager of the Rio Grande Western railroad , died cf cancer , after a long Illneiu. She was born In New York City , and came to Colorado with her husband coon after the civil war. She was known ns ono of the most charitable women In the city , and her marked executive ability made her a leader In every work In which she became In terested. WELLINGTON. Kan. , Jan. 4. Hon. Henry P. Frantz , a ical estate man of this city , died this morning. Ho was formerly from Illi nois , where ho represented Woodford and Marshall counties In the state senate. LONDON , Jan. 4. Dr. Jameson , brother of the Transvaal raider , died on January 1 , In this city. MONTREAL , Que. . Jan. 4. Sir Joseph Hlcktion , late general manager of the Grand Trunk railway , is dead. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 4. Horace Mcrlam , aged 75 yeats. Is dead here of pneumonia. At death ho was a well known Insurance man. In his earlier days ho was a lawyer as well as a civil engineer , and from 1S7G to ISSO he was attorney for the Santa Pe at Trinidad , Colo. Ho was born at Ilcthol , Me. Me.LONDON LONDON , Jan. 4. Sir Henry Ilalfort , hart , Is dead , aged 09. .MITCHELL. S. D. . Jan. 4. ( Special Tele- gram. ) The people of this town were thrown Into consternation yesterday when they learned of the sudden death of Rev. William Maher , ' priest of the Holy Family Catholic church , which occurred ycbterday morning between 2 and 0 o'clock. His housekeeper heard him leave his room about 2 o'clock and at D she went to see If hn was there and found him lying on the bed dead. Ho had been down town to get mcdlclno for his heart trouble and on returning home evi dently dropped dead , as his clothes were not removed. Physicians pronounced death due to heart disease. Ho had been sick with grip for u week. Father Manor has been hera over four ycara and was universally beloved. NEW YORK , Jan , 4. Michael K. Me- Gratli. manager of the Wall Street bureau of the Associated press , died today at hl.s home In Brooklyn of Ilrlslit's dliease , aged 48. Par twenty-live years he ha been In Die ( .crvlce of the Associated pre&i , and wan one of the oldest newxpapcr workcm In Wall street. Klooil u ( HI. I.niilN. ST. LOUIS , Jan , 4. As a result of the Inlo heavy rahm north nnd west of hero the trlij- utnrka of the MI .iUsl | > pl und Missouri rlvrrg liavo swollen to tuich a degree that an un precedented rlto nf about fifteen fuel haa taken plpce In thla harbor alnco yesterday morning , The water la Mill rlnln < , ' . The hard freeze of last night and today , however , will check the rlso no that hut llttlu is likely to occur in tula vicinity. LEGISLATURE MEETS TODAlt Biennial Gathering of Lawmakers is ii } > Hcadiucss to Start , GAFFIN CERTAIN TO BE THE SPEAKER Opiiottltloit to ( lie Simmler * CimntjJ Muti Mel < N l.lke Snoiv Sehxvliul Still Triumph * Over Alt ConililiinlloiiN , LINCOLN , Jan. 4. ( Special Telegram. ) The Twenty-fifth session of the Nebraska legislature conveneu at noon tomorrow , nnd on Thursday the state government will bo formally transferred to the populist party. For the tlrst time In the- history of N A braska the republican party has relinquished control of the executive departments. Thnt the new administration will establish n new , order of things from the very outset hna been clearly evidenced by the concerted action of the newly elected olllclnls. A1 month ago the new olllclnls designated their deputies and most of the clerks In their respective departments. Several of the su- pcrlntcmU'nts for the state educational and ! eleemosynary Institutions were selected , j nnd at n final'caucus held at tljp Hotel j Lincoln tonight a populist or a free silver democrat was named for every place not I already filled. Plans for assuming Immcdl- I nto control of every department of the ] state government have been formulated anil within a week or ten days from next Thurs day the only vestige of republican control visible to the naked eye will bo seen In the supreme court nnd Its auxiliary ofllce , the state library. The new state , officials have acted with a .promptness which has startled the hun dreds of anxious place-hunters who for the week Just closed have crowded the corridors of the Hotel Lincoln. The Immense ro tunda of that hostelry has been packed nightly with hundreds of men , and every man cither n place-hunter or an advocate for a place-hunter. The pressure has been so tremendous that the state ofllcers-elcct have been compelled to seek the seclusion of private quarters. Even the few men employed as messengers have been com pelled to reach their chiefs by means of the kitchen entrance and the servants' stairway. Nothing now remains to bo accomplished but the filling of the places dependent upon the legislature nnd the legislative commit tee. SILVER DEMOCRATS ARE SORE. The attitude of Edson Rich of Omaha rela tive to the contest over the spcakcrshlp ban been a disappointment , to his frlcntn , who had hoped to Induce him to break with hla recent populist nlllea nnd thus pave the way to lucrative places for many free sliver democrats who will otherwise