Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1897, editorial Sheet, Page 16, Image 16

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$ # # $ # '
fii i'i Special Notice
o i + < * v. % . . „ . _ ' BI qi A „ _ A _ - * > f * " * T r _ i _ "w _ _ . . . . _ . J-iw _ T t _ A vfv i Our new Linens I
i ! i Our First Great January Sale French New Muslin Organdies Under
4f { J & wear together with
4JH 4H ! # # # # # # # ' samples of new Wash
Goods will be opened
i During this Sale ? O'l Monday morning , January 4 , A. D , 1897 , we will commence a sale which will embrace every item in up on Monday Will
Ladies artakeofaiicrhtiunch are invited to $ $ OLir enormous stock , showing reductions so striking as to make the event the gladly reserve exclusive or
' styles.
McCord-Brady'scel- L
cbratcd coffee served 9 WV
fresh and hot , with
wafers , free of charge
Visit us in morning
hours , if you can if Ever since Christmas day we have been busily engaged going over every article in our store Nothing
not visit us at any
time , I has , escaped the knife except combination goods where we are bound by contract.
Linens ,
Starting in the cast aisle wo will sell at
our Linen Counter
100 Table Cloths , warranted all linen Her
man homespun , almost 21/ . yards long
about ISO Table Cloths. 214 yards long ,
made by William LliTdoll , t Co. , bleached
satin damask , manufactured to retail at < R1 iCl
$2.00 each , for-each . qil.l-f
All the Cloths left over from our last
year's business , without napkins , worth
J2.2.$2.EO and $2.75 each , 2 < A yards long ,
lake your pick at each .
All our rnblcached Damask which sold at
KOc and COc per yard , for this sale .
23 iilccos new goods extra wide heavy
HleiuMrd Damask , bought to retail at
75c. sale price .
100 dozen fi-s Silver Hleachcd Napkins , fair
value at 7je , while they la < * t per dozen .
Odds and ends In Nankins , bleached and
unbleached , which sold regularly at $1,23 ,
fl.M and $1.75 , take any of these nt per *
dozen . . .
r,00 Tray Cloths , fine damask , fancy hcm-
Htltchcd , plain linen , worth Me to COc , the
entire lot will be sold nt-cach .
100 full size Hemmed Crochet lied Spreads , ACln
the usual 73c leader , will go at each . * -
All leading dealers try to outdo each other
on a Jl.OO Ucd Spread llv your mind on
the best you can get and you will cro d
to get the Quilt which wo will sell at .
Thcro will be no competition on our J2.25
Quilts ; these are Knpllsh Satin Marseille * .
full size and ordinarily sell at { 4.00 tha
first lot will go on Monday second ship-
mcnt expected on Tuesday or Wednesday .
Just as you enter the door In center alslo
stop at UMUHELLA counter look at our
Gloria fc'llk , considered good value at SSc , 69c
Steel Hod Umbrella , Dresden handle , silk 1.79
cover case and tassel , formerly $2.50 , now .
Every other Umbrella cut on
the same basis.
Mussed and soiled from holiday trade , ' E- ,
which sold up to 124c ! each , now * * * *
Those that sold nt high as IDc now = fG
Perfect goods , but slightly soiled , wcro i r >
25c , now JOL
The fiOe and C3c numbers now oOC
Gents' hand embroidered Initial , sold for iCif
25c , now OL
Short a few initials you may find wlint you want ,
Pcckotbooko. Funs , etc. , at prices winch will soil them.
All our nowTrlmmiiiKS Spangle , Silk and Mohair at
prices lower now than you have over seen anywhere.
Help us to clean out our Yarn stock , Ger
man Knitting Worsted , best grade , was
25c a skein , should go In one day at
Our 17c Quality
Domestlo Saxony , sold nt Sc , now
Always active conforming to our estab
lished policy , we wish to clean the
shelves of all Fall Goods , to make room
for new spring novelties. The stock is
very small in this department. Note the
price ? , We think our object will be
accomplished and you will be delighted.
All our Lining Silks , In narrow widths , at
All our Figured Changeable Lining Silks at
All our OT-lnch Lining Silks nt
A SG-lnch black Hrocndo , sold originally at 39c
$1.00 , soft llnlsh , pure pilk , nt
All our Japanese Whlto ai.d Cream Brocades -
cades at .