remain hi obscurity. Mr. Rich could have been elected speaker had he remained outside the door of the populist caucus chamber. While the thirty-three republican members of the house have taken no formal action , It Is tactlly understood thnt they would have voted for him on the second ballot nnd made him the speaker , without exactliiK pledges which would be likely to embarrass him In his office * . Mr. Rich has fully understood the attitude of the republican members. Their willing ness to vote for him In preference to a middle-of-the-road populist has been made plain to him by.hla friends. He steadfastly refused , rnmuln away from the fusion caucw , although ho Insisted from start to finish thct ho wca In the race. As a reward fop hid fidelity lo the fusion of" democratic nnd popullstlo elements Mr. Rich will be made chairman of the house Judic iary committee , a position Involving as much If not more him ! work than any other In the gift nf the iiric.iker. J. N. Gaflln , who' ' will be- elected speaker of the house tomorrow Is a familiar figure In populist polities In Nebraska. Ho waa speaker In the trying days of the session o 1S)3. ! ) and proved his rapacity for executive work. He Is affable to bis friends and equally courteous to his political opponents. As a parliamentarian In1 ranks with the beat In his party , If , Indeed he Is not the beat. Two yccra ago , when the populist state con vention met at Grand Inland Mr. Gaflln waa ono of the leaders In the contest for the gubernatorial nomination. Hta nomination was believed to bo an absolute certainty until late In the night before convention ilay. At the eleventh hoiir the combined In- lluenco of Senator Alien und the late Con gressman McKclghun was thrown against him and on the next day Governor Holcomb was nominated on the ballot. The same combination of circumstances which placed the present chief executive at the head of the ticket gave Mr. Gnnin the second end place. Other men In the populist party would have resented the situation. Oallln accepted It gracefully. Hla election to the upoakcrshlp comes on an ovcncr , and his friends make no secret of their hope to pliico his name at the head of the state ticket two years hence , SENATE CAUCUS SELECTIONS. The democrats and populists of the sen ate held a Joint caucus -at ( ho Llmlcll to night. The seralon was brief. Senator Wnt- son of Saline was made chairman and Howell of Douglas secretary. A committee was ap pointed to report on permanent olllccrs for the senate committee , coriKi.stliK ; of Sena tors Denrlng of Cass , McGaun of Boone. 0s- born of Richardson , Felt ! ! of Ki'lth. Grothnn of Howard and Mutz of Koya Paha. The committee will report tomorrow. The ulalo as made up during the day was as follows : Frank Runsom of Omaha wn chosen for president pro tern. W. P. Bchwlnd was made secretory. H. A. Ed'.vtrds of Graml Island drew thfl assistant secretaryship. Conlon of Pundcr r.'as mndo aergeant-at- arms. Other olllccrs Fplcctrtl were an fol lows : Postmistress , Laura I ) . Forbes of Boyd county ; assistant poKtmaster , F , J. Butler ; doorkeeper , Charles Dawcs ; fllo messenger , Donovan of Madison ; proof- rnmlntr Cihnmtin n nf I'lfittatti/itttlti n 11 carrier , J. J. Swohody at C.IBH county ; cleric of the committee of the whole W. M. Clary of Nebraska City ; chnpluln , Rev. Frank J. Chatburn of Wllbor. The selection ofV. \ . F. Kchwlnd OB secre tary of the citnuto HCRIIIH to hava plramid no ono but Mr. Bryan and Mr. Schwlnd. The democrats repudiate him ; the populists did not want him. One nf the le.iillng free silver democrat ! ) of the ututo , ono who haa been prominent In the last two campaigns , said after tlio caucus tonight thnt Mr. Bryan had sacrificed nvcry democrat In Lancaster county to make a place for a man who three ycara ago was on Intense republican. Personally , Mr. Hcliwlinl ] well qualified for the dllllcult pnxltlon to which ho has been elected. The only crlllrliim heard against him comcu from Ilia men of hi * own party , who believe that Mr. Bryan asked too much In Initiating upun hla elec tion. tion.Tho The republican members of the ncnato had called a caucuu at the Llndull fur 8 o'clock this evening , but as all nf thorn were not on the grar.nd It was decided to postpone the affair until 10 n. m. tomorrow. It was given out on the floor of the Lln- dcll that an cfi'irt would bo inadii to nuino A , R. Talbot , Bryan's law partner , for the complimentary vote for president of the somite. A great many republicans becamu excited when thin Information wax hroachml nnd freely expressed the opinion that Mr. Bryiin wan running the popullnt end of the organization and should keep Iiln Imiida off the republican part o [ the dral. The republican hnuxi ; incntlx ? met In caucus , but cdJourntMl until 930 ; a , m , to morrow , owing to the imiull attendance. Joseph Craw of DoiiKlaH wan made chair man nf ( lie cmintg. It was decided , however - over , to name George L , Roiuo uf Grand Inland an candidate for sneaker. IIOU8H COM13S HARDER , The organization o ! the lioiwo waa conn plcted tonight after a protracted