Our now 75o China Silks , usually Fold at $1.00 , 69c
Black now Satin Duchess , good value nt 7Ec , 59c
Black now Satin Duchess , good value a : $1.00 , 69c
All Silk Colored Faille , former i.rlcc $1 OC .
Fancies that were $1.00 and $1.25 , now .
Fancies that wcro $1.BO and Jl.'i3. now . .
Hvcnlng Brocades , all silk , wcro $1.00 and $1.00
$ l.f > 0 , now .
Kvcnlngi 'Brocades , all silk , weio $2.00 , $1.50
now . . . . .
all silk.vero $2.25 and
Evening Brocades , , -.vero $1.75
$2.50 , now .
Black now ground . , colored figures , worn 11. OU , 69c
Scotch Plaids , wcro 75c , now . . .
Pcau do Sole , wcro $1.50 , now .
Pcau do Sole , wcro $1.75 , now . .
21-Inch Gros Grains , were ! 1.25 , now . $1.00
24'lnoh Gros Grains , wcro M.uQ , naw . $1.25
Listers Molro that wcro 81.25. at 7Cc and 800
All Velveteens and velvets reduced proportionately.
All our linings will be sold at n reduction of 20 per
cent. Our stock is most complete.
Take Elevator
Or climb stairs to second floor.
Look ut Aprons , hemstitched , sheer lawn , 19c
sold didckly nt 25c each. now. , " , 'V"
All our Aprons , plain and fancy , which 23c
' ' ' '
If uffuhcy and'piiiin'henVs'tl'tchcd ruf-
Beaut 39c
lles , which were 50c each , now . . . . . .
Outing Flannel Night Gowns , were i'Jc , 59c
Our flnc grade , which sold at 9Sc , now
Knit Skirts , llecco lined , sold nt Me. now
All wool , gray , cardinal nnd light colors , 69c
were $1.00. now
Children's Knit SklrtB cut very decply-a
line 'Moleskin Skirt , warm and service
able , reduced from''So ' to. . . . . .
Flccco llnrd black Satlno Skirt , ono row
llounce , sold nl $1.25 , now
Children's nnd Infants' Caps at nbaurd
prlcca. you will say. Wo want to close
out nil that cold an high as ll.Sj each-
made from Bilk , lined nnd embroidered
Fine Gros Grain Silk Cap , trimmed nnd 79c
embroidered , which sold nt ll.W each , now
Eiderdown Cap ? , with Bilk fur trimming , 19c
which sold nt Me , reduced to
Muslin Underwear
All lust yoara goods on separate tables , but wo incntin
a few prices.
downs which sold at Wo reduced to
Umpire Clowns , nnd round neck , cambilp
and mimlln. embroidered nnd trimmed , 59c
were 75o to 9Se , now
Those that sola nt $1.50 $ to $1.05 , now
Skirls with clusters of tucks , were 69c , now.
Whlto Skirls , with deep embroidery , were 59c
Die , now
Towels Men's Underwear Hosiery 6c Underwear Collars
Here you profit by our We don't in this Just lnO dozen Linen Col
wholesale connection. 150 Too warm weather for the past three carry any cheap goods lars , all styles , good
styles , now styles man
dozen pure white Honey weeks to sell , will go into this sale at department ufactured by Clu- = . - ,
Comb , largo size , will be Wo will sell full regular made Hcrmsdorf ctt , Coon & Co. . . . - W
Bold at each prices never dreamed of by manufacturers dye German mndo Ho. c values at lite ,
23c and 3 pairs for $1.00 In Ihc hosiery
4ic turers trade for ,
A lot of line goods , colored nnd black , llslo 39c u D Holiday
Buys our fine fleeced back Egyptian rlbucd
25c combed gauge and silk , your choice Neckwear.
goods and Scotch wool mixtures. '
Children's full seamless , fast black , heavy
SOc Our heavy all wool faced two-thread goods Hlbbcd Hose
In both ribbed and plain.
Compare with what you 75c Our goods. nil wool selected yarn , high class La All lloi' other Underwear nutubors consists proportionately larsely of line low. soods. our stock of 25c goods ' 35C
have been buying at a. A selection from the production * of this Heavy ribbed , soft fleeced , Egyptian and
dime. 98c and foreign countries' best manufactures ; natural colors
Let us also mention a many full regular made goods In the lot. A lot of the finest goods wo lmvi In Vests
and I'ants , goods that have sold for $2.00 69c IJC
largo Hemmed Huck Sox at IOC , IOC , 25C n garment SOc goods
Towel , which you arc accustomed The best Wool Vests nnd rants you have 75
You never saw as peed for the money. over examined at $1.00 nnd $1.23 for c
customed to sco marked ' Shirts embroidered
Men's fine cotton Night ,
39c All our line full icjrulnr and foreign goods In vests , punts ,
35c each these will fronts
; we and union suits that cannot Suspenders
equestrian tights , uui so you
Our best heaviest extra length Outing
sell at each Flannel Night Shirts 79c recognize them by the pilco.
( Men's Fancy Dress Shltts. nil-over per ' prices.19C 2DC 39C
cales and madras , white bodies with col Children's Underwear at three prices. 25C
19c ored bosoms , every one guaranteed to bo SOc These lots will Include goods that hnvo said for 2i par cotit , Alotnt..l9C ,
a regular $1.00 shirt GO per cent and 10J per cent moro.
IN OUR CENTER AISLE. Our business at Glove Counter during the holidays was so
large that it seems idle to offer Gloves so soon. We think ,
however that these prices will make you provide future wants.
All the badly soiled Gloves , mainly small All our Mocha 2-clasp. Ireland Brothers' All of pur Silk Mittens- per pair . best goods , sold everywhere at $1.75 per 1.25
Beautiful Goods
An Immense collection of Dressed Kid GoodsThe
Gloves , In colors , blacks , four-button and The Best Makes.
hook , sold nt Jl.W and J1.23 , wll close at. . All our mlisps' Dressed Kid Gloves , worth SSc
$1.25 , now per pair „ 39c 59c 79c $1,00 and $1.50
A lot of Dressed Kid. 4-button and S-button
length , which sold at $1.23 and $1.50 , for
All half When
this sale . All our best Jotivln , now this season , all just about price.
colors , -l-button Diessed Kid , also S-but
4-button hook Dressed Kid and Plriue , . new ton Moscuietalrc , will be sold at per pair. 1,69 we sold the Falconer stock the rush
Roods , at Me per pair ; will go very
( Illicitly . at Glove Counter was so great we
Lined Gloves and Mittens wo want to
Elegant , swell 2-clnsp Pique , In dark and -i . clean out every pair cost not thought of could not wait on the customers.
butter colors , heavy black stitch pair. . . . i. thrco prices worth twlca and three times
All our Trefousse. Mo quetalro and Dressed i.i these prices Should be greater now
Kid , also Jouvlti Suede , were $2.00 and -i
$2.23. now pair . 1. SOc 75c and $1.00 The values are better
Our Dress Goods Sale has been enormous our policy of cleaning- each
season has been highly approved by our customers Prices such as we
make below will increase our popularity and clear the ti ° Slwafy.r now goods "ow ° "
All our Fancy Plaids , Henriettas , Small
Checks and Fancies sold at 25c and C5o 1Or >
by us , for this sale 1-fl *
All our 44-Inch all wool Henrietta , usually OQn
sold at 50c elsewhere , sale price A-/W
Our own 50c Henrietta now
Our 44-Inch silk llnlsli Henrietta , was C5c , ACtf
now Hbl/w
All advices point to the extensive use
of this weave for Spring manufac-
turoi'3 abroad and at homo have advanced
prices at least ton per cent. Fortunately for us
and also for you wo have a largo block on
Let us add to the excitement and Interest
of this sale by selling -ll-inch all wool
Serge which was our leader at DOc these
In navy , green and wine for
44-Inch fine French Serge , value T5c , In
brown , navy , cardinal , wlno and green ;
sale prlco
44-Inch Coating Serge , Mohair Serge and
our famous Tall Cloth , none of which
sold below 75c , for this sale
44-Inch Waterproof Serge , was S5c , now
All our French Flannels. Gros Roman
goods , -were carl ) ' C2Hc. now
As nn Index of values , we < iuoto & and 7
Satin and Gros Grains at. . .
No. 9 at
No. 12 at
No. 1G at. . . . .
Fancies at ridiculous prices ,
All Wool Plaids , German manufacture .
A line of Fancies , wcro 75c , 85c and $1.00 ,
for this sale DOc per yard a wonderful
bargain this the best will sell the first
day .
English Checks , worlh $1.00 , sale price .
43-Inch plain color Fancy Weave Mohair
which sold at $1.00 , sale price .
Co-Inch Brilliant Figure Mohair , was $1.25 , 1 . flO
now . A.VIU
DO-lncll best Slohalr , with a sheen llko silk , i
was $1.75 , now per yard . l.
Heavy Diagonal and Fancy Weaves , wcro
$1.00. now .
Lystra Novelty , nothing newer , was $1.25 , -f r f |
now . l\J\J
Fancy Doucle Novelties , were $1.12' * , now. . OOC
Novelty Plaids , wcro $1.25 , sale prlco . Y OC
Novelty Scroll and Fancy Weaves , were
$1.75 , now .
Our rich Vclour Plaids for waists , weret or
$1.65 , now . l.Oif
Scores of other bargains in cole I-H.
_ _
New Muslin Underwear.
Our now line of muslin underwear will bo
opened forinspcction on Man day. Wo are
proud of the so leetion. . You will bo delight
ed with poods and prices
Drawers new goods made from fine cam
bric Ombrella with wide rulllc bought
to sell at We pair for this sale .
Children's Drawers from 5c a pair up > .
Corset Covers new goods as low ns . IUC
List to our talk on
AH Plain Mohairs , Fancy Mohairs and
Henriettas which worn 25c and S5c , for 1O/-i
this sale . . . JVC
44-Inch Serge and Hcnilctla , leaders nt
DOc , now . .
41InchMohair Stilpcs for skirts , were f5c ,
now . . . ;
44-Inch Cheviots. Sail Cloth and Serge ,
which sold nt 75c and S5c. now .
Beautiful Fancies , wcro $1.00 , now . 59C
r.O-lnch Diagonal , was $1.00 , now . 7.7o
4S and GO-lnch Fancy Mohair , wore $1.25 ,
now . i oo
Wo are western agents for Priestley's colcbratod
fabrics note the reduction.
Priestley's Fancies , sold at $1.00 , now . tlOc
'rlestley's Rineles. sold nt $ l.l'1. now .
Tics t ley's Fancies , sou at $1.50 , nov . 1-H )
rlcstley's Fancies , sold at $1.73 .ind $203. $ . . l.iia
'rlestley's Fancies , sold nt $2.25 , now . . . J.flo
'rlcstley's Fancies , sold at $2.50 , now . J.7.5
Black Frieze , new styles this nea.son ,
opened nt $1.50. cut In the middle now . 7.70
Imported Henriettas , Gulllamct & Co.'s
celebrated dye , S5c grade . W-'n
$1.00 grade . 7o
Silk AVarps , $1.00 grade . .7o
$1.25 grade . N.v
Our beat , which was $1.50 , now . 3 OO
All Bibles , Prayer Books , Hymnals ,
Testaments nt UO per cent oiT former prices. All
stationery , except such leaders as have been
Belling at cost will soil at the same discount , 20
per cent. Space forbids full mention of Uibbon
ON TUB SECOND FLOOR- We find ourselves , in spite of a splendid business , owing to
recent warm weather , with some of the choicest garments
of the season left. These we will offer at a nom
inal part of then cost.
- 1 < Kzl OfAn assortment of small lots ,
. 1 ql t.UU ono or two of a kind , not a
garment In this lot not worth moro than
T , > f O ffiK fin Heavy Bottclca , staple , sub-
* - lH + ipCJ.VJU stantlnl , .new ; good value
at ten dollars.
< R'7 n Mohair Houcles , fine , all Bilk
ipY.OU lined , kerseys , heavy Irl h
T t A < lHfl nn High class Jackets In
L,0t 4 JplU.UU black. ' brown , green and
tan. box front , tight lilting and loose cut
Jackets that have been admired at $1C5V ,
$18.00 and JliO.CO.
Jl < Onn The cream of the slock
qll S.UU ti,0 , iincdt. grandest , swell-
OKI Jnekols shown by any manufacturer
this Hcnvon , and Hold by us at $22.20 , $25.00 ,
$30.00 und $35.00.
Fur Capes.
Just to create excitement with the early
coiners wo will null 15 Fur Capes , 27 and O
30-Inch lengths , for each * * *
Klectrlc Seal , AstraHi in. IVrsinn Lamb. Mink , Mar
tin and Uapes. Sco tliuui thu prUos will ustenUh you
All Children's Jackets exactly HALF
PHIC'K. all marked Jn plain ngures-
Chlldren'H Long Cloalir they arc not
worth doubla in your estimation don t
buy " 'cm-at ' "
liOO" mid
3.40 5.00
All our high class Ladles' Suits , deslr'ablo
and needful for ulx months lo come , In * A ff )
* v
this Bale wo will Btart them nt
Dress Bklrts , all wool , all llncd-dnany O ftf\
olhers )
" \Ve will sell all MuffH that were Hold at il r
USe and $1.25 each for
t i\
Ladles' Wrappcr9-$1.00 goods
$1.25 and $1.50 goods
$1.75. $2,00 and $2.50 $ goods
Ladies' Waists-
A lot that have sold nt $250 and $3.00 $ 1.00
All best Corduroy Wulstn 4.00
$0.50 Silk Waists 3.7. >
$10,00 Silk Waists 5,00
Hoys' Wool Waists that weld for $1.00
' 98C
lloyH' AVool Waists that sold for $200
Drapery and Curtain Dept.
Odds and email lots of Lace Curtains 09C
Fmo Chenille Portieres , world $3.75 , for 1.98
Your cholco of all cotton fabrics for
drapes and pillows , Klll'.ollncH , Crotoncs ,
Ullded Crepes , etc. , that have been belling inn
for 15o and 20c per yard IVJW
Cleaning up remains of our holiday mock
of Pillows
25c , SOc , 75c and 1.00
Unheard of values in this department our
stock is large It must bz sold Prices
will do it ,
Full size Cotton Ulnnkets In Bray nnil
Military. Illankcts that have sold from
730 to $1.00 .
Heavy Twilled White IHankots-see them . /
Kleven-ituarler Wool Mlxluro lUankcts , an
oven dollar , worth double1 . i
Our toUatloii | ) ( for carrying line blankets l lee well knoun to
requite ( . liniment. All ; iru rut radically In price $1 00 hlanKots
fJ.'JS : J5.00 blankets * : u > 3 : Jrt. ami J7 blankets * : > ; i8 and Slo
lilmiliutH i.m mid Ji ) .is. All thu best Rouds produced.
Heavy Quilted Comforts at . 7 ! > : ,98ci $1.20 ami $1.75
Me and 25c all wool Scarlet Flannel * . lOc
3 : > c all wool Srarlet K'annnls ' . IRc
Me all \\ool Scarlet Flannels . , . 2Sc
2''o ' While Flnnnels . me
S5e and 40c Wlillo Flannels . 25c
All Flannel Skirt I'atternti selling for $1.50
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
The best butiiiK'iManiVe'l's'eve'r'iiV.uVc''beaii-
tlful patterns . . .
Cotton Flannels that are sold at wholesale
for 20 per cent more , for . 3 ? c,5c,6Uc,8 l-3c
Wash Dress Goods
All the Prints In the house grays , blacks , A , - ,
Indigos and fancies , best goods . * * + *
Flue cloths , good patterns , original price CT.- ,
Me. sale price . . . OC
All the choicest good * . comprising Percales ,
Twill Salines and Fleeced UacU Goods.
usually sold at 35c and 20c .
All our Veilings that were 25c now 19c
All our Veilings that were 35c now 23C
All our Veilings that were 50e now 3oC
White and bl.ick Silk Lares , some fi Indies tHr.
wide , \\eio 23c and worth It , now 1UI *
bcolllvr and Torrhou Laces which sold at 1fln
12' e , 15c and 17c. now yard JLUl *
Kinhiolderles note particularly two num
bers-first lot such goods as have been IHr.
Felling at l.c , now IUC
Second lot 10 and 12 Inches wide , very
open work which should sell at 20c anil -t C- ,
2jc per yard , now.r IOC
111 Art Department
A belated shipment of holiday { roods , nov-
r ties in Wrought Iron Artistic CandleIf ) , . "flc
slicks. Ink Holdr-rs. etc. . 'i r
. . etc. , at halt the = .m ,
prices we expected to sell them at during % Jac _ i ; > " , , , ,
the holidays 5c ( ) ) ) Sc
All our Leather and Fancy Picture Frames A\n
sold formerly at 75c to $1.75 each , at 4VC
Great luductlons In Ilaskots items to uumcrous to detail.
Head Rests at 9C Each
One-half a dollar Head nests at each 29c
Stamped Linens IS-lnch mumped round
thread Center Pieces , sold before at 25o iES- ,
and 20e , now IOC
22-Inch Center Pieces , were S."c to COc , now. . 23C
Silk , pold embroidered , Pillow Tops , wcro
75c and Sic , now
In books n'ono companions find. "
"A blessing on the pi inters' art !
Hooks are the mentors of the heart ,
The burning soul , the burdened mind
Thousands of delighted buyers pat
ronized our book department during- the
holidays , showing that the elegant collec
tion provided by us was greatly appre
ciated. To further popularize our store
we have made such prices on the remain
ing volumes as will close them quickly and
make this sale absolutely peerless.
Wo will pell Astor edition of Pools-world
famous edition and many others , books
which usually sell In book stores at Cue Oo
nnd 75c , at per volume OifO
AT HALF A DOLT.An we have provided nn
Immense assortment. Including our Buck-
ran edition and n largo number of stand
ard copyilKht book * , published to sell at
$1.25 and $ l.f.o. from the pens of such
viltcrH as W. D. HonellR , Mrs. Phcl-'s.
Geo. MnrDomild , .Aiis. A. D. Whitney and
ethers , together with a number of copies
of Milton's Panullfo Lost. Dante's Ptir-
Kiilory and Paradise , which sold oils-
Imilly nt $1.75 per volume , everything In 50c
the lot at
to i.oo
III good sets wo have V.'avcrly Novels ,
Dickens , , , , DunniH Works. Prcscott. Car-
lylit ! Hnwlhnino ! , Scott , Hume's nughind ,
Gtnzot France. Flske's Historical wrlt-
IIISH , K . Hugo , _ , all of whMio
have been selling1 rnuch"below"piibl'lHher.i
prices. Oft these nilccs wo will ghvs a
lurther dl.scount of 20 per cent , making' ,
for Instance , a $12.00 set of Hav/thorno
& volumes . 7.50
In sole fo-boyfl will soil Olivur Optic , Trowbrldco ,
/Itfor Kdwanl Kills , Ifnrry Cnstleitmn , Kii-k , Munroo.
and othoi'H all tit a discount of 20 per cunt from our usual
low pricos.
Coflln's Histories , such ns Story of Liberty ,
etc ; . , published to well at $ ? .65. now Just
half jiilco ut . ; $1.50
Prlma Donna , In while and drab , regular
$1.00 Comets , now 69c
No. 113 , white and drab , wens Jl.W , now. 98c
No. ISO , black only , w ro $3.50 , now 2,65
Odd numbers of Dr. Wnrner'n Slillllin : .
Mndmn Warren's , regular $ ! .00 find $1.M 59c
prodes , now
If we have your size
you will buy quickly.
Millinery Dept
The Misses Kuhl & Johnson ask us to
mention the greatest bargains of this or
any other season ,
All trimmed hats in two lots
Lot 1-Whtch pold from $1.75 to $2.75 , for sale
now at . ;
Lot 2 Which Bold from 75o to J1.69 , your Af\r >
choice nt . . . . . . . . . . fl-vC
Entire stock of trimmed hats at just half
former prices. Walking hats , sailors and
caps at half price.